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CHAPTER 1-1 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.5 OL-27164-02 1 Web Services API Functions This chapter describes the Cisco IPICS web services API functions. It provides general information and detailed descriptions for each function, and a summary of the functions, arranged by category. This chapter includes these topics: Function Guidelines, page 1-1 Function Summary, page 1-2. Function Descriptions, page 1-9 Function Guidelines When you use the Cisco IPICS web service API functions, be aware of the following: In general, the API functions consider only items (users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs), that are associated with the Cisco IPICS ops view of the user who is logged in to Cisco IPICS web services and executes the function. If you belong to the Cisco IPICS system ops view, the API functions consider all ops views In particular, be aware that the find and get functions retrieve only items that are associated with your ops view. For example, if you execute a function that retrieves all incidents or VTGs, only incidents or VTGs that are associated with your ops view are retrieved. You must have a specific Cisco IPICS role to use some functions. If you execute a function when you do not have a valid role to do so, the function returns an ErrorVO. Functions that make changes to an active VTG may cause Cisco IPICS to reprogram the RMS, which can consume significant system resources for a long time. If you use these functions, it is a best practice to make all VTG changes in as few web service calls as possible, or to execute these functions at off-peak hours. The function descriptions refer to various value objects (VOs). For more detailed information, see Chapter 1, “Value Objects.” Many functions require at least one identifier (ID) to indicate the item that the function is to affect. For example, a function might require the ID of an incident (incidentId), user (userID), or VTG (vtgId). You can obtain these IDs by using various “get” functions. See the function descriptions to determine the function that returns the information that you need.

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Cisco IPIC


C H A P T E R 1

Web Services API Functions

This chapter describes the Cisco IPICS web services API functions. It provides general information and detailed descriptions for each function, and a summary of the functions, arranged by category.

This chapter includes these topics:

• Function Guidelines, page 1-1

• Function Summary, page 1-2.

• Function Descriptions, page 1-9

Function GuidelinesWhen you use the Cisco IPICS web service API functions, be aware of the following:

• In general, the API functions consider only items (users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs), that are associated with the Cisco IPICS ops view of the user who is logged in to Cisco IPICS web services and executes the function. If you belong to the Cisco IPICS system ops view, the API functions consider all ops views

In particular, be aware that the find and get functions retrieve only items that are associated with your ops view. For example, if you execute a function that retrieves all incidents or VTGs, only incidents or VTGs that are associated with your ops view are retrieved.

• You must have a specific Cisco IPICS role to use some functions. If you execute a function when you do not have a valid role to do so, the function returns an ErrorVO.

• Functions that make changes to an active VTG may cause Cisco IPICS to reprogram the RMS, which can consume significant system resources for a long time. If you use these functions, it is a best practice to make all VTG changes in as few web service calls as possible, or to execute these functions at off-peak hours.

• The function descriptions refer to various value objects (VOs). For more detailed information, see Chapter 1, “Value Objects.”

• Many functions require at least one identifier (ID) to indicate the item that the function is to affect. For example, a function might require the ID of an incident (incidentId), user (userID), or VTG (vtgId). You can obtain these IDs by using various “get” functions. See the function descriptions to determine the function that returns the information that you need.

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

Function SummaryTable 1-1 provides a summary of the Cisco IPICS web services API functions. Each function is described in detail in the section that is listed.

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary

Function Name and Reference Description

Functions for User Management

addUserToUserGroup, page 1-16 Adds a user to a user group

associateChannelsToUser, page 1-19 Associates one or more channels with a user

associatePhonesToUser, page 1-20 Associates one or more phones with a user

associateRadiosToUser, page 1-21 Associates one or more radios with a designated user

createUser, page 1-27 Creates a Cisco IPICS user

createUserGroup, page 1-28 Creates a user group

deletePmcProfile, page 1-33 Deletes IDC profile information for the designated user

disableUser, page 1-39 Disables a Cisco IPICS user

enableUser, page 1-40 Enables a Cisco IPICS user

isActiveUser, page 1-106 Determines if a user is active or disabled

removePhoneAssociatedToUser, page 1-112

Disassociates a phone from a user

savePmcProfile, page 1-117 Saves IDC profile information for the designated user

setBelongingOpsViewForUser, page 1-117

Assigns an ops view to a designated user

setDialPreference, page 1-118 Adds a new dial preference for a user

setDigitId, page 1-119 Sets digit IDs for a user

setDigitPassword, page 1-119 Sets a digit password for a user

setNotificationPreference, page 1-122 Adds a new notification preference for a user

setUserAddress, page 1-123 Adds a physical address for a user

setUserAudioStatus, page 1-124 Enables or disables the ability of a user to hear and transmit audio on a PMC

setUserListenerStatus, page 1-124 Enables or disables the ability of a user to transmit audio on a PMC

updateUserGroup, page 1-130 Modifies various attributes of a user group

Functions for VTG Management

activateVtg, page 1-10 Activates a VTG (if it is not activated already)

addChannelToVtg, page 1-11 Adds a channel to an active or inactive VTG

addRadioToVtg, page 1-14 Adds a radio to an active or inactive VTG

addParticipantsToVtg, page 1-13 Adds any combination of resources (channel, radio, user, and VTG) to a VTG

addResourcesToVtg, page 1-15 Adds one or more resources of the same type (users, channels, radios, or VTGs) to a VTG

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

addUserToVtg, page 1-16 Adds a user to an active or inactive VTG

addVtgParticipants, page 1-18 Adds any combination of resources (channels, radios, users, and VTGs) to a VTG

addVtgToVtg, page 1-19 Add a VTG to another VTG

createVtg, page 1-29 Creates a VTG with the designated name

deactivateVtg, page 1-32 Deactivates a VTG

isActiveVtg, page 1-106 Determines if a VTG is active or disabled

removeChannelFromVtg, page 1-112 Removes a channel from a VTG

removeUserFromVtg, page 1-114 Removes a user from a VTG

removeRadioFromVtg, page 1-113 Removes a radio from a VTG.

removeVtgFromVtg, page 1-115 Removes a VTG from a VTG

setVtgOptions, page 1-125 Sets various options for a VTG

setVtgUserOptions, page 1-126 Sets various options for a designated user in a VTG

updateVirtualTalkGroup, page 1-131 Modifies various attributes of a video

Functions for Incident Management

activateIncident, page 1-9 Activates an incident (if it is not activated already)

activateIncidentVtg, page 1-10 Creates and activates an incident VTG for a designated incident

addJournalToIncident, page 1-12 Creates a journal entry and associates it with an incident

addPhotoToIncident, page 1-14 Adds the URL of a photograph to an incident and associates the photograph with the incident

addVideoToIncident, page 1-17 Creates the URL of a video to an incident and associates the video with the incident

associateResourcesToIncident, page 1-21 Associates one or more resources of the same type (users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs) with an incident.

createIncident, page 1-24 Creates an incident

createPhoto, page 1-26 Adds the URL of a photograph to Cisco IPICS

createVideo, page 1-28 Adds the URL of a video to Cisco IPICS

deactivateIncident, page 1-31 Deactivates an incident

deactivateIncidentVtg, page 1-31 Deactivates an incident VTG

isActiveIncidentVtg, page 1-105 Determines if an incident VTG in a designated incident is active or inactive

removeResourceFromIncident, page 1-114

Disassociates one or more resource from an incident

removeVtgParticipants, page 1-115 Removes one or more participants from a VTG

setIncidentVtgOptions, page 1-120 Sets various options for an incident VTG

setIncidentVtgUserOptions, page 1-121 Sets various options for a designated user in an incident VTG

