wcdma principle

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved www.huawei.com Internal WCDMA Principle

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HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedwww.huawei.c!Internal WCDMA PrincipleHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedObjectivesUpon completion of this course, you will be able to:Describe the evelopment of !"Outline the avanta#e of CDMA principleCharacteri$e coe se%uenceOutline the funamentals of &A'Describe feature of wireless propa#ation HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents3G OverviewCDMA PrincipleWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture an protocol structureWCDMA Wireless )unamentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedDifferent +ervice, Different ,echnolo#yAMPSTACSNMTOthers"G"#$%sA&alg GSMCDMA IS-95TDMAIS-136PDC'G "##%sDigital Technologies drie(G I)T*'%%%!MTS"CDMAcd#a$%%%De#ands drieTD-SCDMA3G provides co#&ositie services for both operators and subscribers HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved!" -volutionProposal of !" .M,/0111: the #eneral name of thir #eneration mobile communication system ,he thir #eneration mobile communication was first propose in 2345 an was rename as .M,/0111 in the year of 23367 Commerciali$ation: aroun the year of 01117 Wor( ban : aroun 0111M8$7 ,he hi#hest service rate :up to 01119bpsHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved!" +pectrum AllocationHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved:ans WCDMA UseMain bans2301 ; 2341M8$ < 0221 ; 02=1M8$+upplementary bans: ifferent country maybe ifferent2451 ; 2321 M8$ < 23!1 M8$ ; 2331 M8$ >U+A?2=21 ; 2=45M8$ < 2415 ; 2441M8$ >@apan?431 ; 325M8$ < 3!5 ; 361M8$ >Australia?A A A)re%uency channel number central fre%uencyB5, for main ban: U* fre%uency channel number3620 3444D* fre%uency channel number :21560 214!4HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved!" Application +erviceTi#e Dela'(rror )atio*ac+gro,ndconersationalstrea#inginteractieHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved,he Core technolo#y of !": CDMACDMA"CDMACN+ ,ased & )A- a&d G-.S.TT+WCD)A TD-SCDMACN+ ,ased & )A- a&d G-.S .TT+ TD*SCD)A

cd#a$%%%CN+ ,ased & ANSI /" a&d )I-.TT+ cd!a'%%%HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents!" OverviewCDMA PrincipleWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture an protocol structureWCDMA Wireless )unamentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMultiple Access an DupleC ,echnolo#yMultiple Access ,echnolo#y)re%uency ivision multiple access >)DMA?,ime ivision multiple access >,DMA?Coe ivision multiple access >CDMA?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMultiple Access ,echnolo#yFrequencyTi


ePowerTDMAPowerTieCDMAFrequencyHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMultiple Access an DupleC ,echnolo#yDupleC ,echnolo#y)re%uency ivision upleC >)DD?,ime ivision upleC >,DD?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedDupleC ,echnolo#yTieFrequencyPower,DD!"#$ %!"#$ &D'!'D'D'!')DDTieFrequencyPower!' D'!"#$ %!"#$ &HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents!" OverviewCDMA Principle(CDMA )etwor* Architecture and protocol structureWCDMA Wireless )unamentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture)NS)NC)NS)NCCore Net-or+Node .Node .Node . Node .I,-CS I,-PSI,rI,*I,*I,* I,*CN!T)AN!(!,CS PSI,-CS I,-PSCS PSHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA 'etwor( Dersion -volution3GPP )el993GPP )el/ 3GPP )el5$%%%$%%1 $%%$GS)0G-.S CNWCD)A .TTI)SHSD-A 3GPP )el6)1)SHSU-A$%%5CS d!ai& cha&ge t NGNWCD)A .TTHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA 'etwor( Dersion -volution)eatures of &6M:M+ is introuce8+UPA is introuce to achieve the service rate up to 5A=6Mbps)eatures of &=8+PAE is introuce, which aopts hi#her orer moulation an M.MOMaC D* rate: 04Mbps, MaC U* rate:22Mbps)eatures of &4WCDMA *,- >*on# term evolution? is introuceO)DMA is aopte instea of CDMAMaC D* rate: 51Mbps, MaC U* rate: 211Mbps >with 01M8$ banwith?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedUu .nterface protocol structure03c








