warcraft magic & mayhem by azamor


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Post on 18-Apr-2015




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CreclitsAuthors: Cover Artist:

Rob Baxter (prestige classes, magic items, tech Samwise Didier

devices, constructs), Scott Bennie (magic), Bobfitch Interior Artists:(rune magic, runemaster, rune families, spells), BruceGraw (magic items), Luke Johnson (fiction, feats,

Ted Beargdon' Sa

spells), Seth Johnson (fiction, engineer, tech cre- Koiter' Chris Metzer

ation, tech devices) PlaYteSterS:

Creative and Rules Design Assistanceancl Actcl itional Material :

Chris Metzen and Bob Fitch

Developer:Mike Johnstone

Eclitor:Ellen P. Kiley

Managing Eclitor:Andrew Bates

Art Director:Matt Milberger

Book Design:Matt Milberger

Tom Cadwell, Tim Campbell, Sebastien Couture,

Phillip Dunn, Sean Gardiner, Mike Heiberg, Robert

Lennon, Scott Mercer, The Monkeyfans, Chris Pagel,

Lorne Peterson, Steve Sloane

SpecialThanks MikeJohnstoneThree cheers to Bob Fitch and Chris Metzen, who

know how to keep things up during the down times,

and for pouring as much heart and soul as anyone into

the RPG. We owe you more than words can say.To the other great folks at Bhzzard: Paul Sams,

Elaine Di lorio, Neal Hubbard and Lisa Bucek.Finally, to the regulars, newcomers, and occasional

visitors to the official Warcraft RPG discussion fo-

rum: thanks for keeping us on our toes, but most of all

thanks for your interest in and support of the game.

You're the best !

Check our upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at: htrp://www.swordsorcery.cotrl

Distribureclfor Sworcl anclsorcery Stuclio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This printing of Magrc I Mayhem is published in accorde

Game License Appenclix of rhis book for more inforrnarion. Arthaus and its logo are traclemarks of Arthaus Publishing, Inc. All rights

of Monsters, Alliance & Horcle Cornpendium, Magic & Mayhern, Lands ofConflict, and Shadows & Light are trademarks of White Wolf I

Enrerrainmenr. Warcraft ancl Blizzarcl Enrertarnment are trademarks or registered traclernarks of Blizzard Entertainment iu the U.S' and/c

reservecl. Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission. "dZ0 I

tra.lemarks ownecl by Wizarcls of the Coast and are used according ro the ternrs of the dZO System License version 5.0. A copy of this I

The rnention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or cclpyright concerneclPRINTED IN CANADA.







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Chapter Four: Destiny ancl Rewarcl

Armor and Shields


PotionsRingsRods, Staffs and \Wands


\Tondrous Items

Minor Artifacts

Chapter Five: Temple of Boom

Creating and Using Technological Devices

Vehicles: Movement and Maneuverability

Malfunction Effects

Collaborative Construction

Masterwork Devices

Special and Favored Materials

Technological Devices

Adventuring Gear

Special Substances and Items


WeaponsZecker Devices

Appencl ix One : Constructs

Appencl ix Two : Legal Information

1 1 3TT4TT6IZ9133134135r37$5




e0z69r99r6€rbf.r0tr9ZTLrr9I IEOI99bsbsI96bevevIh6e9fs€LI

uoltrnnsuoC rIloBr{C uleloC {un[ :y9 elqeJ

l,Solouqrel Z-S elgeJ

srre#E uollf,unllBl^I : I-9 elqBJ

sluell snorPuo/)N :9-b elqBJ

spuB/N PUB SJJBTS 'rPoU 's8urg :9-h elqBl

sllonJ?s PUB suono d:h-b elqBl

suodea/6, rllcadg :€-b alqel

selrlllqv IBIredS uodea/X\ : Z-V elqeJ

sPlelqs Pue rourv :I-v alqBJ

PBaPun uoruulns : I-t alqBJ

(plnn ) Iotroq qrtt/N eqJ \I-Z olqel

[eC rad s11adg uepre/)N :OI-Z alqeJ

(up^nn ) uapre/N eqJ :6-Z elqel

(uns) rotne/Ktuears eqJ :B-Z elqeJ

(^dS) re>11e^ulrlds eql :L-Z elqeJ

(.lanS) rarunH ^{opeqs eql :9-Z elqeJ

(rnC) a.ro ue^BrC eqJ S-Z elqeJ

(8rE) raaulSug eql :r-7. elqBJ

(q*g) ratprequlog eqJ :e-Z elqeJ

["C rad seung PUB s/Kolg ;o /,unp : Z-Z elqel

(utug) rarseueung eqJ :yZ alqeJ

sef,uetsrunf,rlc ryeqc uondnrroc euef,ry : I-I olqeJ


Fl,ames danced wrLdLy m ZuL'aJrk'shLack eyes. The wrrcb docrorc. ntT0 slde, urreRlnE slunds Kemrruscenr op rhe cuackLmE ca,ffipfrKe hand rhehEhr qLeamed suddenLy l7f rhehnonzed qohlm skuLl, arop rhthrc knees. The skuLl, qRlnned ar Gmholr S unehammeR, who qrurre

KrEhr hack.

Gmbol,r soonLooked awal , meerrnE rhe eyes oF Maen-rhtss. The tm a smtLe as he ohsenved Gmhol'r's drccomflKr.

"Thrc $ fllhshness, " hrcsed rhe dwarcp. "WhilT rs rhs chanLaran

r00 many op rhose mushrcooms." GrcnhoLr mdtcared rhe srand ophLutlursrde rhe wrcch docron's renr . " Nevet rqusred rtol'Ls. NeyeK w

" @rer ," Mfren-rhtss Rephed. "If he can reLL us whar we need r0 k

dnuqqedhe Is. . . lKhow venEeful'." The eLf eyed rhehruonze ElhlJn skaEaln m IRRITATT0q.

The dwarcp Eave a, EKear srqh m a vam arrempr r0 annly Maen-rl,away fulm rhehLue-skmned rRILL. He El'anced arcound rhe emprf ca,reLse ro I'ook Ar. TaLl' wllden sra,kes manked rhe camp's ctrccuLavha, qlhlin skuLl,. Some skulls srrLl'hadhrcs op pl,esh KeffiarnrnE. Grurbe rRILL desysed EohLms wrch such vehemence. He Flund qohLms Rahe wluLd say he Lfued qohLms hesr 0f a,l'l" rhe. . . guesrronahle Racetahde. IncLudmq hLood eLves.:

WeLL, ar Leasr rhey Learcned op rhe wrcch docron's odd harrced btca,mp. Ip ZuL'allkhad seen ZryELeR, rhe srruarrln mryhr have hecoorhe qobhn etted 0n rhe srde 0f caurrln and had a,qReed ro sray (

GmhoLrhad seen 0F ZrEql,en, rhe qohLmwas rmkeurnE wrchhrcLaresclnsruucr 0f EeaRwlwk and sream, wrch ahnownheand pasred on ata,Ll, lvev. Gmhol'r pound IT lddl'y pLarreRrnE.

"Olh,I conracra rhe sptRITS, mln." The rtll'l''s sildden excLamathead aulbrnd. The dwarcp's eyes nauulwed, nlrrnq rhar rbe f00L eLf

,,'flL}q u)a\ll 1114 s,Lal,, '77) Q001q aql Qrus ,,'n0[, qilM fr,L, 'L7i

a7ru4 aulqv SuuvtadQ 'qalmns 4r[a ,lnz

'LdtQ )qL uJldi nai pstndq st'Q)ssad )q sa 77odL )qL La

a>tnlsab aqnd, a 1ut4aw 'sttltldo nq 7o uotlawuJaxa 4)InO a daLia d,,

aH 's)su,)s flq 0L au)w ')ua)s adtlua su\L Sutanq Pqln\u)-wdT Q00L'Qutq)q Swbbvaq suruu)ad, s,Luar at1 'tt15tu ac1 llw Taauq

acll ?Qtd, a(t)ou, aql ga(pLaM aq sa La\dql s d,0L)0Q wilM a\ll ffildJ a')dyll)nd,Ls adtlu) aql uM\Q ad,ol u\Ila)d) )qL )ffiqM 'LuaL s,4I[a,7n

Qallltd ,tl'aad,a1a SurTlnd'btltla)d) stqilo Qa(t)lda) daads s ,llldL aq''Qaaq

Qua autds 'sqta s, ssl ;F-waw Lsuru,a Swqunod s5a1 uaLtd-ullsil '5urlpdau)

Qayrutlun Tuanq 4d,0n4)0p aql qua 'tary aql Ltq

u)ldi ilnqllw Qalt)lt)als ultlaad) s,dal11tz sa 110 LvD saM ssrqL-Mav

,,ino/(. nI4 L, 'ssl ql-d,aary La daads

SumatmA srcl Qalwld an 'abad, llltM but4aqs saM all Quv 'Mlu, daap ,

'Laai stq ot ilaa1 sst(,ll-xavw ,,i)d,aq uqq05 aQ Sutaq n0/(, cp-[l;lM,,'q)nod LTaq stq u)odj

QaQndlld,d su)lld,qsnu) )nlg'a)al nqbutqttadls utd.5 lwatuau) a '71a':

s,u)stuaq)au) 4d,0[4)0p aql doty 'sa4vls au)lsa:/x' aql 70 \ML aQr

aql uMlg Suruaadw xnw 'uJaals Sutlsvlq Qua [ynou 5ut55nqt 'Ltltl]

'uraad)s Qawlrd-opu4

'aar1t(na[ a ,Q Qallaq saM waads s,770d,1

,,-not(. 71,, 'qlnos aql oL

8A4007 Qua 8o0LS aTl sa nuad.L a w 771L5 saM 4t[a,lnz ,,-!])Mu0uJaQ'su,lntadwoc Suqatad,L 70 il100p stq QauilLSavIA L7lqu)D

'auJtLl.su d aqtdlhoN 'alqadlad ssaudabva sul 'ssl ql-daary qa4sv ,,,

,,'y704 )8m9 CIA-|

wql gua ')u) 7pL v,btg',(am aqLnll(, Mlqs a,bt1l,, :u,0 )40ds 770d1 )(4


'alqlssod se sra[e1d [ueur sE otelqlssaf,re CdU Uertre/K el{l a{Btu ol pue unJ e^Bqot sr 'uorurdo Jno ur '8urqt tuetrodun aqJ 'OdU uEur ,(eldaure8 SIU tf,auer ot poqleu reqto etuos roBuelu sasn leql - illesrno/, auo u8rsap Jo - ulalsAsSurtsecllads e tno 1ees UBJ no[ 'saule8

OZp Suoueselnr;o &111qerrod aqt ol Sur,ro 'aTI no[ rene^rorl

UuJJJBIy1 rteld ol no/, a8ernofue arN 'esJnof ;o


rno[;o sa8uer{f, e{Btu ](uef, no/, [es ol tou s(rer{I'seue8

1Zp prBpuers ;o ,{rr-ro[Bur eq] ro] uels/,s cr8eu aql grlrn,brllqlreduoctfarrp uleturEur ot tseq sB^t rl lBr{t peplJ-eP e/v\ 'sraqto puB suortBJeprsuos eseqt ot encl

'stols 11ads le^al-q8lq raq 11e dn Sursn

reUB rJal s11ads la^al-A\ol ,!\aJ e Aluo serl eqs jl sace;JeJef,Jos B uorlentrs erues eqr - Bueul SurpuadxareUB s11ads le^el-tl8lq ot ,(lyrerodurel sserre esol

rq8rur tlun ro oraq e 'aruetsul roj 'SJU {nnto1y,

eqf ul 'uratsrts fols 11ads s(JeJaJJos eqt 'r{,es 'uror;

,{lruaraglp qrnu uortrun} rou seop urats,(s turodEueru E 'srrueqraulo stuJet ur rylqr no[JI 'os1y

'u8reduref, UBJJJBA\ Jraql ur seJJnos

1zpreqto pue \ooqpuDHs (D{o7eqt tuoU cr8eur asnot sWC pue sra[e1d ro] rarsee r.lrnur terlt tr se{Bruselnr g'f.'^ Suusrxa aqt uo peseg Uerrru1\ ro;s11ads eqt 3urne11 'ool 'esJeneJ ul sIJoAl erues aql'Surnas ter{t ur ,t1uo ,(e1d ot e^Br,l [aqr ]Eqt 8ur1aa;

tnoqtlm Burlres llerrre1\ er{t }o tuem 'taqr ter{lne{Bt or aldoad sa8eJnof,ue slqJ 'u8redruec /,setueJ

OZp ,{,ue /,peau otur [1rsea pe]Brodrocur eq uefs11ads pue sesselr Surlsecllads Uerrru/K aql 'poqlaul

tols 11ads prepuBts s(ruers[g OZp aqr Sursn u1 'saure8

ozP rer{to ot cdu r}BrrrBl(\ eqt Jo ,brlqeuodaqt se^lo^ur uorteraprsuof, tuecglu8ls tsotu aqJ

'uorssncslp pue lq8noqt Jo tol B reUB eperua/y\ uoISIJap u8rsap e se/n tl '(ulafsrts turod eueule 'l{,es 'ot pasoddo se) uralsAs uonBJedard 11ads puerols 11ads OZp eqt sesn rr ,tq,r perepuom sra,{e1d aruos'�PeqrunBl lsrrt cdu llBrrre/!\ eql af,urs ra^E

uB sr .*'"TT;*::il:fr,Tffi1 :ili:::15ffiT:IenUBIAI PUE CdU llerrre/K eql gtl,n 3uo1e 'lce; u1'{ooq slqt ro; ,(11ecurcads PatBarf, lBrralBur qseu }oqtlee/\{ e snld 'saure8,(Saferfs erurl-leal {nntn6raqfruory strun pue s11ads 'surelr atrJoAEJ rno/,;o [ueruaauSorer II(noI iunJlo tol B s,tr 'paepul -


slulodpupw.sn slolsllecls uDr uotsfiol\4 pun uraa$ mo\ '1nos tno{" tscfinut auvrrv mo\ K1asnat"Q nou4 lllrn noy 'isrunrpla

iPeaqe paads llnC rnvurotnv ayt Io suotirun! snotuaBu a\i p1n

[rp B ruory re] s(tr rng 'uortecrldde salnr IBJrlf,Brd puesf,ruer{raru aue8 otur se^rp uaqAery N er8ey4l

'alqet Surue8 aqr tB e^rle aruof, rxaqt dlr.{ teql

lleJJm,/K ro} pareeS selnr tuBrrBn PUE sarrAeP 1ecr3o1-our{Jat 'srualr cr8eur 'slea; eqr s(lr lnq 'luelrodurl

/,11errn osle eJe qtoJezv Jo /;otsrq pue suorl-Err 'SJJEJ aql 'JatJEJEr{f, tJuusrp sll alBJrunruluof,ot saqsrlqetsa rl sf,rueqf,eru pue selnr eqt q8norqlsaue8 Aserue; OZp reqlo tuo$Jlesrl sateredes aure8

llerf,ru1\ B 'rarprequoq eqt sB qrns sesself, e8rtserd ora4l puv \uva

'urLois sE qrns s11ads ruory 'stooq /,uueurlqo8 sB qrns s(uetr re^\eu o) lJDitv Io smrp sB qJnssruetr u/\{ou1-lleA\ uoJC 'su8redtueJ rnoA ;o lee}eqt adeqs pue sretrerer{r ol l,1dde uBf, no't ter{t sIAIO

pue sral,eld Jo spuer{ eql ur sloot lerrtf,erd 'cgrcads

rnd e^r 'sroqdeteru a8ueqo ot 'llenil. ios A\oH

'r{torezv to plrol\ aql }o ereqdsourle anbrun eql

L;pe1r pue uaqr8uarts ruaqLe4 N rfu;41 uI panrasslesroru 1ecr8o1ouqf,et pue lecr8eru eqr '8urt1l/,ue

JI 'pulqaq Surllas pue Arols e^Bal tou op e^t 'seute8

8ur/,eldeloJJo stcadse ((JerqJunJJ,, aqt IIEo eruos tEt{A\ot paterlpep nueru slt{t errdsap te1 'leetu esJnof -xls

IInj eqt dn srago ueqAu;41 5l er8ery tnq's8urql qrns

Jo 31s81 B paplnord stueruelddns snollerd 't{trot

os pue 'sef,rnep leorSolouqret pue s11ads puB stee;

/v\eu 'sJuEuBA - CdU ]IBJrJe/K aqt JoJ sf,Iueqf,aluaue8 pue salnr uo ,tlyreuud sesnf,oJ {ooq slqJ

',t8o1ouqrat puecr8eur :stuaruala Surugep o/ru s,SurDas eqtlo uorteJ-o1dxa qtdap-ur uB ytlan (slrto) srarsel\ atueC puesre,teld stuasard aunlo^ slql 'erueC 8u$e1da1ogeqr @rlurrre/K @suoSero N suoaSuno ro}

IooqaJJnos eror e'ruaq[rry 5l cl3e141 or eurof,lerN

radaaqeJo'Iretseln1 'rol ulrl) aqt Jo a8e1n1 '1e,ueg

'utnr ol Kluo WaI suosnlap \rns ' nnbuor ot srno{"

nJ"om a\i aftalpqpuv sladsrq ftn iaaffis s(auloi a\i ol ("atQ

IIDI no{" $al 'npoat rDap ' Kllnla"tDr paarord 'snq.L' srat srs Ip alqv ra4au! asnDr

-orf,eu Jo por ayl Io sasn alqllr,ai a\i l;.ftoJsrp IlIn noy'ua1o8 uraals alqaruropu! ary Io pln ra$Durarrnr sno-uais{ut ary Io u.LDaIIltn no1'r.as puD K4s Io saunpvur

;autou? a\i puD c8vw oopooft ;1lou ary Io sarras arf

WlJ 1ltm� noC sl;.ftor s4 uaamiag, ' nrnoQ norun ol stqtoQsnllo sa?p4 sit utptftn pauluiuor arol a\I 'firpoul

snon?uup pw wa8 Io aurot D sall spur\ mo{" u1


What's the Flight Plan?Chapter One: Flame and Faith delves into

the role of magic in Warcraft, both arcane anddivine. It discusses variant rules for arcane corrup-tion as well as tests and ordeals for divine spellcasters,and it introduces rune magic to the Warcraft RPG.

Chapter Two: Prepare Yourselves! details sev-eral new feats related to magic and technology, anew core class called the runemaster and eight newprestige classes.

Chapter Three: Fountains of Mana offers aplethora of new spells for spellcasters of all types,including the new rune families and runes used bythe runemaster.

Chapter Four: Destiny and Reward describesnew magic items of all kinds, from weapons such asthe warden's moon swordto wondrous items such asAIIeria' s flute of accuracJ.

Chapter Five: Temple of Boom is a tinker's dre?ffi,expanding upon the rules for creating technological

devices and presenting the most thorough collection oftechnological devices this side of Ratchet.

Appendix One: Constructs focuses upon thecreatures of Warcraft that exemplify the comingtogether of magic and technology, such as the junk

golem and the stone watcher.

Cross-ReferencesUnless indicated otherwise, we use the following

notations throughout to identifu material from otherWarcraft sources and to distinguish new material inMagic & Mayhem when necessary:

e One asterisk (* ) refers to the Warcraft RPG.o Two asterisks (* * ) refers to the Manual of

Monsters.o A dagger (t) refers to Magic & Mayhem.

WarcraftanclclZoMagrc & Mayhem's new rules, feats, prestige classes,

spells, magic items, technological devices and corr-structs all advance and deepen the development of

the world of Warcraft by bringing more of the W ar cr aftcomputer games into the medium of the roleplayinggame. Even though the content in this book wasdesigned for the Warcraft RPG setting, its compat-ibility with and reliance upon revised 3rd Edition rulesmake it work just as well in any d70 game.

So, even if you don't want a campaign set in theworld of Azeroth, you can still get a lot of utilityfrom Magic & Mayhem - as a player seeking newoptions for your character or as a GM looking forways to inject something new into your campaign. . .and perhaps surprise your players !

'sltdnd n1s Sutpunlddns )dti qilM 'sqao Qadebuad,o 7o a;d a - Q) ,

il)ql (,lLtM M\u Sutuunq sa[a srq'qauant s]/l].],}.,a^ sa 770 PTIadL SpHr

,,'' ' ')d,ILaq sqlu1w Tad,alas Lsaal La Qaau

I '[na;nLns duu>rnl/( LqnlQ Llu 0Q I qbnotll ilq\ry )qL ut s4laM ,finat,

lt M0u4 0L I u)a MlH 'ad.li)qn0/(. uDS davau alaqI ')uJaLt, dnlr(, Mlu)

,ftn 'Lkg.,, 'slttau)o(t) 7o rcalataq )qL dlJ nai s,lau)(t)ad, d,aqlal u)ld,,


v q)ns )417 Q7yt\M I 'QuaH daATS )qL 1o slqbtlt[ acll 1o daQa,1

d,oJ suoluuvM M)u Swqua(t)u)n)d.7o abaaqt ut )da n0/(. LaqL )u) lP)Swqtau)os st )d.a(ql,, 'u,oputu )qL )utu)vxa 0L SutquaDdd 'qrus )4,

.,,'d 'qrn]dql 8a1q euJtDffiOs

adnlau and,L sry')dilM s7lads stq sa Sunhn) sv ' sa[a srcl u)0d,7 QaqsaTaLF DS L\u Q7n0M Lerdd )LF LaqL os t(anv ila[ stq Qaudtn [14tma

,,'Lt Qualsd,aQun Lluua) I 'altslddo aql LSn[ Sutoq aq 0L

suJ'DS il DAl W Ltlg 'darca,llQ anl 0L adlw Sutdq Q7n0M sul(t)aQ 7wdt10 LaqL 4Lu(41 Q7t10M auo 'ala7 Jo 1nJr4na7 aa/t.ta[ quv daMaT uaaq

,,'daqlaJ'rfuqot IJIIS da(,llad 54007 iluaQLtaLLV,, 'SMad ,hdtna ;

aH 'QuaLI sttl Lsuru'a uDqL qaddap Qua sa^07b da(.Laa7 ,haaq sry

oQua,rdaTymLda;;:::l"T;;:::;o,l:!J:;:,1.r'::l!::,lr1' 'Qdaaq ,fuab 'taoqs srcl opnoaql 1ut7t(t)s lltls 'Lsatdd atp Qtas ,,'1au)t

'u\fiaQ aql u0 Q1o5 sti'l

Lnd Q7n0M strx,a1 Lnq,'a)d.ad qua snld Qa400l QaDIdaQ wQalad )01-

Qalaw[t)og u\u)aQ a 'u\LlaqguaHd,a|Trs aql 1o tolStuxa SutDdaQ M

aNSSa(t) V 'pdaqt )qL llw Qavlu) qua Qvaq stq QaWnQ

'ayws aLF-l

a qL La pTt n s L S a td d ) qL,' r,,p\:';#?r rY;::;f ril:;:' h|::T',


"wF /err

,**' fTr#Sr:,, r:..,


b'* :

The eyes cauEhr FarhetF..a,mmaL. The eyeshel'd rhe puresr fa,sr anieyes, rhe demonlc eyes, hLasred d,Ll, rhouqhr pnom rhe lLd man's il

"N0, human." Yanrus spar rhe wltd. "I rhmk yluhave known memake yluK ydqmenr, haven'r ylu?" The pKresr nodded mecharucaLl,yro youT supe\roKs and reLl, rhem-"

The doon. ro rhe mneR sancrum lpened and a, ylunq eLven wlmqnhacl-eadmE a, cLeantnE caKT. "Farhen

,Ihave fmshed wrch-" She Ea,sped wHe hhnked, hs eyes KeruKnrnE r0 rhem human Eurse. Farhep, RawAveRed.

Ventus ruuned and sntLed ar rhe newclmeK. "GKeermES, I was spRammaL abour JorrunE rhe paLadm ltdet."

"LraR!" The wlman shoured. HeK vuce rhundeKed rhrcouqhour rheamuLer fvlm hen nohes and rhruusr tr skywaKd. Ir pul"sed wrch a, Ketyou roK whar you ave, demon!"

Even a,s she spoke, Yenrus peLr hs drcqwse meLrmE away hrcma,EnlFytkg, unrrlL he prl'Led baLp rhe smaLL chapel,. Hrs mASSrve, sLua,Earnsr rhe doon, hur Yerctus Lauqhed, undaunred. " And whar 0f rr, (

drd nlr seek r0 save rhrs." Ganqanruan muscLes KrpplLed as rhe prrRamnaL aqalnsr 6, waLL - 0R wluld have, ry hs avm had nlr heen hlruKned rn shock r0 see rhe pruesr envel,lped hy a hLue ql,ow.

"Y0u,have made a mISTake, cKearI,IKe!" shoured Rammal,. Hts heo,Ir sank Inrl hrc ffr,ce, hs sktn smllrhed and chanqed, hts eaRS l,enq'GoLden haw. rumhl,ed r0 hrc shouLdets. Hrs pruesrLy qaKmenrs feLl,rcohe of Red and hLack.

"BI,rr we aRe qLad 0f rr," smrnked rhe wlman, ReachrnE flrhen he,r00 Lonq smce we feasred 0n ylur krnd."

Yeruus Rlated fr,s rhe hl'ood el,ves feLl" upln hrm.

TJHE R@EreFUJ\TruI Nre €AWIEThe world of Warcraft is a place of ever-present

magic: where sorcerers cast perilous spells that riskshattering the world, and where the steadfast ser-vants of the gods stand in eternal vigil againstthreats from beyond - against the Burning Legionand the corruption that can taint even the mostheroic souls. Many believe that the primary con-flict on Azeroth is between human and orc; but fardeeper and more constant is the sffuggle betweenarcane magic, the magic of pride and personalpower, and divine magic, the magic of humility,nature and compassion

The consequences of this conflict between thearcane and the divine have been devastating. Con-tinents have been sundered, worlds shattered, greatheroes corrupted and fallen into darkness. Thisconflict knows neither armistice nor treaty, for it isfought without cessation within the hearts of everycreature on Azeroth.

ArcaneMagicMagic is the gift of titans to the world, a gift that

comes with the highest price. Thousands of years&go, the titans placed the Well of Eternity in thecenter of Kalimdor to serve as a source of restoring,life-giving energy. They intended that the Well'senergies would empower life of all forms to emergeon Kalimdor - plants, animals, monsters, races.After a time, the titans left Azeroth, leavingKalimdor in the hands of the five dragon Aspects.Yet the Well of Eternity proved too great a lure toremain hidden for very long, particularly fromSargeras and the Burning Legion.

The Well was discovered by the Kaldorei, whowere later known as night elves. Ever eager touncover secrets hidden in dark places, the Kaldoreilistened to the \Uell as it promised to give themgreat power. At the Well's behest, the Kaldoreilearned spellspeech and used it to weave the firstarcane spells. Within decades, Kaldorei mages hadattained sufficient mastery over arcane magic thatthey built a great civilization. They founded theimperious city of Ztn-Azshari, from which theyextended their domination over most of Kalimdor.

Ultimately, the magic corrupted them. TheKaldorei had been a simple folk who gazedblissfullyat the stars, enjoying the immortaliry given to themby the Well, but their haughtiness robbed them ofthat gift forever. Each succeeding generation be-

came prouder and more decadent, and the lust forpower only made the Kaldorei more of a beacon tothe Lords of the Twisting Nether. Finally, theirgreatest mage, Queen Azshara, cast a spell in theheart of the Well of Eternity itself - and a way wasopened for Evil to invade the world. ThroughAzshara's breach came the Burning Legion, themost terrifying warriors in existence. This fiendishhorde ravaged Azeroth, pillaging entire kingdoms,destroying all that stood in its path, mocking any-one who begged it for mercy.

\fhen the Burning Legion ravaged the land,great heroes recognized that arcane magic posed acontinuing threat to all living creatures, so theyelected to destroy the Well of Eternity and put anend to arcane magic forever. I.Jnfortunately, amongtheir number was one Illidan Stormrage, an arcanespellcaster who dreaded the thought of losing hispowers. Secretly he stole some of the \Uell's waterand used it to create a new Well of Eternity atMount Hyjal, thus preserving the power of thearcane. This theft allowed future elven generationsto follow in the footsteps of Illidan and QueenAzshara. These elves cal led themselves the

QueI'dorei, "the high elves" (for they believed that

their mastery of the arcane elevated them to higherstatus ) . They also taught the arcane arts to thenewly discovered race of humans, who showed anatural aptitude.

These human mages, however, were even morereckless than the night elves had been. The high elfmages warned their human pupils that magic wasaddictive, but the acolytes dismissed any suggestionthat the tragedies that had befallen the elves wouldalso afflict them. The humans were no better atresisting corruption than the elves had been, andeventually the arrogance of wizards brought theBurning Legion to Azeroth once more. Once again,great acts of heroism were needed to spare Azerothfrom destruction.

Elsewhere, on the orcish home world of Draenor,arcane sorceries corrupted the once-noble race oforcs, transforming them into the Horde, a nighinvincible army. After ravaging their home world,the orcs came to Azeroth; and with their warlocks,they waged two great wars against the races ofhuman, elf and dwarf. The orcs failed to seizecontrol of Azeroth; during these wars, Draenoritself was utterly destroyed, and the orcs were forcedto relocate to Azeroth.

"t'*.=i, :S '



-cerd teqt etult aql Lq 'euBJJe eqt Jo Jeuoltltcerd

E er.uereq qtorezv uo uosred tselqunq aqt jlilnos aql srdnrrof, cr8eyrl 'Sundnuoo sl cfiny1 o

'ua\i ot ua44o\ i (uomiI :uorsnlJuoJ SutnrasJles aUIBS eqt ot etuoJAlqerre^ul suorted laqr pue sa8eru 'un\ou{

llerv\sr ruBJrB eqt ;o Arorslq aqr q8noqt ue^e 'rane

-/v\oH 's/v\olloJ l^llroqs JaISBSIP tearS B 'a-ro;aq

pauadd"r{ seq slqr atult qree '[11ecuo]slt{ iSur-mor8 sr ct8eu aUBJJB Jo esn eqJ 's{JolJB/v\

PUBsa8eru 1n;raanod tnoqtln\ aterado ueJ suolteu

pue sef,BJ ^\eC '8ul{ E pue Jelplos looJ E 'latsetu

e puB a^EIS E uae^rtaq eluerelJlP aql sI cdutlerrre/K eqr ur crSeyrl 'Tnlnnod sl rFDw o

'qtoJazv ul rt8etu aUEJJE Jo esn aqt tnoqeJequerual ot selnJ tuetJodut Jnoj eJE aJeql

sA\P-l JnoJ eqf

'peranocslp raA rsa;Es eqt aq Aeulcr8eu euEJJe ol qf,Eordde esoq/\{ 'stelsetuaunJ

eqt pue ia8rnors ar{t }o seIIIe IBrntButueql e{ELu salllllqB JlluBluoJf,eu esoqn 'sauo

uaner8 eqt iqlorazv puoA.q splro/K eqt gll,r,r 8ul-tJeJetur pue suoruep Sutuotutuns ot petellPepssulr e 's>lcopezn :snora8uep eJotu tnq uotu-tuof ssal 'sJatsefllads euEJJe Jeqto eJE eJeqJ'Aratsetu

lentJultsul q8no.rql ct8eu Pueruruofsreref,ros ellq^{ 'Apnls

In}erel q8norql ct8eul

IoJtuor spJBZtm luotutuor tsotu eql aJE sPJvzr.M

prre sJeJefJoS 'tuesealdun utaqtJo tsotu 'sroneg

tueJelJlp l^ueu ul atuor sretseJllads euef,rv

srelsP)lleds'acueSorre e{ll atrnb

Apa8enlo splau aqtlo speas eqt s^\os 3utqlo51'AlaJBS e^rlBIeJ

ur tJe Jreqt afltf,EJd [eu sJe]ser11ads euBJJe teqlprre sefuenUut Jluouep tuory petoeto.rd ̂\ou

sr PIro^\ eql leql e^alIaq oqr!\ 'slelsBfllads Aueu

jo erueSoue eqt peJ seq IeIAH ]unoy\ Jo elueg

aql le uor8al Sururng aqt jo teelep eqr '8utqt

-Aue Jl lauecre eqt Jo trnsrnd eqr peuopuuqee^Bq sa^le q8tq rou suerunl{ raI{tIaN '11ads ts

tseJ [aql etul] qrea sJBe Jleqt ut radslqn\ suotu-e|r PUE

{Plro/v\ eql {lEA\ Illls s{folrB^\ fro le['s,{em rrlsruetuet{s IBUoIIIPBJI s(ef,BJ slq PeJBJqueprrB cr8eru euerre petf,elar seq IIErt{JJeIL{rrBrNf,Jo aqt 'uot8al Sururng aqt pue Inr{z,reNqrll eqt lsute8e rBl)fi, prlql eqt jo e{E^r aqt ul

TruHIER@lLruPtitioner reached the higher levels in her art, all rracesof her humble roots would be lost. Magic breeds prideand arrogance. Magic comrpts the body; it ages thecaster before her time and hastens the blight that theworld inflicts on things fair and beautiful.

o Maglc is an Addiction. When one feels thepower of an arcane spell coursing through one'sbody as it's being cast, resisting the urge to cast itagain is difficult.

. Magtc Attracts the Twistingl,lether Like Flies toHoney. The Burning Legion has invaded Azeroththree times, drawn by the power of the Well ofEternity and those who employ ir. Magic is a literalgateway drug that allows dark titans such as Sargerasto bring evil influences to the world. Those whoemploy arcane magic must deal with demons andother servants of the Twisting Nether.

VariantRule:Arcane Corruption

The Warcraft RPG does not include explicitrules that govern arcane magic's corrupting influ-ence on characters, as imposing evil and madnesson PCs does not necessarily make for a fun gamingexperience, and players should be able to playarcane spellcasters who (with a few sensible precau-tions) need not worry about corruption effects.However, arcane corruption is a part of the world ofWarcraft, and those GMs who think that it mightadd an interesting twist to their games may wish toemploy the following optional system.

Arcane spellcasters ffi?y, under certain circum-stances, be forced to make a Corruption check. ACorruption check is a \Uill save made against atarget number; if the character fails this save, hesuffers Arcane Corruption damage.

A character has an Arcane Comrption allowanceequal to his Wisdom plus his total characrer levels. Inessence, this number represents the "the hit points ofthe soul" - when a character takes Arcane Comrp-tion damage, this number drops.

'When a character's

Arcane Comrption allowance reaches zero, the char-acter drops one Comrption category and receives aComrption Effect. Comrption Effects might includedelusions, infirmities, madness and addiction depend-ing on the spellcaster's prefened school of magic.Comrption categories are (from best to worst) normal,tainted, marked, defiled and complete.


If a situation triggers more than one Corruptioncircumstance (such as casting a spell at the caster'shighest spell level in the presence of a demon), thecaster only needs to make a single Corruptioncheck. Use whichever circumstance has the high-est potential Corruption total.

Because sorcerers directly channel arcane €n-ergy, they're more prone to Corruption than wizards.Sorcerers receive a-7 penalty on their Corruptionchecks. On the other hand, runecasting slightlymitigates the corrupting effects of arcane magic;runemasters receive a + 1 bonus on their saves.

Maximum Spelllevel: When an arcane spellcastercasts a spell at the highest spell level he possesses(such as a 1st- or Znd-level wizard casting a 1st-levelarcane spell, a 3rd- or 4th-level wizard casting aZnd-level arcane spell, a 5th- or 6th-level wizard castinga 3rd-level arcane spell, and so forth), he needs tomake a Corruption check against the listed DC.

If the character casts more than one spell at hismaximum spell level, the DC of the check is increasedby + 1 (e.g., a 5th-level wizard who wishes to cast a 3rd-level arcane spell must make a DC 8 Comrption checkthe first time he casts that spell, a DC 9 check the secondtime he casts a spell of that level, and so fonh). Thispenalry is removed after the caster rests for 8 hours.

Unlike other effects, corruption triggered byMaximum Spell Level does not accumulate; once acharacter has reached a tainted Corruption c?t-egory, this circumstance no longer causes thespellcaster to lose additional points from his Cor-ruption allowance.

Spell Prepared for the First Time: \7hen anarcane spellcaster casts a spell she has never castbefore (such as a new spell she's learned for advanc-ing in levels, researched or copied into herspellbook), she needs to make a Corruption checkto acclimate herself to the spell.

Spell Cast Near a Fel Weapon: Because of thedemonic origins of fel weapons, a spellcaster isvulnerable to low levels of Arcane Corruptionwhen he casts an arcane spell within 30 feet ofthem. A person can only be affected once in acombat by this circumstance.

Spell Above Caster Level Cast From a Scroll: If acaster attempts to cast an arcane spell that's above thelevel she can norrnally cast (such as a 5th-level wizardattempting to cast a 4th-Ievel spell from a scroll), orarry arcane spell (if she is a non-spellcaster employing

pue radsrqm reqteu aqr ot uet$l uer eq 'papuadxa

ueeq lou s'etl teqr tols lads e seq ratserllads e ;1'uottdnrror jo loot E sE raqreN SuttstznJ aqr Jo

sleqsJerrr eqt Aq pasn sl rl 'ct8etu auef,Jelo sulro; Jaqro

grlrn sy 'radslq^\ Jaqleu eql aJe 'uleqr JBeq ol suIEJls

oq^{ JetseJllads euBrJE Aue Lq alqeuJef,slP 'seJlon

aseql 'Pulrn eqf uo saor{Ja sB uIBluaJ lsBJ Jane 11ads/,ranalo suoIlBluEJuI aql ro; 'ct8etu euEJJB seJtlcerd

orln\ auoAue Joj lualls Ja^eu sI qtoJezv 'o8e 3uo1

plro/\{ eql;o Surlearq aql Suunp Paqseelun sat8raua

euBrJB tualqrue er{t Jo esnef,eg :.radsrq/K JerIraN

qrr,n s11ads Bursec or sarldde osle loo�:ili:l l,ilu''uorldnJJof, lear8 Sutsnec

;o /,ly11Q1ssod aql sploq (aw7 E ro 's11ads Sutuoturuns

s({rolre^r E sB r.{Jns) raqta5l SulrsI/!\I eqt stJBtuor

reqt 11ads [rV :rellte5l Supsl^al aq] SulleeuoC',(lenrrBlnruno parld

-dB sarrleuad gtlnn 'slceqc uottdnrroO IBUoIIIPPBarrnbeJ suoltlpuoc eseqt repun s8utlsef, PelEed"U

'(anoqe pue lI UO) a;nrets rellruls

;o Suraq B ro prol trd e Jo teaj got uIqtI/K 11ads e

stsBf, auoaruos JI pa.nnber sI auo tlnt1glp Aran E PUE'(9I

UO ot 6 UO) raqla5l Surrsl/r\I eql Jo lueArasroferu B ]o tee] 0gI ulr{tl^\ 11ads e stsBr euoaruos

jl palnber sI Ireqc uotldnrroO llnrl#lP eroul V'tdnuoc sAeznle tsorule eJE

saJnlBaJf, qf,ns r{o1dua oll^\ SPJEZIAI lraqra51Surtsrrnl

eqt tuog saleut8lJo ol{/y\ JBIIIIUB} e }o ,btutctn eqr

ur s11ads Suttsel sepnlrul uoltlPuor slt{J '(raznol ro B

UO) raqtaN SuttstmJ equo stuenres roultuto real 06urr{lr^\ rc pawnasap ueaq s(tBtlt punor8 uo slleds lsecol snora8uep Allercadsa s,tl :sef,uesoJd JruotuaqreeN ro punorC Aloqun uo ileds e 8upse3

'sJnorl 8 JoJ slseJ JalsBf,

eql reuB pe^ouer sI r(rleuad stqJ 'stdulallB reqrrn;

gtlrn enltBlntunf, sI tlrlt{^A '[lleuad OC l+ IBuoIl

-lppe uB sesodtul af,uetstunJrlf, IBUoIIIPPE tlleg'{Jeqf, uotldru;oO B

a{Eur ot speeu eqs'(saotnap cr8etu esn or rbl1lqe ssBIf, B

.,,i,,.r ..

',,i,,,;;,i,; ' rc rtOd eUm;e 3Oef,rnos roleu e sdel leql ;;ads e sFeJ

reqleN 6u,1r,^I eqlslreluoc 1e{l ;;ads le^at ql6-t{U e slseJ

reqlaN Durlsra,tl eql Jo prole Jo e3uese.rd aql ur ;;eds e ilSUj

suouep rofeu Jo eruesa.rd eql u! ;;ads e slseJraqlaN 6utlsta,tl bqi "

slf,eluoc 1e$ ;pds le^el qD-Illf; gJlsg$,lr,',,":.

;;ads pelueque ue slseJ

;;ads paqsnd e slseJ

-radsrqlq reqleN e Jollnsa.r e se (np .rad ;;eds snuoq e slseJ

srf,eruor reqr ;;ads'i::1il1;fli:$suouap Jourtu Jo ef,uesard

aql ul ro puno-rb ,(;oqun uo ;;ads e slseJ

llorss e uorj le^al ralse3srq a^oqe ;;ads eue)Je ue sesn *'.*uodeann pj e reeu ;;ads e slseJ

erull lsrl1 eql ro1 pa.reda-rd s.aq leql ;;ads e slseJ

le^al ;;ads unurxeu s!t1 1e ;;ads e slseJ



9P9(anr1e;nruno) J0 €+

9P€ '" (err1e;nrunc) J0 E+9PE

(anr1e;nunc) J0 E+9PZ

(an;1e;nrunc) J0 E+9PZVPZ

(anr1e;nurnc) J0 g+


9P1(arr;1e;nrunr) J0 l+

9Pt(anr1e;nunc) J0 Z+

9Pl(a4p;ntunr) J0 Z+


(anr1e;nruno) J0 l+t


(sz rc) nrnKep ptuelsunf,r r f, leuol ll ppv

(c,zJo) tttr\{epTaouelsunrr r leuog ppv

(r,zJo) ilt/(epTaruelsunf,r ) leuollf ppv

(et;c) llt^\(epTacuelsunrr f, leuonlppv

(et ra) nt^\(;ane; ;;ads + g1 J0) llt^\

Aep ptuelsunf,.lr c geucig ppv(;aneg ;;eds + El J0) llt/n

(;ene; ;;ads + glJ0) llt4\Kep ptuelsun3r | f, leuol il ppv

(El m) ilt^\,(epTacuelsunf,r f, leuolllppv

(et rc) ltt^\Kep ptuelsuncro leuol1ppv

(;ena; ;;ads + 01 J0) llt/n(ot rc) nt^\(ot rc) nt/n

Kep ptuelsunf,r r leuolll ppv(lena; ;;ads + g J0) llt/n


replace that slot with any spell of the same spell levelthat is normally available to him (in his spellbook orrepertoire). Thus, a wizard who has both sleepand Twgearnwr in his spell book but who only has prepare dsleepmay listen to the nether whisper and change the spellfrom sleep to mage ar'msr.

Anyone trying to listen ro a nether whisper mustmake a Concentration check (DC 70 + spell level)to hear the voice of the arcane. A successful checkindicates he's heard (and recognizes) a new incan-tation that allows him to switch spells. Failing thischeck causes the spellcaster to lose the originalspell. Listening to the nether whisper is a freeaction, but the new spell must be cast in the sameround, or it is lost. Listening to the nether whisperalso requires the caster to make a Corruption checkto avoid negative effects.

A nether whisper spell uses the material compo-nents ( if any) of the spell that was originally preparedin that slot. A spellcaster may only listen ro a netherwhisper once per d"y.

Pushed Spells: A spellcaster may "push" a spell,recklessly tapping into the ambient forces of thearcane in the world without any caution; doing soincreases the DC of its saving throw by +3, andincurs a Corruption check.

Corruption EffectsIf a character's Arcane Corruption allowance is

higher than zero, he does nor suffer any ill effec$.

However, when a character has been exposed tosufficient Arcane Corruption to beco me tainted,hegains a minor Corruption Effect. This is a physicalor psychological blemish that remains on the char-acter until removed by divine healing. A characrermay only have one minor Corruption Effect ar atime. Once a character is tainted, his Arcane Cor-ruption allowance is reset to its maximum value.

When a tainted character's Cornrption total equalszero again, he is marl<ed by the arcane. He receives amoderate Cormption Effect, which is a more seriousblemish. Moderate Comrption Effects stack with mi-nor ones; they also require divine healing to remove.A character may have no more than one moderateeffect at a time. Again, once a character is marked, hisArcane Cormption allowance is reset to its maximumvalue.

\7hen a marked character's Corruption drops tozeroor below his arcane corruption allowance, he isdefiled by the arcane. He receives a major Corrup-tion Effect, which is an extremely serious blemish- by this point, the character will find living anormal life extremely difficult. M"jor CorruptionEffects require very powerful divine healing roremove, and they stack with both moderate andminor ones.

Minor: The character becomes a magic addict.He must spend a 10 minute period each morningresisting the effects of addiction or suffer a -l

The number of times a spellcaster can push a spell \Uhen a defiled ch

each duy is equal to her Intelligence modifier. allowance drops to ze

Enhanced Spell: Similar to pushing a spell (but demption. He become

even more perilous) is the practice of t"pping into the Buming Legion t(

the ambient arcane energies of Azeroth to enhance necromancers, serving

a spell. This is a more dangerous variation on the available as a player cl

high elves' empowered magic ability (see Warcraft When a characterRPG, Chapter Two, "Elf, High") that allows a casrer Effect, his personaliry Lto add arry single metamagic feat to a spell, once per more callous. By the tind"y, without incurring the normal spell slot penalty. tion Effect, his desire tc

Casting a Spell near a Major Source of Arcane eroded; even when he'r

Power: As Queen Azshara discovered, tampering arrogant and self-cenr

with primal sources of arcane energy can be perilous. malicious (especially i{

If any spell is casr within 30 feet of a small quantity hostile toward arcane I

of water that is tainted by the Well of Etemiry, or The Corruption Effwithin l})feetofalargersource, thecasrerbecomes depends on the rype (

susceptible to massive amounts of arcane corruption. employs. Select the c

Oddly enough, thanks to the \7orld Tree, the the PC's favorite spe

Well of Eternity itself no longer provides the Twisr- looks interesting).

ing Nether with such a potent source of corruprion. Abjuration

eqt 'cr8eur Surleaq aAIef,eJ tou saop eqs;r lSurrtBJep

pue ueltor saruof,eq qsal' s(retrereqr eql :rc[n1.6,l11'Jeq

tnoqe ropo uauor Lltq8tls e s,temle sl eraqt '�paqteq

,tlruaoar seq eqs uar{/!\ ldacxa pue lqonor aqt ot plorsrtemle sr ur{s s(JeJf,BJBtlf, aqJ '8ut1eaq Aue tJe#e ol

(aurnrp Jo euBJJB Jeqtra) cr8etu esn tsntu tnq'sueeul

IBrntBu [q leaq o] slle] relrereqr eqJ :awnpoll{

(tulpaH) uollurn[uo3'slnos rraqt aoeld or qJlq^r

ur slassen leor8eur elEeJJ ot ldulalle uauo uottdnr-roO Jo tulod srqt qf,Ber oq^\ spJBZI^\ Ie^al-q8lH

'Allsoraue8 qf,ns ,(ue a8pnr8aqs[em1e lltnr aq pue 'aABS

III4N OZ OC e sartnbar

sroqel slrryo strnry eqt Buueqs :(llt{s UBrO e q8no.rqrro Allecr8eur rel{lle) sarearr aq 8urql,(ue reno anIS-sessod ,tlauusur seruof,eq Jetsef,llads eqJ 'e{ll aqt

pue 'slq8noqt ,tpoolq gtl,n sreplel^\ rlar{l prequloq,{lsnonurtuoJ teqt suodeam tua8lllerul'stueulaloturnor{ {JEJI sa/,a asor{/!r sanlels:seuoueno Jel-srurs uo a{Bl Jetsef, aqt Lq paleaJJ $lJo/N :"totny1


peqsrlod /,1q8tqJo lno penrer ueeq pBq af,Bj sIr{JI sB'ef,ueJBadde

lertllluB uE uo se{El retf,EJEqJ eqJ'aABS

III/N SI 3CI e sarnbar

(*tr{ uosrod ol,t1e>1ll s,otil\,r. euoetuos tuo+ poo} PetBerf,/,lpcr8eru s(tl I ua^e) UB paleerr ,{lpcr8etu B esryer ro

lf,rutsuoJ B rxJBt{ ol ldulane ,{uy 'f,I8etu [q paleaJf, poo]

lee pue qlads pcr8eru Aq paleerr sereld ut anll ilpn relf,B-JBqf ar{r '�elqlsee} Jeneuoqr6,' 'ut8uo

IBJntEu;o srcalqo

ot JorJadns sB tuer{t Sumatn 'slcalqo patearc l,lpct8eur

Htlnn Pessasqo seuof,aq ralf,BrBllf, eqJ :awtaPotN

(uo11earf ) uollPr n [uo3'acelndod

leraua8eqt ro sralnr lBfol grlrlt relndod ,tran lou l,11ensn

eJB JeqteN Surtsrml eqt tuoU seJnteeJf Sutuoul-urrlS Joj alqrsuodsal eJB oq/r\ sJelf,BJBqS :eloN

'ra8 [aqt eruetlr Arana uor8al Suturng eql

grlan suoltelfosse a8ernorua lltrlt pauorutuns s(eqs

seJnteeJf, eqt pue 'st1no Surddrt{sJo/!\-uouap gtl,tt

Jlesreq [ll" or pardue] ,{ran aq IIIrtr relser aqJ'sJnJJo Sutuoununs Jo uos slql ueq/lt aJE/\{B

-Lrrt Alleuuou s(er{s q8noqr '11ads l;lisuour uoulurnsraq ,tq qtroj rq8norq sernteerr Puetutuof, ,t11eut-JOU UBf, eqs SB eJnlBaJJ Slqr PUBIUIUOC ,{,eUl JAISBf,

eqJ 'tl ot aletrdordde sI Jeuuetu Jeneleq/n uI f,oneq

Ieer^t IIIm pue raqteN Suttstml eqr ruory saleut8tro

eJnlBeJf pauoturuns eql 'loJtuof, Jeq Jo luepuad

-epul sr pue stols 11ads s(retsef,11eds eqr yo ,tue esn

tou saop trejJa slqJ 'req Jo sallur TIPZ urqrl^t rsEr

,tlsnoaueluods aq lltnn retser aqt ot elqellene la^altsaq8rq eqt;o 11ads ;;iisuouruoururns B'eullt tuoPuBJ

B tB '["p rad eJuO 'seJn]BeJr Pauotutuns JoJ snfo]

Ieuouuelulun uB setuoJaq Jetf,BJBql eql :"totny1

e f, u a r r e dx a A e ur e qs' p a r I I { .r"' ff;l"l: :Tt[:ffJ":raq I 'spuelg asolf, tsute8e jlesraq Surnrd uane'ulaqt tcalord ol alll rer{ {sF L1pe13 ll,egs

'ra8uep ut

are ,tat1l a{ll s{ool ll JI PUB lraq or Surqlfuana ueelu

sernteerf, peuorutuns reH '(g I CC tsure8e enBS III/)N

B r1tr^\ tra#e slqt tslsar [eru eqs) op ot req IIer rtaql

SurqrAue Surop 'stad paradued,{leruertxe e{ll ueql

tBeJl lltrvt eqs 'suoturuns eqs lBt{l seJnlBeJf, ol PaqJel-te ,(lleJnteuun setuoJaq Jalf,BJer{l aql :aWJ,apoW

(tu ;uorurun5/tu I I Isf ) uoJlprn [uo3'/,pne8 ,tlqeacrt

-orr eruof,eq ,teul selsBl uoIqsBJ Jleqt PuB 'sloqru/,s

lerr8eur gllrlr peqlrrsul seqor ree/t\ III^\ srelJerBqr

qf,ns 'alqrssod ranauer{rN 'stre#e lecr8eru pue s11ads

tsure8e s^rorqt Sutnes IIe uo Arleuad 7- B pue s11ads

IIE roj le^el relsBr or ,{rleuad I- B re#ns III^{ eqs ro'sloqru[s uotternluoc [q ptpunoJJns tuooJ B ul 8ul-tetrpaur /,ep qJBe Jnoq uB tseel rB puads tsntu eqs'rf,rppe cr8eul B seluof,aq JetrBJBqt eql :J"ourry

(lp) uollPrn[uo3


sJeqto gllrn lsBluof, IEIf,os [ue e{Bru ol atSSnrls

tsnu pue 'sraqlo ;o snotctdsns [laular]xe eq III^\

eH '(tsrsar ot OZ CC III71A.) snora8uep paraplsuoraq rq8rul tet{t uoltfe /,ue ulro;rad ot Jo la^erlol tuetJnlal seuoJeq aH 'pfouered tou I


-uaJep [laurar]xe seluoJeq retJeJet{f, aqJ :rc[nV1'srer{to ,{q pareJJo Poo} lBe rou arB}

slr{ ereqs tou III^{ pue '{ulrP PUB PooJ }o snolctdsns

Alqerou sauof,eq aH 'aABS III/)N Sl OC e 8ul

-{BuI Aq rcaga slqt eplJrano /,eul aq q8noqt '[ulaua

uB lsure8e 11ads qrnot e lser ol ro elll s(puelry

asolJ e anes ol uene 'saouelstunf,Jlr {up uI euo-,{,uB gllrn tfeluoc 1eors,(qd a>1eul AlSullll/v\ tou IIIA\eq pue 'sraqlo gtlrtt lf,Btuof, eterulful sunqs eH 'eAIS

-ueJap /,1qelou seruof,eq relJEJBql eql :awnpow'sPeeP

PuB sPJo/lI Jlaql ol senllol.u alqlssod

tsro/lt eqt Surqtrcse ueryo 'sla8uerrs Jo InlrsnrtslP

eroru Alqeacllou atuoraq IIyh relf,BrBql eqJ 'stf,eJle

lecr8eur pue s11ads lsute8e s/norqt Sutnes IIB uo

,{r1eua d 7- E pue s11ads IIB ro} Ie^al retsef, or ,bleuad


disfigurement becomes obvious within one d"y anddifficult to stomach within a week. \Thenever shesees healing magic being used on anyone but her-self, she flies into a violent rage unless she makes aDC 20 \Uill save.

Conj u ration (Teleportation)Moderatei Whenever the character teleports, he

briefly passes through the Twisting Nether. Shemust make a DC 15 Reflex save or a randomcreature from the Twisting Nether will attach itselfto the caster as he teleports and materi ahze at hisdestination. This creature does not count as part ofthe caster's weight allowance for the spell, and thecaster has no control over the creature.

Furthermore, aoy failure result for a teleport spellwill result in the caster and anyone accompanyinghim being trapped in the Twisting Nerher.

Maj or :V/h eneve r the character sleeps, he must makea DC Z0 \Uill save or teleponZd6 miles in a randomdirection from his cunent location. This effect does norrequire a spell slot or any material components, and thecharacter has no control over this spell.

DivinationMinar : The character becomes highly supersr it ious.

She is terrified of perfiorming an action rhar is pro-scribed by her culture's customs. These superstitionscan be ignored by making a DC 13 \Uill save but theywill occasionally inconvenience the character in play.Come up with a list of five or so appropriate supersri-tions for the PC's culture, such as:

o Never speak for a full minute after hearing a dogor wolfs howl.

o Never touch a black cat or let it cross your path.o Never speak the orc \Tarchiefs name aloud

without taking a drink.o Never accept a spell from a stranger without

knowing his name.o Always pay in silver and gold, never in copper.o Never eat food that has been cooked in a metal

pot on the last d"y of the week.

Mderate: The character becomes obsessed withfonunes and auguries. Performing any significant actthat has not first been approved with an augury requiresa DC 15 \Yill save, and a DC 20 \Uill save is needed toperform any action that goes against an augury.

Major: The character is completely ruled by augu-ries, portents and other superstitions. She will not

deal with anyone unless she's first consulted anaugury, not even someone who was a close friend.The character will indulge in bizarre, exrreme andeven violent behavior if an augury tells her suchbehavior is required (\7ill DC 70 to resisr, yer eventhen she'lI remain suspicious).

EnchantmentMinor: The character becomes a magic addict.

He must spend at least an hour each d"y meditatingor suffer a -1 penalty to caster level for all spells anda-Z penalty on all saving throws against spells andmagical effects.

Moderate: Whenever feasible, the character willlive in places enhanced by magical spells and eat foodcreated by magic; he will not use a weapon unless it isenchanted. He is so enamored of enchantments thathe cannot bring himself to cast dtspel maglc or acounterspell, even to save himself, unless he makes asuccessful DC 15 \7i11 save first.

Major: The character finds coexisting with crea-tures that have free wills very difficult. \Xl4rereverpossible, the character will use chnrm and dominatespells to bring the people around him under hiscontrol. A simple difference of opinion is likely tothrow the character into a rage. If the character hasa serious disagreement with someone, she mustmake a DC 70 \Uill save or attack the subjecr;likewise, anyone who resists (or breaks) his spellswill probably become the target of a vendetta.

EvocationMinor: The character's body is warm to the touch,

and maintaining intimate contact with her for morethan a fulI round is difficult (any spell that prorecrsagainst heat and fire will allow someone to ignore thiseffect, as will a successful DC 13 Fortitude save; crea-tures grappling this character may also ignore thiseffect). Metal objects, cats and furs within 60 feet of thecharacter accumulate minor static electricity charges(which will do no damage but may surprise people).

