washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1909-12-06 [p 12]. · barney dreyfuss receives tip to...

THE TTASHINGTOX TIMES 3TONIMT 12 DErmrnER 1909 l I L Barney Dreyfuss Receives Tip to That Effect From Garry Herrmann BROTHER CHARLES CUTS INTO GAME Said to Have Told Chicago Mag- nate to Behave Doc 6Pr ttawt Bar- ney Dreyfus remarked today that it was a good bot that there would be no baseball war nod that he looked for not only tho election of John A Heydler but would not be a bit surprised to see Murphy vote for the Washington D C manI received a very encouraging letter from Cincinnati today and from tho lines I believe that Garry Herrmann must havo had a talk with Charley TaU said Mr Dreyfuss I under- stand that Mr Taft has had a talk with Murphy and Informed him that he must drop the talk about electing some- one else to the chair I bet President Herrmann has told the owner of the Taft a few things about hi hired wind bag and that the Presidents brother know more about baseball now than he did before the conference with the chairman of the national commission That is why I say I not only look for Hoydlers election but to have Murphy vote for him PHILADELPHIA DEAL According to Latest Rumor Syndicate Has Year Option on Club PHILADELPHIA Dec C The fact that the Phillies have only been leased to a syndicate instead of being sold as originally reported puts a now phase on the situation According to the terms of the deal tha syndicate has a year in whIch to decide and the sueeess or failure of the the coming season will gq far toward deteKnlniog the fu- ture course As it Is the prospective owners do not stand to lose much in the event of failure as by the terms of the option they con return the club to the poli- ticians from whom they have tempo- rarily secured It On tho other hand should they be able to make some ad- vantageous dells at league meeting- in New York next week and get together a tsatr that will prove a winner or ever Inlah up with the loaders the syndi cate should more than come out even and In the event of the financial suc- cess of tOO cub can exercise the op- tion and purchase outright That the temporary owners are figur- ing on future ownership of the club Is the opinion of one wHo is conf- luence o composing the Whey figure on success and with that view will extend the seat- ing capacity of the grounds and have Announced they will expend con- siderable money in an effort to strength- en the weak spots in the team If they can turn out a winner will not lack for capital if desire to take in Investors There is apparently one burden resting on now syndicate and that d contract between the Phillies and Manager Murray which has two years yet to run There has been some or a compromise but those in the fidence of Murray ray that there will be 70 than the full two salary Murray has the whip hand and that to the letter er his contract is fully believed even fto the extent of to law or to the National Commission in the event of an attempt at Its abrogation Regarding Philadelphia ball prk Is some whether the syn dicate can take or the 1o purchase which on December 31 It is altogether likely if the TTxlicate takes up the option on the grounds must nec Nw riv tie club as political interests would hardly allow syndicate to buy the grounds and then throw the club back th1r of failure It in altogether likely that the option on the grounds can be renewed but wheLK er tho present owners would be content to only extend It year while the syndicate was experinmentin is a quos CHICAGO Dec 1The Chicago Cubs will present several new fac H In their lineup noxt year according to a letter received by President Charles W Mur jihyf from Manager Frank Chance who 1 at present la California Murphy re- fused to make public the trades Chance hat In view It is a wellknown fact that Chance is sweet on having Sherwood Magee of the PhilUes to left field and is anxious for the addition of another star r The men Chance Intends to barter are said to be KUng Zimmerman and jxmsibly Sheckard There 1 much speculation on the pos of Sheckard being dropped from the Cubs roster as Murphy who Is said to be the of Phil may shift Magee to the Cubs Xmas Specialties- At Our New Store 727 14th Street Golf Clubs J176 to 250 Caddy Bags L to SOO Balls per dozer 09 to iOO Sweater each 100 to 7M Striking Bags LSS to JOJ 3oxta Gloves per set Lit to 1008 Carving Bets LW to MW- Ilazors LOO to 800 Pocket Knives 80 te KM Guns Rifles and College Pillows Pennants and Pos- ters G H White Co Inc Formerly 19 G street Now Located at 727 I4th Street N W HEYDLtR MAY GET 1URPHYS BALLOT Him- self PITTS BURG Cu TAKES NEW PHASE t am the in the talk hire e on hands In the event one So- JonPHLUES MAY GET CUBS ltcb the O Revel ws I 1 on irs they C SHECKAROOF lies ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ a A National Body Will Promote Contests Under Changed l Rules- B HARRY WARD The creation of the new office of chairman of the executive committee of the American Automobile Association wilt probably materially chug the annual Glidden tour It has been sug- gested and the suggestion will un- doubtedly be earned out that this classic event hereafter be known as the American Automobile Association en- durance run The Manufacturers Con- test Association will be asked to draw up rule for such a run at the close of which every entrant shall be given a ctrUfioate of performance made in ac- cordance with the rules adopted by the manufacturers but that no trophy be awarded to any contestant This idea has mot with general approval and a special committee of three with Presi- dent L R Spears as chairman has bun appointed to confer with Charles J Glldden regarding the disposition of the trophy he offered several years ago for the tour that has since borne his name It Is Interesting to note that Mr Glidden has stated he Is in hearty accord with any arrangement for the disposition of his trophy which may be for the beet interests cl the motoring game According to Russell Huff chief en- gineer of the Packard Car Com- pany who has Just from a visit to the London artomoWU show there is very little that is radically new on the European automobile mar- ket All the tendency Is toward small lowpowered cars said Huff The European makers have topped building large cars altogether Simplification is being to a degree parts being reduced as as possible in order to make the cheap to produce in the flrst case and easy to maintain when in the hands of the owner There is a strong tendency in England toward the of what is known as the typo of automobile body It is straight line body with as resistance as combined with maximum pro- tection against the