waters of life 2013jul03

1 HEALING NEXUS with KATHY WILSON WATERS OF LIFE & SOUND HEALING Interview with TYHSON BANIGHEN For accompanying sound file click here Kathy Welcome everyone to our Wednesday night Dowsing Call and this is Kathy Wilson of Healing Nexus and I’m coming to you from Toronto, Canada. We have on our call tonight, our guest Tyhson Banighen, who’s coming to us from Tappen, BC. Tyhson is a licensed sound coach and spiritual healer. He works with a number of sound healing modalities, as well as a number of other healing modalities. This is the fourth time Tyhson, having you on the call. I absolutely love having Tyhson because he’s so eclectic and he has such a wide range of knowledge in terms of subtle energy. All right. Tonight what we’re talking about is the Waters of Life and Sound Healing. Our title is What Is In Your Voice Is In Your Life. So Tyhson, I’m going to let you roll in on your own here. Tyhson Well good evening everybody, it’s a great pleasure to be back on a call and getting an opportunity to share what I find very exciting and that is sound healing. This is something dear to my heart. The beauty of sound healing is that sound can’t be grasped by the intellect or the rational mind and therefore it can bypass analysis that we’re so used to and want to do with our intellect to figure things out. And therefore, sound can go to the collective and the unconscious aspects of our being and work at that level. As you know, we’re surrounded by sound. We’re almost overwhelmed by sound and by vibrations. In fact, the whole frequencies that we’re enshrouded with, there are 1,750 or more man-made frequencies that are interrupters to our bio-system or bio-frequencies. So, we have a real job to try and maintain our energy, our bio-system - which are frequencies or a collection of frequencies - at a level that we can maintain our health and maintain our well-being. So that’s what this call is about.

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Waters of Life


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    HEALING NEXUS with KATHY WILSON WATERS OF LIFE & SOUND HEALING Interview with TYHSON BANIGHEN For accompanying sound file click here

    Kathy Welcome everyone to our Wednesday night Dowsing Call and this is Kathy Wilson of Healing

    Nexus and Im coming to you from Toronto, Canada. We have on our call tonight, our guest

    Tyhson Banighen, whos coming to us from Tappen, BC. Tyhson is a licensed sound coach and

    spiritual healer. He works with a number of sound healing modalities, as well as a number of

    other healing modalities. This is the fourth time Tyhson, having you on the call. I absolutely love

    having Tyhson because hes so eclectic and he has such a wide range of knowledge in terms of

    subtle energy. All right. Tonight what were talking about is the Waters of Life and Sound

    Healing. Our title is What Is In Your Voice Is In Your Life. So Tyhson, Im going to let you roll in

    on your own here.

    Tyhson Well good evening everybody, its a great pleasure to be back on a call and getting an

    opportunity to share what I find very exciting and that is sound healing. This is something dear

    to my heart. The beauty of sound healing is that sound cant be grasped by the intellect or the

    rational mind and therefore it can bypass analysis that were so used to and want to do with

    our intellect to figure things out. And therefore, sound can go to the collective and the

    unconscious aspects of our being and work at that level. As you know, were surrounded by

    sound. Were almost overwhelmed by sound and by vibrations. In fact, the whole frequencies

    that were enshrouded with, there are 1,750 or more man-made frequencies that are

    interrupters to our bio-system or bio-frequencies. So, we have a real job to try and maintain

    our energy, our bio-system - which are frequencies or a collection of frequencies - at a level

    that we can maintain our health and maintain our well-being. So thats what this call is about.

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    How do we work with sound to deal with those aspects of our being that have not been

    resolved? That could be a trauma, it could be from this lifetime, past lives, it could be any

    unresolved issues, it could be anything and everything that no longer serves us thats ready to

    be cleared from our system. And the beauty as I say about sound is it just allows that to happen

    in a very gentle yet profound way. It clears out what no longer serves you and allows you to be

    more in your truth and what I say is, well thats your soul song so let it sing. So this is what

    were talking about tonight. The website that has the information that Ive collected around

    this particular techniques Im using is the Sacred Soul Sounds and it talks about particular

    sound modalities.

    Of course the first question that Im sure you would ask is So if I did a sound healing with you

    Tyhson, what could I expect? Why would I even bother to do this? Well, some clients can

    experience deep relaxation, others are relieved of aches and pains, others become less

    sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, some have better acute clarity in the mental realm,

    some have greater energy and flexibility, some experience accelerated self healing, some

    experience heightened levels of energy, some others enhanced vitality, others improved

    functions increase their creativity and awareness, some experience rejuvenation, some greater

    strength and endurance and a release of trauma, and what no longer serves us. So those are

    some of the things you could expect that others have had from this experience.

