water tourism in wielkopolska

Water tourism in Wielkopolska

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Water tourism in Wielkopolska


Page 1: Water tourism in Wielkopolska

Water tourism in Wielkopolska

Page 2: Water tourism in Wielkopolska


Project co-financed by the European Union through the Regional Development Fund, as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2007 - 2013




AreaThe province occupies the area of 29 826 km2,which is 9,5% of the Polish territory.

PopulationWielkopolska is inhabited (approximately) by 3,4 million people, which is 8,7% of the whole population of Poland.

The CapitalThe capital of the province is Poznań, a city withpopulation of 600 000 people. Due to itseconomic, commercial, scientific, cultural andtourist significance, the city is considered thecentre of western Poland. Also, Poznań has itsown airport (Ławica airport) performing bothnational and international functions.

Important CitiesGniezno, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Piła.

LocationWielkopolska Province is located in the basin of Wartariver, in the central part of Wielkopolsko-KujawskaLowland. Simultaneously, it is situated on thecrossroads of the main European East-West trackleading from Berlin to Moskow (via Poznań, Konin andWarsaw) and the track from Prague towards the north(via Wrocław, Leszno, Poznań). As a result, the provincehas very favourable transportation connections withother European countries as well as the rest of theworld.ISBN 978-83-61454-88-5

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Wielkopolska welcomes lovers of watertourism. Here you can find unpollutedlakes and beaches, navigable canals and

rivers, lively centres and quiet harbours. Friendly windsand vast deep waters offer great conditions for bothsailors and surfers. Hospitable canoeing trails carrywanderers towards enchanting scenic and historiclandmarks. The fishing grounds are an angler's dreamcome true. After the hardships of touring you can takeadvantage of numerous recreation centres, agri-touristfarms, and riverside hotels. Everyone who likes to relaxnear water will find something suitable inWielkopolska. There is no shortage of space for fansof power boating, and the Warta and Noteć rivers leadthem towards the water trails of Europe. This is a wideopen gateway to the land of tourist adventure.

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A. K





Water tourism in Wielkopolska

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Water trails of the Great Loopof Wielkopolska

Holidays on water, romanticcruise on a motor barge or yacht? Why not.The tourist trail of the Great Loop of Wielkopolskaprovides an excellent opportunity for such touring.Its total length is 687.9 km. It is possible to sail forweeks, and visit differentplaces each day, splitting thepleasant stay on waterbetween visiting old towns and the naturalwilderness. One can choose the short trails of the Loop, or enjoy plentiful water sportand sightseeing attractions.

The trail goes through areas of the following Provinces: Wielkopolskie(356,5 km), Lubuskie, and Kujawsko-Pomorskie.

The complete trail of the Loop is accessible for units with a draftof 60 cm, width up to 4 m. and length up to 20 m. Larger boats cansail only on the lower Warta and Noteć, as well as along the stretchbetween Konin – Kruszwica.

The trail includes the river Warta between Konin and Santok (338.5km). Further, along the 48.8-kilometre stretch of the freely flowingNoteć, it leads to the mouth of the Drawa. Then it ascends, for 139.9kilometres, and 16 river locks towards the drainage divide betweenthe Noteć and Brda – to the Górnonotecki Canal (25 km). Finally,again along the Noteć as far as Gopło and then along the ŚlesińskiCanal to Konin (this is the last part of the Loop in this example of anitinerary, 62. I km). If we plan 14 days of effective sailing, then each


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day has in store for us about 48 kilometres of easy and beautiful touring.It is recommendable to plan seven more days for sightseeing andmushroom picking, or hiking in the Notecka Forest, or visiting thelandscape reserves on the Warta river. Whereas curious kayakers shouldplan at least 28 days to sail down the whole Loop.

Water tours can be started from any convenient location, slipping boatsin one of the marinas or harbours on the Warta, e. g. in Ląd, Śrem orPyzdry, in the ports on the Noteć in Czarnków and Drawsko, or in theharbours on the lakes between the river Warta and the lake Gopło.

◗ All information concerning the trail accessibility: water levels, lockparameters and opening hours are updated regularly on the website:www.rzgw.poznan.pl

CONVENIENT MOORING LOCATIONS ON THE NOTEĆ: Nakło – at the Water Management station, at 42.0 km, right bank;Ujście – near the bridge at 105.8 km, left bank;Czarnków – harbour at 132.1 km, left bank;Wieleń – on the lower lock stand at 161.5 km, left bank;Drawsko – harbour at 174,2 km, left bank.

LARGE MOORING LOCATIONS ON THE WARTA-GOPŁO CANAL:Kruszwica – yacht harbour on the Gopło;Ślesin – pier of the Sport and Recreation Centre;Ślesin – the wharf next to the town promenade at the isthmus

to the Mikorzyńskie Lake;Mikorzyn – harbour Marina (water, electricity on the quay,

battery recharging, sanitary facilities, slipway); Konin-Pątnów – harbour of the Glaspo Yacht Club (water, sanitary

facilities, restaurant, accommodation, motor yacht and jet skirental).

MOORING LOCATIONS ON THE WARTA: Konin – at the concrete wharf at 402.88 km of the Warta, left bank; Sławsk – harbour at 392.2 km on the Warta, left bank;Ląd – marina at 370.32 km on the Warta, right bank (electricity

available on the quay, water, battery recharging, sanitary facilities,slipway and winter storage, kayak rental, catering services);

Pyzdry – at 352.0 km, right bank;Poznań – in the basin of a former port, at 242.0 km, left bank;Mściszewo – at 220.0 km, right bank;Obrzycko – at the concrete wharf at 183.4 km, left bank; Skwierzyna – at the waterfront promenade at 91.8 km, left bank.Santok – at 225.6 km on the right bank there is a very comfortable


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Motor boating can be donealong all rivers and otherwaterways included in theGreat Loop, except themarked protected areas. The largest spaces for motorboat lovers are available in the Jeziorsko reservoir(4,200 hectares). There, one can water ski,ascend with a parachute following a motor boat, or ride a jet ski. Similar recreational opportunities are providedby large water sport centres,including those in Chodzież,Trzcianka, Pątnów , Ślesin .


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Lake Grzymisławskie (area 184 ha) is located south of Śrem ina narrow and deep trough, 7.5. kilometres long, and maximum widthof 500m. The shape of the lake as well as its considerable depth providegood conditions for motor boating competitions, including bothEuropean and World championships. Convenient harbours include onein the Jeziorany Water Centre of the Śrem Sport and Recreation Centre.

Lake Sarcz (also called Miejskie or Trzcianeckie, area 55.6 ha) – islocated in the area of Trzcianka. The lake's length is 2000 m, maximumwidth – 360 m, average depth c. 3.7 m. Motor boating can be donehere without specific limitations. Location for boat slipping – adjacentto the Motor sports and Power boat Club, at 11 Parkowa St. (www. ksm.trz. pl). The lake holds competitions in motorboat sports, it is also possibleto do recreational water skiing here. Every year in July, Trzcianka hostsa Picnic on the Water.

Lake Chodzieskie (also called Miejskie, area 117 hectares, averagedepth – 3.7 m) is located in Chodzież. It is a flow-through lake (theBolemka river). This is the location of a number of national andinternational motor sports competitions. Motor boating on the vast,regularly shaped lake (c. 1.7 x 0.9 km) can only be done from 10 am to 6pm. The Chodzież Sport and Recreation Centre (with adjacent locationfor boat slipping) offers „rides” on banana boats and water skis.

Lake Bnińskie (area 226 ha, c. 4.5 × 0.7 km, max. depth. 8.5m) – a ribbon, flow-through lake (the Krzemionka river), located about25 kilometres south-east of Poznań, between Kórnik and ŚrodaWielkopolska. Attractive recreation places and harbours: Bnin, Prusinowo,Błażejewo.















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Tourism and motor boatingon Wielkopolska waterways

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Lake Niepruszewskie (area 242 ha, max depth c. 5 m) is a typicalribbon lake. Located about 25 kilometres west of Poznań, it is nearly 5 kmlong, and its width does not exceed 700 m. Motor boats and watercraftscan operate only within the administrative borders of the Buk commune,on designated hours and days of the week. In Niepruszew (near the beach)it is possible to rent a jetski.

