warm up

WARM UP By: Pedro Gómez Segura

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Post on 16-Aug-2015



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By: Pedro Gómez Segura

What's a warm up?

A warm up is a serie of exercises that you do before doing any physical activitie, like practise a sport. We have to do the warm up, because if we don't do it we can get hurt and have injuries. When we do the warm up, we are prepareting our muscles to do effort and we will improve our level, so we could have better results.

Parts of a warm up

The warm up has 3 parts, they are the following:

Joint movility

The first part of a warm up is the joint movility. We start doing it from the ankles to the neck. We do ankles rotation, then we move our knees. After that we strech our quadriceps. Then we move our hips and we strech our abductors. Then we rotate our shoulders and elbows. Finally, we rotate our wrists and neck.


The activation part consists in do some exercises running to get your muscles prepare. In this part your heart start beating faster, so sending more blood to the rest of our body. The exercises that you do are called: heidi with arms, heels to your bottom, three steps and jump, sprint, touching the outside part of our feet with the hands, lateral running, crossing legs, skipping and all the exercises that you want.


To finish your warm up you can play some games. I'm gonna explain 3 of them:

• 1- The Love Game: The love game consists in that a few people has to catch the rest of people. When they catches you, you have to stay with out moving until some one give you a hug or a kiss.

• 2- Gavilan: In this game two people have to stand in a line. When they say “gavilan” the rest of the people have to cross that line with out been catched. The last person to be catched is the winner


• 3- Catch him!: All the players except two, have to stand in a circle in queues of two. One of this two people that are not in a queue have to escape from the other one. To save yourself, you have to put at the beggining of a queue. The last person of that queue has to escape now. If the other person catches you, you have to catch him. You can play in an other way; when you save yourself, the last person of the queue has to catch the person that is not in any queue.