warhammer armies: pirates of sartosa

Warhammer Armies Warhammer Armies Warhammer Armies Warhammer Armies Pirates of Sartosa Pirates of Sartosa Pirates of Sartosa Pirates of Sartosa An Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army List An Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army List An Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army List An Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army List

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Unofficial Army Book for use in Warhammer Fantasy Battles


Page 1: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa

Warhammer ArmiesWarhammer ArmiesWarhammer ArmiesWarhammer Armies

Pirates of SartosaPirates of SartosaPirates of SartosaPirates of Sartosa An Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army ListAn Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army ListAn Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army ListAn Unofficial/Trial Warhammer Army List

Page 2: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


The Pirates of SartosaThe Pirates of SartosaThe Pirates of SartosaThe Pirates of Sartosa Contents

Introduction 2

The Pirate Principality of Sartosa 3

Stromfels Favor 4

Bestiary 5

Special Rules 5

Kera the Pirate Queen 5

Kathryn Lucas, Pirate Princess of Sartosa 7

Pirate Admiral 7

Pirate Sorcerers 8

Pirate Captains 8

Pirate Lieutenant 8

Chest Keeper 9

Long Drong’s Pirate Slayers 10

Ketnia Garzak and the Pirate Wenches 11

Deck Hands 12

Gunners 12

Corsairs 12

Looters 12

Raiders 13

Wokou 13

Marauders 14

Salty Dogs 14

Pirate Boyz 14

Ogre Pirates 15

Berserkers 15

Deck Clearer 15

Dwarf Pirates 16

Giant Loader 16

Cannon 17

Davy Jones’ Cannon 17

Ship Cannon 17

Hand Weapons 18

Missile Weapons 18

Army List 19

Lords 20

Heroes 21

Core 23

Special 25

Rare 27

The Pirate Booty (Magic Items) 28

Common Magic Items 28

Magic Weapons 28

Magic Armour 29

Banners 29

Talismans 29

Arcane Items 30

Enchanted Items 30

Reference Sheet 31

Created By: Bilbo Baggins 2009 This book was put together with valuable assistance of:

From Chaos Dwarfs Online – Pyro Stick From Dogs of War Online – Baumann, Lord Marcus, and M4cR1II3n, Wonkobaggins From Rites of War – Agriworld Commisar, FrozenDarkElf, Servius, Skittles and Swissdictator

Also these forums have provided the inspiration that there are people who still play the game of Warhammer for fun not just to kill all their opponents.

Carpe Noctem – www.vampirecounts.net Chaos Dwarfs Online – www.chaos-dwarfs.com Dogs of War Online – www.dogsofwaronline.com

Rites of War – www.ritesofwar.org

Warhammer and Citadel is a trademark owned by Games Workshop

Page 3: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Introduction Cutthroats, Thieves, Raiders, Looters, they have heard them all. They are the feared seafarers of the Warhammer world; they are the Pirates of Sartosa. They Hire themselves out to the highest bidders to gain gold and glory. This book is the definitive guide to collecting, painting and playing a Pirates of Sartosa Army for the game of Warhammer.

The Warhammer Game

The Warhammer rulebook contains the rules you need to fight battles with your Citadel miniatures in the world of Warhammer. Every army has it’s own Army Book that works with these rules and allows you to turn your collection of miniatures into an organized force, ready for battle. This particular Army Book details everything you need to know about the Pirates of Sartosa and allows you to field their armies in your games of Warhammer.

Why Collect The Pirates of Sartosa

The Pirates of Sartosa are a collection of ruffians that love to fight but only wish to do so to line their pockets with gold. They come from all over the Warhammer World but they mainly congregate in the Pirate Principality of Sartosa, an island off the coast of Tilea.

The army contains the defensive less experienced Deck Hands and Looters, to the more experienced Corsairs, Raiders, and Salty Dogs. There are the Dwarf, Orc and Ogre Pirates, as well as the long distance killing power of Cannons.

How This Book Works

Every army book is split into sections that deal with different aspects of the army. Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa contains the following:

The Pirates of Sartosa: This first section introduces the Pirates of Sartosa and their part in the Warhammer World. It includes the history of the Principalities and Republics of Tilea as well as some of their greatest battles.

Bestiary: Every character, troop type, Regiment of Renown and war machine is examined in this section. You will find descriptions, rules and abilities of every unit in the Pirates of Sartosa army.

Army List: The army takes all the Characters, Heroes, Units and War Machines and presents them so you can choose an army for your games.

Find Out More

While Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa contains everything you need to play a game with your army, there are always more tactics to use, different battles to fight and painting ideas to try out. You can find articles dedicated to collecting and gaming on the forums:

www.dogsofwaronline.com www.chaos-dwarfs.com


Page 4: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


The Decadent Pirate Principality of Sartosa

Pirate Principality of Sartosa – The rocky coastline and rugged interior of the island of Sartosa is not an inviting place to visit. The Elves originally had a colony there that the humans of the land now called Tilea occupied after they returned to their homeland. Unfortunately Dark Elf raiders in concert with Settra’s fleet leveled the city with nearly the entire population perished or taken into slavery.

The city of Sartosa had remained in ruins for several generations. Eventually some Norse raiders invaded the island and easily overwhelmed the inhabitants and a small garrison that the Principality of Luccini had set on the island. From this new base the Norse raided towns and villages on the coast of Tilea until they were finally defeated during the sea battle off of Cappo Cinno. The remaining Norsemen quickly surrendered and offer their services to Luccini as mercenaries and they were allowed to stay on the island to guard it. Their descendents were still guarding the island when an invasion fleet of Corsairs overran it from Araby led by Nafal Muq in 1240. The Corsairs held onto the island for around two hundred and fifty years, during which they menaced the rest of the region. There have been many other naval battles in the seas around Sartosa between the fleets of Luccini, Remas and Tobaro and the Corsairs.

The island was finally freed from the grip of the Corsairs by a mercenary army led by Luciano Catena. He was the sitting ruler of Luccini and was, as his name suggests, the divine twins of Lucan and Luccina. The Emir, Abd al Wazaq, and the Corsairs were forced to retreat into the stronghold in the city of Sartosa and after a long a brutal siege they finally surrendered. Luciano allowed Al Wazaq to escape in return for leaving behind his treasure of art and gold, mostly looted from Tilea. Al Wazaq was also forced to leave his harem that he had trained into a fierce personal bodyguard. These women were promptly recruited as a regiment when their abilities became known. The remaining Corsairs were hired by Luciano himself to serve in his fleet. It was one of the earliest occasions that mercenaries of Araby were hired to serve under a Tilean general.

Luciano and his heirs ruled over Sartosa and an annex of Luccini for a time. During this time the city was rebuilt and the defenses reinforced. Soon a base for the Luccini mercenary fleet was built on the island. This brief period of stability was not destined to last. There were many mercenary contingents building bases throughout the island. some were even in fortified towers in the city itself. Rebellions against the Luccini rulers started to become more frequent and the island became harder to control. The Luccini rule finally ended when Sartosa’s mercenary flotilla of galleys joined the rebellion. The island quickly fell into anarchy as the feuding mercenary bands set upon each other.

Most of the islands mercenaries began to turn to piracy, looting and pillaging the shipping entering the Tilean sea. It soon became more lucrative to do this than it was to hire themselves out to Tilea’s mercenary armies to fight. It also helped that the chances of survival and higher riches were higher as pirates than as hired soldiers. The feuding mercenary bands soon stopped fighting each other and began to cooperate in their piratical schemes. The raids also brought in hordes of captives and hostages, many of whom were never ransomed. These added to the swelling population of Sartosa, which was becoming a den of rough and rowdy pirates.

Eventually is became a tradition to elect a Pirate Prince of Sartosa. The grandiose title was given to one not to rule in normal terms but to settle disputes over loot with rough justice. There have been many such Princes over the centuries; most seem to come to some sort of sticky end of their rule. The longest lasting is the current, and notorious, Pirate Princess of Sartosa. She has the reputation of being crueler that all of her predecessors combined.

The city of Sartosa is again a rambling mass of dilapidated buildings of Elf and Dwarf architecture mixed with influences of Tilea and Araby, all patched up in various, and mainly unsafe, ways. The inhabitants are constantly repairing from the occasional barrage of cannonballs from passing ships. Several of the pirate taverns are actually in caves, hollowed out of the rock. There are numerous rumors of treasure stashed over the island. However, it should be noted that maps bought on the streets of Sartosa are notoriously unreliable.

Many of the raids taken by the Pirates and other races attacking them, over the years have allowed them to acquire many rare and mystical items that have been used by other races over the years. Raids on Khemri and Lustria have been very profitable in these baubles of the Pirate Leaders.

Page 5: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Stromfels’ Favor

Stromfels is the God of Storms, Sharks and Pirates, who delights in bringing ships to the bottom of the ocean. He is Manann’s greatest enemy. There are some that would argue that Stromfels is just a manifestation of Manann’s darker side instead of a deity in his own right. This is considered heresy by the followers of both Gods.

While there are some pirates that follow other gods most find their comfort as followers of Stromfels. It reassures them while at sea that the God of Pirates is also the God of Storms and they feel that praying to the altar of Stromfels before every voyage will make it profitable to the ship and himself.

There is usually no acrimony about religions between the pirates because gold always takes priority for them.

Characters and some units are favored of the Storm God Stromfels. He protects his most loyal followers protection from harm. The more loyal the more protection he gives.