Moderate: Weather in a l-mile radius around thecharacter is seldom sunny or cheerful. If there's awindstorm, it will intensify around the character'slocation; if there's a thunderstorm, lightning willrepeatedly strike buildings or trees near the charac-ter. The character will enjoy stormy weather andbecome depressed when things are calm and peace-ful. People who are incapable of casting evocationspells are viewed as inferior and treated derisively.

alrurruL ro qsmo y '(d. suonrer; Sulpunor) sle^alJetsEf, o/nt red lurod I snld 'uortdnJJoo euBf,JV

Jo sturod 9pI elorueJ IIIA\ 'lsanb ro ef,Illrres ete

-rrdordde ue r(q paruudurocce 'lladstuaunuoia uV'fPT. ot sesBeJJur PaJotsaJ

slurod Jo Jeqrunu eqt 'cr8eur eUBJJB ot arnsodxa/,ue Lq paqrnlslPun 'sButPunoJJnS

IBJnlEu uI alull

tBr{t spuads Jelrereqr eql JI 'erue^tolle uottdnrroO

euBJJV s(JetJBJBr{J aqt ot lurod a18urs e seJolseJ

11ads euEf,JB ue Surlsef, tnogtlrn {aeA\ B Jo} Sutog'ssef,oJd rlnc

-r.]JIp ,{,ran B sl uortdnrJoO auBrrv Jo plJ Surff eg

uolldnrro3 tu;pag

'aABs III/N 0Z CC B lB sPearrns aqs ssalun ,,PellhSUI,,

ueq/\{ ,tr8ue ra8 ot auord sI puB stuaruenordurt

tsen se sa8ueqf, eseqt s/v\arn Jelser eqt lng 'pauuo;ap

pue snoaplq sB retf,Bret{r eql aes eldoad reqto'rluo; os pue 'tloeurols s(Jelf,BJBr{J aqt }o Jetuer er{lur Suueadde sqtnoru 'saauq pue s/v\oqle eqt jo lnoSurmor8 spueg let8ltsen

's11etsal,a Surpnlrul '[poq

s(Jetf,BJeqf, eqt JeAo readde sr{tlnoJ? euvztg:ntny1'eunr

lBuralul uB e{ll s)lool lBrll IrEru-qtJlq E Jo alddru ertXe ue epnlJul seIlIIEtuJouqBJeqto 'too} r.{JBe uo aol BJlxe uB PUB PuBtl qf,Bauo re8urJ BJtxa uB smor8 retreJeql eql :awnpoll{

'[poq s(re]rererlJaql Jo sued reqlo uo readde sassarsqe pue slloq

ellqA\ 'aoe; s(relJBrBtlf, aql uo luJoJ SUE/)N 'Paqsl

-uralq [lp"q are $lool s(relf,Breqf, eql :routry


'JonBJ lllrtt

a8rnocs aqt uodn Iool ol ureuef, tsourle ere srel-rBJEr{r qrns 'qf,ll B olur }lesulrrl urroJsuBrl ol lurq/v\olle lltrn leqr slerras eql lees PUB sllnf, qleaP uodnlllecrreqredur/,s >1ool III^\ ratf,Bret{f, eqJ 'peepun

eqt pueJep ol aSrn eqt ssarddns ot aABS III/N 0z oc Ee{Bru lsnru eg 'urlq pue}ep ot Surldruane sr uosrad

ter{t }l uana 'etnleaJJ peepun uB 8ur>1ceDe auo/,uesaes eqJI 'sarntearc 8urnr1 SuneJelot elqnoJt sBq aH'peepun eqr [q prpunorrns ro sur]Ior ut sdaals eH'elll ot qteep sreJerd mou retf,Ereqr eqJ :ntn1rl1

'JelsEJEqJ er{r PUnoJBErnE tule; E tf,atep III^\ 11ads Wawnpanp y '&1euad

I- B gllrn eperu ere rBeJ tsureSe senes III1N ,tue

pue 'lalseul B ro (lressareu sr {f,eqo aplg ou) replrB ,{q palf,errp sselun BerB slqr unqs IIIrlt slBIuIuV'aner8

lerqre^ord aql a{ll slea} rre eqt 'ralcererlr

eqr punoJe snrpeJ tooJ-gg B ul '8ut1eaq /,ue tJa#e ol

(aurnrp Jo auBf,JB Jer.{tra) er8etu esn tsntu rnq 'sueaul

IBrntBu /,q leaq ol slle; retrereqr eqI :awnporu'ef,uereadde patJelur 'pauor B uo e{El

'patearr ,(larerpeuul ssalun 'saqsttuelq pue spuno/N'r{fnol eql ol PIol sI qseu s(JelJerBqf, eqJ :roulw


'uorsnleP Jo

ad,b slql eterteuad osle IIl,n Sutaas anu sB qrns qladg',{lrlear ploqeq pue uoISIn eqt q8norqt {Eerq ot aABS

III,N 0Z 3C B alBtu puB uollf,E Punor-llnJ B e{Bl

tsnru eqs 'uorsrn B selrecrad aqs reqr stcadsns Od B

jl 'esuodsar (ltrta ro) rueloln B eIo^ord ot euord are

tBr{r stJB Jaqto Sutlttul(uor pue 'uIIr{ lsute8e Sutrtds-uor 'urlq 8ur,(erlaq spuarry Jo suolsl^ [q p"lt^epaq,{lruelsuor sI pue 'tlnctglp &t1ear puB,tserue; uae^rl-eq Surqsrn8urrsrp spug JetrBJBqr aql :"totnry

'dae1s ol sao8 ratrereqr eqt lllun rsoq8 aqtsessnuslP (anBS III,N 9I cc InJssarrns B PUB uollrB

prepuets e) lllm ;o uoJta peuef,uor V 'alqrssod

sE JornBqeq IIna Joj suoIlBzIIBuoIlBJ ,{,ueul sB PUIJdlt.l lltan ,,tsoq8,, egt 'slsuf,

IEJotu B ul sI Jelf,EJet{oaql;I 'suoltre

IIna pue tuelol^ arolu turolad or rulq

a8ernof,ue teqt suortBsrenuor lecrqdosollgd'3uo1ur sa8e8ue pue 'ulltl s>lrotu '(utlt{ /,1uo pue) ultt{ot sJeadde oqnA (juolueduloc lsoq8,, B ̂q patueuJoleq III^{ at1 'auoetuos

PeraPrnlu sBq ralrBrBqs equl.eAEs

IIIINg I OC B puB uouf,E prBpuels B salnbar suolsnlltslq Jo ernteu lecr8eur aqt Jo Jlesulq Surpuruleg'lBaJ eJE stJe#e aql Paf,ul^uof sauof,eq oslB eq's11eds uorsnllr slsef, retser eqt ueq/S, :aivrapow

'uorsnlll ue sB^\ af,ro^ aql azrlBer III^Aeq'lnJsserf,ns;1 :eABS III/)N tI OC B e{Btu or uonf,B

eeu e asn ,teul JetfBJBqs aqJ 'urlq If,rJt ot 1{,rl ro

saceld snora8uep olur rulq peel ,t11euolsef,f,o [t.{I'sarult

PPo lB seJIoA sJEeq Jalf,BJBt{J aqJ :roulw


'suollf,B JeL{

JoJ euole Jo Slroer ot tJo#e ou eIBtu pue asJotueJ ou

Iee, II1n{ eqs 'a8eurep IEretBIIor esnef, s11ads uolterola

reqll 'uleqt anes ol tdureue tou iltrtt pue repro IBrntEuaqt;o rred se 'palone /,lpct8eulll uene'secro; IBrntBu[q para8uepua esoq];o lpad eqt /neln lilrn ratf,BrBtlraqJ '(tssar q 0z 3cl III/a,.) tl Jo epPlur aql olul tnoeJnlue^ Il,aqs

'ullols B ul rqSnec s(er{s ueq/K lpunore

tl peards ot eq ill/K tf,ullsul raq 'alpuec B uene 'erlj

seas aqs uaq/K'JaqtEem r{,uuols uI slf,B luelol^ Sututul-uroJ pJB/nol auord saruoJeq JatJBJBqf, eqJ :nIDW

&p{tTr$ gNrEN.rodGfE@ &Hr& r':dF.r3$,.-,.":::;ili --. 4- r-' .fr.' : .,:?:r.6:--.': :..14i..?.lIEt,<- =

spell will restore an Arcane Corruption allowanceto its maximum value.

The Corruption Effects are more difficult roeliminate. A minor effect is only removed with arestoration spell, a moderate effect is removed witha greater restoration spell, while a major effect isremoved with a touch of life* spell. Removing theworst Corruption Effect will also bring the charac-ter down one Corruption category (from defiled tomarked, marked to tainted, or tainted to normal).

A Cautionary NoteFor an arcane spellcaster to reach high levels

without falling victim to corruption may seemimpossible. While the feat is indeed difficult, manymages have, by taking a few precautions, lived long,healthy and untainted lives. Those who boldly(and stupidly) ignore the inherent corruptions ofarcane magic are most prone to fall. The GMshould be careful not to pen altze a cautious charac-ter with excessive amounts of Arcane Corruption.

DivineMagicMost of the divine beings of Azeroth (known as

Eternals) are distant entities. They exist to assistthose caught in the conflicts of a cruel, violentworld. Never directly intervening in the affairs ofthe world, they use divine magic as a proxy. Withtheir many healing and protective spells, practitio-ners of divine magic are at the vanguard of the gods'efforts to ensure their peoples' survival.

Divine magic is not wholly the province of thegods; it draws on a wide variety of sources depend-ing on the faith of the practitioner. Priests whisperprayers to evoke power from beings such as Elunethe Moon Goddess. Healers bask in the good willprovided by the religion of the Holy Light. Underthe awesome rky, shamans call upon the naturalorder to empower their spells and heighten theirunderstanding of the world. \7itch doctors surrr-mon ancestral spirits and tribal protectors. Shadowhunters invoke the names of dark gods, ancientpowers whose legends are stained in cruelty andbloodshed, but who are also capable of beneVO-lence when appeased. Druids of the wild bond withplants and animals and draw on the magic powerinherent in the natural world.

Though the sources of divine power are varied, itsuse has one constant: faith. Effectively wielding

divine power requires tremendous conviction; thededication required to achieve such perfect faith isa lifelong pursuit. Unlike arcane spellcasters, whobelieve that power exists to be taken, divinespe[casters must constantly affirm that they areworthy of their gifts. They must be certain that theyare properly honoring their gods, philosophies,ancestors or convictions. Perfect faith requires in-tense training and constant testing, which continuesthroughout the practitioner's lifetime. Of the many

::H:l' ilT:i::i,lTff ii ,:"ff iffi 'f '�he m's'�

OrclealsWhen a divine spellcaster needs to test his con-

victions, he arranges to face a special personalchallenge in which he affirms his faith by enduringtorment.

The specific challenge depends on the practitioner'sbackground. A druid of the wild or a shaman mightjoumey into the wildemess and survive storrns ofpretematural intensiry without magical aid. A healermight lock himself in an enclosed area with plaguevictims and share their meat and water. A shadowhunter might venture onto grounds consecrated to theOld Gods and spill his own blood to entice the forces ofprimeval cruelry to come and visit their worst afflictionsupon him.

A member of the priest prestige class has particu-larly bizarre ordeals. Submission to public stoningor burning is common, but the most noteworthy -

and sadistic - ordeal is the ritual of shaming. Inthis rire, which is held in the priesr's home commu-nity among family and friends, the priest is lockedin shackles and stocks and subjected to a full day ofmockery and physical torture. By enduring thecruelest human impulses, the priest demonstratesthe unwavering power of his faith, and (bV continu-ing to serve the community after enduring its torture )the virtue of forgiveness. Thereafter, the priestsymbolically bears the burden of the people's trans-gressions.

'Wounds inflicted during this ordeal -

and it's almost certain there will be wounds - mustheal naturally. The scars inflicted during this trialwill be left untouched as a reminder of the sustain-ing power of faith.

A practitioner doesn't endure an ordeal for re-wards, but to affirm his faith. However, the renewedconfidence in his ability to serve as his faith's

-euote uB ruJoyad ot peau aqt '�aJnlle; s(tset eqt {JBUIot rers eur8rts B sB qrns) seruenbasuoc leuoltlppe ppe,(eur WO aqJ'qtlB; equo sreqto eroleq ef,ueuad a>1eut

puB ernlrBj req,tlcrlqnd a8pa1^\oDlf,B ol Pef,roj aq IIII!\PuB rltuoru txau aql ro} Ie^el relsBf, req or 'trleued I-e senrecar eqs 'tsal eqt slle; relsef,llads auIAIp eqr jl

'Arosnlll eq or

[lt{tl ere slsa] snore8uep erotu eql q8noqlle '1ear ro

(aurnrp aqt [q ruas uorsnlll ue) [rosnlll aq uer lsa]er{I 'paraldruor sr lsat eqt rar}B llrun petsat Sutaqsr eqs tBr{t oJB/v\B aq lou lltrlt Jouollllcerd aqJ

'rulga /,rana rrar{t enres or paBIIqos(eqs sB uane uede auoq Jeq JEel sleneJ esoqnt 'sf,Jo

pltrn eJB sJolrsr^ Jeq tBqt Janof,slp ot l,,1uo 's1se oq^\

rotrsr^ lsrlJ eql ol ,brlerrdsoq re#o ol palledluofaq /,eru tseud ueunq V

'ury\ot A\eu B pllnq ot anor8

aqt IIaJ ol Sur,trt are pue sauoq rlaqt tuory ue^IrP

uaaq e^Bq oqrv\ spueru Jeq tsute8e sUIJB dn a>1et pue- seaJt Jo anor8 tuBJIJIuEtsut ztlSurulaas B tcatordor pe{se eq [eu pltnrt aqt Jo plnrp V

'elp o] UIBIII^

aqt Sutneel ro req III{ or peualearqt s(oq^\ auoetuos

Surleaq uee/Ktaq asooqr ot perroJ aq tq8lru raleaq

V'uol8r1ar rer.Uo saldrouud aqr pue (,sapertuof, pue

(spualu req puB) Lla;es lBuosrad u/y\o Jeq uee^\taqesoorlJ tsnru or8eul eulnlp Jo JeuoItItJBrd e qJIq^\ur Jnffo ,{,eur uoIlBntIS e 'AllecrpolJed 'lI enord ot

palnbeJ sr eJrtrerd otut qrleJ Jeq stnd oq^\ auo,tue

tnq 'ssassod ueo uosrad E leqt saItIIBnb tsalqou eql

jo euo sl qtlej tet{t e^allaq qtorezv}o aldoad eql


Jo tlleuaq eqt enlef,er ra8uol ou

Aeu Aaqr 'uottdo s,lt1o eqt te) eqcne8 PUB ,{,nroqs

paraplsuof, are (rea[ red aruo uetl] arotu PUB)epBJep B ul saurl ^\eJ e uBql erotu uleql ol llruqnsor{rv\ esoqt PUB qrlB} elEJ]suotueP o] slBePro

q8noua uBqr aJotu sploq JeeJBJ s(JeJntue^pe uB

tBr{t {ulr{r aldoad elqeuoseer lsoru - aJII s,Od B ul

stuene erEJ eq plnoqs LaqI'qrlB, slq eleJtsuoluep ol

peau B slee; eq ueqrr\ Od B ̂q peteltlul ere sleepro'sanrl

(sJeuolrlrcerd aABS ol un\ou{

uaaq seq acerS;o tlJeueq aqt 'uted tear8 qf,ns Suunp-ue JoJ pJB^\aJ IIBurs /,18un1nsul ue a{ll uaas /,eutslqt q8noqlle ileapro rad ef,uo pasn aq [1uo ,{eu

trlaueq slql 'aPBru sI IIor eql erolaq PerBIleP eq

tsntu uorlntlrsqns slql '^\orql Sutnes;o adfu reqto

Lue ro; aAES III/)N E atntltsqns ot asooqo ,teul tsatrdeqt 'leapro ue Sutnlnrns reUE :acer8;o tllaueq eqt sE

u^tou{ 'tgauaq alqt8uet euo uedutt seop uotdutetlJ

&HIVS gN[IIWrodrufE@ SHT&


ment quest, or exclusion from the faith's most sacredrituals and benefits). A test of faith is a major event ina character's life, and the player should understandthis and roleplay the consequences of the character'sfailure; anyone who takes such a failure in strideinvites more severe penalties (such as higherpenaltiesto caster level or a -Z luck penalty on all skill checks)from whatever empowers her faith.

If the test succeeds, then once each d"y thepractitioner may cast a spell as if it were augmentedwith the Empower Spell feat without incurring thenormal spell slot penalty. This benefit lasts for 1month after the test.

The GM must devise tests of faith and determinewhat conditions are needed to pass. A test may occur atany time in a divine spellcaster's career, but most oftenwhen her dedication to her cause appears to be flagging.V/hen a practitioner spends more time socializing withfriends than pursuing the goals of her faith; when herresponse to the desecration of a church, sacred grove orancestral tomb is half-hearted or ineffectual; when sheshows reluctance in standing up for her beliefs: thepowers may choose that time to test her mettle.

A test of faith doesn't occur more than once eachyear; usually a divine practitioner will be testedonce every 5 to 10 years. However, a GM who hasa special destiny in mind for a divine practitionermay present the PC with a steady stream of chal-lenges. Though at the time it may seem like theworld has turned against her, in the end the rewardis usually well worth the suffering. The ability toendure the worst trials of the gods without flinchingis a hallmark of the greatest heroes of legend.

Fel EnergyThe ultimate manifestation of the demonic ar-

cane on Azeroth is fel energy. This energy, whichmost commonly manifests itself as ghastlyr gre€rr-yellow flame, is arcane magic at its most corrupt, forit employs the blood of demons. Spells with the feldescriptor are very difficult to resist. Casters gain a+ 10 fel bonus on caster level checks made topenetrate spell resistance, and the DC of savingthrows increases by +7. Casters who cast fel spellsalso risk massive amounts of Arcane Corruption.

Casting a fel spell is described by many spellcastersas a euphoric experience. If arcane magic is anaddiction, fel magic is the embodiment of the drugin its purest form.

Since the Burning Legion returned to Azeroth,the world's heroes have encountered fel weaponsand fel magic with increasing frequency. As demoncults continue to fester and grow in Desolace, theAshenvale Forest and other remote corners, grue-some sacrifices are held to entice demons intogiving their blood in trade. The cultists use thisblood to enchant the weapons that they hope willbring about their masters' ultimate victory.

Fel OfferingsDemons sometimes tempt spellcasters by offering

small amounts of their blood in exchange for ser-vices. If the recipient drinks the demon's bloodwithin 74 hours of the offering, then the nextarcane spell he casts will be a fel spell.

Fel blood is highly addictive as well as corruprive.Anyone who drinks it must make a DC 13 \Uill saveor become dependent on fel blood. lJnless the per-son consumes fel blood daily, he will suffer a -1

penalty to caster level for all spells and a-Z penalty

on all saving throws against spells and magical ef-fects; after 7 days, he may attempt to make a DC 15\7ill save to break the addiction.

Fel PoisonFel-poisoned creatures are another threat from the

TwistingNether. Th.y are starting to appear in placeswhere the Buming Legion is strongest. When a cre?-ture with a natural poison attack is imbued with felenergy, its venom becomes more difficult to resist.Take the norrnal DC of the venom and add the bonusappropriate to the creature's Hit Dice, as indicated inthe chart below.

, * " ' . . s . . i r y : W . . ' : ' ' ' : j i : . l n . l ' ' . ' . : : : ; : . . * a i t 4 ! W l . . * . " . , .

Hit DiceU p t o l2-34-7B-1516-3132*6364-127






?: .




RuneMagicA rune is an arcane symbol inscribed on a crea-

ture, surface or object. Runes inscribed on creaturesare called marks; those on surfaces are sigils; and

ll lramod ,t1pre; euru B asoot{f, 'prl[L 'lenel q]6 or

Ie^el -0 ruo+ Ja^rod ut Sur8uer s11ads uat esootlJ 'puocag

'eq ill^\,t1ple; euru rno,t;o snf,o} eqr lBq { ePIleP 'ls4g

'snJolJBIIqs B aJBqs lBt{l sauru uauo suollf,allof, eJB saII-lure; eung '^{,sea almb sr sarl[ue] euru A\eu Sunear3

selllwPJ eunu tupeer)

'erud eseq aqt;o dB

OO0'1 rad ["p 1 sarrnber eunr ]ueuelurad e Surquf,sul'LuB

JI 'srsof,

dX pue IErJerBtu leuoulppB s(eunJ

Ierurou eqt seturt gg sl,ed raqlrrsul aql 'dX ut aotrd

eqt p SZII pue slelretetu ̂\Br uI ef,Ird aqt JIBI{ s,tedJeqrJJSul eql'le^el s(JeqIJJsuI eql x le^al s(aunJ eql xdE S Lt $ eunr tuaueulrad Elo acud eseq aql 'spue/t\

SurryerJ ro; sB selnr Sutctrd aules eqt /nollo; 'saunr

lueuerurad Surqucsur Jo alqedef, sl Jatf,Ereqr B jl'peraldruof, are Aaqt tueruoru eql

(aldoed tsour ot) alqISInuI tsotule atuof,aq [aqt esl/v\-reqto '�alqlsl^ saunr qf,ns eIetu Alpuolluatul tsnrureqrrrsul uV 'ees ot tlnrr.tJlp are sqd[13 pue s1y31s ]ueu-Buued Jo pepuetxE 'sooDel sB readde I'aqt :snolnqo

aJB eJnleeJf, E uo s>lJeru tueuBrurad Jo pepuelxg

seunu lueuPr.uJed Jo pepuelxf

'A"p 1 elnbal seunJ lueueuuad lasera ol

spunoJ Vpzarrnbal seunr IEUIJoN'lt SutsBJe tnogtlrtt

(dnor8 slq qtlm) aunr eqr ssed/,q Aeul ernteerr aql'erour ro 0I ^q CC eql stBeq {raql af,IAeC elqBsIC

eqt JI 'la^al s(eunr eql + 9z sl oc aql 'sderl ctSeul

grlm se llr SunenlrJe rnoqll^r aunJ E asere ot II{serrlaq elqBSrC aqt esn uBf, saIrIIIqB Sutpugdenro (o/!\I rardeqO q retsetueunr eqt aas) seunJ esereaql gllrn saJnlBeJf, 'Jenoalol^I 'ees uBf, l,aql aunJ

B uortf,unJ pue eureu ̂q $lluapl ot If,eqr III{s B

alBru uBr III{s (saunr) a8pal^\ou) aqt uI DIUBr tltl/n

saJntBeJO '^llensrn tl IBeAeJ tou tnq 'eunJ B esues

Ilta,r clBoutpapQ'(1ena1 s(eunr eql + szoc qcreaS)seunr uapplg eterol ot pasn aq uBf, sanSor;o,brpqeSurpur;dert aql 'seunJ ees uBf, seJnlBeJJ eruos

seunu tuprelecl'uortdrJJsep s(aunJ eql uI esl/nJeqlo pelels ssalun

BaJB stl uI seJnteeJt IIE Surrcage 'eunJ eqt uo PaJel-ueJ tsJnq snrpeJ-tooJ-gt B seteJaua8 sr(em1e IIStspete^rtf,E uV 'sseooJd uorrdlJf,sul IEuIJ aqt yo rredsB uortalduroJ stl uodn IISts E at€AItJE ot asooqJ uef,

reqrrrsul aqJ 'pasere ro palladsrp 'pare88lrr lllun

rsEI sllSls ('11 alu^IlrB lou seoP IISts B sulEluos lBqlaceds e SurnBa-I) 'll8ls aqt Jo eJEArBun sI eJnlBaJJaqtll uena'lt sateAIlJB IISls E qtl/!\ aceds eqt Jatue ol

aJntBaJJ lsJrJ eqt pue 'BaJB looJ- g ̂q too;- g e srtemle

sr ef,BFns petlege eqJ 'ra88trt s(eunJ aqt sB stJE

,tpuanbesqns ter{t ef,e}rns B uo peqlrlsul ere stflS'luauerurad euo e{Bru ol uene

ro qd,{,13 B ;o a}ll eqt puatxe ot elqB ere sraqlrrsula(uos'ure8y'uouelduroc uodn rtlateypetutul atBAItf,Bsqd/,19 'eJnlBeJJ 8ur11rmun uB Jo uolssessod aqlur tralqo ue uo paqlrrsul aq ]ouuer qd,t13 e '*peur

gllrn sv 't3e[qo ue uo PaqrJf,sul saunr are sqd(lo'luaueulrad

{JBru B e{Bu ol uene Jo

uortenltf,B {rBtu ,te1ap or ,btllqB eql a^Bq sraqlrrsul

aruos 'uortelduoc uodn ,(laletpetutul stJe#a Jleql

atereua8 s>lrBIAI 'ernleerr ssaldleq /,ue uo peqlrJs-rJI eq uBf, {JBtu E 'ranamoq lsarnlearc 8ur1|munuo peqrrJsur eq louuBf, s>lrBtu os 'lllrs eq tsnu rcafqnsot{J 'aJnlEerf, e uo Paqlrf,sul seunJ eJe sTrnw

saunulo sad{1'aunJ eqt PelBaJf, oq^\ JaqIJf,suI eql Jo

Ie^el eqt or lenba st tre#e eunr B Jo le^el relsef, eql'slledsretunor roj pasn aq touuBJ stols eunJ q8noqrle'palladsratunor ro palladstp aq uer rraJJe s(eunr

V 'uoltducsap s(aunJ aqt uI esl/KJaqto petets sselun

ef,uelsrser 11ads ot lca[qns ere qf,ns sB pue s]re#a

11ads euerre a)il1 ere seunr /,q paleraua8 stf,eJJe aql'lJe#a ou ol PelBeJf, uaeq

per{ ll I se rsn[ tsol sr eunr er{] uaqt slleJ 1f,eql aqt }los '11ads e SutlsBJ JoJ sB etues ar{t eJB selnJ eql 'eunJ

eqt esol ro {f,el{f, uollBJluef,uoS E e{Blu lsnlu eqs'uorlerluaf,uoJ s(JeqlJf,sul aqt sldnlralut Sutqteruos

;1 ',brunrroddo

Jo If,BltB uB salonord PUB la8ret eql

gtlrn tf,EtuoJ lBfrs^.{d sartnbal eunJ e SutqlJJsul'uorterruolul eJoru JoJ aeJItL rardetlO q seuru

or;roads eqt aas lstuaualnbal aJueuadxa Jo IEIJaIBUI

Ieuonlppe eAEq seuru etuos'llel\ sy'tueuoduroJ IBqJe^E arnbar JaAe seuru oN '(sat1sruq

{Jo/lrJetsetu gtlrlt

parldde slul pcr8eul) sruauoduroc IBIratEru pue (utterpaqlsnu euru eqr) tuauodruof, rltetuos e armbeJ IIE r{aqt

pue'esrnueqto srtes uottduJsep euru eqt ssalun aqIJJSUIol uorlf,B Punor-llry E e{El seuru ilv

'PeqlJf,sul sI

euru B erml qf,Ea tols euru Jedord e Sutsn s/!\onl er{s euru

,{ue saleerf, raqrrrsul aqJ ',!1uley ter{t ruo+ Ia^el rad

euru euo s rou>l [qararp pue seIIIurE] eulu Jo requnu

ureueJ B sltolr{ JeqIJJSuI uV 'af,trenpe uI sauru aredardol Peeu lou oP lnq 'slo1s euru a^eq sJeglJssul eunu'Jelrod s,rt11ule; eunJ tet{t sute8 osle eqs "(11uley eunJ

E slrou{ JeqrJJSuI aunJ B uaqnN 'rertod ,t11ute; aunJ

B apnlf,ur pue re/\{od ul la^el qr6 ot le^al-g tuory

seunr uet Jo pasoduloo are qf,lqrv\ 'satltureJ pelleosdnor8 ur lsrxa seung 'sqd/,13 are stf,a[qo uo esoq]


should be something in the flavor of the rune familyspells you have chosen.

For each spell in your new rune family, check to seeif it targets a single creature, multiple creatures, orsomething else. Spells that target a single creature gettumed into marks, spells affecting multiple crearuresbecome s igils, and spells affecting obj ects become glyphs.

The school of magic remains the same. Gener-ally, it's a good idea to use the spell's level as therune's level, though in rare cases a rune becomesmore or less powerful than the same spell just byturning it into a rune. Adjust the rune's level if youfeel it necessary.

Regardless of the spell's components, a runenever has a verbal component, though runes alwaysinclude somatic and material components. If a spellincludes a costly material component or XP cost,impose the same cost on inscribing the rune.

A spell that requires a standard action or full-roundaction to cast becomes a full-round action to inscribe.Spells that take longer than a fulI round to cast shouldalso take longer to inscribe as a rune.

As stated above, a sigil targets a surface. 'S7hen

asigil activates, it affects a 3O-foot-radius area. Com-


pare the level of the spell, its effect, and its normalarea to see if this is too weak or too powerful. Adjustthe sigil's area of effect as necessary to keep itspower in check.

The saving throw and spell resistance of a runeshould be the same as the spell. This often meansthere will be a "\7ill negates (harmless)" or "Forti-

tude negates (harmless)" saving throw, and spe[resistance of "Yes (harmless)."

The magic within a rune comes from the arcanesymbol itself and not from the inscriber. Runeeffects never include level-dependent effects, suchas variable duration or dice rolled per level, andthey very rarely include variable effects of any kind.The duration of a rune's effect is always a staticvalue. Generally, as long as the effect remainsbalanced, design l st- through 3rd-level rune effectsas though generated by a 5th-level caster, 4th-through 6th-level rune effects as though generatedby r l0th-level caster, and 7th- through 9th-levelrune effects as though generated by a ZOth-levelcaster. For example, a 4th-level spell with a normalduration of 1 round/level would instead last 10rounds as a rune.

'QazaQ 'aau4 aul 0L lTai ,tt lsuaoop r{ ss oaru Swsurp s4uu ds aolt 'payt

aql's4dads 1o daMlqs a w QaQTTdxa Qua d0D0Q (pLtM aql Qut

wvqgaqsvlT watLl )qL'qaaud,ol Qa\lsnddaqsv sv 'uadnal aql Pdvsl,tuils aql d,ol D)dsad, 0u )Avqkllr,, 'sdttd.abwi s,llod,L )cll il)0d.1 '

Wltdqp 1o sl70q aql 7o qrud aqt w Qaddarc qua alvdr a QwWq swlf QaLlL '4tau sul Qunlda Swbuaq Ma7) 0Q04 )LIL Suupnol 'da(FV

Qrus (

,,isQuaq 5utno15 tlltM 770d,L ,fuut4s 'LdauJS Y,, 'swTf QIas ,,i7',


M07pr( ,Qaaq Qua sadnlwi daaqs d,aul Qanlds u ruq und.5 1o auau)

wvq, Madlll Luacpd.auJ )qL Qua Qaqsruv| u)aLLL aw ,,')fr d07 nor(, sa,

daQun )Lma MadJ dnl/(, a|aq )A}qv sultut(tJ ,fu 'Dd.\Q7ax 'sttltl)


QdaMLL UJALLL QAA\W A QALw\d LUAq)d,Affi )ql'sa1r,, ',(v*td,llQ aql (nldi nrcA a au)a) ,;Qail)rup )q 0(y Llu st ffibu

,,-suaau) sull 7t daQu,M I ' f,aH,, 'sw\[ Stas ,,'uJOQsllt4 lootlts\qD ;


aq ,,'s))tds Llu sr La(,;L, 'sl,tlntadwol stq 0L Waq Qaudvtl da4lah

ultddw a 1o asdd,ffi )qL Sutlaavad, 'taada QaqsaQ aladl aql sa 4)aQ a(

QAn}J0) dltpr Quv Q007g, 'a4ldls thqSut) v ut axv stLI Psrud. Quv QdvMd

,,')Lad) aql uado 'uadna1,, 'tDQdaM )qL Qtas ,,'05da) dnT 7o aanlau aq

)A,AM,, '2pls 'Srr ut daaq-ryu4 gatdnq saQaTq s,4Maq4talfl, ')Lad) uaQo

ssr{ Suraantcp V 'dta aql qbnoaLll Qaqsall sauru4 7o oral a qua 4a(

qlaawq (t)lal qaddaus QuaqdaH'Qllq obaat s,utpddaz aclL 7o snoqr

sa ail[ uaad.5 a qilM pslnd satb s,uaQdaM )(fi '4Matlyvlg" Qassul

,,iaLadqaP) 0L

)u)ll'ad,\u)ada(fi ila1aM nws )7v rszu [Qrtts 1o aTLL\qsulL Suttas t

saarfulptql w gaddaam )llllqa Lnl Mad,q qua yvd uaQaT-1001 stqlll

swlf ,;ultltadsut ua LnlqilM La(plad 7o Lnl Lab 0L qabvuauJ atv

"YluR muhsh dedrcarrln r0 rhe sprKrrs 0f yluR ancesrlvs has hIwaRKIlR." Tossmq anlrheK maErcaL hoLr down rhe l,enqrh op rhe cashoured, " Clme 0r,rr, hrrl'e qohLm!" The wrrch docron dn aEqed a cLawmu,zzLe. "The rhmq ILkehesr ahour qohlms rs rhe Eveasy sratn rhe'I noasr rhem. Bbrr ylu shouLd pulvrde a,mpl,e enrevrarnmenr durunq rL,yLL see whar rr ra.kes r0 make yluv hearcr hr,tKST."

Shadows EarheBed hehmd rhe wrrch docron and shaped rhemsel,ves usrepped FlRWaRd and skeweted rhe rtll,l" wrch hen mllnswlKd rn 0"Peuhaps nlT," she sard as rhe rRILI" coLLapsed ar hen feer.

"Yltrt condrcrcn, TauRen?" Bl,ackhawk asked as sbe Reruuned Ashansprr.trwaLken.

"I a,cn shamed, hur I wrLl, live," rhe rauuen sard as he srtuEqLed r

"Dln'T make vlws ylu can'r keep," Jlcfr,s shoured fvlm rhe hack 0f '

Bl,ackhawk fnund hm kneeLmq In fRnnr 0f a, panelL, a, wuench m nne Im rhe orhen. A flE 0f sream pluued lur fulm a seveKed BubheB hoop rhose mfr,Etc hol'rs flund rhe clmpwesslr sub-assemhLy."

"Eyrlu,qh enqmeevrlnEu€," sard Ashan. "FIKsr we dump rhrc cauEluILL he rrme r0 Frx rhe ma,chme whle we Look flR new passenEevs.

"I rhtnkl'LLpx rhrc nlw ," satdJlcas , ruEEtnE ar ahoLr . " Op. eLse rheanb we'Re aLl- qztnE swtmmmE." The qohhn EesruReb lveRhs sbouLb,"Ylu.Twl mryhr wanr r0 EKah whareveKwareK's lnhoarud andheadkeep rhe phLoqsrln ranks cooLed 0R rhey'l'\, meLr rhe hLaddets flK

As he poLl,owed Bl,ackhawk rowatd rhe upper decks, Ashat shook ,my farhev aLways sard rhe arrheLonqs r0 hw.ds, rrnkets and rh

'- t'.' . .t!$!L


The runes inscribed upon your fists glow as yourush into combat, a deadly force of enhanced martialpower. Your well-placed bomb decimates a troop ofskeletons in a glorious riot of boom! and fire andbone shards. Calling upon the ancient spirits of thekodo beasts, your skin thickens and your body growslarger and stronger. One button activates the saw,one lever ignites the flamethrower, and one switchreleases gleaming steel spikes all over the breast-plate: now you're ready for those fool forest trolls. . . .

This chapter explores the ways of magic andtechnology in Warcraft through new fearc, a newcore class and new prestige classes.

FeatsThe new feats presented in this section focus on

magic and technology. Prerequisite feats found inother Warcraft books are noted as described in theIntroduction.

Actditional Fami I iar [Special]You gain an additional familiar.

Prerequisite: Sorcerer or wizard level 6th.

Benefit: You gain an additional familiar in the sameway you attained a familiar the first time. Chooseanother rype of animal to serve as your familiar. Thisfamiliar follows all the norrnal rules for familiars,except that your level in the appropriate class istreated as 5 levels lower for the purposes of determin-ing the additional familiar's traits and abilities.

Avoicl Technological Mishap FechnologylYou are particularly adept at avoiding problems

when using technological devices.

Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Use TechnologicalDevice* ).

Benefit: When using a technological device, youtreat its Malfunction Rating as 1 less than it actu-ally is (to a minimum of 1).

Special: A tinker may select Avoid Technologi-cal Mishap as one of her tinker bonus feam.

C-apture Spel I [Metamagic]You can capture spells instead of countering

them, storing them in your own mind.

Prerequisite : Arcane Energy Control x, Block Spell x.

Benefiu When you successfully counter a spell,instead of dismissing it entirely you may instead try tocapture that spell. The spell must be on your spell list.

To make the aftempt, after successfully countering thespell you must expend another spell of a level at leastequal to the spell you are trying to capture (in additionto the spell used to counter the spell). Make a casterlevel check (DC = 11 + the spell's caster level). If yousucceed, you capture the spell in your own mind and cancast it yourself- even if it is a spell you norrnally do notknow. Altemately, you can scribe the spell into your

spellbook. The spell remains in your mind :��������.ur:.rtll 74hours have passed or you next prepare spells, whichevercomes first. Ifyou fail in the attempt to capture the spell,the spell is still countered and the spell you expended toattempt the capture is still lost.

For example, Leanine Starbom, a high elf wizard, is

dueling her old nemesis Alastair Bentstaff, a humansorcerer. Leanine readies an action to counter a spell.Alastair indeed begins casting a spell, and Leanineidentifies it aschnnkghming- a spell she does not evenhave in her spellbooks. She aftempts to counter it withdispelmagtc and succeeds. She then decides she wouldlike to capture the spell and so expends her 6th-level

spe ll spmt nrcht .She makes a caster level check at 1 d20+ her caster level against a DC of 1 1 + Alastair's casterlevel. She rolls a total of 19, which is not nearly enough(Alastair is a l5th-level sorcerer, so the DC was 26).She does not capture chatnlighmmg, though the spell iss ti I I countered. Le an ine expended b oth dispel magband

sfunt nuch. If she had succeeded in her caster level

check, she would have captured clwinlightling in hermind and could, for instance, have cast it at Alastair onher next tum. In all likelihood, however, she wouldhave saved it to scribe later into her spellbook.

Consummate Mach i n ist ltechnol ogy]Your mastery of various disciplines boosts your

skills in all technological endeavors.

Prerequisites: Build Firearms*, Build Siege'Weap-onsx, Build Small Devicesx, Build Vehiclesx.

Benefit: Your technological limit for buildingtechnological devices is increased by +2. This in-crease stacks with the bonuses provided by theprerequisite feats.

Special: A tinker may select Consummate Ma-chinist as one of her tinker bonus feats.

Dismissi ble Spel I [Metamagic]You can dismiss any spell you cast.

Benefit: A spell cast with this metamagic feat can bedismissed, as per any otherdismissible spell (see Plnyer'sHandbook, Chapter 10: Magic, "Spell DescriptionS,"


'.reqraSor s11ads Jo raqunu ,(ueAeu no[ ]Bt{t ldacxa 'lleds

Iul'I sV :tl}eueg {ull ^ELu no^ lBt{l lo3f,xe 'llaos {ul-I sv :ll}eueg

' {lltds {ul'l :etlslnberar4

'arurt eures eqt te s11ads Jo Jaqunu [ue ]sBr uef no1

[r$eure]ew] I lads Iu I-l re]PerD'leruJou uer{t rat13rt1

Ia^al auo tols 11ads v dn salet 11ads pe{roJ V'leurrou sE 3uo1 sB jler.{ roJ stsrsrad qrlqrn

Jo r{lee 'seJnleaJf, on\l seJnfuoc 1 Dlsuour uoururns

palroJ V 'tuaueurad uet{t retJot{s pue snoeu

-Etuetsur ueqt ra8uol uolternp E set{ tnq '(l^llcarlp)

a8euep IEep tou seop I laisuour uourums 'peatds

qree urqtr^\ sernteerf, ot a8eruep lerurou JIBII 3ul-lJrUur'speards snrpeJ-tooJ-O I o1!\t stJelJe Dftou lso$pelroJ y 'a8etuep sleep *Dftolrtsotl

'elduexa roC'pelroJ eq touuer 11ads aqt '11ads eqt or sarldde

srotreJ aser{t Jo euou JI '(unnop punor ) panleq

sr BaJB eqt 'EaJE uE stJeJJe ll Jl pue 'tueueuuad ueqlJetJor{s pue snoauetuetsur ueqt -ra8uol uoneJnpe a^eq toLr seop pue a8euep leep tou seop 11adseqt jl '(u^\op punor) panleq sl uorternp eqr 'tueu

-eurad ueqt JatJorls pue snoeuetuetsur uer{t ra8uolLronernp E serl pue a8euep IEap tou saop 11adseqt JI

'(u/!\op punor) panleq sl e8euep eqr 'e8eurep

strr]Jrrl 11ads eqt ;1 '/,cualod

leq tB sr /,doc qrBE'seere tuereJJlp oau tlelJB uEf, *Dftou lsott pe{roJ B'alduexa roC '11ads ale;edas B ere/!\ rlll se [doc qree

trerrp Aeu no1 '3u1eq otul etuor 11ads eqt Josardor on\t '11ads pelroJ E tser no,t ueqA :llleuag'sued

lenba on\l otLII stfe3+e s,11eds e rrlds LIEf no1

[rpuure]ewl t tedS )lrol

'le^el lentre s,11ads aqt uet{t taq8tq sla^al aarql

tols 11ads e dn sesn UoISnJLII IeC [q p.tJlpotu 11ads y's;otdr.tJsap plo stl slrreteJ tI sB 'traga

erroJ B IIIrs sr 11ads eqt let{t etoN'a8uuep IaJJo sltttod

I+tPI stf,rllur UOISnJLII Iac Lq paralle allssnu 48vtue 'alduexe JoC 'a8euep

IBruroLI Jo peetsur a8eruep

IeJ sr strrgur 11ads eqt tet{t a8euup [ue 'uot]tppu

Lrl ('aJuetsrsar 11ads aulofJano ot slleql le^el JetsBruo snuoq Iaj oI + E prrB lz* Aql S3C ^\orql Sutnes

paseerrlrr retser eqt luer8 rotdursep IeJ eqt gllms11adg) 'srordrrrsep

IEturoLI stl ot uoltlppe ul roldtrosap

Iej aqr sure8 tea' slqr Aq ptglpour 11ads V :rgaueg'roldursep

Iej eqt qtr^\ qlads eerqt tseel te tser ol

Lltltqu 'teeJ cr8eueteru Jeqto auo [.ry :seJlsrnberar4'sre^\od >pep eqt tuog qr8uarts Sutmurp

'L8;aua IaJ gtlm sllads rnoA atBpLInuI uer no1

[rpeurP]ewl uo;sryu I lel'leuuou uer{t raq8rq le^el euo tols B

dn sasn leds elqrssruslp V 'tEaJ slqr gtlrut patlleru8ne aq

iteu alqrsslrusp l,lpuuou tou sI tlJlr{^\ pue snoeuetuets-ur uer{t ra8uol uortBrnp B qtl/!\ lads A.rV '(uoanmq


Greater Spel I Special ization [General]Your mastery with a single spell is unmatched.

Prerequisites: Greater Spell Focus, Spell Focus,Spell Specializationf , caster level 1Zth.

Benefit: Choose a spell with which you haveSpell Specializationt and that belongs to a schoolin which you have Spell Focus and Greater SpellFocus. Your caster level is considered to be 4 levelshigher when casting that spell. This change affectsall variables associated with caster level, includinglevel-dependent variables (such as range or dam-age), and dispel and spell penetration checks. Inaddition, when you prepare that spell with ametamagic feat, it takes up a spell slot two levelslower than normal, to a minimum of its normallevel. Forexample, ifleanine Starbom takes GreaterSpell Specialization and chooses blizzard* (a 3rd-level spell), she can prepare a maximize dblizzard asa 4th-level spell, an empoweredblizzard as a 3rd-level spell and so on.

The benefits of this feat do not stack with thebenefits of Spell Specializationf .

Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Itseffects do not stack. Each time it applies to adifferent spell.

Hasten Spell [Metamagic]You can cast spells much faster than normal.

Benefit: You can cast a hastened spell as a moveaction. Casting the spell provokes attacks of oppor-tunity, as normal. Only spells that have a castingtime of 1 standard action can benefit from this feat.

A Hastened spell uses up a slot two levels higherthan normal.

LinkSpell [Metamagic]You can cast two spells at the same time.

Benefit: W"hen preparing spells, you can link twospells together. These spells must then be cast at thesame time; when you cast one, you automaticallycast the other. The casting time is equal to thelongest casting time listed between the two spells.(For example, if one spell has a casting time of "1

standard action" and the other has a casting time of" 1 round," you need a full-round action to cast themboth. ) You choose all targets normally for the spells;they can have different targets or the same targets.

Each linked spell takes up a spell slot one levelhigher than normal.

Spel I Special ization [General]You are especially adept with a single spell.

Prerequisites: Spell Focus, caster level 4th.

Benefit: Choose one spell that falls into your SpellFocus school. Your caster level is considered to be 2levels higher when casting that spell. This affects allvariables associated with caster level, including level-dependent variables (such as range or damage), mddispel and spell penetration checks. In addition, whenyou prepare that spell with a metamagic feat, it takes upa spell slot one level less than noffnal, to a minimum ofits normal level. Forexample, ifleanine Starbom takesSpell Specialization and choosesblizzmd* (a 3rd-levelspell), she can prepare a maximized blizzmd as a 5th-level spell, a silent blxzmdas a 3rd-level spell and so on.

Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Itseffects do not stack. Each time it applies to adifferent spell.

Tech nological Weapon ry ltechnol ogylYou can use any technological device as a weapon.

Prerequisite: Use Technological Devicex 6 ranks.

Benefit: You can use any technological device withwhich you are familiar as a weapon, even those thatwere not designed as such. You rake gears acrossopponents' faces, crack their knees with extendingiron spikes, vent boiling steam at them and otherwise

use the device to your fiendish advantage. You areconsidered proficient with all devices used as weaponsin this way. The damage rype is piercirg, slashing orfire, depending on the device. Specific damage amountsare up to the GM, but are generally based on thedevice's size, as shown on the following table.

::1,:, *_-:iililWf 'Y,r. isr{.:''fr" . -'

,,,,.':i:l' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' 'Size



Tinyi"' : Small

,' Medium

,,,'."*,,*; .-Lartgeilll,,o,,u,,,

HUge{ /t\Gargantuan:'':'j


. *';,44iq,,i$ffi{^'':nq;,



,..,..r..,,, i : i ,S


You can only use a device in this way if it is one sizecategory larger than you or smaller (for example, aMedium creature could use a Large device as a

' (roure/y\r.ueats prre reaulSua er{l sB qJns) rtSolouqcet pue(rorcop tptl/\{ aqt pue re{lemturds eqt sB qcns) or8eurol PetBIer esre^lun ryerrrBA{ eqt q salor IIIJ r{cFl/v\sessBIJ a8rlsardlq8ya erB ssBIJ eroJ/r\au $ql Surmogog

'earr.{J rardeqC pue euorardeqC ul punoj cr8eur eunr JoJ selnr ̂teu eqt sesnosle Jatsef,lleds aUEJJB elll-Iuoru slrlJ 'JetserueunJ

aqt 'sse1c eroJ /y\eu B sr rsJrC 'CdU tlurrru/V\eql ro; suortdo sselr ̂reu slletap uortf,es qql

i::!fi: :.



euoN- slulod lrH snuog

r '*.,;#*l,il:'i-ljo&

, ,

sessPlf etllserdpuPssPlf eroJ^AeN

:' 't{ic.J:l

r, ,.li i ,.. . ..r

:i .; . .t.^ . ,.

lessoto') I I J jt*.,

uen1ue6rc5 ';'

a6ng ;:&iri .,.,;i:.:.lii1r


untDo|nl .l

lptus ir'(ut I ',r:

.J, 'j' o^qnuru!0 ,, ...


ezls s.ornleorJ PsePun.,*;r.s";-*t'ffi ,,,,,.,"

'/v\olaq elqel eqf uo ulroqs sB 'ezrs s(eJntEeJJ eqt uopaseq ere stulod lrq snuoq esaql 'sturod tlq snuoqJoJequnu B urBB pue ,buatxeq ot snuoq tuerueJuequa

h+ e ureS Iortuoc rno,{, rePun PBepun ilv :rl}eueg

' (/,cueruoJf,eu) sncog 11ads :alrsrnba.ra.r4'lBruJou uEr{l

ralse; pue raq8nol are Iortuoc rno/, repun pBepun

[;eraueD] {reuerdns pPapun'lerurou uer{l raq8rq sle^al

uanes rols 11ads e dn se{Bt 11ads tuepuersuerl V'eEBurBp

Jo sturod 0I +8pZ ueqt eroru IEer{ uer

lt\Stl8uqnay tuapuecsuert e pue a8eurep jo sturod

9p0I uer.{l aJor,u tJrl}ur uBf, xnftoulso,r/ruapuaf,sueJle 'salrsslul 3nlJ uBrlt eJo(u etBeJJ UEJ a1lsslw cPnut

luePuef,suBJl v 'la^el JalsBf, uo PesBq anlB^ tunur

-rXeru ou seq sr 11ads tuepueJsueJt V :lryeueg'slnurl

lBturou puortaq o3 uBf s11eds JnoI

[r$euru]aw] t tads ]uepue)suPrl'stea; snuoq ra{ult Jeq }o auo se [ruodea46

1ecr8o1ouqf,el tf,eles r{,eur re{urt V :lugeadg

iallul ,tuue urlqo8 egtlnn a8eurep rf,IUuI uena UBJ no/, 'tea; sltlt qrl/N

'lloJ If,BltB rno/,

ot sarldde Surter uorlounlleur eqJ 'leruJou uerllraq8rq l+ CC B tsute8e Irer{f, arrnaq 1ecr8o1ou-qf,el asn B saJrnbar uodeanr E sB aJrnep E Sursn

'(aldurexe ro; 'uodeam aulC Jo ennnurrurq ',tulJ'lleurs 'urnrpery B sB ef,rlep tunrpalAl B asn uer no[)Jelleurs ,tro8etvJ ezr.s l{,ue Jo sr ,tlpnfc€ tl fuo8alecezrs eures aqllo uodean E sB ef,rnep uanr8 rtue esn uBf,no1 'uodea/n B sB (aur8ua a8ers B uo adrd B ruory rueats

gtlrn slueuoddo rno,t Surrselq 'aldurexe ro}) ef,r^apre8rel B Jo acard e esn UEJ no/, 'JeAeAroH '(uodeam

EEWg BN[8trfl.,.3dGf8ffi, &H[&

RunemasterDescription: The traditions of the runemasters

date back to the ancient time of the titans, creatorsof runic magic. Dwarves quickly mastered the mys-teries of the runes taught to them. However, asgenerations passed, dwarves forgot their heritage

and lost all knowledge of runes and their hereditarypowers.

Tauren in Kalimdor rediscovered the power ofrunes. An ancient race as well, tauren rememberedthe myths of runecasting and revived interest inthis nearly lost art. The dwarves that came toKalimdor with Jaina's Alliance Expedition learned

tauren runecasting techniques. Tauren and dwarves

do not share good relations, but they were eager toshare knowledge of runes and titan myths.

The runemaster is a free spirit, more at home in

the wild than in the city. He merges brute strength

with arcane magic, covering his body with mystic

tattoos and often imbuing them with magical ener-gies to increase his skill in hand-to-hand combat.While a runemaster shuns armor, this is more toprevent hindrances to inscribing his runes than to

demonstrate his subtlety and finesse with unarmed

strikes. Quite to the contrary, a runemaster prefers

to get in the face of his enemies. Using little trickeryor subterfuge, the runemaster takes down foes with

toe-to-toe, all-out assaults, hammering them withtattooed fists and feet brimming with arcane power.

Runic magic is considered primitive yet complex

by most other races. The dwarves have taken to it

with deft skill, while the tauren study it more


{;flY72+J/5 € .-

-arcq *J

'rerJlporu ef,ue8rllatul s(retseruaunr eql

+ IeAel S(eunJ al{l + QI SI ff,a#e eunJ S(JelSBtueunJ e

lsure8e /!\on{l Surnes E roJ ssEIO,blncrillq aqJ 'le^al

s(eunJ aql + 0I lsBel tB ol lenba eJof,s aruaSrlleruluB aABq lsnur JalseruaunJ E 'eunJ B eqrJfsul oJ

'eJuBAPe ulSurqrrtue areda.rd ot peeu eq seop Jou 'ateerc

III^\ eqseunr qJIq^\ e(urt,o PEeqE aPrreP ot e^Eq lou seopaH 'la^al aunr teqt ro; l,ep rad seunr srq dn pasn ra[tou seq aq Sururnsse 'erurt ,(ue tB s/v\ou{ eq eunJ /,ueeteeJJ uBf, Jetserueunr V : (xfl) seunu elueJC

11 ads euerr* or rf, e rq.il p":1l'ffi T:t il.'i:lJ.,",]slq sesol JalseueunJ e 'peol ,tneaq Jo runrperu e

SurAuef Jo 'plalqs e Sursn 'Jor.uJB Suuea/v\ ueqrN'sPIarqs

Jo JoruJB 'suodeam [ue gtlrlr luarf,r]ord lou eJBsretsB(uaung :Aeuarrllord rorurv pue uodealyl

'pJezr^\ E ot luelenrnbaqtlea/y\ sBrl ratsBrueunr eqJ :qrlee4\ Eurpqg

sernlPel ssPl)


lul + t :la^a-[ FuolllpPv tlrufl lu s]ulod IIHS' b x 1 rayPou' rur

JjilffiJ#ffi;.,ttjn,eqt ur slll{S :t rardeqO ees '("qO) ecrnaq or8eyrlesn pue '(rrs) ut^S '(stn6,.)

IBAInTnS '(sl/)S,) lodg

'(lrl ) ryerollads'(stnN) a^Itolnl esues'(rtl) qoreag

'(str6.) uorsselord '(stn6) uetsrl'(rrl) (seunr) a8pa-l^\ou) '(r.rl) (arnreu) a8palmou) '(lrl) (euecre)a8pal.,nou) '(nS) dun[ '(st/il

) IBaH '(rrl) actnaq

elqBSrC '(rul) lducg raqdrcecl '(ltl) ryer3


uortertuaruo3 '(rrs) q*llO are (tttls qf,ea ro;&lltqe l,a>1 eqr pue) tllt{t ssEIf, s(ratsetueunr eql

sllPls ssPl].gP :alc rlH

'sllor a8eruep

pue {rEuB peureun slq sanordun qr8ua.rlg puB'Jouue

Jo IJEI s.retseruaunJ E Joj dn a4eur sdlaq &t-Jetxecl 'sOC 1v\oJt{t Sutnes pue ["p rad seunJ snuoqs(retserueunr B seulruretep acue8tlletul :sepIIqV




,,,,,; Klelseu eung

g+ asuas eunu


qd(16 pextJ'iliiiiti"':

9+ asuas aunu

rreu 6ur1se1 ...^ -


ltbts pa4J

t+ esuas eunu

qdr(gb 6ur1se1

Ktrng ralearg,i ''',.,, . ,

E+ asuas eunJ '(lelseu aunu

lreu PaPualxS ' ***tlt^ ^0 .

z+ esuas aunu

qd,(96 papuelxS

,0-rng pano-rdu1

[+ asues aunu

seunJ aseJS

seunJ aes

aytJls DeuJeun l. r I

'saro;q 1o ,ft.rn;1 'saunJ eleeJJ

ii, ,, lercedg

z+ 0+ z+ 0+o^Bs lllrt a^es Jou e^ss lroJ snuo8 IceilY oseg










































' ' 'sP"" "

E+/01+/91+v+ | b+ lvJ+c+ lB+ l2l+z+ I L+ lzl+z+ | L+ lzl+J+ 19+ lll+



l+ 19+

1+ 19+






,,,,t.i,,, Hi0Zr.116l




!.{1ilqlg I

r qulrllllr{101rll6rflB



PUZ *"*


la^o,l sselJ




TJHEROAMUASruNTGGAtrIE'ff---.ffi:: ;snfrlil


' ' - . . 1 " . . . .

**4ff,*s* '

Tab le Z4: Flurry of Blows ancl Runes per Di- Runes Per daY -

3rd 4th 5th 6thClass Level


fr** Zndr,,,,, 3rd

i',' 4th" 5th


Bth?th1Oth1 lthlzth13th

ti ,i'l4th





Flurry of Blows-2t -2-lt-1+0/+0+ll +1











+111 +111 +111 +61 +1

+121+121+121+7 l+2

+121+121+121+7 l+2

+131+l3l +131 +Bl +3

+141+141+141+? l+4

+15/+15 l+151+10/+5

lst 2nd0t -2 03 13 23 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 44 44 44 44 44 44 4

lth 8th ?th









A runemaster can only create a certain number of

runes of each rune level per d"y. His base daily rune

allotment is given on Table 7-I: The Runemaster.

In addition, he receives bonus runes per d"y if he

has a high Intelligence score, just as spellcasters

receive bonus spells per dty.

A runemaster's selection of runes is extremelylimited. He begins play with mastery of two runefamilies of your choice. Each rune family gives the

runemaster access to a rune at each rune level he

can create, from O-level on up, as well as a granted

power. The runemaster gets the granted powers of

both rune families selected.

Flurry of Blows (Ex): This ability functions likethat of the monk from the Plnyer's Handbook,

except the runemaster can only make unarmed

strikes. The runemaster does not use weapons of

any kind. See Table 7-7: Flurry of Blows and Runesper D"y for the runemaster's Flurry of Blows Attack


unarmed Strike (Ex): This ability functions

like that of the monk from the Pl"ayer's Handbook,

except the runemaster's damage from unarmed

strikes does not improve with his level. A Small

runemaster deals ld4 points of dam&ge , a Medium

runemaster deals 1d6 points of dam?ge , and a Large

runemaster deals 1d8 points of damage.

See Runes (Ex): At Znd level, a runemaster can

see all arcane runes of lower level than the highest

level he can inscribe without needing to make a

Search check. For example, a runemaster capable

of inscribing 3rd-level runes is able to see all runes

of Znd level and lower without making a Search

check. In addition, a runemaster who merely passes

within 5 feet of an arcane rune more powerful then

he can normally see is entitled to a Search check to

notice it as if he were actively looking for it.

Erase Runes (Ex): At 3rd level, a runemaster

can make a Disable Device check to erase an arcane

rune without activating it. See the Rune Magic

section of Chapter One for details.

