wealth through oneness™ – class seven: full awakening

1 Class 7 – Full Awakening ©2010 Darius M. Barazandeh Wealth Through Oneness™ – CLASS SEVEN: FULL AWAKENING Full Awakening Into Your Future Section 7.1 and Diagram 7.1 - Path of Wealth and the Path of Mastery Level One: Hunger and Inspiration (Goal: Create Order at T0) o The deeper the desire the deeper the inspiration and ideas o For most people hunger and inspiration become inferiority complexes and desperation DISORDER ORDER DISORDER Soul Values T0 T +1 T -1 Puffed Minimized Hunger and Inspiration Accountability Learning Concentrated Action Leverage Time and Knowledge of Others

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Page 1: Wealth Through Oneness™ – CLASS SEVEN: FULL AWAKENING

1 Class 7 – Full Awakening ©2010 Darius M. Barazandeh

Wealth Through Oneness™ – CLASS SEVEN: FULL AWAKENING

Full Awakening Into Your Future

Section 7.1 and Diagram 7.1 - Path of Wealth and the Path of Mastery

Level One: Hunger and Inspiration (Goal: Create Order at T0)

o The deeper the desire the deeper the inspiration and ideas

o For most people hunger and inspiration become inferiority complexes

and desperation


Soul Values


T +1 T -1

Puffed Minimized

Hunger and Inspiration



Concentrated Action

Leverage Time

and Knowledge of Others

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o The things in your life that you believe are missing are the very things

that you are called here to master

o (excessive positive thinking can delude you into missing your path)

o (Balanced thinking with love creates destiny)

o Failure to know your Soul Values™ creates uncertainty and 'fear filled'

world, time filled mind and body (disorder)

o Cymatics - is the creation of order from sound at 528 hz scale

o What your repress you must express (greatly magnified). This is the law

of compounding. Repressing your feelings only makes the feelings

come back stronger.

o The world must express both 'poles' (i.e., positive and negative).

o The mind must express both 'poles'.

o T0 is the only state that can appreciate both 'poles'. This is why it can

only bring you to love.

o This is why it creates full wisdom and appreciate for both sides.

o Positive thinking only will create an unbalanced state.

o Blocks due to imbalanced perception of events, people and situations

creates blocks on your true joy, purpose and power. Imbalance


- fear

- guilt

- anger

- lack of appreciation

- apprehension of future

- the haunting of the past or the glorification of the past

- THE RESULT: is the destruction of who you were designed to be!

o The Limitless Process™ dissolves the illusions almost instantly

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Level Two: Take Accountability for Your Results (Goal: Create Order at T0)

o You take 'Chaos' and turn it into order in your own life

o You look at the areas where you need to bring 'order' and you begin

step-by-step to do this. As you do this more is given to you

o You begin to adopt clear, logical balance approaches to wealth building.

o You save money and use 'forced' increased savings to drive your

business and income growth

o At T0 you can look at your results without fear, ego, or minimizing

yourself. Your past results are simply mirrors to a former state of

illusion that is NO LONGER YOU.

FACT: It never was you. You are your heart and love.

Anything outside of love is illusion.

Anything outside of love is disorder.


Soul Values


T +1 T -1

Puffed Minimized

Hunger and Inspiration


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Level Three: Learning (Goal: Create Order at T0)

o What are the skills, ideas, and systems you need to learn in order to

create what you want?

o What are the new ideas you must tap into to create?

o Will these ideas align with your heart? Will they be of high service to


o Do they make your heart 'sing' with excitement at the prospect?

o Will you be frustrated by the new knowledge and skills that will be


o Will you continue forward?

o Soon you realize that you are being loved during even your most

difficult times?

o Learning information is easy. You now do it easily. You realize that

learning is simply the 're-collection' of the parts of you that you

disconnected from.

o Each bit of new information brings fear or joy. Each time you take that

knowledge and bring chaos to order you grow (higher ordered being)


Soul Values


T +1 T -1

Puffed Minimized

Hunger and Inspiration



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Level Four: Concentrated Action and Focus (Goal: Create Order at T0)

o We direct our mind and heart clearly to the things we want

o We visualize day-to-day and minute-by-minute images, scenes and

feelings that align with our Soul Values

o We use our images of 'Soul Values™' during the day to create higher

order vibration around us during our day.

o Action is always difficult at first. Think of the images, scenes and Soul

Values that touch your heart.

o If you get distressed take a moment to get away from the stimulus.