The layers of protection are as follows:

Stromfels’ Favor: Newest followers of the Storm God receive a 6+ Ward Save.

Stromfels’ Glorious Favor: After years of service to the Storm God the followers receive a 5+ Ward Save.

Stromfels’ Lordly Favor: For the most ardent followers, the leaders of ships receive a 4+ Ward Save.

Stromfels’ Regal Favor: Only the most highly regarded of the Storm God followers have reached this level. It provides a 3+ Ward Save.

Page 6: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa



Kera, Pirate Queen

“She fought like none I’ve ever seen. Her followers fought like they were possessed but nothing compared to their Queen. I personally have seen her take out over 3-dozen Ogres, including a couple of Bruisers, a Butcher, a Slaughtermaster and finally a Tyrant by herself. Don’t let her appearance fool you, she may be one of the most beautiful women in the world but with a sword in one hand and a dagger she is a match to any warrior in any army in the world,” Tilean Explorer Tomas LaPointe from his report of an attempted Ogre invasion of Sartosa to Merchant Families of Luccini.

No one knows from where Kera has come from before her ship was first seen arriving on Sartosa. She claimed to be a Dwarf, and there were many Dwarfs as her crew, but she was taller and had a regal bearing. But it was her beauty that stunned them all. Those who have met her face to face have stated that she may have a Dwarf in her heritage but she is definitely more than just a Dwarf.

Her love of rum and good fight became well known, any that tried to beat her in single combat found that she is a formidable warrior. She holds grudges against all whom have betrayed her, and very few have survived very long. She became a pirate to survive after being betrayed during an expedition to Araby. After finding some ancient artifacts her former friend Tobias Dreamweaver put her under a spell and sold her to a Sultan. When she awoke she found that she was in the harem’s quarters and was expected to service the Sultan when he called. She saw the treatment of the women and figured the Sultan didn’t deserve her service. She also declared that Tobias would pay for his part and she formulated a plan.

After a week in the harem the Sultan called for her. She came before him and he wanted her to submit it his will. She stood tall and wouldn’t allow this man the satisfaction. After many minutes he started screaming and then he made the fatal mistake, he slapped her. Moving with a speed that he didn’t expect she grabbed him and with her bare hands she broke several of his bones but stopping short of snapping his neck. She grabbed a dagger he had sitting on an altar in the room and carved a “K” into his chest, deep enough to scar but not enough to kill. She did it to force him to remember no to harm a woman again. She left the Sultan’s bedroom she decided to go back to the harem room. When she arrived she dispatched the guards and opened the doors to free the women. Some left with her but a few stayed because they were afraid of what was outside because their lives were only one they’ve known. 10 women left the room with Kera and they ran the corridors and courtyard until the hit the stables. Kera and the women found 5 wagons that were sitting there loaded for a trade with a Tilean captain. She persuaded the wagon masters to allow them to ride to the sea; Kera had a talent to persuade men do whatever she needed them to do for her.

After reaching the port she charmed the Pirate Captain Wilhelm Eckstine to allow her and the women to join the crew, since the captain lost some of his crew to other ships he took them on. She served him for nearly a year and they became friends because he treated her and the woman with respect and in turn she helped him increase his holdings and gold in his chest. The captain blessed he luck and thanked Stromfels for her assistance. As a reward the captain purchased two larger ships and appointed Kera to be Captain of the one he called Glory, he called his flagship Pride and appointed himself Admiral of his fleet. On the first voyage a rival Pirate captain who was jealous of Wilhelm and his recent increase of fortune followed the Admiral’s fleet. The rival captain happened to be Tobias Dreamweaver and he attacked the Pride while a second ship attacked the Glory simultaneously. He shortly took control of the Pride, taking Wilhelm captive but his troops were quickly repelled from Glory. Kera seeing the trouble

Special Rules

Limited Use: Can only have 1 unit per 1000 points on the force.

Spoils of War: Mercenary Admirals will have acquired much wealth and various magical artifacts in the course of their careers. Any unit of core troops in the army may be given a Magic Banner worth up to 100 points.

No Greenskins and Dwarfs Hate Us: Pirate army cannot include both Dwarf and Greenskin units.

Page 7: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


on Pride and the Flag of Tobias being unfurled filled her with immense hatred. She readied her crew and went on the attack.

She had the Dwarfs on her crew firing their handguns laying covering fire while the rest of the crew prepared to board the Pride. Once the Glory was alongside the Pride she unleashed the firepower on to Tobias’ Flagship the Rapier. Within two minutes the Rapier was heading to a watery grave and Kera’s crew were now onboard the Pride. She saw that Tobias has tied Wilhelm to the mast and was torturing him. Kera’s eyes flashed with Rage and Hatred and she waded through the fighting to get to Tobias. Tobias saw her and his mind was reeling that she was here. It took him a second to comprehend that the woman he betrayed and sold into slavery was here now. He barely got his sword up in time to fend off the first blow. He and Kera started to go after each other, Tobias with reckless abandon and Kera with pure hatred. The clash of swords was heard throughout the ship and all fighting stopped to see this beauty and beast going after each other. After 20 minutes of fighting over the entire deck they were back at the main mast. Tobias thought he saw and opening and pressed an attack but Kera got he sword up to defend the blow. They were locked with swords above them; Tobias was about to release one hand from the sword when Kera did so first. They were off-balance for a second and with blinding speed Kera’s free hand took a dagger from her belt and pushed it deep into Tobias’ heart. He felt the pain stepped back and looked down not believing that a woman could beat him. He pulled the dagger out and the blood flowed from his body and his heart quickly stopped pumping. He dropped the dagger and fell backwards over the side of the ship. None bothered to go after the body; all felt that his body would better be served as shark food.

The sun peered though a cloud and fell upon Kera and all that looked upon her thought that she was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. This beautiful warrior went back to Wilhelm to find him badly injured but still alive. She ordered the ships to return to Wilhelm’s homeport. After seeing Tobias’ body fall off the Pride the remaining of his ships waited to see what the outcome of the battle was. Kera sent the first mates of the Pride and Glory onto those ships and had them follow the Pride back to port.

Once back at the unmarked homeport of Wilhelm she arranged for medical attention for the injured. Wilhelm’s injuries were so bad that he decided to retire with the riches he had and gave the ships to Kera for saving his life. He vowed to spend the remainder of his days maintaining the port for Kera and her fleet.

The crews on the ships that were of Tobias fleet were brought before Kera. She was wondering what to do with them but to a man when they came before her they swore loyalty to their Queen. Kera never thought of herself as beautiful let alone as royalty but after a few prostrating former combatants she grew to like it. She accepted their oaths and assigned them to duties, mixing them with the crews of the Pride and Glory. She accepted their oaths but she had the wisdom not to allow them all cause trouble on one ship. This happened many years ago and she has since increased the size of her fleet to over 30 ships, and some of those former combatants are now her most loyal subjects and serve as captains on ships in her fleet.


Pirate Queen Kera 4 7 6 4 5 3 6 4 10

Special Rules

Killing Blow, Spoils of War, Stromfels’ Regal Favor

She Must Lead: When Kera is in the force she must be the Admiral.

Foe Hunter: Because of being betrayed by several people in the past she has extreme hatred for those she believes have harmed her in the past. Kera has unending hatred against the enemy general and any unit the model joins. She and the unit she joins will always re-roll to hit in close combat against them.

All Love Her: When Kera is the Admiral of the force you can include both Dwarfs and Orcs in the force.

Stromfels’ Pendent: Enhances her will to her crew. Units within 18 inches use her leadership for any tests.

Page 8: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Kathryn Lucas, Pirate Princess of Sartosa

“Ruthless, Evil, Tyrant, Controlling, these are just some of the descriptions use to describe the Pirate Princess of Sartosa. She has stepped up to take control and since she has already survived several assassination attempts I believe that we may have to deal with her for a long time.” – Richard Von Strom report to the Empire from Tilea’

“’What is she?’ is the most commonly heard exclamation when Kathryn Lucas makes an appearance. Her skin is pale, nearly the color of snow and if you actually meet her you’ll find her hands seem cool to the touch. She has an unreal beauty but when she was challenged she seems to move with a speed that makes others look like they are standing still. She has surprising strength that seems to cut down even the toughest of foes,” Tilean Explorer Tomas LaPointe in his book “My Time on Sartosa.”

The current and longest tenured of the rulers of the Tilean Island principality of Sartosa is the Pirate Princess, Kathryn Lucas. She has ruled the through her strength, will, genius and terror for many years.

She has led her forces on many raids on coastal villages of Tilea and has also lead raids into Araby and Lustria. The heads of the Principalities and Republics of Tilea have debated over the years but have never had an agreement on how to deal with her. While privately they wish her to be removed they do not wish to act aggressively against her publicly because if her reputation of retaliation. Towns that have tried in the past have been removed from maps because of the force that Kathryn brought to bear against them.

There have been several attempts on her life but through luck or other reasons she hasn’t been harmed. The rumors of swords going though her body and multiple pistol shots not even making her bleed are probably exaggerated, but don’t seem to go away. She has rarely been seen outside of her palace during daylight hours. Some say it’s because of her hard partying ways but others feel there may be a darker reason. The clues are there abundant for those who wish to look, but most who do aren’t long for life in this realm.


Kathryn Lucas 6 7 4 5 4 3 6 3(5) 10

Special Rules

Terror, Spoils of War, Stromfels’ Lordly Favor

She Must Lead: When Kathryn is in the force she must be the Admiral.

