washington price one cent isolation many great from … · the veto en tuming the motion exe...

Fair Tonight and Tomorrow Number 2050 A Washington Paper f For Washington People WASHINGTON SATTJRIXA T FEBRUARY 22 1902 Price One Cent I f ltt rtl J t Wbe Whnt WASHINGTONS ISOLATION FROM THE WORLD STILL u n COMPLETE T All the Telegraph and Telephone Cofnpa panies Helpless WIRELESS SYSTEM KEEPS SILENT Railroad Operations Much Demoralized by the Lack of Wires ANXIOUS FOR THE NEWS where the Ictnll of Which Are 1 on led the Ssne S cmck lent night Washington the uapMal of the nation has been mo- l 4ad tram the world onnmmmlcntlan whatever has Mea pomnmw between WasMagton ad K w telographs and telephones have boon ia use Bven the wireless system of telegraphy- of which so mac for width so much has ben eteimed has Mea found wanclag iu thin stress of etr cumetaaees when It had portaatty to demonstrate Ms value to Ute worn At other time in the past there has Mea more or tea intormption la eommu- ateatwa between WmsMagton sad other important centres but serer has the torrupttoa been so complete la every di- rection Both the great telegraph com- panies the telephone compasy the rail reeds all the means of eonmunicntloB- tipeu which reliance ia customarily placed omifosa themselves belpleee The railroads are making no effort te Sent In York stud RJc Nations Capital Yerk for tbe time lINe Mea exported a op lit L Grave Ncty fie flret bad aad Katie ¬ ¬ EXCITEMENT MARKS LAST SESSION D A R Delegates at Odds Over Several Important Matters MRS FAIRBANKS IS SUSTAINED Spectators Accused of Voting by Delegates REPORTS COMMITTEES Monmouth III Chapter TronblcM rotary General Honored OH account of the weather eoudttie net mere than 2f delegate attended the A R Oengrese thta morning Mrs Lee of Chiesge made a JoB that the Congrats give a tostlKonlal et Mt to Mrs Darwta treasurer general for her services to Ute society Mrs Swift amend p the motion by making the ltM The resntatioB as amended was adopted Mrs DenaM McLean Introduced resolution that no site be seleoted for the Oenttaeatal but that a commit- tee be appointed to easier with the Park CoaMilsslon Committee in order that a site way be seleeted IB harmony with the seheme of improvement ncxclntioii Tabled Thai rosotatlon resulted to a wag die of the chair said Mrs McLean I have no feettag to haws stirred ap responded Mr Fairbanks warmly The veto en tuMing the motion exe sdfpgly close sad called after the chair had decided ta favor of taytag the motion on the table Tollecs were aauetated aad tile vote steed Te tulle 1M negative 19 Scene of Confnuloii the galleries were voting nad pr 4ce has bees In vogue during tIN Congrok Per a few minute the Con- gress wes in disorder delegates crowd- Ing In the stales ta treat of the LIEUTENANT KELLY ILL Strlokon With lfeiuorrliii e Wlille on Daly Mtfht- U9ntL J P Kelly was taken with a bemerriiaRe at the District OuHdiag wet nigbtiaad was rowed to bte home isn- Kertb Capitol Street ta a patrol wager Lieutenant Kelly te seventy years M sad II en of tie one ef original appointees at the ims oft crsBAtanticB f the department comBMBd ef Ute SRxtb precinct but fr several years put be has been assigned to a special duty t the District Balidtag Qnue Auimltted lag et to lam ftC the D a Hari p t west w stir tile reeUaS a for A uade that spectators tint tart meet esteemed in IIi Pause Input been tote Per ke was I IawcarrlunSvc 4 eeeeiee eel tuois- I da ap woe ditdsls was charge yes Ia t planar t otSe baviag yearn his m ors < ¬ ¬ = THE WEATHER CONDITIONS The weather this morning has been of an unusual nature It hAS been raining steadily in New York 4tj sleeting in eastern rennsyhjinia and raining in the Southern States Everything West is fair For Washington taking New York as the central point it might be said that the rain in this will stop to night the weather continuing cloudy with no material change in the temperature Washington has had as bttd weather but so much sleet anti rain as fell yesterday and today Pus not been exjMMienced here for years The rainfall in New York has been terrific more than two inches having fallen in the city of New York itself Prof A J Henry Forecaster Weather Bureau j I city M ¬ lutata a service so that even mall c ommuuica ties Is denied With all the world eat off from ue this manner th greatest anxiety Is mani- fested fer the news of the world for gome strung whim of PrevMence Juet at tide time there many events of the purest importance Barely a bulletin ha Altered threegh of rimes have Mea loot The Park Avenue Hotel burned sad the number of those who perished ta its may resell te sixty There are vgu reports of railroad wrecks aka in one near WHntn ton Del it was laid the Presidents lit ecu Theo- dore was involved Later the lihssilng y weuU arrive this afternoon al right Prince Henry wee to arrive ta New York today But whether he has arrived er ta still on the ocean Washington may net know for many hours to core Meanwhile a thaw has followed the storm that eat Washington off from the world and the stew sad steel has given way to stash and drizzle a tact between the seed earth and tile leaden sky the world has tact all aspects save these that are dreary SlId cheer I B et- a hi Xew York ia which or that the are dkaslar tares has lames mote boar delayed sad hers ¬ ¬ Mrs Darwin treasurer general has beet voted a testimonial of 1900 After an animated discus- sion a resolution to refer tke of n alto for th Continen- tal nan to a committee was lid OM tile table and pretesting against almost everything The parliamentarian warmly ta laver of Mrs Pubbunks rultags declar- ing that she had Melt compelled te rule occasion to criticise the delegates for tbe juauner ta which rey have compelled the president general to rule Report OH 3lenmniith Trouble Mrs of South Carolina reverted upon the Chapter troubles r- h III The report state that action of the majority of Warren Chapter en June 2- IMS IB attempting to disband the chap- ter iu subsequently forming a new chap- ter under the name of Puritan and Cav- alier with the election of tbe requisite number of oncers and the application fer a charter therefor forfeited their positions a eJuceni ta the said Warren Chapter and dtaeualMed them aa members therein it being impossible for any person to bold two efaees The action of the minority ta declaring the chapter atill ta existence and ta pro- ceeding to elect omcerc te nil vneaneies wes legal Warren Chapter having beet legally dtaservad The committee recommended that the name Warren Chapter be forever i ta carded of the naitaMl board and appHeAUen be made tar permission to found tee now chapters ta Mcnmcuth 11- 1Iiitcnne Uxcitomeiit Mr vary Isabella Fersythe of Kew York the Inaing of the mtttee beet forted on There no chapter a Puritan sad Cavalier and she object od to the report adopted Mrs Nash flatly contradicted Mrs For aythe saying that the dcctaicu C the committee had founded upon state meats to 1t by reputable peraoBn ad that there was a