washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1910-01-24 [p 9].tee washington totes jfonpat jaxtary 2k...

TEE WASHINGTON TOTES JfONPAT JAXTARY 2k 1910 9 DISTRICT BILLS Measures Concerning Capital Matters Go Senate- The District of OohsmMa tad ansuW Inning the Howe today that body passed seven District bills In nisi order They were as follows H R 1WH granting the Washington Spa Springs a Gretta Railroad Com- pany of Maryland an additional six months in which to complete its MIles into the District H R 1MW requiring the Baltimore and Ohio std the Philadelphia Balti- more and Washington Railroad Com- panies to remove the present grade crossings on the line of K street north- east and to construct another crying deemed more safe to the public H R Vast authorizing the Commis- sioners of the District to begin pro- ceedings within ninety days to condemn land necessary for the extension- of Park wince northwest along the west line of the Soldiers Home grounds IL R 1633S authorizing the extension of Farragut street northwest from Four- teenth street to Piney Branch road and Iowa avenue northwest between and Sixteenth streets H R KCS authorizing the extension- f t Franklin street from its street to Bladensburg road H R M329 providing for the exten- sion of Newton place from New Hampshire avenue northwest to avenue and to connect Newton place in the Qass scHdtvtekm with place in Whitney Close sub H R 175H authorising the extension of Twentythird street and R street southeast R street is to be extended from present eastern terminus to Xailor street southeast and Twenty Third street is to be extended from its present southern terminus near Nailor street through R street each with the width of ninety feet OFFICIALS AT OUR Education Board and tect Ashfaed Differ as to Waters Purity The Board of Education and Munici- pal Architect Ai Xftird axe t odds con- cerning the well at the Beating SclwoL- Accortiag to the board the welt was closed list October of the Im- purity of tile water and the children have since been forced ta obtain their drinking supply r simounding homes Protest against these conditions is made also by the BecBiins Citizens As- sociation in a letter to the Commis- sioners and one of the last official acts of Commissioner Mafcffertand was to ask for an inveetlgatiori of the circum- stances swroundlna th ciojsimr of the well 3kfr A hford said that the last analysis of the water made by th Health Department shotted it to be In rood condition The Beard of and the Citizens Asociation have asked for fun her investiga- tion as to its purity Decries Revolutionary of French Work- ingmen 31 Major Dreyfus hero of t e most famows army trial te recent French become tile ctoam or tradoc u today ture tour France with this as his theme The relation between capital la- bor has long been a hobby with major and his sympathies have in- clined toward the laboring man Dray his sass the French government did a wise thing in recognizing the unionist movement as opposition to it would iave caused a upheaval reyfus thinks unicrtem is such pood thing that he says the employer too together the labor jnd capital syndicates acting as gov- ernors to each other Dreyfus decries the revolutionary tendency of a large part of the French workmen LOCAL MENTION Red Weak Weary Watery Eyes Relieved by Eye Remedy Com pounded by Experienced Physicians to Pure Food and Drugs Jtfurine Doesnt Smart Soothes Eye Pain Try Xurine in Your Eyes Ak Your Druggist We Are Direct Importers ef Sherries Ports and Brandies Lowest prices Jan aye Try Our Faraeos Stews 256 Phila Oyster Chop Honey iB lltk RW Gas Ranges Water Heaters 616 istb SL C A Huddiinan Co 13M G St- Cavcrlys dnmbin 1331 G St W Lansburgh Bro Dry Goods Articles 420 to 426 7 h St FINEFORSCRHNSi If year tfeater te rt it too KuJi pb- ruc or Kaaa Soar I J PASSED BY HOUSE- Seven R wisest present east of Twentyfourth 4 It OVER WELL Archi Coda y however DREYFUS CHAMPION OF TRADES UNIONS j hats pion and announced he wIH shortly begin a lec the tremendous a D DoRfteIIy 14th and Eye ass N and- Re I 1no so 1z D ti4Sf1 ITSELF OFF I West Dole 3tartla Loata I to- t r the Four- teenth tzninus New- ton the ACHO0L Seesaw 0 Educa- tion Ten- dency t PAfI Jo teary that throughout and 4 sho rio get urine Laws N W k tlrWear Sf BULKE1WWLM4DE- lifAYr f 1 S Berber a Burn t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = > Masterpiece of Beethoven to Be Given by Local Organization