· wdn33dy, fobr ia y 28, i870o, thosouthcarolnar.b. co. in another...

Wdn33dy, Fobr ia y 28, i870O, Tho South Carolna R. B. Co. In another colitiun wit be found an ar- tielo cotied from the Ch'irleston Courier, throwing light on a mtitter of interest. Ica, Cheap to. We exp"-ct to keep cool the coming antnmur, and at a very small cost in 'tioney. for we learn that Mr. John See. gers of Coininbia, is getting out a tna- chine for the manufacture of this indis. ponsible luxury ; a machine of cnpacity aufilient to turn out 1,000 lbs. per hour. John Seegers is a public benefactor, nod a man of intlnite parts, an'1 his lager can't be best(, neither. What Elso G.w. Blullock oilers th"ee crewards of $1,000 each, for the capture of white men who htnve killeai negroes, and1 two rowr..ds of $250 and $100 for negrnes who have killed white men. Inference- that it is live times ea:tier to catci a nc- gro criminal, surronnded by protection of the Loyal League, thn a white man with no protection of the sort I Due West Fo:nalo Collcg3. 1'he next session of this very popular institution of learning for young ladies commences on the first Monday in Mareb, and closes second Thursday in July. I)ue West College is one among the best schools in the coumtry, alfordintg all the advantages of high culture, in a healthy region, and easy of acces". To parents wishing to send their da'.:llters to school away from home, we know of no place better than thi.s, alnI in the 1l.v. J. 1. Bonner, the 1" i:t"ipal, v ill be funml all the reqisites of the christian gentleman iand te;eber. Colore.l Particuhrs. A younn;; divorce-seeking c.alofed wo. man of Cincintnati plead her own case as follows: "J.itige. I catn't love dat dar nigger ; he kiirkel me in th, ib).s once till he loosene,l all my ini.les." Who blames her ? " 'Pears to m11e Some f1 )ks are ntighIty phrtieular," was the remnark ol a negro as a lady refnsed to 1et him it in her lap in a New Yurk street car." Shotncki:,. Ctohl not have bet l.i:t hcth Cady St' , oil no, for ste toull'l have ncce; ted th;e si:oatin, aind Iiggei that nigtr to the last, or till be ex- claimted, sht.Ily, !? m' hedr ! Jury Duty. The New York J ur: l f C in a thoughtful a:ti,ie upon 11.e l - to do jury duty, propeses a rem y. 1 : would "alh.w aii bii sui > . e :. . before a judge a,;ce in mrry c:-e ' c. neither plt ty denlt:1lI l. jily. T.. would slt ike out the ca,l f.r .sach ser rice from three-fourthis, if tot ine tentis of the civil ca:e's on the calender. The re are fewa disimtes in winchi bo'th 1:a an:' iii h a u...*.-- w; ou!d not r:: lmc- leave the deri.ion to then th1 li the jury-box. Ini the terw.i ir': e .. let anyt paty dEltningIi a, jry :*e to. pelled to give secut ty f.2r the m-. te. of a stin suheient tI fur...h :a:.1e I.. miU nerait ion1 to th!o.e w2 he am ,-c '-- pelled to give their v-du.1:e ti:u. to th. task. A ladyI correspoto1enit, says that Jer.. i. Junue is a hinnbo:~, a no,l one, anud we2 are half inIclinedl to h:e. site is right. lIe::- n ha:t ihe sav : ",Jeniiie don 'imi nu ar id lI..'i homjJ Fomurte,..1 33 biit:tid:, bIn.d3a I nne led tip in otne Iri-dhtful grt:. otuldn't he comutared toi 1or 3 i.~ s-, hat if a& ladv dnt ut :ar ''ice, u t oh i 'hie nt.teet essen'tce ofl Ith lyhool, the gn inemdigty,tv puu ity :3:31 cou3:: te~.,* 3f a t timber(m (f bttons -lhe we tis (13 her loves! Ohi, haht ! Ti:at hi-Th pi ict 's-. f fasion~u, d. 3J , i provtet i::uy tne it resrsedi worla t in Ne'w 't a. She wa :., inchies of, awrl ca3r3er% 'aiidir' *,rough faln21 til lors 1.t5 the tot3 131 efianctie tof Ltte. Sie imakes her oso ini' hiv o rit in the \'enii \'idi paper.s lIt 0 i turail. SomeiL oIf the ar elever tme atre cecdinig !-itfi.." Inm (Chester on .iale-day, one* t ract of l.s:1 . lin 13eres (only was33 soi, andtE bronghI t (tn. A ite nciginas beenIlIl pniihtised obley3, nn old cittizi3n, iedn a3t Chester oin et Sib, fro-.n lte effreis of diSl'seJ Vn. eket bii int ai veiry '3i 3, pree)sus coniiin of aIth. It is lear edl by 11 hiisln tat hie riapily giving wta.. --Ch eder correspona- nce c1 Eniquiret. The appropriiation bill, to tmeet li.e e!. nses of the Site 13overnmentt for 1870i, i lI on herporited. It a ill piroIj.ibly ap. priate$~I 1uon,noo ,a lar go jlpoortin of ieh will be for the paymenit of old Measels in a mild form prevail in Clum- The Ilenneittsville Journud says: A cow, oniiniig t) Mr. Wmi. Covinigion, near unl31lsie, ushereid forth recentily three rea in (tie day, and all, we learn, aren Ii lttg. This is certaliy a very re- ikablle cow. Ite samte paper adds, "That Mtrs. James DunIl, residling abouJIt five mtiles fiotm place, gave birthi, a few days ago te children. The iiothe'r, we learn, 1a nig well nnder'the elrcumstanes8." lie Alston Mansion, corner Meet1ng $1 Prnicesa alley, C harl'eston, was recent l for $I0,000, he Lautrens Railroad Is ordvertised foi at public outcry in Clumbia, oi 80th of March. he survey of tho route for (te Al railroad from O reenvlle. to .Char, e, .O., is now going on. rant and the administration favor $Q) n the tariff of $20,00,000 the debt this.year are t< 3*/. Ithr lIya' ~~t'lJ1,1l4 14 entinue hi xaleidoecopia, Cotton 's down,and wool up-on thobeneh. Woll, we 'ro onl,v getting back to old times ; tho wool-snek once tupresented fihe sacred- ness ot' England's Judlciiry-a Wool-sack cov- ered with scarlet cloth. &c., stood in front of the throne td the pireiniir's chaintl t the hollso of 11rd's, and thercou Sat the Lord hIigh Chancellor. dIut because I sat It was n't. a ralnin, t'other d.ay, It inrned 'round and poured. I reckon seinebody else hni been tlnkern at that North pole, and left the screws Iooe, aid it 's jump2d out of its axlo trees, anil everyttiing is as cold as an iceberg--even Aunt 1larriet llcecher's8 towo hias lost all watmlb ani affection for hum:nity. is it true that the young men of Nowberry are going to get up a cichating society? and that the first qttastion to be put on the tapis ts-"when a fellow marries are her things iis'n or his'n her'n ?" ii' that he true, I know which side of the argumncIt I shonld take, tzwwvtnliihmtl1gh0eneg4 il 1vras t'gitnelidvt haeno sgpvemnvarit vv r yn fligiei%lzfr5t ep yayrl: Ireiwwl 'oe(lti8 !tnqIml1t 8. mitt,. I.:tlies, those of you, who may not have hearil of the Sea Mos 1.trine, will please permit mn to direct your attention to its mtlrits. Carrageen or Irish Moss, as you are well aware, is a nneiinginots marine plant of great vaitw. it is highly nutritious, and of signal t"fllcaey to those sull' ring from cold, congh, &c 'The earra:;cen ist now pt up by the a.'n Aocs Fuine Compay, ant at onceC enters largely into the cntinary econo- my. From it the most leliciots creimns and cnstar d are. m tile; and of' liitne M atge, ont' paek :tte will prltntee sixte"n l ql Irts. It nut snpt"rsede all that el:a s of artic!cs known as corn stat:lc, mll.tizmn, fmnIt it, etc There are miany vways in which it will en fer lar;,ely into tlt hill of fare: as for sonpe, ies, .e 'T 'enty-five centts ptr p i t'to, I- tisher ice and 1)r. 3elutosh will so->n have It on sale. Wht's thetitter with lllnnetrsville? The editor if the of th t place .enys that Mrs. .J-ames Met) in tel, liv ing taltnt ti'm em from 11 -unetlsvilie, gave bir'hi a fty:v tis ago to five chidren. Aingel of gr.te-- dofend1 the lvotetd nolther, amtti panln i 11nme for firl. ding the followinm wh;mi.-h i, fr- t, t:ne issue of Ite p iptr: Mir. C vi'igton near llen- nettv il'e, w' reently' pretetcd by hii di- pen<'ir of hleiin w"ith tlre fine ('veS. I rom the v'erv tInttloin of myr h^,irt let tnt- aSk, "that t, the inittter with len:Inettsvillte -'" Anid wh:': the to titer with that i"t of ctood ccltter- the Sn. I':t L-gis!.atur e" ?Some of tho,e pr IV(! rlt;d revere'nd seignceur? antl :ltnitis:s ut= laivt' mt'e than three w'ivv'e, as I set' :t hill I. up to proventt "men' fromn havin, ino than tw.o wvive's. A ipyr: o -1 heatt In oltl ti rh ie say not lone a,:: :nd the itotton rail t.:h: to 1;now, it's ini the es- c'n.len: I,-v .,v1i1-t we t_wine to Lal sehe: v!fe'" .iin":n'i 'r.. I'.r:i:t:on. ti1ef 1t I t- t t th' t,rt- . n r - -, hav- he.: \ v .. a ear :n -t tt f:1! :r= rn 'n i !: ,'i ' t .- St 'it - raii. . i I .;h iin - nit, Scienc(e, L.tei;itire, re;.i'i!p. &".n,-a, aniitpjo-les. htis it o tirt ire pi -nIne. t . a wor,ik of siteh piro->ial tt .n I 1 wh :v re searchi antl ern it ion andi unt.:li-hont,wil: fthrowu si gre:it ait hr n t ou thi leg i-itor as1 to ennut se them, 4 to exclaim4 wi: one voric e, book be on S.tie at .)nitile. a Chap mn 's, shlt annttountce the fat thr:ough the ieral. 1'. S. 2.- Wh io im-i lion hatI ?i'A fe!!)w feel:ng mma:kes uts 1' ond(miSon k.;ndt !' Mm'. hjIenry tuobi., of Ghalileston, is deadl. 'ITte eight million cres of Tecxan soil isold b)y G overnttment fort taxes, t'InhzCed fisr the ttreitsury sixc thtouantd dollaris- thtirteenm acres ftor a cent, blanton Marble, editor of the New York Wot id, ia spokeni of na the proba ble candmidate of the l)emnocrats for G.ov. erntor of Now York at the next election A comunication to the G reenvIflk Emnterpisiei, advoe'tcinteis and1 upldsltm "th) philoisophty of Poisitiveismt of neccessity,' which turna ont to be "f'e-oveitm. Pretty preachinig, truly, for this latitude Edgelield Advertiser. Weare bitformetd, says the Lancaste Ledger, that a negro, licensed to exhor or preach by :the hiaptist denomninatioi in thuis Countj, Is transcending his au thority in un Ithing int marriage whte ani colored ~oup)les3. Mrs. HJenry If inks, of Wiseasset, Mo who has lived with her husband fort~ Revent years, and ja the mother of twent minks, huas,just obtaIned a div'orce frol heri lord on the free-leo ground that al has no amlnity for him. TuE Rsru.