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

updateIncident, page 1-128 Modifies various attributes of an incident

updatePhoto, page 1-129 Modifies various attributes of a photograph

updateVideo, page 1-130 Modifies various attributes of a video

Functions for Channel Management

addMulticastChannelConnection, page 1-12

Adds one or more multicast connections for the designated channel

associateUsersToChannel, page 1-22 Associates one or more users with a channel

createChannel, page 1-23 Creates a channel

disableChannel, page 1-38 Changes a channel to DISABLED state if the current channel state is IDLE

enableChannel, page 1-40 Changes a channel IDLE state if the current channel state is DISABLED

isActiveChannel, page 1-104 Determines if a channel is active or disabled

Functions for Radio Management

associateUsersToRadio, page 1-23 Associates one or more users with a radio

releaseRadio, page 1-111 Releases a reserved serial controlled radio that has been reserved for a user

reserveRadio, page 1-116 Marks a serial controlled radio as reserved for a user

Functions for Policy and Dial Function Management

dialAllIncidentVtgMembers, page 1-35 Dials out to all user who are members of an incident VTG

dialAllVtgMembers, page 1-36 Dials out to all users who are members of a VTG, including members of user groups that are part of the VTG

dialIncidentVtgMember, page 1-36 Dials out to the specified member of an incident VTG

dialVtgMember, page 1-37 Dials out to the specified member of a VTG

executeNotificationPolicy, page 1-41 Executes the notification policy that has the designated ID

executePolicy, page 1-42 Executes a designated policy

executePolicyForUser, page 1-43 Executes a designated policy for a designated user

notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers, page 1-108

Sends a notification to each user in the incident VTG of the designated incident

notifyAllVtgMembers, page 1-109 Sends a notification to each user in the incident VTG of the designated incident

notifyIncidentVtgMember, page 1-110 Notifies a designated member of an incident VTG

notifyVtgMember, page 1-110 Notifies a specific member of a VTG

Functions for Location Management

createLocation, page 1-25 Adds a location to Cisco IPICS

deleteLocation, page 1-33 Deletes a location from Cisco IPICS

updateLocation, page 1-129 Modifies information about a location

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

Functions for Obtaining Information

findChannelGroups, page 1-43 Retrieves each channel group with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findChannels, page 1-44 Retrieves each channel with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findIncidents, page 1-45 Retrieves each incident with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findPhotos, page 1-45 Retrieves each photograph with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findRadios, page 1-46 Retrieves each radio with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findUserGroups, page 1-47 Retrieves each user group with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findUsers, page 1-48 Retrieves each user with a user name that matches a designated search criterion

findVideos, page 1-48 Retrieves each video with a name that matches a designated search criterion

findVtgs, page 1-49 Retrieves each VTG with a name that matches a designated search criterion

getAllChannels, page 1-50 Retrieves all channels that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllChannelGroups, page 1-50 Retrieves all channel groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllChannelsInChannelGroup, page 1-51

Retrieves all channels that are in the designated channel group

getAllIncidents, page 1-52 Retrieves all incidents that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus, page 1-52

Retrieves all incidents that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view and the status of each incident VTG that is associated with an incident

getAllLocations, page 1-53 Retrieves all locations that are configured in Cisco IPICS

getAllMulticastAddresses, page 1-54 Retrieves all multicast addresses that are configured in Cisco IPICS

getAllPhotos, page 1-54 Retrieves all photographs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllPolicies, page 1-55 Retrieves all policies that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllRadios, page 1-55 Retrieves all radios that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllUserGroups, page 1-56 Retrieves all user groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

getAllUsers, page 1-57 Retrieves all Cisco IPICS users that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllVideos, page 1-57 Retrieves all videos that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getAllVtgs, page 1-58 Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view

getBelongingOpsViewForUser, page 1-58

Retrieves the ops view to which a designated user belongs

getChannel, page 1-59 Retrieves summary information about a designated channel

getChannelDetails, page 1-60 Retrieves detailed information about a designated channel

getChannelGroupsForVtg, page 1-60 Retrieves a list of channel groups s that are associated with a designated VTG.

getChannelsAssociatedToUser, page 1-61

Retrieves all channels that are associated with a user

getChannelsForIncident, page 1-62 Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with an incident

getChannelsForVtg, page 1-62 Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with a VTG

getDigitId, page 1-63 Retrieves the digit ID for a user

getDigitPassword, page 1-64 Retrieves the digit password for a user

getIncident, page 1-65 Retrieves summary information about a designated incident

getIncidentDetails, page 1-65 Retrieves detailed information about a designated incident

getIncidentParticipants, page 1-66 Retrieves all resources (channels, journals, radios, photographs, users, videos, and VTGs) that are associated with an incident.

getIncidentsForUser, page 1-66 Retrieves a list of all incidents that are associated with a designated user.

getIncidentVtg, page 1-67 Retrieves information about the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident

getIncidentVtgOptions, page 1-68 Retrieves VTG options for the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident

getIncidentVtgUserOptions, page 1-68 Retrieves incident VTG options for an incident VTG user.

getIpicsVersion, page 1-69 Retrieves the version of Cisco IPICS that is running on active Cisco IPICS server

getJournal, page 1-70 Retrieves summary information about a designated journal

getJournalDetails, page 1-70 Retrieves summary information about a designated journal

getJournalsForIncident, page 1-71 Retrieves all journals for a designated incident

getLazyTalkgroupStatus, page 1-71 Retrieves the connection status of the designated channel

getLocationById, page 1-72 Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated ID

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

getLocationByName, page 1-73 Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated name

getLoggedInIDCUsers, page 1-73 Retrieves Cisco IPICS users who are logged in to an IDC that is in on-line mode

getMulticastAddressByAddress, page 1-74

Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated IP address

getMulticastAddressById, page 1-75 Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated multicast address identifier

getPhonesAssociatedToUser, page 1-75 Retrieves all phones that are associated with a designated user

getPhoto, page 1-76 Retrieves summary information about a photograph

getPhotoDetails, page 1-77 Retrieves detailed information about a photograph

getPhotosForIncident, page 1-77 Retrieves a list of photographs that are associated with a designated incident.

getPmcProfile, page 1-78 Retrieves IDC profile information for the designated user

getPoliciesAssociatedToUser, page 1-78 Retrieves all policies that are associated with a designated user

getPolicy, page 1-79 Retrieves summary information about a policy

getPolicyDetails, page 1-80 Retrieves detailed information about a policy

getPolicyExecutionStatus, page 1-80 Retrieves the status of the execution of a designated policy

getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails, page 1-81

Retrieves detailed status information about the execution of each policy that is associated with a designated user

getRadioDetails, page 1-82 Retrieve detailed information about a designated radio

getRadiosAssociatedToUser, page 1-82 Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated user

getRadiosForIncident, page 1-83 Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated incident.

getRadiosForVtg, page 1-84 Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated VTG.

getUser, page 1-84 Retrieves summary information about the designated user

getUserAddress, page 1-85 Retrieves the physical address of a designated user

getUserAudioStatus, page 1-85 Retrieves a flag that indicates if the PMC of a user has audio disabled or enabled

getUserDetails, page 1-86 Retrieves detailed information about a designated user

getUserDialPreference, page 1-87 Retrieves the dial preference that is associated with a designated user

getUserDirectory, page 1-87 Retrieves the users for whom a direct connect number is assigned in the designated serial radio descriptor file

getUserGroup, page 1-88 Retrieves summary information about the designated user group

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Summary

getUserGroupMembers, page 1-88 Retrieves all the users in a designated user group

getUserGroupsForVtg, page 1-89 Retrieves user groups that are associated with a designated VTG

getUserId, page 1-90 Retrieves the system-generated user ID for the designated user

getUserListenerStatus, page 1-90 Retrieves a flag that indicates whether the PMC of a user is in listen-only mode

getUserNotificationPreference, page 1-91

Retrieves the notification preference that is associated with a designated user

getUserRoles, page 1-92 Retrieves the list of roles for a designated user

getUsersAssociatedToChannel, page 1-92

Return a list of users that are associated with a designated channel

getUsersAssociatedToPolicy, page 1-93 Return a list of users that are associated with a designated policy

getUsersAssociatedToRadio, page 1-94 Return a list of users that are associated with a designated radio

getUsersForIncident, page 1-94 Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated incident

getUsersForVtg, page 1-95 Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated VTG

getUserStatus, page 1-96 Retrieves the active status of one or more users

getVideo, page 1-96 Retrieves summary information about the designated video

getVideoDetails, page 1-97 Retrieves detailed information about the designated video

getVideosForIncident, page 1-98 Retrieves a list of videos that are associated with a designated incident

getVtgDetails, page 1-98 Retrieves detailed information about the designated VTG

getVtgOptions, page 1-99 Retrieves information about the status of a variety of options for a VTG

getVtgParticipants, page 1-99 Retrieves all participants in a VTG

getVtgParticipantStatus, page 1-100 Retrieves the status of VTG participant

getVtgsAssociatedToUser, page 1-101 Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with a user

getVtgsForIncident, page 1-102 Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated incident

getVtgsForVtg, page 1-102 Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated VTG.

getVtgStatus, page 1-103 Retrieves the ID, name, description, and status of a VTG

getVtgUserOptions, page 1-104 Retrieves the settings of the latch, listen only, and rxmute VTG options settings for a designated VTG and user

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Descriptions

Function DescriptionsThe following sections describe each Cisco IPICS web services API function in detail. The function descriptions provide the following information:

• Function name—Name of the function.

• Description—General behavior for the function.

