way i 'j i one million to buy °i~eia5sas, dollars ovei ......oct 04, 2020  · % h * #...

% H * # *3' K vj v v, 1 s The "Want Ad" is the cluh)u;D WMtTtswa ^UAtm! ^ All rleeniaail Mnrtlaiai win be taken at t cents a 11m; nualmnm, IS MpU. iii, taken «tw pMM. Jtsrt be -'-few for at time of Insertion at ooun'^ dV .. Twelve point advertisements, IS *>nU^|>T measured line.the leodth of reaolutlona of societies and all cards and announcements are IS eeaft* a line for botk papers; one paper, ! cents a Mne. | How id. It U for tt la positively Uw nilw to mL WAJfTKO. Highest flash prices paid for all kyids of Old House Bags, Bags, Bagging, Old Hooks, Magaziue*, Rubber Boots, Shoes, Auto Tires, Brodze, Copper, Lead, Zinc, sad Scrap Iron, Etc. Old Wornout Autoujotsles a specialty. Ouv-of town business sorted. GOLDMAN BROS. 124-140 South Holiday Street. Phone 2897 for Promf* Attention. In Roanoke Since 1095.. WANTED.To buy, all kinds second-hand furniture. Pari rish Furniture Co. Phone 1586. #*** WANTED. W# tu taStao< MS raW Mrt off rlglllt « A~% WAHIM to k>«w that If I* ten ni oM furuitefe. torn Mftete *«M«k tti fact uTiklDf to ite texiill UN. fl«UM ahOaa. m Will rri tba CMl Ifliffgsvsj WAMrlfc^To' buj dlre-rt frc-et oweer. *M»e In Vmi End. Souibweet or Matron). Ad io»M Md. tjlMf attt pfl)to twii» atew there ^nTyatttTiafir "*1AatST j(T"O. Bop r*T,Vl" flSSSr WAlim-Oa on hatan MeTimber Irak far .. MM fat ar mwimiat lor hauaahaaotat. atlk Wife. ** aadlUhte. by na>U. ao chlldme. J. P. HZ nana World Mono. 104t4k j tr^vot till e emd oa? Waoia. rafl 10*» National Oarapa. 10-33-81 »jU*t»-fhwa aafaiBhaoJ MterM ImsI* cion is, ftf boutfte^tor. Mo i>5pii. Pteaa IMMk aitar 10 aataT * MMaaa A. com Wovu tew. . tfiSrwV BUx«n m3 teate tar toah la' WUI par far attanUoo for atla. who Ban rbeuataUmn. AAtoaa* M. H . World tew, or eoD M Ml Ntoth Araataa. t: W. 10-23-M. ~ik tut iif 1 WlfUUUBiutl-ttic for omo. lot aw kan*. T. Patter-on, 120 Churrh Aaaaaa. W. io-t2-3t rCNAU HELP WAJfTEli: wisitlb^?K><S .uh .«w K^nasir. to ami. teridetmrvman?? edw^orowat tiiWhfla'tea'oto who datowniratoa aatltor tetelf. iO-lt U M1SCFLLA .VKOC* ., fHidkfcM. Hom-E. tow AM) HJW AEEU, frit. oyetar nbell and «harroai at Vuta mbu terooery. Ftaw 1026 lu-22-51 . OEWTNQ NNI Air MOOKteATk r-AlCEft. CMdmo't work pntarred. 023 Hoary Ik Phawe 3104-W. 10 23-31 WA*TOh.The public to kaow that an ran nnJtr l^adtof H-unUnr Cane Watchae Into opaa-faeo Bracelet Walchaa. with cold or rold-tllad bracelet. We alao bay ptnlinum. Id r>M -and otlear. lliybeto eaeh pneae paid. llenebry n. corner Campbell A»aaaa and Ptrot Street. BotAokt. Va. 10 14-tf lunula TWMTM VAU.V TO ABJSS: ton. Purest Park. Palme* aad Country Club nnctloc. Villa Hetchta Orodry. phono 108*. 10-32-51 in. iVhrBTKn to j. k uru\i win PMane com lor* art aad cattle thetr cco'intA -All partfoa batdtoy etotou ayainet hlea <alll preneot one for payman! to W. H Horton. Administrator. 127 Campbell AweM. 8. W. Pifltf FOR kALE. r rote IAL1.Latto' black tailored Mill, boat r: orarcoat reasonable. Call 10*5-3. after P- an » POk MI.K..- vcn pasnaioor ISadtflac car. . oord tire* with extra l&n, rood condition Prtee_3S00_ Pbnne 325 or 1430. fbtt 8ALK.3500 buyi half in teres i In prod table bu»ine«e to Roinoke. Opportunity. care World Newt. 10-2t-3t torn ItlX.Hudaon Llyht ftU to rood ahapo; Sood Urea. Prion fOOO. W. *. Payers 511 laiBalw -bttUdto*. 10 24-lt rote IAH *1-8 ocrne One land at Hnlhae iiitioo low price tar quick buyer. W. B. Woltonden. 128 CampbaU Art, W. 10-24-31 "huxfT * ><1 hannn. A Co.. Pbon* 810. 10 3841 >1»B BALfcrrrbtiWaB. j)«B »»0 tar«. rxirehee, «cod viur. located oo 8»Ka car line. W Mr* ot rood Uod. let ot nice trull. Prtor fO.OOO; 9700 <xh. be 1 enor racy. Trend* Tart* Afeacy, 100-107 ftral National ' Bank building. 1MU> HELP WANTED. - . " »tfW AW »Wa~fwe dnXa lar~ng laurant oat Ot dir. Boot salary. Call. at 411 Flret Batiaaal Baah Belldtor. lO tl tt 1X>8T AND FOUND. UWT.Fox terrier pup. answer* to the uaa Louis. Color, tan and white, wean cedar. Beward it returned to &S1 TUatb Street B. W. Pboa* 8801-M. UWT OB BTOl W -Shawhard dec, aaewars to aaan at Barer; oaler dark brown: no collar. Liberal reward tor hU return te 1118 FreehmmSammmmEmmESemm'immmmiSmmmm I' . Are You Looking For ESSENTIAL WORK? ' Are You b Carpenter or Helper? Are Yea an Sleotridair? An Yea a Plumber? An Yea a Pipe Pitter? An Yea a Painter? An Yea a Brick Mason? An Yoa a Baker or Helper? An Yoa a Cook, 1st or 2nd Class? Irs Vas a Vitska. tj.v.o mw- *vm mm M«4|WI Are Ytfu a Waiter? Are You a Janitor? Are You a Janitress? Are You a Waitreu? / fk«ty of mrk hr' all «! , Whit* MtorN, at big wtgM. If M 4r» WaatM at OaM br lb* MPM Gbagaai at Pnalaaa, Va. M' H«HM-T»ell Va. far Pinn arat Work. Apply to V. S. Sauriojment Service v Ho. a Murk ktkwg Itmi, \ fufcrtw. va. ' t % *% / " - ,. '.r*, m . mmmrnmm n mm Quick, Successful Way WANTED To Buy Second-Hand Furniture and Stove# Wwm 1062-2145-R. 115 Campbell Awe, E. 5X5 HELP W ANTED. " m: . . I WAxm-rttiAM BOILJU* i* . spBCTOK: nuucAKBirr pom tiok. address. oivino age. KXPKRIKVCI AJtV BALART EX ncRA X a. acaao. i* ABMUL mldg . baltimore. md. ' ] ffZifTB.Track dnvir. Mat be haossil ill MB a Hi.Apply Moms.*.CMr FBq. 810. 10 23-6* itANTRA.Mm far wagon.. Radioed Sieaas I IMtfr. tis Salcsn A«WH 10 21 At MMMmMRM".MM.M...-bhbsbw fott rext^-lloomg. MM POM MMirr.r*mi«hsd »nd untuf. aUhed.\Fbem~S061-W. W1 M»»T.AJW 1.1. flsl nl Ihrm wit wd wmUow hall. 606 Highland Am^.a a. iota s*. KOR RENT. KuiHitrbfwl hemic "or IM;'lull. (M. iltetrMtfi choice neighborhood. Km llM-a. lo-tu-it PAR SByV.yfritl/ /umT"b«d heeled roses s"* ",0* r«R RRST.Hi/idwiOM h^rhtiur'e seirunenl Mr eeople. steam hoe*, ho* water. 1suitor sad tolophf eerrtoB. Inoeilee ntsal C*U 1114 oner 6p m. BwdwM apartment by ||Mhhr. fireproof caret*. 161141 Oito&hed ImpmmSI ha4 belh. 1SOS Sixth gweai. 6. a. dHMMHMRMHMHRMMRMMMMMiMmwsm TOT PROK1TKERINO at raw awtomio camp j Sen Antonio. Texan, Oot 22..Profiles rl ng among the thousands of ooldler* at this concentration point haa mob halted by organisation of the Square Deal Association, composed of bualaeaa men and military officers, which Axes price* for soldiers on noMMIllif, < ***When Ban Antonio began filling with eldleys two year* ago, tbo cry wont up that exorbitant prices were being asked by restaurants, hotel*, rooming hoM. and elothlora To offset these conditions, leading merchants called meetings end finally organised the association. The prlceflxlng board le oom posed of re presents tire merchants and army officers, and In almoet every Instance ao far the prices bar* been established in accordance with the wlehoo of the mill* tar* members of the committee. rising of prices that could be charged by hotels and rooming- bouses, which were carefully claaaiied «. work of th« commute* Then restaurant prim* were regulated and later the prices ebarf«4 by lesser Industrie* were Investigated. New It in announced morim picture theaters will reduce their priees, the -cent tickets to be sold to ecldlers <or 11 esete and the 10-cent tickets for It seats e - m' ftmamo IAYI TWT MBARI TkAV% RIOCBB. TBAYfiL" The last vIolent^esploslotT at the ailtespld Slant; at Morgan. N. J. bad scarcely died sway when a particularly dark eumplesloned son of Ham arrived at the railway station et -Perth Am boy. considerably out of breeth and Showing many elans of tunc;, bard and feat traveling by foot. When he eventually could .not make himself understood, he planked |l liw nondescript coin oown on the ticket agent's window sill sod gasped: ytins me a ticket" "Where 'do you Went to goT askod the agent « "No matteh, no matter, 'tall aah." said ths prospective traveller. "Just give toe eight dollars' worth of tickets." "What's your big hurry to go somewhere?" persisted the agent "why, eh'U tell you how det I*,' Bah." said the still panting colored men. "I'se Jets heard whet that.there TNT means" "WelL what doe* it mean, anyway?" asked the ticket agent. "Why. aah." said th* plainly pernirbed passengerto-be, "that Jest meamo Travel. Nigger, Travel.' and I*ne on mab way." HAWK WORKS HARD KOR LIVISC. The hawk is a successful fisherman, and were ltd task don* with the catching of a fish Its lot would be an enviable yne But a live fish is not desirable as tbe piece de resistance of a hawk dinner, so the bird that catches ons always files around until the fish r> u«ra. mm, we are ioio, la the invariable practice. Sometimes a flab . expires quickly, while at other times k hawk must fly around for houra before It can return home to the waiting family. There b<uin i' m t-tv#.fl§h. displayed stamina greater than the birds. This may explain, why hawks seldom pounce on the croaker, most tenacious of life of all fish In the waters roundabout. . There la a well-attested Instance of a hawk which started, to fly around er flapping about a whole afternoon and half a night, fell exhausted on the beach. Klshermen who were attractI cd by the unusual occurrence found the hawk dead while the croaker, fast In the llfelese talons, had not croaked. The farmer's wife at Market HoewortfuJSnglnnd. who, "though In perluct.pn^cal health," has remained in i bed Iror three years may hold that If | we all spent more time In bed we should llvo much longer. Thla theory Is borne out by the experienee of two sisters of Brlllat-Savartn, who nearly attained a hundred years. They Jived, at A oountry house belonging to the author of the "Phyelologle du Oout," whloh he used only In September and October. They" Spent tep months of the year in bed. getting up two days before his arrival, and living a normal life during hie etay. On hie departure xney wouia say: "Good bye until next September. Anthelme. We ere coins In bed." One of them died et the age 1 of ninety-nine, as she was finishing dinner, her last words being, "Hurry | up wlth-Tho dessert." V, On the other hand, some Kwlsi dooI torn say that the amount of sleep should/ be regulated by altitude. Too much gleep. they maintain. Is as harm> ful as too much drink. In low-lying dlstr1ets*neyen hours' slumber may be [taken with Impunity, but up In the mountains flvb hours' ts quite enough. ! These sleep specialists also ban she [ practice of remaining In- bed In the \ morning, hatf awake, and Insist on the necessity of arising as.soon as sleep | an, Too Mask. , | "®o you think my remarks are not worth reading!" exolalmed the con* pressman who is strong for leave to print. , **i did tlOt sey that.h replied genator Sorghum. But 1 ask you whether, at s time when men ere supposed to 1 sacrifice every pleasure, it Is right for you to scatter your polished and beguiling utterances broecast through ' the 'land to tempt men from their toll te revel In your poetic eloquence. I leave the matter, sir. entirely to youe own conscience.".Exchange. ' , ~~His Point ofVlew. An American "hobo" who was drafted into the army was ovsrjoyed at tha .amount of equipment he was gtvsn. He ,, r* m. A l. . * " ' ZIV Tlw i rm-mu otusnteaiy MK6Q! "S*yr bon, <jo they *lve u* all these MenUets?" He wse tolfl. that Uncle «ll .U»ea- thing*. 