reason to doubt authenticity the facts by Whet thta ran art closed this matter WM still under Mcaafc FuoMag wns running high sal ccH moct wee la NATIONAL COUNCIL ELECTION Hcliiiuth libeled PreMident Without Opposition Mrs William Tod Helrouth was elected president of the National Council ef Women this afternoon The bttstaess sec stem ef tile council convened this morn tag the esmmKtse en aamtasttans made Its report Attar the anaeuueimeat of tb result of the election Mrs lietaeuth was present- ed te the assembly by Rev Asa Mrs Helmuts addressed ta UB iI briefly I te ee Oft spoke Me Ute PMt of the week also took Null WaIT tile BeT charter placed la the mUd that Its report theta boa tit them the Ire sad sitar tN roadiag as 414 darlg early sad ba She said ltd eel rat each bet made the staled tea f the deaf aril er auk e s a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Party Arrived Shortly After 2 oClock DELAYED NEAR WILMINGTON Teddy Jr Accompanied liy Mother and Sister nod Dr Rlxey and fondled In Overcoats nod SliavlH Hurried to the White Iloime Theodore Keeoevolt Jr whose seriaat Illness at Orates Mass ten days ago at tracted the attention of the entire coun- try arrived ia Wasatagen this afternoon at octock ever the Pennsylvania Railroad S Bundled ta overcoats sad shawls so that only a portion of his face was visible be M driver at once to the White House where he re- ceived Irma his lather a loving wslenmt Mrs Roosevelt Mma Alice KasisveK and Dr P X Rixey The patty naiplii the private car Convoy which was attached to the regular tram scheduled to arrive at a Mat which was delayed by a tieup near Wltmtegton- Mms Bmliy Carew Mrs Reooeveits sis tar met the party at the station Mrs Roosevelt and Miss Roosevelt will at nee make preparations to attend the dinner on Monday night at the White House which wilt be attended by Priace Henry Per a time it was thought that Youag Roosevelts eondttiou was such that he weuM be unable to return to Washing- ton at this time and that Ia eons sen suce Mrs sad Mms Roosevelt would set attend the dinner BLOWS PASSED BETWEEN TILLMAN AND McLAURIN ON THE FLOOR OF SENATE The Latter Call hips Colleague a IIiir Vhleh IN IronittlyI- teheiited As the resuH of spirited debate ta the United States Senate this afternoon man sad McLaurta of South Carolina Senator and apeouer had a eely ta which Mr McLaurtu- eo euater took place They were quickly separated by Sen- ators near their desks TRAINS FROM EAST DELAYED Neither ItmneiiKor Nor RmitlnyeK Ahle to Give eivx of IIre Whet it was learned that New York had visited by a disastrous lire and that no details would be obtainable from tile telegraph or telephone fompanles efforts were wade te secure information troy Ute msMitg rs sad trainn n on Use trains ar- riving from the fast Those efforts futile as all Ute traits to Kt In were these which had left the Hast NIGh the lire started The tret train from New York over the Pennsyl- vania arrived tree bears late getting ia at MM instead of 7 TIle name was true la a greater or degree of all trains on both roads la most eases passengers received The Times reporters In Washiagtea- DAK6BR OF A FLOOD Condition nt Harpern Kerry De Glared to He Mont Menacing According to advices brought to thte city early this morning by railroad met Waehiagtea will experience a need by the condition of the river at Har- pers Perry A statement to thlc effect was made to a reporter far TJw Tires by one ef the railway met who passed through Harpers Perry thte morning en rte te this city lie said that the river ta and about that place was completely Jammed with ice and that torrents of water were late the River from the moun- tains Hte remarks were corroborated by sev- eral other railway mea aM ef whom seeMed to regard tbe situati B as a cult owing to the fact that should there be a sadden thaw out the enormous mass of Tee and water wilt sweep onward toward this city ROOSEVELTS REACH WASHINGTON SAl1ELY 15 lato a ReeeeTeU t 117 M THB the WoWS were tW1tJ Till Tit Aeree beetme JItol thou Ute I bees were their first ot the lire New York judg- Ing Jti url g Site oat one so tar this oe eered was rushed earrlse Youug was a corpald Seaatoru aaa penaal less the sew it fires as sift fs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Futile Efforts to Communi cate With New York NO RESPONSE RECEIVED TO GALLS The Timex KiliriHut All Ileourcci In IIH Bnilcaver to Get the Newt Prom the Ontwldc fur It The Times IB Mse erta to secure the latest Bwa from DM outata world exhausted ovaey mesas available Whet it beeaBMkaewB this H on teg that there of telegraphic- or telephonic with New York for some at least an en- deavor was made to reach either that er Btfighborteg city by f the Marconi system ef vrtreieaB telegraphy All KITortN Prove Futile For over two boon the mysterious wave of wore sent Bashing eastward ever the eewutry hot there was no respect receiving in- strument remained impaaiive It la not knows whether the ether tau ef the Federal Wireless Tekraph and tb storm or w- eoudluoae have rondoped the service tav- practieable The Locals Station The local station to situated OB Place between Sixth Md Seventh Streets and has been open for buM a aa for several weeks Messages have been sent and received between thta city and Baltimore with ttttte dtfifeutty sad the omeiate la ebazfe of the station are at a loa to aeeouat ape failure to got response at from the latter place tam Balthcere the Hudornl Company has cstabltehul trans flag east receiving plants at OalHee J J Atlantic City Barnegat Day Cape tad Witmtag Major Sylves p Announces the 4tJ AID mm THE mssm msm Orders were Issued by Major Syi- veator providing far the aid protec- tion of Prince Nancy wponv eccwrttm Ms to tfcKoJty Monday The arraagemeat ar meat la their details sad prsride for every contin- gency l masytvnJtA venue will be roped the PeaaJ mala depot to the at 1 iaelt and anal after BO ee will he priairtued to cress the except those tbe have base pro is- sued by the State 9rpMrtnet- lllntrlot Guard Along Line The District NattuMiI tiara will he stationed along the tint the police who will be wider the eommasd of the several Hevienaats A Mottot d platoon of police under acting Lieutenant Mathews will load the preees a ainUIaf xnmber of see mm der Sergeant Harf wilt bring up the rear Lieutenant bars with aeventy Ave met will Sank Jiie party on either side Maintain paces between the Ueute the detail of forty men at the White Houae while IJ u tenant Byrne will have an equal nnatber of mm nt Highland Ter race on aianmchnseCU Avenue between Fourteenth and Xtttfetttk Streets which will augmented by the monnted escort the arrival of the Prince at the Kstbasay Should the weather permit xn additional detail of twenty bicycle MM will ales report fer of the Prince at the The arrangemonte ml tile npitol will be under the charge ef Heffner and Cross sad after th Arrival of the escort at that polar 4 vast u eelock- Captaia Cross will a detail of twe- ntyire men and clear the entrance