web it support and consulting - run multiple queries in ms access vba and check result

Web - IT Support and Consulting Web - IT Support and Consulting A human vision on the digital world

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Post on 27-Jun-2015



Data & Analytics

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Just imagine that you inherit a MS Access database with ODBC connections to hundreds of dBase files (DBF) and you need to run 1 TIME a lot of action queries to insert that data into a new MS SQL Server database. Not an easy task, lots of efforts and really time consuming. That’s why I want to share the next solution with you.


Page 1: Web it support and consulting - run multiple queries in ms access vba and check result

Web-IT Support and Consulting

Web-IT Support and Consulting

A human vision on the digital world

Page 2: Web it support and consulting - run multiple queries in ms access vba and check result

Web-IT Support and Consulting

Still using dBase?

Just imagine that you inherit a MS Access database with ODBC connections to hundreds of dBase files (DBF) and you need to run 1 TIME a lot of action queries to insert that data into a new

MS SQL Server database.

Not an easy task, lots of efforts and really time consuming.That’s why I want to share the next solution with you

(download the slide share file to use the copy-paste function).

Enjoy reading and for any additional question,just give a ring to my team (info at the last page).

Cheeriooo,Webby (that’s me)

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Why this solution

My boss and his (my) team always have creative

solutions and like to share them with you.

Fastest way to run multiple action queries from VBA code

Progress screen to keep track of the inserts

Check if all data has been migrated (counts)

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Code to clear all tables first

Yep, this looks easy to me.

Create a stored procedure on MS SQL Server

Execute this query from your MS Access database

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SPClearAllTables]



-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- Remove data from all tables

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'TRUNCATE TABLE ?'


EXEC dbo.SPClearAllTables

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Code to clear all tables first

It’s even more user friendly to do it from a form so you can givefeedback to the users

If you like to run the query from a button on a form this is the code

Private Sub BttnClearData_Click()

‘ Ask user for confirmation

If MsgBox(“Please confirm that you want to remove the content from all MS SQL Server tables.",

vbCritical + vbYesNo, “User action required") = vbYes Then

‘ Remove warnings given by MS Access

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

‘ Run the query that executes the stored procedure (see previous page)

DoCmd.OpenQuery "RunClearTables", acViewNormal

‘ Set warnings back on

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

‘ Confirm end of process

MsgBox "All records have been removed from the MS SQL Server tables", vbInformation


‘ Message when process cancelled by the user

MsgBox “Process cancelled by the user.", vbInformation

End If

End Sub

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Code to verify the inserts

You can find so manyinformation in those system tables. I really should learn

more about that.

Create a stored procedure on MS SQL Server

Execute it later in your VBA code

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SpUpdateImportResults]



-- Update statement

UPDATE dbo.TblImportResult

SET ImpDestinationCount = TempCount.TableRowCount

FROM dbo.TblImportResult


-- Select all tables from the system objects (sys.objects)

-- Select the number of rows from the system partitions (sys.partitions)

(SELECT 'dbo.' + sys.objects.name As DestTable, sys.partitions.rows As TableRowCount

FROM sys.objects INNER JOIN sys.partitions

ON sys.objects.object_id = sys.partitions.object_id

WHERE sys.objects.type = 'U'

) TempCount

ON dbo.TblImportResult.ImpDestination = TempCount.DestTable


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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Insert the records

The OnClick event can be found in the properties of the button.

Luckily I’m here to mention all those detailsand fine tuning.

It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it !

Create this VBA code and activate it from an ‘OnClick’ event of a button on your form (part 1)

Private Sub BttnImportData_Click()

‘ Define all the variables

Dim DbDef As Database

Dim RstSource As Recordset

Dim RstDestination As Recordset

Dim QryDef As QueryDef

Dim CntUpdate As Integer

Dim CntQry As Integer

Dim SourceCount As Integer

Dim SqlInsert As String

Dim Source As String

Dim Destination As String

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Insert the records

Copy-paste this code behind the previous


Create this VBA code and activate it from an ‘OnClick’ event of a button on your form (part 2)

