warhammer - regiments of renown


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Army expansion


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    INTRODUCTION ......................................... 4

    Army Special Rules .......................................... 5

    The Alcatani Fellowship ................................... 6

    Al Muktar's Desert Dogs ................................... 8

    Anakonda's Amazons ...................................... 10

    Asarnil the Dragonlord .................................... 12

    Beorg Bearstruck and the Bearmen of Urslo ..... 14

    The Birdmen of Catrazza ................................ 16

    Braganza's Besiegers....................................... 18

    Bronzino's Galloper Guns................................ 19

    The Cursed Company ..................................... 22

    The Giants of Albion ...................................... 25

    Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres ............................. 29

    Gotrex and Felix ............................................. 31

    Leopold's Leopard Company ........................... 34

    Long Drong's Slayer Pirates ............................ 36

    Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks ...................... 38

    Malakai Makaisson's Goblin-Hewer ................ 40

    Marksmen of Miragliano................................. 42

    Mengil Manhide's Manflayers ......................... 44

    Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz .................................. 47

    Pirazzo's Lost Legion ...................................... 49

    Ricco's Republican Guard ............................... 51

    Ruglud's Armoured Orcs ................................. 53

    Tichi-Huichi's Raiders .................................... 56

    Vespero's Vendetta ......................................... 59

    Voland's Venators .......................................... 61

    The Witch hunters .......................................... 63

    FOR HIRE .................................................... 65


    Updated by: Mathias Eliasson, Mathew

    Weiss and Bill J. Wilson.

    Cover Art: Karl Kopinski.

    Art: John Blanche, Alex Boyd, Wayne England, Des Hanley, Toby Hynes, Nuala Kennedy, Paul Smith, John Wigley, Winona Nelson, Daarken,

    Warhammer Online. Book Design: Mathias Eliasson. Editing: Mathias Eliasson. Original Book: Nigel Stillman, Anthony Reynolds, Andy Hoare,

    Gav Thorpe, Tuomas Pirinen, Rick Priestley. Feedback and Playtesting: Damian Caulfield, Matthew Trindall, Baumann, Zark the Damned, EdSteiner, tarastop, Akbar, number9, KingGarland, Grim Squeaker, Stefan Wolf.

    Special Thanks To: Stefan Wolf, Joseph Kagann, and all the players that have contributed with feedback and ideas.

    This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. The Chaos devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Lord

    of Change, Nurgle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, Warhammer,

    Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-

    2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights

    Reserved to their respective owners.

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    Famous mercenary regiments acquire a certain

    notoriety because they are remarkably successful,

    brutal, adventurous, or for some other reason that

    brings them to the attention of the world. We call them

    Regiments of Renown and these units can often be

    found fighting for many different armies, as long as the

    pay is good!

    Individual Regiments of Renown are led by famous

    characters, and indeed are frequently named after these

    leaders. For example, the notorious Ogre Captain

    Golgfag, whose Ogre mercenaries have, at one time or

    another, looted and despoiled most civilised parts Old

    World... and some not so civilised ones too.

    Regiments of Renown do not necessarily have ties to a

    particular country, nor are they a whole new race.

    They are bands of warriors and adventurers who live

    by fighting for glory and more importantly for gold! The Regiments of Renown are made up of skilled

    pikemen, deadly marksmen, Hobgoblin cavalry from

    the eastern steppes, Halfling scouts, drunken Dwarf

    pirates, Ogres from the Badlands and Giants from the

    misty shores of Albion. Together they ply their trade to

    every point of the compass in the Old and New Worlds,

    fighting for anybody, any time, any place, anywhere

    Although the Regiments of Renown have no common

    heritage, many find employment in that most notorious

    of mercenary breeding grounds, the land of Tilea. Tilea

    is an anarchic land and is in an almost constant state of

    upheaval, as the wealthy merchant princes of the

    independent city states plot against each other. All this

    anarchy means mercenaries who travel there can be

    assured of profitable employment.

    Just as there are regiments of mercenaries to hire, there

    are just as many lone freelancers. These individuals

    wander the Old World, selling their skills to the highest

    bidder. Many are thieves and brigands, and some are

    hard bitten mercenaries who will not (or cannot) join

    one of the many mercenary regiments. There are thrill-

    seeking Imperial nobles, fanatical Witch Hunters and

    even specialists such as siege engineers, wizards or


    In this book, you will find rules and background for

    including these most famous of mercenary units, as

    well as options for including them into your

    Warhammer army.

    FIND OUT MORE While the Warhammer Expansion: Regiments of

    Renown contains everything you need to play the game

    with these units, there are always more tactics to use,

    different battles to fight and painting ideas to try out.

    You can find articles specific to the Dogs of War on

    our website:


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    All named models (except for Standard Bearers, and

    Musicians) in a Regiment of Renown follow the rules

    for Characters in the game, with the following

    exceptions. These characters cannot leave their unit

    (unless specified), but they do not use up any of the

    character percentage from the army lists (unless


    If the characters have different equipment than the rest

    of the rank and file, this is clearly listed in the

    Equipment list. Note that, regardless of their

    Leadership value, these characters can never be an

    armys General.

    Some of these named models are Standard Bearers and

    Musicians; these are treated just like normal Standard

    Bearers and Musicians, and as such may not be

    attacked separately.

    All of these units and characters are unique you may only field one of each in your army, unless specified.

    When fielding Regiments of Renown in any army other

    than Dogs of War, they follow the rules for non-

    aligned allies.

    REGIMENTS FOR HIRE In the next few pages, you will find all the information

    you need to field Regiments of Renown in your

    Warhammer battles.

    POINTS Each regiment has a basic cost, which includes all the

    equipment, characters and their magic items. These

    cannot be modified in any way.

    PROFILES The characteristic profiles for the troops and characters

    in each unit are given here.

    UNIT SIZES Each entry specifies the minimum size for each unit.

    Normally the units size can be increased by buying extra models at the cost given, but in some cases units

    also have a maximum size.

    EQUIPMENT This entry lists the weapons and armour for that

    regiment. The value of these items is included in the

    points value.

    SPECIAL RULES Many troops have special rules which are described in

    this section.

    MAGIC ITEMS Some characters carry magic items and their rules are

    given here. Note that the player cannot buy new magic

    items for the characters of the Regiments of Renown.


    PIKE Pikes are the infantry weapon of choice in Tilea. Twice

    as long as a normal spear and longer than a

    cavalrymans lance, the front of a unit of pikes is an impenetrable wall of steel.

    Range Strength Special Rules

    Combat As user Requires Two Hands,

    Fight in Extra Ranks (3)

    When being charged to the front by Cavalry,

    Monstrous Cavalry, Monsters or models that cause

    Impact Hits, models armed with pikes gains +1 to their

    Strength against said troop types in the following Close

    Combat phase.

    LIGHT CROSSBOW Essentially a hand held version of the crossbow, this

    weapon's exquisite construction increases the tension

    in the cord when cranked, thus making it a worthwhile

    addition to any warrior's arsenal. Better still, given its

    small size, it's an ideal weapon for horsemen, who can

    keep one hand on the reigns of their mount while firing

    at enemies.

    Range Strength Special Rules

    16" 4 -

    PAVISE Used heavily by Braganza's Besiegers, a Free

    Company operating in Tilea, these special shields are

    designed to protect crossbowmen from ranged attacks

    while reloading. Unlike normal shields, the pavise

    provides a good amount of cover. To use it, the

    crossbowman props the shield in front of him.

    The Pavise grants a 5+ armour save against ranged

    attacks to the units front, which may be combined with other armour as normal.

    FULL PLATE ARMOUR The Tileans learned the techniques for forging plate

    armour from the Dwarfs, and though it's not as high in

    quality as Dwarf-forged armour, it is serviceable

    enough for Tilean nobles. Normally, only the mercenary lords can afford these full plate armours,

    and even then, they often have a haphazard


    Full plate armour gives the wearer a 4+ armour save.

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    Miserable do-gooding, no-account, back-stabbing, underhand s getting so an honest landlord cant even relieve a bunch of farmers of their crops without someone stickin their ugly noses in.

    Bunch of lousy, dog-breath NO I HAVENT ANY LAST WORDS. Last words of Bernado the rat

    It was with some desperation that Roderigo

    Delmonte surveyed the ruins of his crop.

    Yesterday he had stood upon the same spot and

    admired the unfolding acres of Alcatani ripening

    in the hot Tilean sun. today, where once had

    grown apples and citrus, vines and olive trees,

    there was nothing but charred stumps smouldering

    upon a ravaged landscape. The passage of El

    Cadavos rampaging army had left him an impoverished and broken man. The agricultural

    efforts of a long and hard life had proven utterly

    and cruelly fruitless.

    The life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner,

    was never an easy one in the war-torn land of

    Tilea. When Roderigo Delmonte found himself

    Alvarez: I don't know why we keep fighting for poor peasants who've got no money?

    Roderigo: Ha! Rich Princes with plenty of gold always say `I'll pay you after the battle'. Then after the battle they forget to pay us!

    Alvarez: You mean just like poor peasants?

