we sing smile - welcome to golden-oldies · the golden-oldies charity are always introducing more...

We Sing & Smile ! we re The Why we love attending a Goldies session Steve Lawrence from the St Michael’s Church/Memory Café, Bath in B&NES tells us; Elizabeth and Graham are in their early 80’s. Graham has dementia and is supported by his wife Elizabeth. They have been to all the sessions this year and thoroughly enjoy them as Graham is relaxed and sings along with gusto. Elizabeth said to me after one of the sessions; “This is excellent, we now have somewhere that we can go together and enjoy singing.” She added; “we’re so glad that we found you, it’s wonderful, you play all the types of music that we like.” Harriet Aldridge, Weston Village, Bath, B&NES introduces Sheila; "It's very difficult for me to get out these days but I always try to come to Goldies as it makes me feel so much better.  It's such a simple thing - to sing with others - but it works." Sue Coggins at Blagdon Park, Bath; Geraldine, Margaret and Linda all in their 70s, agreed that Goldies is amazing. They said that they sometimes arrive at Blagdon Park feeling fed up, but by the time they leave, they feel brighter, in a happier frame of mind, so really love coming! Written on a piece of kitchen roll, left in the kitchen! Annette Billings, Doncaster, Yorkshire; Dorothy who is 90 says; “The group keeps me young.” Georgina Cleverley, Mendip in Somerset; “Goldies is a fabulous service in the community. The singing is always fun and uplifting, stimulating happy memories of bygone years, but bringing us into the present moment where we can just relax and enjoy ourselves.” Discover more about our Charity on www.golden-oldies.org.uk Charity Registration 1121600 ACROSS ENGLAND

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We Sing &Smile!we’reThe

Why we love attending a Goldies session …Steve Lawrence from the St Michael’s Church/Memory Café, Bath in B&NES tells us; Elizabethand Graham are in their early 80’s. Graham has dementia and is supported by his wife Elizabeth.They have been to all the sessions this year and thoroughly enjoy them as Graham is relaxed andsings along with gusto. Elizabeth said to me after one of the sessions; “This is excellent, we nowhave somewhere that we can go together and enjoy singing.” She added; “we’re so glad that wefound you, it’s wonderful, you play all the types of music that we like.”

Harriet Aldridge, Weston Village, Bath, B&NES introduces Sheila; "It's very difficult for me toget out these days but I always try to come to Goldies as it makes me feel so much better.  It's sucha simple thing - to sing with others - but it works."  

Sue Coggins at Blagdon Park, Bath;Geraldine, Margaret and Linda all in their70s, agreed that Goldies is amazing. They said that they sometimes arrive atBlagdon Park feeling fed up, but by the time they leave, they feel brighter,in a happier frame of mind, so really love coming! Written on a piece ofkitchen roll, left in the kitchen!

Annette Billings, Doncaster, Yorkshire;Dorothy who is 90 says; “The groupkeeps me young.”

Georgina Cleverley, Mendip in Somerset; “Goldies is a fabulous service in the community. Thesinging is always fun and uplifting, stimulating happy memories of bygone years, but bringing usinto the present moment where we can just relax and enjoy ourselves.”

Discover more about our Charity on www.golden-oldies.org.uk

Charity Registration 1121600


Sue Gorse, Timsbury, B&NES; From Val (in her 70s); “Goldies is so enjoyable to sit with friendssinging all the songs we remember from our younger days and we find we know all the words etc,although it was many years ago when we last sang them. It does everyone so much good to sitwith friends and have a good sing song and we really appreciate the Golden-Oldies and the peoplelike you who make it possible. 5 of us go on the Walking for Health walks organised by the localSurgery on the 1st Wednesday of the month and then we come into Golden-Oldies for a cup oftea and a sing song afterwards, which makes a very enjoyable morning.” From Diana (in her 70s);“I was encouraged by friends to try a Golden-Oldies session which I did, and I must say that I reallyenjoy the music and the company, long may Goldies continue!”

Jaine Thorne, South Petherton, South Somerset says; “I have been invited to a Goldies attendee’sbirthday party along with a couple of other Goldies attendees. She has never had a birthday partyin her life and it is a great privilege for me to be asked, I did not know her before Goldies, and shewas one of my first attendees, she turned up with her daughter and has kept coming ever since,through wind and rain, despite being registered blind she always makes the effort to come.”

Monica Dobson, Yorkshire – one of my lovely ladies Christine said; “A good opportunity to singthe songs that we remember and love from our younger days. With a hostess with the mostess!”

Nat Burley, Nailsea, North Somerset, tells us; Glenda who is in her 90s and regularly attendsGoldies sessions at Nailsea Methodist Church.  She is struggling with macular degeneration but isdetermined that this will not stop her from attending the sessions as they "really cheer me up".She loves to sing along and always gets up to have a dance, even to the Twist!

Katy Horner is our brilliant leader at Warminster, Wiltshire; Joan in her 80’s never misses theGoldies session at Warminster.  She says; “Singing the old familiar songs, enjoying the company offriends old and new, a very welcome cup of tea, and a lovely friendly leader – yes it’s Goldies andI look forward to every meeting.”Jean in her 80’s is a regular attendee at the Goldies session inWarminster.  She says; “Katy gives her time so happily and makes us joyful and cheerful and we allthoroughly enjoy our afternoon.”

Mark Hansford, Exeter, Devon, tells us; Joan in Sidmouth said; “******* doesn't talk to me anymore but he sang all the songs and loved the maracas.”Josie in Exmouth says, "Oh I never miss it,I love it, you know me Mark, I'd be here every day if it was on!"