'Well, ' th»n. eel<l the en-traiSn, thlewar ,tn*> '* : . v % *v. - *' ** ""iV* % " \ \ ?<:%' - : .j:: v ". * ..in THE WORLD OTTVrS, on TODAY'S MARKETS : . . .J « 4J^Y^0a^-SiBSe9*. iT '"J rlueneod tk« UMTtn court* of prlooo rf" RlmpSSttSh °i~Eia5SA"S, f*«U4 by/ thin condition. MM of th® IP' £2. V,"' i s? 11»> ftla featured the itroiif war eharea sus Eir«j £r:'«»i kx? » trials and equipment* gaining fraotionn Southern Pacific. Marine prefdr- $r® red and Mtudebaker mad* » betan lis I DIM' before the and of the first half A* hour with such specialties u Wilson ;[® Pack In*. International Paper, lndua- l»l trial Alcohol and American sugar. w smjAtioN i 1 STILL IMPROVING £ Mel '- " 11 and Less Than Three Thousand New {ft Cases Reported In Camps No Basis For Rumors I MM Wit ute Washington. Oct. SI..Contlneed im- {^D firovement in the tnfluensa situation >», n army camps and in a number of a States was shown by reports received c^a today by the Surgeon General of the m.i army and the Public Health Service. tn New cases In artny camps totalled only the S.7S3 with 127 deaths. The disease now ten Is epidemic at only three camps, Uwla to Washington: MeClellan. Alabama,- and the Kearney. California. 1 .States where the number of new a cases reported shows a decrease include M. North Carolina. Oklahoma. South Oaro- Cor lias and Tennessee, red Reports that the influensa germs may be' have beeh brought tc the United States the and spread by .enemy agents, possibly landed on American shores from sub- sld marines, hays, been Investigated by Ml Government agents. but no basis for ner them hag been found. Investigators of 8tri several Ooverment departments declar- on ad today that thcywefb convinced, af- srt ter an inquiry, that the disease wast f®* brought to this country through vthe H. a natural channels of af fee ted Seamen, travelers or Imports and pot by malic- r*« lous methods. not - i the PAYMENTS ON THE FOURTH LIBERTY "j LOAN BEING MADE " mo Waahtngton, Oct. ,11. . Payment son the the fourth Liberty loan ars new pofar- Esu tng Into the -Treasury Department at oi> the rate of llll.Mt.lH a day and sev- pro eral hundred million are expected to- 1 morrow, the last day given hanks to est ripon intir loan suoacriptiona togeth- cea mr with Initial payments. . Cj»i So frnt la the task before the banks "f that many probably will not be able by to complete their reporta In the allot- ten ed time tbua delay las the Federal reaerve banka In making up their totala the which will ehow the exact amount of bet the eubacriptlona to the loan. Efforts un< of the Liberty loan nublieity bureau Jor today to obtain approximate nvuree on J°r subscriptions by cities were unatail- y* Ins. '<>* ^The first block of'Treasury oertlflcat*a of indebtedhw latued lit advance of the fourth loan falls due.tomcTrrow. It totals $M»,0o0.000 and was issued un' June St. Many banka will pay their / , Liberty loan Inatallmenta tomorrow :S, with these certificate*. Vice Admiral Slma today cabled that total subaerlptlona the loan by the ' American Naval forces In France were >i 1.S0>.000. This Increased the total of ... the navy to $4I.UOO.OOO with some reports yet to be received. nu( Sales of war eavtnira etampe and cer- » k, tlftcatea today passed the $300.000.003 lu( mmrk' ^ ' «n MONTVALE.. 2 Montvale. .Oct. 13.. (Special.).Mrs y«« u. C. Otey returned yesterday after be spendtnir soma time nursing her dau«h- chi ter. Mrs. Lloyd Smith, who has been *' 111 with Induenaa and pneumonia at hor home In West Virginia. ,n I'rice Ferrell and James Buford , ' left Saturday to Join the 8. A. Ti C. at J'n Hampden-Sldney College. >- Mrs. Lloyd Smith and little son are £1 the guests of her parents. Mr. and 1 ; Mrs F. C. Otey . _ Mrs. R T. Phlltlpa and Mrs. James Walla were thrown from a buggy Sat-' . urday and are atlll eonllnea to their "'<* bed# on account of Injuries received. rl»* Mr. and Mrs W. H. Buford. M.aaea1 "u< Mildred Williamson and Knthfyn. Lucy and Battle Buford motored to *Bedford f" Saturday. ' P* Fnrmefe are busy putting In larger, *5* wheat crops to help feed the world. ^ F. C. Otey yn In Roanoke Monday. I , %t, Mrs. McKeymer' la Improving after 13« being sick for several d#ya with In- .wj flue nan. ' Montvale went tf.400 over the top In'Ti1' the Fourth Liberty Loan, $53,400 having!*, been subscribed. 317,000 wn eeeurAi »;f through the efforts of the Red Cross I women. I A company of show people arrived [ _«_ bans.yesterday afternoon from R»d-1 ^ | f<rrfl, whir* they have been In qunran-I p0 I tine sine* the fair. i Tr, Dr. Smith, O. C. Rncker. Landon and ! ina 'Robe U>wry, F. O. Thumas, Will Berry, ln|. Rr. Tatea, Mr. Gill ana others were . here Frlday_evenlnn In the Interest ofi S®' the Forth liberty Loan. Mr. Mi'iH. of Roanoke, wat the Riieat of Mm uncle, Mr. Dav. on Sunday, lent, "FLU" MASKS READY Si', . TO CHFCK FPIDEMIC » tin « ai u u B. i 8* Co ltu> aid [of aii UU sai 40 Sf I on R«4 Crmm am wearlaf 1«" muk. ff A *aa*e njuk U otM of th« thinir* *\* designed to h«lp fidht the w»v» of mi jSpanish influenza tnat i> nuiln* 40 hundred* of dwthi oh orar tha coon- i!?.' try. Thaaa masks, mad* oat of hZn ROM, w for tho Tic Urn* of the - «" "flu* to wear. Tha mask is placod all mrmt tha nosa and smooth toprevtSr > d tha ayroad of this CtRU. IWJtod; ( Croaa and other org^nixationa are 10 r;-' y* ;;: * - .V'v > THURSDAY AFTERKC MnHMRRM MU or Hi- 'l* ROVBD AND l 51«rioVBB MU X STAtB IN THR CITY OP ROAN. ». KR. VIRGINIA. Ul K. JoMA . - M f: p I* virtue, and In pursuance of a Da- fJ of the Corporation Court for tb« * f of KoniWke, Virginia entered In above styled Chancery Cause there- ~ pendiag."on the >?d any of Oeptem- S . lilt the undersigned, who were i, >oiiitea Special Cummiulontr* and Z vis I commissioners and Trustees In JL as Instanced, for the purpose, will! sr for sale, by public auction, at the nt door of tho COTDorntlon CViurt the City of Uoonulce, Virginia unlciptl BulMinc, Ctmpb«ll'At«ou«, at), oa katUTuar, isoveniber lath, ~ I. beginning aO>:M o'clock A. M. S that day and continuing until .ail toon Sold, the following real ea- ,, » situate and bain* In tha City of aaoka. Virginia, and of which tha n A T: 9. Jamison died, saiaad and . seseed. as wall as thit of :ott)ar 11 .-a * . n ud«i A. Bear and Kverctt Perkins, cti bkaclal ConmiMionera. will offer bj followlaa dasciibed real estate and th »wn la this record aa "A-2" and be- th I/Ol No. K, Section No. 4, of the th Irose Land Company, and bounded Ja |.-nescribed aa follows: _ .oi B hid IN NINO at a point on tha 8. er > of BUtltlOB Avenue 111 feat \V. of <11 h Street, N. W.; thence wnu eutun* Avenue N. 74 degrees 1 minute SO P* bttda W. IHMt tt> a point on tame; an nerd If dagiass fa minutes «u sac- ;f« is W. 14t feat to an alley: thehce h the said allay 8. 7* degrees 1 mln- w SO seconds h! II feet to a pdnt on to; thence N. 13 degrees 68 mlcutas !o< seconds K. 144 feat to tha piece cf C) INNINQ."co ERICS OF SALB.1-3 of the pur- ,W. se money to be paid in cash and tne I idue on a credit of one end two years In equal installments and evidenced by 19 'notes of the'purchaser1 bearing in- IN. est from data of sale and the same iSl be secured by a deed .^f trust on -M lI'MMIh | BJ 'his Is a vacant lotit the same time and place Horace 111 Mpi ana hiverett Perkins as Mpeclal p* i Jhlsstoners will offer th) equity of *a evnptlon of the late T. P. Jamison, e* ng nn undivided half interest) In h* following described real estate: S B KG INNINQ at a point on the N. 7j s of Bheaanduah Avenue, N. W.. U feet West of the North west Cor- pa of Shenandoah Avenue and 2nd set: thence In a Northerly direction 1 a line with the old Kefauver prop.- * r (now Lalaon-Coln property). 1111t, mure or ku. to a point on the1-, tide of SndTir Center Avenue; thence h Center Avertue in a Westerly dltlen 10# feet, more or -lens. U> a lot I p, r owned by a L Noyer: thence with A, Une of eata lot 8. 11 degrees 7 mln- j, St seconds W. If feet to the cor- (h of said lot on a line or said peep- j* y; thence N. II degrees 4 minutes to econds W. SS feet U> a point corner fe b the old Kedt property 0id the lot E. L. Mover; thenoe with the orlg- Ja line of the Kent property 142 feet, be re or lees, to Shenandoah Avenue; ai nee with Shenandoah Avenue In an imf itefly direction 14« feet-to the BET i ar I NINO, and Is known aa the old Keni hi perty." u 'his property I* owned Jointly by the ar nte". of the said T.~ F. Jamison, de- ar aed. and the Central Manufacturing pj npany. There 14 a lleh on the whole p* said property for S4,60o.00 secured * a Dead of Trust tnereon with in- Jf ist at 0«t payable aeml-annually and | denoed by Interest coupons each In «® sum of $160.00. One of said coupons *' ng due on November 88, 1818. The livid A half Interest of T. F. Jam!-I" i. deceased. In amid property Is liable one half of said debt snd the Cen- 1 Manufacturing Company I* liable' 'the other one-half and the equity..; redemption o& the said T F. Jurali-in tha said Property will be soldI. >jeot to the said-lien created on his livlded naif Interest. This property fronts on Shenandoah Io let) Avenue 147 feet and runs ough for about IBS feet on the Easti aide to Center (or tnd) Avenue, t| rthwest end adjoins the Lemon-Cola < if.?/-,. s residence on this prop- si y fronting on Fhenandoah Avenue i 1 a store fronting on Center Ave- a a and the said Commissi© i-.<-a are of o opinion that said property can be >-dividea so that some lots cap front l< 8henandoa4> Avenue and others on pi ster Avenue. \ . TUMfl OF BALE 1-3 rjfrh and the 91 itdue on a credit of bne and tvoj* ire payable In equal Installments to Si evidenced by-the notes of the pflr-!«l< taer bearing Interest from dato of it e and secured by a Deed of Trust on to Interest of ths said T. F. Jamison « std property. 9 It the same time and nine- V r u.». B as Special CommlMionrr and Trun. will wff.er the property kn< wn aa ** laaa B-2" In thla suit. being lot No. ^ 8e6tlon No. 61 according to the Map 4 the Molfose Land Company and de- J* Ibed aa follows: *< BEGINNING at a point on tha N. e of Mercer Avenue 558 feat E. of h Street; thence with Mercer Ave-yJ< » B. 76 decrees 1 minute 80 aeoonda 01 #0 feet to a point? thence N. 13 de- p| tea (8 minutes 46 seconds E 230 ?' t to an alley: thence with said sift. 76 degrees 1 minute'80 seconds 50 feet to a point on same; thence I f: 13 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds.\V. feet to the BEGINNING " u rERMB OF SALE: 11,100 00 cash and . residue payable In two equal an- . al InetaFmen's In one and tWo years J, be evidenced by the notes of the'L rchaarr bearing Interest from date! H sale, the same to be aecurad by a t ed of Trust on the property. There Is a dwelling house wn this s ce of property. IB «~the~ihfrre Time and place.A. B. 'r, lemsn. es Special Commissioner and u ustee. will offer for sale the follow- p t described property: n [1.) "Class B-3," which Is lot No. 14. stlon No. 63. of the Melrose Land mpany. and bounded and described «it s point oh" the N. ° «/of Staunton Avenue 253 feet E. ° '19th Street. N. IV.; thence wlthi? lunton Av»nue 8. 76 degrees 1 min-i11 > 20 seconds K. 50 feet to a point' on ne; thence N. 13 degrees 6* m.iiutes , seconds E 140 feet to an alley;'i »nce with said alley N. 76 degrees. 1 V aula 56 seconds W. 50 feet jo g point L same, thence S. 13 degrees 58 mln- n 40 seconds W. 140 feet to the #E- b rERMB OF HALE: Cash. This Is a vacant lot. p 18.4 "Class B-4," being lot No. ' IS. tI ctton No. 63. of the Melrdse- Land u mnsnv <in/1 Ka iin*l ft«l «« A /I am-» W -a low*: ' BEGINNING At a point on the N. n e of Staunton Av«nue 202 *cet XI o 19th Street, N. W.; thence With n tun tun Avenue 8. 78 degree* 1 min- d » 20 Seconds E. 50 feet to a point on J o no; thence N. 13 degrees 58 minutes seconds E 140 teet to an alley; snce with said alley N. 70 degrees 1 T nuts 20 seconds W. 50 feet to a point o same: thence 8. 13 degrees 58 min- " »s 40 seconds W. 140 feet to ths UK- t nnino." t> TERM8 or 8A I.E Cash. Phis is a vaoarjt lot. o 3.) Lot No. 12. Bectlon Ne_ 83. he- * iging to A. J. Jamison, unless the said A s No. 14 and No. 13. Section No. 63," til sell for a sufficient amount to pay's i C. M. Blankcnshlp debt of 11,600 00 j: d Interest reported agatnst the same.*!? d In the event that they do not sell 1 r a sufficient amount to pay said l>t and tne said A. J. Jamison shAU J] y said Special Commissioner and " ustee an amount which, when added the-purchase price of said lots No.' and No. 13 to pay off and discharge q » C M. Blank«*nshlp debt with the 2 tes on said property and ths fcro % ;a part of the easts or.this suit prop- .] y taxed against tnd said property in said lot No. 12/Section No. 83. « II not be offered for sale. PEHMfl OF 8ALE df this lot ir sold II be cssh. ' - If There Is a nice dwelling house otole s last named lot. * M > the pa seel *no4rn as "B-l." i itch Is lot No. 15, 8eetlon No. S3, of p i Melrose Land Company,, and Is tl inded and described as follows; L BEPIINNINO at a point on the N. 11 or Staunton Avenue 302 feet K a l»th tftroet, N. W.; thence with. 11 wnfon Avejiue R. tw degrees 1 mtn- 1 > 20 seconds K. 50 feet to a yolnt on * ne; thence N. 13 degrees 68 minutes *' seconds K.» 140 feat to an allay;:* nee with sain allay N. 71 degrees ft> nuta to aaconds yt. 80 faat to a .points u aama; thence a 13 degrees ft mln- !" 5rvt%atnn*m W 140 to th*,nE4? PKRMS or SALJS: Cash. / » Phis (a * vacant lot. * |5 8>X The parrel of property^ own as -R- ' w in lbs record and U branded and da- 1 he<t at follower \\ * mmmm . % » «i . K ^ * i » \ «1 * v >0K. CHTTOBEB 24,1918.' « feet B. of nth Street. W. W.; thenoe th Boonus Road 6. 76 de* 1 ada. SO aaai Ml fa»t i* » point oo mm; thence coontta# with the eouthorlr hat of Moonnaa M4 8. 81 da* | Mia. to MC B. 407# «M* a point on th<- B. aide of Ike Belroae I«and atpoor's propfert/: tbeaee with said E Ha* MM proportr 6. 14 ttef. S8 aUa. 40 Ma. W. .64 foot to 4a alter; tbrnee with the aald Unr of said alter W, 66 4«. 11 sola 86 w,,w*«i mi w ma mumwj tamtam wim E. Use qi the mM hlley J». IS <W M LB. 40 *ee. lMJi ImL to the BBOnr1XG. and known M the Nrirthem portion of «Um Mo. 3. inimn to tt* wop of the Biro* I-urt Com pa: y MHHBI. by ttwotioo. 1.U taw." The undivided half interest of T. T. Jmmii. deceased, in Mid. property will Ihl be toed upoo the term* of ceeb eufSclent. lUdh when added to the proceed* from the la of Lot )fe. 15. Section Mo. 05. eholl be iffldeat to par jiff the debt of 53.0O0.dP iadpal. with Interest thcrroe. wouoUof about 5160.00 due Gee. T. Dan# at al*~ etrneae of-W. . Wllean and Jawe* M. Ed onde. Trustees. and the laxm aod the pro la part of the eoato of thi* euil property sad ayalnet the Wwe and the redout paytie in two equal installment* in one and two ars evidenced by the note* of the purlaeer heart n* internet trow date and secured ' a .deed of truat on the property and if era te a eattcUet iwonnt realised from la ante to pay said debt and ether cuhw en the undivided half Internet of Jt. J. e»l ion ts antd property wlM not be sold, herwiae the tee eimpte aetata in eald prop ty will bo eold upon the term* above inMtad.» There is a very rood dwelltnr boose on Uri* operty. end eatd property con *o be cut ur d.wh-diaided.a* to.make.a nuwbee at. ddenee lafe. n t («.) "Claw"B-fl" briny lot* Ko. 1. K. 3. 4 d 5. .Section Mo. 03. of the Metrodi Land nrpany and bounded- and deecrlbrd ae fol- we: », |. "BBGIJOflKO et a point on the Soul ho ant rner of Maroar Avenue and 19lh Street. W ; thane* with Mercer Avenue 8. 70 d.tr ruin. SO. sec. K 253 fret In a point on me; thence 8. IS dec 68 win. 40 ere. W. feet to an alley: thence with said alley 70 dew 1 mla 80 sec. W. 253 feet to 10th reel; thence with lfuh Street. M. 13 dec I mtn 40 aec. E. 130 feet to the place of tGlNMllrf'' terms or sale: Thew lots will be of red separately on the terwa of 5700.00 ea*h r lot and the residue payable in two equal nuel iaetathneaU in one and two year* ideuced by the notes of the purchaser or irchasar*. bearln* Interest from date and cured bp a deed of trust aa the property, ley will then be offered, a* whole upon a terms of 91000.00 cwh end the residue These lots ant all vacant, except. there it UM* on the itlr of said Iota Ko. 4 mil ». A. 'I (? ) Tha parcel of proptHr is known in the cord aa "B T" and la bounded and de rlbe<7 a* follow*: "BEGINNING at a point on the B eld*, of h Street. X. W.; (which la 42A feat East of trh Street) 100 feat North of Sbeuandonh 1 renoc; ihence with aald 4th Street N. SO V. 10 mln. b. AO feet to a point on aaaae: < men8. 00 the 54 oaln. B. 100 teat to a I diitr tbenoa 17SO da*. 10 mln. W. AO feet a point; theoco N Off de« AO mln. W. lOO I at to the begin*rxo" Tha undivided half Intareat of T. F. * mi son, decern«d. In aald property, will ftrat offered upon tha tenfce for a eufflotent nount to par off the debt of Ada C. Boas lmlnl*<ratnx. of E. D. Boaa. demised. arvununr io 11000 00 principal, and Ik* tereat th-reoo amounUnjr to about 5200 00 id the tana reported arainrt eald property id It* t>ro rata part of the eoata of .thle toll id aale. and the pulilm In two eftual annual irmeote to be evidenced by the note* of the tr liaaar bearlna Intareat from date and cured by a "deed of truet on the property id df the aaid imdlvtded half Internet of V Jamison in Am property dooe not aril r a sufficient amount to pay off tha above nount than the IN simple aetata In said oparty wtU be offered upon the terms tor *h «i f A dent to pay off tha above amounts id the residue upon the terms above Indi- . ted » There la a larre cooart* stable on this operty which Is now occupied by As South-u Express Ci mpany. (BH "Class b-ll." consisilnc of lot% Noe. 2 3. 4. 5. B. 7 and «. Section No." *». confine to the map of the Melrose Land ompany and bounded and deecrtbed as fol- >wa: , BEGINNING at a point on the Southeast )mcr _p( 18th Street and Mercer Avenue: lence with Mercer AvenuS 8. "ft dec. 1 mln. , 0 BSC. a. 408 feet to 17th Street; thence S. 1 3 day. 58 mln 40 sec. W. 1.70 feel to an lley: I hence with said ajley N 402 feet to Nth Street; thence with 18th Street N. 13 »* 58 mui. 40 sec. E. ISO feet to the BEIN KING " (0.) "B-12«" consistma of Lota Nos IS and I. Section No. 0O of the Melrose land Com any and hounded and described as follows; "BEGINNING at a point on the N. side of Uurnton Avenue 102 feet from the Northest corner of Steuntoa Avenue and 17th 1root; thence alone Staunton Avenue N. 70 sy. 8 tnin. W. 100 fret to a point on same; lence N 13 dry. 58 mln. 40 sec. E 140 feel an alley; thence alonr said alley 8. 7ft de*. mln. E. 100 Jeet to a point on same: thence 13 dec 58 nun. 40 sec. W. 140 feet to the eg inning." i All oi Mlil loU IK ttret to be aold eep atrly TERMS OF SALS: Said lota No*. 1. 2. 3. 6. 6. 7 and 8. Section No AO. npbn the fmi of 8125 00 rath per lot and loU No*. I and 14. Section No. 80. tipon the termi r 8175 00 atah per lot and the re -.due pur ale In one and two year* endcnetrj by the ilea of tht^purchaeer beartnc Intereet from ate and eecured by a deed of truat on the roperty and then aa a whole upon the termi 1 81.S50.0O ca»b and the residue upon the, rrn* above Indicated. All of the foreyutny fiota are vacant. r*»pt the rear of Lot No. 1 Section No. AO. |. »rre la a dairy atable with servant* quar-. ' Hujrh M. Moomaw and A. B. Coleman. -wcial oommiwlonft at the tame ft me arid lane will offer the parrel known In the «eord a* -BIS" beinr the we item. half of ot No. II. Section "C."' Rorrrv Fairfax & >oa*ton addition, and bounded and described a follow*: BEGINNING at a point on the N. dde of benandoah Avenue iOO feet K of Park N irret: thence tn a nor h"rly direction 130_ et to an aTOy ihencc In an ea«terly dlric- on with oaid alley 25 fert to a point, thence i a eoutherly direction ISO feet to the norih de of Shenandoah Avenue; thence with benandoah Avenue tn a westerly direction 5 fert to the BEGINNING " TERMS OF SAEE Siooonn ..*.h aad the tridue payable in twu equal inatatlmenta In no 'and* two- yr.ira,~ rildriiiett hy the, nolrx f lha. purrhaecr bearing in tornt from dale f aalc ancl aecurrd by a deed of truat ot| Ue property There i* a dwelling houae on thli lot. t At the aaror time and place James f). nhn*ton and E W Potndexler aa Special omtniiMonrn will offer what la knuwit 1 'he record ae "B 14 " briny the Eastern AM.of.bet.f*tr:.11. Section."C^*~ oT *Chl .orer* Fairfax A Houatnn Addition »wt ounded and described a* follow*: ' BEGINNING at a point on the N. «ld« f Shenandoah Avenue. N W .. 10.3 fuel B of ark Street: thrnco with Shenandoah Avenue 1 an Easterly direction 25 feet to a point; hence In a Northerly direction between par lM Jinea 130 fee* " TERMS OF SAlfE: f HOO 00 caah and \he reidue payable in" twos equal payment* In ne and two year* to be evidenced by the otes of the purchaser branny Interest from &V* of sale and secured by a deed of tru»t n the property. . I There i< a dwellinr house upoo thi* lot. | A. B. Coleman, a* 9pecial Comml*-loner and I Yustre. aft the time and place above Indl- I atod will offer tor sale the parcel known i the record a* "B 10." which consists of (Ota No. 9 and No. 10 Section No «3 and otrnded and deerribed a* follows: 'BEGINNTNtf at a point- on the Northwest orr.er of Staunton Arenue and 10th Street r. W.; thence with Staunton Armue S 70 trf. 1 mln 20 tec E 103 fast to,a point n same; thence N. 13 dec 58 mm 40 sec 1. 