    Roderigo: No, not like poor peasants. Remember last year when we fought for the village of Scintio? They were honest enough to say that they had no money to pay us before the battle even started.

    Alvarez: Yes, but we fought for them anyway!

    Roderigo: Well remember that scruffy peasant who was hanging round my tent this morning?

    Alvarez: I can stiff smell hint! What did he want? Another free battle?

    Roderigo: He came to express the gratitude of the villagers of Scintio.

    Alvarez: Very nice, but how much breakfast will that buy?

    Roderigo: Not much, but he also left us two sacks of goat cheese... and this sack of gold pieces!

    destitute he embarked upon the only course of

    action that remained to him: he became a soldier.

    His workforce, faced with the unappealing option

    of starvation, signed up without question. In

    Remas, Roderigo sold his last and favourite mule

    and with the proceeds bought some shoddy

    armour, a few second-hand helmets, and a batch

    of slightly bent pikes. With a bit of elbow grease,

    a few hammer blows, and the aid of a steaming

    kettle, Roderigos mean set about preparing themselves for their first battle. By the time they

    had finished they didnt look bad!

    The Alcatani Fellowships first job was not particularly glamorous or lucrative escorting a consignment of dung to a rhubarb grower outside

    Remas but soon Roderigo began to gain a reputation for reliability. The rich and successful

    were prepared to pay top-prices for the best

    troops but for every rich merchant there were ten small scale operators who couldnt afford the services of the more expensive mercenaries. The

    Alcatani Fellowship found a niche!

    Despite its rather modest origin the Alcatani

    Fellowship has proven itself on more than one

    occasion. Their first battle more or less set the

    trend. The villagers of Buccolia, a small vine

    growing community in the lee of the Apuccini

    Mountains, found themselves terrorized by a

    particularly nasty gang of Orcs. These greenskins

    had come to Tilea as mercenaries, but had proven

    so unreliable and untrustworthy that no one would

    employ them. So they became bandits instead,

    raiding small farms and villages and generally

    making life miserable for poor, hard-working

    village folk. In Buccolia the villagers pooled all

    their savings to hire mercenaries to help them, but

    sadly no one was willing to work for seven ducats,

    three farthings, and a goat. Even the money

    lenders refused to deal with them.

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    Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo, marching through the land Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo, with his honest band Feared by the greedy Loved by the needy Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo!

    When Roderigo Delmonte heard of their plight he

    was angered and indignant! The villagers story was a familiar tale of honest hard-working folk

    (rare enough in Tilea) unable to find justice

    because they were poor and powerless. Roderigo

    knew this tale very well indeed. Although he had

    not exactly grown rich as a mercenary, what he

    had was enough, and so he decided to help the

    desperate villagers. The Alcatani Fellowship

    arrived in the dead of night, after a long march in

    the pouring rain. From the roadside they could see

    the smouldering torches of the Orc raiders as they

    climbed down the slopes behind the village. Tired

    and hungry as they were, the valiant pikemen

    prepared for battle. It was quite a surprise for the

    Orcs. They had expected helpless grovelling

    peasants. Instead they found themselves

    confronted by grim faced men with steel-tipped

    pikes, who fought with the determination of the

    possessed! After a short struggle the Orc raiders

    lay dead and scattered. Roderigo had triumphed.

    In return he asked for no money but only the thanks of the villagers. This, the villagers were

    more than willing to give!

    Since that day, the Alcatani Fellowship has fought

    many battles, for many masters, including many

    of the richest and most famous mercenary

    generals in Tilea. But even today they are willing

    to fight for the poor and helpless at rates which

    are far below those of most mercenaries. Although

    he may never be rich himself, amongst the

    common people of the countryside Roderigo

    Delmonte is the most popular mercenary captain

    in the land. He is cheered and greeted wherever he

    goes and stories of his unselfish deeds are told

    around the hearths of simple country folk

    throughout all Tilea.

    THE REGIMENT CAPTAIN: Roderigo Delmonte.

    MOTTO: The Cut-price Cut-throats You Can Afford!

    BATTLE-CRY: Yes!

    APPEARANCE: The Alcatani fellowship wear simple, some might say cheap, armour and red crested

    helmets of unfashionable design. Their clothing is

    simple, practical, and somewhat threadbare. They carry

    sturdy steel-tipped pikes.

    POINTS: Roderigo Delmonte plus nine Pikemen, including a Standard Bearer and Musician, cost a total

    of 85 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

    hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding extra

    Pikemen at a cost of 4 points each.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Roderigo 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 8

    Pikeman 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7

    UNIT SIZE: 10+

    EQUIPMENT: Pike and light armour. Roderigo is equipped with two hand weapons and heavy armour.

    TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

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    We never had a chance, sir. They came out of nowhere. Before we could turn they were in among

    us, shouting their chilling battle-cries as they cut us down. Its true we ran from them sir, but these were not men they were demons on horseback.

    The mercenary Gunter Friesheim, explaining his part in the infamous Rout of Rifraffa

    Young Werner

    Glook was sent

    by his parents to

    an exclusive

    school in

    Marienburg a common fate for

    children of rich

    and famous

    parents who

    couldnt be bothered to raise

    their offspring for

    themselves. As a


    childhood was a

    lonely and deeply unhappy time for him. The school

    masters beat him frequently and the older boys adopted

    him as their personal slave. Werner lived in constant

    anticipation of a sound thrashing. He learned to endure

    things by immersing himself in dreams of foreign

    travel and exotic lands.

    Years later, Werner Glook stepped from a Tilean

    merchant ship onto the harbor of Lashiek City of the Arabian Corsairs. His eagerness to travel the world had

    brought him to the greatest city in Araby. Swarthy-

    skinned boys dressed in rags scampered about his feet,

    offering to carry his bags and attempting to pick his


    He sent them away with a single word of command.

    The boys gawped in amazement and ran away quickly.

    They did not expect a blond haired, blue-eyed stranger

    to speak their language let alone to be so familiar with the coarse vernacular of Araby. Perhaps he was no

    ordinary stranger at all, but the mysterious Al Muktar the Chosen One whose coming was foretold that very year!

    Werner knew nothing of this old legend. He was

    gratified to find the people of Araby friendly and

    generous at least once he had spoken to them after which they generally stopped trying to steal his

    belongings. The word began to spread through the city.

    Werner remained oblivious to his growing fame.

    One day he decided to undertake a journey out into the

    desert to see some famous ruins. He hired guides and

    camels, and set out eastward. After three days the

    caravan was attacked by bandits. Werners guides ran off as soon as the bandits attacked, except for blind Ibn

    the beggar boy who didnt realize what was going on

    until too late, and then ran in exactly the wrong

    direction and was easily caught. Werner, being to

    obstinate to flee, was capture after a fierce fight in

    which he gave a fine display of fist fighting a skill learned by necessity in his school days.

    The bandits leader was Sheikh Ahmed Shufti, a squint-eyed son of the sand, dressed, like his warriors,

    in voluminous flowing robes. The Sheikh had never

    seen an Old Worlder before, but was impressed by his

    captives pluck! The Sheikh decided to stake out Werner in the desert and beat him to death slowly over

    several days. Whilst they were entertained by his cries

    and pitiful pleading, the bandits would roast one of the


    After three days of torture and no water, Werner had

    uttered not one cry of pain and the only words he had

    spoken were to defy his captors and curse their closer

    relatives. The Sheikh was impressed, and his men were

    getting a bit nervous. Surely no ordinary man could

    endure such pain. They were not to know that Werner

    was used to beatings, having suffered far worse at the

    hands of his fellow pupils at school. Once they had

    hung him for three days in the flue of the great

    chimney in the headmasters study he had not uttered a word then either, not even when old

    Meistergriek had lit the fire to warm his old bones.

    Werner could hear the bandits muttering about Al Muktar, but he had no idea that it meant the Chosen One. Al Muktarrrr he cried as loudly as he could. The bandits, who were huddled around their camp fire,

    had grown scared of the Old Worlder after Ibn had told

    them about the legend and various wonderous things he

    had supposedly done in Lashiek. Also, things had

    begun to mysteriously disappear, mostly small valuable

    possessions, and Ibn was careful to explain that this

    was a sure sign that the bandits had fallen under Al

    Muktars curse. Consequently, when they heard Werners cry they threw themselves to the ground wailing and crying, Al Muktar Al Muktar forgive us.

    Needless to say Werner did forgive them. In fact he

    became one of them the life of a desert warrior sounded adventurous and exciting. He abandoned his

    old name, clothes, and habits and became Al Muktar.

    Soon the bandits were known and feared all along the

    coast of Araby. They became renowned as the Desert

    Dogs horsemen of unparalleled ferocity wielding mighty scimitars of gleaming steel. Their battle-cry of

    Al Muktar became feared throughout the land.

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    Soon, the Desert Dogs became such a nuisance that the

    Sheikh of Lashiek was compelled to hire them by

    means of large bribes. At first he sent them eastwards

    to fight the Undead. Al Muktar very much enjoyed

    travelling the land of the Undead, but the Desert Dogs

    grew restless, and soon he led them northwards through

    the Badlands and into the Border Princes. The dashing

    horsemen proved ideally suited to the fast, mobile kind

    of warfare in the pioneer country, and Al Muktar was

    soon as famous in the frontiers of the Old World as he

    was in Araby!

