we are coming new ledical book - nys historic...

THE OGDENSBURG [JOURNAL Is published every Horning, (Sundays ncepted,) »t gdensburg, St. Lawrence County, N. 7., at the low price of $5 per annum;; when aerted by the Carrier $5;50 per year. Office on Isabella Street do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do- do AT^S or ADvmnsiKa, One Square, one Insertion ; .... I T5 " two do .125 three do ... 150 one week; ... 8,50 two weeks, 4 00 one month ...... -..« 6 00 two months,.. 8 00 threemonths, , 9 00 •six-months, i 13-00. oneyear, 18 00 One quarter column one year, 55 00 Onehal£columii-oneyear, .-- .... 110 00 One column one year, 2 po oo Business Cards, per year,.. 10 00 One Inch space constitutes a square. Notices in read- - ing matter will be charged fifteen cents a line each inser- tion. Marriage notices fifty cents each. Death no'tices free. Obltnaries, &c.,ten cents per line. No advertiseinentwilibe Inserted over five times a week, and when running over a month but-four times a week. IST-No cuts will be inserted in advertisements. Advertisement from unknown parties must be accom- panied by the cash. ' , JOB WORK. Every description of Job ^Ybrk neatly and promptly executed at the JOURNAL Office. H". JAMES, Proprietor; BUSINESS CARDS. ST. LAWRENCE HALL KOSTREAL, O. K. H. H03-AN, Proprietor. This House is situated on Great St. James Street, and is the largest in the city. EJ5?"American Money taken at par. [aulT-ly] JAMESTOWN HOUSE, A. M. Sherman - - - - - Proprietor^ JAMESTOWX, CnAtJTATJQTIA CO., K. T. (mhKdtf) DANIEL'S ffOIEI, PRESCOTT, OST. I,. Ji. Baniels^ - JProprietor. EF"Second to no House in Canada. (mh21dly) ST. LAWRENCE HOTEt, Comer King and Centre Street, Prescott, Ont. (formerly kept by Orry Harris.) A, Welle, - - - - Proprietor. S. D. MIKIOK - - - " MAHAGEB. A First Class Exchange Office and Billiar.d. RoomAt- tached. SgTFree Omnibus to Boats iraa Cars. ( JOHN ALUSNDOMH, Auction and Commission Merchant, AND FASOT OOOES DBAI.ERS. Goods sold to Merchants End Peddlers at New lork City Prices. No. S Ford St., Ogaensoargh, K. Y. [aplOdly] OHAS. I. BALDWIN, frEOKEftj _ Dealer 3M. CJol-3. S H v e rticCaaxacla OTToiiey. Drafts for sale on Ireland, Swttwa anpngiwa. Ran- way and Steamship Agent to all points of the United States ana the Old Country. jgg?~"G«iieral Office, State Street;, Ogaenabnrgli, IT. Y.. CHATTEMON'S LIVERY, Oathafina St., opposite Baldwin House, 13 the place. 10 GET TBJS "BEST TtTRHT-OTTT" Ht TOWN I J S T E i t o Single or Double. J$3 Careful drivers can be hadwhen desired. ja8dlyl CITY ftESTAIJKANT. BT JOHN ft STEED, IS?** LaJoe /Street, Og&enaourg, West Side. _^gS Always on hand the choicest Cigar3, Wines and I*iq- uora. (jplSfltf) EODEE, LSNDE &NICHOLS, and dealers in rioxlr, MILL FEED.Aim ffBAffl )a m OGDESSBPRG, K. Y. ©BO. PAKEEK & CO., and, dealers in O-ar aiii. ^S Ft O TfM, MILL FEED, _g& Will keep oa hand a good BtocK of Hour of different grades, of.tb.eir own grinding, and which they will war- rant. A supply of Bran, Sorts, Middlings, Screening, 4c., on hand. (fe2Sdtf f H. K. JAMES, Proprietor of *sSaaai«s;tOin 2?!a3C and Paper mills, DEALEB IX FLAX, TOW, BUS-SEED k STRAW PAPER k BOARD OGDEHSEUHG , w. T. (fe£4dtf) ^ BALDWIN HOUSE, Water Street, near the Ferry. OGDEXSBOTG, jr. T. E. Itt. Baldwin - - - - Manager. The house has been refitted and refurnished. A choice supply of Canada Liquors, Wines, and the best brands of Cigars always on hand. Good accomraoaationfor Horses. Large Barns, Sheds and Yards connected with the House. Charges reason- able. (ja21d*wly) CHAS. N. SYSS.Y, Attorney and Counselor at law, Also, Nr-tary Public. POTSDAM JTJHCTION, ST. LA-"WREN0E COUNTT, K. Y. x&'I'arHeular attention given to Practice in Svnkrwptay. . (jy!8d.twly) J. H. MORGAN, [ESTABLISHED IN 1852.] Wholesale Dealer in Wines, liquors & Rectifier of Whislties OODESSBDROH, N. T. [jelOaftwtf.] 'WJELLS, [Formerly at the Baldwin House,] DEALER IN ^ G o i a , Silver aria Canada Btll8.-_£t Money exchanged on reasonable terms. Commercial Bills bought and sold; also Government and County Bonds. ^^"Office-with Charles Johnson, Ticket Agent, on Catharine Street, next door above Baldwin House, Og. flensburgh,N. X. (oc29d&w« SOSCroS ii'. JHDSO1T, Attorney and Counselor at l»wH gST" LICENSED CLAIM CTaoldiers' Bounty, Back Pay, and Pe on: the subject, free. M05ET TO LOiLK OS GOOD HIKBOVUD FAMIB. @~Offl«o, comer of ftrd andIsabella streets, 0g- b l y ? rapM&wi Corner of Ford and Catharine Streets, EHSBUEG H Y I."ETXiB & OG33EHSBUEG, H. Y. OOKB I Z ^ Newly refitted and farnishea ana kept in first class style. .Restaurant In connection. Free hack to &ud from the cars and boats. Passengers carried to any part of the city;. ' ' ' 1.'.."' JCmygSd&wtt) JOHNSON HOUSE, OGUES5BUKG, N- T.. N. IP. Koeler, - proprietor. late, of Waterowry Hotel, Tt. 'ree Carriases to ancl from the Cars ana Boats. (my20a&wtf) J; S. WAE.NES, Wiatcliaialc=pr, Jo-weller and Engraver AND GENERAL XHSUM IS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver-Ware, &a. Sole Agenlfor Florence improved and unexcelled SEWING MACHINES. NO, 8 EAGLE BLOCK, FORD ST., OGDEKSBTJRG |SB**AH klhas of 'Watches, Clocts, Jewelry and Sew- inst Machines repaired. All work warranted. a CaP 2 O. 4 I). WHISKEY, Ja., & CO., Wholesale dealers in all kinds of WESTERN LUMBEBI larpartlcular attention given to supplying the New. England MarSet. W. L. PROOOCOR, Agent (Ie24a&wtf) Ogaenaburg, N. Y, SBIMOUR POBMSKLT SS. LATTRBSOS HO1JEL, F. J. TALiMAN,.... Proprietor. Ogdensburgh, N. Y. [je-dAwtf N. Y., SATURDAY Goo. MAPLE CITY Co. - DEALERS IN FLOUR, SHORTS, BRAN & CORN MEAt. ^ share of the public patronage is earnestly so- licited. Orders promptly filled and sent to any parti within the city limits. Ijyl4dtf.) GBQ. GODBEN &CO. : VTERCS & Sealers in YANKEE 'MOTIONS, FANCY GOODS Cottons;, j Spc Or consulting tlieir authorized agents, for estbnates *— They have facilities for securing the insertion of Adyer- ttsements In all newspapers ana other publications stt lowerrates than any other house. Ckcnliu'8 and infor- mation free. Address, ABBOTT & CO.'S Bureau for General Advertising, 82 AND 84 NASSAU ST., Ni?W YORK OITY. Ms &McNaught's Imported Spool Cotton tor Sewing Machine and hand use, unsurpassed in price and quality. ALEXANDER KNOX, [jy2S3m] 512 Pearl St., near Broadway, N. X-. FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. The Familiy Knitter manufactured by the Briageport Knitting Company, 13 acknowledged by practical kinit- ter3 to be the best for family use in the market. Giood Agents wanted in every county. Send for circular.— Bridgeport Knitting Co., Bridgeport, Conn. [jy2SHm] BTJGGTS! rfVHE SUB8CK1BBR INTTIES ATTENTION TO HIS X stocfc of Buggys now on hand, which are offered on better terms than «n be obtained in any other market.— They have been, constructed of the very best material arid are'Warranted in wery particular. Parties aesiring to ourchaae will find ibto their advantage to give mean eafljcall. \ A. CAUjAGHAN. - - - b,July Sl&sf (jySldtf) axicl '* CEOKfiB f OBD ETMIT, (< atss Waated }. a onrei k oo.'«.) eepg constantly on hand anatorsale cheap, all kinds o s Conaiatingin p Hoar, Pork, Oats* Corn, Peas, Bei Molasses, Syrujp h blhi also Teas, Bngar: ilpur bythe barrel,hagVhandred. Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour, Corn 8t^oh,Maizona,'Whea en Grits, Cocoa, Chocolate, Tapioca, te. Extracts of a descriptions, including Peach, Celeri Ginger; Btralneo Honey, Pure Spices, Mustard ana B&jper. Pain Killei or sale. w r * Cigars ana Tobacco, the ver\ besUiranas. _ 'fanners' Produce wanted. Soids delivered i: heirlltagelree. o \ J. B. Grocer & Commissioa Merchan J?br the purchase ana s FUntr,Pork, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, fadall kinds o; Farmers'Produce^ . A choice line of Family Groceries allays on hand. Goods delivered in and part of the (village, free o: fij§HSb. 2 Water Street, next to J.I. Ive-<, Ogdens- fSTMerchants ana. PecWersswppieil otNsw Y&rt City Prices. . : No. 14 Ford St., next door to Soil's Jew- elry Htore, Ogdensbnrglt, N. ~X. . . (St25dly) 1 New Grocery andShip Chaadlerj X O 3E5, , . T. LAREIN, Wlieeloeh's Block, corner Ford & Patterson Stsv, Ogdensburg, S^.T. . > lam now receiving a choice selection of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SHIP OlIANDLml* Which I offer to the pnblicat the lowest Market Priceai. |&~Ali kinds of Vessel supplies constantly on hand, TCJHE OKIENTAt HOT-AIR ,' Base Barnmn; jrnx-xioLoei. J. B. OSIEIt, 8 SOLE AGENT fOR THIS CELEBRATED" FD4l- Ogdensburg, and Is I Itoves. AJull assortment of Tin ana SheetXron ' Hi hand^aiid-Jobs done to c "- tore, two dooraT?ast ofgeymonr HoiiBe, Poji itreet, Ogdensburg. (dtf)i "A.<lvertising is the Life of TracLc."— Fiu.SKr.iir. . £5?"*Persons contemplating auvertisiug, should, he- ove making contracts, by no means omit applying to ABBOTT & CO., C. G. PENDLETOS'S OJLLISATA TOXIC BITTERS.—Tihe jorld renowned Stomach Bitters. Great preventatilve if Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Disorderd, Digestion, &c. fce. Recommend by Physicians, and used in their dajly >ractice. Hundreds of letters testifying to their eiQ- iiency, not published, but can b? seen at the principal iffice and laboratory, IS Dey Street, where for further >articulars all communications are to be addressed. Local Agents wanted. Traveling Merchants supplEed in very liberal terms. (jySS-lmjj All Vouitg Pci-aons can and skould obtain a ;ood education. Tor particulars aaflresa, J. A. Cooper, principal of the State Normal School, Edinhoro, Ea. [jy28-lmjl ^yCHy and Country Property for sale in every di- ection. See Stanley Day's Real Estate Circular, No. 25 Broadway, H. Y. Mailed free.. [jy2S-ln»] WANTED, by a Manufacturer, Agents to sell by sam- )le. Address with stamp for circulur, GRBENE & (DO., ,18 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. [jy2S-lni] Ladies, do not permit this to escape your notice. Saiiitelle, or Xiiqnld. Poarline. It secures to you permanently, a most desirable boon, skin of satin-like texture, and the warm delicate eom- rtexlon of rapturous youth. Its effects are immediate, ^t contains no injurious substance. This is no uction, as trialwillproveallwecluimfoi'it. Price 75 centsi If your druggist does not keep it send the amount to us and it will be forwarded by Express. A. MATXRY &CO., Proprietors, (jelO-2m) lTlDuane Street, New York. ' FEVER AND AGUE CXJKEB. IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS }&f~By Fisher's Fever and Ague Tillstajg& They are perfectly harmless,, purely vegetable! &nd harmles, purely vegetable, and have been used in private practice for 80 years. Mr. J.Kyan, surveyor of tlto N. Y. Central Park, has used these Pills in over 800 icasea oil employees aiid iiot one failure-- 3?rlee *1_ 3?orwarcl- efl ftyinaUtoariy aadress, pirect, Dr. TVM. I-XSBEEK, 3111'.leecker Street, New York Qlty. (jel9 2m Hi {Successor to CLEMOXTS & "Wholesale and Retail dealev in y 3 m Cottage Oigans With their wonderful NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New ledical Book On Diseases of Imprudence, Errors of Youth, and Mal- adies of Women—sent free,' under seal, by enclosing a BtamptoDr.I,AWREKOE. StatlonJX.JN. Y. (hnly) ,t 'XOBACO.O A N T I D O T E . ' Wararijea to remove kll delire forTobacco, Thla great remedy is an excellent;appetlz;er. It purities the blood, invigorates the. system, posieBBes great nourishing and strengthening power, enablei the stomach to digest the heartiest food, ma&es sleep 'refreshing and establishes robust health. Smokers and ohewers /or Sixty Year! cured. Price, 50 eta., post fice. A treatise on the iri ; jnrions effects or Tobacco, wjth lists of reference, testil- monials, &c. Sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. K. ABliOXT, Jersey City, N. J. _ (aul8.3m) , LIQBKSED BY THE TJjiitecl States ; NEW ENGLAND PAWNBROKER'S JOINT STOCK E : ] Of unredeemed Goods, Consisting of : BHffe.SbowU, J>i;ess Goods, Cottons, Linen]Goods, I>i*y, Goods, Fancy Goods, Albums, Bibles; \SiVoer Plated Ware,Watches, Cutlery, Sevring. Machines, «£c, To ue' ; Bold at $leach, without regard to value; andnot to be paid for until know what you aro to receive. Sloch Valued at §200,000. Salesroom -30 Han- over Street, JBoston. | The most popular, reliable, prompt arid business-like concern, of the kind. The best of Boston references fur- nished on application. ' By- patroriiziDg this sale you liavea chance to exolmnge-your goods, "with a large va- riety to select from. , TERM3 TO AGENTS.