warp factor

Warp Factor Forward This project went a lot better than I hoped, thanks to the many people from the Web Newsgroups alt.magic and alt.magic.secrets. Of course there are specific individuals one wishes to thank personally. I have to say the kick start came from Nelson Griswold in Nashville, who provided the bulk of the Ideas section from his own late night Net surfing, and accumulated a large collection and kindly handed it all over. I threatened to drop this project in his lap but he was wise and would hear none of it. Thanks Nelson, I am sure everyone else thank you too. I also wish to thank those peerless individuals who contributed their actual routines with patter, always an important inspiration in work of this kind. Acknowledgements are placed with the routines. Finally we all owe a debt to Roy Walton who provided us with the miracle called Card Warp. It is a rare instance when you buy a new product, take it out of the package and follow the instructions, and actually surprise yourself. I hope all of you felt the delight and wonder of this simple but powerful effect the first time like I did. From the ideas to follow we can see what a strong influence Roy has had. Thanks Roy! Notes The notes section is for jotting down extra thoughts contributed, and other things I wanted to get off my chest, so feel free to skip over this section to the meat. Please forgive any spelling errors through out, I have done my best. As well I live in Canada so there are some spellings you do not see in the US and I have taught my spell checker. Some of the information has been provided to me from people and I have taken it on faith without spending a lot of time verifying it. So if you see something you know to be wildly wrong please let me know, and forgive my laziness. Roy Walton is credited with the creation of the effect named Card Warp. I have been told the original idea for the work came from Jeff Busby. As usual people build on ideas and come up with new things. I hope this manuscript triggers many more good ideas, I would be interested to see what appears in Warp Factor 2.0 next year. Maybe you’ll have to buy the upgrade! My comments appear throughout in parentheses for my own self serving gratification. I think all editors want to do that. Remember everything is IMHO. Have Fun! Reg Coppicus, Warped Editor Not for use in any commercial medium, printed or otherwise. Not to be sold.

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Page 1: Warp Factor

Warp Factor

Forward This project went a lot better than I hoped, thanks to the many people from the Web Newsgroups alt.magic and alt.magic.secrets. Of course there are specific individuals one wishes to thank personally. I have to say the kick start came from Nelson Griswold in Nashville, who provided the bulk of the Ideas section from his own late night Net surfing, and accumulated a large collection and kindly handed it all over. I threatened to drop this project in his lap but he was wise and would hear none of it. Thanks Nelson, I am sure everyone else thank you too. I also wish to thank those peerless individuals who contributed their actual routines with patter, always an important inspiration in work of this kind. Acknowledgements are placed with the routines. Finally we all owe a debt to Roy Walton who provided us with the miracle called Card Warp. It is a rare instance when you buy a new product, take it out of the package and follow the instructions, and actually surprise yourself. I hope all of you felt the delight and wonder of this simple but powerful effect the first time like I did. From the ideas to follow we can see what a strong influence Roy has had. Thanks Roy!

Notes The notes section is for jotting down extra thoughts contributed, and other things I wanted to get off my chest, so feel free to skip over this section to the meat. Please forgive any spelling errors through out, I have done my best. As well I live in Canada so there are some spellings you do not see in the US and I have taught my spell checker. Some of the information has been provided to me from people and I have taken it on faith without spending a lot of time verifying it. So if you see something you know to be wildly wrong please let me know, and forgive my laziness. Roy Walton is credited with the creation of the effect named Card Warp. I have been told the original idea for the work came from Jeff Busby. As usual people build on ideas and come up with new things. I hope this manuscript triggers many more good ideas, I would be interested to see what appears in Warp Factor 2.0 next year. Maybe you’ll have to buy the upgrade! My comments appear throughout in parentheses for my own self serving gratification. I think all editors want to do that. Remember everything is IMHO. Have Fun! Reg Coppicus, Warped Editor

Not for use in any commercial medium, printed or otherwise. Not to be sold.

