web list methods

WEB LIST Methods Find All List Objects on a Web Page Sub ChildObjects_Example() 'The following example uses the ChildObjects method to find all the 'list objects on a Web page, and then to select an item in each list. Set oDesc = Description.Create() oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebList" Set Lists = Browser("Mercury Interactive").Page("Mercury Interactive").ChildObjects(oDesc) NumberOfLists = Lists.Count() For i = 0 To NumberOfLists - 1 Lists(i).Select i + 1 Next End Sub Find All WebEdit Objects on a Web Page and Set a Value for a Specific One Sub ChildObjects_Example() 'The following example retrieves the collection of 'WebEdit objects in order to find a specific 'WebEdit object in a page and set a value for it. Dim EditToSearch, ValueToSet, NumberOfEdits 1

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Page 1: Web List Methods

WEB LIST Methods

Find All List Objects on a Web Page 

Sub ChildObjects_Example()  

'The following example uses the ChildObjects method to find all the

'list objects on a Web page, and then to select an item in each list.  

Set oDesc = Description.Create()

    oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebList"

Set Lists = Browser("Mercury Interactive").Page("Mercury Interactive").ChildObjects(oDesc)

    NumberOfLists = Lists.Count()

For i = 0 To NumberOfLists - 1

    Lists(i).Select i + 1


End Sub  

Find All WebEdit Objects on a Web Page and Set a Value for a Specific One 

Sub ChildObjects_Example()  

'The following example retrieves the collection of

'WebEdit objects in order to find a specific

'WebEdit object in a page and set a value for it.  

Dim EditToSearch, ValueToSet, NumberOfEdits  

'This is the value of the 'name' property for the WebEdit object we want to find.  

EditToSearch = "Customer Name"

ValueToSet = "6549865461"  


Page 2: Web List Methods

'Create a description object to help retrieve all WebEdit objects in a specific page.  

Set oDesc = Description.Create()

    oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebEdit"

    oDesc("name").Value = "credit_card_number"  

'Retrieve all WebEdit objects in this page  

Set EditCollection = Browser("Book a Flight: Mercury").Page("Book a Flight: Mercury").ChildObjects(oDesc)  

NumberOfEdits = EditCollection.Count  

'Search for a specific WebEdit object and set its value  

For i = 0 To NumberOfEdits - 1  

    If EditCollection(i).GetROProperty("name") = EditToSearch Then  

       EditCollection(i).Set ValueToSet  

    End If  


End Sub  

Find Specific WebEdit Objects on a Web Page and Save Their Values in an Excel File 

Sub ChildObjects_Example()  

'The following example retrieves the collection of  

'WebEdit objects that contain credit card numbers  

'and inserts them in an Excel file.  

Dim NumberOfEdits  

'Create a Description object to help retrieve all  

'WebEdit objects in a specific page.  


Page 3: Web List Methods

Set oDesc = Description.Create()

    oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebEdit"  

'Retrieve all WebEdit objects from this page.  

Set EditCollection = Browser("Book a Flight: Mercury").Page("Book a Flight: Mercury").ChildObjects(oDesc)  

NumberOfEdits = EditCollection.Count  

'Use the GetROProperty to retrieve the "text" property  

'(which in this case represents a credit card number),  

'and insert all retrieved credit card numbers in an Excel file.  

For i = 0 To NumberOfEdits - 1  

     CurrentCreditNumber = EditCollection(i).GetROProperty("text")  

     WriteToCreditCardNumberExcelFile (CurrentCreditNumber)  


End Sub   

Verify the Number of Items in a List 

Sub CheckProperty_Example()  

'The following example uses the CheckProperty method to verify the

'number of items in a WebList. Note that if the original count

'is not equal to 15, an error message is displayed in the Test Results.  

Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-do").CheckProperty "items count", 15, TimeLimitation  

Item_Count = Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-do").GetROProperty("items count")  

If Item_Count = 15 Then  


Page 4: Web List Methods

   'Remove one item from the list  

    Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebButton("Remove Item From List").Click  

    'Check if the item was removed from the list  

    Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-do").CheckProperty "items count", 14, TimeLimitation  


    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Number Of List Items", "The item count in the list should be 15, not " & Item_Count & "."  

