water scarcity

By: Nicole Salem, Esteban Missura, Carlos Serrano, Micaela Espinel

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a magazine that make knowlegde about how this global issue is affecting us


By: Nicole Salem, Esteban Missura, Carlos

Serrano, Micaela Espinel

Water is a global issue that is affecting our

community and all the people around the world.

Water scarcity means that our world is running

out of water thanks to the abusing of this

privilege around the world. That means that

when in big advance communities people use

one litter per person, in the India and all the

very low civilize communities only use one

bottle. The word scarcity means the lack of

enough water quantity or the lack or the lack of

access to save water quality, that means that we

are in a very crucial moment in life that our only

solution is to save water because the water

quantity that we have know is to little so our

only solution is saving water.

This global issue is not just leading to small

quantities of water is leading to a physical and

economic scarcity of water. Physical mean that

some cities are completely run out of water and

are leading to a lot of dehydration and in some

cases death. Economic water scarcity means

that the water is duplicating their price because

there is a very small amount of person and a lot

of people cannot afford to pay it. That is leading

to a big disaster because a lot of poor people

cannot afford it so day dehydrate to death or a

lot of disaster created. The physical scarcity is

usually happening in the Africa and a lot of

people are in a lot of pain. The physical scarcity

is one of the most painful because the people

are just starting without a little drop of water

and does one who are starting the water scarcity

can only have one cup of water a day and no

one is doing nothing about it.

Water scarcity is affecting many

people and if is not affecting you in a couple of

years it will happen to you. So we need to help

the people who are facing this global issue and

try to stop so our family or feature kids, grand

sand, etc. but we can help all the people that are

facing his by saving water every day and giving

funds to the companies that are helping the

people who are helping the kids with physical

scarcity of water.








84% of the persons don’t have an

option to consume the water of the

rivers and they drink that water and

get illnesses and 70% don’t know

that they have to take care of the

water and waste it like it was forever

and it wasn’t almost over.

The drought most do for water

scarcity one on crystals limestone

the earth get broke done and do

wholes with none water .

There is access to water in the

droughts but really deep on the

ground humans hardly survive

Animals can’t take water of there

and Animals die. Also lake of

vegetation and don’t have food to

eat .Little spots where you can find

water the droughts usually know

happen in Africa.

Countries that the use 30 billons of

litters of water in 2 months. One of

the bid cause of it is that the laying

with water in specials occasions

Without water :

• People can’t take shower

• Without shower, illnesses

• Skin cancer

• Social problem with the

person who will be smelly

• The person wouldn’t

accept people for not


• People will prefer to kill all

the animals for surviving


• All the animals will extinct

first than persons

• Humans will disappeared at

the end

Causes and effects about how this

is performing

Every year, about 110,000 billion

cubic meters of water falls on the

land surface of our planet as rain

or snow. That annual endowment

of water would cover all land to

nearly a meter deep if it was

spread evenly. More than half of

all of that water evaporates

quickly or gets taken up by trees,

shrubs, and grass. Of all the water

falling on land, we’re consuming

less than 10% to grow our crops,

supply our homes, keep our

industries running, and generate

electricity. Nearly half of all the

water that falls on land ends up in

a river, lake, or aquifer before

being used or flowing out to sea.

More than 40% of the renewable

water supply is already being

depleted. India has dug more than

150 meters in some places, to get

water. The cause for taking all this

water from the ground is that we

maybe have to take all the water

from the seas and convert it in

sane water to drink. When we end

up with that water of the seas the

world would be deserts. People

wouldn’t survive and die Make

the world all over a place of not

stability. A world uninhabitable.

Loose or extinct animal. Living

things on the sea will despaired

because they don’t have water to

survive. Our home would be the

complete of sand. The wars will

start cause everybody want to

have the water for there own and

the persons with more money in

the world will be the only

survivors. Have to live in another

place than the world another


Causes and effects about how this

Water scarcity is a problem in our world we have to solve. There are many solutions to

water scarcity and more than one solution is necessary. One of the solutions is to take out

the salt of the ocean water by a method called Desalinization that consists in passing the

water through a membrane where the salt stays there. There are some countries that are

already using it.

In many countries, rivers are drying, this means that crops don’t have enough sources to

keep growing; so many people will be affected by the lack of food. It takes 1000 tons of

water to grow 1 ton of grain.

Twenty percent of water is used for industry and ten percent of fresh water for residential

purposes. This means that we have to educate people around the world on how to save

this important resource. More than 4.8 billion gallons of drinking water is flushed down

toilets each day in the United States. It takes 2.5 billion gallons of water per day to irrigate

the world’s golf courses.

We can all help with the solutions of water scarcity: better public and community control

of water utilities; repairing old water systems, using less water for agriculture by using

drip irrigation, stopping polluting the water we do have.