• Role—Cisco IPICS role that you must have to use the function. If you execute a function when you do not have a valid role to do so, the function returns an ErrorVO. At a minimum, everyone who uses Cisco IPICS has the User role, so functions for which the Role is identified as “User” are available to all Cisco IPICS users.

• Parameters—Parameters that the function requires.

• Return result—Describes the result that Cisco IPICS returns for the function.

• Sample response—Example of a response that the function can receive.

Note The “Function Guidelines” section on page 1-1 provides important information that relates to many of the functions that the following sections describe.


Functions for General Operations

createMulticastAddresses, page 1-25 Adds one or a series of sequential multicast addresses to Cisco IPICS

deleteResources, page 1-34 Deletes designated resources

endSession, page 1-41 Ends a web services session

joinLazyTalkgroup, page 1-107 Creates a SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource

leaveLazyTalkgroup, page 1-108 Terminates the SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource

startSession, page 1-127 Starts a web services session

Table 1-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued)

Function Name and Reference Description

Function name activateIncident

Description Activates an incident (if it is not activated already).

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to be activated.

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Descriptions



Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the designated incident is activated or 0 if it is not activated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is activated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="activateIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name activateIncidentVtg

Description Creates and activates an incident VTG for a designated incident.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to activate the incident VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG is created and activated, or false if the incident VTG is not created and activated.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident VTG is created and activated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="activateIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name activateVtg

Description Activates a VTG (if it is not activated already).

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions)

• VTG—Dispatcher

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Descriptions


Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to be activated.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is activated, or false if the VTG is not activated.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is activated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="activateVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name addChannelToVtg

Description Adds a channel to an active or inactive VTG.

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions)

• VTG—Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the user is to be added.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel to be added to the designated VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is added to the VTG, or false if the channel is not added to the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addChannelToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Descriptions



Function name addJournalToIncident

Description Creates a journal entry and associates it with an incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)— ID of the incident to which the journal entry is to be added.

• journalVO (JournalDetailsVO)—Journal to add.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the new journal if the journal is created and associated with the designated incident, or 0 if the journal is not created and associated with the designated incident.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the journal is created and added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addJournalToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true"



Function name addMulticastChannelConnection

Description Adds one or more multicast connection to the designated channel.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel to which to add the multicast connection.

• channelConnectionContainerVO (ChannelConnectionContainerVO)—VO that contains the list of multicast connections to be added to the designated channel.

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Chapter 1 Web Services API FunctionsFunction Descriptions


Return result IntegerVO that contains number of multicast connection that were added to the channel.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if multicast connections were added to the channel, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addMulticastChannelConnection"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name addParticipantsToVtg

Description Adds any combination of resources to a VTG. Resources can be channels, radios, users, and VTGs. This function provides the same functionality as the addVtgParticipants function, with the addition of the ability to add a description for each resource.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the list of resources is to be added.

• vtgParticipants (VtgParticipantVO[])—Array of resources to be added to the VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the resources are added to the VTG, or false if the resources are not added to the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the resources are added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addMulticastChannelConnection"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

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Function name addPhotoToIncident

Description Adds the URL of a photograph to an incident and associates the photograph with the incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to which the photograph is to be added.

• photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—Information about the photograph URL to add to the incident.

• autoDelete (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the photograph are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file are never deleted automatically.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID the record of the photograph if the photograph is associated with an incident, or 0 if an error occurs.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the photograph is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addPhotoToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name addRadioToVtg

Description Adds a radio to an active or inactive VTG.

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions)

• VTG—Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the radio is to be added.

• radioId (int)—ID of the radio to add.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the radio is added to the VTG, or false if the radio is not added to the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the radio is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addRadioToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name addResourcesToVtg

Description Adds one or more resources of the same type to a VTG. Resources can be users, channels, radios, or VTGs.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the list of resources is to be added.

• resourceIds (int[])—Array of IDs of each resource to add to the VTG.

• resourceType (String)—Type of resource to add (user, channel, radio, or VTG).

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the resources are added to the VTG, or false the resources are not added to the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the resources are added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="addResourcesToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xxs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true"



Function name addUserToUserGroup

Description Adds a user to a user group.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be added to the specified user group. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• userGroupId (int)—ID of the user group to which the user is to be added.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user is added to the user group, or false if the user is not added to the user group.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addUserToUserGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name addUserToVtg

Description Adds a user to an active or inactive VTG.

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions)

• VTG—Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the user is to be added.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be added to the specified VTG. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user is added to the VTG, or false if the user is not added to the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addUserToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name addVideoToIncident

Description Creates the URL of a video to an incident and associates the video with the incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to which the video is to be added.

• video (VideoDetailsVO)—Information about the video URL to add to the incident.

• autoDelete (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the video are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file are never deleted automatically.

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Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID the record of the photograph if the video is associated with an incident, or 0 if an error occurs.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the video is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addVideoToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name addVtgParticipants

Description Adds any combination of resources to a VTG. Resources include channels, radios, users, and VTGs. This function provides the same functionality as the addParticipantsToVtg function, but does not include the ability to add a description for each resource.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the participants are to be added.

• parts (ResourceContainerVO)—VO that contains the list of participants to add to the VTG.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the number of resources that are added to the VTG.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all designated resources are added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addVtgParticipantsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name addVtgToVtg

Description Adds a VTG to another active or inactive VTG.

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions)

• VTG—Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgIdAdd (int)—ID of the VTG to be added.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the other VTG is to be added.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is added to the VTG, or false if the VTG is not added to the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="addVtgToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true"

type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name associateChannelsToUser

Description Associates one or more channels with a user.

When you execute this function, existing associations of channels with users are removed. If there are existing associations that you want to maintain, you must include them when you execute this function.

Role Operator

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user with whom to associate one or more channels. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• channels (ChannelContainerVO)—Collection of channel value objects, each of which contains a channel ID and channel name.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if any channel is associated with the user, or false if a channel is not associated with the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if each channel is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="associateChannelsToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name associatePhonesToUser

Description Associates one or more phones with a user.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user with whom to associate one more phones. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• dialNumbers (String[])—Dial number of each phone to associate with the user. This field must contain numbers only (letters, spaces, parentheses, dashes, and other characters are not supported).

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the phone is associated with the user, or false if the phone is not associated with the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the phone is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="associatePhonesToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name associateRadiosToUser

Description Associates one or more radios with a user.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user with whom to associate one or more radios. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• radios (RadioContainerVO)—A collection of radio value objects, each of which contains a radio ID and radio name.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the radio is associated with the user, or false if the radio is not associated with the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the radio is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="associateRadiosToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name associateResourcesToIncident

Description Associates one or more resources of the same type with an incident. Resources can be users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs.

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Role • To associate a channel—Administrator or Dispatcher

• To associate a photograph—User

• To associate a radio—Administrator or Dispatcher

• To associate a user—Dispatcher or Operator

• To associate a video—User

• To associate a VTG—Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that is to include the resource.

• resourceType—Type of resource (user, channel, photograph, radio, video, or VTG).

• resourceIds (int[])—IDs of the resources to add to the incident.

Return result IntegerVO that contains a value that indicates how many resources have been associated with the incident.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all designated resources are associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="associateResourcesToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name associateUsersToChannel

Description Associates one or more users with a channel.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelVO (ChannelVO)—ID of the channel with which to associate the users.

• UserContainerVO (UserContainerVO)—VO that contains the list of users to be associated with the designated channel.

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Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the one or more users is associated with the channel, or false if the user is not associated with the channel.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="associateUsersToChannel"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name associateUsersToRadio

Description Associates one or more users with a radio.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• radioId (int)—ID of the radio with which to associate the users.

• UserContainerVO (UserContainerVO )—VO that contains the list of users to be associated with the designated radio.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the one or more users is associated with the channel, or false if the user is not associated with the channel.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="associateUsersToRadio"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name createChannel

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Description Creates a channel with the specified name and short name.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelName (String)—Unique name of the channel to be created. The name can include up to 20 characters and spaces. The following characters are not allowed: ! @ $ % ^ & * + = [ ] \ ; { } | “ < > ? ~ ‘

• channelShortName (String)—Unique short name of the channel to be created. The name can include up to 5 alphanumeric characters and spaces. The following characters are not allowed: ! @ $ % ^ & * + = [ ] \ ; { } | “ < > ? ~ ‘

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the channel, if the channel is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name createIncident

Description Creates an incident that is in the active state.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incident (IncidentDetailsVO)—Information about the incident to be created.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the incident, if the incident is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="createIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name createLocation

Description Adds a location to Cisco IPICS.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• uiLocation (LocationVO)—Information about the location to add.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if location is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the location is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createLocation"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name createMulticastAddresses

Description Adds one or a series of sequential multicast addresses to Cisco IPICS.

