web 2.0 revolution, education revived? (learning 2.0) jeff howson [email protected] segfl...

Web 2.0 revolution, education revived? (Learning 2.0) Jeff Howson [email protected] SEGfL Content Group Conference

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Web 2.0 revolution, education revived?

(Learning 2.0)Jeff Howson

[email protected]

SEGfL Content Group Conference

Web 2.0?

Implications for education

Wouldn’t it be nice if?

What’s coming next?

Web 2.0? Second generation of web-based communities and hosted services — such as social networking sites, wikis, etc. — which facilitate collaboration and sharing between users. (wikipedia.com)

Wide use of internet, common platform

Increased amount of information generated

Increased demand for ease of use

Increased demand for “connectedness”

Need to “level the playing field”

Need to contribute

Web 2.0?

The Old Way (Supply Push)• A digital library, largely a source of

information for students.

• A large collection and collation of information with varying degrees of reliability and authenticity.

• Mostly surfing from one static Web site to another while collecting or viewing data along the way.

The New Way (Demand Pull)• Web is the platform.

• wwww – whatever, wherever, whenever, whoever.

• Users publish, share information, collaborate on content, and converse worldwide via social-software tools.

• Read-write web (not read-only web)

• Data comes from many users and sources

• Data stored on host servers


Web 2.0 tools (examples)

• Blogs• Wikis • Social network software• Tagged photo stores / content• Social bookmarking• Communication networks• Podcasts and vodcasts• 3-D virtual worlds• RSS• Mashups

One out of Eight Couples Married in 2006 Met Online.

MySpace is the 11th Largest Country in the World.

The Number of Text Messages Sent each day exceed the Total Population of Earth.

2.7 Billion Google Searches Per Month.




Access to information

Learning about

Passive learning



Formal education






Access to people




Lifelong learning

Learning to be

Passionate learning


From ToTo

John Seely Brown

Implications for education

* Sir John Daniel (1996)

• Open Education Resources (MIT / OU) e.g. iTunes

• Web 2.0 = Social Learning

Learning About(Cartesian Model)Focus on what is being learned.(Knowledge as substance / Pedagogy as knowledge transfer)

Learning to be(Social Learning Model)Focus on how learning happens, within communities.(Understanding is socially constructed)

Step 1. Master contentStep 2. learn how to be an expert

Step 1. Master Content + Learn how to be an expert at the same time (Productive Inquiry)


Examples of Social Learning:

1.Terra Incognita project – Uni of South Queensland(2nd life)

2.Harvard Law School - 3 levels of participation (2nd life)

3.Faulkes Telescope Project – students can access telescopes in Hawaii and Australia – research and collaborate with experts.

4.Bugscope Project – K12 students can send insects to Beckham inst (Uni of Illinois) and use online an electron microscope.

5.Decameron Project – Brown Univ – provides edu resources and have built a community of students use them / debate and submit own resources.

6.Open Source Communities – over 1 million people are engaged in developing OS products by contributing through networked communities of practice. (same process for Wikepedia)

7. Reflective Practicums – (Learning about learning)

Implications for education (TRENDS)

Steve Hardagon

• Content Creation (Explosion)

• Information (Overload)

• Participation (Increase)

• Producer / Consumer (Prosumer)

• Collaboration (Increase)

• Innovation (Increase)

• Flatter and Faster (with Spikes)

• Classroom to Hallway

• The Long Tail (new)

• Social Networking (Increase)

Implications for education (What can we do?)

Steve Hardagon

• Know Web 2.0

• Lurk

• Participate

• Prosume

• Empower others to produce

• Lead and Converse with students: E-Safety Accessing Content Creating Content Critical Thinking

• Discuss / Debate – What are the Questions?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could use Web 2.0

to create:

What’s coming next?

Web 2.0 revolution, education revived?

(Learning 2.0)Jeff Howson

[email protected]

SEGfL Content Group Conference