140 feet to an alley: lhrn<* with said alley r 70 dec 1 mln. ^0 sec W 102 feH to lpth treet. thence S 13 do* 38 mln 4*0 soc. W feet to the BEGINNING ." He will also offer whet is known In the srord a* 'P 17 which is » 1' " toft No. A3 of the Metro* umd -Company nd houmM id denetibol follow*; "HEGINNING at point of the N. aide f Staunton Aeenue IOC feet E. of 19lh treat; thence 8 70 dec 1 nun. CO, *e<\ B.I O feet to point on une; thence M. 13 dec. 8 nun. 40 eee. T. 140 feet to ho alley- ' honor with "aid alley N dec. 1. mini CO sc. W 50 feet to a point on name; thence 13 dec. 38 mln 40 eec W 140 feet to the1 iEGINNING " The abore named three lot* will .be *old or eaehfs and ahould they not brine "a aufft- lent anfmint to pay off a bond for $i 400 00, rlth Interest thereon from the . day of .. 818 and the ta*e« on tald lou and the ro rata part of thU eutt and tale, then ha aaid A R Coleman ell offer for ea*h «t No 15. Section No <>3. <K the Ms trow And Company beionftnc to A J Jamison for etlffician't arnount #hlrh when added td ha proccoda. of She sale of -awfr'Tni* Noa> 9. O and 11. Section M to pa* off aaid debt nd other charres and tbe, residue payable tn wo -equal paynaenta in one and two year* eldeneed by tha notea of the puwrhaarr boar- »C Internal from data of aale and aerured y a deed of target unlea* tare lot No. i'l. re*Ion No. 03. ha* been wild to aatlafy anther debt hereinbefore mentioned and turner nitM the taid A. J. Jamison will takedeanlac* of the prvrtalon in aaid decree of pledlber 53. 1818 by whlefl ha may re owe aaid lot No. 12. -Seetloo No. A3, front ale under.. tha dead <\ trust aecurtnc "bald 1.400 OO. A . W I Thara U a dwalllnc hew en Lot No #. g.-A-naT« < ' " . * » - ' " * " *< i 'I : .'A;v/v-';* '":'v I One Million I Dollars Ovei I - Roanoke 'a subscriptions to the J exceeded its allotment by ONE MIL: HI record of which all Ro&nokers are Ju This bank's quota wy $837,0 placed through it amounted to $ir2aK This generous response is most use this medium of expressing our h the patriotic cooperation of the Ba friends in so loyally answerlng.our C I--:' First Nationa ROANOKE, VIRGIN A RECORD OF;G Deposits. March 7, 1916 ,...$457,741.3* March 5, 1917 ....... 682,022.1! March 4, 1918 808.395.K August 31, 1918 824,074.1October 19, 1918 982,508.4' We ere proud of this record end gratefu made It possible. Business Invited on terms ot mutual AMERICAN NATTOh Roanoke, THREE TIMES "Over the Top" We sold ovor IfO.OOS Worth of Liberty which wu more then three times our slU We want to thank our friends and patrt the oohle werfc they have dona It takes the mon'tie keep the Hun on tti ! Johnnie *et yourvgdn, 'oause Uncle Sam h the mon*. , ¥ Liberty National Bai 116 W. Campbell Ave. "Grow Witt !" MONEY"AT LEG $ 20.00, Interest 5 60.00, Interest 5100.00, Interest You can repay a loan in any month your convenience. Loans made on all kin ^VIRGINIA SECURITY 19Va Campbell Avenue, Phone 875. Lot No. 10. Section No. S3. te rvknl. j tloo 0*3. *< Jvaeo A. near aid Rrrfitl Parkin*. *hn L»i«t r^mi wcrs appointed Special Commissioners for Iht I. TERMS purpose under said" decmer will offer for sale offered nop bjr public auction at tba front door of the «t*h par 1 Court House Of the County of Roanoke (Sit- equal aatv leml. Virginia on Friday, the 13th,,ijey of No- years. ert< ei-mber. lftlR, at 1*3:00 o'clock, noon of cbaaer. be that day iho following described real estate sale and i of whi.-h the late T. F. Jamison died, seised property, and poesee-ed altuated on the South aide of whole. up< Roanoke Klrer near Salem and known In the balanc lhl« record as parcel "A-l" and bounded ai.d Iha reapec described a* foUotrs. according to a recent Court, surrey made by Smith. Bradford A Com- Utren u piny: of October (1st.) "BEGINNING el a point or the Easterly aide of Eddy Avenue 410 feet North- SP* erly from tbe Nor.heasl comer of Eddy Aveihi~ -and Front Avenue: lhenoe alorijt Eddy Avenue N. 07 dec 55 mln. E 83 /eel Co a point on the Southerly id<le ,of en olxl ro^td; ». *- Jthence alone the hl«h bank of the «»ld Old Court for road S 31 dec 15 mln K 100 Bit 4<«et to a h-reby cer point on same: thence S. AT dec 35 mln. W.'decree, of 115 foot, mora or le»*. to tha comer of a lot decree abo owned by Sforan r therim atrmr the line of the f before me. lot of .the said JJoran 30 dec W. *100 fret . T*n. u to the BEOINJONO." : * ~.". .jo* Oetohet (2nd,)."'BEGINNING at a point on the [ Northerly side of Front Avenue 0OO feet East- . erly of the Northeast comer of Kddy Avenue p and Front Avenue: thence N. 67 dec. 55 mm !ja- ttiF K 475 feet, more or less, to the Southerly ciTY O id' of aiwold road: thence alone the South- nv ,^rn. rly side of the old road 9 3V doc. 15 ntin. ovrth v B. 105 feel to a point; Ihcrroe 9 01 dr* 36 min. W. 457.52 feet to a point on the North navir? ui er.y atde of Front Avenue N 3d dec. VT. 165 ^.K^~ feet to the BEGINNING." i_ TF.RM3 OF SALE: One-third ca«h and J?!a" * ! residue payable in one anil two years, to be J evidenced by notes of purchaser be arm g In- _^L_,TT* * teresi from date of atle and si-cured by deed s_nt of trust oo the. property. . . .. * ' The aforestUd. Commissioners will bo clad In wtiUjic to rive any further Information conoernlnc that the »i th» torecolnc deacribed property. fifteen da Given under our bauds .Hub the 17th dhy of .noti.p. ia. October. 1018. and do * J/V-ME9 A BEAR terest in and EVERETT PERKINS. IDERKD tl Sp*m.ii Omtuisdoncm 'the ' WOB HORACE M FOX in the Cit] and EVERETT PERKINS four (4i Special Com must onar*. bo posted J. C. MARTIN. |bou<e of l Special Comml»dun«r and Truitae. IT 19 1 A. 0. COI.RMAN, of said oi Special Com ml -stoner and Trustee. I with mail H. M. MOOMAW I the dafecK and > B. COLEMAN: 'place of i Special Commliilonar* land tbe i JAMES P JOHNSTON certified b ml Z W. POINDKXTER. A OOP1 "Specie! Oommi«alonerr I. R. J. Weteon C.ark to tba Corporation Court (or the City ot Roonoke. V inrlnm. do f*. H. Hal hereby certify thet~ the above ntuml Com^, 10-17-4 muwoncra and Truatoee liar* executed before mn'the bond required of them by Mid decree with «ectrrUy epproved by me. nniirr Olren under my bend Ihli the 17th dey wUWri of October.,1918 R J. WATSON. Clerk of the Corporation Court for the City of Roennke. Vlrytnle. R Irh m n. V. ao>Kfi n. A. It CbURAS, Adaeiele- Met hod 11 trauw a. L Of T. r. J and .oil M el*. t mees on By rtrtu# end In puranenae of e decree i ,m( hi of the Corp oretloo Court lor the Cliy of e*mw+r Rodnoke. VlrfUil*. entered la the abor^ style.! h' .h. , e%o*e .Iherme pendtn*. on the SSrd dey of September. 1!»1« the anderst*n*d. who ware JJ**- ^ by »»ld decree appointed ap«dal commit Mlaaourl toners for lh« purpoa# end Roy B Smith m'm" u trustee. * wall will offer for sole, by public '*r ucuon. »t th* front door of the Corpora meel Won Ormrt for tha City of Rbenohc.. Vlrytnla. Tllle. (Mu'dctpil Butl'bn*. CentpbeU Arennr fronti.J BishoT /vi Raierdey. Nonnbw lbs lMk. IBM. et mrrftni? Twelve O'clwek, Nass, ef the* dey. the follow Bishop* in* doa-rtb d rrsl estate. kuqwi eo Parcel on vOVe 1HJ5- tn sold suit, end eltheteSkod betnc tu p«.«n in,i The City of Roanoke. Vtrftwn, end bounded " ,nd end described ea follows: i BRorSNlNO at e point on the i4outhwe-t Prunel cor.ier of Corroll Avenue and ISth Street. ?*r .? it Wv. vhrnce etna* the line ef lltih Street H. 13 do* 5b min. 40 ee«. W. ISO feet to en <>ffleer* I el ley 1 thcooe with eoid elley K. 70 dcg. .1 A Vnl< mui. SO aec W SM feet to « peent; thence esreltem H 13.deer 58 add. 4d eec. R. lit mi to Prueeii . " r * 1 . *| PAGE ltfDTB ' ourth Liberty Loan \ ; LION DOLUUU8, a Btly proud. - >00.00 robacriptions B " >,860.00. 1* 'B I nrmtifv-rn rr ;a*mI wa' dgh appreciation of E nk's customers aiwi lountry's call. C L Bank 1 i iiimiiiiiiiiiiiMinniiuiii'ipfS _ * iROWTH J Reaourcea. > $ 845,896.59 I ' 1,101,894.47 3 1,275,020.88 r \ 1,310,341.80 7 1,4.10,889.70 >1 to our trl«nda who haro advantage. ,1 IAL BANK, . ' » i mmmmmmmmmmmammmm ».a.i..' Bond*. XmenL %j jt-(« for > run; ; M got aduZl - m li - j j i3 tL rates -i ] $1.00 w, JM $3.50 a $3.50 3 ly installment that suits £ ids of personul property. V j T( COMPANY fi West. I J i .. i. » * xmnUnjr to the Map of th*. M«lro« tM*y Or SALS.The** Iota wll] So first irately upon the term* of flSOOO J ot. and the residue parable to two ual taalalltnenu ui ooo and two J fenced by tho note* of the piur- _ attni Internet from the <tv of enured br deed of truet on the ' They will then bo offered ae a « m the term* of SOOO.lM) cash, and -j payable aa above Indicated. And ) Uva bida will be reported to the mdrr our hande title the 16th dir . 181S- I SOT D. SMITH, del Commi««iotuT and Truetep. KVERETTPKRFUN9. Waleon. Clark of lb* Corporation the City of Romioke. Virpnla. uO Ufy that the bond required by aald aaid Special CommlMioner* by the re baa been duly executed by ' t.i m A -n ruler my hud Uus the ltth day >^1918. ..' ..~3£j R J WATSON. Clem. IRDKR Of rmj..lC.ATlQ.V. CORPORATION WT»rRT FOR TTtH F ROANOKH. ON TUB 1STH DAY OBRR, 1818; BKI.I. Plain Ut£ it ... . ELL, Defendant ect at this rait I* to obtain a <Amculo aatrtmoaii from the k(n-' be rround* of deeertion. And M lariny been made and tiled by ttv«it that the defendant U not a red* i# State of Vlrrlnia. and" that- »at<f it harlny made application tbemfor : IT IS THKRETORB "ORMRfcD aid DAVID BEL.C. do appear. wtthut ys after due pubKatijon of tbla hat ia neeoaeary to prole.A hia ia> this suit. And tt ia further Oft. tat a copy hereof be published u* J. I.D NEWS" a'newtapaper pubUabed r of Roanoka Vt. onde a weak fo# auoee.<atr« week., and that a copt, at the front door of the oourt,hi« City oa the next Rule day. fCRTHER ORDERED that a copy dor of publication ahall be forthwl hy tbn Clerk of thla Court to lant at bia Ian known addreaa or * bode, aa shown in aaid application, naillnf and poaliny ahall be duly » lAi'ri Clrrk a/YVrnHn- l«> * . r.TKBTl: ... a j watson OA Hi S S BftOOKS. Dopuv CV.I-* iMton. p. q. LbVS. RENCE DATE * CHANGED TO PEC. 4 .1 ond. Oct. II.TH* Virgint* it Confaranca. acheiulod tw November II tn ChAH«tt'»» . 1 ia been po»tr>on«<1 until Da- a 4 according to ward raca!*"* a It. Rev. Coll'nd Dennv. at thla : »m Bishop E. R, HendrtX. «f ~S . wb« > in eharga of arraVijrae <H »r tha conreranc*. I an known it lha praaant tlm% II inK wtlt ba held tn Charlottaa- Jl i r>cnny *t(N» that tha of tha Method tut Coli«f« "twhich #m to hnvt W«4i h«i"t fll mher 1. In Shravrpt.ri. Ml. ha* » ; I I nnltaly >oatporurfl. 'I I M ' I an 'Minister (»i nr» prop*-, Hint).Our1 kw|ti ara «n»r»»- ! ! t* t Wa hav« toat t»r Uwaft than Um» niwr. . dH w. UtH what about *wp wm.. ; H an'">«lat4t»r.m*t 1 u know1 that 'humnW ' ba»nun »,« 1 i a.t-f; a Unutaomaf-fl'+»».n.g /