End If  

End Sub   

Select a List Item By Specifying The Item Name 

Sub Select_Example()  

'The following example uses the Select method to select a city  

'by its name in the list of possible departure cities.  

Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Find Flights").WebList("depart").Select "London"  

End Sub  

Select a List Item By Specifying The Item Index 

Sub Select_Example()  

'In the following example, the Select method is used to

'select a city by its index number in the list of possible

'arrival cities.  

Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Find Flights_2").WebList("arrive").Select "#4"  

End Sub 


Page 5: Web List Methods

Select an Item from a List and Verify Its Selection 

Sub Select_Example()  

'The following example uses the Select method to select

'an item from a WebList object and then checks

'if the item and others were actually selected.

'The results of the check are sent to the Test Results.

Browser("Find a Flight: Mercury").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-wear").Select "Calvin Rip"

Browser("Find a Flight: Mercury").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-wear").ExtendSelect "Leather Jacket"

Browser("Find a Flight: Mercury").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-wear").ExtendSelect "Green"  

'Check if all items that were selected in the previous steps are

'actually selected in the list and send  

CurrentSelection = Browser("Find a Flight: Mercury").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("what-to-wear").GetROProperty("selection")  

If CurrentSelection <> "Rugby Shirt;Leather Jacket;Boots" Then

    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ExtendSelect", "The list does not contain all of the selected items."


   Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "ExtendSelect", "The list contains all selected items."

End If  

End Sub 

Select an Additional Item in a List by Name or Index 

Sub ExtendSelect_Example()  

'The following example uses the ExtendSelect method to add an item to


Page 6: Web List Methods

'a multiple-selection list in the 1stFlights list.  

VbWindow("frmMain").VbWindow("dlgFlights").VbList("lstFlights").ExtendSelect "C345"


VbWindow("frmMain").VbWindow("dlgFlights").VbList("lstFlights").ExtendSelect 2  

End Sub  

Activate an Edit Box's Native Focus Method 

Sub Object_Example()  

'The following example uses the .Object property to activate an

'edit box's native focus method:  

Set MyWebEdit = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Mercury Tours").WebEdit("username").Object  


End Sub 

Saves a List of Links to a File 

Sub ToString_Example()  

'The following example retrieves a list of links from the

'"Simple Web Example" page, creates the FileSystemObject,

'and uses the ToString method to write the test object (link) names (for example,

'"banner" and "contents") and test object type (for example, "Frame")

'to c:\Links.txt.  

Dim fso, ResultFile, oDesc  

'Get a collection of all Links in the "Simple Web Example" page  


Page 7: Web List Methods

Set oDesc = Description.Create

oDesc("Class Name").Value = "Link"

Set oLinkCollection = Browser("Simple XML Example from").Page("Simple Web Example").ChildObjects(oDesc)  

'Create the FileSystemObject  

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set ResultFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\Links.txt", 2, True) ' 2 = Open file for writing  

'Write to the file

For i = 0 To oLinkCollection.Count - 1  

    ResultFile.Write oLinkCollection.Item(i).ToString & vbNewLine  



End Sub 

Include the Test Object Name and Type in the Test Results 

Sub ToString_Example()  

'The following example uses the ToString method to insert

'the test object's name and generic type in the Test Results.  

ObjectString = Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("who-to-do-it-with").ToString  

'Use the ToString to return value to enhance the reporter.

Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "We are selecting the fourth item in the " & ObjectString, ""

Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("who-to-do-it-with").Select "#4"

End Sub 


Page 8: Web List Methods

Retrieve the Value of a Property in an Edit Box 

Sub GetROProperty_Example()  

'The following example iterates through the WebEdit objects

'on a page, searching for a specific WebEdit object in order

'to set a value for it.  

Dim EditToSearch, ValueToSet, NumberOfEdits  

'This is the value of the 'name' property for the WebEdit we want to find.  

EditToSearch = "credit_card_number"

ValueToSet = "6543210123456789"  

'Create a description object to help retrieve all WebEdit objects in a specific page.  

