water level indicator cum controller

Water level indicator cum controller Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 The present concept implements controlling of pump which pumps water from the sump (underground tank) to the overhead tank, using 8951 microcontroller. The control panel, i.e. the main control unit of the system which consists of the primary control switches, pump indicator, siren and level indicators. The visual example of how switches And the indicators can be placed as shown the figure below. Front view of the model In the figure shown above there are total of nine LEDs, four of which indicates the water level in the tank, another four indicates the water level in the sump and one LED indicates whether the pump is ON/OFF. It also consists of three switches. 1. Switch 1 is the main power switch which is used to activate the system. 2. Switch 2 is used to select whether to operate the pump in AUTO or MANUAL mode. 3. Switch 3 comes to picture only when the system is operated in MANUAL mode. It controls the direct activation of the pump.

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Page 1: Water level indicator cum controller

Water level indicator cum controller

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

The present concept implements controlling of pump which pumps water from the sump (underground tank) to the overhead tank, using 8951 microcontroller.

The control panel, i.e. the main control unit of the system which consists of the primary control switches, pump indicator, siren and level indicators. The visual example of how switches And the indicators can be placed as shown the figure below.

Front view of the model

In the figure shown above there are total of nine LEDs, four of which indicates the water level in the tank, another four indicates the water level in the sump and one LED indicates whether the pump is ON/OFF. It also consists of three switches.

1. Switch 1 is the main power switch which is used to activate the system.2. Switch 2 is used to select whether to operate the pump in AUTO or MANUAL mode.3. Switch 3 comes to picture only when the system is operated in MANUAL mode. It

controls the direct activation of the pump.

Description :

This system is built around an 8951 microcontroller and the circuit diagram is as given below.

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Circuit diagram of Water level indicator cum controller

As you can see in the above diagram, port 0 is exclusively used as an input port which takes the information regarding the water level in the sump as well as in the overhead tank.

Port 1 is used as output port which is connected to the indicator that indicates the water level in both the tanks.

Port 2 is used as in/out port, it takes the input from switch 2 and switch 3 and gives the output which is connected to pump indicator, siren and the relay which controls the switching of the pump.

Working of the system:

Page 3: Water level indicator cum controller

There are two modes of working for the system

1. Manual mode2. Auto mode

Which is controlled by switch 2 (refer control panel diagram)

Manual mode:

When the system is active and in manual mode, it only indicates the water levels in the tanks and it doesn’t control any working of the pump. To activate the pump in manual mode switch 3 is used.

In this mode the operator should manually control the working of the pump. As in case  if the tank is full, operator should switch of the pump which is not the case when compared to auto mode.

Auto mode:

When the system is active and in auto mode, it only indicates the water levels in the tanks and it controls the working of the pump.

Author Name : Ranjith

Total : 178 Comments

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Electronic house Robotic car using 8951 Microcontroller Automatic Railway Gate Control & Track Switching Induction furnace control system Programmable number lock system

178 Responses to Water level indicator cum controller

Page 4: Water level indicator cum controller

1. Arindam December 18th, 2008 at 7:19 pm

Hi, I am Arindam .I have some question about this water level controller.1. I cant find any firmware for 8951 chip.2. can you add a LCD Or Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).3. can you add motor dry run protector means when water not flow to overhead tank, motor must turned off.4. amps rating of relay for 1 hp jet pump.

I have only overhead tank and 1 HP motor , so can you help me to implement this project for my case with above mentioned features.

I will be highly obliged if you spread your helping hand in this regard.

2. jyoti January 1st, 2009 at 11:17 pm

1. I cant find any firmware for 8951 chip.2. can you add a LCD Or Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).3. can you add motor dry run protector means when water not flow to overhead tank, motor must turned off.4. amps rating of relay for 1 hp jet pump.

I have only overhead tank and 1 HP motor , so can you help me to implement this project for my case with above mentioned features.

I will be highly obliged if you spread your helping hand in this regard.

3. sanjay bansal January 5th, 2009 at 9:32 am

sir i require the firmware and hex code for the water level controller projectplease help me in this matter

4. oduma jebs January 11th, 2009 at 6:06 am

1.can you add a LCD Or Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).2 please can i have an analysis of special function registers in 8951 microcontroller

5. bikash January 14th, 2009 at 11:37 am

sir,i am b.tech student and iam doing water level project so i need program of this project.

Page 5: Water level indicator cum controller

6. max January 18th, 2009 at 12:53 pm

hi..i need d firmware n other details of this project..im Third yr student.

7. Ranjith January 20th, 2009 at 2:52 pm

HiI have given this project idea to help students to do project their own.Here LCD or Seven segment display can be used for status using port 1 and 3For “dry run protector”, there should be a condition in the program such that motor should stop when water touches to probe “E” of tank200 amps relay is sufficient for 1 hp jet pump.

8. kamalpreet January 30th, 2009 at 9:50 am

i m kamalpreet , plese send the assembly language progamme and also the hex file for this project.

9. nihal February 4th, 2009 at 8:43 pm

sir,im doing my 8th sem project on water level indicator cum controller, iam trying to write the code can you please give the program for this.

10. oduma jebs February 22nd, 2009 at 4:59 pm

sir i require the firmware and hex code for the water level controller project,plese send the assembly language progamme and also the hex file for this project,and other details of this project.

11. Naveed March 1st, 2009 at 5:55 pm

sir i have require the firmware and hex code for the water level project.please send it to me.

12. Zohaib March 11th, 2009 at 10:18 pm

The project is very helpful. I need the code for the water level controller. Please help me out.

Page 6: Water level indicator cum controller

13. nishant March 16th, 2009 at 9:06 pm

pls provide me the firmware and hex code…..needed urgently

14. Apurva Makde March 19th, 2009 at 6:55 am

plz provide me the program n hex code for the same…

15. JUsKidINg.. March 23rd, 2009 at 12:09 pm

hello…i dont hav much time to make this project..or i shd say icant make it. lol.no idea

so ..can ne1 gonna tell me..how much it wil cost?if i jus buy it frm outside..

or if any one know place where i can get a cheap.do tell me..plz.

16. JUsKidINg.. March 23rd, 2009 at 12:13 pm

hello…i dont hav much time to make this project..or i shd say icant make it. lol.no idea

so ..can ne1 gonna tell me..how much it wil cost?if i jus buy it frm outside..

or if any one know place where i can get a cheap one .do tell me..plz.

17. norell March 26th, 2009 at 7:23 am

hi sir…i’m final year student..

I require the hex code for the water level controller project.please help me.

18. norell March 26th, 2009 at 8:58 pm

hi sir…i’m final year student..

I require the hex code for the water level controller project.please help me.

Page 7: Water level indicator cum controller

19. Prashant Gurav March 28th, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Sir,i require a hex coding to burn on 8951. pl. send me via e-mail.

20. biswajeet March 29th, 2009 at 9:16 am

i am biswajeet i just want a full description about this topic means the video clip . i just want to know1. I cant find any firmware for 8951 chip.2. can you add a LCD Or Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).3. can you add motor dry run protector means when water not flow to overhead tank, motor must turned off.4. amps rating of relay for 1 hp jet pump.5.Here LCD or Seven segment display can be used for status using port 1 and 3For “dry run protector”, there should be a condition in the program such that motor should stop when water touches to probe “E” of tank200 amps relay is sufficient for 1 hp jet pump.

21. Manoj April 1st, 2009 at 4:01 pm

Hi, I am Manoj .I have some question about this water level controller.1.I require a hex coding to burn on 8951. Please send it immediately2.I cant find any firmware for 8951 chip.3. can you add a LCD Or Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).4. can you add motor dry run protector means when water not flow to overhead tank, motor must turned off.5. amps rating of relay for 1 hp jet pump.

I will be highly obliged if you spread your helping hand in this regard.

22. firoz khan April 2nd, 2009 at 8:47 pm

sir i require the firmware and hex code for the water level controller project,plese send the assembly language progamme and also the hex file for this project,and other details of this project.

23. karan idnani April 5th, 2009 at 9:03 pm

sir.please provide me with the assembly language code or the c language code of the water level indicator.needed urgently.