te the Ceagreestonal Uhcnry in anticipation of In additioa UbK local arm he outoftown Ootectives have com- menced te calve will be on duty until after the of the Prince and his suite Thn will also be aug ted et the Treasury Dcnurtiaent tea poetonVe inspectom JUSTICE GRAIGI IfKHBCKT Talk of Secretnrj Long as a Iosullile- S tq aarter The illness ef Juctlec Gray ef the S i promo Court of the United States te of such a nature thnbntawrs his retire slant are rife Secretary of t Navy Long and Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the Supreme Court cj Wsssaehaeottg are among those itmtuasril IB ccnacctlOB with the MKceeOfR Justice reach the retiring H e IB Oeteber sad will it i believed take advantage i the eppertu lty to re tire whole still ta mental and physical vigor Judge W H Civil Governor ef the Philippine Bd exSecretary ef State Day both are named as psMlbilitles ta tMs e eetleB altbeugh Senator Quay sjd to have a candi- date for the place Secretary ef the Navy Loag has con- firmed the report he will leave the Cabinet No date Mitt been fixed but the President Is aware of his aurpeso WIRELESS TELEGRAPH PROVED 1UNAVAILING nender was same little The eoay bees by Ute tlBvllerK northeast the lea t lltloa to tllls dty ton PRINGE HENRY TO BE AMPLY PROTECTED PoH t Plans j c j 41 twist tare e- el visit minute House tIM passage or the ud escort vWed with PH have hoes of march to roYAl a diMttIIee of six 111II be In eIIeIe e aroaad the the 0- ArrnllJremeRfec Capitol the of tile at that t I by large n or secret Service of et Ohio tIt 1 that r World to- day ae prospect cost i oeicatiea bah > mesas ttatgto laity Tele- phone happ damaged yr Coleus a Ia the etloas la fay t ti et if from White his pies which ae so Met while g tau Boyle north- west W app Germs s duty lega iet derlng stay ins tip iae arrival point ts pot sees Shires wlll Haft ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > MANY PERISH IN GREAT HOTEL HOLOCAUST IN NEW YORK CITY TODAY FIRST TELEGRAM HEW YORK- It Was Received at the Times Office at 245 oclock This Afternoon- The first telegram through front New York tory wits re- ceived at 24 oclock p in It stated simply tfc tt the of dead in the Park Avenue Hotel fire was twenty and that than one hundred hard been injured Among the dead is Col Alexander iL Piper U SA retir- ed Mrs Heed wife of the hotel proprietor Gusto KnwMas ex Respreseutatire from Alabuma Nothing wits said in the message concerning the avrinl of Prince Henry who is expected to reach New York today THE STORM SITUATION IN NEW YORK CITY General Wzeck Overhead and Deep Slusfy Underfoot Tele- phone and Telegraph Cc munication Cut Off Eran the Jlew Y k m f today F number more T1Rr ¬ > ¬ < Hate following the snow of early turned the streets mat sight tote sloppy tracks of slashv HaKmeited snow elaggsd sag sewer and pudalai yards wide on eves r Many of them were midteg- deftp Overhead the rata frees aw ft fen on towers cornices treetops sad wires K New Yorker wile was near say of the citys parks at night was aitsajethar sorry that he had bees eaagat sot in the storm They were forests of glittering crystal sparkling coruoestiag sad glowing with color under the electric Kg No dream of fairyland was more marital and brilliant But the damage wires sad the trees was nlasuot beyond belief New York was cut off ixtm tote all of the rest of the country Win But these were all the afternoon Whoa at midnight Western Union was asked whether it the answer came back K except to so by trait Ke results guaranteed then Long distance telephone wires to may Southern and middle Western cities were The storm was born In the Quit of Mel lee It emerged therefrom on Wednes- day Its centre so the prophets surmised was swirling oat the Virginia coast yes- terday momteg And there will be an- tormiagted with soft and bigBaked stow today The city was in the northwest quadrant- of the cyclone The wind was squally got as high as fortytwo miles The temperature was at the sleeting point about 32 dogrtfi at midnight cad the barometer at 3985 Inches was steadily faJMng showing that there was stilt worse weather ismlus There was a rainfall of lSt Itches a MIa a by lee IIt88g the graphic with 4III i tIC was cut r at oclock III Ute accept me for Wu also reported out of order fKMr riot of rata hI and Nee c yes- terday balsa fecund ever des c semaicatln very needy we r aae b- heltiesd ehrstaaeNpz v9 as Wabaglan 2 world working sad slat possibly ¬ ¬ leek which grew as the falling melted the MOW plies Horses stumbled sad fell ever ta the street sad not a few were soricu- IT hart 1- ta utter confusion The telephone system I there Is shoat altogether overhead sad the results f the stoner uaarr these cuma1ants were appoJBcg 12M oclock olds mcrnlng the see lights ta City Mali Park and Park new would have not beat for a few lights around the Federal Bv lighted windows of the Tit acOes- oC wfad sad a lot of crime The Brush Electric Illuminating Com- pany with electric light said that there were three circuits out the downtown district West district sheet Twentythird Street sad a sorties on the last Mo treat demago was done te thetr sal the parks Beautiful as was the display under the electric lights the harm dose to Ute trees was pitiful Branches big and small bent down un- der their Jeweled Jaaas until the wind easily tore them from the main tree trunks People who crossed City Melt Park aad Union Square MIll audioes Sauare brunch after branch which earn crash lag down and terns the paths Re- ports teem Central Part atM that tre- mendous danmna was betas dene te the trees sea shrubbery thea Ho report could be from Botanic Our fI Li tile tllhII1 IcIIie fill tbeae partly la the every tile street cleaners Ilea tile to away tile WIres The Brou were nq dr- At went sad all tile was which oapiet IIIMI k Jhi JiI that the overhead sod kept tile creeks indoors and off that s Side to late tat nght lap aowfal Itches sad short s lath al Meet errs dowa- AM afar city the polls reperbd telegram aril Ngl- atvts dawn nett taglelt tip h the Mr et Mat were buried deeper mharte rata whelp had up- sluag curbs be carried wires ut aelgkbochod pbyed Is darkam boot sod the tr s Me bsia Pei hh sepseisd ass dewbg nh m hail the sleek aderastth hedem w1Jeb supplies aetgirbrbed extending up b lead themselves dodging hasped the ins ¬ ¬ ¬ = GEN GROSVENOR HISSED AS WELL AS APPLAUDED Conflicting Emotions Aroused by His Insistence in fa Use of tlie Term The War of the Rebellion o = = Hisses cad applause mingled ta the eral Qroaveaer at the mooting of the Sep of the Jtevetetiea ta eel of- Washingtons Btrthday at toe National Theatre this morning They came when he made this state Bient It ia told us that we must not call it the war of the rebellion sty sore that it suet be known as the civil wnr or the war between the States Imt with my latest breath I shall say the war of the rebellion The theatre was fairly well ailed ia eat on such a disagreeable day Some of the scenery of the lea Hue production had Mea left