Undead?: She and the unit she joins are unbreakable and if in combat alone and loses combat she takes as many wounds as she loses combat by.

Sword of Sartosa: This sword has been in her family for many generations. It is believed that she can wade into battle alone with only the sword and defeat the largest throng before her. Give 2 extra attacks and all wounds causes counts as 2 towards combat resolution.

Pirate Admiral

The most famous, or is that infamous, of the pirate forces are the Pirate Admirals. These men and women are the most skilled, adventurous and strong willed warriors who lead raids all over the world. Admirals often start their careers as deck hands and through time advanced in rank by fighting skill or extreme luck (usually both!) to their current position. This means that for a person to reach this position they must be both a skilled warrior and bold leader of men.


Admiral 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

Special Rules:

Spoils of War, Stromfels’ Lordly Favor

Page 9: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Pirate Sorcerers

Sorcerers are not immune to the lure of gold and adventure, in fact many are found on the staffs of prominent Mercenary commanders. There are many Sorcerers become pirates and sail the seas to shores of Tilea, Araby, and even the lands of Cathay, Ind and Nippon. No one knows how many there are or where they all came from. There have been many rumors that some were disgraced students of magic and were outcast from the Empires College of Magic. Others are reported to have had mystical powers and had private training by ostracized elves and some are have been said to have had their training paid famous pirate captains and admirals with their own motives. There have even been reports that a few even set up their own school of magic that is hidden from prying eyes. These rogue Sorcerers have been seen plying their trade over the years for whichever patron's purse can keep them in the luxury they feel they deserve. Some particularly powerful Sorcerers employ and command entire pirate forces of their own, protecting the Sorcerer during his study and even acquiring items of particular importance and power.


Pirate Sorcerer Lord 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8


Pirate Sorcerer 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7

Special Rules:

Stromfels’ Glorious Favor Varying Background: Coming from all corners of the world, Pirate Sorcerers may use any of the Lores of Magic in the Warhammer Rulebook.

Pirate Captains

Pirate Captains are expert leaders of men, roguish and often loved and hated by their subordinates. They are young leaders trying to prove their worth to other captains on the sea. Most lead their men with camaraderie but some lead by force of will. It's a hard life for them and their men but if they survive riches and glory will come their way.


Pirate Captain 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Special Rules:

Stromfels’ Glorious Favor

Pirate Lieutenant

Lieutenants are the young, up and coming leaders in the Pirate Force. They are become lesser leaders and are given command of a small force to prove their worth before becoming Captains of a ship in their own right.


Pirate Lieutenant 4 4 4 4 4 2 5 2 8

Special Rules:

Stromfels’ Favor

Page 10: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Chest Keeper

Pirate armies do not have battle standard bearers. Instead they have Chest Keepers who fulfill the same roles. Chest Keepers will always carry two things with them into battle: the key to the pirate’s chest and a large chest that contains the pirate’s booty. Seeing this inspires the pirates to fight all the harder - after all, the pirates will not be paid for losing a battle or fleeing the field, or dying.

The Chest keeper is placed in the front rank of whatever unit he joins like a normal character. Any unit given the honor of protecting the Chest Keeper (and his key!) will fight with grim determination and perhaps a little bit of greed to protect them - the mercenaries want to ensure that they'll be paid after all! Any core unit joined by the Chest Keeper will count as stubborn as long as the Chest Keeper is alive.

If the army faces a particularly dangerous or important battle, Chest Keeper often hires personal bodyguards. These men are not hired from the money used to pay for the army but by the Chest Keeper himself. These are trusted, experienced, and highly skilled fighters - often the biggest, strongest men that can be found. A Chest Keeper who hires a unit of Bodyguards must be deployed with this unit and cannot leave it.

Because the Chest Keeper is a Mandatory character it doesn’t count towards you maximum total of Heroes allowed in the army.


Chest Keeper 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8

Bodyguard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

Pirate’s Chest - - - 4 4 3 - - -

Special Rules

Stromfels’ Glorious Favor Chest Keeper: A Dogs of War army must include a single Chest Keeper. The Chest Keeper may not be the general. The Chest Keeper acts like a battle standard bearer in other armies and thus any unit joined by the Chest Keeper adds +1 to its combat resolution. In addition any unit within 12" of the Chest Keeper may re-roll break tests. The Chest Keeper (and his Pirate’s Chest) may be captured like a normal battle standard bearer and the opponent will gain an additional 100 Victory Points for doings so. A Chest Keeper or more specifically his key may be recaptured as with normal standards. In addition, if the Chest Keeper is killed, all units in the Dogs of War army immediately suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and will hate the unit that captured the Chest Keeper's key (even if they were otherwise Immune to Psychology). The Chest Keeper doesn’t count towards your maximum amount of heroes allowed in your army. Bodyguard: The Chest Keeper may hire his own personal bodyguard that will defend him and the key to the army's Pirate’s Chest against the worst of enemies and will stand fast where other mercenaries will flee (most of the time!). The Chest Keeper must be deployed with this unit and cannot leave it. He is the leader of the unit and is placed in the front rank along with the unit's standard-bearer and musician. Should all members of the bodyguard die the Chest Keeper will in effect become and independent character and may thus act normally. Unit Size 10+, Equipment: Hand Weapon, Saif, and light armour for 9 points per model. Stubborn: As long as the Chest Keeper is alive the Unit is Stubborn. Pirate’s Chest: If there is a particularly important battle and the Chest Keeper feels his troops need extra motivation to fight harder he will often decide to bring the army's Pirate’s Booty in a large ironbound chest which is protected by members of the Chest Keeper's personal bodyguard. Seeing all their pay on the battlefield will remind the pirates of their duty and hopefully motivate them to stay on the field until the army is victorious. Whenever the Chest Keeper’s Bodyguard is fielded it is assumed that they are carrying the Pirate Chest with them. As long as the Pirate’s Chest isn't fleeing, every unit within 12" of the Pirate’s Chest may always attempt to rally even if they normally couldn't such as for being below 25% of their original unit strength (even if they were otherwise Immune to Psychology). Unlike a banner the Pirate’s Chest is never dropped when the unit flees as the Chest literally contains the soldiers' pay and to let this fall into enemy hands as it would be a serious blow to the morale of the mercenaries in the army. The chest can only be capture is the perusing unit catches the bodyguard while fleeing, they don’t get the victory points is the unit is chased off the table only if run down. Should the Pirate’s Chest be captured the enemy gains 100 Victory Points as if it had captured a banner. In addition every unit in the army must take a Panic test at the end of that phase. From that point on, every unit in the army will hate the enemy unit that captured the army's Pirate’s Chest.

Page 11: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Long Drong’s Pirate Slayers

“As soon as their jolly boat touched the sand they roared ashore, charging the waiting Goblins. It was a short fight. Within moments the greenskins were running for their lives and the pirates were rewarding themselves with a swift tot of rum.” - Von Mirrenburg from his book ‘My Time with the Dwarfs’

Long Drong, who as his name suggests was a rather tall Dwarf and claimed a dubious line of descent from Drong the Hard, legendary Dwarf ancestor known from nay sagas, began his career as a Dwarf seafarer in Barak Varr. He worked his way up from cabin Dwarf to captain of the Dwarf trading ship The Barrel of Ale which brought fine Dwarf brews by the sea route to far away colonies. That was until one terrible voyage around the coast of Sartosa. A storm blew up, the worst for a hundred years, and the ship foundered on the treacherous rocks. Although the crew was washed up on the shore, the entire cargo of rare Dwarf ales was lost.

This disaster was something no Dwarf could bear, and no self-respecting Dwarf captain would wish to survive. Long Drong knew his career as a Dwarf trader was over. He resolved to become a Slayer on the seven seas and to seek a heroic end worthy of a saga. His crew, who were just as shamed by the loss of the cargo as their captain, followed his example and swore upon their ancestors to lead a life of roving Sea Slayers until a worthy death ended their shame and redeemed them in legend.

Having thus sworn, Long Drong, now known as Long Drong Slayer, trekked inland to his destiny, which was to become the most notorious pirate ever to lurk on Sartosa. His first act was to storm the stronghold of the dreaded pirate Capitano Sisicco and capture his ship and treasure stash. With the latter, Long Drong hired Dwarf craftsmen to rebuild the flimsy vessel into something a Dwarf could be proud of, not sparing the iron! He also hired Dwarf smiths to forge cannons for the vessel, which Long Drong named The Fair Fregar after a famous Dwarf maiden of Barak Varr, rumored to be very beautiful. The crew carved a figurehead representing her. Unfortunately, neither Long Drong nor any of his crew had ever seen a real life Dwarf maiden, so they had to rely on their imagination and hearsay. The result, parts of which were shod in brass, made an awesome ram on the prow of the ship!

The prisoners, now chained in Long Drong’s dungeons, were freed in return for telling him all they knew about buried treasure and handing over any maps they had. Long Drong learned that the key to success was often the possession of a pay chest full of gold with which to hire a mercenary army and hold it together under your command. Many such pay chests had been lost in battles and there were mercenary generals willing to pay handsomely for their return, even double the value of anything in the chest, or a great fortune for the empty chest alone. This was because recovery of a lost pay chest is a matter of pride among mercenary generals, who regard such chests in the same way as other races do their army standards!

So Long Drong let it be known that, being a seafaring Dwarf, he could seek out and rescue a lost pay chest wherever it may be in the known world and return it to its rightful owner. All he asked was to keep any treasure that he might find in it, plus a reward in gold equal to as much as the chest would hold! By the standards of mercenary generals this was but a small price to pay for the restoration of honor and respect, and soon offers to hire his services came flowing in by swift messengers.

