warm up activity #4

Please answer each question in a complete sentence. Describe one of the factors that led to an instable Europe in the 5 th , 6 th and 7 th centuries AD. Define the term Besiege How did Humans contract the Bubonic Plague? Warm Up Activity #4

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Please answer each question in a complete sentence. Describe one of the factors that led to an instable Europe in the 5 th , 6 th and 7 th centuries AD. Define the term Besiege How did Humans contract the Bubonic Plague?. Warm Up Activity #4. European History 661-752 AD. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Warm Up Activity #4

Please answer each question in a complete sentence.

Describe one of the factors that led to an instable Europe in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries AD.

Define the term Besiege

How did Humans contract the Bubonic Plague?

Warm Up Activity #4

Page 2: Warm Up Activity #4

Muslim expansion, That famous Lumberjack and Here comes the Hammer!

European History 661-752 AD

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Charles Martel Iconoclasm Reconquista Moors Abbasid Caliphate Battle of Tours Saint Boniface

Key Figures/Events

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The Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire faced enemies from all sides and saw their power once again fade in the West.

Augustine of Canterbury is sent to Great Britain where he is tasked with converting the Anglo-Saxons to Christitanity.

Islam expands rapidly out of Arabia and destroys the Persian Empire in the East and defeats Byzantine power in Syria, the Levant and North Africa.

Christianity continues to spread in Europe through Missionaries converting the Nobility.

The Frankish Nobility begins the process of establishing Feudalism in Europe.

I forgot what we learned on

Wednesday… Can you remind me?

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Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib is assassinated; with his assassination the Rashidun Caliphate ends and Muawiyah I founds the Umayyad caliphate.

661 AD

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According to the Annales Cambriae, the Anglo-Saxons convert to Christianity after the Second Battle of Badon. Sighere of Essex encourages his subjects to reject Christianity and return to their indigenous religion.

665 AD

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Eastern Roman Emperor Constans II is assassinated in his bath at Syracuse, Italy. Mezezius is proclaimed Emperor by the army in Syracuse in the absence of the sons of Constans II.

Constantine IV, son of Constans II, becomes Byzantine Emperor, succeeding Constans II. He organizes an expedition to kill the usurper Mezezius.

668 AD

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Battle of Two Rivers: King Ecgfrith of Northumbria defeats the Picts.

671 AD

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The first Arab siege of Constantinople begins.

674 AD

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Frithuwold of Surrey is baptised and so is his son; Surrey becomes Christian.

Arabs raid Crete.

675 AD

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According to the Chronicon Pictum, the last of the Onogur tribes fleeing Khazars in the Ukraine come to Hrpad in Pannonia and the area becomes known as Hungary.

677 AD

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The first Arab siege of Constantinople ends.

Pope Agatho succeeds Pope Donus as the 79th pope. He is the first to stop paying tribute to the Byzantine Emperor upon election.

678 AD

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The Bulgars subjugate the country of current-day Bulgaria.

Pippin of Heristal becomes Mayor of the Palace.

Armenians, Albanians, and Iberians rise in rebellion against the Caliphate in the Caucasus.

680 AD

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The Kingdom of Kent is attacked and conquered by West Saxons under Caedwalla. Caedwalla exterminates the Jutes of the Isle of Wight and kills King Arwald.

686 AD

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King Theuderic III of Neustria is defeated by Pepin of Herstal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, at the Battle of Tertry near Péronne in modern France. Austrasia and Neustria are combined again; Pepin becomes de facto ruler of both areas.

Construction of the Dome of the Rock is started in Jerusalem.

687 AD

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Battle of Dorestad: The Frisians of king Radbod are defeated by the Frankish mayor of the palace, Pippin of Herstal. The Rhine delta becomes Frankish.

689 AD

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Hispano-Visigothic king Egica accuses the Jews of aiding the Muslims, and sentences all Jews to slavery.

694 AD

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Paolo Lucio Anafesto is elected the first Doge of Venice.

697 AD

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Arabs under Hassan ibn al-Nu'man capture Carthage from the Byzantine Empire, and destroy it completely. The defeated Byzantine fleet revolts and proclaims Tiberius III, who deposes Leontius after a brief siege of Constantinople and becomes Byzantine Emperor.

698 AD

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Umayyad troops invade Armenia and secure submission of Smbat VI Bagratuni.

699 AD

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Musa bin Nusair defeats the Berber army in Algeria, ending resistance against the Arabs there.

The Umayyad prince Abdallah ibn Abd al-Malik captures the Byzantine stronghold of Theodosiopolis.

700 AD

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Muhammad ibn Marwan invades the Byzantine Armenian provinces east of the Euphrates; the local commander Baanes surrenders before the large Arab army and the population accepts a Muslim governor.

701 AD

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Large-scale Armenian rebellion against Muslim rule breaks out with Byzantine support.

702 AD

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Abdallah ibn Abd al-Malik captures Mopsuestia in Cilicia from the Byzantines and refortifies it, making it the first Muslim base in the area that will later become the Thughur.

703 AD

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The Umayyad general Muhammad ibn Marwan suppresses the Armenian revolt, captures and deports Smbat VI Bagratuni and other leading princes. Many of the captured nakharar are gathered into churches and burned alive at Nakhchevan.