‘ Initialize the variables

Set DbDef = CurrentDb

CntUpdate = 1

CntQry = 0

SourceCount = 0

SqlInsert = ""

Source = ""

Destination = ""

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Insert the records

Copy-paste this code behind the previous


Create this VBA code and activate it from an ‘OnClick’ event of a button on your form (part 3)

‘ Count the number of queries starting with ‘Qry’ to give this feedback on the

screen while the user is waiting

For Each QryDef In CurrentDb.QueryDefs

If Left(QryDef.Name, 3) = "Qry" Then

CntQry = CntQry + 1

End If

Next QryDef

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Insert the records

Copy-paste this code behind the previous


Create this VBA code and activate it from an ‘OnClick’ event of a button on your form (part 4)

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

‘ Loop through all queries

For Each QryDef In CurrentDb.QueryDefs

If Left(QryDef.Name, 3) = "Qry" Then

‘ Inform user on screen what is the status (x/y)

Me.TxtCounter.Value = CntUpdate & " / " & CntQry

‘ Set source and destination name and return it on the screen

Source = Mid(QryDef.Name, 4, Len(QryDef.Name))

Destination = "dbo." & Mid(QryDef.Name, 4, Len(QryDef.Name))

Me.TxtUpdatingTable.Value = Destination


‘ This line will let the code continue even if there was an error

‘ No worries to do so since we do a result check at the end

On Error Resume Next

‘ Run action query

DoCmd.OpenQuery QryDef.Name, acViewNormal

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Insert the records

Copy-paste this code behind the previous code.

Create this VBA code and activate it from an ‘OnClick’ event of a button on your form (part 5)

‘ Open a recordset to count the amount of records that need to be uploaded

Set RstSource = DbDef.OpenRecordset(Source)

‘ Populate the recordset


‘ Count the rows

‘ I do it this way because a .MoveLast is not always returning correct values

‘ if you have a large amount of data

SourceCount = 0

Do While Not RstSource.EOF

SourceCount = SourceCount +1




‘ Insert the information in your feedback table on MS SQL Server

SqlInsert = "INSERT INTO dbo_TblImportResult (ImpSource, ImpDestination, ImpSourceCount)" _

& " SELECT '" & Source & "' AS ImpSource, '" & Destination & "' AS

ImpDestination, " & SourceCount & " AS ImpSourceCount;"

DoCmd.RunSQL (SqlInsert)

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

Insert the records

Copy-paste this code behind the previous


Create this VBA code and activate it from an ‘OnClick’ event of a button on your form (part 6)

‘ Bring back the error resuming to its original state

On Error GoTo 0

CntUpdate = CntUpdate + 1

End If

Next QryDef

‘ Run stored procedure to update the feedback table with the number of inserted rows

‘ in the MS SQL Server tables

DoCmd.OpenQuery "RunUpdateImportResults", acViewNormal

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

‘ Inform the user the process is finished

MsgBox "Import procedure is finished. Please check the result table on MS SQL Server.",


End Sub

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

One last thing before I let you work…

I am so proud about these 2 kids.They saw immediately that

Web-IT needed somebody like me (smart, good looking, brains, ...)

One day the 2 little daughters of the owners were playing with the PC of the old man

They saw a presentation of Web-IT Support and Consulting and they asked what W,E,B,-,I,T was

My parents explained that it was the name of the company and they started to make funny noises

Webbit, webbiiiit, webbbi, webbeee and they said it sounded like the sound of a frog

Result?My name: WebbyMy body: a frog

Why is my name is Webby?

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Web-IT Support and Consulting

It might seem a bit weird that I take over the entire (and last) screen.

But it’s my job to end this case study.I would be glad to give an answer to all your questions

and remarks.Just call or e-mail me.

Oh yeah, ask for Webby. They’ll know where to find me.Thanks for your attention and hope to hear you soon.

Web-IT Support and Consulting bvbaSteenhuffelstraat 8, 1861-Wolvertem

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +32 (0)2 309 67 76Mobile: +32 (0)475 59 98 20

GPS: latitude: 50.97395, longitude: 4.30504