    Only the continued disappearance of small but valuable

    items from the pockets and saddlebags of the Desert

    Dogs continued to trouble the warriors. Plainly they

    must fight harder and more loyally to end the curse that

    their mistreatment of Al Muktar had invoked.


    CAPTAIN: Al Muktar Son of the Desert.

    MOTTO: The Desert Dogs have two famous mottos. There is the official version favored by Al Muktar

    himself, Mighty are the Muktarhin! and then there is the less righteous version often employed by Sheikh

    Ahmed Shufti, Desert Dogs Run Faster Because the Trees are Farther Apart.

    BATTLE-CRY: Al Muktar!

    APPEARANCE: The Desert Dogs ride white horses and are swathed from head to foot in voluminous cloth

    to protect them from the fierce desert sun. They insist

    on wearing this clothing regardless of the climate they

    find themselves in, or whatever time of day or night it

    happens to be. All that can be seen are their eyes and


    POINTS: Al Muktar, Sheikh Ahmed Shufti, Ibn the Standard Bearer, a Musician and one Rider cost a total

    of 190 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

    hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding extra

    Riders at a cost of 12 points each.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Al Muktar 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

    Shiekh Shufti 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

    Ibn 4 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 6

    Desert Dog 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

    UNIT SIZE: 5+

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon & shield. The Sheikh carries the Scimitar of Dakisir heirloom of his tribe. The Black Banner is carried aloft by Blind Ibn the

    beggar boy, who cannot see the peril he is in and so is

    always at the forefront of battle.

    TROOP TYPE: Cavalry.

    SPECIAL RULES: Fast Cavalry, Ambushers.

    Daemons on Horseback: The combination of the

    Desert Dogs surprise attacks and their chilling battle-cries is enough to unnerve even the bravest of soldiers.

    The Desert Dogs cause Fear on any turn in which they


    MAGIC ITEMS: Scimitar of Dakisir (Magic Weapon)

    This scimitar is an heirloom of the tribal sheikhs of the

    Desert Dogs. It was forged centuries ago in the Kasbah

    of Dakisir, long ago sacked and ruined by the Undead.

    The blade is decorated with magical texts inlaid in


    The Scimitar of Dakisir gives Sheikh Ahmed Shufti +1

    Strength. When charging, this is increased to +2


    Black Banner of the Muktarhin (Magic Standard)

    Carried by Blind Ibn the beggar boy, this banner is an

    heirloom of Al Muktars family.

    The Desert Dogs add +D3 to their combat resolution.

    Roll at the end of each close combat.

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    The jungle seemed to have come to life, raining arrows on us. Those, who didn't die instantly, soon sank screaming to the ground, having heavy convulsions and foamy mouths. In my desperate

    situation I seemed to see things which didn't belong to that place. Suddenly a beautiful woman was

    standing right in front of me. She smiled gently, only to draw a dim glowing dagger from beneath

    her belt. This wasn't a dream! Marcello Bertolucci in the lunatic asylum of Remas, telling about his travels to Lustria

    The jungles of Lustria hold many secrets. Explorers

    maintain dubious tales of ancient weapons of power

    and tribes of the deadly warrior women known as

    Amazons. Such stories, however mocked by the

    academics of the Old World, are not without truth.

    Some are so old they pass into legend, becoming part

    of jungle lore, like Anakonda and her Amazons.

    Anakonda and her Amazons are warrior women of the

    savage, yet noble Amazonian Sisterhood. The origins

    of the warband and how many of these warriors exist is

    unknown for they have remained hidden for many

    years in Lustria's jungles.

    What is known from the collected journals and

    rambling testimonies of various explorers lucky

    enough to have survived prolonged contact with them,

    is scant. It is believed they take their names from the

    jungle beasts with which they share their lands. These

    names are tied into strict ritual and one scholar has

    theorised that totemic identities are granted after a

    physical trial akin to a rite of passage. Anakonda, their

    leader, is known as such after she wrestled a huge

    snake, slew it and flayed its skin to wear as a trophy

    and record of her deed. Other warriors in the warband

    have performed similar feats and are named


    Humming Bird has the honour of bearing the standard

    of the Amazons, an unusual banner adorned with

    plucked feathers. These decorations are taken from

    exotic birds held sacred by the Lizardmen. While no

    single deed distinguishes Humming Bird, her general

    prowess is second only to Anakonda herself and the

    special banner she carries is a proclamation of this.

    Pirrana, another of Anakonda's closest sword-sisters,

    was so named after she was captured by a band of

    Skinks. The diminutive Lizardmen planned to sacrifice

    the brave Amazonian in a pond in which a giant

    piranha fish dwelled. A furious battle ensued in which

    the water in the pond ran red with the giant fish's

    blood. Like her leader, Pirrana took the skin of the

    dead fish as a trophy and now wears it like armour. She

    also gutted the beast as a warning to the other denizens

    of the jungle. In so doing she found a large conch shell

    in its stomach. This giant conch shell now acts as

    Anakonda's Amazons' war horn, which Pirrana, as the

    band's musician, blows in battle to warn her sisters of

    the approach of enemies.

    Tales of Anakonda first reached Old Worlders on

    Lustria when a band of Tilean explorers became lost in

    the depths of the jungle and were set upon by Skinks.

    Deadly poison darts spat out of the trees, taking a

    heavy toll upon the hapless men, but when death

    seemed assured, the Skinks scattered. Out of the

    darkness the Amazons emerged.

    As a charged calm descended, it wasn't clear whether

    the Tileans had been saved or were destined for a much

    worse fate. The quick-witted leader of the band, Enrico

    Baggio, recognised the delicacy of their predicament

    and persuaded the Amazons to help them out of the

    jungle with the promise of gold and some cheap beads!

    It cost Enrico and his band their entire haul of loot for

    their safe passage. They got to their boats and Enrico

    vowed never to return.

    Recently, the Tilean captain El Baddo claimed to have

    procured the services of Anakonda and her Amazons to

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    ambush a band of Dwarf adventurers. The

    unscrupulous Tilean wanted to prevent the Dwarfs

    reaching the lost temple of Toca before he did. This

    required much gold, and was a mere taster of the true

    cost. For after the Dwarfs were betrayed and

    ambushed, the Amazons treacherously attacked El

    Baddo. Although he miraculously survived, the price of

    Amazonian help was dear in both coin and blood.

    It seems that the Amazons have not quite grasped the

    idea of being mercenaries. They fight for themselves

    and care little for anyone else. If anyone pays them

    gold to fight, it just shows the Amazons how weak they

    are! So be warned, if the Amazons accept your gold, it

    doesn't mean that they won't come back and sacrifice

    you later...


    CAPTAIN: Anakonda.

    MOTTO: The Old Ones left us the sacred places in the jungle, and we know how to preserve and defend


    BATTLE-CRY: Men are no match for us!

    APPEARANCE: Amazons are fierce fighters. Clothed in the flayed hides of Skinks, many bearing

    animal-headed masks, they are a fearsome sight. Some

    dye their hair in myriad colours reminiscent of the

    exotic birds of the jungle, and raise it with resin and

    sap to mimic a Skink's crest. The Amazons' skin is

    tanned from the tropical sun, and they wear animal tails

    and the long feathers of tropical birds from waist belts.

    Awarded for feats of valour in battle, the more

    magnificent the tail, the higher the status of the warrior.

    Amazons are adorned with all manner of gold, bangles,

    anklets, rings and other trinkets that they have claimed

    from their enemies as battle trophies. Understandably,

    most of these are Lizardman in origin.

    POINTS: Anakonda and 4 Amazons, including Humming Bird the standard bearer and Pirrana the

    musician, cost a total of 140 points. This is the

    minimum unit you can hire. The regiment may be

    increased by adding more Amazons at 10 points each.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Anakonda 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

    Humming Bird 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8

    Pirrana 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 6

    Amazon 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    UNIT SIZE: 5+

    EQUIPMENT: Blades of the Ancients and Skink hide (counts as light armour).

    TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

    SPECIAL RULES: Skirmishers, Scouts, Forest Striders.

    BLADES OF THE ANCIENTS The Amazons carry a special kind of weapon of

    unknown origin, which they call the Blades of the

    Ancients. These weapons are rumoured to be rare and

    much sought after High Age artefacts. Despite their

    vast age they are still powerful, the gems set within

    them said to blaze with the captured fires of a falling

    star. They project a shield of arcane energy around the

    wearer, and the Amazons can point the Blades at the

    enemy and unleash the very flames of the sun itself.

    Range Strength Special Rules





    6+ Ward save,

    Quick to Fire


    The sacred places of the Lustrian jungles hide many strange and valuable artefacts. Invaders seek such items because they are made from gold or gemstones, others because they hold

    power that mages may draw upon. Some are covered in mysterious texts said to be the script of the gods themselves, and scholars covet these above all others. Of the utmost rarity are the weapons of the so-called High Age. These can be staffs, rods, blades and various other shapes, and many are more deadly than any other weapon known to the world. Some High

    Age weapons project shimmering bolts of light, others propel small missiles many hundreds of metres that bury themselves within the flesh of their targets, only to explode, ripping it

    apart in a shower of gore. Such items are highly valued, more than the most potent of magical artefacts, and are the subject of legend among scholars. Entire armies have been

    raised at the mere hint that such a weapon may be found, and any cost will be paid just for the chance of acquiring one. To date, only the Amazons have been witnessed bearing such weapons, and it can only be hoped that no invader gains the power of a High Age artefact.

