washington herald. (washington, dc) 1906-11-03 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATffBDAY NOVEMBER 3 laOG 7 Millionaire Brewer Plans a Large Structure PAYS OITY HIS ANNUAL VISIT Talks of Making Semicircle Around Union Station a Thins of Beauty Believes In Uniformity of Build- ings Xo Definite Action Will Be- Taken Until Owners Are Consnltcil Adolph Bwch the mlUtoiMire brewer of St Ltttafe Kl party Including Carl Conr ll Count Block nd Fritz Wldntan the writknown nreWtect af that city are at Wlltard arrived In Washington yesterday on thdr animal vtalt to vmrloM parts of the country They from Jamestown where tHy looked over the exposition grounds with a view to getting paints on the most effective manner of making a display Aa regards lila property In the imme- diate neighborhood of the new union sta- tion which be acquit ed about two years ago Mr Busch said that as yet he had not decided what sort of building be was going to erect In my opinion said Mr Bust that part of city should be improved with beautiful bulldlncs and parking The lmprM4o the visitor or tourIst receives of Washington when he alights from a should be one of grefttneaa of beauty of dignity an impression that Is in keeping with our great and wealthy country Tpere should be uniformity in the buildings erected around that emlclrcte 50 tAr as the height of the building is concerned hi enter to produce a har montoua skyline and the best ef- fects Will ConHalt the Owners Before I decide what to do in the mat ter I shall make it my business to see the owners of property adjoining my own and every interested party and shall en- deavor to persuade them to combine in order to accomplish a building project which will be a credit not only to Wash- ington but to the nation Whatever their decision may be in the matter I cannot say at this time but I shall form my plans from their action I may erect a hotel or stores or a great museum or something worth while You may depend upon H whatever it will be note office building or wont be a cheap affair No lr men decidedly we are not going to sell the property we are sot holding it for specuntlon Whatever we get we keep excepting money which we put back hi circulation But you cant rnk it any too strong when you say that we will contribute our to the beauti ficatkm of Greater Washington Requested to give his optnKtt on the po- litical outlook Mr Busch said he was sure that Missouri would go Re- publican and to rearsure himself he read u letter which he received only yesterday from St Louis in which his statement wag verified Mr Busch is going to here today after which be will con- tinue on his trip OFFERS 7000 FOR HOSPITAL ExCoiigTeiKnmit Thropp VVonlcI Hell Miners Jn Brondf Top Region idal jftlhe WaHilUjtun Everett Pa Nov KxCoaRressman Joseph E Thropp offered to donate j 7006 toward the erection of a hospital at Kverett Thropp is the millionaire son inlaw of the late Congressman Thomas A Scott of Penovylvmni There are about MM railroad men and furnacemen ta tbe Broad Top region of which BvertU is UM center and now the Injured are taken to A teens the nearest point that baa a hoa- pJtaJ Mr Thropp is the melee candidate for Congrsm in WB district Hlg opponent s John M Reynolds Re pubflcaa DANGER IN TBAHING SKIETS Vienna Alarmed at Spread of Con sumption Want Them Stopped Vienna Nov 1 Attributing the awful prevalence of consumption in Vienna to eating particles from granite pave meats a strops movement hall been in- augurated by aristocratic and influential Koctety against the duet and smoke nuis- ance A formal oncaufeaUon has been formed to carry out the work It is suggested among other things Ihat the of traiiin skirts be Tiade a public offense as in Prague and ithcr Austrian fides League Meeting I The ChurehmtnR League of the District of Columbia met at the Highlands on Monday October 21 The Bishop of Washington Right Rev H Y atteriee- I D and over 160 of the representative lergymen and laymen of the diocese were present The president W II Singleton pre- sided the of the evening was quickly gotten through with The pete cipal event was the presentation of a memorial to the late Lewis J Davis banker and churchman Eulogistic re marks were made by Rev Dr McKira rector of Epiphany of which parish Mr Davis was senior warden for forty years W D Baldwin Albion K Parrls Dr W P Younpr and others The missionary thank offering to be given by the men of the Episcopal Church at the general con- vention which meets at Richmond Va in October 1M7 was discussed and much enthusiastic interest aroused This offering is to mark the Wth anniversary of the establishment of the Anglican Church at Jamestown Va A programme- of music was followed by refreshments and the new year of the league was thus auspiciously entered upon Hitllotveen Outing Halloween was the occasion of the Freon Clubs last and most enjoyable outing of the season The entire club left the home of H Anderson on a straw ride bound for Rock Spring Hotel where the parlors were thrown open to them Later in the evening Mr Loveless es- corted the Club members and ladles to the banquet room where a bounteous supper was served The president and several other officers made speeches and the toasts were numerous Midnight had passed ere the members of the party started on the return trip The white cape each with an embroidered blue let ter F and the souvenirs worn by each of the club members were features of the occasion The party included F R Carty president F H Samuel vice rreeideat H L Anderson C L Gable 5 W B Roe treasurer J B Curtis sergeantatarms Geo Grubbs Na- than Wafle and J Coates SOd Master Andersen The tadies were Misses Mabel Brown Lillian Brown Mary Wright Lillian Gayle Edna Bailey Clara Kdtey and F Trott Pemmylvanlans Meet The Pennsylvania Social Society Club will meet at Pythian Temple Ninth str t between Massachusetts avenue and L street northwest tonight at 7W- oclock I BUSCH TO BUILD HERE New They dIed here the arU tlc storeIt share re- main t III has 1 r COD the r wearing t and p the C rea- sonably miners p Church in ens a F wins ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ENDEAVORERS WILL Programme for Mondays Session Complete C K Notes The programme for tho meeting of the District Union next Monday evening in- cludes Percy K Foster as conductor of tbe song service Rev R L Shipley pastor of North Carolina Avenue Methodist Pro- testant Church as leader of the devo- tional exercises and Mrs D Olin Leech as sotofst The principal address will be given by John H Converse of Philadel phia on the topic Evangelistic work among young people from a laymans standpoint air Converse is chairman of the evangelistic committee of the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church and is an active business man presi- dent of the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia The citizenship department of tho Dis- trict Union which Officer Zed H Copp Is superintendent will hold- a meeting next Friday afternoon Ar- rangements for giving societies who de- sire it help in their citizenship and tem- perance meetings and work will be made The Christian Endeavor Society of Mount Pleasant Congregational Church has organized mission study class with John Herndon as loader The class meets Saturday evenings at 7 M oclock The October meeting at the Florence Crittenton Home conducted by the Chris tian Endeavor Society of the First Con- gregational Church was led by Hope Soule A party of six from the society helped to make the meeting un usually Interesting The girls of the home took active part In the service The topic was Faithfulness The members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Church of the Coenant entertained a large number of their friends at a Halloween social Wednes- day evening in the chapel which was beautifully decorated with lowers aut- umn leaves and Jackolanterns Games were played and music was furnished by a mandolin club composed of members of the society and a delightful evening was closed with the serving of appropri ate refreshments At the last business meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society of the West em Presbyterian Church the following omcers and committee chairmen were elected to serve for the ensuing year President Arthur W darkness vice president Miss Lucy McKim recording secretary Miss Mary D Riggles corre- sponding secretary MISS May E Smith treasurer Miss Lena Sutton delegate to District Union Miss Catherine D Brecht Committee chairmen Lookout Miss S Annetta Mohler prayer meeting James Herbert Seattle social Miss Eula Tate missionary W H H Smith music Miss Mask L Linklns lowers Mrs B M Glover calling Mrs W S Armstrong good literature Miss Sadie E Anderson relief Miss May J Graham Christton citizenship George M Jack Tbe following are tbe new oOcers of the Berean Baptist Christian Endeavor Society President E S Webb vice pres- ident MUK Alice Wormiey recording secretary Miss Eva Lucas correspond ing secretary Miss Alice Nelson treas- urer Miss Daisy Watson organist Miss Georgia Lucas delegate to District Union J W Butcher The Calvary Society of Christian En- deavor was delightfully entertained at supper last Tuesday evening in the ban quetroom of the church by the members of the social committee After partaking- of the bountiful repast the following were hued with enthusiasm and humor- B C