en the The Marine Bund discoursed stirring musk sitting ta treat of a drop curtain representing the environs of Jerusalem as seer front the root of Ben liars beast A eve the stage The exercises began promptly at W15 with the overture The Invincible Bugle Seuaa by the Marls P ad TIteR the president of the society Col Archibald Hopkins Introduced General Greevener General Crosvenor said that there mere new in the city many women meetinr ta convention Referring to the woman suf- fragists apparent belief the degeneracy of the ideate of American aeMterheed since the of Waehiagtoa as shown by their willingness to believe th tales of atrocity IB the Philippines he said that the ladles should learn to dtobelife w- rrythiag which they recd He an 1 The alarm which has been sew 42 ta regard to the conduct of the Awerica ta the Philippines Is one of tae shameful attacks OB American manhood la history The Americas people are sot criminals any more than they were in the days of the Revolution The tales of fire and bloodshed In the Philippines- are not to be credited The ladles should JeeeptIea of a Ett the eC Qea I I spite of the UM pets tile emblem of sseiety time pert speech exerts necessary wage hang tLe sol- dier most ra- pine ¬ ¬ ¬ not worry with roeolutlsas sheet the future of the American Sntogtatas the greet lest General O os eot seM All history has brow of Washington a single state And tat us while we celebrate his birthday throughout the world not only for power but for high languages since the time of bit death have Mea seed ta praises and noth- ing that I could sty would add to bin There are however two topics ta re- gard to kin life on which I wish to say something about accepting a third term of the Presidency The second ta his pesUioB upon tile entrance of this country tate alliance with foreign countries General Grosvenor sap that who years age he should construe It in the light of the conditions which then existed He illustrated Ilk meaning with several BUt stories He made the point that Washingtons declarations ta retard to th third terra were very generally Hrisua- derstoed at this time It Is said said General Grcsveaer that Washington left an tajunctieu nova to form any foreign alliances Whet he really warned the people against we forming any foreign alliance te left out Mr Bary Bulkley delivered the tarn oration of General Hoary Lee with declamatory effect that elicited meeh ap- plause The religious exercises were eon dusted by the Rev Dr MackayBmith the chaplain of society The Marine Band under the direction of W H aantelmann received enthusias- tic applause for its stirring rendition of the various patriotic airs the realize that bit to M character 1 cannot MIeshe W- All Iii tame The Arat tM la regard to Ills tUbide read a over a permanent Bat as It tJte per- t Ins tile soldier President never pieced apes satea also le re- spected moral Oo sep it gesersi- appreheesoa deekaratbt made hundred lie tooted tdty word ate ¬ ¬ Park Avenue Hotel Filled With Guests Destroyed by Fire OTTiFissrs ASK mm Explosion Wrecked lAi- lBuikJittg and Fps the Hotel THE FIREMEN POWERLESS Blaxe Started In the Armory Desperate But Futile Bndeaverj 3Iade te Conflne It a W YORK Fckw 22 Fire early this eeateoed Sovontynrat Msg may at TMrtytuurth Street nnd Pnrtc Avsnne tell the Park Axwae Nod nt nrirtrthsri Street sad Puck sad teak the rives oC or sixty of them guests or employee of the betel laity injured art wInd xm r U S K retired Abraham JLaniii uMa K la the Armory The eat toted hi the ar S cMU c sad imnnuftttoty dteosr- mw MIlt ia To tats atom the department made speedy hat te satte of their hnnte the uian i structure was en- veloped m the rosebud the scene Albeit an to asannt the Arc to the ornery was put under way by the tae effort would he sueeessfuL te Suread hundred guests Xonawhtte streftnuf were tetMd upon i and every pro ioB Great were then anrtas the armory roof and windows eastfes teas and highly daaneraac heat ap structures and as many as eleven atoreams were betug thrown apes the natei- hr the Ammunition Bfccploden This critical i uation TTttf fur stdetanle period and the nlodod ammualUom stored la the armory Whereupon the outer walls of the armory fell with a NIl the redoubled its energy sad deaplte all opaoeitfoa crossed to the the third of that structure the blase took MId and then quickly through tile upper stories sod to the roof desperate efforts to stop rushing ia time after time to combat thorn at cfeee Banners sad Urns after Uses they were driven hack and their andinima utterly Panic Ia the Hotel Meanwhile beginning an taataal lifter the avnlinUn ta tINt armory sad the tile aroBMB battled there was n paste the hotel guests They guests began to wildly reek to and t search of safety std duets of them poured excitedly sat seta the streets adlag excitement to the already exoftdd crowd watak led gathered to watch the splendid sad terriam w rk- of destmettaR Bishop Sudden Xgr Kenaedy tell a r of catholic irlastr from X Payne of Osaaeeifcsit and C X 3tocfcwei- lValBlj Seeking te vhU thee doseas were paring late till street up fat the natal tills wove others who were meshing wfMQy nauut unable to ham the direction in which safety my le crowd ta the street saw the ftsuros of two met appear far up on the roof sad purge down to dm walk One of thorn was dead badore he die without being to tell who te tam Ids rsmpaniia are Then a few minutes later a woman afaf a atthatory window arm truth an the por- tico over the main entrance with a thud that fatally injured her Admiral Miller Found scion IB one of the agure to be Admiral Miller U S X re tiled He had passed iimnataad tavaugi the great Windsor Hotel are In till nail through the recent tnuaei airpleaicn and then in trying to escape itath tm tine Pork Avenue Hotel teams hud been overcome and will tt IB thing fc die Admiral Miller was found four other bodies all dead were aiatafaisd and takes out On of them was iaaati find as Abram Pepper of LoumviBe these S ar atrty naaai hiked in the hotel Tan after 4 oclock The rally so iI and the Aft ill tJiI to be o fa u after It ered a before Are tad a u it leaked egaD d Iiii th w there eM ue same six tile by u catttioa to prevent Its ala IB to prevent 1NIIg tee ex fire Wel- t The of the of the willie Ismae kes of Troy K T those who thus escaped BsunAe I lie picked up will aWe clad only Ja Later oa as It therepea II Alter bid V the el plet CIdef CNIrft psr wrote destroyed sad tile IIItteI prac 1 Were mo to Imest Ave peruses Amts Aawa dead Pepper Started men ad wry ileavrM was aneral alsrmh re poe big lames endeavor Areses Iqr a though Flam air es s tier we Dart a 4t ashfllk- budldhog 4ibe hotel lessee take ass Irma ad- joining lessee that 1tbtUig ti s the a flees creek leer pureed march the Mateo Irema made made usrles ig i- tt hotel sad contlymdag among the std Sync were asst aid and the ether nightdress lepp Areaes iieeveeea seat Agora balm and look oat and 41covered tie epWp nos Omer atroi tulartiv eras w teatr- pletely > ¬