'PesEJe euo PIo uB eABq ISJIJ lsnlu

eJnteaJf, er{t 'oouet cr8eur e aceldeJ oJ 'aJICI llH

g rad ooDet ct8eul euo ,{1uo eABq UBJ eJnlBeJO V

epBJ tou seop oo'Et aql',btuntt::::l:H]l:ue sa{onord reql uoItJB pJepuets B se ,tep rad eJuo

petenrtf,B aq uBf, oonet g 'luauetuJed apeul eq UBJs>lreru s(retseruaunr e '1anal qtS I rV : (xg) oollel

'sllBleP roJ

uortf,as or8e61 aung eql aas 'f,"p red ef,uo peteAItJBeq ,t1uo uer tl q8noql 'uotJenllf,B raUB ePB' louseop qd,t13 paxl; g 'tuauetured apeul aq uer sqd/,13

s(ralseruaunr e '1anal qltl rV :(xg) qdAIC PexI{'sllelep roJ uoltres cl8eyq eung eqr ees '[*P

rad e)uo pete^rlre eq ,t1uo uBf, tr q8noqt 'uogtenltJe

reUB epe;tou seop ilfts paxlJv 'luaueuuad apeul equef,

s1f1s s(relsBrueuru e '1ana1 wtl tv 3(xg) rrats pe4{

'Jem,od petuEJB sr1 pue ,tlgule; eunJ aUBJJE qtJnoj E

sure8 ralserueunJ eqt '1ana1 qrgz lV 'eteerJ ot le^alluarf,rllns Jo sl eq lBql seunJ auBf,JB sll IIE ol ssaJJB

pue ramod patuBJB s,,tlyule; aqt sute8 JatsetueunJ

eqJ',t11ule; eunJ auBf,JB PJIqr B sesootlf, JalsBtuaunJ

eqt '1ana1 qtgl lV :(xg) Aralsel I eung'tf,ej$e ou ol

saPBJ tsrr} eql 'paqtrcsul sI PuoJes BJI 'alull B lB IJBIUSurrsel Jo pepuelxa euo eABq /,1uo UBJ alnteeJf, V

'pesere ro palladsrp 'paten

-ltce lltun Sututetuer 'tlulll aull ou e^Br{ [".1I's{JBtu Surrsel sure8 JelserueunJ aql '1ana1 qr g I rV

.e(url slql

Jo Pua eql lB lraJ$e ou or saPBJ PUE le^al relsElueunr


rad etnunu I Jot tuef,selnb suletueJ tl 'qdL13

PePuatxe uB a{ll suollJunJ {rBuI PePuelxe uv 'uoll

-alduroc uodn r(laretpatutul atBAIlf,B lou peeu s{JBtu

s(relserueunr e '1anal qr6lV 3 ("9) IrUI I PaPuerxfl'lcaJ$a ou ol saPB'

tsrrj aqt 'paqtrcsul sI puores B JI 'atult B lB qd,t13

Surtsel Jo pepuelxe auo e^Bq,t1uo uEf, tcalqo uV'pesera ro pelladstp 'paten

-ltf,E lltun EututetueJ 'tluIII etult ou eABq [",{I'sqd,t18 Surrsel sute8ratsetuaunr eql'1ana1 ql4 lV'lreglpotu

CV ezls lBturou s(eJBIns eql Jo PEalsuI'ezrs aulC ro' CV stl ot g+ seq qclq^\ 'eunr aqr Joazrs eqt esn) aunr aqt tsute8e {f,Ene qJnot e Eurleul[q lt eIBAI]JE ot ,{,rt uec qd{,13 eqt }o ere/tre sl ot{rt\

,{,uraua uV 'uollf,E enotu B sB qdrt18 eqt atBAIlf,B UBJ

auo,(uv 'pesera ro palladsrp 'palelllf,B uaeq,tpearle

lou sBrl ll JI alull slql Jo Pue aql lB lra#a ou ol saPE,

qd[13 eqJ 'lanel retsetueunr rad etnultu I ro; tuar-sarnb sureruer qdl13 eqt 'peatsul 'uoltelduloc uodn

,tlarerparutul etBAItf,B tou paeu sqdl18 s(JatsetueunJ

e '1ana1 qr9 rV : (xg) qdAtg PePuerxg.le^al qr6I

w 9+ ol PUB '1ana1 qrgl lB 5+ ol 6le^el qrtl w fi+

ot '1anel qlgl tE e + ot '1ane1 qU seqreer relseluaunr

eql ueq/!\ l+ ol OSIJ sesnuoq eseqJ 'luetll ssBJe

o1 epBlu $lraqr af,I^acl elqEslcl PUE seunr uePPIq

alBrol ol slf,aqr qrrBas uo snuoq | + e sB IIe^{se 'slcaga aunJ lsute8e saABS uo snuoq I + B seAIaJeJ

eH 'stceJJe aunJ tsute8e ulg slaets PUB saunJ tuory

ra8uep ot tulq suele tetlt esues eAIlIntuI uB sute8

retseuraunr E '1ana1 qrt tV : (xg) esuas eung


BombarclierDescription: The bombardier is the highest prac-

titioner of the art of things that go boom. Meticulousplanners with a ftenzied need to blow things up,most bombardiers are a haphazard mixture of for-ward-thinker and absent-minded tinker.

Hit Die: d6.

RequirementsAffiliation: Any.Special: To become a bombardier, the character

must destroy a single structure or group of creatures(3 or more) with an explosion of some sort.

Skills: Craft (alchemy) 5, Craft (technological

device* ) 5, Knowledge (architecture and engineer-ing) 5.

Feats: Build Small Devices*, Scavenge Materi-alsx.

Class SkillsThe bombardier's class skills (and the k.y ability

for each) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),

Craft (lnt), Disable Device (lnt), lntimidate(Cha), Knowledge (architecture and engineer-irg) (lnt), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis),

Use Magical Device (Cha), [Jse TechnologicalDevice* (lnt). See Chapter 4: Skil ls in thePlay er' s Handbookand Chapter Two :Heroes in the Warcraft RPGfor skill descriptions.

Skill Points at EachL e v e l : 4 + l n t m o d i -fier.

Class FeaturesWeapon and Armor Proficiency: A bombardier

is proficient with all simple weapons, and may takethe \Teapon Focus feat and use ranged weapon featswith explosive weapons.

Goblin Sapping (Ex): Beginning at lst level, thebombardier learns the fine art of sapping a structurewith explosives. He can reduce the hardness ofwooden structures by the value of his Intelligencebonus for purposes of blowing them up.

Bomb-Bouncing (Ex): At lst level, the bombar-dier masters the art of making a bomb travel further.See the tinker base class for an explanation of thisspecial ability (Warcraft RPG, Chapter Two: He-

roes, "New Base Classes"). The ability to bouncebombs stacks with the tinker special ability, andtriples the range increment of explosives the bom-bardier throws.

Excellent Timing (Ex): Bombardiers are expertsat assessing critical timing, especially when settingup explosive devices. At Znd level, when prepping

a bomb for explosion, the bombardier ignores theDC penalty for setting a delay.

Trick Toss (Ex): Grenade throwing and bombchucking are the bombardier's favoritesports. While the more clumsy bombardiersdiscover quickly that throwing well is cru-

cial, talented grenade throwers usually finda way to put a spin on a toss for interesting


At 3rd level, the bombardier can lobbombs ignoring low cover and targetingbeyond it without any penalty.

The bombardier perfects a spiral-ing seeker toss at 6th level. Using

the bomb's own spin as a way

L to direct the explosive de-vice, the bombardier can

ignore any type of*l

cover except for totalcover.

Boom! (E*):At

4 th leve l , thebombardier candouble the eX-plosive force ofbombs or gre-

nades withoutincreasing theN

Jo oE Aaqt eroJeq/,1aso1c ,{,ran senrsoldxa eqt qJtEAr or seq er.{ eJurs',trr1rqe srqt to saf,uetsrunJJrJ eqt ot /,1dde t(uopuorsBne pue uorsena panordurl 'a8eurep (sturodrlq slq Aq ptgporuun) leurrou se{Br eq asr^uaqto:paqleJsun sadecsa Jarprequroq eqt '1n;ssecfns

JI'1sB1q eqr lsute8e eAEs xegeg gZ J1euo e{Bru '(eutaq tnq 'rarprequroq aqr sllll ,{11eord,b uorsoldxeslql '(uorroe punor-llnJ e) uorteuorep asrcard Basrnradns ot sanrsoldxa aqt or q8noua esolJ ureruaJ

tsntu eH 'seop uorsoldxa uB a8eurep Jo tunorueer{t ot letol tutod tlq ruerrnr slq elqnop ppe uBf, ralp-reqruoq eql '1ena1 qrgl tV :(xfl) onz punorC


-ep lecrSolouqJet ra8rel pue a8rel Jo seJntrnJts

peJeeur8ua ot sarldde /,1uo snuoq a8eurep eqJ'selrs-o1dxa eqt Surune ro Suruortrsod uortJe punoJ-lln;e puads lsnu rarprequroq aqJ 'uorsoldxa pauueldpue pareld B roj a8eurep snuoq sB (Suuaaur8ua pueerntf,etn{rre) a8pal^,ou) ur s{uer slg,tldde uBf, relp-reqruoq eqr '1ena1 qt6 tV :("4) .raddeg retsel l


oJez PunoJc.raddes relsef{

6u1u11 luelprxa pe^ord*l

(-relaas) ssol lrlrl

lurooq 619

burddes ue^re^ 6

iruoo8(qol) ssol plrl

6upu;1 luellerxgOurcunoq-quoq'6uddes ul;q€


'ef,uenbas enrterlrur aql ur Jeqrunuenuertlul ll;lcads B ol u/u,op 'Alleuad rnoqtl/v\ saf,rA-ep anrsoldxa perlj ro u^rorr.{t reqro puB sapeuar8aturt [lasrcard ueo rerprBquroq aq] '1ana1 qrg 8ul-rlreer uodn : (xg) 8upu1a tuallerxfl pe^ordu1

'(suourun1ButWV puDsapo fi ( 1L,' saor AeC IB Jr 3o1 ouqreJ 8ur le aJO,,' aarqlrardeqO 'CdU rlerrre/K aas) errnap anrsoldxe eqlaper8dn ot arurt puads lsnur rerprequroq eqJ 'elqls

-sod a8euep 'o lunoue urnrurxeru eqt saop s,{em1e

rl rBql os ql'uoq B jo uollf,nJlsuof, eql ezllulxBlu UBJrerprequroq eqt '1ana1 qt9 rV : (xE) iruoog 8tg

'dn uraqr Surrnolq Jo sasodrndroJ snuoq ef,ue8rllatul slqlo enle^ ar{r ,{q sarntf,nrts

IBleu PUB auolslo sseuprBq eqr sef,nPer rerPrBquroqeqt '1ana1 qlg lV 'lBlalu Jo euols des ot suJeelJerpJeqrroq eqt 'sureat Jeuoru pue stsruortllourepuanre^\p uro$ sdrt Sursn : (xg) Surddus ue^rEA\C[' ( suou r un lSutWV WD sapn fi 4 p,,' s err A eC IErI 3o1 ou-qral SurrearO,, 'aarq1 ratdeqC 'Cdf, ryerrruA\aas) ef,rn ep anrsoldxa eqt aper8dn rerprequroqeqt reqt salnbar slql 'erlnep eql;o tq8te^t ro ezIS

' '' '' :*jsa '






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ulc lrJ

wvDJC ,c

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P^o'l ssslJ o^es ilft\ e^es leu

nx*6;* -,':;,

(qurg) relprequog eql I yZ,eHPI


EngineerWith the rise oftechnology in the world ofWarc raft,

tinkers are becoming common among almost allfactions and races. A rarer breed, however, are thegeniuses among the tinkers who focus their intelli-gence on a part icular type oftechnology and can lead impos-

sibly ambitious proj ects that tumfantasy into reality. The earliestof these prodigies developed thephlogiston-powered boilers that al-lowed the goblins to replace theirscout balloons with enor-mous zeppelins, and theHorde to take its iron-clad juggemauts to sea.Theynamedthemselvesafter their work, and thosewho have followed in theirfootsteps honor them by tak-

ing that title for their own.

They are the engineers.

Hit Die: d6.

RequirementsAffiliation: A.y.Feats: Leadership.Skills : Craft ( technological device * ) 1 0 ranks.

Special: A character aspiring to be an engineermust complete construction of a device with aTechnology Score of at least 10 without assistance.

Class SkillsThe engineer's class skills (and the k.y ability for

eachskill) are Appraise (lnt), Concentration (Con),

Craft (lnt), Decipher Script (lnt), Diplomacy(Cha), Disable Device (lnt), Gather Information(Cha), Knowledge (any but arcana or religion)(lnt), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Use

Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex), and UseTechnological Devicex (lnt).

Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Class FeaturesAll of the following are class features of the

engineer prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Engineers areproficient with all simple weapons and all types ofarmor and shields.

M a s t e rT i n k e r ' s

Touch (E*): Forthe purpose of de-

te rm ln rng thetechnological limit of any de-

vices he may build, a hero's levelsin the engineer prestige classare counted as if they were tinker

levels. In addition, he may dividehis ranks in Craft (technological de-

vice* ) bV 5, rounding any fractions

up, and consider the result tinker' f levels for the same purpose.


t Specialization: At lst level,I ^ 6 n n - i ^ ^ ^ * ^ L . ^ ^ - ^ o n n r a , . l i . . r r l . ' , tan engineer chooses a particular

type of technological device in

which to specialize (e.g., steam armor, zeppelins,

siege weapons, traps). All Craft (technological de-

vicex) checks an engineer makes when working in

his area of specialization receive a + 1 competencebonus. This bonus increases by + I at every other

level thereafter (+7 at 3rd level, +3 at 5th level, and

so forth). At 5th level, an engineer selects a second

field of specialization to which all specialization

bonuses apply; and at 8th level he selects a third.However, as an engineer focuses his tinkering ge-

nius, his more general mechanical abilities suffer.

A^y Craft (technological device) checks made by an

engineer outside his areas of specialization suffer a -

3 penalty.

Lead Collaboration (Ex): Engineers understand

the process of mechanical creation so well that they

'(oraz Jo unururlu B

ol) I- Lq pere/y\ol are^\ Surreg uortrun;Iel{ str Jr sesenBqeq raq8l! ro le^el qt9 Jo reeur8ua ue /,q petB-Jedo Suraq eJr^ep 1ecr8o1ouqf,et V

'aLa Inlr{JtBA\

slq repun uonrunllelu ot [1a{lf ssel ere saf,r^ep snl

tet{t ,ffiolouqcef gllrlt frodder qJns set{ raaut8ue uE'1ana1 ql9 Surnarqf,B reUV:(xE) .reqre8ol ploH

'sJrlerueqJs un\o Jreqt Jo esn a{Bru tou /,eursraaur8ug 'aJrnap

leur8uo eqt;o Ldoc e SuncnJtsuofur pe^lo^ur $lraqr (ecrnap pcrSolouqoar) UBrOIIB uo Z ̂qpepl^lp le^el sselr s(reeur8ua aqr or lenbesnuoq B stuer8 sorleureqf,s asequo esn 'sre{utl Jaqtool SuolB pessed aq /,eu rBqt sf,rterueqfs Jo uorleerJeql s/v\ollE Isar{J slqt uo ssef,f,ns 'erofs r{SolouqreJs(efr^eP eqr + QI ot lenba oc B qtr/!\ {raql (*acrn-ep lelSolouqoar) ryer3 B aler.u '{eur raaur8ue aqluorraldruof, s(ef,rnap aql JaUB aurl /,ue le 'ecrnep B

Jo uortearJ eqt ur pe^lonur Llleuosrad ueeq seq Jeeu-r8ue uB JI

'/,psea aJoru peteeJfeJ eq ot tllnq an,/,aqlserrnep ̂rolle teqt sueld ̂rerp ol A\or{ trreel sraeur8ua'1ana1 qlt Surtlcear uodn : (xfl) rpeuaqrs rlerq

'tBeJ snuoq ,(ue JoJ salrsrnbarard

IIB teetu IIIts tsntu raaut8ue uV '(CdU tlerrrul6

0r) uorleroqelpr peel'uorlezr

;er ceds pJIrll

i!:ii.:i;.:, (S*) uollezllerced5

leej snuo8

(g*) uorleroqelpr peat'(?*) uorlezrlerced5

-raq1e6ol ploH

uorlezrlercads puo3es'(E*) uorlezrlercad5

illeueqss ljerP 'leej snuo8

Q*) uorlezrleroed5

Gr) uorleroqelpr pee'l

uorlezrlermds lsrfJ'(l*) uorlezrlercads

5qf,nol ssJe)utl JelseJ l

;ercedg o^BS

aqr Jo o/nl rerdeqo ees) srea; snuoq re{url Jo rsrleqr luou PalJalas eq lsntu lBqr lBaJ snuoq B enleJersreaur8ua 's1ana1 qlg pue qrt tV :lee{ snuog

'0I x anlB^ teIJBru jo PJePuBts lBruroueqt ot strener uorralduror pue rralord aq] Surpeelaq ot paraplsuor ra8uol ou sr aq ro 'tJaford aqt uossarSord ,{1>1aelr a{eru pue astnradns tsn(u reeut8uaeqJ 'L x enlB^ la>lreru tB pataldluor sr raaur8ug

Ie^el-qtgl B ̂q pal tralord B pue 'B x anlB^ telretus(ruetr eql uerlt ratear8 sr sserSord ueq^r pataldruof,are speel eq slreford 'raq8rq ro le^el qr9 sI reeu-r8ue eqt aJuO '6 x anlBn ta{Jetu s(rualr aqt ueqlralear8 sr ssarSord ueqn\ pataldruof sr tl 'aornap

eqt jo uortfnJtsuoJ eqt uI saledtclrred pue sesln-redns eq sB 3uo1 sB 'uorrlppe ul 'speel eq tJalorduortf,nrlsuoJ errneP ,tue Jo llurll leorSolougralaqt Surururrarep ueq/!\ papnlrul aq iteur (suodearNa8erg pllng sB r{rns) raaur8ua eqr [q passassodsle e,,tue ruory sJ erJI poul el gB ct 1 ddy',{,f, u er JrIIa yt I rltstreford dnor8 peel ot ,brpqe eqt sute8 raaut8uauE '1ana1 puz Surqceer reUV ',t11enpl^lpul plnor/,aqt ueqt raqraSot serl^ep xalduof, arotu ro ra8rel

ateaJf, ot JapJo ul sre{urt }o suo#e eqt aaue8Jo uer

;r:i:.r:: :: .: . . ii:f:ii

-, .

g+ ql0[

V+ t{16

V+ . t{lB












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9+ Z+g+ z+

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z+ z+ 0+ 0+ lsJ

lllr\ a^Es lau a^Bs uoJ snuog lcenv ase8 la^o"l ssBlJ -

AWS BNil ;1*..rod*f'ffi[ &Hf&


GravenOneDescription: The graven one seeks power from

the deep well of death instead of from supplicatingdark powers or acting as a sycophant for demonicentities. Unwholesome rites, sigils, and the shed-

ding of one's mortal shell are all;'"- a small part of what graven ones

seek. Eventually, they becomemasters over undeath.

Hit Die: d4.


RequirementsAlignment: A.y non-good.

Affiliation : Independent.

Skills: Knowledg. (arcana) B ranks, Knowledg. (reli-

gion) 8 ranks.

Feats: Spell Focus (necrommcy).

Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.

Special: The graven one must show that she hasan affinity for death by spending at least one nightburied in a graveyard during a new moon.

Class SkillsThe graven one's class skills (and the k.y ability

for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Wis),

Decipher Script (lnt), Knowledge (lnt), Profession(Wis), and Spellcrafr (lnt). See Chapt er 4: Skil ls inthe Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Levelz 7 + Int modifier.

Class FeaturesWeapon and Armor Proficiency : The

graven one is profic ient wi th all s imp le weaponsand gains weapon proficiency with the scythe.

\ Spells: At each level, the graven one gains\ Spells: At each level, the graven one gatns

,\ new spells per d"y as if she had also gained'i' a level in whatever arcane spell casting

I b class she belonged to before she added theI

f prestige class. She does not gain any of the

I other benefits of her former class. She

I simply adds her graven one level to the

J level of whatever other arcane spellcaster

il class.she hT, and

lh.l determine.s spells

per d"y and caster level accordingly.

Bone Scythe (S"): Created when thegraven one achieves lst level, this

weapon is an extension of the, graven one's connection with

weapon and gains thekeen property. At 6thlevel, it becomes a +3

weapon and gains theghost touch property.

Arrlrqe peapun lercads E ralsuert uBf, euo uaner8

eql'1ana1 qtt Sututelle uodn:(dS) KrruqV azrag'&lllqe slqr Sutsn ueq/!\ peePun

qtoq Sutqonot aq tsntu aqs 'Artltqe eqt ralsuerlot slurod rlq s(aJnteeJJ Suueut8tro eqt setult 0Ior 1 e nb :iI# ;#:: ilil::,:::::il:':,i;u*,, eqt serunsuor ssaf,ord slqJ 'paAorrsap

lltun ,brltqe

eql suIEleJ uollEeJl eqJ 'aJnlBaJl PEePun JaqlouB

ot Arrpqe peepun (nS) lernleu;adns Aue ralsuerl

uBf aqs 'JeqlouB ol suollBeJf Jeq jo euo luou

futltqe peapun lercads B JelsueJt Leru euo uaner8

Ia^el-qrg aqr 'A"p rad eruo :(dsl KtruqV anqurl'efuBtsrseJ runl h+ suteS uolulru Peue{e/v\B JaH 'alcl rlHrad slurod tq Z+ ptre acuelslser ulnt fi+ weB euo uaner8

aW ̂q peuoturuns (srorrre^\ ro sa8eru lqale{s) peapun

IeteleIs Aue '1ana1 prt tV :(nS) seuog Perelslog'a8eul Jo JoIJJBA\ E jo sulerueJ

IEteleIS ualots eqt sartnbar pue'uolultu eqtJo la^elrad erurl s(r,{luolu I sa{Bl uolul(u /v\au e SutleeJ3'ramod

Jo le^el re^\ol ro erues eqt jo reqtouB pllnquef euo uaner8 eqt 'paAorlsep sI uolulru aqtJI 'erull

Aue te uorurru euo aneq uef euo uener8 eqJ

, .ssCp 6urlser;;edseuef,re Jo P^al l+sselr 6urlseq;ads

:i:r:: eug)Jg JO le^el J+

ssel3 burlseopds

,, , , , Q.1f99Je JO PAel J+sself, 6urlsec;;ads

euef,re Jo la^el [+' sse;c Burlser;pds

,],,,,n" euelJe jo PAel J+'::'::

ssell 6urlsec;;eds

,tu euef,Je Jo le^el l+sself, 'Burlsergpds

auef,-ls Jo P^el J+sselr 6urlser;;ads

auef,re Jo le^al l+ssel) burlser;pdseuef,re Jo le^al l+

ssell 6urlser;;adsi+: aue)Je Jo la^al l+


,i::i!,,. :

. i.'':ii::




laels Pueseuoq Jo rorurv

(;ene; qtB)uoruru ueIeMV

ftlyqe azlas

(;ane; ql9)uorurlu ueIeAAV

Kllyqe enqwl

(;enal ql?)uorurru ueIelAV

seuoq ParalsloS(;ene; puz)

uorurlu ualeAlv

aqy(cs auog


'(rarq8lj ro pJBZI^t) ssele leur8uo s(uolulul

aqt ur aq lsnru paure8 sla^el eqJ 'slanel retre-Jer.{f, e^rtJe;}e eJotu 7 sure8 uolultu aql '1ana1 ql8

puB tllg 'qtb ry 'Arrllqe uI seruB^PB auo uaner8 eql

sB Inlemod eJo(u seulof,aq pue Jatsetu stl Jo raznodaqt ur sereqs uolteerr peapun slqJ '(a8ep1

IBreleISro rorrrer6 lelela{g

'e8rnors eqJ :E rardeqO 's.le1s

-uol I Io IenuBIAI aes) arelduler a8eu lelela{s ro

JOTJJB/K lBlala{s eql wlrrn PJEZI/II Jo JeJeJJos 'rarqSr;

Ie^el-puz v Jo tuale^tnba aqt sI uolulru aqJ'sPuBruruoJ

IBqJeA s(euouaner8 eqt s/\{olloJ reqr a8eut letele{s ro rolrre^s,

IeraleIs 1eAo1 B sl uoltBerr eI{I 'rarq8rJ ro rererros'prezrm palrnq B Jo aner8 lenlce aqt ruory sauoq

aqt leets tsnu eqs 'a8eru ro rolrre^t PBaP E jo sauoq

eqr (Uou uorultu e ua{B/v\e ol ,trrlqe eql suteS euo

uaner8 eqt '1ana1 puzrv :(.S) uotut4 ua{ea\V'uodea^\ eql

plel^\ uer (nnolaq aas) uolultu PaueIE^tE req ro auo

uener8 eqt AItO 'uoltre prepuets B sB pueq req otul

aqrAcs euoq aqt uotutuns ueJ euo uaner8 eqJ

eqr sure' pue uodeam b+ eseruof,elilli.TitfitrT




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V+ t{16..r+r

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z+ z+

E+ 9+z+z+
















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l+ . Puz E+





0+0+lsla^es illr\ o^es lou a^ss lroJ snuo8 lceilv aseg lo^41 ssPlJ

(uAD) auq HoAPTD eHL,i ry,elq€I, ].*..'i':.'i::r;',�����������������������������������������������iw6ffi:;

[email protected]&

from one of her creations (summoned or createdundead) to herself by touch. She can do this onceper d"y for every point of her Intelligence bonus.This process consumes the creature that possessedthe original power and requires a full-round action.The stolen abilities remain with the graven one for24 hours.

Armor of Bones and Shadow (Su): At 9th level,the graven one can summon a full set of +4 fullplntemade from interlocking bone and shadow with afull-round action. This suit provides her with allthe benefits of a suit of full plate without any of thedisadvantages. While wearing the armor she maycast spells without penalty.

The armor can be shattered with a commandword, and the shards travel to interlock with up to10 of her minions within 100 feet. This interlock-ing plate grants the affected creatures a +4 armorbonus and a +4 bonus on saving throws. The suitreassembles with the utterance of the same corrr-mand word.

Undying (Ex): At 10th level, the graven onebecomes one of the undead. She no longer ages orneeds to sleep (though she must spend time meditat-

ing to regain spells). For full details of undead ffaits,see Chapter 7: Glossary in the MM.

Graven OneSpell List

The graven one concentrates on the creation,control and conjuration of undead creatures. I.Jn-like a necromancer, who preys upon the living forlife energy, the graven one seeks to create undeadin a perfect state to serve her as faithful and undyingservants.

The graven one gains the following spells inaddition to her regular arcane spell list.f st Lcvel - call of the spiritsf , command undead, summon

undead If.

Znd Level - cannibalize*, dark sacrificef, lesser deathcoil*, summon undead llf.

3rd l-e\d - 2njp2te dead, death coil*, summon undead lllf.

4th Level - death pact*, greater death coil*, summonundead lvf.

5th Lcvel - create undead, summon undead Vf.

6th Level - control undead, summon undead VIf.

7dt l-evel - create greater undead, summon undead Wlf.

Bth Level - summon undead Vlllf.

?th Lcvel - summon undead lxf.

/rroperls slg ot lenbe saIIIB,o reqtunu E anqul UBJeq Lep rad af,uo 'paads lear8 gtlrlt elotu ot suJeel

ratunq /nopBrls aqt 'tulq q8norql 'uortotu ul/ns

Jo ratseru B sr eq8al Bo-I aqJ ,(dS) ,pWS apwg

:la^el qr0l PUB qr6 'qtl'rltg 'prt'lsl lB Bo'I eqr ruog selrlllqe Sut,rrollo; aql

Jo euo uJBel ol asoot{3 uBr relunq ^roPEqs eqJ'suorlf,B

PJBPUB]S eJB serllllqB

Bo'I IIB peycads esr^l,raqto ssalun'peau ul asoqt IBeqro sseu{rep teqruof, ot selrlllqe petuer8 s,eo1 eqt sasn

retunq /noperls eqJ 'spo8 sE llpenod sB ellnb toulart 'qetuaruala ueqt JeItqBIul aJB stlrds asaqJ 'Bo-I

aqt peller s8uraq gtlrlt Sutununuor gtlnn sleep relunq/KoPBqs equo qrlBJ ooPoo^ eqJ :Eo'[ eqr;o l1.l1dg


Ia^al retser pue ["p rad s11ads seunura]ap ueqt pue'seq eq ssEIf, retsecllads euIAIp raqto releleq^{ JoIe^el aql ol la^al relunq ^roPBtls slq SPPB,tldruts all'ssBlf, JauroJ slrlJo slrleueq raqlo aquo,tue uteS lousaop aH 'sself, a8ttsard ralunq /noper{s eqt pappeaq eroJaq ot pa8uolaq,tpeturo; eq sselc Suttseclledseul^lp re^etEq/lr ur le^el e paureS oslB P€qeyll se ,{ep rad s11ads ^\eu sute8 osle aq'1anel relunq/lropBqs /v\eu B suruS ralJBreqf, B ueqrN :q1adg

tqBII gllrn sB IIa^r se suodee/v\alduns IIB glln tualcr;ordeJB sralunq AroPBqS :,{eueIJIJ-ord rorurv PUB uodualyl

seJnlPeJ ssPl]

'rerllPo(u lul + |:le^e-[ grefl le sturod IIHS

'suortdlrf,sep IIHS

rollooqr,uvH s,nQv14 eqt q slllIstb rardeq3 aes '(trs) utt,tts '(st716'')

le^r^rns'(rrl) (uot8ller) a8paptou)'(rrl) (ernreu) a8palmou) '(rrs) dun[

'(e.{O; aleplunul'(st/N) IeaH'(rrl) ryer3'(roC)uouertuaf,uo3 '(nS) q*tlO erB (qcea ro; ,ttlllqe[t] eqt pue) s111qs ssBlr s(retunq ̂\opeqs aql

sllpls ssPl]'s11ads eurnrp lalel-lsI tser ol ,b11gqe eql :q1adg'sTuar gle^larns '�$luer g (uo1fllar) tBp"l^oLD{ ssilpls

'fi+ :snuog Truffv esBg'eProH suoltBIIIIlv


.gP :aIC tlH'sretunq ̂\operls pelll{s atuof,eq e^Bq se^le rq8tu

atuos uena pue ueJnel 'scrg 'UBJf, eqt ;o ,tqtJolr

pauaap sreqto ot oopoon rq8nel seq llort pazIII^Ir

Jo peerq slqr 'apropl eqt Sututol aourg 'sllorl a13un[

eql grlnt pateulStro rlerf, s(ratunq ̂AoPEtls aql'rt{8ll pue sseulrep uae^ueq aull snoll

-oEJ B peaJt sJelunq A\opeqs 'selu {JBP PUB slBntIJ

Jo sJeuonnf,Erd anerg 'tult{A\ E tE IEaq pue asJnJ

ot ,brpqe aql ruaqt ent8 sttrtds ooPoon 1n;ramodol suonJauuoo JIaqI'plJo^\ tyrrds eqtJo slf,edse lsa-IrBP eql gllrn IBaP srelunq /ltoPBtls 3uo1rd1.lesaq




4SSffi&.. +:.',:. -,,.:- + , , i , , . " , r . s

r : ' :

Table ̂ 6: The Shadow Hunter (Swh)iF Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special

+0 +0




















***Znd +1

iii 3rd +2

4th +3

5th +3

6th +4' . . . * ! ' , '

* * r : r ' '

7th +5

, Bth +6.q : : i : ; i . . - . . . i

?th +6

l0th +7

.. .....,,r]$

hunter level with a +4 bonus on initiative checksand an additional 10 feet to their speed. These alliesmust be within 30 feet of him when he uses thisability. The effects of this ability last for a numberof rounds equal to his shadow hunter level. Thisability cannot affect the shadow hunter.

HealingWaue (Sp): Lukou is the Loa of healingand respite, and she grants the ability to heal allies.With a word, the shadow hunter invokes healingwith a wave of soothing light.

The shadow hunter can target any ally within 30feet with the healing wave. It heals the target andthen bounces to the next ally within 10 feet. Thewave travels from ally to ally (on a path designatedby the shadow hunter) "r long as each one is within10 feet of one other. If the healing wave is unableto reach other allies, it travels back to heal theprevious target, following its path back to theshadow hunter. The wave's healing effects areinstantaneous.

The ability initially cures 1d8 points of damage +

1 point per shadow hunter level; the die rypediminishes as the wave travels between all ies (1d8,

then 1d6, then 1d4), stopping at Id4 points of

Spirit of the loa

Spirit of the loa

Spirit of the loa(Hex)

Spirit of the loa

Spirit of the loa

Spirit of the loa

+1 level of divinespellcasting class+1 level of divinespellcasting class

+1 level of divinespellcasting class

+l level oF divinespellcasting class+1 level of divinespellcasting class

+l level of divinespellcasting class+1 level of divinespellcasting class+1 level of divinespeflcasting class

+1 level of divrnespellcasting class

+1 level of divinespellcasting class

damage + 1 point per shadow hunter level. The dietype increases to 1d10 when he reaches 5th level,

then to 1 dI} at 10th level.

The shadow hunter may sacrifice a 1st, Znd or 3rdlevel healing spell to use this ability a number oftimes per d"y equal to his Wisdom bonus. Thisability may not be used to harm undead; the spiritswill only aid the shadow hunter's allies.

Hex (Sp): Ogoun, the Loa of war, teaches theshadow hunter to place dire curses upon his €o-emies. This Loa ability is so potent that the shadowhunter may learn it only after he gains 5th level.

Once per d"y, the shadow hunter may change asingle targeted individual into a frog. This abilityfunctions exactly like the spell baleful polymorph

except as noted here. A Fortitude saving throw(DC 10 + the shadow hunter's level + the shadowhunter's Wisdom bonus) negates the hex. Theeffect lasts for 1 round for every two shadow hunterlevels. The affected target takes on the form of afrog (use the toad statistics from Chapter 2: Ani-mals in the MM), but retains its hit points, Hit Diceand saving throws. When changed to or from thefrog shape, the target does not provoke an attack of

lst +2










'ecuea6ua^ lo wrols 'loopoorr peq 6tq - p^e.l ql6

'Kyuesul 1o pqw,G'Upep p pqwKs - p^e.l qu

'6u1uunqs Jo pqwKs

'Kyuesur '6wt$cs n7eet6 'nqyeen p4uo? - ;errrl {l/'Lfieep 01 qpePun'na1

p pqwKs'Jeldduc ssew oJuoosuow 6uylq4 - p^e1qD

deels p pqwrG'u1edp pqwrk 'ecpsnf1o

\rew ouodeen 6u4dnttp - ;earl {$

'6wKtcs'6wKtcs pepp'4edsep fiwqsntc 'uotsnluoc 'eKe eueJJe P e.l ql?

'Js714ds oop-oot'ltlcllls'peep Wyu >1eeds'*ptetn Tuadtas'*pten 6u1pet1'raqunls daap 'acueKortrlep/erualpnerlep - ple1 pJ€

'puewwoc'tee1 esner'Js714ds "w r:i,:t":W':::t'*detq slsels 'dee1s '*plew

Mopeqs 'lptetu K4ues '*reor 'peepun lJelop - p e.l 1sJ'Bol eqr Jo stJadse llnf,f,o erotu aqt olul a^lap tetlls11ads Jo xnu anbrun e Sururu8 'satlle sple pue sellue-rre sJapurq reql ct8eur uJeel sJetunq /lropetls

lsl-l I leds JalunH /\AopPqs

'snuoq uopsr/)N s(reJunq A\oPBrls aql or lenba /,eprad serunlo requlnu B pesn aq uer /,t111qe aqJ '/r\orql

Surnes ou sI eJeqt l>1ceue r{Jnol pa8uer E sartnb-er If,BuB sltlJ 'lenal ratunq ^ropet{s red a8eulep

;o rurod I + a8eurep ,trrclrtrala Jo stulod tpl saop

teqr lloq SururqBII B s/v\ort{l retunq /\{oPeqs aqt 'Lrn;

s(eol aqt Surlauueqf, Lg 'urag,{,eur pue Suturq8tl

Jo slerf,es eqt spren8 eq pue 'o8ueqg ,tq pallorr-uoc sr srurols Jo tuleer aql :(nS) rcadsurrots

'snuoq uropsrrg slq ot pnba ["p rad seull ]orequnu B pesn aq/,eul Lt111qe qt1l'ernleerf, peepun uE

tsure8e IIor a8eulep pue {f,Blte a18urs e ot le^el sselr slq

ppB uBJ Jetunq /lroPEqs eqJ 'ser{,e sF{ ul uollBullroqB

uB erB peepun eqJ'pBap equo daals lrytser eqt pue sel-relaruarJo Bo-I eql $ IPaUBS :(nS) PeePun afFus

'rttluntroddo Jo {f,Eue uB a{o^oJd lou seop

pue uortre prepuets B sI ({t"q ro luafues ot) ulro;

Sur8ueqC '{JBq a8ueqc ot sesoor{r relunq /tropetls

aqt llrun ro '1anal ratunq /nopeqs ,trana Jo, rnoq I roJ

slsel tf,a#e eql'ereq patou se ldacxa'11adsy4.tout{Io4eqr aTI suonf,un; ,tt111qB slqJ 'e{Bus ro luafuas e

otur adegs srq Sur8ueqo Lq,tllalnb pue ,t1ry1rlts enotu

ot ratunq ^ropet{s aql seqreat BIBqUIBC '[raqcear]

puB sluafuas Jo Eo-I eqJ :(nS) u.to{ eultued""S',brpqe slqr

ol eunulull aJB seJnlBaJJ Pauouuns 'rblunlroddo

aE{Nil9 gN[E"WffirE@tM Arffi&

SpiritwalkerDescription: Spiritwalkers have a powerful corr-

nection with tauren ancestral heritage. Capable ofchanneling ancient heroes, these champions of thespirit are valued in tauren society for the wisdom andhistory they carry within them. Tauren also fear thespirirwalker as a potent sign of the coming age; whilemany of this powerFul race look upon the spiritwalkerwith some apprehension, the spiritwalkers still r€-ceive respect from their brethren.

Tauren ancestors dwell deep within the EmeraldDream (see Warcraft RPG, Chapter Five: The

World of \Tarcraft). The energies of that planechange the spiritwalker's pelt to pure white overtime (though some are born with white pelts,destined to walk the path of spirit).

Hit Die: d8.

RequirementsRace: Tauren only.

Affiliation: Aty.

Feats: Follower of the Totemx.

Spellcasting: Able to cast Znd-level divine spells.


'snuoq UOPSI/)N

slq ot lenba spunor Jo raqrunu B roJ tsBI stre#a

eql 's/r\orql Surnes uo pue sllor a8eulep pue IrBttBuo le^al ssEIf, slq ot lenba snuoq elerotu e ute8

uBJ aq 'Aep red af,uo 'af,ueprn8 lertretu ro; lutds

slqt uodn IIBI uer eq '1ana1 puz Surqcear uod11'aldoad uarnet eqt Jo Inos roIrrB/K a^Itrellof, eql

slauueqr re{le^rllrlds eq1 :(nS) l1.4dg sroreH'ad,bqns Jeuelderlxa aqt gtlrlt IBtuIuE IBluJou B

se uorueduoo turds eqr teerJ 's'tep 9pI ro; tuBerCI

plBraurE aqt ot {req tl spues aueld letrotu eql

uo uorueduroc ttrtds er{t Sutllt) 'partnbeJ sI le^elPlnrp B eJaq/v\ Pesn sI lanal Je{lBznltrtds s(ralf,BJEr{f,

eqt teqr ldacxa "trrpqe ssBIJ uotuedtuoJ IBluIuEs(PrnrP eql sE etuBs eql suollfun} ,brlqe slqJ

'passlruslp ro pelll{ ssalun suletual uolueduloc

aqt luonce punoJ-lln; E sl ernleaJf, eqt Sutsstulstp

ro Suruoturuns 'tuBarq pleralxE eqr ruou uotued-rrroo lr;tds IBLUIUB uB qtJoj uotutuns ueJ aq '�lenal

ts I lV 'LuBerC plereulE eqr ytlrn Puoq daap e sereqs

Inos s(re{lBmturds aql :(dS\ uoyrn{un3 tlrtds'sle^al sselr 7 Arana ro; l,ep rad af,uo eruBp lsoq8 eql

tuJo3:ad uec all 'eqlJt s(ueJnet aql Jo seo; u^\oul

raqto pue suoulep 'peapun tsule8e sllor a8euleP Pue{f,BDB uo snuoq uoPSI/)N slr{ suleS rallezlutrtds aqr'(uortce prepuers e) aruep rsoq8 eqt Surulro;rad

'tg '1anel ts I rB ef,uep tsoq8 eqt sureel re{lB/tutrtds


qualrue e$

P rep^v

\PMweer0r.uroj pe€$essEl {

arueP re/A

se6e Jo lueqJruroj pareqlS

opol eql Jo llrlds

1r-rrds s.oJeH

uoruedwoc qutds'ecuep /,soqg


' ': ..;rdliJiii'iti

.i .: : :)',..{*s*. .

aqI 'sISBt s(re{letutrtds aqt Jo euo sI aldoaduernet eqt Jo esualap aql :(dS) arrne tsoqo

'/,13urpJoJf,B lenel JatsBf,

puB ["p rad s11ads saululretep ueq] puB 'ser{ eq ssBIf,

ratserllads aul^Ip rel{to reneteq^\}o le^el eqr ot le^elSurtsecllads IBuoItIppB slt{ sppe /'ldtuts eH 'sselr

reuJoJ slruo stllaueq rel{to aqt;o Aue ute8 tou seoP

eH 'sse1c e8rrserd re{le^litrtds eqt PaPPB eq aro}eg

or pa8uolaq ,{pauuo} eq ssEIf, Sutlseclleds aUIAIP

ranatega ur le^al E paure8 osle pet{ eq JI sB ["P

red s11ads ^\eu sure8 retJereql eqt '(lsI tB Sutuut8-eq) Ia^el reIle/\utrtds Suueuralle ,trang :q1adg

'sPlelqs qll^t PUE 'rouuB tunlPal'u PUB

rqBII gllrlt 'stuatot uernet PUB sPreqleq uernel qll^l'suodeam alduIIS IIE LltI/!\ luelf,Ilord sI Je{lenutrtds

eqJ:Aeualrllord roturv Pue uodeel6

salnlPeJ ssPIJ

'rarJrPoru lul + f :le^el qreg le slulod IIHS

s,n r,q4oqr q srr r * ;"':','Jfi5.tJ i:ilj H'TffiH '(sUA,') IBATATnS

'(sl/)6,) uatsll'(ltl) (uot8lfar; a8pa-l^{ou) '(rtl) (ernreu) e8paptou) '(rtl) (euecre)a8palmou)' (nS) dutnf' (eqO) alePlrultul' (".{O) IEtrI-luv alpueH '(rtl)

ryer3 '(trs) qqlO are (qcBa roJ

,trrlqe [t] eqr pue) tllt{s sselr s(re{lezttttrtds eql

sllpls ssPl]

: : :i':,::,:::l,i: aq

. .:::t!:il;,.. I

. .,:,.1.:,... ..r*i\....

L+ t|l01

9+ t{16 ,

e+ lllg;'

9+ WLV+ tllg

€+ tllg

E+ tltt

Z+ PJ€ .:t::,

J+ PUZ :.1


ssel) 6urlseo;;adseur^rP Jo le^el J+

ssel) 6urlsec;;adsaur^rP Jo le^el J+

sself, 6urlseo;;adsaur^rP jo la^el l+

ssell 6urlsec;;adseur^rP Jo le^al J+:

sselr 6urlsec;;adseur^rP jo le^el J+











z+ s+z+ g+

[+ v+

J+ V+




€+ l+ E+

9+ 0+ E+


o^ss llfrlt a^es lou oAss lroJ snuoS lcenv oseg le^o'l ssElJ *

(rntds) rexlp.SllJ IcIs e!il : m,eIqRL*"-

Spirit of the Kodo (Su): The kodo is a powerfuland symbolic animal; in tauren society, it is a signof strength and endurance. At 3rd level, thespiritwalker can channel the spirit of the kodo togain a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor anda +7 enhancement bonus to Strength and Consti-tution. He can summon the spirit of the kodo onceper duy as a free action, and the spirit remainswithin him for a number of rounds equal to his newConstitution bonus.

Ethereal Form (Su): At 4th level, as a freeaction, the spiritwalker can step partially into theDream, becoming immaterial for a short time. Whilethe spiritwalker still occupies his place on theMaterial Plane, he is incorporeal. Only spells andmagical weapons can harm him while he is incorpo-real (see the Glossary in the Plnyer's Handbook forthe complete effects of incorporeality).

He can take on the ethereal form once per day fora number of rounds equal to his spiritwalker level.He can only affect the physical world withspellcasting while in ethereal form.

Chant of Ages (Su): Knowledge isn't lost, onlyhidden. At 5th level, by perfiorming the chant ofages, the spiritwalker can call upon the knowledge ofall the tauren who have passed on to the EmeraldDream. He can add his Wisdom bonus ro any skillcheck he makes, as long as he is able to take 10 or 20.

War Dance (Sp): At 6th level, the spiritwalker'sdance can incite others as well. The war danceinvigorares any allies within 30 feet of him. His alliesreceive a +4 morale bonus on attack and damagerolls, and on saving throws. He must concentrate inorder to perfiorm the dance, and he may continue foras long as he wishes. Interrupting the dance does notdispel the effects, and the dance's energy lingers fora number of rounds equal to half the spiritwalker'slevel. This ritual does not affect the spiritwalker.

Mass Ethereal Form (Su): The spiritwalker canethereally shift others at 8th level. He may make anumber of allies equal to his spiritwalker levelincorporeal along with himself. Affected allies aresubject to the benefits and restrictions noted in thespiritwalker's ethereal form ability above.

Dreanwalk (Sp): At 9th level, the spiritwalkerleams how to walk into the Emerald Dream, as the10th-level druid ofthe wild special abiliry (see WarcraftRPG, Chapter Two: Heroes, "Prestige Classes").

Aqtatar of the Ancients (Sp): Once per year, the10th-level spiritwalker may reach out to the Emer-ald Dream for aid from his tauren ancestors. Theresulting aid comes as an ancient (see Manual ofMonsters, Chapter One) with the aspect of War orLore. This ancient has the extraplanar subtype andremains for 1 day. It will aid the spiritwalker to thebest of its ability.

-S=- *ez.Brrz6*g ^.ft}

'suotldlrrsep III{s ro} CdU r}errre/v\ eqr uI seoreH

:o/r\Jrardeq3 pue 4ooqpuDHs (n{o7aqt uI slll{S :t

rardeqO aas '(ttl ) *actnaq lBrlSoloutlreJ esn PUB

'(*aC) adog asn '(sUN) uotsselord '(*tC) Ico'I

uedg' (trl) (uot8llar ro BuBrrB tnq /,ue) a8pal/!\ou)'(e.{O) uotteturo}ul reqteo '(lul) af,Ineq elqEsIC'(rrl) rducg.raqdrcacl o(ltl)

ryer3 are (qcea ro; 'tlr-llqB At{ aqt pue) tlltlt sselr s(rolrre/!\Iueats eqJ

sllpls ssPl]'sPunoJ ul PaJnsEeru

JotJeC aull B uo aleracio pue uoltfalord;o aar8ap B

gllrn JeJEaA\ eqt aprnoJd 'lalean\ eqt jo uoltf,aJlp eql

RJePun enour tsnru lBt{l

8 SJ lsBel 1B jo af,IneP B


jo tes JISBq B aralduloJ tsntuoJaq e 'sse1c a8tlsard roure/huBels

aqr ratue UBJ aqs aJolag :lenadg'* (rorure req

-ruoc) Acuarcllor4 elrrqan' *sa1cn1en pllng :slee{'s{uer

8 xerrnaq IBllSol-ouqf,el asn 's4uer

9 (Suttltltus>lrelq) uolsselord's>1uer g (*aornap lecrSolouqcal) UerO :sllpls



.bP .eKI llH'seuo ̂reu Surppe pue

suonrunJ plo Surnordul 'saltteq uaa/lueq rl gtlntSurralun sr teqtuof ul JotuJB Jlaqt Sutsn ueqt eJotu

rtofua sJorJJel\ruee]s lsotu rbtnttce /,1uo aql 'lo1td

slr sB pazIIBnplAIPul sB eJB suollJun; s(llns e 'turo;

ploueurnq /,11eraua8 B uo se{Bt sJoIJJBAtruEats tsoru

Jo rorure aqt q8noql 'rotuJB perezltod-uorsrSolqd

Jo strns 3ur>11en Surpllnq ̂q plttlallteq eql ot slll{s

Jreql e{81 oq^\ sflueqfetu eJB SJoIJJEA\lueels



* ' ' ! . : : : : + : | * : i . : : , : ] . . ] . ' ' ] ' : ' , ' ' ' ' : i . : ' 1 : - n , ' , , �

? TableClass Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Savo Ref Save Will Save

:&*"*' lst *o +0 +2

...',aoa*,,,,r.,. ': , ..

Skill Points at Each Levelz 4 + Int modifier.

Class FeaturesAll of the following are class features of the

steamwarrior prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Building on theirbasic familiariry with tools, steamwarriors are proficientwith all simple weapons and all rypes of affnor.

T inker 's Touch (Ex) : A hero 's levels insteamwarrior are counted as if they were tinkerlevels for the purpose of determining the techno-logical limit of any devices she may build.

Spark of Genius (Ex): The primary functions of asteamwarrior's arrnor must remain protection and rrro-biliry. However, a steamwarrior may make upgradesthat raise the TS of her arrnor by ,rp to 5 per upgade.

Modular Upgrade (Ex): At 7nd level, and uponach iev ing eve ry o the r l eve l t he rea f te r , a












Tinker's touch, spark of genius

Modular upgrade

Bonus feat

Modulaf upgrade " '" ,

Cobble together (-1 MR) .,*,,,,,,,t'Modular upgrade, bonus feat

Cobble together (-2 MR)

Modular upgrade L !;::":a '.r

Bonus feat .i-

Modular upgrade

steamwarrior may add a single secondary functionto her armor by building the secondary function asif it were a separate device. Once the secondaryfunction is completed, it becomes a part of thearmor as if it had been added in a full upgrade.

Bonus Feat: At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, thesteamwarrior may select a bonus feat that is eithera technology feat or a proficiency feat related to oneof her armor's functions.

Cobble Together (Ex): The creations of asteamwarrior are a tangle of technology - yet sorrre -

how, they work better than they should. Uponreaching 5th level, all devices created by thesteamwarrior operate as if their Malfunction Ratingswere -1 lower (to a minimum of 1); at 7th level, theMR is T lower (to a minimum of 1). This modifieradjusts the MR after the device is completed.

i" 2nd, 3rd


, 6JS,.,'''


















Bth +4+4


?th,:lfi$1 ':.,'::,''"


, ::.::..::ii*r,r:.. -irl:::t::::t:::t;tilai

'eBEurBp JIEI{ se{El la8rel aql teql

sueeru (snuoq Alualxacl s(uapJe/!\aql + Ie^el s(uaPre/!\ eql + QI OA)aABS xegeg Iryssorrns V

'(tpg journ(urxeur) slanel ssBIJ s(uapJe/\{ eql

Jo qrea roy a8eurepJo slurod Vplse{Blla8ret qrBA 'sanru{ euepunu uBtlla8eurep erou qf,nru op sepelq pauoru-rrrns Llpcr8eur eser{I '(ro} ro puary)eere ter{t utqtr^\ sta8ret tsesolJ S eqlsuuer{ se^nDl }o uE} slqJ 'lsrnq padeqs-euof 8uo1-loo]-Ob e uqlr/r\ seJnlBaJJ

Jo dnor8 r(ue ta8rel uBf, uapJBA\ er.lJ'rtuenb Jaq uodn JoJJel

Suulnc ;o eperser B esool tel ot aJIu{un\oJr{r e rr1ds,(llect8etu UBJ uapJe^\ eql'1ana1 ts I tV 'Surlcadsnsun eqt uodnsenru{ PUB saPBIq}o IBuesrB uB r.{sEelunuer uepre/!\ V :(dSl tuauoa&u1rlls

'Jor.uJB lunrpal.u PUBtq8ll pue 'suodeam

lellretu pue alduns

IIB Ytl,nt luerJrlord ore suePrB/)N :Acuare-Ilord rorurv pue uodeal6

seJnlPeJ ssPl)


lul + h :le^a] qreg te slulod IIHS'suondrrf,sep

IIIIIS roj4ooqryHs,"taKq4 eql uI

_6{qll{S :f raldeq3 ees'(*tC, nelqurnJ pue '(rrs) urtnns' (stnN) lodg'(st716.') e^uolnl esues' (rrl)qrrBas '(*rC) ,tlruallS anoy\ '(qnn

) uetsrl '(DS)

durnf '(*.{O) ereplurl]ul '(*aC) rptH '(".1O) uorl-EruroJul reqteC' (lul) ryer3'(uo3) uouerrueruoO'(uoC) qurllO'(eq3)-#nlg'(*rC) aoueleg ere (qcearo; /,rt1lQe Le>1 eqt pue) ,lll{s sselr s(uepre^{ eqJ

sllpls ssPl]'htltqol/{'a8poq :stee{

's{uer 9 A1rua1

-ls a^olnl 'o1uer B uollBlurolul reqlBo :silHs

'$+ :snuog {JBDV aseg',t1uo aruerllv :uortellllJv

'f,uoeqJ-uou [tV slueruuS[V'A1uo;1a tq8rN :erBU


.gP :aKI llH'eror slr ol erroJ Suuq8g

a8rel ts uele e{Brls UBJ ueprel\ e '8utuue1d IEf,ItJBI

pue rltleets 'SuruunrJo uoltBulquor e 3urs6y 'seltlllqe

;o a8uBr alqeplulroJ pue atuosrBeJ B puBturuoJ suep-JBzy\ 'SUE


tJanof tno [uec pue sanrtr8ry arnrdef,'ef,I]snf]no etetu

surssesse lecrls/,tu eseqJ 'qteJ/v\ (senle tq31u aqr jo

(urB PerBe' lsoru eql erB suePre/K eqJ :uolldpf,sec


r Table Z4: The Warclen (Wdn)Class LevellstZnd3rd4th5th61h '"'"



The warden may use this ability 3 times per day atlst level, 5 times per duy at 4th level, and 7 times perd"y at 7th level. She threatens a longer cone at 4thlevel (50 feet) and 7th level (60 feet). The focusnecessary for this abiliry is a single throwing dagger.

Blink (Su): fu a free action at Znd level, the wardenmay teleport over shon distances. This abiliry functionsexactly like rhe dimensionblinkt spell, and she uses herwarden level to determine the distance she can cover.The warden can b link nvice per day at 5 th level and th,reetimes per day at Bth level.

l*sser Shndrr.lu Strike (Sp): One of the deadliestabilities of the warden is her power to imbue a weaponwith the wrath and justice of the night elves. Once perd"y at 3rd level, she can cast lesser shalow sml<et upon











Base Attack Bonus+1











Fort Save+0










*,&f#ffiFs.q;,r ,:,:,, .. .' ,r',,i.'i;fwr . j : rWf f , # , , ; - i i

. :.:,n.:::::ir .jijr:r .......

TableZ:l 0:Warclen Spells per DayClass Level1stZnd3rd4th5th6ttr7th



lst 2nd 3rd 4th0t -1 0 *"4,*

l l ,.;.1 1 01 1 t -2 1 1 0 j : : , j : i , :

2 | I I , , , ,2 2 1 12 2 2

Ref Save Will Save

, fiir,:i.,,.. :,, ,;,, , .


,.,, ';:!,:t r$ti+ir' :ijr ' '


S bing tonent 3 | &y (40-ft. cone)

Bfink llday

Lesser shadow strike (llday)

Sbiry tment\ | day (50-fU cle)^4!,.*d, .r,,*h

Bfink 2lday : :,::::Lesser shadow strike (2lday)

flicng torentT ld^/ (60-ft.cone)

B f i n k 3 l d a y + : : : a .

Lesser shadow strike (3lday) ::r r

Avatar of vengeance










a slashing or throwing weapon that she holds. She canuse this abiliry twice per d"y at 6th level and threetimes per duy at 9th level.

Aqtatar of Vengeance (Sp): The ultimate expres-sion of the warden's spirit of justice and wrath is thesummoning of a night elf spirit of vengeance. Sum-moning this spirit works exactly like the spellv engeance t, w i th the fo 1 low ing e xcep t ions. The gre ate rspirit of vengeance has maximum hit points, and thelesser spirits of vengeance summoned immediatelybegin attacking whomever the warden commandsthem to. She does not need the spell focus for u€Tr-geaTrcet in order to use this ability.

Warclen Spell ListThe warden's magic is drawn from conviction

and belief in justice for the night elves. Thus, awarden's spells are much like the spells a paladinwarrior or shaman receives. Treat the spells in thewarden spell list as divine spells.

A warden uses her \Tisdom score when deter-mining bonus spells.lst Level - alarm,, command, detect poison, detect snares

and pits, expeditious retreat, feather fall, jump, moonglaive*,obscuring mist, pass without trace, sleep, truestrike.

2nd Level - cat's grace, delay poison, detect thoughts,fox's cunning, invisibility, owl's wisdom, resist energy, seeinvisibility, spider climb, zone of truth.

3rd Level - darkvision, deep slumber, discern lies, dis-placement, hold person, nondetection, snare.

4$ L€vel - dimension door, freedom of movement, greaterinvisibility, locate creature, neutralize poison, poison.