Page 8: Water level indicator cum controller

24. N>R.choudhury April 13th, 2009 at 2:46 pm

dear sir,I want firmwire of 8951 and hexcode for the water level controller and the process to burn.

25. Prateek April 25th, 2009 at 12:32 pm

Sir, I need an assembly language program for the same, pls help me .

26. Sunit Kumar Bhaumik May 7th, 2009 at 1:12 pm

The projaect is very good excellent but I need the hex code of the Water level indicator cum controller. Without hex code the circuit is useless. Please, can you send to the hex code to my mail adderess.

27. Prateek May 7th, 2009 at 1:21 pm

I,m Providing u with d code,change it according 2 ur convenience.

;********************************************************************************************;Objective : Water Level Indicater and Motor Protection;Name of the Programmer : Prateek Kaura;Hardware Used : CPU Board, Led Card, Power Supply, 8 pin connector; Two pin connector;Program Description ; Crystal=11.0592kHz; Port0 is used as LCD; Port1 is used for Motor; Port2 is used for LED’s; Port3 is used for RF Module

;Status :;**********************Hardware declaration**************************************************;lcd equ p0RS BIT P2.5EN BIT P2.4buzzer bit p2.3

GREEN bit p2.0YELLOW bit p2.1RED bit p2.2

Page 9: Water level indicator cum controller

senser1 bit p3.0senser2 bit p3.1senser3 bit p3.2senser4 bit p3.3relay1 bit p1.0key1 bit p1.3

;*********************************************************************************************;ORG 0000H ;RESET OPERATIONSJMP POWERON ;GO TO POWERON LABELORG 0003H ;EXTERNAL0 INTERRUPT




POWERON: MOV SP,#70H ; Move the stack pointer at 70h locationMOV IE,#00H ; Disable all the interruptsMOV IP,#00H ; Disable the interrupt priority registerMOV P0,#0FFH ; Move 0FFH in in port 0MOV P1,#0FFH ; Move 0FFH in in port 1MOV P2,#0FFH ; Move 0FFH in in port 2MOV P3,#0FFH ; Move 0FFH in in port 3

;*RAM variable declaration ,30h-7Fh;……………………………………….;……………………………………….;*********************************************************************************************;

;*****************POWER ON *************************************************************** ;

;****************************RAM CLEARANCE**********************************************;

Page 10: Water level indicator cum controller

MOV R0,#7FHRAM_CLR: MOV @R0,#00H ; Clear the RAM from 00 to 7FHDJNZ R0,RAM_CLR;;**********************************MAIN PROG******************************************************

setb redsetb yellowsetb greenclr relay1mov lcd,#38hacall command

mov lcd,#01hacall command

mov lcd,#0ehacall command

mov lcd,#80hacall command

MOV DPTR,#DATA1ACALL DISPLAY_main1:setb redsetb yellowsetb greenmov r2,#70d


setb greensetb RELAY1acall delayjnb senser1,check1djnz r2,main3mov r2,#50dsjmp main5

main11:jnb p1.3,main3sjmp main11


Page 11: Water level indicator cum controller

setb buzzersetb greensetb redsetb yellowjnb senser1,check1sjmp main

main5:clr relay1acall delaysetb greensetb redsetb yellowmov lcd,#0c0h

acall commandMOV DPTR,#level4ACALL DISPLAY_acall commandsjmp main11

check1:clr green

setb redsetb YELLOWjb senser1,main3

jnb senser2,check2mov lcd,#0c0hacall commandMOV DPTR,#level1ACALL DISPLAY_

djnz r2,check1mov r2,#20

sjmp main

check2:clr YELLOWclr greensetb red;jnb p3.2,main3jnb senser3,check3jb senser2,main

Page 12: Water level indicator cum controller

mov lcd,#0c0hacall commandMOV DPTR,#level2ACALL DISPLAY_sjmp check2

check3:clr redmov r3,#04clr YELLOWclr greenclr relay1buzzer_on:clr buzzeracall delaysetb buzzeracall delayjb senser3,mainmov lcd,#0c0hacall commandMOV DPTR,#level3ACALL DISPLAY_djnz r3,buzzer_on

check34:setb buzzeracall delayclr red

clr YELLOWclr greenclr relay1

jb senser3,main7mov lcd,#0c0hacall commandMOV DPTR,#level3ACALL DISPLAY_sjmp check34main7:ljmp main


Page 13: Water level indicator cum controller

ACALL DATAINC DPTRJZ EXITSJMP DISPLAY_EXIT:RET;****************command*************command:clr RSsetb ENnopnopnopnopnopclr ENACALL DELAYret

;*****************data***************data:setb RSsetb ENnopnopnopnopnopclr ENACALL DELAYret;***************************delay***************************************delay:mov 33h,#50dloop1: mov 34h,#50dloop2: mov 35h,#20dloop3: djnz 35h,loop3djnz 34h,loop2djnz 33h,loop1ret;**************************************data byte******************************************************************


Page 14: Water level indicator cum controller

level1:DB ‘Low Level ‘,0level2:DB ‘Medium Level ‘,0level3:DB ‘High Level ‘,0level4:DB ‘Input Line Fail ‘,0

28. farid June 4th, 2009 at 7:24 pm

sir i need the code 4 water level. plz help me n send me on my mail addres.thnx

29. solangi01 June 15th, 2009 at 2:39 am

plz give me the hex code of water level indicator cum controller I am very thankful to u.

[email protected]

30. phanikumar July 11th, 2009 at 8:44 am

sir pl sent mail ofsource [email protected]

31. deva August 23rd, 2009 at 10:55 am

any body can u send water level cum motor protector block diagram

32. Prem September 4th, 2009 at 6:09 am

microcontroller is new to me…so my doubt may be a simple one..but i dont know thats why i am asking….Where to connect a motor ?& please telll me the function at P2.4…i am not getting it by reading…

the probes you are using for sensing are they copper probes ?

33. devi September 17th, 2009 at 2:32 pm

i need code in c language for water level cum controller please help me……

Page 15: Water level indicator cum controller

34. gouthami September 17th, 2009 at 2:38 pm

hican u give me the souce code for waterlevel indicator cum controller in c language….

35. Rahul September 17th, 2009 at 2:51 pm

Hi, i need a pressure measurement and controller circuit diagram and c program code using 8051 micro controller.

36. ibilade olalere September 23rd, 2009 at 8:03 pm

please can you send the complete diagram of the water level monitor showing how the lcd is connected. i also need the firmware and the source code necessary to make the project perform to it’s expectation. thanks for your support. my mail is [email protected].

37. Maulik Joshi October 3rd, 2009 at 1:52 pm

can i get configured 8951IC and pcb lay out?

38. prateek October 8th, 2009 at 5:41 pm

hey can i get the hex code file & pcb layout for this water level project.mail me soon. thnx

39. Sadish Shrestha October 9th, 2009 at 7:05 am

Hello Sir,With your design I have made my own water level controller with different code. The project runs good when kept outside water by touching the probes. By when keeping the probes in water it works for sometime and fluctuates making the motor on and off within some seconds. I dont think there is any problem with the hardware and software but with the probes. Suggest we a suitable and cheap probe yo be used.

40. karan October 21st, 2009 at 10:43 pm

hey can u pls xplain the xact working of the exp as in the uses of relay n the other components frm viva pt of view.thanx

Page 16: Water level indicator cum controller

41. PRIYANKA October 26th, 2009 at 5:59 pm


42. innocent@electronics October 28th, 2009 at 4:03 pm

sir i need some innovations to be added to this water level indicater is it possible ?????

43. komal October 29th, 2009 at 9:32 am

i want pcb layout n block diagram of this project.plz help me…

44. Yamini November 4th, 2009 at 3:46 pm

hello sir…actually i’ve never done any such project… can you please send me all the details, codes, etc on my mail… i’ll be highly obliged.