Lake Kórnickie (82 ha, depth – 6 m) located about 20 kmnorth-east of Poznań in an area which is attractive for its sights andlandscapes. In its proximity there are several large lakes of theKórnicko-Zaniemyska drainage basin. THere is a motor boat harbour inKórnik, next to the Sport and Recreation Centre.



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On the lakes: Chodzieskie, Bnińskie, Niepruszewskie, Jerzyńskie,operating motor boats is limited to specified hours and days of theweek. Information is available from the local administration.

In the majority of Wielkopolska Districts, e. g. in Poznań District,where prohibition regarding the use of motor boats does not applyto sports clubs, motor boats can be used during: races and sportevents conducted in an organised form, as well as training andcourses which use motor boats only for safety purposes Largewaterways are open for the operation of cruise boats, up to 30passenger places, and a max. speed of 15 km/h.















Organisers of water sports and motorboat clubsKotwica Poznań Sports Clubul. Piastowska 3861-556 Poznańtel. 601 421 992, 602 30 50 51, 698 706 908fax 61 833 42 87www.klubkotwica.pl

LOK Seafaring Club in PoznańMailing address:ul. Niezłomnych 1, 61-894 Poznań, tel. 61 948 29 34,www.pkmlok.plHarbour:ul. Nad Jeziorem 120, Kiekrz

SKS Posnania – Motor Boat Sectionul. Słowiańska 7861-664 Poznańtel./fax 61 820 61 01www.posnania.pl

Motor Sports and Power Boat Club ul. Parkowa 1164-980 Trzciankawww.ksm.trz.pl

Polish Motorboat and Water Ski Association ul. Wał Miedzeszyński 379 03-980 Warszawa tel. 22 617 44 49 tel. 22 617 09 84 www.pzminw.pl

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Lovers of sailing will find herefriendly winds, vast bodies ofwater, as well as hospitableharbours with comfortablequays and yacht rentals. Many towns and villages,including Śrem , Boszków ,Gołuchów , Łężeczki , Kiekrz , Margonin ,Mieleszyn , Wągrowiec ,Wolsztyn , Rogoźno ,Ślesin , Sieraków , Powidz ,Przybrodzin , Pątnów ,Zbąszyn , hold annual racesand sailing events combinedwith other recreational and artistic events.

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Lake Powidzkie (c. 1200 ha) located in Gniezno Lake District(25 km east of Gniezno, 12 km from Słupca). This vast lake, the largestone in Wielkopolska, featuring a long and diversified coast line, is favouredby both amateurs of „leisurely” sailing and fans of extreme sailingaccompanied by strong winds, as well as those who want to try their handin racing competitions. The largest facilities for sailing fans are providedin Powidz and Przybrodzin and include comfortable quays, locationsfor boat slipping and mooring. It is also possible to charter yachts there.From May to September in Kosewo it is possible to learn windsurfing.Sailing schools are organised in Powidz, Przybrodzin and Kosewo.According to lovers of kitesurfing, there is no better place for this sportin Wielkopolska, than the Lake Powidzkie. This is a result of good windconditions, as well as the wide and extensive shallows. The best place tostart with a kite is in the vicinity of Kosewo or the shallows on theOstrowski peninsula.

Lake Kaliszańskie (c. 290 hectares) located 10 km north-west ofWągrowiec, is the most lavishly endowed with winds among all the lakesof the Chodzieskie Lake District. Its wide shallows provide comfortableconditions for beginners, and the deep water, unsheltered from winds,will allow experienced sailors to spread their wings. On long summer days,the lake, which is a little over one-hour drive from Poznań, is the perfectplace for an afternoon or one-day sailing break. The most convenientwater access is located in the village of Kamienica.



Wielkopolska for sailors





















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Regional sailing associations in WielkopolskaKalisz Region Sailing Associationul. Częstochowska 762-800 Kalisztel. 62 502 40 20 www.ozz.kalisz.pl [email protected]

Konin Region Sailing Associationul. Portowa 1262-510 Konintel./ fax 63 245 85 50www.knozz.pl [email protected]

Piła Region Sailing Associationestabilished in Chodzieżul. Żeromskiego 3364-800 Chodzieżtel. 67 281 01 83www.bytyn.trz.pl

Wielkopolski Okręgowy Związek Żeglarski ul. Św. Jerzego 361-546 Poznańtel./fax 61 835 49 35www.pozz.poznan.pl [email protected]

Surrounded with lakes and rivers on all sides, Wągrowiec is sometimescalled „The Jewel in the Crown”. The lakes: Durowskie, Rgielskie,Kobyleckie and rivers: Nielba, Wełna, Struga Gołaniecka makeWągrowiec a good choice for summer holidays. In the town centre thereis water sports equipment rental, sailing harbours and numerous sportsand recreational facilities available throughout the year.

Lake Dolskie Wielkie is located in the Krzywińskie Lake District,between Śrem and Gostyń. This inconspicuous body of water (192 ha.)features a straight coast line and oval shape, devoid of bays and headlands,which can obstruct sailing. It encounters strong western and south-westernwinds, which create excellent conditions for windsurfing. Boarders canchoose one of two locations for launching: the grounds of the Sport andRecreation Centre or the Town Beach in Dolsk. In freezing wintertime,icesurfers can be seen on the Dolskie.

Lake Dominickie (343.9 ha), the largest body of water in theLeszczyńskie Lake District, is located in the grounds of the PrzemęckiLandscape reserve, 25 km north west of Leszno. Around the lake there isa large number of holiday resorts and water sport centres, mainly in thevillages of Boszkowo-Letnisko, and Dominice. The lake, surrounded withpine forests, allows for almost all disciplines of water sports. Sailing andcanoeing trails starting here lead to the most enchanting corners of thelandscape reserve. The area features several smaller lakes, most of theminterconnected, which constitute the Lilly of the Valley kayaking Trail.









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Selected regattas in WielkopolskaMAYl Wolsztyn, Wolsztyn Sailing Week, Wolsztyn Cup Regatta, InternationalAmateur Widsurfing Regatta „Board and Sail” (WKŻ),

l Kalisz-Szałe, Władysław Jakubk Memorial (Kalisz OZŻ, YKP Kalisz)l Gołuchów, „KSW Vega President Cup” Regatta (LOK Pleszew),l Chodzież, Silver Shackle Regatta (KŻ „Opty”)l Boszkowo, Marcel Andrzejewski Memorial (TKKF „Metalplast”)

JUNEl Wągrowiec, Lake Durowskie Cup Regatta (LKSiT „Neptun”)l Mikorzyn, Private Shipowners' Regatta (KNOZŻ, KŻ „Bryza”),l Rogoźno, Czesław Janus Memorial (KŻ „Kotwica”),l Dolsk, Regatta of Sailboarders' Section (GOSiR, LKS „Zawisza”),l Poznań-Kiekrz, Regattas of Wielkopolska „Sea Days” (PKM LOK)l Zbąszyń, „Zbąszyń Cup” Regatta (ZKŻ),l Przybrodzin, „Welcome to Summer Holidays” Regatta (UKS „Kopernik”)

JULYl Wągrowiec, „Jacob's Cup” Regatta (LKSiT „Neptun”),l Ślesin, „Wielkopolska Voivod's Cup” Regatta (OSiR Ślesin, KOZŻ),l Śrem-Jeziorany, „Blue Ribbon of the Lake Grzymisławskie” Regatta (KZ „Odlewnik”)

l Powidz, „Powidz Cup” Regatta (UG Powidz)

AUGUSTl Zbąszyń-Grójec, Family Race of Cabin Yachts (ŻKW Przybrodzin),l Poznań-Kiekrz, Open Sailing Regatta (LOK Poznań),l Rogoźno, National Sailing Regatta in the Optimist Class „Cup of the Wielkopolska Marshal's Cup” (UKS „Dwója”)

SEPTEMBERl Konin-Pątnów, „Cup of the President of the City of Konin” Regatta (KNOZŻ, KŻ „Bryza”),

l Wolsztyn, „Captain's Great Shackle” Regatta (WKŻ Wolsztyn),l Wągrowiec, Autumn Cup of Classes (LKSiT „Neptun”)

OCTOBERl Poznań-Kiekrz, „Blue Ribbon of the Lake Kierskie” Regatta (WOZŻ/JKW),

l Gołuchów, „Gołuchów Commune Cup” Regatta (UG Gołuchów)

DECEMBERl Konin-Pątnów, „Winter Barbara-Day” Regattas (KNOZŻ, KŻ KWB, KŻ „Bryza”, KŻ „Energetyk”).