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Page 1: Way I 'J I One Million To Buy °i~Eia5SAS, Dollars Ovei ......Oct 04, 2020  · % H * # *3' Kvj v v, 1 s The"WantAd"isthe cluh)u;D WMtTtswa^UAtm! All rleeniaail Mnrtlaiai win be takenMpU

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The "Want Ad" is thecluh)u;D WMtTtswa ^UAtm!^

All rleeniaail Mnrtlaiai win betaken at t cents a 11m; nualmnm, ISMpU.

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reaolutlona of societies and all cardsand announcements are IS eeaft* a linefor botk papers; one paper, ! cents aMne. |How id. It U for tt la positively

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Phone 2897 for Promf* Attention.In Roanoke Since 1095..

WANTED.To buy, all kindssecond-hand furniture. Parirish Furniture Co. Phone1586. #***

WANTED.W# tu taStao< MS raW Mrt off rlglllt

« A~%WAHIM to k>«w that If I*ten ni oM furuitefe. torn Mftete*«M«k tti fact uTiklDf to ite texiillUN. fl«UM ahOaa. m Will rri tba CMl

IfliffgsvsjWAMrlfc^To' buj dlre-rt frc-et oweer. *M»eIn Vmi End. Souibweet or Matron). Ad

io»MMd. tjlMf attt pfl)to twii» atew there

^nTyatttTiafir "*1AatST j(T"O. Bop

r*T,Vl" flSSSrWAlim-Oa on hatan MeTimber Irak far

.. MM fat ar mwimiat lor hauaahaaotat.atlk Wife. ** aadlUhte. by na>U. aochlldme. J. P. HZ nana World Mono.104t4k j

tr^vot till e emd oa? Waoia. rafl10*» National Oarapa. 10-33-81»jU*t»-fhwa aafaiBhaoJ MterM

ImsI* cion is, ftf boutfte^tor.Mo i>5pii. Pteaa IMMk aitar

10 aataT * MMaaa A. com Wovu tew.

. tfiSrwV BUx«n m3 teate tar toah la'WUI par far attanUoo for atla. who BanrbeuataUmn. AAtoaa* M. H . Worldtew, or eoD M Ml Ntoth Araataa. t: W.

10-23-M.~ik tut iif 1 WlfUUUBiutl-ttic

for omo. lot aw kan*. T. Patter-on, 120Churrh Aaaaaa. W. io-t2-3t

rCNAU HELP WAJfTEli:wisitlb^?K><S .uh .«w K^nasir.to ami.

teridetmrvman?? edw^orowat tiiWhfla'tea'otowho datowniratoa aatltor tetelf. iO-lt U


fHidkfcM. Hom-E. tow AM) HJW AEEU,frit. oyetar nbell and «harroai at Vutambu terooery. Ftaw 1026 lu-22-51

. OEWTNQ NNI Air MOOKteATk r-AlCEft.CMdmo't work pntarred. 023 Hoary IkPhawe 3104-W. 10 23-31WA*TOh.The public to kaow that an rannnJtr l^adtof H-unUnr Cane Watchae Intoopaa-faeo Bracelet Walchaa. with cold orrold-tllad bracelet. We alao bay ptnlinum.Id r>M -and otlear. lliybeto eaeh pneae

paid. llenebry n. corner Campbell A»aaaaand Ptrot Street. BotAokt. Va. 10 14-tflunula TWMTM VAU.V TO ABJSS:ton. Purest Park. Palme* aad CountryClub nnctloc. Villa Hetchta Orodry. phono

108*. 10-32-51in. iVhrBTKn to j. k uru\iwin PMane com lor* art aad cattle thetrcco'intA -All partfoa batdtoy etotou

ayainet hlea <alll preneot one for payman!to W. H Horton. Administrator. 127Campbell AweM. 8. W. Pifltf


rote IAL1.Latto' black tailored Mill, boat

r: orarcoat reasonable. Call 10*5-3. afterP- an »

POk MI.K..- vcn pasnaioor ISadtflac car.. oord tire* with extra l&n, rood condition

Prtee_3S00_ Pbnne 325 or 1430.fbtt 8ALK.3500 buyi half interes i Inprod table bu»ine«e to Roinoke. Opportunity.care World Newt. 10-2t-3ttorn ItlX.Hudaon Llyht ftU to rood ahapo;Sood Urea. Prion fOOO. W. *. Payers 511laiBalw -bttUdto*. 10 24-lt

rote IAH *1-8 ocrne One land at Hnlhaeiiitioo low price tar quick buyer. W. B.Woltonden. 128 CampbaU Art, W. 10-24-31

"huxfT * ><1 hannn. A Co..Pbon* 810. 10 3841>1»B BALfcrrrbtiWaB. j)«B »»0 tar«.rxirehee, «cod viur. located oo 8»Ka car

line. W Mr* ot rood Uod. let ot nice trull.Prtor fO.OOO; 9700 <xh. be 1enor racy.Trend* Tart* Afeacy, 100-107 ftral National' Bank building. 1MU>


»tfW AW »Wa~fwe dnXa lar~nglaurant oat Ot dir. Boot salary. Call. at411 Flret Batiaaal Baah Belldtor. lO tl tt

1X>8T AND FOUND.UWT.Fox terrier pup. answer* to the uaaLouis. Color, tan and white, wean cedar.Beward it returned to &S1 TUatb Street B.W. Pboa* 8801-M.UWT OB BTOlW -Shawhard dec, aaewars toaaan at Barer; oaler dark brown: no collar.Liberal reward tor hU return te 1118FreehmmSammmmEmmESemm'immmmiSmmmm

I' . Are You Looking ForESSENTIAL WORK?

' Are You b Carpenter or Helper?Are Yea an Sleotridair?An Yea a Plumber?An Yea a Pipe Pitter?An Yea a Painter?An Yea a Brick Mason?An Yoa a Baker or Helper?An Yoa a Cook, 1st or 2nd

Class?Irs Vas a Vitska. tj.v.omw- *vm mm M«4|WIAre Ytfu a Waiter?Are You a Janitor?Are You a Janitress?Are You a Waitreu?/ fk«ty of mrk hr' all «! ,Whit* MtorN, at big wtgM.If M 4r» WaatM at OaM brlb* MPM Gbagaai at Pnalaaa,Va. M' H«HM-T»ell Va. far Pinn

arat Work. Apply toV. S. Sauriojment Service

v Ho. a Murk ktkwg Itmi,\ fufcrtw. va.

' t %



- ,. '.r*,m .

mmmrnmm n mm

Quick, Successful WayWANTED

To Buy Second-HandFurniture and

Stove#Wwm 1062-2145-R.115 Campbell Awe, E.


m: . . I

WAxm-rttiAM BOILJU* i* .

spBCTOK: nuucAKBirr pomtiok. address. oivino age.KXPKRIKVCI AJtV BALART EXncRA X a. acaao. i*ABMUL mldg . baltimore. md.


]ffZifTB.Track dnvir. Mat be haossilill MB aHi.Apply Moms.*.CMrFBq. 810. 10 23-6*itANTRA.Mm far wagon.. Radioed Sieaas

I IMtfr. tis Salcsn A«WH 10 21AtMMMmMRM".MM.M...-bhbsbw

fott rext^-lloomg.MM POM MMirr.r*mi«hsd »nd untuf.aUhed.\Fbem~S061-W.W1 M»»T.AJW 1.1. flsl nl Ihrmwit wd wmUow hall. 606 HighlandAm^.a a. iota s*.KOR RENT. KuiHitrbfwl hemic "or IM;'lull.(M. iltetrMtfi choice neighborhood.Km llM-a. lo-tu-itPAR SByV.yfritl/ /umT"b«d heeled roses

s"*",0*r«R RRST.Hi/idwiOM h^rhtiur'e seirunenlMr eeople. steam hoe*, ho* water. 1suitorsad tolophf eerrtoB. Inoeilee ntsal C*U1114 oner 6 p m. BwdwM apartment by||Mhhr. fireproof caret*. 161141

Oito&hed ImpmmSIha4 belh. 1SOS Sixth gweai. 6. a.dHMMHMRMHMHRMMRMMMMMiMmwsmTOT PROK1TKERINO

at raw awtomio campj Sen Antonio. Texan, Oot 22..Profilesrlng among the thousands of ooldler*at this concentration point haamob halted by organisation of theSquare Deal Association, composed ofbualaeaa men and military officers,which Axes price* for soldiers on noMMIllif,<***When Ban Antonio began filling witheldleys two year* ago, tbo cry wontup that exorbitant prices were beingasked by restaurants, hotel*, roominghoM. and elothloraTo offset these conditions, leadingmerchants called meetings end finallyorganised the association. The prlceflxlngboard le oomposed of representstire merchants and army officers, andIn almoet every Instance ao far theprices bar* been established in accordancewith the wlehoo of the mill*tar* members of the committee.rising of prices that could be chargedby hotels and rooming- bouses, whichwere carefully claaaiied «.

work of th« commute* Then restaurantprim* were regulated and laterthe prices ebarf«4 by lesser Industrie*were Investigated.New It in announced morim picturetheaters will reduce their priees, the-cent tickets to be sold to ecldlers <or11 esete and the 10-cent tickets for Itseatse - m'

ftmamo IAYI TWT MBARITkAV% RIOCBB. TBAYfiL"The last vIolent^esploslotT at theailtespld Slant; at Morgan. N. J. badscarcely died sway when a particularlydark eumplesloned son of Ham arrivedat the railway station et -PerthAm boy. considerably out of breeth andShowing many elans of tunc;, bard andfeat traveling by foot. When he eventuallycould .not make himself understood,he planked |l liw nondescriptcoin oown on the ticket agent's windowsill sod gasped:ytins me a ticket""Where 'do you Went to goT askodthe agent «

"No matteh, no matter, 'tall aah."said ths prospective traveller. "Justgive toe eight dollars' worth of tickets.""What's your big hurry to go somewhere?"persisted the agent"why, eh'U tell you how det I*,' Bah."said the still panting colored men. "I'seJets heard whet that.there TNT means""WelL what doe* it mean, anyway?"asked the ticket agent. "Why. aah."said th* plainly pernirbed passengerto-be,"that Jest meamo Travel. Nigger,Travel.' and I*ne on mab way."

HAWK WORKS HARD KOR LIVISC.The hawk is a successful fisherman,and were ltd task don* with the catchingof a fish Its lot would be an enviableyne But a live fish is not desirableas tbe piece de resistance of ahawk dinner, so the bird that catches

ons always files around until the fishr> u«ra. mm, we are ioio, la the invariablepractice.Sometimes a flab . expires quickly,while at other times k hawk must flyaround for houra before It can returnhome to the waiting family. Thereb<uin i'm t-tv#.fl§h.displayed stamina greater than thebirds. This may explain, why hawksseldom pounce on the croaker, mosttenacious of life of all fish In thewaters roundabout..There la a well-attested Instance ofa hawk which started, to fly arounder flapping about a whole afternoonand half a night, fell exhausted on thebeach. Klshermen who were attractIcd by the unusual occurrence foundthe hawk dead while the croaker, fastIn the llfelese talons, had not croaked.

The farmer's wife at Market HoewortfuJSnglnnd.who, "though Inperluct.pn^calhealth," has remained ini bed Iror three years may hold that If| we all spent more time In bed weshould llvo much longer. Thla theoryIs borne out by the experienee of twosisters of Brlllat-Savartn, who nearlyattained a hundred years. They Jived,at A oountry house belonging to theauthor of the "Phyelologle du Oout,"whloh he used only In September andOctober. They" Spent tep months ofthe year in bed. getting up two daysbefore his arrival, and living a normallife during hie etay. On hie departurexney wouia say: "Good bye until nextSeptember. Anthelme. We ere coinsIn bed." One of them died et the age1 of ninety-nine, as she was finishingdinner, her last words being, "Hurry| up wlth-Tho dessert." V,On the other hand, some Kwlsi dooItorn say that the amount of sleepshould/ be regulated by altitude. Toomuch gleep. they maintain. Is as harm>ful as too much drink. In low-lyingdlstr1ets*neyen hours' slumber may be[taken with Impunity, but up In themountains flvb hours' ts quite enough.! These sleep specialists also ban she[ practice of remaining In- bed In the\ morning, hatf awake, and Insist on thenecessity of arising as.soon as sleep| an,

Too Mask.,| "®o you think my remarks are notworth reading!" exolalmed the con*pressman who is strong for leave toprint. ,**i did tlOt sey that.h replied genatorSorghum. But 1 ask you whether,at s time when men ere supposed to1 sacrifice every pleasure, it Is rightfor you to scatter your polished andbeguiling utterances broecast through' the 'land to tempt men from theirtoll te revel In your poetic eloquence.I leave the matter, sir. entirely to youeown conscience.".Exchange.