Water Poster Champaign

Our group’s proposal is to create big and colored posters with water scarcity statistics,

information and techniques to save water all around the school to conscience people about

this global issue. Additionally we will have games in recess to make people get involve and

also collect water to water our plants in the school.

The objective of this proposal is to get people involve and conscience about the issue and

beginning with our school solves this problem in the entire world.

Our campaign will have big and attractive posters with statistics, information and

techniques to solve this problem in the school. Also, in them we will inform about our

recess games for people to get involved and come to our games. Furthermore we will save

and collect water that isn’t going to be used anymore and we will water our school plants

with them. It would be a great campaign at school.

We should practice this proposal in school because it would be great to try solving this issue

beginning with us in school. It will get people involved and that is very good.

The time we will need to apply our proposal would be approximately 3 weeks.

Our materials would be posters, a lot of colors, water scarcity games for recess, containers

for our saved water, and collaboration from all of our school


Water Scarcity is a real

global issue now a day. It is affecting

millions of peoples and hurting our

world. It is basically the lack of water

in the world. If we don’t do

something in the future it will get

worse risking many lives and homes.

Let’s face and fight this issue to have

a better tomorrow and have a green


Water scarcity is mostly

caused by wasting of water, unfairly

distribution of it around the world

and the climate change. First, lots of

people around the world waste

water and do not care for the

consequences. This has to stop

otherwise it will make the issue

worst. Second, There is an unfairly

distribution of water around the

world. It is hard to believe that 17%

of the world’s water is in Brazil or 7%

is in Canada and China or maybe 11%

is in Russia. It is the main reason

people in many parts of Africa are

dying because of lack of water. This is

very shocking but sadly it is true.

Also, the climate change is making the ice caps melt thus the ocean level

rise wasting lots of water and

affecting the climate balance in the

world. Plus many rivers, lakes and

seas have shrunk because of the

warming of the climate. All of these

causes have to stop and it primarily is

up to us.

Not only people are getting affected from this problem. Many types of fish

and plants are suffering because of pollution in water which is caused by our way of

buying, selling and using water. We should start worrying about this because plants,

animals, the environment in general are very important to us and to our world.

Additionally, this global problem is affecting economically too. Droughts all over the

world are making us loose water and are very expensive. This is hitting many

countries and governments making them a little conscience about this problem,

isn’t it about time right! Also bottled water has risen in cost making it hard to reach

for many people and this should not be happening. Everybody should have access

to clean and safe water because it is essential to all of us and we can’t live without


On the other hand, there are lots of things we can do to stop this problem

because it’s not a future problem, it is already a present issue. We can start by

becoming conscience about this problem; this will make us concerned about the

world. At home we can assure to close all water faucets to make sure not to waste

any water and not to pollute it. Outside and at school we can have campaigns

supporting the care of water and put into practice with many people, this has

already being done in some places and it is great, so catch up. In other places like in

Europe solutions have already started. In Europe they are already checking for the

wasting of water and are controlling many costly droughts. All of these solutions are

great and should get going all over our world because it can give our world new life.

In conclusion, water scarcity is a huge global issue. It

is affecting all of our society and environment. The solution

and life of our planet is in our hands and it is now when we

have to start helping our home that has given us so much.


Work cited

"Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis | Circle of Blue WaterNews." Circle of Blue WaterNews. N.p.,

n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2010/world/experts-name-the-top-19-solutions-to-the-global-


Home. Dir. Yann HomeprojectES. YouTube. YouTube, 19 May 2009. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.<


"Water Scarcity: Tomorrow's Problem: Solutions." Water Scarcity: Tomorrow's Problem: Solutions. University of Michigan, n.d. Web.

26 Sept. 2012. <http://sitemaker.umich.edu/section9group6/solutions>.

"Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis | Circle of Blue WaterNews." Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions

to the Global Freshwater Crisis | Circle of Blue WaterNews. N.p., 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.


"Scarcity, Decade, Water for Life, 2015, UN-Water, United Nations, MDG, Water, Sanitation, Financing, Gender, IWRM, Human

Right, Transboundary, Cities, Quality, Food Security."UN News Center.UN, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.


"Statistics of the Water Crisisupdated 8/17/2011." The Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.


"Global Water Shortage: Water Scarcity & How to Help - Page 2." The Water Project. Water Project Inc., n.d. Web. 26

Sept. 2012. <http://thewaterproject.org/water_scarcity_2.asp>.

"Scarcity, Decade, Water for Life, 2015, UN-Water, United Nations, MDG, Water, Sanitation, Financing, Gender, IWRM, Human

Right, Transboundary, Cities, Quality, Food Security." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.