Lake Kierskie (area 285 ha) is the largest natural body of waterwithin the borders of Poznań, and one of the largest in the PoznańskieLake District. The 12-kilometre long coast line provides excellentconditions for water sports. The area houses numerous sailing (and inwinter – iceboat sailing) centres important for Wielkopolska andwell-known all over the country, therefore white sails are a characteristicelement of the lake-scape throughout the year. Lake Kierskie often holdssailing regattas and other sporting events. Even though the coast is partlyscreened, the place receives quite strong winds which attract fans ofwindsurfing.

Lake Chrzypsko Wielkie (area 304 ha) is located c. 85 km westof Poznań, in the Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie Lake District, also called„The Land of a Hundred Lakes”. The high and well-screened coast andislands demand skills and patience from sailors and surfers, for which asa reward come the beautiful sights of the Sierakowski Landscape Reserve.

Lake Szałe (area c. 70 ha) – also called Pokrzywnicki Reservoir, islocated about 6 kilometres from the centre of Kalisz and issurrounded – on one side by the Winiarski Forest, and on the other bya housing estate. The place offers good sailing conditions. On the lakethere is a sailing harbour of the Polish Yacht Club in Kalisz, a camp siteand recreation and leisure facilities.

Lake Gołuchowski (area 51) is an artificial lake on the riverCiemna, located 14 kilometres from Kalisz, along road No 11 in thevicinity of the famous castle in Gołuchów and the Forest Culture Centre.A good place for sailing, canoeing, windsurfing and angling, featuringwell-maintained beaches and recreation centres.





Wielkopolska for sailors






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Tourist cruises

BOSZKOWOSail boat „Wielki Trener” (20 places), sails on Lake Dominickie, Sailing Centre in Włoszakowice, 61-140 Boszkowo ul. Turystyczna 7, www.marinaboszkowo.pl

CHODZIEŻCruise boat „Chodzieżanka”, MOSiR in Chodzież, ul. Staszica 12, tel. 67 28 20 249. The boat cruises around Lake Miejskie,www.mosir-chodziez.pl

KALISZSlavic Boat of St Adalbert „Calisia” (12 places), from May to September, ul. Bolesława Pobożnego 74a, 62-800 Kalisz, tel./fax 62 753 43 29, 509 611 272, [email protected].

Offers recreational and sightseeing boatingtrips along the historic amber trail on the Prosna river, with a guide and thecrew dressed in historic clothes.

MIKORZYN „Dziwożona” (doubledecker), can carry groups of 199 people

„Sofijka” (50 places) Cruises by ship are held on the KonińskieLakes and on the waterway along the Warta and Gopło (Konin – Kruszwica). Cruise line operator: PPH ARTSERVIS, 62-500 Konin, ul. Zagórowska 7, tel. 63 244 11 11, 609 23 00 07, [email protected], www.artserwis.com.pl

KONIN – PĄTNÓW„Aleksandria” (30 places), cruises on the Konińskie Lakes and on the waterway along the Warta andGopło, Harbour of the Glaspo Recreationand Training Centre in Pątnów, information:tel. 63 26 28 000, www.glaspo.pl

KÓRNIK„Anna Maria” (60 places), operates on LakeKórnickie from April to September, ul. Leśna 6, 62-025 Kórnik-Błonie, tel. 61 817 17 21, 61 898 07 31, 502 721 675, www.statekkornik.com.pl

SKORZĘCIN„Karolinka” (40 places), operates on Lake Niedzięgiel from 1 June to 15 September, ul. Leśna 6, 62-230 Skorzęcin, harbour at the pier – tel. 502 721 675

ŚLESIN„Pawełek” (40 places), boating trips on thelakes: Ślesińskie, Mikorzyńskie, Pątnowskie,as well as from Konin to Kruszwica; Cruise line operator: Sprot and RecreationCentre in Ślesin, 62-561 Ślesin, ul. Napoleona 1, tel. 63 270 40 48, 63 270 41 68, [email protected],www.osir.slesin.net

ŚREM„Bajka” (40 places), cruising trips along the Warta, „Finezja” s.c., ul. J. Brzechwy 27/2, 63-100 Śrem, tel. 61 28 34 126, 603 137 788,www.spbajka-srem.cop.pl

WĄGROWIEC„cruising boat” (12 places), cruising trips on Lake Durowskie, Hotel Pietrak, ul. Kościuszki 47, 62-100 Wągrowiec,tel./fax 67 262 86 07, www.pietrak.pl, [email protected]












The rivers and lakes of Wielkopolska can be seen from tourist ships or cruise boats. Options include short cruises along permanent routes, as well as longer boating trips lasting for many hours or even a few days, combined with sightseeing and recreation on the region's waterways, and featuring varied programmes.








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On Lake BudzisławskieTręby Stare on the Lake Budzisławskie, diving base of „Diver”Wielkopolska Centre of Underwater Activity, www.diver.info.pl

Lake Budzisławskie (max. depth 36 m) is located within the PowidzkiLandscape Reserve, on the border of the Konin and Słupca Districts. Thewater visibility of the lake water in some seasons of the year reaches upto 7 metres. This is a great opportunity to encounter beautiful specimensof fish and lush flora. The village of Tręby holds courses and camps forboth beginners and advanced divers. Curiosities of the place includeunderwater trails with imitations of wrecks and drowned sculptures aswell as an underwater obstacle course.

On Lake Powidzkie:Giewartów:◗ Poznań Club of Underwater Activity

(contact: tel. 63 276 61 63, 691 957 938, 601 183 144) the base is open each weekend, from May to September, frommorning till evening. Underwater attractions: varied terrain of thelake bottom, extensive underwater meadows, a drowned bell andbenches, obstacle course, platforms, www.osrodekpkdp.republika.pl



For many years amateurs of recreational diving have been choosing the complex of lakes of the Powidzki Landscape Reserveas their destination. There, they can takeadvantage of training camps and divingbases. The most eagerly visited bodies of water for divers include the lakes:Powidzkie (max. depth 46 m) andBudzisławskie (depth 36 m). The followingLake Districts: Poznańskie, Leszczyńskie,Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie, Kujawskiealso feature intriguing depths and clearwaters allowing for underwater observationsof nature, and for polishing one's skills in scuba diving. The bottom of Lake Śremskie (max. depth 45m.) in the Commune of Sieraków is locatedabout 6 metres below sea level, this is the largest cryptodepression in the region.Other deep lakes, including thePopielowskie near Trzemeszno (max. depth 37m), despite their lower watertransparency, are used for training in variousseasons of the year by divers and rescuers.





Top places for diving in Wielkopolska

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◗Nemo Diving Centre,the base is open each weekend, from May to September, frommorning till evening (contact: tel. 61 893 10 40, 509 581 397).Underwater attractions: interesting terrain of the lake bottom,underwater flora, obstacle course, training platforms, car wreckand.... a phone booth.

Kosewo:◗ base of Nautica Poznań Diving Centre,

open from 22 June to 27 July, and at weekends from May to September (contact: 601 284 195, tel./fax 61 872 90 66). Attractions: underwater obstacle course reaching a depth of 20 m.,training platforms, car wreck; www.nautica.poznan.pl

Przybrodzin:◗ Sub Aqua Diving Centre – open in the summer season;

contact: tel. 607 241 044, 607 241 044. Underwater attractions:training platforms and artificial archaeological sites. The base is used as a facility of an archaeological expedition;www.subaqua.pl

The bases provide full service for divers: bottle refilling, equipmentrental, training, organisation of accommodation and catering.