Getsinger Herbert J Yule Miss Minnie B liegeman Merritt Miss Clara Tallaferro and the pastor Rev Samuel H Greene Mrs Harry B chairman of the social committee presided as toast- master Immediately following the supper the regular Christian Endeavor meeting was held when Dr Wfham A Dobson gave a most Interesting address on Medical MiS ekww of China Miss E May Van Doren second president and chairman of the prayer meeting committee of the Christian En dearer Society of the Metropolitan Pros bj terian Church who took part In the ex at the Sunday school convention at Mount Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church South is also superin- tendent of the kindergarten department- of the Sunday school of that church and Tuesday afternoon she spoke on the subject Half hour with beginners She exemplified her methods with beginners hy the aid of eight tiny pupils from the Metropolitan Presbyterian Sunday School whose names are Henrietta Gates Mary Davidson Blanche Lakin Laurie Davies Helen CnteHan Carleton Blagham Ar thur Laknx and Frank Catohan Other Elections Held The Christian Endeavor Society of the Cfcrtotfof Church KimMell Memorial Hall Park road northwest has elected tbe following officers President Fred D Mapltoe vice president E M Gathright secretary Miss Grace Wilcox corre- sponding secretary Miss BWe Allen treasurer Miss Annie pianist Miss Sadie Lewis Meeting at St Marks Next Wednesday at S p nt the arch- deaconry of Washington will hold a large missionary mass meeting at St Marks Church to close its regular fall session Three topics of general Interest will be Rev G C BratemU of St AJtauis will speak on The Duty of tbe ChUrch to Our Immigrants Rev Dr McKim of Epiphany will speak on The MEET being lit a Miss i members responded to tennIs all of which Ellis Vice hold Oft II Dow lass dIScussed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FASHIONS UPTODA TE CLEVER DESIGN FOR CARRIAGE OR EVENING WRAP Where 6e does not belong to the very first flight of fashion and a single wrap of drossy design must needs do duty as a carriage and an evening wrap the subject of the illustration herewith will present many suggestive ideas The material is one of the satinfaced broadcloths that the French term a drop de satin or a satin cloth so high is the luster of Its surface such a faint shade of pink is used In this that it presents a yellowish tint m lights and this is cleverly empbastoed in the use of brown velvet In the form of Was folds for a trimming effect To a shallow shoulder yoke which Is mcruoted with cord passementeries and Inlays of velvet the ceat a slurred boUt bock and front the cut being somewhat of a circular design so that it tolls m folds that increase m fullness until the hem is reached The length is calculated to come almost to the feet in front awl there is a plight dip toward the beck so that Use outline of the traM of the is observed The sleeve le extremely tuft and the novel sting effect is troduoed a band of velvet carrying out tide piquant effect The aoeompanylnff p wn is in saengied toUiae combined with of real Chantilly lace the whole oed over white chi on and white peen d- ect e The chapeau has a rounded list crown of seelsMn a brim of 9rtoeee lose and teo9 cache i s ta the back Is trimmed with a frothy ruche of white Art taU the JDaJtaet earns lit > Mens Missionary Tha kOfiE rtog M67 W Rev W C Shears will deeetibe Mtastonary Work In Labrador sad Newfoundland Men are especially invited to attend and the public gen j entity will be most eoraially welcomed Other meetings of the session will be- I celebration of the holy communion at j 11 a m and business meeting at 2 p m 3Icn Club Organized Toe Mens Club of First Methodist Protestant Church has bees organized The meeting was held in the church lec- ture roams All males sixteen years or over of moral character are eligible to membership Those desiring to become members please send their names to Rev B P Truitt parsonage of First Metho- dist Protestant Church Fourth street southeast The next meting will be held Tuesday evening November 27 The fol- lowing offlcera were elected for one year J Harry Dove president George W Phillips vice president H Hoburg Lee secretary Harold Watts treasurer Executive eommittee Rev B P Truitt W T Watts and A Leslie Connover Revival Services at Rylnml Church Evaageiiat John M Baker of Balti more will begin on Sunday a special re- vival service at Ryland M E Church Tenth and D streets southwest to con- tinue through the next two weeks U 3 oclock Sunday afternoon Mrs Baker will bold a childrens meeting Mr Bak- er does not preach regular sermons but Iris addresses are in the nature of short talks Music will be furnished during these meetings by a large chorus choir Bishop Griswold to Talk Bishop OrlswoW of the Diocese of Se lisa will be In the city tomorrow and will oreach at the ProCathedral Church of the Ascension Twelfth street Massachusetts avenue northwest In the morning at 11 afc d at St Pauls Twenty third street sear Washington Circle in the evening at S I f I James- town and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FROM WOMANS VIEWPOINT n Murder t so common nowadays that few attempt to keep pace with the details the sordid headlines being quite sufficient They occur in all walks of life so Illiteracy DOt be offered a n excuse and we must realize that lack of self control has become so general that the most dreadful consequences have no terror for mortals The Knowledge that lynchfV d its attendant horrors has not put an end to brutality down South long prison terms have had M reforming influence upon thieves Capital ptuttahment ftf various kinds has not been abolished but mur- derers seam to have no of it or of life Imprisonment when they fall in their effort at solfdostrietio We have a certain knowledge of those things yet the power of knowledge Is sadly lacking inasmuch as humanity lies lost its grip upon the part of human spiritual part c r n A Western judge once undertook to convince me that every murderer or suicide was Insane I was not convinced then but I afterward heard a clever physician declare that the result of his experience was that the dividing line between sanity and madness Wits almost Imperceptible I halfway believe tmlt but I am sure that we are personally responsible for the dangerous condition which now exists We may call the destroying power civilization or nay other name but It narrows down to indlvfSual weakness Wo women call it nerves but men have not yet found a name for it ae it exists in their sex The causes of murder are varied although jealousy predominates Fancy an ordinary man or woman teetering a feeling that is to destroy themselves and others Fancy any person allowing a single disappointment to tinge the whole existence I presume that the desire to kill comes only after long brooding so tho not a whole lot to do with tiiia When men and women went to church with regularity and allowed the peace of the Sabbath to enter their souls there so much opportunity for the evil growth But the churchgoing habit has bees broken and nothing has been offered in its place to ease the mind of worldly cares It is not pleasant to contemplate the possibilities of uncontrolled minds Solf government Iras been the potent factor in the progress of the world and self controlled men and womon have boon Its leaders The accidental spilling of a cup of tea ought not to upset the nerves of a man and precipitate a tragedy tho lovsfor a child should not ba the means of cutting oil the life of the mother Because love of man or woman is not changeless existence should not be poisoned for any of us have to bear losses by death and calamities like aecWant to body and limb why not exercise the same control of feelings in losses other methods Why not cultivate ft gentle spirit rather than of evil thoughts and impulses I sdmlro tho determined little mother of a big handsome and serene daughter whose childhood was over to nerves By sheer force she compelled the child to learn selfcontrol she said that she could not taco tho future which surh a nervous child would have unless curbed In time Wise llttlo wJirridn l fear essential naturethe stint first steps are ones to be avoided I wnndv If our weakening has stats W s- not tilt b a given l3Er BRDEEN C S tie roIIious a a a a a a- We brood ¬ CATHOLIC CHURCH NOTES CATHOUC UXirjClWITY TIM fivaUbiar total of Mr MMS hM rcaited tkai ymr ft tae Uatted Httte tor tato inattadoa ot iewaa- MrtafaK e oaf better JaamaeUati the anire t- Ury aaajuau MATTHEW CRTBCH The Le t of te the aat aaaH their nrt will UHclw beljr caaNBaataa la a body at taw T oetaak aw toawrrow J M D D oawtor of the a ca to tag a book for tile ae of ee Jour mask ea titled Maa l e Derotiow Her Dr Oocpei- viQ at the loliaui ai h auai toBMnw ST ALOYS1US CMCKCH Tbe Mrtet of Cfeiy SwKtoy- eMrtane to attract terge a t namtim eoa- arevatan TIle wbjects till cadi Haaaar ta e- rmiber M be at feDowi- Novcaiber 11Tho trae coanst of leoftoa otnte boa ktotary neaoa- Kotaaaxr UWWfer aH aw oattcM anfflsc ant tataat aalal aWaaaaa yvnmttrr lilte ahtoiaM aeoeeattjr to the hull Tfsaal sad to the Mtfaa ST PATRICKS CHUJICU Her D J StaSOto D D irtrtorLow atoteoi tOHMnwr at I aad J oclock hiP BMW aa MTBMO by Her Father aarrth at 11 oclock NMhjr ae l after UM 9 oclock mm binUmii at i oclock ia the aftoraooa Twptn at Aa iaeiraetaM