Sue Crick is one of our wonderful session leaders in and around Bath; Liz, in her 70s, picks upher 90 year old neighbour, Val, and they attend their monthly Goldies session at Larkhall together.They look forward to meeting their friends, having a laugh, a singsong, and a chat afterwards.  Theygo home feeling cheerful and humming their favourites. Liz recommends anyone who enjoys asingalong to attend their local Goldies session.

Alison Dawn takes a number of sessions across Wiltshire; June & Nora both in their 80s, nevermiss a weekly session in Wroughton on a Monday morning. They adore their singing & say; "It setsus up for the week ahead & makes us feel good." "We couldn't do without it, cheers us up no end.Thank you Goldies." 

Emma Peck is taking Sing & Smiles forward in Cornwall;Doris aged 86 from Par said; “Goldiesmakes my day! I would never want to miss a session. I want one every week as I like to dance too!”

Jackie Smith another brilliant leader in Bath; Evelyn 87 years young says; “I love Goldies, I havebeen attending sessions ever since you started them and I don’t like to miss the sessions. Theylift my spirits and because I love singing so much it makes me come to the group and gets me out.I love laughing and singing with others and I feel the sessions are a real tonic better than anymedicine. I wish the sessions were more than monthly.”

Susan Meacock takes Goldies across Bristol; Ivy and Peggy of Ashlea court said; “We love youand our singing sessions are a special part of our lives!! How we look forward to them.”

Sarah Bogg is our Sing & Smiles leader in Combe Down, Bath; Janet, a spritely lady in her 70'srecently started attending Goldies. She commented that the first time she came, she had beenfeeling down and hadn't known what she would be doing that day. A chance meeting with herfriend, brought her along to our session and she said that she absolutely loves it and that the singingreally lifts her spirits.

Jeanie Fairnington takes a number of sessions for Grenville; Yvonne at St Johns Court andElizabeth from Abbeyfield in Westbury… that they look forward to the next session because if I didnot turn up each month their lives would be so mundane with not very much to do.

Joanne McNulty, South Somerset, tells us; Sheila has severe dementia, her husband says; “Shelights up at Goldies and loves to sing with us all.”

Rob Cadman leads our growing development across Essex; Betty never misses the Harlowgroup; "I never miss Goldies because it makes me feel good especially with my asthma. I can’t waitto get up and dance.” Dave in his 70s is new to that same group; “I popped in once and now I’ma regular - singing makes me feel so positive.”

Adele Hooper leads Bristol groups;Barbara loves her Goldies session at Stoke Gifford and battleswith changing bus timetables and painful walking to get to her regular session as she loves it somuch. Barbara says; “It is such an enjoyable hour, I always feel so much better for coming and Ireally look forward to it.”

Carole O’Neill lives in Eldwick, Yorkshire; Jill a carer said; "Would just like to say a huge thankyou for the Goldies session. The residents I brought were still buzzing when I got them back, chattingto everyone who would listen about their outing." Rebecca, whose Grandad attends, said;"Grandad loves the singing, he never stops talking about it."

Anne after attending a Goldies session in Braintree for the first time told our local leader; “Ihave had a depressing weekend and I really had to make myself come out, it was just so nice. Thankyou.”

Cllr Jon de Vries, Deputy Mayor of Chelmsford City Council; “Thank you so much for invitingme to the Sing and Smile session last Monday. The Deputy Mayoress and I enjoyed meeting youand learning about the wonderful work you have been doing to improve the lives of our oldercommunity. It is truly impressive how you have taken the acorn of an idea and grown it into a ‘mightyoak’ which now covers the entire county. We particularly enjoyed joining in with a heart renditionof ‘Que Serra Serra’ (one of my boyhood favourites) and having the opportunity to circulate andtalk to many of the participants. You should be very proud of your achievements to date and I wishyou every success in continuing to grow your worthy charity.”

All about ‘Goldies’ across EnglandThe Golden-Oldies Charity was launched in Bath & North EastSomerset in January 2008 by choir leader Grenville Jones whoran just 4 singing sessions for older people. The inspiration forstarting the charity came after Grenville watched a movingdocumentary on Channel 4 TV called ‘Young@Heart.’ Now in2017, ‘Goldies’ as it is fondly referred to runs over 180Sing&Smile sessions across England and Wales bringingjoy to hundreds of people.

Our Goldies folk come together to sing the popular hits of the 50s onwards with songs from PatronSir Cliff Richard, Elvis, Dusty Springfield, Petula Clark and Sir Tom Jones! The regular Sing&Smilesessions amongst other events throughout the year give people something to look forward to andencourage the making of new friends through having fun together. We ask the folk who attend toplease make a contribution of at least £2 towards the cost of running the session.

Alongside Sing&Smile sessions Goldies organise large scale concerts, festiveevents, Age Awareness days and are well known for our intergenerationalprogramme of activities bringing primary aged children together with the youngat heart from their local community. Our 2017/18 project ‘Armistice Cantata’commemorated the final months of WW1 and won Best Educational Project inthe 2018 National Lottery Awards. Grenville is pictured below receiving theaward from celebrity soprano Katherine Jenkins.

Our songbooks contain popular well-loved songs. We regularly ask our Goldies participants whichsongs are their favourites and we then include them in our next songbook.

The Golden-Oldies Charity are always introducing more sessions across England and Wales and thereare now over 60 session leaders. If you are reading this and you feel that you would like to help usto put more smiles on the faces of more isolated people, we would love to hear from you. Full contactdetails can be found on our website which is shown below or please call the office on 01761 470006.