Ask: "How is allowing me to live, learn and love from my Soul Values

more fully?"

o Those who get off track here either give up or make the huge mistake

of finding actions that don't match their Soul Values.


Soul Values


T +1 T -1

Puffed Minimized

Hunger and Inspiration



Concentrated Action

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Path of Wealth and the Path of Mastery (Diagram 7.1)

Level Five: Leveraging the Time and Knowledge of Others: Begin to Work

with Others who Need You and Who Can Help You

industry, people better than you, people who push you

o We Serve Others and Look for Equal Exchange

o We always know that Equal Exchange MUST occur

o We give more service to those around us

o We look at people who are doing what we want to do and doing it with

true excellence

o We grow to become more like them while living our Soul Values.™


Soul Values

T0 T +1 T -1

Puffed Minimized

Hunger and Inspiration



Concentrated Action

Leverage Time

and Knowledge of Others

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o Many people fail to master this step. The most common reason is that

they believe they 'have all the answers' or that people with greater

knowledge would not want to teach them.

Section 7.2 - Understanding the Needs Others

Service Rules and Bringing T0 out in Others:

- People will give their hearts, time, mind, money and sometime their life

for people bring them closer to T0 in their life.

- People move and act based on their values.

- Values are not always Soul Values™

- Values for most people are unsupportive priorities based on T+1 or T-1

variations of a pure Soul Value™

Soul Values


T +1 T -1

Puffed Minimized

1) loving

2) teaching

3) learning

1) controlling

2) authority

3) security

1) power / violence

2) domination

3) money above all


1) protection

2) being right

3) never changing

Pure Soul Values™ Distorted Values are

disconnections from Soul


Distorted Values are

disconnections from Soul


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- Example: A gang member has a high value on being able to fight or


- The true Soul Value™ might be liberating people or giving them

security. Consider: Many former gang member become ministers or


o Speaking first according the values of the person you are

communicating with

o Place your requests, suggestions, or ideas in alignment with

their own values.

o Then show how a particular course of action would help them

more fully live their values

Example: Who is one person that you have been trying to persuade?

(Write down your suggestion to them in alignment with their values):





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Section 7.3 - Clues from Blair Warren's "Forbidden Laws of Influence"

Forbidden laws of influence:

1) You are special. You are needed.

T0 - Translation: You have high value and unique talents. You know

they are there inside. There is something you were called to do.


2) There is possibility for a better way. There is hope.

T0 - Translation: You can move from 'chaos to order'. The Universe is

highly ordered and calling you to become a higher order system.


3) It’s not your fault

T0 - Translation: We have been taught to by 'positive thinking' to avoid

pain or negative memories. Our role should be to bring order to them. It

is true, there is no fault. The way we are taught has put us on an

oscillating seesaw between T+1 and T-1

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4) I understand you

T0 - Translation: I am connecting to the lack of love or the dis-owned

parts of you and knowing that there is no judgment.


5) There are things the ‘system' has kept from you - (i.e., there is

outside information you don't have).

T0 - Translation: There is a higher order that our current way of thinking

is ignoring. Most people know it must be there but very few have tapped

into it.


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6) You have the power, you are great

T0 - Translation: There is within you a great power. It can move

mountains, create joy where there is pain, and accomplish all you set out

to achieve. This is T0. (Christ, Buddha, and other great teachers also

have urged others to see this).


Higher Awareness Knows Higher Order

Truth: The masses constantly live from illusions of ‘gain’ and ‘loss’.