d H far eaaena set attending CataoUe sctooat ta heM oa Friday aftoraeoae at 4 odoefc la Carroll The Mwiac due awet oa Satartay QMrator at 9- oclock The ftoaeatt of CNM Cbfleft take put te the atagtus of te high wow las the winter ieadeiat the moper of the raew and the oaertory anaae- AP06TLK MISSION BOUSE lire A Djste C S P sad R r II P HeUamm dosed a MIa tail week at M rltefo M4 to im Othelicn war ant TBCMtay efeainga which MK well attended tbe Cataoue faith H KUioU addmeed tile prioMs of the atcMMweee of New York at MMrthtr coafareace which WM held in the Cats arml 90 October 3J Re C M Seartc C S P week at tile Pa UK Hoe ia BfOotwd D C SHRIXB OF TUB SACRED HEART The serrtees held uric week at boRer of Uw Sacrament woe iatpmarre sad wit atteaded The aaaaoaceawat that Father Corrler wield ipcalc eloquent pMker dettMred a awMerftil Ute ditiae gift of faith aad the treMwes ami- eoMoUUww revealed to IMW tbrovgb low of IMewed Sentiment The choir hM Morgaate tah j ar OTooie the gifted harpist has bees eaeaged a ofsaalat ViM Mabel LaUmefs dMmfnK Tofce will be lard as aopraae Mire May Kiar eoatralto Mr Caaefat Howard teaor end Mr Heraard Ryaa bee o ST AUGUSTINES CHURCH Members of the League of the Sacred liMIt will attend the 7- odock BHMI tomorrow sal reeeiTe holy cam raaatoa OB Snadayi low asses at 5 T 9 and II odoek bisk me at 11 a m S 4 lity of the Bteseed Vfrgia liar A J Ole director meets ererjr Thundaj eteai at S odoek ReT Father It toa readen capable inirtance to the director at each setting of tile sodality OB Tuesday nwralag lent reqaieai MM was offered te tab dmtck Ifcr the repose of the soul of Clarke Cook Tbo iBh DOt yet twenty years of age he wee weM kaowa for hU as exemplary sanctuary boy xeatooi offleer ia RedtHtf a faithful ansi devoted Mm sad good practical Catbo ST STEPHENS CHURCH Members of tbe Holy Name Soeietr will bold K meeting Svadaf ereoteg Nareaiber TIle SC John Ileretauau Societjr meets next Monday creates at 7 6 odeck Rer Thames Gibbon Smith director of sodality coatiaaw h iatereatitie aad iaetractfTe talk m UM parable erealDg at the meet loss of the sodality sad pnaeii at the high nest tomorrow The Saaday school of parish ooaprtees ever 880 cfaiUren Its edifying and flour Wring condition to gr Uy due to the energy ef Rer Father SariS prarideat the two rice Mr 3iea I Grrffln and Mire Marian Petitt and Mr Me sells the secretary and treasurer Twe koadred ebiidbo the Saturday morn IBS den Cbrkttea doctrtee ST ANNS CHURCH TBNLBYTOWN The PW of AU 6 iata approprktely wWjrat d in this ehttrch oa Thursday morning The boys choir rendered the auskal service at the 8 oclock- ratuc aad their initial eadearor circs promise e future morass Forty lImits Devotion will open oa Sunday Noresber 4 at the high mass There will be solemn prucearion of the Sacra moist oa Sunday and Taeeday mornings in which Keooi children will participAte aloag witb the altar boys and reyeread clergy On Sunday and Monday ereniuss at 7J8 ocock respen ser moo by Tieitlas priests and solemn Benediction TIle their silt render Darands Second en Sunday raoraing The artistic singing of 8t Anns to Aiwtys a ube t of faremMc comment the iBcmbera of it deserve appreciation for their faithful sad stfterow wrrfcas Mrs Sage Donbles Clerks Pay New York Nov 2 Mrs Russell has doubled the salaries of the clerks employed In the late Russell Sages in the Bank of Commerce building The Increase affected five clerks nono of whom was mentioned in Mr Sages will tIN esilsetlea cttoce ta tile cthiis to IIOk each to the rail for etIIIJOI the ics CGOpII par eta sthoIk ar tile amgsr ItIf1t a 4PW a their ca tit So t HAIl wit I Lee is the tOIttIII6oII of twehe per to Ref their II1IW1or II the PasSeS YaUIHI guest last WnD1 drew a mPInI edt eteIIIaf TkIi Ute Miss potions the lie f every Wed will dents attend 1 Blessed Mass and Sage Office baa esassi iaibait mak httjr adratioml isisreei- thea ma- ST neM aernaest d pss- md bsrs il she lie ma kseoa explssa of the Dops los a Yoeoaba sem5s sdl sod dine sad eels e holy due Iucti given as Ieeday sad mautsd wag a hissed Ia steam en been sails solemn lid pratt was tie > < i CARDINAL WILL PAY VISIT Seraphino Vannutelli to Attend the Eucharistic Congress Second Time In History Member of PopeH Cabinet Ha Come to Country Cntholios Pleased The Roman Catholics of the United States are gratified over the Just received that for the second time in the history of the church H fenfledged cardinal fa to visit America Cardinal Seraphino Vaanutelli has re- ceived permission to visit Plttsburg in October 1697 on the occasion of Uw Eucharistic Congress It unusual Indeed fer a Roman Cath- olic in curia to leave Rome where hie position IB practically that of ft member- of the Popes cabinet It Is only within the pest two years that absences from Rome have boon altowea Cardinal SatollI vicar of St John Lateran the Popes Cathedral was allowed last year to visit this country but he had lived In America before ho had been a can nil The only other instance was when Cardinal Viacenzo Vannutcdl brother ot the prelate who le to visit Plttsburg next year vfma allowed to go to Ire- land to the dedication of the Catnednu of Armagh Extraordinary preparations will be made to give Cardinal Vannutelll a fit ting welcome to the Eucharistlc Congress U S W V CAMP MEETS Arranges to Close Up Encampment Business Next Friday Night At the regular monthly meeting of the Department of the District of Columbia United Spanish War Veterans held in Costellos Halt last night it was de elded to hold a special meeting next Fri day night at their hall for the purpose i of receiving the heal report of the Na- tional Encampment committee and set- tling all the business In relation to the encampmont held In this city last month Maj Hodgson chairman of the en- campment committee not present at the meeting last night being confined to his home by Illness A letter dated Camp Columbia signed by Chaplain Charles E Pierce withdraw- ing Ida resignation was received and its contents accepted with thanks Chaplain Pierce had offered to resign because of his absence in Cubs but was requested by all the members of the organization to retain his office A colored camp has been formed in this city according to a statement made by Commander Mitchell which will be ad- mitted lute the order as a separate and independent camp by the authority of the national headquarters CHURCH NOTICES PKBSBYTBRIAX FIRST Jolly MARSHALL I LACE lILT C AND D w now C MJtcI d D D Mterll a A Stffn 7M f m The Pmwt fa Iu Reh to UM I rtnt lMf 3 a m Swday idwol 8 p Y P S C K d4 wk aM- weU mules Ttomiir Tft f m VWton are fcntad to all mtina foe WKHTBKX 1HBSKYTEKIAX II ST ant w G ofc ItaAer D DM pester U a tie Medtom tt aabatta IX of C K- bfcart MtooL 9M M a B pmyer aintfac Ttaraday S m BPISCOFAI- OllJUCH Or BPIPHAKY G ST RKT McKfat neterSOTtac- ST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Qivmim Ciiiifcy Nov i Holy CoMnarian list a m sad 11 a m morning pnjvr J a M mmt- feajw I p m Sfwrfel iMaeacr at nwlf eureka itt ROT Sheldon X OitowaM D D BWMp- aC SgVM Vested ctatr Inai the Cattadnl Scbeoi 3IBTUODIST EPISCOPAL HAXLI 1 X E CHURCH STM AND P 9TS Caxi 0 I anaw Latter VktoM to the Omek Bprarth Ltmae Tat rvmm TIle CaM efj fsmtf las All wetaenr COJVGHEGATIOX- ALXOUXTPLBASAXT CONHJREGATIOXA- LCtank CobmWa road ant Jlth t w Kcr X FVMwMB jMMtortJI a raaday wftoal- Me Jaawa S Wcat munrhHiiMieX U a m ay app t tveattetti aaai- Ttnaqr f efevch 149 p Jvaior Be iin r p av S r Hadeanai S p aaalvenwr f ai n by Mr A L 9tart t t BIlk S ar I j f ChM w s clerk P t W U Ha c Mwte ay qaartet Mr S Fretefclc Smith BAPTISTi- WBST WASHIXCTOX lIST AND X REV C P SlMkp p M rU The r TiaX What Iteptam xaawr Kaptliai Svaaajr ethel iYowas Paiiili i UXIVIillSALIST i CHURCH OF OUR FATHER MTU AND L 7W Rue Scaafck jr pM rTfeM for AM Dajr 11 a m sermon hjr the T e Dceteiae of UaMnrt Sa laajr MiiMl a a tiaJemnaMi U a m- y r a u BJ ALL SOULS CHURCH CORNER MTH AND L U vw UtoM 6 B Pferee tS i Sand said nd daM for At OMtpmUre study religion JW Unity Stndr Claus 11 Bwntoir- Mrriee KHMH by mtefetcr 726 p Yon c Rdlgievs Unless aoMt XEW CHlRCII THE RACK PROBLBM RC TIlE LIGHT OP UM Tree OKfcttea ItcU on f addttM- t NewChwn MISSION HU G s nv swuod liner st S oclock p All waH9r tented A free duuhtfnK lihwrr to to public before after the iBiUim EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH SoottMi RHe Hall VK G st nwS mc 11 a BL and 7 p At Use Sunday Btoming Mirk Ufefeop OMw a Stbta will deliver the diet of a series of twelve toctans tcMhtae how to be l and to demon strata along Metaphorical lines wpecially adapted for tcMhiae who do not mdentaad This will be U only free come srwn tuning Ute these who wish to umkrjUnd should came of evening lecture by MISS Martha E Van Yeast Grot Serrrt Testimonial meeting V dn dy at 7S State All Invited CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Writ I It si RW S nrioe Swrfay 11 a w anti S p IB S bact Aden and PaDen Man S nd r- Mhoei H a Wedoetder 8 p a Ua fe medially larDed AH seats free Free idtft reams is the Traders National Dank MkHag Ma It anti Pa are BW p womms prayer meeting i p n lifbie- teaehlag by Mr Philip Mann 745 p m pr a BiBg by Rev T A Cwlteo Brery eoidMly invited OTHER SERVICES 51ISSIOXARY ALLIANCE CJL 3TIAN MISSIONARY ALIIANC SPECIAL GOSPEL ADDRESS BY D T RAW liasos of York Pa in the ball corner