'r(13urprof,Je lelel


ratser pue [*p red s11edssaunruetep uaqr pue 'seq eqssBIf, Jelsef,llads euBf,JB Jeqtore^eleq/K Jo le^el aql or la^alrotrop r{rtr/K slq sppe L1d-urls eH 'sself, JeuuoJ slqJo ".1

slrJeueq reqro eqt;o Aue ,iure8 lou saop aH 'sself, \

a8rtsard rotJop qrtr/!\ eql

peppe aq aroleq ot pe8uolaq'(paur.ro; aq sselr SutlseclladsaUBJJB JeAelEq/K uI

la^el E peure8 oqe peq :

aq I se Aep rad s11ads/v\au sure8 Jelf,BJet{f,aqt'1ana1 JotJop r{Jtl/n

puoresfuang :sledg'suodeant

alduns IIB qtr/v\ luelr-gord sr Jolfop qJrr/Ker1l:Acuarer;o.rdroru-rVpueuodea7yl


'JerlrPou tul +

7 8le^e-[ qrBg

lB sturod IIHS'suorldrJf,sep

ilHsroJ 4ooqpuvH s,n{,n74aqr ur sllHs tb rardeq3ees '(rul)

ryerclleds '(st716,')

uol sselord ' (rrl ) ( arnteu )

e8palmou)'(rrl) (auecre)a8palmou) '(".{J) alep-r(urlul '(sl716,')

IeaH '(lul)

(Luraqrle) UBrC '(roo)

uoltertuef,uoC '("qC) #nlg are (qcea ro;

,btpqe [tI aq] pue) slltlt sselr s(rotrop qrtl/lt eqJ

sllpls ssPI)'s11ads euef,re le^el-puz tsef, or ,btltqe eqJ :q1adg

'uollod AreJg :slue{'s{uer

I (/,utaqrlB) ryer3 :slpls'[rV :uollEIII]]V

'poo8-uou [rV :luetuu8{V'llon [tV :arBU


.tP seIO rlH'a8pa pepeeu B aqlrl

IIoJI e anr8 uBf, n[n[ s,ro]rop qttl/lt eqt 'Jezvr Suunq'peeu

Jo seulr q ple l,ltsatrd ro f,Itsluetueqs uo ,t1ar

peelsul reqr sef,EJ pezIIIAIf, eJotu 'ratlto Suoure uoru-tuof,un eJE sJotJoP r{Jlr/!t 'saqul

IIOJI aSenes aql JosJaquaur LnnBS pue SutuunJ eJolu eqt ueUO 'n[n[

pellBr af,uerJs enrlf,e#e ra,t epnJJ E qSnorql aJnlEuurnl PUB tsr^u ol ,brltqe aql tuou PeuIroJ sI uB

lecr8eur euEJJB s(Jolf,op t{Jtl/n eql :uopdlJJseq


" Class Levellst


j i :

" 3rd4th

" ' ' . r : ,1

5th' 6thi *t:t'"''

;,.,',i,7th-'u' u8ffi""''"d':::':' -


?th' lOth

+3 +1

+4 +1

+4 +1

+5 +2

+5 +2

+6 +2









Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save \ryiil Save

+0 +2 +0 +2

+1 *3 +0 *3

+6 *3

+7 +3


Ward craft

Shaka brew

Bad jrj,

Voodoo weapon

Doom rattle

Bambe brew

Heap bad juju

Zuvembi brew

Death rattle

the person is on the same plane. The doll disinte-grates after a touch attack or once the duration of theenchantment spell has passed.

The target may make any allowable saving throwswith a penalty equal to the witch doctor's level.The target is flat-footed for any Reflex saves. The

witch doctor can have a number of dolls equal to hisIntelligence bonus at one time.

Voodoo Weapon (Ex): At 4th level, the witchdoctor chooses a simple wooden weapon (e.g., staff,club, spear or javelin) that he prefers. He can infusethe weapon with alchemical reagents and varioustoxins and clays. Once per d"y as a full-roundaction, he may imbue the weapon with the frost,flaming or thundering special weapon properties.This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to hisclass level. Anyone other than the witch doctorwho attempts to use the weapon while it is activesuffers the ill effects of the weapon's special proper-

t ies.

Preparing a new voodoo weapon takes I monthand 1,000 gp worth of alchemical reagents.

Doom Rattle (Sp): Upon reaching 5th level, thewitch doctor can shake and rattle the gourds andnecklaces that he carries to create a frightening rhyth-mic effect. A.ty foe within a 60-foot-radius who hearsthe doom rattle must make a Will save (DC 10 + thewitch doctor's level + the witch doctor's Intelligence




' ' t

' t


I '


+1 level of arcanespellcasting class

+1 level of arcanespellcasting class

+1 level of arcanespellcasting class

+1 level of arcanespellcasting class

+1 level of arcanespellcasting class







:1 *trid .

Ward Craft (Ex): At lst lev eI, ward spells (such

as senrry wardt) cast by the witch doctor that createtotems of any sort gain a bonus to Armor Class,hardness and hit points equal to his Intelligencebonus.

Shaka Brew (E"): The witch doctor's seethingcauldron contains a hallucinogenic mixture ofherbs,poisons, crushed insects and other noxious materi-als. At Znd level, he may add drops of this Shakabrew to improve the efficiency of any potion oralchemical item he creates. The Shaka brew maxi-mizes all variable, numeric effects of the witchdoctor's potions or alchemical creations. Savingthrows and opposed rolls are not affected, nor arepotions without random variables. Drinking a po-tion treated with the Shaka brew leaves the imbiberwith a euphoric buzz.

Using the Shaka brew as an additive increases thecost of brewing potions by 5 XP per level of the spell.Creating an alchemical item invigorated by Shakaincreases the DC of creation by +5.

Bad Juju (Su): Creating curses is a specialty of thewitch doctor. At 3rd level, the witch doctor canmake a deadly doll of wax or tallow containing aspecific person's hair, skin or blood ( 1 hit pointworth). He can affect the target with a harmful touchattack spell or any single spell with the enchantment(compulsion) descriptor of up to 3rd level as long as

'lqsey ilo4 ssew'peq

'letne ;oqsen4 n7eat6 'utsrcreq nyea$ prrrl {lS'uosrcd'uosrcd ezqe4neu'Ktowew K11pow

'spunou P2!1!r2 lrllJu! 'spunon

Pr!1!r2 ernz - P e.l qry'Jetne

loqsenJl'*pJe*rTuedtas'spunon snotJos lqlJul'*pJen 6u1pet7'uostod Kelep'spunon sno,Jes eJnJ 'uotsnluoJ '*Jsrypoon - p^e1 PJg

'lqsey ilo4'spunon eprepow

1J!Uu! 'wnotatl ospunon eleJepow ernJ P s'l Pu7,'Jsutntp JeM'letne

loqsan4 Jessel'*de4 slsels'Jpten K4ues'*JeoJ'uotsnluocressel 'spunon lt6ll lqlJul

'spunon UQ ernr - p el lsJ

'lsEJ ,{lpulrou /,eur eq slleds auef,Je eql ol uoIllPPE

ur sllads asatll ot sseJJB sute8 JotJop qf,tl/t\ eqJ't13noq1 're; os oB /,1uo

uer sterJas n[n[ 'lll^{ slq o] arnteu pueq or 'brltqe

srq uo saller rolroP qsll/lr aql 'prezt/l| e eTI qlnl\

lsl-l lledsropoc q)llM

'lJeJJa slql ol aunuull eJB JBaP eJE otlA\

seJntBaJC 'lryssef,Jns ;1 a8eulep ou puB 'aAES pelleJ

E uo a8eureplo slutod 0Ip9 re#ns arotu ro erIC rlH

0I qlpr sernteerC 'lnJsserf,nsjf aBeulBpJIBq PUE 'aABs

pelleJ B uo a8eurep Jo stutod 0Ip9 e>let ef,lCI rlH 6-t qll/!\ sarnlBar3'aSeuIEPlo slutod 0IP9 raJtns,taql

suearu sseJf,ns lanes pelleJ B uo /,laretpetutul aIP aJIC

rlH t uEtlt ra/tra} gtlrn sarntBerC '(snuoq acua8tllatulslq + Ie^el s(rolf,oP qrrl^t eql JIBq + 0I ca) aABSePnlruoc B e{BIu lsntu Jeuelsll tllEg 'lsrlJ

Palf,eJtE ere

seJntBeJJ tsesolJ aqJ'snIPBJ 100j-97 B ul snuog acuaS'lllalu1 slq + I ol lenbe sarnleerc Sutnll Jo requnu

e Surla8rel 'prno8 qlBep slq alnBJ uBr Jotf,op t{Jtl/n

aql '["p red eruo '(arec lercads s]Iretu puB aly8er;

sr prno8 eqt lnq 'pasn sI &111qe slql ueq^r Pauns-uor lou sI snroj aqr) dB 0OS'7. qtro/lt stueuoduloc

Surlsn8srp pue arIBzIq Sutsn Jlestun{ rotroP tlf,tl^{

eql Lq peuer pue parnr eq lsnu qclq/n 'prno8 qteePB sl l,r111qe slqt esn ol palnbal snf,o; auBf,JB eql

'lll{ or q8noua lualod saluof,eq rolf,oP qf,rl^\aqrJo n[n[ aqr'1ana1 qrgl lV :(dS) alrwy\Waq

Bur41e,!r a'e,t\ aqs jr se Bur1"r, ,.[;i;i 5u]tl]Xl;uorlod /neJq lQulannT e Sutlutrq '(leulrou erB

stsor dX) stualpar8ut uI lsor leturou sll se(ulr 00IstsoJ /nerq lQurannz eql gllrlr PalBeJl uollod y

'erurl atues aqt lE snuoq acua8rl-lelul srq ot lenba s8uraqlo Jequnu B ateultuoP uBf,

JotsoP r{f,lrn\ aqJ 'lenal s(JoJf,oP t{31l/v\ eql or lunbas/,ep Jo Jequnu B slsel uolteuluroP aqt 'lryssacrns

;1 'ra8ret eqr ;o IqBIS Jo aull e uqrl/r\ sl aq sB 3uo1

sB uortcB aag B sB uoltBululop slqt ra88ul ,teul JolJoP

qf,tr/r\ eqJ 'saruere#lp 3urmo11o; eqt gllm '11ads

.La$uoltr alUrrluroP eql jo slJa#a eqr rePun JI se rolroP

qrlr^r er{t Lq pal€ulluop eq uEf, reqlqul eqt 'uoll

-od ^rarq rqua^nz v 8ur>1uup rerye s,tep VPI ro{'lonuof, pue ra88ut uBf, aq teqt raqlqul

eql uI etets antlsaSSns 1n;rantod B seteaJf, lteJq

eql 'uottod,tue ot A\erq slqtlo sdorp pPB uer rotf,oP

qf,tl/lt aqt '1ana1 ql6 rV :(xE) ^4'erg lque^nz

ilop eql e{Btu ol parlnbar lltts ere stueu-odruoc radord t.[ 'llop aq] tJaJB UEJ le^al ,tue;o

s11eds (uorslnduroc) tuetutuer{rua ro qf,not In}ulreqtnq',tr111qe nlnIpeq aql aTI ,tlrcexa suol]run;,b111qe

slrlJ 'sao; srq uodn n[n[ peq deaq ol srrlBal rorroP

qrtl^r aqt '1ana1 WL rV :(nS) t[t[ Peg dua11

'ul{s Jaq JaAo uoltesues SurlAtBJc lulB} B tlll/lt

raqlgq eqt saneal suotlod /ltarq equleg 8ur>1uuq'/v\erq aqurBg aql Sursn Jo lsoJ aqr SurrBlnflBf,

aroleq ̂rarq e>Teqs er{t Jo tsof, dX eqt Llddy 'elqtssod

sr saarq a$uEg PIJE E)TBqs qroq qll,n uotlod e 3ut1pyr1'euolo peetsul suoltod omr eTeur ot tsof, dX IBuIrou aql

Zlllauortrppe ue ,ted uer aq tea' uollod /nerg aql sesn

rotrop rlf,tl^\ aqt relaueq t '1ana1 qr9 Sututetre uodn' suortod pcr Seurlo sseuenltf, ege eqt spuetxa ter{t adt car

terf,as B sI ^tarq equleg eI{L :(xg) ^4,erg egueg'elBJlueJuoJ UBJ JolJoP

qrtr/lt aql se 3uo1 sB roJ slsBl t1 ',btunrroddolo s)lf,B]lB

se{onord pue 'uotlellueJuoJ seJlnbar (uoIlJB PunoJ

-ilry e sr fu11lqe slqr Sursn 'ue{Br{s aruoreq ro (snuoq

Ram heqan ro f aLl,. Excel,l,enr.

ZaJ'raL paused LonE enluEh ro srKerch, al,Lowmq rhe mlrsruve r0sca,Les. Jusr hecause he cnuld suRvrve lursrde rhe lcean drd nlr medo so. He savlued rhe sensarrln flr a mlmenr heporce clnrrnutnq 0ywRIrhInE aLonq rhe EKlund a,s he shrheted up rhe hrLL.

As ZaJ'ra,L neaued rhe cKesr 0f rhe hrLL, he sLowed and cLurched hHe I'owercedhs r0RS0 r0 rbe Eulund, mched fltwaKd, and peeKed 0

Yes . Therce was rhe A,Lhance encampmenr. The FrKes weve norhmemhens, even nlw hemq exrrnqwshed hy rhe Rarn. The pmes avluniof renrs shook wlrh rhe drcops and shed wareR. Norh rnE srr RRed. Ysenrvy suveLy ZaJ'raL wa,s nlr Lucky enluEh r0 clme upln a sLe

Thene he wfr,s.

CLoaked, hur ohvrcusLy a, KaLdoReI. The na,Ea, clulLd nlr make lurrhrcouqh rhe Ram and darc,k, hur he couLd maErne rhem weLl, enluEh.mdryo, wrrh smllTlt pearuues and el-eqanr, plmred eaRS. Handsom,rh ar na,Ea w offien flund arrvacrrv e . Z aJ' T alL w luLd enJly drcpEuurnE't

The senrzy sr00d ilEatnsr a, rtee, huddLed m rhe Rfrryt. The f00L Iwefr,k. Thrc lne cluld nlT even ffr,ce rhe eLemenrs wrchour sh:eKtnq atcLoak ahour hmsel'p.

ZaJ'ral, wluLd pRlve rhar rhe naEa,had Eulwn srvlnE.

He lryred hrc Lepr hand and rcs frnEeKS danced m a clmpLex parrelpouued pnom hrc mou,rh.

Norhmq happened. ZaJ'Ta,l- wa,s mlmenraRrLy raken ahack rhe shrs speLL. Peruhaps rhe Kal'dotet had nlr paLLen as faK as he rhouq

" Allaratna*!' The senrKy made a, plweufuL Eesruve and hru,il'LumtnarrnE ZaJ'ral-'s hunkerctnE flKm. The KaLdoter rhKew hackhrcrhe rnrtudet.

' qw s a (,1,,' M0 N,,' na J m (,1 u ̂io',1'r::r:::::rf*' ry::t;;*:Wt'i: ;'[1daa 0u )Qau) )qS ,, 'lln4sss dnl,(, woal aru[ dnl/(, butuwat thfw 1'7]MASSS I,SSSU d I WqM 'btA(n A )d,AM n0/(. LqSn\qL L,

'�7rt,[AZ QATqU)n

'Q00lq 7o tnob a dn pqbnn uaql Lnq, 'uabaq aqs ,,' ' 'L,

'Q)qlaadq, llr],s

a(F LvqL aas 0L QasaaTd saMaswu a(&'gur10d5 aoltuo [,poTw\ua ua'qaapul 'wllai

Qrtl ,Qoq s,Lrau)oM )qL )mqM 0L QdaMdlT pffiqlqs at'DX,\Q7VX AqL 70 US\S 0U SAM Ad,A(fi'qLAd S,AAAM AqL QA4]'.

qabnob Qua sa(pad,q ua4ldq 1o lradl V 'tnad, 5ut11vJ aolt a07 aAas ':

'QUy\}d., a(F 0lut

but4uts ad,lLaqsad,Lla:xauas uadv Sutqsvu)s 'u,o QanutLun Qua ,(aru

LI'gdaMdl[ QaLSaTq "Frq D)7 ual '�aAaM aNSSauJ a Qua gdvMd,oT tu

,,iluil,//a9 'ad.aL\ ,ft,pu sssaML, ' ,(7daa Sutssul'�laantLnS su,lsaM ,,'�\t')UWLS Ll

Lnq'11ads aldwrs y '\uu1srua^ adlLaq (Fal[ su1 olut daaq 1unr1s '7a

Qua qld,01 Qaqsall savls Mlna[ burlarclM nd,ql Qua 'Quvqa Lnl 5un1

'q)LaM ,ftn u0 w s/a(l)rua Mtlla Llu 0Q t'dwat ,ftn ot SutuJn a4aLSIu) a'QA7M0],;5 AH'AS7A ,WO1t,fuV UAqL )d,o(tJ (t)tCI

Qad,abuv q)rqM 'taai 7o abans a Llai utaba 7aL,[aZ 'QdaMd07 Sutvtut.

'e1774 daq

SwtaaTa LnlqilM uau)oM ,fiys stql LSaq Qlnffi all MoN 'iluarys 7o v

svM drnat )qL Lnq'qauaddrtt alqtstl 5uu1toN,;qa//a1,ury/ag 'lpua^

,,'ail)\qdno/(, uJldi dal ada k0lr,, ')ull DrnA

daq audsaq nualsl? )qL ssld)a Sutt(aaat spuoM )qL '�aTws a clltM'Ltau)0M aql La |(assu,l )01 'dn l1aswttl Sumaaa ')4aus ssudS

gunldb atp u0 pqnld) Laad(F srql nai Llu QlnlM )H'abau saM )I

uMl sry 70 )slql 0L ut4a 0s 'aru[ )utwu)al ruqt Suraas uodn Lf)J )r

,(aaru)u)o(t) )qL Qasedddns aH')7au)ai a saM LI LaqL aas 0L ?asru

']ur/v\s pue ,(g 'nno-unq 'qulll uec lcefqns rloqoyl Jo )FlrI'a-raqr'rr(ue sernleerf, syoda;a1 lrcqq.rodsue I Jo [65

luelstP uor{se sarnleerf, spoda;e1 :uotlspodsue.rl Jass€rlJo il6:S V

'laa1 09 Jo paads le sarg 1ra[qn5 :6ur{g Jo ryen E

'sllaql drunf pue qullJ ol sesnuoqpue eseerf,ur paads sure6 ernlearJ :paeds Jo ryen

.,(;mo;s slle3 lralqo :lFJeJeS p qd{p'elnuru

J roj leaj 0[(q sano-rdur paeds s.lrafqns :paeds ressfl Jo ryeyl 0

seunu{1rueJ uo!}ow'lr ssessod Apearle tou op no[ ]l (uerreqreq

aqt se) ruaruenoru tsBJ ure8 no1 :Jen4.od pelueJC


Jo slurod gpOl sernJ :6ur;ea;1 e1eu!iln Jo [65 b'a6etuep

Jo slurod gpg sernJ :6qee;1 Jolrdns Jo [65 B'ebeuep

Jo slurod gpg sernJ :6ul;eeg Jelee€ Jo [65 L'a6eruep jo sluro d gpV sarnJ :6ul;eeg Jo il65 9

'a6euepJoslurodgpOtsernJ:6ur;ea;le1euqn1oryeyl S

'a6euep jo slurod gpg sernJ :6ur;eag.ror.rednsJoryeyl V'a6eruep

Jo slurod gpg sernJ :6ul;eag re1ea5 Jo ryeVI t,'a6euep

Jo sluro d gpV saJnJ :6ur;ea;1 Jo ryen Z'a6eruep

Jo sluro d gpZ sarnJ :6ul;eeg ress{ Jo ryeyl I'a6euep

1o lurod J sarnJ :6ut;eq Joutyl Jo ryeyl 0seunu {;lureg tullPeH

'qfeqf, IBaH uo snuo th+e ureS no^ :ra^{od paluerg

^ttureJtulleeH'ryelle glea-rq e sure6 lcalqn5 :uo6elg eql Jo ryq l b

'slrelle ezei aleu ue) lf,elqnS qslseg eql Jo rye] l B

pa/v\opua sr uodea/y\ rernleu euot*;;ffrilI'il L 'uorllnpa.r a6erueppue roure lernleu sure6 lrefqn5 :uel€ eql Jo ryen 9

-rnpar abeuep sure6 loa'qn5 op^"r1"fi :ill#; s '7 6ur;eeq lse1 sure6 lralqn5 :dru1 aql Jo ryey1 V'uerreqreq

e elll 'aber e olur saf H lralqn5 :.rebpeg eql Jo ryeyl E'salnuru

Z ro! q16ua-r1s ro (1r.ra1xa6'uorlnlrlsuoJ of V+ sure6 1ca[qn5 :Feeg eql Jo ryey1 Z'e6eruep erou saop uodeaan ternleN :.re6rlaq1olreyl l

'Ireqr lllls paseq-,(llrel

-xag lxeu uo snuoq e sure6 1ralqns qeJ e$ Jo ryeyl Ossunu {|1ueJ }sPeg



'ao; e a8reqc no,{ uaq/v\>lf,BllB IInj e e{B(u uBf, no^ :re^4,od Paluurc

^tttuPJlsPeg'-ra6uep 6urpuadu! Jo s6ururem 66asuas

tflxls,, sute6 loalqn5 :ssoueJeav eleuqn Jo ryeyl b'esuesrouarl sure6 lcalqn5 :6ursue5 JeleeJg Jo ryeyl g'luaf,s pue lqblspullq sure6 1rclqn5 :6usues Jo ryeyl L'a.re(;;ea.r(aqlsesbu$ileseeslcahns mF! tt+Jolry{ 9

'uorsena pano.rdur sure6 lcalqn5 :uotsel3 Jo ryel^l g'6u r ddorpse^ee ;ecr 6eru

ol pepale sr lcelqn5 :ssauere,sv releerg Jo IJeyI V'slcalqo elqrsr^ul

aas uef, pue uorsr^Irep sure6 lcalqn5 :uosrn Jo ryen E'JVolsnuoqlqbrsur?+esure6lrelqnsssaua.elrrvJolry1


llelle lxeu uo snuoq

l{6rsur 0l+ e sure6 lcafqn5 :ssauere,$VresselJolren I'uorsrl

tqbll-Mol sure6 lralqn5 :uorsr1 ressylJo ryeyl 0seunu {1 ; urel sseueJP^\v

JIesJno/, uo lr aqrJcsurno[ uaqnr lelurou ueqr ra8uol seurt 0I uolleJnpB sBt{ ,t1lule; slql luou eunr v :re^rod PeluBrc

{t1urPJ sseueJPAAV'eunr qJBe Jo suoltducseP lln, ro; 'unolaq 'uorlses

((seunu,, egl ees 'uortf,as srqt ur pallBtaP aJB sJatJB-JBr{f, JetsBrueunJ ot elqBllene sarlruej aunJ eqJ

seillurPJeunu'sasselr Surtsecllads UurrrB/K IIB ot elqellene

suorldo aqt saseeJf,ur ter{t s11eds ^\au Jo uortf,elasa8rel B stuasard tl uaql '(,,sse13 eJoO aeN,, 'orltJ

reldeq3 pue ,,'rlSeyq aung,, 'auo raldeq3 aas)ssBIJ eJof, JetsBrueunJ eql ,tq lsec seunJ PUB serlruB}eunJ eqt sJeAoJ lsJr; tl 'lerJaterrr qseu aruos Suuagopue seure8 relnduroJ aqt ur seoJeq pue strun eqt losremod pue sertlllqB lBrreds aqr 11e [peau Surrelnrue'CdU ]Ierrre4\ eqt uI s11ads ;o uoltf,ellol enls-ueqerduroc tsoru eqt salntllsuof, rardeqo slql

'asJo \ Jo Jalaq JoJ ' ' 'fuorlqlo esJnof, agl a8ueqcuer eul^lp pue auerre rpoq sratserlleds 's1nos pue spurlu'spuerl Jlaqt qrl/N 'eJour pue qeepl 'srotsecue 'sturds'.{r""p 'acuatslxe

Jo seueld Jaqlo 'aJnteu yo sar8reue ar{ladeqs pue ssarre - s11ads - eruangu pue ramod rlarp

Jo sloot er1l 'Te.rrre1\jo plro/r\ eqr q sarn8g Frtuanpurprre p;ramod lsotu equo eruos sB puets sJatsecllads'sJeJ-uBruoJJeu ol spJezril 'srolcop tlolll\ ol sJeleeq uroJC


7 Sigil of Greater Transportation: Teleports creaturesto any plane.

B Glyph of Opening: Open a passage through wood orstoneo door or wall.

? Sigil of Ultimate Transportation: Permanent sigilteleports creatures to desrgnated spot.

Restoration FamilyGranted Power: You gain a +4 resistance bonus

on saving throws against poison and disease. Youheal temporary ability point damage at twice thenormal rate (2 points per night of rest and 4 pointsper duy of complete bed rest).

Restoration Fam i ly Runes0 Mark of Lesser Restoration: Ends dazed and dazzled

adverse conditions.

I Markof Vigon Removes fatigue or alleviates exhaustion.

2 Glyph of Mending: Repairs an object.

3 $gilof hrilirztiru Restores the land and rmproves crops.

4 Mark of Purification: lmmunizes subject against poi-son, detoxifies venom in or on subject.

5 Mark of Freedom: Subject moves normally despiteimpediments.

6 Mark of Restoration: Subject is restored to normalmental function.

7 Mark of Greater Restoration: Restores all levels andability scores.

I Glyph of Resurrection: Fully restores dead subject.q Milk of Regoreration: Subject gains regeneration 20.

Shielcting FamilyGranted Power: You can generate a protective

ward around yourself as a supernatural ability. Yougain a resistance bonus equal to your runemasterlevel on your next saving throw. Activating thispower is a standard action. The protective ward is anabjuration effect with a duration of t hour that isusable once per d"y.

Shielcli ng Fami ly Runes0 Mark of Minor Shielding: Subject gains +1 resistance

bonus on saving throws.

I Mark of Lesser Shielding: Spell attacks miss subject500/o of the time.

2 Markof EnergyShielding: Subject ignores 10 points ofdamage per attack from specified energy type.

3 Sigil of Dispelling: Cancels spells and magical effects.

4 Sigilof ShbldinE Stops lst- through 3rd-levelspelleffects.

Mark of Greater Shielding: Subject gains spell resis-tance 21.

Markof SuperiorShielding: Subject gains immunity tonecromancy and transmutation effects.

Mark of Ultimate Shielding: Turns spells back on theoriginal caster.

Mark of Mind Shielding: Subject is immune to magicaleffects on mind or emotions and scrying.

Sigil of Ultimate Shielding: Spells are absorbed.

StrikingFamilyGranted Power: You gain the Weapon Focus

(unarmed) feat for free.

Striking Family Runes0 Mark of Kind Striking: Natural weapon deals an extra

1d4 points of nonlethal damage on next attack.

Mark of Sure Striking: Natural weapon ignores partialcover and concealment.

Maft of Magic Striking: Natural weapon gains *1

enhancement bonus.

Mad< of Aligned Striking: Natural weapon becomesgood, evil, lawful or chaotic.

Mark of Hardened Striking: Natural weapon gainsimproved base damage and crit ical multiplier.

Mark of Vampiric Striking: Natural weapon's attacksheal the attacker.

Mark of Energy Striking: Natural weapon deals anextra 1d6 points of energy damage.

Mark of Sonic Striking: Natural weapon deals an extra1d6 points of sonic damage.

[,lart( of Creater Hardened Sbiking: Natural weapon be-comes adamantine and gains improved base damage.

Markof UltimateSfiking: Naturalattacks gain reach andimproved base damage, and allow ranged attacks.

RunesThe description of each rune is presented in a

standard format, similar to that of a spell. Runesfollow the same conventions as schools of magic,

and they rank from O-level to 9th level. Runedescriptions are presented with missing entries whenthose entries follow the "standard rules" for thosequalities. For example, runes with somatic and

material components are missing their Compo-nents entry since this is the default for all runes.

The standard Inscribing Time is 1 round; Range istouch; Target for a mark is always "Creature

uorlelnusueJl'OV oi snuoq ty8rsul h+ p surc8 na[qns a\L

sseueJP AvJoIJPw'paqquror spunod 009 uBqt ero(u q8rezn touuer

tr ot Sur8urlr sernteerl IIB pue toe[qo la8rel eqJ 'ereq

patou se ldacxallol tatpnalllads eqt a)il1 suortf,ury euruslr{J 'uortJB eery B sB peqrrrsul eq ot rl 3urmo11e 'tsum

aquo IrlU >1crnb B qtr^\ paqrrrsul aq uer qd,t13 slqJ

peJJl aunu'lle^\ se /,1mols erou slleJ erntearr

ret{r 'aJnrBeJJ E Aq peruef, Jo uJoA\ Suraq sr tcalqoeqt jl 'Atrner8 jo stre3;e eqt srq8r; roalqo euo


(tca[qo) se1 :ef,uEqseu ileds.Hff};l:HJil;il;'*"'ff;

lralqo 6ur;;eleer3 relleus ro a6-re1 auo :p6-re1

uorlf,e eerj [ :eutl burqr.rcsul

I uorloy\ :p^a.l

uorlelnusueJl'K1nop atol,rr IIIDI na[qo uV

IIPJoJPSJo r{d^lD'dB

OOO'OI Sullelor spuoluBlp peqsnrf, gtl,nparedard 4ur eunr lercads y :luauo4utoOlDuaww

'sJEe,{, 0OZ ueqt ra8uol ou peap

ueaq e^Bq uBf, eJnteerJ aql 'eJaq petou se tdacxauonrarrnsa"L 11ads aqt aIII suortf,un; eunr slr{J

paJJf eunu'eJnlBeJJ

PasBef-ap ,(ue ot qr8ueJts aralduoJ pue elll seJotseg


(ssa;ru.req) sa1 :ecuelqseu ileds( t'"t ":

::ilIl,fi ,t1,"ff: asdroc auo :1e6.re1

selnuru 0J :eurl 6u:q:rrsul

B uotlerolsau :PAe'l

(6ur;eap) uorle.rn [uo3'as{rcc D oi a!7 satotsay

uolPerrnseuJo qd^tc'patre[a [lssalurBrl

sr u/Ko str uo sepBj ro pelledsrp sl tl uaq/y\ aSessed

eql urqtr^\ auo,tuy 'cqnulaQstp o) rca[qns sr leuun]eql 'spunor

oI rauB ,(laleldruof sepBJ puB uorl-eArJJB JaUB sPunoJ B JeArB/v\ ol surSaq eloq eqJ

'petle#B ere slle^A auots ro retseld 'pooan Alug'aloq B purqeqBurneal 'raqre5lSurtsr^{J eqt otur s4lrls/,pe-rodual lr lreaddesrp tou seop pue pa[o.rrsep ]ou sr

IIe^{ ro rooP aql }o lerralBu eqI 'llE^{ ro rooP Petf,e#eeqt ur eloq alqlsl^ B seteero qd/,13 aql Sutlenltre 'aser

raqlre ul 'laa} 0t uBql ra{fltll ou IIE^\ E uo Peqrrrsul

eq UEJ tnq'roop e uo paqrrrsur l^11ensn sr qdA13 qqI

peJJf eunu'llB^\ Jo Joop

e q8norqt Ieuunt e Suneerf, 'reqreN Sunsrml eqrotur patunqs sr eueld IBTTaIEIAI aqt Jo uortrod y


ffi',:::il:,1';::lxal aas :1a6.re1

B uorloy\ :P^e.l

(uor1ea.r3) uorle.rn [uo3'auois ro poom rpnotyl aSpssp{ p saiDarC

tutuadoJoqd^tC'patou [pearle se ]derxa

ap\m alDur 11ads eqt e{ll suortf,un; eunr slrlJ

peJJS eunu'/y\eu se SuoJts tretqo aqt 8ur>1eur 'paledar

Alalaldruof, ere trelqo ua>1orq B ul sree] pue s{Earg


(trafqo 'ssa;u.req) sa1 :eruelqseu ileds(tr"lqo 'ssa;rureq) sale6au lll/n :,$oJt{I 6urrre5

rJ nc oo t "r d:';"H:'JffH:lz uorlerolseu :PAe1

uorlelnusueJl'nafqo ua\orq n nnQag

tutpuewJoqd^lD'ArJua 1so3 dX uE Jo stuauoduoc Alrsoo JoJ

Arlua stuauoduo3 lerretey\ IBuolrlppB uB apnpulsaunJ etuos 'sJrtsrtets ef,uetsrsa5 IIedS pue /!\oJqJSurneg 'uouEJnCI apnlf,ur saunr IIV

'/,rtua ra8rele apnlJur s/,em1e sqd/,13 puB ,,'tsJnq snrpeJ-tooJ-0t B ul seJnlBeJJ IIV,, st 1t3ts B roJ ra8-re1 ,,'PegJnol


Level: Awareness 2

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject is granted increased awareness, a fraction

of a second into the funne. This allows the subject to

sense from which direction attacla will come.

Rune EffectThe subj ect gains a + 4i*tght bontrs to AC. This insght

bonus is lost whenever the subject loses her Dexterirybonus to AC unless she is only flat-footed, in which case

markof awarenes.s sdll grants a +7 insrght bonus to AC.

Mark of Awareness, GreaterThe subject is alerted to magical eauesdropping.


Leveh Awareness 4

Duration:2 hours

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionA field of awareness surrounds the subject and

alerts him to any attempt to observe him by means

of a divination (scrying) spell or effect.

Rune EffectFor the duration of the effect, the subject knows the

location of every magical scrying sensor within a 40-foot radius. If a scrying attempt originates within the

area, the subject instantly knows the location from

which the affempt was made; otherwise, the creatureattempting to scry immediately makes a caster levelcheck (DC 2I) to hide her identity. If she fails thecheck, the subject of mnrk of greater awarene.ss gets avisual image of the creature attempting to scry and anaccurate sense of her direction and dishnce.

Mark ofAwareness, LesserThe subject gains a +10 insight bonus on his next

attack roII.Transmutation

Leveh Awareness 1

Duration: See text

Saving Throw: Wall negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject gains an intuitive awareness of the

future, allowing a bonus on his next attack roll.

Rune EffectThe subject gains a + 10 insight bonus on his next

single attack roll. Additionally, the subject is not

affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers

trying to strike a concealed target.

Mark of Awareness, U lti mateThe subject gains a powerful sixrh sense.


Levek Awareness ?

Duration: 10 minutes

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject gains a power{ul sixth sense, receiving

instantaneous wamings of impending danger orharm.

Rune EffectThe subject is never surprised or flat-footed. The

subject gains a +8 insight bonus to AC and onReflex saves. This insight bonus is lost whenever

the subject loses her Dexterity bonus to AC.

MarkofEvasionThe subject auoids maglcal andunusLLCLI attacks with

great agtlity .Divination

Leveh Awareness 5

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject gains an intuitive awareness of how

to defend himself against magical attacks.

Rune EffectThe subject gains improved evasion, as the rogue

class special ability.

MarkofFlyingThe subject flies et a speed of 60 feet, with good

m&neuverability .Transmutation

'rrr::;':::'-::::*unms puv {tl 'qurllr 'rnounq surn8 na[qns a\I


Jo slurod

ZIp L sernf, tl reqt rdacxa 'Suqoay to ryrvul sV

g 6ur;eaH :p e1

(6ur;eag) uorle-rn fuo3

elPl'Unln'tullPeH Jo {rPw'a8eurep

Jo sturod

OIpg sernf, tl reqr ldaoxa 'Suqnay to \wur sV

7 6ur;eeH :p^e'l

(6u r ;ee;-1) uorle.rn [uo3

rolredns' tul IPOH Jo IrPW'a8eruep;o rqd I sernr ll tBW ldacxa'&ttwt P lrmury

g 6ur;eaH :p^a1

(6ur;eag) uorle-rn[uo3


Jostutod ,pf, sernr tl rer{t rdaoxa '8ut1nar1lo

4nu sy

1 6ur;eaH :p^e'l

(6u r ;ea;1) uorle-rn [uo3

Jessa-l' tullPaH Jo IJPW'a8euep

Joslutod 8pg sarnr tr tBr{t tdacxa 'Suryoaylo

4nur sy

E 6ur;eaH :p a.l

(6u r ;ea;1) uorle.rn [uo3

relPerD' tullPeH Jo IrPW'punor

IInJ B ro} Iltls ,(1ale1dtuof, rrs ,tllrel-unlon IIInn A\aJ aJurs tlnJrllrp arrnb eq uBf, eJnteaJf,peepun uB uo eunJ e SurqrrJsur teqt atoN 'a8eurep

JIBII e{Bt ot enBS III/)N B ldulalle uBr puB eruBl-SrseJ 11eds ,t1dde uef, eJnteaJl peepun uV 'spuno^\

rreqt Suunc Jo peetsur ueqt ol a8eulep sleap rf,e#eslqr '[8reua anr]e8au Aq pare/nod are pBapun ef,urs

'aBBruBp Jo slurod 9pb Jo parnf, sl rca[qns eqJ

pelJS aunu'pelBArtJB uaqm a8eurep

seJnf, r1 'rffiraue e^rlrsod gtlrlr panqurr sr {JBlu slqJ


(t*"t aas lssapu.req) se1 :acuEslseu ileds(t*"t aas lssa;tureq) Jleq lll^\ :,sor[L 6uure5

eluelsu[ :uoqeJno

7 6ur;eaH :p e.l

(6u r ;ea;1) uorle.rn [uo3'aSoutup

9ph sarnJ

tulleaHJoIrPW'petou Lpearle se tdecxa '11ads

iuauraftout Io uopaa$ aqt a{ll suortrunt eunr slr{J

peJJf eunu'stuleJtsuor

lecr8eur pue lecrsAqdruory pea5 are [poq pue pulru s(lf,afqns aql


(ssa;u.req) sa1 :acuEslseu ileds(ssapu-req) salebau ;;17,;4 :,noJrlf, 6une5

srnoq z :uoqeJnog uotlerolsau :PAa.l

uorlern[qV'siuaurlpa1uU al4sap {11nut"ou saftour nafqng


c8puniuv ue ,tq pate8eu sr tl JI tou tnq 'palladsrp

sr aunr aqr JI ,{,em slqr ur sPuef,sap rca[qns eql'(leuuou sE a8euep SuHEr pue) 3u11p1 ,(q acuetsrpSururerual /,ue Suuanoc'spunor 9pI JoJ punoJrad teeJ 09 prB/y\uA\op steog eq 'ryo1e

lltls sr lcel-qns eqt ellq^{ aldxa uortBrnp s(eunr eqr plnoqs

'sJBe/r\ ar{ Jor.ure ,(ue snld pBol runrurxBtu srquer{t rq8ram eJoru UolB [uer ]ouuer pue 'unJ toutnq a8reqc '[11euuou slleds ]sec ro {rBuB uer eH'paads elqnop tE puef,sep pue paads JIBq tB puerseUBJ eH '(rouue [neaq Jo unrperu sJBeA\ Jo peol[neeq ro runrpeu B serrrer tl JI a8erane pue raal 0tro) pooS;o [tlltqerennaueru E pue ]ee] 09 Jo peadsB r{tr/\{ ePou tuerueno(u [g eql sureS tcalqns eqJ

pe+J3 eunu'prlq e a{ll ^U ol rre eqr

olul Suueos 'rre se rq8rl sE seruof,eq tJalqns eqJ


(ssa;u.req) sa1 :ecuEslseu ilads(ssa;ru-req) salebau ;;r44 :,froJtl 6ulle5

selnutu 0[ :uotleJno

E uorloJ^l :P^e.l

Level: Motion 6

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject is imbued with the bunowrng abrliry of a

carrion beetle, the climbing abiliry of a spider, the flying

abiliry of a bird and the swimming abrliry of a shark.

Rune EffectThis rune functions like the mark of flyingexcept

as noted here. The subject gains a fly movement

mode at a speed of B0 feet (good). Furthermore, the

subject also gains a burrow mode at 20 feet, a climb

mode at 30 feet, and a swim mode at 40 feet.

\Tearing medium or heavy armor, or carrying a

medium or heavy load, reduces these speeds toburrow 15 feet, climb Z0 feet, fly 60 feet, and swim25 feet. The subject retains her Dexterity bonus to

AC in all movement modes.

The subject gains a +B racial bonus on Climb

checks. She can always choose to take 1O on Climb

checks, even if rushed or threatened.

The subject also gains a *8 racial bonus on any

Swim check to perform some special action or

avoid ahazard. She can always choose to take 10 on

a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.

She can use the run action while swimmitg, pro-

viding she swims in a straight line.

Markof PurificationRemoq,tes many physi cal ffiictions.

Conjuration (Healing)

Lcvel: Restoration 4

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Wrll negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionPositive energy washes over the subject to wipe

away physical afflictions.

Rune EffectThe following adverse conditions affecting the

target are immediately ended: blinded, deafened,

diseased, nauseated, sickened and poisoned.

A poisoned creature suffers no additional effects

from the poison, and any temporary effects are

ended, but instantaneous effec$ are not reversed(such as hit point damage, temporary ability dam-

age or effects that don't go away on their own).

Markof RegenerationThe subject gains regeneration 20.


Level: Restoration ?

Duration: 1 minute

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject gains the regeneration of a troll as

lost body parts are regained, broken bones are

mended and physical vitality is increased.

Rune EffectThe subject gains regeneration 70. All damage

inflicted on the subject from all sources is treated as

nonlethal damage, which heals at a rate of 70 points

per round, although acid and fire deal lethal dam-

age to the subject. Also, the subject's severed body

members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails,

or even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken

bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the mark

is activated, the physical regeneration is complete

in 1 round if the severed members are present and

touching the creature. It takes 1 minute otherwise.

Mark of regeneration also rids the subject of exhaus-

tion or fatigue. Damage that the subject suffered

before activating the rune is converted to nonle-

thal damage and regenerated; when the rune's

duration expires, all remaining damage becomes

lethal (unless it was caused by " nonlethal effect).

The mark has no effect on nonliving creatures(including undead).

Markof RestorationRemoves several mental afflictions .

Conjuration (Healing)

Leveh Restoration 6

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionPositive energy washes over the subject to wipe

away mental afflictions.

'Jluos Joj etlqA\ Jo arlj roJ anlg 'AtrrrJtJala Joj u^\oJq'plo, roJ per 'plr* ro; ^\olle^ :petuena;d e8eurepeql gtl,n serrBn BrnE eqt jo rolor aql 'aSeulep

A8raua jo uroJ cr;rcads B [q pasner turerl ruoryreq stf,etord pue rcafqns aqt spunorrns ErnE uV


(ssapu.req) se1 :eouelqseu ileds(ssapu-req) selebau apnlfuoJ :,sol4J 6une5

rnoq [ :uoqeJno

7 Ourp;arqs :p e-luorle.rnlqy

a4Kt{Bnua pa{tcads utot"l aSourp salr.u3t na[qns a\L

'rea; 0t Jo a8uer E qtrl\ esuasror.uerl

tf,e lqns aqr sluer8 {reru slr{] Sullen rrlv

peJJS eunu

'a8uer urqtr/!\ pue punor8 eql qtl^\ tJBtuoJ ur sr teqlSurql,tue jo uorlerol aqr asues or roe[gns eq] Surnolp'quea aquo slurds aqt qtr/K euo seruoraqtcatqns artl


(ssa;u.req) sa1 :acuelqseu ileds(ssa ; ru-r eq ) sa1 e 6eu apnl I UoJ :,vrol1f, 6u ure5

,f,J;:ffiil# uorle.rn [qy'&qunb asuastourau arp suw8 na[qns a\L

ralPerD'tulsuesJo IrPw

, q'r spu n q, ].il,?,:il lft:; ;,Til,ffi iltr; :$""peJJf eunu

'ees touuer aq s8urqt arrtou ot ^rlilqe aqr ulrq 8ur-ruer8'pauarq8req eJB sesues lensrn-uou s(tJelqns ar{L


(ssapu-req) se1 :af,uelqseu ileds(ssa;u-req) salebau apnlfpoJ :,soLlJ 6urle5

,'r:ififfiil# uorle.rnlqy'san\Dnb ruats puv trl8rspu11q aW sutp8 na[qns a\L


'ttreuf ' tu I plelqsJo IrPWJesse-l' uollPJolseu Jo IJPW

'pelzzep pue pezBp :la8releqt Surrcage suoltlpuoc asre^pe Sumrolloj aqtJo IIBpue /,ue spua /,laterpeturur {JEru slqr Surlenlltv

peJJS eunu'suollf,lllJB Jounu dezne

Surdrm rcalqns eql Jeno ser{se/!\ r{8raua alr]rsod


(ssa;u.req) sa1 :af,uEsFeu ildS(ssapu-req) salebau ;;r14 :,frortl 6urae5

'T"il:iliilil^;(6ur;ea;1) uorle-rn [uo3

'suotilpuor paFzap puD pazap sawuballv

'dx 005 :lsoo dX

'r{teap ot anp tsol slurod uortntrts-uoo aJotser tou seop uoriarotsat nlpat3 Io rWW

'sr{luoul t uBqr aJoru ou sr le^el

aql tsol ernteorf, eql af,urs eurl eqt jl /,1uo parolsararB sle^el PeurBrP er{I 'PeurBuE ,tlsnornard pBqtr le^a1 lsaq8lq aqr ot aJntEeJJ eqt Suuotsal 'eJnl

-BaJf Jo eJJoJ E ̂q sureJp lenel sesJeneJ osle tfe#eslr{J 'la8rer eqt Surtcrgge sla^el anrte8au IIB slad-slP tl 'serocs ,b111qB IIB ruory PaurBrp dltuaueuHadslurod IIB serotsar pue a8eurep ̂rlllqe /,re.r-oduler IIB seJnJ '�salrlllqe s(eJnlBeJJ eqt SurzrleuedstreJJe lecr8eru 11e sladsrp >lreru sn{t Surlenlllv

peJJS eunu'sorofs ,ttrlqe puB sle^el peurBrp Suuots

-eJ 'tJefqns eqr sselq sJe]serueunJ tsed ;o srrldg


(ssapu;eq) sa1 :ecuep;seu ileds(ssepu-req) sale6au ;;r44 :,$ort1 6urae5

T;ilTfi:il:s / uotlerolseu :PAe.l

(6ur;ea;1) uorle.rn [uo3'sutn.Lp arors {,lqtqo pup pftal Sarotsay

relPeJD' uollPJolseu Jo IrPw'hluesur pue 11ads Wynlqaal E Jo

srrel;a eqt 'pasntuor :pepua /,latBrparurur ere la8reteqt Surrcage suoltlpuoc asre^pe Surznolloj eqJ


peJJS eunu

Rune EffectW'hen making the final stroke of this mark, the

inscriber must choose one of the following elements:acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic.

'When the mark

is activated, the subject is granted energy resistance10 against damage of whichever one of the fiveenergy types was selected. This rune functions likethe spell resisr energ, except as already noted.

Rune EffectActivating this mark grants the sr-rbject spell

resistance Z 1.

Mark ofshielcling, LesserSpel/ attucks mlss subject 50% of the time.

Abl uration

Level: Shielding 1

Duration: 1 minute

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject becomes effectively invisible to the

world of magic. Enerny casters car-r sti l l see theprotected creature, but it is diff icult to

direct targeted magical energyat her.

Mark of Shielcl i ng, GreaterThe subject gains spell resis tance 21


Level: Shielding 5

Duration: 10 minutes

Saving Throw: Wi ll negates(harmless)

Spel l Resistance: Yes(harmless)



. i lul,L,l; h t t9 . l , r j t f

H I!

A m a g i c a l a u r ashields and r,\rotectsthe subjectfrom spelleffects.

I -

?1 {t ol s


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B ;,.,|',tt

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(ssapu.req) sa1 :ecueFlseu lpds(ssapu.req) salebeu ;;r14 :,rorql Ouraeg

elnutu [ :uoqeJno

9 6urp;arqS :p^e.l

uorlern[qV'vcalla uonDinursuDrj

pw t"tuputorJau 01 Kttunututt suma nafqns a\L

rolredns' tulpleHsJo IrPw'petou ,{,pear1e se ldac

-xe'oJltuissar 11ads eqt e{ll suoltf,unJ aunJ slql

peJJl eunu's11ads ruou req srcarord

pue roa[qns eq] splelqs BrnE leor8eu tuleJ Vuolldu)secl

(ssa;u.req) sa1 :ef,uEslseu ileds(ssapu.req) salebau ;;r1q :aor{L 6urae5

elnuru J :uoqeJnog burp;erqs :p^ry1

uorlern[qV' s ftno np Sutrw s ua srnn q aJttrtstsa r [ + p ruwB lca [qns ryI

roulw'tulpleHsJolrPw'patou Apearle se tdacxa

'\uvlq wryr 11ads eql aIII suollrun, eunr slt{J

paJJS eunu'uorJef,ol slq uo /,rcs Jo srq8noqt slq pBeJ ol selJl

teqt rr8eru lsute8e peplalqs sI pultu s(trelqns eqJ


(ssapu.req) sa1 :ef,uelqseu ilads(ssapu.req) salebau ;;r14 :,Horql 6uure5

;rnoq vz iuo.leJno

g 6urp;arqs :p^e.l

uorle.rn [qy'8:ur{"tcs 01 puv 'sttotiouua puv

pulut stl,Iuo slcalla Tocr?out oi aunuru? slna[qns a\I

pulw'tuplelqsJoIrPW'elqlsl^ur ,(11eors/,qd lou sI lf,elqns aql

',t8raua lecr8eur para8rer ot pre8ar grlm alqlsl^ul

Aluo sr roalqns eq] esnereQ tcage slqt treratunof,tou saop 11ads Suraas anu Jo {aqtqrnnu aas V

'(s4ceue qf,nor pa8uer pue

qrnol ealeru) s11ot {rBuB 11ads tsute8e (aoueqf, sslulo/oOS) ruaurlBaruor ataldruoo seq roalqns eqJ

peJJf eunu


,..|oa'ueqJ.Pauml-ocues).,,..,'''lo1e1ilods��������������'t'o" rt66gg'#*': '""" ' "

';**'*' '

'/!rolaq paNII are uorredlsqp puB Surumrro; seilreqo' satedl sq p Awpgls awtwrvt Io 4tmnaf,rreqf, E sIerer{l '{lqysaccns

ila& e Srnurnt reUV 'perunt { fiads arp

erueqre sl erer+ '11eds e /,qpata8.rer s1 rcafqns eW ueqn6,'s11ads e8uer-qrnol dols ot slrB; osle rl 'parrelle

tou ere s11ads BerB pue lra#A 'ta8rel e sB trelqnsaqt e^Bq teqt s11ads ,t1uo surnl uotlern[qe eql


'ratsef, leur8uo aqt uodn lceq rcefqns eq]

uo peta8rer $re#e aTl-llads pue qlads sumt reqt rcalqnsaqt punoJe suuoJ uollf,etord Jo BJnB Suuaurul1{s V


(ssa;u-req) se1 :eruEslseu ileds(":iff?il'#f ;il;T"'ff; 2 6urp;erqS :p^e-l

uorle.rnlqy)isnr iD >pDq s11ads vca1lag

elPl.Unln'tuplelqsJo IrPw'sr uwtp {?nua lads fltuuruoJf,eu aqt iauru

qqt Aqpatcelletou ere sernteerf, peepunlo $lf,Bue ulerp,{8raua lBrnteuadns aqJ 'ef,uetslser

lads elqeteaqunsE tre#e qqt lBarl 'paladsrp,tlarelpauul ere arnteerf,eqt uo eAItJE Lpearp slra;e qJns,tuy 'Jel\ol pue la^elqr9,o $f,e#a uolleln(usuBJl PuB,tcueuorfeu IIB ol,blu-nururr sure8 rcalqns aqr 'petenuJe sl )ueru qqt ueq/n

paJJS aunu'stJe#e Jer.lto ,tueul Suoule 'a8ueqf, ot adeqs srq

ef,roJ ro ,(8raua alll srq des plno/lt tet{t stJe#e lecr8eurrsure8e patf,etord pue papr8 sr Arrlerln s(tf,efqns er{J



MarkofSpeeclThe subject' s speed and maneuuerability increase.


Lcvel: Motion 2

Duration: 10 minutes

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject gains the speed, climbing and jump-

ing ability of a tiger.

Rune EffectThe subject gains

mark is activated.several benefits when this Rune Effect

The subject's base land speed increases by 30 feet.There is no effect on other modes of movement suchas burrow, climb, fly or swim. As with any effect thatincreases speed, this spell affects jumping distance(see "J,r-p" in Chapter 4: Skills of the Plnyer'sHandbook).

The subject gets a +10 racial bonus on Climbchecks and retains her Dexterity bonus to ArmorClass (if any) while climbing, and opponents get nospecial bonus to their attacks against her; however,the subject cannot use the run action while climb-ing.

The subject gets 2 + 10 racial bonus on Jump checks.

MarkofSpeecl , LesserThe subject's speed increases by 10 feet.


Level: Motion 0

Duration: 1 minute

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject is invigorated with energy and gains

a quick burst of speed.

Rune EffectThe target's base land speed increases by 10 feet

when this mark is activated. There is no effect onother modes of movement such as burrow, climb, fly,or swim. As with any effect that increases your speed,this spell affects your jumping distance (see "J.rrnp"

in Chapter 4: Skills of the Plnyer's Handbook).

Mark ofStri ki ng, Al igneclA nnnn al w eap on b ecome s cluanc, evil, go od or lawf ul .

Transmutation [see text]

Lcvel: Striking 3

Targeh One natural weapon

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionOne of the subject's natural weapons is imbued

with highly focused and energetic spirits.

Choose an alignment from chaotic, evil, good orlawful when placing the finishing stroke of themark. Activate this mark to align the natural weaponas chosen when the mark was inscribed. This runefunctions like the spell align weapon, except asalready noted.

Mark ofStriking, EnergyA natural weapon deals bonus energ1 damage.

Transmutation [see text]

Lcvel: Striking 6

Targeh One natural weapon

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionOne of the subject's natural weapons erupts with

acid, cold, fire or electricity energy. The subject'sattacks deal additional energy-based damage, butthe subject suffers no ill effects.

Rune EffectChoose one energy type from acid, cold, fire or

electriciry when making the final stroke to completethis mark. Activate this mark to cause the naturalweapon it imbues to erupt with the chosen energy. Thismark dispels any existing energy effect already on thenatural weapon. For example, if the natural weapon isalready flaming when a mmk of energy smking is acti-vated for cold damage, the flaming effect is dispelled.

The energy does not harm the subject. The naturalweapon deals an extra 1d6 points of the chosen energydamage on a successful hit. Upon striking a successful

(ssapu.req) sa1 :ecuelqseu lpds(ssapu.req) sale6au ;;r7q :,$oJt! 6uneg

rnoq J :uoqeJno

uodeaan leJnleu euo :p6.re1

2 6ur1r.rlg :prrr1

Iruo5] uorlelnusuerl'a7nump rtuos snuoq slDap uoQnarn lDrruD N

)luos 'tupllrlsJoIJPW'slloJ a8eurep pue {JBUB uo snuoq lue(ueJueque

I + e uodeam lernteu eqt anr8 ot ryBru slqr etE^rlJV

paJJf aunu

'lecr8eru seruof,aq uodeam lBJnlBu s(tJelqns eql


(ssa;u.req) sa1 :eruepFeu ilads(ssa;ru.req) sale6au ;;r14 :,urortl 6urrre5

rnoq [ :uoqeJn0uodeem lernleu euo :1a6.re1

7 6ur4-rlg:prr1uorlelnusueJl

'snuoqiuauraJuD\ua [+ D surp8 uo4parn lDrruDN

rltew'tupllrlsJolrPw'pa8reqcslp jl ro etnunu I reue spue

treJ;e eql 'a8eurep leqreluou Jo sturod tpI Ertxe

uE IEep uodee^\ IBrntEu Peqlrrsur aqr qtr/r\ {f,E]tBInJsselfns txau rno/, e>leru ol {JBru slqt etBArtJV

-orrr ere sellJnu{ prerl pue pellnp ^(prerodurat aresA\BIr dreqs ta,{ 'a8eurep snuog sleap rca[qns eql


(ssa;u-req) sa1 :ef,uelqseu ileds(sse;u-req) salebeu ;;16 :,noJt! Eurrcg

lxal aos :uorleJno

uodeann leJnleu euo :p6.re1

g 6ur4-rlg:prr1


IDWapou snuoq snqlut uoQnam lDmieAI

puDI 'tupllrlsJolrPw'Irets t(uop rarldrllntu IBJI]IJf s,uodee/v\ B

eseerrur teqt strege aldrrlnry 'tx se(uoreq txlo rarld-ltlnuur lerrtrrf, B ellq/y\ 'gx sauof,eg Zx lo rarldrrlnru

IEJrtrrf, v 'I ,tq saseerfur uodeam aqt ;o rarldlllnur


peJJS eun1 'sasuelep peuapreq Suuertauad pue

a8eurep snuoq Surleap 'auttuetuepe 8urnr1 [1anrr'Pauauos Alueluaru -felJe se111ofeq uodeam lgrnlgu s(tJafqns eql

Ierrtrrr eqt (uortlppe ul '(looqWDHS (ra0o7eqt ul t

-l alqel aes) tcaga slqr gll,n BpI ot anordtul plno^\e8eurep Jo sturod 9pI plp reqt uodeam e 'aldulexe

JoC 'peseeJJur eJe^r ezrs srr q8noqt se dats auo ,(qsano;durt uodBe^\ IBrntBu aqtJo a8eulep eseq aqJ

pe#f eunu'Sur8eurep /,pelnrlued are se{Irls paoeld-lla^\ pue'1aats a{ll sueprBq uodeal\ IBrntBu s(Jrefgns eqJ


(ssapu.req) sa1 :acuEslseg ileds(ssapu.req) salebau ;;r14 :,noJtf, 6une5

rnoq I :uotleJno

uodeam leJnleu euo :p6.re1

7 6ur4.rlg:par1

uorlelnusueJl'pa$ a\II suapffi\ uoQoarn lDrruDN

peueprPH'tupl lrlsJo {rPw'ssauprer1 SqssedAq pue uoltf,npar a8etuep Wyn sarnteerf,

ot a8eruep Sqpap ;o sxodlnd tW rg aqluBluepe sB

peteert are uodea { IBrntBu slr+ Wp{ eperu qrenv '(rlry

"gtDHS,D@deW ul fLelqBJ aas) tre#a qW upyt\ 9pto:l enordurr plno/v\ a8eruep;o uulod gpzplp rer4 uodeeme 'aldtuexa JoC 'pes?eJf,ur eJeA\ e4s stl rpnotp se dam auo[q sanordun uodeazn lBrn]Eu aW ]o a8euep eseq et1l

pe#f aunu


(ssapu.req) sa1 :eruelqseu ileds(ssa;u-req) salebau ;;r7';4 :,Hort! 6urrre5

rnoq J :uotleJnouodeam lernleu auo :p6-re1

g 6ur4-rlg:par1uorlelnusueJl

' auuuDurary sauroJaQ uo4na ftn lD "Iru pAI


'a{orts SurqsrulJ aql uodn pasBq trege ,brcutcalaro eru'o'";il-

ffi: .:*ffii ;ffJ:1;, IBuonrppB uE sleap uodeam lEJntEu eqt 'tlq IBrItIrr



DescriptionSuccessful attacks made with the natural weapon

are so strong that they cause thunderclaps.