45. p.meher November 8th, 2009 at 7:28 pm

plzzzzzzzzz……send me water level controller programing….of 8085 microprocessor….i m in extreme need…..at mah ID [email protected]……i’l b very gr8full…..plz do not ignore this

46. ameer ali November 10th, 2009 at 3:23 am

plz send the complete source code of water level indicatorto my mail id its urgent

47. ameer ali November 10th, 2009 at 3:24 am

plz send me the complete source code of water level indicatorto my mail id [email protected]

48. amit November 11th, 2009 at 12:01 am

sir plz send me the block diagram of water level indicator an motor controller..i need it very baddly..my email id is [email protected]

Page 17: Water level indicator cum controller

49. amine November 12th, 2009 at 10:49 pm

hi every one I just wanna ask if the same project can be implemented using 16f877 and using lcd screen displayer instead of leds plusplease tell me what kind of detectors do we use ???????PLEASE IF SOMEONE CAN ANSWER ME PLEASEDON4T HESITATE;THANKS

50. amine November 20th, 2009 at 9:46 pm

plzzzzzzzzzzz answer my questions cuz it’s a case of die or life

51. manu thomas December 3rd, 2009 at 12:31 pm

Hi, i need a pressure measurement and controller circuit diagram and c program code using 8051 micro controller.

and also can you mention the kit specification used for this project

52. anish December 13th, 2009 at 7:15 pm

sir i need d complete details of water level indicator without using microcontroller…………..constrction ,circuit,evrythng wich u can guide me a successful one……………………

53. chirag January 13th, 2010 at 9:57 pm

plz send me the complete programming of water level indicatorto my mail id [email protected]

54. ritesh January 21st, 2010 at 8:22 pm

sir i wish to know about the programing related to petrol level indicator using 10k pot based on microcontroller 8951 and also interfacing with LCD. please help me

55. mithun January 28th, 2010 at 12:26 pm

is this program is automatic contolle of water . can you mail me complete detail to my mail id

56. Pallavi February 2nd, 2010 at 5:10 pm

Page 18: Water level indicator cum controller

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontroller

57. Okoye Ukadinma February 11th, 2010 at 10:13 am

Hi…Thanks for this project… Its really a great one…Pls can you hlp me with this one:Remote industrial Monitoring of tank WAter Level, Converyor belt speed, using an 8951 microcontroller?It should be interfaced to a computer via parallel or serial port… I hav already worked on interfacing the transducers via current sense amplifier and adc to the microcontroller… I just need a working connection, an Assembly language code, and a monitoring software (I intend using matlab 7.0 interface).Thanks…My email: [email protected]

58. Saurabh Singh February 16th, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Dear Sir,Good after noon, I am also trying to mak a water level controller, but now I am facing some problem in coding, I am using 89c51 MCu, is this is sufficent for my application, so I need your help in coding, please mail me the coding if you can, my mail id is: [email protected].

Thanks & RegardsSaurabh Singh+91 98975 79022

59. ayanda February 18th, 2010 at 1:00 am

i am a student at the durban university of technology, i am working on a water level project you guys help me with the pic coding .i will be using 4 switches as sensors

60. ayanda February 18th, 2010 at 1:02 am

my email: [email protected]

61. abhishek February 19th, 2010 at 9:17 pm

so ..can ne1 gonna tell me..how much it wil cost?if i jus buy it frm outside..

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62. anand February 20th, 2010 at 9:25 am

i wanna do this project in arm7tdmi

can anyone send me the code for the same???

63. magnatron March 6th, 2010 at 7:41 pm

there is a design fault..you must provide an isolation between the uc ant he relay.. els the program will get flashed out..recoment a optocoupler(pref. MCT2E) for isolation…regards …magnatron…[email protected]..!

64. juhi March 14th, 2010 at 8:40 pm

is this circuit diagam and the program correct?any corrections anything needed please please let me know as soon as possible.

65. AMINE March 31st, 2010 at 5:01 pm


66. BASAVARAJ IL April 5th, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Dear Sir,Exelent design, kindely I need pcb layout and block daigram and sensor arrengments. I am badely waiting for your early reply.

67. Rahul April 28th, 2010 at 5:21 pm

Dear sir,Please i need ur help in coding of same water level indicator using 8951. Please kindly send me the coding as soon as [email protected]

Page 20: Water level indicator cum controller

68. Rahul April 28th, 2010 at 6:10 pm

Please sir send me the firmwre and hex…send it via e-mail as soon as [email protected]

69. Rahul April 28th, 2010 at 6:11 pm

Please sir send me the firmwre and hex coding of same project send it via e-mail as soon as [email protected]

70. altaf ahmad May 4th, 2010 at 11:27 am

plz sent me sir this project code

71. asok kumar biswas May 6th, 2010 at 11:41 pm

sir,thanks for ur circuit diagram,i had installed similar one about 10 years back now it malfunctioning,its not so modern like urs water level indicator cum controller, it will be of great help, if u send me a detail circuit of the same so i could built one to replace the existing one for my house,with best regard..

72. Jinesh Kumar May 7th, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Dear Sir,

I am interested in this Water Level Controller. Could you please send the required code and hex file to my e-mail id?

Thanks and Regards,

Jinesh Kumar,Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

73. babu May 18th, 2010 at 1:28 pm

kindly provide me full details program of the water level controller along with its hex file and block drawing

74. ehsan May 18th, 2010 at 10:03 pm

Page 21: Water level indicator cum controller

dear sirmay send me the project source code!!!

75. Ishtiaq Hussain May 25th, 2010 at 4:25 pm

This is an extremely attractive project to me. I will be really thankful to you if you send the 89c51 code and detaled description working of each component.please cooporate me. Best regards

76. amine May 29th, 2010 at 9:15 pm

for those who wants to realize the circuit I can provide a full help if and only if the writer allows me to do so. if you are interested contact me. find on skyp mino139

77. Prakash Sounderaj June 4th, 2010 at 10:58 am

Dear Sir,I have gone through your circuit & found one of the best water level controller, I want to do one for me I have purchased all item including IC8951 but later i came to know that has to be programed, I would humble request you to send me a programed IC8951 I will pay the charges for that or you can guide me where i can get this done in bangalore.Thanks & RegardsPrakash

78. swetha June 13th, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Please send me the details of the program & hex code for water level indicator cumcontroller using 8951 microcontroller.

79. chandroday June 25th, 2010 at 12:51 pm

sirplease mail me details and coding of this projects.i want to work on this.

80. chandroday June 25th, 2010 at 12:52 pm

my email id is [email protected] sir do mail

Page 22: Water level indicator cum controller

81. Divya July 2nd, 2010 at 12:04 am

sir ..i m interested in this project…plz mail me the details…

82. SANJAY July 2nd, 2010 at 1:45 am


83. Mahesh Panchal July 10th, 2010 at 11:03 am

Dear Sir,

Thank you for providing the Circuit Diagram.

I would humbly request you to send me the program code for the same on ‘[email protected]’.

84. rakesh kumar pal July 14th, 2010 at 12:39 pm

dear sirmay send me the project source code!!!

85. rakesh kumar pal July 14th, 2010 at 12:46 pm

Please send me the details of the program & hex code for water level indicator cumcontroller using 8951 microcontroller.

86. somshekhar swami July 22nd, 2010 at 12:39 pm

hello sirthis is a very intrusting project .please sent me the programing and other details of this project

87. BASAVARAJ IL July 23rd, 2010 at 12:52 pm

1.With your design I have made my own water level controller with different code. The project runs good when kept outside water by touching the probes. By when keeping the probes in water it works for sometime and fluctuates making the motor on and off within some seconds. I dont think there is any problem with the hardware and software but with the probes. Suggest we a suitable and cheap probe yo be used 2. can you add a LCD Or

Page 23: Water level indicator cum controller

Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).3.can you add motor dry run protector means when water not flow to overhead tank, motor must turned off.4.Get me please PCB layout design.

88. ami July 30th, 2010 at 11:08 pm

plz can u mail the code?????????

89. Raj Singh August 6th, 2010 at 9:02 pm

Someone please explain me how does the relay work in this circuit, with a brief description of the circuit as a whole

90. ponraju August 7th, 2010 at 4:12 pm

can u send the program code to mail id?

