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How the internet will be saved for future generations tostudy. Brewster Kahle and his team have been working tosave all of the information in books, lp&r... The story of one of the biggest torrent sites of all time. In

this documentary we take a look behind the scenes ofThe Pirate Bay which in its peak was receivin...


Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. ThompsonPresented by Johnny DeppCategory ActivismYear 2008Run time 00:02:27Rated 100

Trailer only! Unfortunately this awesome documentary is not freely available online yet. Gonzo:The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, is a 2008 Gonzo Journalism documentary bi...

Play It Loud: The Story of MarshallPresented by Jo WhileyCategory MusicYear 2014Run time 00:58:47Rated 100

The story of the Marshall amplification company which was founded in London in 1962, more than50 years ago today by “lord of the loud” Jim Marshall. The original protot...

100 89 100 100 100 100 100

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2012 Crossing Over: A New BeginningPresented by Santos BonacciCategory ActivismYear 2012Run time 01:32:54Rated UnratedThis life changing film explores a 'positive' spiritual perspective regarding the extraordinarysignificance of 'December 21, 2012' and thereafter. Original Film Title: '2012 Cross...

Marathon Day: Boston 15.4.13, There are two sidesto every storyPresented by Mainstream and independent media news narrationCategory ActivismYear 2013Run time 01:12:10Rated Unrated"There are two sides to every story. Mainstream vs Independent media." You be the judge! Thisfilm was researched, edited and documented as the events were unfolding in real time. A filmby...

Still We Believe: The Boston Red Sox MoviePresented by Joe CastiglioneCategory SportYear 2004Run time 01:31:20Rated UnratedStill We Believe: The Boston Red Sox Movie is a 2004 documentary film about the epic worldseries win for the Boston Red Sox in 2003. It was the first time they had won the championshipsince 1918 and...

New Zealand: Earths Mythical Islands - Cast AdriftPresented by Sam NeillCategory EnvironmentYear 2016Run time 00:59:08Rated UnratedNew Zealand: Earths Mythical Islands Episode 1: Cast Adrift, the first episode in a three part

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What I believe happened.

Nicholas came home from playing basketball angry at his mother for notpicking him up and angry at his brother for not waking up his mother. Idon't think a screaming match ensued between the three, but most likelyattitude was thrown left and right until finally it hit a nerve in Jason. Heprobably pushed Nicholas or chased him in attempt to hurt him (not kill)and in the process Nicholas fell and died. My guess is he hit his head onsomething.

The mother (Beverly) and Jason ended up realizing that they couldn't callthe police because of their history with drugs and Beverly's recent drugaddiction. They would most likely end up serving serious time seeing theywere unfit guardians in possession of drugs when Nicholas died. Thereforethey plan to hide the body. They end up burying it in the backyard just howit was said in the film. Fastforward: Beverly checks into rehab withinmonths of the disappearance. Kinda strange to alienate yourself from yourfamily after your child disappears if you ask me. And the fact that she did it

The Imposterstraker 100

documentary series narrated by Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) which looks into a fascinating world...

Tutankhamun: The Truth UncoveredPresented by Dallas CampbellCategory HistoryYear 2014Run time 00:58:35Rated 75

Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered. In this documentary Dallas Campbell heads over to Egypt touncover the truth about the most famous pharaoh of them all, The boy god Tutankhamun. He’sthe m...

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almost immediately tells me she wanted to be clean just in case the policeever came to ask her questions.

In the following year or so, I believe Beverly ends up telling Carey whathappened. I don't think Carey was there the night Nicholas died nor did shehave any involvement whatsoever. Fastforward a few months: thememories of the house where Nicholas died become too much for Beverlyto handle so they move. Before they move she has Jason dig up Nicholas'body and dump it somewhere else. This would explain the leftover piecesof tarp or whatever the new homeowner found back there.

Fastforward 2 years later: Carey gets a call that they "found" her brother.First we're told that she screamed over the phone (possibly horrifiedbecause it was not possible since Nicholas was dead; OR remember shewasn't there the night Nicholas died, so she must have believed that hermother and brother lied to her and her scream was sincere because shebelieved her little brother was actually alive). News about "Nicholas" beingfound in Spain gets back to Beverly and Jason. They reassure her that theboy they have found is not Nicholas because they know what they did.Instead, they make up a plan to go along with and whoever that "person"that comes home claiming to be Nicholas is will be brought into their familywith open arms so it becomes believable just in case the truth of theimpostor is ever revealed they will come out looking like innocent victims.

They knew if they didn't go along with it, most likely the police wouldrelaunch the investigation of Nicholas after they were done dealing withthe impostor. They never meant for the truth of this impostor posing asNicholas to get out. They wanted to live their lives as if this really wereNicholas. So when the FBI agent called Carey and told her not to come tothe airport, she did it anyway acting as if nothing were wrong. That wasCarey's way of telling the agent to leave them alone/they're fine. I thinkright after the phone call, Carey went to Beverly and told her the truth wasout. They made one last attempt by Beverly telling Carey to go pick up"Nicholas" and bring him home. They knew if he stayed with the agent,everything would be revealed that night. But like Frederico said "it was onlya matter of weeks" before the full truth came out. There was no preventingit. It was inevitable in this case. But God knows this family tried. We all sawhow hard they attempted to keep this "boy returns home after

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disappearing 3 yrs ago" heroic tale from the media. No one does that.

So bottom line, both Frederico and the family knew the actual truth.However, I don't think they ever told one another what they knew. Theysort of just pretended and settled on a silent agreement. "You pretend tobe Nicholas for us, you can live your life here in America". It would makesense that they never talked to each other about it. They would bothbenefit from the silent deal. At this point, Frederico managed to put all thepieces together and concluded that they in fact killed the real Nicholas.Why else would they pretend that he was their son? I honestly do notbelieve he was lying when he said this. The whole "Beverly confessed tome" I think is made up in an attempt to make the mother look even moreguilty than she already was. Basically he put salt in the wound at the lastminute for no valid reason other than to taunt the family. And it worked.