Lake Powidzkie (max. depth 46 m), in the area of the Ostrowiteand Powidz communes, 25 km east of Gniezno. Water visibility,depending on the season of the year, reaches 10 m. The lake is quitediversified underwater: numerous hills, large stretches of flat bottom withplants overgrowing, steep sandy escarpments. Encounters with fishguaranteed.

In Kiekrz (ul. Nad Jeziorem 38), there is the diving base of the PoznańDelfin Scuba Divers' Club, one of the oldest in Wielkopolska. The club conducts training courses at various levels of competence, andorganises specialist camps and foreign expeditions (tel. 602 746 14,www.pkp-delfin.poznan.pl).

CHODZIEŻ ◗ „Tazar” Underwater Activity

Club, ul. Staszica 17 Awww.mosir-chodziez.pl/tazar

JAROCIN◗ „Rafa” Scuba Divers' Club,

ul. Śródmiejska 32

KALISZ ◗ „Marlin” Diving Centre,

Al. Wojska Polskiego 40,tel./fax 62 76 49 001www.centrumnurkowe.pl

KONIN◗ „Pirania” Scuba Divers' Club

„Pirania”, ul. Urbanowskiej 16, tel. 63 242 95 42

LESZNO◗ „Octopus” Diving Centre

ul. Leszczyńskich 35, tel. 65 529 30 94 octopus.net. pl

PIŁA◗ „Rafa” Scuba Divers' Club

in Piła, Aleja Niepodległości 154, tel. 67 210 30 46www.klubrafapila.republika.pl

POZNAŃ◗ Poznań Club of Underwater

Activity ul. Załęże 4, tel. 61 866 56 06

◗Wielkopolska UnderwaterAssociation,, Barrakuda”,ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 r. 1, tel. 61 832 25 53, 691 65 55 41www.barrakuda.poznan.pl

◗ Coco Dive Diving Centreul. Głogowska 16, tel. 618658279,503444941www.cocodive.pl

◗Wielkopolska Diving Centre„Marin”, ul. Mylna 25 lok. 5,tel. 61 842 71 00, 602 609 840, www.marin.pl

◗ Poznań Scuba Divers' Club„Delfin”, ul. Niezłomnych 16,tel. 602 746 141, www.pkp-delfin.poznan.pl

◗ Poznań Underwater ClubPTTK „Akwanauta”, Stary Rynek 90, Poznań, tel. 601 78 18 15,www.akwanauta.com.pl

◗ Poznań Diving Centre „Nautica”,ul. Piłsudskiego 100, tel./fax 61 872 90 66,www.nautica.poznan.pl

Selected divers' clubs in Wielkopolska

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Wielkopolska is well worth seeing from a kayak's perspective, one will need time for visiting numerous historic landmarks and natural attractions. The Warta River is the royalty among kayaking trails – devoid of any partitions, it offers 369 kilometres

of fascinating trails in Wielkopolska. Innumerable variations of kayaking routesare offered by the river's numerous tributaries, canals and lakes, including the renowned Lily of the Valley Trail in the vicinity of Przemęt. Every expedition reveals the unique beauty of water and forest wilderness

and panoramas of river valleys, while the unpolluted air is filled with the sounds

of nature. One can expect amazing encounters with the winged and four-leggedinhabitants of those areas.

Kayaking through Wielkopolska

Uniejów – beach and sport grounds near the castle (at 467,2)Koło – harbour with mooring (436,0)Konin – harbour (403,0)Ląd – Marina Ląd – private harbour for yachts and motorboats (370,3)Dłusk – ferry, commune kayak harbour (353,3)Pyzdry – TTW Perkoz harbour (351,7)Nowe Miasto nad Wartą – water guard and WOPR harbour (323,5)Gogolewo – floating deck (313,0)Kotowo – floating deck and „Biały Gościniec” campsite (303,7)Śrem – town harbour with a beach (291,8)Jaszkowo – harbour of the Antoni Chłapowski Riding Centre (285,7)Rogalinek – Przystań Papieska deck (266,8)Rogalinek – UKS Kotwica harbour decks (265,9)Puszczykowo – harbour (263,0)Czerwonak – Akwen-Marina campsite (234,2)Mściszewo – commune harbour (219,8)Stobnica – private harbour (188,2)Wronki – harbour (171,5)Sieraków – harbour (145,0)Chorzępowo – private harbour (137,5)Międzychód – harbour (128,0)


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The Small Loop of Wielkopolska – is a 370-kilometre long trail accessible only for kayaks. Its route is linedwith the Mosiński Canal and the hydro technical system of Obrzańskiecanals, built in the mid-19th century for the land improvement. The easiestway to travel the trail is to start the trip going with the flow of the Wartaas far as the mouth of Obra in Skwierzyń. From there, going against theweak flow of the river, via the lakes near Trzciel and Zbąszynek, you willreach the Północny Canal of the Obra, and then down the MosińskiCanal – back to the Warta.

The Gwda River Trail: Drężno – Szczecinek – Gwda Wielka – Lędyczek – Jastrowie – Krępsko – Dobrzyca – Piła – Ujście (145 km).

The river flows in a deep valley, and its banks are mainly covered withpine forests. In the middle reaches of the river one will cross five beautiful damlakes, and beyond those there is a complex of historic power plants. Thefurther part of the trail is more difficult for kayakers. It is the so-called „Gorgeof Gwda” with numerous frequent riffles.

John Paul II Trail down the river Rurzyca (tributary of the Gwda):Trzebieszki – Krępsko (25 km).

The Rurzyca flows through forests, far from human settlements, and linksthe lakes: Krępsko Duże, Trzebieszki, Krępsko Wyższe, Krępsko Średnie, Dąb.The trail is accessible even for beginners. Its main attributes include someunusual natural qualities. Karol Wojtyła, Pope John Paul II, used to paddledown the Rurzyca, and this fact is commemorated by a plaque on the bankof the Lake Krępsko Średnie, and the Pope's name is given to the trail.

The Płytnica River Trail (tributary of the Gwda):Dziki – Płytnica (36 km).The trail starts with a sequence of three long ribbon lakes: Rymieniewo,

Przełęg and Kniewo, and concludes at the location where the river Płytnicaempties into the Gwda. From Sypniewo as far as the village of Budy, theriver is regulated, which causes some disadvantages. Below Budy is the startof a forest gorge with small riffles.

The Warta is a right-bank tributary of the Oder River. Before it reachesits mouth in Kostrzyn nad Odrą, it covers the distance of 808kilometres, joining 7 districts, 38 communes and 13 towns of

Wielkopolska. Parts of the upper Warta, altered and regulated by man,intertwine with sections which have retained their natural condition, andare included in landscape and nature protection schemes of various degrees.Starting from the dam on Lake Jeziorsko, kayakers can sail across the wholeof Wielkopolska, without encountering any obstacles.

The Warta is friendly for kayakers, and kayakers from all over Poland, lovingthe space and extensive landscapes, have grown fond of kayaking down theWarta from spring until late autumn. While sailing down this river we haveopportunities to visit many monuments of architecture, and memorial placeslinking history with the present times. It is a good idea to set aside sometime for additional sightseeing trips (by passenger boat, on foot or onhorseback).

The largest tributaries of the Warta in Wielkopolska: Ner, Prosna, Wełna,Obra are also popular kayaking trails.

Additionally, the existing canals on the Warta allow for the planning ofround trips, e. g. along the Great Loop of Wielkopolska towards otherregions of Poland.