of Pout ie ath street and Peamrlrenia senUieMt At 7 S p m Sunday November L AU virtually invited TUB PEOPLES CHURCH PYTHIAX TEMPLE 112 9th st Alex Kent alnfet rMh fctr will speak at 1105 of Dr A S Crmpwy Re- ligion and Pditiea free OoRje sad bear NATIONAL YEW THOUGHT CBNTBRSUN day terrices at RawcfaerV Jttt Ceas are at 1- PL ra Address by Miss Emma Gray Sobject Selfcoatrol Public Incited THE SECULAR LEAaOETHE SLVV8RY OF the Epigram will be this sebjoc of address ajrj lIla 3th at ntr Free seats end free discussion I j I news I such I f I was I a t q of tile a Mil WIll 11I SeIe ill s Bet mores l1 I THE at S 11 a- J I 11 Stnon mats 11 A 1 RAX s I i die I I fbmy I I Rem a tIN a a IK Will Ill ate i Sunk Po- I LA lIlt f I the M I bject t I I I IlL those r- and The S In daapd J heat piece Mr- S taw Of J Col John McElroy at 3 p m l1Utlan This sistm SSd Lords sa wajer Sent sti ant mass a p aI- L a ant ant a wehoe tB tees arapt at a a loins na ph4lS atseol its s beat swain pester slim wish Gun sad Ia Jill Yea pasta ash Su1mds tYNlPtItIAN y of pss the a spin the ant Subject evening free suet a AND ay sorTies ass avenue Seats Temple ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > < ATTACHES A MENAGERIE Jinn Who Falls to Get Free Tickets Makes Trouble for Circus Ga Nov 2 Barnum Bailey ft Circus now showing here is minus Its largest elephant a hyena four monkeys and an African gnu all of which are now in Us hands of a court official having been levied on by Dr T M until he gets a settlement out of the circus for its failure to provide him with two promised complimentary tickets Dr Mcintosh who is one of the most prominent physicians of the city owns several stores one of which is vacant at present press agent for the circus promised him two passes to the show for allowing circus posters to be placed in the store windows Dr McIntosh discovered however that the ticket agent would not ablflo by the promise of the advance man and his passes were refused He at once levied on the animate in the menagerie Hernia Want Ads will be received at the Astoria i arm cy 3d and nw and promptly for warded to the office Credit for All Washington Parlor Contains all the newest styles in richly upholstered pieces and a very big assortment of pretty tables cabinets ta bourettes rockers c It is a stock that you cannot fail to take pleasure in choosing from for every piece is of such good quality and careful workmanship that we guaran tee its durability We invite you to select whatever you need have the things delivered at once and pay the bills without interest- in small weekly or monthly amounts 1 817819821823 Seventh St Between H and I Streets for tort Monroe Aorfoft Newport and all south by the palace cteuBcta Newport News Norfolk WashmctoB- Lr WtiOiBfU a a i iottsmooUt 8 SO m- CV AJczzMtcU TilOpaiLT orfoik S h n Jl wee7a i m Lr Fort ik Kerfetk 8a hin r Aiexaudn Ar fortHMoU J3I a m 1M Aamitn ix4iiitctt aa made at NunwB vf Old Oos atoB Co New lone sad Mwc aau ad ilmenB- teMMhip fur fnrtasr tofornution aaplr at gcaen- ltkfc uflkr MS 1tS tek lMM Main ZS9 er nil st wharf Main 37 JAO CAlxAHAN 2d Pres sad tin MCI- W U CALLAUAN Ceo Pass Agt THE POTOMAC Mtjnlfiwnt Scenery Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad 31X11 AND M 5X8 XW Transfers both ways with Capital Traction CoapttST GO TO CALIFORNIA an tton aaffe rsonally conducted i times weuy OO5U ikiiimA- MO higachM SUadard Kqaipmeot UIIUBJJ auu- A J OSTON l nl Ajt SU Pa are nw Thk trolley ride paaeee finest sectary Wash atstou CARS hALt UUL1CLK rKUJi Ctt t CHASB LAKE SPECIAL NOTICES Were Always ON TIME with our work facility for the prompt and execution of fine printing of all kinds Lowest prices Geo E Howard 714 12th St PRINTER ENGRAVER AND BOOKBINDER 10 uVM II MAX CONCERN TIE NO lice that the centxate of sate for tor squire Rut Maiwnon D C on tne Den day ef 1 6 lamed to brfrtiana BM oeeo Jolt or destroyed and that I have ap- plied to the Coaanivdoaerj IK C to issue to me Firth street northwest ao3S THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART will reopen to the public on SUNDAY November 4 lOCi at 130 oclock p m and will be open to the public every Sunday thcreafter at the same until further notice Admission free F B McGUIRE Director THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT J Oakley Hudson Is no lunger connected with this office and is not authorized WM H SAUNDERS CO 1407 F st nw EDMOND O PIGEON D D S HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY Corner U and itn Tnone Main UJtf GOOD QUALITY FLOOR OILCLOTH Sc YD 12Hc usual 33c srade here for 2Hc by the curtain notes with ail futures B feet ISe 11th and H sU ne Lawyers Printing V make a specialty of PrtntlBj Law Ten Briefs and Motives Oar wart li quid soul accurate Judd Detweiler The Big Print Shop Jim Piece JM 732 7th St N Phone M 3200 FALL AND WINTER RESORTS HILL TOP HOUSE UARPEES FERRY W VA eeJHal T S LOVETT AMUSEMENTS Bowling Alleys for Ladies private and regulation Rented by or crenins 719 st axr j Thom svtUe The Gals main Our Exquisite Stock of Furniture CREDITS Peter Grogan EXCURSIONS J Company m list year hem lest 4 Ii g- Ar 11111 p m- Ar a- mt te fur Ht It tt GREAT FALLSO- F Via 1tTTT floserestlout Cars To Kensington near Every satisfactory Jo- tS 08 ue M rOt NOvEMBER a of Aid lhate SCIUUDT I to- re r ent Us in any busIness transaction 8 Its S Inc 1i 2jt fie v LOOSE HODGES to 0I8 r Mc- Intosh S WJorfolk Washington 1 Steamboat day uf ts sews uwertu1 steel alLy in 30 a in i eaton astiuroN nLntt ItotTg- s V taxes t h9s rete EItBST us roil ELhEBLArr afternoon ¬ > > > ¬ > = = AMUSEMENTS 1 I ii ToDAT 215 The theater in Washington offerteg ocl H eJy Aatrican and ot tbc first r ni TIlE JOHN C FISHER CO rrflntt Katie Barry and Join In the Lutret Musifal CoTjply Stiovvs NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW READY Vaudeville Theater London Successful Musical Comedy MANAGEMENT THOS W RYLEY MUSIC BY LESLIE STfAKT BOOK BY ClUB IL E ltROOKFELU and COSMO HAMILTON Notable facMiaK Christie MacDonald Irene Bentley Beats Clarion Vatofc smalt Via RcudMr toeri Jar Ganfaxr Igoado Riebard- F Carroll CHOKCS OF ORCHESTRA OF X- llafrnloent Telepliotosrapli In Color and Motion Pictures 5 MONDAY MATINEES at 430 sharp Holland Monday Mat Nov 12 The Rhine Mat Nov w Switzerland Monday Mat Nov 2K North Italy Monday Mat Dec 3 South Italy Monday Mat Dec 10 COURSE TICKETS now o talc Prices SHe 5231 COURSE SALE dose da Nov at p m SINGLE TiCKJiTS W M tey ot 7 1ricts LO Tie Me Gallery 5c AFTERNOON AND NATIONAL Sunday Nov 11 THE FAMOUS BESSES 0 If BARN BAND TickfU Sc to felling at T Arthur Smith 137 F t t in Sander HUjman- J iBSX RE lTAL- BT the World 0 rea test Pianist National Theater FRIDAY XOVE3IBER AT 438 P M Seats at T Arthur Smiths AIMKI In 8wMcr- Ur n PUn Hoots iiT TSc i Washlnztons- LcadingTfloator TODAY AT 215 TONIGHT AT ass HEXRI U SAVA ii OtfEKSIL- Ebington s Fitorite Comedian RAYMOND In hIs latest succew THE GALLOPER it RICHARD HAKlHMi UAV1S exact as s eted at Theater N w tort DdifRtd UK goods N Y UcraM NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW ON SALE HENRY SAVAGE OrF RS REGINALD De KOVENS Vofrds by lUnkec i Stin- jcUNA ABARBANELL Mats Wed OK and Sat Even Crf THEATRE Ings THIS AFTERNOON AND NIGHT Irdcrca cst f tii4 TJiMtr ra Tnt Supported by VM F HAVTTREY In Her Great Nfw York SOCCPM John Hudsons Wife Next Week Seats Now on Sale Shnbert Inc Present HARNED Aafa4ed by aa altimportant company of ptejrn The Love Letter A threeact comedy by Victcwien Serdcu POLITEVAUDEVILL Daily Matinees 25c Errnin s Sc and 3- U Gorgeous European bpecUciJ STARLIGHT Electric Ballet Thirty Itawtiiul trIMs Superb Scenic Kfl FRED RAY CO Mr sad Mrs Allison in Minnie horn Jlinr- Josaalin fi iao Detmon Merr Saojui No Wedding tw JOT Him motion pictures Next VefkCha Co Sadie Julia Election Night Returns read from the stage be- tween tile acts Order seats AT only Yin I MAMSELLE SALLIE I I THE BELLE oiMAYFAIR Vest 1 a JO I I too Tues c k ROSENTHALN- ew Weber pian ort oc3- 1tfCO LU B I A S HITCHCOCK I I Garden I W The Late Sticces THE STUDENT KING i WITH l HILDA SPONG I I ViRGiN CH r4 s tdded tttrectlon Traveethti I tsota w In Court TM t faJ Gompen stars Mart iettl LMENDORF- L LECTURES Dirttion of tt 14 iittLL5 1skt < EVENInG lAn 9 o I aid 200 uosl lTd I enmesh roe the Rmantic Spent se5V51 tiQ1tb 1F U momgenue n in the Noted thy yrtsowti a sour ThCfr > > > < > 25c MATISEES ISOfiCAY- WESXESMY SATURDAY i I NATIOfiAl Lafayette AmesimeafCgss- esoAY SOUYEH88HT I MAJESTIC I TONIGifT I t 50c CAAJ SEATS ITlilaiJT ORCHESTRA TONIOHT AND ALL THIS WEEK KITTY MATINeE SATURDAY Ladies by the name of Kitty Katherine or Kie will the presentation of this adrerttoeirieu be admitted free MiSS EVELEEN DUNMORE in THE ARRIVAL OF KITT Uy Norman Lee Swarrwrnit Esq MATINES3 Tuesday TbarsJsf and Saturday ALL THIS WEEK Brothers ByrneI- N TIlE OKL1 The Jreattst of All MmvMakirg Kt Next WeekTHL E NEXT ACADEMY EIGHT BELLS niL H A REAL LtUUU IN EE LIN WSEK VtCDEVILL cs > with the People LYCEUM MATINEE DAILY ALL THIS WEEK The laughing Hit cf the Ym Girls of Beauty Grace and Ability Next WeekMtRRi MAKERS ti ii complete returns read from the stage RACING RACING NOV 1ENDS NOV 14 6 Races Each Day Including Steoplochaso FIRST RACE AT 20S SHARP ADMISSION 100 Trains Washineton at 121 and C35 a be met trolley cars direct to trek MINERS AMERICANS PIMLICO leering