', ~~His Point ofVlew.An American "hobo" who was draftedinto the army was ovsrjoyed at tha.amount of equipment he was gtvsn. He,,r* m.A l. . * " '

ZIV Tlw i rm-mu otusnteaiyMK6Q!"S*yr bon, <jo they *lve u* all these

MenUets?" He wse tolfl. that Uncle«ll .U»ea- thing*.'Well, ' th»n. eel<l the en-traiSn,thlewar ,tn*>

'*: . v

%*v. -


** ""iV* %" \ \ ?<:%' - : .j:: v




4J^Y^0a^-SiBSe9*. iT '"Jrlueneod tk« UMTtn court* of prlooo rf"RlmpSSttSh°i~Eia5SA"S,f*«U4 by/ thin condition. MM of th® IP'£2. V,"' i s? 11»>ftla featured the itroiif war ehareasus Eir«j £r:'«»i kx? »trials and equipment* gaining fraotionnSouthern Pacific. Marine prefdr- $r®red and Mtudebaker mad* » betan lis IDIM' before the and of the first half A*hour with such specialties u Wilson ;[®Pack In*. International Paper, lndua- l»ltrial Alcohol and American sugar.

w smjAtioN i1 STILL IMPROVING £Mel

'- " 11 and

Less Than Three Thousand New {ftCases Reported In Camps

No Basis For Rumors I MMWitute

Washington. Oct. SI..Contlneed im- {^Dfirovement in the tnfluensa situation >»,n army camps and in a number of aStates was shown by reports received c^atoday by the Surgeon General of the m.iarmy and the Public Health Service. tnNew cases In artny camps totalled only theS.7S3 with 127 deaths. The disease now tenIs epidemic at only three camps, Uwla toWashington: MeClellan. Alabama,- and theKearney. California. 1.States where the number of new acases reported shows a decrease include M.North Carolina. Oklahoma. South Oaro- Corlias and Tennessee, redReports that the influensa germs may be'have beeh brought tc the United States theand spread by .enemy agents, possiblylanded on American shores from sub- sldmarines, hays, been Investigated by MlGovernment agents. but no basis for nerthem hag been found. Investigators of 8triseveral Ooverment departments declar- onad today that thcywefb convinced, af- srtter an inquiry, that the disease wast f®*brought to this country through vthe H. anatural channels of affeeted Seamen, *«travelers or Imports and pot by malic- r*«lous methods. not

- i the



moWaahtngton, Oct. ,11. . Paymentson thethe fourth Liberty loan ars new pofar- Esutng Into the -Treasury Department at oi>the rate of llll.Mt.lH a day and sev- proeral hundred million are expected to- 1morrow, the last day given hanks to estripon intir loan suoacriptiona togeth- ceamr with Initial payments.

. Cj»iSo frnt la the task before the banks "fthat many probably will not be able byto complete their reporta In the allot- tened time tbua delaylas the Federal reaervebanka In making up their totala thewhich will ehow the exact amount of betthe eubacriptlona to the loan. Efforts un<of the Liberty loan nublieity bureau Jortoday to obtain approximate nvuree on J°rsubscriptions by cities were unatail- y*Ins. '<>*^The first block of'Treasury oertlflcat*aof indebtedhw latued lit advanceof the fourth loan falls due.tomcTrrow.It totals $M»,0o0.000 and was issued un'June St. Many banka will pay their / ,Liberty loan Inatallmenta tomorrow :S,with these certificate*.Vice Admiral Slma today cabled thattotal subaerlptlona the loan by the '

American Naval forces In France were >i1.S0>.000. This Increased the total of ...the navy to $4I.UOO.OOO with some reportsyet to be received. nu(Sales of war eavtnira etampe and cer- » k,tlftcatea today passed the $300.000.003 lu(mmrk'^



MONTVALE.. 2Montvale. .Oct. 13.. (Special.).Mrs y««u. C. Otey returned yesterday after bespendtnir soma time nursing her dau«h- chiter. Mrs. Lloyd Smith, who has been *'111 with Induenaa and pneumonia athor home In West Virginia. ,n

I'rice Ferrell and James L» Buford ,'

left Saturday to Join the 8. A. Ti C. at J'nHampden-Sldney College.>- Mrs. Lloyd Smith and little son are £1the guests of her parents. Mr. and 1 ;Mrs F. C. Otey ._Mrs. R T. Phlltlpa and Mrs. JamesWalla were thrown from a buggy Sat-' .urday and are atlll eonllnea to their "'<*

bed# on account of Injuries received. rl»*Mr. and Mrs W. H. Buford. M.aaea1 "u<Mildred Williamson and Knthfyn. Lucyand Battle Buford motored to *Bedford f"Saturday. ' P*Fnrmefe are busy putting In larger, *5*wheat crops to help feed the world. ^F. C. Otey yn In Roanoke Monday. I , %t,Mrs. McKeymer' la Improving after 13«being sick for several d#ya with In- .wjflue nan. '

Montvale went tf.400 over the top In'Ti1'the Fourth Liberty Loan, $53,400 having!*,been subscribed. 317,000 wn eeeurAi »;fthrough the efforts of the Red Cross Iwomen. IA company of show people arrived [ _«_bans.yesterday afternoon from R»d-1^| f<rrfl, whir* they have been In qunran-I p0I tine sine* the fair. i Tr,Dr. Smith, O. C. Rncker. Landon and ! ina'Robe U>wry, F. O. Thumas, Will Berry, ln|.Rr. Tatea, Mr. Gill ana others were .here Frlday_evenlnn In the Interest ofi S®'the Forth liberty Loan.

Mr. Mi'iH. of Roanoke, wat the Riieatof Mm uncle, Mr. Dav. on Sunday, lent,


tin« ai




SfI on

R«4 Crmm am wearlaf 1«" muk. ffA *aa*e njuk U otM of th« thinir* *\*designed to h«lp fidht the w»v» of mijSpanish influenza tnat i> nuiln* 40

hundred* of dwthi oh orar tha coon- i!?.'try. Thaaa masks, mad* oat of hZnROM,w for tho TicUrn* of the - «""flu* to wear. Tha mask is placod allmrmt tha nosa and smooth toprevtSr > dtha ayroad of this CtRU. IWJtod; (Croaa and other org^nixationa are 10

r;-' y* ;;:*

- .V'v >


- M

f: pI* virtue, and In pursuance of a Da- fJof the Corporation Court for tb« *

f of KoniWke, Virginia entered Inabove styled Chancery Cause there- ~

pendiag."on the >?d any of Oeptem- S. lilt the undersigned, who were i,>oiiitea Special Cummiulontr* and Zvis I commissioners and Trustees In JLas Instanced, for the purpose, will!sr for sale, by public auction, at thent door of tho COTDorntlon CViurt

the City of Uoonulce, Virginiaunlciptl BulMinc, Ctmpb«ll'At«ou«,at), oa katUTuar, isoveniber lath, ~I. beginning aO>:M o'clock A. M. Sthat day and continuing until .ailtoon Sold, the following real ea- ,,

» situate and bain* In tha City ofaaoka.Virginia, and of which tha nA T: 9. Jamison died, saiaad and .

seseed. as wall as thit of :ott)ar11 .-a *

. nud«i A. Bear and Kverctt Perkins, ctibkaclal ConmiMionera. will offer bjfollowlaa dasciibed real estate and th»wn la this record aa "A-2" and be- thI/Ol No. K, Section No. 4, of the th

Irose Land Company, and bounded Ja|.-nescribed aa follows: _ .oiBhidINNINO at a point on tha 8. er> of BUtltlOB Avenue 111 feat \V. of <11h Street, N. W.; thence wnu eutun*Avenue N. 74 degrees 1 minute SO P*

bttda W. IHMt tt> a point on tame; annerd If dagiass fa minutes «u sac- ;f«is W. 14t feat to an alley: thehceh the said allay 8. 7* degrees 1 mln- wSO seconds h! II feet to a pdnt on P°to; thence N. 13 degrees 68 mlcutas !o<seconds K. 144 feat to tha piece cfC)INNINQ."coERICS OF SALB.1-3 of the pur- ,W.se money to be paid in cash and tne Iidue on a credit of one end two years Inequal installments and evidenced by 19'notes of the'purchaser1 bearing in- IN.est from data of sale and the same iSlbe secured by a deed .^f trust on -MlI'MMIh | BJ

'his Is a vacant lotitthe same time and place Horace 111Mpi ana hiverett Perkins as Mpeclal p*i Jhlsstoners will offer th) equity of *a

evnptlon of the late T. P. Jamison, e*

ng nn undivided half interest) In h*following described real estate: SBKGINNINQ at a point on the N. 7js of Bheaanduah Avenue, N. W..U feet West of the Northwest Cor- paof Shenandoah Avenue and 2nd

set: thence In a Northerly direction 1a line with the old Kefauver prop.- *

r (now Lalaon-Coln property). 1111t,mure or ku. to a point on the1-,tide of SndTir Center Avenue; thenceh Center Avertue in a Westerly dltlen10# feet, more or -lens. U> a lot I p,r owned by a L Noyer: thence with A,Une of eata lot 8. 11 degrees 7 mln- j,St seconds W. If feet to the cor- (hof said lot on a line or said peep- j*y; thence N. II degrees 4 minutes toeconds W. SS feet U> a point corner feb the old Kedt property 0id the lotE. L. Mover; thenoe with the orlg- Jaline of the Kent property 142 feet, be

re or lees, to Shenandoah Avenue; ainee with Shenandoah Avenue In an imfitefly direction 14« feet-to the BET i arI NINO, and Is known aa the old Keni hiperty." u'his property I* owned Jointly by the arnte". of the said T.~ F. Jamison, de- araed. and the Central Manufacturing pjnpany. There 14 a lleh on the whole p*said property for S4,60o.00 secured *a Dead of Trust tnereon with in- Jfist at 0«t payable aeml-annually and |denoed by Interest coupons each In «®sum of $160.00. One of said coupons *'ng due on November 88, 1818. ThelividA half Interest of T. F. Jam!-I"i. deceased. In amid property Is liableone half of said debt snd the Cen-

1 Manufacturing Company I* liable''the other one-half and the equity..;redemption o& the said T F. Jurali-intha said Property will be soldI.>jeot to the said-lien created on hislivlded naif Interest.This property fronts on Shenandoah Iolet) Avenue 147 feet and runsough for about IBS feet on the Eastiaide to Center (or tnd) Avenue, t|rthwest end adjoins the Lemon-Cola <

if.?/-,. s residence on this prop- siy fronting on Fhenandoah Avenue i1 a store fronting on Center Ave- aa and the said Commissi© i-.<-a are of oopinion that said property can be>-dividea so that some lots cap front l<8henandoa4> Avenue and others on pister Avenue. \ .