Set oDesc = Description.Create()

oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebEdit"  

'Retrieve all WebEdit objects in this page  

Set EditCollection = Browser("Book a Flight: Mercury").Page("Book a Flight: Mercury").ChildObjects(oDesc)  

NumberOfEdits = EditCollection.Count  

'Search for a specific WebEdit and set its value  

For i = 0 To NumberOfEdits - 1  

    If EditCollection(i).GetROProperty("name") = EditToSearch Then  

        EditCollection(i).Set ValueToSet  

    End If  


End Sub  

Retrieve the Values From a List of Names in an Array 


Page 9: Web List Methods

Sub GetItem_Example()  

'The following example uses the GetItem method to retrieve the names

'of students from an array in order to send them their grades. First

'the example uses the GetTOProperty method to retrieve the number of

'items from the list of student names. Then it generates an array

'according to the list size, inserting the each of the student's names

‘into the array. It then uses the GetItem method to retrieve each

'student's name. Finally it uses a function to send grades to the students.  

ListSize = Browser("ListOfStudentNames").Page("ListOfStudentNames").WebList("ListOfStudentNames").GetTOProperty("items count")  

Dim NamesArray()  

'Dynamically allocate an array according to the list size  

ReDim NamesArray(ListSize - 1)  

For i = 1 To ListSize  

     NamesArray(i - 1) = Browser("ListOfStudentNames").Page("ListOfStudentNames").WebList("ListOfStudentNames").GetItem(i)  


'The following function uses the array of student names in order to send grades to the students.  

SendGradesByStudentName (NameArray)  

End Sub 


Perform an Operation on an Edit Box Inside a Table

Sub ChildItem_Example()


Page 10: Web List Methods

'The following example uses the ChildItem method to set the second

'edit box from the FirstName table to Example.  

Set WebEditObj = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Method of Payment").WebTable("FirstName").ChildItem(8, 2, "WebEdit", 0)  

WebEditObj.Set "Example"  

End Sub       

Find the Number of Objects Contained in a Table

Sub ChildItemCount_Example()  

'The following example uses the ChildItemCount method to count

'the number of edit fields in a cell in the sample table.  

Dim NumEdit  

NumEdit = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Method of Payment").WebTable("FirstName").ChildItemCount(1, 2, "WebEdit")  

End Sub 

Find the Number of Columns In a Table 

Sub ColumnCount_Example()  

'The following example uses the ColumnCount method to determine the

'number of columns in the first row of the OutboundFlights table.  

NumColumns = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").ColumnCount(1)  

  MsgBox "The number of columns in the row is " & NumColumns  


Page 11: Web List Methods

End Sub   

Display the Contents of a Cell in a Message Box 

Sub GetCellData_Example()  

'The following example uses the GetCellData method to display the

'contents of the cell located in cell 1, column 1 in a message box.  

Set Text = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlight").GetCellData(1, 1)  

MsgBox "text contains" & Text  

End Sub 

Find All Employees That Live in the Same City 

Sub GetCellData_GetRowWithCellText_Example()  

'The following example retrieves the names of all employees that live in

'the same city as John Smith so that he can arrange rides home with them.

'First, the example finds the table row containing

'"John Smith". Then it checks the value of the CityColumnn cell to determine

'the city in which John lives. It searches the table cells to find all other

'employees that live in that city. Finally it uses the GetCellData method to

'return those employees names and, using a function, generates a list

'containing those names.


CityColumn = 4

NameColumn = 2  

'Get the row number for employee 'John Smith'  


Page 12: Web List Methods

RowNumber = Browser("CorporateEmployees").Page("CorporateEmployees").WebTable("EmployeesTable").GetRowWithCellText("John Smith")  

Set AccommodationsCity = Browser("CorporateEmployees").Page("CorporateEmployees").WebTable("EmployeesTable").ChildItem(RowNumber, CityColumn, "WebEdit", 0)  

TableRows = Browser("CorporateEmployees").Page("CorporateEmployees").WebTable("EmployeesTable").RowCount  

'Search for all employees that live in the same city as 'John Smith' and add them to his ride home list  

For i = 1 To TableRows  

    Set CurrentCity = Browser("CorporateEmployees").Page("CorporateEmployees").WebTable("EmployeesTable").ChildItem(i, CityColumn, "WebEdit", 0)  