—We- believe our terms to Agents are superior to those offered by any other house. Take particular notice of this : Our Agents are not required to pay $1 for their presents, as in alt other concerns. Certificates giving a complete description of the arti- cles that will be sold for $1 each, will be sold at the fol- lowing rates:.10for $1; 80 (wilh.present)Mr *3; 60 (wltii present) $6; 100 (with present) $10. And same ratefor larger clnbs, Look at tali chance to get a SUkDross, Setflng Ma« chine, GoliitVatclii or some other good article or equal value, witli but very little trouble and no expense.to the Agent,, . • * . . . 1'or aclub .of WlMy we will give lliG tyMMIl SGtlulBgIt the.choice.of thefollo.wing.articles.:-. Print Dress- -tat- tern, •worsted torealrfast shawl,-wliltelinen tabledotli em-' bossed table spread,set steel bladedIcniyes and forks,, set silver plated forks, elegant engraved Bllver plated gold lined goblet, violin and bow, fancy dress pattern, pair ladies extra quality clotn boots, elegant beaded silk parasol, 100-picture morocco plioto. album, elegant ivo- ry handled spangled silk fan, 1 doz large sized linen tow els, ladies morocco shopping bag, alhambra quilt, fancy balmoral skirt, ladles solid gold California diamond ring, gents plain or engraved goldring, (16 carets fine), ladles solid black -walnut writing desk, ladies fancy black wal- ntit vrorK pox, or tv cottage OIOCK, For a Club of 60, one of the following artlcle3: Pancy- cashmere drcBS pattern, 8 yds double width water proof cloaking, Thibet shawl, 4yds woolfrockingj-setlacecur- talna, Udles double wool shawl, silver'plated card bas- ket, splendid engraved silver plated ice pitcher, engrav- ed silver plated tea pot, 100 picture Turkey morocco photo, album, Lancaster quilt, fancy plaid wool shawl, 25 y(ls. sheering, alapaca dress pattern, engraved silver plated G bottle revolving castor, pair gent's Calf boota, Harris cloth pants andvest pattern, splendid balmoral skirt, set of ivory handle knives with silver-plated forks 1 pair of all wool blankets, rosewood frame brass alarm clock, splendid beaded and lined silk, parasol, ladies spledld Morocco traveling bag, 80 yaras print, or mar- seilles quilt. For a Club of 100. splendid engraved, silver plated tea set, (3 pieces, sugar bowl, tea pot and creamer), silver plated cake basket, fancy plaid wool long shawl, 25 yds. hemp carpeting, splendid violin and bow, Englishberage' shawl, 45 yds sheeting, splendid alapaca dress .pattern, slver hunting case watch, splendid family-Bible -with' ele- gant steel engravings and family record and photograph page, poplin dress pattern, engraved silver plated ice pitcher, splendid beaver cloak pattern, sharpe's revolv- or, fancy casslmero coat, pant? and vestjiaWern extra quality, splendid, accordeon music box, one pair line damask table covers with 1 doz. dinner naplsins to match. Egf"Preserits for larger Clubs in proportion. This 13 no humbug lottery Gift Enterprise or gale of Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, square sale of unredeemed Goods. Our goods are NEW AND NOT SECOND HAND, And we guarantee more for the money invested than can be bought at any wholesale Btore in the country. Agenls will please take notice of this. Do not send names, but number your clubs from one upwards. Let your letters be short and plain as possible. Be sure and send money amounting to $5 or more by Registered letter, (which can be sent from any office), P. O. Money Order,, or. Express ; -for when sent In this way you run no risk of losing It whatever. Small sums may be sept by mail, but be sure and put them in.the of- fice yourself. We cannot beresponsible for'money lost unless some precautions are taken toensure its Bafety. Send your address Infall, Town, County and State.— All certificates are good until redeemed. S. 0. THOMPSON & CO., • Send for Circular. No. SO Hanover St., Boston. AGENTS WANTED TO'iBEMi THE EMINENT WOMEN OF THE AOE. An octavo volume of 630 pages, containing 47 newly written Sketches, by Messrs. Parian, Greely, Bigginson, Tilton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Mrs. E. O. Stan- ton, Fanny Pern, Grace Greenwood, etc. Illustrated with 14 beautiful Steel Engravings. The N. Y. Tribiine says : "So thoroughly have the publishers done their work that their volume, in paper, type, binding, en- gravings, above all the excellence of its subject matter, goes far to remove the reproach urged against subscrlp- tlonbook—'Onlymadeto sell. 1 " For descriptive circu lars address S. M. IiEl'T3 &CO,, Hartford, Ct, FORT EDWARD INSMTDTB.—Fall term September 3d'. $60 per term. Superb briclc buildings. Sixteen Teachers. Coureeforladies or Gentlemen; or choice ef studies. Common, Commercial, Classical, or ornamen till. ITirst rate advantages. Address for catalogues, T. B. KING, D. D., Fort Edward, N. Y. WASTED—ASSSI3—"So sell the LOST CAUSE, the only jDetnocfatlc •History or the "Wai-; also, TJEIESOXS IN BLUB, a thrilling record of tlio ranlc ana fllo or the Union Army; Headley's Life of Grant j Campaign Uadgea and. engravliiBs of both parties, &c E. E. TKEA.T & CO., C5-1 Broadway, N. X- MONEY EASILY MADE. I With our Complete Stencil and Key Check Outfit.— Small Capital required. Circulars I?ree. 8TA3?PORD MANF&, 0 0 . , Cii Walton Street, New TorK« VOX HUMANA TABMOLO! Also theiv Patent OTANUAE. SUB-BASE & SIAKOTONIC ANOS FROM Clilcltering <fc Son*, Stelnway 4c Sons, Hallet, Davis 6c Co., JT. W. Vo«e Sc Co., Tlie Bradbury piano, Geo. M. Guild & Co. Dunham & Sons, Kayen & Bacon. Halnes Bros. B^All kinds of Musical; Mercnandice for sale at the lowest Boston and New York Prices. Ogdensburgh,Aprin, 186S. (d*w) . O.H. CMSMONS. A BIG MOUSE ; Will not draw a steamboat, Yet some exhibit no more sense In buying Wolcott'a PainPalnt. A small bottle is the Yery thing ' For a mosciidtto bite. But for a cancer or fever sore, Or any chronic ailment YOU must get the large sizes, ; A pint of Paint holds Eight one aollar bottles, And costs only live aollars. ; A quart co3ts only eight dollars. | A gallon is much cheaper, It costs,only twenty dollars, And is double strength. Buy large bottles and save money. If you want a gallon, send to Wolcott'a office for It. i 170 Chatham Square, N. Y. Buy None Unless in White Wrappers. Cures Cancers, Ulcers, Bolls, Pain Paint. Oures Dysentery, Colic Piles, Pain Paint » Cures Bees, Mosquito Bites, Pain Paint. Cures Fever or Eestless Nights, Pain Paint. Oures Ulcerated Gums, Pain Paint. Cures Felons on Thumbs, Pain Paint. Cures Sunstroke ana Day, Pain Paint. Oures Fever.rlght away. Pain Paint. Brain Fever quickly cures, Pain Paint. Thick Heads of Hatr insures, Pain Pilnt '.Drives Inflammation out, Pain Paint. Cures Bunions, Corns, or Gout, Pain Paint Mates Fogy Dpctorswhine, Pain Paint. OuresSheumatlsmevery time, PainPalnt. Is Cool ana never Smart, BalnPaint. Will cure Neuralgic darts, Pain Paint. Will never Burn at Stain, Pain Paint. Its Honor well maintains, Pain Paint. . All Headache quickly stops, Pain Paint. Is aoldinDrugglsts 1 shops, PainTaint.. Ten Thousand recommend, Pain Paint. WillPlease a Foe or Friend, Pain Paint. Testeil Free ana Fair, . Pain Paint. At ITO Chatham Square, Pain Paint. 4w piece of Sheeting, Jfatcli, 8i_lk DresE pattern^ &s "'• KEtEE OV "'COS5P. ! ' Our inducement^ during tlio past fewyears liavo 'beep ; I large. f , t WE NOIV BOTIBLKOUS l'BEMIUBISi BP"Our lrienils Will readily notice our 'presents for 80 and 60 Clubs are now more than equal-in value to Clubs of 60 and 100 respectively, of other flrms. i |^~Please examine.! \ j Any person ordering cither or the clubs named below, can have their selections of premiums enumerated, cor- responding to the size of the Club, ! ,' ! ', FKGE OF $1 i > For a Club of j80, ($3)—Oneo'f the following articles': Delaine drees pattern,) fancy colored bed-spread, 100 view Turkey Morocco album, 20 yards sheetings, striped cashmere delaine dresfe pattern, honeycomb quilt, all wool square sliawl, set solid gold bosom stud3, all' wool fancy cashmere pants and. vest pattern, gent's hair ami guard chain, gold trimmings, silver .plated chased butter disli, silver} plated 5 bottle revolving castor on feet, set Bupeqor steel bladed knives and forks, worsted prom- enade Bhawl, ladies long gold plated chain! ladles'? doa- ble gold ring, gents'heavy chased solid gold ring,, solid black walnut work box pr writing desk, extra quality bal- moral skirt, set jewelry and sloeve buttons' to match, vi- olin and bow, gent's cardigan jacket, splendid ebony D flute,,lypry trimmings, pu'perior Turkey Mprocco travel- ing b^gi, ladles high cut balmoral fepots. ! For a Club of 60, (6,)—One of the following articles S»- Bkck or colored.alpaca dress pattern,poplin drcssf) Pi»t-" tern, one piece bleached orbrown sheeting, engraved sil- er plated-G-bottlexevolving-castoiyS^- yards superioV i&Bhmere for pants and vest patterns, extra honeycomj) luilt, two fancy colored lied spreads, pair gent's calf boots, 4 yds. farmer's good wool frocWng, fancy casli- nere plaid dress pattern, best quality balmoral Skirl, rosewood brass alarm clack, ladies all wool cleat pat- tern, silver plated cake or card basket, fur mufc pr cape j ladles fashionable wool flouWe Bliawl, spicriaw ciaepeu !amily bible0xl2',Tecord page, and engravings', 3 yds" double width water proof cloaking,. Bet ivory hauaie knives, with silver plated forks, one set lace curtain. { For nglttbof 100 $10KOho of thefollowingarticles;' yda double width cloaking or coaling,'} lai'gfi ilne blei ' t)le covers, "Wixir one tlaa litr^e siseti UjSfieir iiaplHiis tfo - atch, 25 yds. splendid hemp-"carpetingj good colors, ex- : l i l W K i flw i * piece superior quality eiira.wldth-skeeUng.-piurk'eut's calf boots best quality, silver hunting cased^satent lever watcli, one doz. Ivory handled steel bladed knlVcs' anil forfyii sllVer plated engraved (j pottle, reyql'Yinji;"castor, with cutglass bottles, splendid'.'violin 'Box annd hof,' complete, single barrel shot-gun, Bacon'3 six-barrel re- rolver, pair superior white wool blanlcets, liice far muff mdcape, silver plated engraved ice pitcher, with salver, '% yds. all wool fanoy cashmero for suit, 1 doz. Kogerji 1 >est silver plated,forlcs, common sense aewing and ein-i ir'olcJerlng machine, two b-eavy noneycomb quilts, sjplen- . lid family Bible, record ana photograph page. 1 yor larger Clubs tne.:value Increases in tlie saaie ra- 116. | Catalogue or. Ooods and Sample sent to nay address •ree. Address ALLBH, HA\VES & Co., Wholesale dealers in French, German ana English B ana Fancy Gooas, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, &c.. Jfo.15 Federal St. Boston. P. O. Box* O.- " ** * ' ^ fap7-4: \ GENTS'HEAllQUAKTERBFOR CAMPAIGN BOOKS ii. Engravings, Badges, Ac. 15 styles -of Badges now ready. Dempcratein same styles'whennominated. Four samples for S6c. TREAT & CO., 654 B'way, N. Y. 4w THE Trust Company OFKUsTCXTY OF SEW'TORK, ' i ,,. v , - - . - * - } No. 336 BROABAVAI. 1 Capital $1,000,000. Chartered by tl» Stale. '";".', . DARIOS R. MANOAM, Prest. Xis. MKRMIX, Sec. 1 Receives deposits and allows four per cent. Interest on all dally balances, subject to check at r slght.— Special deposit? for six months or, more may Se^Ue at five per cent. The Capital of $l,000,00Q U divided among over 500 shareholders, comprising many gentle- men of large wealth and financial experience,, .who are personally liable to depositors for all obligations of the Company to-doable the amount of their capital- stock.— As the National Trust Co. recelveraepotftrtn-large or small amounts, and permit1 them to be drawn as a wholi or in part by Check at Sight ana without notloe.allowlnj Interest on all dally balances, parties throughout the country can keep accounts in thii institution with ipe- clal advantages of lecurlty, convenience and profit. WE ARE COMING And will present to any person .sending! ua a clilb'.i 6nr great $1 sale of ©ry and 6 o"o s, i paBttltgWflffWfl9*#h 9- ^ R Je 6:001>. M.,:conkect3!flt, iVhite lU^er 1O73 F^ls^itli' tcais f B s t WITH GREAT INDUCEMENTS l'O AGENT3 TO Gl'EUATB "WITH U 3 I N OTJB GREAT $1.00 : SALEJ! SHEETINGS free of cost to our Agents. WATCHES free of cost to onr Agents. SKWXNG Machines free of cost to our Agents. LEATHER Cloods free of costto-Agents..- . IiTNEN Goods free of cost to our Agents. SILKS & Sfrawls free of cost to our Agents. BOOTS &Shoes free of cost to our Agents. DKE^S Goods free . r cost to our Agents. JOolleusr 2arga;.BS FOR 0 US. CUSTOMERS^ ' A splendid stock of Goods Including in HAEBIS &PLUMMET O.**,-nrt<j- ftfU lollar Salf. TVo represents reliable and responsible firm, ana offer ;uperior inaucements. The State in a blaze of excitement over our sale, . A wonder to the ladles.. ,. .':.