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    Kathy Tyhson, most of us look at sound healing as though its drumming, or toning, or maybe its just

    a meditation tape, or matching certain vibration to cells to help shift them. So how is this


    Tyhson Well I think thats a good question. I use a number of different modalities. One of the ones, the

    purest and simplest is to sit beside you, youre in a chair, Im in a chair, were about three feet

    away from each other and I just tone a semi-tone. A semi-tone is like an overtone. So I go to my

    most comfortable note which is somewhere around a middle C and I go up one vibrational

    frequency so that it starts to have overtones. Its more like putting the tongue on the top of

    your mouth and toning more through your nose so it has a bit of a nasal ring to it, and then

    overtones start to happen. I start at the crown chakra with the same tone and come down

    through the chakras the different aspects of the body, until I notice that the note shifts and

    when the note shifts, I say alright then, whats happening in that part of your body, whats the

    story about why that note has shifted. Usually theres a story behind it, theres some trauma or

    something going on. We dont necessarily need to figure out what it is, but usually its pretty

    straight forward. The person usually gets it and has words around it or memories. And then

    using the same tone, if I sit and direct that tone at that part of the body that has the different

    tonal quality to it and I just tone, the two cannot coexist. In other words, the trauma or the

    unresolved whatever it is, the compressed sound, or whatever has caused the compressed

    sound shifts and lets go and you have a release of that original trauma from whatever source

    thats in your body. So thats one of the simplest, fastest, cleanest ways to do sound healing.

    You dont need any equipment except your voice. It works magic with people, it helps them

    make big shifts and they dont have to know what it is, why it is, or how it works, it just

    happens. So thats one technique.

    The other technique that Im talking about tonight is Quantum Sound Therapy, the Voice

    Analysis Hydration System (VAHS). Its not a pretty name, but basically its on the basis that

    whats in your voice is in your life. So the way this works is we take a sound sample of your

    voice, its about a 15 second sound sample and the magic words are not abrakadabra, theyre

    actually just toning the vowel sounds. Its Bay-Bee-Bi-Bo-Boo, Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho-Hoo and I get you

    to repeat that until I have the necessary sound file. That file is then processed via a program in

    a computer and then generates a graph that looks at whats happening from the point of view

    of your chakras. So you can see your root chakra all the way to the crown chakra, you can see

    which ones have more energy than the other, you can see it whats happening in the physical

    realm is the first set and the second one beside it is whats happening in the emotional realm,

    the next one beside that is whats happening in the mental realm, the next one across from

    that is the spiritual realm and the last one is future potentialities. And while these names are

    sort of arbitrary, another way of thinking about it is theyre just shells of the auric field so the

    one that is the future is really the waves of the energy that youre creating in your life that

    havent yet manifested into the physical. So they give you pointers of what energy is coming

    your way from the thoughts, words and deeds and actions that youre generating on a daily

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    basis on how you react emotionally to the events that come up in your life as you create your

    own world.

    So as they become denser as they get closer into your physical body, they manifest into the

    physical realm and you have the experience that your soul wants you to have in order to have

    the necessary learning to move through and achieve your soul song or your soul path, or the

    reason why you incarnated this time around. So taking this voice imprint and analyzing it,

    looking at it, you can get some indication of whats going on. Then its produced into a 32

    minute sound file that you then get to listen to once a day. The sounds are generated in a way

    that anything thats in your field that no longer serves you, the sound from the cd vibrates

    through your being, through your bio-energy field, and like toning, it disrupts or shatters that

    tone or that sound inside your body and you let it go.

    Kathy Could you give an example of a session? An example of someone whos come in, obviously no

    names please, just someone whos come in and what youve discovered and what the results

    have been.

    Tyhson Well I sort of call it like climbing Jacobs ladder. If you come in, and my job as a sound coach is

    that you would come onto my website and say this is pretty neat, I want to have a 15 minute

    orientation coaching session with Tyhson. So you would sign up and we would have a

    discussion about, you know if you could wave a magic wand where would you want to be, what

    would you be doing? Are you going to write a best seller, are you going to be a speaker, you

    know, whats the greatest vision that you have for yourself. And I help you then encapsulate

    that holistically in your minds eye through taking you for a guided meditation. I then help you

    paint it with emotions because without emotions theres no gas in the tank, theres nothing to

    drive the intention that you create in your minds eye, that picture. Put those two together and

    you have manifestation. So thats my job, is to get the highest vibration in your voice so when

    you do say Bay-Bee-Bi-Bo-Boo, we get this highest benchmark thats possible. What that means

    is when you listen to your cd, anything thats not at that new benchmark that weve created,

    must come out of your field because its the laws of physics that the dominant vibration always

    wins whether its the good, bad or the ugly. The strongest vibration will always carry the day.

    So that strong vibration means that all that is lesser than that new vibration will automatically

    come out of your field. And like I say, sometimes it can be in a night sweat, it can be in a

    memory, it can be sitting on the john more often than normal, it can be all of the above, none

    of the above. It depends on how you release trauma and how quickly you can let it go. So an

    ordinary session is really that, its about a 15-20 minute discussion, a guided meditation, a

    recording of the sound that gets processed and then the magic also works but Ill just pause

    here for some questions that you may have and then were going to talk about the other part

    which is the structured water.

    Kathy Ok, I was going to ask you that about the water and how is that connected to the sound healing


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    Tyhson Well the water is Dr. Masaru Emotos water. People know Emoto and his work with taking

    images of water that has been flash frozen and then looking at the crystalline structure and

    being able to see the magic. It just looks like a snowflake. So the example in his book, he uses a

    water sample from Tokyo Harbour which looks like a blob. It really doesnt look very pretty and

    it is really pretty yucky when its flash frozen. Then he does a prayer over it and sends it love,

    then he flash freezes it again and now he has perfect symmetry in the water. So the Water of

    Life has the magic to work with humans as one of the Elemental forces. Its one of the most

    powerful forces that we have at our disposal because were 70% water and in certain parts of

    our body were even 80% water, including our brain and our bones.