Note The address must start with 239. Cisco recommends that you only addresses that are in the to range. For more information, see the “Guidelines for Using IP Multicast Addresses with Cisco IPICS” section in Cisco IPICS Server Administration Guide.

Role Administrator

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• initialMulticastAddress (MulticastAddressVO)—First IP address to be added.

• numOfAddresses (int)—Number of multicast addresses to be added. If you specify a number that is greater than 1, a sequential series of multicast addresses is created, starting with the address that you specify with the initialMulticastAddress parameter.

Return result IntegerVO that contains number of multicast address that were created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the multicast addresses are created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createMulticastAddresses"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name createPhoto

Description Adds the URL of a photograph to Cisco IPICS. The URL can be used to associate the photograph with an incident later.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—URL of a photograph to add to Cisco IPICS.

• autoDelete—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the photograph are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file are never deleted automatically.

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Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the photograph, if the photograph is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the photograph is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createPhotoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name createUser

Description Creates a Cisco IPICS user

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be created. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• userPassword (String)—Password of the user to be created. The password can include letters, numbers, and special characters, but no spaces. The system validates the password according the parameters that are configured in Cisco IPICS Administration.

• firstName (String)—First name of the user.

• lastName (String)—Last name of the user

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the user, if the user is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name createUserGroup

Description Creates a Cisco IPICS user group with the specified name and description.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• groupName (String)—Name of the user group to be created. This string can contain up to 32 characters, including spaces.

• groupDescription (String)—Description of the user group to be created. This string can contain up to 85 characters, including spaces.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the user group, if the user group is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user group is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createUserGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name createVideo

Description Adds the URL of a video to Cisco IPICS. The URL can be used to associate the video with an incident later.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• video (VideoDetailsVO)—URL of a video to add to Cisco IPICS.

• autoDelete—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the video are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file are never deleted automatically.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the video, if the video is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the video is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="createVideoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name createVtg

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Description Creates a VTG with the designated name.

The VTG can be either a regular VTG or a patch VTG. A regular VTG, which also can be created through the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or the VTG tab in the IDC, remains in the system and can be activated and deactivated as needed. A patch VTG, which you create in the IDC by using the Patch button in the Dial Pad and Channel Patch Area or the Patch button in the PTT and Patch Controls Area, is a temporary VTG that is deleted when the patch is removed.

The following guidelines apply when the createVtg function is used to create a patch VTG:

• Advanced IDC Permissions must be configured in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console for the user who is creating the patch.

• The name of the patch VTG can contain a maximum of 40 characters and must be named patchnumber.user, where

– number is a unique numerical sequence

– user is the Cisco IPICS user name of the user who is created the patch

• A user can have 1 patch VTG in effect at a time.

• When this function executes, the API program calls createVtg(), followed by addParticipantsToVtg(), followed by activateVtg().

• When the client (program) unpatches, it calls deactivateVtg(), followed by deleteResources(session, int[] { vtgid }, VTG, true).

• When the client shuts down or logs out, the unpatch occurs automatically.

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permission)

• VTG—Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgName (String)—Name of the VTG to be created.

• description (String)—Description of the VTG.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the VTG, if the VTG is created.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="createVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name deactivateIncident

Description Deactivates an Incident. This action changes the incident state from Active to Inactive, deactivates its incident VTG if it is activated, and releases the incident VTG resources.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to deactivate.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the incident is deactivated, or 0 if the incident is not deactivated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is deactivated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="deactivateIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name deactivateIncidentVtg

Description Deactivates an incident VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG to deactivate.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG is deactivated, or false if the incident VTG is not deactivated.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident VTG is deactivated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="deactivateIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name deactivateVtg

Description Deactivates a VTG.

Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions)

• VTG—Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to deactivate.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is deactivated, or false if the VTG is not deactivated.

The BooleanVO also contains also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is deactivated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="deactivateVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name deleteLocation

Description Deletes the designated location from Cisco IPICS.

To delete a location, you must first remove associates between the location and users, VTGs, and media connection assignments, or delete any users, VTGs, or media connections that are associated with this location.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• locationId (int)—ID of the location to delete.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the location is deleted, or false if location is not deleted.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the designated location is deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="deleteLocation"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name deletePmcProfile

Description Deletes Cisco IPICS Dispatch Console (IDC) profile information for the designated user. The system uses profile information to cause an IDC to appear and function in the same way for a user regardless of the PC on which the user runs the IDC.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• id (int)—ID of the user whose profile is to be deleted.

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Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the IDC profile information is deleted, or 0 if the IDC profile information is not deleted.

The IntegerVO also contains also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the IDC profile information is deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="deletePmcProfileResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name deleteResources

Description Deletes one or more resources of the same type from Cisco IPICS. Resources can be users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs.

Role • To delete a channel or radio—Administrator

• To delete a photograph or video—User

• To delete a user—Operator

• To delete a VTG—Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• resourceIds (int[])—ID of the resource to delete. If you specify more than one resourceId parameter, each must be the same type.

• resourceType (String)—Type of resource to delete (user, channel, photograph, radio, video, or VTG).

• autoDeleteReferences (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database records for the resources and the resource files (if the files exists for photographs or videos on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents and VTGs with which the resources are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the resources and the resource files are never deleted automatically.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if some or all of the designated resources are deleted, or false if none of the resources are deleted.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all designated resources are deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="deleteResourcesResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name dialAllIncidentVtgMembers

Description Dials out to all user users who are members of an incident VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG whose members you want to dial.

• trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script.

If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application.

The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name> and optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to all members of the incident VTG, or false if the dial out is not successful to all members of the incident VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to all members of the incident VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="dialAllIncidentVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name dialAllVtgMembers

Description Dials out to all user who are members of a VTG, including members of user groups that are part of the VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the members to be dialed.

• trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script.

If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application.

The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name>, optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to all members of the VTG, or false if the dial out is not successful to all members of the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to all members of the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="dialAllVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name dialIncidentVtgMember

Description Dials out to the specified member of an incident VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG with the member to dial.

• trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script.

If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application.

The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name>, optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the incident VTG member to be dialed. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to the incident VTG member, or false if the dial out is not successful to the incident VTG member.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to the incident VTG member, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="dialIncidentVtgMemberResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name dialVtgMember

Description Dials out to the specified member of a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the member to dial.

• trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script.

If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application.

The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name>, optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required.

• userLogin—Cisco IPICS user name of the VTG member to be dialed. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to the VTG member, or false if the dial out is not successful to the VTG member.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to the VTG member, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="dialVtgMemberResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name disableChannel

Description Changes a channel to DISABLED state. Applies only if the current channel state is IDLE.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel to disable.

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Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is disabled, or false if the channel is not disabled.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is disabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="disableChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name disableUser

Description Changes a user to the Disabled state in Cisco IPICS. If you execute this function for a user who is logged in to the Cisco IPICS Administration Console the user is logged out automatically when trying to perform an activity. If you execute this function for a user who is logged in to the IDC, the user is logged out automatically the next time that the IDC polls the IPICS server.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to disable. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user is disabled, or false if the user is not disabled.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is disabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="disableUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name enableChannel

Description Changes a channel IDLE state. Applies only if the current channel state is DISABLED.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel to enable.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is enabled, or false if the channel is not enabled.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is enabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="enableChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name enableUser

Description Changes a user to the Enabled state in Cisco IPICS.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to enabled. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user is enabled, or false if the user is not enabled.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is enabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="enableUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name endSession

Description Ends a designated web services session. A user with the Cisco IPICS Administrator role or the All role can end any session. Users with other Cisco IPICS roles can end only sessions that belong to them.

Role —

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the session is ended, or false if the session is not ended.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the session is ended, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="endSessionResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name executeNotificationPolicy

Description Executes a designated notification policy. When the notification policy executes, the prerecorded prompt that is defined in the Notification (Dial) action is overridden with a text-to-speech (TTS) prompt that is generated from the designated text message.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy to execute.

• msgText (String)—Text of message that the TTS function to play to recipients.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the notification is executed, or false if the notification is not executed.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the notification is executed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="executeNotificationPolicyResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name executePolicy

Description Executes a designated policy.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy to execute.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the policy is executed, or false if the policy is not executed.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the policy is executed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="executePolicyResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name executePolicyForUser

Description Executes a designated policy for a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • userId (String)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to execute the policy.

• password (String)—Cisco IPICS user password of the user for whom to execute the policy. This parameter is case sensitive.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy to execute.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the policy is executed, or false if the policy is not executed.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the policy is executed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="executePolicyForUser"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name findChannelGroups

Description Retrieves each channel group with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelGroupVO (ChannelGroupVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channel groups are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result ChannelGroupContainerVO that contains channel groups that match the search criterion.

The ChannelGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more channel groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findChannelGroupsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name findChannels

Description Retrieves each channel with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channel (ChannelVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains channels that match the search criterion.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more channels are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findChannelsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name findIncidents

Description Retrieves each incident with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incident (IncidentDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incidents are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result IncidentContainerVO that contain incidents that match the search criterion.

The IncidentContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more incidents are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findIncidentsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name findPhotos

Description Retrieves each photograph with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all photographs are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result PhotoContainerVO that contains an array of photographs that match the search criterion.

The PhotoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more photographs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findPhotosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name findRadios

Description Retrieves each radio with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• radio (RadioDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of radios that match the search criterion.

The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more radios are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findRadiosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name findUserGroups

Description Retrieves each user group with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• group (UserGroupDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all user groups are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserGroupContainerVO that contains an array of user groups that match the search criterion.

The UserGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more user groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findUserGroupsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name findUsers

Description Retrieves each user with a user name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• user (UserDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of users that match the search criterion.

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more users are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findUsersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name findVidoes

Description Retrieves each video that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• video VideoDetailsVO—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all videos are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VideoContainerVO that contains an array of videos that match the search criterion.

The VideoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more videos are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findVideosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name findVtgs

Description Retrieves VTGs with a name that matches a designated search criterion.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtg (VtgVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result VtgContainerVO that contains an array of VtgVO value objects that match the search criterion.

The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more VTGs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="findVtgsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllChannelGroups

Description Retrieves all channel groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channel groups are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelGroupContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelGroupVO value objects.

The ChannelGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channel groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllChannelsInChannelGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelGroupContainerVO"/>



Function name getAllChannels

Description Retrieves all channels.

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Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllChannelsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllChannelsInChannelGroup

Description Retrieves all channels that are in the designated channel group.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelGroupId (int)—ID of the channel group from which to retrieve all channels.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels in the designated channel group are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels in the channel group.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels in the channel group are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getAllChannelsInChannelGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllIncidents

Description Retrieves all incidents that are associated your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incidents are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of IncidentVO value objects.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all incidents are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllIncidentsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus

Description Retrieves all incidents that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view and the status of each incident VTG that is associated with an incident.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view and the status of each incident VTG that is associated with an incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result IncidentContainerVO containing that contains an array of IncidentVO value objects.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatusResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllLocations

Description Retrieves all locations that are configured in Cisco IPICS.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

Return result LocationContainerVO that contains an array of LocationVO value objects.

The LocationContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllLocations"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:LocationContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

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Function name getAllMulticastAddresses

Description Retrieves all multicast addresses that are configured in Cisco IPICS.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all multicast addresses are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result MulticastAddressContainerVO that contains an array of MulticastAdressVO value objects.

The MulticastAddressContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllMulticastAddresses"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MulticastAddressContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getAllPhotos

Description Retrieves all photographs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all photographs are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result PhotoContainerVO that contains an array of PhotoVO value objects.

The PhotoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all photographs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getAllPhotosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllPolicies

Description Retrieves all policies that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all policies are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result PolicyContainerVO that contains an array of PolicyVO value objects.

The PolicyContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all policies are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllPoliciesResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllRadios

Description Retrieves all radios that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects.

The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllRadiosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllUserGroups

Description Retrieves all user groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all user groups are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserGroupContainerVO that contains an array of UserGroupVO value objects.

The UserGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all user groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllUserGroupsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getAllUsers

Description Retrieves all Cisco IPICS users that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllUsersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllVideos

Description Retrieves all videos that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all videos are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VideoContainerVO that contains an array of VideoVO value objects.

The VideoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all videos are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getAllVideosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getAllVtgs

Description Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgContainerVO that contains an array of VtgVO value objects.

The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getAllVtgsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getBelongingOpsViewForUser

Description Retrieves the ops view to which a user belongs.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user whose ops view you want to retrieve. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the ops view of the designated user.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the ops view is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getBelongingOpsViewForUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getChannel

Description Retrieves summary information about a designated channel.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel for which to retrieve information.

Return result ChannelVO that contains summary information about the designated channel.

The ChannelVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the channel is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getChannelDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated channel.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel for which to retrieve detailed information.

Return result ChannelDetailVO that contains detailed information about the designated channel.

The ChannelDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the channel is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getChannelGroupsForVtg

Description Retrieves channel groups that are associated with a designated VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated channel groups.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channel groups are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result ChannelGroupContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelGroupVO value objects for all channel groups that are associated with the VTG.

The ChannelGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelGroupsForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getChannelsAssociatedToUser

Description Retrieves all channels that are associated with a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated channels. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels that are associated with the designated user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels that are associated with the user.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelsAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getChannelsForIncident

Description Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated channels.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels that are associated with the incident.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannlesForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getChannelsForVtg

Description Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with a designated VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated channels.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels that are associated with the designated VTG.

The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelsForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getChannelStatus

Description Retrieves the status of the designated channel.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel for which to retrieve status.

Return result StringVO that contains the status of the designated channel.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the status of the channel is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getDigitId

Description Retrieves the digit ID for a user.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the digit ID. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result StringVO that contains the digit ID of the user.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the digit ID is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getDigitIdResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getDigitPassword

Description Retrieves the digit password for a user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the digit password. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result StringVO that contains the digit password the user.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the password is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getDigitPasswordResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getIncident

Description Retrieves summary information about a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result IncidentVO that contains summary information about the incident.

The IncidentVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the incident is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIncidentDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result IncidentVO that contains detailed information about the incident.

The IncidentVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the incident is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIncidentParticipants

Description Retrieves all resources that are associated with an incident. Resources include channels, journals, radios, photographs, users, videos, and VTGs.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve resources (channels, journals, radios, photographs, users, videos, and VTGs).

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incident resources are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result IncidentParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of IncidentParticipantVO value objects for each resource that is associated with the incident.

The IncidentParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all resources that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentParticipantsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIncidentsForUser

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Description Retrieves a list of all incidents that are associated with a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve associated incidents.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incidents that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result IncidentContainerVO that contains an array of IncidentVO value objects for each incident that is associated with the user.

The IncidentContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all incidents that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentsForUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIncidentVtg

Description Retrieves information about the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve the incident VTG information.

Return result VtgDetailVO that contains information about the incident VTG.

The VtgDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if information about the incident VTG is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIncidentVtgOptions

Description Retrieves VTG options for the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident. Options include the allow VAD, latch, listen only, region ID, and RX mute settings.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident from which to retrieve the incident VTG options.

Return result IncidentVtgOptionsVO that contains VTG options for the incident VTG.

The IncidentVtgOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if VTG options for the incident VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentVtgOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentVtgOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIncidentVtgUserOptions

Description Retrieves incident VTG options for an incident VTG user. Options include latch, listen only, and RX mute.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident from which to retrieve the incident VTG user options.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve options.

Return result IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO that contains incident VTG user options.

The IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if incident VTG options for the incident VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentVtgUserOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getIpicsVersion

Description Retrieves the version of Cisco IPICS that is running on the active Cisco IPICS server.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

Return result StringVO that contains the version of Cisco IPICS that is running on the active Cisco IPICS server.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the version of Cisco IPICS is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getIpicsVersionResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0"name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/>



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Function name getJournal

Description Retrieves summary information about a designated journal.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• journalId (int)—ID of the journal for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result JournalVO that contains summary information about the journal.

The JournalVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the journal is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getJournalResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:JournalVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getJournalDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated journal.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• journalId (int)—ID of the journal for which to retrieve detailed information.

Return result JournalDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the journal.

The JournalDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the journal is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getJournalDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:JournalDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getJournalsForIncident

Description Retrieves all journals for a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve journals.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all journals that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result JournalContainerVO that contains an array of JournalVO value objects for all journals that are associated with the incident.

The JournalContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all journals that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getJournalsForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:JournalContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getLazyTalkgroupStatus

Description Retrieves the connection status of the designated channel.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• pmcId (String)—Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client from which you execute this function. This ID should remain constant across sessions.

• resourceId (int)—Identifier of the channel for which to retrieve the connection status.

• resourceType (String)—Type of the channel for which to retrieve the connection status. Valid values are Channel, PooledRadioChannel, and ISSIGChannel.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if SIP resources are located for the channel, or false if the resources are not located.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if SIP resources are located for the channel, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getLazyTalkGroupStatus"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true"

type="ns1: BooleanVO "/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getLocationById

Description Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated ID.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• locationId (int)—ID of the location for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result LocationVO that contains summary information about the location.

The LocationVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the location is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getLocationById"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:LocationVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getLocationByName

Description Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated name.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• name (String)- Name of the location for which to retrieve summary information. This value is not case-sensitive.

Return result LocationVO that contains detailed information about the designated location.

The LocationVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all locations that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getLocationByName"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:LocationVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getLoggedInIDCUsers

Description Retrieves Cisco IPICS users who are logged in to an IDC that is in on-line mode (that is, an IDC that has a connection to the Cisco IPICS server).

Role Operator

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• opsViewId (Integer)—Identifier of an ops view. The function returns only users that belong to this ops view.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users who are logged in to an IDC that is in on-line mode are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result IdcSessionContainerVO that contains list of all IDC session currently active on IPICS system.

The IdcSessionContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty information retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getLoggedInIDCUsers"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1: IdcSessionContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getMulticastAddressByAddress

Description Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated IP address.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• address (String)—IP address of the multicast address for which to retrieve information.

Return result MulticastAddressVO that contains information about the multicast address.

The MulticastAddressVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if information about the multicast address is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getMulticastAddressByAddress"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MulticastAddressVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getMulticastAddressById

Description Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated multicast address identifier.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• id (int)—Identifier of the multicast address for which to retrieve information.

Return result MulticastAddressVO that contains information about the multicast address.

The MulticastAddressVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if information about the multicast address is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getMulticastAddressById"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MulticastAddressVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getPhonesAssociatedToUser

Description Retrieves all phones that are associated with a designated user.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated phones. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all phones that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result PhoneContainerVO that contains an array of PhoneVO value objects for all phones that are associated with the user.

The PhoneContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all phones that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPhonesAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhoneContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPhoto

Description Retrieves summary information about a photograph.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• photoId (int)—ID of the photograph for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result PhotoVO that contains summary information about the photograph.

The PhotoVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the photograph is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPhotoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getPhotoDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a photograph.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• photoId (int)—ID of the photograph for which to retrieve detailed information.

Return result PhotoDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the photograph.

The PhotoDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the photograph is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPhotoDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPhotosForIncident

Description Retrieves a list of photographs that are associated with a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated photos.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all photographs that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result PhotoContainerVO that contains an array of PhotoVO value objects for all photographs that are associated with the incident.

The PhotoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all photographs that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPhotosForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPmcProfile

Description Retrieves IDC profile information for the designated user. The system uses profile information to cause an IDC to appear and function in the same way for a user regardless of the PC on which the user runs the IDC.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• id (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve IDC profile information.

Return result StringVO that contains IDC profile information.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if IDC profile information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPmcProfileResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPoliciesAssociatedToUser

Description Retrieves all policies that are associated with a designated user.

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Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)— Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated policies. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all policies that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result PolicyContainerVO that contains an array of PolicyVO value objects for all policies that are associated with the user.

The PolicyContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all policies that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPoliciesAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPolicy

Description Retrieves summary information about a policy.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result PolicyVO that contains summary information about the policy.

The PolicyVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the policy is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPolicyDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a policy.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve detailed information.

Return result PolicyDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the policy.

The PolicyDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the policy is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getPolicyExecutionStatus

Description Retrieves summary status information about a the last execution of a policy.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve a status summary of the execution.

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Return result PolicyExecutionStatusVO that contains summary information about of the last execution of the designated policy.

The PolicyExecutionStatusVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyExecutionStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyExecutionStatusVO"/>

</xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>


Function name getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails

Description Retrieves detailed status information about the execution of each policy that is associated with a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve detailed information about of the last execution of associated policies. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, the execution status of all policies that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO that contains an array of PolicyExecutionStatusVO value objects that provide detailed information about the execution of a policy and its action.

The PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyExecutionStatusDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getRadioDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated radio.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• radioId (int)—ID of the radio for which to retrieve detailed information.

Return result RadioDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the designated radio.

The RadioDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getRadioDetails"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getRadiosAssociatedToUser

Description Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated radios. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

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Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects for all radios that are associated with the user.

The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getRadiosAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getRadiosForIncident

Description Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated radios.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects for all radios that are associated with the incident.

The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getRadiosForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getRadiosForVtg

Description Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated radios.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects for all radios that are associated with the designated VTG.

The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getRadiosForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUser

Description Retrieves summary information about the designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve summary information.

Return result UserVO that contains summary information about the user.

The UserVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the user is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserAddress

Description Retrieves the physical address of a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the address. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result AddressVO that contains address information of the user.

The AddressVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if address information of the user is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserAddressResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:AddressVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserAudioStatus

Description Retrieves a flag that indicates if the IDC of a user has audio disabled or enabled. When audio is disabled, the IDC cannot transmit or receive audio.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the IDC audio status. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if IDC audio is disabled for the user, or false if IDC audio is not disabled for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if IDC audio is disabled for the user, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserAudioStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve detailed information.

Return result UserDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the user.

The UserDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the user is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getUserDialPreference

Description Retrieves the dial preferences that are associated with a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the dial preference. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all dial preferences for the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result DialAddressContainerVO that contains an array of DialAddressVO value objects for all dial preferences that are associated with the user.

The DialAddressContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if dial preferences are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserDialPreferenceResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:DialAddressContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserDirectory

Description Retrieves the users for whom a direct connect number is assigned in the designated serial radio descriptor file.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• descriptorId (String)—ID of the radio descriptor file from which to retrieve users for whom a direct connect number is assigned.

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Return result StringVO that contains, in an XML string, the users for whom a direct connect number is assigned in the designated serial radio descriptor file.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the users are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserDirectoryResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/>



Function name getUserGroup

Description Retrieves summary information about the designated user group.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• groupId (int)—ID of the user group for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result UserGroupVO that contains summary information about the designated user group.

The UserGroupVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserGroupVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserGroupMembers

Description Retrieves all the users in a designated user group.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userGroupId (int)—ID of the group user for which to retrieve all members.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all members in the user group are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all members of the user group.

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all members of the user group are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserGroupMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserGroupsForVtg

Description Retrieves user groups that are associated with the designated VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (String)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated user groups.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all user groups that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all user groups that are associated with the VTG.

The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all user groups that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getUserGroupsForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserId

Description Retrieves the system-generated user ID for the designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for which to retrieve the system-generated user ID. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result IntegerVO that contains system-generated user ID for the designated user.

The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user ID is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserIdResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserListenerStatus

Description Retrieves a flag that indicates whether the IDC of a user is in listen-only mode. In this mode, the user is muted.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the IDC audio status. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the IDC is in listen-only mode (muted), or false if the IDC is not in listen-only mode.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the mode is returned, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserListenerStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserNotificationPreference

Description Retrieves the notification preferences that are associated with a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the notification preference. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all notification preferences that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result NotificationAddressContainerVO that contains an array of NotificationAddressVO value objects for all notification preferences that are associated with the user.

The NotificationAddressContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all notification preferences that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getUserNotificationPreferenceResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:NotificationAddressContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUserRoles

Description Retrieves the list of roles for a designated user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user whose roles to retrieve. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. For this function, you should always pass null.

Return result UserRoleContainerVO that contains an array of UserRoleVO value objects for all roles that are assigned to the user.

The UserRoleContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all roles that are assigned to the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserRolesResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserRoleContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUsersAssociatedToChannel

Description Retrieves all users that are associated with a designated channel.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelVO (ChannelVO)—ID of the channel with which to associate the users.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the channel are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the designated channel.

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the channel are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersAssociatedToChannel"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getUsersAssociatedToPolicy

Description Retrieves all users that are associated with a designated policy.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve associated users.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the policy are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the designated policy.

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the policy are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersAssociatedToPolicy"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name getUsersAssociatedToRadio

Description Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a radio.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• radioId (String)—ID of the radio for which to retrieve associated users.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the radio are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the designated radio.

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the radio are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersAssociatedToRadioResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUsersForIncident

Description Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated incident.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated users.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the incident.

The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getUsersForVtg

Description Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgtId (String)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated VTGs.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all users that are associated with the VTG.

The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name=" getUsersForVtgResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/>

</xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>


Function name getUserStatus

Description Retrieves the Cisco IPICS status of the designated user. The status can be enabled or disabled. A user with the disabled status cannot log in to Cisco IPCS.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of each user for whom to retrieve active status. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result StringVO that contains enabled or disabled, which indicates the Cisco IPICS status of designated user.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the status is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getUserStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVideo

Description Retrieves summary information about the designated video.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• videoId (int)—ID of the video for which to retrieve summary information.