  • 12


    Victory was finally within our grasp. Then, without warning, a vast green Dragon fell from the skies

    to bar our way. Its teeth were like scythes, bilious green fumes leaked from its nostrils, and on its

    back rode a proud warrior. This was the first we saw of Asarnil. Extract from The glorious adventures of Gunter Friesheim

    The Legend of Asarnil the Dragonlord is known

    throughout Ulthuan. Asarnil was the son of Aserion,

    the hero of a thousand battles. From his earliest years

    Asarnil was brought up in the martial traditions of

    Caledor. He became a great warrior and one of the few

    Elves still able to rouse the Dragons who slept beneath

    the mountains of the High Elf realm.

    His companion, Deathfang, was one of the greatest

    Dragons that the Princes of Caledor could still wake

    from their deep slumber. Together they were all but

    invincible, and their fame reached far beyond the

    boundaries of Caledor.

    During the Great War Against Chaos, Asarnil fought

    with distinction alongside his brother Dragon Princes.

    Asarnil commanded them in battle, and it was because

    of him that Caledor was not overrun during those dark


    After the Battle of the Finuval Plains, Asarnil had been

    ordered to link up with the High Elf forces marching

    from Lothern. Once the Dragon Princes arrived, the

    combined forces of Lothern and Caledor could destroy

    the last major Dark Elf force in Ulthuan.

    But before Asarnil could fly to the Phoenix Kings aid, word came that Caledor itself was under attack. Under

    the command of Asarnil, an entire flight of the

    Dragonriders sped back through the skies to protect

    their homeland. In a brilliant assault the Dragonriders

    of Caledor swept the Dark Elves to the sea, and

    Caledor was saved. Triumphant, Asarnil headed back

    towards the rendezvous with the Phoenix King,

    confident that great rewards and honour awaited him

    upon his arrival.

    On hearing that his orders had been disobeyed, Phoenix

    King Finubar became angry. If his troops had come

    under attack without the support of the Dragon Princes,

    they would have faced destruction. When Asarnil and

    his fellow Dragonriders arrived at the Phoenix Kings camp, no parade awaited them. Instead, Asarnil was

    summoned before the Phoenix King himself. Enraged,

    Asarnil declined and swore that he was no longer a

    subject of the crown of Ulthuan. The response of

    Finubar the Seafarer was quick and harsh. Asarnil

    would be stripped of his title and lands and banished

    from Ulthuan, unless he would face the Phoenix Kings justice. Proud to the last, Asarnil declined.

    Asarnil was now a Prince without a domain, a lord in

    exile. He gathered his weapons and armour, mounted

    Deathfang, and left the blessed island of Ulthuan.

    Asarnil headed towards the old ruins of an Elf city in

    the south of the Old World. He found that humans now

    inhabited the land. His Dragon descended in the city of

    Remas in the land of Tilea, much to the dismay of the

    citizens. However, the Prince of Remas realized that

    such a mighty ally would give them the advantage they

    needed in their war. He immediately hired the services

    of Asarnil for the war Remas was waging against the

    city of Miragliano.

    With the help of Asarnil and the awesome might of

    Deathfang, Remas decisively defeated their rivals and

    brought the war to a successful conclusion. Indeed,

    such was the terror inspired by Deathfang that most of

    the men of Miragliano threw down their arms and fled

    from the field without a battle! In the naval battle of the

    Sirens Rocks, Asarnil and Deathfang destroyed Miraglianos entire fleet, and ended the citys supremacy at sea.

    Since those days the proud banner of Asarnil has flown

    over countless battlefields in the Old World. Only the

    greatest Princes can afford the exorbitant fee of the

    Dragonlord, but a general calling upon Asarnil is

    almost guaranteed to be victorious.

    In his heart of hearts Asarnil still dreams of returning

    to Caledor in triumph with the riches he has won, but

    for now his lance and sword are for hire.

  • 13


    CAPTAIN: Asarnil the Dragonlord.

    MOTTO: Victory is a foregone conclusion.

    BATTLE-CRY: Wahnil, wahnil! is the battle-cry of the Caledorians, calling for Vengeance and Death.

    APPEARANCE: Attired in all the splendour of the Dragon Princes of old, Asarnil and his Dragon are a

    truly magnificent sight on the battlefield. Glittering

    ithilmar armour and shining gems combined with the

    sheer presence of the Great Dragon Deathfang are

    unforgettable if you survive to tell the tale.

    POINTS: Asarnil and his mighty Dragon Deathfang cost a total of 535 points. Asarnil is worth 145 points

    and Deathfang is worth 390 points.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Asarnil 5 7 6 4 3 2 7 4 9

    Deathfang 6 7 0 7 7 7 2 6 9

    UNIT SIZE: Massive!

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, lance, Dragon armour and shield.

    TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character). Deathfang: (Monster). Asarnil rides Deathfang, the


    SPECIAL RULES (Asarnil): Always Strikes First.

    Valour of the Ages: Asarnil is a High Elf and can re-

    roll failed Psychology tests against Dark Elves.

    SPECIAL RULES (Deathfang): Fly, Terror, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Breath Weapon (Strength

    4, Flaming Attacks).

    Dragon Tamer: The Elves of Caledor have a natural

    empathy for dragon-kind that is recognised by all. If

    Asarnil is fighting in close combat against another

    Dragon then the enemy Dragon must take a Leadership

    test before it attacks. If the test if failed, the Dragon

    may not attack this turn. However, a Dragon will only

    refuse to fight so long as it is not attacked itself. Should

    the Dragon be attacked it will always fight back.

    Dragonrage: Deathfang is Asarnils loyal companion. Should Asarnil be slain, Deathfang counts as having

    rolled a 5-6 on the Monster Reaction table.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Dragon Armour (Magic Armour) Asarnil wears an ancient suit of Ithilmar armour and

    which has powerful enchants to protect its wearer from


    Heavy armour. The Dragon Armour allows Asarnil to

    re-roll failed armour saves. In addition, he gains a 2+

    Ward save to all fire-based attacks.

    Amulet of Dragonheart (Talisman)

    This amulet was one of the potent artefacts made by

    Caledor the Dragontamer for the Elven Dragon

    Princes. It is said that the gleaming gem hanging

    around Asarnils neck is a stone found at the heart of a mountain, blessed by Caledor the Dragontamer

    himself. The dazzling light of the Amulet of

    Dragonheart makes the shape of Asarnil and his

    Dragon appears blurry and vague, as if glanced

    through a haze.

    All missile attacks against Asarnil and his Dragon

    suffer a -1 to hit penalty.

  • 14


    Lock your doors, bar your windows and hide your goats the Bearmen are coming! If you have a horse then flee, but dont try and run. They can smell your fear and theyll hunt you down like dogs.

    Ever see what an angry bear does to a dog? The village elders final advice

    In Ursfjord in the

    frozen north the

    great hall of Urslo

    is to be found. It is

    built of great

    timbers hewn from

    mighty trees. In this

    hall resides Beorg,

    chieftain of the

    Bermen of Urslo that is when he is

    not raiding or


    When Beorg, son of Bran, cracked the skulls of

    Uldsdau and Graill, twin sons of Huern, chieftain of the

    tribe of the Wolf, the gods chose to show their

    considerable favour. As Beorg threw himself upon his

    enemies his back arched and split, his ribs cracked and

    turned in upon his body, his face was consumed from

    within by a snarling black muzzle. The gift of the were-

    bear was upon him the gift of the gods to the people of Norsca he was Bearstruck.

    Beorg is a were-bear of extraordinary power. When he

    enters battle he turns into a savage bear of immense

    size. This is a great and marvellous thing even amongst

    the tribes of the north, many of whose people

    spontaneously develop were-shapes in battle. Amongst

    Beorgs folk, the tribe of the Bear, it is common for warriors to sprout claws, snarling teeth, mane-like fur,

    and bear-shaped muzzles. But alone of all his people,

    Beorg carries the full shape of the Bear within him.

    Only he is Bearstruck the mark of lordship amongst his people! Beorg was soon acknowledged as the

    chieftain of his tribe, the Ursfjordings or Bearmen.

    Like all savages of the northlands, Beorg despises the

    weakness of lesser men! He cares nothing for the so-

    called civilized lands that lie to the south. When the

    Chaos armies of Warlord Archaon marched upon the

    lands of the Empire Beorg gladly joined them. His

    warriors had grown tired of easy conquests amongst

    the tribes of the north! At the Battle of the Monoliths,

    Beorg led his warriors against the army of Arch-Lector

    Mannfeld of Nuln. The soldiers of the Empire were

    horrified to find themselves confronted by men in half-

    bear shape, snarling and tearing like the savages they

    were! Amongst them all was the towering shape of

    Beorg casting aside his foes with great swipes of his

    claws, knocking heads from shoulders and tearing arms

    from their sockets.