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Routines And now the good stuff. Nelson Griswold pointed to the first routine by Ross Berteig. I never did get an answer from Ross if he wished me to use this or not, but since it is posted publicly on the web site below I took the liberty because it is just too good. I kept it intact for this reason. I hope no one is politically offended but Jay Leno can get away with it, just treat it as political satire. As a Canadian I’m staying out of the US political debate, but I must say we were just as tired of hearing about the Bill/Monica thing as anyone else. I’d rather read newsgroup discussions about David Blaine (don’t go there). Across the pond you might have to pick different local politicians, but then CNN is everywhere. Voted Most Original President Warped By Ross Berteig http://www.alumni.caltech.edu./~rberteig/magic/scripts/preswarp.htm This is a very political presentation for Roy Walton's Card Warp. If my politics offend you, too bad :-). Don't use this presentation. However, Card Warp itself is well worth the effort to learn and perform, and other presentations are easy to shape around the visible change in the card. The fact is, President Clinton has flip-flopped on many issues. He usually answers a straight question with a non-denial denial while stalling for time. In the 1996 campaign he ran radio spots in San Francisco extolling his stand for Gay Rights, while simultaneously running spots in small Christian conservative markets about his signing the Defense of Marriage Act. These are documented facts. Effect A folded card turns visibly inside-out. This is a strong visual effect which may be performed standing while almost surrounded as long as some care is taken at the beginning. There is no reset time at the end, since you tear the gaff and give out the pieces, thus finishing completely clean. Preparation You will need two cards from any size of deck. I like to use the cheap Jumbo cards found at the Gamekeeper (or Dollar Store - Reg) and other such places. These are thin, lightly plastic coated, and fold and tear easily. If you are rich (or being paid) you could use the Jumbo-size Bicycles, but these are expensive and harder to fold and tear. I use a face card [court card] (suitably prepared) and a contrasting colour, low numbered, spot card. I carry a stack of these paired off and prepared in advance, and simply take them out in pairs to perform. Script The interesting thing about President Clinton is the way he can't decide how to face an issue when he gets out of bed in the morning. Let me show you what I mean. [Remove pair of cards and show them around]. Since he can't be here tonight, let's ask this Jack of Spades to stand in for him. And, to do this right, we need a bed. I suspect this two of hearts will do. [Fold "bed" the narrow way; i.e. bring the ends of the card together. People will

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gasp as you do this: you just destroyed a card]. Of course, this will be clearer if he fits in his bed, so let's fold him to suit. [Fold "Clinton" lengthwise, bringing the long edges together. More gasps from those a little slower to notice the brutal destruction of cards in progress...]. Now let's slide our President into bed, all the way to the foot, and turn the covers over on him. [Slide "Clinton" into the "bed", fold against fold. Turn the bed and Clinton inside out (open from bottom, toward your audience and here's the moment to keep things close to your body and watch your angles) and fold the bed back around Clinton]. Now, let's see, what is the issue of the day. I like the Filegate scandal but if you have a favourite, let's hear about it... Okay, let's talk FBI files. You all know the scoop. Someone at the White House hired an ex bar bouncer and political operative named Craig Livingstone as Chief of Personal Security. Livingstone seems to have used his office to collect FBI Files on at least 900 citizens, including past staffers and current prominent Republicans. The question is, Who Hired Craig? Today, the president has never heard of Craig Livingstone, and no one around him can answer the question. [Tap the end of Clinton extending from the bed to push it through. The exposed end will be turned inside out as it passes through the bed. Expect a strong reaction. Show the transformed card around, both sides,slowly so everyone can see]. But, just a short time ago, Craig was the talk of the 1992 campaign, and Clinton spoke highly of him as someone who gets things done. Maybe he's heard of him. [Push the "Clinton" card back to turn it back the other way. Show itaround again, slowly and deliberately]. Maybe he hasn't. [Push the "Clinton" card to the centre, showing both ways at once. Show it around again, slowly and deliberately]. In fact sometimes even President Clinton can hold both positions at the same time! [Fold the "Clinton" and bed end-to-end together to make a tear easier. Tear the packet down the middle. Hold the pieces up for all to see Clinton facing both ways at once]. As you can see, the President is beside himself. [Hand the pieces to two separate spectators, still folded. Let them open them and wonder]. Open them up, pass them around. Everything is as it appears! And that's how they treat the truth in the Clinton Administration. (Thanks Ross. This was the first time I saw an effective reason for tearing the two cards together down the middle, a good addition to the basic effect.) The second routine is offered by a mystery agent,(Enigma), but he did say his initials are CCC, if that helps, or [email protected]. Voted Best Story Line Witch Hunt Phase 1 Set up: You have a duplicate of the Q folded in quarters, or whichever card represents the witch, in your right pocket, a lighter in your left I got the idea from Eugene Burger. It is on the same story line as his Acquisition! Story basically goes like this! When in old Salem you will hear stories of witches and witch hunts. I heard this story one day and decided to make it visual.... If there was a woman in Salem (show the gimmicked card the Q or what ever you choose to be the witch) that everyone (show the deck & have them choose any one of the cards from it) thought was a witch ... they would test her. They would go to her house and she would scream, "No I am not a witch!" (show the two cards around) They took her anyway ... and put her in this torture device! (perform the set up moves) it would go around the witch and it would turn her inside out and outside in ! (do the push through) [add anything you want here ].... but when it was over they wouldn't just bring her out they would cut her in half with this device! (now rip the card in half .... show the pieces .... whilethey are looking reach in your right pocket and grab out the duplicate card, unseen)