Thus the Fair Fregar voyaged to many distant lands; Araby, Lustria, Albion, and many uncharted islands, and brought back various pay chests which may or may not have been genuine. In doing so Long Drong raided the treasure hoards of many notorious pirates and corsairs and made countless enemies determined to get their revenge on him. A price was on his head; everyone sought to accomplish his doom. What more could a seafaring Slayer ask for! His only friends turned out to be those mercenary generals from whom he had restored honor, and these soon began to hire Long Drong and his pirate crew to fight as a regiment in their armies. Their task, needless to say, was to seek out and capture the enemy pay chest on the battlefield. Only reckless Dwarf Sea Slayers, seeking a heroic end would take on or succeed in such a task. As yet Long Drong has still to meet his doom!

Captain: Long Drong Slayer.

Motto: Lost pay chest recovery our specialty.

Battle-cry: Fifteen Dwarfs and a dead Dwarf’s chest, yo ho ho and a flagon of ale…

Appearance: Long Drong Slayer has a hook hand, peg leg, eye patch, long red plaited beard, pistols stuffed down his breeches, and a parrot on his shoulder which says ‘bits o’ gold, bits o’ gold’ all the time. His crew is a swarthy bunch of rogues who are proud to fight under the skull and crossbones flag.

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Long Drong 3 6 4 4 4 2 4 3(4) 10

Pirate Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1(2) 10

Special Rules

No Greenskins Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, Slayers: See Warhammer Armies Festooned with Pistols: All the Pirates, including Long Drong, gain an additional Attack because they are fighting with a pistol in each hand. Since they are festooned with pistols that they shoot off in a hurricane of destruction, all of their attacks are considered to be Strength 4, with Armour Piercing. The Pirates carry so many pistols that they never need to reload and therefore always count the pistol bonuses in every round of combat. In addition, all the Pirates, including Long Drong, do not suffer the -1 to hit penalty for Stand and Shoot reactions as they are completely un-phased by an enemy bearing down on them, they are seeking a glorious death in combat after all!

Ketnia Garzak and the Pirate Wenches

“They are Daemons, Daemons I say. They stuck with a ferocity that is unparalleled to anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve been to some of the most remote regions of the world and there is nothing that can compare to the pure destructive power those women shown that night.” – Isabella von Condrick from her book ‘Travels with my Father’

Ketnia Garzak was once a wife and partner of the pirate Dimund. Constantly traveling the seas with her husband because she had an uncanny knack to convince people (mainly women) they needed what they were selling. Their ship was crewed by many dwarf families working for them. They made the looping trip several times a year and only occasionally did they run into any trouble. When they did they always dispatched them with little effort that their reputation was usually enough to halt anyone from trying. It didn’t deter their trips and they loved each other and their extended family.

Unfortunately when on a trip to Miragliano all went wrong. A large group of Skaven snuck up on the while in port and attacked. The group woke and went to repel the attack. Dimund grabbed his axe and ran directly into the largest group of Skaven. Ketnia saw her beloved husband start killing all the Skaven in the range of his axe but some Rat Ogres came from behind and grabbed him and tore him apart. Ketnia grabbed an ancient Cutlass her husband purchased for her on a recent trip that was engraved with runes they thought beautiful but didn’t understand their meaning. Her faced was enraged and she threw herself into the fray. The Cutlass started to glow and Ketnia swung at the closest Rat Ogee cleaving him in two. She when further into the fray and with each swing of her Cutlass more Skaven and Rat Ogres fell before her.

Within a few minutes the few remaining Skaven retreated and Ketnia fell still. She turned around and saw the damage that was done. All the men were dead and the Caravan was burning and she thought nothing could be saved. The women all gathered around and all began to wail, the wail of those who have lost all and had nothing left to live for. They tore their clothes and were thinking of what they should do. Ketnia then saw a chest in the middle of a fire that didn’t burn. She ran to it and kicked it from the embers of the fire. She reached towards it and found that the chest was cool to the touch. On it was the rune of Grimnir and when opened she found a large banner All felt that the chest and banner were a sign and the women began to take the oath of the Slayer. They took what they could salvage and left towards the seas.


Ketnia Garzak 3 5 4 4 4 2 4 4 10

Pirate Wench 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1(2) 10

Special Rules

No Greenskins Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, Slayers: See Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs Chest of Grimnir: This chest covered with runes of Grimnir provides protection of the unit against all attacks. The unit gets a 5+ WS against all attacks. Skaven Slayer Cutlass: This well-balanced runic weapon that is armour piercing and grants Ketnia a killing blow special ability against all enemies (up to and including Unit Strength 3).

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Deck Hands

Small units of lightly armed skirmishers are normally employed to protect the flanks of Corsairs and Cannons. Usually filled with less experienced crewmembers they learn what is expected of them as a pirate. The ones that survive have the intelligence, strength and agility that is will eventually allow them to advance their careers by being asked to join units of Corsairs, Raiders or Marauders. Some may make it to Salty Dog and the extremely lucky and talented may even become leaders of their own ships.


Deck Hand 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Deck Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Special Rules



Some units of pirates have become good at using missile weapons. Handguns crafted by gunsmiths from Tilea form the bulk of the missile troops in a Pirate Navy. They are recruited from men and women who have shown abilities in target shooting events around Tilea. Most of these events are put on by Pirate Admirals just to find new recruits.


Gunner 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Sharpshooter 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7


Corsairs are some of the younger pirates that have at least one adventure into Araby. They always seem to come back with the two-handed curved sword known as a Saif. Because of the balance of the Saif they still make quick attacks that are of higher strength than their contemporaries. They soon proclaim they are the greatest Pirates in all the seas, Until the Raiders and Salty Dogs put them back into their place.


Corsair 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Corsair Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7


The rank and file of the crew these are the young and newest members. Originally these crewmen thought that being a pirate meant looting and pillaging town and would be a fun and easy way to make money. Soon they learn that they were hired to fill the crew and do jobs that the older crew members don’t like doing. Unbeknownst to these new hires that they are considered the Cannon fodder of the force. Mainly there to protect the Raiders and Missile troops from harm until they get into position to strike.


Looter 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Master Looter 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

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One of the popular troop choices in the pirate force is the Pirate Raider. They are survivors of many adventures and their fighting on ships and inns have hardened them. Because of their surviving many adventures they have earned much gold and they spent is on their main weapon of choice, the curved steel beauty called the Cutlass. Many weapon smiths over the world have made versions of this weapon. They all are balanced and heavier that a normal sword of the same size, because of this the weapon goes though armour with relative ease.

Some groups of Raiders saved their earnings to add Deck Cannons to their arsenal of weapons. For each unit of Raiders you are allowed to have one Deck Cannon in your force. If the Deck Cannon loses its crew and is within 4 inches of the Raider unit it can be re-crewed during it’s movement phase. The Raiders cannot do anything else during the movement phase.


Raider 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Raider Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Deck Cannon - - - - 6 3 - - -

Special Rules

Hatred, Stromfels’ Favor Deck Cannon: These small cannons are popular with pirates because of their lightness in weight and ease of use. They have the ability to stop enemies from boarding and provide cover fire when boarding other ships. These singled barreled small cannon has a fluted end that can shoot several shots at a time. Usually they are loaded with small round projectiles but in a pinch can me loaded with scrap pieces of metal. It is treated as a large Blunderbuss that shoots D6 projectiles at a target within 18 inches. Because of the reliability and durability of this weapon they always hit on a 4+ and wounds at Strength 6. If the crew is killed Members of the Cutlass unit can voluntarily leave their unit to man the Deck Cannon. If charged the Crew’s charge reaction must always be Stand and Shoot. Each Raider unit is allowed to take one Deck Cannon and crew. Re-Crew: If both crewmembers are dead the Deck Cannon can be re-crewed by from the Raiders unit if they are within movement range at beginning of movement phase. The raiders will give up their entire movement to re-crew the Deck Cannon. Save the Weapon: If charged the Crew of the Deck Cannon only reaction will always be stand and shoot


The Wokou are pirates originally from Nippon who are known for their ability to smuggle illicit goods around the world. Their abilities are respected by the pirate community and are hired when items have to hidden and delivered without government interference. They are known for their quickness and having hits appear to glance off of them in combat. Years of practice with their Daisho (matched long and short swords) make them feared in combat.


Wokou 4 4 3 3 3 1 5 1(2) 8

Wokou Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 5 2(3) 8

Special Rules

Skirmish, Stubborn Daisho: Their ability with these swords is legendary. For each round of combat the can choose to use both swords for attack or use one for attack and one as a shield (see Warhammer rulebook).

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Raiding and pillaging is what the marauders are good at, and at times the best way of neutralizing the threat they represent is to offer them a job. They are very good at their job and leave much destruction in their wake. These are the pirates that are most feared by the coastal towns and cities pay mercenaries handsomely to protect them from these daemons from the sea.


Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Master Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Special Rules

Frenzy, Stromfels’ Glorious Favor

Salty Dogs

As the oldest and strongest of the force are the Salty Dogs and they have learned many tricks in their many years of service. They are one of the rarest and most desired groups of the pirate community. They have mastered the use of the Cutlass and each carry two with them at all times. They have become very strong by wielding these weapons, stronger than the average pirate and discovered that spreading out when advancing on a foe they are more likely to meet them in combat, in game play they are skirmishers. They also have incredible egos and consider themselves the elite of the Pirates and refuse to back down from a fight, they are considered stubborn.