- •A wonaer to the store-teepers, who.-finafiheiroc< ,lon gpne. . _ , . A wonaer to everybody. Give us a trial in preference to.tliose who make* such ;reat pretentions, and whose only capital is in their j>; ensions. I SEEOCEPEEMHIMHST, | The moEt fastidious can engage In'-our sale with profit to themselves and to the delight oftheir friends. Jiy_ one sending*ua either of the clubs mentioned 1 be low will be entitled to.any article mentioned in Clubs of that number, ' FREE OF.CHABCE. For aCluhof.20-and.$2.^-0Ppicjinre double clasp ilor- rocco Album.; silver plated S.bottle revolviug castoc; worsted promenade shawl;.Balmoral Skirt, good style; wool cassimere pants pattern; 12pairs white cotton hbse^ embossed wool cover; 10 yards'ibleaohed or unbleaohed cotton cloth. ' • ' j . Fora Club of 40- ana $4.—ladies'splendia fine white tuckea under skirt; 1dozen alllinen Huck towels; ttyl- Ish dress pattern; whiteMarseilies quilt; ladies' hana- some all wool square shawL;. h'eavy arid rich colpre.d- quilt; 25yards bleached or'unbleached cotlon cloth; gents' all woolen pants and 1 veat.paltern ; extra qullity . l?or Clubs pr 60 ana $0.—Black-or colored aUipaoca •Jresg.pattern; beautiful poplin (Jross pattern: 40 yprds quilt; xoseWopd htff&t alftvm clock; siiieadld 1 clasp fam- ily bible, 0xl2,recoi?dpaKe ah^ fingtavi6g; Shards double •n-itltli-wat^ir-proof cloatiag-| set xyofy ixajaOlib fcnlves; Witli Silver plated forks; pair gents 1 cnlfboots; -wlilte lhiendArnttskcovei', with silver ; castW, O,bQttlas; 2 t col- S^r^icn. jnerino or tliibet dress pattern; &yards double width.coatingor cloaking; 2 large, fine bleached linen damask table covers, with 1 dpien.large.dinner napkins.to match; Alexandria poplin dress.pTtUern, choice.Ehades;; 25 ^ard^ Jiemp carpeting; pair gents' sewed.boots; heavy silvec plated ecgrivea. iEDx-ojivslois. On and after Monday, May 25, trains trill run aa Xieavcs Ogaensbnrg 5:80 A.M., (breakfast atHalone;) arrive at Rouses Point at 10:85 A.M., connecting wltfe Vermont Central J£ : .R. Day/Express, for Burlington, Oen- eord, Nashua, lowell, arrive in Boston 10:80 P. M. , • .. 2d—OCHBOUGH MATT., ' Leave OgdfiuBburg at J.00P.M., Potsdam Jnnctiop J . 2 O I . I BJfalonB S.SOT.jM^ : connecting at Mooerjs- junction wltlip, & M. K.K.for 'PlaUSburgh, Blirlingtojl and •Whitehall, via take Champlata Steamers, arrive-at Souse's Point at 6.25 P. M., connecting wiih Vt. CentralNlght Bxpres's,for Burlington and all poinfs East ana South, arriving In Boston at 8:40 A. M., SprinK- lieia 6:40 A. M.,; Troy 4:35 A. 1.1., New York 10:80 A. M. Passengers bythis train whowish totake steamers on take Oha'mplain will change- cars' at llooer's Junction meeting Steamers- at Pittsburgh instead of Kouse's P.t. as heretofore. J ' 8d—ACCOMMOBATIOH—with SEKKPING CAR. ; ''•tieave OgdensburgatG P. Jl.ion arrival.of.Grand- Trunk day express train from Toronto and West, arrly-, ing at Kouse's Point at 4:35 A. M., connecting with Ver- mont Central day mail for Burlington, White River; Junction, Concord, Fitchburg, Nashua and Lowell, ar- rive in Boston at G:30 P. M. | : EET0RNING-. ..•-..:&•- j , Leave Kew York S:SO P. JI., Troy 9:30 P. M-, sleeping car, nutland 1:30 A, IS. Burlington 4:15 A.M.; Bos- ton 5:00 P . AL, ,Kouse;'3 ..Point' (1:15- A. -M., arriv.e at Ogdensburgh'at 1^:40 P,.;?l.; Connecting at Mooerjs Junption i. with trains , from Plattsburgh, and iaie CJiamplain: .- Steamers; at Potsdam Junc- tion; witajlt., V . &6. S~. S. for Waterfowl, Jtome andi Wpst; also with Stages^for Masseaa Serlngs ) ana at Og-_ densburg w'^a,trains of-E.3V. '&T0. K.,E; for South arid.. West; with*'Grand-Trunk Railway for West; St. Law- rence" and:-jQttswff Hallway- for.-Ottawa-,^and- w-HIr "ojtihcrn -^rai^spo^tatipn'Cp.-^Iii^ie Steanier3-..fpf r^Vest. Also, leave AuUatiii^SU A: JSi^JStsfthfletd. j^f - • " " ••"-" nat.'12:iO'P.;M., urgt)n?:0;4;S.,e it.Ogdenab.uig at 5:40,i?.,M. i .— : Z."'-—.- flt^ pTn.qe, OggeBSburg, VEKSION'S' CSKITKAl,. «na STJillVAN : ' JSAKIKOATttS' > 1OT73 Fj^Ua^^itn' -trains for Boston, Worcester, Spring-: Held, ' rend TTith trains' 6n 3?assuinpsic road; arrives at ettypatl(M5I.1Slcl < B i t , ' U X i » p g $ loaves .Ogden.sbwg al 5:30 A, H- onse'3 1 iPbinfe 1O:'4^ A. ZS-.\- fo'r-Bostohi^&c.Varriving-. B t i L l l t 1030 P'Sl * i 4 . .\ in Boston, via Lowell, at 10:30 P-.'Sl. KIG-HI; EXPRESS, leaves Ogdensburg at P. M., Rpuse'S Point at 6;35 '.P. II., ajv riving at Boston at Si40 A.M., connebtiugat Bellows trails' sash. Cheshire gfi/dlroad ^or Boston aud Worces- ter", and with' Yermonevailey "Raiiroaa for springavei' Ac,and arriving in Mew Xork atl2:S0 P. M. ! THAIHS fiOINQ HOllTii ABD¥5ST, | ' D M BXSaBSSJeayes Bpston, via towsll, 'at S:00 A. , M., for Surliagton,-St AlbanS, fic.i-arriving at Ogflei(s- burg at 5:30 A. >>I. . . I Trains leaving Boston via Bitchburg at T:SO A. M., and Springfield at 7:45 A. M., connect at White Kiver Jucction-Tslth the-day express train., • i j ACOOMftOTJAXION TKAIK leaves Northfield at V.4S A. M., for Uurlington, Sutlarta, St. Albana, Souse's Pt., Ogdensburg, &e. • • V " i' ! . IvIGHT iiXPBESS leaven Bellows Sails at 10:00 V. tta, eceivlng p.iasengers from Vermont Valley B. K., leavfag Kew-'Yiorlc at 12:15 B: M-yanjl, Xron^ tSnesliire. It. ^..leav- ing Boston at 5:|p S. H..;>c'(>nnectmg' at Whlta* Sijor Junction with train leaving "Boston at 8:00 p. M., jfoi: Burlington, House's Point, and Ogden3burgh, connect- ing.with steamers and flrand Srxrak Tr.alnslor tho We3t. Bleeping Carn are Btfc'che'd'-to" M c h t Trains. ' ) . Tbrpugh Tickets for fli!i«8go and the West for Dale at the principal stations. ~ ! > . . W. VM&KCtdli. Gen'l SapS. Efc .Vibana, Vt., May 25.15SS. ' £a&wi TMlSrSl OGDBKSBDEQ AU1.00E..M.>>B3cpii!ss,.ror:Xrey»na Ne-g- Torlr, -u aeeping,-63t.from,St. Aibanato. P^oy, arriving in »oy at 4.40 A. M., and Kew York at lO.f'" 1 A. M., via JheHi " Bon-,R!vsrEailroid. .. . ••,,,! -, , j'i ; . A.t 1.00 P . M-, Bxpress for -Bosffija, arriyiiig. as Bar- iliigtoi., h7 raU,.at 3 SO P.&L,(w,Hh'aleepIag carfrom 8UT- llngton) and arrive in BostaE next morning at 8:88 o ' c l o c k ; . . - . . " , • i . • ' ,0r.,3*assenge"r3 bythel;O(iP. "&I. train cari take one of th'e" Late Champlain Steamers, *n arriving at House's Point, get supper on board, pass through the mostpleaB- aafparl: of the Xiake, toucli at-3?!att-sbargh, and, arrive at Bjirjington in. tima to Connect, WlSnjmi JTAIJU, with tceT0:0ffP. M. IDipress Train forT?oston| (with sleeping czzsi i;naarrive in Boston next morning at 8:30 o'clock. 4:35 A lngatBostonatO:80.P. II. ' ' T l 1 oi-ticfeat5 or information apply ito Ticket Office, !Og- densburgh K. IS. Deoot, or of Ohas. I. BalSv/in, Q-. S. B. ticket. Office, State street, or T. N. Derby, Q. W. E. 2ick- af fjfiice, State etre'et, Opposite Seymour House. '• s g r " Baggage checketl tfirtiugl] Xroni Ogd'ensbarg. ' GEO. A. MBBBlLXi, Supt. J. S OHUEOEf, Gi>n.Agt.,OgdeRiibcrg. | • Jone.'i, Ji3fiS.. _..••_•. r_ . . - . fXmf frooklng; elegantw.hite or colored muslin dress pattfern; silver plated cake 8? card basket. I m - Fo"a-Club ofj.00. and. SiO^r^Ricn. jnerino or tliibet ti lki machine;. 2 he^vyVhlt* yi'cibrla <iuilts; splendia ojasp family blble,,r#oi 1 il andpM6gfaji&,pag6; dozen Rogers' best silver- plated 'forks j'ilegarit 3?rench-poplin dress pattern; ladies orfient3^sllyerbuntins'case watch;j Bil- Ver plated engraved'C-ljbttTe'fevolvin'g'' ca3tor, cut glass bottles; splendid Violin, box andbow complete; 3hon- .eycomb.quilts'.'' f '.'"' ' ' . . . ' For larger Clubs premiums will'be given o£prpportion- ate value.' , . "•" ",'"." ' ' ', ClTOatalpgne of goods Mijt't? any^Hflflress free, | .Send money by TeglsteV.edletter. , Address all ordeis to HiRKIS &'. PiTJEBEEj ' No. 34'Han6ver.Str'eet, ^Boston, SXass. \Vholosale Dealers Id Dify and .Fancy Goods, Out|ery, Platefi Ware.ieather Gffoas^AlbumS.ic. 4w Xo Ottatva Cltyv^iaMfpsiSKeai- anSOI- ta.xva .JHi-iver., ., , . ' '. TIOKETS GOOD. trilTIIi NOVEMBER 1, 1SG$. - -*" ! G$. ! i I T - > ito( The Route:—OBdensburg to Montreal "via G. Ti Ky. or Royal Mail line Steamers ; Montreal to Iiachine via G. T. Ry.; laehinb to Ottawa, via Ottawa andllontreal Line of Steamer!, up the Ottawa Elver, passing through lake St. Ann's rapids and lake of Two Mountains' ; Ot- tawa to Ogdensburg, via Ottawa and St. Lawrence Ey. . Pasiengers holdlngrtheseUp^ts wnrlay over <jn the route and resume their trips at pleasure,' tickets ibeing good until November 1.1S68. , ...... ] ,' TCicTcets'for'the-xotin&'-trip'ffoin Ogclehsburg to Ottawa and return •' •'.'' $10.50, American Currency. EicnrjionL Tickets- to"^Montreal, ?Quebec, i M t i B t n Saratoga d! N ^Also EicnrjionL Tickets ^ n l , Quebec, Portland, White Mountains, BoBton, Saratoga and! New York, at equally low rates of fare, for sale at the Grand Trunk Railway Agency, OJd Ogdensburg Bank Building; State Street. -CHA8. Ii BALDWIN, Agent.- Ogdensburg, July 9, 1868. (jy9a8m>,, ! ..pile's I J l ^ ! p Authorised, and Authentic ,,, LIFE OF GEN. KI/VSSES S. GltANT. Comprising »-complete accurate history of his event- ful and Interesting career, with an'authentic narrative of his invaluable military services, adding also an im- partial eitimate-of his character as »Man, *goldier and a Bt«te«m*n. ' By Hon Oh»rl« A. J)»n», late; 'Assistant Secretary of war. The gpringfleld KepnbUcan iay« -.— "Bana'g Life of Gener&liGrent Is sure to be the moit au^ thentic ana best tite»f Grant publlshea." Porpartiou- I l toor.mddre»J.GnBDPN BIU. * CO., Spring- ., or HSK » * AlNARD ' R " ilie ^^' •SS.&SSSS, Wa.feliasS SStJBGTS, U.9, IS68.' 1 " SUMMER- ABRAxKfcMISI r .G, •' 1SGS. . EIGHT? MILES S ' THAK AST OTITRR EOOTE TOAl'.liiKT AHi>-Sj5)j:'TOKK CITT. On and after Monday,Miiy 11,186S, and -Tintil further notice, Passenger Brains will run-on thi3. Road aa fol' Iows,(SundayB exempted,) ' • i ..EXPHB3S MAIL. -.. , j IiBaveOgd^n3lim-g.9:15 A. M., arrives at •JValertov.n 12:25.^20 minutes for -dinner,) .:!Rpia&^--:05JBlM., Os^ego 4:351'.M,, connecting at Rome with Heiv- Tork- Central Bxpreua Traka for;ivll points Bast and West, arriving at TJtica. 5:10 2. JL, Syracase:6:251>. JL, EocUeste'r'.9:l6 E. 3VIIj--Albany S:SO J2i 51.; EvLffiao32:00 "^ AT- - -Siisijeiiiiosi Bridge 12;8B A,»!., NcwTovx 6;0Q A.ar.petroHrUhqo A, M., Chicago 8:80P. Jt, j NEW TOUK.EXES.ESS. 1 toit200 s AX il i., o v i AMUU i-*d.ii\] ^ 21.., ^^acnesi^r S:S0 A. 3t, BaffaJo 0120; .A.M..-Susperision Br 6:40 A. M. ySeftanii i31eeping ,.Car attachea to *his, train "Stf watertowB and r.uli- thjsdgh t'o Kew York without change. ' ' . f Close connections jniuIeiaiLjBuiEiloaiid 3*ispenElon 15ri for Chicago and all points West.. , • i ' , " EETURHIN&. . ' leavelTew York sit SOth Street Bepofi, G:'SO P.M.j ar- ilve, at Wateriown 7:40 A. M., (20 minutes for breato fast,)'PgaenB6nrg,'ll:a5AiJVr. V ,-- i ;,, SleeeBlfig Onv attached to this Iviiih 1 and run? through to Watertown. I - ~. ^^"Ihropgh tickets to Troy, Albany, New "E°rfe Philadelphia', Baltimore,. Washington^ Boston, Spring*-"" field, Buffalo, and all principal n.olnts. East and \Vest, can be obtained at the Ticket Office at the Depot, ! anil at tae Ticket Office, of the Great "Western Railway ! Og"- densburg, T.N. DBBBY, Agent. Sarea3lo'wandl2 hours quicker than iby any dthsr ronte to Tifew York. ' • ' 'I i ! Baggage cheeked fthrougk. '• .•< ••.•,•, MADpiSOX^,-DA-ir,Q.en,'lSupti. H.E.PRARY, Gen.- Jioke 1 , Agent, ' 186T-S. 'Wlntep Awaagemems; ! •! ' i. asd" Syracuse * In connection with the Ifew York Central K. Bl •'..; CoiMaiesising Nov. ? 3, 186^. i '"'' .; r,otte to : 1 , . X>eia.~oi'fc5;. •i,T_cjytM.v«»Bi?;»j -,. . ina all 'Points West ana Sauth -Westij^ 1 " TralnHeave Ogdenshurgh at 2 P. M., arrive at Osw.egp af9P.M:"leaveOswegoat5:56?; M.,arriveat-Ogdeirs burgh, afa:05"A..M.', - - . r ; Xeave Oswego 9 XJla., Eoltori -9:85 A. xS.\ Lamsons 9:S9 A. M,, Baiawinsviile 10:17 A. M., arrive at Syracuse 10:55 A. M. \ LeaveOswego 2P.M.,Fulton 2:S4P. M.,lamsona 2:59 ,E..M.,Jiaia.wiji3vme.S:17P. M.. arrive at Syracuse. "'3:55 P. JI., connecting with' : Syracuse, Binghampton' and New York R. R. for Bingharapton, Pliilade'lpMa,. JSaH-imore ana all points South. ! Leave Oswego 6 P . M., Fulton 0:80 P. 51., Latnsona 6:82! B. M.,-lialdwinsville, T-.OT P. M., arrive .atSy!|acuse 8-p'jsJ. ..O "i.'-' '*<•'"'.!' i EETDKNIHS-: ; ,r«r Leave Syracuse 6:45 A. M.; 2;8S S. M.; 7:20 P. M.' & Arrive at Oswego 8:35 A . M . ; 4:85 P . M . ; 9:10 P. M.tixT KF"'J!hrough Ticket?.for, sale,at-the C.ompany'siO^ice foraU'polnisWestanaSbuih'West.'"' W. B. PHBLl'S, * ' O. &. SHE AD, Gen'l Ticket Agent. (noSOa. aaroughto, CMoogoin 8Shours, being 12 hours quick thai by any;6tiiprrqu{e., .'