Return result VideoVO that contains summary information about the designated video.

The VideoVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the video is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response xs:element name="getVideoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVideoDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about the designated video.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• videoId (int)—ID of the video for which to retrieve detailed information.

Return result VideoDetailsVO that contains detailed information for the designated video.

The VideoVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the video is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVideoDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name getVideosForIncident

Description Retrieves a list of videos that are associated with a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int) —ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated videos.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all videos that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VideoContainerVO that contains an array of VideoVO value objects for all videos that are associated with the designated incident.

The VideoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all videos that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVideosForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgDetails

Description Retrieves detailed information about the designated VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve detailed information.

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Return result VtgDetailVO that contains detailed information about the designated VTG.

The VtgDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the VTG is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgOptions

Description Retrieves information about the status of a variety of options for a VTG.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve option status information.

Return result VtgOptionsVO that contains information about the status of a variety of options for the designated VTG.

The VtgOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if VTG options are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgParticipants

Description Retrieves all participants in a designated VTG. Participants include channels, channel groups, radios, users, user groups, and VTGs.

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Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to retrieve all participants

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all participants in the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all participants (channels, channel groups, radios, users, user groups, and VTGs) that are in the designated VTG.

The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all participants that are in the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgParticipantsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgParticipantStatus

Description Retrieves the status of a VTG participant. The participant can be a user, user group, channel, channel group, or VTG. Status can be disconnected, error, pending, or active.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that contains the participant for which the status is to be retrieved.

• participantID (int)—ID of the participant whose status is be retrieved.

• resourceType (String)—Participant type: user, user-group, channel, channel-group, vtg, or radio.

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Return result StringVO that contains the status of the designated VTG participant. Status can be any of the following:

• active—Participant is associated with the VTG.

• pending—Participant is in the process of becoming associated with the VTG.

• error—Participant could not be associated with the VTG. (This situation typically occurs if there are insufficient system resources.)

• disconnected—The participant could not be connected to the RMS or could not be configured on the RMS.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the status of the VTG participant is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgParticipantStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgsAssociatedToUser

Description Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with a user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated VTGs. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgContainerVO that contains an array VtgVO value objects for all VTGs that are associated with the designated user.

The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgsAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgsForIncident

Description Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated incident.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated VTGs.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgContainerVO that contains an array of VtgVO value objects for all VTGs that are associated with the designated incident.

The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgsForIncidentResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgsForVtg

Description Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated VTG.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgtId (String)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated VTGs.

• pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated.

Return result VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all VTGs that are associated with the designated VTG.

The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgsForVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgStatus

Description Retrieves the ID, name, description, and status (active, idle, or pending) of a VTG. “Pending” indicates a VTG that is in transition from active to idle state or from idle to active state.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve information.

Return result StringVO that contains information for the designated VTG.

The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if status information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name getVtgUserOptions

Description Retrieves the settings of the latch, listen only, and rxmute VTG options settings for a designated VTG and user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the user for whom to retrieve option settings.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user users for whom to retrieve VTG option settings.

Return result VtgUserOptionsVO that contains the latch, listen only, and rxmute information for the designated user in the designated VTG.

The VtgUserOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if option information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgUserOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgUserOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name isActiveChannel

Description Determines if a channel is active or disabled.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• channelId (int)—ID of the channel to query.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is active, or false if the channel is disabled.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name isActiveIncidentVtg

Description Determines if an incident VTG in a designated incident is active or inactive.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG for which to determine status.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG is active, or false if the incident VTG is inactive.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveIncidentVtgResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>

</xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>


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Function name isActiveUser

Description Determines if a user is active or disabled.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to query. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user is active, or false if the user is disabled.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveUserResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>

</xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>


Function name isActiveVtg

Description Determines if a VTG is active or inactive.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to query.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is active, or false if the VTG is inactive.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveVtgResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>

</xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>


Function name joinLazyTalkgroup

Description Creates a SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource.

Role Administrator

Parameters • pmcId (String)—Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client to be included in the SIP connection. This ID should remain constant across sessions.

• sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• locationId (int)—Identifier of the location in which the client is operating.

• resourceId (int)—Identifier of the resource to be included in the connection with the client.

• resourceType (String)—Type of resource to be included in the connection with the client. Valid values are Channel, Incident, ISSIGChannel, PooledRadioChannel, Radio, and Vtg.

• connectionType (String)—Type of connection for a P25 talk group. Valid values are NATIVE (use for a P25 channel in EndToEnd P25 mode) and PROXYONLY (use for a P25 channel in Gateway P25 mode).

Return result MediaConnectionContainerVO that contains an array of MediaConnectionVO value objects.

The MediaConnectionContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the connection is made, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs.

Sample response <xs:element name="joinLazyTalkGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MediaConnectionContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name leaveLazyTalkgroup

Description Terminates the SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource.

Role Administrator

Parameters • pmcId (String)—Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client that is included in the SIP connection to be terminated. This ID should remain constant across sessions.

• sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• locationId (int)—Identifier of the location in which the client is operating.

• resourceId (int)—Identifier of the resource that is included in the connection to be terminated.

• resourceType (String)—Type of resource that is included in the connection to be terminated. Valid values are Channel, Incident, ISSIGChannel, PooledRadioChannel, Radio, and Vtg.

• connectionType (String)—Type of connection for a P25 talk group. Valid values are NATIVE (use for a P25 channel in EndToEnd P25 mode) and PROXYONLY (use for a P25 channel in Gateway P25 mode).

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the connection is terminated or false if it is not.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes successfully, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="leaveLazyTalkGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MediaConnectionContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers

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Description Sends a notification to each user in the incident VTG of the designated incident. The notification method that the system uses for a user is configured in the communications preferences for that user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or by the setNotificationPreferences API function.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG whose members are to be notified.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if all members of the incident VTG in the designed incident are notified, or false if not all members are notified.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all members of the incident VTG are notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="notifyAllIncidentVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name notifyAllVtgMembers

Description Sends a notification to each user in the designated VTG, including members of user groups in the VTG. The notification method that the system uses for a user is configured in the communications preferences for that user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or by the setNotificationPreferences API function.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes members to be notified.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if all members of the VTG are notified, or false if not all members are notified.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all members of the VTG are notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name=" notifyAllVtgMembersResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>



Function name notifyIncidentVtgMember

Description Notifies a designated member of an incident VTG. The notification method is based on notification options as configured for the user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG with the member is to be notified.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the incident VTG member to be notified. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the designated incident VTG member is notified, or false if the designated incident VTG member is not notified.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident VTG member is notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="notifyIncidentVtgMemberResponse"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>

</xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>


Function name notifyVtgMember

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Description Notifies a designated member of a VTG. The notification method that the system uses for a user is configured in the communications preferences for that user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or by the setNotificationPreferences API function.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the member is to be notified.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the VTG member to be notified. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the designated VTG member is notified, or false if the designated VTG member is not notified.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG member is notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="notifyVtgMemberResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name releaseRadio

Description Releases a reserved serial controlled radio that has been reserved for a user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• radioId(int)—ID of the radio to be released.

Return result BooleanVO that contains “true” if the radio was released, or “false” if the radio was not released.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="releaseRadio"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>



Function name removeChannelFromVtg

Description Removes a channel from a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the channel.

• channelId (int)—Unique of the channel to be removed from the VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is removed from the VTG, or false if the channel is not removed from the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removeChannelFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name removePhoneAssociatedToUser

Description Disassociates a phone from a user.

Role Operator

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user from whom to disassociate a phone. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• dialNumber (String)—Dial number of the phone to disassociate from the user.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the phone is disassociated from the user, or false if the phone is not disassociated from the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the phone is disassociated from the user, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removePhoneAssociatedToUserResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name removeRadioFromVtg

Description Removes a radio from a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the radio.

• radioId (int)—ID of the radio to be removed from the VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the radio is removed from the VTG, or false if the radio is not removed from the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the radio is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removeRadioFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name removeResourceFromIncident

Description Disassociates one or more resource from an incident.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident from which to remove the resource.

• resourceIds (int[])—IDs of the resources to remove.

• resourceType (String)—The type of resource to remove from the incident: User, Video, Photo, Channel, Radio, or Vtg.

Return result IntegerVO that contains the number of resource that were removed from the incident.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removeResourceFromIncidentResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name removeUserFromVtg

Description Removes a user from a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be removed from the VTG. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the user.

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Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user is removed from the VTG, or false if the user is not removed from the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removeUserFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name removeVtgFromVtg

Description Removes a VTG from a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgIdRem (int)— ID of the VTG to remove.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the other VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is removed from the VTG, or false if the VTG is not removed from the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removeVtgFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name removeVtgParticipants

Description Removes one or more participants from a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove participants.