TUMfl OF BALE 1-3 rjfrh and the 91itdue on a credit of bne and tvoj*ire payable In equal Installments to Sievidenced by-the notes of the pflr-!«l<taer bearing Interest from dato of ite and secured by a Deed of Trust on toInterest of ths said T. F. Jamison «std property. 9

It the same time and nine- V r u.». Bas Special CommlMionrr and Trun.will wff.er the property kn< wn aa **

laaa B-2" In thla suit. being lot No. ^8e6tlon No. 61 according to the Map 4the Molfose Land Company and de- J*Ibed aa follows: *<BEGINNING at a point on tha N.e of Mercer Avenue 558 feat E. ofh Street; thence with Mercer Ave-yJ<» B. 76 decrees 1 minute 80 aeoonda 01#0 feet to a point? thence N. 13 de- p|tea (8 minutes 46 seconds E 230 ?'t to an alley: thence with said sift.76 degrees 1 minute'80 seconds50 feet to a point on same; thence I f:

13 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds.\V.feet to the BEGINNING " u

rERMB OF SALE: 11,100 00 cash and .residue payable In two equal an- .al InetaFmen's In one and tWo years J,be evidenced by the notes of the'Lrchaarr bearing Interest from date! Hsale, the same to be aecurad by a ted of Trust on the property.There Is a dwelling house wn this sce of property. IB«~the~ihfrre Time and place.A. B. 'r,lemsn. es Special Commissioner and uustee. will offer for sale the follow- pt described property: n[1.) "Class B-3," which Is lot No. 14. r®stlon No. 63. of the Melrose Land

mpany.and bounded and described«it s point oh" the N. °

«/of Staunton Avenue 253 feet E. °

'19th Street. N. IV.; thence wlthi?lunton Av»nue 8. 76 degrees 1 min-i11> 20 seconds K. 50 feet to a point' onne; thence N. 13 degrees 6* m.iiutes ,seconds E 140 feet to an alley;'i»nce with said alley N. 76 degrees. 1 Vaula 56 seconds W. 50 feet jo g point Lsame, thence S. 13 degrees 58 mln- n

s« 40 seconds W. 140 feet to the #E- brERMB OF HALE: Cash.This Is a vacant lot. p18.4 "Class B-4," being lot No. ' IS. tIctton No. 63. of the Melrdse- Land umnsnv <in/1 Kaiin*l ft«l «« A /I am-» W -a

low*: '

BEGINNING At a point on the N. ne of Staunton Av«nue 202 *cet XI o19th Street, N. W.; thence With ntun tun Avenue 8. 78 degree* 1 min- d» 20 Seconds E. 50 feet to a point on J ono; thence N. 13 degrees 58 minutesseconds E 140 teet to an alley;

snce with said alley N. 70 degrees 1 Tnuts 20 seconds W. 50 feet to a point osame: thence 8. 13 degrees 58 min- "

»s 40 seconds W. 140 feet to ths UK- tnnino." t>TERM8 or 8A I.E Cash.Phis is a vaoarjt lot. o3.) Lot No. 12. Bectlon Ne_ 83. he- *iging to A. J. Jamison, unless the said As No. 14 and No. 13. Section No. 63,"til sell for a sufficient amount to pay'si C. M. Blankcnshlp debt of 11,600 00 j:d Interest reported agatnst the same.*!?d In the event that they do not sell 1r a sufficient amount to pay saidl>t and tne said A. J. Jamison shAU J]y said Special Commissioner and "

ustee an amount which, when addedthe-purchase price of said lots No.'and No. 13 to pay off and discharge q» C M. Blank«*nshlp debt with the 2tes on said property and ths fcro %;a part of the easts or.this suit prop- .]y taxed against tnd said propertyin said lot No. 12/Section No. 83. «II not be offered for sale.PEHMfl OF 8ALE df this lot ir soldII be cssh. ' -IfThere Is a nice dwelling house otoles last named lot. *M > the pa seel *no4rn as "B-l." iitch Is lot No. 15, 8eetlon No. S3, of pi Melrose Land Company,, and Is tlinded and described as follows; LBEPIINNINO at a point on the N. 11or Staunton Avenue 302 feet K a

l»th tftroet, N. W.; thence with. 11wnfon Avejiue R. tw degrees 1 mtn- 1> 20 seconds K. 50 feet to a yolnt on *ne; thence N. 13 degrees 68 minutes *'seconds K.» 140 feat to an allay;:*nee with sain allay N. 71 degrees ft>nuta to aaconds yt. 80 faat to a .points uaama; thence a 13 degrees ft mln- !"5rvt%atnn*m W 140 to th*,nE4?PKRMS or SALJS: Cash. / »Phis (a * vacant lot. * |58>X The parrel of property^own as -R-


in lbs record and U branded and da- 1he<t at follower \\*

mmmm. %

» «i. K ^

* i »

\«1 * v

>0K. CHTTOBEB 24,1918.'« feet B. of nth Street. W. W.; thenoeth Boonus Road 6. 76 de* 1 ada. SO aaaiMl fa»t i* » point oo mm; thence coontta#with the eouthorlr hat of MoonnaaM4 8. 81 da* | Mia. to MC B. 407# «M*a point on th<- B. aide of Ike Belroae I«andatpoor's propfert/: tbeaee with said E Ha*MM proportr 6. 14 ttef. S8 aUa. 40 Ma. W..64 foot to 4a alter; tbrnee with the aaldUnr of said alter W, 66 4«. 11 sola 86w,,w*«i mi w ma mumwj tamtam wimE. Use qi the mM hlley J». IS <W M

LB. 40 *ee. lMJi ImL to the BBOnr1XG.and known M the Nrirthem portion of«Um Mo. 3. inimn to tt* wop of theBiro* I-urt Com pa: y MHHBI. byttwotioo. 1.U taw."The undivided half interest of T. T. Jmmii.deceased, in Mid. property will Ihl betoed upoo the term* of ceeb eufSclent.lUdh when added to the proceed* from thela of Lot )fe. 15. Section Mo. 05. eholl beiffldeat to par jiff the debt of 53.0O0.dPiadpal. with Interest thcrroe. wouoUofabout 5160.00 due Gee. T. Dan# at al*~

etrneae of-W. . Wllean and Jawe* M. Edonde. Trustees. and the laxm aod the prola part of the eoato of thi* euil propertysad ayalnet the Wwe and the redout paytiein two equal installment* in one and twoars evidenced by the note* of the purlaeerheartn* internet trow date and secured' a .deed of truat on the property and ifera te a eattcUet iwonnt realised fromla ante to pay said debt and ether cuhwen the undivided half Internet of Jt. J.e»l ion ts antd property wlM not be sold,herwiae the tee eimpte aetata in eald propty will bo eold upon the term* above inMtad.»There is a very rood dwelltnr boose on Uri*operty. end eatd property con *o be cut urd.wh-diaided.a* to.make.a nuwbee at.ddenee lafe. n t(«.) "Claw"B-fl" briny lot* Ko. 1. K. 3. 4d 5. .Section Mo. 03. of the Metrodi Landnrpany and bounded- and deecrlbrd ae fol-

we: », |."BBGIJOflKO et a point on the Soul hoantrner of Maroar Avenue and 19lh Street.W ; thane* with Mercer Avenue 8. 70 d.trruin. SO. sec. K 253 fret In a point onme; thence 8. IS dec 68 win. 40 ere. W.t» feet to an alley: thence with said alley70 dew 1 mla 80 sec. W. 253 feet to 10threel; thence with lfuh Street. M. 13 decI mtn 40 aec. E. 130 feet to the place oftGlNMllrf''terms or sale: Thew lots will be ofred separately on the terwa of 5700.00 ea*hr lot and the residue payable in two equalnuel iaetathneaU in one and two year*ideuced by the notes of the purchaser orirchasar*. bearln* Interest from date andcured bp a deed of trust aa the property,ley will then be offered, a* whole upona terms of 91000.00 cwh end the residueThese lots ant all vacant, except. there itUM* on the itlr of said Iota Ko. 4 mil». A. 'I(? ) Tha parcel of proptHr is known in thecord aa "B T" and la bounded and derlbe<7 a* follow*:"BEGINNING at a point on the B eld*, ofh Street. X. W.; (which la 42A feat East oftrh Street) 100 feat North of Sbeuandonh 1renoc; ihence with aald 4th Street N. SOV. 10 mln. b. AO feet to a point on aaaae: <men8. 00 the 54 oaln. B. 100 teat to a Idiitr tbenoa 17SO da*. 10 mln. W. AO feeta point; theoco N Off de« AO mln. W. lOO Iat to the begin*rxo"Tha undivided half Intareat of T. F. *mison, decern«d. In aald property, will ftratoffered upon tha tenfce for a eufflotentnount to par off the debt of Ada C. Boaslmlnl*<ratnx. of E. D. Boaa. demised.arvununr io 11000 00 principal, and Ik*tereat th-reoo amounUnjr to about 5200 00id the tana reported arainrt eald propertyid It* t>ro rata part of the eoata of .thle tollid aale. and the pulilm In two eftual annualirmeote to be evidenced by the note* of thetr liaaar bearlna Intareat from date andcured by a "deed of truet on the propertyid df the aaid imdlvtded half Internet ofV Jamison in Am property dooe not arilr a sufficient amount to pay off tha abovenount than the IN simple aetata In saidoparty wtU be offered upon the terms tor*h «i fAdent to pay off tha above amountsid the residue upon the terms above Indi- .ted »There la a larre cooart* stable on thisoperty which Is now occupied by As South-uExpress Ci mpany.(BH "Class b-ll." consisilnc of lot% Noe.2 3. 4. 5. B. 7 and «. Section No." *».confine to the map of the Melrose Landompany and bounded and deecrtbed as fol->wa:,BEGINNING at a point on the Southeast)mcr _p( 18th Street and Mercer Avenue:lence with Mercer AvenuS 8. "ft dec. 1 mln. ,0 BSC. a. 408 feet to 17th Street; thence S. 1

3 day. 58 mln 40 sec. W. 1.70 feel to anlley: Ihence with said ajley N 402 feet toNth Street; thence with 18th Street N. 13»* 58 mui. 40 sec. E. ISO feet to the BEINKING "

(0.) "B-12«" consistma of Lota Nos IS andI. Section No. 0O of the Melrose land Comany and hounded and described as follows;"BEGINNING at a point on the N. side ofUurnton Avenue 102 feet from the Northestcorner of Steuntoa Avenue and 17th1root; thence alone Staunton Avenue N. 70sy. 8 tnin. W. 100 fret to a point on same;lence N 13 dry. 58 mln. 40 sec. E 140 feelan alley; thence alonr said alley 8. 7ft de*.mln. E. 100 Jeet to a point on same: thence13 dec 58 nun. 40 sec. W. 140 feet to theeginning." iAll oi Mlil loU IK ttret to be aold eepatrlyTERMS OF SALS: Said lota No*. 1. 2. 3.6. 6. 7 and 8. Section No AO. npbn thefmi of 8125 00 rath per lot and loU No*.I and 14. Section No. 80. tipon the termir 8175 00 atah per lot and the re -.due purale In one and two year* endcnetrj by theilea of tht^purchaeer beartnc Intereet fromate and eecured by a deed of truat on theroperty and then aa a whole upon the termi1 81.S50.0O ca»b and the residue upon the,rrn* above Indicated. Allof the foreyutny fiota are vacant. r*»ptthe rear of Lot No. 1 Section No. AO. |.»rre la a dairy atable with servant* quar-.*» '

Hujrh M. Moomaw and A. B. Coleman.-wcial oommiwlonft at the tame ftme aridlane will offer the parrel known In the«eord a* -BIS" beinr the weitem. half ofot No. II. Section "C."' Rorrrv Fairfax &>oa*ton addition, and bounded and describeda follow*:BEGINNING at a point on the N. dde ofbenandoah Avenue iOO feet K of Park Nirret: thence tn a nor h"rly direction 130_et to an aTOy ihencc In an ea«terly dlric-on with oaid alley 25 fert to a point, thencei a eoutherly direction ISO feet to the norihde of Shenandoah Avenue; thence withbenandoah Avenue tn a westerly direction5 fert to the BEGINNING "

TERMS OF SAEE Siooonn ..*.h aad thetridue payable in twu equal inatatlmenta Inno 'and* two- yr.ira,~ rildriiiett hy the, nolrxf lha. purrhaecr bearing intornt from dalef aalc ancl aecurrd by a deed of truat ot|Ue propertyThere i* a dwelling houae on thli lot. tAt the aaror time and place James f).nhn*ton and E W Potndexler aa SpecialomtniiMonrn will offer what la knuwit1 'he record ae "B 14 " briny the EasternAM.of.bet.f*tr:.11. Section."C^*~ oT *Chl.orer* Fairfax A Houatnn Addition »wtounded and described a* follow*:' BEGINNING at a point on the N. «ld«f Shenandoah Avenue. N W .. 10.3 fuel B ofark Street: thrnco with Shenandoah Avenue1 an Easterly direction 25 feet to a point;hence In a Northerly direction between parlM Jinea 130 fee* "

TERMS OF SAlfE: fHOO 00 caah and \hereidue payable in" twos equal payment* Inne and two year* to be evidenced by theotes of the purchaser branny Interest from&V* of sale and secured by a deed of tru»tn the property.. IThere i< a dwellinr house upoo thi* lot. |A. B. Coleman, a* 9pecial Comml*-loner and I

Yustre. aft the time and place above Indl- Iatod will offer tor sale the parcel knowni the record a* "B 10." which consists of(Ota No. 9 and No. 10 Section No «3 andotrnded and deerribed a* follows:'BEGINNTNtf at a point- on the Northwestorr.er of Staunton Arenue and 10th Streetr. W.; thence with Staunton Armue S 70trf. 1 mln 20 tec E 103 fast to,a pointn same; thence N. 13 dec 58 mm 40 sec1. 140 feet to an alley: lhrn<* with said alleyr 70 dec 1 mln. ^0 sec W 102 feH to lpthtreet. thence S 13 do* 38 mln 4*0 soc. W4« feet to the BEGINNING ."He will also offer whet is known In thesrord a* 'P 17 which is » v« 1' "

toft No. A3 of the Metro* umd -Companynd houmM id denetibol follow*;"HEGINNING at point of the N. aidef Staunton Aeenue IOC feet E. of 19lhtreat; thence 8 70 dec 1 nun. CO, *e<\ B.IO feet to point on une; thence M. 13 dec.8 nun. 40 eee. T. 140 feet to ho alley- '

honor with "aid alley N 7« dec. 1. mini COsc. W 50 feet to a point on name; thence13 dec. 38 mln 40 eec W 140 feet to the1


The abore named three lot* will .be *oldor eaehfs and ahould they not brine "a aufft-lent anfmint to pay off a bond for $i 400 00,rlth Interest thereon from the . day of ..818 and the ta*e« on tald lou and thero rata part of thU eutt and tale, thenha aaid A R Coleman ell offer for ea*h«t No 15. Section No <>3. <K the MstrowAnd Company beionftnc to A J Jamison foretlffician't arnount #hlrh when added tdha proccoda. of She sale of -awfr'Tni* Noa> 9.O and 11. Section M to pa* off aaid debtnd other charres and tbe, residue payable tn

wo-equal paynaenta in one and two year*eldeneed by tha notea of the puwrhaarr boar-»C Internal from data of aale and aeruredy a deed of target unlea* tare lot No. i'l.re*Ion No. 03. ha* been wild to aatlafy antherdebt hereinbefore mentioned and turnernitM the taid A. J. Jamison will takedeanlac*of the prvrtalon in aaid decree ofpledlber 53. 1818 by whlefl ha may reowe aaid lot No. 12. -Seetloo No. A3, frontale under.. tha dead <\ trust aecurtnc "bald1.400 OO. A

. WIThara U a dwalllnc hew en Lot No #.g.-A-naT«

< ' ".