---The Richmond Enquir bogly and truthfully antnounces that i .unnatuhal allianco of Virginia Detmocra d 'renud In. their losing (te respect n nifi, Rennbhteann wiht jt ainli The South Carolina Rail rta': dnpauy. in our i.,asu of W'edinesday we pub. liilhed the pr,rceedings c'f a t)oinnlttec of he Sennto on the matters Of the freight t charges of the South Ctolina Ril ltuad, i betw"een Otuden and Kingsville. These l ptecelings wre bas.ed u pon a comuplaint mnde by a merchant of the former place. The S"'it Carolina fHail itond otn- is the property of i large t nuber e of our citi:in, Who rl'e poor ; tlaly t have s:ivel blt littlo else from the wreck t of thll war. It is impourt:cnt to theml tIhnt thetiil of their proilelrty rhold S not he unftiVo)r:lthle all,fec by repr tesenl- Ii latiotns not cortet i1 puinllt of fel, or of j facts grent(ly exaggete ld endoldistorted, :1 to gratify p ersmola1 feelin1g, or to prtlnote selfish enld.. We loow those who have t beeI entl'ustecd with the manafgemlenlt of thi; piroperly. WVe know , al.o, v\hat lahors and diliculties they have had to encoultler in pirovidii; for th e pulic a highway, nt1111 )ecomimliid:tion)s lnt io. fel it)r to those elljo)yEIl in) ally iection of the S)uthern counlry. We kSow fulrtler that it is cllillel 11011 w b elievee, "ji.tly, that their rtles of fai i.tht antI t:ssage are to-day 1t\ver th:an aly its tie St iI or nelar' it. St'Iwe hea:r th.i: el:ctnur kepIt up, rtnd its conlinu:luccr forcet's ,i s to coIl- chide thait 1Ite i. ssometuhii. nate i:a it I hanl al'le-nrs un e: .siI hir . I't, d.) j s. tive, thelref.r--, l a ::l . : i(ie, we , gt !i oi,t IhtinIItaatin 11):ni tloe wLom we 1e r .ittlel" :oIl h-: :.;t l :Il(d :l'+ - t o blll Il-h it, -;t al n rai fillai/ te ustia s1 a I' i c: is it :iotl itls l"a l i l:t I 1i. )L Is aI ! t I. los t'oI sinly the ': T at the I":Itic:: who) c)mia in to i i ; thi- :aw i. ": n. ver n;- ptroac:hediu tlw l nt ' ol' . tf th: (.t;llipany1, ith uny st:ti u of ia thir t "riea ace.: that the S mlltl (:haln. lIal lhi:Ilil C( n pt:I ln hals lo.sil.h chargls petrI lill pounls lip)))) any Of its fr., i'iht t:trill'; as rlre " t "It l ii n t h e r e p ol r t : ; t h a t i t ; c : i' g' le . re frei-.tht fr11 om i i'noden lao Klait., ille area I,recisely the ranle a. they r.te fr .w inli lar1 i..tancesi fi'ain G!4arle.,t'll, fromCll l uI11-i:I, or. fromn .\ug :u :. ntw we c,lfe., i, it. the- .sl:t ts h, fir.-i , we a e at :a ll.S to c-'.m; re- htI tl ll nc'et' ity 1"f the i..t lti .e' t 1. Ij.}I wC nr. I ri. . 1:.' 1i t'- it:t t,ll l' 1 :.8 C!.::0 IV il t s ::t 1 .r i. ll- o -1i pimper-:. lilt we Ii-:r i'It' "T.. It -. - h 'o r i ' it n- l. t at ";- I :. , tf a i :. t 1 i".atifst i-.' ihat tlhe. u: t: arol-I a 'a,itt."'l llo" l , 'l l i!l.- o does Ia u7 ..r v i:h W:: i :l : "i '.: '.- .- I, '. \\-i t - -I7- .. -1 -. -;' t 't 1 0l ' -.t r i : i- t f Ii. - Li narane r.:eaaa' - cr r- lI.e ba ake! it' i. t aline. i 'uahed -. .T he March ltvrsil gives anohe fwa- mou pictre luT ratin the i'able of La Fontaine's-" IThe cat, she wae-l land the youngu riabbit."' 'he readling matter is very cholco andt nitiraic.ive. Pub!iclsed by Ilurd & iloaughton. New York, $2.50. The Itual American for February, a very excelleunt agrIcultuaral monthly, i rceived. it cotlains a inIrge aon t or interesting nnd vluleJi matter relat lng to the0farimgeneorally', andtt other thingsi besIde. P'iulihd by Q.b' Minor & Coe., Now Brunswick, New Jersey, SI,50 per year. TIhie (lalaxy for Marcb continuaes that thiril- hang story by'. Chas. Ileado, "'ust Youriseif in hise I'latce," besides a laible of contlentsaof ad- mtratble scelion. The (Gahaxy Is one of tho best literntIy magnaines. $4 per year,or three .opies fori0. Address Shioldon & Co., Thue N. Y. Eclectic for Mareb, anid pub- ished by E. 11. Pelton, 108 Fultoni St., is one of the best, iteriary imagaitines of the day. The present No. gives a splenadld steel engraving of William tilen Bryant, and a 'table of' contents of highly interesting char- 'actor. Yearly subscriptions, $5. Y The Ladies Friend for Alareb, which is " already ouit, opents with a besatiful steel cn- ~O graving of Windsor Gaeiie. 11euides theo large plate of colored fashions, a charm. er lug spring scene, The Swallow's Neat, aid Smusic, not to r ay anaytinmg of' the ohoico ~~reading matter, makes the J,adlies friend. isthe Queen of the Monthlies. PubIlishee by sDeacon & Peterson, 810 WVainut street, of Phla,, $2.60 per annum, inceluuding an en- lg :graving. Saturvday P'O~st d 1Ladles l'siln, amt engraving, #1,00n Circular. Cu.tes,-roN, S. C., February 16, '70. A t a elled mueotiuig of the members of to South Carolina institute, on the 9th ist., among other proceedings, the fol- )wing resolution was submitted by Ion. 4. 1.). Porter, and on due consideration, as unaimiiously atdnp(ted : "Resoived, That the Precident of the nth Garolinia lnstitte, be requested iitt delegations flom tho vaiiious ounty A.ricltural and Mechanieil and :mntigration Societies Ithroughont the tate, to ass tle in Charleston on the r"St Tuesd:ay in May r,ext, (3d) to take Ito con.i.leriation the q'e.stionis of labor ud ( iuigratio ; uti means for fur- her develinient of the agricultural in- e-re,ts of the State." E:N'rI.t:: t:. As the 'xecutive ofnlter of this State t stitute Assoti:s1io n, I take the enluiest ppmt4r4u1lity" to lay tef-re you the anp- t"ndietd rtso"lution, atl resiectfll y to in- ite an esarnest coisiieiation of its i:n- 111t, t'idl the apiointnent of such nnu1t ir l'clc:ies its your Associatimn, lub ur rinuizatlin m:1111yt deeml pr1opter. Authh. ized credenti:is from the pre- i'lng O'liver ol the respective SnivtieQ. Iill l:s deleg-ites on the Sotih Cartlila t:i:lratf f r It:f Ile usuai f.ire, ns doubt- L-s; n i.l be ut,!,jtedl Iy other htes of (,:i i. The p"1"aa nttnrlt il;lmrtancee for n bir:.l , iltil itil,', t i eit'en ll :1 )inic ateid b,t hi. r:.subnti-mn, i: setf tvi,dent. To, unive etttlers, luminlantitn and ;ii"ie)t lalt;r. r, to till the fertile a i:: i:i:d! la,ls of .,mth (cirolina, nol hi lit her iis restlrees of maiSnuf.1- it;:.ind (ther indlu trial pursuit, de- ni-ll-lk co ipeti:vIte action of the pec;.:e. runm the moul nt:l re-.;:ion to the st:i- mardi. andl th)e i'.fliience of all true wtten mu_ht L.o be enllet., Ihe titit i.lii, of the St.,ie, with the -.riou)i i: w t.f fl:oadl and S:eamt, n:. nil Si if- t,a .Ina nOtii, wilth eniter.rist: vi t u iim.: mevrt'li:: s, aide'l by the i.- (-i i-f t.. fdA? .Jit-, :.ri:ultre, .,ed '' :- .rI i" ie- i c.u::. (!. clIn form .::h an .\ , -'i.- :1 .4 :: i: ire "re fer the : - * : .' ' ..r te . . S c :;r' r ve r. vfr -it W\ M. .V iN , Ct' rs cf t:e N r- f,r -: --- --I n d. ai< - . rr .r the ri -. . . b- r h il vofth iovrno 'Nti '. ..'--. urer *uieo h -6 tr in~ , Jer':y Cinty :minois. n .'r~ . Somei mIusic teacher once wIrote "tile art of playing a violhin requaires the rlice'st p. rs:eption4s and1 the most5 senisibiia- 3' of any art inl the kniown world" Upon01 whIich aln edlItor commnentIs ini the rf.l!owing mnnrer: o ''The art of pu. lishing a newspaper'l, and :makinag it pg hnd at the siamie time) making it palease e'verybody3, benlti fidlini' higher than a kite." St'imis 1)sa-rn.-M r. GJeorge F. Melda, ant old resident of thuis city, and for y'en beforo the0 war at promliaen)t grocer, the corner of Meeting and Queen s'treet: diedi suddenly yesterday while sithin down to dinnor. Mr. Meldan had boo unwell for some time, but wna not con plainling of any aickness at tho timte his sud den d eath).-Charleston News. Pantls, Februmary 19.-Pierro Napoleo will bo tried for the voluntary homnicid of Noir; to be followed by a trial for na attempt upon the life of Fouviere ; bnla conviction would be dcath. It is thought the court may, from exitntang cir4 eumnstannceu, leosen the punishment two degrees, Tile usuial street parndes on Slauve T.iuesdiay will beq prohibited. If. P. Whnittomore Ia said to be the ma1 un sold ,th, w,,.. VoIt, e.iip..., 'T'U Wni.cox, Utnls CU'l MANrAl.ATk y:gUA. IF NOT SUERItOn TO A:T FEnTLSI( IsKU IN TIN NEIUlttIonnloo0. Crawfordville, t;a., October 97, 1869. Messrs. WVileo.s tibbs & Co.: I havo not replied earlier to your inquiry ils to relativ e meits' i tihell fertili/.ers ulsed in this vicinity, from the iact that the crop ofeotton were not sulltliently matured to enable no to for:n it anceurate opinion. We were then in the Inidst of a dronth without parallel for duration and severity in the me i. ry of the olest, inhabtlit. Not a rain from titst of, ay till last of AutguI, andi the uesullt of my objservatii is, I lnow of nonte whieb excelled your Manipnintell in cacpity to endhire long and severe !olllths. I n"ed the littipul.tted on very tlin gr.av soil, t iln stifl'el/ y su'tstnatumil), at the r'ate of 2lat) lis. per nete, ail shall a1bo it 5(10 Ilbs. seeI eottol to the itIe. I left a scnallii sileo ttmn u .4111ired, u. bici nill not untke mi' ore than I 6O lbs. per acre I Ih. iv lttl no rust, even on ground pre. diFposttn i to it. I, therefore, conclide, in view ti" Ihe t fuets, that your Malniplmateli is at lta't te<ptnil, if not superior, to ally iii :zer u-nd inl thi; regionl-aind thet "tnte at nuieUcr of Varieties used, too, at hit'-ies'pe tiuly, ,t \MIE, F IE?Il). T: J::t:- , lI :l:t.OS.-'Ihe Jewish .\Ics-e:er cann ot Uinder"stalnd Low in- tel.:e't Chritians can t.inlk that .lut:aism it beccuming weak, and Is in t::t r ut txti:l'tionl. "It Iay bt owing to the rit," it ":t.s, "thIat one or two i.en inisterc h-ive beelldnhlding forth in l-uit-Iti:tn pu'$, and that there are :v+r.i e i.h niinit.tcrs woil) ire tinc tur d' "i:h the spirit of the ne', alnd do n,it heirve in the advent of:t .\es.,iah, in the rt 'iarrettion of the dead, in the tt : 4 1-rael, and their resto:ttion t, t .' m',tpo i,ed i:niil. IIence tlhey inr tie that a -gat change Iias taken place in t.e .1: 1,h estnp. N/ w all this," it de- e', t'e ,"i. r:l -te fro:a the truth. Jt- a now as strIng a d as Ivhorrous a' at .t., timec inl it- hi,ter . None of -.t .' p: ilI .e have L" e 1 u i th. t lu 'rat'litc still - t:e l ri:.-n.s ini the Jen.+ i.h - >:ays. the P,11 Miall - n e as a:i di,agrmnen et t Iower of Lotitlon, - .v t the nerves of the - a p. r sime days, or - --, t.e shIdiow "fanl axe - - f the alk of the _ . ie'. its l :t ap. -- l.'e w rinullmd. iln - * .' : l .t. ig <ilee -t r.: : it does -~ t at. c.- xcites - - l ''..v r'I i - * - - 1 x ' thast : n' 1li - ar: c n tr :i g i - e 'ia on w the a rct * .>r d wh- t i. I t(1 ' i sn Aoler of~ lag ots dare. gowngr .K K. ('in of them 11 are te he show theF'I, leat elas tiity. x ete thatf'st're' the "sikin fns bil ie( th i bod anthsierstocist. i n ldrse of:nla.--e tare growito totah giiin-hu of Mrcs.teow.i Ah n th i thsrt, wOdasdtro yediO(t.