  • 15

    After the battle Beorg realized that the lands of the

    south offered plenty of opportunity for bloodletting and

    savagery. His warriors fought their way through the

    Empire, occasionally finding employment, but more

    often living by pillage and robbery. Eventually the

    Bearmen crossed the mountains and found themselves

    in the Border Princes. This was a time of great battles

    and much plundering and Beorgs fame grew rapidly. At night the Bearmen would sit around their camp

    drinking as only the northmen can, and singing rousing

    songs of their great adventures!

    It was during one such session of drunken revelry that

    the Bearmen were ambushed by Goblin bandits. Many

    were shot with black arrows before Beorg strode

    forward to snap the Goblin chiefs neck like a twig. During this battle Oerl the Young was struck by an

    arrow which took out an eye and left a scar running

    across his face. Despite his injuries Oerl held onto the

    tribes banner, the Bear of Urslo, an immense bearskin slain by Bran to celebrate the birth of his son Beorg.

    Beorg rewarded the young warrior with gold and the

    honoured place in battle by his side.


    CAPTAIN: Beorg Bearstruck.

    MOTTO: The Dark Gods Bless Us.

    BATTLE-CRY: Beorg and his men launch themselves upon the foe with a mighty bear-like

    growl Grrrrowwwwwww.

    APPEARANCE: The Bearmen, like many of the tribes of Norsca, are affected by the dark power of

    Chaos. This has made them as much beasts as men and

    all are touched with the mark of the were-bear to some

    extent with shaggy hair, brutal ursine faces, massive

    teeth, and slashing claws. They wear barbaric clothing

    made of furs and held together with leather straps, and

    they have wild, unkempt hair. Their iron helmets have

    horns which make them look especially ferocious, and

    many wear long shaggy cloaks made from wild bears often with the head or claws left on.

    POINTS: Beorg and nine Bearmen, including Oerl the Young (the Banner Bearer) and a Horn Blower,

    cost a total of 275 points. This is the minimum size of

    unit you can hire. The regiment may be enlarged by

    adding extra models at a cost of 10 points each.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Beorg 4 6 0 5 5 3 3 4 8

    Oerl the Young 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 7

    Bearrnan 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 7

    UNIT SIZE: 10+

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, light armour and shield. Beorg is a were-bear he wears no armour and fights with his claws and teeth!

    TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

    SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Bear Fang (Talisman)

    This gigantic and ancient yellowed canine tooth is the

    sacred talisman of lordship amongst Beorgs tribe. Beorg wears it about his neck. The talisman wards of

    blows that would otherwise harm its wearer.

    The Bear Fang gives Beorg a 4+ Ward save.

    Bear Banner (Magic Standard)

    Oerl carries the tribes totem into battle an entire bear skin whose grizzly head leers out from the top.

    The skins power is immense, driving the warriors into a fury that is almost impossible to stop.

    Beorg and the Bearmen of Urslo gains +1 to Hit in the

    first round of close combat. This does not apply to any

    other character joining the unit.

  • 16


    They came out of a clear blue sky, showering crossbow bolts onto our packed ranks. But before we

    could react theyd flown off only to return from a different angle, emptying their quivers into our unprotected backs once more. Of course we surrendered.

    The mercenary Gunter-Friesheim, in his account of the Crookback Pass fiasco.

    Daddallo was a well-known craftsman and windmill

    builder in the city of Verezzo. He became obsessed

    with trying to fly like a bird after he acquired some

    lost manuscripts of Leonardo da Miragliano.

    Inspired by the ideas these contained, he began

    experimenting with flying devices. Only later did it

    emerge that these manuscripts were clever forgeries.

    However, by then it was far too late; Daddallos obsession had quite taken over his life, ousting any

    vestige of common sense from his fevered brain.

    Merchant Prince: They tell me t the Birdmen of Catrazza can capture any tower in Tilea, or for that matter the world. So if you can convince me that you can snatch the Orb of the Ancients from the Dread Tower of Dumio, you're hired!

    Daddallo: 'Tis simple, my for& I have a cunning plan! First we buzz in low, hedgehopping for good measure. Then it's 'up and under' and in from the sun. Keeping an eye out for Archie' of course. Corkscrew and puff out, trying not to prang. Then the wingies will strafe. My number two is in and out and we're away!

    Merchant Prince: Can yon say that again, more slowly?

    Biggolo: (Whispers to Daddaffo) I don't think he understands our banter, old boy!

    Daddallos early attempts to fly met with no success. His efforts caused much amusement among the

    citizens who gathered in the piazza to watch him

    jumping off various towers. Fortunately for him,

    Daddallos version of Leonardos parachute was one thing that did work!

    Daddallo fell afoul of the powerful Batta family of

    Verezzo when he plunged through the roof of their

    country villa and landed in the marble bath of the

    mistress of the house while she was bathing in it.

    Quite apart from this impolite intrusion, Daddallo

    landed on top of the captain of her bodyguard (who

    for some reason or other was also in the same bath),

    killing him outright. Daddallo was immediately

    imprisoned in the leaning tower of Verezzo, to avoid

    further embarrassment to the Republic.

    Determined to escape, Daddallo whiled away the

    days by ingeniously constructing a pair of wings

    using bed sheets stretched over a framework of

    wooden spindles cut from the furniture. Soon he was

    ready to jump from his prison window, which had

    no bars since it was so high up that it was thought no

    one could escape! Daddallos exit was rather spectacular. Miraculously, he swooped over the

    rooftops to freedom instead of plummeting to his

    death in the piazza!

    Flying into exile, Daddallo spent the whole of the

    following year training a mercenary band of his

    Birdmen. Only the best and thinnest marksmen were chosen. This was so that the Birdmen could

    shoot at enemy flyers even whilst they were flying

    high in the air.

    The Birdmen went into action for the first time at the

    battle of Motta Zorella and snatched victory by

    descending on the enemy general and carrying him

    off into captivity. Daddallos Birdmen were immediately hired by Alfeo Romeo of Remas. Alfeo

    was determined to rescue the beautiful Isabella

    Dellecta from the bent tower of Catrazza, where she

    had been shut up by here family until she agreed to

    an arranged marriage to Grobbo, a rich, ugly, and

    cruel merchant from Miragliano. Daddallos Birdmen succeed in this dangerous task despite a

    number of marksmen guarding the tower.

    Henceforth, the regiment took the name Birdmen of Catrazza, and is much in demand.

  • 17


    CAPTAIN: Daddallo

    MOTTO: Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines.

    BATTLE-CRY: Tally Ho!

    APPEARANCE: All the Birdmen are equipped with wings made of canvas stretched over a light wooden

    frame. This is strapped to their shoulders by means of a

    harness that leaves both hands free to shoot the


    In flight, the wings can be flapped by means of stirrups attached to the feet. The Birdmen not only

    glide through the air but can flap their wings to regain

    height and vary their airspeed.

    The Birdmen also wear grotesque masks with long

    bird-like beaks instead of noses, much like those worn

    for Tilean carnivals.

    POINTS: Daddallo and four Birdmen cost a total of 100 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

    hire. The regiment may be increased by adding extra

    Birdman models at a cost of +15 points each.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Daddallo 4 4 5 4 3 2 4 2 8

    Birdman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

    UNIT SIZE: 5+

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon and light crossbow. TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

    SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Ambushers.

    Shoot on the Wing: The wings of the Birdmen are

    flapped by means of stirrups on their feet. This means

    that they have both hands free to load and shoot their

    crossbows while flying. This in turn means that the

    Birdmen can shoot while flying, and suffer no penalty

    for shooting on the move unless they move on foot.

  • 18


    As they approached the castle our hearts sank. Braganzas men never lost or fled and we knew we were doomed. Our captain began to explain how safe we were behind the walls, but a crossbow bolt

    cut him short. No one wanted to be the next victim. The mercenary Gunter Friesheim, in his report on the capture of the impregnable Schloss Adlerberg

    The ingenious Borgio "The Besieger", the Prince of

    Miragliano, originally employed the famous regiment

    of Besiegers, as a special siege unit on crossbowmen.

    Borgio wanted marksmen who could pick off defenders

    on the walls at close range in the face of hail of enemy

    missiles, hold ramparts against assault, provide missile

    support for sappers and miners, man siege towers and,

    if need be, stand their ground against enemy units

    sallying out of besieged fortresses. Braganza's troops

    soon proved their worth in Borgio's many sieges and

    turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open


    Having stormed, starved out or received the surrender

    of pretty well every city and fortress that he ever

    besieged, Borgio was well pleased with Braganza's

    Besiegers and offered to find them work in return for a

    cut of the profits. Braganza accepted Borgio's offer at

    once, knowing full well that to refuse Borgio's kindness

    was not only impolite but also a terminal course of


    Soon the Besiegers took ship for Tobaro where they

    took part in the siege of the pirate stronghold on the

    island of Cera-Scuro. Then they were hired by the

    Dwarfs to help recapture a very strong Dwarf outpost

    in the Badlands, which had been captured by Orcs.