Months after the scandal was exposed, Jason knows as long as he's around,the closer the police will get to naming him the prime suspect. I wouldn'tsay he committed suicide per se. He was probably on a downward spiraland by the time the truth was revealed he was at his end. No Jason=Deadend (no pun intended). Which is exactly what happened. Carey and Beverlycan now breathe a sigh of relief. The truth along with possible evidencedied with Jason.

There were so many things in this documentary that made me extremelysuspicious of the family. -very beginning; how can someone not recognize there own flesh andblood? it was 3 yrs for crying out loud. -Jason's odd apathetic behavior upon learning "Nicholas" had returned -Carey still showing up at the airport even after being told not to, afterlearning that the FBI agent knew "Nicholas" was not Nicholas -Mother refused (went ballistic) to do a blood test to prove whether"Nicholas" was her son or not -Jason reporting to the police, one month after Nicholas' disappearance,that Nicholas tried to break into the home. No other sighting was everreported by anyone therefore giving off the impression Jason was trying tothrow off police by making it seem Nicholas was still alive and a runaway -the family moving from the home -mother failing the third polygraph test very unusually. Test was going off

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the charts -Right after Nicholas went missing they claimed the story never made it onthe news. this makes me believe that they didn't do enough to put thestory out there. It's very unusual for a white family in southern Texas to becompletely ignored when they report a child missing. Just saying. -why wasn't there more of the investigation? why didn't the police everquestion the family? My guess is the family tried to throw them off multipletimes to the point where they didn't see a reason to suspect them inanything.

Carey and Beverly are two very lucky people. In my opinion, they got awayscot free. However, they will always live with the guilt and trauma of thedisappearance of Nicholas. Which is well deserved since I think they killedhim.

It's so strange how life works. It's as if this was all meant to be even underthe unusual circumstances. Somehow, a professional conartist/sociopath/liar stumbles upon the name "Nicholas Barclay" whenlooking for an identity to steal. It's almost as if Nicholas himself was tryingto reach out so finally the truth of his murder could get out and justicecould be served. Even if it meant just becoming a theory. Knowing peopledoubt Carey and Beverly was probably enough justice for Nicholas.

Reviewed on July 10, 2016

I was struck when watching the film that they structured the buildup to thewire walking coup as if the team were terrorists....they move into the SouthTower at x time, sombre music and direction, black and white shots of thefake ID cards etc. It seemed kinda insensitive to start with. But then theoutcome was this amazing, beautiful act of defiance against death. Inretrospect, it could almost be seen as the anti-9/11. A conspiracy byanarchic artists to create joy and wonder. This was obviously the intentionof the film makers, which is why the 9/11 attacks were never mentioned.You're supposed to draw the analogy yourself.

Man on wirestraker 90

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Reviewed on July 10, 2016

Blackfish, a documentary on killer whales in Seaworld, was not onlyinformative but heart wrenching. Watching this documentary I feltcompelled to do something about this situation because it was so inspiring.These animals have finally been brought to the spotlight, which I foundvery empowering. Though, the documentary had a bias towards scientificenthusiasts who want these animals saved from captivity. While they couldhave done a better job informing and getting rid of the bias theyimplanted, the bias was almost necessary. Others can argue that theydidn?t give Seaworld a fair say in this situation, but ultimately, they aredealing with live animals and if they have to exclude all other opinions toget the attention they need to save these creatures, than so be it. The filmeducated their audience with scientific facts that are hard to not believewhich made the documentary credible. I believe this was just the pushnecessary to get these animals the exposure they needed to be saved fromthis cruel, tiny captivity. The filmmakers did a very great job showingemotions and captivating the audience on the issue at hand. Overall, it?s adocumentary that everyone should watch because it can educate thepublic on what, or was, going on at Seaworld.

Blackfishcanator 100

Reviewed on July 04, 2016

This film is a wake up call for the average person working in a bigcorporation. This case with Enron left a lot of hard working Americans outof a job, pension, and corporate benefits. When working for a bigcorporation you can only hope that, the powerful few are practicing soundbusiness procedures. This was not the case with Enron. This filmdocuments the how and why Enron fell from its high stature and thoseaffected along the way. Enron is the perfect example of what our world has

Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Roomchadwell 99

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become: self-interested and money hungry. Enron was responsible forroaming blackouts in California so they could charge more for their energy.Enron seems to be an appropriate microcosm for what is going on in ourworld, in that, the powers that be are making us so dependant on oil andgas while at the same time not releasing the technology that could doaway with those fossil fuels. We have the technology check out theDisclosure Project.

Reviewed on June 27, 2016

The Corporation is simply awesome. "The film charts the development ofthe corporation as a legal entity from its genesis to unprecedented legalprotection stemming from creative interpretation of the 14th amendment,that is from its origins as an institution chartered by governments to carryout specific public functions, to the rise of the vast modern institutionsentitled to the legal rights of a "person." One central theme of thedocumentary is an attempt to assess the "personality" of the corporate"person" by using diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV; Robert Hare,aUniversity of British Columbia Psychology Professor and FBI consultant,compares the modern, profit-driven corporation to that of a clinicallydiagnosed psychopath."( With the emergance of a NewWorld Order, look for corporations to emerge as separate nations. Peoplewill look to their respective corporation for sustenance. The corporation willreign as dictator over the people if the people let that happen.

The corporationchadwell 90

Reviewed on June 26, 2016

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The Most Dangerous Town on the InternetjoOod 89

Reviewed on June 23, 2016




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