( by hr nuin l ho' elastk. lst inctton and b:ting abodutot,00r heorigi or tihe lire is thought to have been acci. An abscomnding wife is thnus pathetical. IVyOappemnled to in a "Plersolnal"i colIumn ".J:ine, youlnr absenco il~l rtuin all, TIhink of your' children, yotur parents, y'our* hus- ba,nd. Return, rettun;1 allay yet, be wtell. At any rate, encioso theo koy of the cunpboar'd wthere the gin is." Thie report that a Now York landlady encoturages tho cotnumption of hner hash by putttinig In a lIfty Ceint ahinplaster Is not true, Tho finding of at IIustard poul. tiee in a plate of tho mnysteriouJs boe'o rage gave riso to tile rumor, - ---+-e+------- -- WVashnawfamnp antovoeumpoo, it cief of theo ArIzona I ndliaas, is dead. P1oor W'ashaw fampan toveumnpoo I Thero are none) of hist tribe who possessed the good heart of WVashawfamrpantovoumnpo0, 'Tho Mayor of New York was brought uIp r nwspapor man. Ilo setnt a short mlessnage, amnd everybody road It. Wheni will othner rulers learn the merit, of bro,. Ity. A bill1 to Incorporate tihe Chlarhotto and (eorgetownl raIlroad hass passed Its third roti ng LOCAL. (07 The value of a district paper depends in it great degree upon the completoness of its L,OCA, aWs,VR ad we beg our friends to Iforward for publcitlion any and all items coming under their observatolln. ANortt.:nI M.tuisrnl."rF.-T..e (Jovernor has appointed Mr. .1. . Smith, Magistrate for Nowberry ; headquivarters at the Capita I of the County. No'rARY Punt,t.--M. 'T. S. l)nnean is act- ing In the autihorized capaelty of Notary u'nblic, nad alao atitends to collecting clainms. Ofliec at Saving's 1.nk. A:1stssont's No-rit.-ilsew here will be sceu notice fron Ir. ('urn in, calling for re- tuirns of taxable properly for Internal 11ev- enue. * Attend to it. That was a profund philosopher who compared advertiing to a growing crop. !Ie saidi : "The l;rner platans his seed, and while he is sleeping the corn, is growing.- o with ,advertising. While you are sleep- itng or ea tin, yo,tr advert isenettt is being read by thionsainds who never saw nor heard of your business, nor never would, had it not been for your a.Ivertising " In the scareity of currncyn at Salt Lake, chickens tre taken at the box otlike of IbrigIamnt Young's thenatre. Change is made Mit eggs. Ve state for inloriation that chickens are taken at this'oilIce also, in paycment of dues, but on accont of the scarcity of eggs we cannot give change. llootc AoGcNC.--Isewhere will be found an advertisement of Mlr. .1. C Derby, in which Ine calls attention to the establishment of a general book agency. lie offers a pleas- ant and lucrative business to young mon out of enploynment, and we adviso all sucht to atpply to him nt once. Mr. i)erby Is a North- ern man, by hirth, but si'ice the war, come South. :and idcnttfying himnself with our in. terests. has rendered himself qnite accepta- ble to our people. Wonl that there were many more such as he. Sec his notice. ls:roTm:cs ANn Wtnot.:s..a.: DntGOIsT.- .\ttention is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Goodrich, Winemnn & Go., who of- fer that Celebrated Tonic, the O1.1 Carolina lBitters, to the Southern public. These Blitters have at re"putation seco-d to none other we bel:cve, from the favornble menition male of tleni, and the vast ianan- 'ity sol. Me.ssrs. (;oodrich, Vinemann & Co., are too we;d known to the trade, as re- sponsible and relial,le Iruggi-t", to need any coinnmmerdation fron us, but this nmnehn e yoe nnntc .:%, o whose aito are not acqu.nint- cd n i:h then in a b:t.iness way, if there be .n tcl. at they be r.-lied on is pr,:ipt anal accnrate in all their transae- uors. MORE Snoo FLY!--At tine solicitation of several nice young nenwho have tak en a fancy to the popalar song of shoo fly, we are in- d:ct'l to puhinh jut one more verse. We tMnk it inin:ely ,ntpcrior ann"1 more'feeling' :l:an thq first vcrse puhis hed some weeks ago: I fecl. I feel. I A-el, I fe! lke a morning star; I fa-'. I ftel, I eI, I feei '-e a morning ctar; S.'.I fd. I fcl, I f'.: "i!:: a mnr:.lng; I I foe'. ! feel, i feei :~e a moralnn3nsar. L' I ..p ha de: s'nn, di, n'gger know', i 'p Ia dl su-n, die ngrger know', p n 'I. aun, di; rnigger knows .......::. I feci- D -.' w: .at 'n 'na-: ! !-.r mnih- He -'n c.4,r nup i: be.nd. r- n--h ;a fi I .)-i' bo in- !&c. -T:a; .r. -ex::. nr.: Sn.o.--in these .':a o .a.y CIv[nt4 occr that tine ao das d., ann l innete-nid of be. -s- acerpt them as they come, a a . of -'he si:':.-;", i.nd eat, prany anda f:p,pry and it, tan i 4our level -to bea e.oy, or aa eaisy ae we ein.-- Tr. thenre s' a'l b." -igna in thaese days, ad r."Can ora 'i;;n t waonde-rs, has nao effett or our~ ra"r, for awe are tsed to thnem, a'. !-:.'' 3o we- thT.:,'; uintil tine last sign -.-v-- 'e 1'- a. Tf nabount thne celebhraated - ra-a . :-rs wicha cities delgh :ar-, but' we defy thnemn to beat the sign ehl N .behrry; bonsts of. Thist sIgn is !d'0. 'naham andl costly to innig onnt to wind ud Ine.a inher, andi to he mnade a of lby yong Anmecrica, andu tiherefmore is mnade to Ifan grancefully aganinast thne door tracing of tine store intlo whnich it inavites paissers by3. It, is ran acro'tic .ign, on the~ namnes of Ifonu- se~al & Jotne., conmmnenncinng waithn Ilerrings amnd enndinng writhn Kirdisnes. Tine inngennuity dil-phyn'ed on thnat pniece of box' cover is wondierfial, andn we predict an imamenase sen- sation. If we madl room, we'd say mnore. fac', Woaxut :Sntlti ena tairied whit S:olrd nd miiIasa, at amiiiilaire, at-e namong nine n ewest fanshionns for lradies. Mn". I'irrson, a vennerabic ady of New- ark, N. J1., has jnnst eeerated lienr lhun. dredthi irn ihday~.. 'rThe iin vi tat ionns to hner panty bear tine fignresn, "1l770--1..870." A paleasant, chneerfini wifej Is as tine rain- haow set in tine henavenes, whien men' hunsbnand's tmtmdn is tossed withn strms andu temnpests. .A pen-soin biing asked winy lhe had given his diaugh~'tr to a man withI whonm lie was at emnnini v, replied: "1 did It ount, of punre revenuge." Th'iere is only oneo wvoman In tine town of L.ost Tranii, Californaia, anad lhen' husnband cann't sleep at nigihts bnecaunse so anny nmen stand in fronnt of tine house aind grate thecir teeth. Sutasa'n 1. Antnomny says "thne women hiave had a snarfent of men for tine past six tihousannd yearR." A indl yet Sinsain has abot as litle cannse to comapnlin of suchi a surfeit fas anny wvomnan ona tine conitinen,t. Ian Moniroe, Miechigan, recently, a woan of t'fiy-seven anumnmers saned a youthn o1 twennty for breachn of promnise, hne havin agreed to mnarry lier If alae would buy im salt of cloties. Thney were nmarriled bay thn Justice before whnomn tine case wins broinghnt tine bride excnisin g hen' lmpor'tunities b~ saylnag e anted ianmo one tp sa~w hem wood., 50'r PA icut.4ng. Let mne kiss you for your'thiery, F"or your slater'--consin-..aunt---.. Or for somehody or oilher Whiom I long to kiss, buit oan't, I could wishn my love benio me,0 As I've youa beshdo me now flut tine pleasure is denahed me, fio I'll kiss yout any how, Cheap Iteading. "We lhave muado a'rangments with th proprietor of tihe QAntorn Fan YAuaaWfis class, eights ae Agrli iural lVcl,pub lihhed at WI lmttovn, N. , to clu the Jurnal with the iIIAr,D, at 44 25 per ye. rr tine two, to tail new stab' ribers to tih Farmner. t4peelmon copies the Ca rolin lourcieatt i 8 ily yert3 0141, gootl-lookint;, a good lressor, Ion* Cr, shooter, boxer, botittr, club- i man, horsoman, and is full of' fll and ancedote. Io Iteury Wti'rl Beech'or snloll- q cod to his Congregton on Suiday 8 that ho declined to rectoiv the oiC' recently malo him of an ad- vance ol :mtlatry from $2,5O0 to :~_o,Ooo. A Wllanlt in Liver pool, doUt- fil whether the firo had gone out, ioured gonopo <lcr on the embers. IIer thoughts and the rest of her 1 ~'clt. quiekly removed. '-07" Wm. II. lernard, Proprietor of the 1 Star Adverti<Ig Agency, W lmington, N. C., is anthorized to receive alvertisetents for I this paper at our lowest ensh rates." Ai y"'l'() AC1 L) [T (J' ]'.',,0l'- '1.OYIM EN ',-$1,500 to $3,000 per year can be realized by eneraetie and intelligent inen, int securing at once an Agency for the best and m'st l'npular 1100 KS ever p ubli'hnd - Thit is a rare opportunity for MAKINU MONEY nl doing good. Clergymen, dis- abled soldiers, and ili otheri wanting anl Agency wilI pleas;e upply f'or furlther parien, anrs, to . . D1{i3Y, Southern Publisinhg Agency, ('or. Reynold and.htckson Sts., Feb 23 8-3t. e. o. w. Augusta, Ga. Plesucre is to mankind, what the sun is to the Hlower; iMolderately enioved, it beauti. lies, it refreshcs, it improves : if intmodertatc- lv, it withers, <teteriorates, and destroys. All sip at the einticitig glass, but reek not the consequ'nces. To alleviate the ills ofI huatnity induced thereby, we know of no more eliri-nt remedial agent that the "Old Carolina litters," which have proven them- selves to be the great Southern Tot,ic. Suve vonr 1idirn fromin misery, by using W1'inrtnn'$ Wormt tndy. Feb. 23,8 -1 t 1Iy-A WR )ONG IMPRESSION 'lI{ECI'EL).-M:any persons believe that there is no vahne Inl anything that does not Come from "the North.' llow hum ilintin! Ilowever, this impression Is being gradutilly corrected It is now ndmitted that no rem- edial ngent hIs ever been discovered, North or South. that possesses, in so eminent a degree, the power of ertlientin r from the sy,ten all foul distemper, as i)lt. TU 'i"S S.\{S\ l'\ltil.lA AND QUEEN'S Dl LlGl it'. ''he secret is, it assi.sts na1ture to do tits through its own ehmnls. It Is coin- pose"d of vegetable snbstances alone, every one of which grows on Sothern soil. It Is the ItL 301) PUl1FIEL OF THE AGE. Feb. 10. 7-2t. [From Norfolk nily .artnl. Dec. 11, 18'0 Kos:oo - isme.di,rins is rapidlyr gai.i. in the contfideee of the peop"l, and the inmenrons testimonitls of its virtnrs, given by pretitioners ,f' .nu'dicin', lea ves Io don',t Ith t iti. a s:ife ait :tlia'le receiv or I'ltt"at or -tru: It.nLtI, .!1':I :11 t:AsF, ''h," last Nicdcai .To trnnl contains an nr lidle 1rom Prni'. It. S. Newton, M1. 1)., l'rer"i- de"nt of theI'-1 Meli-CnlI'g, city of New York, that sp,riks in high terms of its cnr.t- tive properties, anidl gives a Special recom- mend.ttio n ol" Koskou to thIC p1e- itioe1s of umdieinT"his is, +n bcl+eer, the first irs'ance wciere sneh meteines have itwen ollici:,lly cu'lor-,'td by the F:unlty of any of the mer'lii' I colb-ge.o, il teleets great credit npnt the skill ot Dr. "itwrence!', its colt) pou ntd,"r, and also p s "'Ko.