    So the fastest way to change who you are, the fastest way to heal yourself is to put intent

    into the water you drink, so good quality water with intention will change your life. Theres

    nothing faster or quicker that will do it, than good quality structured harmonious water.

    So there are all sorts of questions that come up around that Well then how Tyhson do you do

    that? Well the easiest way that Dr. Emoto talks about is you take say a pickle jar, a gallon

    container, and you fill it with the water that comes from your tap. Ideally if you have a funnel,

    run it through a funnel because as soon as the water has been in the tap, it had to go through a

    pipe. Living water has a vortex in it its vortexian. A straight pipe takes the vortex out. When

    water has no vortex, its dead. It has no structure to it.

    So essentially most people are drinking dead water.

    Dead water is grey water thats been recycled by the processing plant which carries all the

    memory of everybody who drank it before, all the medications that everybody took, and all the

    trauma of everybody upstream thats also drank the water and peed it out, or flushed it down

    the toilet. The water has to go through one hydrological cycle. It has to be evaporated, go into

    the clouds, come down as rain and go through a stream (vortexian action) in order to be

    stripped of all that memory. So most water that we drink is contaminated not only with

    pesticides and herbicides, but all the memory that no longer serves us both individually and

    collectively as a planet. So by at least running it through a funnel, youre putting a vortex back

    in the water. If you have a crystal like an amethyst, you can put that in there as well and have it

    opening up your third eye and decalcifying the crystals in your third eye. You could also put a

    rose quartz in it to open up your heart chakra, because its really love, the love of the water

    thats going to bring the transformation and change into your body. And then on the outside of

    the container you can put an Om symbol which has all the vibrational frequencies of the

    Universe contained in the vibration of the frequency of the Om symbol so thats a great one to

    download off the internet and put on the side of the bottle. And then you can come up with

    the ones you want to work on. The ones I have in my jar thats in front of me is love, joy,

    harmony, acceptance, balance, prosperity, peace and plenty and Heaven on Earth. So thats

    enough to work on. So thats on the side of the bottle, so all that intention is now going into

    the water. And then when I go to drink it, I do other things with it I stir it, and also if you dont

    have time to do any of this, I mean you should have time to do this at home, but say youre out

    and at a restaurant, at the very least take the glass of water, hold it in your hand, bless it with a

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    995 or prayer, put your energy through the water so it has your intention and your intent to

    take that water down to the molecular level, down to the cellular lever and to bring about the

    hydration and the flushing of the toxins from your body that you need. But thats the simplest


    The more complex is the 1 gallon jar that I talked about and then of course there are other

    things that one can do. The one that I love to do is also is do an invocation to water, and thats

    on my website Energy Detective and youre welcome to download it and if you want to change

    it to suit your own needs thats wonderful and Ill just read it to you. And if you have a pen and

    want to write it down here it is...

    Invocation to Water

    We take this the water of life and declare it the water of Light.

    As we bring it within our bodies it allows our bodies to illuminate.

    As we take this the water of Light we declare it the water of the God I AM.

    I am a Master in all that I AM.

    Thank you.

    Another shorter one which is nice too, is Invocation to the Spirit of Water.

    Invocation to the Spirit of Water

    May you be activated to 100% of your original life force.

    Which is putting that vortex back in it. And of course, its this magical relationship between you

    and the water and the water is the life that brings about the healing of yourself. Alright, back to

    you Kathy and the questions.

    Kathy Ok. This comes in from Sue in PA and she was asking what she should do for herself, in the

    sense that her mother has passed away and its like she has a sadness she cant get rid of.

    Tyhson Well, thats a different type of question, not that this couldnt work on that sort of issue, but

    thats really a clearing of auric space. What happens with loved ones, is our emotional

    attachment to the one that we love thats passed over and the sorrow that we have, literally

    creates a karmic cord or a tie to that being and if that being is still struggling in the sense of

    unexpectedly having to leave the planet, or has unresolved issues, or wants to console the

    daughter or the loved one, there is this energetic cord that is flowing back and forth. The most

    benevolent thing that one can do is bless the ones that you love and allow them to go on their

    path to turn to the light so that they can move on to what their next step is and that you can

    move on to yours. Knowing that theyre always in your heart, but that they dont need to be

    that close to you in an energetic sense because if they are in your energetic field, then it is an

    attachment and is also draining to you and is inhibiting to their growth. So I guess what Im

    saying with love and compassion, release them to allow them to go on their own journey. Now

    you could do a blessing in water, you could do a whole blessing to the water and ask that the

    water remove that trauma, that remembrance, to leave the love for that one thats departed,

    but to remove the trauma by flushing your cells and that would help too. Yah that might work

    really well. So take the glass, hold it in your hands, do a prayer to the water and a prayer to

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    your loved one and ask forgiveness, do a Hooponopono. Say I love you, please forgive me, I am

    sorry and thank you and that will release both you and them. Great question, thank you for

    asking it.

    Kathy The thing with water is we take the water from the tap, and its clean water right, but we dont

    always think about where its come from. We dont always think about how it moves through

    the water cycle and how its probably been somewhere else before its come to us. Its an

    interesting connection.

