wba community wi-fi guidelines 2september2015...founded in 2003 by a unique mix of wi-fi, mobile...

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved. Community Wi-Fi Guidelines By Tiago Rodrigues Senior Director for PMO and Membership 2 nd September 2015

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Page 1: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Community Wi-Fi GuidelinesBy Tiago RodriguesSenior Director for PMO and Membership2nd September 2015

Page 2: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. About WBA2. Definition and Scope3. Implementation Considerations4. High Priority Challenges5. Recommendations and Next Steps


Page 3: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. About WBA


WBA retains a strong operator heritage but is open to all ecosystem partners interested in enabling secure & seamless Wi-Fi experience across technology, devices and networks

Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile and fixed broadband network (s)

Wi-Fi Operators

Device ManufacturerMobile Operators

Fixed Operators

Cable Operators

Broadband ISPs

Network Operators Vendors & Partners

Roaming Hub Providers

Apps/Content Providers

Venue Partners

Technology Vendor

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

SeamlessInteroperable Secure

“Next Generation” Wi-Fi Platform

Better Customer ExperienceNew Growth Opportunities

Our Diverse Organization Has The Expertise To Deliver This Vision And Remove Friction

WBA Members Have a Common Vision


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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Diverse Membership Acrossthe Wi-Fi Ecosystem




13% Mobile operators

Fixed and converged operators

Wi-Fi operators and aggregators

Suppliers and other partners

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Diverse Membership Acrossthe Wi-Fi Ecosystem

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Central Role in Acceleratingthe Ecosystem


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1. About WBA2. Definition and Scope3. Implementation Considerations4. High Priority Challenges5. Recommendations and Next Steps


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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

2. Definition and Scope


The main motivations for developing Community Wi-Fi work in WBA:

1. Document Community Wi-Fi service levels, network architecture, and implementation details

2. Identify challenges and technology gaps

3. Learn and document experience from current Community Wi-Fi deployment

4. Enable operators to offer consistent and predictable customer experience

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Community Wi-Fi white paper

1. Introduction

2. Definition and Use Cases

3. Implementation considerations

4. High Priority Challenges for Community Wi-Fi deployments

5. Gap Analysis

6. Case Studies

7. Recommendations and Next Steps


Available at www.wballiance.com

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Authentication Signalling OptimisationWhite Paper

1. Under some circumstances automatic network discovery and authentication over Wi-Fi can generate a large amount of signalling traffic reaching some key network nodes.

2. WBA and GSMA looked at the circumstances of how these signallingoverloads may occur and the steps that need to be taken to mitigate their impact.

3. One of the Use Cases analysed was the Community Wi-Fi


Available only to WBA and GSMA members

Page 12: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Definition of Community Wi-Fi

Private SSID Public SSIDPurpose Private SSID on the residential gateway is for exclusive use

by the “broadband customer” paying for broadband services for that residence

Public SSID on the residential gateway is for the operator to provide services to other customers

SSID Configuration Preconfigured by operator and/or configured by customer Operator managed/configured SSID

Admission Control Residential customer controls access on private SSID Operator controls access on public SSIDTraffic Separation Customers on the public SSID on the same residential GW

are not allowed to communicate directly with the devices on the private SSID

Two users on the public SSID are not allowed to communicate with each other directly. Additionally, users on the public SSID cannot directly communicate with the devices on the private SSID

Security Customer may or may not enable authentication/encryption All users of the Community Wi-Fi services shall use network authentications such as WPA2-PSK, WPA2-ENTERPRISE, or web authentication (assuming a secured Wi-Fi interface)

Services Operator uses the private SSID to offer services (e.g., voice, video) to the broadband customer

Operators may offer different services to different customers on the public SSID

Protection of traffic on private SSID

Different priority to traffic on the private SSID than the traffic on public SSID

Different Quality of Service (QoS) profiles to different customers or groups of customers on public SSID

QoS on the Backhaul network

Since both private and public SSID are hosted on a single residential gateway, the same physical network is used to backhaul traffic on both private and public SSID. Different treatment (e.g., QoS, forwarding) of traffic from public and private SSID

Since both private and public SSID are hosted on a single residential gateway, the same physical network is used to backhaul traffic on both private and public SSID. Different treatment (e.g., QoS, forwarding) of traffic from public and private SSID

Accounting No need for per user accounting on private SSID Per user accounting is a requirement


Community Wi-Fi networks allow operators to offer Wi-Fi network access to their on-the-go subscribers by using existing residential and SMB Wi-Fi infrastructure. Operators can also use this coverage to offer services to retail and roaming partner operators' subscribers.Operators enables a residential Wi-Fi gateway with two Wi-Fi SSIDs.