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Millionaire Brewer Plans aLarge Structure


Talks of Making Semicircle AroundUnion Station a Thins of BeautyBelieves In Uniformity of Build-ings Xo Definite Action Will Be-

Taken Until Owners Are Consnltcil

Adolph Bwch the mlUtoiMire brewerof St Ltttafe Kl party Including CarlConr ll Count Block nd Fritz Wldntanthe writknown nreWtect af that city areat Wlltard

arrived In Washington yesterdayon thdr animal vtalt to vmrloM parts ofthe country

They from Jamestownwhere tHy looked over the expositiongrounds with a view to getting paints onthe most effective manner of making adisplay

Aa regards lila property In the imme-diate neighborhood of the new union sta-tion which be acquit ed about two yearsago Mr Busch said that as yet he hadnot decided what sort of building bewas going to erect

In my opinion said Mr Bust thatpart of city should be improved withbeautiful bulldlncs and parking ThelmprM4o the visitor or tourIst receivesof Washington when he alights from a

should be one of grefttneaa ofbeauty of dignity an impression that Isin keeping with our great and wealthycountry

Tpere should be uniformity in thebuildings erected around that emlclrcte50 tAr as the height of the building isconcerned hi enter to produce a harmontoua skyline and the best ef-

fectsWill ConHalt the Owners

Before I decide what to do in the matter I shall make it my business to seethe owners of property adjoining my ownand every interested party and shall en-

deavor to persuade them to combine inorder to accomplish a building projectwhich will be a credit not only to Wash-ington but to the nation

Whatever their decision may be in thematter I cannot say at this time but Ishall form my plans from their action Imay erect a hotel or stores or a greatmuseum or something worth while

You may depend upon H whatever itwill be note office building orwont be a cheap affair

No lr men decidedly we are notgoing to sell the property we are sotholding it for specuntlon Whateverwe get we keep excepting money whichwe put back hi circulation But you cantrnk it any too strong when you say thatwe will contribute our to the beautificatkm of Greater Washington

Requested to give his optnKtt on the po-litical outlook Mr Busch said he was

sure that Missouri would go Re-publican and to rearsure himself he readu letter which he received only yesterdayfrom St Louis in which his statementwag verified Mr Busch is going to

here today after which be will con-tinue on his trip


ExCoiigTeiKnmit Thropp VVonlcIHell Miners Jn Brondf Top Regionidal jftlhe WaHilUjtun

Everett Pa Nov KxCoaRressmanJoseph E Thropp offered to donate j

7006 toward the erection of a hospital atKverett Thropp is the millionaire soninlaw of the late Congressman ThomasA Scott of Penovylvmni

There are about MM railroadmen and furnacemen ta tbe Broad Topregion of which BvertU is UM centerand now the Injured are taken to Ateens the nearest point that baa a hoa-pJtaJ

Mr Thropp is the melee candidate forCongrsm in WB district Hlg opponents John M Reynolds Re



Vienna Alarmed at Spread of Consumption Want Them Stopped

Vienna Nov 1 Attributing the awfulprevalence of consumption in Vienna toeating particles from granite pavemeats a strops movement hall been in-

augurated by aristocratic and influentialKoctety against the duet and smoke nuis-ance A formal oncaufeaUon has beenformed to carry out the work

It is suggested among other thingsIhat the of traiiin skirts beTiade a public offense as in Prague andithcr Austrian fides

League Meeting IThe ChurehmtnR League of the District

of Columbia met at the Highlands onMonday October 21 The Bishop ofWashington Right Rev H Y atteriee-I D and over 160 of the representativelergymen and laymen of the diocesewere present

The president W II Singleton pre-sided the of the evening wasquickly gotten through with The petecipal event was the presentation of amemorial to the late Lewis J Davisbanker and churchman Eulogistic remarks were made by Rev Dr McKirarector of Epiphany of which parish MrDavis was senior warden for forty yearsW D Baldwin Albion K Parrls Dr WP Younpr and others The missionarythank offering to be given by the men ofthe Episcopal Church at the general con-vention which meets at Richmond Vain October 1M7 was discussed andmuch enthusiastic interest aroused Thisoffering is to mark the Wth anniversaryof the establishment of the AnglicanChurch at Jamestown Va A programme-of music was followed by refreshmentsand the new year of the league was thusauspiciously entered upon

Hitllotveen OutingHalloween was the occasion of the

Freon Clubs last and most enjoyableouting of the season The entire clubleft the home of H Anderson on a strawride bound for Rock Spring Hotel wherethe parlors were thrown open to them

Later in the evening Mr Loveless es-corted the Club members and ladles tothe banquet room where a bounteoussupper was served The president andseveral other officers made speeches andthe toasts were numerous Midnighthad passed ere the members of the partystarted on the return trip The whitecape each with an embroidered blue letter F and the souvenirs worn by eachof the club members were features ofthe occasion The party included F RCarty president F H Samuel vicerreeideat H L Anderson C L Gable5 W B Roe treasurer J B Curtissergeantatarms Geo Grubbs Na-than Wafle and J Coates SOd Master

Andersen The tadies were MissesMabel Brown Lillian Brown MaryWright Lillian Gayle Edna BaileyClara Kdtey and F Trott

Pemmylvanlans MeetThe Pennsylvania Social Society Club

will meet at Pythian Temple Ninthstr t between Massachusetts avenue andL street northwest tonight at 7W-oclock




dIed here


arU tlc



















Church in ens






















Programme for Mondays SessionComplete C K Notes

The programme for tho meeting of theDistrict Union next Monday evening in-

cludes Percy K Foster as conductor of tbesong service Rev R L Shipley pastorof North Carolina Avenue Methodist Pro-testant Church as leader of the devo-tional exercises and Mrs D Olin Leechas sotofst The principal address will begiven by John H Converse of Philadelphia on the topic Evangelistic workamong young people from a laymansstandpoint air Converse is chairman ofthe evangelistic committee of the generalassembly of the Presbyterian Church andis an active business man presi-

dent of the Baldwin Locomotive Worksof Philadelphia

The citizenship department of tho Dis-

trict Union which OfficerZed H Copp Is superintendent will hold-a meeting next Friday afternoon Ar-rangements for giving societies who de-

sire it help in their citizenship and tem-perance meetings and work will be made

The Christian Endeavor Society ofMount Pleasant Congregational Churchhas organized mission study class withJohn Herndon as loader The class meetsSaturday evenings at 7 M oclock

The October meeting at the FlorenceCrittenton Home conducted by the Christian Endeavor Society of the First Con-gregational Church was led byHope Soule A party of six from thesociety helped to make the meeting unusually Interesting The girls of thehome took active part In the serviceThe topic was Faithfulness

The members of the Christian EndeavorSociety of the Church of the Coenantentertained a large number of theirfriends at a Halloween social Wednes-day evening in the chapel which wasbeautifully decorated with lowers aut-umn leaves and Jackolanterns Gameswere played and music was furnished bya mandolin club composed of membersof the society and a delightful eveningwas closed with the serving of appropriate refreshments