TIM Afih concert of the Tefcufeh Hammer Symphony Orchestra to be at the HehMCo Theater on Friday afternoon February 4 at 4 oclock wilt mark an epoch hi the musical his- tory of W hmgtoa The program will be the ni symphony of Beethoven D minor o 1 will be the first time this composition oC the famous master wilt huv been given in the Dis- trict by any orchestral organization The concert will complete the sym- phony cycle by Herr Hammers orches tra which has proven itself according- to musical critics one of the best or of its kind heard here Critics of the leading musical journals have gone farther they have accorded- to Hammer the distinction 06 having furnished Washington with or- chestra music which has not been by outoftown organizations which have bets playing together for years The last of these concerts which will be on February 4 is an oppor- tunity which those who care for the higtofst class of music can ill afford to The ninth symphony which was since Hs first rendition been accorded the distinction of being the greatest sym- phony ever written It belo ss to the creations of Beethovens socalled third period and was written when the great master was absolutely deaf Mr Hammer has been particularly fortunate in securing as soloists Miss Flora Jackson soprano Miss Anna Brett alto Arthur Simpson tenor and Arthur N Gardner bass FOUR CANDIDATES- TO BE VOTED UPON Fourth District Virginia Democrats Wilt Hold Pri PETERSBURG Va Jan 3t Tne Democratic primary election of the Fourth Congressional district will be held tomorrow to nominate a candidate for member of the House of Repre- sentatives The candidates to be voted for are Charles T LassKer of W B Cocke of Sussex county Robert Turnbull of Brunswick county and Judge Asa Watkins of Prince Ed yard county While the fight appears to be between Lassiter and Wutktaa the general im- pression is that the vote will be very much among all four candidates as It is absolutely impossible to fore shadow with auy degree of certainty who will be successful FAMOUS HERMIT OF MAINE DYING PORTLAND Me Jan 24 Enflteh Jack the famed hermit of the White mountanis and close friend of Tosh Billings is dying English Jack also was a friend of Henry Ward Once a captain in the British lavy English Jack served on a battleship in the Crimerian war and JSsrtlnRjished himself for bravery It is FJI t the death of the girl to whom ie ras en- gaged made him a hermit HAMMER ORCHESTRA TO PLAYSYMPHONY even It nine fen Wilhelm of Prussia has mary i Bee ter ex- celled dedi- cated to King Peters- burg ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ < Symphony Orchestra to Play Englishmans Compositions February 18 At the third concert of llo Waahji- ngtwn Symphony Orchestra February M an interesting program has e by Herman RakeBianii he con- ductor Works of composers of four different nations will be a W program overture Taming of the Shrew College England Is of special interest Mr Wright is anIntimate friend of Mr Rakemann and was a fellowstu dent in Berlin Mr Wright also dedi- cated a symphony to Mr Rakemann Mendelssohn will be represented on the program by the Italian Symphony A suite of four movements entitled Trianon by the celebrated pianist composer Ah Lachntime A grand festival mare dedicated to Edward H- and Cart A troop and played for the first time in anuscript by Robert C Stearns of this city and a member of the stra This march is one of Mr Steals most pretentious works for full orchestra and will no doubt be heard with interest The soloist will l e Mrs Nellie Wilson ShirCliff soprano DEBATERS Til TALK ON LOCAL AFFAIRS District Suffrage Question Is Topic of Georgetown Wrangle VFfcether citizens of the District should be given the legal right to elect their local government heads and be represented in Congress will be debated- at the first term interclass meet be- tween junior and senior debating societies of Georgetown University at Osston Ball Wednesday night fiatinr t Tarns iavebeen carefully se- lected and the students are manifesting much enthusiasm Nelson W MeKerman of New York and Joseph Abbott of Tennessee will represent the Junior society on the af- nrmatlve Cheater A Gwinn and Hugh C will take negative side for the seniors The judges will be Henry McMorran William R Harr and Charles Karl Adam C Gengler a member of the rates of 08 will preside The committee of the law pub- lic debates Is composed of James Easby SMIth James W Burns Albert Mc Carty