wind The cars have high side doors for both front and rear seats while the seats are very low to give the passengers full protection Not long since a British Inventor proposed the installation of mirrors at all and now the angllsh town of Woodbridge Suffolk is biassed with Just such a safeguard for tho traffic about one of its narrow street corners The mirror is placed in such a way that motorists and drivers of other vehicles when approaching the point are enabled to see the dents and collisions occur at cross- roads and street corners the general adoption of mirrors would certainly provo a boon to motorists Western automobile manufacturers are complaining of the shortage of cars in which to their product AU through the Middle West the cry for freight cars I beard Les- ter D Moore Jr the agent has been advised by the Reo Motor Car Company that its Inability to get suffi- cient freight ears Is holding back many autos that are ready for delivery The Reo makers are dally Increasing their output of 10 cars and the freight car famine is causing them a hard- ship as well as agents throughout the country The Motor Sales Company agents In that the Moon exhibit in the Grand Central Palace auto show which December SI will present several novelties in body building but the cars and their finish will be the same a those found in the 1MO stock cars A hlchlr polished chassis will not shown but Instead there will be ex- hibited a chassis as t actually comes from the factory before the body is mounted Three cars will also be shown including two Thirties and a Model 46 W D Arrison of th Carter Motor Car Corporation who recently had the misfortune to his leg In two places is on the road to recovery With the of crutches he te able to get down to the companys offices in th building it will several weeks before he will able to walk unassisted Driving a Waihin baby tonneau car H B Burgess last week made a trip of I miles through Maryland visiting Frederick sad Bal timore He reports the roads to be in fine condition W Griffith and family returned last week from a trip to 7 in a Washington car tourists took the short route via Baltimore and Havre de Grace The Wilson Co an pa ny reports tbe sale of a to one of the attaches of the Chinese legation CARROLL TO PLAY- Y M C A QUINTT- he Carroll Institute and Y M C A quints will clash at the Carroll Gym tomorrow evening This second time those teams have met this year the Y M C A team the flrst game after a fast and interesting struggle Since that tire has had his charges hard at work and they have shown marked improvement in every pane Prebable lineups Carroll Institute Position Y M C A I FAllen or Roberts Walsh R PDuncan or MilltA MeCarthy Center Colley Qable L B Hoppe Kuehn R B Valk TO ABANDON GLIDDEN TOUR method but not the objects ol the fotor returned tour cylinder Mr pu hed adop- tion danger nature I traffic and to govern themseJves accordingly As mot sect hlp eo city the Moon car has been be d be be RId evtUe V Hu bU i ftc f THE 4 ne ossible s this fo ad- vised C Cro ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + << + + WASHINGTON BATTING OFFERS SOME HOPE Beating Out Two Clubs Encourages and Conroy Make Fair at Fogel Not Justified- By THOMAS S RICE j ihe FansSchaefer ShowingPersonalities- Aimed About the only encouraging sign ot the times we have noted for many weary fey hi that the official averages of the American League credit Washington- with a club batting percentage of as against m for Chicago and 214 for St Louis only way tho Washington at present constituted can expect to nake a showing noxt season is to slug Ill way Into the winning column backed up by the work of the pitchers Any thing in the way of finesse or inside work will be mostly incidental That will not be prominent enough to catch the eye for at least another season and McAlee can hardly be blamed He practically has the Job o organizing a new ball team despite the tact he will havo several men who have boon In Washington two or three seasons John- son Dixie Walker Bob Groom arm Wltherup supported by consistent hit- ting offer the taint hope of hoisting Washington into seventh place by beat- Ing St Louis Chicago will have too good a pitching staff to expect It to land lower than sixth The trouble Is Washington has hitters like Lellvelt Unglaub and Gesftler who can slam the ball with great violence but their own work is seldom consistent for periods longer than a week and their general backing by the weaker stickers l dom consistent for more than minute Wonder exactly how much New Yorks average of 246 was due to signal tipping What in the name of the sacred clout gets Into some of the men who come to Washington is a mystery For instance- Dr Geasler closed the season with an average of 284 yet he IttMi right to be in the class He was hitting like a house aflre and hard up to the time he donned Washington uniform when he developed a habit of going a week or so a safety of kind His average sagged ac- cordingly and was any evi- dence of looking when he closed the season George Browne presented a pleasing contrast Kept on the bench considered all in as a batter he began- to tear up things by the roots In Wash- ington but Just as he looked like a league loader he injured his l ip and the dream vanished look at Milan There was a lad with the earmarks of a 18000 beauty and such a good opinion- of himself that he demanded an in- crease of wages He batteO just 201 and was lucky to stand that high An outfielder fast as lightning batting 300 Shades of Frank Huelsman Charley Street Is worth his wagon even If he did bat a mere 311 When all is said and dose and we re member the necessity for bracing the hitting the 388 made by Slberfeld season te not impressive H is a for the New York Highlanders if he comes here to play third base there will be McBride another grand player next to him who is credited with only 2M This presents a dis- couraging outlook At second base we may have with us Jerry did not break worlds records ae a slugger when with Detroit The only The e I wiLt out In the National League he wu ball player and put up a game but fl team- s because C grand great Dawns who < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + Little Bits of News and Comment About the Athletes and Happenings In the Sport Realm of This Country JeK ie lies fottfct only twentyone times Digger Stanley who has boxed Jimmy Walsh several times is coming to this country the championship of will take place at Sydney on December 27 Johnny Summers the lightweight boxer baa left England for Australia where he baa a twenty weeks engage- ment Hugo Kelly of Chicago aad Frank lane of Pittsburg have been matched- for a