lC*2la&e sig&ali&gU*2la&e i&3r!ati&P120$3MAC01)0CDC Nt GC0$3)0C MAC)0C)0C)0CD,&lication aoidanceUuS ,u&dar40$3.MCc&trlPDCPPDCP 0$3PDCPDC Nt GC))C)0C)0C)0C)0C.MCHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved"eneral Protocol Moe for U,&A' ,errestrial .nterface,he structure is base on the principle that the layers an planes are lo#ically inepenent of each otherA Application ProtocolData +tream>s?A*CAP>s?,ransport 'etwor( *ayerPhysical *ayer+i#nalin# :earer>s?Control Plane User Plane,ransport 'etwor(User Plane,ransport 'etwor( Control Plane&aio 'etwor( *ayer+i#nalin# :earer>s?Data :earer>s?,ransport 'etwor(User PlaneHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.u/C+.nterfaceA'CAPA'CAPControl PlaneTransport )etwor*Control Plane!ser plane$adio)etwor*'ayerTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport)etwor*'ayer A+$A)APAA'%PAT,ATMPhysical 'ayer"AA' ))-"CCPMTP3.+ -u !P"AA' ))-MTP3.+Transport )etwor* !ser PlaneHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.u/P+ .nterfaceControl Plane!ser plane $adio)etwor*'ayerTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport)etwor*'ayer Transport )etwor* !ser PlaneC$A)APATM"AA' ))-"CCPMTP3.+ -u !PAA' Type /-P!DPGTP.!Physical 'ayerHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.ub .nterfaceA'CAPA'CAPControl PlaneTransport )etwor*Control Plane!ser plane$adio)etwor*'ayerTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport)etwor*'ayer Transport )etwor* !ser Plane)+APAA'%PAT,ATMPhysical 'ayer"AA' !)--ub FP"AA' !)-)CP CCPHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.ur .nterfaceA'CAPA'CAPControl PlaneTransport )etwor*Control Plane!ser plane$adio)etwor*'ayerTransport)etwor*'ayer A+$A)APAA'%PAT,ATMPhysical 'ayer"AA' ))-"CCPMTP3.+ -ur Data "trea"AA' ))-MTP3.+Transport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents!" OverviewCDMA PrincipleWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture an protocol structure(CDMA (ireless FundaentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedProcessin# Proceure of WCDMA +ystemSo,rceCodingChannel Coding4 InterleaingS&reading Mod,lationSo,rceDecodingChannel Decoding4 DeinterleaingDes&readingDe#od,lationTrans#ission)ece&tionchiod,lated signal*it s'#*olSericeSignal)adio ChannelSericeSignal$eceiverHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA +ource Coin#AM& >Aaptive Multi/&ate? +peechA inte#rate speech coec with 4 source rates,he AM& bit rates can be controlle by the &A' epenin# on the system loa an %uality of the speech connectionsDieo Phone +erviceH.324 is use for DP +ervice in C+ omain.nclues: vieo coec, speech coec, ata protocols, multipleCin# an etcA COD#C +it $ate 0*bps1AM$2&%3%4 &%3% 0G"M #F$1AM$2&43%4 &43%AM$2536/ 536/AM$25374 537 0TDMA #F$1AM$28354 835 0PDC #F$1AM$2/364 /36AM$2/3&/ /3&/AM$2735/ 735/HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedProcessin# Proceure of WCDMA +ystemTransitterSo,rceCodingChannel Coding4 InterleaingS&reading Mod,lationSo,rceDecodingChannel Decoding4 DeinterleaingDes&readingDe#od,lationTrans#ission)ece&tionchiod,lated signal*it s'#*olSericeSignal)adio ChannelSericeSignal$eceiverHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA :loc( Coin# / C&C:loc( coin# is use to etect if there are any uncorrecte errors left after error correctionA,he cyclic reunancy chec( >C&C? is a common metho of bloc( coin#AAin# the C&C bits is one before the channel encoin# an they are chec(e after the channel ecoin#AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA Channel Coin#-ffect-nhance the correlation amon# symbols so as to recover the si#nal when interference occursProvies better error correction at receiver, but brin#s increment of the elay,ypes'o Coin#Convolutional Coin# >2Ortho#onal Dariable +preain# )actor? is use as channeli$ation coe "F < A "F < &"F < %"F < 7Cch,2,1 G >2?Cch,0,1 G >2,2?Cch,0,2 G >2, /2?Cch,H,1 G >2,2,2,2?Cch,H,2 G >2,2,/2,/2?Cch,H,0 G >2,/2,2,/2?Cch,H,! G >2,/2,/2,2?Cch,4,1 G >2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2?Cch,4,2 G >2,2,2,2,/2,/2,/2,/2?Cch,4,0 G >2,2,/2,/2,2,2,/2,/2?Cch,4,! G >2,2,/2,/2,/2,/2,2,2?Cch,4,H G >2,/2,2,/2,2,/2,2,/2?Cch,4,5 G >2,/2,2,/2,/2,2,/2,2?Cch,4,6 G >2,/2,/2,2,2,/2,/2,2?Cch,4,= G >2,/2,/2,2,/2,2,2,/2?BBHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA Channeli$ation Coe+) G chip rate < symbol rate8i#h ata rates I low +) coe*ow ata rates I hi#h +) coe$adio bearer "F $adio bearer "F"peech &%3% !' 87 "peech &%3% D' &%AData 87 *bps !' &8 Data 87 *bps D' 3%Data &%A *bps !' A Data &%A *bps D' &8Data &77 *bps !' A Data &77 *bps D' &8Data 3A7 *bps !' 7 Data 3A7 *bps D' AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPurpose of Channeli$ation CoeChanneli$ation coe is use to istin#uish ifferent physical channels of one transmitter)or ownlin(, channeli$ation coe > OD+) coe ? is use to separate ifferent physical channels of one cell)or uplin(, channeli$ation coe > OD+) coe ? is use to separate ifferent physical channels of one U-HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPurpose of +cramblin# Coe+cramblin# coe is use to istin#uish ifferent transmitters)or ownlin(, scramblin# coe is use to separate ifferent cells in one carrier)or uplin(, scramblin# coe is use to separate ifferent U-s in one carrier HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved+cramblin# Coe+cramblin# coe: "O*D se%uenceA,here are 00H lon# uplin( scramblin# coes which are use for scramblin# of the uplin( si#nalsA Uplin( scramblin# coes are assi#ne by &'CA)or ownlin(, 520 primary scramblin# coes are useAHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPrimary +cramblin# Coe "roupPri#ar' scra#*ling codes ;or do-nlin+ &h'sical channelsGro,& %6Pri#ar' scra#*ling code %66Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 9=6366Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 9=63 >?51$ &ri#ar' scra#*ling codes6666Gro,& 1Gro,& 63Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 1Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 96/ &ri#ar' scra#*ling code gro,&s(ach gro,& consists o; 9 &ri#ar' scra#*ling codesHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedCoe MultipleCin#Downlin( ,ransmission on a Cell *evel"crablin9 code "crablin9 codeChanneliCation code & ChanneliCation code &ChanneliCation code % ChanneliCation code %ChanneliCation code 3 ChanneliCation code 3!ser & si9nal!ser % si9nal!ser 3 si9nal)ode+HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedCoe MultipleCin#Uplin( ,ransmission on a Cell *evel)ode+"crablin9 code 3!ser 3 si9nalChanneliCation code"crablin9 code %!ser % si9nalChanneliCation code"crablin9 code &!ser & si9nalChanneliCation codeHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedProcessin# Proceure of WCDMA +ystemSo,rceCodingChannel Coding4 InterleaingS&reading Mod,lationSo,rceDecodingChannel Decoding4 DeinterleaingDes&readingDe#od,lationTrans#ission)ece&tionchiod,lated signal*it s'#*olSericeSignal)adio ChannelSericeSignal$eceiverHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMoulation Overview& 4 4 &tie+asic steady radio wave=carrier < A3cos0%Ft;1Aplitude "hift Deyin9=A3cos0%Ft;1Frequency "hift Deyin9=A3cos0%Ft;1Phase "hift Deyin9=A3cos0%Ft;1Data to be transitted=Di9ital -nputHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMoulation OverviewDi#ital Moulation / :P+9&t& & 4&t.&)$E codin9fo+P"DModulated+P"D si9nalCarrier-nforation si9nal PCP.C8?Primary PCP.C8Carryin# pre/efine se%uence )iCe channel coe: Cch, 056, 1, )iCe rate !19bps+cramble by the primary scramblin# coe:roacast over the entire cellA phase reference for +C8, Primary CCPC8, A.C8, P.C8 an ownlin( DPC8, Only one PCP.C8 per cellPre-deFned s'#*ol sePCCPC8?Carryin# :C8 transport channel)iCe rate, fiCe OD+) coe >!1(bps Cch, 056, 2?,he PCCPC8 is not transmitte urin# the first 056 chips of each time slotPCCPC1Data19 *itsSlot D%1 radio ;ra#e7 T; G 1% #sSlot D1 Slot Di$56 chi&sSlot D1/Tslot G $56% chi&s8$% *its SC1HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPa#in# .nicator Channel >P.C8?Carryin# Pa#in# .nicators >P.?)iCe rate >!1(bps?, +) G 056' pa#in# inicators LP.1, K, P.'