    Tyhson Yah, it is really really important to take the memory out of the water. You dont want everyone

    elses memory. And by clearing the water and allowing it to go back, even through the grey

    water system that you have down the drain, every blessing you put on it clears the planet and

    the water is the life blood, its the blood of the planet. And so by doing that, youre actually

    helping the planet heal and bring about this new era that weve entered in from 2012. So if

    youre a dowser or youre sensitive, this is really important work. Its as important as clearing

    trauma out of the Earth. Clearing trauma out of the water is equally important. So, to move on

    with these ideas, so what has this to do with doing the sound recording. Well the exciting thing

    when you do this Bay-Bee-Bi-Bo-Boo and we do a voice analysis and we create a cd, we also run

    it through scalar technology which is a coil thats around a noble gas thats sitting inside of the

    coil. The coil creates a zero point. A zero point has all potentiality of past, present and future in

    that zero point. There is a zero point in every one of your cells, theres a zero point in the

    center of the Earth, theres a zero point in the Galaxy, theres a zero point in the Sun. So theres

    zero points all the way up and all the way down. Theyre nested one within the other. So when

    you create this alignment like fractals, or like Ukrainian Dolls one within the other, they can

    speak to each other because they have the same sacred geometry. And so when you create the

    structure in water, it has the same structure, alignment the same as your cells it will talk to

    your cells so your cells will immediately recognize it because it will have the Merkaba signature

    to it which is like the Star of David but third dimensional while rotating. The top rotating

    clockwise and the bottom rotating counter-

    clockwise and in the center is the zero point. Thats

    the same as your cells. Your cell literally sighs, well

    maybe it doesnt, but its like it sighs, it recognizes

    this imprint. It opens up, allows the water to come

    in, it hydrates the cell and flushes the toxins out

    which is where the trauma is locked into your tissue,

    in your muscle mass or your joints and flushes out

    that trauma. Now ordinary tap water is very acidic,

    your body cannot handle acidic water. It doesnt

    recognize the signature. Thats why sometimes when its particularly hot and youre want to drink more and more water and you cant get

    enough, its because your body doesnt recognize the water, it cant hydrate itself. So most

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    people are dehydrated, it doesnt matter how much water theyre drinking, the water is just

    going straight through them and its not penetrating the cells.

    So good quality structured alkaline water is really really important and also with intention like

    we just talked about, if you put that all together and now you have real change and

    transformation that can happen at the cellular level from the inside out. So, your voice

    activates this scalar energy. It excites these noble gases which are the same noble gases in your

    body. Your body hears that soul song, it also vibrates the water crystals and structures them so

    now, the Dr. Emoto structured water now carries your vibration, your intention, your

    frequency, your goals and aspirations. So when you mix this with good quality water and you

    have about 21 days worth of water to drink, you now take this down to the cellular level and it

    does what I just said. It hydrates and flushes the cells with your intention. So thats pretty

    exciting. So now you have sound from the outside in and you have water with your sound

    intention from the inside out and thats what VAHS is all about in a nutshell.

    Kathy How does it affect the individual cell? On your site you were talking about it stops the


    Tyhson Yah, blood can clump up and structured water de-clumps. I know thats sort of a non-technical

    word, but it frees up the electrons so theres space between the cells, between the molecules

    or even electrons and that allows them to not clump up and therefore to flow more easily

    through your system. Most people probably know that an acidic environment in the body,

    which either comes from food or from the water you drink, is a breeding ground for virus and

    cancer and of course any unfinished trauma, any stress creates an acidic environment as well

    and certainly in a high stress life that we lead where youre highly acidic. So eating alkaline

    food, moving away from high protein that is acidic, drinking alkaline structured water, are all

    ways to give your body a break and for you to cleanse and de-clump the blood thats flowing

    through your system and help you get the trauma out by literally peeing it out. Thats what

    youre doing, youre getting it right out of your body. And when you do it, youll actually see

    that, well we dont need to get into technical, but it will really smell as you release the toxins.

    So powerful stuff and its just blessed water, structured water right?

    Kathy So youve got a sound chamber how does that fit in?

    Tyhson Well the sound chamber is what got

    me all excited about this scalar wave

    technology. I was working with a walk-in

    who had created a sound chamber, which is

    one of the five platonic solids, its a

    dodecahedron. The function of a

    dodecahedron, or the beauty of a

    dodecahedron, is when you are around it, it

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    creates perfect pitch. If anybodys studied sound and Im no expert in this area, all of our sound

    even orchestra, the way that we tune all of our instruments no longer has the sacred

    geometry imbedded in the way we tune our instruments so theyre all discordant, theyre not

    harmonic with the life force that I talked about like the nesting of the Ukrainian Dolls. So given

    that, say you were a professional violinist. The closer you got to the dodecahedron by playing

    your violin, the more perfect the pitch would be that you were getting from the violin. In fact,

    you would be astounded even though youre a professional violinist and if you got inside the

    dodecahedron, if it was big enough for you to stand in and the one that I have in my basement

    is big enough to actually get in and lie in, then you have perfect pitch. Now when you have

    perfect pitch with no discordant vibrational frequencies, your body just relaxes. Any high

    quality sound like Hemi-Sync, any well designed music that works on the chakras, any of those

    ones that people are familiar with that have to do with sound healing when you play that in a

    dodecahedron, then you have real perfect pitch. Its quite amazing. So for example, if anybody

    has worked with Tom Kenyon and knows how he tones and he can do four, or I dont know,

    maybe its five octaves he has the most incredible voice and is the most amazing sound

    healer. When youre in the dodecahedron and you start toning, playing his music you could

    swear that you could hit some of the same notes that he does. Why? Because you, he and the

    geometry and the perfect alignment. So you can find the note and hit it and match his. Its

    really amazing to play with.