91. akshaya August 13th, 2010 at 2:03 pm

plz give me programming code(assembly language)for programming the mc(microcontroller)

92. Gauri August 26th, 2010 at 4:00 pm

Dear sir,Please i need ur help in coding of same water level indicator using 8951. Please kindly send me the coding as soon as [email protected]@gmsil.com

93. prajakta August 27th, 2010 at 11:55 pm

Dear sir,i wnt full working of water level indicator using microcontroller ic 8951,i also want source code for given circuit.thanking you,


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94. Ronnie August 30th, 2010 at 12:52 am

I’m very much interested in it. Can u give me the source code(Hex file)please?My mail [email protected]

95. harsh bharade September 1st, 2010 at 11:46 am

Dear sir,i wnt full working of water level indicator using microcontroller ic 8951,i also want source code for given circuit.thanking you,


96. pooja September 1st, 2010 at 12:07 pm

Dear sir,i wnt full working of water level indicator using microcontroller ic 8951,i also want source code for given circuit.thanking you,


97. Anum September 2nd, 2010 at 9:57 pm

Please give me programming code(assembly language)for programming themicro controller ..

98. Maria Batool September 4th, 2010 at 1:04 pm

Hi sir,this is a very understandable project i hav found but can u emailme the coding in assembly language to program microcontroller? please reply

99. Ruchi Agarwal September 5th, 2010 at 9:08 pm

hello sir,..i am not able to understand the exact working of this project.Could you please provide me with more details regarding this project.My email id is [email protected]

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100. sushant September 5th, 2010 at 9:40 pm

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontroller

101. Naeem September 9th, 2010 at 1:21 pm

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontroller

102. Naeem September 11th, 2010 at 2:12 pm

I’m very much interested in it. Can u give me the source code(Hex file)please?My mail [email protected]

103. ayushi gupta September 11th, 2010 at 7:12 pm

even i would like to have some more information on your project. please

104. Milton September 12th, 2010 at 2:36 am

I am interested in this project and I would like more information,thank you very much

105. amir September 17th, 2010 at 3:54 pm

hey can u plz send me the source code(hex file) 4 these project ?

106. mani September 20th, 2010 at 4:48 pm


107. lions September 22nd, 2010 at 8:11 pm

hi me too.. can i have the source code too, please? =) (hex file) very muchappreciated

thanks! [email protected]

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108. azwan September 29th, 2010 at 7:11 am

i want to ask something. Ic micro c and pic can use the same program tocontrol water level?

109. RITESH October 6th, 2010 at 4:07 pm

Hey..!! I am interested in this project. Can u send me a source code(Hex code) for this project?)

110. RITESH(RITS) October 6th, 2010 at 4:09 pm

Hey..!! I am interested in this project. Can u send me a source code(Hex code) for this project?)this is my mail address: [email protected]

111. shashi October 19th, 2010 at 5:36 pm

hi,nice project cud u pls send me d source code, pcb diagram , components required& detail working of it.mail me [email protected]

112. shashi October 19th, 2010 at 5:39 pm

hi,nice project, cud U pls send me d source code, PCB diagram , components required& detail working of it.mail me [email protected]

113. gopinath October 22nd, 2010 at 6:42 pm

this is better than other one can u pls send me the complete circuit diagramand the source code. thankyou

114. prasad October 23rd, 2010 at 4:44 pm

pls send me the source code, pcb diagram , components required& detail working of it.

115. Salman October 25th, 2010 at 11:50 pm

Page 27: Water level indicator cum controller

one more in the que,i have made the project but its not working, it will be great if u can send the details along with the source code or any means through which I can get help

116. iqbal October 29th, 2010 at 2:49 pm

I’m very much interested in it. Can u give me the source code(Hex file)please?

117. goondaraj November 11th, 2010 at 7:36 pm

your project is really good ,but i need it to be interfaced with 8086and please forward it to [email protected],,reply asap

118. ashim November 20th, 2010 at 6:59 pm

sir can u mail me the c program of the project [email protected]

119. Anas Ibn Azeez November 24th, 2010 at 6:54 pm

Hi…Iam interested to do this project.pls forward the circuit descpription indetailn the hex file to my email

120. P Satish Menon December 4th, 2010 at 12:17 pm

Pl send me the Program for PIC 8951 for water level indicator cum controller Thanks in advance pl send to [email protected]

121. Gunjan Sharma December 7th, 2010 at 9:13 pm

I am working on a “Water Level Controller” project. I need to know that which type of motor is required and of how much volt? And for water level sensing , which sensor i should use?

122. Ahmed December 18th, 2010 at 1:19 am

I’m very much interested in it. Can u give me the source code(Hex file)please

123. tanveer December 20th, 2010 at 12:10 am

Page 28: Water level indicator cum controller

sir please give me hex code this water level control.I want to use thisat home,

124. jhony bravo December 26th, 2010 at 2:15 pm

I’m very much interested in it. Can u give me the source code(Hex file)please

125. arun December 30th, 2010 at 1:50 pm

sir i’m btech final year student. my project is water level indicater.please help me to generate the source code for this project….

126. Rohitha December 30th, 2010 at 2:51 pm

sir i’m btech final year student. my project is water level indicater.please help me to generate the source code for this project…

127. Aashita December 31st, 2010 at 1:32 pm

Hey can u please give me entire description s well as code?

my email id is : [email protected]

128. sneha January 3rd, 2011 at 11:05 am

Very nice project.I’m looking forward to make the project.Can u pls mail me the source code?

129. anand January 11th, 2011 at 10:31 am

Interesting project, I will be intersested to have source /hex codecan i get it throug mail [email protected]

thank u

130. tanveer January 12th, 2011 at 12:31 am

can you give hex code water level control.

131. shah January 12th, 2011 at 9:48 pm

Page 29: Water level indicator cum controller

please can u give me hex code of water level control.My e-mail [email protected].

132. ahtisham January 23rd, 2011 at 5:26 pm

salam…sir i am also doing this project can you please send me programminh in c++my email is [email protected]

133. iqbal January 29th, 2011 at 10:08 pm

sir please give me hex code this water level control.I want to use thisat home,

134. anusha January 31st, 2011 at 6:42 pm

sir i want to do project based on this so please giv me the hex code of tiswater level controller

135. Shuaib February 1st, 2011 at 6:12 pm

Please sir give me the details of this project. It relates to my final year project. email: [email protected]

136. Shuaib February 1st, 2011 at 6:17 pm

Those resistors inside Sump and Tank would they be made to enter water inside. Please reply and give details.

137. P.BRAHMA TEJA February 6th, 2011 at 10:28 am

Sir,this is P.Brahma Teja please send the complete program code n how to dup it into controller and provide me relavant information about this project with neat block digram & description please sir its very urgent…..

138. rafa February 15th, 2011 at 12:17 pm

Can u pls mail me the source code? >> [email protected]

139. uday February 17th, 2011 at 2:51 pm

Page 30: Water level indicator cum controller

i want source code

140. nabeel February 18th, 2011 at 12:52 am

can you please sed me the source code of the project.Email: [email protected]

141. veerapandu February 18th, 2011 at 1:39 pm

can u pl send me entire code

[email protected]

142. Sreekumar.G February 18th, 2011 at 2:01 pm

can you please sed me the source code of the project.

my email- [email protected]

143. saravanan February 20th, 2011 at 1:37 pm

hi “iam looking for a technology where i can activate a moter using my mobile using SMS and turn off using SMS or i will use the water level indicator ”is the any way anyone can provide me a soluton for thiseg:iam in chennai & my agriculture land is in coimbatore,iam willing to have maintain my aggriculture sitting from my office

144. harika February 26th, 2011 at 10:40 pm

sir i want to do mini project on this. can u give me abstract,block diagram,circuit diagram

145. jaimin March 3rd, 2011 at 10:41 am

sir can u give me C program file?

146. Mehul patel March 6th, 2011 at 1:37 pm

Page 31: Water level indicator cum controller

Sir,please give me source program of water level indicator cum controller.my email id is ([email protected])

147. Aparna Lokhande March 13th, 2011 at 12:44 pm

plz giv me the source code for above project.