W McKeman and R jMfailoiicy MENAGERIE ON SHIP Pa Jan Two mites of tiger cats and 14 small caught in the Jungle of India and to an animal dealer in New York attracted much attention on the German teainer Imkenturm which came from Calcutta with a general The monkeys and tigers were WRIGHTS WORKS TO BE FEATURED the TIle Arthur Wright or Dulwteb the The de hOe the E L PHILADELPHIA Voodn rages I ar- ranged feature Norton I ere the Todd Nelson monk- eys consigned car- go con- fined in atnidshs > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OlYSML ONINO i BEST 8UGAR fOR Vdi Mm COFfffi BY GROCE EVERYWHERE j I i Thane I Only Ono Gsautae WE ARE SOLE AGENTS W B MOSES SONS F St Cor nu N I Sua4rk2TAND- NSEMEDEOXLS I K j CRAFTSMAN FURNITURE ouWCd SKI i SAXON WHEAT FOOD Made by Quaker Oat Co with A PIECE OF CHINA Per Package 14c The Wise They buy our Groceries J T D PILES 14 Stores TtlE NEW I I I I I I l i3A1ETTE This sells all over town from c to FlW Our special two 9y sale Lucios 1vb Art Jewelry 130 ST N W c a ae I Furniture Offerings To Please the Home Lover Abound Here in Abundance- We invite you to call and inspect the many bargains W H HOEKE 8th and Market Space I j I I PTho Best Can be b- tained from The Allegheny Coai Co bin 11th St N W- Tcl Bain ir1 e ThumbNail Sketches of Little Happenings in Connection With the Convention Halt Exhibit NO 2 EDIITED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES CORRESPONDENT JAN 24 1910 VOL 1 snow I LOCAL TIIE AUTO The snow opens iontgnt for a weeks rum Join the throng at Convention Hall aa the niftiest collection of autos and aeroplanes ever gathered together under one Jack Sperry sales the Motor Car Company- is not a giant he Is plenty tall enough to round- up some mighty good sales even before the show opened Keep up the good work Jack Where do all avtos go Gracious me mist Spasm by Cliff Just to prove they had good car the Spoerer bunch drove over from Baltimore yesterday in a Spoerer car In the party were Jacob Spoerer Charlie Spoerer John Revs Bnrkhart Reus and George Egger Some to get out or Baltimore- on Sunday Dig Jaa er- r Fettle meenl MO Ute per cent here b there Loan a one said It must be a I nee mime Five sad per- cent every- where pleas- ure Those aeroplane Sharps are so swelled up with Im- portance over the fact that the automobile people goodnaturedly consented to let them have a little of the spotlight that they dont care to mingle with the low- brows any more Watt until they attempt a sight and then see what happens Lester Moore emphatically denies that Ute Palmer Singer torpedo will go more than miles a hour The best It will do is a hundred be says The anvil chorus get to working ia great shape yes- terday when one of the ex- hibitors arrived late and wanted to send his ears up the runway ahead of those who had been there hours ahead of him The Jar was so that one of the cars slipped off the runway the man had vis- ions of a big loss to settle but the car was finally e tricated from its perHJUS without being uam aged have 1 II I I position I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The stain live wars at th America Statatex Regal HttpMabtte booth tonight will be R C Wltoon Ife has a line of talk that cant be equaled They say Gardner Oran aspire to be a daredevil ra e striver He likes to drive Jab car around town with engine exposed and with the muffler cut out Look out Gardner or Major Sylvest ers men will get you What relation is a loaf of bread to an automobile Inquired EllIott Hough of Moore Its Mother A loaf of bread is a neces- sity and the automobile Is I an invention and necessity vention replied Moore who is right there with the answer It cost Hough ILCT for IfeuMs lank Ron Johnson the genial manager is so charm- ed with Washington that he contemplates removing goods and chattels to our beautiful city I like my Lester Is always the mother of la his ¬ ¬ ¬ English Perambulators with decorated bodies and plain leather hoods Slim in colors of maroon green and tan Very strongly built tempered steel springs and rubbertired wheels 3000 each Fine Quality English Per ambulators with wellpro1 portioned body and folding leatherette hood Best run- ning gear strongly built rubbertired wheels auto- matic foot brake Colors tan and green 2000 each Rattan Baby Carriages with patented movable hood and upholstered cushions First quality materials used in construction attractively lined regulation and dium sizes 2000 