UniejówOchocki Krzysztoful. Norwida 19, 99-210 Uniejów tel. 608 358 922 (10 double kayaks)

KołoPrzystań Water Tourism and Recreation Association ul. Południowa 30, 62-600 KołoChairman Mariusz Skórzyńskitel. 601 798 313, 501 290 [email protected] (12 double kayaks)

LądMarina Ląd62-405 Ląd 137tel. 63 276 30 47www.marinalad.pl [email protected]. 507 478 349(catamaran for 8 people, and 6 double kayaks)

DłuskAgri-Tourist Farm „Pod Kogutem”Włodzimierz UrbaniakDłusk 72, 62-310 Pyzdrytel. 501 158 307, 502 541 943(10 double kayaks, 20 accommodation places)

PyzdryWater Tourism Society„Perkoz”ul. 3 Maja 23, 62-310 Pyzdrytel./fax 63 27 68 [email protected](15 double kayaks)

ŻerkówVocational Activity Centre„PROMYK”ul. Jarocińska 35a, 63-210 Żerkówtel. 62 740 20 50www.zaz-promyk.pl [email protected]

(8 double kayaks, 2 single kayaks)Lilianna Szulcul. Kraszewskiego 6, 63-210 Żerkówtel. 62 740 31 79(8 double kayaks with transport)

JaszkowoJaszkowo – HorseridingCentreJaszkowo 16; 63-112 Brodnica Śremskatel. 61 283 75 56, 502 560 680www.centrumhipiki.com [email protected](10 double kayaks, transport)

PoznańENERGO-TOUR, Marek TruszkowskiAl. K. Marcinkowskiego 2761-745 Poznań tel. 61 856 16 30, fax 61 856 16 37www.energo-tour.com.pl [email protected](30 double kayaks; 2 single kayaks)

DI Sport, PPHU Izabela Dylewskaul. Baraniaka 158, 61-131 Poznańtel. 61 872 85 10www.disport.com.pl [email protected](25 K2 kayaks, and 15 K1kayaks – cutting-edge polyester,and polyethylene; paddles, vests)

SierakówRegional Kayak Association„Czapla”ul. Poznańska 28, 64-410 Sierakówtel. 601 87 45 [email protected](15 double kayaks with transport)

Kayak Rental on the Warta:


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The Dobrzyca River Trail (tributary of the Gwda): NowaWieś – Golce – Ostrowiec – Tarnowo (49 km).

The trail leads down a sequence of ribbon lakes, and across lands thatare very interesting for their natural qualities and landscapes. The activityof beavers as well as natural river erosion create a spectacular wilderness,making the river a bit more difficult than the Piława and the Rurzyca.Below the Dobrzyca estate, the river divides into a few streams. BeforeTarnowo it slows down amidst meadows, as far as Piława.

The Drawa River Trail (tributary of the Noteć): StareDrawsko – Krzyż (179 km).

It is ranked among the most interesting kayak trails in Poland. It ispossible to travel along the whole trail, but it is easier to choose selectedsections, due to limitations related to the adjacent army and nature reservearea. The trail requires considerable skills because of the rapids, particularlybetween Drawno and Kamienna. Additional difficulties may be causedby fallen trees in the river, which are not removed within the DrawieńskiNational Park.

The Łobżonka River Trail (tributary of the Noteć): CzyżykowskiMłyn – Łobżenica – Wyrzysk – confluence to Noteć in the area ofOsiek (62 km).

In its upper reaches the river cuts through large forests, and continuesflowing through a deep valley. It flows into the Noteć in the area of thevillages of Osiek and Dębowa Góra (194 metres above sea level). In itslower reaches there are five power stations, including those in Witrogoszcz,Kościerzyn Wielki and Wyrzysk.

The Prosna River Trail (tributary of the Warta):Bolesławiec – Wieruszów – Kalisz – Pyzdry (153 km).

The trail, in its initial part featuring numerous shallows and otherobstacles, leads through areas with diversified landscapes and remainsof old riparian forests. The valley of the river, which at times goesmeandering between meadows and small hills, is partly included intolandscape protection schemes.

The Wełna River Trail (tributary of the Warta): Lake Wierzbiczańskienear Gniezno – Wągrowiec – Rogowo – Oborniki (95 km).

It is ranked among the most interesting waterways in Wielkopolska.In Wągrowiec, near the town centre and amidst meadows, visitors can seea sight unique for Europe – an intersection of rivers: Wełna and Nielba.Beyond Rogoźno, the river flows rapidly. It does not freeze in winter,which allows for winter kayak trips.

Wielkopolska Association of Water Tourism and Recreation – WARTA Poznań(60 – 479 Poznań, ul. Strzeszyńska 190,tel. 061 84 22 312) organisers:◗ International Kayak Regatta

– Warta Tour (late June, early July)◗ National Kayak

Marathon – Warta Challenge (August, along the routePoznań – Sieraków)

◗ National Kayak Marathon – WARTA TOP (June, alongthe route Ciążeń – Poznań)

Municipal Heat SupplyCompany(Konin, ul. Gajowa 1, tel. 63 249 73 00) organises:◗ Kayaking down the Warta, along

the route Konin-Ląd (June)

Water Tourism Society„Perkoz” (Pyzdry, ul. 3 Maja 23, tel. 608 035 [email protected]) organises:◗ Cyclic', regional kayaking

event, opening the watersports season on the riversWarta and Prosna (beginning of May)

Region Kayaking Association „Czapla” (Sieraków, ul. Poznańska 28, tel. 509 296 920) organiseskayaking events: ◗ Sieraków – ferry in Zatom

Nowy: in Spring „Welcome toSpring”, in Autumn – „Welcome to Autumn”, in Winter – „Winter kayaking”.

„Przystań” Water Tourism andRecreation Association in Koło(Koło, ul. Południowa 30, tel. 601 798 313, 501 290 095)◗ Family kayaking competition

– The Mayor of of Koło (June)

Association of Communeson the Ner River (Dąbie, Plac Mickiewicza 1)◗ annual kayaking events on the

river Ner, from Zimne (in Świnice Warckie Commune)to Dąbie nad Nerem (June).

„Pelikany” PTTK Kayak Club(Ostrów Wielkopolski, ul. Starotargowa 5, tel. 62 736 28 17◗ Anual kayaking down

the river Prosna, fromWieruszew to Przystajnia

Pomorskie Army Section of PTTK,(Wałcz, ul. Mazowiecka 2,tel. 67 250 22 28)◗ National Winter Kayaking

Trip – Gwda◗ National Kayaking trip down

the river Piława

Kayak TourismClub – „Zimorodek”PTTK Wągrowiec Section(Wągrowiec, ul. Powstańców Wlkp.28, tel. 603 867 907)

KOTWICA Sailing Club in Rogoźno(Rogoźno, ul. Mała Poznańska 31, tel. 67 261 83 93)◗ National Gathering of Lovers of the

rivers Wełna and Flinta', WinterKayaking Trip down the Wełna.

Selected kayaking events on the Warta and its tributaries:

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Kayaking through Wielkopolska


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Kazimierz PrzydatekAl. Niepodległości 179, 64-920 Piłatel. 606 949 [email protected] in the Gwda drainage basin.

PUP Wojciech [email protected]. Siedmiogóra 9/24, 64-700 Czarnkówtel. 693 47 77 66Organisation of kayak events on the rivers of northernWielkopolska.

UMKS „Zryw” Wolsztyn64-200 Wolsztyn, MunicipalPark, adjacent to the mainbeach, and the Wolsztyn Hoteltel. 600 396 [email protected]

Active Tourism „Info-Kajak” Tadeusz Obrocki, Tarnowo 12, 64-930 Szydłowotel. 608 517 929, 67 216 03 [email protected] trips down the riversDobrzyca, Piława, Rurzyca,Kocunia-Głomia.

Agri-tourism – kayak rentalPrzeborowo 30, 66-530 Drezdenkotel. 602 833 327, 95 76 25 605www.drawakajaki.republika.pl Kayak rental and transport,organisation of kayak trips on the Drawa River.

„W pięknej dolinie”Trzebieszki 2, 64-915 Jastrowietel. 604 34 25 28, 67 258 16 [email protected] down the rivers Rurzyca,Piława, Gwda andi Płytnica.

Splywaj. plul. Fabryczna 6, 64-915 Jastrowietel. 504 019 [email protected] of trips down therivers of northern Wielkopolska.

PWO PTTKul. Mazowiecka 2, 78-600 Wałcztel. 67 250 22 28, 601 337 954www.kajaki.pttk.plOrganisation of kayak tripsdown the Gwda, Dobrzyca,Piława, Rurzyca, Drawa.