    Braganza was paid handsomely with a massive chest of

    jewels and the regiment began the long trek back to

    Miragliano through hostile territory to deliver Borgio's

    agreed share of the loot (no one ever double-crossed

    Borgio and lived!). They battled their way across the

    Apuccinis in winter fought off Dwarf bandits, Orcs,

    Beastmen, Empire robber knights, Tilean outlaw band,

    renegade Bretonnian commoners who had

    treacherously slain their lord, staving and extremely

    desperate Halflings, even more hungry and desperate

    Ogres, the notorious Red Company of Remas (whose

    captain had a vendetta against Braganza) and various

    others winning by forming a hollow square and

    shooting them all down as they came.

    On entering Tilea, they heard news that Borgio had

    been treacherously assassinated and his mighty Dogs of

    War army had either disbanded or split into factions

    fighting in the streets of Miragliano. Braganza decided

    to do the obvious thing and share out the jewels and

    continue his career as one of the best mercenary

    regiments to come out of Tilea. The Besiegers were

    soon hired by Lorenzo Lupo, the Prince of Luccini and

    sent to Sartosa where the waging war against on of the

    many pirate chiefs on the island. Since then, the

    Besiegers have fought for many masters in sieges and

    open battles, always standing like a wall of steel and

    adding to their legendary reputation.

  • 19


    CAPTAIN: Luka Braganza

    MOTTO: Invincibility at No Extra Charge!

    BATTLE-CRY: Borgio!

    APPEARANCE: The Besiegers wear full-plate armour in the exotic Miragliano style, and carry a large

    pavise on a back-strap.

    POINTS: Braganza and nine Besiegers cost a total of 190 points including Standard Bearer and Musician.

    This is the minimum size of unit you can hire. The

    regiment may be enlarged by adding extra models at a

    cost of +12 points each.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Braganza 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

    Besieger 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    UNIT SIZE: 10+

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, crossbow, full plate armour and pavise. Luca Braganza is equipped with a

    hand weapon, pistol, crossbow and full plate armour.

    TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

  • 20


    Never seen anything like it in all my years. It aint right, thats what. Guns are supposed to stay put, not gallop off whenever you get anywhere near them. And firing while theyre doing it is

    outrageous! Im gonna file a complaint, thats what. It aint right. Burkil Burkilsson after the battle of Dead Mans Hill

    Bronzinos Gallopers were first employed at the Battle of Pattio. These were, in fact, lightweight cannons

    removed from their mountings on the galleys of Remas

    and fixed to specially made carriages. This was done

    on the instructions of Master Gunner Bronzino who

    had been hired by Borgio the Besieger, Prince of

    Miragliano. This innovation contributed in no small

    measure to the victory and Bronzino proceeded to raise

    a battery of specially designed guns forged in the very

    same foundry as that used by Leonardo da Miragliano

    to cast his colossal brass statues.

    Bronzino served Borgio well in many more battles but

    following the Princes assassination, and the uncertain state of affairs in Miragliano, Bronzino sought other

    employment. Since then the battery has turned up in

    the armies of several notorious mercenary generals,

    bringing them victory and earning Bronzino enough

    gold to forge more and improved designs of

    lightweight cannon.

    The gunners bring the cannons into action rapidly and

    fire at close range. This can have a devastating effect

    on the enemy in an open battle. As soon as the enemy

    moves near enough to threaten the guns, the gunners

    hitch them up and gallop off at speed, finding a new

    position further back. If the battle goes badly and it is

    necessary to retreat, the precious cannons can be

    removed from the battlefield without delay. This not

    only saves the guns for use again, but makes it unlikely

    that the enemy will capture them. Nor do the guns have

    to be abandoned in a hasty retreat like other, more

    cumbersome artillery.

    Having earned an awesome reputation in Tilea, and

    incurred the undying hatred of the survivors of many a

    pike company, Bronzinos battery was shipped across the ocean to take action against the Lizardmen in a

    doomed treasure hunting expedition led by the Dwarf

    pirate, Kugar Halfbeard. Bronzino used the speed of

    Just put down your swords and surrender, It's worse if you fights or you runs, You can do what you please, You can climb up the trees, But you can't get away from the guns!

    the guns to fight a heroic rearguard action through the

    jungle to the beach, felling pursuing Saurus warriors in

    droves as they went. Indeed the guns were still firing

    from the longboats as they were pushed out to sea,

    sweeping the beach clear of the enemy until they were

    safely in open water.

    The battery subsequently turned up in Araby and took

    part in the Sultans war against the Undead, where the speed and mobility of the guns proved decisive in the

    open expanses of parched sand. Greatly enriched by his

    efforts, Bronzino brought his battery back to Tilea

    where he has been reforging and refitting the guns and

    considering numerous and very generous offers

    arriving every day from rival Merchant Princes plotting

    to make war on each other.


    CAPTAIN: Bronzino.

    MOTTO: The biggest bang for your bucks!

    BATTLE-CRY: Ready! Aim! Fire!

    APPEARANCE: Small, lightweight bronze or brass cannons harnessed to light limbers drawn by one horse.

    One of the gunners rides the horse, the others run

    beside the gun carrying the ramrods and other

    equipment. Bronzino is a big man riding his own horse

    and wearing ornate armour.

    POINTS: Master Gunner Bronzino and one Galloper Gun team cost a total of 155 points. This is the

    minimum size of unit you can hire. You may buy one

    extra Galloper Gun team at a cost of 90 points per gun

    team in your army, or two extra in a Grand Army.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Bronzino 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

    Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    Galloper Gun - - - - 6 3 - - -

    Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

  • 21

    UNIT SIZE: Each Gun has a crew of three, and one crewman rides a warhorse.

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon. Bronzino is equipped with a hand weapon and heavy armour. He rides a


    TROOP TYPE: War Machine (Cannon), Cavalry (Bronzino only).

    SPECIAL RULES: Vanguard.

    Master Gunner: Bronzino has a wealth of experience

    as a gunner aboard various Reman galleys and knows

    all aspects of employing cannons in warfare.

    Bronzino may lend his expertise to one gun crew per

    turn, ensuring that the crew will hit their target.

    Bronzino will make corrections to the cannons elevation etc.

    Nominate one Galloper Gun team within 3" of

    Bronzino in the Shooting Phase. A cannon crew

    following Bronzinos instructions is far less likely to improperly load their cannon, and so may re-roll the

    Artillery Dice to determine the distance the cannon ball


    Cannon: The Galloper Guns follow the rules for

    Cannons in the Warhammer Rulebook, with the

    following exceptions:

    Small Calibre: The Galloper Guns fire uses the following profile:

    Range Strength Special Rules

    36" 7 Multiple Wounds (D3),

    Ignores armour saves

    Due to their small size, Galloper Guns cannot fire

    Grape Shots.

    Rapid Movement: The Galloper Gun is harnessed to a warhorse ridden by one of the gunners. This

    enables the Gun and its entire crew to move 8" as the

    remaining crew members are assumed to jump on the

    harness and hitch a lift.

    If the galloper gun is charged, the crew may hold or

    flee. If they flee, the gun is assumed to be limbered

    up immediately without any movement penalty.

    Deployment: Each gun and its crew operate as an independent unit. Bronzino may lend his Leadership

    to each gun as long as he is within 3" of it.

  • 22


    Shortly before the arrival of the night, I saw how my brave comrade Alfonzo was killed by the cursed blade of the leader of this dire party, consisting of immemorial parts of armour and dull

    blades, worn by tattered skeletons. The next day during the fight against these cursed I recognized

    the award with which our sergeant rewarded us after our last victory on one of these skeletal

    horrors. In front of me stood Alfonzo, a half-rotten servant of death! I threw away my sword and

    ran for my life, horror-stricken! Report from Guiseppe Mancini after the battle in Libtita's Valley

    The dark legend of Richter Kreugar the Damned and

    his Cursed Company has been told for countless years

    across the Empire. A tragic tale of betrayal, greed and

    revenge, the details and truth behind the stories have

    long become hazy and unclear as the story has been

    told and retold for generations.

    The most common tales revolving around Richter

    Kreugar's tragic curse tell of a young mercenary

    captain, proud, talented, and ruthless. He hired out his

    services freely, uncaring whom he fought for as long as

    the price was right. Centuries ago in the history of the

    Old World, richer was said to have allied with a

    powerful Necromancer, aiding him in his diabolical

    campaign against the Empire, terrorizing the heavy

    forested area around Wolfenburg.

    With the leather bound annals of the Historiata

    Imperiatus, it is said that the Empire army of

    Wolfenburg was suffering horrendous casualties in a

    war of attrition that they could not hope to win.

    However, they struggled on regardless and began to

    wear down the Necromancer, taking the offensive and

    pushing him deeper into the forest, denying him the

    time needed to strengthen his undead forces. Seeing the

    Necromancer faltering, Richter accepted the bribes of

    an Empire agent, the calculating young mercenary

    seeing a chance to make some easy money and be on

    the winning side. As the titanic battle hung in the

    balance, Richter played his hand, striking out at the

    foul Necromancer, who fell beneath his blade.