each Collapsible body and hood of leatherette cloth in black and These have comfortable re- clining back and front built so as to carry childrens accessories 10inch rubber tired wheels Indispensable- when traveling 600 each I I I 00 C art s i Ik ti t 7c I r ro Y i me- a 1 I tan- s i ¬ ¬ ¬ but eh you Wash- ington Booker Washington gofeic te buy another house in Brookland on the proceeds freer the program As a getter Booker Is on the job all right- If that Warner aeroplane show p Frank Boyd will be persona non grata in local automobile cnn Long has the passports ready to MOO him Wonder who Is going to sell the mot cars during the week Brownie Spence Isnt much but he Is looking mighty wise Johnny Thomas fe laying stress upon the fact that the Maxwell holds the nonstop run of HIM miles F Chichester of the White Company says the White inclosed tars are about the meat cars ever seen in Washington All the are claiming the same thins for cars Is business Joe at cir- cles ytag L Baltimore ¬ ¬ DOCTORS CHARITY CAUSE OF TROUBLE BUDAPEST Hungary Jan 24 The much mooted estk n as to whether- a physician in justified in killing a pu- tlcat with no possible chance of te to be aired here shortly when Dr Joseph Fekete Is tried for murder Dr Yokel administered poison to a patient at the latter request and when recovery under stress of unendurable pain was impossible Dr Fekete ad ministered the death dealing poison on the ground that It was humane It is generally expected that he will be ORDINARY CARE LESSENS DANGER Authorities are pretty well united in the opinion that ordinary care on the part of individual greatly lessens the danger of contracting consumption So many eases of this dread disease have their origin in neglect of an ordi- nary cough or cold that it is appalling- to note the indifference with which so many people regard this common At the first indication of a cold steps should be taken to check it at once For this purpose the following simple for- mula is highly recommended as heirs most effective Mix together in a large bottle two ounces of a half ounce of Virgin OH of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky Shake well and take a teaspoonful for times a day It ta claimed by the Leach Chemical Co o Cincinnati who the genuine Virgin OH of Fire compound this mixture w break up a cold in twentyfour hour and cure any vanish that is re- covery I I prE t ac- quitted com- plaint > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Have Pleasure in Announcing That Their New and Uptodate Stock Is Now Complete and Ready for Inspection BGCS new stock shows the rapid and continued progress that been made in this line of merchan- dise It is the most beautiful extensive and varied selection wo have ever assembleda direct result of constantly extending every effort of mind and body to have merchandise of a higher character each year than that of preceding season The representative of our establishment and those of the noted houses of Whitney and Bloch spent sev- eral days conferring and as a result have originated ideas producing a stock worthy of the full- est confidence qiality never before received so much attention We mention the following merely to give an idea of the quality and prices of our Traveling Equipment for Infant There are scores of other styles and designs equally attractive and desirable Lothrop t of- t English Perambulatorsj Collapsible and Upright Baby Carriages and I i alas t I I I r f S S Woodward v Go J Carts T maiIy new i ¬ ¬ = English Extensive Leatherette Hood GoCarts hood has springs enabling one to make it stationary at any desired angle Fitted with safety strap cushions and rubbertired bicycle wheels 1500 each Highgrade Hood Go Carts body and hood of imitation leather in colors of brown and green Excep tionally strong frame auto matic foot wellshap ed push bars bicycle wheels Very substantially built and- a highgrade GoCart in every respect 1250 each Collapsible GoCarts strong lightweight frame with reclining back and safe ty strap Colors black and tan We wish to direct at tention to the exceptionally strong construction light- ness and compactness of this GoCart An Unusual Value 395 each We have installed of unques- tioned make for the retiring of GoCart and Baby Carriage Wheels of every kind and description in the best possible manner Prices reasonable f patent devices i s I J brake l i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Sixth Moor I I i