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The Lily of the Valley Trail on the Przemęckie Lakes Przemęt – Konwaliowa Isle – Przemęt (41 km).

Ranking among the most beautiful kayak trails in Poland, it leads downwaterways of several lakes in the Przemęcki Landscape Reserve. Canalsand ditches connecting the lakes feature slow currents along their wholelength. There are no obstacles which would require getting out of a kayak.The name of the trail is the same as the name of a nature reserveestablished on the Konwaliowa (Lily of the Valley) Isle on LakeRadomierskie. The isle is a habitat of a rare subspecies of the lily, withpinkish hue of the stamens' base, as well as many other protected plantspecies. A recommended starting point for a kayak trip is in Boszków, onLake Dominickie, then the trail leads through the lakes: Wielkie, Małeand Boszkowskie then the Błotnicki Canal leads to North PrzemęckieLake. Sailing on around the Konwaliowa Isle you reach Wieleń. Thereone can turn north towards the Southern Obra Canal (via the KaszczorskiCanal), or go south towards Lake Lgińsko (via lakes Białe and Miałkie,and then the River Stara), or towards Lake Brzeźnie or Zapowiednik.All lakes of the Park are linked by means of canals, ditches or otherwaterways.

Around Lake Popielewskie (area c. 300 ha) – the deepest lake inWielkopolska (c. 50 m) is located in the drainage basin of the Noteć, eastof Trzemeszno, in a narrow and long trough (9 km). It is connected, by meansof creeks, with the lakes: Ostrowickie, Szydłowskie, Malicz, Folusz, andfeatures high woodless banks. In the lake's western coast there isTrzemeszno, and in the southern coast one can see the remains of an earlyMediaeval stronghold.

Around Lake Chrzypsko Wielkie (area 304 ha) – one of the largestlakes within the Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie Lake District. It featuresnumerous bays and headlands, as well as three islands. In the nearby forestsone can encounter beavers' lodges. On the southern coast of the lake,in a deep valley of the fast flowing Białokoski Creek, is located the villageof Łężeczki. In its proximity, at a view point (108 m above sea level)visitors can see a monument in the shape of a mushroom, the firstmonument erected in the third millennium. It is a good idea to visit thearea of Lake Chrzypsko during the annual „Festival of the smokedvendace” or in order to take part in the unique kayak orienteering race.

Lake Wolsztyńskie (124 ha) is one of the lakes of the so-called'Wolsztyńskie Trough', and is linked with Lake Berzyńskie by the DojcaRiver. The kayak trail leads from Karpicko via Wolsztyn, the Obra toGrójec Wielkopolski (44 km). Another option is offered by the trail fromthe Lake Wolsztyńskie, via the Dojca – Northern Obrzański Canal – theObra to Zbąszyń.

Selected rentals and organisers of kayak events


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The Warta – half-wild, screened with a curtain of shrubs, meanderingin wide valleys, lost in dried up old river beds, fast flowing in the gorges,whirling at the confluences of its tributaries – this is a river with manyfaces. It features hundreds of diverse fishing grounds and enchantingcorners, scattered along its 369-kilometre long stretch running throughWielkopolska, from the Jeziorsko reservoir (featuring rich fish fauna,however difficult to access by anglers) as far as Międzychód. For anglersthe Warta offers bream, common roaches, orfes, and in its upperreaches – common barbels and chubs. In the old riverbeds it is possibleto find quite big crucian carp, silver bream and common carp, and evencatfish. However, the greatest joy comes from a fight with a medal-winning size asp, for which the Warta is famous. Recommended locationsinclude the extremely diversified stretch of the river from the village ofCiążeń as far as Puszczyków near Poznań. Everyone will find themselvesa fish there. Anglers often occupy canal or river confluences. They can beseen near or within the city centres of Konin, Pyzdry, Śrem, Poznań andSieraków, as well as in the beautiful areas of landscaped reserves on theWarta – the areas of Zagórów, Czeszew, Jaszkowo, Rogalin, MurowanaGoślina, Kowanówko or Wronki.

The Noteć is a well-known river for those who go fishing for chub, andcarp, but it can surprise you with a proper size trout, a nice looking specimenof brown trout or salmon. The river is rich in bream carp, catfish, zanderand pike. In its lower, marshy reaches one can encounter a „completeatlas” of lowland-water fish, including predatory fish, and a host ofwhitefish species. Numerous outlets of drainage ditches as well as reedcovered riverbanks provide excellent conditions for artificial lure fishingas well as many hours' sitting. It is possible to catch catfish, especially inthe evening. Anglers can be seen along its whole course, from itsconfluence area to the Warta, as far as Nakło on Noteć.

Wielkopolska, a land of beautiful rivers and a thousand lakes, with rich and well-maintained fishing grounds, providesexcellent conditions for anglers. Therefore, it is a good idea to bring yourfishing gear here, while planning for a longer vacation or just a weekend breakin one of the numerous leisure centres of agri-tourist farms. Float, ground or fly fishing, fishing under ice, eachmethod is a good way to enjoy a prizewinning catch. The place is worth comingback too, you can always discover newplaces here, often not very far from populated areas and comfortable roads,yet quiet and deserted, as if we could have them only for ourselves. In fishing it is the places we visit, that are moreimportant than the fish we catch.

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Wielkopolska for fishermen




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The Prosna – is a lowland river, not very quiet, featuring considerablefluctuations of the flow. Anglers are particularly fond of the areas near thevillage of Chocz, where the river meanders among the fields and meadows.Here, it rarely exceeds a width of 20 m., and its depth ranges from 0.5mto 3.5 m. This area can be recommended to both those who favour flyfisning and for float anglers. The dominant species is common roach.Besides that there are: common bleak, bream, silver bream, common dace,gudgeon, carp, perch, and recently also asp. Trees which have fallen intothe river are a paradise for small pike, perch and ides.

The Gwda flows through crystal clear lakes abounding in vendace andpike, among others. Numerous reservoirs are created by the dams of a power station. Beyond Lędyczek it is a waterway with a rapid flowand a large population of trout and grayling. Other species present hereinclude chubs, nase, perch and ide, as well as fair size trout.

The Obra with a chain of lakes and canals (Southern, Middle andNorthern Obra Canals, and Mosiński Canal) constitutes a number ofattractive fishing grounds. In the lower reaches of the Obra it is a goodidea to fish for asp. Anglers using floats are successful catching roach, carpbream and carp. Those who favour spinning can hunt for perch and zander.In pools and flow-in areas one can hunt for large fish.

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Stobno Fishing Ground – located 7 km from Piła (driving from Poznań, after passing Ujście you turn towardsStobno). Open daily from 7am to 8 pm, from May to September. The offer includes: royal carp, white amur, silver carp, catfish, sturgeon, trout, zander, eel.

Pstrąg Fishing Ground (in the village of Piła near Wronki),located on the route Poznań-Obrzycko-Wronki. Open fromTuesday to Friday, from 1 pm to 8 pm, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays – from 10 am to 8 pm (in autumn until sunset).The fishing ground is stocked with trout only. tel. 67 25 43 193, 504 178 122

Carp Fishing Ground in Wojnowice – located betweenOsieczna and Leszno. It has an area of 5 ha. Open daily from 7 am to 8 pm. Species available: carp, crucian carp, common roach, pike, tench, white amur, bream carp, eel. tel. 65 535 05 75, 504 178 135.

Fishing Ground in Bogucin – located just outside the limits ofPoznań, along the route towards Gniezno in Bogucin, at ZielonaStreet, No 3. It consists of two reservoirs. The smaller is stocked onlywith trout, the other one with: carp, trout, catfish, crucian carp,tench, white amur, perch, eel, zander, common roach and bream. tel. 61 815 07 10, fax 61 815 07 10

Dębina Fishing Ground in Poznań – access: from PiastowskaSt you must turn into Ku Dębinie St and drive as far as the carpark. The fishing ground consists of 4 ponds: Borusa,Dębowego, Słonecznego and Grundela. You can fish daily from dawn until dusk. Reservoirs are stockedwith: carp, white amur, zander, catfish, eel, bream and perch.Permits available in a shop at Kasztanowa St. The price for oneday is 20 złoty (there is no extra charge for fish caught).