At the last business meeting of theChristian Endeavor Society of the Westem Presbyterian Church the followingomcers and committee chairmen wereelected to serve for the ensuing yearPresident Arthur W darkness vicepresident Miss Lucy McKim recordingsecretary Miss Mary D Riggles corre-sponding secretary MISS May E Smithtreasurer Miss Lena Sutton delegate toDistrict Union Miss Catherine D BrechtCommittee chairmen Lookout Miss SAnnetta Mohler prayer meeting JamesHerbert Seattle social Miss Eula Tatemissionary W H H Smith music MissMask L Linklns lowers Mrs B MGlover calling Mrs W S Armstronggood literature Miss Sadie E Andersonrelief Miss May J Graham Christtoncitizenship George M Jack

Tbe following are tbe new oOcers ofthe Berean Baptist Christian EndeavorSociety President E S Webb vice pres-ident MUK Alice Wormiey recordingsecretary Miss Eva Lucas corresponding secretary Miss Alice Nelson treas-urer Miss Daisy Watson organist MissGeorgia Lucas delegate to DistrictUnion J W Butcher

The Calvary Society of Christian En-deavor was delightfully entertained atsupper last Tuesday evening in the banquetroom of the church by the membersof the social committee After partaking-of the bountiful repast the following

were hued with enthusiasm and humor-B C Getsinger Herbert J Yule MissMinnie B liegeman Merritt Miss ClaraTallaferro and the pastor Rev SamuelH Greene Mrs Harry B chairmanof the social committee presided as toast-master

Immediately following the supper theregular Christian Endeavor meeting washeld when Dr Wfham A Dobson gave amost Interesting address on Medical MiSekww of China

Miss E May Van Doren secondpresident and chairman of the prayermeeting committee of the Christian Endearer Society of the Metropolitan Prosbj terian Church who took part In the ex

at the Sunday school conventionat Mount Vernon Place Methodist

Episcopal Church South is also superin-tendent of the kindergarten department-of the Sunday school of that church and

Tuesday afternoon she spoke on thesubject Half hour with beginners Sheexemplified her methods with beginnershy the aid of eight tiny pupils from theMetropolitan Presbyterian Sunday Schoolwhose names are Henrietta Gates MaryDavidson Blanche Lakin Laurie DaviesHelen CnteHan Carleton Blagham Arthur Laknx and Frank Catohan

Other Elections HeldThe Christian Endeavor Society of the

Cfcrtotfof Church KimMell MemorialHall Park road northwest has electedtbe following officers President Fred DMapltoe vice president E M Gathrightsecretary Miss Grace Wilcox corre-sponding secretary Miss BWe Allentreasurer Miss Annie pianistMiss Sadie Lewis

Meeting at St MarksNext Wednesday at S p nt the arch-

deaconry of Washington will hold a largemissionary mass meeting at St MarksChurch to close its regular fall sessionThree topics of general Interest will be

Rev G C BratemU of StAJtauis will speak on The Duty of tbeChUrch to Our Immigrants Rev DrMcKim of Epiphany will speak on The







members responded to tennIs all of which


































Where 6e does not belong to the very first flight of fashion and a singlewrap of drossy design must needs do duty as a carriage and an evening wrapthe subject of the illustration herewith will present many suggestive ideas Thematerial is one of the satinfaced broadcloths that the French term a drop desatin or a satin cloth so high is the luster of Its surface such a faint shadeof pink is used In this that it presents a yellowish tint m lights and thisis cleverly empbastoed in the use of brown velvet In the form of Was folds for atrimming effect

To a shallow shoulder yoke which Is mcruoted with cord passementeries andInlays of velvet the ceat a slurred boUt bock and front the cut being somewhatof a circular design so that it tolls m folds that increase m fullness until thehem is reached The length is calculated to come almost to the feet in front awlthere is a plight dip toward the beck so that Use outline of the traM of the

is observed The sleeve le extremely tuft and the novel sting effect istroduoed a band of velvet carrying out tide piquant effect

The aoeompanylnff p wn is in saengied toUiae combined withof real Chantilly lace the whole oed over white chi on and white peen d-ect e The chapeau has a rounded list crown of seelsMn a brim of 9rtoeee loseand teo9 cache i s ta the back Is trimmed with a frothy ruche of white







Mens Missionary Tha kOfiE rtogM67 W Rev W C Shears will

deeetibe Mtastonary Work In Labradorsad Newfoundland Men are especiallyinvited to attend and the public gen

j entity will be most eoraially welcomedOther meetings of the session will be-

I celebration of the holy communion atj 11 a m and business meeting at 2 p m

3Icn Club OrganizedToe Mens Club of First Methodist

Protestant Church has bees organizedThe meeting was held in the church lec-

ture roams All males sixteen years orover of moral character are eligible tomembership Those desiring to becomemembers please send their names to RevB P Truitt parsonage of First Metho-dist Protestant Church Fourth streetsoutheast The next meting will be heldTuesday evening November 27 The fol-

lowing offlcera were elected for one yearJ Harry Dove president George WPhillips vice president H Hoburg Leesecretary Harold Watts treasurerExecutive eommittee Rev B P TruittW T Watts and A Leslie Connover

Revival Services at Rylnml ChurchEvaageiiat John M Baker of Balti

more will begin on Sunday a special re-

vival service at Ryland M E ChurchTenth and D streets southwest to con-

tinue through the next two weeks U3 oclock Sunday afternoon Mrs Bakerwill bold a childrens meeting Mr Bak-er does not preach regular sermons butIris addresses are in the nature of shorttalks Music will be furnished duringthese meetings by a large chorus choir

Bishop Griswold to TalkBishop OrlswoW of the Diocese of Se

lisa will be In the city tomorrow andwill oreach at the ProCathedral Churchof the Ascension Twelfth streetMassachusetts avenue northwest In themorning at 11 afc d at St Pauls Twentythird street sear Washington Circle inthe evening at S













Murder t so common nowadays that few attempt to keep pace with the detailsthe sordid headlines being quite sufficient They occur in all walks of life soIlliteracy DOt be offered a n excuse and we must realize that lack of selfcontrol has become so general that the most dreadful consequences have no terrorfor mortals

The Knowledge that lynchfV d its attendant horrors has not put an end tobrutality down South long prison terms have had M reforming influence uponthieves Capital ptuttahment ftf various kinds has not been abolished but mur-derers seam to have no of it or of life Imprisonment when they fall in theireffort at solfdostrietio We have a certain knowledge of those things yet thepower of knowledge Is sadly lacking inasmuch as humanity lies lost its grip uponthe part of human spiritual part

c r n

A Western judge once undertook to convince me that every murderer or suicidewas Insane I was not convinced then but I afterward heard a clever physiciandeclare that the result of his experience was that the dividing line between sanityand madness Wits almost Imperceptible I halfway believe tmlt but I am surethat we are personally responsible for the dangerous condition which now existsWe may call the destroying power civilization or nay other name but It narrowsdown to indlvfSual weakness Wo women call it nerves but men have not yetfound a name for it ae it exists in their sex

The causes of murder are varied although jealousy predominates Fancy anordinary man or woman teetering a feeling that is to destroy themselvesand others Fancy any person allowing a single disappointment to tinge the wholeexistence I presume that the desire to kill comes only after long brooding so tho

not a whole lot to do with tiiia When men and women went to church withregularity and allowed the peace of the Sabbath to enter their souls there

so much opportunity for the evil growth But the churchgoing habit hasbees broken and nothing has been offered in its place to ease the mind ofworldly cares

It is not pleasant to contemplate the possibilities of uncontrolled minds Solfgovernment Iras been the potent factor in the progress of the world and selfcontrolled men and womon have boon Its leaders The accidental spilling of acup of tea ought not to upset the nerves of a man and precipitate a tragedytho lovsfor a child should not ba the means of cutting oil the life of the motherBecause love of man or woman is not changeless existence should not bepoisoned for any of us

have to bear losses by death and calamities like aecWant to body and limbwhy not exercise the same control of feelings in losses other methods Whynot cultivate ft gentle spirit rather than of evil thoughts and impulsesI sdmlro tho determined little mother of a big handsome and serene daughterwhose childhood was over to nerves By sheer force she compelled thechild to learn selfcontrol she said that she could not taco tho future whichsurh a nervous child would have unless curbed In time Wise llttlo wJirridn



essential naturethe


first steps are ones to be avoided I wnndv If our weakening hasstats

W s-not






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CATHOUC UXirjClWITY TIM fivaUbiar totalof Mr MMS hM rcaited tkai ymr ft

tae Uatted Httte tor tato inattadoa ot iewaa-MrtafaK e oaf better JaamaeUati the anire t-

Ury aaajuauMATTHEW CRTBCH The Le t of te

the aat aaaH theirnrt will UHclw beljr caaNBaataa la a

body at taw T oetaak aw toawrrow J MD D oawtor of the a ca to

tag a book for tile ae of ee Jour mask eatitled Maa l e Derotiow Her Dr Oocpei-viQ at the loliaui ai h auai toBMnw