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-01-24 [p 9].TEE WASHINGTON TOTES JfONPAT JAXTARY 2k 1910 9 DISTRICT BILLS Measures Concerning Capital Matters Go Senate-The District



Measures ConcerningCapital Matters Go


The District of OohsmMa tad ansuWInning the Howe today thatbody passed seven District bills In nisiorder They were as follows

H R 1WH granting the WashingtonSpa Springs a Gretta Railroad Com-pany of Maryland an additional sixmonths in which to complete its MIlesinto the District

H R 1MW requiring the Baltimoreand Ohio std the Philadelphia Balti-more and Washington Railroad Com-panies to remove the present gradecrossings on the line of K street north-east and to construct another cryingdeemed more safe to the public

H R Vast authorizing the Commis-sioners of the District to begin pro-ceedings within ninety days to condemn

land necessary for the extension-of Park wince northwest along the westline of the Soldiers Home grounds

IL R 1633S authorizing the extensionof Farragut street northwest from Four-teenth street to Piney Branch road andIowa avenue northwest between

and Sixteenth streetsH R KCS authorizing the extension-

f t Franklin street from itsstreet to Bladensburg road

H R M329 providing for the exten-sion of Newton place fromNew Hampshire avenue northwest to

avenue and to connect Newtonplace in the Qass scHdtvtekm with

place in Whitney Close subH R 175H authorising the extension

of Twentythird street and R streetsoutheast R street is to be extendedfrom present eastern terminus toXailor street southeast and TwentyThird street is to be extended from itspresent southern terminus near Nailorstreet through R street each with thewidth of ninety feet


Education Board andtect Ashfaed Differ as to

Waters Purity

The Board of Education and Munici-pal Architect Ai Xftird axe t odds con-cerning the well at the Beating SclwoL-Accortiag to the board the welt wasclosed list October of the Im-purity of tile water and the childrenhave since been forced ta obtain theirdrinking supply r simoundinghomes

Protest against these conditions ismade also by the BecBiins Citizens As-sociation in a letter to the Commis-sioners and one of the last official actsof Commissioner Mafcffertand was toask for an inveetlgatiori of the circum-stances swroundlna th ciojsimr of thewell

3kfr A hford said that the lastanalysis of the water made by thHealth Department shotted it to be Inrood condition The Beard of

and the Citizens Asociation haveasked for fun her investiga-tion as to its purity

Decries Revolutionaryof French Work-


31 Major Dreyfus heroof t e most famows army trial te recentFrench become tile ctoam

or tradoc utodayture tour France with thisas his theme

The relation between capital la-bor has long been a hobby withmajor and his sympathies have in-clined toward the laboring man Drayhis sass the French government did awise thing in recognizing the unionistmovement as opposition to it wouldiave caused a upheaval

reyfus thinks unicrtem is suchpood thing that he says the employertoo together the laborjnd capital syndicates acting as gov-ernors to each other Dreyfus decriesthe revolutionary tendency of a largepart of the French workmen

