watergate -today€¦ · nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the...

Watergate -Today Unit 15

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Page 1: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Watergate -TodayUnit 15

Page 2: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting?

● China○ Established a trade agreement that cut off the

military supply line to Vietnam● Sent approval rating up to 68%

Page 3: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What was the results of the 1972 election?

● Republican: Nixon● Democrat: George


Page 4: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the Watergate scandal

● Break in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters

● Investigation lasted over a year○ Nixon himself either ordered the break in or

attempted to cover it up.● Resigned before he could be impeached● https://www.history.com/topics/1970s/watergate

Page 5: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Who became President after Nixon?

● Gerald Ford○ Became

Vice-President after Nixon’s original VP was forced to resign over a different scandal.

Page 6: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What is a pardon?

● The action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense.

● Ford issues a pardon to Nixon○ Ended investigation○ Seemed like Ford was just continuing the cover up

and the corrupt government.

Page 7: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What was the push in the 1976 election and what was the outcome?

● Elect a true outsider to politics● Democratic: Jimmy Carter

○ Won the election○ Never held an office in Washington○ Sunday school teacher

● Republican: Gerald Ford

Page 8: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the Camp David Accords

● 1977● Egyptian President: Anwar Sadat● Israeli Prime Minister: Menachem Begin● Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty between the two


Page 9: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What is amnesty?

● An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.

● Carter granted to draft dodgers during Vietnam○ Seen as a slap in the face to those who fought in the


Page 10: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the oil problem under Carter

● OPEC: the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries○ Limited amount of oil they would sell to the US○ Gas prices skyrocket

■ Prices of everything else rise○ US had to ration gas

Page 11: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What major trade zone did Carter give back?

● Panama Canal○ Owned from 1903-1977

● Seen as another sign of weakness

Page 12: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the Iran controversy

● January 1979● Shah of Iran came to US to get Cancer treatment

○ Religious revolution takes place○ Government taken over by Muslim leader Ayatollah Khomeini

● Demands for Shah to be returned so he can be put on trial● US refuses, US embassy invaded

○ 44 hostages, held for 444 days


Page 13: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What was the SALT II treaty?

● Between US and Soviets intended to restrain the arms race in strategic ballistic missiles armed with nuclear weapons.

Page 14: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

How did the US respond to the Soviet Union invading Afghanistan?

● Refusal for the SALT II treaty● Boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow


Page 15: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Who won the election of 1980?

● Democrat: Jimmy Carter○ Incumbent

● Republican: Ronald Reagan○ Former actor○ Two-term governor of California○ Conservatives: small government that left people alone○ Liberals: people unable to take care of themselves needed

government help to keep things fair and people taken care of.

Page 16: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate
Page 17: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe Reaganomics

● Designed to give people more money that they can then spend○ People spend more, companies hire more workers, unemployment

rate falls○ More people are working, more people paying taxes, so the

government could lower individual taxes● After the unemployment rate rising it did end up falling from 1982 - mid

1990’s● Push for deregulation of companies so they could more easily produce

more goods at a cheaper cost.

Page 18: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Where did Reagan increase spending?

● The military○ Nuclear missiles○ Airplanes○ Ships○ Other weapons

● This heightened Cold War tensions

Page 20: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What is Star Wars?

● Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)● System of satellites that could shoot any soviet missile out of the

sky○ No one know if we could actually make these satellites but the

soviets knew they couldn’t

Page 21: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union at the time?

● Mikhail Gorbachev○ Took office in 1985

■ 3 old leaders die in office in 4 years○ First to not live through the revolution ○ Believed in an open government that did not force its people or

satellite countries to obey■ People allowed to protest

Page 22: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

How did the Cold War end?

● Berlin Wall falls in 1989● Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia overthrow

communist leaders○ Warsaw Pact dissolved

Page 23: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What was the Iran-Contra affair?

● Reagan (US) secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for getting US prisoners released

● US took money from the weapons and gave it to anti-communist group in Nicaragua (Contra)

● Senate hearing but Reagan avoids most charges


Page 24: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the events of the Challenger

● January 1986● Shuttle trips had become the norm so NASA created a contest

○ Christa McAuliffe (teacher) won○ Everyone including school children are watching the shuttle

● Major malfunction and the rocket blew up 73 seconds after take off ○ Seals on the major fuel filled rocket failed due to the extremely cold temp

(below freezing in some places)● Space program shut down for 32 months



Page 25: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Who won the election of 1988?

● Republican: George H.W. Bush○ Incumbent VP○ 1988-1993○ President during the end of the Cold War

● Democrat: Michael Dukakis○ Governor of Mass.

Page 26: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm

● Iraq invades Kuwait○ Saddam Hussein leader○ For oil reserves○ Saudi Arabia feels threatened so they ask US for support

● Operation Desert Shield○ 28 countries take part○ Saudi Arabia defeated

Page 27: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm Continued

● Operation Desert Storm○ Iraqis driven out of Kuwait ○ 5 weeks of bombing, 5 days of ground attacks

● Terms○ No weapons of mass destruction○ No flying airplanes in some areas of our country○ Saddam Hussein remained in power○ US kept some forces in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern


Page 28: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe George HW involvement in Africa

● Sent troops to Somalia○ Stop Civil War

● Economic sanctions against South Africa○ End Apartheid○ Release Nelson Mandela from Prison

Page 29: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What caused H.W’s approval rating to fall?