."'• ","'''"^. j , Trains leave Treacdtt JjinoSoa', 'opposite -. 'bnfgSasfollowBTk: 1 ":'' " " £*;*'• '7 V '- ,.Tk: 1 :. ' 'FOE 1SW WBSi: ' ••'••(»• Chicago Day Express 1.35 ?• M,-,- Accommodation,... 4,40 P.M.' Chicago Night Express i2,4S A. fc,., .¥OK 2HBEAST. i resa i j.':S;s-<: s j . BIorhfagT3*presaij....:S;s..:sj.{i5;.OOA.M Local 11.03 A. %.. Evening Express 4.40 P.M.' JSP™ Through Tickets for sale at the General pnl Office; Old OgdensburghiBuik Building, State Street,. , OEAS. I. BALDWIN,'Agent,*- |! C. J..BETTDGEB, , ,. Ogden»furgh{N.-3ri iftnsglrig Director; 5 V" ' S. K BBiOH, >'•'•"- lM^tf.. G«er»l Agent, NewTorkOlty. '* | Kpttl, Trains leaVS White T.iVer-Junclibn- for Concord, Ka3h;- rivfll of trains from Ogaensburgli Euia-Sipri^eal'. •" •' ; ' Leave.Concorfrfor OgdensbtargWan&Moritfeal ailO:80 A.M.,and8:15P.M.,or on'arrlva,l-,olriralna- from-'Eoj- ton, WorceBter,.&Of *. "j' r •".*.',,'•." . . ." " " * > •'"i'raln'a over this'Road are runclallyin con'fiecfiqn'witli trains over the Ogdensburgh IWaaS-'carrying, PaBieri- gers ana Ifreighfc-toiand. froniy.the:' West, Ogaensburgn, Montrealvand- JSI^nche^terj-fNashua, Woreestert Provi- aence, "t'owell, "Lawrence, Sostonj^-toSimontn Vortlancl and the East.and all intermediate points. '• I , , i . O.NSLOW SBEARHS, Agent. [ 1868. Bepple's 1868 NEW, YQKK, . Kom Steamboat Landlng,\A ; lbanyvaaily,. ( Sunday^ ex- ceptsd) at 7o'clock P^M. ', ' ,B R, E. >V. ,,,. r | ( .ST., J )p H ( |J-,' Cap'. S. X HOE, ' PCapt. W. H. CHRIS'TOPIIER, M'dridays, WedneVdaya S'i'Suosaays,' Thursdays and .-.;... l'rJ3ays',i ; ; ',],.•••. Saturdays. : KS^Purchase Tickets only to 'Albany. PassengerB andtheirjBaggageTcarried'tbtherBoatsIfree;' : . r ^gTAs ; theN,T-|0.jU..B..authorities,will not allow our wagonB iritheTara, they will' always befoimd' '6uV isidejimarkedP^oJile'flJHinevfaswlll'alspthe^gent. • Pass- engers will please step outside the Yard and hand their Ohecks.to our. Agent-,- ana Baye paying-40-"cen'£3:ra piece 1 for their Baggage to the N., "t. O. K, S. BagErtee Honor oly. ' ' ;-..;••!•..• i_. • - .g^°vHuds,on'.Iliver'E. Bi.Tickets taken for?*, usage o the boats. - . . . ^ ...... BSr - Eraght*ill ! betaKen,a;t'all times': atlOwrates-- as snyr ltailroaa or Steamboat Line. . s KSTFor further'Tatticulars-anply at the Office, NOB; 28S ana,285 Broa'dw.ay, Albany. (aplTdtf) fT, agent f f 9^ ' ' '-. THKilB EXPRESS ifiAINS eaye Suspension Briage, Hamilton anaTojjontpiJaally, ""'•" ' excoptodO'on arrival of Train? frora ap Bast' for . /.-, •. i'rainajleavfi jaensburgh, -via2: -, —-v- .- -,- f'..Niagara"2?allsl' affi''SUi^CLBSr^S^0 A. 61.-,t»fitroit:9:80A.M.,arrivfalgat ; 0hicago9:80R}i. ..E5prj8S3-Srain-leave3!QE.(lensburgh'.fl:0i) V.U., Eome 3:10>.Siagarai'alls.ana: Suspension Br.-.O:B0.,A- itt"T>e~ trqit,5'P.'SI.;a-rriylng at CDICE;** 6:00" A. %i. mat- ing closaJconnections-wltb: all trains South; Weafa'nfil Horjtaiestt , ... • ft -. ,,. - ' ' ' i(i8the..Shorte3l,-Ohesj-eEta2d,mOBt.reIiabl6 route Orea^wesi, - - '•' ~ •'• " - ' - ' r Ti&efe isk-for H&els via SreafWeSkrft Railway, wliioli aan 5:.obta5ne6 at-all the .principal!.Tloket. Oflloej IS tne ' JASIEB 3IMOHDS, Agent, Ogtiensbiifffn; if ^2". T.N.DIKSY, Traveling A'gent.Ogu'h.'N.T. KOS. ETW3|?YAfi35^eh. feiilge?, HaSftpnfont! ,C A N A, JUS . DiTL? U3E OP W EXPISBSS SlEASTKiES. J&l Leave Ostfensbm-pt atl y.iM., Brodkrille 3 P?M= " JA3- ,exandriaSay,.6]?;M.,-. Kingston 8:30 P, EI,i Charlotte Slll?^ 3 * i ' I ^f' ~^U : hT*™&™ answloll? •This Company-will., aiiring iihe Season -of pleasure travel, commencing June-SBd, run a- Daily, tine otBfeain- ers for pleasure agribusiness travel, between Oirrtens- burgs Montreal, Soroiito and'tewis'toij.' '" -' ; THeXiriewill"becbmposea6f the'Is.rg»' St«iinch aoa> ..CoinmodiousSiae-WheelLaks Steamer.6 AXKESIA^,. .„., ..... Capt-J., Ji.jforley. COE0MBiAS Oapt J S fetes • . Oonaecting at Ogden?burg Tria tbe elegant EJrer ••J ' •'• .Steamers.. ! .'.-.' ' , .! >,.. i ,Canfc,0arroiehe8l.' . :;;tcapt;Baii 6 y' «' | ^ | S S & , , e 8 l . rassHEB ,„.,....:....;..;.t.capt.;Baii6y.'- «•' Andpgdenshurg K. E. for Rouse's Point''and ail ; "poiuts South and East,,tormirig:,a Daily tine (Sunflays exceptr ed) thrflUgh.Lake Ontario .and Slyer'St. la#rence, Jeav-; mg Ogaensburg,.at 1 P. Bl., on'arraval o£' Exraess Wain from the East, touching at Brockyille, Alexanafi'a Bay- Klngston and:Charlotte, arriVing.atoewisfflh'tHe follow- ing morning ^19:80 ; connecting at gingston with .aailv boat up the. Bay of Quinte.fbr. BellevifieJana Picton '• at Charlotte afiaLeTjdstoh with New Yor!c''O'entrar'Eaihf)ia for.JSiagara.I'alls and- Buffalo, thereby'fdfiofeff-a'-closSe oonnectioh-Tvitli all tQe-fpUowing jfonte<- j . •. : " _At_Suspension Bridge, w.ith Qt.'. Western Saiiway-for' mmjlton,I,o;naon, Detroit,' Chicago/ Milwaukee: anda all -pointSkWest ana Seuth ; at,-Bnffalo -witlLiiSate- Shore and,ulichigfcn Southern,-Cleveland-sad' Ore?Hine JKilf.,- to all points 'Westana.Southr; anawith,Euffiiloana.l'ake Erie Jime Steajjiifers for Cleveland' andffllbolnis of liake Michigan, thereby affording the 'cheap'e'st possible" waY? f^- the transportation of families iho.ving; tathe-flreat The Steamers Champion and Banshee willieave lo.g- aensburgfor'Mpntreal.and'Quebec.ev£ry',davat-9 A1 k. (Hondays exepted). Eeturning leave. Montreal eveiiy ilorning, Sunaays'excepted,af7o > 'cloc ! k-. ' ^ > , The Steamers of,.thi3 Lina are une.quallea- for, size kna strength aud speed oil Lake "Ohtario',"as -they always have been, for safety an.delegahce in arrangements,'ahd ! ^oommandea, ana^officerea by men of experience, while the route offers attractions affoi-aed by no- o^her Hne, giving a view of the South Shore, of. take -Ontario, and the far-famed'Thousarid Island df the' Eivef St iaw- rence b.y-l)ay-Lightvat ^tirhe. most;-favorablei"for] the Sranaeur of Scenery ana Comfort of Passengers ! Through Tickets can be purchased for all poin'tKbfi the gPSy^'f^S^-^Ogdensburg, anasE-ll the principal Railroad and Steamboat Offices in Ndrth'ern Sfew York and NewEngland States. '., -KOB'-T' g. ("DERB¥, ; & i i t p b ! . rTY .&en.i!aBternji:gent>pgaen AESX. MtTiLOi.'Sec'yahdTreas^VTlIoritfea]. lia , : BANKING HOUSE OF JAY GOOEE Jb. 20 Wail . COE, NASSAUSSfiEBl.iMWlKOHk e Tiny and sell afctne~iost liberal ourrant-prlies ' 5P hail ia; tlll i supply of ,&S>-CBRNI,rBN3l- BOi T P^ a ¥'ora *' *"* ^ r "yr- -—~-| -*—-. f A«A,I M*|#AV4/,U|^I Ltfll.\% V Vl'J J* yj \JIt J ISTEHSST iLOpS^ana eiecuteorderafornurchas" an sale of Stoclfs', 13onds ana Goia.' " " '• - -^ * -. •-•" .'•...::-." Coij-terulojis; ;•: :i'' •' YfecouTerttlie Beyeral isauqg oi/jSejseiirHJ^rMsssX tne'-'most favorable market rates'into Five-TiirW'ies w?ic-n, atyresent price .of. gold,; jyleldj tie,-hoiaer.faboht one per cent, more interesfper annum; w p ° •CirCuiara'with full 1 particulars/.furhisKeff'upbftMro" cation. ' • • -r t ' ' i-Xy XSOOKB A- cfo. .Thatfact induces the offering of a, FF.ffi J E i i t to. all*- "We-inoV the' "-'."-- ' -• ..-.*. r f • MAII. STEAMSJBip- J /-,Through pne - To California, China and Japan. S6.ttOH«ia.Af ^jJJUa§A£POETS; AND dM " " ^HEftFKt"" w -, . ^ F M K l t S airough toiOalltorlhain. TwiSty-TwdiDiysi hionjaie Atlantic: Co-nnectingon Pacific with NA " - 7 COtORADOj CONBTKA O M Y ffl' i'.OOEANIQUEiEN,.?- ; ,,BJ NORTHERN £lQHT,--_ ^fjf^i 0 ^ 1 -^W a J.^* uuuu'i uu we ^BII, 0uu,'xobu dun z%xn yX-every-month (except when tnose aate"sJa|l;on .Sunaay, -ana then on the preceding Saturday;) forAgpinwali, connecting, via ^PanamajaAi&ray',with one; o'rthe Oqarpany.'Sj Steamship t j r ^ i ^ i irfS"n[yt^raft.jiQT"P^^^ ,i^"y^^TimpP^m TjO"nfix^iTI^^^f^,^»*,j^^TtT*Tt1^O' .Departures of the jst and 24tb. conh< ' "~ '- "ou|ti,F;aciflc.?cits.^fli( Departure of _9theaeii month'connects, with the new Steam Tine fromPapamato Australia, ana New Zealand. Steamer of Sept. .9,, "connects cloBely'at San Francisco ith steamer GT. EBPTJBIiie, leaving Oct. 1,1868, for Japan ana China;' •' .EJ -. - . - -v -. One Hundred Epuijjis JBag^age-allowed to each adult. Eaggage-masters.acepmpanjr,.baggage through, and aU tend toladle's andcniiarenTrlth'out'inale'proteotGrs. Bag| gage receiyecLon. i '133e"i doclttKe.-d^ ;before Bailing, from Steamboats, raj|!rpiig^^nd paBsengenffibprefer to send downearly. t . . ',. '. ,'''^_ -. ^ An-ejcperfisncea'stirgeon o&hoard'i 'Meolcine and at* tendance free, i i ' -. -;. •'• "• '"&:.-"' •' 5For passage tickets 6fef&ftiierijiformatj6n,-applj::at ibe QompanyJe ticket office, on-the .wharf, foot, of Canal st. NorthBlver,,New7qrK.;' r*", */""',"'.-' ."", . .O 'Ai ''I'.'.. ,'. •'»• ?: -•' ) .-> • i :•',•: DO. ' ,iti I£,alVwill,doso there jn.ijl soon be a greater. rush, ; than f, -.'••:.•'> -^.w-v," ;••••:•.,• •.,."7tj i :< ••• .-•:..!••• it I IT- . --'I - r-u'- LINE OP Summer 1868 Great Express Lijie to '•' " YIA'THE f858 ' '* TRUNK RMLWAYM 1 r BETWJ3ES ANt> ALL ZiSS MIOfilQ-AS- PORTS."' ! '' ?roin Three to Four i>a3rs Slnie. SaveS *-oyer' kny' other Fax© $14 'First Sfeco&'d••Class '•• OGDENSBTJSGM, CHICASO^' MIL"S7ATJKEa, SHE%>XGAN, aiia all take -. ' _. ^ Michigan£or-t3? •" '•• :•' %^ TSSeals & Sers ers on allfirst,Class Tickets. The fo!lowing-Splenaia>, sjow Pressure Passenger Sleain s TOifgr^ liduring.tbe. seastn 0M868: BiTfi Warae..-.-...?.:'. Jff.". JCapt Gillies. City, of Fl-emoat;.. .„.. .Capt M. Barret. nEoiaugojn.es-y..j...:..Capt;,S. Nicholson. s ' S » C t E AJ augojn.esy..j...:..Capt;,S. Nicholson. S»-•:•,••:, Capt. E. A. Jonea. XO'oonnect with one of tBe-above~-Steafiers:-passen gersfwill leave .Qgdensburg on Monclayi, We'anesaav= andlrida^viaerana-XfunkEailfay. " . 5he-,ratesbyffljs.line.are cheaper'than iiy^afavtothex waterroute ana from, three to foiir aa^s shorter Tret-ween -Ogaehshurganaehicagb-oi; Milwaiilieej %itn-o'niy one change,, which. is made direct from. the,cars to,.tlic boat. No-Ommbus, ear tHge or P'ocVaire-ctfthe^o'tiie'; ''' •Partipular attention paid., to fainilies jnovine West-a train runninj; for their special benefit' which carries: fiassengera, Htirassi Wagon-., Barniture,;and'a'U:.a'e&rip- Jjon-ot Houselio!ov,ooqs, Extra Baggage,..&<:., .connect- ing at Sarnia as above stated, with tlieir iihe"ofSteaintr= . ) . - . C.I. BALDWIN, AgentjOgdeaBbnrgjr. General TJnion'Hctet Office/stateSt 'W^^- ' "'(ap9atwt.f 186S. TIfE" tsportatioaC Olsi-ol This well knowii Company wil!, airing tlie present sea- . • - - ; Jsonibf navigation, run . . FIFTEEN, CLASS- . SEGIIXiAKLY, DETRO^, GLEN ARBOR, t ! AND INSEBMBEUSEE PQETS. 'leaving Osa'SnsDurg Daily, for iaite Erie I?otis, on ar- ' rival',ori tae,5toil«Train ff orn-tKeiBast;. 'anS«rIKWee]E lyJIi Wtod dJ g sDurg Daily, for iaite Erie I?otis, o rival',ori tae,5toil«Train ff orn-tKeiBast;. 'anS«rIKWe ly;~JIoi)ciay, WetoeBday, andJriday.—for' •• _ " J > ' - '•:'• Bake Kioliigan'Sorts.-'• '- i; ^Pv 2hessSteamers.jnake rseaiar connections : Bake KioliiganSorts. , ^Pv 2hess,Steamers.jnake rseaiar connections at Og- aehBburgwith the Oga'enlbfirg*iaie ChampiaiS'Il.R., and Vermont', Central line for Boston: jantt all 1 points East. At Western Lake ports with Bailroad and Canal Lines, for; aU-i>6ints:S6uth, W4ii ana "JforthwesS, making ijt thefav.oriterpute..forPass.enger3,ana'Jreight,-a3 there ^s but 'Q^B TBATS^BIPOTNT'leW^B Boston and '•Chicago* ' - • -• ; ! , . - uabin3-proviaeasnth BertBs and Cook.Stovesfor Pas- . ^ s S n s ^ & c . ' "". . ,,. -.'.. •,.","• •''.,, B r ° Therefore, we Cordially invite every ode to 'cast' dS,aU.! prejudices aml-withoiit~regara-to misrepresentatisais of interested^arfcies, to, ] •'„,•{• ' ' '•'.•:< •: /'A r - - •: ^."V: -.;!.,» .-. | '' [I, TJECEEES-.-^AOTJPS' ix ; .,; '•• ,IHI . '•"••',• iL^rjg&ife'Aw 'fespiiiEsS^cd.s 1 m £na. r dMBNJStf,i-'jg<185£B '&$&&• SSZPBXSS,,,,.^ Connect* dally 'witli.'all tlie, cities sa' jUUxpresBesin.chargeofSafeandJruity raessen; •OfaJsrififor the purchitte o^Figoodi inithe'CitUi elpeo . coiicltcd and promptly .attended to. Office in Seyntora: -EbusoBnUainKiOgaenrtorElii 1 ' \"""•': ?•" , -;. , .^ i^ «•,:.• •• •..-•.' •,il'^. L ,-iia.M««!|li«HMt:i; ;,Sf?n^8,^ ; t.,AP^;8»s, "i •<•-<' ;,' "H-*.7 '.fc/v/ ci!t i:> ' -.-Tiji , .Stock, &p., as.ihgy fayoia,. ferriage, e«tfee,-£o.tel Bills, and numerous other expenses.is well asSamage'to. their pp;opeHyb5?r6ugh"hanairng: " • ''"" •" '' VgBifrXStaspVi&ete !ncinae>Meals ana StateroomB. of. Passage ana ;.5ieight lower thanrby any .GEG. •W. SMITHi.aenfifficket Agmt , H-J.GOODHO.EgsseugefAgenC >'V .'..' !-• \; ;•- t . . J . •'•';. ., , i f i.- '::« •4 I'.- ' ,<z -.^on'-} r ' :-S?"? c/.viii I < V 'T-i: H*»ii'"'; •Ai .'A ,.4=i Ay.u. >.£!••-' IJ1--.-I.' v. "i, :.iL- cj •