    So, what I discovered is, when people are in an environment with perfect sound, their body

    goes through three stages. First stage - The body relaxes, decompresses, de-stresses, lets go,

    relaxes. Second stage - The next one the body goes to neutral, it remembers who it is, its

    original blueprint and then at Stage 3 - it starts to reconfigure itself from that original sound

    blueprint which is a frequency. So those three stages help you let go of what no longer serves

    you. So that was happening independent of scalar technology, independent of doing the sound

    files that I talked about. So when Bill Little, who is going to arrive next Monday and I get to see

    him again, arrived with this scalar wave technology and it came through the door and I could

    immediately feel it in my heart chakra in the upper chakras from the throat, the crown, the

    pituitary, I said thats what Ive been looking for to go within the dodecahedron sound

    chamber. So now I brought the two technologies together.

    So its an awesome experience to come here, have an experience in the dodecahedron sound

    chamber. Its now lined with double terminated crystals, so you have a crystalline matrix and

    you get to have that experience of listening to your soul song inside the dodecahedron and

    then we can put Hemi-Sync, like Thunder Beach Chakra Clearing on top, so now you can clear

    your chakras at the same time as youre listening to your own 32 minute sound file. So yah,

    thats one of my toys downstairs that I get to play with.

    Kathy So when someone finishes a session, we know everyone is different, but how long does the

    residual clearing take? Does healing happen over the next month or two, or...

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    Tyhson Yah, you would be drinking the water, like I say you have enough water for at least 21 days and

    you can make it stronger if you want, but if you do it like it is suggested 2 ounces to about 1.4

    litre, then you have enough water to do that 21 days and the 21 days when I do a clearing is

    sort of the magic time, its close to a moon cycle. Actually its probably better to say one moon

    cycle. Its really whats required to let go of what no longer serves you and to re-pattern

    yourself. So it sort of like peels off one layer of the onion and then if youre ready to do another

    one you can climb Jacobs ladder, that takes you up one rung of the ladder, then you do

    another one and climb the next rung and if you really want to do it quicker than that, then

    people come here and they do 4 or 5 sessions in a week and Ive had a person who really

    wanted to open their heart chakra, come and do one new one a day and really you could just

    see their chart change. It was amazing what they were able to do in opening their heart chakra

    and letting go of trauma. So you could do it as fast as you want, or as slow and as comfortable

    as you want. Youre in charge of your own change and transformation. Its up to you if you

    want to make a stronger batch that you drink you can do that. If its too strong youll be on the

    john too long, if you drink it after 9 oclock youll be up on the night shift. But youre in charge

    right, youre in charge of how quick you want to move through and let go of what you dont

    want in your field anymore. So for example you could listen to your cd 3 times a day, or 4 times

    a day.

    Kathy Backing up a bit, how would I know that this would be something that Id like to try?

    Tyhson Thats a good question. If you were a dowser Id say dowse. If you went to my website and had

    a connection to that, or if you phoned me for a 15 minute orientation, or if you came across my

    website like a lady did from England and said Whoa, you know I have agoraphobia. I havent

    left my house in 3 years and Ive come across your site and I intuitively know that this is going

    to help me get the release I want. So I want to work with you. So, I think part of this is because

    were dealing with sound, its a vibrational match. So the vibration in my voice maybe could be

    what you catch on to. It may be the vibration of the colours on the website. It may be whats

    said on the website because every word has a sound vibration. It may all of those, none of

    those. You know it will just feel right to you that this is what you want to do, that this is a path

    for you to explore. That this is a step you want to take.

    Kathy One of the things we were talking about was that technology was leading the way in this

    modality. What did we mean by that when we were talking about that, talking about the

    iphone and...

    Tyhson Oh yah, the exciting thing is that now you can do a sound file through the iphone (any smart

    phone will do). You can book a session with me online, it will tell you when Im available. You

    book it online, we get together, you turn your iphone on, you record the Bay-Bee-Bi-Bo-Boo

    and you immediately send it to me by email. I process it, put it through the scalar wave

    technology, imprint it in the water, produce a cd, pop it in the mail and send it back to you. So

    thats pretty exciting and its very quick. It means you could do it anywhere. You could be

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    traveling anywhere and say Its really time to do another sound session. Let me book a session

    with Tyhson, hell coach me. or you could say Well gee I know how to do this, I know how to

    get into that magic place. I can do the envisioning. Im going to do it. Less expensive so Im

    going to tell Tyhson that Im just going to send a sound file. I dont need to be coached, Ill just

    send him the sound file. Hell process it and send it back to me. So there are variations on the

    theme once you understand how this works, you can then do it for less money and theres, you

    know, theres 4 sessions for the price of 3 and so you can bring the cost down. You dont

    necessarily need to be coached every time.

    My job is to teach you to do this yourself so you can go to that place where youre whole,

    sound and complete and get back to there so you can use that both to strengthen your own

    vibrational frequency and learn to stand in your own truth no matter what. Thats really what

    all my work is about, is helping you learn how to do this on your own and the technology is just

    a way for you to know what it feels like to be clear and what it feel like to be a sovereign being,

    you know, sort of master of your own world. And once you know that, then you know when

    something is entering your field that no longer serves you and then you can work on removing

    it either by doing a deep clearing, or doing a sound session (To schedule an On-line Sound

    Session time with me, click here) or doing whatever modality you feel drawn to clear that

    trauma out of your field so that you can get on to the next step.

