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The Winston Churchill School

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The Winston Churchill School

Welcome to Winston

We look forward to welcoming your son or daughter into our school and the privilege of contributing to their development. All our students join us as children and leave as confident young men and women who have become caring and socially responsible members of our community. Our school creates a purposeful environment in which students are offered an exciting range of rich learning opportunities. Through a blend of traditional values and preparation for life in the 21st century, Winston students gain the qualifications and skills they need to flourish.

“Everyone in Year 7 is in the same shoes as you. I came to Winston without any of my primary school friends. Take every opportunity given and you will settle in so well and create loads of great friends.”Charlotte Shaan Paulina Cameron

“Everyone is treated fairly, and everyone respects each other.”

“I thought that, because Winston is a sports college, everyone would always talk on and on about sport but they don’t (which is good).”

“I feel that there is a positive environment in and around the school.”


“Many things make me proud to be a student at Winston. First of all the uniform is extremely smart and I feel proud to wear it. I also feel that all the students are treated with great respect throughout the school community.” Samuel

Winston students progress into a range of careers in all walks of life: business, the arts, engineering, law, journalism, politics and medicine. They are young people who are able to move successfully through life. They contribute positively to their community wherever they are in the world; in professions that ensure their future success. Parents recognise that we have a shared investment in the welfare and ultimate success of our young people and that a trusting partnership will result in positive outcomes.

“My form tutor is always there for me if I need advice.” Zoe

“The teacher is able to tell my parents about my results and good behaviour. This makes my parents happy and shows them that I am performing at my best in school. I get a lot of praise from my parents.” Adibah

“When I first came to Winston I thought everyone would be treated the same but I was really surprised that we were all treated as individuals.” Rachel

“The School is a safe and friendly environment for everyone.” Alexander


“I am glad to be at Winston because there is a great curriculum and lots of opportunity to excel in a subject or sport.” Tom

Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles. The Head boy and Head girl are a driving force within our school. They lead the student voice with an inspiring confidence and determination to leave a legacy for those yet to join Winston. Encouraging participation and developing resilience in young people is essential for their success and our aim is that all students will achieve their personal best in their academic studies and in the wider life of the school.

“The teachers demand a high level of effort but in a friendly way.” Daniel

“Teacher feedback lets you know the things you’re doing well and gives you advice on how to improve in the future.” Valerie

“I really enjoy representing the school at football and netball.” Schyla

“All the teachers take a lot of time and effort preparing for our lessons to make them the best they can possibly be.” Christina


“I love maths because we get to do lots of different activities.” Rhys

“I loved making the food in technology lessons and taking it home to my family. I think it really brought us together.” Danielle

“I like history because I like studying what’s happened before I was born. I also like it because the lessons are always fun.” Megan

Your child will flourish at Winston, as they are inspired and challenged in a positive, secure environment. As learners they are encouraged to be open-minded, to engage with new ideas, to think creatively and to invest in their own success. We have a continuing reputation for innovation and success which ensures that lessons are challenging and create the learning opportunities which enable young people to think deeply, exploring a range of issues and concepts.

“I like art as it lets me try new things and experiment with different materials.” Jennifer

“I enjoy science because of the practical work. It is really good because you’ve never seen it before.” Younes

“I like English because you develop your own views and are given the chance to be creative.” Hannah

“I enjoy GCSE Computing because we learn to program and solve real life problems. This is important as almost any piece of technology is programmed. If our generation can’t code then who will create future inventions?.” Rushil


“Leadership training has done a lot for me because it has helped me gain confidence when teaching others and has inspired me to go on and help out at the local guiding unit.” Samantha

“I received the Owen Davis award for outstanding achievement through a difficult time.” Jaden

“Giving up is not an option because no matter how smart you are you should always try your best and get the best grade possible.” Olivia

“Getting top marks for the whole of Year 7 was a great achievement for me.” Bradley

Our excellent results stem from our use of well researched strategies that enable young people to learn, to make progress, to be successful. Your child will be nurtured academically and cared for through a programme of self-reflection and personal development. At Winston, students and teachers pursue excellence in all aspects of school life. Our parents trust us to build on the aspirations that they have for their child, and together we work towards success for all.

“One of my greatest achievements at Winston has been winning the basketball county cup in Year 9.” Peter

“My greatest achievement at Winston is completing my Duke of Edinburgh. It was a great team building experience.” Georgie

“My greatest achievements at Winston are winning subject awards at celebration assembies and completing ‘Toe by Toe’.” Jasmin

“Winston gives students leadership opportunities and chances to perform in a variety of subjects. These opportunities are likely to increase the student’s self-confidence and leadership skills.”.


“The school is preparing us for our future after Winston by giving us options about the future and providing us with vital information and contacts. They have given assemblies on sixth form colleges and apprenticeships.

Abi Naomi

In addition to our rigorous focus on your child’s academic success, every student is encouraged to enjoy a wide range of sporting, musical, theatrical, social and charitable opportunities. Young people thrive in this environment of challenge and support. Expectations are high and this enables our students to become resilient learners; well prepared to succeed in a global community. Our parents want their children to lay the foundations for a successful and fulfilling life.

“I am a member of Amnesty at the school and I enjoy it because I am raising awareness of important issues.”Joanne

“I am a member of rock club because I love drums”Declan

“I am proud to put on the uniform and be part of an intimate school community. I enjoy representing the school in events such as drama productions where Winston leads the way in the country, even nationally when we perform at the Edinburgh Fringe.”Thomas

“I used to dance with Year 11 dance prefects. They were helpful and kind and it makes me want to join more clubs.”Charlotte

A small sample of parental feedback...

‘My son has taken on the level of responsibility that was needed and has really grown up since starting.’

@winstonsport just unpacked my daughter’s case, she needs to go back to Newquay to return some sand

‘His form tutor was very generous with her time and extremely helpful: she clearly understood my son, his needs and aspirations and demonstrated commitment to help him meet and indeed exceed his targets.’

‘The discussion about my son’s career aspirations was very useful as it confirmed to him that the careers he has in mind are attainable and rewarding.’

‘His teacher’s passion both for teaching and his pupils shone through. He had all the necessary facts, results and targets to hand and the meeting was thus very informative and useful.’

‘My daughter has great motivation to go to school every day, she wakes up early and prepares for school without a fuss, I can tell she loves school so much!’

‘My son comes home with a smile.’

‘Her teacher is a fantastic Role Model. He speaks to my daughter like an adult, asking her opinions and is genuinely interested in how she is coping with her lessons.’

‘It was great to hear from a teacher how my son is doing at school and how we as parents can help him improve his weaker areas, I got some really helpful ideas.’

A comprehensive school for boys and girls aged 11 - 16

Website: www.wcsc.org.ukEmail: [email protected]

Telephone: 01483 476861Fax: 01483 476479

The Winston Churchill SchoolHermitage RoadSt. John’sWokingSurreyGU21 8TL

Photography by Sophocles Alexiou | www.sophoclesalexiou.com