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Page 1: WE ARE COMING New ledical Book - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-08-22/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THE OGDENSBURG [JOURNAL Is published every Horning, (Sundays

T H E O G D E N S B U R G [ J O U R N A LIs published every Horning, (Sundays ncepted,) »t

gdensburg, St. Lawrence County, N. 7., at the lowprice of $5 per annum;; when aerted by the Carrier$5;50 per year. Office on Isabella Street



AT^S or ADvmnsiKa,One Square, one Insertion ; . . . . I T5

" two do . 1 2 5three do ... 150one week; . . . 8,50two weeks, 4 00one month...... -..« 6 00two months,.. 8 00threemonths, , 9 00•six-months, i 13-00.oneyear, 18 00

One quarter column one year, 55 00Onehal£columii-oneyear, . - - ....110 00One column one year, 2po ooBusiness Cards, per year,.. 10 00

One Inch space constitutes a square. Notices in read-- ing matter will be charged fifteen cents a line each inser-tion.

Marriage notices fifty cents each. Death no'tices free.Obltnaries, &c.,ten cents per line.

No advertiseinentwilibe Inserted over five times aweek, and when running over a month but-four times aweek. IST-No cuts will be inserted in advertisements.

Advertisement from unknown parties must be accom-panied by the cash. ' ,

JOB WORK.Every description of Job Ybrk neatly and promptly

executed at the JOURNAL Office. •H". K« JAMES, Proprietor;



H. H03-AN, Proprietor.This House is situated on Great St. James Street, and is

the largest in the city.EJ5?"American Money taken at par. [aulT-ly]

JAMESTOWN HOUSE,A . M . S h e r m a n - - - - - P r o p r i e t o r ^




I,. Ji. Baniels^ - JProprietor.EF"Second to no House in Canada. (mh21dly)

ST. LAWRENCE HOTEt,Comer King and Centre Street, Prescott, Ont.

(formerly kept by Orry Harris.)

A, Welle, - - - - Proprietor.S. D. MIKIOK - - - " MAHAGEB.

A First Class Exchange Office and Billiar.d. Room At-tached. SgTFree Omnibus to Boats iraa Cars.


JOHN ALUSNDOMH,Auct ion a n d Commission Merchan t ,


Goods sold to Merchants End Peddlers at New lo rkCity Prices.

No. S Ford St., Ogaensoargh, K. Y. [aplOdly]


D e a l e r 3M. CJol-3. SHver tic Caaxacla OTToiiey.

Drafts for sale on Ireland, Swttwa anpngiwa. Ran-way and Steamship Agent to all points of the UnitedStates ana the Old Country.

jgg?~"G«iieral Office, State Street;, Ogaenabnrgli, IT. Y..

CHATTEMON'S LIVERY,Oathafina St., opposite Baldwin House, 13 the place.


JSTEito Single or Double. J $ 3Careful drivers can be had when desired. ja8dlyl


IS?** LaJoe /Street, Og&enaourg, West Side. _^gSAlways on hand the choicest Cigar3, Wines and I*iq-

uora. (jplSfltf)

EODEE, LSNDE & NICHOLS,and dealers in r i o x l r ,


©BO. PAKEEK & CO.,and, dealers in O-ar a i i i .

^S Ft O Tf M, MILL FEED, _g&Will keep oa hand a good BtocK of Hour of different

grades, of.tb.eir own grinding, and which they will war-rant. A supply of Bran, Sorts, Middlings, Screening,4c., on hand. (fe2Sdtf f

H. K. JAMES,P r o p r i e t o r o f *sSaaai«s;tOin 2?!a3C a n d

Paper mills,DEALEB IX


BALDWIN HOUSE,Water Street, near the Ferry.


E. Itt. Baldwin - - - - Manager.The house has been refitted and refurnished. A choice

supply of Canada Liquors, Wines, and the best brandsof Cigars always on hand.

Good accomraoaationfor Horses. Large Barns, Shedsand Yards connected with the House. Charges reason-able. (ja21d*wly)


Attorney and Counselor at law,Also, Nr-tary Public.

POTSDAM JTJHCTION, ST. LA-"WREN0E COUNTT, K. Y .x&'I'arHeular attention given to Practice in

Svnkrwptay. . (jy!8d.twly)


Wholesale Dealer inWines, l i q u o r s & Rectifier of Whisl t ies

OODESSBDROH, N. T. [jelOaftwtf.]


[Formerly at the Baldwin House,]DEALER IN

^ G o i a , Silver aria Canada Btll8.-_£tMoney exchanged on reasonable terms. Commercial

Bills bought and sold; also Government and CountyBonds.

^^"Office-with Charles Johnson, Ticket Agent, onCatharine Street, next door above Baldwin House, Og.flensburgh,N. X. (oc29d&w«

SOSCroS ii'. JHDSO1T,Attorney and Counselor at l»wH

gST" LICENSED CLAIMCTaoldiers' Bounty, Back Pay, and Pe

on: the subject, free.M05ET TO LOiLK OS GOOD HIKBOVUD FAMIB.

@~Offl«o, comer of ftrd and Isabella streets, 0g-b l y ? rapM&wi

Corner of Ford and Catharine Streets,EHSBUEG H Y



Newly refitted and farnishea ana kept in first classstyle. .Restaurant In connection. Free hack to &udfrom the cars and boats. Passengers carried to any partof the city;. ' ' ' 1 . ' . . " ' JCmygSd&wtt)


N. IP. Koeler, - proprietor.late, of Waterowry Hotel, Tt.

'ree Carriases to ancl from the Cars ana Boats.(my20a&wtf)


Wiatcliaialc=pr, Jo-weller and EngraverAND GENERAL XHSUM IS

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver-Ware, &a. SoleAgenlfor Florence improved and unexcelled


|SB**AH klhas of 'Watches, Clocts, Jewelry and Sew-inst Machines repaired. All work warranted.

a CaP2

O. 4 I). WHISKEY, Ja., & CO.,Wholesale dealers in all kinds of

WESTERN LUMBEBIlarpartlcular attention given to supplying the New.

England MarSet. W. L. PROOOCOR, Agent(Ie24a&wtf) Ogaenaburg, N. Y,


F. J. TALiMAN,.... Proprietor.Ogdensburgh, N. Y. [je-dAwtf





^ share of the public patronage is earnestly so-licited. Orders promptly filled and sent to any partiwithin the city limits. Ijyl4dtf.) GBQ. GODBEN & CO. :


Sealers in


Cottons;, j Spc

Or consulting tlieir authorized agents, for estbnates *—They have facilities for securing the insertion of Adyer-ttsements In all newspapers ana other publications sttlowerrates than any other house. Ckcnliu'8 and infor-mation free. Address,

ABBOTT & CO.'SBureau for General Advertising,


Ms & McNaught's Imported Spool Cotton torSewing Machine and hand use, unsurpassed in priceand quality. ALEXANDER KNOX,

[jy2S3m] 512 Pearl St., near Broadway, N. X-.

F A M I L Y K N I T T I N G M A C H I N E .The Familiy Knitter manufactured by the Briageport

Knitting Company, 13 acknowledged by practical kinit-ter3 to be the best for family use in the market. GioodAgents wanted in every county. Send for circular.—Bridgeport Knitting Co., Bridgeport, Conn. [jy2SHm]

BTJGGTS!rfVHE SUB8CK1BBR INTTIES ATTENTION TO HISX stocfc of Buggys now on hand, which are offered onbetter terms than «n be obtained in any other market.—They have been, constructed of the very best materialarid are'Warranted in wery particular. Parties aesiringto ourchaae will find ibto their advantage to give meaneafljcall. \ A. CAUjAGHAN.

- - - b,July Sl&sf (jySldtf)

axicl'* CEOKfiB


atss Waated

}. a onrei k oo.'«.)

eepg constantly on hand ana tor sale cheap, all kinds o

sConaiatingin p

Hoar, Pork, Oats* Corn, Peas, BeiMolasses, Syrujph b l h i

also Teas, Bngar:

ilpur by the barrel,hagVhandred.Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour, Corn 8t^oh,Maizona,'Wheaen Grits, Cocoa, Chocolate, Tapioca, te . Extracts of adescriptions, including Peach, Celeri Ginger; BtralneoHoney, Pure Spices, Mustard ana B&jper. Pain Killeior sale.

w r * Cigars ana Tobacco, the ver\ besUiranas._ 'fanners' Produce wanted. Soids delivered i:

heirlltagelree. o \

J. B.

Grocer & Commissioa MerchanJ?br the purchase ana s

FUntr,Pork, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, fad all kinds o;Farmers'Produce^

. A choice line of Family Groceries allays on hand.Goods delivered in and part of the (village, free o:

fij§HSb. 2 Water Street, next to J.I. Ive-<, Ogdens-

fSTMerchants ana. PecWersswppieil otNsw Y&rtCity Prices. . :

No. 14 Fo rd St., next door to Soil 's J e w -elry Htore, Ogdensbnrglt, N. ~X.

. . (St25dly) 1

New Grocery and Ship ChaadlerjX O 3E5, T£,


Wlieeloeh's Block, corner Ford & Patterson Stsv,Ogdensburg, S^.T. . >

l a m now receiving a choice selection of


Which I offer to the pnblicat the lowest Market Priceai.

|&~Ali kinds of Vessel supplies constantly on hand,


Base Barnmn; jrnx-xioLoei.



Itoves.AJull assortment of Tin ana SheetXron '

Hi hand^aiid-Jobs done to c " -tore, two dooraT?ast ofgeymonr HoiiBe, Poji

itreet, Ogdensburg. (dtf)i

"A.<lvertising is the Life of TracLc."— Fiu.SKr.iir. .£5?"*Persons contemplating auvertisiug, should, he-

ove making contracts, by no means omit applying to


C. G. PENDLETOS'S OJLLISATA TOXIC BITTERS.—Tihejorld renowned Stomach Bitters. Great preventatilveif Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Disorderd, Digestion, &c.fce. Recommend by Physicians, and used in their dajly>ractice. Hundreds of letters testifying to their eiQ-iiency, not published, but can b? seen at the principaliffice and laboratory, IS Dey Street, where for further>articulars all communications are to be addressed.

Local Agents wanted. Traveling Merchants supplEedin very liberal terms. (jySS-lmjj

All Voui tg Pci-aons can and skould obtain a;ood education. Tor particulars aaflresa, J. A. Cooper,principal of the State Normal School, Edinhoro, Ea.


^ y C H y and Country Property for sale in every di-ection. See Stanley Day's Real Estate Circular, No.25 Broadway, H. Y. Mailed free.. [jy2S-ln»]

WANTED, by a Manufacturer, Agents to sell by sam-)le. Address with stamp for circulur, GRBENE & (DO.,,18 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. [jy2S-lni]

Ladies, do not permit this to escape your notice.S a i i i t e l l e , or Xiiqnld. P o a r l i n e .

It secures to you permanently, a most desirable boon,skin of satin-like texture, and the warm delicate eom-

rtexlon of rapturous youth. Its effects are immediate,t contains no injurious substance. This is no uction, astrialwillproveallwecluimfoi'it. Price 75 centsi If

your druggist does not keep it send the amount to usand it will be forwarded by Express.

A. MATXRY & CO., Proprietors,(jelO-2m) lTlDuane Street, New York.


}&f~By Fisher's Fever and Ague Tillstajg&They are perfectly harmless,, purely vegetable! &nd

harmles, purely vegetable, and have been used in private

practice for 80 years. Mr. J.Kyan, surveyor of tlto N.Y. Central Park, has used these Pills in over 800 icaseaoil employees aiid iiot one failure-- 3?rlee *1_ 3?orwarcl-

efl ftyinaUtoariy aadress, pirect, Dr. TVM. I-XSBEEK,3111'.leecker Street, New York Qlty. (jel9 2m


{Successor to CLEMOXTS &

"Wholesale and Retail dealev in

y 3m

Cottage Oigans

With their wonderful


New ledical BookOn Diseases of Imprudence, Errors of Youth, and Mal-adies of Women—sent free,' under seal, by enclosing aBtamptoDr.I,AWREKOE. StatlonJX.JN. Y. ( h n l y )

,t 'XOBACO.O A N T I D O T E . 'Wararijea to remove kll delire forTobacco, Thla great

remedy is an excellent;appetlz;er. It purities the blood,invigorates the. system, posieBBes great nourishing andstrengthening power, enablei the stomach to digest theheartiest food, ma&es sleep 'refreshing and establishesrobust health. Smokers and ohewers /or Sixty Year!cured. Price, 50 eta., post fice. A treatise on the iri;

jnrions effects or Tobacco, wjth lists of reference, testil-monials, &c. Sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr.T. K. ABliOXT, Jersey City, N. J. _ (aul8.3m) ,


TJjiitecl States


PAWNBROKER'S JOINT STOCKE:] Of unredeemed Goods, Consisting of :

BHffe.SbowU, J>i;ess Goods, Cottons, Linen]Goods,I>i*y, Goods, Fancy Goods, Albums, Bibles;

\SiVoer Plated Ware,Watches, Cutlery,Sevring. Machines, «£c,

To ue';Bold at $leach, without regard to value; andnotto be paid for until know what you aro to receive.Sloch Valued at §200,000. Salesroom -30 Han-

over Street, JBoston. |The most popular, reliable, prompt arid business-like

concern, of the kind. The best of Boston references fur-nished on application. ' By- patroriiziDg this sale youliavea chance to exolmnge-your goods, "with a large va-riety to select from. ,

TERM3 TO AGENTS.—We- believe our terms to Agentsare superior to those offered by any other house. Takeparticular notice of this : Our Agents are not requiredto pay $1 for their presents, as in alt other concerns.

Certificates giving a complete description of the arti-cles that will be sold for $1 each, will be sold at the fol-lowing rates:.10for $ 1 ; 80 (wilh.present)Mr * 3 ; 60(wltii present) $6; 100 (with present) $10. And same

ratefor larger clnbs,Look at tali chance to get a SUkDross, Setflng Ma«

chine, GoliitVatclii or some other good article or equalvalue, witli but very little trouble and no expense.to theA g e n t , , . • * . . .

1'or a club .of WlMy we will give lliG tyMMIl SGtlulBg Itthe.choice.of thefollo.wing.articles.:-. Print Dress- -tat-tern, •worsted torealrfast shawl,-wliltelinen tabledotli em-'bossed table spread,set steel bladedIcniyes and forks,,set silver plated forks, elegant engraved Bllver platedgold lined goblet, violin and bow, fancy dress pattern,pair ladies extra quality clotn boots, elegant beaded silkparasol, 100-picture morocco plioto. album, elegant ivo-ry handled spangled silk fan, 1 doz large sized linen towels, ladies morocco shopping bag, alhambra quilt, fancybalmoral skirt, ladles solid gold California diamond ring,gents plain or engraved goldring, (16 carets fine), ladlessolid black -walnut writing desk, ladies fancy black wal-ntit vrorK pox, or tv cottage OIOCK,

For a Club of 60, one of the following artlcle3: Pancy-cashmere drcBS pattern, 8 yds double width water proofcloaking, Thibet shawl, 4yds woolfrockingj-setlacecur-talna, Udles double wool shawl, silver'plated card bas-ket, splendid engraved silver plated ice pitcher, engrav-ed silver plated tea pot, 100 picture Turkey moroccophoto, album, Lancaster quilt, fancy plaid wool shawl,25 y(ls. sheering, alapaca dress pattern, engraved silverplated G bottle revolving castor, pair gent's Calf boota,Harris cloth pants and vest pattern, splendid balmoralskirt, set of ivory handle knives with silver-plated forks

1 pair of all wool blankets, rosewood frame brass alarmclock, splendid beaded and lined silk, parasol, ladies

spledld Morocco traveling bag, 80 yaras print, or mar-seilles quilt.