Page 13: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Case Studies



Belgacom Fon


Portugal Telecom (MEO)

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Carrier Wi-Fi and Community Wi-Fi


• Public SSIDs that are managed by operators on residential or enterprise APs share a common goal with public SSIDs on metropolitan (metro) APs; the need to be operator brand worthy

• Therefore, public SSIDs in Community Wi-Fi deployments should meet the carrier Wi-Fi requirements

• The requirements address a range of feature sets focused on user experience, security, Passpoint, resource management, 3GPP aspects and network management. Please see the WBA Carrier Wi-Fi Guidelines document for a full description of the functional requirements.

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Approach to Community Wi-Fi Implementation


Three primary service levels were defined to corresponding with what is:1. Achievable today with little to no infrastructure modification 2. Technically achievable today but may require substantial hardware/software rollout 3. What could be achievable in the future if all technological gaps are addressed

Clear and precise requirements were identified for each of the servisse level implementation

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1. About WBA2. Definition and Scope3. Implementation Considerations4. High Priority Challenges5. Recommendations and Next Steps


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Scenarios for broadcasting

SSID on Residential Wi-Fi


Public SSID Private SSID

1 Standalone

2 Embedded

3 Standalone Embedded

4 Standalone Standalone

4. Implementation Considerations and Gaps

There are a number of deployment models that require different network architecture, and each of these models can introduce unique challenges.

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Use Cases Requirements


A list of use cases and recommendations for Community Wi-Fi were created. The implementations vary, but this should assist in ensuring the basic features are addressed.

Req. Description1.1 Network Discovery, Selection and Access

USER SHOULD be able to discover, select, and attach to private and public Wi-Fi networks

2.1 Connect to a Home Service Provider’s Residential Wi-Fi NetworkUSER SHOULD be able to connect to their private SSID without any user intervention

2.2 Connect to a Home Service Provider’s Community Wi-Fi NetworkUSER SHOULD be able to connect to their Home Service Provider’s public SSID without any user intervention

2.3 Informed Network Selection when Residential and Community Wi-Fi Networks are AvailableAfter the initial device configuration, USER SHOULD connect to the private SSID without any further user interventionOPERATOR SHOULD support the capability to prevent the USER from accessing the public SSID from their home

3.1 Guaranteed QoS for Community Wi-Fi Network ConnectionsOPERATOR MAY assign guaranteed QoS on the public SSIDPrivate SSID traffic will get its maximum allocated bandwidth, with the remainder available for the public SSID

3.2 Guaranteed QoS for Residential Wi-Fi Network ConnectionsOPERATOR MAY assign guaranteed QoS on the private SSIDPrivate SSID traffic will get its maximum allocated bandwidth, with the remainder available for the public SSID

4.1 Residential Wi-Fi Network SecurityA private SSID USER SHOULD NOT have any visibility of the public SSID traffic and its users

4.2 Community Wi-Fi Network SecurityA public SSID USER SHOULD NOT have any visibility of the private SSID traffic, its users, or any connected devices (e.g., network printers, network storage etc.)Public SSID USERS SHOULD NOT have direct access to, or visibility of each other

Connection Establishment

Quality of Service


Network Discovery

Page 19: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Survey Results


In order to obtain a baseline of current Community Wi-Fi deployments, a survey was sent out to various operators and vendors. The survey got a total of 17 responses. 75% were from operators and 25% from vendors.

Question #4: Are you using (or planning to use) an existing embedded Wi-Fi AP or a separate standalone Wi-Fi AP to deploy Community Wi-Fi?

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Deployment Architectures


4 Community Wi-Fi architectures options were analysed:• Architecture#1 – Generic• Architecture#2 – SoftGRE option• Architecture#3 – PMIP option• Architecture#4 – Architecture Interworking with Mobile Network

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Implementation Considerations

There are a vast array of implementation choices that an operator faces when deploying Community Wi-Fi.1. Service Levels, containing three different implementation scenarios2. Network architecture and interfaces, including architecture deployment models, cellular interworking

model, and IPv4 and IPv6 based non-tunnelled architectures3. Network scalability challenges4. Traffic separation between private and public networks, and traffic forwarding5. Traffic management and prioritization between public and private SSIDs, covering access network QoS,

gateway QoS, radio resource allocation and QoS6. Network selection and operator policy implementation, either client-centric or infrastructure-centric7. CPE provisioning and management, to remotely provision, manage and monitor the CPE8. RF optimization, to manage and minimize radio interference9. Radio conformance10. Cellular interworking requirements, including service continuity11. IPv6 requirements12. Session mobility, including continuity scenarios within a single operator, and when interconnected to a

mobile network13. Network security and privacy14. Location information requirements15. Lawful intercept16. Hotspot 2.0 (HS2.0) implementation, including device provisioning, roaming and network enablement


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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Network Management Requirements

An exhaustive analysis was performed to list the management functions (via TR-069 and/or SNMP), that operators deploying community Wi-Fi would like to see APs to support.