    However, with his dying breath the unholy sorcerer

    gasped a curse that was to be the eternal undoing of the

    enterprising sell-sword.

    Before his horrified eyes, Richter's skin began to wither

    and within moments he collapsed to the ground, a

    lifeless pile of bones and armour. The day was won for

    the Empire forces, the tale of Richter's betrayal may

    well have been forgotten, had his death not been

    accompanied by a tragic twist.

    The very next night, Richter rose from the ground. He

    stared at the world with his hollow eyes, and all he

    surveyed appeared in shades of grey. In anguish and

    despair, Richter saw his own skeletal limbs, and the

    full horror of the Necromancer's incantation began to

    dawn on him.

    As a result, Richter stalks the Old World and beyond.

    Hundreds of years since his death he is still seeking

    oblivion and peace, yet he is never able to achieve his

    final rest. Countless times he has been cut down, only

    to wake the following night to his never-ending, hellish

    torment. A terrible element of the curse is evoked each

    time he slays an enemy, for his defeated foes rise

    immediately to serve him in undeath, slave to his will.

    He travels the world; living out a tragic parody of his

    former mercenary career, fighting whatever he finds

    battle. His anger and despair momentarily lost in the

    bloodshed, he continues his doomed existence in the

    desperate hope that one time when his skeletal body is

    slain, he will finally know the relief of true death.


    CAPTAIN: Richter Kreugar the Damned.

    MOTTO: Dust to dust and bones back in the sand!

    BATTLE-CRY: The battle-cry of Richter Kreugar has long been forgotten by the people of the Old

    World. The silence of the grave hangs over the Cursed

    Company as it traverses the land, marching to war

    accompanied only by the sound of creaking ancient

    leather and the scrape of rusted metal.

    POINTS: Richter Kreugar and nine of the Cursed Company including a standard bearer and musician

    cost a total of 210 points. This is the minimum size

    regiment you can hire. The size of the regiment may be

    increased at the cost of 5 points per model.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Richter Kreugar 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 9

    Skeleton 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 3

    UNIT SIZE: 10+

    EQUIPMENT: Richter Kreugar is armed with a shield, heavy armour, the Dark Gem of the Cursed and

    his unholy sword, Blight. The Skeletons of the Cursed

    Company are equipped with hand weapons, shields and

    light armour, and the standard bearer carries the Banner

    of Malediction.

  • 23

    SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Unbreakable, Unstable, Hate Undead (Richter only).

    'Join us in damnation...': As part of Kreugar's curse,

    any foe slain by him or one of his company are

    withered by dark magic, their flesh aging as if decades

    had passed in the blink of an eye. The lifeless victim is

    instantly enslaved to the will of Richter, rising to

    accompany him in his eternal curse.

    If any model within the Cursed Company (including

    Kreugar himself) slays an Infantry or Cavalry model,

    then one Skeleton is created in its place.

    Models created in this way are added to the Cursed

    Company, and are armed in the same manner as the

    Company. The Victory Points value of the unit is

    unaffected. This rule counts only for models that are

    killed in close combat, and not for models killed in any

    other way (for example, running down fleeing troops).

    Independent: The Cursed Company is a completely

    independently acting unit. Richter and the Cursed

    Company will never use the Leadership of the General,

    even if it is better than his own. Additionally, the

    Cursed Company cannot be joined by any characters.

    Hate Undead: Richter Kreugar hates all other Undead.

    This applies to Richter only.

    Undead: The Cursed Company is Undead, and as such

    the following rules apply to them:

    If Richter is killed, the Cursed Company will quickly begin to crumble to dust. At the end of the phase

    when Richter is killed, and at the beginning of each

    of their turns thereafter, the Cursed Company must

    take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the unit

    suffers a number of wounds equal to the number they

    failed the Leadership test by. No saves of any kind

    are allowed against these wounds.

    The Cursed Company can march as long as Richter is still alive. If Richter dies, the Cursed Company

    cannot make march moves.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Blight (Magic Weapon)

    Blight is a darkly powerful blade, centuries old and

    suffused with unholy magic.

    Blight confers +1 Strength to all close combat attacks

    made by Richter. In addition, the weapon has the

    Killing Blow special rule.

    Dark Gem of the Cursed (Talisman)

    The Dark Gem of the Cursed glows a blood-red shade

    that intensifies when a blow is directed towards

    Richter, protecting him from harm.

    The Dark gem gives Richter a 4+ Ward Save.

    The Banner of Malediction (Magic Standard)

    The sinister banner of the Cursed Company has been

    carried for centuries by various enslaved warriors of

    Richter. It is a dark parody of his original, disgraced

    mercenary company banner.

    The Cursed Company suffers one less wound than they

    normally would when defeated in combat. In example,

    if the Cursed Company loses a combat by 3, they

    should lose 3 extra models, but because of the Banner

    of Malediction, they lose only 2 models.

  • 24

    The near-naked, savagely painted warriors hurtled over the frozen ground, huge weapons gripped tightly. Their hair was matted into spikes, their eyes wild with the fury of battle. Nightmarish drumming filled the air, joined by harsh war horns that blared their challenge. The Undead legion stood statue-still as the wild roar rising from hundreds of throats rolled over them. The ancient figure of Richter Kreugar stood unmoving at the head of the Undead legion, the empty sockets of his skull lit with a baleful. menacing glow as the marauders of Chaos charged. The brutal weapons of the ferocious warriors carved through the Skeleton legion. Chips of bone filled the air as skulls and ribs were smashed with savage force before the Undead reacted. Richter stood unmovable. swinging his ancient sword, Blight, as the marauders swept around him. Glowing with an unholy. red light, the dark weapon cleaved through one warrior, whose painted chest erupted in a shower of crimson blood. Reversing his swing, Richter sliced the magical blade in a vicious arc that severed the head from another. Even as the bodies fell to the ground, their skin began to wither, tightening over their skeleton frames. Hair fell from their heads and eyes rotted in their sockets. Screams died in throats that disintegrated into dust. Hardly a moment passed, and the first fallen marauder was rising again to its feet. flesh completely absent from its now skeletal body, followed in an instant by his headless companion. Hefting weapons in fleshless fingers, the newly risen Undead warriors turned on their former comrades. Master Engineer Siegfrid stared in horrified fascination as the ranks of the Undead grew. The powerful charge of the foul Chaos raiders had faltered, stopped in its tracks by the relentless Skeletons. Fighting next to the Undead, the Halberdiers were faring badly. being pushed steadily backwards by the savage attack of the marauders. Raising his long-barrelled Hochland rifle, Siegfrid squinted through its crystal eyeglass. He sighted a daemonic-looking barbarian, covered with swirling blood-tattoos and screaming incoherently as he raced towards the battle. Pulling the trigger, Siegfrid was satisfied to see the figure fall, kicked from his feet as the lead bullet struck home. His gaze returning to the battle that raged on the plains below, Siegfrid saw that the Undead ranks continued to swell as Richter hacked his way through the unarmoured, blood-hungry warriors. He had heard stories of the cursed Richter Kreugar - who in the Empire had not? - but he had never really believed them. Stories told to frighten children, fantasies exaggerated beyond any shred of truth, he had thought. And yet here he was, a nightmarish fairy tale brought to life. Brought to unlife, he corrected himself. The Ostermark scouts had spotted the raiders from the north, and Baron Duchcnoff had decided that this was the best place to stand against them. While the Empire army were readying their defensive lines to face the approaching Chaos force, the Undead legion had emerged from the forest and panic spread. Turning to face this unexpected threat, the Ostermark Knights of Sigmar were readying themselves to charge when the Baron called for them to halt, for the Undead had appeared unconcerned with the humans before them. The figure leading them wore ancient and battle worn Imperial styled armor. As the skeletal legion had marched into position alongside the Ostermark formations, word had quickly spread through the ranks that this was the legendary Cursed Company of Richter Kreugar, damned in an age long past to stalk the world for all eternity. A deep rumbling sound echoed over the battlefield, and Siegfrid turned to see a troop of hellish black-armored knights appear over the hill to the coast. Their midnight-black mounts snorted and tossed their armored heads, their hooves kicking up great clods of

