we want you – to fix the damn government

We Want You – To Fix The Damn Government Veterans making a show of force in Connecticut Politics. Is this the beginning of the next “Greatest Generation” A Retired Navy Pilot is set to challenge 107 th District Rep. David Scribner. A US Marine combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan sets his aim to challenge Senator Toni Boucher in CT’s 26 th Senate District. A US Marine veteran of Somalia is running for Governor. At the same time, other veterans across the state contemplate running for other offices. One thing is certain, November in CT is getting very interesting and some might dare say hopeful for a state drowning in partisan leadership failure. AN EDUCATED MARINE FOR GOVERNOR? March 2014, US Marine veteran, Dan Gaita threw his hat into the rink as a long shot contender running as an unaffiliated, write-in candidate for Connecticut Governor. Unlike the other major political party players running on the puppet strings of their respective donors and campaign managers, Gaita is neither seeking donations, nor asking for endorsements from anyone. He merely seeks the individual vote of CT residents this November 4th. Gaita’s entire campaign is based solely on social media and at no cost to either him or his supporters.

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Post on 05-Apr-2017




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Page 1: We Want You – to Fix the Damn Government

We Want You – To Fix The Damn Government

Veterans making a show of force in Connecticut Politics. Is this the beginning of the next “Greatest Generation”

A Retired Navy Pilot is set to challenge 107th

District Rep. David Scribner. A US Marine combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan sets his aim to challenge Senator Toni Boucher in CT’s 26th

Senate District. A US Marine veteran of Somalia is running for Governor. At the same time, other veterans across the state contemplate running for other offices. One thing is certain, November in CT is getting very interesting and some might dare say hopeful for a state drowning in partisan leadership failure.

AN EDUCATED MARINE FOR GOVERNOR?March 2014, US Marine veteran, Dan Gaita threw his hat into the rink as a long shot contender running as an unaffiliated, write-in candidate for Connecticut Governor. Unlike the other major political party players running on the puppet strings of their respective donors and campaign managers, Gaita is neither seeking donations, nor asking for endorsements from anyone. He merely seeks the individual vote of CT residents this November 4th. Gaita’s entire campaign is based solely on social media and at no cost to either him or his supporters.

His entire campaign and position on nearly every controversial issue is posted for everyone to see via his Facebook campaign page here:

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When questioned on the likelihood of a victory in November Gaita cited that most of his facebook postings and campaign messages have been read, liked or commented on by over 30,000-60,000. When one considers that the election for CT Governor last time around was decided by about 6,000 votes we start to see why the CT Republicans and Democrats are getting a bit quiet about his campaign popularity.

“it is only a matter of time before they make up some sort of crazy criminal accusations or falsely frame me for some crime that I never committed. It seems to be the time tested strategy of politics.“ said Gaita.

He has seen it before. In 2009, the Bethel Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Gary Chesley falsely accused Gaita of hate-crimes and falsely claimed that Gaita violated the Military Code of Conduct. These false allegations came after Gaita exposed the evidence showing Chesley had flat out lied on multiple occasions to the residents about the schools accreditation, population trends, and falsified information that led to a $30,000,000 town debt. As a result, Gaita studied the CT Practice Book, filed a lawsuit and fought a three-year court battle and a two-week trial on his own.

At the end, the Jury ruled that the Superintendent lied and that his comments about Gaita were, in fact, defamatory. Dr. Chesley is no longer the Superintendent of Bethel Schools and Gaita cleared his name. He also learned how to litigate on his own and won several precedent setting arguments in his trial.

Today, Gaita is the co-founder of Operation Vet Fit, a combat veterans charity. He is also a local advocate for improved government accountability and transparency.

When pressed on his potential of winning the election in November, Gaita added:

“I clearly understand the odds are stacked against me. But so did our forefathers when they sent off the Declaration of Independence to the King. We all know how that ended and thus how America began.”

Gaita is most commonly told that his campaign will only hurt the candidate running against Malloy, probably Ambassador Foley to which he asserts that his positions are so clearly down the middle that the votes he gets will come from both sides of the isle. Thus the argument of him dividing one set of votes is moot.

“I am here to represent the people of CT that are tired of entitled power-elite pedigrees destroying the integrity of our neighborhoods, and our government. I am not here to represent the highest donor or the wealthiest corporation. I will represent everyone and give everyone an equal seat at the table. Those currently in office, that have squandered the wealth of our State had their chance, and they blew It.“ added Gaita.

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As more information becomes available on this new bread of candidates, we will keep you posted. Currently, the major media outlets and journalist are being told to stay away from the Gaita campaign since he has no plans of advertising with them so any coverage of his campaign may cost the network corporations lost revenue from the “major spenders” supporting the wealthier political party players. An observation Gaita said clearly demonstrates how uncapped political campaign money has all but killed true journalism in America, and set our nation up for continued terms of leadership disaster.

I AM NO SENATORS SON“If we continue to elect daddies little entitled, silver spoon fed, boy or girl to serve as leaders, we should expect nothing more than little spoiled boys and girls throwing tantrums in our legislative halls. If we want men and women of character to fix the mess the kids made, than we had better start finding them and encouraging them to run for office. It appears the Republicans and Democrats have dropped the torch and need a hand picking it back up. That is where we come in. We are highly trained at fighting to fix what the politicians have destroyed. “ – Dan Gaita