LOCAL MENTIONRed Weak Weary Watery Eyes

Relieved by Eye Remedy Compounded by Experienced Physicians

to Pure Food and DrugsJtfurine Doesnt Smart Soothes

Eye Pain Try Xurine in Your EyesAk Your Druggist

We Are Direct Importers ef SherriesPorts and Brandies Lowest prices Jan

aye Try Our Faraeos Stews 256Phila Oyster Chop Honey iB lltk RW

Gas Ranges Water Heaters 616 istb SLC A Huddiinan Co 13M G St-

Cavcrlys dnmbin 1331 G St W

Lansburgh BroDry Goods


420 to 426 7 h St


If year tfeater te rt it too KuJi pb-

ruc or Kaaa Soar





R wisest

present east of Twentyfourth





Coda y





hatspion and announced

he wIH shortly begin a lec



D DoRfteIIy 14th and Eye ass




I 1no so 1z D



West Dole 3tartla Loata







New-ton the







PAfI Joteary




sho rio get







lifAYrf 1

SBerber a Burn






















Masterpiece of Beethoven toBe Given by Local


TIM Afih concert of the TefcufehHammer Symphony Orchestra to be

at the HehMCo Theater on Fridayafternoon February 4 at 4 oclockwilt mark an epoch hi the musical his-tory of W hmgtoa The program willbe the ni symphony of BeethovenD minor o 1 will be the firsttime this composition oC the famousmaster wilt huv been given in the Dis-trict by any orchestral organizationThe concert will complete the sym-phony cycle by Herr Hammers orchestra which has proven itself according-to musical critics one of the best or

of its kind heard hereCritics of the leading musical journals

have gone farther they have accorded-to Hammer the distinction 06having furnished Washington with or-chestra music which has not been

by outoftown organizationswhich have bets playing together foryears

The last of these concerts which willbe on February 4 is an oppor-tunity which those who care for thehigtofst class of music can ill afford to

The ninth symphony which was

since Hs first rendition been accorded thedistinction of being the greatest sym-phony ever written It belo ss to thecreations of Beethovens socalled thirdperiod and was written when the greatmaster was absolutely deaf

Mr Hammer has been particularlyfortunate in securing as soloists MissFlora Jackson soprano Miss AnnaBrett alto Arthur Simpson tenor andArthur N Gardner bass


Fourth District Virginia DemocratsWilt Hold Pri

PETERSBURG Va Jan 3t TneDemocratic primary election of theFourth Congressional district will beheld tomorrow to nominate a candidatefor member of the House of Repre-sentatives The candidates to be votedfor are Charles T LassKer of

W B Cocke of Sussex countyRobert Turnbull of Brunswick countyand Judge Asa Watkins of Prince Edyard county

While the fight appears to be betweenLassiter and Wutktaa the general im-pression is that the vote will be verymuch among all four candidatesas It is absolutely impossible to foreshadow with auy degree of certaintywho will be successful


PORTLAND Me Jan 24 EnfltehJack the famed hermit of the Whitemountanis and close friend of ToshBillings is dying English Jack alsowas a friend of Henry Ward

Once a captain in the British lavyEnglish Jack served on a battleshipin the Crimerian war and JSsrtlnRjishedhimself for bravery It is FJI t thedeath of the girl to whom ie ras en-gaged made him a hermit







Wilhelm of Prussia has



Bee ter


dedi-cated to King













> ¬


Symphony Orchestra to PlayEnglishmans Compositions

February 18

At the third concert of llo Waahji-ngtwn Symphony Orchestra FebruaryM an interesting program has e

by Herman RakeBianii he con-

ductor Works of composers of fourdifferent nations will be a W

programoverture Taming of the Shrew

College England Is of special interestMr Wright is anIntimate friend ofMr Rakemann and was a fellowstudent in Berlin Mr Wright also dedi-cated a symphony to Mr Rakemann

Mendelssohn will be represented onthe program by the Italian SymphonyA suite of four movements entitledTrianon by the celebrated pianist

composer Ah Lachntime A grandfestival mare dedicated to Edward H-

and Cart A troop and played for thefirst time in anuscript by Robert CStearns of this city and a member ofthe stra This march is one ofMr Steals most pretentious works forfull orchestra and will no doubt beheard with interest The soloist will l eMrs Nellie Wilson ShirCliff soprano



District Suffrage Question IsTopic of Georgetown


VFfcether citizens of the Districtshould be given the legal right to electtheir local government heads and berepresented in Congress will be debated-at the first term interclass meet be-tween junior and senior debatingsocieties of Georgetown University atOsston Ball Wednesday nightfiatinr tTarns iavebeen carefully se-lected and the students are manifestingmuch enthusiasm