Rune EffectThe base damage of the natural weapon improves by

one step as though its size were increased. For example,a weapon that did ld8 points of damage would improvero 7d6 with this effect (see Table 74 in the Playu'sHandfuk). Funfrer, the natural weapon deals an extra1d6 points of sonic damage on a successful hit, and itacquires the thmdcrngweapon special abiliry (see theDMG, Chapter 7, "'Weapons").

MarkofStriking, SureI'J egates concealment and couer penalties.


Leveh Striking 1

Targeh One natural weapon

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThis mark has the appearance of an €ye , and the

natural weapon almost seems to see on its own.

Rune EffectThe natural weapon ignores the Acbonus granted

to targets by anything less than total cover and themiss chance granted to targets by anything less thantotal concealment. Total cover and total conceal-ment provide their normal benefits against thenatural weapon.

Mark ofStriking, UltimateGain deadly reach and ranged atmcks.


Leveh Striking ?

Duration: 4 hours

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject's natural weapons become so power-

ful that shockwaves precede them. He no longerneeds to make actual physical contact with a victimto deal melee damage.

Rune EffectThe bearer's unanned attacks gain multiple effec$.

First, the base damage of all natural weapons improvesby one step as though each weapon's size were in-creased. For example, a weapon that did 3d6 points ofdamage would improve to 4d6 with this effect (see

Table 71in the Plnyer'sHmdbook).

Second, the subject's reach increases by 5 feet.

Finally, a visible shockwave emanates from thesubject's fists whenever he throws punches. Thesubject can use his natural weapons to make rangedtouch attacks with a range of 3 0 feet. Theshockwaves produced from these strikes deal 1d8 +

Strength modifier points of bludgeoning damageplus 1d6 points of sonic damage.

Mark of Stri ki ng, Vampi ricI'l atural weapon drains the victim' s life force .


Leveh Striking 5

Targeh One natural weapon

Duration: t hour

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject's natural weapon is imbued with the

essence of a vampire. Her natural attacks give lifeback to her.

Rune EffectThe subject heals as many points of damage as it

inflicts with the base damage of its natural weapon. Thecreature does not heal extra damage dealt by Strength,enhancements, energy and so on. If the creature's baseattack is ld8, then only this roll provides healirg, evenif the fulI amount dealt with each attack is, for example,1 dB + 1 0 points ofdamage plus 1 d6 points offire damage.Critical hits heal all base attack damage dealt. Forexample, the natural attackfrom the previous examplewould heal 2d8 hit points per critical hit.

Markofthe BactgerThe subject flies into a ra"ge.


Leveh Beast 3

Duration: See text

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistancq Yes (harmless)

Jo BaJB eqf uI srull3ln 'PaqIJJSUI sB/n {JBlu aqf uaqAluesoqr ad'b [8raua eqt ;o a8eruep Jo s]urod 9p0Zsleap uodeam qteerq aqJ '3uo1 tea; 0l q uodeam

qrBerq aqt 'euor e se Paqrrf,sul sB^\ IrBru aql JI'3uo1 tee; OVI puB 'qBIq teeJ g 'apmr rae; g sr uodee^rqrBerq eqr '3ull B sB peqrrrsul sB/v\ {rBru eqt JI'{reltB qrBarq euo aletu ot etnulul I seq rcalqns eql'patenrlJe af,uo 'paJarle aq touuer {JElu aqt 'apeur

uaaq sBq eJror{f, eqt af,uo 'tJeJ$a }o eale auof, Jo

aull e raqtla puB '[]rcutrela ro err] 'plo, 'plr" ruoryesoor{f, lsnu reqrrf,sul eqJ 'poqtaru

{relle puB ad,tl,t8raua srr stes {reru slql Jo elorls Surqqul} aql

pelJS eunu

'{f,Bue qtBeJq B Jeq Sunuer8 'uoBBJp

v jo af,uesse eqt ytlan penqul sl rcalqns aqJ


(ssa;ru-req) sa1 :ecuEslsau ileds(ssepu.req) sale6eu ;;r14 :,nortl 6uure5

(txat aas) alnuru I :uoqerng

6lseeg :p^e.l


\iaarq D sutp8 na[qns a\I

uoterqeqlJoIrPW.elqtunl ro [1lua1ls e^ol/{

'aplH 'lstlry adeosE 'acueleg :rsll SutmolloJ aqlIuoU {lellr lltls lxau slt{ uo snuoq ef,uBlsunf,rlf, 9+e sure8 rcalqns eqt 'pa]enrtre sr {reru slqr ueq/1

pe+J3 aunu'tef, B jo Arrp8e eqt gtl,rn panqur sr lrolqns aqJ


(ssa;u-req) sa1 :eruEslseu ileds(ssa;u-req) sale6au ;;r44 :aor[f, 6urae5

lxel aes :uoqeJnc

0 lseag :PAe'l

uorlelnusueJl' a notQu4 slllls pasnq- hrrawa e

lPf aqlJoIrPW'palou Apearle se tdacxa

'alerrdordde sB yl8uaus s,llnq Jo aJuD"LnWa s (rDaq'acnt3 s JDr s11ads eqt a{ll suonrun} eunr slr{J

'erof,s ,bl11qe Petf,alas eqt ol snuoq tualu-eruBqua f+ e ta8rer aqt sluerS ryEru sF{l Surlenlttv'qr8uang Jo ,buatxaq suoltntltsuo3 stJeJB {Jeru

eql reqreq/n atBf,lPul o1 alorts B qllnn IrBru aqr saqsr-urJ JetsBr,ueuru eql '�PaqrJJsur sr ryBru qqt uaqra.

pe#f eund

'gr8uarrs ro Arrprrn ',tr1p8e paseerrul raq 8u1rue.r8 '�ilnqro

reeq'tef, Elo ef,uesse aql qrl/!\ pengur s lcalqns aLLL


(ssapu-req) se1 :eruelqsau ileds(ssa;ru.req) salebau ;;r7,;4 :,HoJ[L 6u1rc5

)lnutu z :uotleJnc

Z lseag :PAa'luorlelnusueJl

' yl8ua"n S ro ht"tawa1.' uoltninsuoC sasaarJul

lsPegeLtrlJoIrPW'euots ol peuJnl sr turlf,r^ euo JI ro elnullu I JauE

pa8reqcslp sr lsrllsDqaW Io 4nutlo re^rod aq1 'tre#e

aqt ale8au or (raglpotu BtusIrBqO s(tf,elqns + erlCl

rlH s(Jrefqns ZII + 0I CC) anes epnrruoC B sla8

la8rel eqt pue 'taa; 0t ulqrl/K ag lsnu {f,Bne aze7

aqr;o ra8ret aqJ 'uortre eeu E sB punor qf,Be {rBnBaze7 euo aletu UEJ rcafqns aq] 'peatsul 'punor

qree eABs epntrtJoC B a{Bu ot peeu lou op a8ueruIqlI^,K seJnleeJf, '>1ceDe aze7 IBLUJoU B eIIIun

lfeJf eunu

'auols ol stullf,I^surnt ter{t {JBnB azeB e ullq Surluer8 '4srpseq

E Jo eruasse eql qllrn Panqul sl roalqns eql


(sse;u.req) sa1 :eruEslseu ileds(ssa;u.req) salebau ;;r44 :,$or{L 6une5

elnutut I :uoqeJno

B lseag :P^e.l

uorlelnusueJl'\rDiiv azp? p sutp8 na[qns a\L

IslllsPg eqlJoIJPW'(looqpuDH

s ,n{,v14 eqr }o sassEIO : g rerdeqO ul a8er }o uorl-duf,sap eqr aas) spue lre#e eqr ueq^r pan8rre; tousr tnq 'a8er uBrJBqJEq B otur sJetue rcalqns aqJ

peJJf eunu'aBBJ

InlJe/r\od e otur salU puB re8peqe jo rf,uessa eqt gtlrn penqul sl rca[qns eql


effect may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + IIZ Durationz? minutes

subject's Hit Dice + subject's Constitution modi- Saving Throw: Fortitudefier) for half damage. Spell Resistance: Yes

MarkoftheGolemThe subject gains natural armor and damage redu.c-


Leveh Beast 6

Duration:2 minutes or until drscharged

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject's skin hardens like stone, warding

him against blows, cuts, stabs and slashes.

Rune EffectActivating this mark grants the subject a +5

enhancement bonus to natural armor and damagereduction 1O/adamantine. Once the effect has pre-

vented a total of 100 points of damage, it is


\Uhen both this rune and mark of the werewolf arein effect, the DR lO/adamantine reduces damage bysilver weapons by 10 points, which is taken offthe100 points of protection provided by mark of thegolem.

MarkofthelmpThe subject gains fast healing 3 .


Leveh Beast 4

Duration: 10 rounds

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject is imbued with the essence of an imp,

granting her superior healing powers.

Rune EffectThe subject gains fast healing3.

MarkoftheSnakeI'J atural attacks become poisonous .


Leveh Beast 7

Targeh One piercing natural weapon

DescriptionThe subject is imbued with the essence of a

snake. Poison sacs develop, and the subject be-

comes capable of injecting poison into wounds he


Rune Effect\Thenever the subject strikes with the affected

natural weapoh, victims struck must succeed at aFortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/Z subject's Hit

Dice + subject's Constitution modifier) or suffer

Id4 points of temporary Constitution damage, and

anothe r ld4points of temporary Constitution dam-

age 1 minute later. The subject's claws or teeth willgrow long enough to act as piercing weapons for themark's duration; the subject gains a claw or bite

attack if he did not have one already.

MarkoftheTigerIncreases natural w eapon' s damage .


Level: Beast 1

Targeh One piercrng natural weapon

Durationz 2 minutes

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject is imbued with the essence of a tiger.

The natural weapon sharpens and deals additional


Rune EffectThe subject's claw and or bite attack becomes

more potent, the natural weapon's base damageimproving by one step as though its were size

increased. For example, a weapon that did 1d6 basepoints of damage would improve to 1d8 with this

effect (see Table 7-4 in the Player's Handbook).Ifthe subject does not have a claw or bite attack, he

acquires one of his choice for the rune's duration.

MarkoftheWerewolfThe subject gains damage reduction l)lsiluer.


'petoLr Apearle su tdarxe 't"lqtqtstftrn ??S

pLrE uorsrft\rrp slleds eql alll slloltrur3 ellnr slql

pe#f eunu'srra[qo elqlq^Lll eas o] ptru {ltslq qrlrd LII ees ol .{rtltqu

aqr Srurue:8 'talotn daap u ano13 sa^(a s,lcafqns eqJ


(ssapu-req) sa1 :ef,uelsFeu lpds(ssa;u.req) salebau ;;rl :,ttorq1 6une5

rnoq I :uorleJnc

€ ssauareMv :p^?-l

uorlelnusuerl'vtafqo puD sarn]DarJ

alqts!ftu aas uD) puD 'uosm4rDp suto8 na[qns a\L

uorslnJoIrPW'pen8rtuJ ot peJnpal sI LIoIIIpLIoJ let{l 'palsnuqxe stsmernttsrrr eqt JI

'pen81lu; ra8uol ou sl lca[qns aLII

pa#f aund

'an8nu; [umu

Snrdr,lr 'tJafqns eq] seteroBJALII [Sratte aAI]ISod


(ssapu-req) sa1 :eruelslseg lpds(ssapu-req) salebau ;lrl :,ttortll 6ur,te5

""",":;:il:.-;illli(6, tleeH) uorlern [roJ

'anlnnt sawulltnl1

rotlnJo)lrPW'pa8reqcslp sr tr 'a8etutspJo slutod OOI Jo lutot B petllenardserl tra;e aqr erL(J ('uoucnpar eqr sasud/,q ucxluam

Je^lrs e q8nogl 'ucxleam E uIoS a8eurep seTet eqs aurll

qrBe a8euep;o uurul Qf lsrg el{l seroufl aqg; 'tanlls/Ol

Lror I f, npar a8euup surc8 rca [qns aLLL' saqsel s pLrE squ]s' s1l-lf'�s^\olq tsuru8u roa[qns eqr ryre/K lrelu slqr 8tu]unttlv

peJJf eunu

'ranlls ol elqBreull-l^ req

Surnual rnq a8eutep uIoU raq Suttcalo-rd ';1ozna;am

e Jo rruesse eql qll,rn panqul sl lca[qns eql


(ssa;u.req) sa1 :eruelsFeu lpds(ssapu.req) salebau ;;r1q :,norql 6ulrre5pa6.reqrsrp lrlun ro salnuruu Z:uotleJng

I lseag :p^el


MarkofVision, LesserThe subject gains low-Iight qtision.


Lcvel: Awareness 0

Duration: 1 minute

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject's eyes glow a faint yellow as he gains

the ability to see better in dimly lit areas.

Rune EffectActivate this mark to gain low-light vision for

the rune's duration.

MarkofVision, TrueThe subject sees aII things as they really are .


Leveh Awareness 6

Duration: 2 minutes

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject gains the ability to see through

darkness; notice magically hidden doors; pinpointcreatures through magical concealment; and seeinvisible objects, illusions, and the true forms oftransmuted things.

Rune EffectThis rune functions as the spell true seeing,except

as already noted.

MatenalCornponertr:Theinkforthisruneismadefr om250 gp wonfi of mushroom powder, saffron and fat.

Sigil ofDispellingCancels maglcal spells and effects.


Level: Shielding 3

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

DescriptionA blast of counter-magic dispels magical spells

and effects in the area.


Rune EffectThis rune functions as the spell dispelmnglc,except

as noted here. It acts as an area dispel only, affectingeverything within a 3O-foot radius. The caster level ofthe rune is 10th, so rhe casrer level check is 1dZ0+ 10.

Sigil ofHealingCures 4dB points of dnmage for manJ creatures.

Conjuration (Healing)

Level: Healing 6

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Will half (harmless) or Will half (see text)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) or Yes (see text)

DescriptionA blast of positive energy heals all nearby creatures.

Rune EffectAll creatures in the area (allies and enemies

alike) are cured of 4d8 points of damage.

Like other cure effects, sigrl of healing deals dam-age to undead in its area rather than cures them.Each affected undead may attempt a Will save forhalf damage.

Sigil of Healing, GreaterConjuration (Healing)

Leveh Healing 7

This sigil functions like sigzl of healing, except thatit cures 5d10 points of damage.

Sigil of Healing, SuperiorConjuration (Healing)

Lcveh Healing B

This sigil functions like sigrl of healing, except thatit cures 6dl Z points of damage.

Sigil of Healing, UltimateConjuration (Healing)

Level: Healing ?

This sigil functions like sigrl of healing, except thatit cures 200 points of damage.

Sigil ofPurificationRemoues bltght and increases crop yields.


Leveh Restoratron 3

'aue1d erues eqt uo asle eJeqlt-eruoS Suueaddear 'readdeslp BaJE er{t uI seJnlBeJO


se1 :aruEslseu ileds'"*'i,::1ffi;Tjff:lsrnq snrPer-looj-0 I :eeJv

g uorloy\ :p e.l

(uorlepoda;a1) uorle-rn [uo3' Kpuwsut sa rniva rJ sl,rodsuD t I



uollPuodsuP{Jo lltls


::,i.,..-. %09


3* %01


uorledrssf 0 lo otueqJ . posrlsqv l"o^a'l ilads ",t

t,*.*r ' "

'^\oleq perql sI uoltedlsslpJo erueqr

ar{L 'aJntBaJJ reqt Jo} setBdrssrp BJnB eqt ef,LrBqJ E sI eJeql'1ads E qrolq ErnB eqt erup qlql 'uolternp Sululetuereql Joj r1 tne8 BaJB el{l Jelue oq/!r seJnteeJc luottcalord

sHl esol lf,e#alo BerE aql e^Bal oq/v\ sernlBero 'PaPuadxa

sr BrnB eql Fun ro srnoq t roJ re^\ol ro la^el ql6 ,o$f,ege puB s11ads ilB ot euntutul arB sernteerf, PalreJV

peJJf eunu's11ads s{rolq teqt uoltrelord

Jo BJnB Suuaurulgs B gtlrlt BaJB eqt uI seJntBaJJsteoJ or8eru;o tsJnq e 'patenltfe sr lr8rs slqt ueqr6'


:)fii"ffi:,:',1: lxel ees :uoqeJno

lsJnq snrPer-'lj-g :eeJv

5 6urp;erqS :p^e.l

uorle.rnfqystcalla puv s11ads lla sryolg

elPl.Unln'tuplelqsJo lltts

'tt sdol s Sutylaqf Io lflsreqtaq^r eulruretap ot retseJ aqt ot atelrdordde le^eleqt esn 'tt 8unsBf, sI ssEIf, JelJBJEql qtlq^t uo 8ul-puadap le^el euo ueqt erolu set{ 11ads uant8 e il

'c1&vut p4s1p BerB ue Lq tou tng '11ads cpnu P4sIpparaS.ret B Aq uznop lq8norq eq uBf, tra#e slql

'uorJeJnp SuruIELueJ er{t Jo} rl ute8

BaJB eqt ratue oq^A seJnteerc luoncatord slqr esol

lf,ejre jo EaJB aql e^Eal oq^\ saJnlBeJo 'selBAIlJE

?u1yplys /o lfts uaq/lr lf,a#e uI I'pearle s11ads arB

rou '�palre#E tou erB req8tg PUB le^el qrt;o s11adg's11ads tser lltls uer ernteerr papre/lr eqJ 'stuatl

ruory stf,a#e a111-11ads ro s11ads pue seItIIIqE e{ll-11ads apnlf,ul strejte papnltxg 'ra^tol ro lenel Prt

Jo srre#a 11ads ot aunrutul are sarntearf, PetJa#VpaJSaunu

'BJnB ennJelord e

gtlrn eeJB aqr ur saJnlBeJf IIE sleoJ lEqr /,8raua 8ul-Jerrnulr{s;o tsJnq B selBeJJ {JBtu slqt Suttenltlv


:ffii"ffi:,:::: elnutu I :uoqeJno

lsrnq snrPer-'u-E :eaJv

7 6urp;arqS :p^e'l


lla4s pftal-pt"g y?norp -ts f s{ol5

tutptetqsJo IIttS'seJnleaJf, luBld uo lfa3$e

ou set{ IISts slt{I 'leturou ol Perolser sr '11adt * xt\3119

Sunynno aql 'tq pelcelJe teqt sB qf,ns 'Pt*l palq8tlg'leruJou anoqe pJltlt-euo ol reaA txeu eql jo esJnoJ

eqt JaAo PesrEJ ,btnttonpord lBltuelod Jlaql e^Bq

BerB eqr urqlr/Y\ srueld IIY ('eare arllua eql lJe#B ol

satnunu g se{Et ssacord slql) 'snlpeJ allu- I e or tnoSurpuatxe 'punor red rea' OO I senotu eAB^\ aqJ

paJJf eunu

',brntlcnpord dorc anordull pue puBI eqt erolsal

ot PJB/lUno slsJnq ,t8raua anutsod Jo aAB/Y\ vuolldufsecl

(ssa;u.req) sa1 :aouEslseu ileds(ssa;u-req) salebau ;;r14 :,norrtl 6uure5

lxel ees :uoqeJnc

lsrnq snrPer-ellru- J :eaJV



Rune EffectAs sigrl of lesser transportation, except you can

designate any location on the plane as long as youhave seen the physical destination at least once(possibly using magic) and the destination has notsignificantly changed. (The GM makes this deter-mination. If she decides the locale has changed toomuch since you last saw it then you may end upsomeplace else that looks very similar. )

S igi I ofTransportation,Greater

Transports creatures anywhere instantly .Conj uration (Teleportation)

Leveh Motion 7

Area: 10-foot-radius burst

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionCreatures in the area disappear, reappearing sorrre -

where else in the universe.

Rune EffectAs sigrl of lesser transportation, except you can

designate any location on any plane. If you havenever been to the designated plane, then you caninscribe general marks that effectively pick ? r?.rr-dom location on that plane. If the indicateddestination has changed significantly since you lastsaw it, the effect is the same as designating a randomlocation on the plane.

Sigil ofTransportation, LesserInstantly transporrs creatures a short distance.

Conj uration (Teleportatron)

Lcvel: Motion 4

Area: 5-foot-radius burst

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionCreatures in the area disappear, reappearing sorrr€-

where else nearbv.

Rune EffectWhen you inscribe this sigil, you must designate

a spot within 500 feet as the destination by encod-ing intricate marks within the sigil. Activating thismark causes all affected creatures to teleport in-stantly to the destination.

The subjects can't take any other actions afterteleporting until their next turns.

Subjects carrying more weight than their maxi-mum loads do not teleport.

If the subjects arrive in a place that is alreadyoccupied by a solid body, each teleported creaturetakes 1d6 points of damage and is shunted to arandom open space on a suitable surface within 100feet of the intended location. If there is no freespace within 100 feet, each teleported subject takesan additional Zd6 points of damage and is shuntedto a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no freespace within 1,000 feet, each teleported creaturetakes an additional 4d6 points of damage and theeffect simply fails.

Sigi I ofTransportation,Ultimate

Instantly transporrs creatures anJ where .Conl urat ion (Teleportation)

Level: Motion ?

Area: S-foot-radius burst

Duration: See text

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionCreatures in the area disappear, reappearing sorrr€-

where else on the same plane.

Rune EffectAs sigrl of lesser transportation, except you can

designate any location on the plane as long as youhave seen the destination at least once and thedestination has not significantly changed (see sigrlof nansportation). Also, this sigil is permanent andcan be activated any number of times.

A sigrl of ultimate transportation that is disabledbecomes inactive for 10 minutes; it can then betriggered again as normal.

MaterialComponent: Rune paint laced with pow-dered amber worth 1,000 gp.

{ull oqt rou rcalqns eq] punore spuerts eqr raqtleN'/,8raua eJJoJlo pasoduroo ere sap/Jv\s lDr"LaD eqJ

'sallrarls IDUaD aqt ulqtl/!\ paddert suletuer

tl tet{t punor qf,Ba a8euep }o stutod 9pI sra#ns

la8ret eqr 'toaga salet 11ads eqt reUB punor aqluo SurtJets 'qe^{ /,8raua eqr uI pesef,ue le8rel eqldaa4 ol uolteJtueJuof, uIEtuIBtu tsntu JetsBJ aqJ'(parrnbar aq Aeur lreqr uortertueruoO E q8noqt)

s11ads tsEJ .ro uodeen\ qteeJq B esn 'Ir"p* ,(eu la8releqJ 'aoe1d ur Sutranoq tcalqns eql daa>1 sallrarf

lnltn eqJ'llBj tou saop sseleqteuou ta8rel eqt 'A1aar;

l,g ro enoru ot elqeun q8noql 'tsef, se/t\ 11ads eqluaq^\ pardncf,o tl (seceds ro) aceds aqr e^Bal touuef,le8rel aqJ 'rl\orrlt Surnes III/N stl slle; tet{r arnl-BeJJ 8url,g la8ret euo dolanue saryJo\s IDUaD eql

peJf ileds'puerl paqltartstno s(retser eqt ot la8ret eqt s{ull

AlSururaas rqBII jo uleaq tq8trq y 'erntBerr 8ut[geuo sa8euep pue sarntdef, reqr qel\ r(8raua uaplo8'ruerlprq e seteerr ratser aqt '11ads slqr qrl/N


se1 :ef,uEslsau iledssale6au lll/ :,ftolt1 6urrre5

(6) lanel/punor 1 o1 dn 'uorlerluef,uoJ :uoqern6eJnleaJc 6urr(g auo :1a6.re1

(''"^;:1i1ilff1l"ff;il:3S'n:queuodruo3z zl//\lros :P^e.l

[acro3] (uor1ea.r3) uorle.rn[uo3'arnlpan 3:ur{,11 sa?ourp puv saZqrqouluul

seH)PqslPlrev'petsBlv\ ere slenal 11ads pesnuf-1 'auvrrr q,Losqv

stser aqs sB uoos sE sllerer eqs s11ads qllqrlr pue sle^el

11ads eqt dn eprnlp ot ̂\oq aplrep tsntu eqs 'uo os pue:q1eds lanal-ts I uenas :s11ads lenel-ts I aarqt pue s11eds

Ie^el-puz o^rt :11ads le^el-prt auo pue 11ads la^al-qtteuo IIErer plnor aqs 's11ads u/t\o raq ranorar ot rapro

ur saqsr/K aqs rane/v\oq dn sle^al 11ads eseql epl^lpuBf, eqs '(palse^t slllet{ sserxa eqt :s11ads lenal-ls I xlsroj I pue '11ads

la^el-qrt eqt rc]Z'11eds le^el-qrg eqr

ry Zll 0 qe^el 11ads uenas Jo letot B sUIBB autuee-l

puB '�(ureqt tser peq aglt sB lsnt) s11ads slgJo tsar aql

sasol uarnet eqt:s11ads pesnun s#nrey\Jo IIB sqrosqeeqs '11ads eqt Suuseo saqslul; auIuBe-I ueq.46, 's11ads

Jeq Jo eruos JeAof,aJ ol utlg uo DLLaLu q"Losqo asn Jeq

tal or saar8e - peredard s11ads Ien el-ts I xrs pue '11ads

Ie^el-q1f auo '11ads le^al-qtg euo seq oq^,\ releeq

uarnBt le^al-ql I I uB - urot{PuBro #nrel^I Puel{reH 'uraLu q"Losqv - Ileds le^el-qtg auo ro; rdarxaA"p eqt ro; slleds req IIE tsef, seq 'pream

JIe qBIq

Ie^el-LIt I I uE 'uroqrelg euIuBe'I 'aldulexe JoJ'tuaqt esn uBf, JelsBJ aql lou Jo Jeqleq/r\

sla^el 11ads req IIB sesol ra8rer eqr ipatsern are (reno Ual

Ia^el 11ads B jletl ''3't) suoltrod ssacxa Auy '11ads slqr

Jo sesofund eqt roj reuetu tou op st$l 11ads pue (rapaqB ruo{} sla^el 11ads Surqrosqe prez1ne ''3't) sesselr eAIl-oadsar eqJ'([em raq]o etuos ut ueql Sutsol Jo uleqr

Suuser [q raqlla) papuadxa pue paredard Alsnotnard

pBrl ratser eqt tetlt s11ads aq tsn(u s11ads Pellmeg's11ads snorJenlo sle^al IIBIaJ ot seqsl/\{ aL{ Janemoq dn

sle^el 11ads aseqt epl^lp uBf, eH 'Pepuadxa,tlsnornard

ser{ eq teqr stols 11ads ro s11ads ;o le^el 11eds euo

ol dn sllerar retser eqr 'saso1 la8ret eql ter{r sle^al 11adso/yu fuana ro; 's1 teql '(uuvttt qnsry [q petceJJeun eres11ads le^el-g) orrer Z-IJ-I B uo s11ads u/tro slq sllmaroq^{ 'retser ar{t ot parra}suen ere sle^al 11ads Pasn-rrn s,ta8rel eqt 1p

'11ads eqt jo uoltalduloc uodn's11ads Suusec Jo elqedec sarntearc [1uo slreJJE oslB

11ads slql '/Korqr Sutnes ou s^{o11e 11ads aqt 't..ll

'seJntearc Surlllrn uo rsef, aq,t1uo /,eu 11ads slt{I

peJJf ileds'JetsBf, eql ol PerrelsuBJl ,tlruers

-rrr sr Ja/nod lecrSBru s(laSret eql se ,(lrualol^ {JeIqtoq pue 'qtnou s,ta8ret eqt sassll ratsBr eqJ


,,i*ftffiI{l: peqlnol arnlearc 6ur ll 14\ :1e6.re1


elnuru [ :eurl 6ur1se3

S 'n :sluauodruo3

v zlfilros :p^e'l

uorlelnusueJl' ra$D) a\i oi :;'8.tol ayl utot"l sPftall1a4s 71o s"talsuDrl


aqr uI sad,b IIB Jo srets'rllads ,"ir.,urp"#-;:f$uortfeles anrsuelxe uB sI uollfes slqt uI PeluesaJd



to the caster can be cut or damaged, though theeffect can be dispelled normally with dispel mag1c.

AvatarC aster becomes a ntearL, { dJ - slwened fighang machine .


Leveh PreT,,SorlWiz7

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Targeh You

Duration: 1 round/level

DescriptionThe caster screams a war cry as she grows in size

and strength. Her flesh hardens. Her skin, clothingand all her possessions become a dimly luminoussilver-gray.

Spell EffectUpon casting this spell, the caster becomes a

fighting avatar of her ideals. Her mindset changesso that she relishes combat. She loses her spellcastingability, including her ability to use spell activationor spell completion magic items, just as if the spellswere no longer on her class list.

The caster gains a +{ enhancement bonus toStrength, a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitutionand a +Z enhancement bonus to Dexteriry. She gainsa +B enhancementbonus to natural armor (this stackswith any inherent natural arrnor but not with anyother enhancements to natural armor) and spell resis-tance equal to 10 + her caster level. She is consideredproficient with all simple and martial weapons.

The caster doubles in height and increases inweight by " factor of 10. This increase changes thecaster's size category to the next larger one. Thecaster gains an additional +4 stzebonus to Strength,a -Z size penalty to Dexterity (negating the err-hancement bonus noted above), and a -1 sizepenalty on attack rolls and AC due to her increasedsize. (ln total, the caster will benefit from +8 toStrength, +6 to Constitution, +7 to AC, +3 onattack rolls and +4 on damage rolls. )

A humanoid creature whose size increases toLarge has a fighting space of 10 feet and a naturalreach of 10 feet. This spell does not change thecaster's speed.

If insufficient room is available for the growth,

the caster attains the maximum possible size andmay make a Strength check (using her increasedStrength) to burst any enclosures in the process. Ifshe fails, she is constrained without harm by thematerials enclosing her - the spell cannot crushthe caster by increasing her size.

All equipment worn or carried by the caster issimilarly enlarged by the spell. Melee and projectileweapons affected by this spell deal more damage.Other magical properties are not affected by thisspell. Any enlarged item that leaves the caster'spossession (including a projectile or thrown weapon)instantly returns to its normal size. This means thatthrown weapons deal their normal damage, andprojectiles deal damage based on the size of theweapon that fired them. Magical properties of en-larged items are not increased by this spell.

Multiple magical effects that increase size do notstack.

Aq,,atar dispels but does not counte r reduce person.

Material Component: A chunk of adamantineworth at least 500 gp.

Berserker StrengthSubject gairu a +4 borun n Snength andConsntution.


Leveh Hlr 3, Hnt 3, Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, S, M/DF

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Touch

Targeh Creature touched

Duration: 1 mrn./level

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject becomes as strong and hardy as the

toughest orc warriors.

Spell EffectThe subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to

Strength and Constitution.

Arcane Material Component: A few hairs, or apinch of dung, from an orc.

Berserker Strength, MassTransmutation

'r(Jeuollels sI uunlof,

eql 'spunor E SurtrolloJ eql ro; punor Llree a8eulep

arlJ Jo sturod 9pI slBap pue 'spunor t tsrlJ eqt ro;

punor qf,Ba (qpS runtulxeul) sle^al ralsef, o^u,tranaro; a8eurep arl; Jo slulod 9pI sleap utunlol eqJ

paJJf ileds'/,eme 3u1pe; Llttols aroleq etun E roJ srunq uunlof,

eqJ 'eJrJ Sutreor Jo rnunloJ B u/Kop sllet Jatsef, euLL

uondu)sec ayt Suswt"sa1:acuEqseu ilads?uoN :,froJ[f, 6uure5

sPunor g :uoqeJno(q6f q 'U

09 'snrper-'U-02) -rapur;,(J :earv

(;anal/'U 0l +'U 001) unrpay\:e6ueguorlf,e prepuels J :eur1 6uqse3

y\ 'S'n :slueuodruo3

v zlhlros :p^e1

["rtg] uorle)o^3'aunl ,Lafto sa.Lniaa"tc sa?nurp uDIII( (""tary

uurnlof tulzl?lgrJB IBruJou auo :luauoquloJ l0uaww

Ioruor lBrreds ou rers'f, aqt,.n,ffi;l"tilifiil:Surmolloj aqt uo asfuof s(tuItJIA eqt ruory seslJ uote-le{s pazrs-/,lareudordde ue '11eds srqr }o rre#a eqr

rapun ellq^r salp pue pf oueurng sl rcafqns aqr ]l'palladslp sl lraJte eqr ro peep

Iltun punor red a8eurep ,o stutod BPI 8ur>1er san-urluor lralqns eql 'sla8utl rf,e#e aq] 's11e; rca[qnsaqt JI

'spua lre#e eqt 'spaaccns lcalqns eql JI'/rroJqt Sutnes epnrluoC B se{Eru rcalqns aq] 'potrad

srqt Jo pue eqt ry 'eBBtuEp Jo slutod BpI reqto

-rJB se{Et rtllecrrEruolnB rcalqns aq] '1ana1 JalsBJ

rad punor I txau aqt roC 'lcedult uodn e8eruep

Jo slurod gp I sleap ̂\orre aqJ 'ta8ret aql tlq ol

{f,BuB qf,not pa8uer B tB paaf,Jns tsntu JatsBJ aqJ

paJJl lteds'asfuoc aqt ruory saslJ uotelels srl se ,{,e,l.e slle} uaql

qseu st1 ',(uo8e aqr ruo{ salP ll lllun uted uI saqllr^{

rurtJrl eql'ta8ret stt ot spaads pue pueq s(Jetsef, eql

tuog s8uuds lr sB /v\oJJB IBtuJou euo satunsuoc r{8raua

rruouap '{rep }o pesoduroc ̂\orre IrBIq ell^ V


sa1 :ecuEslseu iladsselebau apnlrpoJ :,noJql Eurleg

(',.";;,1'1ffi'il:1fi:eJnleeJr 6urrr; euo :p6.re1

(;ene;/'l1 0l + 'U 00t) unrpey\ :ebueg

uorlf,e prepuels [ :aur1 6urpe3

y\ 'S 6n:slueuodruo3

g zlhlros :p yl

[pf] (uor1eal3) uorle.rnluo3'uopla\s D sD urL1J\ft

'aSotuup snonunuo) slpap finor"LD Paraqv

A^orrv)pPIg'snrper eqt ult{tl^r sulBtual ar{ se 3uo1 sB ro} srlJeuaq

aqt sure8 tsef, sI 11ads aqt reUB snIPEr eqt sretue

oqdA AII" uV 'snlper s,11ads eq1 ulqtl/t\ suletuer

aq allr{/l| ,t1uo sll}aueq eqr suleler lsBs sr 11ads eql

uaq/!\ snrper aqt ulqtl^r [ll" uV '11ads eq] ]o snIPEr

eqt ur uaq^r ,t1uo sllleuaq esaql suteS AII" uv'g Sulleaq tse; pue le^al retsBf, +

gI ef,uetsrser 11ads '-lU uoltrnPer a8euteP'OV ol

snuoq uoureueP 8+ e uteS snIPBr s,11ads aql ulqll^\

(ralsec eqt tdacxa) sar11e I1y 'seIIIB slt{ lcatord

ot slrlds {J€p elqlq^ul suotutuns ratse3 eql

peJJE ileds'uour 'saq1e s(JelsBJ aql lf,elord ol UIJBA\s slutds {mCI


(ssapu.req) se1 :ecuEslseu ileds(ssapu.req) sale6eu ;;r44 :,nortf, 6urrre5

p^el/punor J o1 dn 'uotlerlueluoJ :uoqeJn6

uorleueue snrPer-'u-0€ :eeJV

leuosre6 :a6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels J :aur1 6urpe3

S 'n:slueuodruo3

6 rl^ s '6 rlH :P^e.l

uorle.rnlqy' SWnt ?, 4D r W suonraio tQ ytln nod WB sarrp s (rdtsD J

oopoon pPgttg'sarntearc aldltlnu stra#B rl tBtll

ldacxa 'yt8uaus ra1,Lasrag a{ll suoltf,un;11ads sltlJ

pede'U 0€ ue{laJou eq uel qllq,v\ Jo o/ytl ou ';anal/ernleaJl euo :qa6.re1

(qana; Zn;g +'U 97) aso;3:a6ueg

Lzlt lros '/ rlH :p^e1

AES\T$ ENIBAVTdGfE€ffi, &HT& =:i 's--

. ...r-::,I$ --. 4. i* - ffi't" : 11reF::--1.1'4-



Material Component: A bit of brimstone and adrop of the caster's own blood (or whatever passesfor blood).

BreathofFireCas ter breathes fire after consuming liquid.

Transmutation [Fire]Leveh SorlWiz 2

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Area: Cone

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe caster takes a drink and then spews forth

flames to engulf his enemies.

Spell EffectBreath of fire creates a cone of flames originating at

the caster's mouth. All creatures

caught in the cone take Zd4 points of damage + 1point per caster level (maximum of+10). Unat-tended objects also take this damage. Combustiblesin the area catch fire.

Material Component: A beverage containing theequivalent of at least one shot of alcohol, which isconsumed prior to casting the spell.

BrillianceAuraCaster and nearby allies make Spellcr aft checks to

cast spells for free .Transmutation

Lcvel: SorlWizT

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation

Duration: 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: No

' Qloof@S,,'suolldlrrseq ilHS,,'silqs

:p rarde\J '�lNqWH s,n@d arp eas) ra8rel eqt aes

prre reaq ol retser eqt elqBue tBW serrretslp lB /,1uo lryesn[1pnsn tya4snlurnar snq] pue 'tsef, Suyaq $ lI sE lads 8ur-soddo aqr $puapl ol speau illrs retsBf, elp 'elqereplsuor

sr 11ads qgr;o a8uer eqt epl!\ teqr etoN '{pcrreulotne

qro^\ eroleraql pue peretunoc Suteq lads eqr jo [dooB sB stunof, fl&sawnc:{dde qlads Sutralunor ro} salru

Ieuuou aqr ilV're rol ro le^el WgJo gads Aue retunof, ol

pasn aq [eru ]l tnq fitttl [q ilt re Surgrou saop lads sl[L

peJJf ileds'11ads s.tueuoddo req sretunoo r{1ysee relsel eql


oN :acuEsFeg iladsauoN :,noJrfl 6une5

; ;ads, Ur, *Jl::ffi::Tffi:;]:: (lana;/'l I OV + 'U 00?) 6uo1 :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6urpe3

S 'n:queuodruo3

)zlhlros '9 rlH :P^e'l

uorle.rnlqy'lla4s D sr"aiunoJ Klloctloulolnv

Iledsreluno]'sauo JarlJBe aceldar

s8urtseJ tuenbesqng 'etun euo /,ue tB enlloe 11adsslurds aW lo,llor euo e^eq Aluo '(eu retser aqJ

srar.{to IIB qrl^\ qJBls aroJeraql PLIB 'snuoq

PauBulrn uE sl slqr lBql eroN'llor aql uo snuoq 9+ e utl!

rtre.r8 surds arp 'sardxa uolternp s,11ads eLF eroJeqllor elp

teqt selgru retser eqrJl ' (,,uodee/K LItBarq s,uo8erp per eqr

lsure8e enBS ol ldulaDe tsJIJ,(yq,, ro ,,ef,Bul rttu vrlntrarueqaqt rozlaeg elrr]s ot lduatle tsrlJ [lr\,, 'alduexa ro;) ladsaquo uorternp aqr ulqly!\ a{BuI ot scadxa aqlBqr IIor elpcgnads euo sarelrap retser aqt '11ads qqt Sunseo uod6y

peJf ilads

o, s,rrr ds 'ur puno'In,,lTilfjl:lil ;lJ' :uTuuolldu)secl

paO.reqrsrp lrlun ro la^el/rnoq I :uoqeJn6


leuosra6 :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6urpe3

J0 'n :slueuodruo3

z r{MS 'z eqs 'l u^9 '(, Mro:p^e'l,(rueuoJleN

'llor atp auo uo snuoq S+ n suw8 .La$DJ

sltrlds eqlJo IIPf'puag rd,fu r B ruo+ 3a1 pamelf, Blo dtr aq1 : stxro Cauartv

'A11euuou suodeam plalrn Jo If,BnBol ,{l111qe s,lcalqns eqt raPuq tI saoP raqtleu lng's1cel-tE pauueun Sur4eul ot tgeueq IBIJads ou saptnord

11ads slr{I 'teqruof, tou '3ut33tp roJ alqBtlns are slleu

pare8uola eqJ'/!\oiloj ot sreqto roJ a8essed ou Sutneal'lauunl eqt esolr roJlesrult{ pulqeq trlp aqr uI Iauunt ee^Bel ol esooqr uBf, rcalqns aqJ'Sutmorrnq ellq^\ uru

touuEr 11ads ^\oilnq E Jo rca[qns eqJ '[11euuou s11ads

tsef, Jo If,BUB uBf, rcafqns eq] os '8ut{lerv\ sE uoItBJl-uef,uof, qf,ntu sB sarrnbar 11ads finolxng eqr 3uts1-1 '{foJ

tou rnq 'trlp q8norqt leuunt uer lcalqns aLIJ ']ee]

0I Jo paads E qtl/v\ /Korrnq uer rcelqns s,11ads aqJ

peJJS ileds'ate8uola pue uapret{ [tW se 8q8flp ro; rca;rad

euof,eq lcahns etplo teeJ puB WuEq eI+ uo flleu at1l


(ssapu.req) sa1 :acuelslsau ileds

P^q,:J;)ilil-:ff; peqlnol arnlea.r3 :p6.re1

q)nol :a6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels [ :eur1 6uqse3

J 'S 'n :queuodruo3

2 zlhlros :p^e'l

uorlelnusueJl'paaQs ffbounq p sutp8 nafqng

A OJJng'sllB} sr{em1e ssel rc , Jo IIor IErnlBu v

'pesnun surerueJ tols 11ads eqt Jo paJeda.rd suIELueJ

11ads eqJ 'pepuadxa tou sI tl rnq 11ads aqt stser

aqs'1n;ssarrnsJl '(la^el s,11ads eqt + 0t OC) lcaqeUerlllads " elBru /,eur eqs 'BrnB aqt ulqtl^\ ellq/lr 11adsE stser (rarsec eqt Surpnlcul ) [ll" uB reneueqrN

peJJS ileds'rueqt 8urso1 Alpnroe tnoqtrtr s11ads rlaqt tser ot tueql

sramodue pue req punore sretserllads /,1puau; lF or

rq8noqt auIIIBsfuc guer8 BrnE sltll'd8raue ueelruar

Jo BrnE Surqnd B qtl/\{ }lesrel{ spunoilns relsBr aqJ


Counterspell, GreaterAbjuration

Level: Hlr ?, Sor/Wiz ?

This spell functions exactly ascept that it counters spells of up

Counterspell, LesserAbjuration

Leveh Hlr 3, Sor/Wiz 3

This spell functions exactly as counterspellt, savethat it counters spells of up to 3rd level.


Leveh Sor/Wiz 6, Swh 6

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets: One living creature/level, no two of which can bemore than 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like cripple*, except that itaffects multiple creatures.

CrushingWaveG iant w av e p o utnds opp onents and"kno cl<s them pr one .

Evocation [Water]Leveh Sha 4, Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Area: Line to maximum range

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half

Spell Resistance: No

DescriptionThe caster evokes a l0-foot-high wave, which

blasts forward at unstoppable speed.

Spell EffectThe wave travels along the ground or other semi-

solid surface (water, for example). Creatures withinthe wave's path take 1d8 points of bludgeoning dam-age per caster level (maximum 1 0d8 ) , with a Fortitudesave allowed for half. Those who fail this save are alsoknocked prone (standing up is a move action).

Crushing wave cannot be cast into the air. Thisspell can be cast normally underwater.

Material Component: A drop of ocean water.

CycloneWindstorm lifts opponent into the air .

Evocation [Air]Level: Drw 3, Sha 3

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Targeh One Medium or smaller creature

Duration: 1 rou ndl? levels

Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe caster summons a small cyclone that lifts the

target into the air, spinning him rapidly and buffet-ing him with powerful winds.

Spell EffectA 1O-foot-high cyclone appears in the square

you designate. A Medium or smaller creaturewithin that square risks being battered by thecyclone and lifted into the air (Large and largercreatures are unaffected). The target is allowedan init ial Reflex save to avoid takingZd6 pointsof damage. If the target succeeds, he immediatelymoves to a square adjacent to the cyclone (if

these squares are all occupied, h. falls prone inone of them). If this save is failed, in addition rotaking damage the subject must attempt anotherReflex save or be l ifted into the air and whirledviciously by the cyclone, taking 7d6 points ofdamage each round. A creature that can fly isallowed a Reflex save each round to escape thecyclone; the creature sti l l takes damage but canleave if the save is successful.

A creature trapped in the cyclone cannot movebut can otherwise act normally, though to cast aspell it must succeed at a Concentration check(DC 1,5 + the level of the spell the creature isattempting to cast). A creature caught in thecyclone takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity and a -Z

penalty on attack rolls.

The cyclone is stationary and persists for thespell's duration. A creature moving into the squarethe cyclone occupies risks damage and entrapment,as described above. The cyclone can carry only asmany creatures as can fit into its square (i... oneMedium or Small creature), so if it is "full" othercreatures passing through the square do not risk

: . - * * - F \ j - _ I _ _ , . . - - t , , - - . 4 f i - - - 2 - . - . t - . _ - z ' J . \ : ' * ' r * *


counterspellt, eX-to 9th level.

/,larepelurul sI eJntBeJJ tBt{J 'loJtuoJ s(JelsBJ aqt JapuneJnteeJl peapun uE uo tsef, aq Lluo ,teu lads qr1l

peJS ileds'8uuseo11eds u/Y\o Jeq ramoduta

ot /,8raua Surleulue {JBp stl Surmerp 'pueunuof,

Jeq Jepun alnteaJf, peepun uB s[ortsap Jelse] eqJ


se1:ecuEslseu ileds'"'1::H,,fiT"'ff;

loJluof, -rnor( JaPun eJnleeJl PeePun euo :p6.re1

(s;ana; Zntg + 'lJ 97) esop:e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6uqse3

S 'n :slueuodruo3

€ rlN 'z u^g :PAe-l,(cueuoJlaN

's1ads papua(xa

\p)ar 01 DlspJ sffbo\\D uonJn.nsap s .a.LnJDa.LJwapun

a)UIJ)PSIJPC's{urrP ratsBr eqt qrlq^r

'poolq uouap Jo leln V :tuauo]utoJ lvuaww'uorlf,B prepuets B sB punor qrea xWlqlpnn Io

gJD lsBf, ,teul aq 'uonlPPB ul 'JolllrB IBJnlBu ol snuoq rueu

-e3uBr.{ua b+ B puB 'uortntftsuo'J PIJB glSuaas ol snuoq

tueruaruBqua b + e'ranls pue pooS/o I uorlsnpar aSeurBp'€ Suypaq NEJ urlg srue.r8 qr1l 'uol]ernp s,1ads aI+Joj aJntBeJf e)ilI-uorueP B otq suuoJsrrBJt JatsBJ e(LL

peJJS ileds'ser{,a pal a{ll-llls '3uttro13 omt eJB seJntee}

IBITBJ ,t1uo slq pue '>1ce1g-plort aruoreq s8ur8uolaqslr{ IIB pue ul{s slH '{f,Eq srq uor; znor8 s8urm puepeeq srq tuor; lnords suoq 3uo1 'ernleerc a{ll-uoru-ep '{f,e1q 'aurosJee} B olur sruJoJSuBJt Jetsef, aqJ


la^el/Punor [ :uoqeJno


leuosre6 :a6ueg

uorlre prepuels I :eur1 6u4se3

y\ 'S'n :sluauodruo3

Lzll/\lros:P e.l

Ipf] uorlelnusuerl'nrnoQ puD uu"ot Jruourap D uo salu la$DJ

'la8ret rad dB OO I rseal lB r{uo/!r lsnp p1o3;o ernseetue Sutuleluof, sselSrnoq uV :luauo4utoJ IDttawW

'sernlearc aldlrlnu strajle tl ter{l

tdacxa ' luors,taftuoJ lrflp e{ll suoltf,un; 11ads slqJ

pede'U 0E ue{leJou eq uef, q)!q^ Jo o/v\l ou o;anal/eJnleaJ) euo :qa6.re1

(s;ana; Znl g + 'U 97) aso;3 :e6ueg

6 rlN :PAe.l



Og tseel tB t{uo/n lsnp plo8 Jo ernsee(ue Sutuletuor sselSrnoq uV :luauo4utoJ laraww

'(1ana1 ralsec/arlcl llH l) autt auo tB lortuoruBr aq pBepun Jo reqr.unu aqt Jo llurll s(relsBf,aql pre^rot lunof, 11ads slqt [q paleerr salquoz

'erqruoz e saruofaq eqs eJoleq te8ret eqt uo tser

JI uolteruroJsuerl slqt stuenerd 11eds qsmo ro alrzrrur' ttotlo to$ a r' \t!* p aflunl' p n m WD ap y' 1 ort u o J s ( J et sE f,

eqt repun erquoz B saruoreq eqs pue sdols ueeq req'[poq req ruog salg Inos s,]a8ret eqr '(sdaals Allenrceeqs tou ro rer.{teq^{) daalse eurl pelrolle eqr raryv'Jnf,f,o ol sr rer{t uorteruJo}sueJr alqlJJoq eqt dols louseop os Surop q8noqt 'aurlt slqr Suunp uelo/t\B equBf, aqs 'spunor

I+tpl ro} (11ads +aaF eqt se) daalsesllej aqs 'morql Sutnes req slle; la8ret eqt JI


ro aIC llH I qrl/K sernlEarc,(1uo slf,e#E 11ads slt{I

peJJS ileds'erqruoze se Jequnls Jaq tuo{ Sut8raule 'sluetuotu

^{e} B roJ deals sseltsar e otul slleJ le8rel aql


':ffii":fi:,:::::luaueuJed :uoqeJno

reme1 ro etg llH I $lan ernlearc 6ur,rr; euo :1a6-re1

(s;ana; Zfitg +'U 97) asop:a6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels J :eur1 6uqse3

y\ 'S'1 :slueuodruo3

g rlN :PAe-l

[pl'{lea61 (rueuor]eN'atquoz

D otut n\ surnt puD Qaa1s ot n?nl lDaftn D smd

uolsJenuof {JPC'leruJou sB a8eurep prone

ot se^Bs xaueu aletll lsnru rtaql q8noql - arntdeo slsoqdloruPlewlrPC

destroyed. The caster then recalls one or more spells Area: 20-ft.-radius emar

that she has already prepared and expended (either by Duration: 1 round/levelcastingthemorlosingthemthroughsomeothermeans). Saving Throw: Will negatFor every THitDice of the undead creature destroyed, Spell Resistance: yes (hathe caster can recall one spell level. These spell levelsmay be divided however the caster wishes. Description

For example, if Gul'zakar the necromancer castsdfirk sacrifice upon an undead creature with 6 HitDice, he gains three spell levels. He can recall one3rd-level spell; a Znd-level spell and a lst-levelspell; or three 1st-level spells. 0-level spells count ashalf a level for these purposes.

If the target succeeds at its Will save, the casterloses control of the creature.

Deathanct DecayWirhers and destroys all within range.


Lcvel: Ncr ?

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Medium (100 ft. * 10 ft./level)

Area: 60-ft.-radius emanation

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level

Saving Throw: Fortitude half

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionNegative energy infuses the area in visible puffs.

Living creatures age rapidly, &s skin sags and fleshsloughs off bones. Structures wither and collapse,suffering the effects of decades within a few seconds.

Spell EffectAll living creatures and non-natural smtctures in the

area take 3d3 points of damage per caster level (maxi-

mum 20d8) per round from negative energy. Creaturesare allowedFortirude saving throws tohalve thedamage.

Since undead are powered by negative energy,this spell cures them a like amount of damage.

Material Component: A dead rose.

DevotionAuraSurrounding allies gain bonuse.s ro AC.


Level: Hlr Z,Plw 2

Components: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

A glowurg aura of blue light surrounds the caster,extending to swirl around his allies. This lrght seen$

urtangible, but serues as a barrier against enemy attacla.

Spell EffectAll allies within the spells'area, including the caster,

gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC for eveny 6 casterlevels, to a maximum of +4 atcaster level 20.

An ally gains these benefits only when in the

radius of the spell. An ally within the radius whenthe spell is cast retains the benefits only while heremains within the spell's radius. An ally whoenters the radius after the spell is cast gains thebenefits for as long as he remains within the radius.

DimensionBlinkCaster teleports a short distance.

Conl uration (Teleportation)

Level: Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 free action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh You

Duration: I nstantaneous

DescriptionWith a quick word and hard gesture, the caster

vanishes and reappears a short distance away.

Spell EffectThe caster can teleport to any location within

range that she can see. Casting this spell is a freeaction; a character can cast only one spell as a freeaction each round.

DivineGraceSubject gains spell resistance and + 1 to AC .

Transmutation [Good]Lcvel: Hlr Z,Plw 2

Components: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh One creature

se1 :ecuslqse5 ileds(l*"1 aas) salebau ill :lrror1l 6urae5

(t*at aas) ;ercad5 :uoqeJng

Morre lsorj euo 4ceJJ3(;ena;/'U 0l +'U 00t) unrpey\ :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels J :eut1 6urpe3

JAI 'S 6n :sluauodruo3

z zlhlros :p^a-l

Ippf] (uor1ea.r3) uorle.rn [uo3'n8.wl sntols puv ot aBputup mor slvap morw

A oJJVISoJJ'a8euep ro af,uelsrser 11ads ro; Surllor aroJeq sla8rel

ateu8tsep tsnru Jatsef, eqJ 'aJntBeJJ euo [1uo aIIJ]suer rloq e18urs e iparse^{ are pue readde tou op stloqBrtxa aqt ueql sla8rel pa/holle tunturxetu eqt ueqlre^\ej erB ereqrJl 'le^el qr6 rE srloq e^IlJo tuntulxEtueqt pue'1ana1 qll tE rnoJ'1ana1 qtg te aarqt seqretrereqr aqJ 'Sururq8tl pe{ro} }o rloq leuorlrppeuB sure8 relsef, aqt 'pJf tsed slenel onrt /,rana Jo{

'(0I + LUrlutxeu)

Ie^el ratsef, .rad a8euep Jo lurod I snld a8eruep

Ierrrrf,ele Jo slurod 9p I sleep tloq qrEE '11ads aql/,q pa8Bruep eq touuer stralqo areruruBul 'sra8rer

uesoqf, slq rlq ot If,Eue qrnor pa8uer e e{Bru tsnruJetsef eql 'sta8rel ateredas o^rt eIIJts ot sra8ur;s(JetsBJ aqt tuou Suuds ,btctrlcale Jo sJJB oA\J

peJJf lteds'sla8.rel a^rJ ol dn Surqrrrs 'pueq peqrreJtstno

s(Jetsef aqt;o sdrrra8ur; aqt ruory sJJB ,ttrculcelg


,,:*iTfiIfifi yede'U 0€ uellerou aq uel qllq,!\ Jo o/y\l ou oseJnleeJf, anlj ol dn :1a6.re1

(s;ana; Znl g + 'U 97) aso;3:e6ueg

uorl)e I :eutJ 6urpe3


z zl/Alros :P^rf

[r(1r or.r1]el3] uorle)o^3'sta8wt a74n1nu n\ uvr {,ttct.ticap Io $log

tutulqttf pelroJ'lorlorlB

Jotunolue a{ll ro ale}o {sBU y :tuauo4utoOlrnrawry

('ertJ uo Surr{rtef, uo slletepJoJ 'sn7upe wayl ,.'tueuIuoJIAuA eHJ,, '[ressolg

:g ratdeq3 'g'e n OW1 aqt aas) 'aBeutep e4J Jolurod I tsBal te sra#ns a! jl arU uo saqrtef, Lllecrreu-otne aq 'uoltlppe ul 'tulg lsute8e tueuleeJuof,a^Bq stueuoddo 11e

'paunlq sl UoISIA slq esnereq'pue ,{ttralxec ot Arleua d 7-B san lacar laBJBt aql

lfeJJS llads'pulur s,ta8ret aqt uodn pesodur

eJE strJrds SuoJlsJo stJe#e Suuetrqeul aqt 'uotttppe

ul 'loqorle elqerurueu ur pasnop sI ta8ret aqJ


sa1 :eruEslseu iledssalebau lll4\ :^ oJqI 6urre5

Tfff:fiH:l (s;ana; ZnI g + 'U 97) aso;3:e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6ur1se3y\ 'S'n :slueuodruo3

z zlKlros :p^a.l

[6u r lraJJV - pu I hl] tr"r.ulueqru3

snoo,rf uotsr(\ sp/ puD a1qnuuvy! sauroraq tr#"


rBqr r tlacxa' tatn tB rq;:;:ril'ffi Ltffi il :,?j "

pede'U 0€ ue{lerou eq uel qllqM Jo o/v\l ou o;anal/eJnlear) euo :sp6.re1

(s;ena; ZnI g + 'U 97) aso;3 :ebuey

g rlH :P^e'l

IpooC] uorlelnusuerl

ssPW'a)PJD eulnlcl'le^el relSBr + I ol lenba efuBlslsar 11ads

puB 3y ot snuoq ParfBS I + B sureS rca[qns aql

paJJf ileds

,,'ltq3!1 KloHary Io aJDt7,,ro ,,awt3s punlg,, 'aldruexa roj :[qdosollqd ro ,brap rleq]

Jo atueu aqt dq 11ads slqt ot raJe-r {11ensn sratseO'rurerl ruou lcalqns eqt stratord A8raua AIoH


(ssapu.req) sa1 :eruelqseu ileds(sse;ur.req) salebau ;;r44 :Arorql 6une5

le^el/'u!ur I :uoqeJno

DescriptionAn arrow in the caster's grasp freezes and magi-

cally springs from her hand as it speeds to its target.The victim is momentarily encased in a shell of icethat quickly breaks away in thin shards, but leavesthe victim achy and slowed.