Cfeiy SwKtoy-

eMrtane to attract terge a t namtim eoa-arevatan TIle wbjects till cadi Haaaar ta e-

rmiber M be at feDowi-

Novcaiber 11Tho trae coanst of leoftoaotnte boa ktotary neaoa-

Kotaaaxr UWWfer aH aw oattcM anfflsc anttataat aalal aWaaaaa

yvnmttrr lilte ahtoiaM aeoeeattjr to the hullTfsaal sad to the Mtfaa

ST PATRICKS CHUJICU Her D J StaSOtoD D irtrtorLow atoteoi tOHMnwr at Iaad J oclock hiP BMW aa MTBMO byHer Father aarrth at 11 oclock NMhjr ae lafter UM 9 oclock mm binUmii at i oclock iathe aftoraooa Twptn at Aa iaeiraetaM d Hfar eaaena set attending CataoUe sctooat ta heMoa Friday aftoraeoae at 4 odoefc la CarrollThe Mwiac due awet oa Satartay QMrator at 9-

oclock The ftoaeatt of CNM Cbflefttake put te the atagtus of te high wowlas the winter ieadeiat the moper of the raewand the oaertory anaae-

AP06TLK MISSION BOUSE lire A DjsteC S P sad R r II P HeUamm dosed aMIa tail week at M rltefo M4

to im Othelicn warant TBCMtay efeainga which MK well attended

tbe Cataoue faith H KUioU addmeed tileprioMs of the atcMMweee of New York atMMrthtr coafareace which WM held in the Catsarml 90 October 3J Re C M Seartc C S P

week at tile Pa UK Hoe ia BfOotwd D C

SHRIXB OF TUB SACRED HEART Theserrtees held uric week at boRer of UwSacrament woe iatpmarre sad wit atteaded Theaaaaoaceawat that Father Corrler wield ipcalc

eloquent pMker dettMred a awMerftilUte ditiae gift of faith aad the treMwes ami-eoMoUUww revealed to IMW tbrovgb low ofIMewed Sentiment The choir hM Morgaatetah j ar OTooie the gifted harpist hasbees eaeaged a ofsaalat ViM Mabel LaUmefsdMmfnK Tofce will be lard as aopraaeMire May Kiar eoatralto Mr Caaefat Howardteaor end Mr Heraard Ryaa bee o

ST AUGUSTINES CHURCH Members of theLeague of the Sacred liMIt will attend the 7-

odock BHMI tomorrow sal reeeiTe holy camraaatoa OB Snadayi low asses at 5 T 9 andII odoek bisk me at 11 a m S 4 lity of theBteseed Vfrgia liar A J Ole director meetsererjr Thundaj eteai at S odoek ReT FatherIt toa readen capable inirtance to the directorat each setting of tile sodality OB Tuesdaynwralag lent reqaieai MM was offered tetab dmtck Ifcr the repose of the soul of ClarkeCook Tbo iBh DOt yet twenty years of age hewee weM kaowa for hU as exemplarysanctuary boy xeatooi offleer ia RedtHtf afaithful ansi devoted Mm sad good practical Catbo

ST STEPHENS CHURCH Members of tbeHoly Name Soeietr will bold K meeting Svadafereoteg Nareaiber TIle SC John IleretauauSocietjr meets next Monday creates at 7 6 odeckRer Thames Gibbon Smith director of sodalitycoatiaaw h iatereatitie aad iaetractfTe talk mUM parable erealDg at the meetloss of the sodality sad pnaeii at the highnest tomorrow The Saaday school of parishooaprtees ever 880 cfaiUren Its edifying and flourWring condition to gr Uy due to the energy efRer Father SariS prarideat the two rice

Mr 3iea I Grrffln and Mire Marian Petittand Mr Me sells the secretary and treasurerTwe koadred ebiidbo the Saturday mornIBS den Cbrkttea doctrtee

ST ANNS CHURCH TBNLBYTOWN ThePW of AU 6 iata approprktely wWjrat din this ehttrch oa Thursday morning The boyschoir rendered the auskal service at the 8 oclock-ratuc aad their initial eadearor circs promise efuture morass Forty lImits Devotion will openoa Sunday Noresber 4 at the high mass Therewill be solemn prucearion of the Sacramoist oa Sunday and Taeeday mornings in which

Keooi children will participAte aloag witbthe altar boys and reyeread clergy On Sundayand Monday ereniuss at 7J8 ocock respen sermoo by Tieitlas priests and solemn BenedictionTIle their silt render Darands Second enSunday raoraing The artistic singing of 8t Annsto Aiwtys a ube t of faremMc commentthe iBcmbera of it deserve appreciation for theirfaithful sad stfterow wrrfcas

Mrs Sage Donbles Clerks PayNew York Nov 2 Mrs Russell

has doubled the salaries of the clerksemployed In the late Russell Sagesin the Bank of Commerce building TheIncrease affected five clerks nono ofwhom was mentioned in Mr Sages will

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Seraphino Vannutelli to Attend theEucharistic Congress

Second Time In History Member ofPopeH Cabinet Ha Come to

Country Cntholios Pleased

The Roman Catholics of the United

States are gratified over the Justreceived that for the second time inthe history of the church H fenfledgedcardinal fa to visit America

Cardinal Seraphino Vaanutelli has re-

ceived permission to visit Plttsburg inOctober 1697 on the occasion of Uw

Eucharistic CongressIt unusual Indeed fer a Roman Cath-

olic in curia to leave Rome where hieposition IB practically that of ft member-

of the Popes cabinet It Is only withinthe pest two years that absencesfrom Rome have boon altowea CardinalSatollI vicar of St John Lateran thePopes Cathedral was allowed last yearto visit this country but he had livedIn America before ho had been a cannil The only other instance was whenCardinal Viacenzo Vannutcdl brother otthe prelate who le to visit Plttsburgnext year vfma allowed to go to Ire-land to the dedication of the Catnednuof Armagh

Extraordinary preparations will bemade to give Cardinal Vannutelll a fitting welcome to the Eucharistlc Congress


Arranges to Close Up EncampmentBusiness Next Friday Night

At the regular monthly meeting of theDepartment of the District of ColumbiaUnited Spanish War Veterans held inCostellos Halt last night it was deelded to hold a special meeting next Friday night at their hall for the purpose

i of receiving the heal report of the Na-

tional Encampment committee and set-tling all the business In relation to theencampmont held In this city last month

Maj Hodgson chairman of the en-campment committee not presentat the meeting last night being confinedto his home by Illness

A letter dated Camp Columbia signedby Chaplain Charles E Pierce withdraw-ing Ida resignation was received and itscontents accepted with thanks ChaplainPierce had offered to resign because ofhis absence in Cubs but was requestedby all the members of the organizationto retain his office

A colored camp has been formed in thiscity according to a statement made byCommander Mitchell which will be ad-mitted lute the order as a separate andindependent camp by the authority ofthe national headquarters



FIRST Jolly MARSHALL I LACE lILT C ANDD w now C MJtcI d D D Mterll a


Stffn 7M f m The Pmwt fa Iu Rehto UM I rtnt lMf 3 a m Swday idwol

8 p Y P S C K d4 wk aM-weU mules Ttomiir Tft f m VWton arefcntad to all mtina foeWKHTBKX 1HBSKYTEKIAX II ST

ant w G ofc ItaAer D DM pesterU a tie Medtom tt aabattaIX of C K-

bfcart MtooL 9M M a Bpmyer aintfac Ttaraday S m



ST CHURCH CATHEDRALQivmim Ciiiifcy Nov i Holy CoMnarian list a

m sad 11 a m morning pnjvr J a M mmt-feajw I p m Sfwrfel iMaeacr at nwlf eurekaitt ROT Sheldon X OitowaM D D BWMp-aC SgVM Vested ctatr Inai the Cattadnl Scbeoi


HAXLI 1 X E CHURCH STM AND P 9TSCaxi 0 Ianaw Latter VktoM to the Omek

Bprarth Ltmae Tat rvmm TIle CaM efjfsmtf las All wetaenr



FVMwMB jMMtortJI a raaday wftoal-Me Jaawa S Wcat munrhHiiMieX U a m

ay app t tveattetti aaai-Ttnaqr f efevch 149 p Jvaior Be iin r

p av S r Hadeanai S p aaalvenwr fai n by Mr A L 9tart t tBIlk S ar I j f ChM w s clerk P t WU Ha c Mwte ay qaartet Mr S Fretefclc Smith



Iteptam xaawr Kaptliai Svaaajr etheliYowas Paiiili


CHURCH OF OUR FATHER MTU AND L 7WRue Scaafck jr pM rTfeM for

AM Dajr 11 a m sermon hjr theT e Dceteiae of UaMnrt Sa

laajr MiiMl a a tiaJemnaMi U a m-y r a u BJ


Sand said nd daM for At OMtpmUre studyreligion JW Unity Stndr Claus 11 Bwntoir-

Mrriee KHMH by mtefetcr 726 p Yon cRdlgievs Unless aoMt


THE RACK PROBLBM RC TIlE LIGHT OPUM Tree OKfcttea ItcU on f addttM-t NewChwn MISSION HU G s nv swuod

liner st S oclock p All waH9r tentedA free duuhtfnK lihwrr to to publicbefore after the iBiUim



7 p At Use Sunday Btoming Mirk UfefeopOMw a Stbta will deliver the diet of a series oftwelve toctans tcMhtae how to be l and to demonstrata along Metaphorical lines wpecially adaptedfor tcMhiae who do not mdentaad Thiswill be U only free come srwn tuning Ute

these who wish to umkrjUnd should cameof evening lecture by MISS Martha E Van

Yeast Grot Serrrt Testimonial meetingV dn d y at 7S State All Invited



It si RW S nrioe Swrfay 11 a w anti Sp IB S bact Aden and PaDen Man S nd r-

Mhoei H a Wedoetder 8 p a Ua femedially larDed AH seats free Free idtftreams is the Traders National Dank MkHag MaIt anti Pa are BW

p womms prayer meeting i p n lifbie-teaehlag by Mr Philip Mann 745 p m pr a BiBgby Rev T A Cwlteo Brery eoidMly invited