Nelson W MeKerman of New Yorkand Joseph Abbott of Tennessee willrepresent the Junior society on the af-nrmatlve Cheater A Gwinn andHugh C will take negativeside for the seniors The judges willbe Henry McMorran William R Harrand Charles Karl Adam C Gengler amember of the rates of 08 will preside

The committee of the law pub-lic debates Is composed of James EasbySMIth James W Burns Albert McCarty W McKeman and RjMfailoiicy


mites of tiger cats and 14 smallcaught in the Jungle of India and

to an animal dealer in NewYork attracted much attention on theGerman teainer Imkenturm whichcame from Calcutta with a general

The monkeys and tigers were




Arthur Wright or Dulwteb


The de




Voodn rages











car-go con-fined in atnidshs













Thane I Only Ono Gsautae






IK j




SAXON WHEAT FOODMade by Quaker Oat Co with

A PIECE OF CHINAPer Package 14c

The Wise They buy our Groceries

J T D PILES14 Stores









This sells all over townfrom c to FlW Ourspecial two 9y sale

Lucios 1vb Art Jewelry130 ST N W

c a

ae I

Furniture OfferingsTo Please theHome Lover

Abound Here in Abundance-We invite you to call and inspect

the many bargainsW H HOEKE8th and Market Space




PTho Best Can be b-

tained from

The Allegheny Coai Cobin 11th St N W-Tcl Bain ir1


ThumbNail Sketches of Little Happenings in Connection With the Convention Halt Exhibit


snow I


The snow opens iontgntfor a weeks rum Join thethrong at Convention Hallaa the niftiest collectionof autos and aeroplanes evergathered together under one

Jack Sperry salesthe Motor Car Company-

is not a giant he Isplenty tall enough to round-up some mighty good saleseven before the show openedKeep up the good workJack

Where do all avtos go

Gracious me mistSpasm by Cliff

Just to prove they hadgood car the Spoerer bunchdrove over from Baltimoreyesterday in a Spoerer carIn the party were JacobSpoerer Charlie SpoererJohn Revs Bnrkhart Reusand George Egger Some

to get out or Baltimore-on Sunday


Jaa er-r

Fettle meenl MOUte

per cent here bthere


one said It must be a




Five sad per-cent



Those aeroplane Sharpsare so swelled up with Im-portance over the fact thatthe automobile peoplegoodnaturedly consented tolet them have a little of thespotlight that they dontcare to mingle with the low-brows any more Wattuntil they attempt a sightand then see what happens

Lester Moore emphaticallydenies that Ute PalmerSinger torpedo will go morethan miles a hour Thebest It will do is a hundredbe says

The anvil chorus get toworking ia great shape yes-terday when one of the ex-hibitors arrived late andwanted to send his ears upthe runway ahead of thosewho had been there hoursahead of him The Jar wasso that one of thecars slipped off the runwaythe man had vis-ions of a big loss to settlebut the car was finally etricated from its perHJUS

without being uamaged


1 II








The stain live wars at thAmerica Statatex RegalHttpMabtte booth tonight willbe R C Wltoon Ife has aline of talk that cant beequaled

They say Gardner Oranaspire to be a daredevilra e striver He likes to driveJab car around town withengine exposed and with themuffler cut out Look outGardner or Major Sylvesters men will get you

What relation is a loafof bread to an automobileInquired EllIott Hough of

Moore Its MotherA loaf of bread is a neces-sity and the automobile Is

I an invention and necessity

vention replied Moore whois right there with theanswer It cost Hough ILCTfor IfeuMs

lank Ron Johnson thegenial manager is so charm-ed with Washington that hecontemplates removinggoods and chattels to ourbeautiful city I like my


Is always the mother of la





English Perambulatorswith decorated bodies andplain leather hoods Slimin colors of maroon greenand tan Very stronglybuilt tempered steel springsand rubbertired wheels