For a Club of 100. splendid engraved, silver plated teaset, (3 pieces, sugar bowl, tea pot and creamer), silverplated cake basket, fancy plaid wool long shawl, 25 yds.hemp carpeting, splendid violin and bow, Englishberage'shawl, 45 yds sheeting, splendid alapaca dress .pattern,slver hunting case watch, splendid family-Bible -with' ele-gant steel engravings and family record and photographpage, poplin dress pattern, engraved silver plated icepitcher, splendid beaver cloak pattern, sharpe's revolv-

or, fancy casslmero coat, pant? and vestjiaWern extraquality, splendid, accordeon music box, one pair linedamask table covers with 1 doz. dinner naplsins to match.

Egf"Preserits for larger Clubs in proportion.This 13 no humbug lottery Gift Enterprise or gale of

Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, square sale of unredeemedGoods. Our goods are

NEW AND NOT SECOND HAND,And we guarantee more for the money invested than canbe bought at any wholesale Btore in the country.

Agenls will please take notice of this. Do not sendnames, but number your clubs from one upwards. Letyour letters be short and plain as possible.

Be sure and send money amounting to $5 or more byRegistered letter, (which can be sent from any office),P. O. Money Order,, or. Express ; -for when sent In thisway you run no risk of losing It whatever. Small sumsmay be sept by mail, but be sure and put them in.the of-fice yourself.

We cannot be responsible for'money lost unless someprecautions are taken to ensure its Bafety.

Send your address In fall, Town, County and State.—All certificates are good until redeemed.

S. 0. THOMPSON & CO.,• Send for Circular. No. SO Hanover St., Boston.


An octavo volume of 630 pages, containing 47 newlywritten Sketches, by Messrs. Parian, Greely, Bigginson,Tilton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Mrs. E. O. Stan-ton, Fanny Pern, Grace Greenwood, etc. Illustratedwith 14 beautiful Steel Engravings. The N. Y. Tribiinesays : "So thoroughly have the publishers done theirwork that their volume, in paper, type, binding, en-gravings, above all the excellence of its subject matter,goes far to remove the reproach urged against subscrlp-tlonbook—'Onlymadeto sell.1 " For descriptive circulars address S. M. IiEl'T3 & CO,, Hartford, Ct,

FORT EDWARD INSMTDTB.—Fall term September3d'. $60 per term. Superb briclc buildings. SixteenTeachers. Coureeforladies or Gentlemen; or choiceef studies. Common, Commercial, Classical, or ornamentill. ITirst rate advantages. Address for catalogues,

T. B. KING, D. D., Fort Edward, N. Y.

WASTED—ASSSI3—"So sell the LOST CAUSE, theonly jDetnocfatlc •History or the "Wai-; also, TJEIESOXSIN BLUB, a thrilling record of tlio ranlc ana fllo or theUnion Army; Headley's Life of Grant j CampaignUadgea and. engravliiBs of both parties, &c

E. E. TKEA.T & CO., C5-1 Broadway, N. X-

MONEY EASILY MADE. IWith our Complete Stencil and Key Check Outfit.—

Small Capital required. Circulars I?ree. 8TA3?PORDMANF&, 00., Cii Walton Street, New TorK«


Also theiv Patent



Clilcltering <fc Son*,Ste lnway 4c Sons ,

Ha l l e t , Davis 6c Co.,JT. W. Vo«e Sc Co.,

Tlie Bradbury piano,Geo. M. Guild & Co.

Dunham & Sons,Kayen & Bacon.

Halnes Bros.

B^Al l kinds of Musical; Mercnandice for sale at thelowest Boston and New York Prices.

Ogdensburgh,Aprin, 186S.(d*w) . O.H. CMSMONS.

A BIG MOUSE ;Will not draw a steamboat,Yet some exhibit no more senseIn buying Wolcott'a PainPalnt.

A small bottle is the Yery thing • 'For a mosciidtto bite.But for a cancer or fever sore,Or any chronic ailment

YOU must get the large sizes, ;A pint of Paint holdsEight one aollar bottles,And costs only live aollars. ;

A quart co3ts only eight dollars. |A gallon is much cheaper,It costs,only twenty dollars,And is double strength.Buy large bottles and save money.If you want a gallon, send toWolcott'a office for It. i170 Chatham Square, N. Y.

Buy None Unless in White Wrappers.Cures Cancers, Ulcers, Bolls, Pain Paint.Oures Dysentery, Colic Piles, Pain Paint »Cures Bees, Mosquito Bites, Pain Paint.Cures Fever or Eestless Nights, Pain Paint.Oures Ulcerated Gums, Pain Paint.Cures Felons on Thumbs, Pain Paint.Cures Sunstroke ana Day, Pain Paint.Oures Fever.rlght away. Pain Paint.Brain Fever quickly cures, Pain Paint.Thick Heads of Hatr insures, Pain Pilnt'.Drives Inflammation out, Pain Paint.Cures Bunions, Corns, or Gout, • Pain PaintMates Fogy Dpctorswhine, Pain Paint.OuresSheumatlsmevery time, PainPalnt.Is Cool ana never Smart, BalnPaint.Will cure Neuralgic darts, Pain Paint.Will never Burn at Stain, Pain Paint.Its Honor well maintains, Pain Paint.

. All Headache quickly stops, Pain Paint.Is aoldinDrugglsts1 shops, PainTaint..Ten Thousand recommend, Pain Paint.WillPlease a Foe or Friend, Pain Paint.Testeil Free ana Fair, . Pain Paint. •At ITO Chatham Square, Pain Paint.


piece of Sheeting, Jfatcli, 8i_lk DresE pattern^ &s

"'• K E t E E OV "'COS5P. ! 'Our inducement^ during tlio past few years liavo 'beep

; I large. f , tW E NOIV B O T I B L K O U S l 'BEMIUBISi

BP"Our lrienils Will readily notice our 'presents for80 and 60 Clubs are now more than equal-in value toClubs of 60 and 100 respectively, of other flrms. • i

| ^~P lease examine.! \ jAny person ordering cither or the clubs named below,

can have their selections of premiums enumerated, cor-responding to the size of the Club, ! ,' !

', FKGE OF $1 i >For a Club of j80, ($3)—Oneo'f the following articles':

Delaine drees pattern,) fancy colored bed-spread, 100view Turkey Morocco album, 20 yards sheetings, stripedcashmere delaine dresfe pattern, honeycomb quilt, allwool square sliawl, set solid gold bosom stud3, all' woolfancy cashmere pants and. vest pattern, gent's hair amiguard chain, gold trimmings, silver .plated chased butterdisli, silver} plated 5 bottle revolving castor on feet, setBupeqor steel bladed knives and forks, worsted prom-enade Bhawl, ladies long gold plated chain! ladles'? doa-ble gold ring, gents'heavy chased solid gold ring,, solidblack walnut work box pr writing desk, extra quality bal-moral skirt, set jewelry and sloeve buttons' to match, vi-olin and bow, gent's cardigan jacket, splendid ebony Dflute,,lypry trimmings, pu'perior Turkey Mprocco travel-ing b^gi, ladles high cut balmoral fepots. !

For a Club of 60, (6,)—One of the following articles S»-Bkck or colored.alpaca dress pattern,poplin drcssf) Pi»t-"tern, one piece bleached orbrown sheeting, engraved sil-

er plated-G-bottlexevolving-castoiyS^- yards superioVi&Bhmere for pants and vest patterns, extra honeycomj)luilt, two fancy colored lied spreads, pair gent's calfboots, 4 yds. farmer's good wool frocWng, fancy casli-nere plaid dress pattern, best quality balmoral Skirl,

rosewood brass alarm clack, ladies all wool cleat pat-tern, silver plated cake or card basket, fur mufc pr cape jladles fashionable wool flouWe Bliawl, spicriaw ciaepeu!amily bible0xl2',Tecord page, and engravings', 3 yds"double width water proof cloaking,. Bet ivory hauaieknives, with silver plated forks, one set lace curtain. {

For n glttbof 100 $10KOho of the following articles;'yda double width cloaking or coaling,'} lai'gfi ilne blei 't)le covers, "Wixir one tlaa litr^e siseti UjSfieir iiaplHiis tfo -atch, 25 yds. splendid hemp-"carpetingj good colors, ex- :

l i l W K i flw i *piece superior quality eiira.wldth-skeeUng.-piurk'eut'scalf boots best quality, silver hunting cased^satent leverwatcli, one doz. Ivory handled steel bladed knlVcs' anilforfyii sllVer plated engraved (j pottle, reyql'Yinji;"castor,with cutglass bottles, splendid'.'violin 'Box annd hof,'complete, single barrel shot-gun, Bacon'3 six-barrel re-rolver, pair superior white wool blanlcets, liice far muffmdcape, silver plated engraved ice pitcher, with salver,'% yds. all wool fanoy cashmero for suit, 1 doz. Kogerji1

>est silver plated,forlcs, common sense aewing and ein-iir'olcJerlng machine, two b-eavy noneycomb quilts, sjplen- .lid family Bible, record ana photograph page. 1yor larger Clubs tne.:value Increases in tlie saaie ra-

116. |Catalogue or. Ooods and Sample sent to nay address

•ree. Address ALLBH, HA\VES & Co.,Wholesale dealers in French, German ana English B

ana Fancy Gooas, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums,Leather Goods, &c.. Jfo.15 Federal St. Boston.P . O. Box* O.- " ** * ' ^ • fap7-4:

\ GENTS'HEAllQUAKTERBFOR CAMPAIGN BOOKSi i . Engravings, Badges, Ac. 15 styles -of Badges nowready. Dempcratein same styles'whennominated. Foursamples for S6c. TREAT & CO., 654 B'way, N. Y. 4w


Trust CompanyOFKUsTCXTY OF SEW'TORK, ' i

, , . • v , - - . • - * - }

No. 336 B R O A B A V A I . 1

Capital $1,000,000. Chartered by tl»

Stale. ' " ; " . ' , .DARIOS R. MANOAM, Prest. Xis. MKRMIX, Sec.1 Receives deposits and allows four per cent. Interest onall dally balances, subject to check atrslght.—Special deposit? for six months or, more may S e ^ U e atfive per cent. The Capital of $l,000,00Q U dividedamong over 500 shareholders, comprising many gentle-men of large wealth and financial experience,, .who arepersonally liable to depositors for all obligations of theCompany to-doable the amount of their capital- stock.—As the National Trust Co. recelveraepotftrtn-large orsmall amounts, and permit 1 them to be drawn as a wholior in part by Check at Sight ana without notloe.allowlnjInterest on all dally balances, parties throughout thecountry can keep accounts in thii institution with ipe-clal advantages of lecurlty, convenience and profit.

WE ARE COMINGAnd will present to any person .sending! ua a clilb'.i

6nr great $1 sale of ©ry and

6 o"o s,i

paBttltgWflffWfl9*#h 9- R'» Je6:001>. M.,:conkect3!flt, iVhite lU^er1O73 F ^ l s ^ i t l i ' t c a i s f B s t


GREAT $1.00 :SALEJ!SHEETINGS free of cost to our Agents.WATCHES free of cost to onr Agents.SKWXNG Machines free of cost to our Agents.LEATHER Cloods free of costto-Agents..- .IiTNEN Goods free of cost to our Agents.SILKS & Sfrawls free of cost to our Agents.BOOTS & Shoes free of cost to our Agents.DKE^S Goods free . r cost to our Agents.

JOolleusr 2arga;.BSFOR 0 US. CUSTOMERS^ ' •

A splendid stock of Goods Including in

HAEBIS & PLUMMETO.**,-nrt<j- f t f U lollar Salf.

TVo represents reliable and responsible firm, ana offer;uperior inaucements.

The State in a blaze of excitement over our sale,. A wonder to the ladles.. ,. .':.-

•A wonaer to the store-teepers, who.-fina fiheir oc<,lon gpne. . _ , .

A wonaer to everybody.Give us a trial in preference to.tliose who make* such

;reat pretentions, and whose only capital is in their j>;ensions. I

SEEOCEPEEMHIMHST, |The moEt fastidious can engage In'-our sale with profit

to themselves and to the delight oftheir friends.Jiy_ one sending* ua either of the clubs mentioned1 be

low will be entitled to.any article mentioned in Clubs ofthat number, '

F R E E O F . C H A B C E .For aCluhof.20-and.$2.^-0Ppicjinre double clasp ilor-

rocco Album.; silver plated S.bottle revolviug castoc;worsted promenade shawl;.Balmoral Skirt, good style;wool cassimere pants pattern; 12pairs white cotton hbse^embossed wool cover; 10 yards'ibleaohed or unbleaohedcotton cloth. •' • ' j .

Fora Club of 40- ana $4.—ladies'splendia fine whitetuckea under skirt; 1 dozen alllinen Huck towels; ttyl-Ish dress pattern; whiteMarseilies quilt; ladies' hana-some all wool square shawL;. h'eavy arid rich colpre.d-quilt; 25yards bleached or'unbleached cotlon cloth;gents' all woolen pants and1 veat.paltern ; extra qullity

. l?or Clubs pr 60 ana $0.—Black-or colored aUipaoca•Jresg.pattern; beautiful poplin (Jross pattern: 40 yprds

quilt; xoseWopd htff&t alftvm clock; siiieadld1 clasp fam-ily bible, 0xl2,recoi?dpaKe ah^ fingtavi6g; Shards double•n-itltli-wat^ir-proof cloatiag-| set xyofy ixajaOlib fcnlves;Witli Silver plated forks; pair gents1 cnlfboots; -wlilte

lhiendArnttskcovei', with silver; castW, O,bQttlas; 2 tcol-

S^r^icn. jnerino or tliibetdress pattern; & yards double width.coatingor cloaking;2 large, fine bleached linen damask table covers, with 1dpien.large.dinner napkins.to match; Alexandria poplindress.pTtUern, choice.Ehades;; 25 ard^ Jiemp carpeting;pair gents' sewed.boots; heavy silvec plated ecgrivea.


On and after Monday, May 25, trains trill run aa

Xieavcs Ogaensbnrg 5:80 A.M., (breakfast atHalone;)arrive at Rouses Point at 10:85 A.M., connecting wltfeVermont Central J£:.R. Day/Express, for Burlington, Oen-eord, Nashua, lowell, arrive in Boston 10:80 P. M. , •

.. 2d—OCHBOUGH MATT., 'Leave OgdfiuBburg at J.00 P .M. , Potsdam JnnctiopJ.2OI.I BJfalonB S.SOT.jM^ : connecting at • Mooerjs-

junction wltlip, & M. K.K.for 'PlaUSburgh, Blirlingtojland •Whitehall, via take Champlata Steamers,arrive-at Souse's Point at 6.25 P. M., connecting wiihVt. CentralNlght Bxpres's,for Burlington and all poinfsEast ana South, arriving In Boston at 8:40 A. M., SprinK-lieia 6:40 A. M.,; Troy 4:35 A. 1.1., New York 10:80 A. M.