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Phase 2 When this occurred they would leave the body lying to let the evil spirits come out! They had never actually found a real witch.... until now ...(here you switch the torn card with the folded card by way of just putting the torn card in the same hand as the folded and reach in your pocket and grab the lighter from left pocket). They would burn the witch for a few hours (run the lighter on the edges and show the card has been restored!).This time the witch was alive! (you can end here or carry on) Phase 3 In this phase you use J.C.Wagner's torn & restored card! If you do not know it you can go to your local Magic shop and rent or buy "Commercial Magic " by J.C. Wagner. Well the whole town attacked her and ripped her to pieces! The head was held by a trusted person in the community (give the piece to a nearby spectator.... now reach into your pocket and get the lighter and restore the rest) they knew that she would not die by fire so they kept her head from her until they could find something to destroy her! If she is ever reunited with her head she will live again!! Routine by,Enigma CCC The third contribution is one of two from Thomas Wayne in Alaska. I think Thomas has too much time to sit around and come up with stuff, because it shows a lot of sitting and thinking. From: [email protected] Voted Most Likely to be Used by Everybody. Thanks Thomas Physics Class: "What I'm going to show you is a little physics experiment involving solids and surfaces. We'll be using playing cards because, as everyone knows, playing cards have two sides... the inside, and the outside. Also important for our experiment, playing cards are thin and therefore easy to fold. They can be folded inside out, or they can just as easily be folded out-side in. And because they remain thin, even when folded, they can be juxtaposed right up against each other - putting the outside of the outside-in card tightly against the inside of the inside-out card. Or, they can be easily flip-flopped, so that the outside of the inside-out card is now tightly against the inside of the outside-in card. "So far, nothing particularly remarkable. But what IS remarkable is that the molecular relationship between outside-in and inside-out is so fragile, so tenuous, that the slightest nuclear push, the slightest cosmic nudge can make outside-in become inside-out. Or inside-out become outside-in. And what is MOST remarkable, is that if we are careful, and patient, we can catch the cards in the very middle of this transformation and stop them, locking them in place and forever freezing them in this condition - with half the cards permanently outside-in, and the other half permanently inside-out..." Card warp patter, original to me; used it for years with 100% success. You're welcome. Thomas Wayne

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The fourth contribution is from Brian Patterson. I like this story. Voted Best Kid’s Routine Batman Unmasked I perform for a lot of families, and this routine satisfies both parents and children. I won't give you my exact patter as w/ this idea, I am sure you can come up with your own. I begin by asking if anyone is familiar with the movie Batman. I talk about it for a while... and ask if anyone remembers Batman’s real name. Usually they don�t, so I whisper to someone to say Bruce Wayne. I tell about how Bruce Wayne is a very well educated man, and over the years has developed ways to effectively leave his home and arrive at the scene of a crime in just seconds. One of his secrets is that he changes his clothes while driving his Batmobile and shooting through the tunnel of his house. That�s right, "Bruce Wayne wastes no time in fighting crime". When he comes out the other side and enters the real world, he is now fully clothed in the bat costume and ready for battle. Sometimes though, if we catch Bruce at just the right second, we can have physical proof that Bruce is Batman, by catching him with only half of his costume on...and we can freeze this moment and always keep this evidence as a souvenir of our time together. Obviously the card that reverses itself is Batman, and the cover card is the tunnel. When you catch him half clothed, that is when you tear it. Hope this sparks another routine in your mind! Brian Patterson [email protected] (Kids usually do not get card tricks because the faces don’t mean much to them, so they don’t get the changes happening. This one is good as it hits them with an interesting story line they like, and they don’t have to see the difference between cards. Batman might be a blue backed card or black if you can find one.) Jon Hand interjecting a thought here: You could use a double-backed Red/Blue card for the Batman character; the Red side would be the flashy playboy Bruce Wayne, and the Blue side would be Batman. Talk about a visual change! Or, you could use a blank face card and draw a big black bat on it with a Sharpie marker, right in front of the audience; the red side is Bruce, the bat side is Batman. If you drew the bat at one end of the blank side, the whole thing would be visible when it turned inside out! [email protected] The fifth routine is a quickie supplied by Mike Baxter. Voted Most Likely to be Used by David Blaine Card Warp - 'David Blaine style' "Hey, man." "Gonna show you somethin'." (Grabs onlooker *) "Gonna wreck a few cards." (Bends outwards spot and queen) "No, don't want it that way." (Bend inward to show backs) "The pretty lady always shows her face." (Pushes through) (Tears cards. Exits camera left) * more effective if onlooker is Camilla Parker Bowles, and patter is ---- to Queen, etc. :-) From Mike Baxter(left untouched)