148. rathi March 13th, 2011 at 4:43 pm

i would like to do tis project… i want abstract,doc and everything abt tis project….. pls send me… now

149. rakesh March 14th, 2011 at 7:32 pm

i want hex file for micro controller .plz. mail me on [email protected]

150. Sarge March 16th, 2011 at 1:56 pm

I would like the source code and hex code for this project as well.Please send if not to much trouble.Thank [email protected]

151. sathvik March 17th, 2011 at 8:44 am

please give me the pump details in this project.everything is clear other than that.

152. dharmendra patidar March 31st, 2011 at 12:51 pm

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontrollerthanks

[email protected]

153. yash April 2nd, 2011 at 11:38 am

Page 32: Water level indicator cum controller

i dont get ur riplywith hex code

154. javier April 8th, 2011 at 6:02 pm

Por favor me podras enviar detalle de materiales para estimar su costo y si existe la placa del circuito impreso todo para imprimir desde ya muchas gracias Javier desde Argentina

155. javier April 8th, 2011 at 6:05 pm

Por favor me podras enviar a la casilla de mail detalle de materiales para estimar su costo y si existe la placa del circuito impreso todo para imprimir desde ya muchas gracias Javier desde Argentina

156. chaitu April 14th, 2011 at 2:36 am

how this control as switch for 220v ac power,,when this work at 5v…..???

157. chaitu April 14th, 2011 at 2:39 am

will this IC with stand with 220v ac power???help me i am not great at electronics…..

158. Naeem April 17th, 2011 at 4:55 pm

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontrollerthanks

159. tanggo May 2nd, 2011 at 2:11 pm

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontrollerthanks

160. murali May 10th, 2011 at 7:58 pm

respected sir, Please give me program for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontrollerthanks

Page 33: Water level indicator cum controller

161. Arun May 11th, 2011 at 8:34 am

have guys got hex code if not kinly ask to me

162. arun May 11th, 2011 at 8:56 am

find the hex code,can be convert in to bin too used programmer or visit to such shop those have the programmers:

1 $MOD510000 02002F 2 START: LJMP MAIN_PGR ;GO TO MAINPROGRAMME002F 3 ORG 002FH002F 7438 4 MAIN_PGR: MOV A, # 38H ;INITIALIZE LCD0031 1200A0 5 LCALL WR_LCD0034 740F 6 MOV A, #0FH0036 1200A0 7 LCALL WR_LCD0039 7406 8 MOV A, #06H003B 1200A0 9 LCALL WR_LCD003E 7401 10 MOV A, #01H0040 1200A0 11 LCALL WR_LCD0043 7480 12 MOV A, #80H0045 1200A0 13 LCALL WR_LCD0048 7453 14 MOV A, #53H ;WRITE DATATO LCD004A 1200C0 15 LCALL LCD_RAM ;i.e.,” STANDBYMODE”004D 7454 16 MOV A, #54H004F 1200C0 17 LCALL LCD_RAM0052 7441 18 MOV A, #41H0054 1200C0 19 LCALL LCD_RAM0057 744E 20 MOV A, #4EH0059 1200C0 21 LCALL LCD_RAM005C 7444 22 MOV A, #44H005E 1200C0 23 LCALL LCD_RAM0061 7442 24 MOV A, #42H0063 1200C0 25 LCALL LCD_RAM0066 7459 26 MOV A, #59H0068 1200C0 27 LCALL LCD_RAM006B 74B0 28 MOV A, #0B0H006D 1200C0 29 LCALL LCD_RAM0070 74C0 30 MOV A, #0C0H ;JUMP TO 9THPOSITION0072 1200A0 31 LCALL WR_LCD ;OR SECONDLINE0075 744D 32 MOV A, #4DH ;ENTER DATA

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AGAIN0077 1200C0 33 LCALL LCD_RAM007A 744F 34 MOV A, #4FH007C 1200C0 35 LCALL LCD_RAM007F 7444 36 MOV A, #44H0081 1200C0 37 LCALL LCD_RAM0084 7445 38 MOV A, #45H0086 1200C0 39 LCALL LCD_RAM0089 02010A 40 LJMP SCAN ;GO TO 010AH00A0 41 ORG 00A0H00A0 1200F0 42 WR_LCD: LCALL SETT ;CHECK FORREADY STATUSOF LCD00A3 F590 43 MOV P1,A ;MOVE CONTENTSOF A TO PORT 100A5 C2B0 44 CLR P3.0 ;WRITECOMMANDS TOLCD00A7 C2B1 45 CLR P3.100A9 D2B7 46 SETB P3.700AB C2B7 47 CLR P3.700AD 22 48 RET ;RETURN TOPROGRAMME00C0 49 ORG 00C0H00C0 1200F0 50 LCD_RAM: LCALL SETT ;CHECKREADY STATUSOF LCD00C3 F590 51 MOV P1,A ;MOVECONTENS OF ATO PORT 100C5 D2B0 52 SETB P3.0 ;WRITE TODISPLAY RAMOF LCD00C7 C2B1 53 CLR P3.100C9 D2B7 54 SETB P3.700CB C2B7 55 CLR P3.700CD 22 56 RET ;GO TOPROGRAMME00F0 57 ORG 00F0H00F0 C2B7 58 SETT: CLR P3.700F2 7590FF 59 MOV P1, #0FFH ;SET PORT1 FORINPUT00F5 00 60 NOP ;DELAY00F6 C2B0 61 CLR P3.000F8 D2B1 62 SETB P3.100FA C2B7 63 L1: CLR P3.7

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00FC D2B7 64 SETB P3.700FE 2097F9 65 JB P1.7,L1 ;IF NOT READYJUMP TO 00FA H0101 C2B7 66 CLR P3.70103 22 67 RET ;BACK TOPROGRAMME010A 68 ORG 010AH010A D276 69 SCAN: SETB 76H ;SET USER FLAGS010C D277 70 SETB 77H010E D278 71 SETB 78H0110 75A0FF 72 MOV P2,#0FFH ;SET PORT2 FORINPUT0113 30A420 73 L4: JNB P2.4,L2 ;IF H/V THENGOTO 0136 H0116 30A372 74 JNB P2.3,L3 ;IF L/V THENGOTO 018B H0119 30A0F7 75 JNB P2.0,L4 ;SCAN FORTANK TO BEEMPTY011C 8012 76 SJMP L130 ;GOTO 0130 H011E 120750 77 LOOP: LCALL TMR_10MIN ;CALL 10 MIN.TIMER0121 307867 78 JNB 78H,L3 ;L/V THENGOTO 018B H0124 30770F 79 JNB 77H,L2 ;H/V THEN GOTO0136 H0127 20765E 80 JB 76H,L5 ;DRY SUMPTHEN GOTO0188 H012A 20A2FD 81 JB P2.2,$ ;WAIT UNTILLTANK FULL012D 020260 82 LOOP1: LJMP TANK_FULL ;GOTO TANKFULL DISPLAY0130 C2B5 83 L130: CLR P3.5 ;START MOTOR0132 0202D0 84 LJMP DIS_M_ON ;DISPLAYMOTOR ON0135 00 85 NOP ;BLANK SPACE0136 1201D8 86 L2: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS0139 20A4D7 87 JB P2.4,L4 ;STILL H/VTHEN GOTO0113 H013C D2B5 88 LOOP2: SETB P3.5 ;H/V THEN OFF MOTOR013E 00 89 NOP013F 00 90 NOP0140 1202B3 91 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD

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0143 7448 92 MOV A, #48H ;DISPLAY HIGHVOLTAGE0145 1200C0 93 LCALL LCD_RAM0148 7449 94 MOV A, #49H014A 1200C0 95 LCALL LCD_RAM014D 7447 96 MOV A, #47H014F 1200C0 97 LCALL LCD_RAM0152 7448 98 MOV A, #48H0154 1200C0 99 LCALL LCD_RAM0157 74B0 100 MOV A, #0B0H0159 1200C0 101 LCALL LCD_RAM015C 7456 102 MOV A, #56H015E 1200C0 103 LCALL LCD_RAM0161 744F 104 MOV A, #4FH0163 1200C0 105 LCALL LCD_RAM0166 744C 106 MOV A, #04CH0168 1200C0 107 LCALL LCD_RAM016B 74C0 108 MOV A, #0C0H ;MOVE TO 9THCHARACTER016D 1200A0 109 LCALL WR_LCD0170 7454 110 MOV A, #54H0172 1200C0 111 LCALL LCD_RAM0175 7441 112 MOV A, #41H0177 1200C0 113 LCALL LCD_RAM017A 7447 114 MOV A, #47H017C 1200C0 115 LCALL LCD_RAM017F 7445 116 MOV A, #45H0181 1200C0 117 LCALL LCD_RAM0184 020490 118 LJMP CHK_HV ;GOTO 0490 H0187 00 119 NOP ;BLANK SPACE0188 020226 120 L5: LJMP M_STOP ;GOTO 0226 H018B 1201D8 121 L3: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS018E 20A382 122 JB P2.3,L4 ;VOLTAGE OKTHEN GOTO0113 H0191 D2B5 123 LOOP3:SETB P3.5 ;STOP MOTOR IFON0193 1202B3 124 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD0196 744C 125 MOV A, #04CH ;DISPLAY LOWVOLTAGE0198 1200C0 126 LCALL LCD_RAM019B 744F 127 MOV A, #04FH019D 1200C0 128 LCALL LCD_RAM01A0 7457 129 MOV A, #57H01A2 1200C0 130 LCALL LCD_RAM01A5 74B0 131 MOV A, #0B0H01A7 1200C0 132 LCALL LCD_RAM

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01AA 7456 133 MOV A, #56H01AC 1200C0 134 LCALL LCD_RAM01AF 744F 135 MOV A, #04FH01B1 1200C0 136 LCALL LCD_RAM01B4 744C 137 MOV A, #04CH01B6 1200C0 138 LCALL LCD_RAM01B9 7454 139 MOV A, #54H01BB 1200C0 140 LCALL LCD_RAM01BE 74C0 141 MOV A, #0C0H ;GOTO 9THCHARACTER01C0 1200A0 142 LCALL WR_LCD01C3 7441 143 MOV A, #41H ;START DISPLAYAGAIN01C5 1200C0 144 LCALL LCD_RAM01C8 7447 145 MOV A, #47H01CA 1200C0 146 LCALL LCD_RAM01CD 7445 147 MOV A, #45H01CF 1200C0 148 LCALL LCD_RAM01D2 0204B0 149 LJMP CHK_LV ;GOTO 04B0 H01D5 00 150 NOP01D6 00 151 NOP01D7 00 152 NOP01D8 153 ORG 01D8H01D8 7B03 154 DLY_2SEC: MOV R3, #03H01DA 7CFF 155 L8: MOV R4, #0FFH01DC 7DFF 156 L7: MOV R5, #0FFH01DE 00 157 L6: NOP01DF 00 158 NOP01E0 00 159 NOP01E1 00 160 NOP01E2 00 161 NOP01E3 00 162 NOP01E4 DDF8 163 DJNZ R5,L6 ;01DEH01E6 DCF4 164 DJNZ R4,L7 ;01DCH01E8 DBF0 165 DJNZ R3,L8 ;01DAH01EA 22 166 RET ;BACK TOPROGRAMME0226 167 ORG 0226H0226 D2B5 168 M_STOP: SETB P3.5 ;STOP MOTOR0228 1202B3 169 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD022B 7444 170 MOV A, #44H ;START FILLINGDISPLAY RAMOF LCD022D 1200C0 171 LCALL LCD_RAM0230 7452 172 MOV A, #52H0232 1200C0 173 LCALL LCD_RAM

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0235 7459 174 MOV A, #59H0237 1200C0 175 LCALL LCD_RAM023A 74B0 176 MOV A, #0B0H023C 1200C0 177 LCALL LCD_RAM023F 7453 178 MOV A, #53H0241 1200C0 179 LCALL LCD_RAM0244 7455 180 MOV A, #055H0246 1200C0 181 LCALL LCD_RAM0249 744D 182 MOV A, #04DH024B 1200C0 183 LCALL LCD_RAM024E 7450 184 MOV A, #50H0250 1200C0 185 LCALL LCD_RAM0253 74C0 186 MOV A, #0C0H ;MOVE TO 9THCHARACTER OFLCD0255 1200A0 187 LCALL WR_LCD0258 7431 188 MOV A, #31H ;START WRITINGAGAIN025A 1200C0 189 LCALL LCD_RAM025D 020300 190 LJMP L300 ;GOTO 0300 H0260 D2B5 191 TANK_FULL:SETB P3.5 ;STOP MOTOR0262 00 192 NOP ;BLANK SPACESFOR FURTHEREXPANSION0263 00 193 NOP0264 00 194 NOP0265 00 195 NOP0266 00 196 NOP0267 00 197 NOP0268 00 198 NOP0269 1202B3 199 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD026C 7454 200 MOV A, #54H ;WRITE TODISPLAY RAMOF LCD026E 1200C0 201 LCALL LCD_RAM0271 7441 202 MOV A, #41H0273 1200C0 203 LCALL LCD_RAM0276 744E 204 MOV A, #4EH0278 1200C0 205 LCALL LCD_RAM027B 744B 206 MOV A, #4BH027D 1200C0 207 LCALL LCD_RAM0280 74B0 208 MOV A, #0B0H0282 1200C0 209 LCALL LCD_RAM0285 7446 210 MOV A, #46H0287 1200C0 211 LCALL LCD_RAM028A 7455 212 MOV A, #55H

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028C 1200C0 213 LCALL LCD_RAM028F 744C 214 MOV A, #4CH0291 1200C0 215 LCALL LCD_RAM0294 74C0 216 MOV A, #0C0H ;GOTO 9THCHARACTER OFLCD0296 1200A0 217 LCALL WR_LCD0299 744C 218 MOV A, #4CH ;STARTDISPLAYINGAGAIN029B 1200C0 219 LCALL LCD_RAM029E 1201D8 220 LCALL DLY_2SEC ;DISPLAY IT FOR2 SECONDS02A1 020000 221 LJMP START ;GOTOSTANDBY MODE02B3 222 ORG 02B3H02B3 7438 223 INI_LCD:MOV A, # 38H02B5 1200A0 224 LCALL WR_LCD02B8 740F 225 MOV A, #0FH02BA 1200A0 226 LCALL WR_LCD02BD 7406 227 MOV A, #06H02BF 1200A0 228 LCALL WR_LCD02C2 7401 229 MOV A, #01H02C4 1200A0 230 LCALL WR_LCD02C7 7480 231 MOV A, #80H02C9 1200A0 232 LCALL WR_LCD02CC 22 233 RET ;BACK TOPROGRAMME02CD 00 234 NOP02CE 00 235 NOP02CF 00 236 NOP02D0 1202B3 237 DIS_M_ON: LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD02D3 744D 238 MOV A, # 4DH ;WRITE INTODISPLAY RAMOF LCD02D5 1200C0 239 LCALL LCD_RAM02D8 744F 240 MOV A, #04FH02DA 1200C0 241 LCALL LCD_RAM02DD 7454 242 MOV A, #54H02DF 1200C0 243 LCALL LCD_RAM02E2 744F 244 MOV A, #04FH02E4 1200C0 245 LCALL LCD_RAM02E7 7452 246 MOV A, #52H02E9 1200C0 247 LCALL LCD_RAM02EC 74B0 248 MOV A, #0B0H02EE 1200C0 249 LCALL LCD_RAM