Spell Effect

A slawed creature can take only a single moveaction or standard action each round, but not both(nor may it take full-round actions). It takes a -1

penalty on attack rolls and Reflex saves, and to AC. Itmoves at half its normal speed (round down), whichaffects the creature's jumping distance as normal.

Frosr arrow dispels but does not counterhnste anddoes not otherwise affect magically speeded orslowed creatures.

Material Component: One normal arrow.

The caster must succeed at a ranged touch attack Targeh One creature

to hit the target. The arrow deals 1d8 points of cold Duration: lnstantaneousdamage upon impact. The target is forced to make Saving Throw: Will half (ra Will saving throw or suffer an additional effect. Spell Resistance: yesThose who fail their saving throw are affected asthough by " slow spell for 1 round/level. Description

FrostBoltBlast of cold dnmages and stuns the target.

Evocation [Cold]LeveL Sha 3, Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh One creature

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe caster flings forth a blast of super-frozen ice

and dancing blue energy. The frost bolt slams intothe target, sending numbing waves of cold pulsingthrough his marrow.

Spell EffectThe caster must succeed at a ranged touch attack to

hit with the frost bolt. The bolt deals 5d6 points ofcold damage. Creatures who take damage from thefrost bolt must succeed at a Fortitude save or bestunned for Id4 rounds, as the chill numbs their limbs.


HealingLightCures an aIIy or dnmages undea"d,.

Conjuration (Healing)

LeveL Hlr 3, Plw 3

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

A colurrrn of argent light, coruscating with positive

energy, beams down on the target and heals his wounds

Spell EffectThe light heals 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per

caster level (.rp to +10) to living creatures.

Since undead are damaged by positive energy,this spell deals a like amount of damage to them,rather than healing them. LJndead are allowed \Uillsaves to halve the damage.

Healinglight, GreaterConluration (Healing)

Leveh Hlr 4, Plw 4

Ashealinglightt,except that it heals 3d8 points ofdamage +1 point per caster level (r.rp to +15).

Healinglight, LesserConluration (Healing)

Leveh Hlr Z,Plw 2

Ashealinglightt,except that it heals 1d8 points ofdamage +1 point per caster level (.rp to +5).

HooksofBinclingEntangles and anchors a demon or undead creature.

Conluration (Creation) [Force]Leveh Hlr 3, Plw 3, Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, S, M/DF

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Tngeb One demon or undead creature with up to 12 Hit Dice

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

louuefa>pds eqt rro peledul sarnteerO'qled s,11ads aqt tII SurqtArene

Surquls 'punor8 aql q8nolqr dn rnI sa>1tds snolrl1


se1 :aruEslseu ileds

Jleq xeHeu :,HoIlI 6urrre5

snoeueluelsu I :uoqeJno

le^al (,1'tt g +'U SZ Kgaplr'r'U 01 :earv

(s;ana; ZnI g + 'U 97) aso;3 :e6ueg

uorlre prepuels J :aur1 6ur1se3

f\ 'S 6n :slueuodruo3

2 zt Mlros :P^e1

[auo3] uorlero^3'srurirun aloQutt puD punofi a\i uo$ asu salldS

elPdu|l'aflcl r1H Z I uEt{l arolu lllrlt sernlearf, lf,e}E uBf lI

terlt ldacxa ' J-BuWIqlo eloo\a{ll suoltf,ury 11ads slqJ

arnleeJl peepun Jo uouep eug :1e6.re1

szlhlros 'g rlH :p^arl

[acro3] (uorlea-r3) uorle-rn [uo3

'{ull uleqf, sserq y :tuauo4utoJ IDuawW auDrrv'11ads eqt spua pue spuoq aqt sdrls .ro

stsrnq erntearr al{t '1n;ssaofns}l 'uoltfe PunoJ-llnJ e

sB OCI eABs s,11ads aqt or lenbe OC E tsuIBBe >1caqo

tsrtrv adeosE ro qr8ua-rrg E ldualle Aeu ta8releqt 'anrtJe suleluer 11ads eqt tet{t punor qJBE

'stJr#a le^ert reueld pue uolteuodalar siv\olleslp

osle 11ads slqJ 'sernteerr learodrorul tf,e#E uer

11ads slqt 'acro;Jo pesoduoc ere suleqc eqt esnereg'tueutanotu

Jo apotu Jeqlo /,ue Sutsn ro SutuIuIA\s'8ur[g 'Surpue]s se/v\ rl Jl Jenetu oLI 'aoe1d ut ta8ruteqt plor{ suret{r eqJ '11ads eqt esol ro (tser ol 8ut-ldtualte sr l1 11ads eqt Jo la^al aqr + g I OC ) paqruort€JtueJuoO E tB paaJJns tsntu tl '11ads ts lsefoI 'sllor

If,EltB uo ,(r1eua d 7- B PUE r(luatxac ol

Arleuad lo- E sJe#ns osle eJnteaJl eql 'anotu IoLILIBJpue surerlr eqt Lq parnldec sI la8;el aql 'sernl

-Berr peepun pue suoruep Lluo stlaJJe 11ads aqJ

peJf lleds'ece1d ul tl Surploq'osrot puB s8al stl eul^\tue pue teaJs,ta8;u1 eqt tuo5 dn e{Bus suletlr eqJ 'erroJ ntollaA puB

par Sururnq Jo surer{J paloot{ suoultuns retser eqJ

uolldlr)sac ralParD'tulpulg Jo $looH

Spell EffectThe caster releases a power'ful wave of spikes that

erupt from the Eound and shoot up through everythingin their path. The spikes are 6 inches in diameter andeach ranges in height from 3 to 6 feet tall. O.ly creaturesand objects within 5 feet of the ground at the time thespell is cast are at risk. Each 5 -foot by 5 -foot area of theeffect occupied by a creature subjects that creature toId4 spikes. (A Medium creature is affected bv Id4spikes; a Large creature is affected by up to 4d4 spikes,and so on. Small creatures are affected by IdZ spikes,Tiny creatures by 1 spike, and smaller creatures are notaffected by the spell at all.) Each spike deals 1d6 pointsofdamage. Targets who succeed at Reflex saving throwstake half damage. Targets who fail their saving throwstake full damage and are lifted offthe ground as they areimpaled on the spikes. An impaled creature suffers a -

7 penalry on attack rolls, a I penalry to effectiveDexteriry, and can't move. An impaled character whoattempts to cast a spell must make a Concentrationcheck (nC 15) or lose the spell. Spikes that do notimpale a creature immediately retract back into theearth. An impaled creature can make an Bcape Artistcheck (nC n) to get loose. The spikes impaling acreature immediately retract if the subject escapes. Allspikes automatically retract after 1 round per levelwhether affected subjects escape or not.

I m p lant C-arri on Beetl eCarrion beetle devours qtictim from inside.


Level: Sor/Wiz 1

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Touch

Targeh One living creature

Duration: 1 round/level (see text)

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe caster's conupting touch implants a carrion beetle

larva in a creature. The larva eats the victim from theinside out. It bursts from its victim when it hatches intoa carrion beetle, and attacks the character's opponents.

Spell EffectThe caster must succeed at a touch attack to im-

plant the carrion beetle larva. One round later, the

target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or thecarrion beetle hatches and bursts from the victim'sbody, causing 1d6 points of damage. In addition, thenewly hatched carrion beetle attacks the same victimon the following round if it survived the initial damage( information on the carrion beetle can be found in theManual of Monsters). The carrion beetle begins toattack the caster's other opponents to the best of itsability once the initial target is dead. The carrionbeetle is mindless and the caster cannot direct itsattacks. After 1 round per caster level, the carrionbeetle disappears at the end of its tum.

MatenalComponent: Piece of a carrion beetle shell.

InnerFireSubject gains +2 to dnmage and AC.


Leveh Hlr Z,Plw 2

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh One creature

Duration: 1 mrn./level

Saving Throw: Wrll negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe casterdraws fonfi the potential ofan ally's fighting

spirit and wreathes him in his own spiritual energies.

Spell EffectThe target gains a +Z competence bonus on

damage rolls and a +7 deflection bonus to AC.

InnerFire, MassTransmutation

Lcvel: Hlr 6

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be morethan 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like inner firet, except that itaffects multiple creatures.

Ikboom!Caster sacrifices hims elf to damage aII nearby .

Evocation [Fire]Leveh SorlWiz 4

Components: V, S

a8eurepll 'rsef, uaaq peq Laql q8noqt sB alqBIIBnBunere stols esoql urog qlads eqt 'papuadxa aruo 'stols

11ads elqBIIBne ,tue Sursn perrsep se a8euep elnll seJo qrnlu sB qJosqB ot asoor_lJ UBJ retfBJBql aqJ 'ma!\s

uuaurl,q peqrosqe eq uBf, a8euep rurod l1q /,1uO ('uoos pue 'a8etuepJo srurod g tols 11ads la^el-prf.e


-rrrep Jo slurod t qrosqe uBr rols 11ads le^el-puz V)'sturod

Z ̂qqrosqB uer tols 11ads e a8eurepJo tunorueeqt seseerf,ur le^al 11ads leuoulppe r{lEE 'a8eurep

;o rurod I qrosqe uer tols 11ads la^el-lsl V 'na!\s

vtrvw Io slreJ$a eqt repun ellq^r srols 11ads SurpuedxeAq a8eurep #o Snrqs ot esoor{r uer relsef, aql

peJJS lteds'eEEruEp urory Jaq stcatord

tBqt BrnB enlq lurB} B ur Pa{Bolf, sl ratsBf eql


oN :ecuEslseu iladseuoN :,noJtf, 6ulrre5

le^al/rnoq I :uoqeJno

ral)ereqr aql :p6le1

leuosra; :a6ueg

rlle prepuels J :eurl 6urpe3

I\ 'S 'n :sluauodruo3

lzlhlros:P^e'luorle.rn lqy

'a?nump qrcsqv ot stols lla4s puaQxE

plelqsPuPW'>lrets tou op stre#a ntols a1du1nyr1

'11ads aqt Jo stf,eJJe aqt ure8er or Surlertuef,-uoJ uortf,B punoJ-llnj e puads ,teur eqs 'ef,ueJsrseJ

11ads aqt ure8 tou saop pue,tlleuuou sanoru eqs teqros '11ads srr{t puadsns 'uonJe ae$ B sE 'Aeur rcalqnseql '(11ads ftnoq aqt sB) paffbols osle sr tnq '1ana1

s(ratsef eql + g I efuBtsrser 11ads sureS rca lqns eql

pelJS ileds's11ads urort req Surprem

'n.{ Surrelnsdeoua lleqs per ulql B sB stsetruBruA8raua pue ro8rn ul\o s,ta8ret eqt jo uorrrod y


(ssapu.req) sa1 :ecueplseu ileds(ssapu.req) salebau ;;r14 :,norrtf, 6urrc5

ffr:l:ff];l:l (s;ana; Znl g + 'U 97) aso;3 :a6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels [ :eur1 6uqse3

J0 'S 5n :slueuodruo3

7 rlH :p^a.luorle.rn[qy

'pafinoq v mq aruntsrsat 77aQs supS natqng

esueJeclrltew'poJ raddoo y :ruauo{utoJ IDtlawW

'srooptno tsef, aq [1uo uBf, 11ads slql

llBq roJ Pe/lrollB OABS xeuau B qlr/K '(9P5I tuntu-rxeru) 1ana1 Jatsef, rad a8eurep rhrcutf,ele;o slurod

9pI IBep slloq aqJ 'rloq SururqBII E ot lra[q.t sI BarBeqr urqlr/v\ rcalqo PUE eJn]Balf, qf,Ba 'lsBf, sr 11adseql qllq/!\ uI punor eqt uo Sutuur8aq'punor qlBE

peJJf ileds'tr r+Bauaq Surpuen ile SqrselQ 'pno1c aI+ ulo{,lpereaderu/nop {rBrf, $loq mo1a,( 8qryeds ',tlsnoquro Sle{f,lu

rEW pnoprapuru+ {rEIq 3u111or B se{o^e ratser er1l


se1 :eruEsFeu iledsJleq xeBau :,frortt 6uure5sla^al znunor I :uorleJn0

(q6tq 'U 0?) repur;(r snrper-'U-0ZzeeJv

( I ane I 7 I li,.r]lff ll ;:1",i ;:il:3

y\ 'S '1 :slueuodruo3

9 rlMs'gzl/nlros'9 eqs'9 Mro :P^ezl

Ir(1r cr.r1]el3] uorlelo^3' sqoq 8uruty8ll pawaQa t sawarr urni S

uoosuowtululqttr'[poq srq s/,or]sep pue ratsef, aqr s,te1s lads

qql Surrse3 'satldde osle af,uetslser lads pue 'a8eulep

qqt e^lBq ol seABS xeuau Pe/KollE arB sernleero 'snlPBr

s,11ads aqt qqtrm Surqtfuana ot le^el ratsef, rad a8e-urep arrJto srurod gpz8urleap 'sapoldxo ralser eqJ

paJJf lleds

23ueq B qtl/!\ tno oB tou Ar{nn


(t*"1 aas) se1:arueF;sau ileds(tt"t aas) Jleq xegau :,soJtf, 6ulae5

sra^ar znts+ u sz|ffilililff'l::l$leuosra; :e6ueg

uorl)e prepuels J :aur1 6urpe3

is not absorbed at the time it is dealt then it cannotbe absorbed reffoactively. In other words, spell slotscannot be used to heal the character.

For example, the caster is taking 13 points ofdamage and would die if she did not use rnann shieldto prevent some of the damage. She has three spellslots remaining: one 1st-level slot, one 3rd-level slot,and one 5th-level slot. She could expend her 5th-level slot to prevent 9 points of damage; she couldalso expend her 3rd-level slot to stop a total of 14points of damage. However, she believes she'll needher 3rd-level spell for something else to help finishthe fight, so instead she decides to use just her 5th-level and l st-level slots to absorb a total of 10 pointsof damage. She takes 3 points of damage herself.

Damage cannot be absorbed by expending 0-level spell slots.

Material Cornponenr : A sapphire worth at least 1 0 gp.

MassRevivalReturns brief life to many allies.

Conjuration (Healing)

Level: Hlr ?

Components: V, S, M, DF

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh Up to six dead creatures, no two of which can bemore than 30 ft. apart

Duration: 1 rou ndl 4levels

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

DescriptionAn angelic form appears in the air as the caster's

fallen allies rise again.

Spell EffectThis spell functions like nuch of hfe*, except that it

can affect multiple creatures and the duration is shorter.

Material Component: Diamonds worth a total ofat least 1,000 gp/creature.

Targeh One creature capable of spellcasting

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe target staggers as a spell deteriorates from his


Spell EffectThe target loses his highest-level prepared spell or

highest available spell slot of 6th level or lower. If hehas more than one spell available of equally highlevel, he may choose which spell is lost.

Material Component: A bit of mold.

Mysterious Purple BlastDamages the target with mystic energ1 .


Level: Sor/Wiz 1

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range Medrum (100 ft. * 10 ft./level)

Targeh One creature

Duration: I nstantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe caster slashes with her weapon (or punches

with her fist), sending forth a bright, sparkingsphere of purple energy. It is not electricity, it is notnegative energy; no one knows quite what it is -

but damn it, it hurts.

Spell EffectThe caster must succeed at a ranged touch attack

to hit with this spell. The blast deals 1d8 points ofdamage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8). Thisis raw magical damage, so all forms of energy resis-tance are ineffective against it.

Material C omponent : Anyth ing.

Orb ofAnnihilationCaster flings an exploding sphere of fel energ1 .

Evocation [Fel]Levef: SorlWiz 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 standard action

MinclRotTarget loses his highest-Ieuel spell.


Level: Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

enoural uEf, stJe#a JBIIuls to'c8ritttpdsp'asvasrp aftoum^1uO 'tl\orqt Surnes lryssaf,f,ns B rele ["p aqr a8eruep ousa{Bt la8rel ar1l '(panourer uaeq seq elrsered eqt il]unsueaur pcr8eul ro leuuou Lq peleeq eq tour.rec a8eulepslqr) a8eruep uopsr/)N jo slurod tpt eIBt ro ,tep qf,Be/r\oJt{t Sutnes apnrluoC B e{Eur tsmu la8ret er{L 'atrseled

aqt uros eseesrp Surrerrpqep B sregns osle ra8rer er{L'arues eql peq aq q8noql sB saes retsef, aqt uaql

' uor sr nryEp Jo uor sr n lq31 1 -znol serl urllf, r ̂ eqrl lSurqtouseas JelsBJ eqt ueqt 'pasolc aJB sarta s(ruuJrn aqljl 'aldtuexe JoC 'saes rurtfrn eqt terl/lr ,tlrrexa 'rurtf,rn

Pe{ql B Jo sa,{,a eql qSnorqt 'sees retsBr eqJ '11ads

slq Jo rurtf,rn rr tou>l Aue Jo ter{t grlrn uorsrn qq )1uIIot punor rad ef,uo uortJe aa{ B esn uBJ JalsBf, er,{J

('slaSret aq touueJ sarta Jo sJBe tnor{tr/r\sernlearO) 'alqerepfsuoc aq uBf, ured lertrur aql'eseesrp slr uo sessed pue anJeu cudo s,la8rel aqt ols/r\ounq [l{otnb alrsered eq] 'morql Surnes eprulrJoCaqt sllB; la8ret eqrll 'ploq sa{Bt etrserBd aqr sE arroqrs(JetseJ aqt Jo JEe uE ur Surls B sleeJ ta8rel eql

peJS IIedS'uor8eluof, Surlelrilqep B uo sassed

oslB etrsered aqt 'lcafqns eq] rol /,lareuntJoJun 'sa,ta

s(r.urlf,r^ aql qSnollr ees ol JetsBf, eql s/KollB PuB seNaucudo s,ta8ret eqt gtlzn Jlestl qurl rl 'urerq s.ruuf,rnslr otur At.oung ot speacord teqt JBe s(la?rcl eqt ur etrs-BJBd JBInJo 'peseaslp '[urr B sef,npoJ]ur Jetsef, aql


sa1:eruEslseu iledsr1e6au epnlruoJ :,soJrfl 6uure5

lueueuJad :uoneJnoaJnleerc 6urnr; eug :p6.re1

(s;ana; Zfitg + 'U 97) esop:e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels J :eur1 6urpe3

S 'n:slueuodruo3


'sa{"a s (rrrriJlft

\4n aas ot ratsDJ sftnolla puD uniJrft vtatut aflsvrvd

ellsPrPd'eureu erues er{t Jo lads eqr sB '{;111lqt1 lJt aas uBf,

Jetsef erlt 'sasues s(l/Ko egr Sursn uarL1\'Surleruef,uoJe[l!\ sesues u/t\o JeqJo eABel se{El JelsBJ at|L 'uoI]EJnP

s,11ads er{t or dn 'saqsur\ eqs se 3uo1 sB roJ sree srr q8norqrSuueaq pue sar{a uy q8norqr Suraas -urrro Jeq sE sasuess(l^ro aqt aalun uBf, eqs '(uortce preprrets B) sateJl

-Uef,Uof JelSBf eql il 'uollfe aa$ B Se lr!\o el{f loJluofAletuaru uBf, retsBf, er{L'alqlq^q sl pue '1ana1 retSBf, +

0I or lenba aruetsrsar lads seq'1oepe touuBr ry q8noqt'(,,twlC'1m9,, 'Zol

V sratsuolnl :1 ratdeqO'lr\-lr{ aqlaes) I^{o luer8 B}o sf,rtsrters eqr seq tnoJs I^\o eqJ 'e8rrer

ultpl^\ araqm^(ue tnors I^{o ue setBaJJ lads slqJ

peJJf lleds'sar(e sfr q8noJqt seas

JalsBr eql pue 'slll/!\ Jelsef, eql eJeq/\,r, seno(u lrr\oeql 'l^{o uaer8 'alqlsl^ur uB seteerJ ralsBr eqJ


:)fii:Til:,::::: (6) lanal/'ufru [ :uoqeJng

lnof,s lMo Peuouuns euo :peJJ3

(s;ana; Znt g + 'lj 97) aso;3:e6ueg

punor [ :aurl 6uqse3

J0 'S 6n :slueuodruo3

? eqs'v rll'v Mro:P^e1(6u r uoru uns) uorlern l'roJ

's"LDa w y8notytsrpa\ puv sa("a s (lmo cfiou n y8notyl saas n$DO

lno)sl/\Ao(' uodna A qsqds ffionll,,' uloelt11

1ercadg,, 'lequro3 :B raldeq3 'looqpLLDH s,n(,,u14

aqt ees) 'spuel qro eqt areq^\ ees ot ,tluopuer

IIoJ lsnru eq re8rel sn{ sessrru Jetsef, aqt }l 'suodeazn

qselds reqto eIII oslv 'uodeam qselds raqto ,tuee{ll lsnl 'sarenbs

]o uorlJesJalur uE tB uoIiulIWuLLD

Io qto aqt /\\orql ueJ retseJ aqr 'rtleleuJallv '(anes

xageg In;Ssaf,rns B uo JIBI{) a8euep Ie} ;o slurod

Bp I e{Bt ta8ret aqt }o teal g ulqlr^\ sernleerr IIV'lredrul uo sapoldxe pue re8rel eqt ot a8eurep laJloslurod gpt sleap qro eql'qro eqt gtlan tlq ot >lf,BlteqJnot pa8uer Inlssef,f,ns B aletu tsnru ralser aqJ

peJJS IIedS'ta8tet slq tB tl slrnq pue L8reua a1fund pue

{lBIq Jo ereqds 8ur1>loerr E suoruruns retser eqJ


sa1 :acuEslseu ileds(txat aas) Jleq xegeu :,Hol,l1 Eurleg

uo rf,asraru, ;:ffi::'JffiH::(s;ane; ZnI g +'U 97) aso;3:e6ueg

the parasite. The caster can no longer form a link with

a victim once it has been cured, killed, or if the subjectis on another plane. The caster does not get anyinformation as to why a link cannot be established.

PassUnknownThe subject is inq.,is ible and inaulible .

lllusion (Glamer)

Leveh Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal or touch

Targeh You or a creature weighing no more than 100pounds/level

Duration: 1 min./level

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe subject becomes invisible and inaudible. This

illusion falls away when the subject attacks, but he canregain it with a moment of concentration.

Spell EffectThis spellfunctions like tnusibikry, except that it also

makes the subject perfectly silent. The subject makes

no noise when he moves or manipulates objects, thoughobjects can make noise through indirect activities. (For

example, if the subject knocks over a vase, it stillsmashes loudly on the ground. If he picks a lock,however, it makes no sound.) This effect adds s +70

circumstance bonus to the subject's Move Silentlychecks. The subject can make noise if he wishes - forexample, to cast a spell with a verbal component.

If the subject attacks, he becomes visible and makesnoise norrnally (much like invisibility). However, thesubject can spend one full round concentrating toregain his invisibiliry and soundlessness.

Material Component: An eyelash encased in apiece of gum arabic.

PhaseShiftCaster becomes incorporeal after suffering dnmage,


Level: Hlr 3, Sor/Wiz 4

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Targeh You

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

DescriptionWhen an enemy successfully hits the caster in

combat, the caster becomes incorporeal for a short

time, avoiding further attacks.

Spell EffectIf the caster takes damage while this spell is in

effect, she immediately becomes incorporeal(though she remains visible as a ghostly outline).The caster becomes corporeal again in the next

round, immediately before the initiative count of

the effect that damaged her.

While incorporeal, the caster can be harmed only

by spells and magic weapons and has a 50o/o chanceto avoid all damage from a corporeal source. Shetakes damage normally from other incorporeal cre&-

tures, force effects, positive or negative energy spells,

and weapons with the ghosr buch quality; she doesnot have a 50o/o chance to avoid damage from these

sources. While incorporeal the caster loses all armorand natural armor bonuses to AC, but gains a deflec-tion bonus to her AC equal to her armor bonus +

natural armor bonus + her Charisma modifier. Es-

sentially, all armor and natural armor bonuses become

deflection bonuses while the caster is incorporeal.

The caster cannot affect corporeal creatures while

incorporeal, save by force effects and ghosr nrchweap-ons. She can affect other incorporeal creatures normally.

Material Component: A faerie dragon wing.

ProfaneAuraSurrounding allies moq)e and heal faster .

Transmutation [Evil]Level: Hlr 4, Ncr 4

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Effech 20 -ft.-radius emanation

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)

Spell Resistancq Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe powers of unlife grant terrible energy and

rapid healing to the caster's allies.

'ta8rel petreles qf,Ea or ( gZ+ runrurxeu)

Ie^el retsef, red f + a8eruep Jo slurod gpl serots-er pue sta8rel aldrrlnur rral;E uef, tr reqt tdacxe'a?vutup i\8II arctsar aIII suortf,unJ 11ads slqJ

pede 'U 0€ ue{l arou aq uel

r{llr{,!r Jo o^ l ou ';anal/llnrlsuo) ro 1oalqo auo :qe6.re1

(s;ane; Zfit S + 'U 97) asop:e6ueg


'rrr;#;i';';*vca[qo IDJtUD\)aur'sutalo8 Kunut oi aBnutap sna4ay

ssPW' etpulPq lqtl-l eJolse1'ta8ret aqt or (g+ runtulxBtu) 1ane1

retser rad | + a8eurepJo stulod 8pI erotsar sar8reue

lecr8e;4 'uo os pue suralo8 'stlnderec 's8urpllnq

sB qf,ns stf,nnsuof, lBrrlJltre ,t1uo s]f,e#E rr lpeapunro sorntearr 8urnr1 uo tf,e;e ou seq 11ads slql

peJJf ilads'uorlJnJlsuof,

rBlnuls ro aur8ua rezv\ 'ua1o8 '8urp1rnq a18ursB ot tleap a8eurep sledar ,(11ecr8eu Jalsef, eql


(ssa;u-req 'lre[qo) sa1 :acuelqseg ileds(ssa;u.req 'lre[qo) salebau ;;r1q :aoJr,lf, 6uure5

Paq rnol p,;:;;; :: -l: ffiH::q)nol:e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eut1 6ur1se3

S 'n :slueuodruo3


' awtuas n arrnap @qWa' unp7 n a aSounp sn4ag

v zll lros :P^a'luorlelnusueJl

'(Ot* runrurxeru) Ie^al relsef, red 1+a8euep Jo srurod gpt serolser lr teql rdecxa 'f,aBn

-urap t@tt arcisar ss?ur e{ll suortrun; 11ads slql

B zlhlros :P^ryluorlelnusueJl

ssPW' eteurPq IPDIIIJ3 erolse1

gteul.llpq lqtl-l eJolseu Bunvml aw ur panjsanbas wapunpPepunllPDeu

.' l: i;: i ffi l,il' tr i:y:,?,' :fiTil, " roj strlauaq eqt sure8 tser sr 11ads aqt reUB snrper eql

sratue oql\ [lln ue alltlm 'sntper s]r Surneal ueq/Kstrleueq s,11eds eqt sesol [ll" uV '11eds eq] Jo snrperaqt ur uaq^\ '(1uo strJauaq esaqt sureS [ll" uv

'I Sulleaq tsBJ ure8'(OU LUrr(uIXEtu) 1ena1 JetsBf, PUB saPolu lualuanotu IIB ol lae; 6

red | + a8erxep Jo srurod Bpt sarotset rt i"ql ldaoxa Jo BerB eql urqrrun ('re'la7vurp i\ii1l arotsat e{ll suorlf,un} 11ads slql

eteureqleclllrf erolseu'sarntearc aldltlnu straJJE tr terll

ldecxa '*LtotlDLrannfat a{ll suor]fun} 11ads slql

pede 'U 0E uell erou

aq ue) qrlqm Jo o^ l ou ';anal/arnlearo burnrl eug :qe6.re1

(s;ana; ZnI g + 'lj E7) aso;3:e6ueg

6 rlH :P^e-l

(6ur;eag) uorle.rn [uo3

ssPW'uollPuennteu'loJtuoc slg JaPun eJB seJnteeJr Peepun eql '

{uonnn-tasatQlnos 11ads eql gllrn eraqt pepnllas ,tlsnornard

perl eq teqr raqtaN Surrsrml eqt tuoU sernl-BeJJ


peJJS ileds'PIJo/t\Jeqleu

aqt ur /,eme papnlles [lsnornerd peq eq ]eql

saJnteeJl PBePun Jo Jaqunu B sllBf,er relsBJ eqJ


:ffii^:r:fi:.::::: snoeueluelsu I :uotleJno

le^et relse) -rno( peelxe louuer qllqm 1o aol( llH

lelol aq1 'salnleerf, PeePun Peuouluns aJou Jo auo :lteJJ3

(s;ana; Znt g +'U 97) eso;3:e6ueg

punor I :aurl 6ur1se3

S 'A :sluauodruo3

z rlN :P^e'l

[pf] (cueuoneN

Restore Minor Damage Restore Serious DamageTransmutation

Leveh Sor/Wiz 0

This spell functions like restore light dnmnget,except that it restores only 1 point of damage.

Restore Moclerate DamageTransmutation

Leveh SorlWiz 2

This spell functions like restore light damnget,except that it restores 2d8 points of damage + 1 percaster level (maximum +10).

Resto re Moclerate Damage,


Lcvel: Sor/Wiz 3

This spell functions like restore Light dnmnget,except that it restores 3d8 points of damage + 1 per

caster level (maximum + 15 ).

Restore Serious Damage,Mass


Lcvel: SorlWiz7

This spell functions like Trurss restore light dnm-

agel , except that it restores 3d8 points of damage+1 per caster level (maximum +35).

SearingArrowsThe caster' s arrows burst into flo^r.


Leveh Elr 2, Hnt 2, Pre2,Sha 2,,SorlWiz2

Components: V, S, M/DF


Lcvel: Sor/Wiz 6

This spell functions like Tnass restore light d,am-

aget, except that it restores 2d8 points of damage+1 per caster level (maximum +30).

'punor qree a8eulep jo slurod gpt slBep tra#eSuua8url eqt pue a8eulep Jo slurod Bp9 Buxe uBsleep {rEuB lertrur aqt ldecxa 'f,a4t.tts ftnoryf sV

v zl/nlros '? ePH :p^e.l


Jesse-I' eIIJls /\AopPqs'punor qf,Be a8eulep Jo srurod gpgl sleep tf,a#e

Sur.ra8url aqt puB e8eulep jo slurod gpgz Brtxe uBsleap {rEnB leurur eqt rdacxa 'da41us moryls sV

B zlhlros :P^a'luorlelnusueJl

relPerD' eI lrls 1!\opPrls'uodeam FurqsEIS V :sn)ol

'tsol q ila& eI+ ual+ 'tcaga euF Sq8reqxrp aroJaquoseer [ue ro; uodearn Sqqsels aW Sqpl.tm sdols ro ladsrer{torre stsBf,retsel et4l;1 'Nq sr pue tf,eJe ou ot sa8reqxrp

lads eqr '(pleF{s a8euep B ro uortf,nper e8eruep W*opa8eurep IIE stuenerd ra8rer aLp ueq r sE qf,ns) a8eruep

IBaP lou seoP >peuB eelelu lllsserf,ns lxeu s(ratsBf, ewll'tlq

lef,rtrrr B uo parldrllnu tou sr 11ads sF{t ,{q paruer8a8eruep leuortrppe er.{J'a8eulepJo slurod Bpg raqtouese{et lcalqns eq] punor qree :spunor 9 reqtoue ro]senurluor teqt tf,e#e Suue8ull B se^E aIEWS ry$'a8e-urBplo sluod gpOI leuorrlppe uB sleep EWS ffbopo\sueqt '{r"tt" aeleu lryssef,Jns txau sll uo a8euep,(ue sleep uodeam s(Jetsef, aqt JI

'8urp1arm [pearpsr aq uodea^{ Surqsels B a8reqc tsnu retser aqJ

peJS IIedS'fur1errn s,ta8rer aqt des ol sanurtuof, tJe#a SuuaAull

V 'rnolq Surretsenep /,pelncrued B Jenrlap or /,8raua

/\{operls qlr/n uodeam Surqsels e seSJEqJ Jetsef, ar{I


':ffii^ffi:.::::(l*"1 aas) pab.reqosrp lrlun lueueurad :uolleJng

paqlnol aJnleeJl eug :1a6.re1


uorlf,e prepuels J :eur1 6uqse3

J'S 5n :queuodruo3

g zlhlros :p^yl

uorlelnusueJl'a?nuwp snonun

-rror slaap uo(narn 3u1ysu1s \iurb yrviiD Tntssacr??S


'spue 11ads eqt 'pa/,orlsep

sI tualot eqt JI 'sturod llq g pue S Jo sseupreq

'L jo OV uB seq rl 'pe>lretre eq uer uretol aql'Surtertuaf,uor ellq/!\ sasues slrl Jo eneel

se{Et retsef, eqJ 'ruelot eql uo pereluer (s11adg :1 1rardeqJ'1ooqryH s,taCv14 eqr aas) s11ads acup("on-"L!:AIJ PUB aJUalWDrlqJ SnOeUBllnurS SE Suortf,unjlf,e#a slql 'ruatol eqr q8norqt reaq pue ees uerretser eqt '(uortoe prepuets B) SurreJtuef,uoo [g

pe#f lteds'saAa tt.reos pue

s8ue; pa33e[qry,tr af,EJ e slordep tua]ot eql 'punor8

eqt ul rl srueld puB uetol B sern[uoc ra]sef, aqJ


:ffii"Tl[x,1"1: la^el/rnoq I :uoqeJno

uelol pernluoo euo :peJJ3'U g :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6urpe3


t Pl/n'[ q^ s 'J eqs :p^a'luorleJn [roJ

' arun{oftW) W aruarqltDryt saptnotQ umioi JFDW

prPAAftlues'11ads aqt Surtseo uodn strous retsef, er{t qtlq^\

'rn;1ns Jo qruld V :iuauo4utoo IDtr"awW auDrrv


Ieuortlppe ou saprnord 11eds slqt 'tea; roqs releqt sassessod /,peerle eqs jl ) 'lea; loqs rBJ aql per{eqsJl se uortJunj ot JatsBJ aql Surmolle 'a8ue: Brtxesalrsslru aql stuer8 ,t8raua Surzelq aqt 'uourppe

ul 'a8eurep errJ jo slurod 9pI leuonrppe uB IBaprelsBr eqt ,tq (quo; os PUB u^\oJt{] 'perlJ) pasoolsuodea/v\ elrsslur IIE

'tcega ul sl 11ads slqr ellq/il

peJS lteds'eluBl}

otul stsJnq tr 'd\oJJE uE sesool puB sArEJp aqs sV'[8raua a8uero gtl,n al>peds spuer{ s(Je]sef, eqJ


(6) lenel/punor l :uoqern6


leuosreS :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels [ :eut1 6uqse3

eWSr BNI lilAV.ro&?ffi, &H[&


Siphon LifeCaster drains Consri tudonfrom qtictim and gainshit


Level: Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target: One living creature

Duration: Concentrationo up to 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance Yes

DescriptionGouts of blood erupt from a victim's eyes, nose and

mouth. The sffeams spin and nvist into a single, larger,

rope - like sffeam as they bridge the gap benveen the target

and the caster. The caster opens her mouth and draws in

the stre&ffi, gaining vitaliry as the victim weakens.

Spell EffectThe mrget takes 1 point of temporary Constitution

damage per round, beginning on the round the spell is

cast. The caster regains 5 hit points per point of Consti-

rution bled from the hrget. A direct line of sight is

required for the stream. If the target or caster moves out

of range, the spell ends. If line of sight becomes blocked

by * object at least 5 feet by 5 feet, the spell ends. The

spell can be cast through squares occupied by other

creatures ofMedium size and smaller. Large creatures can

of course be targets, but such a creature in the path of the

stream will usually block line of sight and end the spell.

SiphonManaTransfers spell slom from target to caster.


Lcvel: Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S, M, F

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh One creature

Duration: Concentration (see text)

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThe target's mouth and eyes open wide as streams

of incandescent magical energy pour from his body.


The caster catches these cerulean strands and ab-

sorbs the magic into her body, using it to recall

spells that she has already cast.

Spell EffectThis spell affects only creatures capable of casting

spells. The target is allowed a new \Uill save each

round to break free of the spell. The target can end

the spell in several other ways as well, such as by

moving out of range or blocking the line of effect.

Siphon mana drains spell levels from the target.

The total number of spell levels that can be drained

is equal to the caster's level. In the round the spell

is cast, the target loses a single 1st-level prepared

spell or unused spell slot; the spell or spell slot is

expended just as if the target had cast the spell. The

target may choose which lst-level spell he loses.

Simultaneously, the caster regains any one lst-

level (ot lower) spell or spell slot that she had

previously expended (either by casting it or by some

other means). She may choose which spell she

recalls, though it must be one that she had previ-

ously prepared and expended. The spell or spell slot

is immediately regained, just as if she had never cast

or used it. If the target did not have a l st-level spell

or spell slot available, then he does not lose any

spells or spell slots and the caster does not regain

any. If the caster had not expended a 1st-level (or

lower) spell, she does not regain any spells or spell

slots but the target still loses one.

In the second round, the caster similarly drains

one Znd-level spell or spell slot from the target,

regaining one Znd-level (or lower) spell or spell slot

of her own. If the target has no Znd-level spells or

spell slots available, the caster instead drains one

lst-level spell or spell slot (if able) and recalls one

lst- level spel l ( i f able).

In the third round, the caster drains one 3rd-level

spell or spell slot from the target. Slphon mana

continues to absorb spells in this fashion until the

caster ceases concentration, the target Succeeds at

a Will save (or otherwise ends the spell), or the

caster absorbs the maximum number of spell levels(equal to her caster level).

Material Component: A piece of string dipped in

ink and black dragon blood.

Focw: An ivory-backed glove or gauntlet wofth at

least 50 gp, which the caster must wear and use to

capture the magical energy flowing from the target.

(ssapu.reu;) sa1 :ef,uelqseu ileds(ssa;ru.req) salebau ;;r14 :,frol1l 6urrre5

snoaueluelsu I :uoqeJno

peqlnol ernlee-r3 :p6-re1

q)nol :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels J :eur1 6uqse3

Jg/J'S'n :slueuodruo3

ez'M,n;liHffl'llais auo sllnrar na[qns a\I

q)nolllllds'11ads eqt;o Surrser raqtoue

gll,r,r PeppB eq uBr sreqruetu /!\au qSnoqt 'tgaueq ousapr^ord tcatqns euo gtlrn {ql rprds V

'pa^oruer erB

ryll aqt ur sreqto reUB {ql E ul ureruer rq8ru rcalqnseuo [pO 'Iull aq] tuogJlastl Surnouar,tlarelperururLqaraqt 'uortoe eeg E se erurt ,{ue tB Jlestl uo tJa#aeqt ssnusrp uer {ull rurds B Jo reqruetu V

'{ull leqrruo{ pe^ouar Aldurrs sr trelqns aqI 'ra]ser str JoJ stsrxe

Iltls lull tr.trds B alrq/K rca[qns E uo #o rea^r ol ]f,e#eaqr roj alglssod sl tl atoN'{ull tsa^\au eqt otur rcalqnsaqt s{ull rralqns erues aq] uo 11ads qqt ;o Surlsec

Puof,as v 'al'ult B tB {ull euo,{1uo q aq uBf rcalqns y'rra[qns eq] or pau8rsseer tou sr rrlds Lpearp

a8euep tn q' patnQln sr p re8uol ou sr a8euep tuenbesqns'spua

lads eqt uaq/K 'Iq rurds eqt ur sreqto eqt qtp{trlds tou $ uoltJnpal eqt 'arof,s uortntltsuoo peJe/!\ol Bruo5 slurod r1llo uortrnpar B sragns rcalqns BJI 'patrege

tou ere sturod l1q anlonq tou op tBqt uuBqJo suuoC'a8eruep

Jo slurod Z eIBt rlf,Be sreqto eqt pue a8e-ulep jo sturod 9 sa{Bt eroJeraqt trafq.r eqJ 'reno

rJel lutod I sI arel{t pue qf,Ba a8eurep }o slurod 7e{Bt sraqto aqt suea(u slr{t 'rena^\oH '{ull rllds eqlur sarnteeJr o/!\t reqto aqt Suoue Aluana peplnlpare stulod S rer{to eqt pue 'a8eruepJo sturod g,(1uose{Bl r1 'a8eurep

Jo srurod O I ro} rlq sl uleqt }o euo'{ull tutds B ul eJB seJnlBaJJ aeJql 'eldurexe JoC

'{ull eqt ur srer1to aqt ot perldde tou sr terlt a8e-urep Surureruar IIe se{el If,BtrB eqt }o trelqns aqJ'{ull eqt ur strelqns 11e Suoure,tluene peplnlp '{ull

Iurds eruBs aqt ur sJeqto ,(q uelBt sr aJnteeJf, pepJe/KB i q ua{Bt tou a8euep }o tunorue eqJ 'a8eurep

lutod llq Ieep teqt (sanrpqe lercads ,{,q petlrg-rrr asoqt Surpnloul ) s{rene pue spuno^t IIE rrroue8eureplleq 't1uo aIBt {ull rurds BJo strelqns eqJ

'{ull lurds Sunsrxe s(JeJSBf, eqlot tueqr ppe [1durs sla8rel ̂reu grlrn s8urlsec aldrr-lnur os 'eurlt E te aArlJB lurl lurds euo ,t1uo ener1

uBf, retf,Breqr V 'tsBf, sr 11ads slqt ueq^\ tsrxa [pearle

tou saop auo Jl {ull turds e sateerr retsef, eqJ

peJJS IIedS'Iull eqt ul IIB Aq pareqs ere ureqr;o ,(ue Lq panref,erSPunoA\ fBql oS rueql uae^\]eq uollf,euuof ctlsr{u esetBerr pue stre[q.r eqt spren\ 11ads slql's]urds eror.uJo o/!\t uaa/rgaq ryll B ateaJf, ol sar8raue eseqf defueJ atuos 's8urqt

IIB eur^rtretur sar8raue lentrrldsuondlrfsec

(ssapu.req) sa1 :eruelqseu ileds(ssapu.req) sale6au ;;r14 :,frol,[L 6uure5

(6) pnal/punor I :uorleJn6

fa^af Znopnol arnlearf, 6ur;;ran auo :p6.re1


uorlf,e prepuels J :aur1 6urpe3

J0'S'n :queuodruo3

z rlq:P^e.luorle.rn [qy

'vcafqns pa4uty Suoutv paprnlp q aSoumq

Iul-lllrlds'ile& erp 8qtsef, uaq/K seqsruf, rerser ar+ rBr+ dF Ot

tseel tE q4od\ sselSrnoq prsfuc y :ruaua(unJplrffiW' +Wapun llvrat Surtsec Aq aprs srq ot IrBq ernl

-Berf, eqt Surrg uBf, retsef, eqJ 'peepun pellortuorjo trrull slq tsure8e tunoJ tou saop tl pue eJnteerf,aqt lonuor touuer retser eqt '11ads slqr Jo tre#eeqt repun sr la8rel eqt allq/N 'reqreN Surlsrmleql ol luas sl '10rluo3 s(JelsBf, aql JePun eJnlBeJf,peepun uB eq tsntu qrlq/K 'aJntean la8rel eql

paJJS IIadS'pallerar

lrtun ^pt steol' tr araqm 'raqta51 Suusr^\Jeql ot suorqul PBePun slq Jo euo spuas ratsBf eqJ


:ffii"ffix,n:: lueueuJed :uotleJno

loJluol rno( Jepun eJnleeJl peepun auo :p6.re1

(qana; Zfitg + 'U 97) aso;3:a6ueg

elnuru J :eurl 6ur1se3

y\'S 6n :queuodruo3

z rlN :P^e.l

[pf],(rueuonaN' r,a\ia N Sunsrm;- aW ut srsnis oiu! Wapun spuas

uollPrueserd Inos

DescriptionYou infuse the target with magical energy, allow-

ing her to recall one spell she already cast.

Spell EffectThis spell only functions on a creature capable of

spellcasting. Upon casting this spell, the target im-

mediately recalls one 4th-level or lower spell or spellslot she has already expended. The spell regainedmust be a spell that the mrget had previously pre-pared and expended (either by casting it or by someother means). The spell or spell slot is immediatelyregained, as if the mrget had not cast that spell at all.

Arcane F ocus: An etched ivory charm worth at

least 15 gp, worn on a chain around the neck.

StitchTarget becomes bltnd and dumb.

Conj uration (Creation)

Leveh Sor/Wiz 3, Swh 3

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targeh One creature

Duration: 1 minute/level

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

DescriptionThreads of pale orange energy weave through the

target's mouth and eyelids, rendering him blindand mute.

Spell EffectThe target is blinded and muted by this spell. He

cannot speak or cast spells with verbal compo-nents, though he may make noise in other ways (bV

clapping his hands, kicking a stone, sounding agong and the like).

Material Component: A needle and a length of

thin bronze wire.

Storm, Earthanct FireCaster splirs into three elemental forms, each with

different powers.

lllusion (Shadow)

Leveh Sor/Wiz B

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round


Range: Personal

Effect: Three shadow duplicates

Duration: 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

DescriptionThe caster disappears in a shower of multicolored

sparks. Appearing from three large concentrations

of red-, orange- and yellow-colored sparks are three

new copies of the caster. From the shower of red

sparks emerges the Essence of Fire, from the orangesparks comes the Essence of Earth, and from theyellow sparks rises the Essence of Storm. Each copy

of the caster has special powers.

Spell EffectThis spell cannot be cast unless the caster is on at

least a lO-foot by lO-foot area or 5-foot by 15-footarea of open terrain. The caster disappears and three

shadow duplicates appear in her place. Th.y each

look, sound and smell like the caster, though there

are small differences based on the particular form.

They are composed of a quasi-real shadow materialand are tangible. Each copy appears within 5 feet ofthe point where the spell was cast. Each copy regains

lost hit points as if having rested for a day (though

this healing does not restore ability damage or pro-

vide other benefits of resting for a duy' changing back

does not heal the caster further).

After 1 round per level, the effect ends and the

caster's spirit merges with any surviving shadow

copy. That copy returns to the character's normal

form while the other copies (if they survived)

simply fade away. The caster has the adjustedremaining hit points of the selected form. If all

copies are slain, then the last copy killed reverts to

her original form, though she remains dead.

The caster cannot use feats unless they are usable

as free actions. Class features that require actions(including any normal spellcasting) are not avail-

able while under the effects of this spell. The copiesuse the character's normal ability scores, saving

throws and Armor Class, along with various modifi-

cations based on the particular form. Shadowy

versions of all gear and magic items appear on all

forms, but triggered and consumable magic items are

not usable. Persistent effects continue normally.

The caster controls the actions of all three copies

as though they were separate characters, though

aqt stsef er{ eruu qJBe aJror.{f, reqt a8ueqc UBJ JelsEJ eqlpue 'uoruruns ot eJnteerJJo pupl qllqrn sasooqr Jalsef,altl 'pBapun uotuurns : I-t elqBl uo l$l la^al-tsl aqrulo{ serntBarf, peepun aql}o euo sB sasrJ asdroc eqJ

'suortJe Jer.{lo uuoled or Jo senueua JelnJrtred

{JBUB ot '>1cene ot tou tl treJlp UBJ aq 'arnleeJf aqlgtlrn etBf,runturuof uBf, relsBr eqt JI

'&lllqB $l Jo tsaqeqt ot stueuoddo s(JaJSEJ eqt s{f,BDE tl 'uJnt s(JalsBf,eqt uo '[1a]Brpeuur slf,B eJnlBaJJ palBerc ,tprau er1l'eJnleaJl pBepun uB sB sesrJ asfuoc aqJ'eJnleerc 8urnr1-eruoBlo asd-roc eqt uodntsef, aq,(1uouBf,1ads slr{J

peJS IIedS'alll ul pBr{ tr serlrllqe eqt;o Aueul ssassod [eur 'ra]sec

aqt [q ptllor]uor 'atnlearJ uaslr,{1trau aqJ 'asd;oc e(Uou asrJB ot eJntBeJf, PBepun uB sasnBf, JelsBl aqJ


:);i:::*x.:,;:: (c)nnenuno:ff;;]:l

(s;ana; Znt g + 'U 97) aso;3:a6ueg

punor I :eurl 6uqse3y\ 'S 6n :sluauodruo3

JJ]N 'l u^9:pAA-l

[llnf] (oueuoneN' r,atwr atlt nI n:qf1tlt p awDan Wry saunraqas4nO

IpPepunuoruurns'a{orus;o dsrm V : tuauoQutoJ lDrraww

'npuls8uol rc ivauar snontpa4xa sB qJns 'lueruenoru

eseaJJur ter{t stJeJJe Jeqto [ue g]lrn {f,Brs lou seopsnuoq slql 'sePotu luetuenolu slt{ IIe ol lee} 0Z+sure8 pue Jlesurq uodn tl lsef, ,t1uo Aeul relser eql

teqr tdacxa' (s11ads : I 1 rerdeqO'looqpuaHs,nKvl4eqt aas) {lqtqtsroul sB ,tlrcexe suortrun} 11ads slr{I

pe#f ilads'sseu{Jlnb

IBJntBuungtlrn sanoru pue rq8rs tuog sepeJ ratsef, aqJ


(g) pnal/'ulru I :uoqern6


leuosre6 :e6ueg

uorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6urpe3

y\ 'S 6n :slueuodruo3

z z..Mlros '€ rl3 :P^q

(.rarue;g) uorsn;;1'talsnl saftour puD alqtsunur sauroJaq ra$DJ

pul^AewsPellrls'rueals Jo e{orus Jo dsrm e

PUE' au e u ; ;llfi i: lilY"ffi :ft: ?, "ry,f;,T,,

s(retrereqr ar{tJo retser E sE IIIrn w hqtqtsubur [1uo31as

lsBf, ol ,bl1lqB aql sB IIa^t se 'slea; roqs esrf,erd Pueroqs IUEIS turod eql sure8 t1 'a8euep Arrorrrrela josturod BpZ leep tetlt teeJ Otlo a8uer B urqrl/lr s{rene

qf,nor pe8uer a{BU uBf, r.uro} aqJ'(alqeclldde uaqm )a8eurep >lcetre {Beus 9pZ+ urBB pue a8eurep ,broul-f,alalo sturod BpI leuortlppe uB IBep $lrene s(ruro;eqJ 'lueruleaf,uor sepr^ord teqt tsnu lq8ll Jo ErnBuE ur enoru ot suees uJoJ slql :rnrolg lo acuassE

',{trunurur err} ser{ ulro} eql 'punor rada8euep erll Jo slurod 9pI e{Bt tae} S ulr{llm (11edsslqt i,q peleerJ sardoc raqto eqt ldacxa) sarnreeJr

IIB :ErnB uorteloturur ue Lq pepunoJJns sr ruJoJ aqJ'8urp1al/v\ sl retf,Brerlr aqt uodeam aqt or perlddeeq uur tl JI tBaJ assaurC uodeal6 eqr sure8 11 'a8e

-ruep arlJ Jo srurod BpI leuonrppe uB IBap $lf,Bnes(ruro; aqJ 'qt8uarts ot ,trleua d lr- B pue Alrralxeqot snuoq /\{oPEqs fi+ e sureS r.uJo} eql 'seruBl}

ur peIeop sreedde uroJ slqJ :ang to aruass1'punor

I ro; peuunts eq ro (raglpotuqr8uarts s(ralf,Brer{r eqt + Ie^al s(retrereql aqt Zll +

0I OC) znorqt Surnes epntrtroC B te peaf,f,ns tsnru urojslqt Aq >1oruls sarntearo 'lEeJ

{leuy re^tod eqt asnAeur uroJ aqJ '-lSJo uorlf,nper a8eurep puB rorure

IBJntBu ot snuoq lueluef,uBrlue 0I4 B surES uuo; aqJ'JeIlIPotu eIUSIJEIIO s(JelfeJeql eql + IeAel s(JalfBJBqleqt zfi + 0I Jo efuBtsrsar 11ads sureS 11 ',bualxaq

or ,hleuad tr e pue uorlntrtsuoo pue tp8uarrs olsnuoq /nopBrls l+ e sureS uroJ eqJ '{3or e)ilI sreadde

puE suaprer{ rxro} sfqtJo ur{s eqJ :WrnE to aruassE'(qoelte EJtxa suJo; s(Jetsef, eqr

anr8 Aeur qrlqrn) slenel retseJ o/Kt rad snuoq {rBuBasEq I + e ure8 sluroJ IIV

'(sasnuoq /lroPBrls uo uorl-EruJolur eJoru rcI qJ,O ftnory\3,,'slJE;ltJV JourlAL,'premag pue ,{urtsaq :rnoC rardeq3 ees) s^\oJqlSurnes IIE uo snuoq /lropeqs g+ e ure8 qf,Ba rurots

PUB erlc '�qlrEg Jo sruroJ aarr{] aqJ :surr,oc l|v

r rB Jo srB e aqr qa.orql::'"r1ff H" ffiil:illsees relrereqr eqJ Jlesreq retser eqr ere^\ rr q8noqrsE leads /,eur uroJ qrBE 'tser sr 11ads aqt ueq/lrJetsEJ eqt sE elrlertrur arues aqt tB tJets IIB [aqr


spell. The rype ancl Challenge Rating of the creaturethat provided the corpse limit the caster's options, asshown on Table 3-1 . The summoned creature does notcount against the caster's norrnal undead control limit.Because undead summoned with this spell are tempo-rar|, the caster cannot target thern with dfrrk sacrificet,soul preservattont or similar efrects.

A summoned unclead cannot summon or otherwiseconjure another creature, nor can it we any teleportationor planar ffavel abilities. Creatures cannot be summonedinto ar-r environment that cannot support them. At theend of the dr-rration, the r-urdead creature collapses andfallsapart in a scattering of bones (or simply vanishes, if thecreature was incorynreal). These remains cannot be r-rsed

to summon additional undead, nor can they be used as acompone n t fo r aruTnote de ad, cr eale undeador s i m i lar spe I ls .

Casting this spell clespoils the corpse used in thesummoning, just as any other effect that transformsclead creatures iutt-r uuclead.

Material Component: The corpse.

SummonUncleacl IINecromancy [Evil]Level: Gvn 2, Ncr 2

Targeh One or more corpses, flo two ofwhich can be more than 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like summon undead It, ex-cept that the caster can surnmon or-re creature fromthe Znd-level l ist or 1d3 creatures of the same kindfrorn the 1st-level l ist. One corpse is required foreach summoned creature.

SummonUncleacl IIINecromancy [Evil]Level: Gvn 3, Ncr 3

Target: One or more corpseso no two of which can be morethan 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like sr.rmmon undeaA If , ex-cept that the caster car-r surnrnon olre creature fromthe 3rd-level l ist, 1d3 creatures of the salne kind

frorn the Zncl-level l ist or td4+1 creatures of thesan-re kind from the lst-level l ist. One corpse isrecluired for each sulnmoned creature.

SummonUncleacl IVNecromancy [Evil]

Level: Gvn 4, Ncr 4

Target: One or more corpses, ro two ofwhich can be more than 30 ft. apart


9-9 UJ9-9 UJ3,-€ UJ



zssel ro I uJ',UJ

ssel ro ? uJZUJ

fiH L_9€UJ


ssal ro I uJ€UJEUJ

ssel ro I uJ

rOH 9-issel ro z uJ

ssal ro z uJssel ro z uJssel ro I uJssal ro z uJssel ro z uJ


rraMej 0H I

6urleg e6uq;eqJ rooclo lrl{ unufull l

,,,.', , iiE,iii

PloueunHii uetqnJeN


Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunH

Proueunq snoJlsuotu Jo PloueunHeJnleeJf, snoJlsuoru Jeqlo

.ro 1ue;d 6lseeq

;err6eru 'K"! 'uo6e.rp ';eulue ouollelleqv

Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunH



Proueunq snoJlsuotu Jo PloueunH+9 eqJ 1o 1ue;d ro proueunq snorlsuolu

'1seeq ;eorberu'proueunq'lue!6'uo6eJp



Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunH

Proueunq sno4suotu Jo PloueunHeJnleeJ) snoJlsuolu

Jeqlo .ro 1ue;d 'lseaq

;eot6eru 'K"! 'uo6elp ';eulue 'uollellaqv

Proueunq snoJlsuotu Jo PloueunH



Proueunq sno4suotu Jo PloueunH


Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunH

Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunHaJnleaJf, snoJlsuolu

Jeqlo -ro 1ue;d 6lseeq

;ecr6eru 'K"! 'uo6e.rp o;eutue ouollelleqv

Proueunq sno4suotu Jo PloueunH


Proueunq snoJlsuotu Jo PloueunH


Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunH

Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo PloueunH

oJnleeJJ aseg'srelsuory

Io"IBnUBI J eqt u;'rp,adde alqet sllp uo sernleere IIV ,,'--i;': ---

'- - :*

o ,' :or{rui:,,,,., epunuou"ltilns:kfalqPl. ,,

'' '"

,n*o]* ,o ,-,'f :n. ri

. igg i,.ir;;*#'* - -"

.r*'Jrc- "{;- 6ff -,.#U+*,uI


puatJ 1dft3eeqsueS

le^e1 ,llg




rorrrelA F;apls


, lsoqeuelesroJ

puatJ ld&JeeqsueS

;am{ {lgetgwoz



rorrre^ lelePlsa6ey1 ':?il:



P^e1 'll,



pera{lf AArorrre^/\ IelePIS

a6eyl letalels


la^a1 Prgatq.xoz

lo^41 Pu?erquloz

la^41 lsl



'::ff'ffir w-.j*ruffi"Table Yl : SurnmodilnUd*

rr r:r: ill :'

Alt creatures on this table ?ppear, in the Manufl'of Monsters.'UndeadBase Creature

6th Level (continued)

Ghost Aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast,



Minimum Hit Diceor Challenge Rating

cR 2-32

CR 5_6CR 3_4CR 4-5CR 5-6CR 5-6

CR 5-6?-10 HDI

C R 5CR 7-BCR 7-BCR 42

C R 7C R 5CR 6-7CR 7-BC R 7

C R 7

CR 6-7CR ?-10CR ?-10cR 5-62

CR B-?CR 6-7CR B-?CR ?-10CR B_?