twelveround bout at catch weights at Boston December 14 usher Burke evidently feels that he has the bout Twin Sullivan at tomorrow night AS good as won for he has signed to box Tony Capon at Plttaburg a week later Bob Grady has signed a contract to train and drive f6r J I Dodge of Orang burg N Y Jack Barrett caretaker for the Me Donald team Gladys and Belle V has secured a position In the West He left on Friday last for his new home Ragland 22tt The Karlmont dam ZIlla by Trojan jr will be raced in the Wilmington Del next season by M AIc tntick- TK twoyearold colt Chadburne by Walnut Hall dam MMM Roach by Bat- on Wilkes haj born purchased by Charles or Ramsey N J The threeyearold fllly Dlrectum Kelly out of Madame Alcantara Is now the property of Valiar Serbe Maplewood N J Allerecta 6t by Direct dam Anne Allerton in James Lawlls string Mon I The glove tat for Bos- ton Vincent Id Daphne- by I C Thtzskni4ionLnng Austral C C matinee May C a < ¬ + + + + + S SS cures Oetarrh by removing the cause tho blood It so thoroughly purifies the that there is nothing left to inflame and irritato the mucous linings of the body which is the most prominent- and dangerous effect of Catarrh As long as the mucous membranes and tissues are kept in a state of inflammation and irritation by an Impure and infected condition of the circulation Catarrh will remain Its disagreeable symptoms of noises in tho ears mucois dropping back into tho throat headaches eyes difficult breathing and oven stomach disorders and weakened health cannot be permanently rolieved until the blood is purified Local applications alone can have no real curative value because such treatment does not reach the blood inhalations lotions otc are valuable only for their oloansing and antiseptic effect but if depended on alone Catarrh sufforors will find a euro impossibly equals SSS for curing Catarrh It goes down into the circulation gets at tho root of the trouble and removes overy particle of catarrhal matter from the blood and onrichos this vital fluid so that instead of Irritating tho different mucous portions of the body it nourishos thorn with rich healthgiving properties Then tho symptoms begin to pass away and Catarrh is permanently cured on Oatarrh and any medical advice free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA CAUSE OF CATARRH fro Book REc OVES THE GA- sureenough hHtor In the Jnfield is who i not leading the while in the w Milan who to lading away to nothing and r x whose shocking slump hM betn noted Tack I in good but will hardly bet next season as high as he did in 1MB whwi he had just broken into the circuit and wae an unknown quantity Yohe 3QS not so good We note with approval that Germany Schaefer closed his endeavors for the year with ai To hear some of the comments that have been around you might have that Schaefer was not only dead but buri a matter or he was much sprightly with tho stick than Jim Delehanty who ftniatsed all of 232 against National League pitchers who knew a lot r slugging in the worlds series but a spurt of that sort counts for little It should also be re marked that McBride outbatted Dele hanty who turned this same trick was WId with 2 who Has also been consigned to outer dark fan8 who not stopped to think about the comparative players and men occupying similar posi tions on other AlUzer supposed be a hitter if nothing batted last year to small reason to huok been demonstrated that they are down and out Congratulations to finish ihe season in view of his before gets to prove that sometime tell Not fell Into the ruck several times and had to make extra hits to pull himself out There was talk of Lajolo going so tar back that he would have to down It looks like he more than one season of allstar work In his system Cree the New York who was touted to Washington as a vet itable wonder Lets be fair to Horace Fogel That Fogel is not to of the fortunes of the Philadelphia National League club is true but why roast him so much If of bright young men who are throwing hook into their news paper colleague had been presented with the opportunity to bulge to the frcnt as the purchaser ot a big league club would he have so via lently that the declination could have been heard three feet away He would not He would have grabbed at the chance even a you and I Fogel opportunity to gather a bunch Of coin in what to have bun perfectly legitimate way and yet one might that he was the tempting serpent in baseball history The truth is he will stick along unl the present rumpus has subsided after which he retire from the field the owners of the Phillies will come out into the open and elect as president of th big stockholders or a practical base ball man Fogel will have played his part and that will be the end of the matter Dont take him so seriously and It would be well for some of the brethren who are handing him virulent roasts to let on niB personality and their personalities I Oe left 1 not ness by reeritn or some ot the to el e for Chicago their overboard either Schaefer or until It has Jake Stahl lift an old friend That Larry LaJole shOuld SIUI cant always only did bad itt 1908 hut In 1900 he sit b be taken All the new director anyone I In orl na iook8 dare have 4 211 you a year 4 2- a saw e < ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + tow Falls N Y a full sister to Ann Direct 210 winner of tie 3 A M Sandy Ferguson i after a match with either Kaufman Barry or Langford A Philadelphia promoter offers Al 12M to box Jack OBrien six rounds in that city Young Kid Broad and Fred C rbett will ncet In Philadelphia tonight Is > + + + George Wiley Has Dislocated in Early Hours of Race NEW YORK Dec 6 New Yorks an- nual spectacle the sixday hippo- drome labeled by Its promoters Mcy- drf race started oft this year in a manner that is sure to draw a bjg crowd to the Garden during the remain- der of the week George Wiley of one of tho favorites with the teamed with Drobach tho big Russian was caught In a spill before the race was an hour old and had his shoulder dislocated throwing him out of the contest The sixteen teams in tie race are al- ready well behind the record lacking one lap of four miles this morning There were but two sprints in the first six hours and they were of brlof dura- tion Scoro up to 12 oclock Team Miles Laps SlacFarland i 181 6- RuttStd 181 5 RootFogler 1S1 5 awsonDein ara 1S1 5 WalthourCotllns 181 5 1H K- AndetsonVanonl 1S1 i MlttenWeat 181 t CameronKpebc ffl HsJsteadLawrence JSl 5- HillSteln Jfit yeHehlr 181 5 lit S GeorgetGeorget 181 S ifit c CuinioloCrapezat iSl S Record made by atacFarland and Mo- ran 185 miles 4 laps OUT ON THE COAST- Jack Gleason Offers Drey fuss His San Francisco