web conferencing the next step in online educational tools tom duda walters state community college

Web Conferencing the Next Step in Online Educational Tools Tom Duda Walters State Community College

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Page 1: Web Conferencing the Next Step in Online Educational Tools Tom Duda Walters State Community College

Web Conferencing the Next Step in Online Educational Tools

Tom DudaWalters State Community College

Page 2: Web Conferencing the Next Step in Online Educational Tools Tom Duda Walters State Community College


• Why web conferencing is the next logical step in online course development.

• Problems with the asynchronous learning model.

• Reasons to consider adding conferencing to a course.

• What makes a good conferencing system.

• Conferencing systems we reviewed.

Page 3: Web Conferencing the Next Step in Online Educational Tools Tom Duda Walters State Community College

How Many Teach Online Classes

– Key Problems/Issues with online learners• Students not asking questions• Issues with timely class participation• Lurking vs. Active participation • Instructors not actively involved in the class• Addressing Learning Styles• Can we address the different learning styles

in an asynchronous online class.

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Learning Styles

Student Learning and Teaching Effectiveness Development.

“SLATED for Success,” is to increase student learning and engagement through faculty and student recognition of diverse student learning styles and incorporation of multiple modalities of teaching methods in an effort to engage students more fully in their educational environment, thus increasing student learning.

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Typical Ways Instructors Address Students Needs

– Send more emails – Discussions forums– Using chat tools or IM– Looking at web conferencing

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Why Use Web Conferencing

• Cost of transportation (especially last summer)

• Ease of access to information anytime anywhere

• Option of recording conferences for later access

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• User Friendly• Slideshows• Application Sharing• Multiple OS Support• Control passing• Remote control

• Scheduling• Chat tool• Whiteboard• Recording/Playback• Video conferencing• Pricing

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Types of Conferencing Systems

Paid– Webex– Go to Meeting– Live meeting– Elluminate

Free– Institution based alone

• Vmukti• DimDim

– Hosted off campus• WizIQ• DimDim

http://thinkofit.com/webconf/realtime.htm http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com/

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Systems We Tested

• Vmukti

• DimDim

• WizIQ

• Elluminate

• Microsoft Live Server

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Same view in Presenter or Attendee’s

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Presenters View

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Attendee’s View

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>Pros> Easy to use > In expensive $49/yr> Expandable up to 500

students/session> Records presentation> Large set of shared

presentations in many fields

> Allows the download of videos as a executable files

>Cons> Desktop sharing does

not work very well requires additional software

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>Pros> Easy to use > Easy scheduling> In expensive $99/yr> Expandable up to 100

students/session> Easy desktop sharing> Records presentation

>Cons> Use of sharing

audio/video controls were confusing to students.

> Downloadable files took additional work to make them useable on a web site

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Student Feedback• The system worked well on my end. I would like to eventually get a microphone

to join in the chat. The shared desktop would be a great tool I think for future presentations.

• The presentation was informative …….., the meeting went smooooothly. Thanks for putting this together. ~Ali

• I think this is a terrific idea. …………... The presentation was great, and I was impressed with how easily one thing flowed to another. Everything for that, on this end, went very well…………………….. Thank you for caring about your students enough to do this!

• Everything worked very well tonight, I had no problem with the speed of the presentation. Thanks again

• glad all the kinks could get worked out. looks like this is a good format for doing these kinds of presentations

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Student Feedback• Mr. Duda,

I found the session very informative, and I got to ask questions that I got an immediate answer to. I also like being able to put a face to the person I am corresponding with. I am a "techie", I love new innovations and can see that this could be a very useful tool for many students. Thanks for taking the time to do this for us. Thanks again for the session,

• Mr. Duda,

I really enjoyed listening to the conference last night, it felt more like a classroom setting. I would like to attend more of them in the future. Sorry I couldn't think of a lot of questions to ask, but I'm sure I will have some in the future. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to try this out My connection worked great, I have a cable modem.

• I found conference very useful....It I didn't get a chance to participate but I watched the video...and I learned few new things....

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Issues of Concern

– Band width • Broadcast location• Student band width

– Liability issues• Student environmental issues (what’s in the


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• We chose the option of using both services upgraded version of WizIQ since most presentations are usually PowerPoint, PDF or Whiteboard presentations.

• We use the free DimDim when we are working with Screen sharing.

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In Closing

• I think that the feedback that I continually receive from my students shows that web conferencing is one tool that can help close the gap in meeting the needs of addressing student engagement in online learning, and why it is the next step to improving online learning.

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Other Considerations

• If you have the funds DimDim enterprise is reasonably priced or if you have good technical support there is an open source appliance available at Source Forge.

• Vmukti is also a tool that is available as an Open Source tool.

• If you are looking for a personal tool WizIQ is also a great choice.