    So think of it this way. The more trauma you get out of your field, the more energy you have,

    the more light youre running in the body, the more energy there is in your kundalini, the more

    your upper chakras open up, the more telepathic you become, the more you are on your soul

    path, the more you can receive your guidance, the more connected to Source and the more

    youre helping to clear the trauma on the planet and the quicker we can move into the new era

    that weve crossed that boundary, that event horizon, the 2012 and were into a new world.

    And to be quite frank, for most people that are going through a lot, and most people are, we

    really do have to deal with the unresolved trauma. Now is the time. Its basically, to put it

    pretty strongly, clear your karma or youre basically going to be taken off the planet. The old

    way doesnt work anymore. You cant carry that amount of stress and its only going to get

    more stressful. So the important thing is how to deal with stress, how to get it out of your body

    (trauma) how to stand in your truth, whatever technique that works. And of course, the

    technology is only to help you to learn how to do it yourself. One of my mentors,

    William Baumgartner said, Tyhson, the technology is only to remind your body that you

    already know how to do it. It teaches you the vibrational frequency that you wouldnt know

    without the technology.

    Kathy So heres a thought, is were all one right and when something comes into our lives whether its

    a car accident, or whether somebody cheated us, or whether weve fallen over, this is

    something we call in. And so this is the universally accepted thought pattern is really where the

    masters of destiny called it all in. So what kind of changes have you noticed with this protocol

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    on the individual, but also on the fact that were all one. How far have you seen the ripples in

    the pond going with it.

    Tyhson Well you know I believe that everybody on the planet needs to be coached and my job is to

    help you be the best that you can be. I believe that we are clearing the trauma on the planet

    one person at a time, whether were clearing the trauma thats locked into the land, or the

    trauma thats locked into the water. I cant think of a more important thing to do than to clear

    the planet by clearing ourselves so we can stand in the truth of who we are, so we can

    remember why weve incarnated and what our job is here and what we want to get done, both

    individually, collectively and planet wide. Its time to become a planetary citizen. Its time to

    enter into the Galactic Federation. Its time to stand in our truth. Its time to become one with

    not only our solar system, but with the galaxies and all the species that inhabit it. Its time to

    get the job done. We dont have any more time for what does no longer serves us, its time to

    move beyond that. And if we dont, were going to have a different reality to live in, not that

    theres anything wrong with that, it just will be different and I dont know about you, but I

    dont want any more car accidents. I dont want to learn through pain. I want to learn through

    no fuss, no muss, no analytic couch. I want it to be straight forward, simple. I want it for the

    best possible future for all concerned. I want it to be done with ease and grace. So thats the

    type of world Im asking for. Thats the type of world Im envisioning. And Im hoping that there

    are others that want to join me on this planetary excursion on the Gaia planet as we make this

    solar journey into this new way of being. Im looking forward to that and Im hoping others

    want to join me in this adventure.

    Kathy Do you want to talk a little bit about some suggestions for people?

    Tyhson About what?

    Kathy About sound healing as a way to clear muck and talk about some other things that people can


    Tyhson Yes I think I can. One of the things you can do is go to the Energy Detectives site and theres a

    video there that is a Deep Clearing. You can sign on and download the text and follow along

    and clear your field, clear your house, clear your office, clear your neighbourhood, clear your

    loved ones, clear yourself and learn how to do it. And if you do that for 21 days, youre going to

    be more able to stand in your truth. So thats another thing you can do. Its all for free. Its

    another way to bring about change and transformation in your life. Another one is the sound

    technology that weve just been talking about. Also theres another one that is on the website

    which is a Clearing For The Brain I really like, which I put on my website because the person has

    developed the protocol by looking at the deep clearing one and done one thats connected

    primarily for the mind. So thats beautiful and shes going to do a video as well. So more and

    more theres becoming a network of people that are doing the work to get the job done. You

    can also go to Ramon Graces website. He has a whole group of people that do prayers for

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    water. They work on huge bodies of water. (While attending his course and learning how to

    dowse for the first time we cleared Swan Lake.) Hes one of my primary master teachers and

    during the course we cleared the very body of water beside that we were taking the course,

    Swan Lake, and we could actually dowse and see the shift in the body of the water. So thats

    another way.

    Another technology which is really quite amazing, its expensive

    technology, but its the BioGenesis crystals and its from the

    master teacher (Master Lantos) on the other dimension, which is

    bringing through the Genesis Crystals that are used for taking

    trauma out of the land and I will be fortunate enough that one of

    those crystals will be coming here to be with the dodecahedron

    and be part of the planetary network that will also clear the

    trauma from the planet. So there are all sorts of different

    modalities. Some of them guided by ascended masters like the

    technology that I just talked about.

    The Quantum Sound Therapy (VAHS) from Master Hilarion, its

    been on the planet a number of times before. It takes those that

    want to do the work (of personal and planetary healing) to the leading edge of what theyre

    capable of handling and then new technology and new sound is released and a stronger

    vibration is released to work with. So the technology is shifting continually as our ability to

    handle it and clear the planet rises. The Genesis Crystals are the same. The new ones come out

    as our ability to handle and work with them. So thats another way to do it as well. Thats Master

    Hilarion and the other one is, Im trying to remember who the master is, I think the master is

    Lantos, so Master Lantos.