3000 each

Fine Quality English Perambulators with wellpro1portioned body and foldingleatherette hood Best run-

ning gear strongly builtrubbertired wheels auto-matic foot brake Colorstan and green

2000 each

Rattan Baby Carriageswith patented movable hoodand upholstered cushionsFirst quality materials usedin construction attractivelylined regulation anddium sizes

2000 each

Collapsiblebody and hood of leatherettecloth in black andThese have comfortable re-

clining back and frontbuilt so as to carry childrensaccessories 10inch rubbertired wheels Indispensable-

when traveling600 each




00 C art s






rro Y










but eh you Wash-ington

Booker Washingtongofeic te buy another housein Brookland on the proceedsfreer the program As a

getter Booker Ison the job all right-

If that Warner aeroplaneshow p Frank

Boyd will be persona nongrata in local automobilecnn Long has thepassports ready to MOO him

Wonder who Is going tosell the mot cars duringthe week Brownie SpenceIsnt much but he Islooking mighty wise

Johnny Thomas fe layingstress upon the fact that theMaxwell holds the nonstoprun of HIM miles

F Chichester of theWhite Company says theWhite inclosed tars areabout the meat cars everseen in Washington All theare claiming thesame thins for cars



Joe atcir-




Baltimore ¬



BUDAPEST Hungary Jan 24 Themuch mooted estk n as to whether-a physician in justified in killing a pu-

tlcat with no possible chance ofte to be aired here shortly when

Dr Joseph Fekete Is tried for murderDr Yokel administered poison to a

patient at the latter request and whenrecovery under stress of unendurablepain was impossible Dr Fekete administered the death dealing poison onthe ground that It was humane It isgenerally expected that he will be

ORDINARY CARELESSENS DANGERAuthorities are pretty well united in

the opinion that ordinary care on thepart of individual greatly lessensthe danger of contracting consumptionSo many eases of this dread diseasehave their origin in neglect of an ordi-nary cough or cold that it is appalling-to note the indifference with which somany people regard this common

At the first indication of a cold stepsshould be taken to check it at once Forthis purpose the following simple for-mula is highly recommended as heirsmost effective Mix together in a largebottle two ounces of a halfounce of Virgin OH of Pine compoundpure and eight ounces of pure WhiskyShake well and take a teaspoonful fortimes a day It ta claimed by the LeachChemical Co o Cincinnati who

the genuine Virgin OH of Firecompound this mixture w

break up a cold in twentyfour hourand cure any vanish that is













Have Pleasure in Announcing That Their New and Uptodate Stock

Is Now Complete and Ready for Inspection

BGCS new stock shows the rapid and continued progress that been made in this line of merchan-dise It is the most beautiful extensive and varied selection wo have ever assembleda direct resultof constantly extending every effort of mind and body to have merchandise of a higher character

each year than that of preceding seasonThe representative of our establishment and those of the noted houses of Whitney and Bloch spent sev-

eral days conferring and as a result have originated ideas producing a stock worthy of the full-est confidence qiality never before received so much attention

We mention the following merely to give an idea of the quality and prices of our Traveling Equipmentfor Infant There are scores of other styles and designs equally attractive and desirable



English Perambulatorsj Collapsible andUpright Baby Carriages and I











Woodward v

GoJ Carts

TmaiIy new





English ExtensiveLeatherette Hood GoCarts

hood has springs enablingone to make it stationary atany desired angle Fittedwith safety strap cushionsand rubbertired bicyclewheels

1500 each

Highgrade Hood GoCarts body and hood ofimitation leather in colorsof brown and green Exceptionally strong frame automatic foot wellshaped push bars bicycle wheelsVery substantially built and-a highgrade GoCart inevery respect

1250 each

Collapsible GoCartsstrong lightweight framewith reclining back and safety strap Colors black andtan We wish to direct attention to the exceptionallystrong construction light-

ness and compactness of thisGoCart

An Unusual Value

395 each

We have installed of unques-

tioned make for the retiring of GoCart and BabyCarriage Wheels of every kind and description in

the best possible manner Prices reasonable


patent devices














Sixth MoorI