Living from your soul values is the truth of your greater growth.

The masses will follow those who speak, live and act from their Soul


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Section 7.4 - Higher Order and Wealth ('Well Being') Systems - Sounds,

Music, Foods and Images

Learn how to use Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) to determine if something

in your environment is in alignment with your Soul Values™ and your body

innate intelligence.

Muscle Testing to Test Supplements, Foods, Vitamins, Cleaners, Objects:


Muscle Testing and Lie Detection:


- Everything has a state of vibration associated with it.

- Sound is the most basic form of vibration

- Vibrations in resonance create harmony; vibrations out of resonance create discord. (ex. the

work of Masaru Emoto)

From Wikipeida:

Masaru Emoto (江本勝 Emoto Masaru?, born July 22, 1943) is a Japanese author known for his

claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen,

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images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the

words or thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through

prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water. Messages from Water,

Vol. 1 (June 1999), Hado Publishing, ISBN 4-939098-00-1

NOTE: Criticisms of Emoto from Wikipedia at the time of this publication: Commentators have

criticized Emoto for insufficient experimental controls, and for not sharing enough details of his approach with

the scientific community. In addition, Emoto has been criticized for designing his experiments in ways that

leave them open to human error influencing his findings.

Water Crystal (Normal State)

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Heavy Metal Music as Played

"You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You" (spoken to water)

Adolph Hitler (written on paper placed near bottle)

Thank You (spoken to water)

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Love and Appreciation (written on paper placed near bottle)

Mother Teresa (written on paper placed near bottle)

- When we are in resonance, we are in balance.

- Nearly all spiritual traditions use sound (chanting, singing, drumming, or speaking). Sound as

an expression can change our state, well being and understanding.

- Solfeggio Frequencies are ancient frequencies used in the Gregorian Chants (ex. the great

hymn of St. John the Baptist).

- The tones were believed to impart healing and awareness based upon the different levels

and frequencies. Around 1050 AD, they mysteriously disappeared, presumably lost forever.

- Dr. Joseph Puleo re-discovered these frequencies (see also Healing Codes for the Biological

Apocalyse by Dr. Leonard Horwitz.

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Cymetics Forms and Patterns formed from Solfeggio Frequencies

Cymetics Video (bringing matter to life with Sound)


(turn down your volume)

For an even more amazing video please search http://www.YouTube.com

Search for: "Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3)"

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Water & The Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies

Other things to Consider:

NOTE: Frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra

gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." This frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair

broken DNA. DNA is considered the blueprint of life.

MORE NOTES: The original Solfeggio frequencies are different than modern music.

Horowitz suggested standard musical tuning in “A” = 440Hz subjects listeners to chronic

agitation and bioelectric degeneration, and may inhibit psychosocial maturation and spiritual


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- From Horowitz, “A” 440Hz tuning was institutionalized, this policy created a scale dissonant

to the central heart frequency and the frequency of love. This can tax the human heart, energy

and function. 528Hz has been identified as the “MI” or “MIracle” note in the ancient scale.

The music we hear today (rock, jazz, soul or classical, is atonal). Modern music is literally in a

different vibration resonance than the human body.

Solfeggio frequencies correspond to a tonal note, a cycle per second HZ frequency, a color and

a chakra in the body.

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UT -- 396 Hz -- Liberating Guilt and Fear


RE -- 417 Hz -- Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change


528 HZ = T0

741HZ = T0

852HZ = T0

639 HZ = T0





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MI -- 528 Hz -- Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)


FA -- 639 Hz -- Connecting/Relationships


SOL - 741 Hz -- Awakening Intuition


LA -- 852 Hz -- Returning to Spiritual Order


Exercise 7.1 - Why has this training been important to you? Why must

you implement the information you have learned?)

(NOTE: include the 6 primary drivers of human behavior - LOVE, RECOGNITION, SECURITY,








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Step 3: Email your feedback from Class 7 to us at:

[email protected]