705 AD

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The Byzantines lose the Balearic Islands to the Moors.

707 AD

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Nazaktar Khan, a Turk Shahi prince in alliance with the Tibetan Kingdom, captures Bactria from the Umayyads.

708 AD

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Roderic deposes Achila to become king of the Visigoths. A Muslim army is invited into Ceuta by its governor, Count Julian, who, being an opponent of Roderic, encourages them to invade the Iberian peninsula.

710 AD

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Umayyad troops led by Tariq ibn Ziyad land at Gibraltar, and begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula and conquest of the Visigothic Kingdom. Battle of Guadalete: Umayyad Moors' victory over the Visigothic army. Visigothic king Roderic (Rodrigo in Spanish and Portuguese) dies in the battle.

After pirates plunder an Arab ship near the mouth of the Indus River, Arabs led by Muhammad bin Qasim invade India with 10,000 men and 6,000 horses, establishing a sultanate in Sindh.

711 AD

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Zaragoza falls to the Arab armies of Musa bin Nusair.

On the death of Pepin II, his illegitimate son Charles Martel becomes mayor of the Austrasian palace and effective power behind the Frankish throne.

714 AD

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Nechtan mac Der-Ilei, King of the Picts invites the Northumbrian clergy to establish Christianity amongst the Picts.

715 AD

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The Ummayads conquer Lisbon.

Boniface begins missions to the Germans.

716 AD

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Leo III the Isaurian usurps the throne of Byzantium.

Maslamah ibn Abd al-Malik begins the Second Arab siege of Constantinople, which will last for nearly a year.

717 AD

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Battle of Covadonga, marking the start of the Reconquista by a Christian military force (under Pelagius of Asturias) of the Iberian Peninsula following the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in 711.

Byzantine Emperor Leo III the Isaurian and Khan Tervel of Bulgaria force the troops of the Umayyad Caliphate to abandon the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717–718), preventing a major Arab incursion into the Byzantine Empire.

718 AD

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Battle of Toulouse: after besieging Toulouse for three months, Al-Samh ibn Malik al-Khawlani, the Wāli (governor) of Al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), is defeated (and dies of his injuries) by Odo the Great, Duke of Aquitaine, preventing the spread of Umayyad control westward from Narbonne into Aquitaine.

721 AD

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Saint Boniface fells Thor's Oak near Fritzlar, marking the decisive event in the Christianization of the northern Germanic tribes.

723 AD

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Leo III the Isaurian bans the worship of religious images, beginning the iconoclastic controversies.

726 AD

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Pope Gregory II condemns iconoclasm, causing Byzantine Italy to break with the Empire.

727 AD

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The Battle of Ravenna is fought between the troops of Byzantine Emperor Leo III the Isaurian, and a force of Italians, raised by Pope Gregory II in defence of image worship, which Leo had outlawed. After a severe struggle, the Greeks are routed; thousands are killed in flight to their ships. The waters of the Po River are so infected with blood, it is said, that for six years the inhabitants of Ravenna will not eat fish from the river.

729 AD

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Charles Martel defeats the last independent dukedom of the Alamanni, and launches raids on the Saxons beyond the Rhine.

730 AD

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Battle of Tours: Near Poitiers, France, leader of the Franks Charles Martel and his men, defeat a large army of Moors under the governor of Cordoba, Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, who is killed during the battle. The Battle of Tours halts the advance of Islam into Western Europe and establishes a balance of power between Western Europe, Islam and the Byzantine Empire.

732 AD

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An earthquake strikes Constantinople and the surrounding countryside, causing destruction to the city's land walls and buildings, and many deaths.

Rebellion of the Berber tribes in the recently conquered region of Galicia. This facilitates the establishment of an independent kingdom in the Cantabrian Mountains under Alfonso I of Asturias.

The Khazars, a nation of the Black Sea steppe, though not ethnically Jewish, voluntarily convert to Judaism.

740 AD

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Bubonic plague in Constantinople subsequently sweeps through Europe.

745 AD

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The nobility of the Alamanni is killed at the blood court at Cannstatt.

746 AD

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Abu Muslim unites the Abbasid Empire against the Umayyads.

747 AD

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After the defeat of his army in the Battle of the Zab the last Umayyad Caliph, Marwan II, is overthrown and killed. Al-Saffah is proclaimed the first Abbasid Caliph. The capital of the Caliphate will later moved from Damascus to Baghdad, within the territory of the former Persian Empire; this transfer will prove to be a momentous event for Baghdad, which develops into a centre of international trade and culture.

750 AD

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Pepin the Short is elected as king of the Franks by the Frankish nobility, marking the end of the Merovingian and beginning of the Carolingian dynasty.

751 AD

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When you are done make sure you write your name on your paper and turn it into the basket on your way out the door.

That doesn’t mean get up now! I’m looking at you the person who is getting up now and putting on their backpack.

Use complete sentences. (Yes that is plural as in more than one) On your warm-up

paper write down one thing that

you learned today and how you

think it impacted the way our world

is today.

Page 49: Warm Up Activity #4

Assignment 6.4 is being distributed today. It is due on Monday (1/14/2013).

You will also receive the instructions for your unit project on Monday.

Have a good weekend and don’t be a dummy.

Assignment 6.2 is due today! Make sure you put your

name on it and turn it in to the basket on your

way out the door.