Device/Scope Requirement /Function

Internet GW Device Reset GW component(s) to factory default setting

Change and apply management settings to either an individual component or all GW componentsReport WAN and LAN facing IP Addresses and interface (e.g., ifIndex)

SSID (general) Access mode (e.g., allow/disallow device association based on MAC Address) MSS clamping Enable/disable a BSSReport BSSID (i.e., MAC)Set and report maximum sessions/connections on a single BSSProvision SSIDs as ‘private’ or ‘public’

SSID/AP (Hotspot2.0) Enable/disable Hotspot2.0

EAP methodIcon location of binary for storage/downloadGeneric advertisement service (GAS) settingsRoaming consortium informationHESSIDAccess network query protocol (ANQP) settingsIP address typeNAI realms3GPP cellular network

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

Gap Analysis

Topics included on the Gap Analysis:1. Traffic Management and Prioritization on the Air Interface2. Admission Control3. Admission Control Notification4. Session Mobility5. 802.11r – Fast Transition6. Non-Optimal Client BSS Transition7. Network Selection8. Wi-Fi Gateway Management


A Gap analysis was performed with respect to three aspects:1. Gaps in specification2. Gaps in certification and test programs3. Timeframe considerations

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1. About WBA2. Definition and Scope3. Implementation Considerations4. High Priority Challenges5. Recommendations and Next Steps


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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

4. High Priority Challenges


To enhance the quality of experience of subscribers using Community Wi-Fi networks, operators need to enable a number of features in their networks.

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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. About WBA2. Definition and Scope3. Implementation Considerations4. High Priority Challenges5. Recommendations and Next Steps


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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.

5. Recomendations and Next Steps

• Engage with other Industry bodies: 3GPP; Broadband Forum; CableLabs; GSMA; IEEE; NGMN; Small Cell Forum; Wi-Fi Alliance

• Work to remove shortfalls identified in the Community Wi-Fi

• Active role in coordinating Community Wi-Fi activity in the industry

• Run Community Wi-Fi interoperability trials that bring together device vendors, infrastructure suppliers, and operators

• Generate network management specifications or guidelines to close gaps

• Generate device behavior specifications or guidelines to close gaps

• Launch a Community Wi-Fi compliancy program for devices and APs

• Update the current Community Wi-Fi white paper


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Copyright © 2015. Wireless Broadband Alliance Ltd. All rights reserved.



Wi-Fi Global Congress & Awards (12-15 Oct, 2015)

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Contact us atName: Tiago Rodrigues

Designation: Senior Director – PMO & Membership Services

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +351-961946680

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Pruebas y Mediciones en WiFi 2015

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!  Tecnología WiFi !  Interferencia en WiFi !  Pruebas de Troughput !  Desafios y problemas en WiFi !  Caso de Estudio !  Herramientas para Pruebas WiFi

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Tecnología WiFi


Page 33: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


! 802.11 es el “padre” de la familia de las especificaciones WLAN de la Institute of Electronics and Electronic Engineering (IEEE)

! El estándar básico fué publicado en 1997 y desde entonces ha sufrido revisiones:


Protocolo!Banda de

Frecuencia (GHz)!

Tasa de Datos Máxima (Mbps)!

Ancho de Banda (MHz)!

Modulación! SoporteMIMO?!

802.11a! 5! 54! 20! OFDM! No!802.11b! 2.4! 11! 22! DSSS! No!802.11g! 2.4! 54! 20! OFDM/DSSS! No!802.11n! 2.4/5! 65/135! 20/40! OFDM! 4!

802.11ac! 5! 86/180/390/780! 20/40/80/160! OFDM! 8!

