waterloo city council · 15/07/2013  · resolution no. 1314 -approving a traffic signal...

WATERLOO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Agenda Date: July 15, 2013 Time: 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order . 2. Roll Call . 3. Pledge of Allegiance . 4. Correction or Withdrawal of Agenda Items by Sponsor . 5. Approval of Minutes as Written or Amended . 6. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items . 7. Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other City Officers . A. Report of Collector. B. Report of Treasurer. C. Report of Zoning Administrator. D. Report of Director of Public Works. E. Report of Chief of Police. F. Report of City Attorney. G. Report and Communication by Mayor. 1. Reappointment of Mr. Bill Brandt to the Waterloo Police Pension Board for a Two-Year Term to Expire May 1, 2015. 8. Report of Standing Committees . 9. Report of Special Committees . 10. Presentation of Communications, Petitions, Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances by Aldermen . 11. Unfinished Business . 12. Miscellaneous Business . A. Consideration and Action on Approval of Visu-Sewer as Low Bidder in the Amount of $82,387.50 for the 2013 Sewer Lining Project as Bid on July 9, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.. B. Consideration and Action on a Service Agreement Between the Waterloo Police Department and the REJIS Commission for Network Technology Support. C. Consideration and Action on an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Waterloo Police Department and the Metropolitan Enforcement Group of Southwestern Illinois (MEGSI) for the Coordination of Drug Law Enforcement. D. Consideration and Action on Executive Session to Discuss Personnel as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). 13. Discussion of Matters by Council Members Arising After Agenda Deadline . 14. Motion to Adjourn . DATES TO REMEMBER July 22, 2013 – City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 05, 2013 – City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 13, 2013 – Sister Cities Meeting, City Hall, 7:00 p.m. Aug. 14, 2013 – Park District Meeting, City Hall, 7:00 p.m. Aug. 15, 2013 – Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 19, 2013 – City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m.

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Page 1: WATERLOO CITY COUNCIL · 15/07/2013  · Resolution No. 1314 -approving a Traffic Signal Maintenance Provision in conjunction with the Illinois State Route 3 Improvement Project for

WATERLOO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Agenda

Date: July 15, 2013 Time: 7:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order.

2. Roll Call.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Correction or Withdrawal of Agenda Items by Sponsor.

5. Approval of Minutes as Written or Amended.

6. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. 7. Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other City Officers.

A. Report of Collector. B. Report of Treasurer. C. Report of Zoning Administrator. D. Report of Director of Public Works. E. Report of Chief of Police. F. Report of City Attorney. G. Report and Communication by Mayor.

1. Reappointment of Mr. Bill Brandt to the Waterloo Police Pension Board for a Two-Year Term to Expire May 1, 2015.

8. Report of Standing Committees. 9. Report of Special Committees.

10. Presentation of Communications, Petitions, Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances by Aldermen.

11. Unfinished Business.

12. Miscellaneous Business.

A. Consideration and Action on Approval of Visu-Sewer as Low Bidder in the Amount of $82,387.50 for the 2013 Sewer Lining Project as Bid on July 9, 2013 at 2:00 p.m..

B. Consideration and Action on a Service Agreement Between the Waterloo Police Department and the REJIS Commission for Network Technology Support.

C. Consideration and Action on an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Waterloo Police Department and the Metropolitan Enforcement Group of Southwestern Illinois (MEGSI) for the Coordination of Drug Law Enforcement.

D. Consideration and Action on Executive Session to Discuss Personnel as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

13. Discussion of Matters by Council Members Arising After Agenda Deadline.

14. Motion to Adjourn.

DATES TO REMEMBER July 22, 2013 – City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 05, 2013 – City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 13, 2013 – Sister Cities Meeting, City Hall, 7:00 p.m. Aug. 14, 2013 – Park District Meeting, City Hall, 7:00 p.m. Aug. 15, 2013 – Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 19, 2013 – City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m.

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JULY 1, 2013

1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tom Smith at 7:30 p.m. 2. The following aldermen were present: Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger,

Frederick, Koerber and Heller. 3. Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Tom Smith. 4. Correction or Withdrawal of Agenda Items by Sponsor. Motion made by Alderman Notheisen and seconded by Alderman Koerber to delete Item

#12C from the Agenda and add Executive Session as Item #12C. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham,

Metzger, Frederick, Koerber and Heller voting yea. 5. Approval of Minutes as Written or Amended

A. Motion made by Alderman Koerber and seconded by Alderman Heller to approve June 24, 2013, 7:15 p.m. Public Hearing Minutes. Motion passed unanimously with unanimously with Aldermen Koerber, Heller, Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger and Frederick voting yea.

B. Motion made by Alderman Hopkins and seconded by Alderman Frederick to approve June 24, 2013, 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick, Koerber, Heller, Notheisen and Thomas voting yea.

6. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. Jim Duckwitz 318 Mockingbird Lane, addressed the Council regarding his conversation with

Mr. Costello, ordinances regarding flooding and drainage, acoustics from adjacent property, open meetings and FOIA. He is waiting to hear from the attorney general regarding executive session tapes and record retention, the City website and elected official fees.

7. Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other City Officers.