● 91% approval rating○ HIghest of any President in History

● Economy started to slow○ Went back on promise that he wouldn’t increase taxes


Page 30: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Who won the election of 1992?

● Republican: George H.W. Bush○ Incumbent

● Democrat: Bill Clinton○ Governor of Arkansa○ 1st Democrat since 1976

Page 31: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate
Page 32: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What was the Family Medical Leave Act?

● Guaranteeing mothers 12 week of unpaid leave after the birth of a child○ Maternity leave

Page 33: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the Brady Law

● Required a background check for anyone buying a handgun○ The Act was named after James Brady, who was shot and

wounded by John Hinckley Jr. during an attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981.

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What is NAFTA?

● North American Free Trade Agreement○ Made trade easier between US, Canada, and Mexico

Page 35: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the domestic terror events that took place during Clinton’s presidency

● 1993○ Branch Davidians

■ Refused to leave their compound in Waco, TX■ Suspected of abusing children and storing large amount of illegal

weapons ○ World Trade Center

■ Al Qaeda attack● 6 killed, 1,000+ injured

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Domestic terror events under Clinton Continued

● 1995○ Timothy McVeigh

■ Used a fertilizer bomb to blow up a federal government building in Oklahoma City● 168 killed, 800 injured

● 1996○ Atlanta Olympics

■ Bomb went off in Centennial Olympic Park● 2 Killed

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Domestic terror events under Clinton Continued

● 1999○ Columbine

■ School Shooting● 12 students killed, 24 injured

Page 38: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Why was Clinton impeached?

● Investigation for possible sexual assault● Accused of lying under oath and intimidating other into lying under

oath○ House of Representatives: Impeached○ Senate: Voted not to remove


Page 39: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the election of 2000

● Democrat: Al Gore○ Current VP

● Republican: George W Bush○ Governor of Texas○ H.W’s son

● Must win 270 votes ○ Gore: 266○ Bush: 246○ Florida was too close to call

Page 40: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the election of 2000 Continued

● Initial results showed Bush won○ So close there had to be a recount

■ Democrats: hand count■ Republicans: machine

○ Supreme court decided that due to lack of time and over 6 million ballots it would be done by machine

● Bush won Florida (271 electoral votes)● Gore gained more votes (about 500,000) ● 4th time in history (Quincey Adams, Hayes, Harrison, Trump election made


Page 41: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate
Page 42: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

What is No Child Left Behind?

● The law held schools accountable for how kids learned and achieved.○ Schools penalized for not showing improvement○ Provides money for extra educational assistance for poor

children in return for improvements in their academic progress.● States are required to test students in reading and math in grades

3–8 and once in high school.

Page 43: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the events of 9/11 and the War on Terror

● 4 terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda against the United States● The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at

least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage○ The single deadliest terrorist attack in human history

● American Airlines Flight 11: North Tower● United Airlines Flight 175: South Tower● American Airlines Flight 77: Pentagon● United Airlines Flight 93: Crashed in Pennsylvania field expected to be

headed for White House https://www.history.com/topics/21st-century/9-11-attacks

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War on Terror

● Operation Enduring Freedom○ US attacked Al Qaeda in Afghanistan○ Supported by public

● Operation Iraqi Freedom○ Not as popular○ Saddam Hussein was helping terrorist○ Last about 8 years○ Saddam removed from power, new government put in place○ Obama pulled troops out in 2011

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What is the Department of Homeland Security?

● Its stated missions involve anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management.

● It was created in response to the September 11 attacks and is the youngest U.S. cabinet department.

Page 46: Watergate -Today€¦ · Nixon was the first president to go to what country and what was the result of the meeting ... Republican: Nixon Democrat: George McGovern. Describe the Watergate

Describe the Patriot Act

● Allowed almost unlimited surveillance of every phone, computer, credit card or television in the world○ It protects civil liberties and provides for the common defense.


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Who won the election of 2008?

● 1st election since 1952 in which neither major party's presidential nominee was the incumbent president or the incumbent vice president.

● Republican: John McCain○ Arizona

● Democrat: Barack Obama○ Illinois (1 Term)○ Few that opposed the War in Iraq

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Describe the “Obamacare”

● Mandatory for○ All citizens to have health insurance○ Large businesses to provide insurance for their employees○ Mandatory for specific items to be included in coverage

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Describe two of policies/events under Obama

● Same-Sex Marriage made legal● Clean energy● Removal of troops from Iraq (increasing troops in Afghanistan)● Killing of Osama bin Laden● Protest against the perceived police brutality towards minorities


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Who won the election of 2016?

● Democrat: Hillary Clinton○ Secretary of State

● Republican: Donald Trump○ Gaining support of industrial

workers in the Midwest