warm up 8/20

Warm Up 8/20 When the colonists arrived, they were not alone. What do you think relations between Native Americans and colonists was like?

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Warm Up 8/20. When the colonists arrived, they were not alone. What do you think relations between Native Americans and colonists was like?. Warm Up 8/21/14. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Warm Up 8/20

• When the colonists arrived, they were not alone. What do you think relations between Native Americans and colonists was like?

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Warm Up 8/21/14

• What might be characteristics of the 13 colonies that would lead them to want to break away from England? Describe 3 possible characteristics in your answer.

• It’s what you think, so make an educated guess if you are not sure of the correct answer.

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For us honors classWhat are the basic skills that will

help us the most in history

The Basics

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Notes style

• In this class you can take any type of notes! (Cornell, regular down paper, organizers, window, your choice!)

• Cornell: Left margin for main ideas/topics ; Right Side is for you to take notes

• Mandatory: A summary should follow all of your notes

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Thesis Statement

• What is a thesis statement?• Stated argument/claim which will be

supported by facts• You will be practicing how to write thesis

statements and how to use facts in primary and secondary sources to back your thesis.

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FRQ (skip)

• Free Response Questions• You will be learning how to answer an

essay prompt using primary sources to back your opinion.

• These are usually short answer questions and will be about a paragraph long.

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• You will also practice writing longer essays• Document based questions are an essay

prompt in which you will answer using primary sources and other outside information.

• DBQ answers will follow the 11 sentence format or become a 3-5 paragraph essay.

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• These are learning tools that will help you understand primary sources

• Context-Author- Audience-Main Idea- Purpose- Place-Significance

• Origin-Purpose-Limits- Value

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Primary/Secondary Sources

• What are Primary Sources?• Primary sources or first hand accounts• Diaries, political cartoons, speeches,

interviews• What are secondary sources?• Newspapers, magazines, articles, reviews,

Someone’s interpretation of history and that someone was not there

• Textbooks? – Secondary/Tertiary

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17th and 18th centuries

• Great Britain followed a policy of MERCANTILISM–The theory that a country should

sell more goods to other countries than it buys

–Favorable balance of trade:• Profit made on exports exceeds the costs of imports

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The colonists felt…• Fine as long as they were making money and allowed to handle their own affairs. (Run government, etc.)

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How did Mercantilism affect the colonies?

• *Americans provided raw goods to Britain, and Britain used the raw goods to produce manufactured goods that were sold in European markets and back to the colonies.

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**On Their Own

• For decades the colonies had set up their own government and operated with little British interference.

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British and French Rivalries in N. America

French British

Canada and Louisiana- small population

13 Colonies with large populations

Forts in the Ohio River valley to prevent British settlers

Stopped by the French in the Ohio valley

Liked by Natives- Traders not settlers Disliked by natives- seen as settlers

Weak Navy Strong Navy

Lost Ohio River Valley and gave Louisiana to Spain

Treaty of Paris gave them land east of the Mississippi, Florida (Spain) and Canada

**French and Indian War

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**Who pays for the war?

• Britain needs revenue to pay for the war• Imposes the Stamp and Sugar Acts on the

colonies• Sugar Act: Tax on all goods (sugar,

tobacco, coffee, etc)• Stamp Act: Tax on paper products• Before the Stamp Act- The British had

restricted colonial trade

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**Sons of Liberty

• Secret group founded by Sam Adams• Made up of the merchant class-many were

printers who would feel the effects the most from the stamp act.

• They would meet to discuss the issues with the British.

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The Boston Massacre (March 5,1770)

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Was it a massacre?

• *The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occurred on March 5, 1770, between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers. Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry.

• 5 colonist died and 6 were wounded• Why do they call it a massacre and how will this help the

“rebels” in their cause for a revolution?

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The Gaspee Incident (1772)

Providence, RI coast

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Gaspee Cont.

• British navy would often take colonial ships and their good and confiscate the ships and the products aboard. Colonists would not be reimbursed for what was taken from them.

• *Lieutenant William Duddington, of Her Majesty's Ship Gaspee, was in charge of patrolling the waters of Narragansett Bay, off Rhode Island. Duddington was overzealous enforcer; boarding and detaining vessels and confiscating cargoes, often without charge, and without recourse for merchants whose goods were impounded

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Gaspee Cont.

• John Brown attacked Duddington’s ship and burned the cargo.

• *The men that participated in the attack did not try to hide themselves

• *The colonial courts found Duddington guilty of seizing goods rather than charging the colonists that attack his ship.

• *This makes Parliament angry, but nothing is ever done about it.

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Committees of Correspondence

Purpose warn neighboring colonies about incidents with Br.

broaden the resistance movement.

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******Tea Act (1773)8 British East India Co.:

Monopoly on Br. tea imports.

Many members of Parliament held shares.

Permitted the Co. to sell tea directly to colonies without middlemen (cheaper tea!)

Forced colonies to buy

tea from B.E.I.Co

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Boston Tea Party (1773)

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Boston Tea Party

• The Boston Tea Party– A group of colonists called the “Sons of Liberty”

dumped tea into Boston Harbor in protest

– They were thinly disguised as Native Americans

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**The Coercive or Intolerable

Acts (1774)**

Lord North

1. Port Bill- close the port from trading until tea was paid for

2. Government Act- British governor given complete control over the colonies

4. Administration of Justice Act- British official accused of a crime would be transported back to England for trial

3. New Quartering Act- house soldiers

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First Continental Congress (1774)**55 delegates from 12

coloniesAgenda How to

respond to the Coercive Acts?

1 vote per colony represented.

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The British Are Coming . . .

Paul Revere & William Dawes make their midnight ride to warn the

Minutemen of approaching British soldiers.

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The Shot Heard ’Round the World!

*Lexington & Concord – April 18,1775

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The Second Continental


Olive Branch Petition

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**What did the 2nd Congress do?

• 65 delegates that included John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson and Franklin

• Decided to break away and write the Declaration of Independence

• But first tried the Olive Branch Petition which was meant to assert the rights of the colonists and remain loyal to the king. It didn’t work.

• Create a militia• Print paper money

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Thomas Paine: Common Sense

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Declaration of Independence


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**The Birth of a New Nation

• July 4, 1776- Second Continental Congress approved the Dec of Ind.

• “Free and independent states absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown.”

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Declaration of Independence

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Independence Hall

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New National Symbols

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• Write a summary that discusses the French Indian War, grievances from the colonists, violence between the colonists and British and key documents.

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Political Cartoons for the Revolution

• See honors history reasons for the revolution primary sources.

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• What caused the American Revolution?

The following documents will help you answer the documents-based question. Read each document carefully. Answer the question or questions that follow each document.

Write the answers on a piece of paper you can turn in. Use complete sentences.

Do NOT do the essay.