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02F1 744F 250 MOV A, #04FH02F3 1200C0 251 LCALL LCD_RAM02F6 744E 252 MOV A, #04EH02F8 1200C0 253 LCALL LCD_RAM02FB 02011E 254 LJMP LOOP ;BACK TO MAINPROGRAMMEAT 011E H02FE 00 255 NOP02FF 00 256 NOP0300 120320 257 L300: LCALL TMR_5MIN ;CALL 5MINUTES TIMER0303 020550 258 LJMP MAIN ;GOTO MAINPROGRAMMEAT 0550 H0320 259 ORG 0320H0320 7A03 260 TMR_5MIN: MOV R2,#03H0322 7BFF 261 L12: MOV R3, #0FFH0324 7CFF 262 L11: MOV R4, #0FFH0326 7DFF 263 L10: MOV R5, #0FFH0328 00 264 L9: NOP0329 00 265 NOP032A 00 266 NOP032B 00 267 NOP032C DDFA 268 DJNZ R5, L9 ;0328032E DCF6 269 DJNZ R4, L10 ;03260330 DBF2 270 DJNZ R3, L11 ;03240332 DAEE 271 DJNZ R2, L12 ;03220334 22 272 RET ;BACK TO MAINPROGRAMME0430 273 ORG 0430H0430 30A209 274 L430: JNB P2.2,L43C ;IF TANK FULLGOTO 043C H0433 30A409 275 JNB P2.4,L43F ;H/V THENGOTO 043F H0436 30A30F 276 L436: JNB P2.3,L448 ;L/V THENGOTO 0448 H0439 80F5 277 L439: SJMP L430 ;GOTO 0430 H043B 00 278 NOP043C 02012D 279 L43C: LJMP LOOP1 ;ACK TO MAINPROGRAMME043F 1201D8 280 L43F: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS0442 20A4F1 281 JB P2.4, L436 ;IF NOT H/VTHEN GOTO0436 H0445 02013C 282 LJMP LOOP2 ;H/V THEN

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GOTO 013C H0448 1201D8 283 L448: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS044B 20A3EB 284 JB P2.3, L439 ;IF NOT L/VTHEN GOTO0439 H044E 020191 285 LJMP LOOP3 ;IF L/V THENGOTO 0191 H0490 286 ORG 0490H0490 00 287 CHK_HV: NOP0491 00 288 NOP0492 120500 289 L492: LCALL DLY_2MIN ;WAIT FOR 2MINUTES0495 30A4FA 290 JNB P2.4,L492 ;CHECK FORH/V AGAIN0498 020000 291 LJMP START ;GOTO STARTAGAIN04B0 292 ORG 04B0H04B0 00 293 CHK_LV: NOP04B1 00 294 NOP04B2 120500 295 L4B2: LCALL DLY_2MIN ;WAIT FOR2 MINUTES04B5 30A3FA 296 JNB P2.3, L4B2 ;CHECK FORL/V AGAIN04B8 020000 297 LJMP START ;GOTO STARTAGAIN0500 298 ORG 0500H0500 7AFF 299 DLY_2MIN: MOV R2, #0FFH0502 7BFF 300 L502: MOV R3,#0FFH0504 7CFF 301 L504: MOV R4,#0FFH0506 00 302 L506: NOP0507 00 303 NOP0508 00 304 NOP0509 00 305 NOP050A DCFA 306 DJNZ R4, L506050C DBF6 307 DJNZ R3, L504050E DAF2 308 DJNZ R2, L5020510 22 309 RET ;BACK TO MAINPROGRAMME054D 310 ORG 054DH054D 020642 311 M_START: LJMP SUB_BR ;SUB BRANCHDUE TO SPACEPROBLEM0550 30A447 312 MAIN: JNB P2.4, L59A ;CHECK FORHIGH VOLTAGE0553 30A34D 313 JNB P2.3, L5A3 ;CHECK FOR

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LOW VOLTAGE0556 C2B5 314 CLR P3.5 ;IF VOLTAGE OKTHEN STARTMOTOR0558 1202B3 315 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD055B 744D 316 MOV A, #04DH ;START WRITINGTO DISPLAYRAM OF LCD055D 1200C0 317 LCALL LCD_RAM0560 744F 318 MOV A, #04FH0562 1200C0 319 LCALL LCD_RAM0565 7454 320 MOV A, #54H0567 1200C0 321 LCALL LCD_RAM056A 744F 322 MOV A, #4FH056C 1200C0 323 LCALL LCD_RAM056F 7452 324 MOV A, #52H0571 1200C0 325 LCALL LCD_RAM0574 74B0 326 MOV A, #0B0H0576 1200C0 327 LCALL LCD_RAM0579 744F 328 MOV A, #4FH057B 1200C0 329 LCALL LCD_RAM057E 744E 330 MOV A, #4EH0580 1200C0 331 LCALL LCD_RAM0583 120750 332 LCALL TMR_10MIN ;ENTER INTO10 MINUTESTIMER0586 307820 333 JNB 78H, C_LV; 05A9H ;LOWVOLTAGETHEN GOTO05A9 H0589 307714 334 JNB 77H, C_HV; 05A0H ;HIGHVOLTAGE THENGOTO 05A0 H058C 20761D 335 JB 76H, DRY ;05ACH ;IF TANKDRY THENGOTO 05AC H058F 30A2BB 336 L58F: JNB P2.2, M_START ;TANK FULLTHEN GOTO054D H0592 30A405 337 JNB P2.4, L59A ;HIGH VOLTAGETHENGOTO059A H0595 30A30B 338 L595: JNB P2.3, L5A3 ;LOW VOLTAGETHEN GOTO05A3 H0598 80F5 339 L598: SJMP L58F ;REPEAT FROM

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058F H059A 1201D8 340 L59A: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS059D 20A4F5 341 JB P2.4, L595 ;IF NOT H/VTHEN GO BACKTO 0595 H05A0 02013C 342 C_HV:LJMP LOOP2 ;STILL H/VTHEN GOTO013C H05A3 1201D8 343 L5A3: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS05A6 20A3EF 344 JB P2.3, L598 ;IF NOT L/VTHEN GO BACKTO 0598 H05A9 020191 345 C_LV: LJMP LOOP3 ;STILL L/V THENGOTO 0191 H05AC D2B5 346 DRY: SETB P3.5 ;STOP MOTOR05AE 1202B3 347 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD05B1 7444 348 MOV A, #44H ;START WRITINGTO DISPLAYRAM OF LCD05B3 1200C0 349 LCALL LCD_RAM05B6 7452 350 MOV A, #52H05B8 1200C0 351 LCALL LCD_RAM05BB 7459 352 MOV A, #59H05BD 1200C0 353 LCALL LCD_RAM05C0 74B0 354 MOV A, #0B0H05C2 1200C0 355 LCALL LCD_RAM05C5 7453 356 MOV A, #53H05C7 1200C0 357 LCALL LCD_RAM05CA 7455 358 MOV A, #55H05CC 1200C0 359 LCALL LCD_RAM05CF 744D 360 MOV A, #4DH05D1 1200C0 361 LCALL LCD_RAM05D4 7450 362 MOV A, #50H05D6 1200C0 363 LCALL LCD_RAM05D9 74C0 364 MOV A, #0C0H ;GOTO 9THCHARACTER OFLCD05DB 1200A0 365 LCALL WR_LCD05DE 7432 366 MOV A, #32H ;START WRITINGAGAIN05E0 1200C0 367 LCALL LCD_RAM05E3 120320 368 LCALL TMR_5MIN ;WAIT FOR 5MINUTES05E6 30A447 369 JNB P2.4,HV ; 0630H ;H/V THEN