<koo" in the v.+\ 01 all o:her tedicinrs o! Ihe pres- eot daiy. Feb. 23, 8-tl. 1)AIS I LLEI{ Cures Sore Thront. A i,orite edicine with ill eins'e, ic i)av'k' Pain Klcr. I F you have Paiinters CotIe, t'.e the Pain Killer. ~TO Alediclite Is so politthar IiAs the' l'.in Kifler El:'the Pl'.tn K il1er always at h.mtd IF you have a Citngh or Col i, I U'e thie Pin Killer. 14 lIttle of 1'aint Ki!ler in thec house. TET every biody nt,e thle l'a in Killer li'or Sprins and Biruises. YF.RYti sailor shpunld carryTi a hottle of the I j~j l'.in KIller with I I,Eii11-t:g1-1, the l'a In Ki1 11er Is for both In terotd and11 Ex ternail use. Thle Pain K ilh-r is sold bty aill lIruggists and I)calers ini F+'ami!y 3ledlicines. I'ElItY DAVls & SO)N, 71 hrhStret,P.-vi anc, lroprIetors. 378 St l'.ttiM Stiree. 3131ntre'al, Can. 17 S-utham tpton i-w, Lmdoni, I-',g. Feb. 25 imo. Indigestio,n not only effects the phiysic il health untt the dlispositions tundr temlpers oif it.. victims. The dlyspeile I b,eomtee, too, in a1 mensuire ilemnoralizedl by bIl<suffe-rin 4. lie is to fits of frritaition by h,is 31u1- lentness, or despa)tir, tis the caeS mally 1)0 A p)retaentuatl senisit iveneuss which he enntt cotntrol, leads to mliscons4true the wor-ds not itmfrequenttly moarked by exhitdions 0of ati ineats of tho<~e nritumdihimi and hiIs hnter- course cre-n wIth thtowen"nrest tand delnre--t to h i1 testinhess loreignm to his ei nC11atuire . Tlhese are the mtetal33 p,hIeinmlen of ithe iser,e for wht ich the In validl atmnot lie jaistly thld responsibtle, b,ut they o'ezsion muchil lions-- hold1( dIscomfort. It Is to the intrest of' the home circle, it Is essentIal to family harmony tis well tna to the rescue or ithe pricipnl suffeter from ni state not ftar remToved firom IucIpient insanilty, thtit these symptns of mental distutrbanice he prom pti v removed. IThs can only he0 done by remuovig theIr physical cause, a deranigement of' the func- tIons of the stomachl nntd its allied viscera, the liver' nnd( te howcls. Upon t hese thrtee finmpor8 tnt or-gtns I tostet ter's Stmach I1!t- ters tietsim itancottsly3, prodncing mu thirorottgh and suthnttary chantge In thim r conditIon. ''The vegetable inigredlents of' whIch the preparal- tiont Is comnposted are of a retnovattig, regit I- ting alteratifvo chtaraceter and the stimulant which lends niegivity itir remedial virtties Is the purest and best thalt can b)0 extratedc frotm thie most whtobcsomle of all cereatls, vIz: sound irye. No dyspeptic can ltke thIs gettlal restoratIve for a sIngle week without experienci ng a notable in prove- mont in is general htenhhl. Not ontly wIll his bodIly suifferlings ttbate from (liy to daty, hbut hits mInd tecover rapIdly from Its rest- iossness and lrritalIty, antd this hatppy chtatngo will tmanifest Itself ini hIs demnetunor to all arottmit hItm. Feb.25-1 mn. ASTONIiN'o It is what a Vtariety of thlua yo canget at AI3TONISiIINGO It also Is, how CIKEA* lie sells lis Qoodm, You cant get FRIII4K ViSit and4 OYSTERS therdeovery Tuesday, Thtursdty andl Stturc da&y. COURT WEPEK.* You cant get them FRUESI[ EVERY DAY. Notice. 'I will apply to John T, l'oterson, Jud IO of Probaip for NeJwberry Cpuinty,' pn tllp a 21d da.y of Miarch next, for a final settletie~t o f my accout, and trty dischau-g de ad- minlstrator of the Estae of Paat rno J3um- t hardt, deo'd. Thiose hodlri. It tim agalitt sald estate mustft preset, them on or beforo that day or tey wIll be .barred. Fe.2,D. j. ElIARDT, dmr co.MMERCIAL. Ni , ntt, 8C.;'iMtuary 22.C. r midd lIug. y -otn Co1.u DIA, Februart ps 21..' nark, sales about 86 ba! o-- mdd eg t ?.xw Youtt, FebrtI8ry :1 -- 1'. - wer willh uae of' 4.510 baeat 2-'0tt3 ulet, at 18bl 5. b t 241. uokd ('3A11uS.asroY, Febrary 2l1--It )8 buleI; mo let dllt and no1nal pts to-day, .LitaKUwoL, February 21-lientl. Inocel dull--uplandsll1it1lZ Orleatt Coto, 1,000 bales; speculatlon atd export 2,0 0 Newberry Prices Current, .CoiticTED W'xygI.y, Xr1'I.:IS-( rccn, per bUtlacl " 7u 2 )r y, Lurhel,, - . 1 - --72 i.\GG(ll-(-(,uunny-per.amd.''''''.....7 Lt A I,'E--lItmp, per Ib. ......' a27 3alla, per lb. .., a.Z IC ---una. per lb...........' --A- 26 Shoulders ,per lb. ..., Sides, 0r Ib........, , 10 pe.U N per lb.............. iEI- l'- I cr lb.... a ,.. Il"TI'Il-Country, per lb.......'-.- 8 a 1 '1ll l ;9:-l". D)........ .,' ' a n -i('KiENS-per hend.......... . a .l.l t Il-per )ard ........a 1 '(I)'l'iltAS-lierlb..... .......I.1 'JI , y tr b"uelhel.............'.'''''. at 60 -WIt % 3f-.AI,. per Lushel .... ' 0 ANI)1iES-TuI ow-per1l... Adanantinc, r lb... 22 a OFFI:I-ltio, per lb .. 25 a l.eguyro, lb-'........ a 3 .livnr, per1I-.'-- .. a 40 tyfON Y \lIX. per bunch. ... - 2 9 )(311STIUS-4 4 por yurd ....... 16a i16 8 - ........ 13 a 14 8-4 " ..... 12 a 1 .(Uis per lozen - . ------....... 25 a 80 M'I U 'OW11Ul:t, pier lb ............ R 40 MOtN Ill-" , pter11 1 ... ..- -. -. -- . a 10 )N-Kngliih relloed, per pound.. a 7 Swede .....-..-'.-. - -......... a 9 11111nd.........-........- --- -l-u 1 1p.'- .- -...... a 12 I'low Steel.............,...... a 10 l'oi re.. r ...... a 1-) .AIil). per lb ....................... A . 28 .L I-'tt-W ide ltuurd, per 31 t. ..12 O0200) Scautlinrg, per M1 ft. ....1-.0 -a2O 1' louring, per 31 ft.......16- a2000 tl0L,.\$SPS-('tbn, per ga ...... a 00 West India, p, r gal... a. \:w (r'cat , per gal...1 00 at 25 IILACKliilt-per kIabarrel....... 0 00 ply)* per Kit ........... 8 G0 at 00 tt1))L'.It--per I ..----- .... -.- 4) a 50 1All .S. p r kegr ............ . ------- aT 0 IATS. per Lan",-h l......--- ----..... at 25 N1iO)NS, :er bu.hel..............I 60 o2 001 Jll,-etro5eue, per pal. ......... 75 a (04 I.ini'e,l. bolled .................1 6 a2 14. l,inxecl, raw...................1 25 at 50, Ttu, ter'.s. Sirn its......... ...1 4 al 60, P'EAS. pet Luslel --................2 00 P2 be I'()T.\T(S- I ril,. wr bushel.........2 00 a3 00 sweet, per b"se!'.......1 00 al 25 'AIN' S-WhaIlie L.ead, per lb..---.-- 13 a 181 ItI( lI. per ........................ a ll, SALT. ier "anck........-......-----........ 2 60 Sil ( i;,:S. per 10 0 ................. 6 01 Sl'G.\lt--l'uverizcd, l.t-r lb.......... a 21 ('rushed. per lb-.....-..... a 20 A. cr II, ... a 18 (' a.xtra, per lb............ a 7 lIruwvo, pier lb-..--... ........... a 15 51' filI--;o-ld ......................a 1.9 S11ver- - . " a 13 S5l'RITS-"rn ' Wthiskey. pergul....2 0 a2 60 F-'r eta lre ty...........6 I,' a150) ltve W i' ...............2 60 95 0) lt.ultu,d (in.............4 ., 318 00 O ' 'furipwil Iac............ .. 03 fI: iA-llt,t. i,er lb ........ ......1 60 a2 50 Ii,l,eratl. per lb..................1 a 25 I,er lb.------................... 1 00 al 60 rAI.l.OW, per lb.................. 12a Ir5 'I N (I A It- 'iter. per ga.............. .a 60 VAlINJsl IES---Coch 1t:ody, per gal 4 5) a6 0r (' l.a . per ga l........ .3 6) WIlHEAT, per buhela................. a LATEST QUOTATIONS OF SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CLIAItI,EStrN, S. ('., Corrected Weekly by A. C. KAUFMAN, Bro- ker, No. 25 Broad Street. FEBAil 21, 18'0. STATK S)CU1IT1a i.-Soultlh Carolina, old. 84a B.t; do uew, -n 79; do, rcgit'd stock, ex int a 79. ('ITY ScUi'UITP.R-Auennruta. (in.. Bonds -a 84; ('bhar)cton. S. C.. Stck. ex jr loat, - ai'; do, F-ire l.o:n Ilonds, -a 75; Columbia, S. C., Iinntds. - , 70. AII.110A lt0an11-lltue Itidge, first mort gage, 60an -; ( hrlashn ad n anaah, 58u 60; (hair. lotte. ('ountia: 1i a1 Anuu-ta. a 110; Cheraw and t)nrlihglon. 80; (tEenville ut"d Colutnbta;- 1:"t 1Gt1 t.. -1n 76; do. Slnte guarantee, 64a -; Northtaecra. f4;u -; Savantuat and Charleston. lal o5r11-t., - n 8i1; do. Same guarantee. - a 04; .uth .arolin, - n 82; do, 78; lsnrtunaburg Smd I ast-4uto, 1, i-r30exa--(arlt,te, 1'oltinibn and'. A ,:ta'lin. -- a 6; 1.34ca.v ilI3e14 (tad Onutbla, 26 No.rtl.casterna. 7 P :3Vs 1u3inintainr Chjairles- 40on. - ni 2(,; i ,I urh Unih1zn, i oleihaures, - a 42: dn, tni rsh:.res. - ni 21. l-xcu ixt.n Ae&-New York Sig~ht, j eff lIar; Uold, 119 a 121:; Silver, 1133n115(3 i*oUrat CA IWLTNi n. K lIt.LA. E'3Ink oftri 3ston.....................- a - l*a.nk ofl Newherry.....................- a - It. k of' 34n,de1.----..--..............409a - luank of (;Lorcetan..-.................. a - II 'ak 4of Nonh i:nolinn..............10 a -- 11an3k oh ('hester......... .............. 3 -- ILink of II unti.narg-..-....-.--............3 a - htantk ofl .inzte of' N.(C'.. jrior t 1811...r56 a - Ita::k of~ State of' N. (C.. innei* 1861 333nd 18312.13 n - *l'anters' anda Mchnuics hI.k ofCh'r.eston- a - a"Pe3llt.% 11nnk ofl C 'ha 1eston...........- a - *t'nio 34131nn3k of 'l~ hleto- ........---....--- a - Snuahaws 3tern t It B tank ot ('har, lesInn, old,- a -- Naiuthwesterni i i uk ofIha 143 eston,new,.- a - State 11nn3k (of Charlestoa.................S a - t'larfi'' d it cxliniage l1'kof IChairleston..- a I-xchsansge Itanik 331 Co um abin..............10 a -- C('mmer3clini 13:, ak of C(-nhunsbha............ 2 a - M1erchaans' l1anik of1 Chenw~............. 3 a P liater 11333k oh'fa ltnrIlet................ 3 a - tate Iof aouthl Caurth~ian lis llaceirnbte. ..par. City of(Carleson ('hangae tillsi mort ed ths (a pre bdlug redeemed at the lianik 4un13343 of~ 3 Lench. A\L iN ~E I TIIE subscriber has the leasuro to informn his friends and the public that his Store is again OPEN, and that lhe is noWv In BUSINESS. JIo invites the attetdftion of all in want of goods in his line, to his Stock of DRUGS, MEDIICINES, Which lie WILL SELL AT RED)UCEl) PRICES. Dr. W. F. PRATT, D ruggist. AT TIIEi OLD STAND. Feb. 23, 8-t f. School Notice. L,. (. HIAr.FA'1 , a gradtuate of the Sou31h Cahrln Ins3tittiona for the Dcat andi~ Inlg a a)eaf iuto School, 4 ileslc from New- berry Village, op th30 Oolu-nbIla roaid, ohn the~ First day of A pril next.; and will furnish1 Spard at $s,po,p ioptb :Parents, please sentd the~ir sliOl gfat0och idtrog at 91100, L. 0. UALVO Fob. 28, 8--8t Newborr..J& 0 . VhrapMAn te11o os d E.ot thao Hon. John T.Peterab,o, Pobate Judge for Newvberry, I ilsell at Nowberry Court 1(ouse ob the seoend Monday, thle 14th day, In Match next, the followIng property belonging, o the estate of R1. stewart dee-d,, to witi ONE CARRIIAGE & Terms of ealo-ciash, EI1A P. 8TE.W A R' Fe ~b. 2:1 8.-3ai. A d,aar.