Pstrąg Fishing Ground in Tarnów near Piła – driving from StaraŁubianka turn, after passing the petrol station, towards Krupsk,then drive towards Tarnów. Here you can fish for trout only. The fishing ground is open 7 days a week, from dawn to dusk.

Rodeo Fishing Ground in Dobczyn near Śrem – from theroad Śrem – Książ Wielkopolski turn in Chrząstów. The fishingground consists of two reservoirs. The larger one (30 ha) is designed for professional carp anglers, you can catch carpweighing upto 20 kg, but the fish cannot be taken away. The second reservoir does not have this limitation, and theavailable fish include: tench, zander, and for free – bream, crucian carp, and common roach.

Fishing ground in Dąbrowa (Poznań) – is located along theroad Poznań- Buk. Fish: pike, zander, tench, sturgeon, whiteamur, perch, carp bream, crucian carp, common roach. Open from 7 am to 10 pm. Spinning is allowed, you can alsoarrange „night fishing”.

Gosławice Carp Fishing Ground – on the route Konin-Bydgoszcz, in the village of Maliniec turn towards Grąblin,entrance beyond the bridge on the Warta-Gopło canal.Prevailing species include carp, white amur, catfish, other species available: tench, bream, perch, pike, crucian carp,common roach and rudd. Grounds for 20 stands, with a boat atevery jetty. Places for putting up tents. Comfortable facilities.Booking: Gospodarstwo Rybackie „Gosławice” Sp. z o.o. in Konin, (Gosławice Fishing farm Ltd in Konin)tel. 63 242 73 17, fax 63 246 71 29.










Selected special fishing grounds in Wielkopolska















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◗ Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie Lake District, comprisesthe western and north-western part of the region, and ranks among themost beautiful areas of Wielkopolska, with its diversified terrain, morainehills and deep valleys. In its area there are over one hundred lakes, a varietyof forests with a number of reserves and natural monuments. Anglersparticularly appreciate the largest lakes: Chrzypskie Wielkie, Lutomskieand Jaroszewskie featuring large specimens of bream and roach. A stayin the lake district is a good opportunity to combine angling with thepeace and quiet of rural life in an agri-tourist farm, many of those canbe found e. g. in the communes of Kwilcz and Sieraków.

◗ Leszczyńskie Lake District comprises a few dozen lakes in thesouth-western part of the region, between the valleys of the Oder and Warta,mainly in Leszczyńskie and Wolsztyńskie Districts. Lakes highly rankedamong anglers include: Ligiń Duży (68.6 ha, depth 16 m) and Boszkowskie(51.2 ha, depth 3 m) – zander, eel and even catfish. Other species include:perch, pike and bream. The Przemęckie Lakes (Wieleńskie, Górskie,Olejnickie, Przemęckie) are clean and abound in fish. Anglers areparticularly fond of Lake Łoniewskie (102 ha, depth 5.4 m), also calledOsieckie. The reservoir belongs to the „zander type” of lakes. Additionally,it abounds in eels. Predominant non-predatory species include carp breamand silver bream. Lake Cichowo (108 ha, depth 17 m) in the communeof Krzywiń, abounding in eels, pike, tench, common rudd and perch, isan excellent place for combining angling with summer recreation and variousforms of tourism. In its proximity, Lake Wonieść (120 ha, depth 14.5 m)abounds in tench, common roach, carp, common rudd, zander and eel.

◗ Gnieźnieńskie Lake District comprises a large area ofnorth-eastern and eastern Wielkopolska. The most beautiful lakes visitedby anglers include the ones within the Powidzkie Landscape Reserve. Thelargest of those, Lake Powidzkie (c. 1200 ha, depth 45 m.) featuresa greatly varied coast line and bottom terrain, which create excellent livingconditions for many fish species. Quiet fishing in the beautiful countrysideis guaranteed by Lake Niedzięgiel (641ha, depth 20 m).

In the eastern extreme of the district lake, and the extension of theGopło trough, there are the Konińskie Lakes, a real carp anglers haven:Ślesińskie (152 ha, depth up to 30 m), Mikorzyńsko-Wąsowskie(251 ha, depth up to 36 m.), Pątnowskie (282.6 ha, depth 5,5 m),Licheńskie (147 ha, depth 12.5 m). The water in the lakes is artificially




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accumulated and constitutes a cooling system for nearby power stations,therefore it never freezes. The Konińskie Lakes are well-known in Polandfor the record sizes of white Amur and silver carp.

◗ Chodzieskie Lake District is a complex of numerous, small lakesbetween the valleys of the Noteć and Wełna, along the border between theWielkopolskie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie Provinces. In Lake Chodzieskie

(also called Miejskie – 117 ha, depth 6.7 m) and the adjacent Strzeleckie(17 ha, depth. 5 m) and Karczewnik (34 ha, depth 3.8 m) the mostcommonly caught species include: common roach, carp bream, tench,crucian carp, and carp, silver carp and eel. The most often caught predatoryfish include perch, pike and zander. Not far from Wągrowiec , in the lakes:Durowskie (143 ha, depth 7.9 m.) and Rgielskie (164 ha, depth 3.7m) itis possible to fish for eel, common roach, bream carp, pike, tench, perch,common rudd, and common bleak. Lake Margonińskie (215 ha, deptup to 20 m) surrounded by hills and mixed forests is a landscape jewel in theChodzieskie Lake District. On Margonińskie one can go fishing for commonroach and perch. You can also encounter stout bream carp.

◗ Poznańskie Lake District is an area, south and west of Poznań,featuring terminal moraines and ribbon lakes. It comprises the lakes ofthe Wielkopolskie National Park, where places available for anglers include:

Lake Łódzko-Dymaczewskie (120 ha, depth up to 12 m), LakeWitobelskie (105 ha, depth 5. m.), Lake Chemęcicko-Rosnowskie. Thelakes feature similar fish species: zander, pike, perch, carp bream, catfish andcommon roach. In the village of Łódź, from May to October a fishing lodgeoperates (tel. 61 813 43 76), and on Lake Chemęcicko-Rosnowskie – theonly campsite in the Park.

The Commune of Kaźmierz, District of Szamotuły, is the location ofLake Bytyńskie (339 ha, depth up to 7 m) with islands holding birdreserves. The lake's fishing capacity is well-maintained, and it is satisfyingfor those wanting to fish from the coast or from a boat. It is mainly restockedwith: carp, carp bream, crucian carp, eel, pike and zander. In the village ofBytyń there is a store, open from April to September, where it is possibleto buy fishing permits and rent a boat (tel. 603 955 071), in itsvicinity – a large car park, campsite, and sanitary facilities. The fishinggrounds are managed by Jeziorowo-Stawowe Gospodarstwo Rybackie sp.z o. o. w Lutomiu (Lake and Pond Fishing Farm Ltd in Lutom), 64-410Sieraków, tel. 61 29 52 017.

Between Poznań and Śrem there is the drainage basin of theKurnicko-Zaniemyskie Lakes . The largest among those: Kórnickie(82 ha, depth 6m) and Bnińskie (226 depth 8.5 m) are famous for largepopulations of zander and pike. The area offers comfortable touristinfrastructure and road access.







◗ Fishing on the reservoirs managed by the Polish Angling Association is available to holders of a rod licence, after payment of the relevant fees for water management. The obligation to obtain the licence does not concern foreigners and children under 14, however they do have to makethe relevant payments. Separate regulations and fees are in force for bodies of water owned by private farms or fishing companies.