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Page 1: WASHINGTON Price One Cent ISOLATION MANY GREAT FROM … · The veto en tuMing the motion exe sdfpgly close sad called after the chair had decided ta favor of taytag the motion on

Fair Tonight andTomorrow

Number 2050

A Washington Paper f

For Washington People


I f ltt rtlJ



u n


All the Telegraph andTelephone Cofnpa

panies Helpless


Railroad Operations MuchDemoralized by the

Lack of Wires


where the Ictnll of Which Are1 on led the

Ssne S cmck lent night Washingtonthe uapMal of the nation has been mo-

l 4ad tram the worldonnmmmlcntlan whatever has Mea

pomnmw between WasMagton ad K w

telographsand telephones have boon ia use

Bven the wireless system of telegraphy-

of which so mac

for width so much has ben eteimed hasMea found wanclag iu thin stress of etrcumetaaees when It hadportaatty to demonstrate Ms value to Ute

wornAt other time in the past there has

Mea more or tea intormption la eommu-

ateatwa between WmsMagton sad otherimportant centres but serer has thetorrupttoa been so complete la every di-

rection Both the great telegraph com-

panies the telephone compasy the railreeds all the means of eonmunicntloB-

tipeu which reliance ia customarily placedomifosa themselves belpleee

The railroads are making no effort te

Sent In York stud RJc

Nations Capital

Yerk for tbe time lINe

Mea exported

a op



Grave Ncty



bad aad





Delegates at Odds OverSeveral Important



Spectators Accused of Votingby Delegates


Monmouth III Chapter TronblcM

rotary General Honored

OH account of the weather eoudttienet mere than 2f delegate attended the


R Oengrese thta morningMrs Lee of Chiesge made a JoB

that the Congrats give a tostlKonlal etMt to Mrs Darwta treasurer general

for her services to Ute society MrsSwift amend p the motion by making the

ltM The resntatioB as amendedwas adopted

Mrs DenaM McLean Introducedresolution that no site be seleoted forthe Oenttaeatal but that a commit-tee be appointed to easier with the ParkCoaMilsslon Committee in order that asite way be seleeted IB harmony withthe seheme of improvement

ncxclntioii TabledThai rosotatlon resulted to a wag die

of the chair said Mrs McLeanI have no feettag to haws stirred ap

responded Mr Fairbanks warmlyThe veto en tuMing the motion

exe sdfpgly close sadcalled after the chair had decided tafavor of taytag the motion on the tableTollecs were aauetated aad tile votesteed Te tulle 1M negative 19

Scene of Confnuloii

the galleries were voting nadpr 4ce has bees In vogue during tINCongrok Per a few minute the Con-gress wes in disorder delegates crowd-Ing In the stales ta treat of the


Strlokon With lfeiuorrliii e Wlilleon Daly Mtfht-

U9ntL J P Kelly was taken with abemerriiaRe at the District OuHdiag wetnigbtiaad was rowed to bte home isn-Kertb Capitol Street ta a patrol wager

Lieutenant Kelly te seventy years Msad II en of tie

one ef original appointees at the imsoft crsBAtanticB f the department

comBMBd ef UteSRxtb precinct but fr several years putbe has been assigned to a special dutyt the District Balidtag

Qnue Auimltted

lag et to lam ftC the D




t west w stir tile reeUaS


A uade that spectatorstint


meet esteemedin IIi Pause Input been


Per ke was I





tuois-I da ap

woeditdsls was

charge yes Iat













The weather this morning has been of an unusual natureIt hAS been raining steadily in New York 4tj sleeting in easternrennsyhjinia and raining in the Southern States EverythingWest is fair For Washington taking New York as the centralpoint it might be said that the rain in this will stop tonight the weather continuing cloudy with no material change inthe temperature Washington has had as bttd weather but somuch sleet anti rain as fell yesterday and today Pus not beenexjMMienced here for years

The rainfall in New York has been terrific more than twoinches having fallen in the city of New York itself Prof A JHenry Forecaster Weather Bureau






lutata a service so that even mallc ommuuica ties Is denied

With all the world eat off from uethis manner th greatest anxiety Is mani-fested fer the news of the world forgome strung whim of PrevMence Juet attide time there many events of thepurest importance

Barely a bulletin ha Altered threegh

of rimes have Mea loot The Park AvenueHotel burned sad the number of thosewho perished ta its may resell tesixty

There are vgu reports of railroadwrecks aka in one near WHntn ton Del

it was laid the Presidents lit ecu Theo-

dore was involved Later the lihssilng

y weuU arrivethis afternoon al right

Prince Henry wee to arrive ta New Yorktoday But whether he has arrived er tastill on the ocean Washington may netknow for many hours to core

Meanwhile a thaw has followed thestorm that eat Washington off from theworld and the stew sad steel has givenway to stash and drizzle a tact betweenthe seed earth and tile leaden sky theworld has tact all aspects save these thatare dreary SlId cheer




a hi Xew York ia which


that the


dkaslar tares



boardelayed sadhers



Mrs Darwin treasurer generalhas beet voted a testimonial of1900 After an animated discus-

sion a resolution to refer tkeof n alto for th Continen-

tal nan to a committee was lidOM tile table

and pretesting against almost everythingThe parliamentarian warmly ta

laver of Mrs Pubbunks rultags declar-ing that she had Melt compelled te rule

occasion to criticisethe delegates for tbe juauner ta which

rey have compelled the president generalto rule

Report OH 3lenmniith TroubleMrs of South Carolina reverted

upon the Chapter troubles r-

h IIIThe report state that action of the

majority of Warren Chapter en June 2-

IMS IB attempting to disband the chap-

ter iu subsequently forming a new chap-

ter under the name of Puritan and Cav-

alier with the election of tbe requisitenumber of oncers and the application fera charter therefor forfeited their positionsa eJuceni ta the said Warren Chapter anddtaeualMed them aa members therein itbeing impossible for any person to boldtwo efaees

The action of the minority ta declaringthe chapter atill ta existence and ta pro-

ceeding to elect omcerc te nil vneaneieswes legal Warren Chapter havingbeet legally dtaservad

The committee recommended that thename Warren Chapter be forever i tacardedof the naitaMl board and appHeAUen bemade tar permission to found tee nowchapters ta Mcnmcuth 11-