Passengers by this train who wish to take steamers ontake Oha'mplain will change- cars' at llooer's Junctionmeeting Steamers- at Pittsburgh instead of Kouse's P.t.as heretofore. J '

8d—ACCOMMOBATIOH—with SEKKPING CAR. ;''•tieave OgdensburgatG P. J l . i o n arrival.of.Grand-Trunk day express train from Toronto and West, arrly-,ing at Kouse's Point at 4:35 A. M., connecting with Ver-mont Central day mail for Burlington, White River;Junction, Concord, Fitchburg, Nashua and Lowell, ar-rive in Boston at G:30 P. M. |

: • EET0RNING-. . .•-. . :&•- j ,Leave Kew York S:SO P . JI., Troy 9:30 P. M-, sleeping

car, nutland 1:30 A, IS. Burlington 4:15 A.M.; Bos-ton 5:00 P. AL, ,Kouse;'3 ..Point' (1:15- A. -M., arriv.eat Ogdensburgh'at 1 :40 P,.;?l.; Connecting at MooerjsJunption i. with trains , from Plattsburgh, andi a i e CJiamplain: .- Steamers; at Potsdam Junc-tion; witajlt., V . & 6. S~. S. for Waterfowl, Jtome andiWpst; also with Stages^for Masseaa Serlngs) ana at Og-_densburg w'^a,trains of-E.3V. '&T0. K.,E; for South arid..West; with*'Grand-Trunk Railway for West; St. Law-rence" and:-jQttswff Hallway- for.-Ottawa-,^and- w-HIr"ojtihcrn -^rai^spo^tatipn'Cp.-^Iii^ie Steanier3-..fpf r^Vest.Also, leave AuUatiii^SU A: JSi^JStsfthfletd. j ^ f

- • " " ••"-" nat.'12:iO'P.;M.,u r g t ) n ? : 0 ; 4 ; S . , eit.Ogdenab.uig at 5:40,i?.,M. i.— : Z." '-—. -

flt^ pTn.qe, OggeBSburg,


1OT73 Fj^Ua^^itn' -trains for Boston, Worcester, Spring-:Held, ' rend TTith trains' 6n 3?assuinpsic road; arrives at

ettypatl(M5I.1Slcl <Bit , 'UXi»pg$ loaves .Ogden.sbwg al 5:30 A, H-onse'31 iPbinfe 1O:'4^ A . ZS-.\- fo'r-Bostohi^&c.Varriving-.B t i L l l t 1 0 3 0 P 'S l *

i 4 . .\in Boston, via Lowell, at 10:30 P-.'Sl.

KIG-HI; EXPRESS, leaves Ogdensburg atP. M., Rpuse'S Point at 6;35 '.P. II., ajvriving at Boston at Si40 A.M., connebtiugat Bellowstrails' sash. Cheshire gfi/dlroad ^or Boston aud Worces-ter", and with' Yermonevailey "Raiiroaa for springavei'Ac,and arriving in Mew Xork atl2:S0 P. M. !

THAIHS fiOINQ HOllTii ABD ¥5ST, | 'D M BXSaBSSJeayes Bpston, via towsll, 'at S:00 A. ,

M., for Surliagton,-St AlbanS, fic.i-arriving at Ogflei(s-burg a t 5:30 A. >>I. . . I

Trains leaving Boston via Bitchburg at T:SO A. M.,and Springfield at 7:45 A. M., connect at White KiverJucction-Tslth the-day express train., • i j

ACOOMftOTJAXION TKAIK leaves Northfield at V.4SA. M., for Uurlington, Sutlarta, St. Albana, Souse's Pt.,Ogdensburg, &e. • • V " i' ! .

IvIGHT iiXPBESS leaven Bellows Sails at 10:00 V. tta,eceivlng p.iasengers from Vermont Valley B . K., leavfag

Kew-'Yiorlc at 12:15 B: M-yanjl, Xron tSnesliire. It. ..leav-ing Boston at 5:|p S. H..;>c'(>nnectmg' at Whlta* SijorJunction with train leaving "Boston a t 8:00 p . M., jfoi:Burlington, House's Point, and Ogden3burgh, connect-ing.with steamers and flrand Srxrak Tr.alnslor tho We3t.

Bleeping Carn are Btfc'che'd'-to" Mcht Trains. ' ) .Tbrpugh Tickets for fli!i«8go and the West for Dale at

the principal stations. ~ !> . . W. VM&KCtdli. Gen'l SapS.

Efc .Vibana, Vt., May 25.15SS. ' £a&wi

TMlSrSl OGDBKSBDEQAU1.00E..M.>>B3cpii!ss,.ror:Xrey»na Ne-g- Torlr, -u

aeeping,-63t.from,St. Aibanato. P^oy, arriving in » o yat 4.40 A. M., and Kew York at lO.f'"1 A. M., via JheHi "Bon-,R!vsrEailroid. .. . • • , , , ! -, , j ' i ;

. A.t 1.00 P . M-, Bxpress for -Bosffija, arriyiiig. as Bar-iliigtoi., h7 raU,.at 3 SO P.&L,(w,Hh'aleepIag carfrom 8UT-llngton) and arrive in BostaE next morning at 8:88o ' c l o c k ; . . - . . " , • i . • '

,0r.,3*assenge"r3 bythel;O(iP. "&I. train cari take oneof th'e" Late Champlain Steamers, *n arriving at House'sPoint, get supper on board, pass through the mostpleaB-aafparl: of the Xiake, toucli at-3?!att-sbargh, and, arrive atBjirjington in. tima to Connect, WlSnjmi JTAIJU, withtceT0:0ffP. M. IDipress Train forT?oston| (with sleepingczzsi i;naarrive in Boston next morning at 8:30 o'clock.

4:35 AlngatBostonatO:80.P. II . ' ' T

l1oi-ticfeat5 or information apply ito Ticket Office, !Og-densburgh K. IS. Deoot, or of Ohas. I . BalSv/in, Q-. S. B.ticket. Office, State street, or T. N. Derby, Q. W. E. 2ick-af fjfiice, State etre'et, Opposite Seymour House. '•

s g r " Baggage checketl tfirtiugl] Xroni Ogd'ensbarg. 'GEO. A . MBBBlLXi, Supt.

J . S OHUEOEf, Gi>n.Agt.,OgdeRiibcrg. |• Jone.'i, Ji3fiS.. _ . . • •_ • . r_ . . - . fXmf

frooklng; elegantw.hite or colored muslin dress pattfern;silver plated cake 8? card basket. I m- Fo"a-Club ofj.00. and. SiO^r^Ricn. jnerino or tliibet

ti l k i

machine;. 2 he^vyVhlt* yi'cibrla <iuilts; splendia ojasp

family blble,,r#oi1il andpM6gfaji&,pag6; dozen Rogers'best silver- plated 'forks j'ilegarit 3?rench-poplin dresspattern; ladies orfient3^sllyerbuntins'case watch;j Bil-Ver plated engraved'C-ljbttTe'fevolvin'g'' ca3tor, cut glassbottles; splendid Violin, box and bow complete; 3hon-. e y c o m b . q u i l t s ' . ' ' f ' . ' " ' ' ' . . . '

For larger Clubs premiums will'be given o£prpportion-ate value.' , . "•" " , ' " . " ' ' ',

ClTOatalpgne of goods Mijt't? any^Hflflress free, |.Send money by TeglsteV.edletter. , Address all ordeis to

HiRKIS &'. PiTJEBEEj 'No. 34'Han6ver.Str'eet, ^Boston, SXass.

\Vholosale Dealers Id Dify and .Fancy Goods, Out|ery,Platefi Ware.ieather Gffoas^AlbumS.ic. 4w

Xo Ottatva Cltyv^iaMfpsiSKeai- anSOI-ta.xva .JHi-iver., ., , . ' '.

TIOKETS GOOD. t r i lTII i NOVEMBER 1, 1SG$. - -*"



!i I T - > ito(The Route:—OBdensburg to Montreal "via G. Ti Ky.

or Royal Mail l i n e Steamers ; Montreal to Iiachine viaG. T. Ry.; laehinb to Ottawa, via Ottawa and llontrealLine of Steamer!, up the Ottawa Elver, passing throughlake St. Ann's rapids and lake of Two Mountains' ; Ot-tawa to Ogdensburg, via Ottawa and St. Lawrence Ey.. Pasiengers holdlngrtheseUp^ts wnrlay over <jn theroute and resume their trips at pleasure,' tickets ibeinggood until November 1.1S68. , . . . . . . ],' TCicTcets'for'the-xotin&'-trip'ffoin Ogclehsburg to Ottawaand return •' • ' . ' '

$ 1 0 . 5 0 , A m e r i c a n C u r r e n c y .

EicnrjionL Tickets- to"^Montreal, ?Quebec,i M t i B t n Saratoga d! N

^ A l s o E i c n r j i o n L T i c k e t s ^ n l , Q u e b e c ,P o r t l a n d , W h i t e M o u n t a i n s , BoBton, S a r a t o g a a n d ! N e wYork, at equally low rates of fare, for sale at the GrandTrunk Railway Agency, OJd Ogdensburg Bank Building;State Street. -CHA8. Ii BALDWIN, Agent.-

Ogdensburg, July 9, 1868. (jy9a8m>,,

! ..pile's I Jl ^ ! pAuthorised, and Authentic , , ,

LIFE OF GEN. KI/VSSES S. GltANT.Comprising »-complete accurate history of his event-

ful and Interesting career, with an'authentic narrativeof his invaluable military services, adding also an im-partial eitimate-of his character as »Man, * goldier anda Bt«te«m*n. ' By Hon Oh»rl« A. J)»n», late; 'AssistantSecretary of war. The gpringfleld KepnbUcan iay« -.—"Bana'g Life of Gener&liGrent Is sure to be the moit au^thentic ana best tite»f Grant publlshea." Porpartiou-I l to or.mddre»J.GnBDPN BIU. * CO., Spring-

., or HSK » * A l N A R D ' R " i l i e ^ ^ '

•SS.&SSSS, W a . f e l i a s SSStJBGTS, U . 9 ,

I S 6 8 . ' 1 " SUMMER- ABRAxKfcMISIr.G, •' 1SGS.. EIGHT? MILES S '


On and after Monday,Miiy 11,186S, and -Tintil furthernotice, Passenger Brains will run-on thi3. Road aa fol'Iows,(SundayB exempted,) ' • i

..EXPHB3S MAIL. -.. , jIiBaveOgd^n3lim-g.9:15 A. M., arrives at •JValertov.n

12:25.^20 minutes for -dinner,) .:!Rpia&^--:05JBlM., Os^ego4:351'.M,, connecting at Rome with Heiv- Tork- CentralBxpreua Traka for;ivll points Bast and West, arriving atTJtica. 5:10 2. JL, Syracase:6:251>. JL, EocUeste'r'.9:l6 E.3VIIj--Albany S:SO J2i 51.; EvLffiao 32:00 "^ AT- - -SiisijeiiiiosiBridge 12;8B A,»!., NcwTovx 6;0Q A.ar.petroHrUhqo A,M., Chicago 8:80 P. J t , • j

• NEW TOUK.EXES.ESS. 1toit200 s AX i l

i . , o v i AMUU i-*d.ii\] ^ 21.., ^acnesi^rS:S0 A. 3 t , BaffaJo 0120; .A.M..-Susperision Br 6:40 A. M.ySeftanii i31eeping ,.Car attachea to *his, train "StfwatertowB and r.uli- thjsdgh t'o Kew York withoutchange . ' ' • . f

Close connections jniuIeiaiLjBuiEiloaiid 3*ispenElon 15rifor Chicago and all points West.. , • i

' , " EETURHIN&. . 'leavelTew York sit SOth Street Bepofi, G:'SO P.M.j ar-

ilve, at Wateriown 7:40 A. M., (20 minutes for breatofast,)'PgaenB6nrg,'ll:a5AiJVr. • V ,-- i ;,,

SleeeBlfig Onv attached to this Iviiih1 and run?through to Watertown. I - ~.

^^"Ihropgh tickets to Troy, Albany, New "E°rfePhiladelphia', Baltimore,. Washington^ Boston, Spring*-""field, Buffalo, and all principal n.olnts. East and \Vest,can be obtained at the Ticket Office at the Depot,! anilat tae Ticket Office, of the Great "Western Railway ! Og"-

densburg, T.N. DBBBY, Agent.Sarea3lo'wandl2 hours quicker than iby any dthsr

ronte to Tifew York. ' • ' 'I i !Baggage cheeked fthrougk. '•

.•< • • . • , • , MADpiSOX^,-DA-ir,Q.en,'lSupti.

H.E.PRARY, Gen.- Jioke1, Agent, '186T-S. 'Wlntep A w a a g e m e m s ;! • •!' i .

asd" Syracuse *In connection with the Ifew York Central K. Bl •'..;

CoiMaiesising Nov. ? 3, 186^. i '"''

.; r,otte to : 1 , .

X>eia.~oi'fc5;. •i,T_cjytM.v«»Bi?;»j -,.. ina all 'Points West ana Sauth -Westij^1

" TralnHeave Ogdenshurgh at 2 P. M., arrive at Osw.egpaf9P.M:"leaveOswegoat5:56?; M.,arriveat-Ogdeirsburgh, afa:05"A..M.', - - . r ;Xeave Oswego 9 XJla., Eoltori -9:85 A. xS.\ Lamsons 9:S9

A. M,, Baiawinsviile 10:17 A. M., arrive at Syracuse10:55 A. M. \

LeaveOswego 2P.M.,Fulton 2:S4P. M.,lamsona 2:59,E..M.,Jiaia.wiji3vme.S:17P. M.. arrive at Syracuse."'3:55 P. JI., connecting with': Syracuse, Binghampton'

and New York R. R. for Bingharapton, Pliilade'lpMa,.JSaH-imore ana all points South. !

Leave Oswego 6 P . M., Fulton 0:80 P . 51., Latnsona 6:82!B. M.,-lialdwinsville, T-.OT P. M., arrive .atSy!|acuse8-p'jsJ. . . O " i . ' - ' '*<•'"'.!' i

EETDKNIHS-: • ; ,r«rLeave Syracuse 6:45 A. M.; 2;8S S. M.; 7:20 P. M.' &

Arrive at Oswego 8:35 A.M.; 4:85 P . M . ; 9:10 P. M.tixTKF"'J!hrough Ticket?.for, sa le ,a t - the C.ompany'siO^ice

f o r a U ' p o l n i s W e s t a n a S b u i h ' W e s t . ' " 'W. B. PHBLl'S, * '

O. &. SHE AD, Gen'l Ticket Agent. (noSOa.

aaroughto, CMoogoin 8Shours, being 12 hours quickthai by any;6tiiprrqu{e., .'."'• ","'''"^. j, Trains leave Treacdtt JjinoSoa', 'opposite - .

'bnfgSasfollowBTk:1":'' " " £*;*'• '7V '-, .Tk:1 : .' 'FOE 1SW WBSi: ' • • ' • • ( » •

Chicago Day Express 1.35 ?• M,-,-Accommodation,... 4 , 4 0 P.M.'Chicago Night Express i 2 , 4 S A. fc,.,

.¥OK 2HB EAST. iresa i j . ' :S;s-<: s j. BIorhfagT3*presaij....:S;s..:sj.{i5;.OOA.M

Local 11 .03 A. %..Evening Express 4 . 4 0 P.M.'

JSP™ Through Tickets for sale at the General pnlOffice; Old OgdensburghiBuik Building, State Street,. ,

OEAS. I . BALDWIN,'Agent,*- | !

C. J..BETTDGEB, , , . Ogden»furgh{N.-3riiftnsglrig Director;5 V" ' S. K BBiOH, > '•'•"-l M ^ t f . . G«er»l Agent, NewTorkOlty.

'* |

Kpttl,Trains leaVS White T.iVer-Junclibn- for Concord, Ka3h;-

rivfll of trains from Ogaensburgli Euia-Sipri^eal'. • •" • ' ;' Leave.Concorfrfor OgdensbtargWan&Moritfeal ailO:80A.M.,and8:15P.M.,or on'arrlva,l-,olriralna- from-'Eoj-ton , WorceBter,.&Of *. " j ' r • " . * . ' , , ' • . " . . ." ""* >•'"i'raln'a over this'Road are runclallyin con'fiecfiqn'witlitrains over the Ogdensburgh IWaaS-'carrying, PaBieri-gers ana Ifreighfc-toiand. froniy.the:' West, Ogaensburgn,Montrealvand- JSI^nche terj-fNashua, Woreestert Provi-aence, "t'owell, "Lawrence, Sostonj^-toSimontn

Vortlancl and the East.and all intermediate points. ' • I, , i . O.NSLOW SBEARHS, Agent. [

1868. • Bepple's 1868


Kom Steamboat Landlng,\A;lbanyvaaily,. ( Sunday^ ex-ceptsd) at 7 o'clock P^M. ', '

,B R, E. >V. ,,,.r |( .ST., J )p H(|J-,'Cap'. S. X HOE, ' PCapt. W. H. CHRIS'TOPIIER,

M'dridays, WedneVdaya S'i'Suosaays,' Thursdays and.-.;... l'rJ3ays',i ; ; ',],.•••. Saturdays. : •

KS^Purchase Tickets only to 'Albany. PassengerBandtheirjBaggageTcarried'tbtherBoatsIfree;' :. r^gTAs ;theN,T-|0.jU..B..authorities,will not allowour wagonB ir i theTara, they will' always befoimd' '6uVisidejimarkedP^oJile'flJHinevfaswlll'alspthe^gent. • Pass-engers will please step outside the Yard and hand theirOhecks.to our. Agent-,- ana Baye paying-40-"cen'£3:ra piece1

for their Baggage to the N., "t. O. K, S. BagErtee Honoroly. ' ' ; - . . ; • • ! • . . • i _ . • -

.g^°vHuds,on'.Iliver'E. Bi.Tickets taken for?*, usage othe boats. - . . . ^ . . . . . .BSr-Eraght*ill!betaKen,a;t'all times': atlOwrates-- as

snyrltailroaa or Steamboat Line. . sKSTFor further'Tatticulars-anply at the Office, NOB;

28S ana,285 Broa'dw.ay, Albany.