    frozen earth. The Knights of Chaos thundered down the hill, and terror touched its cold hand to Siegfrid's heart. At the head of the dark knights rode a figure that exuded raw power. A great double-headed axe held aloft in his mailed hand. Wisps of steam rose from the weapon into the cold air. The knights thundered into the side of the Cursed Company, smashing skulls and shattering bones with their immense axes and spiked maces, their fearsome steeds trampling others to dust beneath their black hooves. The lord roared a challenge, his voice echoing from within his enclosed helmet. His unholy red eyes matched those of his steed, burning deep within the darkness of his helm. Richter casually chopped down on the shoulder of a Marauder, blood spraying before the flesh withered from the savage's body. He turned to face the challenge of the Knight of Chaos, his cursed minions opening a corridor between the two powerful beings. The hellish steed of Chaos stamped its hooves impatiently as Richter made his way towards the towering armored figure. Without delay, the Lord struck downwards with a mighty swing of his steaming, double-headed axe. The blow was met with Richter's blade and there was a crackling sound that Sicgfrid could hear, despite the distance, as the dark energies of the two sorcerous weapons met. A series of deadly blows rained down on the Undead warrior, and dark hooves flashed towards him. The Champion of the Dark Cods feinted a strike to the left, turning his axe in mid-air and striking a sweeping blow towards the right side of Kreugar's skull. The ruby-red gemstone hanging around the skeletal neck of the Undead figure glowed brightly for an instant, and the axe rebounded scant inches from its target as if it had hit a stone wall. The Knight of Chaos reeled backwards off balance at the unexpected resistance. Kreugar stepped in close to the chaotic steed, sweeping his weapon towards the dark beast as it reared above him. His sword slashed across the creature's chest, and it screamed in torment, midnight skin shrinking back to bare pale bone. Muscles and flesh withered from the beast's body, and it toppled to the ground, leaving a pile of bones and dark barding. The champion of Chaos staggered to his feet, raising his axe defensively before him as Blight swept towards his face. The first blow knocked the axe to the side, the knight still struggling to regain his feet. The second blow arced down onto the black armored helmet. With a sickening sound, the helmet was cleaved in two. In an instant, the visible pale flesh withered away to nothing, leaving only an empty skull and a suit of lifeless black armor where the mighty champion stood scant moments before. A spark of awareness shone briefly in the hollow eyes of Richter: the deep yearning pain of a soul trapped for all eternity. Siegfrid stood at the edge of the trees overlooking the carnage that was the aftermath of battle. The field was strewn with countless bodies. and the sinister black shapes of crows were already fighting over the pickings. The Chaos raiders had fled back towards their frozen wastes. He raised his telescopic eyeglass to watch the last ranks of the skeletal Cursed Company disappear into the trees. The regiment had stood motionless for hours after the battle had concluded, until on an unspoken signal the regiment, larger now than it had been at the start of the battle, turned towards the south. It was a strangely sedated mood Siegfrid found when he returned to the Ostermark camp. The Empire had won a great victory, and yet they did not celebrate. Siegfrid found himself thinking of Richter Kreugar, the cursed one. No word had been spoken amongst the Empire ranks of the mysterious, terrifying Undead warrior. It was an unspoken fact that the day would certainly have been lost had it not been for the timely arrival of Kreugar's Cursed Company.

  • 25


    I say! It was most unsporting. My fellows and I harried Ranoldo and his band of ruffians all the

    way to the Trantine hills. Then Ranoldo unleashed those horrid Albion Giants upon us, led by a

    rather hairy looking fellow. They smashed our line, squashed poor old Hoskins Hotshot, whilst

    shouting the loudest uncouth word I have ever heard. If those Giants are typical of that island, I for

    one am glad it remains unexplored. High Elf Lord Daverion, Gentleman Mercenary General

    The Druids of Albion say that the race of mighty

    Giants that inhabit their island were put there by the

    Old Ones to guard the island from invaders. Whether

    this is true, who can say? Yet the Giants prowl the

    rugged coasts to this day. They wander along the fog

    shrouded cliffs and hurl boulders down onto hapless

    ships which come too close to the shore, taking a

    childlike joy in watching them splinter into matchsticks

    and the doomed crew struggling in the fierce waves.

    The Druids have a strange power over the Giants and

    can goad them into lifting up and carrying huge

    boulders and monoliths. With the help of the great

    strength of the Giants, these huge stones are arranged

    in rows or circles in order to measure the sun, moons,

    and stars.

    Greatest of all the Giants is Bologs. He is worshiped as

    a god by some of the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of

    Albion, who have carved his image into the chalk hills

    of their land, brandishing his mighty chopper.

    Awesome though he is, Bologs' intellect is dim, even

    for a Giant of Albion. The only thing that he can say is

    his own name. One day he was roaming the cliff tops

    when the mist for a moment to reveal the murky gray

    sea and pebbly beach. Bologs spied a landing party of

    Elves upon the shore far below. They also saw the

    Giant towering above them on the cliff top. The leader

    of the Elves shouted up to him in the tongue of the

    Druids of Albion, "We come in peace! We seek only

    trade!" On hearing the words he could not understand,

    the Giant grinned and replied "BOLOGS!" Then he

    hurled down a great boulder, which flattened all the

    Elves as it embedded itself in the shingle.

    The next greatest Giant in Albion is Cachtorr, twin of

    the mighty Bologs. He is slightly more intelligent than

    Bologs and is able to understand the speech of the

    Druids. It was Cachtorr who fought against the mighty

    Dong and, his mate, Mea-Dong, two terrible Giants

    from the far north of the Albion. This legendary fight

    lasted for several hundred years and involved hurling

    huge boulders whenever the mist cleared long enough

    for one Giant to see the other. Most of these missed,

    but wherever they landed, they stuck into the ground to

    remain their forever as menhirs, marking out the

    territories of the feuding Giants.

    Albion remained shrouded in the dark mists of legend

    until the renowned Tilean General, Curious Geasar,

    first citizen of Remas, set foot on the island, leading his

    invincible army. Geasar sought fame and power in

    Remas and how better to win it than to conquer misty

    and mysterious Albion, rumoured to be full of gold and

    pearls and the treasure of the legendary Triton himself.

    As the galleys ploughed through the surging surf onto

    the shingle on the beach, Cachtorr and Bologs stood on

    the cliffs, hurling rocks down onto the ships, smashing

    them to pieces. The men were filled with horror and

    were scared to wade ashore. So Geasar heaved the

    army's pay chest over the side of the ship in to the surf,

    scattering the gold among toe pebbles and jumped

    ashore after it. Seeing this, the entire army did likewise

    until the pay chest was safe behind their battle line.

    Ignoring the boulders of the Giants and stepping over

    the fallen, Geasar and his army marched up the beach.

    Soon they found themselves confronted by all the

    savage tribes of Albion, a number of Giants, and

    demented Druids uttering dire curses, formed up in

    battle array on the cliffs, and then it rained. The

    mercenaries stubbornly refused to go any further!

    Curious Geasar was enraged. How could he return to

    Remas in triumph now? What exotic booty could he

    bring back to awe the multitudes? How could he boast

    his conquest of distant and mysterious Albion?

  • 26

    Angrily Geasar strode forward and harangued the

    multitudes of savage tribesmen. "Oh foolish

    barbarians! I offer you all the benefits of civilization:

    roads, hot baths, money, public buildings and Tilean

    poetry. Submit and all these things can be yours!" The

    tribes of Albion just glowered at him. Then he heard a

    single word bellowing back at him out of the fog and

    driving rain: "BOLOGS!" All at once the Giant's battle

    cry was taken up by the tribesmen banging their clubs

    and stone axes against their shields and the sides of

    their chariots and chanting "Bologs, Bologs, Bologs!"

    Geasar was dismayed and ordered his men to charge.

    The battle was fierce with victory going to neither side.

    After a day's fighting, with the mist-shrouded sun

    descending into the sea, the two sides paused a few

    yards apart, utterly exhausted. Geasar tried one last

    gamble to save face. He could not return to Remas

    humiliated, in order to win popularity with the mob.

    Geasar strode forth and shouted: "Give me Giants as

    hostages and I will go away." The Druids who knew

    Tilean from their occasional contacts with merchants

    considered his offer. They knew that their stone axes

    were no match for Tilean steel. At long last old Hengus

    volunteered to go and chose two smaller Giants to go

    with him. As they strode forward, Geasar shouted, "I

    want the big ones!" and pointed to Cachtorr and

    Bologs, greatest of Giants. Despite the protests of the

    tribesmen, the Druids sent forth the two mighty Giants

    to be hostages in Remas in order to save old Albion

    from conquest and the tribes from enslavement or

    worse, the decadence of luxury and civilization.

    Geasar repaired half his fleet and sailed away with his

    Giant hostages wading in the sea behind him, tied by

    anchor chains. The moment Geasar's fleet arrived in

    Remas, word spread throughout the city. Geasar's

    political opponents had waited this very moment and

    hastily made way to the harbor. They gathered around

    the mighty conqueror as he came ashore and showered

    him with the usual groveling praises. This was just to

    put him off guard for instantly he was horribly done to

    death with many daggers. Up came the cry "Geasar is

    dead, long live the republic!"

    Geasar's battered and seasick soldiers panicked and

    scattered, seizing what gold they could in the

    confusion. One of them, out of spite against the city

    rather then pity for their plight, broke the chains that

    bound the Giants and released Hengus from the hold.

    Moments later Cachtorr and Bologs stormed ashore

    and went on a rampage through the streets of Remas,

    causing the citizens to flee in abject terror. Soon the

    Giants were in open country, spreading fear and panic

    throughout Tilea with Hengus close behind.

    Since that day, Hengus and the Giants of Albion have

    lurked in the landscape, lost and confused, seeking

    shade from the hot sun and pining for the fog. Not

    surprisingly, various mercenary generals have sought

    them out to hire them as dogs of war. Hengus,

    willingly agrees to fight in the hope that the campaign

    will lead him near to the great ocean and ultimately to


  • 27


    CAPTAIN: Hengus the Druid.

    MOTTO: We've got the Bologs to beat an