1Iiitcnne UxcitomeiitMr vary Isabella Fersythe of Kew

York the Inaing of themttteebeet forted on There no

chapter a Puritan sad Cavalierand she object od to the reportadopted

Mrs Nash flatly contradicted Mrs Foraythe saying that the dcctaicu C thecommittee had founded upon statemeats to 1t by reputable peraoBnad that there was a reason to doubt

authenticity the facts by

Whet thta ran art closed this matterWM still under Mcaafc FuoMag wnsrunning high sal ccH moct wee la


Hcliiiuth libeled PreMidentWithout Opposition

Mrs William Tod Helrouth was electedpresident of the National Council efWomen this afternoon The bttstaess secstem ef tile council convened this morntagthe esmmKtse en aamtasttans made Itsreport

Attar the anaeuueimeat of tb resultof the election Mrs lietaeuth was present-ed te the assembly by Rev AsaMrs Helmuts addressed ta UB iIbriefly




Me Ute PMt of theweek also took




charter placed la the

mUdthat Its reporttheta





sad sitar tN roadiag

as 414 darlg earlysad


She said ltd eelrat



the staled


f the deaf













Party Arrived Shortly After2 oClock


Teddy Jr Accompanied liy Motherand Sister nod Dr Rlxey andfondled In Overcoats nod SliavlHHurried to the White Iloime

Theodore Keeoevolt Jr whose seriaatIllness at Orates Mass ten days ago attracted the attention of the entire coun-

try arrived ia Wasatagen this afternoonat octock ever the PennsylvaniaRailroad S

Bundled ta overcoats sad shawls so thatonly a portion of his face was visible be

M driver atonce to the White House where he re-

ceived Irma his lather a loving wslenmt

Mrs Roosevelt Mma Alice KasisveK andDr P X Rixey The patty naiplii theprivate car Convoy which was attachedto the regular tram scheduled to arriveat a Mat which was delayedby a tieup near Wltmtegton-

Mms Bmliy Carew Mrs Reooeveits sistar met the party at the station

Mrs Roosevelt and Miss Roosevelt willat nee make preparations to attend thedinner on Monday night at the WhiteHouse which wilt be attended by PriaceHenry Per a time it was thought thatYouag Roosevelts eondttiou was such thathe weuM be unable to return to Washing-ton at this time and that Ia eons sen suceMrs sad Mms Roosevelt would set attendthe dinner




The Latter Call hips Colleague aIIiir Vhleh IN IronittlyI-

teheiitedAs the resuH of spirited debate ta

the United States Senate this afternoon

man sad McLaurta of South CarolinaSenator and apeouer had a

eely ta which Mr McLaurtu-

eo euater took placeThey were quickly separated by Sen-

ators near their desks


Neither ItmneiiKor Nor RmitlnyeKAhle to Give eivx of IIre

Whet it was learned that New York hadvisited by a disastrous lire and that

no details would be obtainable from tiletelegraph or telephone fompanles effortswere wade te secure information troy UtemsMitg rs sad trainn n on Use trains ar-

riving from the fastThose efforts futile as all Ute

traits to Kt In were these which had leftthe Hast NIGh the lire started The trettrain from New York over the Pennsyl-vania arrived tree bears late getting iaat MM instead of 7 TIle name wastrue la a greater or degree of alltrains on both roads

la most eases passengers received

The Times reporters In Washiagtea-


Condition nt Harpern Kerry DeGlared to He Mont Menacing

According to advices brought to thtecity early this morning by railroad metWaehiagtea will experience a need

by the condition of the river at Har-pers Perry

A statement to thlc effect was made toa reporter far TJw Tires by one ef therailway met who passed through HarpersPerry thte morning en rte te this city

lie said that the river ta and about thatplace was completely Jammed with ice andthat torrents of water were latethe River from the moun-tains

Hte remarks were corroborated by sev-eral other railway mea aM ef whomseeMed to regard tbe situati B as a cultowing to the fact that should there be asadden thaw out the enormous mass ofTee and water wilt sweep onward towardthis city




lato a

ReeeeTeU t

117 M



WoWS were tW1tJ Till


beetme JItol thou Ute




their first ot the lire New York


Jtiurl gSite

oat one so tar this oeeered

was rushed earrlse

Youug was a corpald


aaa penaal


thesew it


as sift fs










Futile Efforts to Communicate With New York


The Timex KiliriHut All IleourcciIn IIH Bnilcaver to Get the NewtProm the Ontwldc fur It

The Times IB Mse erta to secure thelatest Bwa from DM outata world

exhausted ovaey mesas availableWhet it beeaBMkaewB this H on tegthat there of telegraphic-or telephonic with NewYork for some at least an en-

deavor was made to reach either that erBtfighborteg city by f the

Marconi system ef vrtreieaB telegraphyAll KITortN Prove Futile

For over two boon the mysteriouswave of wore sent

Bashing eastward ever the eewutry hotthere was no respect receiving in-

strument remained impaaiive It la notknows whether the ether tau ef theFederal Wireless Tekraph and

tb storm or w-

eoudluoae have rondoped the service tav-practieable

The Locals StationThe local station to situated OB

Place between Sixth Md Seventh Streetsand has been open for buM

a aa for several weeks Messages havebeen sent and received between thta cityand Baltimore with ttttte dtfifeutty sadthe omeiate la ebazfe of the station areat a loa to aeeouat ape failure to got

response at from the latterplace

tam Balthcere the Hudornl Company hascstabltehul trans flag east receivingplants at OalHee J J Atlantic CityBarnegat Day Cape tad Witmtag

Major Sylves p Announcesthe


AID mm THE mssm msm

Orders were Issued by Major Syi-

veator providing far the aid protec-tion of Prince Nancy wponv eccwrttm

Ms to tfcKoJty Monday Thearraagemeat ar meat la theirdetails sad prsride for every contin-gency l masytvnJtA venue will be roped

the PeaaJ mala depot to theat 1 iaelt and anal after

BO ee will he priairtued to cress theexcept those tbe have base pro


sued by the State 9rpMrtnet-lllntrlot Guard Along Line

The District NattuMiI tiara will hestationed along thetint the police who will be wider theeommasd of the several Hevienaats AMottot d platoon of police under actingLieutenant Mathews will load the preees

a ainUIaf xnmber of see mm

der Sergeant Harf wilt bring up therear Lieutenant bars with aeventyAve met will Sank Jiie party oneither side Maintainpaces between the

Ueutethe detail of forty men at the WhiteHouae while IJ u tenant Byrne will havean equal nnatber of mm nt Highland Terrace on aianmchnseCU Avenue betweenFourteenth and Xtttfetttk Streets

which will augmented by themonnted escort the arrival of thePrince at the Kstbasay Shouldthe weather permit xn additional detailof twenty bicycle MM will ales report fer

of the Princeat the

The arrangemonte ml tile npitol will beunder the charge ef Heffner andCross sad after th Arrival of the escortat that polar 4 vast u eelock-Captaia Cross will a detail of twe-ntyire men and clear the entrance te theCeagreestonal Uhcnry in anticipation of