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Sixth comes from Robert Lane, a good one. Robert likes to emphasize he’s the magic man. Let’s not have any nuclear nonsense! Voted Best to Get Out of a Jam Beat the Challenge My patter, which is copyrighted, goes like this: Would you like to see the most challenging card trick I have ever performed? I had just finished some card tricks like I showed you here tonight and this spectator reached into the deck and pulled out a Queen of Spades and said "Let's see you make this card change." See, magicians don't really change cards, they "exchange" cards and this fellow knew that with only one card to work with there was no way you could make a card change. In fact he was so sure of himself he reached in his pocket and pulled out a $5 bill and bet me $5 bucks I couldn't make just that one card change. Anyone have a $5 bill I can borrow? I didn't have a clue how I was going to get out of this one, but I asked him, "Can I use the money in the trick?" And he said "sure." So I folded the bill around the card this way.... that way...slowly opened it up...And of course, nothing magical had happened, I was just stalling hoping I would think of something! And sure enough a thought did come to mind, so I folded the bill around the card and folded the card in half so the outside was on the outside and the face was on the inside, and as I pushed the card through the bill I transformed it to where the face was on the outside.� Strong points.... I set it up as the most challenging situation I faced as a magician, I make them aware of how impossible it would be to change just one card, I can tell the story with conviction because it is a situation that could have really happened to me, I use their money so they know it isn't fixed (+ it frequently results in a tip for me), I explain the dead time of folding and unfolding, and most of all when the magic does happen it is ME that is making it happen. Robert Lane A good potential story line here. Voted Best Introduction Spirit Contact Start out by talking about how 19th century Spiritualists believed in a mysterious "4th Dimension" which allowed you to do all kinds of weird stuff like putting knots in sealed loops of tape or rope and walk through walls. (Actually there was a Leipzig professor of physics named Zoellner, who did quite a lot of experiments along that line and got systematically bamboozled by an American psychic named Slade.) Anyway, you say, this all takes a lot of advanced math to understand, so you'll try to demonstrate it with simple means. Start out by demonstrating that a 2-dimensional - in other words flat - object like an irregular triangle can be turned into its own mirror image by simply flipping it over through the 3rd dimension. Simply use a small cardboard triangle or - much more impressive - cut out the shape of a glove. Left glove - flip - right glove, see? Would greatly simplify the making of gloves and shoes, if we could do that in 3 dimensions. Well, 4 actually, as we need another spatial dimension to flip the objects in...Well, let's see if we can't... [This is, where you actually produce your deck or two cards and start with the well-known Card Warp moves. Personally I prefer to fold both cards myself, not only the gimmicked one, as a ham-handed spectator can quite ruin the trick.] Explain that all this bending and flipping will hopefully have created a small pocket of 4-dimensional space, and slowly push the card

