warm-up: thursday read about the “power of popes”. answer the following questions: 1. who was...

Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people fear the punishment of excommunication?

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Page 1: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Warm-up: Thursday

Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions:

1. Who was the Pope?

2. What does “excommunicate” mean?

3. Why did people fear the punishment of excommunication?

Page 2: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Christianity in the Middle Ages

Page 3: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Let’s review

When we last looked at the Roman Empire, what did we learn happened to them?

Split into Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire

Germanic peoples migrated into the weakening Roman Empire

Vandals and the Visigoths sacked Rome = Fall of Roman Empire in 476 AD

Page 4: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Western Roman Empire Germanic Kingdoms

By A.D. 500, the Western Roman Empire had been replaced by a number of states ruled by German kings

Page 5: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Eastern Roman Empire Byzantine Empire

Capital at ConstantinoplePopulation in the hundreds of

thousandsLargest city in Europe during the

Middle AgesCenter of trade between east and west

Page 6: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Western Roman EmpireWestern Roman Empire Eastern Roman EmpireEastern Roman Empire

Replaced by various Kingdoms

______________ was the main religion

Church came to be known as _________

_________________Head of church

called a _________

Called the Byzantine Empire

________________was the main religion

Church came to be known as _________ ________________

Head of church called a ____________

West vs. East

Christianity Christianity

RomanCatholic Church


EasternOrthodox Church


Page 7: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Constantinople: Hagia Sophia

Page 8: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Power of the Church

The Roman Catholic Church was the single, largest unifying structure in medieval Europe. It touched everyone's life, no matter what their rank or class or where they lived. With the exception of a small number of Jews, everyone in Europe was a Christian during the Middle Ages from the richest king down to the lowest serf.

Page 9: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Page 10: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

How did Christianity spread?

Missionaries – people sent out to carry a religious message

As Germanic peoples settled in and around the Roman Empire, many converted to Christianity

Page 11: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Charlemagne: Leader of Carolingian Empire

Charlemagne was Christian and promoted the religion while he was in charge

He encouraged learning, which took place in the monasteries

Page 12: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Educated and literate individuals in the early middle ages were usually part of the church: priests, monks,

bishops, abbots

Very few others received a formal education during this time.

Monk = a man who separates himself from ordinary human society in order to dedicate himself to God; monks live in monasteries headed by abbots

Page 13: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Monasteries played various roles in society: Served as inns,

orphanages, hospitals Set up schoolsMonks copied works of

Latin literature (thanks to them, we have it today)

Page 14: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Monasteries were effective agents in the spread of Christianity. Monks preached while providing services to the rural communities.

Page 15: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Organization of the Church

The Catholic Church has an hierarchy:

Parishes: local Christian communities

Parishes led by priests

Group of parishes led by bishop

These areas were combined to be led by an archbishop

Over time, the bishop of Rome claimed that he was the leader of the church





Page 16: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Power of the Church

Pope Gregory I set in place the idea that the bishop of Rome was the ultimate authority in the Christian church

What is the title of this person? pope

Pope Gregory I (590 – 604)

Page 17: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Division in the Church

Schism – separation between the two great branches of Christianity

Eastern Orthodox Church was unwilling to accept the Pope’s claim that he was the sole head of the Christian church

This led to a schism = split = in 1054 Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael Cerularius excommunicated each other (each took away the other’s rights of church membership)

Page 18: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people
Page 19: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Copy the Diagram:

Page 20: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

What about the people who want to follow different beliefs?

Page 21: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Inquisition = a court established by the Catholic Church in 1232 to discover and try heretics

Heretic – A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.

Heresy – denial of basic church doctrine (beliefs)

Page 22: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people


Beginning in 1252, those who did not confess voluntarily to heresy were subject to torture until they confessed

The Christians of the 13th century believed the only path to salvation was through the church.

Heresy was a crime against God and against humanity

Page 23: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

In what other ways did the Church affect the events during the Middle Ages?

Page 24: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

The Crusades 1096-1212

Crusades: military expeditions to regain Holy Land from Muslims

Rallied the warriors of Europe

Liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the infidels Where is the Holy Land?

Holy land = Palestine What are infidels?


Page 25: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people
Page 26: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

The Crusades

Why did Europeans willingly fight?

MotivationsGuarantee of forgiveness of sinsAdventure Chance to gain territory and riches

Page 27: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Effects of the Crusades

Effects = Trade improved between Italian Port cities and the East

Beginning of massacres against JewsDecline of Feudalism

Nobles sold land and freed serfs to join Crusades

King’s power increased and nobles lose power

Page 28: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people
Page 29: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Remaining Time: Pictionary!

Page 30: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Vocabulary:Add the following words to your vocab sheet!

InquisitionPope SchismMonkMonasteryMissionaryheresy

Define in your own words and draw a picture! (Hint: :Look at your notes!)

Roman Catholic ChurchEastern Orthodox


Page 31: Warm-up: Thursday Read about the “Power of Popes”. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the Pope? 2. What does “excommunicate” mean? 3. Why did people

Roman Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox ChurchEastern Orthodox Church