    Kathy Thats the Bio-Genesis Crystals?

    Tyhson Thats the Bio-Genesis. So its like were being guided by the beings that have been through this

    ascension process on the planet before and are now ascended masters and they are directing

    that energy back to help clear the planet to take it to the next level.

    Kathy One thing Id like to point out here is that if something comes your way and it feels right and

    you feel excited about it, or it lifts your spirit, or it makes you smile it just feels right, like youre

    in this knowing, then thats the direction to go and thats the modality or thats what you need

    to do for yourself.

    Tyhson I think thats really true. And the other one that weve mentioned and youve mentioned on

    other calls is Hooponopono which is really straight forward, really a great technique to learn to

    bring massive change and transformation in your life. It can release you and those that come

    into your life. Thats a really good technique and if you dont know about it, theres an article

    on my Energy Detective website with links to go and read more about Dr. Len and his work in

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    the psychiatric wards and how he was able to make people shift by just doing the prayer. You

    know I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you which is basically what Kathy was

    saying. Whatever is showing up in your life, you brought it into your life in order to learn. So

    this is your opportunity with somebody in your face, so to speak, to do the prayer, to know that

    they are the reflection of yourself and that theyve come into your life for you to release that

    part inside of you that no longer serves you by doing the prayer and letting go of that aspect

    within yourself. It releases them, it releases you and allows you to stand in your truth. So thats

    another really powerful straight forward modality.

    Kathy Things are coming up and Mary Swain said it the other day that shes seeing more that healing,

    planetary healing and universal healing, needs now to be done by groups and so as we bring

    our groups together, and I remember that Robert Gilbert a number of years ago said, dont try

    and make it work. If you have somebody in the group thats continually pushing against or is

    always late or youre sort of always having to sort them out, let them go because the groups we

    need to be working with are the ones that resonate with us and as a group were so much more

    powerful. And that doesnt mean individually. We cant sit there and change our whole

    environment around us and change the way people look at us and change the way you know

    the different people perhaps in our workplace that arent quite vibrating the same as we are.

    We have the ability to change that but in groups were so much more powerful.

    Tyhson Thats a great comment and this technology, Quantum Sound Therapy (VAHS) is really powerful

    in a group. I use it in my energy healing, dowsing course. We set the intention for the course

    and then we do a group sound file and then we play it back for 32 minutes and our ability to

    absorb and learn with no stress, no 3 oclock blahs, everybody leaves the course understanding

    it refreshed, its easy for them to absorb new ideas, they get to learn the healing modalities in

    32 seconds, stand up, deliver it. Theres no stress. Its really quite exciting in how sound can

    build a coherent field between a group and really give them the strength to work together

    because it creates the pathway that vibrates one soul to the other soul and links them together

    in a network thats just dynamite. Having worked in groups and been a part of an intentional

    community, worked on conflict resolution, group consensus building, work with the Quakers, I

    can say to you honestly there is nothing more powerful than the group. In fact, I always said

    that the next evolutionary step for humanity is to learn how to live in a group. And in those

    days in the 70s that meant live with the group. Now Im a little bit more cautious about the

    fact that I dont necessarily live in the same house as a group, but I do have a group of like-

    minded friends that I work with and meditate with and we do, do work together right, both

    local and planetary. So I really encourage you. Thats one of the beauties of Questers. It allows

    you to meet like-minded people and to find your soul mates that you can then work with and

    join forces with to do the type of work that you feel called to do.

    Kathy And if youre not on the West Coast, you can look at any of the dowsing groups in your area.

    the ASD (American Society of Dowsers) has a whole list of dowsing groups across Canada and

    worldwide. And so thats a good place to start. Alot of people are the caller dowsers. (

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    Tyhson You can also go to another website which we have which is www.questers.ca and it will give

    you a list of all the different organizations almost worldwide and the linkages and how to find

    them. So yes, find your group.

    Kathy Find your people.

    Tyhson Find your people.

    Kathy Im looking outside the window at my house today and looking up the street theres all this

    activity and Im thinking ha, people too much for me! And I went to the store this afternoon,

    same thing, Im thinking oh people, too many people around me (chuckle) so sometimes you

    just need your own space.

    Tyhson Thats right. Find your tribe. You know the beauty of what is happening in Calgary with the

    floods is people really had to reach across and embrace other people. They had to find

    community and they really have found community and they really are helping each other. Its a

    tough way to learn how to do this, how to come together, so it would be nice if we were more

    gentle on ourselves so we dont have to learn through natural disasters of how to work

    together. But it does build community, it does bring people together and it does bring the best

    out of them, so thats the positive side of it.