Park PITTSBURG Pa Dec fi The Pltta burg champions will likely abandon Hot Springs next spring and instead will train at San Francisco Cal and play their spring practice games on the coast President Barney Preyfuse has received an offer from Jack Gleason to train in the at San Francisco and so impressed Is the champions Owner with the idea that he has writ ten Fred Clarke to hasten East from Kansas for a conference as to training grounds The matter will likely be settled in New York next week at our banquet said Dreyfuss Clarke of course will have tbe last say I say the idea of the to me i we would be able to get In good shape on the coast PARIS Dec McVey and Joe Jeanette American heavyweights were today matched to light again at next Saturday night Mid the winner of the will be pushed fur ward fur a match with the winner of the JeffrieJohnson tight S Liubln a Philadelphia showman and proprietor- of a number of shows is now here and says he is willing to back either McVey or against Jeffries or Johnson Lubin says he has seen all the big lONE RIDER HURT I IN SIXDAY SYra- cuSe i PIRATES MAY TRAIN must trip appeaJa MATCHED TO MEET JEANETTE 6Sam Won- derland GRINDS crowdS ballpark belIeve MVEYlS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IS OUT FOR TITLE Recently Organized Scho lastic Team Has Bright Prospects TECHNICAL FIVE ALSO HAS CLASS Fiftyfive Candidates Report for Central Baseball Nine Other Notes- A basketball quint that promises to mak a strong bid for the scholastic championship of the Dibtrlot fe Na tional Cathedral School five which is experiencing its first season For the past few weeks candidates have been practicing In the sohool gym nasium in preparation for an interest- ing season that has been mapped out for them At the present time the squad- is composed of eight men including two regulars and substitute from the Ra- cine Academy quint academic cham- pions of Wisconsin last season The recruits from the championship team are Crane former captain and forward who will probably lead the team Murphy center and Dunn sub stitute gjard Besides these players Miller Washington player and Hard tog Hayden Wilson and Small all of whom hav played with District prep school quint are candidates for posi- tions That Technical High will put a strong basketball team in the field this evinced by the fact that three of its candidates are regular members of the crack Northminster quint which beat the Georgetown Preps in a recent game Gill Morris and French are the three players The Preps easily defeated Western in a game played early last week The Business High track team has started active work in the school gym nasium The present squad is composed of veterans Rathbone Bridget and Davis and a host of new The team te at working under cap- tain Rathbone who coached it last season will take charge after the Christmas holi- days A baseball meeting held the attention- of athletes t Central last Friday after- noon at which time fiftyfive candidates were entered on the rcies for tile coming season The majority of the new ma- terial announced themselves as candi- date for positions in the outfield It will cnly fee necessary to develop a new outfield and a catcher as last seasons ln ld remains intact Manager Spencer of the Technical basketball team is a schedule with all Washington high and school teams The game will probably be played within the next two weeks with one of the teams front the newly organized National Guard League Henry Zeh the crack runner of last years Central team who entered George Washington University last fall elected assistant man- ager ef the college squad fighters and is willing to back the win- ner of Saturdays bout for 52SCOO against the winner of the worlds championship battle One or two applications- will stop the TRIAL BOTTLE 1O CATHEDRAL QUINT a ent Ome Oil I I I I a season- s U 1TeuraIia pain- ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + Xt i S of 20 2250 and 25 B Suits for Men and Youths at The le started FJf this morning with a rush and no wonder Its a Bargain Oppo- rtunity Unprecedented in local retail cloth ing circles Every Suit in the sala is an inimitable E B production The models are the very lat- est many new style ideas having been developed sinio the early invoices of suits were received Extensive assortments to choose and exclu- sive weaves and colorings plain black and blue and fancy worsteds cheviots and serges Dont Delay Get In As Early As You Can KM Ws Vf Seventh and E Sts Outfitters to Both Men and Boys Eiseman Bros Surplus Factory StockS- ale E fromnew cas- s 1neres EIStMAN SROS e t Jr f 1 > ¬ ¬ ¬ > Many little obliga tions of life can be with a box of good w cigars- We dont talk about ci- gars that arc but about good cigars that at our prices no one can match GEN BRADDOCK Colo- nial box of 25 100 RICORO Perfecdonodo size box of 13 100 PALMA DE CUBA Deli cioto tine box of 25 100 BENEFACTOR Invinci- ble size box of 25 150 SANTA BANA Perfecto size box of 50 150 UNITED STORES 941 Pa aTe 701 15th st IMV 705 Screntli nw 1229 Pa are Suitings and Overcoatings i Hopkins Tailoring Co I 711 9th St East Side SNAP STYLE DISTINCTION Characterize every Haas suit ever made They fit you to perfection C Suits SIS Overcoats CO 1211 Pa Ave N W RAVEN KE SAVE YOU DOLLAR Wm Hahn Cos Three Cer 7th and K SU ReilaNa X1JI1U Pa Av N T Shell Hotnci Money Saved IN MENS WEARJO- SHUA WEINBERG Clothier and Furnisher 807 Pennsylvania Avenue THE DOLLAR 913 Pa Ave N W dischargedingood- taste cko A few examplert size CIGAR 15 You save on our regrar vaJuu Worth whil It I YVVVYYVYYYYYYYYVyyyyyyyy i i i I HAAS fl 1 t Pa s NEWARK 250 SAVE A A p t ii s i5fl AAicArAAAAAdAkkkAAkift 4 4 4C 4 C C C t C I C C S S e sI BLACK 4hU 4 1 L3 Ars K- a a aa cea s eaa S I C C C C C ¬ ¬ > + Suitings in Abundance 151820 Tailored to Order Four hundred styles and colors Tou- can suit your individuality in style and cut better than if you get them off the and at no more cost NEWCORN GREEN- Mens Tailors Direct Buyers of Woolens 1002 r STREET N W Open Saturday Evening A Half Price Trouser T 940 Pairs at Bargain Prices X TROUSERS 5398- 7097lhSL 3 Norihwas OUTFITTER TO MEN AND BOYS AUERBACH REMOVAL SALE Prior to Moving to New ITUI 7l S7LUIC Big Bargains Grade Mens Wear and Hats Prince Albert and Dress Suits for OVERCOATS 3U5 C1 C from the great j Weed stock to order FANCY VEST FREE Tlie j Tailor THE FAMOUS Ten Years Old 513 Order by phone 15he Shoemaker laSS JS E St NW Phone Main 115SM z f 4 T Sal E T T 5300 TROUSERS eo T 400 T 500 TROUSERS S148 J DAVID t II in High Both Stores 623 Ps Ave and 1405 F St Hire ant S Horn 637 F SHOOMAKE- RTENNaRYE CO- B tabll bed ri T 5150 4 I 4 o val- ues a