• parts (ResourceContainerVO)—The array of participants to be removed from VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the participants are removed from the VTG, or false if the participants are not removed from the VTG.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="removeVtgParticipantsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name reserveRadio

Description Marks a serial controlled radio as reserved for a user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of user for whom to reserve the radio.

• radioId(int)—ID of the radio to be reserved.

Return result BooleanVO that contains “true” if the radio was reserved, or “false” if the radio was not reserved.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="reserveRadio"><xs:complexType>

<xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/>



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Function name savePmcProfile

Description Saves IDC profile information for the designated user. The system uses profile information to cause an IDC to appear and function in the same way for a user regardless of the PC on which the user runs the IDC.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• id (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve IDC profile information

• xmlString (String)—IDC profile information for the designated user.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the IDC profile is saved, or 0 if it is not.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the IDC profile is saved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="savePmcProfileResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setBelongingOpsViewForUser

Description Assigns an ops view to a user.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS use name of the user to whom to assign an ops view. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• opsViewId (int)—ID of the ops view to assign to the user.

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Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the ops view is assigned to the user, or false if is not.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the ops view is assigned, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setBelongingOpsViewForUserResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setDialPreference

Description Adds a new dial preference for a user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set dial preferences. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.


• dialNumber (String)—Phone number to dial.

• dialOrder (int)—Order in which the system dials phone numbers is if more than one dial number is configured.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial preference is added for the user, or false if the dial preference is not added.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial preference is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setDialPreferenceResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name setDigitId

Description Sets digit ID for a user. A digit ID is a numeric ID that a user enters when accessing the Cisco IPICS service from a Cisco Unified IP Phone or when accessing the Cisco IPICS telephony user interface.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set digit IDs. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• digitId (String)—Digit ID for the user. Valid characters are numerals 0 through 9.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the digit ID is set for the user, or false if the digit ID is not set for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the digit ID is set, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setDigitIdResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setDigitPassword

Description Sets a digit password for a user. A digit password is a password that a user enters when accessing the Cisco IPICS service from a Cisco Unified IP Phone or PIN that the user enters when accessing the Cisco IPICS telephony user interface.

Note You specify requirements for passwords, including length and character requirements, in the Administration > Options window in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set a digit password. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• password (String)—Password of the user to be created. The password can include letters, numbers, and special characters, but no spaces. The system validates the password according the parameters that are configured in Cisco IPICS Administration.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the digit password is set for the user, or false if the digit password is no set for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the digit password is set, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setDigitPasswordResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setIncidentVtgOptions

Description Sets various options for an incident VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that contains the incident VTG for which to set options.

• latch (boolean):

– true—Enables the latch function for the incident VTG

– false—Disables the latch function

• listenOnly (boolean):

– true—Enables listen only mode for the incident VTG

– false—Disables listen only mode

• rxMute (String):

– all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources

– this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG

– none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted

• allowVad (boolean):

– true—Enables the VAD function for the incident VTG

– false—Disables the VAD function

• pmcRegionId (int)—Indicates the preferred region in which the IDC displays the incident VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if all designated incident VTG options are set, or false if not all options are not set.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setIncidentVtgOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setIncidentVtgUserOptions

Description Sets various options for a designated user in an incident VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that contains the incident VTG for which to set options.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to set incident VTG options

• latch (boolean)—Enables or disables the latch function for the designated user in the designated incident VTG as follows:

– true—Enables the latch function

– false—Disables the latch function

• listenOnly (boolean)—Enables or disables listen only mode for the designated user in the designated incident VTG as follows:

– true—Enables listen only mode

– false—Disables listen only mode

• rxMute (boolean):

– true—Prevents the designated user from listening or speaking in the designated incident VTG

– false—Allows the designated user to listen or speak in the designated incident VTG

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG options are set for the user, or false incident VTG options are not set.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setIncidentVtgUserOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setNotificationPreference

Description Adds a new notification preference for a user.

Role User

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set notification preferences. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• notificationType (String)—Notification type preference (EMAIL, PAGER, SMS)

• notificationAddress (String)—Address for the designated notification type.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the notification preference is added for the user, or false if the notification preference is not added for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the notification preference is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setNotificationPreferenceResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setUserAddress

Description Adds a physical address for a user.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to add a physical address. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• address (AddressVO)—Address information.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the address is added for the user, or false if the address is not added for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the address is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="setUserAddressResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setUserAudioStatus

Description Enables or disables the ability of a user to hear and transmit audio on an IDC.

Note A user is not able to transmit audio (the user is muted) if audio status for the user is enabled but listener status for the user is disabled. See the “setUserListenerStatus” section on page 1-124.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to enable or disable IDC audio. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• audioDisabled (boolean)—If true, the audio capability is disabled. If false, the audio capability is enabled.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the audio status is updated for the user, or false if the audio status is not updated for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the audio status is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setUserAudioStatusResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setUserListenerStatus

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Description Enables or disables the ability of a user to transmit audio on an IDC (unmutes or mutes a user).

Note If the audio status for a user is disabled (see the “setUserAudioStatus” section on page 1-124), a user cannot transmit audio in any case.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom enable or disable IDC audio. This parameter must be entered in all lower case.

• mute (boolean)—If true, the user is muted. If false, the user is not muted.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the audio status is updated for the user, or false if the audio status is not updated for the user.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the audio status is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setUserListenerStatusResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setVtgOptions

Description Sets various options for a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to set options.

• latch (boolean):

– true—Enables the latch function for the VTG

– false—Disables the latch function

• listenOnly (boolean):

– true—Enables listen only mode for the VTG

– false—Disables listen only mode

• rxMute (String):

– all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources

– this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG

– none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted

• allowVad (boolean):

– true—Enables the VAD function for the incident VTG

– false—Disables the VAD function

• pmcRegionId (int)—Indicates the preferred region in which the IDC displays the VTG.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG options are set, or false if the VTG options are not set.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setVtgOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name setVtgUserOptions

Description Sets various options for a designated user in a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

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Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to set options for a user.

• userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to set incident VTG options

• latch (boolean):

– true—Enables the latch function for the VTG

– false—Disables the latch function

• listenOnly (boolean):

– true—Enables listen only mode for the VTG

– false—Disables listen only mode

• rxMute (boolean):

– true—Prevents the designated user from listening or speaking in the designated incident VTG

– false—Allows the designated user to listen or speak in the designated incident VTG

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG options are set for the user, or false if the VTG options are not set.

The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG options are set, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="setVtgUserOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name startSession

Description Logs into the IPICS web service, authenticates that the user has a valid IPICS user account, starts a session, and returns a unique session ID (sessionId), which must be used for subsequent web service calls. Logging into the IPICS web service does not consume a Cisco IPICS license.

Role —

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Parameters • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user who is executing the API client code.

• password (String)—Cisco IPICS user password of the user who is executing the API client code. This parameter is case sensitive.

• clientDescriptorVO (ClientDescriptorVO)—Type of client that is connecting to the web service.

Return result SessionVO that contains the session ID.

The SessionVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the session starts, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="startSessionResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true"

type="ns1:SessionVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name updateIncident

Description Modifies various attributes of an incident.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• incident (IncidentDetailsVO)—Incident attributes to update.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the incident is updated, or 0 if the incident is not updated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="updateIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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Function name updateLocation

Description Modifies information about a location.

Role Administrator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• locationVO (LocationVO)—Information attributes.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the location is updated, or 0 if the location is not updated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the location is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="updateLocation"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1: IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Function name updatePhoto

Description Modifies various attributes of a photograph.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—Photograph attributes.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the photograph is updated, or 0 if the photograph is not updated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the photograph is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

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Sample response <xs:element name="updatePhotoResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name updateUserGroup

Description Modifies various attributes of a user group.

Role Operator

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• group (UserGroupDetailsVO)—User group attributes.

Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the user group is updated, or false if the user group is not updated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user group is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="updateUserGroupResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name updateVideo

Description Modifies various attributes of a video.

Role User

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• video (VideoDetailsVO)—Video attributes.

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Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the video is updated, or 0 if the video is not updated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the video is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="updateVideoResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

Function name updateVirtualTalkGroup

Description Modifies various attributes of a VTG.

Role Dispatcher

Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session.

• vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to modify.

• vtgName (String)—Name to set for the VTG.

• vtgDescription (String)—Description to set for the VTG.

Return result IntegerVO that contains 1 if the VTG is updated, or 0 if the VTG is not updated.

The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes.

Sample response <xs:element name="updateVirtualTalkGroupResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:element>

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