CR B_?

C R BCR 12CR 11



Skeletal Mage

Skeletal Warrior.Withered



Zth Level


Crypt Fiend





Skeletal Mage

Skeletal Warrior



8th Level


Crypt Fiend




Shade' sk"l"tal Mage

Skele*al Warrior



?th Level


Crypt Fiend


monstrous humanoid or plant of Cha 6+

Humanoid or monstrous humanoid



Humanoid or monstrous humanoid

Aberration, animal, dragon, f"y, magical beast, plant or othermonstrous creature IHumanoid or monstrous humanoid

Humanoid or monstrous humanord




Aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast,monstrous humanord or plant of Cha 6+

Humanoid or monstrous humanord



Humanoid or monstrous humanoid

Aberration, animal, dragon, f"y, magical beast, plant or othermonstrous creature

Humanoid or monstrous humanoid ,




Aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast,monstrous humanoid or plant of Cha 6+

Humanord or monstrous humanord



Humanoid or monstrous humanoid

Aberration, animal, dragon, f"y, magical beast, plant or othermonstrous creature

Humanoid or monstrous humanoid




ernlPer] IPuo$lppv,{ttv s, ernlPN wuilrlns: r.

'salllflqe eze6 Eurldn.uoo pue ef,uereedde )Urrror{ 'aoua;o^eleu eql ssessod ;;eds srr{l rlly'sle^al ssep uor1 a)!0 1rg (ue apnpur lou seog r

Proueunq snoJlsuolu Jo ProueunHeJnleeJs snoJlsuoru

reqlo .ro 1ue;d 'peeq ;ecr6eu

'4"!'uo6erp';eulue ouollelleqv

Proueunq sno4suoru Jo ProueunHproueunH


Proueunq snoJlsuoru Jo ProueunH+9 eqJ 1o 1ue;d ro proueunq snorlsuoru

'1seeq ;ecrbeu

'ploueunq 'lue!6 'uo6elp ';eurue 'uorleJJaqv

ernleorJ aseSPeaPufl'srelsuo141

Io IBnUuIAJ eqt ur readde alqet slqt uo sernl€err IIV(penupum) ppepun uoruruns : llalqpl

ano;6 eql jo -redea;

P^a,l ,116


p"fanrroJ olua!luv

la^o.l ,llg

[fN] (,(ue) lueue^eu(;erurue) luelg .jlo/h

,66a xruaoqd

la^o,l ,llg

[c;] pe,ft6,p^a1 qlg

lseeq opoX'o''

Irr]lseaq 6og

la^41 qU,'

(;eurue) .rapr-qsllgt,

[Cf..f] luerf,uv (;eurue) nno.rc urols 1

P^a1 qu lo^o,l Prg


'spunor l+?pt ur saq5leq 66a eql r" '''


eqt tuouPq{ eruBs aquo sernteerl tPI 'tsll

le^al-q]geql luou eJnlBeJf euo uoturuns uE3 JalsBf eql leqlldacx a' + I Wryn uoururzrs a{l l suor t f, un; 1 1 ads sl ql

pede'U 0t ue{leJou aq uel qrlqm Jo oml ou osasdJof, eJou Jo auo :p6.re1

g rtN 'g u^c :PAe.l

Illnf] ,(cueuorlaN

npPepunuourruns'aJnteeJf peuoununs qfea JoJ peJrnbar sr

esfuor euo '(aclq rlH SurAren gtlrlr serquoz 'a1due

-xe ro;) usrl lenel-Je/v\ol Jo uolteurquor Aue tuog

PqI etues eql Jo sernleerf, I+tPI ro lsII 1ana1-qlf,eql tuouPqI eruBs aquo sernlBerl tPI

'tsll le^el-ql9

eqt ruou aJntBeJf euo uoruruns uBf, JatsBf, aqt tBr{ll dacx a' + I Wryn uourunr s a{l l suor t run; 1 1 ads sl qJ

pede'U 0€ ue{larou aq ue) qllqm Jo oml ou 'sasdJof, arou ro euo :p6-re1

g rrN 'g u^c :PAe.l

Iltnf] ,(rueuorf,aN

n pPepunuourulns'aJnteaJf peuoru(uns qfee JoJ peJrnbar sr

asfuoc euo '(arlq rlH 8ur/;en gtlan serguoz 'a1due

-xe Joj) slsrl lanal-Jen\ol Jo uorteurgruoc ,(ue ruo5

Pq{ erues eqr }o sernleerr I+tPI ro lsII le^el-Prfaqr tuogPul{ eluBs ar{uo sarntBarr tPI

'tsll lanal-qrf

aql ulou eJnlBeJf, auo uolutuns UEJ JelsEJ eql lBt{lldacxa' + I Wry uoururns a{l l suor trun; 11 ads slrll


pa-re$rilrorrrel lelePIS

a6ey1 teleplsAPEqS


lsoqc(panuquoc) p^al ql6

(;erurue) -reqrurl'Jlo/h

[Ct't] dst1\(;erurue) Uf

le^o,l Puil

'srelsuo4 Io IenuBI I aqt ur reedde mo1

-eq petsrl serntean IIV 'QpoqWDH s,n{v14

aqr ur I I ratdeq3 ?rr)

s11ads KII, s ptnivtruoutulns snoIJBA eI{] gflrlt Pauoluluns eq r{eul

rBql sernlBars IEuolllPPB Jo lsll B sl ̂{oleg





z/ UJ

6ur1eg e6ua;;eqJ roarlo lrl{ unuf ull l

5th-level list or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kindfrom any combination of lower-level lists (for ex-

ample, zombies with varying Hit Dice). One corpseis required for each summoned creature.

Summon Uncleacl VIINecromancy [Evil]Level: Gvn 7, Ncr 7

Target: One or more corpses, no two of which can be morethan 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like summonutndead,If , exceptthat the caster can summon one creature from the

7th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the

6th-level list or td4+1 creatures of the same kind

from any combination of lower-level lists (for ex-ample, zombies with varying Hit Dice). One corpseis required for each summoned creature.

Summon Uncleacl VIIINecromancy [Evil]Level: Gvn B, Ncr B

Target: One or more corpses, no two of which can be morethan 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like summonutndeadlt, exceptthat the caster can summon one creature from the8th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the

7th-level list or td4+1 creatures of the same kind

from any combination of lower-level lists (for ex-ample, zombies with varying Hit Dice). One corpseis required for each summoned creature.

SummonUncleaclIXNecromancy [Evil]Level: Gvn ?, Ncr ?

Targeh One or more corpses, no two of which can be morethan 30 feet apart

This spell functions like summonunAeadlt, exceptthat the caster can summon one creature from the

9th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the

ample, zombies with varying Hit Dice). One corpseis required for each summoned creature.

|,fr';'] :':LTjjJJj ;;i:ffi:,:jJffitffilll rho r n s h i er cr,,

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Effech 15-ft.-long (or longer) tentacle

Duration: 1 round/level (D)

DescriptionOne of the caster's arms transforms into an enor-

mous purple tentacle, srudded with power{ul suckers.

The tentacle uncoils to lash at the caster's enemies.

Spell EffectThe caster can attack with the tentacle as if it were

a weapon with which she is proficient. She can

attack with it (once) in the same round in which she

casts the spell. The tentacle has a Strength of 75 (or

the caster's Strength, whichever is higher) and deals1d8 points of damage (1d8+7 with Strength 75).khas a reach of 10 feet greater than the caster's normalreach (i.". ,15 feetforMediumcasters). The tentacle

can also wrap around targets and crush them. It

counts as a Large creature for the purposes of gtap-

pling (+4grapple bonus) and has the Improved Grabability (can attempt to start a grapple as a free actionwithout provoking attacks of opportunity if it makesa successful melee attack). If the tentacle gets a hold,it can constrict, dealing 2dB+7 points of damage

with a successful grapple check.

While the caster's arm is a tentacle, she cannotuse it to wield weapons or perform other tasks offine manipulation. She suffers a -4 penalty on allskill checks involving deft manipulation (Disable

Device, Open Lock and so on). She cannot cast

spells with somatic components.

The castermaycast this spell multiple times (though

subsequent castings must avoid the somatic compo-

nent), gaining multiple tentacles (up to one per arm).Fighting with more than one tentacle incurs all the

normal penalties of fighting with multiple weapons.

Material Component: A bit of squid flesh.


Level: Drw 4,SorlWiz 4

Greater thorn shield works like thorn shield*, e X-

cept that it grants the creature touched a + 4 natural

armor bonus to AC; this bonus increases to +5 at

ITth level and up. Attackers suffer 7d6 points ofdamag e +7 points per caster level.

Tentacle LashThe caster gairu a constricnng weapon withlongreach.


Level: Drw 2.SorlWiz2


alrssrur \4n sasnuoq aSoutap puv \rDiiD up? salllv

Prnvloqsen{'serntearc aldltlnur stJe#B

tl reqr ldacxa 'lrltr[llou a>lll suoltf,un;11ads slql

pede'U 0€ uelleJou aq uel qllqM jo o/y\l ou ';anal/aJnleaJl euo :sp6.re1

(s;ana; ZFt g + 'lj 97) aso;3:a6ueg

9 PIA\ 'g zlhlros '9 rlH :P^eul


ssPW'qselJIIoJI'(ra8ug ro a/,a 'esou 'rea uB ueuo) qsag llorr

Jo arard panrasard '�llelus y :ruauo$utoJ lDr"LawW'punor red lurod rlq I Aq senordrut aler aqt '8ur1eeq

1se; sBrl [pearle lcalqns eqUI 'qa^al retset 7 ndpunor

1 snld'1 Surleeq tsBJJo etnulru I sute8 rca[qns eL{J

peJJS ilads'llort e a{ll qf,nul 'leeq ol sut8eq aqs '(tuauodruor

Ierretetu aqt aprnord ot pesn llorr Jo ,{tatren oql

uo Surpuadap 'atttlm ro ueer8 ro 'a1d-lnd ro) [er8 ]oepeqs elll-llorl '>pep B satuof,eq ulIS s(Jralqns eqJ


(ssapu.reu;) sa1 :etuelqseu ilads(ssapu.req) salebau ;;r7,;4 :,$orql 6une5

la^al/'ulur [ :uoqeJnopeqlnol ernleerr 6urnr1 :p6.re1

qrnol:a6ueguorlf,e prepuels I :eur1 6uqse3

y\ 'S 'n :speuodruo3

(, PIM'V zlhlros 'z rlH :P^{uorlelnusueJl

'Suqoay rnl surc8 nafqns a\L

qselJ IIo{'(ratenuepun Jo JrB eqt ur 'aldtuexe JoJ)

a8.ret1c touuef, spJBZII Jepunqt eJel{1!r stuetuuoJlnueur uortrunJ tou saop 11ads slqJ 'punor lxeu aqt uIs.readde reqtoue tnq - seqsluBn prBzII repunqt qrea'>1cene slqt JaUV 'punoJ etues eqt uI eJnteeJf, atueseqt ta8rel touuer sprBZII repunqt qrog 'slrales ratsef,

aqt Aueua euo (.lqe I) sa8reqc Alarelparuurl pueretsef, aqt ot luaoelpe arenbs rtue uI srBedde teq] spre-zrl rapunqt o^rt suorutuns 11ads slt{t 'punor qJEE

iserrueue srq a8reqrot sPrBZrl rePunql jo saProq suotutuns relsBr eqJ


:ffii"ffix,n:: le^el/punor I o1 dn 'uorlerluaf,uoJ :uoqeJng

Punor/Preztl raPunql auo :peJJ3

lee1 g :a6ueg

punor I :eurl 6urpe3

S 'n:slueuodruo3

6 Mro :p^ryl

(6uruoruuns) uorlern [uoJ'saot sty ay4utDri oi spnZq nryn\i suoururns DisDJ

Lfsnu prczl-lJepunLLI'rerurueq ra^lls IIBtus V :luauo4utoJ IDttawW

'a$T\ ralunor tou seop tnq sladstp

Inlcnpun\L'{rets tou op strege nools aldttlnyq'punor

IIry I roJ (lads moq aql se) Pe/\{ols osle are

lf,e#a slqt ulo{ a8eulep e{Et oq \ sarntBarO'(gpS tuntu-lxerrr) qe^al retsef, g rad a8euep f,Iuos Jo slulod gpte{Bt (ralsec aqr rdaoxa) BerE aI+ uIqtIA\ sernteerr IIV

peJf ltads'paads

leuuou 4eLpJo uopleg B ot luaqt Sqzlrols 'd8raua

rruos Suuelyl Wprt sra8rer aW se]Bpunu oslB cfeul

ar.LL '$urup JEe (sel(uaue sarnldru IBUF delc eTl-Japuru+'snouuoua uE Sutsneo 'punot8 aI+ surBIS JeNEf, et1l


se1 :ecuEslseg iledsr1e6au epnlrpoJ :aoJtlf, buraeg

(ltat aes) punor I :uotlern6

lsrnq snrPer -'ly 0z :eerv

leuosra; :a6ueg

uorl)e prepuels I :eur1 6urpe3

y\ 'S cn :slueuodruo3

z zlhlros 'z Mro :P^e-l

Irruo5] uorlelo^3'paftnoq arv puv a?nuvp alu sa,Lntvan {"qway1


Jo slurod bpl raJ;ns sre{f,BuB

tBqt ldacxa ' x?la!\s u.Lo\i aIII suoltf,un; 11ads slqJ

lzl/nlros'I Mrc :P e.l


peJJS ileds


Jesse-l 'plalqs uJotll


Level: Hlr 3, Wtd 3

Components: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Personal

Area: 20 -ft.-radius emanation

Duration: 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe caster is surrounded by " glowing, blue-white

aura. This aura grants keen insight to archers,crossbow wielders and similar warriors.

Spell EffectAllies within the radius, including the caster,

gain a +7 insight bonus on attack rolls and a +!

insight bonus on damage rolls with ranged weap-ons. These bonuses only apply if the target of theattack is within 30 feet of the characrer.

An ally gains these benefits only when in theradius of the spell. An ally within the radius whenthe spell is cast retains the benefits only while heremains within the spell's radius. An ally who entersthe radius after the spell is cast gains the benefits foras long as he remains within the radius.

TrueshotAura, GreaterTransmutation

Level: Hlr 4, Wtd 5

This spell functions as trueslnt aurat, but grantsrecipients a +3 insight bonus on attack rolls and a +6

insight bonus on damage rolls with ranged weapons.

TrueshotAura, LesserTransmutation

Lcvel: Hlr Z,Wtd 1

This spell functions as mrcshot aurat, but grantsrecipients a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls and a +7

insight bonus on damage rolls with ranged weapons.

VampiricAuraAllies drain life with every attack.


Level: Sor/Wiz B

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Effech 20 -ft.-rad ius emanation

Duration: 1 rou ndl? levels

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe caster's and his allies' attacks are empowered

to drain life from their opponents, granting unholyvigor and health to the spell's subjects.

Spell EffectAllies (including the caster) within the spell's

radius can drain life with successful melee attacks.For each point of damage they deal to a livingopponent with a melee attack, they gain 1 temporaryhit point. An affected creature cannot gain more hitpoints from a single opponent than that opponenthas (i..., his current hit points + 10). These tempo-rary hit points disappear t hour later.

An ally gains these benefits only when in theradius of the spell. An ally within the radius whenthe spell is cast retains the benefits only while sheremains within the spell's radius. An ally whoenters the radius after the spell is cast gains thebenefits for as long as she remains within the radius.

Material Component: Powdered dreadlord horn.

VampiricSwarmV ermin damnge tar gets and r estor e hit poinrs ro caster .

Conj uration (Summoning)

Level: Ncr 3, Sor/Wiz 4

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: Personal

Effech 20 -ft.-radius spread

Duration: Concentration

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

DescriptionThis spell creates a swarrn of angry, flying vermin that

bite and tear at nearby enemies. As they chew theenemy flesh, they convert it into a substance thatrestores hit points to the caster when they retum to him.

Spell EffectAn enemy creature in the swarm that takes no

actions other than fightingoff the vermin suffers 1

:ffii":fi:,1'*: (6) spnelznunor [ :uoqern6qe^elrapef, g,Oana ro1 l+?P1o1dn acueeOua Jo sluds rassalJorequnu e pue af,ueaBuanlo prds.ralea-r6 pauoutuns auo :peJJ3

(s;ena; Zntg + 'U E7) asop:ebueg

punor I :eurl 6uqse3

J6/J'S 'n:slueuodruo3

bzlhlros '6 rlH :p^e-l

(6u r uoru uns) uorlern [roJ'ratsa) arp rclry?1ltvt1t acuna?uan Io slurds suouruLns

e)uPetuen'lsnJol anll

B erunsuof, tsntu Jetsef, aqJ :luauo4utoJ lvuaww'sanoru Jetsef, eql sB se^olu PUB JelsBf, eql

uo PeJelueJ srtets IuJBA\s eqJ 'uIluJeA Areu alerauaSot senurluoJ trage eqr sB punor Sutmollo; eqr

paceldar /,11clnb ere pelfl{ utulren AtV 'pqI Aue;o

s11ads ro suodee^t gtl,vt [lanrroe#e tq8no; eq ]ouuer

tuJB/l|s eql 'ruJB/v\s eql I'uou aSeuleP ol eunlutul

eJntBeJJ e e{Etu osle saItIIIqE lertads Jeqto PUB'learodJooul Suraq'uottJnpeJ a8eulecl'lef,lSeuluou

eJB slfelte s(ultuJan eqJ 'elqlssodutl sI tuJe/ns eql

urqtr/!\ s11eds uo Sunerluaf,uof, ro Suttsecllads'ratf,BrBr{f, eqt ot e}ll erolsar

pue uJnteJ ol ultuJan SututerueJ aqr JoJ sPunoJ

arotu ontl se{Bl lltls ]l tnq 'ua>1orq ueeq seq uoll-BJIUAJUOf, ef,UO $lJEllB Jlaql eSBef, UIIUJOA eql

'rro os pue 'punor qtJno, eqt uo

sturod rlq 0I sute8ar ratf,Brel{r eql 'punor puof,eseqt uo a8euep Jo slutod 0I sleep ,(lruanbasqnsrure^\s eqt jl 'punor prlqr eqt uo slutod rlq Lsure8al ratsec aqt ueqr 'punor IsJIJ eqt uo a8eulePlo

slurod Llo letor B sleap turB^\s eqtll 'aldurexa roJ'runrurxeru

IBr.uJou s(JalsEJ aql ol dn 'l1eap a8eulep

Ietot eqt or lenbe stulod rlq rsol Jo requnu B sute8-aJ Jalsef, eql 'uJnlal unuJen eql sB 'rale1 spunoJ

o^AI 'a8eurep Jo slutod Vpl sre#ns 'EerE s(traJle

aqr Surneal SurpnlJul 'uottJe raqto ,tue seIet tBqlruJe,l.s aql ur aJnteeJf, V

'uJnt sll uo aBeuIBpJo lutod

eEwsgNIE- dcrB@ffi&Hr&


DescriptionThe caster moans in anguish and hatred, slashing

herself with a barbed dagger. As her blood strikes theground, a greater spirit of vengeance rises, with lesserspirits of vengeance arising from the caster's fallencomrades, moving to strike down her enemies.

Spell EffectThe caster deals Id4 points of damage to herself

when she casts this spell. This spell summons agreater spirit of vengeance (see the Manual of Mon.sters, Chapter One: Creatures of Azeroth). Thespirit appears where the caster designates and actsimmediately on the caster's turn. It attacks thecaster's opponents to the best of its ability, and thecaster can direct it not to attack, to attack particularenemies or to perfrorm other actions.

In addition, this spell summons a number of lesser r 'spirits of vengeance from the corpses of the ."r;; Waf DfUmS

fallen allies. For each such corpse within range, alesser spirit of vengeance appears in that location (up

to Id4, +1 for every 3 caster levels). These lesserspirits attack the caster's enemies and obey hercommands just as the greater spirit does.

Note that the greater spirit of vengeance surrr-moned by this spell can use its create spawn abilityfreely, but any spawn it creates vanish when thespell's duration expires.

Arcane F ocus: A jagged knife crafted of flint andobsidian with a ruby worth at least 1,500 gp in thepommel. The caster slashes herself with the knifewhile casting the spell. A shadow|, indistincr copyof the knife appears in the left hand of the greaterspirit summoned by the spell.

Saving Throw: Fortitude halfSpell Resistance: Yes


The caster summons of cackling group of semi-tangible, dark spirits. The spirits rip the target's lifefrom his body and bring it back to the caster.

Spell Effect

The spirits inflict 1d8 points of negative energydamage per two caster levels (maximum 10dB) to thetarget. The next round, the spirits return to thecaster and bequeath the stolen life unto him, healinghim a like amount of damage. Damage healed abovethe caster's maximum becomes temporary hit points,which disappear after t hour.

This spell has no effect on undead.

AIIies gain +2 bonus on damage rolls.Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]Leveh Hlr 1, Plw 1, Wtd 1

Components: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Area: 50-ft.-radius emanation

Duration: 1 min./level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

DescriptionThe invigorating sound of war drums echoes in

the ears of the caster's allies, spurring them to makeshort work of their opponents.

Spell EffectThe caster and all allies within range gain a +7

morale bonus on damage rolls.

An ally gains these benefits only when in the radiusof the spell. An ally within the radius when the spellis cast retains the benefits only while she remainswithin the spell's radius. An ally who enters the radiusafter the spell is cast gains the benefits for as long as sheremains within the radius.

VooclooSpiritsTarget takes damage, caster heals alike amount,

Conj uration (Summoning)

Level: Sha 3, Swh 3

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target: One living creature

Duration:2 rounds

MlTaqdal QwQun 7o sagul(t)(fi'Qunldb aqt a^lqa nai qadQunqa 'b

uo s,fuMUS Q00LS )q Qua pdaMdoi dars ffiqLluv '77qt )cll 7o aru[ 1,,fiwad looqsu,lrua1d ot [1u0 - QdaMdol qalddot Qua abqa )qlaarc d;

)qL ot SutLSnd,I 'ltttd, ud,oq su,l llw Qunlq sllads )qL qasaaTad La(F Q)aql pdallnur unqlg 'taqlvq 0L uodaam Swqurq sbuotlt daqLwl

,,isQun)s ad.ouJ mai a rcnf'dooQ

stql 1uruado auo,fua LuaM L,uQtQ [77aax )qg isab Ltlsrld,, 'd,00Q a(41 u)(

,(4otns v ,(aua pAaM )q sa pznus Qua 4)au sry Qunlda )sry azuldq

,,'uadl )q ITM d,00Q LaqL 'Ltdntad, I uafM,, 'uqqob

aql 0L 4)aq pudytl wacpg'Q)ddaDQun 'qwqt dDqL Qanwlun t?ls )'ssau4daQ aql llutryaq,Suqqtan Lt Luas Qua qsa! QWQuk s,uilLaw(t)

ultslldxa a(U'd)t7daa LSa) QaqwaqlgsQdvM aLIL Jo auo QwLSut Qunl;

Qaq)aad aru[ 4)0d )LIL dn ,(am[1wq uilLawu)lqa uV 'as)u) atlt 7o as

QwQun aql 7o sassa(t) lurqoa'daul Qa4007 Qua Lhqt )cll 1o abp )tll r

,," "Dlnwa LaqL quti ot pau rcnf y, '4tad sryw ,\1atruvaj

bnQ utlqob )ql;sdvd"t tba,yttr isdaat ada )daql Lnq,'uado Wll aclr

4asl sa squ)q sul llut 5uruo17 qtbuaurs lwtbaw 1o (Fu)daM aql'4uadQ

Qua alzznur stq 0L lat^ aLIL qadht )q 'aaddorc )qL uado

SurywnqI ' M0dd.0u)0l 0u aq QlnlM auaql 'tq1rull Ll )sn L,uQtQ aq h u

Qagnuun psnun Lr Qarddw qatl aq qua 'rcaltlffi1;la tsu rl srq u

)LIL ulM Qaqwaqlg 'qrnlrl und,1-an1q \ur*tol| a (FtM QanrJ lvrtt ssa

4tad srcl u)ld,J'udlq )uo 1o ht qadhry )qL d,aul n qaddqs aquaql 'Lu,

da^lts sl 110 mqb ry5qu00u) gln aLIL pq)LUM u)dnal aql 'rn1vd

paddoaq )gsut Suta )tfi '4nu, su,l qunlda qtnod )qL 1uruado 'uraqog

, -,ftapl ' ' 'qalal 7o sarc1| )rbaytr,, ',(lsnoudau pd,allvtu) a(l

trbvlltr,, 'aarqht u0 sarc1| stq qa15ru Qua s;,;t4)0d nq woai sl00l ,l

,,'f1as,ftn no,(,

5ut1y4,h[ua 0L )u)tl LuaM I 'yalno,(, 71 'd00Q LaqL uado 0L alnutfi aul

, .il#


weKe a swaum 0n rhe drcranr qrcound rhar had hecome a "wALL"

skeLerlns skrcreulnE Fluware.d prcessed rhemseLves rryhrLy ro rhe ch1"pl,oon ." Rea.chmq lveRhrc shouLd€R, Bohetn shook rhe wuappmEs fKlpel'l' aw6f r puLLed ar an odd anqLe hy qKavrcy he couLd nlr peel-.

Fneed 0f rcs rcouqh scahhand, rhe rauRen's ansenr axe Rlated wrchappwlached. Bohem pmed hrc weapon's cvy as be moved fKlm lnechopprnE lff hony hmhs and knockrnE qhoul,s fRlm rhe ruocks. As h,afrevwave op rhe enemy, rhe waR chanrs lFhs ancesrlKs sanE mhurhar peLr Lfue houn s, he l,er hmseLp swm m rhe ql-oruous ndes 0F IpeLr hs RrnE's maErc wune, he rcushed up rhe face op rhe tlrff and ITOp -

"The vauLr's open!" crued Isak. "I've Elr IT!"

Bohemrupped rhehundLe fulm rhe EohLm'shands and rlte away rheThe smel'L op decay and dearhhLoomed prcom rhehookmsfie. The rauRemaErcs bound rnrl rhe rome rceach lur ro shrcoud rhe moln rn dank cThrc wa,s whar rhey had heen LookmE flv.

Turcrunq ro rhe skeLerlns and EhouLs cLamherunq lvev rhe edqe, Bhryh and crcted, "Inrhe na,me oF @een AzshaBa and wrch rhe plwev 0f rdearh rcseLp! BACK"


The world of Warcraft teems with magic boundinside many types of weapons and objects. Some areso common that they can be found for sale fromeven the most isolated goblin merchants, whileothers can only be attained after perilous quests.The magic items won and wielded by adventurersare some of their most precious possessions and canmark the difference between becoming a legendand falling in battle.

The material in this chapter is based upon Chap-ter 7: Magic Items in the revised DMG; please referto the DMG on creating and pricing magic items.

The tables for random magic item generationincorporate the items found in this book as well asthe Warcraft RPG core book and the Manual ofMonsters. Items from others sources are noted asdescribed in the Introduction.

Racial BoctySlotsMost of Azeroth's humanoid creatures can use

items in the standard body slots (see "Magic Itemson the Body" in Chapter 7: Magic Items of theDMG ). Some races, however, have additional slotsbased on their particular physiology, as indicatedbelow:

Dwarf: A dwarf can wear any item designed for aneck slot by weaving it into his beard. This stilltakes up the neck position.

Elf , Gnome, HaIf-EIf , HaIf-Orc, Human, Troll:No additional slots.

Furbolg, Orc, Pandaren: Orcs, furbolgs andpandaren can attach certain small magic items totheir long, sharp canine teeth, which are generallyreferred to as "jaws."

Ju* slot items usually grant thecreature bonuses to any natural bite attack or per-mit the character to do something special by meansof a bite. Items without such affinities are norallowed in the jaw slot.

Goblin: A goblin can wear a single magical ring ineither his left or right ear. This ring may nor exceedany other rings he has in power (determined bycomparing caster levels), nor may it be one thatrequires greater than a 7th-level caster to create.Rings attached as ear piercings require 1 full roundto remove or attach.

Naga: Naga can wear one ring on each hand theypossess, and can wear one set of gloves for each pairof hands (but not on tentacles). They may not wearboots, nor may they use helms if they have snakes

for hair (though they could employ a circlet orsimilar item). Naga with a natural bite attack canemploy the same jaw slot used by orcs and furbolgs.

Tawen: Tauren have Z additional slots. A murenmay attach a magical ring to her nose, following thesame rules as goblin earrings. Tauren also possess a slotfor their homs. Hom items (which may include rings)normally increase the creature's gore attack, provideprotection for the head, allow the homs to be used asspecial melee weapons, or similar abilities. Itemswithout such affinities are not allowed in the homslot. (There is only one slot that covers both homs,not one slot per hom. ) Because they have hoovesinstead of feet, tauren may not wear boots, shoes orsimilar items, although certain magic items that takeup those slots (such as greaves) may still be used.

Armorancf ShielclsAzeroth's races seek out magical defenses as much

as they do weapons. Those who do not fight for aliving are equally interested in armor and shields,for these items can keep the wearer alive in themore dangerous areas of the world.

When generating armor and shields, employTable7 -2 from the DMG to determine the rype of itemgenerated. If a specific item or shield is generated,use Table 4-l: Armor and Shields, below. If aspecial abil ity is called for, roll again on TableT-7to determine other benefits.

NewArmorancl ShielctSpecial Abilities

Magic armor and shields can have one or more ofthe special abilities detailed here, in addition to anenhancement bonus. Armor or a shield with a specialability must have at least a + I enhancement bonus.

Command: This enhancement can be addedonly to suits of armor and shields designed formilitary commanders. The benefits provided by allcommander feats are increased by + 1 for as long asthe item is worn and visible to all allies within theappropriate range. If the commander puts some-thing on over the armor or shield, is immersed ind.arkness, turns inqtisible, or otherwise removes theitem from view, its benefits are lost.

Moderate enchantment; CL ITth; Craft MagicArms and Armor, prayer; Price +7 bonus.

'dX 100'I + 069'l I lso3 :dB 08I'SZarIrd iroury PUE

srury cr8eyrl rlerO :gt1 lO luottern[gB a]Erapohl'eurrJ aqt P o/o09 srlq

Ierrtrrr stf,egep plalqs aqJ ('s;atplos tooj qslrro

Jo IJBlle Sutlurelv\s B Aq ̂Aol rq8no.rq /,11euIJ se/!t eq'�paepul pue 'snue;

IIaJ plnoJ apetu /r\orre ou tetllples ueuo sB/v\ r1) 'tuatuerueque asuatap pa?uw aqlsJeaq ';aproq

laats tsBJ ,(lareuJo uB JoJ aABS etruef,Je

;o [1arl]ue epetu 'ma!\s ramoi Z+ slt{J :sra^tod'oJeq tear8 slqt ot ef,uereleJ uI aJBJ slt{ Jo a8eut

jarlar sBq B PUB aurBu srq rBeq IIV 'PelEarf ueeq

a^Bq ad,b str jo salduexa raqto IBreAes etult teqlerurs pue 'panrasard se^r plelqs slg 'elueq ul IIaJ eqq8noqrlv 'uoreepro'I uI sf,ro aqt tsute8e u8tedutec

tsrr; eqt Suunp snrrB) roIrrE/K ueunq Arepua8al

eqt [q prplal,n aruo sB^\ plelqs slt{J :uotldlrrseq

snrrP) Jo ple! Lls el! us)rv

'eJaq petsll eJB stuetl aseqt Jo eruos 'seBBS

puB srBloqfs ot u^roDl IIaA\ eruoraq a^Eq lEql sPIeIqs

pue sror.ure lercads,{ueur;o >1eads spua8al s(tlto rczV

spleHspuProurrv IPDITPW)upeds'snuoq

l+ aorr4 iurysauols'roulry PUBsrurv cr8e61 rJBrO :.{l0I 'IO luotlernlge e]Brapol\

'ssassod Aeur JeJEaAr aqt sJanod tuaJequlro sruery por8eru raqto Aq papl^ord acuetslseJ a8eruepreqto Aue gtlrn lrets tou seop uoltlpuor sltlJ 'sauo

puor r def xe uena' uode am pa8uer /,ue tsu ryEe - I g ef, uel

-srser a8eruup grlrn reuA\o eqr Surplnord'4cene pa8uerAue pue raplar/!\ aqt uee^\taq lestl asodralul ol /;tltqe,tuuecun uB ser.{ ra^\od srqr gllnn plaryS V

'splalqs ot Aluo

pappe eq uer tua(uerueque qq1 :esuelaq pa8uug

'snuoq f + acu4 :(rapuBruruoc Aret

-lllru) uorsselord pue (scrtoer,fuerrllu) a8palltou)

ur s{rreJ S aAEq tsnru JetsBJ 'roulry pue sLUJV

or8ey4 UBrO :.{lO I TO luortetnlusuerl aterepolnl'(,,llHS aeN, 'poolg ̂\eN eI{L :euo ratdeq3 urqp

-ueduroo eproH N errlerrrt* aas) q]eqr (rapueuruor/,relrpu) uorssalord pue ( *strlcel Arelrpu) a8pa-lly\orD1 uo snuoq afueleduoc S+ eJeu \o slt sanf JoUIJEqqt 'tuo \ uaqr6, 'JotBaJr put8tro aqr uo SurpuedeP {uer

Jo srotefrpu Jeqto ro $epeda apnlJul suolsJen atuos'ptoads sB tl ryeul tetlt sraproq lryrolol seq pue 'sautqs

prre surealS rourre et1l 'suoI]BntIS raqto uI lryasn eq osle

uBf, rng'(urnmueduo3 eproH N erusmy aqr q rBrN

Jo uV ar{L :aarr.lJ rerdeq3 aes) suoltentls lequor ssetuur esn roJ pepuetur sr ad& slquo rouuv :{gspleueC'snuoq

| + acu4 luos"0aQ aStvlua 'JotuJV PUB SIUJV

or8eyrl UErJ :.118 -IJ lluautuBr{f,ua eterePol4l'pro^r pueutuoc a18uls B gtl,rn Apee papua A1l

-retunlo^ eq uer luaua8"wlua aqt q8noqtle 'spunor

0I roJ tsel stf,elle aql 'pa&wya sl reu^\o s(rotrlreeql ellq/!\ ssol Alualxecl ou sI ereql 'aJnleu

lelo-eds s,luerutuBr.lJua aqt Jo asnBJag '[tp rad salul]

t ot dn pueluluor uodn raree^r stl pue jlesrl a7wlua

uBf, ,trredord srqt Htlrn peuerr roturv :Sur8relug'snuoq

| + acu 4ln{ntd 'rourv

PUE srurvcr8e;4 UBrO :qlgl 'IO ltueutueqf,ue eterepol4l

'plelqs eqt SutploqJo JoruJE eqt Suueant Jetf,BJEqf, ar{t ot Aldde tousaop snuoq slql 'ssBIO Joturv ot pue 's,lorqt Sutnes

puB sllor {f,E]tB uo snuoq elBJotu I + e senleJer (Aue

JI 'stea; JepuerutuoJ s(JatfeJeqf tetlt tuog tl;eueq

plno/!\ oq^{ auo,tue ''a'l) rapeel rleql sB Plelqsslql SurrtueJ Jo JotuJE slql Sutrean{ JelJEJBqf, eql

sezruSorer oq^\ auortuy 'srepBal roJ pau8rsap ere

ernlBej slql qllnn splalqs PUB ro(urv :uollo^ecl

d6 oE L' LLd6 oz fvgd6 o8r'gzd6 oLo'EZd6 Egr'€lsnuoq z+snuoq z+snuoq l+snuog J+snuoq l+

arrrd laryelil

'r',,,:li , ,,U#+l't :: :





PHtls iln\s wtK,u lsorJrouoq Jo PPIqs

snrrex jo PHqs elluerrv

rowre eueqePe8

qPl,qpA Jo PPlqs Peyeqzulesuejep pabueg







spleHs puP rowrv : IrtelqPI

Blaclebane ArmorDescription: Suits of this form of half-plate ar-

mor were originally seen among the orcs, wherethey were used by leaders of great renown. Thehumans eventually copied the design. The surfaceof all exposed plate sections is decorated with raisedimages of warriors involved in glorious battle. Orcishbladebane armors, naturally, show orcs at war, whilethose suits produced by humans depict powerfulknights striking down their foes. No self-respectinghuman or orcish warrior would consider wearingarmor created by the opposing race.

Powers: This armor is considered +3 half-plate ofdevotion, except that the morale benefits apply toall allies within the prescribed range, regardless ofwhether or not they recognize the character as theirleader. In addition, once per d"y, the wearer of thisarmor can invoke a shield other effect upon any allywithin 60 feet.

Moderate enchantment; CL ITth; Craft MagicArms and Armor , shieldother; Price 73,070 gp; CostII,535 gp * I,783 XP.

Enchantecl Shielct of Veth' tal iaDescription: The fighting sorceress Veth'talia

was known as much for her combat abilities as hermastery of the arcane arts. Among her most prizedpossessions was this small shield carved from asingle block of wood drawn from the heart of anancient rree felled by lighrning. The shield is un-naturally light and easy to handle.

Powers: This +2 light wooden shield confers noarcane spell failure penalties upon its owner. Arycharacter can use it with proficiency, even if hedoes not have the appropriate feat. In addition to its

armor protection, the shield also provides a +7

enhancement bonus to Constitution when used.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft MagicArms and Armor,bear's endtnurce; Price 13,153 gptCost 6,577 Sp + 576 XP.

Frost Wyrm Skull ShielclDescription: This unique shield was carved from

the flattened crown of a white dragon's skull. Thebone has been hardened and enhanced with anintricate steel framework interlaced with uniden ttft-able runes from an unknown maker.

Powers: This +2 light steel shield provides spellresistance 19 while carried. The unique materialhas hardness 10 and 40 hit points, and any repairsto it require double the normal fee. If this shield isvisible, all reactions by white dragons or any relatedcreatures are at a -4 penalty.

Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, spell resistance, white dragon skull;Price 77,150 gp; Cost 38,575 ep + 3,086 XP.

Shielcl of HonorDescription: These powerful shields were once

employed by the greatest generals of Lordaeron.The shields are pentagonal in shape, with a dragoncarved into the steel surface. \Uhen a commandertakes up the shield, the creature seems to move andtwist on the facing, and low growls and hisses issueforth. In combat, the dragon periodically roars,bolstering the confidence of the bearer's allies.

Powers: This +5 heavy steel shield" of commandprovides the bearer and all allies within 20 feetcomplete immunity to fear as long as it is visible; andthe character carrying it does not fall unconscious ordie and is recognized by his allies as their leader.

Strongenchantment; CL 15th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor , calm emotions, caster must have at least2 commanderfeats; Price 64,I70 gp; Cost 32,085 gp+ 7 ,567 XP.

WeaponsMagical weapons are some of the most sought-

after items in all of Azeroth. A powerful weaponcan often be the difference between glorious vic-tory and cold steel in the gut.

Ary of the following enhancements can be addedto firearms. However, the addition of magic to atechnological item gives it an element of instability.

a8ars grlnrt {ro^\ t(uo^\ (quo; os pue 'stea; Brtxe'stsooq sf,rtsrtets ''3'a) raplel/v\ aqt ot snuoq e Aldde

ter{t stuarueJuerlug '/,1uo suodeam paBuBJ ot /,1dde

teqt asoqt Allertd& - saltlllqedec uodeam tuere#Ip,tueu gtlrn peJueque eq osle r(eur suodeazn a8arg

Jlesll uortrunultue eqt ot Alroerlp patldde ssalun'uortrtrnlurue

lercads Jreql pue suodeam a8atslo asefeql ur Aldde tou seop,trleuad stqJ 'I ^q UI/{ s(arrnep

lecrSolouqJet B seseerrur tuetuaf,uer1ua [ue Sutppe'mo1aq suoudrrrsep ,brpqe eqr ur pelou se ldaoxg


snuoq ?+snuoq E+snuoq €+snuoq €+snuoq €+snuoq E+

,,,,"' snuoq z+snuoq z+snuoq z+

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weapons. Special effects that affect individual tar-gets, such as fear or woundirg, work only withstandard ammunition and only against the first tar-get struck (not any targets affected by splash damage,if applicable). Note that many other effects, such asvorpal, simply aren't applicable to siege devices. Asiege weapon need not be masterwork to be err-chanted with any special abilities, but the creatormust have the Build Siege \Teapons feat, in additionto any other prerequisites listed hereafter.

\Uhen generating weapons, employ Table 7-9:\Teapons from the DMG to determine the type ofitem generated, then use Tables 4-Z: WeaponSpecial Abilities and 4-3: Specific Weapons, be-low, for weapon special abilities and specific weaponsunique to Warcraft.

NewMagicWeaponSpecial Abilities

Weapons can have one or more of the followingspecial abilities in addition to an enhancementbonus. A weapon with a special ability must have atleast a +1 enhancement bonus.

Bloodlust: This enhancement causes anyonewho takes up the weapon to become seized with alust for battle. The wielder receives a +4 enhance-ment bonus to Strength and may make 1 extraattack in each round of combat, exactly as If af-fected by the bloodlu.sr* spell. This benefit does notstack with other spells, such aslwste orbull' s strength,or a weapon of speed.If a slow spell is used upon thewielder, the bloodlu.sr benefits are suppressed untilthe slow spell wears off.

Moderate transmutation; CL lOth; Craft MagicArms and Armor , bloodlust*; Price +4 bonus.

Blowthrough: A ranged (but not siege) weaponequipped with this enhancement provides a specialblowthrough ability to its ammunition. W'hen theshot hits a target, the ammunition pierces thccreature's body, comes out the other side, andcontinues on in a direct line away from the weaponowner's square. Ary targets whose squares touchthat line are subject to attack by that same shot atno penalty. Each time a hit is scored, the ammuni-tion blows through to the next target, if any, out tothe shot's range limit. Note that range penaltiesapply normally with each successive attack. lJponany miss, the shot stops advancing down the line atthat point. This is a favorite enhancement in w?r-

time situations where enemies often advance inranks and columns, but is of lesser use in smallerengagements.

Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, Mel's acid arrow; Price +Z bonus.

Capability: A weapon of capability provides nospecial benefits to non-spellcasters; but in the handsof an arcane spellcaster, it turns the character intoa capable warrior. When this weapon is employed,a character's arcane caster levels are treated asfighter levels for purposes of attack bonus only. Theweapon does not confer any fighter feats or otherabilities beyond the bonus to attack rolls, but it doesprovide the character proficiency with its weapontype when held.

Strong transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor ,Tensor's transformation; Price +2 bonus.

Crippling: When this weapon hits a livin g tar-get, the victim must make a DC 14 Fortitude saveor become crippled (as per the spell cripple*). Acrippled opponent suffers a -Z penalty to ArmorClass; a -Z penalty on melee attack rolls, meleedamage rolls, and Reflex saves; and jumps only halfas fat as normal. The creature's Strength is alsoreduced by 1d6 points, but not below 1. The crip-pling effect lasts for 5 rounds, but a haste spell willdispel it before that period ends. If the target is

already enhanced by hnste, that ability is dispelledupon any hit by the crippling weapon (no savingthrow is allowed).

Moderate transmutation; CL 1Oth; Craft MagicArms and Armor, cripple*; Price *2 bonus.

Crushing: Only bludgeoning weapons may havethis attribute. In addition to any extra damage fromenhancement bonuses, crushing weapons inflict anadditional +5 points of impact damage on theirtargets. This excess damage is multiplied normallywith any crit ical hit.

Moderate transmutation; CL LZth; Craft MagicArms and Armor, telekinesis; Price +Z bonus.

Death: Aweapon of deathmay be used only by evilcreatures. A.y rron-€Vil creature attempting to wieldthe weapon suffers a -1 level adjustment for as longas the weapon is held. W"hen it hits a living target,the weapon deals an additional 7d6 points of nega-tive energy damage. Should the weapon hit or touchan undead target, the target is healed instead; how-ever, aweapon of death canheal no more than 1 00 hitpoints per d"y. If desired, a weapon of death can

tuaruaf,uBque srqt gtlzn ef,rnep a8ars V 'suodeam a8ars

or peppe aq [1uo uEf, ,brlenb slr{J :Sqpeolag rse{'snuoq

l+ atlt4 i*sloot"Eur\Suulua 'JourJV puB sruJvcr8eyrl UErO :.{tgl Tf luortetn(usuert eterepol\'spunor g raue pue stre#a aqt'toull rnq:(dq ZZ'OlOV) sroo.r pue seurn eqt Aezne Surlceq ̂q;o '>1oaqo

tsrtrv adecsE ro qlSuarlg il OC e Sur4eru Aqadecsa uer erntBarr petf,elle eqJ 'e8erueplo sturod

bp1 tf,rgur ot tf,rrtsuor stoor eqt 'punor qlEE 'are1d

uI urnt ro lq8tJ lltls uer tl q8noqrle 'ra4earaql

enour touuer tr '(papaerrns llor lreue eqt qllq^\

Aq runorue aqt + QI OC) anes xegeg B sllej laS.releqr JI

'Irnrts ueq^\ punor8 er{t uo sB^\ tl ssalun

patle#E eq tou plno/y\ arnteen SurAU V ',btutctn

eqt ur palnbar lou ere srueld IBntf,B q8noqrle'(sureuet relluls pue duems 'trlp) ece;rns IErntEuB uo Surpuels eq tsnru arnteen aqJ '(*sloot EurTE-Lrvirra 11ads aqt rad se) rse; rl ploq ol ldrueue puBpunor8 aql Jo tno puetxe saurn pue stooJ 'uodeam

slqr gtlan {rnrts sr la8rel e uaq^4A, :3u113uelug'snuog

l+ atrtdiluzutapaalua Io Kot'rou-ry PUEsuuv cr8eyrl rJBrO:qloI lO lAcueurorreu aterapoy\

'ssol qr8uarts ot realqns ]ou are strq lerrtrrrot aunru(ur saJntBeJO 'a8euep slqr l^1drr1nur touop strq lerrtrrO'a8euep rurod tlq leturou ot uoulppeur a8euep qlSua;rg Are;odtuat Jo lurod I strrllur

l1 'ta8ret B stlq uodeam slqt uaqnfi. :luetuelqaelufl'snuoq

| + acu 4:c7?nut Taisrp 'roulrv pue

sr,urv rr8eyq UBrO :.llo I 'IO luone;n[gB e]Brapoy\

('Ir.t{c ladsrp aqr Sur4eru ero}aq tsure8estre uodeam Burlladsrp eqt tre#a qrlq^\ eurr.uretepot tsersee tl pul; /,eu sno pue sraAeld 'sloa;;a sno-nurJuof r.ltr/\{ sruatr crSeur PuB s11ads anrtJB ,tueruser{ arntearr para8rer aqt ueq/il ) 'slladsratunor

esn tl Aeul .Iou'slra;;a BaJE Jo suletl ct8eulJeqto ladstp tou /,eur uodeazn aqJ 'uopue.r sAeznlesr error{r eqt palladsrp sr treJJe qrlq^{ tf,elasrepler^{ eqt Aeru sef,uetsurnf,JrJ ou rapun '(ra8rer

Alpuar rJ v ol uodee/K eqt Surqcnol l,ldurls ̂q slqloP tou rteur eq) ulaqt uo If,EDE lBlurou B salBru agJt't1uo tnq 'sar11e uo stra#e anrte8au ladsrp ot lduat-le ,(eu raplar/!\ aqJ 'pelladslp sl tlalJe eqt '1ane1

s(reJserlleds eqt + I I spearxe lreqr slqrJl 'papeef,f,ns

IIor IrBnB aqr qrlq/v\ t{,q tunorue eqt + OZpI ol

lenba (\ooqpuDH s ,nKa14 eqt;o s11ads : I 1 rardeqOur. cfinu TaQstp aas) Ica.lc ladsrp e sa{Btu ra{reueeqJ 'palledsrp sr 'tuopuer tB uesoqr 'ta8ret lerlluo tf,a#a a{ll-11ads ro 11ads 1

'ta8.ret B se{lrts tueur-tuerlf,ue srqt gtlnr uodeem B ueqn1 :8u1ladslq

'snuoq | + ecrr 4 in(nrd 'rourv puB surrv

cr8ey4 UerO :qtgl lO ltuaurtuet{f,ue aterepol\'(sa1nr Sur4cets leturou eqt ot uorl

-defxe uE) stee; JapueruruoJ gtlrn papl^ord sasnuoqeleroru reqto [ue y]lrn {fets saop tl tnq 'uodeam

aqt Surploq retrereqf, eqt ol /,1dde tou seop snuoqslqJ 'ssBIJ rorurv ot pue 'smorql Surnes pue sllor

IJBDU uo snuoq elBrotu I + e se^ref,er ([ue JI 'sreal

JePuBr.uluof, S(JaIJEJEqJ lBrll ruou tllaueq PIno^\oqrr\ auor(ue ''e'l

) rapeal Jeq se uodeen\ srqt Surplarnrretrereql eqr saauSorer oqzll. euoArv 'srepeal roj

pau8rsap ere ernteeJ slqr grl,n suodean1 :uollo^eq'snrroq

f + aou4:\1nrnss?d 'alnt8alqslp'.rotuJy puBsrurv cr8e6l UBrO :.FtI TO luonetnrusuerr Suorlg

sa{rJts tr eJB}Jns

pllos Aue uodn llnffnssa4 e e{o^ur uEf, uonrnusap

P uodnarn e 'pueunuoJ uo ["p rad eJuo '�uor]lp

-pe ul 'sesueJep Jelrurs Jo acnt

Io 17nn e tsuIEBe pasn uaq^, 11adsalnt8alulslp e sB peteert sr pue

( alduexe roj 'anl lo llam e lsure8e

uorlf,unj lou Plno/v\ tl IIEA\lecrsAqd .ratpo Aue ro'uotl lo 11nn'ac1

to llam v ''3'e) II"^ pateerf,

l,lleor8eru B Jo uortf,es looj- g /,uesr(ortsap Alleorteruotne uonJnus-ap lo uoQnarn V

'rlLI InJsserrns

E uo a8eruep snuoq Jo slurod

9pt sleap uodeam e qrns 'srerr


sE qrns sroafqo pllos

Jeqto Jo self,rqa^'slonllsuoJ lsute8e

paAoldua ueq^4il'etnQlrtle slql

eAEq [eru suodeam

Suluoa8pnlq AIrO


f + acu 4i *lcodrynap' *llot waap'rotu.ry PUBsr.urv cr8eyrl UerJ :qthl -lO lAcueruorreu Suortg

'suodee/v\ aaleu eq,tluo uef, rfDap Io suoQnay'(unturxeru

lensn srq ueqt sturod rlq eJoru Surneqslq q tlnser touuer tf,e3;e slqr) paleaq uaaq lsn[ pBqeqJI sB repler/K eqt ot perraJuor ere stulod tlq str IIV'tsnp or salgrunrf, puB pa[orrsap sr ern]Berr eqt 'slleJ tl

JI lng 'eJrnres tuou pesEaleJ sI PEaPun eql 'spaeccns

eAEs slqr JI 'e^ES

III/N BI 3C B a{Eru rsnru peepuneqt '>1cene

InlssaoJns B uod11 'loJtuoJ s(Jeplar/Keql JePun la8ret PBePun /,ue [orrsep o] tdulalte



imparts a boost of speed to its crew, allowing them toreload itT)o/ofaster, rounding all fractions up. In otherwords, a siege weapon with a reload speed of 5 or lessreloads 1 round faster, a weapon with a speed of 6-10reloads 2 rounds faster, and so on.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft MagicArms and Armor, Build Siege Weapons, haste;Price + 1 bonus.

Fear: Any creature struck by this weapon mustmake a Will save (DC 10 + the amount by whichthe attack succeeded). If this save fails, the creatureis frightened for 1d4 rounds. If the save succeeds byless than 5, the creature is shaken for 1 round.Creatures immune to fear are not affected.

Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft MagicArms and Armor , callse fr*; Price + 1 bonus.

Friendly: Ranged weapons with this enchant-ment are designed for use in close-combat situations.\7hen afriendly weaponftres into melee, all penal-ties for shooting into combat or for allies in theweapon's path are halved. In addition, the shot cannever accidentally hit an ally - any such result issimply a miss. This power does not help withweapons that cause damage over a wide area, suchas a blunderbuss or bomb, or special enhancementssuch as frost nova (see below).

Moderate abjuration; CL Bth; Craft Magic Arms

and Armor , protecaon from arrows; Price + 1 bonus.

Frost Nova: This enhancement can only be ap-plied to ranged or siege weapons. All ammunitionfired from this weapon explodes in a burst of frostthat produces almost no concussion. The hrget andall other creatures (including the wielder's allies, orthe wielder himself) within 10 feet mke 1d6 points ofcold damage. A successful DC 14 Reflex save halvesthis damage, but the weapon's target receives nosave. If the shot misses, there is no nova burst.

Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor , frost noqta*; Price +2 bonus.

Frugal: This enhancement can only be added toranged weapons (not siege weapons). \Thenever ashot misses, the ammunition lost is immediatelyreturned to its container (quiver, bullet pouch orother holder). Special magical ammunition specifi-cally described as being destroyed on a miss doesnot return, nor do items that explode upon impacteven on a miss (..g., mortar shells). Note that whilebullets might return to their pouches, the gunpow-

der expended in firing them does not.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft MagicArms and Armor , telekinesis; Price + 1 bonus.

Functionality: This enhancement can be addedonly to enchanted technological devices. The magicacts to stabilize the weapon and keep it from mal-functioning, reducing the Malfunction Rating by 1(this also eliminates the normal + 1 MR penalty fortechno-magical items). A weapon reduced to an

MR of zero has no chance of malfunctioning, thus

allowing nearly anyone to employ it with no risk totheir health.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor , mendingt Price + 1 bonus.

Healing: At first glance, giving a weapon the

healing property may seem strange, but there is amethod to the madness. The weapon inflicts damagenormally unless ordered to switch into healing mode,which can be done as a free action. In healing mode,all damage the weapon would inflict actually healsthe target instead ofharming it. If the weapon hits an

undead creature, it wounds the target instead of

healing it, and all damage scored is doubled. A

healing weapon can cause at most 100 points ofhealing "damage" per d"y, after which it reverts toinflicting normal damage.

Smong conjuration; CL l}rh;Craft Magic Arms andArmor,henl,creator must be good; Price +Z bonus.

Heroic: A heroic weapon turns its wielder into afighting machine. The weapon's wielder receives a+4 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls andsaving throws. However, at the conclusion of eachbattle, or after 10 rounds of combat have elapsed,she becomes fatigued for 10 rounds (and if already

fatigued, she becomes exhausted). The weapon

does not provide its morale bonuses if employedagain during the fatigue period.

Strong enchantment; CL lTth;Craft Magic Armsand Armor, greater heroism; Price +3 bonus.

Howling: Howling weapons make a sound like adistant wolf baying when used in combat. Uponstriking an opponent, such weapons issue a screech-ing howl that deals an additional Id4 points ofsonic damage to the target. In addition, the oppo-nent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + theamount by which the attack roll succeeded) or bedeafened for Id4 rounds. Ranged weapons erl-chanted with this ability confer this bonus to their

ammunition, which makes a sound like wolves onthe prowl when fired.