Salty Dog 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1(2) 8

Master Dog 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2(3) 8

Special Rules:

Stubborn, Skirmish, Stromfels’ Favor, Limited Use

Orc Pirate Boyz

On some ships that don’t employ Dwarfs they hire the brutish Orcs. They are large and muscular and are known for using heavy metal weapons called Choppas, while some add bows and even spears to their arsenal of mayhem. They go into battle wearing Leather Jerkins that look like they would barely deflect a blow but surprisingly does.


Pirates Boyz 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

Big ‘Un Pirate Boyz 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 7

Pirate Boss 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7

Special Rules

Limited Use, Dwarfs Hate Us

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Ogre Pirates

Some Ogre Maneaters succumb to the call of the sea and join Pirates crews to seek fame and fortune. They are veterans of many campaigns that have traveled the length and breadth of the world. Mercenaries beyond peer, they have spent decades accruing scars, tall tales, wealth and exotic war-gear before traveling back to the tribe from which they came.


Ogre Pirate 6 4 5 5 4 3 3 4 8

Special Rules

Fear, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn Bull Charge: See Warhammer Armies: Ogre Kingdoms


Berserkers are the shock troops of the pirate world, usually there is a unit of them on each ship and unleashed on unsuspecting villages to distract from the main force.


Berserker 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1(2) 8

Master Berserker 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2(3) 8

Special Rules

Frenzy, Skirmish, Stubborn, Limited Use, Stromfels’ Favor

Deck Clearer

Some Pirates are so fanatical in defending their treasure (and Rum) they will plunge into the enemy with reckless abandon. Armed with heavy objects on chains (Cannon Balls, Old Great Axe Heads, Etc.) and drunk on Rum they run forward into the fray without regard to their own safety. When in combat they spin like a mad top, which confuses the enemies making them harder to hit.


Deck Clearer 4 5 3 5 4 2 3 S 8

Special Rules:

Unbreakable, Stromfels’ Favor Single Model: Cannot join unit Cyclone of Death: Deck Clearers plunge recklessly into the enemy, whirling their weapons, chains attached to arms with heavy objects on the end of them, madly around their heads. They do not attack normally in close combat. Instead, before any attacks are made (Even if the enemy has charged, including chariot impact hits and any other special attacks that normally would go first) every model in base contact with one or more Deck Clearer takes an automatic hit. Other enemy models touching models in base contact are hit on a roll of 4+. Resolve rolls to wound and so as usual. Survivors may attack the Deck Clearer as usual except that his whirling blades always mean the enemy hits at a -1 to whatever roll to hit they have. Against units consisting of a single model (including mounted monsters and chariots) the Deck Clearer inflicts D3 Automatic Hits on each such unit in contact. Base Size: 25mm

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Dwarf Pirates

The Dwarf race is cursed by an irresistible lust for gold and they certainly don’t dislike fighting (especially against Greenskins). It’s easy to understand how some young Dwarfs decide that they’d rather earn their gold fighting than spend their life scraping the underground in search of rich ore. Even though they go for the adventurous life they cannot get away from their natural conservative nature to weapons. While Dwarf Handguns have been seen many still prefer the older reliable crossbows instead of the black powder weaponry of the human pirates.


Dwarf Pirate 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Dwarf Pirate Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

Special Rules

Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless: See Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs No Greenskins, Limited Use

Giant Loader

Some Pirate Captains hire Giants to load and unload their ships. They have found that using Giants allow them to load and offload their ships rapidly and get them back on their way before the local law enforcement catch what is going on.


Giant Loader 4 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 10

Special Rules:

Large Target, Terror Ignore Little ‘Un Panic, Stubborn, Fall Over, Move, Giant Attacks: See rules for Dogs of War Giant.

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Davy Jones’ Cannon

The largest and most rare of the cannons in the arsenal of the pirates is the infamous Davy Jones Cannon. It has the longest range and a destructive explosive round that it fires. When the round finds it’s target it explodes and sends shrapnel forward into the target unit.

Special Rules

Ka-Boom: Fires like a normal cannon including the bounce, but it is treated as a Stone Thrower otherwise. It doesn’t hit anything on the bounce roll. After the shell lands place a large template on the spot and all models fully under the template take a Strength 5 (Strength 10 under the hole) hit with D6 wounds any that are partially under the template are hit on a D6 roll of 4+. If misfire is rolled on the bounce roll the shell explodes on that spot, place the template on that spot and resolve hits.

What the…: Because of the noise of the explosion everyone hits the deck and wonder what the noise was. All units within 2D6 of the explosion (friend and foe alike) must take a leadership test. If failed the unit cannot march or shoot. War machines must roll a 4+ on a D6 to shoot. If misfire is rolled on the bounce roll resolve the What the… distance from that spot.


Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 7

Davy Jones’ Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -

Ship Cannon

A favorite of Pirates these are similar to the Cannons used by forces by the Dwarfs and the Provinces of Tilea, Smaller than the Great Cannons of the Empire. They have been modified for use on ships and can be quickly unloaded for support of troops on land.


Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 7

Ship Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -

Page 19: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Hand Weapons

Buckler – A buckler made from steel or bronze and attached to the wielders arms by leather straps. A model equipped with a Buckler gains a 6+ save in close combat and may use additional hand weapon. Note: this can be combined with other armour as normal with the exception that a model may not use both a shield and buckler at the same time.

Cutlass – Finely crafted but heavy weapon that rips through weaknesses in armour. Sometimes referred as a Boarding Cutlass it has a curved blade and the grip has a shield that protects the bearer’s hand. It is Armour Piercing, as described in the Warhammer rulebook

Cathayan Longsword – These master-crafted blades are of great value because they remain eternally sharp. The Cathayan Longsword is a one-handed weapon that is so finely crafted that it confers +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative to the bearer. It is also Armour Piercing, as described in the Warhammer rulebook

Saif – A curved two-handed weapon from Araby. Confers +1 Strength to the wielder and still attacks on Initiative.

Daisho – A matched pair of Long and Short Swords. Counts as two hand weapons (+1 Attack) in combat.

Twin Butterfly Swords – Several different armourists have finely crafted these matched and balanced swords over the years. Counts as two hand weapons (+1 Attack) in combat.

Missile Weapons

Handgun – Range: 24”, Strength: 4, Save Modifier: –2, Move or Shoot.

Dwarf Handgun – Dwarf crafted handgun gives a +1 to hit. Range: 24”, Strength: 4, Save Modifier: –2, Move or Shoot.

Crossbow – Range: 30”, Strength: 4, Save Modifier: –1, Move or Shoot.

Orc Bow – Range: 18”, Strength: 3, Move and Shoot

Pistol – Range: 8”, Strength 4, Save Modifier: -2, Move and Shoot no negatives.

Page 20: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Pirates of Sartosa Army List This army list enables you to turn your collection of Pirates of Sartosa miniatures into an army ready for a tabletop battle. As described in the Warhammer rulebook, this army list is divided into four sections: Characters (Lords & Heroes), Core Units, Special Units and Rare Units.


Every miniature in the Warhammer range has a points cost assigned to it. This reflects how effective a model is on the battlefield. For example Corsair is a mere 4 points, while the Davy Jones Cannon costs 200 points.

Usually, both players choose armies of the same, agreed points total. You may spend fewer points, and you might find it impossible to use up every last point. Most ‘2,000 point’ armies, for example, will end up being something like 1,997 or 1,999 points.

To form your collection of Pirates of Sartosa miniatures into an army, look up the relevant army list entry for the first troop type. This tells you the points cost to add to each unit of models to your army and any options the unit may have. Then select your next unit, calculate its points cost and so on until you reach the agreed points total for the game you are playing. In addition to the models’ point values, there are a few other rules that govern which units you may include in your army, see Choosing Character and Choosing Troops opposite.


Each unit is represented by an entry in the army list. The unit’s name is given and any limitations that apply are explained.

Profiles show the individual characteristics of the troops in each entry. Where several profiles are required, these will also be given even if, as in many cases, they are optional (such as a mount).

Unit Size defines the minimum size for each unit. The minimum size of a unit is normally 10, although there are exceptions. In some cases, units will have a maximum size.

Equipment shows all the weapons and armour the particular trooper comes with at standard base cost. All models come with a hand weapon, while others might automatically come with armour, shields or whatever.

Options give units the ability to take extra equipment such as pistols, shields but also standard, musicians and unit champions.


Characters are divided into two broad categories: Lords (the most powerful characters) and Heroes (the rest). Note that the pirates can take one hero more then most armies it is included in the number of characters on the chart below:

Army Points Value

Max Total Character Max Lords Max Heroes

Under 2000 4 0 4

2000+ 5 1 4

3000+ 7 2 7

4000+ 9 3 9

+1000 +2 +1 +2

An army does not have to include the maximum number of characters allowed it can always include fewer than indicated. However an army must always include at least two characters: the General and the Chest Keeper. An Army does not have to include Lords, it can include all of its characters as Heroes if you prefer. At the beginning of the battle, choose one of the characters to be the general and make sure that you let your opponent know which one it is.

Choosing Troops

Troops are divided into Core, Special and Rare units. The number of each type of unit available depends on the army’s point value, indicated on the chart below.

Army Points Value

Max Core Special Rare

Under 2000 2 0-3 0-1

2000+ 3 0-4 0-2

3000+ 4 0-5 0-3

4000+ 5 0-6 0-4

+ 1000 +1 +0-1 +0-1

In some cases other limitations may apply to a particular unit. This will always be specified in the particular army list entry. For example, the Salty Dogs are Limited Use to one entry per 1000 points.