SPECIAL GOSPEL ADDRESS BY D T RAWliasos of York Pa in the ball corner of Pout

ie ath street and Peamrlrenia senUieMtAt 7 S p m Sunday November L AU virtuallyinvited

TUB PEOPLES CHURCH PYTHIAX TEMPLE112 9th st Alex Kent alnfet rMh fctr

will speak at 1105 of Dr A S Crmpwy Re-ligion and Pditiea free OoRje sad bear

NATIONAL YEW THOUGHT CBNTBRSUNday terrices at RawcfaerV Jttt Ceas are at 1-

PL ra Address by Miss Emma Gray SobjectSelfcoatrol Public Incited

THE SECULAR LEAaOETHE SLVV8RY OFthe Epigram will be this sebjoc of address ajrj

lIla 3th at ntr Free seats end free discussion












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Col John McElroy at 3 p m l1Utlan


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L aant ant a wehoe tBtees arapt at a a


na ph4lS atseolitssbeat

swain pester

slim wish Gunsad


Jill Yeapasta ash






spin theant


evening free



ANDay sorTies




















Jinn Who Falls to Get Free TicketsMakes Trouble for Circus

Ga Nov 2 BarnumBailey ft Circus now showing here isminus Its largest elephant a hyena fourmonkeys and an African gnu all of whichare now in Us hands of a court officialhaving been levied on by Dr T M

until he gets a settlement out ofthe circus for its failure to provide himwith two promised complimentary tickets

Dr Mcintosh who is one of the mostprominent physicians of the city ownsseveral stores one of which is vacant atpresent press agent for the circuspromised him two passes to the show forallowing circus posters to be placed in thestore windows

Dr McIntosh discovered however thatthe ticket agent would not ablflo by thepromise of the advance man and hispasses were refused He at once leviedon the animate in the menagerie

Hernia Want Adswill be received at the Astoria i arm cy3d and nw and promptly forwarded to the office

Credit for All Washington

ParlorContains all the newest stylesin richly upholstered piecesand a very big assortmentof pretty tables cabinets tabourettes rockers c It is astock that you cannot fail totake pleasure in choosingfrom for every piece is ofsuch good quality and carefulworkmanship that we guarantee its durability

We invite you to selectwhatever you need have thethings delivered at once andpay the bills without interest-in small weekly or monthlyamounts

1817819821823 Seventh St

Between H and I Streets

for tort Monroe Aorfoft Newport andall south by thepalace cteuBcta Newport News Norfolk

WashmctoB-Lr WtiOiBfU a a i iottsmooUt 8 SO m-

CV AJczzMtcU TilOpaiLT orfoik Sh n Jl wee7a i m Lr Fort ikKerfetk 8a hin r Aiexaudn

Ar fortHMoU J3I a m 1MAamitn ix4iiitctt aa made at NunwB

vf Old Oos atoB CoNew lone sad Mwc aau ad ilmenB-

teMMhip furfnrtasr tofornution aaplr at gcaen-

ltkfc uflkr MS 1tStek lMM Main ZS9 er nil st wharf

Main 37

JAO CAlxAHAN 2d Pres sad tin MCI-


THE POTOMACMtjnlfiwnt Scenery

Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad31X11 AND M 5X8 XW

Transfers both ways with Capital Traction CoapttST

GO TO CALIFORNIAan tton aaffersonally conducted i times weuy OO5U

ikiiimA-MO higachM SUadard Kqaipmeot UIIUBJJ auu-

A J OSTON l nl Ajt SU Pa are nw

Thk trolley ride paaeee finest sectary Washatstou CARS hALt UUL1CLK rKUJi Ctt tCHASB LAKE


Were Always ON TIMEwith our work facilityfor the prompt andexecution of fine printing of allkinds Lowest prices


10 uVM II MAX CONCERN TIE NOlice that the centxate of sate for tor

squire Rut Maiwnon D C on tne Den dayef 1 6 lamed to brfrtianaBM oeeo Jolt or destroyed and that I have ap-plied to the Coaanivdoaerj IK C to issue to me

Firth street northwest ao3STHE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART

will reopen to the public on SUNDAYNovember 4 lOCi at 130 oclock p m andwill be open to the public every Sundaythcreafter at the same until furthernotice Admission free F B McGUIREDirectorTHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT JOakley Hudson Is no lunger connectedwith this office and is not authorizedWM H SAUNDERS CO 1407 F st nw


Corner U and itnTnone Main UJtf

GOOD QUALITY FLOOR OILCLOTH Sc YD12Hc usual 33c srade here

for 2Hc by the curtain notes with ail futuresB feet ISe 11th and H sU ne

Lawyers PrintingV make a specialty of PrtntlBj Law

Ten Briefs and Motives Oar wart liquid soul accurate

Judd DetweilerThe Big Print Shop

Jim Piece JM

732 7th St N Phone M 3200





Bowling Alleys for Ladiesprivate and regulation Rented

by or crenins 719 st axr


Thom svtUe



Our ExquisiteStock of



Peter Grogan



m list year hem lest 4 Ii


Ar 11111 p m-

Ar a-mt tefur




Via 1tTTT

floserestlout Cars

To Kensingtonnear



08 ue MrOt NOvEMBER aof Aid lhate SCIUUDT


to-re r ent Us in any busIness transaction




Inc1i 2jt








WJorfolk Washington1 Steamboat

day uf tssews

uwertu1 steel


30 a in

i eaton

astiuroN nLntt ItotTg-s V


h9srete EItBST us














The theater in Washington offerteg oclH eJy Aatrican and

ot tbc first r niTIlE JOHN C FISHER CO rrflntt

Katie Barry and JoinIn the Lutret Musifal CoTjply Stiovvs


Vaudeville Theater London

Successful MusicalComedy



Notable facMiaKChristie MacDonald Irene Bentley BeatsClarion Vatofc smalt Via RcudMr toeri

Jar Ganfaxr Igoado Riebard-F Carroll


llafrnloent TelepliotosrapliIn Color and Motion Pictures

5 MONDAY MATINEES at 430 sharpHolland Monday Mat Nov 12The Rhine Mat Nov wSwitzerland Monday Mat Nov 2K

North Italy Monday Mat Dec 3South Italy Monday Mat Dec 10COURSE TICKETS now o talc Prices

SHe 5231 COURSE SALE doseda Nov at p m

SINGLE TiCKJiTS W M teyot 7 1ricts LO Tie Me Gallery 5c




TickfU Sc to felling at T Arthur Smith137 F t t in Sander HUjman-

J iBSX RE lTAL-BT the World 0 rea test Pianist

National TheaterFRIDAY XOVE3IBER AT 438 P M

Seats at T Arthur Smiths AIMKI In 8wMcr-Ur n PUn Hoots iiT TSc i



HEXRI U SAVA ii OtfEKSIL-Ebington s Fitorite Comedian


In hIs latest succew


s eted at Theater N w tortDdifRtd UK goods N Y UcraM



Vofrds by lUnkec i Stin-


THIS AFTERNOON AND NIGHTIrdcrca cst f tii4 TJiMtr ra Tnt

Supported by VM F HAVTTREYIn Her Great Nfw York SOCCPM

John Hudsons Wife

Next Week Seats Now on SaleShnbert Inc Present

HARNEDAafa4ed by aa altimportant company of ptejrn

The Love LetterA threeact comedy by Victcwien Serdcu


Daily Matinees 25c Errnin s Sc and 3-

U Gorgeous European bpecUciJ

STARLIGHT Electric BalletThirty Itawtiiul trIMs Superb Scenic Kfl

FRED RAY COMr sad Mrs Allison in Minnie horn Jlinr-

Josaalin fi iao Detmon Merr SaojuiNo Wedding tw JOT Him motion picturesNext VefkCha Co Sadie Julia

Election Night Returns read from the stage be-tween tile acts Order seats AT













too Tuesc



Weber pian ort oc3-



I Garden



The Late Sticces







CH r4s

tdded tttrectlonTraveethti

I tsota w In Court TM

t faJGompen


Mart iettl


Dirttion of tt 14 iittLL5 1skt






aid 200 uosl





Rmantic Spent

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Lafayette AmesimeafCgss-








Ladies by the name of Kitty Katherine or Kiewill the presentation of this adrerttoeirieu beadmitted free


Uy Norman Lee Swarrwrnit Esq

MATINES3Tuesday TbarsJsf

and SaturdayALL THIS WEEK

Brothers ByrneI-N TIlE OKL1

The Jreattst of All MmvMakirg KtNext WeekTHL







with thePeople LYCEUM


The laughing Hit cf the YmGirls of Beauty Grace and Ability

Next WeekMtRRi MAKERS ti iicomplete returns read from the stage


NOV 1ENDS NOV 146 Races Each Day Including Steoplochaso


Trains Washineton at 121 and C35 abe met trolley cars direct to trek