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Page 1: · Wdn33dy, Fobr ia y 28, i870O, ThoSouthCarolnaR.B. Co. In another colitiun witbe found an ar-tielo cotied from the Ch'irlestonCourier, throwing light

Wdn33dy, Fobr ia y 28, i870O,Tho South Carolna R. B. Co.

In another colitiun wit be found an ar-

tielo cotied from the Ch'irleston Courier,throwing light on a mtitter of interest.

Ica, Cheap to.We exp"-ctto keep cool the coming

antnmur, and at a very small cost in'tioney. for we learn that Mr. John See.gers of Coininbia, is getting out a tna-

chine for the manufacture of this indis.ponsible luxury ; a machine of cnpacityaufilient to turn out 1,000 lbs. per hour.John Seegers is a public benefactor, noda man of intlnite parts, an'1 his lagercan't be best(, neither.

What ElsoG.w. Blullock oilers th"ee crewards of

$1,000 each, for the capture of whitemen who htnve killeai negroes, and1 tworowr..ds of $250 and $100 for negrneswho have killed white men. Inference-that it is live times ea:tier to catci a nc-gro criminal, surronnded by protectionof the Loyal League, thn a white man

with no protection of the sort I

Due West Fo:nalo Collcg3.1'he next session of this very popular

institution of learning for young ladiescommences on the first Monday in Mareb,and closes second Thursday in July.I)ue West College is one among the bestschools in the coumtry, alfordintg all theadvantages of high culture, in a healthyregion, and easy of acces". To parentswishing to send their da'.:llters to schoolaway from home, we know of no placebetter than thi.s, alnI in the 1l.v. J. 1.Bonner, the 1" i:t"ipal, v ill be funml allthe reqisites of the christian gentlemaniand te;eber.

Colore.l Particuhrs.A younn;; divorce-seeking c.alofed wo.

man of Cincintnati plead her own case as

follows: "J.itige. I catn't love dat darnigger ; he kiirkel me in th, ib).s once tillhe loosene,l all my ini.les."Who blames her ?" 'Pears to m11e Some f1 )ks are ntighIty

phrtieular," was the remnark ol a negro

as a lady refnsed to 1et him it in herlap in a New Yurk street car."

Shotncki:,. Ctohl not have bet l.i:thcth Cady St' , oil no, for ste toull'lhave ncce; ted th;e si:oatin, aind Iiggeithat nigtr to the last, or till be ex-

claimted, sht.Ily, !? m' hedr !

Jury Duty.The New York J ur: l f C

in a thoughtful a:ti,ie upon 11.e l -

to do jury duty, propeses a rem y. 1 :would "alh.w aii bii sui > . e :..

before a judge a,;ce in mrry c:-e ' c.neither plt ty denlt:1lI l. jily. T..would slt ike out the ca,l f.r .sach ser ricefrom three-fourthis, if tot ine tentis ofthe civil ca:e's on the calender. The reare fewa disimtes in winchi bo'th 1:aan:' iii h a u...*.-- w; ou!d not r:: lmc-leave the deri.ion to then th1lithe jury-box. Ini the terw.i ir': e ..let anyt paty dEltningIi a, jry :*e to.pelled to give secut ty f.2r the m-. te.of a stin suheient tI fur...h :a:.1e I..miU nerait ion1 to th!o.e w2 he am ,-c '--pelled to give their v-du.1:e ti:u. to th.task.

A ladyI correspoto1enit, says that Jer..i. Junue is a hinnbo:~, a no,lone, anud we2 are half inIclinedl to is right. lIe::- n ha:t ihe sav :

",Jeniiie don 'imi nu ar id lI..'i homjJFomurte,..1 33 biit:tid:, bIn.d3a I nneled tip in otne Iri-dhtful grt:.otuldn't he comutared toi 1or 3 i.~ s-,

hat if a& ladv dnt ut :ar ''ice, u t oh i

'hie nt.teet essen'tce ofl Ithlyhool, the gninemdigty,tv puu ity :3:31 cou3:: te~.,* 3f a t

timber(m (f bttons -lhe we tis (13 herloves! Ohi, haht ! Ti:at hi-Th pi ict 's-.f fasion~u, d. 3J , i provtet i::uy tne it 1.stresrsedi worla t in Ne'w 't a. She wa :.,

inchies of, awrl ca3r3er% 'aiidir'*,rough faln21 til lors 1.t5 the tot3131

efianctie tof Ltte. Sie imakes her osoini' hiv o rit in the \'enii \'idi paper.s lIt0 i turail. SomeiL oIf the ar elevertme atre cecdinig !-itfi.."

Inm (Chester on .iale-day, one* t ract of l.s:1. lin 13eres (only was33 soi, andtE bronghI t(tn. A ite nciginas beenIlIl pniihtisedobley3, nn old cittizi3n, iedn a3t Chester oin

et Sib, fro-.n lte effreis of diSl'seJ Vn.eket bii int ai veiry '3i 3, pree)sus coniiinofaIth. It is lear edl by 11 hiisln tat hieriapily giving wta.. --Ch eder correspona-nce c1 Eniquiret.The appropriiation bill, to tmeet li.e e!.nses of the Site 13overnmentt for 1870i,

i lI on herporited. It a ill piroIj.ibly ap.priate$~I 1uon,noo , a lar go jlpoortin ofieh will be for the paymenit of old

Measels in a mild form prevail in Clum-

The Ilenneittsville Journud says: A cow,oniiniig t) Mr. Wmi. Covinigion, near

unl31lsie, ushereid forth recentily threerea in (tie day, and all, we learn, arenIi lttg. This is certaliy a very re-ikablle cow.Ite samte paper adds, "That Mtrs.JamesDunIl, residling abouJIt five mtiles fiotmplace, gave birthi, a few days ago techildren. The iiothe'r, we learn, 1a

nig well nnder'the elrcumstanes8."

lie Alston Mansion, corner Meet1ng $1Prnicesa alley, C harl'eston, was recent lfor $I0,000,he Lautrens Railroad Is ordvertised foiat public outcry in Clumbia, oi80th of March.he survey of tho route for (te Alrailroad from O reenvlle. to .Char,e, .O., is now going on.

rant and the administration favor$Q) n the tariff of $20,00,000

the debt this.year are t<

3*/. Ithr lIya'~~t'lJ1,1l4 14 entinue hi

xaleidoecopia,Cotton 's down,and wool up-on thobeneh.

Woll, we 'ro onl,v getting back to old times ;tho wool-snek once tupresented fihe sacred-ness ot' England's Judlciiry-a Wool-sack cov-ered with scarlet cloth. &c., stood in front ofthe throne td the pireiniir's chaintl t the hollsoof 11rd's, and thercou Sat the Lord hIighChancellor.dIut because I sat It was n't. a ralnin,

t'other d.ay, It inrned 'round and poured. Ireckon seinebody else hni been tlnkern atthat North pole, and left the screws Iooe,aid it 's jump2d out of its axlo trees, anileveryttiing is as cold as an iceberg--evenAunt 1larriet llcecher's8 towo hias lost allwatmlb ani affection for hum:nity.

is it true that the young men of Nowberryare going to get up a cichating society? andthat the first qttastion to be put on the tapists-"when a fellow marries are her thingsiis'n or his'n her'n ?" ii' that he true, I knowwhich side of the argumncIt I shonld take,tzwwvtnliihmtl1gh0eneg4 il1vrast'gitnelidvthaeno sgpvemnvarit vv r yn fligiei%lzfr5t epyayrl: Ireiwwl 'oe(lti8 !tnqIml1t 8. mitt,.

I.:tlies, those of you, who may not havehearil of the Sea Mos 1.trine, will pleasepermit mn to direct your attention to itsmtlrits. Carrageen or Irish Moss, as youare well aware, is a nneiinginots marineplant of great vaitw. it is highly nutritious,and of signal t"fllcaey to those sull' ring fromcold, congh, &c 'The earra:;cen istnow ptup by the a.'n Aocs Fuine Compay, ant atonceC enters largely into the cntinary econo-

my. From it the most leliciots creimns andcnstard are. m tile; and of' liitne M atge, ont'

paek :tte will prltntee sixte"nl ql Irts. It nut

snpt"rsede all that el:a s of artic!cs known as

corn stat:lc, mll.tizmn, fmnIt it, etc There are

mianyvways in which it will en fer lar;,ely intotlt hill of fare: as for sonpe, ies, .e'T 'enty-five centts ptr p i t'to, I-tisher iceand 1)r. 3elutosh will so->n have It on sale.Wht's thetitter with lllnnetrsville? The

editor if the of th t place .enys thatMrs. .J-ames Met) in tel, liv ing taltnt ti'm emfrom 11 -unetlsvilie, gave bir'hi a fty:v tis

ago to five chidren. Aingel of gr.te-- dofend1the lvotetd nolther, amtti panlni 11nme for firl.ding the followinm wh;mi.-h i, fr- t, t:ne

issue ofIte p iptr: Mir. C vi'igton nearllen-nettv il'e, w' reently' pretetcd by hii di-pen<'ir of hleiin w"ith tlre fine ('veS. I romthe v'erv tInttloin of myr h^,irt let tnt- aSk,"that t, the inittter with len:Inettsvillte -'"

Anid wh:': the to titer with that i"t ofctood ccltter- the Sn. I':t L-gis!.atur e"?Someof tho,e pr IV(! rlt;d revere'nd seignceur? antl:ltnitis:s ut= laivt' mt'e than three w'ivv'e,as I set' :t hill I. up to proventt "men'fromn havin, ino than tw.o wvive's. A ipyr: o-1 heatt In oltl ti rh ie say not lone a,:::ndthe itotton rail t.:h: to 1;now, it's ini the es-

c'n.len: I,-v .,v1i1-t we t_wine to Lal sehe:v!fe'" .iin":n'i 'r.. I'.r:i:t:on.

ti1ef 1t

I t- t t th' t,rt- . n r - -,

hav- he.: \v .. a ear :n -t tt

f:1! :r= rn 'n i !: ,'i ' t.-

St 'it -

raii. . i I .;h iin -

nit, Scienc(e, L.tei;itire, re;.i'i!p. &".n,-a,

aniitpjo-les. htisit o tirt ire pi -nIne. t .

a wor,ik of sitehpiro->ialtt .n I1 wh :v re

searchi antl ern it ion andi unt.:li-hont,wil:fthrowu si gre:it ait hr nt ou thi leg i-itoras1 to ennut se them,4 to exclaim4 wi: onevoric e,

book be on S.tie at .)nitile. a Chapmn 's,shlt annttountce the fat thr:ough the ieral.

1'. S. 2.- Whio im-i lionhatI?i'A fe!!)wfeel:ng mma:kes uts 1' ond(miSon k.;ndt !'

Mm'. hjIenry tuobi., of Ghalileston, is deadl.'ITte eight million cres of Tecxan soil

isold b)y G overnttment fort taxes, t'InhzCedfisr the ttreitsury sixc thtouantd dollaris-thtirteenm acres ftor a cent,

blanton Marble, editor of the NewYork Wot id, ia spokeni of na the probable candmidate of the l)emnocrats for G.ov.erntor of Now York at the next electionA comunication to the G reenvIflk

Emnterpisiei, advoe'tcinteis and1 upldsltm "th)philoisophty of Poisitiveismt of neccessity,'which turna ont to be "f'e-oveitm.Pretty preachinig, truly, for this latitude

Edgelield Advertiser.Weare bitformetd, says the Lancaste

Ledger, that a negro, licensed to exhoror preach by :the hiaptist denomninatioiin thuis Countj, Is transcending his authority in un Ithing int marriage whte anicolored ~oup)les3.