OFDM=Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing DSSS = Digital Sequence Spread Spectrum

Page 34: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


! Espectro de 2.4 GHz ▫ 72 MHz de ancho en NA ▫ 11 canales en NA; 22 MHz de ancho ▫ 1, 6 y 11 son canales sin solapamiento

! Son siempre los preferidos

▫ ROW incluye dos canales adicionales (12 and 13) que pueden ser usados en USA bajo condiciones específicas diferentes a usos comerciales

! Espectro de 5 GHz ▫ Por diseño, ningún canal tiene solapamiento ▫ El estándar varía según las regiones ▫ En NA: Uso indoor solamente en los canales 36, 40, 44 and 48, los

canales 149, 153, 157, 161 and 165 pueden ser usados Outdoor. Usos especiales para canales 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136 y 140


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Michael Gauthier, Wireless Networking in the Developing World (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)

!  Los canales son de 22 MHz de ancho !  Los canales 1, 6 y 11 no tienen solapamiento !  Hay 5 MHz de guarda entre canales sin solapamiento

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J. Jabbusch, Information Week Network Computing

!  Canales de 20 MHz de ancho !  Ningún solapamiento, por diseño

Page 37: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


! La señal WiFi se atenúa con el cuadrado de la distancia…

Pérdida de señal WiFi

!  …y cuando pasa por materiales y estructuras en su camino

Sala Cocina Dormitorio

6 m

20 m

Piedra, ladrillo Concreto Muebles Grandes grupos de personas

Page 38: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


! 5 GHz tiene un alcance más corto 2.4 GHz: ▫ 802.11g

! Banda 2.4 GHz ! Tasa PHY: ▫  6Mbps a 54Mbps

▫ 802.11a ! Banda 5 GHz ! Tasa PHY: ▫  6Mbps a 54Mbps

Alcance de 5 GHz vs. 2.4 GHz

Límite 802.11a 6 Mbps

Access Point

Límite 802.11g 6 Mbps

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Interferencia en WiFi


Page 40: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


!  Interferencia co-canal se refiere a multiples puntos de acceso compartiendo el mismo canal. También se denomina “co-ocupación”

! El protocolo 802.11 gestiona otros AP en el canal, de manera de compartir el medio RF de forma eficiente

! Mientras más puntos de acceso se encuentren presentes, mayor probabilidad de tener restricciones de throughput

! Esto aplica tanto para 2.4GHz como para 5GHz


Ocupación co-canal en Ch. 6 = 2 AP’s

Muy congestionado, pero en orden

Page 41: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


! Los canales WiFi 2.4GHz se extienden dentro de los canales vecinos ! La energía de los canales adyacentes 2 y 4 no puede ser manejado

para el transmisor en el canal 3 por el protocolo 802.11 y se trata como ruido


1 2 3 4 5

SSID 2 experimenta interferencia de los SSID 1 y SSID 3


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!  La mayoría de los ambientes reales muestran una combinación de interferencia co-canal y de canales adyacentes. La selección apropiada del canal WiFi puede resolver ambos

Canal 11 con interferencia co-


Interferencia Canal Adyacente

3/1 y 3/6

Los canales 1 y 11 están congestionados ¡El canal 6 se ve bien!

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Pruebas TCP basadas en la RFC 6349 2015

Page 44: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


IETF RFC 6349 especifica la metodología para medir Throughput TCP de FIN-A-FIN en una red IP •  VIAVI y otros dos (2) Proveedores son los autores originales

1.  1. Detección del camino MTU (per RFC4821) 1.  Verifica MTU en la red con tamaño de segmento TCP activo, para

garantizar que el contenido no es fragmentado

2.  2. Prueba de Retardo y Ancho de Banda de referencia 1.  Predice el tamaño de ventana TCP óptimo, calculando el

Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP)

3.  3. Pruebas de Throughput de conexiones simples y múltiples 1.  Verifica el tamaño de la ventana TCP y permite la prueba

automática de todo el camino

Pruebas RFC 6349 Virtual TrueSpeed

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Deafíos y Problemas en WiFi


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!  Integración comercial y nuevas tecnologías Wi-Fi (802.11ac, MIMO, Beamforming, etc.) permiten un mayor uso de soluciones sin cables

!  El hogar wireless ▫  Distribución de video, aqui el QoE es crítico ▫  Una mezcla de 2.4GHz & 5GHz

!  Los clientes esperan Wi-Fi perfecto ▫  Conectividad a todos los dispositivos en toda la casa ▫  Velocida tope

La Evolución del Wi-Fi en el Domicilio

Por qué no puedo ver Netflix


Educar al consumidor es parte integral de cualquier esfuerzo

Page 47: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


!  Wi-Fi: Medio físico RF vulnerable, con desempeño inconsistente

!  Clientes con muy alta expectativa ▫  Todos los dispositivos – en todos lados – a la velocidad máxima