/2M in each P.C8 frame, 'G24, !6, =0, or 2HH One radio ;ra#e @1% #sA*1*% $99 *its ;or &aging indication1$ *its @,ndeFnedA*$9?*$99*$99HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved+econary Common Control Physical Channel>+CCPC8?Carryin# )AC8 an PC8, +) G 056 / HPilot: use for emoulation,)C.: ,ransport )ormat Control .nication, use for escribe ata formatDataN*itsSlot D% Slot D1 Slot Di Slot D1/1 radio ;ra#e7 T; G 1% #sTslot G $56% chi&s8 DataPilotN*itsPilotN*itsTHCITHCI$%=$+ *its @+G%556AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPhysical &anom Access Channel >P&AC8?Carryin# uplin( si#nalin# an ata, consist of two parts:One or several preambles: 26 (ins of available preambles21 or 01ms messa#e partMessage &artPrea#*le/%96 chi&s1% #s @one radio ;ra#eAPrea#*le Prea#*leMessage &artPrea#*le/%96 chi&s$% #s @t-o radio ;ra#esAPrea#*le Prea#*leHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedP&AC8 Messa#e +tructurePilotN*itsSlot D %Slot D 1 Slot D iSlot D 1/Message &art radio ;ra#e T G 1% #sTslot G $56% chi&s8 1%=$PilotTHCIN*itsTHCIDataNdata *its DataControl< *its @+G%553AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedP&AC8 Access ,imeslot +tructureD1 D$ D3 D/ D5 D6 D? D9 D9 D1% D11 D1$ D13 D1/51$% chi&sradio ;ra#e7 1% #s radio ;ra#e7 1% #sAccess slot D%.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&Access slot D1Access slot D?Access slot D1/.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&Access slot D9HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedAc%uisition .nicator Channel >A.C8?Carryin#the Ac%uisition .nicators >A.?, +) G 056,here are 26 (ins of +i#nature to #enerate A.AS D1/ AS D% AS D1 AS Di AS D1/ AS D%a1a$a%a31a3$a3%a33a39a39AI &art !n,sed &art$% #sHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedUplin( Deicate Physical Channel >DPDC8FDPCC8?Uplin( DPDC8 an DPCC8 are .CDM? within each raio frameDPDC8 carries ata #enerate at *ayer 0 an hi#her layer, the OD+) coe is Cch,+),+)DPDC8FDPCC8?)rame +tructure of Uplin( DPDC8DPDC8EDPCC8?Downlin( DPDC8 an DPCC8 is time ivision multipleCin# >,DM?A DPDC8 carries ata #enerate at *ayer 0 an hi#her layer DPCC8 carries control information #enerate at *ayer 2+) of ownlin( DPC8 is from 520 to HHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedDownlin( Deicate Physical Channel >DPDC8EDPCC8?)rame +tructure of Downlin( DPC8 >DPDC8EDPCC8?One radio ;ra#e8 T; G 1% #sSlot D% Slot D1 Slot Di Slot D1/Tslot G $56% chi&s8 $%=$+ *its @+G-1556AData$Ndata$ *itsDPDC1THCI NTHCI *itsPilot N&ilot *itsData1Ndata1 *itsDPDC1 DPCC1 DPCC1TPC NTPC *itsHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved8i#h/+pee Physical Downlin( +hare Channel >8+/PD+C8?:earin# service ata an layer 0 overhea bits mappe from the transport channel+)G26, can be confi#ure several channels to increase ata serviceSlot D% SlotD1 Slot D$Tslot G $56% chi&s8 M=1%=$+ *its @+G/ADataNdata1 *its1 s,*;ra#e7 T; G $ #sHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved8i#h/+pee +hare Control Channel >8+/+CC8?Carries physical layer si#nallin# to a sin#le U- ,such as modulation scheme (1 bit) ,channelization code set (7 bit), transport block size (6bit),HA! process number (3bit), redundanc" #ersion (3bit), ne$ data indicator (1bit), %& identit" (16bit) 8+/+CC8 is a fiCe rate >61 (bps, +)G204? ownlin( physical channel use to carry ownlin( si#nallin# relate to 8+/D+C8 transmission Slot D% SlotD1 Slot D$Tslot G $56% chi&s8 /% *itsDataNdata1 *its1 s,*;ra#e7 T; G $ #sHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved8i#h/+pee Deicate Physical Control Channel >8+/DPCC8 ?Carryin# information to ac(nowle#e ownlin( transport bloc(s an feebac( information to the system for scheulin# an lin( aaptation of transport bloc(CJ. an AC9