    Kathy I think when Im doing healing sessions Tyhson, I find that Ill look at the client and its almost

    as if their hearts have got all this protection around them and whether its walls, theres sort of

    a visual on whats around them. It could be metal, but I see this picture of the heart with all this

    protection around it and then I kinda look in and theres nothing there. So really what we crave

    the most is connection with others. Often weve got ourselves all protected against so that

    people cant approach us and people cant touch our heart and fulfill us because were just so


    Tyhson Yes, it does feel when you open your heart chakra as though somebody has actually got their

    two hands in there and is ripping it apart and if youre brave enough to just stay in that and

    know thats your heart opening up, its not a heart attack and go with the energy and just

    embrace it and keep spreading your arms and keep breathing from your heart and keep

    opening and opening and opening it, its amazing the blessings that you get from that. The

    return is outstanding. Its amazing what happens to your life. Theres nothing more powerful

    than opening your heart chakra as wide as you possibly can and the new technology in the

    scalar is the Theta, which is the vibration of the heart and one of the structured waters that you

    can order for thirty dollars and you dont even have to put your sound in it, its already

    structured, its Theta which is pure heart chakra water thats structured to do that job. And

    even more powerful with your voice in it. Yes your heart, the Theta, the Theta vibration an

    opening of the heart is the key for transformation and change. And you know it feels, it really

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    does feel like somebody is in there operating so I can understand why people sort of shy away

    from it because it does seem like it is a physical hurt that happens when you open your heart

    chakra. But its worth it. It is worth it.

    Kathy It does feel like its a heart attack.

    Tyhson It does.

    Kathy Its actually a pain. So another thing you could do is put your hand on it and just imagine energy

    going in from your hand and that might help calm it.

    Tyhson Yes, stay in your body. The Instant Miracle Technique is stay in your body. Dont try and figure

    it out, dont try and change it, just breathe. Put your hand on your heart, dont make it go

    away, dont try and fix it, just breathe and stay there and keep breathing and if you need

    someone to coach you through that phone me for free in a 15 minute call and Ill take you

    through it. Tell you where you are. Youre half way there, youre three-quarters keep breathing

    and I can tell using dowsing when youre done. Its worth it, just let it go! Open that heart,

    breathe your way through it. Its worth it.

    Kathy Its our connection.

    Tyhson Yes, thats what connects us heart to heart to heart. Are there any more questions on that, that

    you have Kathy?

    Kathy Ive got everybody thinking here. If anybody has any questions they want to type on the web

    there. Otherwise, were at the top of the hour. Tyhson do you want to give out all your contact

    information? And also, there are a couple of things that are happening so maybe you can let

    everybody know about Questers event in the fall.

    Tyhson Yes, theres a Quester event, its always the last weekend in the fall (September). Its in Salmon

    Arm where I live (2013). If youre anywhere close and can come, of course you can book a

    session in the dodecahedron sound chamber which is great. If youre quick you can probably

    figure out a place to stay. I think theres billeting thats on a first come, first serve. It is well

    worth coming, weve got a great lineup. I cant tell you who it is at the moment, but you can go

    to www.questers.ca and it will give you the latest lineup, whos going to be at Questers in the

    fall and thats really worthwhile doing. I saw there was something else on the web that was

    happening with dowsing. I think its in the States, theres a big event, I think its in Phoenix

    thats happening. So if you go to Questers home page and you want to join Quester News that

    will give you all the latest information on whos doing what around. And I think you have a list

    at your end dont you? Whats yours called?

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    Kathy Canadian Dowsers They have some events coming up and theres a number of smaller dowsing

    groups. Joey Korn is coming up.

    Tyhson Dont you have a list that they can get on to?

    Kathy For Healing Nexus I do and Canadian Dowsers does as well.

    Tyhson And Canadian Dowsers, right. So go to Kathys website as well and youll get some links there

    and like I said theres www.questers.ca has links to all the dowsing groups around the world.

    Raymon Grace as well, hes got a wonderful group that meets on Facebook, a really keen

    group. Well worth plugging into. Its not Raymon himself, it is people that are following

    Raymons work but they really do share good information with each other. So thats really

    worth pursuing. Any of the master dowsers are well worth looking at. You can go to the

    website started by John Living that Ive taken over managing, which is www.in2it.ca and that

    has all sorts of dowsing tools. It has some of the grand masters of dowsing, some of them have

    passed on that are available on dvd that you can purchase and listen to. There are great

    resources there that you can follow and theres great healing modalities, theres tools, theres

    lots of free things to download from that website. There are all sorts of goodies, free e-books,

    anyways there are lots and lots of stuff there that you can take a look at. And you can like I say,

    a 15 minute orientation with me. I have a toll free number, its 1-866-369-7464, its toll free in

    North America give me a call, or jump on my website and book a 15 minute session. If you just

    phone that toll free number, I may be in or out or in a session, but take your chances you might

    just get me.

    Kathy You dial now to make sure hes going to be there, I always check before I call (chuckle).

    Tyhson Sometimes Im in the garden or the dodecahedron and certainly on the Sacred Soul Sound site

    more and more. Theres the time trade which gives you the times that Im available. You just

    book a session and it will tell you when a time is available and it will send me a note saying so-

    and-so wants to talk to you at such-and-such a time and then I know, and then were good to

    go and we can have a session!

    Kathy Tyhson will be back July 24th on the call here and were going to be talking about the

    Assemblage Point. This is going to be really interesting because we both have some information

    that were both working with the Assemblage Point, so it will be kind of fun to compare notes.

    Well thank you very much Tyhson for being on the call tonight and Id like to thank everybody

    for being with us as well and well see you all next week.

    Tyhson And thank you very much for inviting me and its great to talk to everybody and again and keep

    dowsing and lets change the world one person at a time.

    Kathy Good night everyone. Tyhson Good night!