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in with the face showing. Of course it won't come out as its own mirror image (which the spectator halfway expects by now) but with the back to the outside. Very carefully pull the card back, try again. And again, this time only to the middle. Same outcome, of course. Act surprised, even a bit alarmed. This is definitely not what you wanted to do... Never happened before, Oh my... Obviously one twist too much, and now that bridge through the 4th dimension is warped and turns things _inside out_ instead of simply producing their mirror image. Weird, if you come to think of it. Just imagine all the ugly things that would happen if someone accidentally put a finger through...Yuck. Let's better destroy that devilish device before some poor fool gets hurt.... [And you very cautiously tear up the cards, which of course leaves back only four unsuspicious pieces the spectators can inspect.] Applause, applause. Another apropos: While writing this rather lengthy treatise I realized that I've never seen or even heard of a card effect that actually uses one or more mirror-image cards. (Would have to be specially printed trick cards of course.) Peter Klumbach (The idea of mirror image cards arose in more than one submission. I think the debate would rage over whether it would be noticeable or not. Obviously the index would be on the wrong side but would you notice a face card? How about if the face card were split in half across the middle, and rotate the top half and bottom half so the heads are touching? Best I can think of) [Jon Hand here again: the mirror image would be noticeable in a card in which the number would be obviously printed in mirror image: 2 through 7, 9, 10, J, K. 8 and A would not work, and the Q would probably be too subtle. This idea would require some expensive custom cards, however.] The final bit is another gem from Thomas Wayne. It was the result of some deep philosophical discussions. I want to see this one working! Voted Best of Show if You Can Get the Bugs Out I suppose this could be: What would happen if James Bond met Mata Hari?(More thoughts from Thomas Wayne) It is important to select a suitable frame for your story. How about something involving WWII cryptography, foreign spies and invisible ink? Maybe an allusion to the earliest prototypes of the Enigma encoding devices? Remember, the greatest painting in the world looks out of place thumb tacked to a wall. You gotta have an appropriate frame to put it in... try this. Open with "normal" full deck; top card has a standard back, blank face. 2nd card is King of Spades (KS), 3rd card is Queen of Hearts (QH). Double lift to show KS, replace and pull off blank card as KS (gotta hide the gimmick, too). Double lift to show QH, replace and pull KS as QH. Handling has to be different to not flash faces during folding. Plot: KS is some well known but rarely seen European spy; QH is his counterpart or contact (Mata Hari?). Super-spy KS is master of disguise; can blend into any crowd; no one can give good description; maybe he can cloud men's minds, a la "The Shadow". Maybe every surveillance photo taken turns up "over-exposed"... Our hero, super-spy KS, can blend in, or vanish at will; and when the enemy catches him and "breaks" him during interrogation, they end up drawing a blank (pun intended), while all the time he has really been masquerading as

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his partner/lover, the QH. Meanwhile, she (of course) has been safely tucked away back at the home base, shaking martinis. (Good thoughts on what is possible when you match the basic effect with some sleights and good card work. I will be waiting to see what gels for Thomas work over the next little while. Everyone else limber up those fingers and let’s see what is possible.) Hypnotic Card Warp by Robby Davis My routine is based around a silly hypnotism. When they are hypnotized, they can't tell the difference between the front and the back of the card. All the folding are done under the context of saying that once I put them under they won't be able to tell the difference. Then at the end, before the rip, I bring them out of the "trance" and tell them that since they are no longer hypnotized the only logical explanation for what they saw is that the card is really half and half. -Rob

Ideas Following now are several scattered ideas, credited where I know who sent what. Some ideas were repeated and are assembled together. NOTE: A lot of these ideas were gleaned by Nelson Griswold from the archives of MAGIC!, the now-defunct BBS for magicians, available on the web at http://www.questx.com/magic!/500.html. When I have seen others do Card Warp, they already have prepared the torn card. The way I do it is to hand both of the cards out to the spectators for examination and when I get them back I start to fold one of the cards in half from top to bottom and ask the spectator to do the same. Naturally they start to fold it the same way I am from top to bottom and I say Oh, one of them needs to be folded lengthwise and I then refold mine lengthwise and it is quite easy to make the needed tear since it is already creased. This makes it more of an impromptu effect with any two cards. This is also easy to do with business cards; Mike Close does his version with a playing card and a borrowed business card. Reg’s note: I like to do it with a business card too. In this version instead of pushing the warped card through the business card, I hold it still and move the business card back and forth. Doing it this way, to me, looks like I am Zipping and Unzipping the card. The difference is subtle. Sometime I even draw a zipper on the back of the business card. Then you can finish the tear and hand out your business card, saying Even my business card is magical. I usually do a couple of tricks with cards then drop down on ‘em with Card Warp and watch their eyes bug out and their face turn blue, especially as I let THEM tear the warped card in two. I saw a cowboy’s tongue hanging out one night. (I do hold on to the half under the card cover while they tear the outer half off then I hand them the package in my hand). (Reg: be careful letting them handle the cards). The Card Warp method is simple enough to concentrate on presentation. I sometimes have prepared the gaff in plain view perhaps 15 minutes before I’ve done the effect without anyone making the connection. I don’t know, I think it is one of the ten best tricks in magic, and takes card tricks into the