Page 21: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa



Kera, the Pirate Queen Points: 285


Kera 4 7 6 4 5 3 6 4 10


Sword and Dagger (2 Hand weapons), Pistol


May have Dwarf Handgun 15 pts

Special Rules:

Foe Hunter All Love Her Killing Blow Spoils of War Stromfels’ Regal Favor

Magic Items:

Stromfels’ Pendent

The Pirate Princess, Kathryn Harkon Points: 385


Kathryn Harkon 6 7 4 5 4 3 6 3(5) 10

Equipment: Sword of Sartosa, Hand weapon and Heavy Armour

Special Rules:

Terror Killing Blow Undead? Spoils of War Stromfels’ Lordly Favor

Magic Items:

Sword of Sartosa

Pirate Admiral Points: 135


Pirate Admiral 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

Equipment: Hand weapon

Special Rules:

Spoils of War Stromfels’ Lordly Favor

Magic Items:

Any Common or Pirate magic items up to 100 pts


Hand Weapons:

Morning Star 3 pts Additional Hand Weapon 4 pts Great Weapon 8 pts Cathayan Longsword 10 pts Missile Weapons:

Handgun 15 pts Crossbow 15 pts Pistol 9 pts Brace of Pistols 18 pts

Pirate Sorcerer Lord Points: 205


Pirate Sorcerer Lord 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8

Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic Items:

Any Common or Pirate magic items up to 100 pts


Sorcerer lord is a Level 3 Wizard and may be upgraded to a Level 4 Wizard (+35 points)

Special Rules:

Stromfels’ Glorious Favor

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Pirate Captain Points: 80


Pirate Captain 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Equipment: Hand weapon

Special Rules:

Spoils of War Stromfels’ Glorious Favor

Magic Items:

Any Common or Pirate magic items up to 50 pts


Hand Weapons:

Morning Star 2 pts Additional Hand Weapon 4 pts Halberd 4 pts Great Weapon 4 pts Missile Weapons:

Handgun 10 pts Pistol 6 pts Brace of Pistols 12 pts

Pirate Lieutenant Points: 55


Pirate Lieutenant 4 4 4 4 4 2 5 3 8

Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic Items:

Any Common or Pirate magic items up to 50 pts

Special Rules:

Spoils of War Stromfels’ Favor


May upgrade Stromfels’ Favor to Stromfels’ Glorious Favor (+15 pts) Hand Weapons:

Morning Star 2 pts Additional Hand Weapon 4 pts Halberd 4 pts Great Weapon 4 pts Missile Weapons:

Handgun 10 pts Pistol 6 pts Brace of Pistols 12 pts

Pirate Sorcerer Points: 90


Pirate Sorcerer 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 8

Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic Items:

Any Common or Pirate magic items up to 50 pts


Sorcerer lord is a Level 1 Wizard and may be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard (+35 points)

Special Rules:

Stromfels’ Glorious Favor

Page 23: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


1 Chest Keeper Points: 85


Chest Keeper 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8

Pirate’s Chest - - - 4 4 3 - - -

Equipment: Hand weapon

Special Rules:

Chest Keeper Body Guard Pirate’s Chest Stromfels’ Favor

Magic Items:

Any Common or Dogs or War magic items up to 50 pts


May upgrade Stromfels’ Favor to Stromfels’ Glorious Favor (+15 pts) Hand Weapons:

Additional Hand Weapon 4 pts Great Weapon 4 pts Cathayan Longsword 10 pts Missile Weapons:

Handgun 10 pts Pistol 6 pts Brace of Pistols 12 pts

0-1 Body Guard Points 9


Body Guard 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Body Guard Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Equipment: Saif (two-handed weapon, treat as halberd), and light armour Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules

Stubborn: Only when Chest Keeper is in unit. Counts as Special Choice in army


May have heavy Armour (+1) and Shields (+1) May exchange Saif for Great Weapon (+1pt) May upgrade one Corsair to a Master (+10 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+10 pts) which may be Magical (up to 100 points) May have a Musician (+5 pts)

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0-1 Long Drong’s Pirate Slayers Points 195


Long Drong 3 6 5 4 4 2 4 3(4) 10

Pirate Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1(2) 10

Equipment: Lots of Pistols, Lots and Lots of Pistols… Unit Size: 10-30

Special Rules

Ancestral Grudge Resolute Relentless Slayers Festooned with Pistols No Greenskins Starting point cost gets Long Drong, and 9 Slayer Pirates including Standard Bearer and Musician. Additional Pirate Slayers can be hired at 12 points per model.

Corsairs Points 5


Corsair 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Corsair Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Equipment: Saif (two handed weapon, treat as halberd), and light armour Unit Size: 10+


May add buckler (+1pt) or exchange Saif for Great Weapon (+1pt) May upgrade one Corsair to a Master (+10 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+10 pts) May have a Musician (+5 pts)

Deck Hands Points 6


Deck Hand 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Deck Hand Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Equipment: Sword and Dagger (two hand weapons) Unit Size: 8+

Special Rules



May have bucklers (+1pt) May either have throwing knives (+1pts), or replace a hand weapon with a pistol (+3 pts) May upgrade one Deck Hand to a Deck Master (+8 pts)

Gunners Points 8


Gunner 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Sharpshooter 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 7

Equipment: Hand weapon, Handgun Unit Size: 10+


May have a Marksman for +5 points. May have a Standard bearer for +10 points. May have a Musician for +5 points.

Page 25: Warhammer Armies: Pirates of Sartosa


Looters Points 6


Looter 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Master Looter 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Equipment: Two Hand weapons, Buckler Unit Size: 10+


May have exchange one hand weapon for a pistol (+3 pts) May upgrade one Looter to a Master (+10 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+10 pts) May have a Musician (+5 pts)

Marauder Points 9


Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Master Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Equipment: Hand weapon Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules

Frenzy Stromfels’ Glorious Favor

Raiders Points 8


Raider 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Raider Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Deck Cannon - - - - 6 3 - - -

Equipment: Cutlass Unit Size: 15+

Special Rules:

Hatred Stromfels’ Favor Re-Crew Save the Weapon


May exchange Cutlass for Great Weapon (+2pts) May upgrade Stromfels Favor to Stromfels’ Glorious Favor (+2 pts) May upgrade one Raider to a Master (+10 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+10 pts) May have a Musician (+5 pts) May have one Deck Cannon (+50 pts)

Deck Cannon

Unit Size: 1 Cannon, 2 Deck Cannon Crew (Not part of original Raiders unit.)

Deck Cannon:

Range 18”, D6 Shots, Strength: 6, Save Modifier: -3, Move: As Crew, Toughness: 6, Wounds: 3.


May have additional hand weapons at +2pts per model. May replace a hand weapon with a great weapon for +2pts per model or with a flail for +1pt per model. May upgrade one Marauder to a Master for +10 points. May have a Standard Bearer for +10 points. May have a Musician for +5 points.

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0-1 Ketnia Garzak and the Pirate Wenches Points 260


Pirate Wenches 3 4 3 3 4 1 4 1(2) 10

Ketnia Garzak 3 5 4 4 4 2 4 4 10

Equipment Ketnia Garzak: Skaven Slayer Cutlass, Dwarf Handgun Pirate Wench: Hand weapon, Brace of Pistols Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules

Frenzy Slayers Ancestral Grudge Resolute Relentless Skirmish Skaven Slayer Cutlass Chest of Grimnir Starting point cost gets, and 9 Wenches including Standard Bearer and Musician. Additional Pirate Wenches can be hired at 14 points per model.

Berserkers Points 12


Berserker 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1(2) 8

Master Berserker 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2(3) 8

Equipment: twin butterfly swords (two hand weapons) Unit Size: 5+

Special Rules

Frenzy Skirmish Stubborn Limited Use Stromfels’ Favor


May upgrade Stromfels’ Favor for Stromfels’ Glorious Favor (+2 pts) May upgrade one Berserker to a Master (+12 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+12 pts) May have a Musician (+6 pts)

Dwarf Pirates Points 7


Dwarf Pirate 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Dwarf Pirate Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

Equipment: Hand weapon, Light Armour Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules

Ancestral Grudge Resolute Relentless No Greenskins Limited Use

Options May have Great Weapons (+2 pts) May have Crossbows (+4 pts) or Dwarf Handguns (+6 pts) May remove armour for Stromfels’ Glorious Favor (+3 pts) May upgrade one Dwarf Pirate to a Veteran (+10 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+10 pts) May have a Musician (+5 pts)

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Orc Pirate Boyz Points 5


Pirate Boyz 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

Big ‘Un Pirate Boyz 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 7

Pirate Boss 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7

Equipment: Choppa, Leather Jerkin (Light Armour) Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules:

Dwarfs Hate Us Limited Use


May add additional Choppa (+2 pts/model), Spear (+1 pt/model) or Orc Bow (+1 pt/bow) May upgrade to Big ‘Uns (+4 pts/model) May upgrade one Cutlass to a Champion (+13 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+10 pts) May have a Musician (+5 pts)

Salty Dogs Points 14


Salty Dog 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1(2) 8

Master Dog 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2(3) 8

Equipment: Two Cutlasses Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules:

Stubborn Skirmish Stromfels’ Favor Limited Use


May upgrade Stromfels Favor to Stromfels’ Glorious Favor (+2 pts) May upgrade one Cutlass to a Champion (+12 pts) May have a Standard Bearer (+12 pts) May have a Musician (+6 pts)

Ship Cannon Points 90


Pirate Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Ship Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -

Equipment: Hand weapon Unit Size: 1 Cannon, 3 Pirate Crew

Ship Cannon:

Range 48”, Strength: 10, D3 Wounds, No Armour Saves, Move: As Crew, Toughness: 7, Wounds: 3.