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Barney Dreyfuss ReceivesTip to That Effect From

Garry Herrmann


Said to Have Told Chicago Mag-

nate to Behave

Doc 6Pr ttawt Bar-ney Dreyfus remarked today that itwas a good bot that there would be nobaseball war nod that he looked fornot only tho election of John A Heydlerbut would not be a bit surprised to seeMurphy vote for the Washington D C

manI received a very encouraging letterfrom Cincinnati today and from tholines I believe that Garry Herrmannmust havo had a talk with CharleyTaU said Mr Dreyfuss I under-stand that Mr Taft has had a talkwith Murphy and Informed him that hemust drop the talk about electing some-one else to the chair I bet PresidentHerrmann has told the owner of theTaft a few things about hi hired wind

bag and that the Presidents brotherknow more about baseball now than hedid before the conference with thechairman of the national commissionThat is why I say I not only look forHoydlers election but to have Murphyvote for him


According to Latest RumorSyndicate Has Year

Option on Club

PHILADELPHIA Dec C The factthat the Phillies have only been leasedto a syndicate instead of being sold asoriginally reported puts a now phaseon the situation According to the termsof the deal tha syndicate has a year inwhIch to decide and the sueeess orfailure of the the coming seasonwill gq far toward deteKnlniog the fu-ture course

As it Is the prospective owners donot stand to lose much in the event offailure as by the terms of the optionthey con return the club to the poli-

ticians from whom they have tempo-rarily secured It On tho other handshould they be able to make some ad-vantageous dells at league meeting-in New York next week and get togethera tsatr that will prove a winner or everInlah up with the loaders the syndicate should more than come out evenand In the event of the financial suc-cess of tOO cub can exercise the op-tion and purchase outright

That the temporary owners are figur-ing on future ownership of the club Isthe opinion of one wHo is conf-luence o composing theWhey figure on success and withthat view will extend the seat-ing capacity of the grounds and haveAnnounced they will expend con-siderable money in an effort to strength-en the weak spots in the team If theycan turn out a winner will not lackfor capital if desire to take inInvestors

There is apparently one burdenresting on now syndicate and thatd contract between the Phillies andManager Murray which has two yearsyet to run There has been someor a compromise but those in thefidence of Murray ray that there will be70 than the full twosalary Murray has the whiphand and that to the letterer his contract is fully believed evenfto the extent of to law or to theNational Commission in the event of anattempt at Its abrogation

Regarding Philadelphia ball prkIs some whether the syndicate can take or the1o purchase which on December31 It is altogether likely if theTTxlicate takes up the option on thegrounds must nec Nw rivtie club as political interests wouldhardly allow syndicate to buy thegrounds and then throw the club backth1r of failureIt in altogether likely that the option onthe grounds can be renewed but wheLKer tho present owners would be contentto only extend It year while thesyndicate was experinmentin is a quos

CHICAGO Dec 1The Chicago Cubswill present several new fac H In theirlineup noxt year according to a letterreceived by President Charles W Murjihyf from Manager Frank Chance who1 at present la California Murphy re-fused to make public the trades Chancehat In view

It is a wellknown fact that Chanceis sweet on having Sherwood Magee ofthe PhilUes to left field and is anxiousfor the addition of another starr The men Chance Intends to barterare said to be KUng Zimmerman andjxmsibly Sheckard

There 1 much speculation on the posof Sheckard being dropped from

the Cubs roster as Murphy who Is saidto be the of Philmay shift Magee to the Cubs