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illusionary status. Too, the layman likes to destroy playing cards because their parents told them not to do it as children. Tom Mullica taught me a torn and restored with playing cards that knocks people out and also is simple methodology. I often follow this with since we’ve already ruined this deck, let me show you one moreand we start folding for Card Warp. (Reg: smooth slide between tricks). I use a business card and a dollar bill to do card warp. I borrow the card and fold it length-wise first. I then ask to borrow a bill. This usually gets everyone looking around and at each other (of course I am doing the same) because nobody wants to hand out the cash. At this point, I just drop the card below the table (or just lower it) and tear it. The length-wise crease keeps it from going over half way and keeping your fingers fairly close together will muffle the sound a little. I usually mutter something about the money when I do the tear to help cover the noise also. Haven’t been caught (at least that I know of) yet. (Reg: good advice on misdirection. Note this method would let the audience select a card freely too. I use a card with a dollar bill and call it Money Laundering). To do Card Warp I prepare an entire deck with all face cards pre-split. The deck can be pulled from the box and fanned allowing the subject to point to the face card of their choice... as well as the second card (it should be a number card). By handling the cards together as you pull them from the deck (number card on top) you never reveal the split and yet give no hint that there is anything preset about the deck. It looks completely fair. Of course you have to replace the missing cards periodically. (Reg: be prepared). If you want a good laugh when you’re catching a buzz with your magician friends do Card Warp using as the torn card a double faced card, so when it slides through it changes value and suit instead of going inside outlike normal. Watch their eyes bug out for an instant. Where you go after that I’m not sure, but you’ll be laughing so hard it won’t matter. (Reg: good suggestion using gaffed cards, there must be a number of effects possible. How about a double backed card, red and blue?) In 1985 or there about Ben Harris of Australia came up with an idea based around sawing (tearing) a lady (Queen) in half. I forget what its called . . . The Lady Divided, I think. An excellent premise and one that could be used following Walton’s Card Warp if you can avoid tearing the cards in half at the end and use the gimmicked card as the Lady in Harris� routine. Then tear them in half after the climax... give one half to the key spectator and you keep half... premise being ...so neither of you will ever forget the experience, or a memento of the event, or some similar rationale. (Reg: another good combination of effects leading into one another). I use patter to misdirect people and focus their attention on something else while I do something sneaky. For instance I like to do Card Warp with the victim . . . er, audience member selecting two cards freely and give me one of them. Then I show them folding the card, and as I make my tear I talk over the sound, and focus them on their work by saying, “Oh, my card is not straight.” They generally concentrate harder on their card and I complete my tear as I gab and get in position to accept their card and go into warp mode.

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By Reg. Yes I think of stuff too. Similar to the first of the ideas. Just a thought, but what if the concept and handling were modified so that rather than a normal card turning inside out as it slides through another card, a BLANK card picks up the image of the card it's sliding through? In other words, it goes in blank and comes out printed with the same face value as the card it's sliding through. [Jon Hand adding commentary here again: Bruce Elliott's CLASSIC SECRETS OF MAGIC shows a card move of Francis Carlyle's that works like a paddle move, showing only one side of a card. With a blank back card, this sleight, and your idea, you can print the card to match the folded card!] If you're handy with gaffed cards and a little sleight of hand, you could probably work it so that when you're done you're left with the spectator holding a half-printed card and you with a half card that's blank on both sides, and a regular card with half the face missing (blank). [Split blank and printed cards, cut split faces in half, and cross glue them. Lotta work, but you get two gaffs from it for the effort.-- Jon Hand] On further thought this could be the climax of a routine in which you first erase the front and back off a card.You could call the effect "Face Off". (Reg: this sounds like a good idea. Can anyone pull it off? See Thomas Spy Routine for possible workings.) A nice combination might be Ambitious card (with signature) into Card Warp. I ask the spectator to take out one card and hand it to me. I say that I will bend the card this way (bending it lengthwise). Then I begin to also bend it across the center saying that I want you to take another card from the deck and bend it "this" way. At this point I have two creases in the card in my hand. I look at the spectator waiting for him to get another card out of the deck and bend it. Everyone's eyes will also be on the spectator. During this moment I start tearing the card. If anyone looks over at me it will look as if I am returning my card to the lengthwise fold. Misdirection is the key. I sometimes will do this Card Warp version after I have done the Ambitious Card routine because at the end I already end up with two cards that are bent across the center. Tony Brent (Reg: Thanks Tony, now I have to get an Ambitious Card manuscript and learn that one) I am sure you are aware, but the late Bob McAllister did a card warp with one card and a dollar bill (great for getting tips at restaurants). Doug Young From: mike <[email protected]> I recently learned Card Warp & came up with a routine where I use a Bee backed card & a Bicycle card. I explain that cards have a built in safety mechanism to prevent different cards from being used in magic tricks and that if you do use different cards, one will twist itself around to expose the trick you’re doing. Ichazod I've been doing Card Warp with one card for a couple of years now. The basic routine I do is "Real Jokers" from "Magic & Meaning" by Eugene Burger & Robert E. Neale. It starts as a one-card card warp, and then concludes with Paul Harris' "Ultimate Rip-Off" (A Torn & Restored Card effect). Scott Cram