Wokou Points 10


Wokou 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1(2) 8

Wokou Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2(3) 8

Equipment: Daisho (Matched pair of Long and Short Swords) and Kikou (light armour) Unit Size: 10+

Special Rules

Skirmish Stubborn Daisho


May upgrade one Wokou to Master for +10 points. May have a Standard Bearer for +10 points. May have a Musician for +5 points.

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0-1 Davy Jones’ Cannon Points 200


Pirate Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Davy Jones’ Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -

Equipment: Hand weapon Unit Size: 1 Cannon, 3 Pirate Crew

Special Rules:

Ka-Boom What The…

Davy Jones’ Cannon:

Range 60”, Strength: 5(10), D6 wounds, No Armour Saves, Move: As Crew, Toughness: 7, Wounds: 3.

Deck Clearer Points 65


Deck Clearer 4 5 3 5 4 2 3 S 8

Equipment: Chains attached to arms with heavy objects on the end of them. Unit Size: 1-2 per choice Base Size: 25mm

Special Rules:

Single Model, Cannot join units Unbreakable Stromfels’ Favor Cyclone of Death

Giant Loader Point 205


Giant Loader 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 10

Equipment: Big Club Unit Size: 1

Special Rules

Large Target Terror Ignore Little ‘Un Panic Stubborn Fall Over Move Giant Attacks. See rules for Dogs of War Giant.

Ogre Pirates Points 86


Ogre Pirate 6 4(5) 5 5 4 3 3(4) 4 8

Equipment: Light Armour, Cathayan Longsword Unit Size: 1+


May upgrade to Heavy Armour (+4 points/model) May replace armour for Stromfels Glorious Favor (8 pts) Each Ogre Pirate may replace his Cathayan Longsword with a Great Weapon, or a Brace of Handguns for free. A mix of weapons in the unit is allowed.

Special Rules:

Cause Fear Immune to Psychology Stubborn Bull Charge

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The Pirates Booty In this section, the common magic items are listed first (see Warhammer Rulebook for a complete description). The ones that follow are a list of Magic Items for the Pirates of Sartosa only. These items are the only ones that can be used by models in this book. All magic items must be selected within the points limitations set by the army list section. Note that the rules for the magic items presented in the Warhammer Rulebook also apply to the Pirates of Sartosa only items.

Common Magic Items Sword of Striking 30 points Weapon; +1 to Hit

Sword of Battle 25 points Weapon; +1 Attack

Sword of Might 20 points Weapon; +1 Strength

Biting Blade 10 points Weapon; -1 Armour Save

Enchanted Shield 10 points Armour; 5+ Armour Save

Talisman of Protection 15 points Talisman; 6+ Ward Save

Staff of Sorcery 30 points Arcane; +1 to Dispel

Dispel Scroll 25 points Arcane; One Use Only; Automatically dispel an enemy spell

Power Stone 25 points Arcane: One Use Only; +2 dice to cast a spell

War Banner 25 points Banner; +1 combat resolution

Magic Weapons Bloody Nora 50 points This vicious Cat o’ Nine Tails lashes out at the pirate’s enemies.

Bearer gains D3+2 extra Attacks on the turn he charges, and gives him +2 extra Attacks on subsequent rounds.

Cutlass of Unfailing Steel 50 points The wielder gains the uncanny ability to seem to always hit the enemy in combat.

Wielder always hits any opponent on a 2+, regardless of relative Weapon Skills. This cannot be modified in any way.

Golden Blade of Stromfels 50 points The gleaming gold on this blade confers to the wielder the strength of the sea to go through the toughest armour. No armour saves allowed against wounds caused by the Golden Blade of Stromfels.

Wild Weakness Finder 40 points The Wild Weakness Finder has the uncanny ability to find the weak point of any being. Wielder may re-roll all failed to hit and to wound roll in close combat. Mystical Bow 35 points This relic was scavenged from an abandoned Elven colony. The Mystical Bow has a range of 36 inches and Strength 6. Hits from this bow count as magical

Lucky Levi’s Hook Hand 35 points After losing one hand in an unfortunate accident Lucky Levi had a hook crafted to use as a weapon against any who boards his ship.

This crude but effective piratical prosthetic grants the user +2 Strength, but he may not use any weapons or items that require two (or more) hands.

Whip of Unending Torture 30 points Found after repelling a Dark Elf Raid the Whip of Unending Torture inflicts immense pain even to creatures with the thickest of skin and simple of mind. The wielder of the Whip of Unending Torture always strikes with strength 5. No Other modifiers or magic items can ever modify this.

Sloppy Cruickshank’s Long-Lost Cutlass 25 points Sloppy Cruickshank’s favorite weapon is the cutlass that made the pirate captain the toast of a hundred drinking dens. The cutlass grants the bearer Killing Blow.

Wharf Rats 25 points A swarm of trained rodents surrounds the character that follows his commands.

Grants model an additional D6 S2 Poisoned Attacks at I2.

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Magic Armour Breastplate of Protection 45 points Acquired during a raid if the forsaken lands of the undead this breastplate can turn aside even the strongest blow. Light armour that may be combined with other equipment normally. Enemy models must re-roll successful rolls to wound against the wearer.

Gleaming Shield 40 points Pilfered during a raid on a High Elf ship this shield of highly polished gold shines so brightly that it’s gleam nearly blind the enemy. This magical shield may be combined with other equipment as normal. In addition, all successful attempts to hit the wearer in close combat must be re-rolled.

Armour of the Gods 40 points Taken from tomb of an ancient warrior during a raid of the Land of Ind. Wearer gains +1 Wound. Counts as Heavy Armour

Bloody Bill’s Buckler 25 points

This finely crafted buckler has finely detailed runes and markings that make the wielder harder to kill.

Wearer gains a 4+ armour save that can be combined with other equipment normally.

Bloodlust Armour 20 points When the blood of the enemy splatters onto this armour becomes more endurable. Heavy Armour. For every unsaved wound the wearer inflicts in close combat the save is improved by 1 point to a maximum total of 1+

Banners Sartosa Banner 100 points This flag, with the emblem of the office of the sitting leader of the Pirates of Sartosa, seeing the banner raises the pride of all pirates.

All units with at least one model within 12” of the Sartosa Banner can re-roll any failed Psychology tests as well as tests to avoid pursuing a fleeing enemy.

Ship’s Colors 50 points The vessels of Pirate fleet fly a bewildering array of flags, but pirates aren’t the most original of artists. Thus, each tends to display some variation on the skull and crossbones device.

Unit bearing this banner causes Terror.

Sun Standard 45 points Discovered during a raid of Lustria the beams of intense sunlight streaming from the standard makes if impossible to focus upon it without squinting. Those who stare too long at the Sun Standard are said to go blind.

Missiles fired at the unit suffer –1 to hit.

Standard of Butchery 40 points Found after killing an entire Dark Elf raiding party it was discovered that this Blood covered banner imbues the regiment carrying it with grim determination.

On any turn the unit with the Standard of Butchery charges the banner adds +D3 to the units Combat Resolution.

Dead Man’s Chest 35 points Who knows what treasures are locked away within the Dead Man’s Chest? Presumably the Pirates do, for they rally to it like the Reiksguard to the Imperial colors.

The Chest counts as a Magical Banner and grants each model in the unit +1 Attack in the 1st round of any hand-to-hand combat.

Standard of Persistence 30 points Borrowed from a defeated unit of Saurus warriors this standard is filled with the spirit of the fastest jungle animals. Those in the shadow of these jungle beasts hunt down their enemies with relentless ferocity and persistence.

The unit pursues an extra D6”

Banner of Loyalty 15 points This banner reaches into the hearts of the warriors filling them with courage and renewing their will to fight on.

The unit can re-roll any failed Leadership tests.

Talismans Amulet of Araby 45 points This amulet, shaped like the rising sun over the dunes, projects a disruptive mystical energy that counters the defenses of the foe.

All Arcane items, Enchanted Items, Talismans or Runic Talismans belonging to enemy models in base contact of the wearer cease to function. A character wearing this item cannot take any other magical items.

Pearl of Infinite Faith 30 points Swirled with red and black veins this magical pearl emits an aura of undying faith.

The wearer and any unit that he joins are Immune to Psychology.

Parrot Charm 30 points

This charm reminds the bearer of his favorite pet that died while stopping a wizard casting a spell on his army.

The owner gains Magic Resistance (2).

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Arcane Items Staff of Locusts 50 points Bound Item Power Level 4 This staff taken during a raid of the lands of the Khemri, it unleashes the power of the locusts of Nehekhara, and they descend on the enemy in a frenzied cloud.

This spell is a magic missile with an 18” range. The targeted unit suffers 3D6 Strength 2 hits.

Casters Cloak 30 points Acquired during a raid of a Dark Elven ship this cloak has the essence of a star of the Nagarythe sky woven into it.

The cloak gives the Wizard +1 Power dice that only he may use during each Magic phase.

Tainted Crystal Orb 30 points Nothing can remain hidden from the gaze of any wizard using this powerful mystical globe.

