way to rectify the common vastu defects

Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72 Email - [email protected] Way to Rectify the Common Vastu Defects http://gruhakalyan.com

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Post on 27-Jul-2016




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Vastu is a science of energy and directions. Maintaining such directions increase the well-being of the place and the positive vibrations are in abundance in space.


Page 1: Way to rectify the common vastu defects

Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72Email - [email protected]

Way to Rectify the Common Vastu Defects


Page 2: Way to rectify the common vastu defects

Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72Email - [email protected]


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Vastu is an exploration of vitality and bearings. Keeping up such bearings build the prosperity of the spot and the positive vibrations are in wealth in space.

Be that as it may, in not following the Vastu standards there might be vitality issues and this might deflect or prevent achievement and it might likewise turn into a purpose behind the ruin.

The sorts of game plans that individuals do in the homes or living spaces lead to Vastu Dosha or Vastu deformities as they are generally called. The Vastu specialists specify these Vastu abandons and let us know how to destroy these.

Page 3: Way to rectify the common vastu defects

Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72Email - [email protected]


The specialists say that if there is a channel or a stream streaming close-by and have a hostile to clockwise development encompassing your home, it is not propitious.

It might stream in any course yet at the same time it will be considered as unfavorable with the exception of toward North East. The solution for amend this imperfection is to put a statue of moving Ganesha confronting the Western course or the North East corner of the house.

The bearing of the exhausting of the building might be defective and, for this situation, a photo of Panchamukhi Hanumanji confronting the course of South-West to the exhausting can invalidate the negative impacts.

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Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72Email - [email protected]


A stripped divider at the passageway of the house is a Vastu Dosha and an exposed divider is an indication of depression and henceforth the specialists propose that you can glue a photo of Lord Ganesha to invalidate the negative impacts.

In the event that you happen to experience the ill effects of wellbeing issues then you ought to check the bed that you are resting in. The Devan and the case sort beds might be a reason as they deter air flow.

There might be Vastu issues if a high voltage electric wire disregards your home or house. The cure is to erect a plastic pipe properly loaded with lime. This will dispose of the underhandedness and the negative energies which are produced by the overhead electric wire.

Page 5: Way to rectify the common vastu defects

Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72Email - [email protected]


Eastern corner is known as the Ishan Kona and toilets at the eastern corner builds sicknesses. That is the reason a can ought to be developed confronting the South or the West. The substance of the client while pooping ought to be towards the West or the North.

The entryways ought to open inwards as opposed to being opening outwards and if the entryways of your home are opening outwards, it is ideal to supplant it in the internal bearing.

In the event that you happen to experience the ill effects of wellbeing issues then you ought to check the bed that you are resting in. The Devan and the case sort beds might be a reason as they deter air flow.

Page 6: Way to rectify the common vastu defects

Phone - 080 40155666, 8494 9301 72Email - [email protected]


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