Xmas Specialties-At Our New Store 727 14th StreetGolf Clubs J176 to 250Caddy Bags L to SOOBalls per dozer 09 to iOOSweater each 100 to 7MStriking Bags LSS to JOJ3oxta Gloves per set Lit to 1008Carving Bets LW to MW-Ilazors LOO to 800Pocket Knives 80 te KMGuns Rifles andCollege Pillows Pennants and Pos-

tersG H White Co Inc

Formerly 19 G streetNow Located at

727 I4th Street N W








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in the


hire e

on hands In the event








Revel ws





they C





















a A

National Body Will PromoteContests Under Changed



B HARRY WARDThe creation of the new office of

chairman of the executive committeeof the American Automobile Associationwilt probably materially chug the

annual Glidden tour It has been sug-gested and the suggestion will un-doubtedly be earned out that thisclassic event hereafter be known as theAmerican Automobile Association en-durance run The Manufacturers Con-test Association will be asked to drawup rule for such a run at the close ofwhich every entrant shall be given actrUfioate of performance made in ac-cordance with the rules adopted by themanufacturers but that no trophy beawarded to any contestant This ideahas mot with general approval and aspecial committee of three with Presi-dent L R Spears as chairman hasbun appointed to confer with CharlesJ Glldden regarding the disposition ofthe trophy he offered several years agofor the tour that has since borne hisname It Is Interesting to note thatMr Glidden has stated he Is in heartyaccord with any arrangement for thedisposition of his trophy which may befor the beet interests cl the motoringgame

According to Russell Huff chief en-

gineer of the Packard Car Com-pany who has Just from avisit to the London artomoWU showthere is very little that is radicallynew on the European automobile mar-ket All the tendency Is toward small

lowpowered cars saidHuff The European makers have

topped building large cars altogetherSimplification is being to a

degree parts being reduced asas possible in order to make thecheap to produce in the flrst case

and easy to maintain when in the handsof the owner There is a strongtendency in England toward the

of what is known as thetypo of automobile body It is straightline body with as resistance as

combined with maximum pro-tection against the wind The cars havehigh side doors for both front and rearseats while the seats are very low togive the passengers full protection

Not long since a British Inventorproposed the installation of mirrors atall and now theangllsh town of Woodbridge Suffolk isbiassed with Just such a safeguard fortho traffic about one of its narrowstreet corners The mirror is placed insuch a way that motorists and driversof other vehicles when approaching the

point are enabled to see the

dents and collisions occur at cross-roads and street corners the generaladoption of mirrors would certainlyprovo a boon to motorists

Western automobile manufacturersare complaining of the shortage of

cars in which to theirproduct AU through the Middle Westthe cry for freight cars I beard Les-ter D Moore Jr the agent hasbeen advised by the Reo Motor CarCompany that its Inability to get suffi-cient freight ears Is holding back manyautos that are ready for delivery TheReo makers are dally Increasing theiroutput of 10 cars and the freight carfamine is causing them a hard-ship as well as agents throughoutthe country

The Motor Sales Company agents In

that the Moon exhibit in theGrand Central Palace auto show which

December SI will present severalnovelties in body building but the carsand their finish will be the same athose found in the 1MO stock cars Ahlchlr polished chassis will notshown but Instead there will be ex-hibited a chassis as t actually comesfrom the factory before the body ismounted Three cars will also beshown including two Thirties and aModel 46

W D Arrison of th Carter MotorCar Corporation who recently had themisfortune to his leg In twoplaces is on the road to recovery Withthe of crutches he te able to getdown to the companys offices in th

building it will severalweeks before he will able to walkunassisted

Driving a Waihin baby tonneaucar H B Burgess last week made atrip of I miles through Marylandvisiting Frederick sad Baltimore He reports the roads to be infine condition

W Griffith and family returnedlast week from a trip to 7

in a Washington car tourists tookthe short route via Baltimore andHavre de Grace

The Wilson Co an pa ny reports tbe saleof a to one of the attachesof the Chinese legation


he Carroll Institute and Y M C Aquints will clash at the Carroll Gymtomorrow evening

This second time thoseteams have met this year the Y M CA team the flrst game after afast and interesting struggle Sincethat tire has had hischarges hard at work and they haveshown marked improvement in everypane

Prebable lineupsCarroll Institute Position Y M C A

I FAllen or RobertsWalsh R PDuncan or MilltAMeCarthy Center ColleyQable L B HoppeKuehn R B Valk



method but not the objects ol the


tour cylinderMr

pu hed


dangernature I traffic and to governthemseJves accordingly As mot sect



city the Moon car has been




RId evtUe


Hu bU









this fo ad-























< <




Beating Out Two Clubs Encouragesand Conroy Make Fair

at Fogel Not Justified-



ihe FansSchaeferShowingPersonalities-


About the only encouraging sign otthe times we have noted for many wearyfey hi that the official averages of the

American League credit Washington-with a club batting percentage of asagainst m for Chicago and 214 for StLouis

only way tho Washingtonat present constituted can expect to

nake a showing noxt season is to slugIll way Into the winning column backedup by the work of the pitchers Anything in the way of finesse or insidework will be mostly incidental Thatwill not be prominent enough to catchthe eye for at least another season andMcAlee can hardly be blamed Hepractically has the Job o organizing anew ball team despite the tact he willhavo several men who have boon InWashington two or three seasons John-son Dixie Walker Bob Groom armWltherup supported by consistent hit-ting offer the taint hope of hoistingWashington into seventh place by beat-Ing St Louis Chicago will have toogood a pitching staff to expect It toland lower than sixth The trouble IsWashington has hitters like LellveltUnglaub and Gesftler who can slam theball with great violence but their ownwork is seldom consistent for periodslonger than a week and their generalbacking by the weaker stickers l

dom consistent for more than minute

Wonder exactly how much New Yorksaverage of 246 was due to signal


What in the name of the sacred cloutgets Into some of the men who come toWashington is a mystery For instance-Dr Geasler closed the season with anaverage of 284 yet he IttMi rightto be in the class He was hittinglike a house aflre and hard upto the time he donned Washingtonuniform when he developed a habit ofgoing a week or so a safetyof kind His average sagged ac-cordingly and was any evi-dence of looking when he closed theseason George Browne presented apleasing contrast Kept on the bench

considered all in as a batter he began-to tear up things by the roots In Wash-ington but Just as he looked like aleague loader he injured his l ip and thedream vanished look at MilanThere was a lad with the earmarks ofa 18000 beauty and such a good opinion-of himself that he demanded an in-

crease of wages He batteO just 201and was lucky to stand that high Anoutfielder fast as lightning batting 300Shades of Frank Huelsman