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(Reg: Thanks Scott, good combination there. I’ve almost got the one card thing down). Some general thoughts for stories… The Mona Lisa was painted on one side of a panel that has a completely different painting on the other side. (double face cards?) Did you know that the "holographic" image-shifting security feature of the new US currency was developed from a characteristic that playing cards have had for centuries? Are you familiar with the "blue screen" technology that is used in movie special effects? (blue backed cards?) (Reg: good story ideas, food for thought). According to Mike Close in "Workers No.1," the *effect* in Card Warp was created by Jeff Busby and published in his "Into the Fourth Dimension" manuscript. Roy Walton created the *trick* "Card Warp." And Mike's great CW routine "Dr. Strangetrick" -- with a dollar bill and face card -- is found in "Workers No. 1," which should be on your list of sources for good, published CW routines. - Nelson Griswold The effect in �Fourth Dimension� is essentially that of card warp, without the second "covering" card. A card is folded face in. Upon passing through your hand, it turns face out. Richard Osterlind has published a nice effect using a folded dollar bill that turns inside out with a wave of the hand. Really similar to the Busby idea. Richard has an excellent video available too, Richard Osterlind's Challenge Magic. The description reads:"An eye-popping feature routine with paper money, perfect for the close-up worker, bar magician, or table-hopper. A dollar bill VISIBLY turns inside out, even though it's locked shut with a paper clip!" - Thanks to Jim Short for the info.

Resources Books and Videos, by no means a complete listing: Richard Osterlind's Challenge Magic video Bruce Cervon, Ultra Cervon Jeff Busby, Into the Fourth Dimension�and Beyond Eugene Burger, The Experience of Magic - Includes a complete routine for Card Warp, with Jumbo cards too. Mike Close, Workers No.1 - see “Dr. Strangetrick” Darwin Ortiz, Strong Magic Eugene Burger and Robert E. Neale, Magic & Meaning, contains Real Jokers J.C. Wagner, Commercial Magic Jay Sankey, 100% Sankey - Includes Definitely Warped, a card warp, but you only use ONE card.. You take a card, fold it, and then proceed to turn it inside out. Bob Torkova, Torkova’s Magic Includes Card Warp Completed. Order from http://torkova.com/products.htm.

Page 12: Warp Factor

A new effect called Ultimate Card Warp allows some new effects through the use of gaffed cards. You have to replace the cards periodically. About $15-$20 US. Books available from your favorite dealer. I highly recommend H&R Magic Books. Richard provides excellent personal service, you can do it all by e-mail, service is fast, prices are very reasonable and shipping is low in my opinion. As well they have a new 1999 catalogue which lists over 3000 new books. He also deals in used merchandise, just ask. If they don’t have it, it does not exist. His website is at http://www.magicbookshop.com or email at mailto://[email protected]

Epilogue I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed collecting. Keep creating and do not hesitate to mail me any new ideas or routines. I plan to update this booklet next Spring and will release Warp Factor 2.0 before I move in summer 2000. In the meantime see you in Cyber space. Not for use in any commercial medium, printed or otherwise. Not to be sold.