* »

- ' " * " *<i 'I

: .'A;v/v-';* '":'v

I One MillionI Dollars OveiI - Roanoke 'a subscriptions to the J

exceeded its allotment by ONE MIL:

HI record of which all Ro&nokers are JuThis bank's quota wy $837,0

placed through it amounted to $ir2aKThis generous response is most

use this medium of expressing our hthe patriotic cooperation of the Bafriends in so loyally answerlng.our C

I--:' First NationaROANOKE, VIRGIN

A RECORD OF;GDeposits.

March 7, 1916 ,...$457,741.3*March 5, 1917 ....... 682,022.1!March 4, 1918 808.395.KAugust 31, 1918 824,074.1October19, 1918 982,508.4'We ere proud of this record end gratefu

made It possible.Business Invited on terms ot mutual


THREE TIMES"Over the Top"

We sold ovor IfO.OOS Worth of Libertywhich wu more then three times our slU

We want to thank our friends and patrtthe oohle werfc they have dona

It takes the mon'tie keep the Hun on tti! Johnnie *et yourvgdn, 'oause Uncle Sam h

the mon*. ,¥

Liberty National Bai116 W. Campbell Ave. "Grow Witt

!" MONEY"AT LEG$ 20.00, Interest5 60.00, Interest5100.00, InterestYou can repay a loan in any month

your convenience. Loans made on all kin

^VIRGINIA SECURITY19Va Campbell Avenue,

Phone 875.

Lot No. 10. Section No. S3. te rvknl. j tloo 0*3. *<Jvaeo A. near aid Rrrfitl Parkin*. *hn L»i«t r^mi

wcrs appointed Special Commissioners for Iht I. TERMSpurpose under said" decmer will offer for sale offered nopbjr public auction at tba front door of the «t*h par 1Court House Of the County of Roanoke (Sit- equal aatvleml. Virginia on Friday, the 13th,,ijey of No- years. ert<ei-mber. lftlR, at 1*3:00 o'clock, noon of cbaaer. bethat day iho following described real estate sale and iof whi.-h the late T. F. Jamison died, seised property,and poesee-ed altuated on the South aide of whole. up<Roanoke Klrer near Salem and known In the balanclhl« record as parcel "A-l" and bounded ai.d Iha reapecdescribed a* foUotrs. according to a recent Court,surrey made by Smith. Bradford A Com- Utren u

piny: of October(1st.) "BEGINNING el a point or the

Easterly aide of Eddy Avenue 410 feet North- SP*erly from tbe Nor.heasl comer of Eddy Aveihi~-and Front Avenue: lhenoe alorijt EddyAvenue N. 07 dec 55 mln. E 83 /eel Co apoint on the Southerly id<le ,of en olxl ro^td; ». *- Jthencealone the hl«h bank of the «»ld Old Court forroad S 31 dec 15 mln K 100 Bit 4<«et to a h-reby cerpoint on same: thence S. AT dec 35 mln. W.'decree, of115 foot, mora or le»*. to tha comer of a lot decree aboowned by Sforan r therim atrmr the line of the f before me.lot of .the said JJoran 30 dec W. *100 fret

. T*n. uto the BEOINJONO." : * ~."..jo* Oetohet

(2nd,)."'BEGINNING at a point on the [Northerly side of Front Avenue 0OO feet East- .

erly of the Northeast comer of Kddy Avenue pand Front Avenue: thence N. 67 dec. 55 mm !ja- ttiFK 475 feet, more or less, to the Southerly ciTY Oid' of aiwold road: thence alone the South- nv ,^rn.rly side of the old road 9 3V doc. 15 ntin. ovrth vB. 105 feel to a point; Ihcrroe 9 01 dr* 36min. W. 457.52 feet to a point on the North navir? uier.y atde of Front Avenue N 3d dec. VT. 165 ^.K^~feet to the BEGINNING." i_TF.RM3 OF SALE: One-third ca«h and J?!a" * !

residue payable in one anil two years, to be Jevidenced by notes of purchaser bearmg In- _^L_,TT* *

teresi from date of atle and si-cured by deed s_ntof trust oo the. property. .. ..


The aforestUd. Commissioners will bo clad In wtiUjicto rive any further Information conoernlnc that the »ith» torecolnc deacribed property. fifteen daGiven under our bauds .Hub the 17th dhy of .noti.p. ia.October. 1018. and do *


Sp*m.ii Omtuisdoncm 'the ' WOBHORACE M FOX in the Cit]and EVERETT PERKINS four (4i

Special Commust onar*. bo postedJ. C. MARTIN. |bou<e of lSpecial Comml»dun«r and Truitae. IT 19 1

A. 0. COI.RMAN, of said oiSpecial Comml -stoner and Trustee. I with mail

H. M. MOOMAW I the dafecKand > B. COLEMAN: 'place of iSpecial Commliilonar* land tbe i


"Specie! Oommi«alonerrI. R. J. Weteon C.ark to tba Corporation

Court (or the City ot Roonoke. V inrlnm. do f*. H. Halhereby certify thet~ the above ntuml Com^, 10-17-4muwoncra and Truatoee liar* executed beforemn'the bond required of them by Mid decreewith «ectrrUy epproved by me. nniirr

Olren under my bend Ihli the 17th dey wUWriof October.,1918

R J. WATSON.Clerk of the Corporation Court for the Cityof Roennke. Vlrytnle.

RIrhmn. V. ao>Kfi n. A. It CbURAS, Adaeiele- Met hod 11

trauw a. L Of T. r. Jand .oil M el*. t mees onBy rtrtu# end In puranenae of e decree i ,m( hiof the Corporetloo Court lor the Cliy of e*mw+rRodnoke. VlrfUil*. entered la the abor^ style.! h' .h. ,e%o*e .Iherme pendtn*. on the SSrd dey ofSeptember. 1!»1« the anderst*n*d. who ware JJ**- ^by »»ld decree appointed ap«dal commit Mlaaourltoners for lh« purpoa# end Roy B Smith m'm" utrustee. * wall will offer for sole, by public s» '*rucuon. »t th* front door of the Corpora meelWon Ormrt for tha City of Rbenohc.. Vlrytnla. Tllle.(Mu'dctpil Butl'bn*. CentpbeU Arennr fronti.J BishoT/vi Raierdey. Nonnbw lbs lMk. IBM. et mrrftni?Twelve O'clwek, Nass, ef the* dey. the follow Bishop*in* doa-rtb d rrsl estate. kuqwi eo Parcel on vOVe1HJ5- tn sold suit, end eltheteSkod betnc tu p«.«n in,iThe City of Roanoke. Vtrftwn, end bounded " ,ndend described ea follows:

iBRorSNlNO at e point on the i4outhwe-t Prunelcor.ier of Corroll Avenue and ISth Street. ?*r .?it Wv. vhrnce etna* the line ef lltih Street H.13 do* 5b min. 40 ee«. W. ISO feet to en <>ffleer* Ielley 1 thcooe with eoid elley K. 70 dcg. .1 A Vnl<mui. SO aec W SM feet to « peent; thence esreltemH 13.deer 58 add. 4d eec. R. lit mi to Prueeii



r *1

. *|


ourth Liberty Loan \ ;LION DOLUUU8, a

Btly proud. -

>00.00 robacriptions B "

>,860.00. 1* 'BInrmtifv-rn rr ;a*mI wa'

dgh appreciation of Enk's customers aiwilountry's call. C

L Bank 1 iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMinniiuiii'ipfS_ *

iROWTH JReaourcea.> $ 845,896.59I ' 1,101,894.473 1,275,020.88r \ 1,310,341.807 1,4.10,889.70>1 to our trl«nda who haro

advantage. ,1


' » immmmmmmmmmmammmm ».a.i..'

Bond*.XmenL %j jt-(«for

> run; ;M got aduZl

- m li- j j i3

tL rates -i ]$1.00 w, JM$3.50 a$3.50 3

ly installment that suits £ids of personul property. V jT( COMPANY fiWest. I J

i .. i. » *

xmnUnjr to the Map of th*. M«lro«tM*yOr SALS.The** Iota wll] So firstirately upon the term* of flSOOO Jot. and the residue parable to twoual taalalltnenu ui ooo and two Jfenced by tho note* of the piur- _attni Internet from the <tv ofenured br .» deed of truet on the '

They will then bo offered ae a «m the term* of SOOO.lM) cash, and -jpayable aa above Indicated. And )Uva bida will be reported to the

mdrr our hande title the 16th dir. 181S- I SOT D. SMITH,del Commi««iotuT and Truetep.


Waleon. Clark of lb* Corporationthe City of Romioke. Virpnla. uOUfy that the bond required by aaldaaid Special CommlMioner* by therebaa been duly executed by ' t.imA -nruler my hud Uus the ltth day>^1918. ..' ..~3£jR J WATSON. Clem.


ELL, Defendantect at this rait I* to obtain a <Amculoaatrtmoaii from the k(n-'be rround* of deeertion. And Mlariny been made and tiled by ttv«itthat the defendant U not a red*i# State of Vlrrlnia. and" that- »at<fit harlny made application tbemfor :IT IS THKRETORB "ORMRfcDaid DAVID BEL.C. do appear. wtthutys after due pubKatijon of tblahat ia neeoaeary to prole.A hia ia> thissuit. And tt ia further Oft.tat a copy hereof be published u* J.I.D NEWS" a'newtapaper pubUabedr of Roanoka Vt. onde a weak fo#auoee.<atr« week., and that a copt,at the front door of the oourt,hi«City oa the next Rule day.fCRTHER ORDERED that a copydor of publication ahall be forthwlhy tbn Clerk of thla Court tolant at bia Ian known addreaa or *

bode, aa shown in aaid application,naillnf and poaliny ahall be duly» lAi'ri Clrrk a/YVrnHn- l«> * .

r.TKBTl: ...

a j watson OAHi S S BftOOKS. Dopuv CV.I-*iMton. p. q.



CHANGED TO PEC. 4 .1ond. Oct. II.TH* Virgint*it Confaranca. acheiulod twNovember II tn ChAH«tt'»» . 1

ia been po»tr>on«<1 until Da- a4 according to ward raca!*"* aIt. Rev. Coll'nd Dennv. at thla :»m Bishop E. R, HendrtX. «f ~S. wb« > in eharga of arraVijrae <H»r tha conreranc*. Ian known it lha praaant tlm% IIinK wtlt ba held tn Charlottaa- Jl

i r>cnny *t(N» that thaof tha Method tut Coli«f« "twhich#m to hnvt W«4i h«i"t fllmher 1. In Shravrpt.ri. Ml. ha* »; I Innltaly >oatporurfl. 'I I

M ' Ian 'Minister (»i nr» prop*-,Hint).Our1 kw|ti ara «n»r»»- ! !t* t Wa hav« toat t»r Uwaftthan Um» niwr. . dHw.UtH what about *wp wm.. ; Han'">«lat4t»r.m*t 1u know1 that 'humnW ' ba»nun »,« 1i a.t-f; a Unutaomaf-fl'+»».n.g/