    If CurrentCity.GetROProperty("value") = AccommodationsCity.GetROProperty("value") Then  

        EmployeeName = Browser("CorporateEmployees").Page("CorporateEmployees").WebTable("EmployeesTable").GetCellData(i, NameColumn)  

       AddToJohnSmithRideHomeList (EmployeeName)

    End If


End Sub  

Find a Cell with Specified Text and Click It 

Sub GetRowWithCellText_Example()  

'The following example uses the GetRowWithCellText method to

'find the row in the "OutboundFlights" table that contains the

'text "Price" and then find the cell in that row that contains


Page 13: Web List Methods

'a link and click it.  

row = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").GetRowWithCellText("Price", 2, 2)  

Set Link = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").ChildItem(row, 2, "Link", 0)  


End Sub 

Retrieve Properties to Check Whether a Link Object Has a Specific Property 

'The following example checks whether the "url" property exists, and, if not,

'generates an error. The example calls the HasPropertyURL(LinkObj) function

'(defined below as commented text).  

has_url_prop = HasPropertyURL(Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Link("Continue"))  

If has_url_prop = False Then  

   Err.Raise 91  

End If  


'The following function, used in the above example, uses the GetTOProperties method  

'to retrieve the list of properties and values for the Link test object in order  

'to check if a Link test object has the "url" property.  


'Public Function HasPropertyURL(LinkObj)  


'PropertyToSearch = "url"  

'PropertyExistInTO = False  


Page 14: Web List Methods

'Set PropertyCollection = LinkObj.GetTOProperties  


'For i = 0 To PropertyCollection.Count - 1  


' If PropertyCollection(i).Name = "url" Then  

' PropertyExistInTO = True  

' Exit For  

' End If  




'HasPropertyURL = PropertyExistInTO  


'End Function 

Retrieve Properties Used to Identify a Table Object 

Sub GetTOProperties_Example()  

'The following example uses the GetTOProperties method to retrieve

'the list of properties and values used to identify the FirstName


Set TableDesc = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Method of Payment").WebTable("FirstName").GetTOProperties  

End Sub 

Display All Properties and Values of a Link Object 

Sub GetTOProperties_Example()  


Page 15: Web List Methods

'The following example uses the GetTOProperties method to return a

'Property collection containing the test object description

'(properties and values) for the All kind of Link object.

'It then displays the property name and value of each property in

'the returned collection.  

Set LinkObject = Browser("Index").Page("index").Link("All kind of")  

Set Props = LinkObject.GetTOProperties  

    PropsCount = Props.Count  

For i = 0 To PropsCount - 1  

    PropName = Props(i).Name  

    PropValue = Props(i).Value  

    MsgBox PropName & " = " & PropValue  


End Sub  

Find the Number of Rows in a Table 

Sub RowCount_Example()  

'The following example uses the RowCount method to determine the  

'number of rows in the Outbound Flights table.  

NumRows = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").RowCount  

' NumRows contains 5  

End Sub     


Page 16: Web List Methods


QTP Script for connecting to MS Access.

Option Explicit

Dim con,rs

Set con=createobject("adodb.connection")

Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")



rs.open"select*from emp",con

Do while not rs.eof

VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val1").Set rs.fields("v1")

VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val2").Set rs.fields("v2")




The database we are using here is MS Access.Before running this script create a table in MS Acess.

In the above script I used table called "emp" and column names as "v1" and "v2".

"d:testdata.mdb" is path of the table which we created.

The main use of this script is to use testdata of table(which is in database) in the application.


Page 17: Web List Methods

In the above script we are passing values from database to Textboxes in Windows Application.

Similarly script for connecting to other 2 databases are

QTP Script for connecting to sqlserver.

Option Explicit

Dim con,rs

Set con=createobject("adodb.connection")

Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")



rs.open"select*from emp",con

Do while not rs.eof

VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val1").Set rs.fields("v1")

VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val2").Set rs.fields("v2")




Script for connecting to oracle

Option Explicit

Dim con,rs

Set con=createobject("adodb.connection")

Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")




Page 18: Web List Methods

rs.open"select*from emp",con

Do while not rs.eof

VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val1").Set rs.fields("v1")

VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val2").Set rs.fields("v2")