(aplTdtf)fT, agent

f f 9^' ' '-. THKilB EXPRESS ifiAINS

eaye Suspension Briage, Hamilton anaTojjontpiJaally,

" " ' • " ' excoptodO'on arrival of Train? frora a p Bast'for . /.-, •.

i'rainajleavfi jaensburgh, -via2:

-, —-v- .- -,- f'..Niagara"2?allsl' affi''SUi^CLBSr^S^0A. 61.-,t»fitroit:9:80A.M.,arrivfalgat;0hicago9:80R}i...E5prj8S3-Srain-leave3!QE.(lensburgh'.fl:0i) V.U., Eome

3:10>.Siagarai'alls.ana: Suspension Br.-.O:B0.,A- itt"T>e~trqit,5'P.'SI.;a-rriylng a t CDICE;** 6:00" A. %i. mat -ing closaJconnections-wltb: all trains South; Weafa'nfilHorjtaiestt , ... • ft-. ,,. - ' • '

' i(i8the..Shorte3l,-Ohesj-eEta2d,mOBt.reIiabl6 routeO r e a ^ w e s i , • - - '•' ~ •'• " - ' - '

r Ti&efeisk-for H&els via SreafWeSkrft Railway, wliioli aan5:.obta5ne6 at-all the .principal!.Tloket. Oflloej IS tne

' JASIEB 3IMOHDS,Agent, Ogtiensbiifffn; if 2".

T.N.DIKSY, Traveling A'gent.Ogu'h.'N.T.KOS. ETW3|?YAfi35 eh. feiilge?, HaSftpnfont!

,C A N A, J U S

. DiTL? U3E OP

W EXPISBSS SlEASTKiES. J&lLeave Ostfensbm-pt a t l y.iM., Brodkrille 3 P?M= " JA3-

,exandriaSay,.6]?;M.,-. Kingston 8:30 P, EI,i CharlotteS l l l ? ^ 3 *i'I^f' ~^U:hT*™&™answloll?•This Company-will., aiiring iihe Season -of pleasure

travel, commencing June-SBd, run a- Daily, tine otBfeain-ers for pleasure agribusiness travel, between Oirrtens-burgs Montreal, Soroiito and'tewis'toij.' ' " -' ;

THeXiriewill"becbmposea6f the'Is.rg»' St«iinch aoa>..CoinmodiousSiae-WheelLaks Steamer.6

AXKESIA^,. . „ . , . . . . . Capt-J., Ji.jforley.COE0MBiAS Oapt J S fetes • .

Oonaecting at Ogden?burg Tria tbe elegant EJrer••J ' •'• . S t e a m e r s . . ! . ' . - . ' ' ,

.! >,..i,Canfc,0arroiehe8l.' .: ; ; t c a p t ; B a i i 6 y ' « '

| ^ | S S & , , e 8 l .rassHEB ,„.,....:....;..;.t.capt.;Baii6y.'- «•'

Andpgdenshurg K. E. for Rouse's Point''and ail; "poiutsSouth and East,,tormirig:,a Daily tine (Sunflays exceptred) thrflUgh.Lake Ontario .and Slyer'St. la#rence, Jeav-;mg Ogaensburg,.at 1 P. Bl., on'arraval o£' Exraess Wainfrom the East, touching at Brockyille, Alexanafi'a Bay-Klngston and:Charlotte, arriVing.atoewisfflh'tHe follow-ing morning 19:80 ; connecting at gingston with .aailvboat up the. Bay of Quinte.fbr. BellevifieJana Picton '• atCharlotte afiaLeTjdstoh with New Yor!c''O'entrar'Eaihf)iafor.JSiagara.I'alls and- Buffalo, thereby'fdfiofeff-a'-closSeoonnectioh-Tvitli all tQe-fpUowing jfonte<- j . •. : "_At_Suspension Bridge, w.ith Qt.'. Western Saiiway-for'mmjlton,I,o;naon, Detroit,' Chicago/ Milwaukee: andaall -pointSkWest ana Seuth ; at,-Bnffalo -witlLiiSate- Shoreand,ulichigfcn Southern,-Cleveland-sad' Ore?Hine JKilf.,-to all points 'Westana.Southr; anawith,Euffiiloana.l'akeErie Jime Steajjiifers for Cleveland' and ffll bolnis of liake

• Michigan, thereby affording the 'cheap'e'st possible" waY?f - the transportation of families iho.ving; tathe-flreat

The Steamers Champion and Banshee willieave lo.g-aensburgfor'Mpntreal.and'Quebec.ev£ry',davat-9 A1 k .(Hondays exepted). Eeturning leave. Montreal eveiiyilorning, Sunaays'excepted,af7o>'cloc!k-. ' ^ >, The Steamers of ,.thi3 Lina are une.quallea- for, size knastrength aud speed oil Lake "Ohtario',"as -they alwayshave been, for safety an.delegahce in arrangements,'ahd!

^oommandea, ana^officerea by men of experience,while the route offers attractions affoi-aed by no- o^herHne, giving a view of the South Shore, of. take -Ontario,and the far-famed'Thousarid Island df the' Eivef St iaw-rence b.y-l)ay-Lightvat ^tirhe. most;-favorablei"for] theSranaeur of Scenery ana Comfort of Passengers !

Through Tickets can be purchased for all poin'tKbfi thegPSy^'f^S^-^Ogdensburg, anasE-ll the principalRailroad and Steamboat Offices in Ndrth'ern Sfew Yorkand New England States. '., -KOB'-T' g . ("DERB¥,;

& i i t p b !. r T Y .&en.i!aBternji:gent>pgaenAESX. MtTiLOi.'Sec'yahdTreas^VTlIoritfea].

• l ia


JAY GOOEEJb. 20 Wail

. COE, NASSAUSSfiEBl.iMWlKOHke Tiny and sell afctne~iost liberal ourrant-prlies '5 P h a i l i a ; t l l l i supply of ,&S>-CBRNI,rBN3l- BOi

T P ^ a¥ 'ora* ' *"* ^ r" yr- -— — ~-| -*—-. f A«A,I M * | # A V 4 / , U | ^ I Ltfll.\% V V l ' J J* yj \J I t J

ISTEHSST iLOpS^ana eiecuteorderafornurchas" ansale of Stoclfs', 13onds ana Goia.' " " '• - - *

-. •-•" .'•...::-." C o i j - t e r u l o j i s ; ;•: • :i ' ' •'YfecouTerttlie Beyeral isauqg oi/jSejseiirHJ^rMsssX

tne'-'most favorable market rates'into Five-TiirW'iesw?ic-n, atyresent price .of. gold,; jyleldj tie,-hoiaer.fabohtone per cent, more interesfper annum; w p°

•CirCuiara'with full1 particulars/.furhisKeff'upbftMro"cation. ' • • -r t

' ' i-Xy XSOOKB A- cfo.

.Thatfact induces the offering of a, FF.ffi J E i i t to.a l l * - " W e - i n o V t h e ' " - ' . " - - ' -• . . - . * . r f •

MAII. STEAMSJBip-•J/-,Through pne • -

To California, China and Japan.S6.ttOH«ia.Af jJJUa§A£POETS; AND d M" " ^ H E f t F K t " "w - , . ^ F M K l t S

airough toiOalltorlhain. TwiSty-TwdiDiysihionjaie Atlantic: Co-nnectingon Pacific with


O M Yffl'i'.OOEANIQUEiEN,.?- ; ,,BJ

NORTHERN £ l Q H T , - - _

^fjf^i0^1 - W a

J. * uuuu'i uu we ^BII, 0uu,'xobu dun z%xn yX-every-month(except when tnose aate"s Ja|l;on .Sunaay, -ana then onthe preceding Saturday;) forAgpinwali, connecting, via

^PanamajaAi&ray',with one; o'rthe Oqarpany.'Sj Steamshipt j r ^ i ^ i irfS"n[yt^raft.jiQT"P^^^ ,i^"y^^TimpP^m TjO"nfix^iTI^^^f^,^»*,j^^TtT*Tt1 O'

.Departures of the jst and 24tb. conh< ' "~'- "ou|ti,F;aciflc.?cits.^fli(

Departure of _9theaeii month'connects, with the newSteam Tine fromPapamato Australia, ana New Zealand.

Steamer of Sept. .9,, "connects cloBely'at San Franciscoith steamer GT. EBPTJBIiie, leaving Oct. 1,1868, for

Japan ana China;' • ' .EJ -. - . - -v -.One Hundred Epuijjis JBag^age-allowed to each adult.

Eaggage-masters.acepmpanjr,.baggage through, and aUtend to ladle's andcniiarenTrlth'out'inale'proteotGrs. Bag|gage receiyecLon.i'133e"i doclttKe.-d^ ;before Bailing, fromSteamboats, raj|!rpiig^^nd paBsengenf fib prefer to senddownearly. t . . ',. '. ,'''^_ -. ^

An-ejcperfisncea'stirgeon o&hoard'i 'Meolcine a n d at*tendance free, i i ' -. -;. • ' • "• '"&:.-"' •'

5For passage t i cke t s 6fef&ftiierijiformatj6n,-applj::at i b eQompanyJe ticket office, on-the .wharf, foot, of Canal st.NorthBlver,,New7qrK.;'r*", * / " " ' , " ' . - ' ."",

. .O'Ai

''I'.'.. , ' . • ' » • ?: -•' ) .-> • i :•',•: D O . '

,iti I£,alVwill,doso there jn.ijl soon be a greater. rush,;than

f , -.'••:.•'> - ^ . w - v , " ;••••:•.,• • . , . " 7 t j i :<

••• . - • : . . ! • • • i t

I IT- . --'I- r-u'-



1868 Great Express Lijie to

'•' " Y I A ' T H E


' '*



ANt> ALL ZiSS MIOfilQ-AS- PORTS."' ! ' '

?roin Three to Four i>a3rs Slnie. SaveS *-oyer' kny' other

Fax© $14 'First Sfeco&'d••Class


CHICASO^' MIL"S7ATJKEa, SHE%>XGAN, aiia all t ake- . ' _. ^ Michigan£or-t3? •" '•• :•'%^ TSSeals & Se r s

ers on all first, Class Tickets.The fo!lowing-Splenaia>, sjow Pressure Passenger Sleains TOifgr^ liduring.tbe. seastn 0M868:

BiTfi Warae..-.-...?.:'. Jff.". JCapt Gillies.City, of Fl-emoat;.. .„.. .Capt M. Barret.nEoiaugojn.es-y..j...:..Capt;,S. Nicholson.s ' S » C t E A J

augojn .esy . . j . . . : . .Capt ; ,S . Nicholson.S » - • : • , • • : , Capt. E. A. Jonea.

XO'oonnect with one of tBe-above~-Steafiers:-passengersfwill leave .Qgdensburg on Monclayi, We'anesaav=

andlrida^viaerana-XfunkEailfay. ". 5he-,ratesbyffljs.line.are cheaper'than iiy^afavtothexwaterroute ana from, three to foiir aa^s shorter Tret-ween-Ogaehshurganaehicagb-oi; Milwaiilieej %itn-o'niy onechange,, which.is made direct from. the,cars to,.tlic boat.No-Ommbus, ear tHge or P'ocVaire-ctfthe^o'tiie'; ' ' '

•Partipular attention paid., to fainilies jnovine West-atrain runninj; for their special benefit' which carries:fiassengera, Htirassi Wagon-., Barniture,;and'a'U:.a'e&rip-Jjon-ot Houselio!ov,ooqs, Extra Baggage,..&<:., .connect-ing at Sarnia as above stated, with tlieir iihe"ofSteaintr=

. ) . - . C.I. BALDWIN, AgentjOgdeaBbnrgjr.General TJnion'Hctet Office/stateSt

' W ^ ^ - '"'(ap9atwt.f1 8 6 S . • TIfE"



This well knowii Company wil!, airing tlie present sea-. • - - ; Jsonibf navigation, run . • . •





'leaving Osa'SnsDurg Daily, for ia i te Erie I?otis, on ar-' rival',ori tae,5toil«Train ff orn-tKeiBast;. 'anS«rIKWee]E

l y J I i W t o d dJ

g s D u r g Daily, for ia i te Erie I?otis, orival',ori tae,5toil«Train ff orn-tKeiBast;. 'anS«rIKWe

ly;~JIoi)ciay, WetoeBday, andJriday.—for'•• _ " J > ' - ' • : ' • Bake Kioliigan'Sorts.-'•'- i ;

^ P v 2hessSteamers.jnake rseaiar connections: Bake KioliiganSorts.

, ^ P v 2hess,Steamers.jnake rseaiar connections at Og-aehBburgwith the Oga'enlbfirg*iaie ChampiaiS'Il.R.,and Vermont', Central l ine for Boston: jantt all 1 pointsEast. At Western Lake ports with Bailroad and CanalLines, for; aU-i>6ints:S6uth, W4ii ana "JforthwesS, making

ijt thefav.oriterpute..forPass.enger3,ana'Jreight,-a3 there

^s but 'Q^B TBATS^BIPOTNT'leW^B Boston and' • C h i c a g o * ' - • -• ; ! • , . -

uabin3-proviaeasnth BertBs and Cook.Stovesfor Pas-

. ^ s S n s ^ & c . ' " " . . , , . - . ' . . •,.","• • ' ' . , , B r °

Therefore, we Cordially invite every ode to 'cast' dS,aU.!prejudices aml-withoi i t~regara-to misrepresentat isais ofinterested^arfcies, t o , ] •'„,•{• ' ' '•'.•:<

• : /'Ar - - •: ^."V: -.;!.,» .-. | '' [I,TJECEEES-.-^AOTJPS'

ix ;

. , ; '•• , I H I .

'•"••',• iL^rjg&ife'Aw 'fespiiiEsS^cd.s1

m£na.rdMBNJStf,i-'jg<185£B '&$&&• SSZPBXSS,,,,.^

• Connect* dally 'witli.'all tlie, cities sa'

jUUxpresBesin.chargeofSafeandJruity raessen;•OfaJsrififor the purchitte o Figoodi inithe'CitUi elpeo .coiicltcd and promptly .attended to. Office in Seyntora:-EbusoBnUainKiOgaenrtorElii1 ' \"""•': ?•" , -;. , .^

i^ «•,:.• •• •..-•.' •,il'^.L,-iia.M««!|li«HMt:i; ; ,Sf?n^8,^ ; t . ,AP^;8»s,"i •<•-<' ;,' " H - * . 7 '.fc/v/ ci!t i:> ' -.-Tiji ,

.Stock, &p., as.ihgy fayoia,. ferriage, e«tfee,-£o.tel Bills,and numerous other expenses.is well asSamage'to. theirpp;opeHyb5?r6ugh"hanairng: " • ' ' " " •" ''

VgBifrXStaspVi&ete !ncinae>Meals ana StateroomB.of. Passage ana ;.5ieight lower thanrby any

.GEG. •W. SMITHi.aenfifficket Agmt, H-J.GOODHO.EgsseugefAgenC

>'V .'..' !-• \; ;•- t . . J . • ' • ' ; . ., , i f

i.- '::«

• 4

I'.- ' ,<z

-.^ on'-}

r' :-S?"? c/ .vi i i I < V ' T - i : H*»ii'"';


.'A ,.4=i


>.£!••-' • IJ1--.-I.'

v. "i, :.iL- c j •