KALISZul. Kantaka 7, 63-400 Ostrów Wlkp.tel. 62 736 10 08 www.pzw.org.pl/kaliszKONINul. Wyspiańskiego 1, 62-620 Konintel. 63 242 28 53, 63 243 29 79www.pzw.org.pl/koninLESZNOul. Słowiańska 63, 64-100 Lesznotel. 65 520 71 17www.pzw.org.pl/leszno

PIŁAul. Browarna 19, 64-920 Piłatel. 67 213 18 48www.pzw.org.pl/pilaPOZNAŃul. Znanieckiego 9, 60-682 Poznańtel. 61 829 05 30 fax 61 829 05 46www.poznan.pzw.org.pl

Seats of Regional Angling Associations in WielkopolskaWielkopolska

for fishermen




Page 21: Water tourism in Wielkopolska

W a t e r t o u r i s m i n W i e l k o p o l s k a | 1 9

Active recreation on the water can be nicely combined with bathing and recreational swimming in open air, natural swimming pools. In Wielkopolska such possibilities are provided by over one hundred well-equipped, maintained and supervised swimming pools.

JULY◗ Chodzież, Lake Chodzieskie; Margonin, Lake Margonińskie;

Środa Wielkopolska, Lake Średzkie, Wielkopolska Grand Prix of Long-distance Swimming (WOZP)

◗Wolsztyn, Lake Wolsztyńskie, Wielkopolska Grand Prix of Long-distance Swimming, WOZP, OSiR Wolsztyn)

◗ Kiekrz near Poznań, Lake Kierskie, Wielkopolska Grand Prix of Long-distance Swimming, „Swimming Marathon: Across the Kiekrz” (WOZP, TKKF, www.wtkkf.pl),

◗ Budzyń-Kamienica, Lake Kamienickie „Cup of Five Lakes”(MOSiR Chodzież, UG Budzyń, www.mosir-chodziez.pl),

◗Dziekanowice, Lake Lednickie, Wielkopolska Grand Prix of Long-distance Swimming, Long-Distance Swimming Competition „Blue Ribbon of Ostrów Lednicki” (WZOP, commune of Łubowo, www.lubowo.pl),

AUGUST◗ Borzątew, Commune of Mieleszyn, Lake Kłeckie, Wielkopolska

Grand Prix of Long-distance Swimming, Open Swimming Competition „Borzątew Campsite Cup”, UG Mieleszyn (OZP, WOPR, www.campingborzatew.pl),

◗ Zbąszyń, Lake Błędne, Wielkopolska Grand Prix of Long-distanceSwimming, swimming competition „Across the Lake Błędne”(WOPR Zbąszyń, District of Nowo Tomyśl),

◗ Szamocin, Lake Siekierka, „Five Lakes Cup” (MOSiR Chodzież,UMiG Szamocin),

◗ Jankowo Dolne, Lake Jankowskie, Wielkopolska Grand Prix ofLong-distance Swimming, Open Long-Distance Swimming Championships of Gniezno (GOSiR),

◗ Poznań, Lake Malta, Wielkopolska Grand Prix of Long-distanceSwimming (WOZP, Posil),

◗Margonin, Lake Margonińskie, „Five Lakes Cup” (MOSiRChodzież, UMiG Margonin),

◗ Chodzież, Lake Karczownik, „Five Lakes Cup” (MOSiR Chodzież)

Useful addresses:◗Wodne Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe (Volunteer water Rescue Service) – WOPR,

Al. Niepodległości 8A, 61-875 Poznań, tel./fax 61 820 67 01, www.woprwielkopolska.pl

◗National Water Rescue Emergency: 601 100 100, 112

◗Wielkopolska Region Swimming Association, 61-553 Poznań, ul. Chwiałkowskiego 34,room No 7, tel./fax 61 835 79 08, [email protected], www.wozp.poznan.pl

Selected swimming competitions in the Wielkopolska lakes

Selected bathing resorts

While travelling along Wielkopolska waterways it should beremembered that bathing is forbidden in the following places:near locks, bridges, buildings on the water, ports, dams, waterintake structures, fish-breeding ponds, fire-fighting water reservoirs, as well as near navigable routes, and in badly pollutedwaterways.



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The largest number of natural swimming pools can be found in the following lake districts: Gnieźnieńskie, Leszczyńskie, Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie, Chodzieskie, among others. In the vicinity of Poznań,Szamotuły, Wolsztyn, Złotów, Gniezno, Wągrowiec. Well-equipped swimming pools with attractive recreational facilities and water equipment rentals are located on the lakes:

Chodzieskie (Chodzież), Cichowskie (Cichowo), Dominickie(Boszkowo, Pudełkowo), Dolskie (Dolsk), Kurowskie(Wągrowiec), Krzywińskie (Krzywiń), Legnickie (Dziekanowice,Imiołki), Leśne (Jastrowie, Okonek), Margonińskie (Margonin),

Młyńskie (Prusim, Commune of Kwilcz), Jaroszewskie (OWiRSieraków), Wolsztyńskie (Karpicko), Zbąszyńskie (Nowa Wieś),as well as the Jeziorsko reservoir (Kościanki), and artificial lakeGołuchowskie (Gołuchów). The largest number of swimming pools(7) can be found on Lake Powidzkie, the most popular is the beachin Skorzęcin (on Lake Niedzięgiel).16









Page 22: Water tourism in Wielkopolska

Wielkopolska in Internetwww.wielkopolska.travel


PoznańRegional Tourist Information Centre61-772 Poznań, Stary Rynek 59/60 tel. 61 852 61 56

61 855 33 79 [email protected]

City Information Centre61-816 Poznań, ul. Ratajczaka 44 (entrance, ul.27 Grudnia) tel. 61 851 96 45

61 856 04 54 [email protected]

City Information Centre - Branch at Poznań International Fair60-734 Poznań, ul. Głogowska 14tel. 61 869 20 [email protected]

City Information Centre - Branch at Airport Ławica60-189 Poznań, ul. Bukowska 285tel. 61 849 21 [email protected]

Tourist Information and Services „Glob-Tour FB”at Poznań Railway Station60 - 801 Poznań, ul. Dworcowa 1tel. 61 86 606 [email protected]

GnieznoDistrict Tourist Information Centre62-200 Gniezno, ul. Rynek 14tel. 61 428 41 [email protected]

KaliszTourist Information Centre 62-800 Kalisz, ul. Zamkowatel. 62 598 27 31 [email protected]

KoninTourist Information Centre 62-510 Konin, ul. Dworcowa 2tel. 63 246 32 [email protected]

LesznoTourist Information64-100 Leszno, ul. Słowiańska 24tel. 65 529 81 91

65 529 81 9265 529 81 92

PiłaDistrict Tourist Information Centre 64-920 Piła, al. Niepodległości 33/35tel. 67 210 94 [email protected]

Nowy Tomyśl Commune Tourist Information Centre64-300 Nowy Tomyśl, pl. Niepodległości 10tel. 61 44 23 [email protected]

PuszczykowoEkoinfo Centre62-040 Puszczykowo, ul. Poznańska 1tel. 61 633 62 83

61 898 37 11 [email protected]

ŚremUnion of the Śrem Region – the Śrem Centre for the Support of Small Business63-100 Śrem, ul. Okulickiego 3tel. 61 283 27 [email protected]

WolsztynCommune Tourist Information Centre64-200 Wolsztyn, ul. Roberta Kocha 12a tel. 68 347 31 [email protected]

Selected incoming travel agencies

MARPOL TRAVELul. Dworcowa 164 – 500 Szamotułytel./fax 61 292 38 [email protected]

Travel agency „ATUR” ul. Mielżyńskiego 18/361 – 725 Poznań tel. 61 85 16 292, 61 85 60 881fax 61 85 13 604www.atur.com [email protected]

Travel agency – Karolina Gnusowska-Weiss ul. Mścibora 62/961 – 062 Poznańtel. 61 65 33 650 fax 61 65 33 [email protected]

Tourist information

Page 23: Water tourism in Wielkopolska

Map of Wielkopolska

Page 24: Water tourism in Wielkopolska

www.wielkopolska.travel www.turystyka-kulturowa-wlkp.pl

Editor: Wielkopolska Tourist Organizationwww.wot.org.pl

Text: Ryszard Jałoszyński

Translation: Exiles School of English, Timothy Downey

Map: Autografwww.autograf-poligrafia.pl

ISBN 978-83-61454-88-5

Poznań 2012

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