Charley Street Is worth his wagoneven If he did bat a mere 311

When all is said and dose and we remember the necessity for bracing thehitting the 388 made by Slberfeld

season te not impressive H is afor the New York Highlanders

if he comes here to play third basethere will be McBride another grandplayer next to him who is creditedwith only 2M This presents a dis-couraging outlook At second base wemay have with us Jerry didnot break worlds records ae aslugger when with Detroit The only




wiLt out

In the National League he wu

ball player and put up agamebut





grand great

Dawns who













Little Bits of News and CommentAbout the Athletes and Happenings

In the Sport Realm of This Country

JeK ie lies fottfct only twentyonetimes

Digger Stanley who has boxed JimmyWalsh several times is coming to thiscountry

the championship of will takeplace at Sydney on December 27

Johnny Summers the lightweightboxer baa left England for Australiawhere he baa a twenty weeks engage-ment

Hugo Kelly of Chicago aad Franklane of Pittsburg have been matched-for a twelveround bout at catchweights at Boston December 14

usher Burke evidently feels that hehas the bout Twin Sullivan at

tomorrow night AS good as won forhe has signed to box Tony Capon atPlttaburg a week later

Bob Grady has signed acontract to train and drive f6r J IDodge of Orang burg N Y

Jack Barrett caretaker for the MeDonald team Gladys andBelle V has secured a position In theWest He left on Friday last for hisnew home

Ragland 22tt The Karlmont damZIlla by Trojan jr will be raced inthe Wilmington Del nextseason by M AIc tntick-

TK twoyearold colt Chadburne byWalnut Hall dam MMM Roach by Bat-on Wilkes haj born purchased byCharles or Ramsey N J

The threeyearold flllyDlrectum Kelly out of Madame

Alcantara Is now the property ofValiar Serbe Maplewood N J

Allerecta 6t by Direct dam AnneAllerton in James Lawlls string Mon


The glove tat for




















S S S cures Oetarrh by removing the cause tho blood It sothoroughly purifies the that there is nothing left to inflameand irritato the mucous linings of the body which is the most prominent-and dangerous effect of Catarrh As long as the mucous membranesand tissues are kept in a state of inflammation and irritation by anImpure and infected condition of the circulation Catarrh will remainIts disagreeable symptoms of noises in tho ears mucois droppingback into tho throat headaches eyes difficult breathing andoven stomach disorders and weakened health cannot be permanentlyrolieved until the blood is purified Local applications alone can have noreal curative value because such treatment does not reach the blood

inhalations lotions otc are valuable only for their oloansingand antiseptic effect but if depended on alone Catarrh sufforors will finda euro impossibly equals S S S for curing Catarrh It goesdown into the circulation gets at tho root of the trouble and removesovery particle of catarrhal matter from the blood and onrichos this vitalfluid so that instead of Irritating tho different mucous portions of thebody it nourishos thorn with rich healthgiving properties Then thosymptoms begin to pass away and Catarrh is permanently cured

on Oatarrh and any medical advice freeTHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA






sureenough hHtor In the Jnfield iswho i not leading thewhile in the w Milan

who to lading away to nothing andr x whose shocking slump hMbetn noted Tack I ingood but will hardly bet next seasonas high as he did in 1MB whwi he hadjust broken into the circuit and wae anunknown quantity

Yohe 3QS not so good

We note with approval that GermanySchaefer closed his endeavors for theyear with ai To hear some of thecomments that have been around youmight have that Schaefer wasnot only dead but buri a matteror he was much sprightlywith tho stick than Jim Delehanty whoftniatsed all of 232 againstNational League pitchers who knewa lot r slugging in theworlds series but a spurt of that sortcounts for little It should also be remarked that McBride outbatted Delehanty who turned this sametrick was WId with 2 whoHas also been consigned to outer darkfan8 who notstopped to think about the comparativeplayers and men occupying similar positions on other AlUzer supposedbe a hitter if nothing battedlast year to small reason to huok

been demonstrated thatthey are down and outCongratulations to

finish iheseason in view of hisbefore gets to prove thatsometime tell Notfell Into the ruck severaltimes and had to make extra hitsto pull himself out There was talk ofLajolo going so tar back that he wouldhave to down It looks like hemore than one season of allstar workIn his system

Cree the New York whowas touted to Washington as a vetitable wonder

Lets be fair to Horace Fogel ThatFogel is not toof the fortunes of thePhiladelphia National League club istrue but why roast him so much Ifof bright young men whoare throwing hook into their newspaper colleague had been presented withthe opportunity to bulge to the frcnt asthe purchaser ot a big league

club would he have so vialently that the declination could havebeen heard three feet away He wouldnot He would have grabbed at thechance even a you and I Fogelopportunity to gather a bunch Of

coin in what to have bunperfectly legitimate way and yet onemight that he was thetempting serpent in baseball historyThe truth is he will stick along unlthe present rumpus has subsided afterwhich he retire from the field theowners of the Phillies will come out intothe open and elect as president ofth big stockholders or a practical baseball man Fogel will have played hispart and that will be the end of thematter Dont take him so seriouslyand It would be well for some of thebrethren who are handing him virulentroasts to let on niB personality andtheir personalities