!  Resultado neto: ▫  30% de los tickets sonh relacionados a WiFi ▫  50,000+ tickets relacionados con WiFi en un solo operador ▫  En un operador, 50% de las instalaciones WiFi requieren una segunda visita

en los próximos 30 días ▫  Satisfacción del cliente se impacta

El Desafío del Operador

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“Lo único que necesito son 4-5 barras”

“4 – 5 barras” NO es una prueba robusta o repetible

•  “4 – 5 barras” no da certeza en que va a funcionar todo el tiempo

•  “4 – 5 barras” no mide: −  Interferencia co-canal −  Intereferencia adyacente −  Utilización del canal y ruido −  Interferencia No-802.11x −  Throughput Real

•  Desempeño radicalmente diferente entre una instancia y la otra con las mismas barras…

Desafortunadamente, no es tan simple…

Signal Strength is Only the Beginning…

“4 – 5 barras” no provee throughput

real, o entendimiento de problemas futuros

Page 49: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


!  Intensidad de Señal y Cobertura ▫  Atenuación con la distancia y materiales en la casa ▫  5GHz tiene un alcance mas corto que 2.4 GHz

!  Fuentes de interferencia 802.11 ▫  Interferencia co-canal (El AP está compartiendo el canal) ▫  Intereferencia de canal adyacente (Es como aumentar el piso de ruido)

!  Fuentes de Interferencia no-802.11 ▫  Microondas, transmisores de A/V, teléfonos inalámbricos, etc.

!  Alta utilización del canal ▫  Mientras más puntos de acceso en el canal, mayor probabilidad de utilización ▫  Alta utilización, bajo ruido = alto tráfico 802.11 en el canal ▫  Alta utilización, alto ruido = potencialmente interferencia no-802.11

!  Dispositivos 802.11a/b/g en su red ▫  La tasa PHY a/b/g mas lenta hace que se ocupe el canal por más tiempo ▫  Los esquemas de seguridad antiguos (WEP) limitan la velocidad de connección

!  Throughput real ▫  Las capas Física y de Enlace dan una indicación del desempeño WiFi, pero… ▫  WiFi es adaptivo. El desempeño Real depende de otras complejidades

Problemas típicos

Objetivo < 40% utilización + bajo ruido

Objetivo < 3 co-canal y < 2 canal adyacente

Observe el espectro en busca de interferencia

Detecte equipos antiguos

Determine el throughput real

Problema Acción

Lograr -35dBm a -70dBm

Page 50: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile

Caso de Estudio – Pruebas en WiFi


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Colección de datos RSSI x Throughput – operador 1

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Colección de datos RSSI x Throughput – operador 2

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Resumen de Resultados

Prueba Localidad Upstream (Mbps)!

Downstream (Mbps)!


1! Berrini x Prç Gentil Falcao! 2! 18,5! Muy Bueno!2! Berrini x Hilario Furlan! 1,8! 19,7! Muy Bueno!3! Berrini x Florida! 0,075! 0,039! Insatisfactorio!4! Berrini x Henrich Hertz! 2! 19,7! Muy Bueno!5! Sansão x Florida! 2,1! 20,5! Muy Bueno!6! Sansão x Prç Gentil Falcão! 1,9! 8,5! Regular!7! Sansão x Guararapes! 1,9! 14,9! Bueno !8! Sansão x Taperoá! 1,8! 14,4! Bueno !9! Sansão x Oswaldo Muller! 1,8! 12,3! Bueno!

10! Berrini x Oswaldo Muller! 1,8! 8,1! Regular !

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Herramientas para pruebas


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!  802.11a/b/g/n/ac transceiver !  Analizador de Espectro !  Arreglo de antena interno 3x3 !  Procesador de Red

!  Configurable como una estación de pruebas o AP

!  Interfaces de prueba WiFi, Ethernet !  Funciona a baterías recargables !  Manejo a través de Bluetooth con un iPad


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TrueSpeedTM VNF – Arquitectura, SW y HW





Ethernet Concentrator

MSC Router

CO Switch / MSPP

Metro Ring

Standard COTS Server

Virtualized RFC6349 Server Instance

3rd party network equipment

SW App

Page 58: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile


Para mayor información

! RFC 6349 TrueSpeed Product Support ▫  T-BERD-8000/-6000A MSAM ▫  T-BERD-5800

! Visítenos en la web ▫  Application note, white paper, video ▫  http://www.viavisolutions.com/en/products/network-test-and-certification/


Page 59: WBA Community Wi-Fi Guidelines 2September2015...Founded in 2003 by a unique mix of Wi-Fi, mobile & broadband operators who viewed public Wi-Fi as a strategic complement to their mobile