A. Report of Collector. No report. B. Report of Treasurer. No report. C. Report of Zoning Administrator. Report is in the packet. D. Report of Director of Public Works. Tim Birk reported verbally regarding the Moore Street project, Illinois Excavators and

city sidewalks. E. Report of Chief of Police. No report. F. Report of City Attorney. No report. G. Report and Communication by Mayor.

1. Presentation of the Good Neighbor Award to Linda Mathews. 2. Presentation of a Commendation Certificate to Camp Wartburg for their 50-

year Anniversary. 3. Presentation of a Commendation Plaque to the Gibault High School Boys

Baseball Team.

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8. Report of Standing Committees. None. 9. Report of Special Committees. None. 10. Presentation of Communications, Petitions, Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances by Aldermen.

A. Consideration and Action on Ordinance No. 1646 Approving an Agreement Between

the City of Waterloo, Illinois and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation Regarding the Proposed Work to be Performed on FAP Route 312 (Illinois State Route 3).

Motion made by Alderman Notheisen and seconded by Alderman Metzger to approve Ordinance No. 1646 approving an agreement between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation regarding the proposed work to be performed on FAP Route 312 (Illinois State Route 3) as it appears in Item #10A. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick, Koerber and Heller voting yea.

B. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 13-12 Approving the Appropriation of

MFT Funds in the Amount of $116,879.00 for the FAP Route 312 (IL Route 3) Improvements.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Frederick to approve Resolution No. 13-12 appropriating MFT Funds in the amount of $116,879.00 for the FAP Route 312 (IL Route 3) improvements as it appears in Item #10B. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick and Koerber voting yea.

C. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 13-13 Approving Plans and

Specifications for the Improvement of FAP Route 312 (IL Route 3), State Section 68-WRS-1, City Section 13-00045-010SW Monroe County, Illinois.

Motion made by Alderman Metzger and seconded by Alderman Frederick to approve Resolution No. 13-13 approving plans and specifications for the improvement of FAP Route 312 (IL Route 3), State Section 68-WRS-1, City Section 13-00045-01-SW Monroe County, Illinois as it appears in Item #10C. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Metzger, Frederick, Koerber, Heller, Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins and Trantham voting yea.

D. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 13-14 Approving a Traffic Signal

Maintenance Provision in Conjunction with the Illinois State Route 3 Improvement Project for the Traffic Signals Located at the Intersections of FAP Route 312 (IL Route 3)/Illinois Avenue and FAP Route 312(IL Route 3)/North Market Street.

Motion made by Alderman Notheisen and seconded by Alderman Hopkins to approve Resolution No. 13-14 approving a Traffic Signal Maintenance Provision in conjunction with the Illinois State Route 3 Improvement Project for the Traffic Signals located at the intersections of FAP Route 312(IL Route 3)/Illinois Avenue and FAP Route 312(IL Route 3)/North Market Street as it appears in Item #10D. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick, Koerber and Heller voting yea.

E. Consideration and Action on Ordinance No. 1647 Regulating Encroachment on Public

Right of Way in the City of Waterloo, Illinois in Relation to Illinois State Route 3 Improvements.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Metzger to approve Ordinance No. 1647 regulating encroachment on public right of way in the City of Waterloo, Illinois in relation to Illinois State Route 3 improvements as it appears in Item #10E. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick and Koerber voting yea.

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F. Consideration and Action on Ordinance No. 1648 Prohibiting the Discharge of

Sanitary Sewage and Industrial Wastewater into Storm Sewers or Drainage Facility Construction in Conjunction with the Improvement of Illinois State Route 3 in the City of Waterloo, Illinois.

Motion made by Alderman Hopkins and seconded by Alderman Trantham to approve Ordinance No. 1648 prohibiting the discharge of sanitary sewage and industrial wastewater into storm sewers or drainage facility construction in conjunction with the improvement of Illinois State Route 3 in the City of Waterloo, Illinois as it appears in Item #10F. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick, Koerber, Heller, Notheisen and Thomas voting yea.

11. Unfinished Business. None. 12. Miscellaneous Business.

A. Consideration and Action on Warrant No. 507. Motion made by Alderman Metzger and seconded by Alderman Notheisen to approve

Warrant No. 507. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Metzger, Frederick, Koerber, Heller, Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins and Trantham voting yea.

B. Consideration and Action on June 2013 Utility Applications. Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Trantham to approve the

June 2013 Utility Applications. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick and Koerber voting yea.

C. Consideration and Action on Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Motion made by Alderman Notheisen and seconded by Alderman Thomas to approve

going into Executive Session to discuss personnel. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Notheisen, Thomas, Hopkins, Trantham, Metzger, Frederick, Koerber and Heller voting yea. Time 8:04 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m. Motion to reconvene made by Alderman Thomas and seconded by Alderman Frederick. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

13. Discussion of Matters by Council Members Arising After Agenda Deadline.

Mayor Smith stated the tractor pull was successful with people attending from as far away as New York. Alderman Heller announced the German exchange students will be arriving this week.

14. Motion to Adjourn. Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Frederick to adjourn. Motion

passed by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Barbara Pace, CITY CLERK

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