way back in the mists of time ……. the fall of angels

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Way back in the mists of time Slide 2 The Fall of Angels www.abcgallery.com/R/rubens/rubens106.html www.abcgallery.com/R/rubens/rubens106.html Slide 3 Common Themes? Striving for understanding Thirst for Knowledge Quest for Truth Guilt Desire Control Slide 4 The Devil and the Angels Christian, Hebrew and Islamic tradition Mediaeval Christian theology: 9fold hierarchy serving God: arranged in 3 choirs seraphim and cherubim the highest and the archangels being the second to lowest: above angels. Mediaeval theologians obsessed with whether a million angels may not sit upon a needles point (1638: William Chillingworth; Religion of Protestants) The Devil : personification of evil - from devel (ME), dofol (OE), from diabolus (Latin) from the Greek diabolos slanderer. Slide 5 Pre-Christian mythology Star myths Greek Babylonian Muslim Hebrew Slide 6 Satan Early Christian development. Prefigures and postfigures Lucifer?? I saw Satan fall like lightning Luke 10:18 Worship me and I will give you the whole world. Matthew 4:9 Precosmic Fall Slide 7 Lucifer Mediaeval development O Lucifer, son of the morning. (Isaiah) 1 of the archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer, Raphael, Uriel I will be like the Most High. (Isaiah) Cast out of Heaven for Pride by Michael. 1/3 of angels sided with him and fell with him to Hell. zoee.20fr.com/satanfall.html zoee.20fr.com/satanfall.html You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendour. (Ezekiel) Slide 8 Mephistopheles Early modern development First appears in Renaissance: Praxis Magia Faustiana 1527 German Faustbuch 1587 Post-Enlightenment Devil: the spirit of denial (Parker, 2006) Early modern ironic consciousness (Parker, 2006) Thinkst thou that I, who saw the face of God And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprivd of everlasting bliss? (Doctor Faustus 1.3 79-82) Slide 9 The crafty shape shifter Good or Bad? Politician Machiavellian Odysseus the classic hero Ambiguity Conflict Slide 10 Scores on the doors EEBO 1400-1700 keyword search Devil 133556 hits 10328 records Satan 66306 hits 5946 records Lucifer 4655 hits 1678 records Mephistopheles 0 hits Slide 11 Mephistopheles: The man behind the Horns Slide 12 Mephemology Origins of the word Mephistopheles There are several meanings of the name. Some argue that it stems from the Greek words Me meaning Not, Phos meaning Light and Philos meaning Lover. One could also argue that the word stems from Hebrew using the word for liar Mephiz and the word for destroyer Tophel The Latin word Mephitis is another possibility as it means He who is the worst type of help This can also be linked with the Greek word Anopheles which means, the reverse of help. Interstingly Anopholes is the term of a genus of mosquito. This has connotations of a figure that draws blood from man? Slide 13 Satan or Servant? Marlowes Representation In Marlowes play, Lucifer is a separate character to Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles plays the role of the messenger and servant of Lucifer. In act 2 scene 3 Mephistopheles calls Lucifer as Faust begins to doubt the pact and looks toward redemption. One can see in this scene that Mephistopheles is one of the servants of the devil, who has been assigned to corrupt Faust. One could argue that Mephistopheles is portrayed in Marlowes play as a form of companion to Faust. He is the mediator between Lucifer and Faust which differs to Goethes version. There is a sense that Marlowes Mephistopheles is more of a one dimensional character in contrast to Goethes Mephistopheles. Slide 14 Satan Or Servant? Goethes Representation Mephistopheles first appears in the Prologue in Heaven on equal footing to the figure of God. I am by no means worried for my bet In the prologue we see Mephistopheles striking a wager with God. There is a greater sense of authority shown by Goethes Mephistopheles. There character of Lucifer does not appear in Goethes Faust. The character of Mephistopheles is the highest sinful power in the text, which in turn adds greater dimensions to his part in the play. We see individual conflicts without a mediating role which is witnessed in Marlowes Faust. Slide 15 Who was Mephistopheles? First to join Lucifer during the rebellion against God at the beginning of time? - Mephistopheles was the second to fall after Lucifer? An angel who assisted God in the creation of the universe? - He was known for the designing of ocean mammals. Slide 16 Definition? The name Mephistopheles itself has no presence in the Bible Was thought to have been first created by the author of the original 'faustbook Arguably has no meaning... Slide 17 Greek/Latin Greek : Me Fausto Philos Latin :Ne Fausto Filius Slide 18 Hebrew In hebrew the 'phos' part could mean light, making 'me' 'phos' 'philos' > 'not' 'light' 'lover' 'Destroyer of the Good' Mephiz = liarTophel = destroyer Slide 19 Burton Russell that the name is a purely modern invention of uncertain origins makes it an elegant symbol of the modern devil with his many novel and diverse forms Slide 20 Mephistopheles in popular culture In Marvel comics. Mefisto by Irish writer John Banville. The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad - papier-mache Mephistopheles