The enemy must always reveal all the ‘secrets’ involving all units, which are within 18” of the wizard at any time. This includes magic items in the unit and who is carrying them, presence of assassins, number of Fanatics and Netters and everything else that the player in not normally obliged to disclose to his opponent.

Sorcerers Staff 15 points Many wizards carry a staff as a mark of their office and as an aid to their magical powers.

The Sorcerer’s Staff allow the bearer to use one more dice from the Power dice pool than normally allowed to when casting a spell. (Ex, a Level 1 Wizard will be able to use up to 3 dice to cast spells.)

Enchanted Items Orb of the Whirlwind 50 points Bound Spell (Remains in Play) Power Level 4 The Orb of the Whirlwind contains a powerful spell that wreaks turmoil in the air.

May be cast once per Magic phase. The spell requires no Power dice to cast, all the power required is provided by the energy stored in the Orb itself. When the Orb of Whirlwind spell is in play all flyers are grounded and have to move at their normal Movement rate.

Slann Gold 35 points The character bears a sacred Slann artifact, though he thinks it little more than a pretty bauble.

The Slann Gold turns the bearer into a Level 1 Wizard who uses the Lore of Death. Bearer cannot take armour.

Gentleman Jenkins’s Trusty Compass 25 points Gentleman Jenkins was said to have voyaged the length (and depths) of the six seas, thanks to his trusty compass.

The Compass grants the user the Scouts special rule.

Hard Stuff (one use only) 30 points Upon drinking this bizarre concoction, the character temporary becomes tough enough to withstand even the strongest blows.

By drinking a drop of the hard stuff at the beginning of the Close Combat Phase, the character gains +2 Toughness until the end of that phase. However, he must pass an immediate Toughness test or suffer a single Wound with no saves of any kind allowed.

Firewater (one use only) 15 points Upon drinking this bizarre concoction, the character gains a temporary ability to spout fire from his mouth.

By drinking this potent brew, the character may make a single S3 Breath Weapon attack, which counts as a Flaming attack, once per game. However, he must pass an immediate Toughness test or suffer a single Wound with no saves of any kind allowed.

Moonshine (one use only) 15 points Upon drinking this bizarre concoction; the character undergoes a temporary, though terrifying, physical transformation.

Use at the beginning of the character’s Movement Phase – he causes Terror for the remainder of the game turn. However, he must pass an immediate Toughness test or suffer a single Wound with no saves of any kind allowed.

Black Buckthorn’s Treasure Map 15 points With this map it allows you to find the best places on the battlefield to deploy your troops.

You may add 1 to the die rolled to determine who chooses his Deployment Zone.

Mad Mullet’s Spyin’ Glass 10 points This mystical variant of a small telescope can spot the enemies heroes on the battlefield.

The Spyin’ Glass allows the bearer to pick out characters from enemy units when targeting them with a ranged weapon.

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Davy Jones’ Cannon Ka-Boom: Fires like a normal cannon including the bounce, but it is treated as a Stone Thrower otherwise. It doesn’t hit anything on the bounce roll. After the shell lands place a large template on the spot and all models fully under the template take a Strength 5 (Strength 10 under the hole) hit with D6 wounds any that are partially under the template are hit on a D6 roll of 4+. If misfire is rolled on the bounce roll the shell explodes on that spot, place the template on that spot and resolve hits. What the…: Because of the noise of the explosion everyone hits the deck and wonder what the noise was. All units within 2D6 of the explosion (friend and foe alike) must take a leadership test. If failed the unit cannot march or shoot. War machines must roll a 4+ on a D6 to shoot. If misfire is rolled on the bounce roll resolve the What the… distance from that spot.

Pirates of Sartosa Reference Sheet Lords M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rules Kera, the Pirate Queen 4 7 6 4 5 3 6 4 10 Foe Hunter, All Love Her, Killing Blow,

Spoils of War, Stromfels’ Regal Favor Kathryn Harkon 6 7 4 5 4 3 6 3(5) 10 Terror, Killing Blow, Undead? Spoils of

War, Stromfels’ Lordly Favor Pirate Admiral 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 Spoils of War, Stromfels; Lordly Favor Pirate Sorcerer Lord 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 Stromfels’ Glorious Favor Heroes M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rules Pirate Captain 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Spoils of War, Stromfels’ Glorious Favor Pirate Lieutenant 4 4 4 4 4 2 5 3 8 Spoils of War, Stromfels’ Favor Pirate Sorcerer 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 8 Stromfels’ Glorious Favor Chest Keeper 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 Chest Keeper, Body Guard, Pirate’s

Chest, Stromfels’ Favor Pirate’s Chest - - - 4 4 3 - - - Core M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rules Long Drong 3 6 5 4 4 2 4 3(4) 10 Resolute & Relentless, Slayers,

Festooned with Pistols, No Greenskins Pirate Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1(2) 10 Resolute & Relentless, Slayers,

Festooned with Pistols, No Greenskins Corsairs 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Corsair Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Deck Hand 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Skirmishers Deck Hand Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Skirmishers Gunners 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Sharpshooter 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 7 Looters 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Master Looter 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Stromfels’ Glorious Favor, Frenzy Master Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Stromfels’ Glorious Favor, Frenzy Raiders 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Hatred, Stromfels’ Favor, Re-Crew,

Save the Weapon Raider Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Hatred, Stromfels’ Favor Deck Cannon - - - - 6 3 - - - Special M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rules Ketnia Garzak 3 5 4 4 4 2 4 4 10 Resolute & Relentless, Slayer, Skirmish,

Dwarf Handgun, No Greenskins Pirate Wench 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1(2) 10 Resolute & Relentless, Slayers,

Skirmish, Brace of Pistols, No Greenskins

Body Guard 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 Stubborn Body Guard Sergeant 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 Stubborn Berserker 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1(2) 8 Frenzy, Skirmish, Stubborn, Limited

Use, Stromfels’ Favor Master Berserker 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2(3) 8 Frenzy, Skirmish, Stubborn, Limited

Use, Stromfels’ Favor Dwarf Pirate 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Ancestral Grudge, Resolute &

Relentless, No Greenskins, Limited Use Dwarf Pirate Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 Ancestral Grudge, Resolute &

Relentless, No Greenskins, Limited Use Pirate Boyz 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 Dwarfs Hate Us, Limited Use Big ‘Un Pirate Boyz 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 Dwarfs Hate Us, Limited Use Pirate Boss 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 7 Dwarfs Hate Us, Limited Use Salty Dog 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1(2) 8 Stubborn, Skirmish, Limited Use,

Stromfels’ Favor Master Dog 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2(3) 8 Stubborn, Skirmish, Limited Use,

Stromfels’ Favor Ship Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - - Pirate Cannon Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Wokou 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1(2) 8 Skirmish, Stubborn, Daisho Wokou Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2(3) 8 Skirmish, Stubborn, Daisho Rare M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rules Deck Clearer 4 5 3 5 4 2 3 S 8 Single Model, Stromfels’ Favor,

Unbreakable, Cyclone of Death Giant Loader 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 10 Large Target, Terror, Stubborn, Move, Ignore Little ‘Un Panic, Fall Over, Giant Attacks Davy Jones’ Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - - Ka-Boom, What The… Pirate Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Ogre Pirates 6 4(5) 5 5 4 3 3(4) 4 8 Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn, Bull Charge

Pirate Armoury Buckler: 6+ save in close combat and may use additional hand weapon. Cutlass: Armour Piercing Cathayan Longsword: +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative, Armour Piercing Saif: +1 Strength Daisho: Counts as two hand weapons Handgun: Range: 24”, Strength: 4, Save Modifier: –2, Move or Shoot. Dwarf Handgun: Dwarf crafted handgun gives a +1 to hit. Range: 24”, Strength: 4, Save Modifier: –2, Move or Shoot. Crossbow: Range: 30”, Strength: 4, Save Modifier: –1, Move or Shoot. Longbow: Range: 30”, Strength: 3, Move and Shoot Pistol: Range: 8”, Strength 4, Save Modifier: -2, Move and Shoot no negatives. Deck Cannon: S6 18” range D6 Shots. Ship Cannon: S10, 48” range, D3 wounds Davy Jones’ Cannon: S10, 60” range, D6 wounds

Stromfels’ Favor Stromfels’ Favor: Newest followers of the storm God receive a 6+ Ward Save. Stromfels’ Glorious Favor: After years of service to the Storm God the followers receive a 5+ Ward Save. Stromfels’ Lordly Favor: For the most ardent followers, the leaders of ships receive a 4+ Ward Save. Stromfels’ Regal Favor: Only the most highly regarded of the Storm God followers have reached this level. It provides a 3+ Ward Save.

Ship Cannon 1. Align the Ship Cannon on the target and guess range (up to

48”) 2. Roll the Artillery Dice and add the score to the distance

guessed. The cannon ball travels towards the target this distance before striking the ground.

3. If MISFIRE is rolled refer to the Cannon misfire chart. Otherwise mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground.

4. If you roll a MISFIRE for the Bounce roll the cannon ball sticks in the ground and does not bounce.

5. Measure distance from Artillery dice and work out hits at Strength 10. Wounds from Ship Cannon cause D3 wounds. There are no armour saves against wounds from the Cannons.

Special Army Rules No Greenskins: Armies that include Dwarfs cannot have Greenskin units in the army Dwarfs Hate Us: Armies that include Greenskins cannot have Dwarf units in the army. Limited Use: Some units are hard to hire and you can only have 1 unit per each 1000 points in the army.