Mrs. HJenry If inks, of Wiseasset, Mowho has lived with her husband fort~Revent years, and ja the mother of twentminks, huas,just obtaIned a div'orce frolheri lord on the free-leo ground that alhas no amlnity for him.TuE Rsru.---The Richmond Enquir

bogly and truthfully antnounces that i.unnatuhal allianco of Virginia Detmocra

d 'renud In. their losing (te respect

n nifi, Rennbhteann wihtjt ainli

The South Carolina Rail rta': our i.,asu of W'edinesday we pub.

liilhed the pr,rceedings c'f a t)oinnlttec ofhe Sennto on the matters Of the freight t

charges of the South Ctolina Ril ltuad, i

betw"een Otuden and Kingsville. These lptecelings wre bas.ed u pon a comuplaintmnde by a merchant of the former place.The S"'it Carolina fHail itond is the property of i large t nuber e

of our citi:in, Who rl'e poor ; tlaly thave s:ivel blt littlo else from the wreck t

of thll war. It is impourt:cnt tothemltIhnt thetiil of their proilelrty rholdSnot he unftiVo)r:lthle all,fec by repr tesenl- Ii

latiotns not cortet i1 puinllt of fel, or of j

facts grent(ly exaggete ld endoldistorted, :1to gratify p ersmola1 feelin1g, or to prtlnote

selfish enld.. We loow those who have tbeeI entl'ustecd with the manafgemlenlt ofthi; piroperly. WVe know , al.o, v\hatlahors and diliculties they have had toencoultler in pirovidii; for th e pulic a

highway, nt1111 )ecomimliid:tion)s lnt io.fel it)r to those elljo)yEIl in) ally iection ofthe S)uthern counlry. We kSow fulrtlerthat it is cllillel 11011 w b elievee, "ji.tly,that their rtles of fai i.tht antI t:ssageare to-day 1t\ver th:an aly its tie St iI ornelar' it. St'Iwe hea:r th.i: el:ctnur kepItup, rtnd its conlinu:luccr forcet's ,i s to coIl-chide thait 1Ite i. ssometuhii. nate i:a itI hanl al'le-nrs un e: .siI hir . I't, d.) j s.

tive, thelref.r--, l a ::l . : i(ie, we ,gt!ioi,tIhtinIItaatin 11):ni tloe wLomwe1er

.ittlel" :oIl h-: :.;t l :Il(d :l'+ - t o blll Il-h it,-;t al n rai fillai/ t e ustia s1 a I' i c: isit:iotl itls l"a l i l:t I 1i. )L Is aI ! t I. los t'oIsinly the ': T at the I":Itic:: who)

c)miain to i i ; thi- :aw i. ": n. ver n;-ptroac:hediu tlw l nt ' ol' . tf th: (.t;llipany1,ith uny st:ti u of i a thir t "riea ace.:

that the S mlltl (:haln. lIal lhi:Ilil C(npt:I ln hals lo.sil.h chargls petrI lill pounls

lip)))) any Of its fr., i'iht t:trill'; as rlre" t "It l i i n t h e r e p ol r t : ; t h a t i t ; c : i' g' le . r e

frei-.tht fr11 om i i'noden lao Klait., ille areaI,recisely the ranle a. they r.te fr .w inlilar1 i..tancesi fi'ain G!4arle.,t'll, fromCll luI11-i:I, or. fromn .\ug :u :.

ntw we c,lfe., i, it. the- .sl:t tsh, fir.-i , we a e at :a ll.S to c-'.m; re-htI tl ll nc'et' ity 1"f the i..t lti .e' t1. Ij.}I wC nr. I ri. . 1:.' 1it'- it:t t,ll l' 1 :.8 C!.::0 IV il t s ::t 1 .r i. ll-o -1i pimper-:.

lilt we Ii-:r i'It' "T..It -. - h'o r i ' it n- l. t at ";- I :. , tf a i:.t 1 i".atifst i-.' ihat tlhe. u: t: arol-I a

'a,itt."'l llo" l, 'll i!l.- o doesIau7 ..r v i:hW:: i :l : "i '.: '.- .- I,'.\\-i

t --I7-

.. -1 -. -;' t 't 1 0 l ' -.t r i :

i- t

f Ii. -

Li narane r.:eaaa' - cr r- lI.e ba

ake! it' i. t aline. i 'uahed -. .T

he March ltvrsil gives anohe fwa-mou pictre luT ratin the i'able

of La Fontaine's-" IThe cat, she wae-l landthe youngu riabbit."' 'he readling matter isvery cholco andt nitiraic.ive. Pub!iclsed byIlurd & iloaughton. New York, $2.50.The Itual American for February, a veryexcelleunt agrIcultuaral monthly, i rceived.

it cotlains a inIrge aon t or interesting nndvluleJi matter relat lng to the0farimgeneorally',

andtt other thingsi besIde. P'iulihd by Q.b'Minor & Coe., Now Brunswick, New Jersey,SI,50 per year.TIhie (lalaxy for Marcb continuaes that thiril-

hang story by'. Chas. Ileado, "'ust Youriseif inhise I'latce," besides a laible of contlentsaof ad-mtratble scelion. The (Gahaxy Is one of thobest literntIy magnaines. $4 per year,or three.opies fori0. Address Shioldon & Co.,Thue N. Y. Eclectic for Mareb, anid pub-

ished by E. 11. Pelton, 108 Fultoni St., isone of the best, iteriary imagaitines of theday. The present No. gives a splenadld steelengraving of William tilen Bryant, and a'table of' contents of highly interesting char-'actor. Yearly subscriptions, $5.

Y The Ladies Friend for Alareb, which is

" already ouit, opents with a besatiful steel cn-

~O graving of Windsor Gaeiie. 11euides theolarge plate of colored fashions, a charm.

er lug spring scene, The Swallow's Neat, aidSmusic, not to r ay anaytinmg of' the ohoico~~reading matter, makes the J,adlies friend.isthe Queen of the Monthlies. PubIlishee bysDeacon & Peterson, 810 WVainut street,

of Phla,, $2.60 per annum, inceluuding an en-

lg :graving. Saturvday P'O~st d 1Ladles l'siln,

amt engraving, #1,00n

Circular.Cu.tes,-roN, S. C., February 16, '70.A t a elled mueotiuig of the members of

to South Carolina institute, on the 9thist., among other proceedings, the fol-)wing resolution was submitted by Ion.4. 1.). Porter, and on due consideration,as unaimiiously atdnp(ted :

"Resoived, That the Precident of thenth Garolinia lnstitte, be requestediitt delegations flom tho vaiiious

ounty A.ricltural and Mechanieil and:mntigration Societies Ithroughont thetate, to ass tle in Charleston on ther"St Tuesd:ay in May r,ext, (3d) to takeIto con.i.leriation the q'e.stionis of labor

ud ( iuigratio ; uti means for fur-her develinient of the agricultural in-

e-re,ts of the State."E:N'rI.t:: t:.As the 'xecutive ofnlter of this State

t stitute Assoti:s1io n, I take the enluiestppmt4r4u1lity" to lay tef-re you the anp-

t"ndietd rtso"lution, atl resiectfll y to in-ite an esarnest coisiieiation of its i:n-111t, t'idl the apiointnent of such nnu1t

ir l'clc:ies its your Associatimn,lub ur rinuizatlin m:1111yt deeml pr1opter.Authh. ized credenti:is from the pre-

i'lng O'liver ol the respective SnivtieQ.Iill l:s deleg-ites on the Sotih Cartlilat:i:lratf f r It:f Ile usuai f.ire, ns doubt-L-s; n i.l be ut,!,jtedl Iy other htes of

(,:i i.

The p"1"aa nttnrlt il;lmrtancee for n bir:.l, iltil itil,', t i eit'en ll :1 )inic ateid b,t

hi. r:.subnti-mn, i: setf tvi,dent.To, unive etttlers, luminlantitn and

;ii"ie)t lalt;r. r, to till the fertile a i::i:i:d! la,ls of .,mth (cirolina, nol hi

lit her iis restlrees of maiSnuf.1-it;:.ind (ther indlu trial pursuit, de-

ni-ll-lk co ipeti:vIte action of the pec;.:e.runm the moul nt:l re-.;:ion to the st:i-mardi. andl th)e i'.fliience of all true wttenmu_ht L.o be enllet.,

Ihe titit i.lii, of the St.,ie, with the-.riou)i i: w t.f fl:oadl and S:eamt, n:.nil Si if- t,a .Ina nOtii, wilth eniter.rist:vi t u iim.: mevrt'li:: s, aide'l by the i.-

(-i i-f t.. fdA? .Jit-, :.ri:ultre, .,ed '' :-.rI i" ie- i c.u::. (!. clIn form .::h an .\ ,

-'i.- :1 .4 :: i: ire "re fer the : -

* : .' ' ..r t e ..

S c :;r' r ve r. vfr -it

W\ M. .V iN

, Ct' rs cf t:e N r-

f,r -: --- --I

n d. ai<

- . rr .r the ri -. . .

b- rh il vofth iovrno


' . ..'--. urer

*uieo h -6 tr in~ , Jer':y Cinty:minois. n .'r~ .

Somei mIusic teacher once wIrote"tile art of playing a violhin requaires therlice'st p. rs:eption4s and1 the most5 senisibiia-

3' of any art inl the kniown world"Upon01 whIich aln edlItor commnentIs ini the

rf.l!owing mnnrer: o ''The art of pu.

lishing a newspaper'l, and :makinag it pg

hnd at the siamie time) making it paleasee'verybody3, benlti fidlini' higher than a


St'imis 1)sa-rn.-Mr. GJeorge F. Melda,ant old resident of thuis city, and for y'enbeforo the0 war at promliaen)t grocer,the corner of Meeting and Queen s'treet:diedi suddenly yesterday while sithindown to dinnor. Mr. Meldan had boounwell for some time, but wna not conplainling of any aickness at tho timtehis sudden death).-Charleston News.

Pantls, Februmary 19.-Pierro Napoleowill bo tried for the voluntary homnicidof Noir; to be followed by a trial for naattempt upon the life of Fouviere ; bnlaconviction would be dcath. It is thoughtthe court may, from exitntang cir4eumnstannceu, leosen the punishment twodegrees, Tile usuial street parndes onSlauve T.iuesdiay will beq prohibited.

If. P. Whnittomore Ia said to be the ma1un sold ,th, w,,.. VoIt, e.iip...,

'T'U Wni.cox, Utnls CU'l MANrAl.ATky:gUA. IF NOT SUERItOn TO A:T FEnTLSI(

IsKU IN TIN NEIUlttIonnloo0.

Crawfordville, t;a., October 97, 1869.Messrs. WVileo.s tibbs & Co.:

I havo not replied earlier to your inquiryils to relativ e meits' i tihell fertili/.ers ulsed

in this vicinity, from the iact that the cropofeotton were not sulltliently matured to

enable no to for:n it anceurate opinion.We were then in the Inidst of a dronth

without parallel for duration and severityin the me i. ry of the olest, inhabtlit.Not a rain from titst of, ay till last ofAutguI, andi the uesullt of my objservatiiis, I lnow of nonte whieb excelled yourManipnintell in cacpity to endhire long and

severe !olllths. I n"ed the littipul.tted onvery tlin gr.av soil, t iln stifl'el/ y su'tstnatumil),at the r'ate of 2lat) lis. per nete, ail a1bo it 5(10 Ilbs. seeI eottol to the

itIe. I left a scnallii sileo ttmn u .4111ired,u. bici nill not untke mi' ore than I 6O lbs. per

acre I Ih. iv lttl no rust, even on ground pre.diFposttn i to it. I, therefore, conclide, in

view ti" Ihe t fuets, that your Malniplmateliis at lta't te<ptnil, if not superior, to allyiii :zer u-nd inl thi; regionl-aind thet

"tnteat nuieUcr of Varieties used, too, hit'-ies'pe tiuly,

,t \MIE, F IE?Il).

T: J::t:- , lI :l:t.OS.-'Ihe Jewish.\Ics-e:er cann ot Uinder"stalnd Low in-tel.:e't Chritians can t.inlk that.lut:aism it beccuming weak, and Is in

t::t r ut txti:l'tionl. "It Iay bt owingto the rit," it ":t.s, "thIat one or two

i.en inisterc h-ive beelldnhlding forthin l-uit-Iti:tn pu'$, and that there are

:v+r.i e i.h niinit.tcrs woil) ire tinctur d' "i:h the spirit of the ne', alnd don,it heirve in the advent of:t .\es.,iah, in

the rt 'iarrettion of the dead, in thett : 4 1-rael, and their resto:ttion

t, t .' m',tpo i,ed i:niil. IIence tlhey inr tiethat a -gat change Iias taken place in

t.e .1: 1,h estnp. N/ w all this," it de-e', t'e ,"i. r:l -te fro:a the truth. Jt-a now as strIng a d as Ivhorrous

a' at .t., timec inl it- hi,ter . None of-.t .' p: ilI .e have L" e 1

u i th. t lu 'rat'litc still- t:e l ri:.-n.s ini the Jen.+ i.h

- >:ays. the P,11 Miall- n e as a:i di,agrmnen

et t Iower of Lotitlon,- .v t the nerves of the

- a p. r sime days, or- --, t.e shIdiow "fanlaxe

- - f the alk of the_ . ie'. its l :t ap.

-- l.'e w rinullmd. iln- * .' : l .t. ig <ilee

-t r.: : it does- ~ t at. c.- xcites

- - l ''..v r'I i-

* - - 1

x ' thast :n'


- ar: c n tr :i g i

- e 'ia on w the a rct

* .>r d wh- t i. I t(1 ' isn

Aoler of~ lag ots dare. gowngr.K K. ('in of them 11 are te

he show theF'I, leat elas tiity.x ete thatf'st're' the "sikin fns bil

ie( th i bod anthsierstocist.i n ldrse of:nla.--e tare growitototah giiin-hu of Mrcs.teow.i

Ah n th i thsrt, wOdasdtro yediO(t.(byhr nuin l ho' elastk. lst inctton

and b:ting abodutot,00r heorigi

or tihe lire is thought to have been acci.

An abscomnding wife is thnus pathetical.IVyOappemnled to in a "Plersolnal"i colIumn".J:ine, youlnr absenco il~l rtuin all, TIhinkof your' children, yotur parents, y'our* hus-ba,nd. Return, rettun;1 allay yet, bewtell. At any rate, encioso theo koy ofthe cunpboar'd wthere the gin is."