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GOTO 0630 H05E9 30A34D 370 JNB P2.3,LV ; 0639H ;L/V THENGOTO 0639 H05EC C2B5 371 CLR P3.5 ;IF VOLTAGE OKTHEN STARTMOTOR05EE 1202B3 372 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITILIZE LCD05F1 744D 373 MOV A, #4DH ;START WRITINGTO DISPLAYRAM OF LCD05F3 1200C0 374 LCALL LCD_RAM05F6 744F 375 MOV A, #4FH05F8 1200C0 376 LCALL LCD_RAM05FB 7454 377 MOV A, #54H05FD 1200C0 378 LCALL LCD_RAM0600 744F 379 MOV A, #4FH0602 1200C0 380 LCALL LCD_RAM0605 7452 381 MOV A, #52H0607 1200C0 382 LCALL LCD_RAM060A 74B0 383 MOV A, #0B0H060C 1200C0 384 LCALL LCD_RAM060F 744F 385 MOV A, #4FH0611 1200C0 386 LCALL LCD_RAM0614 744E 387 MOV A, #4EH0616 1200C0 388 LCALL LCD_RAM0619 120750 389 LCALL TMR_10MIN ;GOTOMINUTES TIMER061C 307820 390 JNB 78H, L63F ;L/V THENGOTO 063F H061F 307714 391 JNB 77H, L636 ;H/V THENGOTO 06360622 207622 392 JB 76H, L647 ;STILL DRY SUMPTHEN GOTO0647 H0625 30A21A 393 L625: JNB P2.2, SUB_BR ;0642H ;TANKFULL THENGOTO 0642 H0628 30A405 394 JNB P2.4, HV ;0630H ;H/V THENGOTO 0630 H062B 30A30B 395 N_HV: JNB P2.3, LV ;0639H ;L/V THENGOTO 0639 H062E 80F5 396 N_LV: SJMP L625 ;REPEAT FROM0625 H0630 1201D8 397 HV: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS0633 20A4F5 398 JB P2.4, N_HV ;062BH ;IF NOT H/V

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THEN GOTO062B H0636 02013C 399 L636:LJMP LOOP2 ;STILL H/VTHEN GOTO013C H0639 1201D8 400 LV: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS063C 20A3EF 401 JB P2.3, N_LV ;062EH ;IF NOT L/VTHEN GOTO062E H063F 020191 402 L63F: LJMP LOOP3 ;STILL L/V THENGOTO 0191 H0642 D2B5 403 SUB_BR: SETB P3.5 ;STOP MOTOR0644 020260 404 LJMP TANK_FULL ;TANK FULLTHEN GOTO0260 H0647 D2B5 405 L647: SETB P3.5 ;STOP MOTOR0649 00 406 NOP064A 00 407 NOP064B 1202B3 408 LCALL INI_LCD ;INITIALIZE LCD064E 7444 409 MOV A, #44H ;START WRITINGTO DISPLAYRAM OF LCD0650 1200C0 410 LCALL LCD_RAM0653 7452 411 MOV A, #52H0655 1200C0 412 LCALL LCD_RAM0658 7459 413 MOV A, #59H065A 1200C0 414 LCALL LCD_RAM065D 74B0 415 MOV A, #0B0H065F 1200C0 416 LCALL LCD_RAM0662 7453 417 MOV A, #53H0664 1200C0 418 LCALL LCD_RAM0667 7455 419 MOV A, #55H0669 1200C0 420 LCALL LCD_RAM066C 744D 421 MOV A, #4DH066E 1200C0 422 LCALL LCD_RAM0671 7450 423 MOV A, #50H0673 1200C0 424 LCALL LCD_RAM0676 74C0 425 MOV A, #0C0H ;GOTO 9THCHARACTER OFLCD0678 1200A0 426 LCALL WR_LCD067B 7433 427 MOV A, #33H ;START WRITINGAGAIN067D 1200C0 428 LCALL LCD_RAM0680 80FE 429 SJMP $ ;STAY HERE

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UNTILLMANUAL RESET0750 430 ORG 0750H0750 7A05 431 TMR_10MIN: MOV R2, #05H0752 7BFF 432 L752: MOV R3, #0FFH0754 7CFF 433 L754: MOV R4, #0FFH0756 7DFF 434 L756: MOV R5, #0FFH0758 00 435 L758:NOP0759 00 436 NOP075A 00 437 NOP075B 00 438 NOP075C 00 439 NOP075D DDF9 440 DJNZ R5, L758075F DCF5 441 DJNZ R4, L7560761 30A40C 442 JNB P2.4,L770 ;H/V THENGOTO 0670 H0764 30A311 443 L764: JNB P2.3, L778 ;L/V THEN GOTO0678 H0767 30A116 444 L767: JNB P2.1, L780 ; NOT DRY SUMPTHEN GOTO0680 H076A DBE8 445 L76A: DJNZ R3, L754076C DAE4 446 DJNZ R2, L752076E 22 447 RET ;BACK TO MAINPROGRAMME076F 00 448 NOP0770 1201D8 449 L770: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS0773 30A412 450 JNB P2.4, 0788H ;STILL H/VTHEN GOTO0788 H0776 80EC 451 SJMP L764 ; NOT H/VTHEN GOTO0764 H0778 1201D8 452 L778: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS077B 30A30D 453 JNB P2.3, 078BH ;STILL L/V THENGOTO 078B H077E 80E7 454 SJMP L767 ;NOT L/V THENGOTO 0767 H0780 1201D8 455 L780: LCALL DLY_2SEC ;WAIT FOR 2SECONDS0783 30A108 456 JNB P2.1, 078EH ;STILL NOT DRYSUMP THENGOTO 078E H0786 80E2 457 SJMP L76A ;OTHERWISE

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GOTO 076A0788 C277 458 CLR 77H ;CLEAR FLAG77H FOR H/V078A 22 459 RET078B C278 460 CLR 78H ;CLEAR FLAG78H FOR L/V078D 22 461 RET078E C276 462 CLR 76H ;CLEAR FLAG76H FOR DRYSUMP CHECK0790 22 463 RET464 ENDVERSION 1.2k ASSEMBLY C

163. Riaz June 16th, 2011 at 9:00 am

hi….can i plz get the hex code for the original circuit shown above……..also could u help me interface an lm35 sensor in this project for temp measurement of tank atmosphere……..thanx

164. Riaz June 16th, 2011 at 9:09 am

hi….can i plz get the hex code for the original circuit shown above……..also could u help me interface an lm35 sensor in this project for temp measurement of tank atmosphere……..thanx

plz send me code as soon as possible [email protected]

165. giridhar yadav June 19th, 2011 at 8:51 pm

hi can mail me the c program of water level cum controller and if u circuit daigram of 3 phase induction motor and c-program for the 3 phase induction motor.

166. Rogen Lee June 21st, 2011 at 7:28 pm

Hello Sir…Can I have the source code about these project sir? I am interested about these project. Just needed to my major subject and need to have a project using a microcontroller. I’m looking forward for your reply. Thanks..These is my email by the way, [email protected]!

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167. sanjay kumar singh June 28th, 2011 at 4:51 am

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontrollerthanks

168. sanjay kumar singh June 28th, 2011 at 4:54 am

Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 [email protected]

169. akhil June 28th, 2011 at 11:53 pm

sir,,,,pls give me the program also thnku

170. bepen July 15th, 2011 at 1:17 pm

i’d be thakful if u can provide me the sourcecode plzzz sir it’s too urgent….my mailing address is [email protected] and same for facebook too..

171. prasanna July 21st, 2011 at 3:54 am

i need the pump details and source code

172. priya August 17th, 2011 at 4:28 pm

hello plz send the hex code 4 this project as soon as possible……project is good….

173. ansar August 21st, 2011 at 6:30 pm

sir,i am having the doubt ie,since the input from the tank is analog how it can sense by the 8951.i am having similar project but i stukked with the problem of giving input to ic.can you say how we can give input to micro controllerto drive the motor if input is on.

yours faithfullyansar ah

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174. ansar August 21st, 2011 at 6:31 pm

sir,i am having the doubt ie,since the input from the tank is analog how it can sense by the 8951.i am having similar project but i stukked with the problem of giving input to ic.can you say how we can give input to micro controllerto drive the motor if input is on.

yours faithfullyansar [email protected]

175. praveen August 28th, 2011 at 6:52 am

i want the c program in keils for stepper motor run and stop at 45 degree

176. ROHIT August 29th, 2011 at 10:14 pm

Hi,I want to use this circuit with my tube well, ie., the over head tank and the circuit, as and when water in the over head tank falls below the E level the pump starts.


177. dhara August 31st, 2011 at 2:24 pm

hey…jus make me the list of parts used in this

178. prasanna September 3rd, 2011 at 9:14 pm

I need know the advantageous of this project and the current product that is in market for water level indication and controlling