In additioa UbK local armhe outoftown Ootectives have com-

menced te calve will be on dutyuntil after the of the Princeand his suite Thn will also be aug

tedet the Treasury Dcnurtiaent tea

poetonVe inspectom


Talk of Secretnrj Long as a Iosullile-S tq aarter

The illness ef Juctlec Gray ef the S i

promo Court of the United States te ofsuch a nature thnbntawrs his retireslant are rife

Secretary of t Navy Long and ChiefJustice Oliver Wendell Holmes of theSupreme Court cj Wsssaehaeottg areamong those itmtuasril IB ccnacctlOBwith the MKceeOfR

Justice reach the retiringH e IB Oeteber sad will it i believedtake advantage i the eppertu lty to retire whole still ta mental and physicalvigor

Judge W H Civil Governor efthe Philippine Bd exSecretary efState Day both are named aspsMlbilitles ta tMs e eetleB altbeughSenator Quay sjd to have a candi-

date for the placeSecretary ef the Navy Loag has con-

firmed the report he will leave theCabinet No date Mitt been fixed but thePresident Is aware of his aurpeso








eoay bees byUte tlBvllerK




lltloa to tllls dty




PoH tPlans

j c j



e-el visit


HousetIM passage or the ud escort

vWed with PH have hoes

of march to

roYAla diMttIIee of six

111II be In eIIeIe e

aroaad the the0-

ArrnllJremeRfec Capitol

the of tile at thatt


by large n or secret Service


et Ohio







ae prospectcost ioeicatiea

bah >


ttatgto laity

Tele-phone happ damaged




Ia the etloas la




if fromWhite



ae so

Met while



north-west W

appGerms s

duty lega iet derlng stay



arrival pointts



Shires wlll


















It Was Received at the Times Office at 245 oclockThis Afternoon-

The first telegram through front New York tory wits re-ceived at 24 oclock p in It stated simply tfc tt the ofdead in the Park Avenue Hotel fire was twenty and thatthan one hundred hard been injured

Among the dead is Col Alexander iL Piper U S A retir-ed Mrs Heed wife of the hotel proprietor Gusto KnwMas exRespreseutatire from Alabuma

Nothing wits said in the message concerning the avrinl ofPrince Henry who is expected to reach New York today


General Wzeck Overhead and Deep Slusfy Underfoot Tele-phone and Telegraph Cc munication Cut Off

Eran the Jlew Y k m f today








Hate following the snow of earlyturned the streets mat sight tote

sloppy tracks of slashv HaKmeitedsnow elaggsd sag sewerand pudalai yards wide on eves

r Many of them were midteg-deftp

Overhead the rata frees aw ft fen ontowers cornices treetops sad wires KNew Yorker wile was near say of thecitys parks at night was aitsajethar sorrythat he had bees eaagat sot in the stormThey were forests of glittering crystalsparkling coruoestiag sad glowing withcolor under the electric Kg No dreamof fairyland was more marital andbrilliant

But the damagewires sad the trees was nlasuot beyondbelief New York was cut off ixtm tote

all of the rest of the country Win

But these were all

the afternoon Whoa at midnightWestern Union was asked whether it

the answer came backK except to so by trait Ke results

guaranteed thenLong distance telephone wires to may

Southern and middle Western cities were

The storm was born In the Quit of Mellee It emerged therefrom on Wednes-day Its centre so the prophets surmisedwas swirling oat the Virginia coast yes-terday momteg And there will be an-

tormiagted with soft and bigBaked stowtoday

The city was in the northwest quadrant-of the cyclone The wind was squally

got as high as fortytwo milesThe temperature was at the sleeting point

about 32 dogrtfi at midnight cad thebarometer at 3985 Inches was steadilyfaJMng showing that there was stilt worseweather ismlus

There was a rainfall of lSt Itches a



by lee IIt88g the

graphic with


i tIC

was cut r at oclock IIIUte

accept me for Wu

also reported out of order

fKMr riot of rata hI

and Nee







c semaicatln very needy

weraae b-

heltiesd ehrstaaeNpz v9 asWabaglan 2



sad slat possibly



leek which grewas the falling melted the MOW plies

Horses stumbled sad fell everta the street sad not a few were soricu-IT hart 1-

ta utter confusion The telephone system I

there Is shoat altogether overhead sadthe results f the stoner uaarr thesecuma1ants were appoJBcg

12M oclock olds mcrnlng the seelights ta City Mali Park and Park new

would havenot beat for a few

lights around the Federal Bvlighted windows of the

Tit acOes-oC wfad sad

a lot of crimeThe Brush Electric Illuminating Com-

panywith electric light said that there werethree circuits out the downtown district

West districtsheet Twentythird Street sad a sortieson the last Mo

treat demago was done te thetrsal the parks Beautiful as was thedisplay under the electric lights theharm dose to Ute trees was pitifulBranches big and small bent down un-der their Jeweled Jaaas until the windeasily tore them from the main treetrunks

People who crossed City Melt Parkaad Union Square MIll audioes Sauare

brunch after branch which earn crashlag down and terns the paths Re-ports teem Central Part atM that tre-mendous danmna was betas dene te thetrees sea shrubbery thea Ho reportcould be from Botanic Our

fI Li

tiletllhII1 IcIIie

fill tbeae partly la theevery

tile street cleaners Ileatile to away

tile WIres

The Brou were nq



went sad all tile waswhich

oapiet IIIMI k

Jhi JiIthat theoverhead sod

kept tile creeks indoors and off


s Side to

late tat nght


aowfal Itches sad short s lathal Meet errs dowa-

AM afar city the polls reperbdtelegram aril Ngl-atvts dawn nett taglelt tip h the Mr etMat were buried

deeper mharterata

whelp had up-sluag curbs be carried


ut aelgkbochodpbyed Is darkamboot


tr s Mebsia Pei hh sepseisdass dewbg nh mhail the sleek aderastth


w1Jeb supplies aetgirbrbed

extending up


lead themselves dodging

hasped theins






Conflicting Emotions Aroused by His Insistence in fa Use oftlie Term The War of the Rebellion

o = =

Hisses cad applause mingled ta the

eral Qroaveaer at the mooting of theSep of the Jtevetetiea ta eel of-

Washingtons Btrthday at toe NationalTheatre this morning

They came when he made this stateBient

It ia told us that we must not call itthe war of the rebellion sty sore thatit suet be known as the civil wnr or thewar between the States Imt with my

latest breath I shall say the war of therebellion

The theatre was fairly well ailed ia

eat on such a disagreeable day Some ofthe scenery of the lea Hue productionhad Mea left en the The MarineBund discoursed stirring musk sitting tatreat of a drop curtain representing theenvirons of Jerusalem as seer front theroot of Ben liars beast A eve the stage