Thie report that a Now York landladyencoturages tho cotnumption of hner hashby putttinig In a lIfty Ceint ahinplaster Isnot true, Tho finding of at IIustard poul.tiee in a plate of tho mnysteriouJs boe'orage gave riso to tile rumor,

- ---+-e+------- --

WVashnawfamnpantovoeumpoo, it cief oftheo ArIzona I ndliaas, is dead. P1oorW'ashaw fampan toveumnpoo I Thero arenone) of hist tribe who possessed the goodheart of WVashawfamrpantovoumnpo0,'Tho Mayor of New York was brought

uIp r nwspapor man. Ilo setnt a shortmlessnage, amnd everybody road It. Wheniwill othner rulers learn the merit, of bro,.Ity.A bill1 to Incorporate tihe Chlarhotto and(eorgetownl raIlroad hass passed Its thirdroti ng


(07 The value of a district paper dependsin it great degree upon the completoness ofits L,OCA, aWs,VR ad we beg our friends toIforward for publcitlion any and all itemscoming under their observatolln.

ANortt.:nI M.tuisrnl."rF.-T..e (Jovernorhas appointed Mr. .1. . Smith, Magistratefor Nowberry ; headquivarters at the Capita Iof the County.

No'rARY Punt,t.--M. 'T. S. l)nnean is act-

ing In the autihorized capaelty of Notaryu'nblic, nad alao atitends to collecting clainms.Ofliec at Saving's 1.nk.

A:1stssont's No-rit.-ilsew here will be

sceu notice fron Ir. ('urn in, calling for re-

tuirns of taxable properly for Internal 11ev-enue. * Attend to it.

That was a profund philosopher who

compared advertiing to a growing crop.!Ie saidi : "The l;rner platans his seed, andwhile he is sleeping the corn, is growing.-o with ,advertising. While you are sleep-

itng or ea tin, yo,tr advert isenettt is beingread by thionsainds who never saw nor

heard of your business, nor never would,had it not been for your a.Ivertising "

In the scareity of currncyn at Salt Lake,chickens tre taken at the box otlike ofIbrigIamnt Young's thenatre. Change is madeMit eggs.Ve state for inloriation that chickens

are taken at this'oilIce also, in paycment ofdues, but on accont of the scarcity of eggswe cannot give change.

llootc AoGcNC.--Isewhere will be foundan advertisement of Mlr. .1. C Derby, inwhich Ine calls attention to the establishmentof a general book agency. lie offers a pleas-ant and lucrative business to young mon outof enploynment, and we adviso all sucht toatpply to him nt once. Mr. i)erby Is a North-ern man, by hirth, but si'ice the war, comeSouth. :and idcnttfying himnself with our in.terests. has rendered himself qnite accepta-ble to our people. Wonl that there weremany more such as he. Sec his notice.

ls:roTm:cs ANn Wtnot.:s..a.: DntGOIsT.-.\ttention is called to the advertisement ofMessrs. Goodrich, Winemnn & Go., who of-fer that Celebrated Tonic, the O1.1 CarolinalBitters, to the Southern public. TheseBlitters have at re"putation seco-d tonone other we bel:cve, from the favornblemenition male of tleni, and the vast ianan-'ity sol. Me.ssrs. (;oodrich, Vinemann &Co., are too we;d known to the trade, as re-sponsible and relial,le Iruggi-t", to needany coinnmmerdation fron us, but this nmnehn

e yoe nnntc .:%, o whoseaito are not acqu.nint-cd n i:h then in a b:t.iness way, if there be.n tcl. at they be r.-lied on ispr,:ipt anal accnrate in all their transae-uors.

MORE Snoo FLY!--At tine solicitation ofseveral nice youngnenwho have taken a fancyto the popalar song of shoo fly, we are in-d:ct'l to puhinh jut one more verse. WetMnk it inin:ely ,ntpcrior ann"1 more'feeling':l:an thq first vcrse puhis hed some weeksago:

I fecl. I feel. I A-el,I fe! lke a morning star;I fa-'. I ftel, I eI,I feei '-e a morning ctar;S.'.I fd. I fcl,I f'.: "i!:: a mnr:.lng;I I foe'. ! feel,i feei :~e a moralnn3nsar.

L' I ..p ha de: s'nn, di, n'gger know',i 'p Ia dl su-n, die ngrger know',

p n 'I. aun, di; rnigger knows.......::. I feci-D -.' w: .at 'n 'na-: ! !-.r mnih-

He -'n c.4,r nup i: be.nd.r- n--h ;a fi I .)-i' bo in- !&c.

-T:a; .r. -ex::. nr.: Sn.o.--in these.':a o .a.y CIv[nt4 occr that tine

ao dasd. , ann l innete-nid of be.-s- acerpt them as they come,

a a . of-'he si:':.-;", i.nd eat, prany andaf:p,pry and it, tan i 4our level

-to bea e.oy, or aa eaisy ae we ein.--Tr. thenre s' a'l b." -igna in thaese days, adr."Canora 'i;;n t waonde-rs, has nao effettor our~ ra"r, for awe are tsed to thnem,a'. !-:.'' 3o we- thT.:,'; uintil tine last sign-.-v-- 'e 1'- a. Tf nabount thne celebhraated

- ra-a .:-rs wicha cities delgh:ar-, but' we defy thnemn to beat the sign

ehl N .behrry; bonsts of. Thist sIgn is!d'0. 'naham andl costly to innig onnt to windudIne .a inher, andi to he mnade a of lbyyong Anmecrica, andu tiherefmore is mnade toIfan grancefully aganinast thne door tracing oftine store intlo whnich it inavites paissers by3. It,is ran acro'tic .ign, on the~ namnes of Ifonu-se~al & Jotne., conmmnenncinng waithn Ilerringsamnd enndinng writhn Kirdisnes. Tine inngennuitydil-phyn'ed on thnat pniece of box' cover iswondierfial, andn we predict an imamenase sen-sation. If we madl room, we'd say mnore.

fac', Woaxut :Sntlti ena tairied whitS:olrd ndmiiIasa, at amiiiilaire, at-enamong nine n ewest fanshionns for lradies.

Mn". I'irrson, a vennerabic ady of New-ark, N. J1., has jnnst eeerated lienr lhun.dredthi irn ihday~.. 'rThe iin vi tat ionns to hnerpanty bear tine fignresn, "1l770--1..870."A paleasant, chneerfini wifej Is as tine rain-haow set in tine henavenes, whien men' hunsbnand'stmtmdn is tossed withn strms andu temnpests..A pen-soin biing asked winy lhe had given

his diaugh~'tr to a man withI whonm lie wasat emnnini v, replied: "1 did It ount, of punrerevenuge."

Th'iere is only oneo wvoman In tine town ofL.ost Tranii, Californaia, anad lhen' husnband cann'tsleep at nigihts bnecaunse so anny nmen standin fronnt of tine house aind grate thecir teeth.

Sutasa'n 1. Antnomny says "thne women hiavehad a snarfent of men for tine past sixtihousannd yearR." A indl yet Sinsain has abotas litle cannse to comapnlin of suchi a surfeitfas anny wvomnan ona tine conitinen,t.

Ian Moniroe, Miechigan, recently, a woanof t'fiy-seven anumnmers saned a youthn o1twennty for breachn of promnise, hne havinagreed to mnarry lier If alae would buy imsalt of cloties. Thney were nmarriled bay thnJustice before whnomn tine case wins broinghnttine bride excnising hen' lmpor'tunities b~saylnag e anted ianmo one tp sa~w hemwood.,

50'r PA icut.4ng.Let mne kiss you for your'thiery,F"or your slater'--consin-..aunt---..Or for somehody or oilherWhiom I long to kiss, buit oan't,I could wishn my love benio me,0As I've youa beshdo me nowflut tine pleasure is denahed me,

fio I'll kiss yout any how,

Cheap Iteading."We lhave muado a'rangments with thproprietor of tihe QAntorn FanYAuaaWfisclass, eights ae Agrli iural lVcl,publihhed at WI lmttovn, N. , to clu theJurnal with the iIIAr,D, at 44 25 per ye.rr tine two, to tail new stab' ribers to tihFarmner. t4peelmon copies the Ca rolin

lourcieatt i8 ily yert3 0141,gootl-lookint;, a good lressor, Ion*Cr, shooter, boxer, botittr, club- i

man, horsoman, and is full of' flland ancedote.

IoIteury Wti'rl Beech'or snloll- q

cod to his Congregton on Suiday 8that ho declined to rectoiv theoiC' recently malo him of an ad-vance ol :mtlatry from $2,5O0 to

:~_o,Ooo.A Wllanlt in Liverpool, doUt-

fil whether the firo had gone out,ioured gonopo <lcr on the embers.IIer thoughts and the rest of her 1

~'clt. quiekly removed.

'-07" Wm. II. lernard, Proprietor of the 1Star Adverti<Ig Agency, W lmington, N. C.,is anthorized to receive alvertisetents for Ithis paper at our lowest ensh rates."

Ai y"'l'() AC1L)[T (J']'.',,0l'-'1.OYIM EN ',-$1,500 to $3,000 per year canbe realized by eneraetie and intelligent inen,int securing at once an Agency for the bestand m'st l'npular 1100 KS ever publi'hnd -Thit is a rare opportunity for MAKINUMONEY nl doing good. Clergymen, dis-abled soldiers, and ili otheri wanting anlAgency wilI pleas;e upply f'or furlther parien,anrs, to . . D1{i3Y,

Southern Publisinhg Agency,('or. Reynold and.htckson Sts.,

Feb 23 8-3t. e. o. w. Augusta, Ga.

Plesucre is to mankind, what the sun isto the Hlower; iMolderately enioved, it beauti.lies, it refreshcs, it improves : if intmodertatc-lv, it withers, <teteriorates, and destroys.All sip at the einticitig glass, but reek not

the consequ'nces. To alleviate the ills ofIhuatnity induced thereby, we know of no

more eliri-nt remedial agent that the "OldCarolina litters," which have proven them-selves to be the great Southern Tot,ic.

Suve vonr 1idirn frominmisery, by usingW1'inrtnn'$ Wormt tndy.

Feb. 23,8-1 t

1Iy-A WR)ONG IMPRESSION'lI{ECI'EL).-M:any persons believe thatthere is no vahne Inl anything that does notCome from "the North.' llow humilintin!Ilowever, this impression Is being gradutillycorrected It is now ndmitted that no rem-edial ngent hIs ever been discovered, Northor South. that possesses, in so eminent adegree, the power of ertlientin r from thesy,ten all foul distemper, as i)lt. TU 'i"SS.\{S\ l'\ltil.lA AND QUEEN'S DlLlGl it'. ''he secret is, it assi.sts na1ture to dotits through its own ehmnls. It Is coin-pose"d of vegetable snbstances alone, everyone of which grows on Sothern soil. It Isthe ItL 301) PUl1FIEL OF THE AGE.Feb. 10. 7-2t.

[From Norfolk nily .artnl. Dec. 11, 18'0Kos:oo - isme.di,rins is rapidlyr gai.i.

in the contfideee of the peop"l, and theinmenrons testimonitls of its virtnrs, givenby pretitioners ,f' .nu'dicin', lea ves Iodon',t Ith t iti. a s:ife ait :tlia'le receivor I'ltt"at or -tru: It.nLtI, .!1':I:11 t:AsF,

''h," last Nicdcai .To trnnl contains an nrlidle 1rom Prni'. It. S. Newton, M1. 1)., l'rer"i-de"nt of theI'-1Meli-CnlI'g, city of NewYork, that sp,riks in high terms of its cnr.t-tive properties,anidl gives a Special recom-mend.ttion ol" Koskou to thIC p1e- itioe1sof umdieinT"his is, +n bcl+eer, the firstirs'ance wciere sneh meteines haveitwenollici:,lly cu'lor-,'td by the F:unlty of anyof the mer'lii' I colb-ge.o, il teleetsgreat credit npnt the skill ot Dr. "itwrence!',its colt) pou ntd,"r, and also p s "'Ko.<koo" inthe v.+\ 01 all o:her tedicinrs o! Ihe pres-eot daiy. Feb. 23, 8-tl.

1)AIS I LLEI{ Cures Sore Thront.

Ai,orite edicine with ill eins'e,

ici)av'k' Pain Klcr.I F you have Paiinters CotIe,t'.e the Pain Killer.

~TO Alediclite Is so polittharIiAs the' l'.in KiflerEl:'the Pl'.tn K il1er always at h.mtd

IF you have a Citngh or Col i,I U'e thie Pin Killer.

14 lIttle of 1'aint Ki!ler in thec house.TET every biody nt,e thle l'a in Killer

li'or Sprins and Biruises.YF.RYti sailor shpunld carryTi a hottle of theI j~j l'.in KIller with I

I,Eii11-t:g1-1, the l'a In Ki1 11er Is forboth In terotd and11 Ex ternail use.