1 not

ness by

reeritn or some ot the

to el efor Chicago theiroverboard either Schaefer oruntil It has

Jake Stahl liftan old friend

That Larry LaJole shOuldSIUI

cant alwaysonly did bad itt 1908hut In 1900 he



be taken Allthe new director



orl na






youa year

















tow Falls N Y a full sister to AnnDirect 210 winner of tie 3 A M

Sandy Ferguson i after a match witheither Kaufman Barry or Langford

A Philadelphia promoter offers Al12M to box Jack OBrien six

rounds in that city

Young Kid Broad and Fred C rbettwill ncet In Philadelphia tonight






George Wiley HasDislocated in Early

Hours of Race

NEW YORK Dec 6 New Yorks an-nual spectacle the sixday hippo-drome labeled by Its promoters Mcy-drf race started oft this year in amanner that is sure to draw a bjgcrowd to the Garden during the remain-der of the week George Wiley of

one of tho favorites with theteamed with Drobach tho big

Russian was caught In a spill beforethe race was an hour old and had hisshoulder dislocated throwing him outof the contest

The sixteen teams in tie race are al-ready well behind the record lackingone lap of four miles this morningThere were but two sprints in the firstsix hours and they were of brlof dura-tion

Scoro up to 12 oclockTeam Miles Laps

SlacFarland i 181 6-

RuttStd 181 5RootFogler 1S1 5

awsonDein ara 1S1 5WalthourCotllns 181 5

1H K-

AndetsonVanonl 1S1 iMlttenWeat 181 tCameronKpebc fflHsJsteadLawrence JSl 5-

HillSteln JfityeHehlr 181 5lit S

GeorgetGeorget 181 Sifit c

CuinioloCrapezat iSl SRecord made by atacFarland and Mo-

ran 185 miles 4 laps


Jack Gleason Offers Dreyfuss His San Francisco


PITTSBURG Pa Dec fi The Plttaburg champions will likely abandon HotSprings next spring and instead willtrain at San Francisco Cal and playtheir spring practice games on thecoast President Barney Preyfuse hasreceived an offer from Jack Gleason totrain in the at San Franciscoand so impressed Is the championsOwner with the idea that he has written Fred Clarke to hasten East fromKansas for a conference as to traininggrounds

The matter will likely be settled inNew York next week at our banquetsaid Dreyfuss Clarke of course willhave tbe last say I say the ideaof the to me i wewould be able to get In good shape onthe coast

PARIS Dec McVey and JoeJeanette American heavyweights weretoday matched to light again at

next Saturday night Mid thewinner of the will be pushed furward fur a match with the winner ofthe JeffrieJohnson tight S Liubln aPhiladelphia showman and proprietor-of a number of showsis now here and says he is willing toback either McVey or againstJeffries or Johnson

Lubin says he has seen all the big






musttrip appeaJa



















Recently Organized Scholastic Team Has Bright



Fiftyfive Candidates Report forCentral Baseball Nine

Other Notes-

A basketball quint that promises tomak a strong bid for the scholasticchampionship of the Dibtrlot fe National Cathedral School five which isexperiencing its first season

For the past few weeks candidateshave been practicing In the sohool gymnasium in preparation for an interest-ing season that has been mapped outfor them At the present time the squad-is composed of eight men including tworegulars and substitute from the Ra-cine Academy quint academic cham-pions of Wisconsin last season

The recruits from the championshipteam are Crane former captain andforward who will probably lead theteam Murphy center and Dunn substitute gjard Besides these playersMiller Washington player and Hardtog Hayden Wilson and Small all ofwhom hav played with District prepschool quint are candidates for posi-tions

That Technical High will put a strongbasketball team in the field this

evinced by the fact that three of itscandidates are regular members of thecrack Northminster quint which beatthe Georgetown Preps in a recent gameGill Morris and French are the threeplayers The Preps easily defeatedWestern in a game played early lastweek

The Business High track team hasstarted active work in the school gymnasium The present squad is composedof veterans Rathbone Bridget andDavis and a host of new Theteam te at working under cap-tain Rathbone whocoached it last season willtake charge after the Christmas holi-days

A baseball meeting held the attention-of athletes t Central last Friday after-noon at which time fiftyfive candidateswere entered on the rcies for tile comingseason The majority of the new ma-terial announced themselves as candi-date for positions in the outfield Itwill cnly fee necessary to develop a newoutfield and a catcher as last seasonsln ld remains intact

Manager Spencer of the Technicalbasketball team is a

schedule with all Washington high andschool teams The game willprobably be played within the next two

weeks with one of the teams front thenewly organized National Guard League

Henry Zeh the crackrunner of last years Central team whoentered George Washington Universitylast fall elected assistant man-ager ef the college squad

fighters and is willing to back the win-ner of Saturdays bout for 52SCOO againstthe winner of the worlds championshipbattle

One or twoapplications-

will stop theTRIAL BOTTLE 1O




Ome Oil






























of 20 2250 and 25 B Suits for Men and Youths atThe le started FJf

this morning with a

rush and no wonder

Its a Bargain Oppo-

rtunity Unprecedented

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ing circles

Every Suit in the sala is aninimitable E B productionThe models are the very lat-

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Extensive assortments tochoose and exclu-sive weaves and coloringsplain black and blue andfancy worsteds cheviots

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Dont Delay Get In As

Early As You Can




Seventh and E StsOutfitters to Both Men and Boys

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ale E



s 1neres











Many little obligations of life can be

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We dont talk about ci-

gars that arc butabout good cigars that at ourprices no one can match

GEN BRADDOCK Colo-nial box of 25 100RICORO Perfecdonodo

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size box of 50 150


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A few examplert



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