The exercises began promptly at W15with the overture The Invincible BugleSeuaa by the Marls P ad TIteR the

president of the society Col ArchibaldHopkins Introduced General Greevener

General Crosvenor said that there merenew in the city many women meetinr taconvention Referring to the woman suf-

fragists apparent belief the degeneracyof the ideate of American aeMterheedsince the of Waehiagtoa as shownby their willingness to believe th talesof atrocity IB the Philippines he said thatthe ladles should learn to dtobelife w-rrythiag which they recd He an 1

The alarm which has been sew 42 taregard to the conduct of the Awerica

ta the Philippines Is one of taeshameful attacks OB American manhoodla history The Americas people are sotcriminals any more than they were in thedays of the Revolution The tales of

fire and bloodshed In the Philippines-are not to be credited The ladles should

JeeeptIea of a Ett the eC Qea



spite of the U M pets

tile emblem of sseiety


pert speech

exerts necessary


hang tLe


dier most





not worry with roeolutlsas sheet thefuture of the American

Sntogtatas the greet lestGeneral O os eot seM

All history hasbrow of Washington a single state Andtat us while we celebrate his birthday

throughout the world not only forpower but for high

languages since the time of bit deathhave Mea seed ta praises and noth-ing that I could sty would add to bin

There are however two topics ta re-gard to kin life on which I wish to saysomething

about accepting a third term of thePresidency The second ta his pesUioBupon tile entrance of this country tatealliance with foreign countries

General Grosvenor sap that who

years age he should construe It in the lightof the conditions which then existed Heillustrated Ilk meaning with several BUt

stories He made the point thatWashingtons declarations ta retard to ththird terra were very generally Hrisua-derstoed at this time

It Is said said General Grcsveaerthat Washington left an tajunctieu nova

to form any foreign alliances Whet hereally warned the people against weforming any foreign alliance

te left outMr Bary Bulkley delivered the tarn

oration of General Hoary Lee withdeclamatory effect that elicited meeh ap-plause The religious exercises were eondusted by the Rev Dr MackayBmith thechaplain of society

The Marine Band under the directionof W H aantelmann received enthusias-tic applause for its stirring rendition ofthe various patriotic airs


realize that bit to M

character1 cannot MIeshe W-



The Arat tMla regard to Ills tUbide

read a over a

permanentBat as It tJte per-




never pieced apes

satea also le re-spected

moralOo sep

it gesersi-appreheesoa

deekaratbt made hundred


tooted tdty word




Park Avenue HotelFilled With GuestsDestroyed by Fire

OTTiFissrs ASK mmExplosion Wrecked lAi-

lBuikJittg and Fpsthe Hotel


Blaxe Started In the ArmoryDesperate But Futile Bndeaverj

3Iade te Conflne It

a W YORK Fckw 22 Fire early thiseeateoed Sovontynrat Msg

may at TMrtytuurth Streetnnd Pnrtc Avsnne tell the Park AxwaeNod nt nrirtrthsri Street sad Puck

sad teak the rives oC or sixtyof them guests or employee

of the betel

laity injured artwInd xm r U S K retiredAbraham JLaniii uMa K

la the ArmoryThe eat toted hi the ar

S cMU c sad imnnuftttoty dteosr-mw MIlt ia

To tats atom the department madespeedy hat te satte of theirhnnte the uian i structure was en-

veloped m therosebud the scene

Albeit an to asannt the Arcto the ornery was put under way by the

tae effort would he sueeessfuLte Suread

hundred guestsXonawhtte streftnuf were tetMd upon

i and every proioB

Great were then anrtas thearmory roof and windows eastfesteas and highly daaneraac heat ap

structures and as many as elevenatoreams were betug thrown apes the natei-hr the

Ammunition BfccplodenThis critical i uation TTttf fur

stdetanle period and thenlodod ammualUom stored la the armoryWhereupon the outer walls of the armoryfell with a NIl the redoubledits energy sad deaplte all opaoeitfoacrossed to the

the third of that structure theblase took MId and then quicklythrough tile upper stories sod to the roof

desperate efforts to stop rushingia time after time to combat thorn at cfeeeBanners sad Urns after Uses they weredriven hack and their andinimautterly

Panic Ia the HotelMeanwhile beginning an taataal lifter

the avnlinUn ta tINt armory sad the

tile aroBMB battled there was n pastethe hotel guests They

guests began to wildly reek to and tsearch of safety std duets of thempoured excitedly sat seta the streets

adlag excitement to the already exoftddcrowd watak led gathered

to watch the splendid sad terriam w rk-of destmettaR

Bishop Sudden Xgr Kenaedy tell ar of catholic irlastr from

X Payne of Osaaeeifcsit and CX 3tocfcwei-

lValBlj Seeking tevhU thee doseas were paring late

till street up fat the natal tills woveothers who were meshing wfMQy nauutunable to ham the direction in whichsafety my le crowd ta the street sawthe ftsuros of two met appear far up onthe roof sad purge down to dmwalk One of thorn was dead badore he

die without being to tell who te tamIds rsmpaniia are

Then a few minutes later a womanafaf a

atthatory window arm truth an the por-tico over the main entrance with a thudthat fatally injured her

Admiral Miller Found

scion IB one of the

agure to be Admiral Miller U S X retiled He had passed iimnataad tavaugithe great Windsor Hotel are In till nailthrough the recent tnuaei airpleaicn andthen in trying to escape itath tm tinePork Avenue Hotel teams hud beenovercome and will tt IB thing fc die

Admiral Miller was found fourother bodies all dead were aiatafaisdand takes out On of them was iaaatifind as Abram Pepper of LoumviBe

these S ar atrty naaai

hiked in the hotelTan

after 4 oclock The

rally so






tJiI to be o fa

u afterIt

ered a

before Are

tad a u it leaked



Iiii th wthere eM ue same


tile by ucatttioa to prevent Its

ala IB

to prevent 1NIIgtee




The of the

of the willie


kesof Troy K T

those who thus escapedBsunAe

I lie picked up willaWe

clad only Ja

Later oa as

It therepea II


bidV the el plet CIdef CNIrft psr


destroyed sad tile IIItteI prac 1


mo toImest


Amts Aawa dead


men ad wry ileavrMwas

aneral alsrmh

re poebiglames


Areses Iqr a though

Flam aires s

tierwe Dart a 4t ashfllk-

budldhog 4ibe

hotel lesseetakeass Irma


lessee that1tbtUig

ti sthea flees



march the Mateo Iremamade


ig i-

tt hotel sad contlymdag

among the



were asst


and the ether

nightdress lepp

Areaes iieeveeea seatAgora balm and look

oat and 41covered tie


nos Omer atroi tulartiveras w teatr-