Thle Pain K ilh-r is sold bty aill lIruggistsand I)calers ini F+'ami!y 3ledlicines.

I'ElItY DAVls & SO)N,71hrhStret,P.-vi anc,

lroprIetors.378 St l'.ttiMStiree. 3131ntre'al, Can.

17 S-uthamtpton i-w, Lmdoni, I-',g.Feb. 25 imo.

Indigestio,n not only effects the phiysic ilhealth untt the dlispositions tundr temlpers oifit.. victims. The dlyspeileI b,eomtee, too, ina1 mensuire ilemnoralizedl by bIl<suffe-rin 4. lieis to fits of frritaition by h,is 31u1-lentness, or despa)tir, tis the caeS mally 1)0A p)retaentuatl senisit iveneuss which he ennttcotntrol, leads to mliscons4true the wor-dsnot itmfrequenttly moarked by exhitdions 0ofati ineats of tho<~e nritumdihimi and hiIs hnter-course cre-n wIth thtowen"nrest tand delnre--t toh i1 testinhess loreignm to his einC11atuire . Tlheseare the mtetal33 p,hIeinmlen of ithe iser,efor wht ich the In validl atmnot lie jaistly thldresponsibtle, b,ut they o'ezsion muchil lions--hold1( dIscomfort. It Is to the intrest of' thehome circle, it Is essentIal to family harmonytis well tna to the rescue or ithe pricipnlsuffeter from ni state not ftar remToved firomIucIpient insanilty, thtit these symptns ofmental distutrbanice he prom pti v removed.IThs can only he0 done by remuovig theIr

physical cause, a deranigement of' the func-tIons of the stomachl nntd its allied viscera,the liver' nnd( te howcls. Upon t hese thrteefinmpor8tnt or-gtns I tostet ter's Stmach I1!t-ters tietsim itancottsly3, prodncing mu thirorottghand suthnttary chantge In thim r conditIon. ''Thevegetable inigredlents of' whIch the preparal-tiont Is comnposted are of a retnovattig, regit I-ting alteratifvo chtaraceter and the stimulantwhich lends niegivity itir remedialvirtties Is the purest and best thalt can b)0extratedc frotm thie most whtobcsomle of allcereatls, vIz: sound irye. No dyspeptic canltke thIs gettlal restoratIve for a sIngle weekwithout experiencing a notable in prove-mont in is general htenhhl. Not ontly wIllhis bodIly suifferlings ttbate from (liy to daty,hbut hits mInd tecover rapIdly from Its rest-iossness and lrritalIty, antd this hatppychtatngo will tmanifest Itself ini hIs demnetunorto all arottmithItm.Feb.25-1 mn.

ASTONIiN'o It is what a Vtariety ofthluayo canget at

AI3TONISiIINGO It also Is, how CIKEA* liesells lis Qoodm,You cant get FRIII4K ViSit and4 OYSTERStherdeovery Tuesday, Thtursdty andl Stturc


You cant get them FRUESI[ EVERY DAY.

Notice.'I will apply to John T, l'oterson, JudIOof Probaip for NeJwberry Cpuinty,' pn tllp

a 21d da.y of Miarch next, fora final settletie~t

of my accout, and trty dischau-g de ad-minlstrator of the Estae of Paat rno J3um-t hardt, deo'd. Thiose hodlri. It tim agalittsald estate mustft preset, them on or beforothat day or tey wIll be .barred.

Fe.2,D. j. ElIARDT, dmr

co.MMERCIAL.Ni , ntt, 8C.;'iMtuary 22.C.

r middlIug. y -otnCo1.u DIA, Februart ps 21..' nark,

sales about 86 ba! o-- mdd egt

?.xw Youtt, FebrtI8ry :1 -- 1'. -wer willh uae of' 4.510 baeat 2-'0tt3ulet, at 18bl 5. b t 241. uokd('3A11uS.asroY, Febrary 2l1--It)8 buleI; mo let dllt and no1nal pts to-day,

.LitaKUwoL, February 21-lientl.Inocel dull--uplandsll1it1lZ Orleatt Coto,1,000 bales; speculatlon atd export 2,0 0

Newberry Prices Current,.CoiticTED W'xygI.y,

Xr1'I.:IS-( rccn, per bUtlacl " 7u 2

)r y, Lurhel,, - . 1 - --72i.\GG(ll-(-(,uunny-per.amd.''''''.....7

Lt A I,'E--lItmp, per Ib. ......' a273alla, per lb. .., a.Z

IC ---una. per lb...........' --A- 26

Shoulders ,per lb. ...,Sides, 0r Ib........, , 10pe.U N per lb..............

iEI- l'- I cr lb.... a ,..Il"TI'Il-Country, per lb.......'-.- 8 a 1'1ll l ;9:-l". D)........ .,' ' a n

-i('KiENS-per hend.......... . a

.l.l t Il-per )ard ........a 1'(I)'l'iltAS-lierlb..... .......I.1

'JI , y tr b"uelhel.............'.'''''. at 60

-WIt % 3f-.AI,. per Lushel .... ' 0

ANI)1iES-TuI ow-per1l...Adanantinc, r lb... 22 a

OFFI:I-ltio, per lb .. 25al.eguyro, lb-'........ a 3

.livnr, per1I-.'-- .. a 40tyfON Y \lIX. per bunch. ... - 2 9

)(311STIUS-4 4 por yurd ....... 16a i168 - ........ 13 a 14

8-4 " ..... 12 a 1.(Uis per lozen - . ------....... 25 a 80

M'I U 'OW11Ul:t, pier lb ............R 40

MOtN Ill-" , pter11 1 ... ..- -. -. -- . a 10)N-Kngliih relloed, per pound.. a 7

Swede .....-..-'.-. - -......... a 911111nd.........-........- --- -l-u

1 1p.'- .- -...... a 12I'low Steel.............,...... a 10

l'oi re.. r ...... a 1-).AIil). per lb ....................... A . 28

.L I-'tt-W ide ltuurd, per 31 t. ..12 O0200)Scautlinrg, per M1 ft. ....1-.0 -a2O1' louring, per 31 ft.......16- a2000tl0L,.\$SPS-('tbn, per ga ...... a 00

West India, p, r gal... a.\:w (r'cat , per gal...1 00 at 25IILACKliilt-per kIabarrel....... 0 00 ply)*

per Kit ........... 8 G0 at00tt1))L'.It--per I ..----- .... -.- 4) a 50

1All .S. p r kegr ............ . ------- aT 0IATS. per Lan",-h l......--- ----..... at 25N1iO)NS, :er bu.hel..............I 60 o2 001Jll,-etro5eue, per pal. ......... 75 a (04

I.ini'e,l. bolled .................1 6 a2 14.l,inxecl, raw...................1 25 at 50,

Ttu, ter'.s. Sirn its......... ...1 4 al 60,P'EAS. pet Luslel --................2 00 P2 beI'()T.\T(S- I ril,. wr bushel.........2 00 a3 00

sweet, per b"se!'.......1 00 al 25'AIN' S-WhaIlie L.ead, per lb..---.-- 13 a 181ItI( lI. per ........................ a ll,SALT. ier "anck........-......-----........ 260

Sil ( i;,:S. per 10 0................. 6 01

Sl'G.\lt--l'uverizcd, l.t-r lb.......... a 21

('rushed. per lb-.....-..... a 20A. cr II, ... a 18(' a.xtra, per lb............ a 7

lIruwvo, pier lb-..--... ........... a15

51' filI--;o-ld ......................a 1.9

S11ver- - . " a 13S5l'RITS-"rn ' Wthiskey. pergul....2 0 a2 60

F-'r eta lre ty...........6 I,' a150)ltve W i' ...............2 60 95 0)

lt.ultu,d (in.............4 ., 318 00O ' 'furipwil Iac............ .. 03

fI: iA-llt,t. i,er lb ........ ......1 60 a2 50Ii,l,eratl. per lb..................1 a 25 I,er lb.------................... 1 00 al 60rAI.l.OW, per lb.................. 12a Ir5'I N (I A It- 'iter. per ga.............. .a 60

VAlINJsl IES---Coch 1t:ody, per gal 4 5) a6 0r(' l.a . per ga l........ .3 6)

WIlHEAT, per buhela................. a


IN CLIAItI,EStrN, S. ('.,Corrected Weekly by A. C. KAUFMAN, Bro-

ker, No. 25 Broad Street.FEBAil 21, 18'0.

STATK S)CU1IT1a i.-Soultlh Carolina, old. 84aB.t; do uew, -n 79; do, rcgit'd stock, ex int a79.

('ITY ScUi'UITP.R-Auennruta. (in.. Bonds -a

84; ('bhar)cton. S. C.. Stck. ex jr loat, - ai';

do, F-ire l.o:n Ilonds, -a 75; Columbia, S. C.,Iinntds. - , 70.

AII.110A lt0an11-lltue Itidge, first mort gage,60an -; ( hrlashn ad n anaah, 58u 60; ( ('ountia: 1i a1 Anuu-ta. a 110; Cherawand t)nrlihglon. 80; (tEenville ut"d Colutnbta;-1:"t 1Gt1 t.. -1n 76; do. Slnte guarantee, 64a -;Northtaecra. f4;u -; Savantuat and Charleston.lal o5r11-t., - n 8i1; do. Same guarantee. - a 04;.uth.arolin, - n 82; do, 78; lsnrtunaburgSmd

I ast-4uto, 1, i-r30exa--(arlt,te, 1'oltinibn and'.A ,:ta'lin. -- a 6; 1.34ca.v ilI3e14 (tad Onutbla, 26No.rtl.casterna. 7 P :3Vs 1u3inintainr Chjairles-

40on. - ni 2(,; i ,I urh Unih1zn, i oleihaures, - a42: dn, tni rsh:.res. - ni21.l-xcu ixt.n Ae&-New York Sig~ht, j eff lIar;Uold, 119 a 121:; Silver, 1133n115(3

i*oUrat CA IWLTNi n. K lIt.LA.E'3Ink oftri 3ston.....................- a -

l*a.nk ofl Newherry.....................- a -It. k of' 34n,de1.----..--..............409a -luank of (;Lorcetan..-.................. a -

II 'ak 4of Nonh i:nolinn..............10 a --11an3k oh ('hester......... .............. 3 --ILink of II unti.narg-..-....-.--............3 a -htantk ofl .inzte of' N.(C'.. jrior t 1811...r56 a-Ita::k of~ State of' N. (C.. innei* 1861 333nd 18312.13 n -*l'anters' anda Mchnuics hI.k ofCh'r.eston- a -

a"Pe3llt.% 11nnk ofl C 'ha 1eston...........- a -*t'nio 34131nn3k of 'l~ hleto- ........---....--- a-Snuahaws 3tern t It B tank ot ('har, lesInn, old,- a --Naiuthwesterni i i uk ofIha 143 eston,new,.- a -State 11nn3k (of Charlestoa.................S a -t'larfi'' d it cxliniage l1'kof IChairleston..-aI-xchsansge Itanik 331 Co um abin..............10 a --C('mmer3clini 13:, ak of C(-nhunsbha............ 2 a -M1erchaans' l1anik of1 Chenw~............. 3 a

P liater 11333k oh'fa ltnrIlet................ 3 a-tate Iof aouthl Caurth~ian lis llaceirnbte. ..par.City of(Carleson ('hangae

tillsi mort ed ths (a pre bdlug redeemed atthe lianik 4un13343 of~ 3 Lench.

A\L iN ~E ITIIE subscriber has the

leasuro to informn his friendsand the public that his Storeis again OPEN, and that lheis noWv

In BUSINESS.JIo invites the attetdftion of

all in want of goods in hisline, to his Stock ofDRUGS,


Dr. W. F. PRATT,Druggist.

AT TIIEi OLD STAND.Feb. 23, 8-tf.

School Notice.L,. (. HIAr.FA'1 , a gradtuate of the

Sou31h Cahrln Ins3tittiona for the Dcat andi~Inlg a a)eaf iuto School, 4 ileslc from New-berry Village, op th30 Oolu-nbIla roaid, ohn the~First day of A pril next.; and will furnish1Spard at $s,po,p ioptb :Parents, pleasesentd the~ir sliOl gfat0och idtrog at 91100,

L. 0. UALVOFob. 28, 8--8t Newborr..J& 0 .

VhrapMAn te11o os d E.ot thao Hon. JohnT.Peterab,o, Pobate Judge for Newvberry,I ilsell at Nowberry Court 1(ouse ob theseoend Monday, thle 14th day, In Matchnext, the followIng property belonging, othe estate of R1. stewart dee-d,, to witiONE CARRIIAGE &

Terms of ealo-ciash,EI1A P. 8TE.W A R'

Fe ~b. 2:1 8.-3ai. A d,aar.