'sJalunof,ue tr eJuetsrseJ e8eueplo stutod g rsJlj eql

sarou8t. Surc.tafi Io uoQoam V 'uoltlunruue Sutoratd

esn teqr suodeam pa8uer ro suodeam Butcretd ol

peppB aq,tluo uEf, tueuef,uEr{ue slqJ :8utr.rar4'snuoq

l+ aorJd : *anwl8uoour'rouuy PUE sluJvor8eyrl rlerC :qlgl TO luonernluoo elerePol\

'$lJBllB t uBql aJolu a{Btu

Janeu t{eru tl lnq 'ta8ret snolnerd atlf PJEA\ol IJBqspeaq l1 'aur1 eqt un\op arar1ntatuos petoeger sI {f,elteuE JI

'ssrur llleorreruo]ne aull uI s>lfeue Sutnsuaeqt '(rea; s^\orrv r{JtBuS aqr gllrlt ''3't) pardacretulsr Jo sassrru {Jelte /,ue }l 'puof,es eqt }o uoItJeJIp eqlur 8uruof, sB pateeJl st ta8rer pJlqt eqt lsute8e {JBltBeqt pue 'sasnuoq Je^oJ jo sasodrnd roy ta8ret tsJljaqt,o uortrerlp eql ruog etuof, Surneq sB pateaJl sI

la8rel puores eqt sIf,BnB teqr luau8es aql 'f te st

prlqr aqt tsute8e {retrB eqt pue 'Z-rv sI puores eql

tsure8e IrBllB eqt '[11eulrou pa]Berl sI te8ret tsJI] eqr

lsure8e {f,BttB eql 'ef,uaserd laqt }o aJBAtB eq tsntuaq q8noqrle '3ull ut sla8ret txeu eql ees tou paeu lng'le8rel rsrl, eqt ees ot elqe aq tsntu replal/!\ eql 'rel{to

qf,Ba jo taeJ 0t ulqtl/v\ aq tsnu qa8ret I1y 'peIrEnB

aq ot are [aql repro aq] pue sa8rel € sateu8lsep

aq 'os Surop ul 'loqs Suna8rel aldrrlnlu B sB uoltlu-ntur.ue;o punoJ I arl; uBf, Japlel/!\ eqr 'punor leqruoJrad efuo 'tuetutuBt{Jue slqt eAIaf,eJ uef uodeam

(a8ars tou tnq) pe8uer [tV :Eur]a8rel aldtrpyq.snuoq z+

ef,rrd :4, uaal 'lleds azIIUIXBIAI 'rorury pue slurv

cr8eyq rJBrO:qltl TO luottetntusuert Suorrg'A"p;ad saurll t ueqt erotu ou peatu

-rXEUr aq Aeur aclp IBfItIJf snuo{I 'pezltulxetu eJe erlp

snuoq 1p 'aroru ro g ̂q peurlluor sI rty :/,1puuou pellor

eJE arrp snuoq'eJoru Jo g ,(qrou rnqpelrlJl.Juol sI IBJItIJf,eqr JI

'(arou ro gZ E eq ot a^Bq osle Plno/lt IIor IEf,ItIrf,aqt 'tearqt B ere^t IJBnB tsrlJ eqlll 'anoqe alduexa eql

Surnurluoc) erotu ro g ,tq spaaf,f,ns osle IIor IBrItIrr aqlll't1uo peaurxeut aQfilm a8etuep IErIrIrr aql 'tearg] E osleq lH 8ur,frpnb e JI

'perlnbar IIor ,{ue rnoqrl/h a8euep

ilry strrgur [lpcrreulo]ne tl '(OZ CV tsute8e renaq

ro gZE era^\ llnser IIor {f,Eue s(retrereqr eqUI ''3'a) IIor

perrnbar eqt ra^o arotu ro S [q tH B seroJstn4parnpaZrut-rxarrr B ueq \ 'punor rad acug 'sseuenltf,a3a jo lanalrsaq8rq str tB a8eurep IBap ot tl sesner reqt tuetutuet{f,ua

Ilua/!\od e sreaq uodea^\ PaalulxBtu v :PezrtIID(BIAI'snuoq

f+ acrr4i*umqaumu 'rotuly PUB SLUJV

cr8eyq UBrO :qtZI TO luotletntusuerl Suorrg'raq

Jo tno peulerp /,11elatll are sllads raq se'�tr sploq eqs punor qf,Be la^el 11ads euo sesol uodeam

B qrns dn 8ur{cld relserlleds [tV '(esofund

slr{t ro; 11ads le^al-lsl B Jo }leq sB pateertsr 11ads le^el-g e) uorreulquof, raqto r(ue

ro:11ads lanel-prt auo pue lenel-lsI euols11ads le^al-ts I rnoJ :s11ads la^el-puz o^\l:11ads le^al-qrf auo asol ot esooqr plnol

la8rel aqt 'to; peller ere^\ sle^el 11adsI jl 'aldtuexe roC 'Sutsootlr req,o sle^el

11ads I +tpl sesol suodea/n eseqt Jo euo

[q lt.{ la8rel [ty 'sre]sef,11ads ]o eueq

eqt eJB suodeazn aseqJ :LrJng euEI I'snuoq

l+ atu4lycnot

.l cut4utno'roulrv pue srurv cr8eyq UBrO,,,1 :.116 TO l[cueuloJf,au ateJepol/{

'8ur1eaq Jo pealsu e8eutBp sB raplel^r

eqt uo petf,Illul sI a8eurep snuoqqqt 'etnteeJl

PEePun uE a{Irts ot Pesn

JI 'llr{

In}ssef,f,ns qf,Be uo aBeIuBp }osturod tJo replal/\{ stl arnf, plno/\{ prcffbsSut1nalsalq # e 'aldulexa roC 'stutod

/ llt{ }o lunoue e)il1 B Jo uIIt{ 3ur1eat1'raplarm eqt ot peruntal sl auole snuoq

tuaueJuet{ue stl Aq perocs a8euep,tue'eJnl'r'' -BeJf, 8urnr1 B sa{lJls uodBe/v\ B qrns uaq/A.

i' 'srrortf,B s(JaPIeI/v\ eql r(q paulJaP sI lueruuSrleJleql 's8utql qf,ns r{,ueul gllrlt sB tnq'eJnleu uI IIAa

(uaas Aeru suodeam ctrtdtuen asaqJ :Suqearsail-l'snuoq

l+ att4lpurm Io rn8 'roury PUB

srurv cr8eyrl UBIO:qtgI TO luottecone eteraPoy\

iseuoz Surla8ret elltsot{ }o tno tuaqt anotu ol

sarlle u^\o Jleqt tooqs ot u^roul ueaq e^BLl suoilparn

\rDqlroul Jo sreplel/lr Attunlroddo Jo s{rel-lE elonord lou seop uollotu slql 'tuetuenotu ou

sr eJaqt '(aldruuxe JoJ '�llelt B lsute8e dn st aJnteeJf,

aqt) eualtrc slqt teau teqt a1q13l1a ere sarenbs

ou jl larenbs euo ueqt eJolu ou enotu tsntu la8releqJ 'Adncco,tllentle

III^I tI erBnbs qorq/tr esooql ol

peunurad sr ta8rer eqr 'euatur slqt teeru [1.{tl III^\arenbs auo uer{t eJotu af,uIS 'JaqtJBJ taal g r(pcexa

^\ou sr a8uer srl tet{t os 'alqtssod }t raPIaI/h eql

tuory /,eme ,tlrcalp enoru tsnru ta8rel eqJ 'palf,eJte

tou a:e lro8elec ezIS s,uodee/lt eq] ueqt ra8rel Jo saIJ-o8ater ezrs eJoru ro T, seJntBeJO 'Jeplelnt eqt ruogAeme teej g pa^oru l,lqtJJo; sI eJnlBeJJ reqr 'la8rel

v se{rJls uoQnarn ryDqlJouy B LuoU uoltluntutue

Jo punor B renauaq/N 'suodean pa8uer ot pappeeq ,t1uo uer tuauerueque slql :{req{roux

'snuoq [ + actr d lmo\s 'rouuv

PUBsrury cr8e;n1 UErO :.{t0I TJ luottecon a aleraPol\

regardless of what rype of weapon is normally re-quired to penetrate this damage resistance (silver,

good and so on). The only resistances not ignoredare those that affect the weapon type itself (blud-

geoning or slashing), which provide damageresistance as usual. Thus, the 5/bludgeoning dam-age resistance of a skeleton would not be ignored,but the l0/silver of a lycanthrope would be treatedas 5/silver. For ranged weapons, this ability is con-ferred to their ammunition when fired.

Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor , maglc missile; Price + 1 bonus.

Prescience: One of the few divination enchant-ments used on weapons, this ability allows the wielderto look briefly ahead into the future and makechanges based on what she sees. Once perbattle (and

no more than once in any lO-minute period), shemay redo the results of any round after she hasfinished her actions and seen the results of her dierolls. This ability must be declared and used beforethe next creature acts. If the prescient power isinvoked, the character is retumed to her startingpoint as if her actions never happened, and shereplays the round making any changes as she wills.All die rolls she or anyone else made during heractions are discarded and re-rolled as necessary. Forexample, a fighter who moved across a room and washit by 3 attacks of opporrunity might re-rhink thatdecision and decide to stay put - if this is the case,those attacks never took place, and all damage shetook is erased. Note that this power does not requirethat the entire combat round be replayed, only theweapon wielder's actions for that round. This abilityonly functions in combat.

Strong divination; CL 16th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, moment of prescience; Price +3 bonus.

Reloading: This ability can be conferred to cross-bows or firearms. A.y character wielding such aweapon is treated as having the Rapid Reload orLightning Reload feats, as appropriate. If the charac-ter already has those feats, his reload speed is increasedstill further. If a move action is required, the item canbe reloaded as a free action; if a full-round action isrequired, the item can be reloaded as a move action.For longer periods, the delay time is halved. A^yitem reduced to a free-action reload can be fired asoften as if the character were using a bow.

Moderate transmutation; CL 1Oth; Craft MagicArms and Armor , haste; Price + 1 bonus.

Roaring: When its wielder enters a fight, thisweapon lets offaresounding roar, imbuing the ownerand his allies with extraordinary courage. The wielderand all allied creatures within 50 feet at the time theroar sounds receive a + I morale bonus on attack anddamage rolls, so long as they are capable of hearingit (e.g., not deafened or under the effects of a silencespell). This benefit lasts for 10 rounds. A weaponmay roar only once per battle.

Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft MagicArms and Armor , roar; Price + 1 bonus.

Self-Loading: This property can only be added tosiege weapons.

'When a siege device is enchanted in

this manner, it automatically draws its own ?rrrrrru-nition out of whatever stack or nearby container isprovided, reducing the number of crew membersrequired to operate the mechanism by 7. There isno increase in reload speed, however.

Moderate conjuration; CL9th;Craft Magic Arms andArmor, Bu ild S iege Weapo ns, telekrnesrs ; Price + 1 bonus.

Severity: A weapon of seo,tenry scores extra damageon critical hits. The critical multiplier is increased by1 for its weapon type. For example, a longs word ofseuenty's critical statistics becom e L9-70/x3, while aheavy pick would increase from x4 to x5. If theseverity ability is combined with the keen ability onany specific weapon, increase the market price by anadditional +1 shift (a combined +4 bonus).

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft MagicArms and Armor, keen edge, caster must haveImproved Critical feat; Price +2 bonus.

Shockwave: This enchantment must be placedupon a two-handed melee weapon for a Mediumcreature, or a one- or two-handed melee weapon fora Large or larger creature. Once every 3 rounds, thewielder may use one of his normal attacks to slamthe weapon into the ground, producing a shockwavethat deals 3d6 points of damage to all creatureswithin 75 feet (this is a force effect).The wielder isnot affected by this wave, but his allies can be. Allcreatures may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + theattack bonus of the attack expended to slam theweapon into the ground) to avoid the damage (do

not include any bonuses from Strength or featswhen calculating the save DC). The shockwavewill not cross barriers in the ground, nor will it leapacross cracks or other gaps. Creatures not touchingthe ground at the time the special ability is invokedare not affected.

'stoesut Eurzznq pue Sur8utts Jo eproq B Aq pepunor-JnS seruoJaq uodee/K slql 'umerp uaq6 :ulrrrJaA'snuoq

l+ atrd : *Kzua$ Qotpn'roury PUB slurv

cr8eyq UBr? :.pgl lO l[cueutorreu eterepory

JeuuBru qqt ur ,(ep rad aSeurep;o sturod

O0I uerlt eroru ou IBeq uBf, uodeam eqt q8noqtp'pealsul punor qree a8eruep Vpllo peleaq ere uodeam

B qJns Surplar^\ sarnteerr peapun 'eBBuIBp slt{l ruor;

repler^\ aqt lcalord touuer s11adg 'punor red e8euep

A8reua anrte8aulo slutod bpl sJeJfns osle aq'rana/t\oH'paaQs

Io uo*narn B jo stlJauaq eqt IIB senlerer suo-deezn eseqtlo euolo raplal/v\ eqI :Azualg Aloqun

'snuoq l+ aotr 4'.aWcWDI'r14toutK1o4'rouuy Pue

srurv or8eyq UErJ :gt1 TO luotletntusuerr Suortg'(peretle sl - adeqs eql tou - uolttsoduoo

eqf rtluo af,uIS 'tloq uoJI uB tou fnq) auo uoJI

uB otul alltle[ord auols B ruro]suert plnor t1 q8noqlle'quoq ploe uB sE qJns 'uletl

1ecr8o1ouqf,at leroads eotur tuerueruJe str a8uetlf, touueo tueruef,uetlue slql

gtlrn paddrnba uodee^\ a8ats V 'eldtuexa ro; 'poozn

ot paurnl jl uoltrun' tou lltrlt suodean EurqsBls -

aJnteu str JoJ ateudorddeur uorlrsoduroc B ol parllqseq tou [eu uodeezn V

'seJlt tl uol]Iuntulue eql

sa8ueqr tnq'uoursoduloc u/v\o sll Jalle lou seop &t1tqeslqt gtl,r,r uodeam pe8uer y 'ed,h reql 1o uodee/v\B jo ssauprerl pue stutod rlq eqr sB IIe/!\ se (ltq e

uo a8eurep ssel lurod I saJoJS JaAIIS ''3'e) ecuersqns

ro letau reqt;o saBetuE^pBSIp eqt IIE sra#ns uolttsod

Yt* blc.ae -3-S4rrr<-tCr->..


)1Peryqsuodeam y 'l,oualrg

-oJd gllan rr ,(o1duaot tBeJ * (suodee/v\unrror,{r ) suodeenfi.rrtoxg aql a^Eq

lsnI'u JalJBJBrlleql 'uInIJ

-ot{t ol pa8ueqrsI uodeam


tou are a{ll eql

PUB f,It{JJBUBtf,loq

- rrn 'AI o.{

sE qJn s

sramod lelo-eds'elruef,Je

/renlls sB qrns'sad[r;o uorleurquof, B eq

lou [eru uodeam V 'prlqr

aqr poo/t\ IEtuJou pue 'txau eqt uoJI PIoJ 'punor

auo re^lls Jo epeul aq plnot uodeetr eqJ ('s>lcelteqqlo uorsnlruor ar{l tB ro sIf,EnE uae^uaq q a8ueqc

touueJ aq) s{JBUE /,ue se{Btu aq eJoJaq 'suoltce

s(relf,BrBr.{J aqt }o trels eqt tB apetu aq tsntu a8ueqcsltll 'slll/\{ eq sB uodeazn eqr a8ueqc uBf, rePIeI^{ aqr'uortce ee{ B sB 'punor rad eJuO 'papeeu sB ef,uets-qns Jeqlo Jo leteul Jo adl'r ,(ue ot uolttsoduloJ stl

rJlqs uer ad,tr slqt;o uodea/lt V :uontutnrusuerl'snuoq

l+ eotr4:aQotls auo$ 'suodeenN a8erg pllng 'rorury puesrurv cr8eyq UBrO :.p6 TO luouernluoo elerepolnl

'rlq IEJItITf, parurlluoJ B uo a8eulep Suroratd

jo slurod glpt pue a8euep Suruoa8pnlqlo slutod

0Ipt Jo lerot B trIUuI Plnom (lerlllrf, tx) a8euep

Surc;ald 'o slutod 0IpI pue (lecrruo Zx) a8euep

Suruoa8pnlqlo srulod OtpT 8uuof,s elllreford auols

a4gds e 'tn.{I 'uoltluntutuB leur8uo eqt ;o Surter

Ierrtrrr IBntf,B eqt jo sselpre8ar tx Jo rarldrrlntu eser{ e8eurep Errxe slql 'parocs sl tlq IBrItIrf, B JI


ra8rer ,tue tsute8e a8euep Surcratd jo stulod OIPI

Ieuortrppe uE Surleap 'qrunel rarle ,{laretpetu(ul

sa>pds Alseu tnords uoltsenb ul ef,I^ap eqr 'tq pergsolrtf,elord uoJI Jo auors Auy 'suodeazn a8als ot Aluo

perldde eq uer tuatuaruet{ue slql :euots eTdS'snuoq

| + actr 4 iuan 4ur\s 'rotury

PUB sluJv

or8e14 UBrO :.{lO I TO luouelnlusuert eterapolnl'uorl

-runrurue Jreqt {ulJqs osle tou op saJIAap a8ats PUBsuodeem paBuBJ tBt{t eroN 'ry 8ur/,JJBr sI JeAatBq/K

Jo Jlestr ot r.uJBr{ tnoqtl/lt parcafa sI ]l 'atull eql

tB eJntEoJJ Jo trelqo req]o aruos eplsul sl tl JI 'azIS

IBruJou ol suJnteJ tuatl eqt 'ue>1ods sI pJoA\ puelu-rrroJ IBSJenaJ eqt jl ro 'pasealeJ

JI '(sactnap a8ars

'o astsr aqt ur 'raq ,tq panotu ro paluec Suteq ellq^\

ro) .rau^to str Jo uosrad aql uo elllm [1uo Llf,ns sB

surBruer PUB etels Pef,nPer sll ut allg^\ Pesn eq louAeu uodealr y 'slenpl^lpur.

T ro I ^q pelrrer l^psea

aq ot suodeam a8ets enISSBtu uala Sut,lolle '�lBulJou

qrgl/I lnoqe ot pernper are srq8rem lcatqg 'PazIS

-ueUrnq auoreq plno/!\ rlnderec e all{r\{ '(preqqels

s,ra88ep e aplsul tl; plno/v\ pue) ra88eP B jo azIS aql

aruofeq plnol\ pJo/\4,stear8 e 'snq1 'sauo8aleJ els ZAq uodee^\ eqt s{ulrtls reqr pro^\ pueruuoc e18uts

e >1eads uEJ Jeplal/tr eqt 'lll^A rV 'suodeem a8ats

Apelnclrred 'suodean [neaq 'a8re1 uo Aluo uaas

l,lleraua8 st tuerutuetlrue ppo sltlJ :Surlulrtls'snuoq

| + aotr 4i*annfin\Jo\s'routry PUEsrurv cr8eyq UErO :.p0I -IO luottecon a etBraPol\


E:--4JJ5/rtf,I--..l':-"i.-- -\!�f - --, - .Y::-j-;:::: :\i:-'ri"-r*-: --:r


such as bees, wasps, homets and the like. When thewielder makes a successful hit in combat, thesecreatures deal an additional 1d6+ 1 points of aciddamage to the target. The vermin cannotfunction inany environment that disrupts their ability to fly andswarm about the weapon, such as strong winds,underwater, or if the wielder moves faster than theycan flV (60 feet per round).

Moderate conjuration;CL 10th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, carrion swarm*; Price +1 bonus.

Warding: This enchantment requires the intri-cate carving of special symbols and images on theweapon's surface. When desired, the wielder canactivate the weapon's special power as a free action,turning it into a healing ward* in addition to itsother combat abilities. All the wielder's allies arecured of 1 point of damage per round so long as theyare within Z0 feet of the weapon. lJndead creatureswithin this range suffer 1 point of damage everyround. The ward's effects last for 1 minute, and itcan be used 3 times per d"y.

Moderate conjuration; CL Bth; Craft Magic Armsand Armor , healing ward*; Price + 1 bonus.

SpecificWeaponsThis section details some of the more well-known

weapons found across the lands of Azeroth. These

specific weapons are usually pre-constructed withexactly the qualities described here.

Assassin's BlacleDescription: Intended for use by Horde assassins,

these charcoal-black daggers are designed for strik-ing directly into the hearts of foes. Even when heldup to the light, they do not glint or produce any sortof reflection that will give their wielder away.

Powers: This blade is a + I weapon in the handsof most wielders, but it gains special powers whencarried by a Horde assassin. In such a case, theweapon acts as a dagger of ntenom, and also deals + 2bonus damage upon a successful hit (doubled on acritical). This bonus damage is then scored againon each of the next 3 ensuing rounds (the continu-ing damage is not doubled on a critical). A.y curespell cast on the target will end this cascadingdamage effect. Should the blnde hit the targetmultiple times, all bonus damage is cumulative (so

an assassin's blade that hits 3 times in 1 round woulddeal 6 points of damage on each of the next 3

rounds). Bonus damage does not affect creaturesnormally immune to critical hits, such as undead.

Strong necromancy; CL lTth;Craft Magic Armsand Armor , poison, uampiric touch; Price 32,000 gp;

Cost 16,000 gp + 1,280 XP.

BlackgoreTotemDescription: Originally ownedby " tauren warrior-

shaman of great renown whose birth name has beenlost to history, this immense totem is carved withintricate symbols and runes celebrating the EarthMother. Only the most power{ul warriors can wieldthis incredibly heavy weapon in battle, but it can alsobe used for the surprisingly gentle healing arts.

Powers: This is a +3 healing totem of warding.

Anyone wielding it in combat suffers a -1 penalty

on attack and damage rolls for every point ofStrength less than Z0 (i.e., -1 at Strength 19, -Z atStrength 18, and so on). If wielded by a taurenhealer, its wardingability can be used 5 times per d"yinstead of only 3 times.

Moderate conjuration; CL lTth; Craft MagicArms and Armor, creator must be a tauren profi-

cient in the use of a totem; Price 77,470 gp; Cost36,710 gp + 7,897 XP.

Claws of Attack, FerociousDescription: Ferocious claws of attnck are strapped

to the back of the hand and allow for savage assaultsin hand-to-hand combat. The claws are a favoredweapon of many tauren, with small fortunes tradedto their allies in the Horde to gain possession of a set.

Powers: Use of this item requires the wielder to

have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (claws) feat.

When used in combat, the claws are a +2 woumding

weaponof sevenry thatdeals 1d6 points ofdamage witha x3 critical modifier. Matched pairs may be wom withone set of claws strapped to the back of each hand,though the wielder suffers all penalties and limitationsof wielding two weapons when doing so.

Moderate evocation; CL 1Zth; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, m"a,g1c fong; Price 77,325 gp (single),

144,650 gp (pair); Cost 36,163 gp + 7.,893 XP(s ingle) ,77,32.5 gp + 5,786 XP (pai r ) .

Claws of Attack, Maul i ngDescription: These weapons have wickedly senated

blades that occasionally drip blood when wom.

Powers: These claws are *4 woundingandseuerityweapons.


txeu eqt lltun uerpren8 puB tunoru e sB uerueqseqt enras lltrlt otl^A (s.ralsuory Jo IBnUeIAI ur euorardeqO ees) Io^ tsog arlp B r{troJ IIEr uer s^\EIreseqt Surplar^\ uerueqs B 'tasuns re /,ep red ef,uo'uetueqs B Jo spuerl eqt ur suodea^\ Inlremod are

\rviiD Io snvyr \suto tsotluaa\ l+ esaqJ :sre^{od's/t\BIf,

eqt Jo sra/y\od Surzeau eqt tuou uortelnsur Surrnsuerererq aqt seurl tlad jlorv\ tsorC 's1ets,fuc erl 3ulJ

;o ra,tel B ul reno petsory sreedde apelq qlBE 'JIoA\

eqr Jo ef,ErB pue ssa^\oJd aql pue Jetur/K ;o slrldseql rouoq lBql suoneroJaP leluBue re^lls puB etrq/l\reaq {JeuB Jo s^{EIJ r{srf,Jo eseqJ :uorldrrJseq

,:^lsorJ eqlJo S/!\PIJ


**qJoulzzv Jo sePe8

(rred) \reqe Jo st$ep fiuypeyy


(,ed) ,::::::T;:#:+ (ag6urs) yeqe Jo slAep 6u11neyy

PJotus uoow s.uePJe/A

(a16urs) yelp Jo slvtep efieneg

sepen re\earqleds

qndeqec rbl

wapl eto6>1cep


(rred) yeile Jo stuep sno,roreJ

epeq fiuyeeg

.'ff:';;:,qqfluetls Jo pery

edecse p n66ep s.uepx

llo'u lso$ eW Io suelJ

s*te[ fiuynnelg

(a16urs) yelle Jo snep snoporeJ

qJuerq Pootvruo4suroq Pooqero)fiwpuet p sfiueg

suJorl n6no6ar(g

ePeH s]u'ssessv

sePen reM relunq uoweo

*Jewweq wJols

'(rred) aXgqS'l + dB gZt'86 '(a18urs)

dX f [.6'e + dE e9l'6h rso3 !(led) dB 0g9'961'(a18urs) dB SZe'96 errrd :?uDI tl8out'roury puesrury cr8e;rq UErO :r{rt I 'IO luortecon a Suorrg

'suodeeln tuaualqaal-ua pun Sutpunom €+ aJB sA\BIJ asar.{J :sJeA{od

qsrpper rq'rls B ro; ldacxa ,rruotffi:ffi;llot Ierrtuapl readde suodean\ aseqJ :uolldr.rrseq

etenes'pPllv Jo s/!\PlJ

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,i.i.";' d6 OEgrgbldE gzE'BZl

i,, , do og€'ooldB gzt'Bb

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d6 agg'vvJd6 ozg'gg

,ir*.o*, do s/E'Ogd6 ogg'os ' d6 zJt'gtd6 zvf vEd6 gz9'99d6 o v'zEd6 sze'zldB obt'vld6 ozE'z7d6 oEr'Bl

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Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms& Armor, s"tlTrLTnon T'wtllre's ally V, chill menl; Price56,625gp (single);Cost 28,313 gp +7,265XP (single).

Demon HunterWarBladesDescription: These blades appear as a strange

cross between a small buckler and a sharp-looking,curved, two-bladed short sword. The demon hunt-ers of the night elves wear these blades while theyhunt the minions of the Scourge, the BurningLegion or other dark adversaries worthy of suchweaponry. While many of the demon hunters relyon non-magic weapons, eventually most have ei-ther one of these double blades or a matching pair.

Powers: This two-bla.ded +1 cold"iron short swordglows with a bluish-green light when within 100feet of demons or undead. In addition, the bucklershaft of the blade provides a + 1 armor bonus andgives the wielder the benefits of aprotectionfrom eqtilspell. Consider these blades to be an exotic weapon.

Moderate abjuration; CL 4th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor , detect evil , prorccnonfrom evil,creator mustbe a night elf; Price 18,640 gp; Cost 9,3T0gp + 7 46XP.

Eyegouger Horns


Moderate transmutation; CL lTth; Craft MagicArms and Armor, enlnr ge p er son;cas ter mus t be tauren ;Price 26,540 gp; Cost 13,770 gp + I,062 XP.

Fangs of RenclingDescription: These white fangs appear to be a

decorative item carved out of ivory or bone. Theycan, however, be pressed to the underside of exist-ing canine teeth, where they seamlessly merge untilremoved with a command word.

Powers: Thes e +2 f*gtfunction only in the jaw slotof a sentient creature capable of making a bite attack,such as a furbolg or pandaren. Th.y provide the Im-proved Natural Attack feat (see Chapter 6 of the MM ) .If the creature already has that feat, this bonus stacks.

Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, caster must be capable of making a naturalbite attack; Price 18,150 gp' Cost 9,075 + 776 XP.

FrostguarclDescription: This wickedly curved and unnatu-

rally sharp bladed weapon has an odd, bluish tintwhen held up to the light. Its surface is oddly coldto the touch, and in warm or humid climates a thinwhite sheen of frost builds up on its surface.

Description: This long sheath fits over both a Powers: This weaportauren's horns and extends across the head. The that has the special abilisheath is flexible until attached, at which point it successful critical hit, thgains the color and consistency of cold iron. save (DC 10 + the amou

Powers: While in place, these items act as +l confirmed) or becomekeen cold iron horns that can be used as a natural under the fos t nava* spweapon at any time, not just when charging. A gore Strong evocation; (

attack made alongside another melee attack (i..., and Armor, frost noqwith weapons) suffers a -5 penalty on the attack 25,188 gp + 2,015 XProll (or a -Z penalty with the Multiattack feat; seeChapter 8: Glossary of the MM).Upon command, Gorebloocl Horns

the hornscan extend to 3 times their natural length, Description: This ppermitting the wearer to make an attack with a 10- fit neatly over the enfoot reach. However, the character's speed is reduced replace a missing tipby 10 feet per round while the horns are extended. horns are made of steel

'tJe#e slqr ale8tlrru tou seop af,uetsrseJ e8e-urBCI 'a8eureplo sturod 9pI Je#ns Jo etnurur ,tranaaAES aPntrtroc 9I 3c B e{Bru tsnru aq 'elltBq r.lrBereue \laauoZu arqt anoureJ tou seop aq JI


ro qtnoru u/r\o srq Sulrlq l,lleruaplcce '{q ;lasulrlSurrrnq sISrJ Jeu/!\o eqt teqt dreqs os eJB qreeleqr'[laleun]ro;un'(yVI/{ eqr lo grardeqO aas) rea;

{f,euelrlnlnl eqt Surneq sB peteert sr tuaqt 8ur'tolduaerntearf, aqJ 'tlr{ e uo a8euep Surcrard IBep hI-nftas Io suoQnamBurcnl4uaay Z+ eseql :sre^,l,od

'pJo^\ pueuruoJ IErJadse Hllrn PesBaler lltun aoeld otur alnas qtaat eql'>pelte allg Iernleu E qtl^\ arntgeJf, B Jo l1tnolu eqlur pareld uaq/il 'slurod dreqs- rozer ol pelrJ qtaelesleJlo tas B eq or sreadde tuetr slr{I :uolldrrrseq


:dB 7r e' sr errld :qrarrirT {f[r'';ffT;?tril? cr8eyq UerC :.lrt I -IO luortelntusuert eterapol/{

sarur jr'rr-E-pu'-euolo p'ersur snuoq #:il] rJl]alqnop sppe rapler^\ eql'papueq-oA\1 pasn sr uodeameql JI

'tl sPler/v\ oq^\ rerf,BrBqr ,(ue ;o qrSuerrSaqr ol snuoq luauaf,uBqua l+ e SPPB lBql aJDUI{nnay?utysnn [+ e ,{11en]re sr lnvur aqJ :sra^4,od

'teqtuof ul s^\olq e^rtfe#a ,{lSuuBtsBneP sef,npordaoardpeeq eqt aplsq lqSlam peppe aI{L 'perueleq

ile/\{altnb [lpntce st ]nq'alqesnun Alenuln aq ot acuelS lsrtltB sreedde ereru a8rel Allensnun $r{L :uopdprseq

qltuallsJo InPW

'dX blo'l + dE SLISZ

tsoO :dB ggt'g5 arrrd :1, uaa\ ';ouuy pue srurvrr8e61 UBrO :qt1 TC l[cueurorrau a]erepo4

'rapler^\ aqt or Surleeqjo slurod b surntar tlg aterrdo-rdde Aue os 'rca;;a

Suqoatsalll eqt roJ sesnuoq leurou s,uodea/K eqt olpeppe sr a8eruep srqr 'eser B qrns ul 'poo1q ssassod

terlt sarnteerc Surnll tsure8e a8eruep Suruard snuoq

l+ sleap pr,omswat3 Suqoatsalll z+ slqJ !sra^4,od'ttl8lj qree rerle JIe$l sueelf, [1anrr

-re#e tl ter{t os 'epelq eqt ruory poolq /,ue urerp olruaas qreel eql 'repler/!\ s,uodee^\ eql o1 tl Sururnl-er 'Aeme aJII urerp tBr{t spuno^\ e{ll-etlQ 1n;uredesner peatsul tnq 'tlr{ e uo #o deus tou op Aaqr'aly8er;

{ool ((qteet,, eser{t q8noqrlv 'epelq eqt }osepls qroq tuog Surpualxa sturod e>p1-BuBlJo serrasB seq pJo/y\stear8 esuerurur slqJ :uorldrJJsaq


'dX 99€'l + lL0'/f lso3

:dE 7yI'be arrrd itoop uo$uau4p 'rourv pue srurvor8e14 UBrO :.{lII lO luorternfuoc elerapolnl

'aroru Surqlou tnq 'rea8 Jo spunod 0OI ot dn pue

Jeplern\ s,ra88ep eqr /,uer uef tfage nop uo$uaunpeqJ '[np tsBI eq] un{tr^\ tl patrsrn eneq tsnru eq tnq'araqt

Jlesurq uodsuert ot uonlsod srqr ees ot alqeeq tou peeu retrereql eql 'e8uer alluJlBq B urqtr^\uortBJol u/!\ou4 ,tue q roo? uo$uaurlp uvt Jeu^ro eql'prBqqers sse13 lercads slr otur paddrls sr re88ep eqluaq^&\ '["p rad eJuO 're]auelp ul tee] Ozeere ue 8ur-teululnllt 'pueululoc uodn lq8tl Jeuul uB qtIA\ smo13

PuE tuarutuBrlJue €+ e sEq ra88ep slqJ :sra^ ,od'(Ot

OC) 4caqc asrerddy

IryssaJf,ns B uodn aauSocar UBJ tuerlJJau peureJt,(pood B uane rf,Bj e 'sse13 jo epeur osle sr auots sn{t rng'Ag- esuarurur uB gtlrn panlj eq ot s.readde laruurodeqJ 'perrrer aq ra88ep paqteeqs-sse18 eqt ur '{11eer sE/!\

terres $q reqt rueel plro/lr aqt plp tlleep qq uodn [pO'sden;oord-adersa lsoru aqt uena jo tno /,em qq puljpue trnsrnd ̂(ue ruo5 /,ezlre dlls ol Arrllqe slq roJ u^\oul

IIa^\ sB^\ uele) anSor 'iqlpals eqJ :uolrdprseq

adsrsS Jo ratteq s, uele)

'dX 95L + dB S6|f rso3

:dE 96 €'bl arrrd iyt8uaus s,IInq 'rourrv pue srurvcr8e14 rlerO :.116 'IO luortetnrusuen eterepory

'PuBrl raqtle ul PIequar{/!\ qr8uarrs ot snuoq tueuef,uBr{ua Z+ B sapr^-ord #ets aql 'ra^lls reqto aqt 'uapoo^\ sl qllq/v\

Jo pue euo 'ltormwrb Z+ v sI slt{I :sre^{od

'plal^\ ot /,sea alrnb sr rtlSranr IBJntBuun stt alrdsap

puB 'peJuBlBq-llazn AlSursrrdrns sr uodeam JBInJrl-red slqt terlt sazruSorar JJBts aqt gtlrn tuarJrJordauo,tue 'uorteunuexa uodj 'rleq eqt dn Lem;lerl'(lereurxordde areFns eql sreul eloqtou4 a18uls V'raqlo eql uo uBtls PalBoc-reAlls B PUB Pue euo uo

qoul uroa-llerv\ e tB Surpua qf,uerq palreu8 alduns eeq ot sreadde JBrs pauropeun slqJ :uolldrrrsaq

L{)uPJg pooMuoJl

dX e6Z'I + dB 09I'91 rso3 :dB OZe'ZteJrJd luarnet aq tsnru JatsBJ '.roury pue sruJvcr8e14 UBrO :.lr I I -IJ luouetntusuBrt aterepol\

'Atuaue Sur8reqf, B lsure8etes ueq/v\ Jo e8reqc e jo ued sB pasn ueq/v\ ,i11enbasarldde snuoq slqJ '{rEuE aro8 IErntBu B ro} pasnuaq^\ suoQoan?uTy4iln Z+ erB suroq eqJ- :srea\od

'#o PeqsB/!\

aq rouuef, l1 q8nolt 'poolq eq ot sreedde teq^r jo


Moderate transmutation; CL ITth; Craft 'Won-

drous Item, caster must have a natural bite attack;Price 72,060 gp; Cost 36,030 + 7,882 XP.

Searing BlacleDescription: When drawn, this sword becomes

unnaturally hot to the touch - not enough to startfires, but sufficient to burn and blister unprotectedskin. In moist environments, the warm metal sizzles,and in the rain or underwater, it bubbles and pops.

Powers: Ary flesh that touches this weaponsuffers 1 point of heat damage for every round itstays in contact with the hot metal. The weapon isa +2 keen flaming and piercing rapier, except that it

does not actually burst into flame like a normal

flaning sword.lt scores double damage against anysort of water elemental it strikes.

Moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 13th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, waII of fire; Price55,370 gp; Cost 77,660 gp + Z,ZI3 XP.

SlaveringJawsDescription: This item looks very much like the

bleached jaw section of a tauren skeleton. Althoughthey appear too large to fit, the jaws can be easilyslipped into the mouth of any creature, where theysnap into place like a set of dentures. The wearer's jaw

now protrudes downward, with saliva-coated teeth

extending out in several directions, giving the wearera truly honifiting appearance.

b\fitn4StSE-=4 f ta

Powers: If placed in the mouth of a creature thatalready has a natural bite attack, the jaws act as a +3

weapon of fear.Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft


drous Item, caster must have a natural bite attack;Price 37,710 gp; Cost 16,105 gp + 1,288 XP.

Spellbreaker BlaclesDescription: The deadly, two-bladed swords of

the spellbreakers strike fear in the hearts of wizards

and sorcerers. The blood elves' elite warriors €ffI-ploy these frighteningly effective weapons to executeoutlawed spellcasters, necromancers and other evilpractitioners of magic.

Powers: This blood-elven +2 two-blndedsqrord is

the bane of any evil spellcaster. When spun as a full-ro u nd ac t ion, the b I ade c an c as t a glab e of int, ulner abilitycentered on the wielder for 10 rounds. The wieldermay move at her normal speed while the spellemanates from her; since the sword maintains theglobe and carries it along with the wielder, attackingwith the blades ends the globe of invulnerability.

A wizard who takes damage from this weapon

must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or lose a singlememorized spell of 3rd level or lower of his choice.Sorcerers taking damage lose one spell slot of 3rdlevel or lower for one d"y.

Moderate Abjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic

Arms and Armor , globe of invulnerability , feeblemind,creator must be a blood elf; Pri ce 751,400 gp; Costn5,700 gp + 10,056 XP.

Toy CatapultDescription: Originally intended as a mass-pro-

duced siege weapon that could be carried in a

soldier's backpack, these catapults can be reducedto the size of a child's toy upon command. I-Jnfortu-

nately, they proved too fragile and expensive totruly catch on. One orcish army drained its entiretreasury to create a kind of "catapult cavalry" unit

equipped with these tiny weapons, only to lose thewhole unit (and their weapons) in a single ambush.Unaware of their true powers, the victorious oppo-nents took the "toys" home to their children. Noone is sure how many of these items are now

scattered around the world, gathering dust on achild's bedroom shelf.

Powers: This is a +2 shnnking spike stone siege

catapulr that effectively has the slvinking property

twice. The siege weapon can be made to shrink to

'serrlllqe rellruls apr^ord leqrsuortod raqro Aue grlan {f,Bts tou op stra#e a^oqe eqJ'srnor{

Ieuoulppe t peerxa ot lou 'erurt leuortrppe z(ue

roJ treJJe ul surerueJ uortod eql 'pe/,e1ap ,tpretulunseJB serlrnrlJe esoqt JI tnq 's11eds Suuedard ro SurlsareroJeq Llarerperurur peqlqul eq tsntu uorrod eqJ'pe^leq tou are 'peceldar aq uer 11ads B aroleq SurtsecJer;e pouad rtelap Jnor{-B eqt sE qf,ns 'stuerualnbar

reqlo reqt etoN llerl ur tnr osle sr (AueI) polred lsarqqt SurtrolloJ sllads.ro;,(erd ro ,(pnts ot palnbar er,url

Jo tunotue aqt 'arouuaqtJnC '(srnoq b q tuetuerrnb

-eJ Jfior{-B IBruJou eql sJa/v\ol slr{l 'sJetf,EJBqJ tsoturoJ)JIBr{ ur tnf sr etetrpatu ro daals tsn(u retsef, euBJrBuB e(un Jo tunorue eqt (uortlppe ul '(1ana1 rad qree

Jo I enrerer lou saop eqs) s11ads snuoq se pa^rerarsI ad,b r{Jlr{/v\ lJalas r(eul s11ads euEf,JE Jo aurnrpraqtra Surlsec ;o alqedec ratf,Breqf, v

'(1ana1 teql

;o s11ads snuoq /,ue enreral tou seop eqs 's11ads la^el

-puztser touuer rerunsuof, er{t;r ) qlads saredard aqsuaq/v\ stols 11ads le^el-puz lBuortrppB I puB le^el-tsIIBuortrppB I se^raJar ra{urrp aql 'tsJlc 'stJe#e o^tlare eJall 'Surtser aroleq peqlqurl ueq,46, 'slrJauaq st1eterf,eJdde osle sJatseo eurnrp eruos pue 'sretsecllads

euBf,JB ot dp.{ rear8 yo sr uorlod slqJ :sJa^4,od'sertrJndurl

;o u8rs l{,ue tnoqtrm 'rea1c Llrca;-raduJnt l,lprde-r [aqr 'paraddotsun ueq/t\ rnq 'aJnt

-Err ur l,11lur readde suolrod aseql :uolldrrJseq

uollod ^llrPl)

'dB 009'9 acu d:matl c8putnun

'uorto4 /r\arg :qtZI 'IO luorternlge a]Erepol/{'na{ c8munlJD ue Surssed/,q Jo 8ur^,{,orts

-ep.Io alqeder sre/!\od ^q l,1uo pessed,tq ro penoruereq uer rq8nerp sFIt jo stf,e#a aqJ 'tueql SurqcnorLq [1duns seJn]Berf, lecr8eul a8eulep ro [orrsap JosJerrreq lecr8eul ssed ot JetJEJET{f, eqt trured tou seopuonod ar.{J 'ste8ret Jeqto tsure8e cr8eul 8ur[oldularo qlads Surtsef, ruog urH tuenard tou op pue 'raqrqrur

aqt ,(q pasn ro rrro^\ sluetr ot dldde tou op sff,a#ect8eurpue ar.{J'/,em,tue ur retf,BJBqJ aqr tJeJB plno^AJo r{tr/v\ tf,BtuoJ otur se(uoJ teqr aqe Surqtrtue pue '8ul

-leaq'stcaga BerE or sarldde uoucalord slqJ'palladsrp[llecrreuro]ne pue ,(lluelsur ere uortod eqt qurrpag eurr eqt tB retrereqJ egt uodn aoeld ur ,tlruarrnf,straga ro s11ads pcr8eul Luy 'spunor

OI roJ 'lrydp.{

pue lryurreq qloq 'cr8euuo sturoJ IIE ot ,brunulun alnl-osqe sJaJuof, uouod sFIt 'paqlgur ueru1 :sJe^4,od

'8ut1toq ot tes uorplner B e)il1eqtees pue elqqnq ol sur8aq uortod aqt 'paraddotsun

ueq^44, 'uqtr/K tnoqe Surpmrs uaes eq uEf, p1o3;o qtag

IIBurs 'Jene^{oq '^llryerBr pe^\arn JI

'Jatem [laraur aqot ef,ue18 lsl; te sreadde leqr plnbll reelr B rltr/n pallg

FIn u a{lf $lool tuetl llpe^\od slHJ :uolrdprsaq

uollod )ltPu|lluv

'sllorrs PUB suorto d:b-b

alqBJ uo e(urt eqt p o/o0g llor 'uortngrrtsrp ernsBerl

ruopuer Aq ro; paller sr llorf,s ro uortod e ueq^46,'^toleq

Patsrl aJe suorl-od ;o sadrb lensnun eJotu aqt Jo etuos 'rtro8atec

tuetl rraqt Jo suortetrlurl raqro eqt IIB pue esn e18ursE qtl^r 'suoltod lsnf lltls are [aq] 'os ua^E 'sramod

ralear8 ytlrn petuBrlrue ueeq a^Bq etuos 'ruroJ ptnbtlul sllads aldurs ere r1to ::rzy uo suolrod IIE roN


/ lq8ra4l :dX tIB + dB gLI'OI1so3 :dB gSf'OZ errrd :;1a lq8lu B eg tsntu rotBerf,'Sutaas anu 'na[qo alp)ol 'a?pa uaa\ 'roruly puesrurv or8e;4 UBrO :.p6 TO luorleul^lp eterepoy\


s,epelq eqt uo stser er.ueu slq ollq/!\ salp la8relaql JI /,lalerpatutul aJB^\B sI uepJe/v\ eqJ 'cr8eur

gllrlt ,brruapl slttr IBeJuof, ol stdulatle ro astn8stP josselpre8er re8ret aql azruSorer ot ,brlrqe eqt uepre^{eqt sruer8 pue '�lenpl^lput eqt Jo uouf,errp leraua8eqt sanr8 uodeam eqJ '/,uenb s(uepJBA\ aqt uos;edB eq tsnru ta8rel slqJ 'alpueq s,apelq eqt uo uosrad'uanr8

B ,o eureu eqt duets uBJ uepJe^\ aql'a8euep auop ser{ tr reUB ,tlalerpe(urur spuerl

req ot surnlar uodee/!\ eqJ '(lae; 0I jo tueurarrur

e8uer) ra8rer a18urs B tB epelq eqr /v\on{t uer uap-JBzy\ eqt '["p rad aJuO 'anr]f,aJJe aq ol /,cuarfr]olduodea46 JrtoxE eqt salnbar tnq '�uorqrleJ E sBa8eruep seop epelq uooru uaal Z+ slgJ :srea\od

'/,uenb s(uapJe^r eqt Surtncaxa puB Surnpqnsqroq roJ uodeam Llpeap e sr pro^\s uooru padeqs-dooq 'pateues eql 'sepelq Surqsels relnf,rrr eseqlplal/v\ suepreA\ uesoqr ^(11ercadg :uolldrrrseq

pJo/!\s uoow s,uepJPA

'dX 896'l + dB O0 | Le tso3 :dB gg7'h L a4t4 iutatt

1utt:qs 'suodeer1 a8arg pllng 'rouuy pue srurv

rr8ey4 UBrO :gtzl 'IO luortetnrusuert Suorrg'a8euep

ot elqereuln^ ̂l.l8t.l tl 8ur4eu 'ranamoq 'sturod

llq S pue Z ssaupreq l,1uo ser{ uodeazlr eqt 'atets

slqt ul 'rea8 s(rapuBruruor stl gtlnn [eme pe4ced[1rsea eq ot tr Surlqeue 'azrs ur ]oo] e ,(lereulrxordde




01-070B-1314-2021-2728-343s-4142-484q -5556-6263-6?70-7677 -83B4-?0q1-?5




otot0B-1314-1?20-2627 -3233-4041-484? -5657 -6465-7273-8081-8586-?0r-q5?6-q?100

,, ' ;1'#S li"t l

Market Price

375 sp500 sp700 sp750 sp?00 sp1,250 gp1,250 gp1,400 gp1,400 gp1,450 gp1,750 gp1,800 gp2,200 gp2,700 gp3,315 gp3,600 gp3,850 gp4,050 gp5,250 gp5,500 gp8,000 gp?,000 gp

"*. -.J1iiirr;1xffitn JdF*+',,,;i*,r,,


Table b4: Potions and SCiotls

, ....,.1,

., ,-*u,,,s;;;r,-r1li.$.irs$$ffi,I.',ffi.i,::


Hong's fighting lager

Bravery brew

Scroll of speed

Fiery belly ale

Mana potion*

Chou's steadying cider

Drunken Master's secret tonic

Lesser clarity potion

Scroll of protection

Lesser replenishment potion :

Wounded warrior's whiskey

Clarity potion

Greater clarity potion

Replenishment potion

Divinity potion

Anti-magic potion

Greater replenishment potion

Replenishment scroll

Scroll of regeneration

Greater replenishment scroll

Arcane scroll of the High Guardian

Potion of greater mana

Note Scr,olls are detailed later in this chapter.

, . , , , : , , ,1 ; '

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Brew Potion,

Rarey's mnemonic enhancer; Price 1,800 gp.

Clarity Potion, LesserDescription: This concoction resembles a clnrity

pable of casting spetn of rnose levels ). Resting time

is also reduced by 7 5o/o, not 50o/o.

Moderate transmutation; CL I 1th; Brew Potion,

Rarey' s mnemonic enhnncer; Pric e 7,200 gp.

Description: These draughts seem clear, but when

exposed to sunlight they begin to shift quickly

through all the colors of the rainbow. If carried in

a clear container, they glow with a faint white l ight.

Powers: \Thoever drinks this potion comes un-

der the protection of several powerful spirits. For Z0

rounds, the character has a +4 deflection bonus to

Armor Class as well as spell resistance 19.

Moderate abjuration; CL 13th; Brew Potion,

shield of fatth, spell resistance; Price 3,3 15 gp.

Replenishment PotionDescription: This light green, syrupy liquid is

cast through with dark black specks that seem to

crawl and swirl in the mixture.

potion, but is translucent rather than opaque. It Divinity Potionfunctions like that potion, but for conferring a

reduced benefit.

Powers : The potion prov ides only one bonus 1 st- level

spell slot and reduces resting time by Z5o/u not 50o/o.

Faint transmutation; CL 7th; Brew Potion, Rarey's

mnemonic enhancer; Price 1,400 gp.

Clarity Potion, GreaterDescription: This concoction resembles a clarity po-

asn,but contains streaks ofpurple that seem to swirl and

shift, even when the container is kept still. It functions

like that potion, but confers an increased benefit.

Powers: The potion provides one bonus lst-

level spell slot, one bonus Znd-level slot, and one

bonus 3rd-level slot (assuming the imbiber is ca-

'a8rnocs aqr jo suolulru aqt Suree; ueq/lr dn dearorEeJ Jo IIIqI aqt tlal e^Er{ Lue14 :uolldrrrseq

replf tu;{pPe}s s.noq]

: s s al s, u o r r o 4,v\ er s, .r, s 1l j I JJ: :',S'11 ?ii e q I d

'srnoq Vpf.stsel snuoq eleroru slr{J'raqra8ot ale srquo

3t{ B sereqs terlt dnor8 B ot $lfene pue s^{oJr{t Surnesuo snuoq elBJoru I + e sluerS /v\alq aqJ :sJeA{,od

'ele Jo r{trorn ,s8nur OZ splor{ /!\erq slqt;o 3a1

V 'serueduoc uaueurJ UaAJBA\p [ueu Jo e]rJoAE]

eqt aruofeq seq elB srqt 'ureol lee/Ksratrlq PUE atsele{ll-sessBloru ,{Feau 'Irlrlt B qrlnN 'elnBq B eroJ-eq Allercedse 'drqsur{ pue errepereruer;o s8urleeJSurqsrlqetsa ot seruoJ tl ueq/K sertrlenb alqelreruerseq ele 1n;ramod pue tnots s1{J :uolldrrf,seq

/\AAJg ftanerg

'Pelou esr^\Jeqto ssalun lfa#eeIBt ot IUIJP auo z{1uo alnbal PUB lf,e#e atBrPauura{Bt [aql ]Bqt lualod os eq ot puel s^\erq uerepued'uorlod e Sur4ulrp sE selnr erues aqt s/v\olloj ̂rerquarepued B Surlurrq 'cr8eur tualod sesnJo; stue-lper8ur aseql Surlplsrq 'sa8eraneq rrloqof,le rer{topue sale 's/,a>1srq^{ ul $uerper8ur se papnllul ueuoerB strrrds Inlra/\{od roqreq tBqr 13un; pue sarrraq'stueld sB 'sartradord

leor8eur plor{ s^\arq eql'allteq B raue ro erolag reqlre alqBl srerntue^PB

,tue tB {urJp euof,le/!\ B eruof,aq enetl terlt sronbrl

pue sale qradns peteerf, a^Bq uarepued eqr '[re

-AreJq pue Sur4eur-uortod "{uraqJIE ;o a8pal/lrouIrleqt qrl/N 'lllIs

IBItrBru pue stre Sutleaq Jo uolteu-lQruoc anbrun e ef,rtf,erd srorrrem z{1peap la,t elqB}JBeseql 'sedrcar pue stuerpar8ur f,rtoxe pue /v\auroJ plro^\ eqt la^Ert sretseru/v\erq uerepued at11

'Errepued jo aldoad alrua8 aqt ro; uonntusur

Ierntlnr e eruoraq seq splng ruarod Surma;qlo uortrperlB 'penlonur rlBrr aqt Jo esnef,aq pue :aII uerepued

;o tcadse fuana q q {ulrcl 'SurzrerqJo uB eqt se,(1q8no

-roqt os uerepued aqt peruangur e^Eq qllqn\ Jo euou'eJII;o [em Jraqt o] tuetrodun SUe pue suortlpert [ueu

grlrn arntlnr peurlar pue plo uB ere uerepued aqJ

sA eJg ueJPpuPd'dB

OEg'g ecu4 lncuoyuaJtuouaururrs (Kang'spunom snouas a.LnJ 'uor]o4 A\aJg:.{l I I TO luouern[uoc pue uor]Etnrusuen Suorrg

's11ads Jo sle^el S srelof,er

pue sturod rlq I I +8pt slBeq uottod aqI :sre^tod

'treJJe poseerrur uB sraluor r1 tlSnoqrle 'uorlod reqlsB suonf,un; tJ 'aJntxrru eqt ulqtrn, Surprms s{JalJ

{rBIq pue etn{/!r qroq seq tnq 'uono4 luaur\srua14-or B selqueseJ uonJof,uoJ slqJ :uolldrJJseq

ralPerD' uollod lueuqslualdau'dE

O gV'I errrd lntuvyua

Jtuoutauul s,{"ang 'spunorn l:qf1tt atnJ 'uollod /KeJg:.lU lO luortern[uoc puB uor]Blnusuert tureC

's11ads Jo sla^ al Z sranoraJ

pue slutod rlq l+8pI sleeq uottod eqJ :sra/Kod

Bu'.ra;uor ro, rnq'uorrod r'qr r" J;iifdiil!::;IrBIq Surprms aqt s{rBI tnq 'uotto4 ruaunfrua14-ot e selqueseJ uortJofuof, slql :uolldrJJseq

ressel' uollod luauqslueldau

'dB OOt'7 aou4 !ncuvrlua Jruouauur

s,(arny 'spunom awapou atnJ 'uotto4 /\{eJg :.116'IO luorlernfuoc pue uorle]ntusuBJt eleJepol\

'(rele1 pesn puB pe^Bs eq tour.reo ll ) tsolsr ,tanof,er ssef,xa er{t '�alqellene s11ads }o qe^al t a^Br{

lou seopreqlqull aqrll '11ads lanel-ts I euo sB stunoo lads

Ia^el-O qrEE 'uo os pue '11ads le^al-puz euo pue -tsl

euo '11ads la^al-pJt euo ''3'a 's1ana1

t Jo uorteulqruor'tue eq uer eser{L 'Alsnornard lsee s11ads }o sle^al esrelorer pue a8eureplo sturod rFI6+BpZ sleeq raqlgxl

eqt 'paurnsuof, sr uorlod eqt uaq^4fi, 'Suuseolads ;o

sadlr qtoqu pellplsro]Earf,B serlnbar ct8etu euerre pueeu^rplo uouEurquof lBnsnun aI{L'riJenoJar 11ads PUBSurleaqJo srre#e eqt seulquof, uoltod srql :sre^l,od



To watch ghouls and abominations rush across thefie\ds of war to savage foes with hooked chains,claws and teeth can shake a warrior to his core.Chou the brewmaster despises the Scourge for theterror and ugliness they spread. He brews thisstrong drink to aid those who fight against the tidesof undead that threaten the world.

Powers: This drink is a strong plum cider thatgrants the drinker the ability to detect undeadwithin a 60-foot radius for one d"y. In addition, thedrink grants a * Z morale bonus on saving throwsagainst fear and energy drain attacks for Id4 hours.A keg of this cider holds 20 mugs' worth.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Brew Potion , detectundead", bless; Price 1750 gp; Weight 10 lb.

Drunken Master' s Secret TonicDescription: The pandaren brewmaster Chou Ling

Sing introduced this magnificentbrew to the acrobatsof Slink Strong's Goblin Circus as a gift for teachinghim the tricks of goblin tumbling. Since then, manyhave copied the brew's recipe and it is enjoyed bymany a stealthy, acrobatically inclined perficrmer.

Powers: The tonic is potent, and a single swigfrom a bottle can make the drinker appear as if shewere inebriated. This deceptive state of clumsymotion allows a +10 bonus on Bluff checks whenattempting to feint an attack. An unopened bottleof this tonic holds 10 swigs.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Brew Potion , ca/sgrace; Price I,750 gp; Weight 1 lb.

FieryBellyAIeDescription: This powerful, pepper-flavored ale

often leaves the surprised drinker gasping for coolwater to sooth the burning in his throat. Fiery bellyale is a harsh, unforgiving drink that leaves a steadyflame in the imbiber's gut. Many trolls and orcshave found this a pleasant sensatioh, and seeing aprecious k.g of this drink in their possession isalmost becoming common.

Powers: This ale is an inebriating, pepper -fla-

vored beer that gives the drinker the ability tobelch flames after drinking 1d6 mugs (roll to deter-mine how many drinks are needed). A tell-talechurning and burning in the gut indicates that thespecial properties are active.

Highly intoxicating, this brew causes the drinkerto suffer al penalty on initiative checks for t hourfor every mug he drank. The drinker may belch a

single short burst of flame as a free action, dealing

td4 points of fke damagefor eachrrugthathe drank(to a maximum of 5d4) to a single target within 5 feetof him; a DC 12 Reflex save halves the damage.

Drinking more than 3 mugs is dangerous and maycause the drinker to vomit flame at an inappropriatemoment. While still inebriated by the brew, a DC 19Fortitude save is required during each round. The

character makes the saving throws for a number ofrounds equal to the number of mugs he drank. If thesaving throw fails, the drinker vomits up a 15-footcone of flame that deals 3d4 points of fire damage(Reflex DC 15 half). Use the scattering rules (see

Player'sHadbook, Chapter B: Combat, "Special At-

tacks," Tlvow Splash Weapon) to determine thedirection anddistance ofthe regurgitation. On aresultof 1 on the scatter roll, the imbiber vomits uponhimself (and gets no saving throw to avoid damage).

A vomiting drinker takes Zd4points offire damageand loses the use of his voice for 1d4 days in additionto any other ill effects he may incur upon himself.

A keg of this brew holds 20 mugs of ale.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Brew Potion ,bllrn-inghands; Price 1 ,750 Bp; Weight Z0 lb.

Hong's Fighting LagerDescription: Combat is a state of grace amongst

the shodo-pan of the pandaren empire; and as muchas it is an art form, it is thirsty work. Hong's fighnnglnger revivifies fatigued and frightened soldiers andwarriors after fighting a long and difficult battle. It isalso highly valued for its crisp wheat taste and subtlehoney and citron-like accents.

Powers: A single mug of this mighty beer re-moves a fatigued condition in 7 hours of rest asopposed to 8, as long as the drinker imbibes the fluidslowly. Drinking the lager as a full-round actionwhile sickened or shaken removes the effects for1d6 hours or the duration of the effect, whicheveris shorter. Swigging back the ale in a thirsty frenzydoes not grant any special properties. A keg of thisbeer holds 20 mugs' worth.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Brew Potion, bless;Price 375 Bp; \Teight 10 lb.

Wounclect Warrior' s Wh iskeyDescription: To the pandaren, whiskey is a drink of

fortitude. A good whiskey can make a warrior strongenough to face 10,000, so the pandaren proverb goes.This brewmaster's whiskey has incredibly potent heal-

's1ama[ ]soru ur puno] stere; Iensn aqt]o peatsut sa8pu

pue sdurnq Jo Jaqurnu E gtlrn tnc '[ltnef, padeqs-dnJeql sardnoco 1fuaqosfut1c a8rel y 'uado tnJ tunluBrf,

eqt grlm lp{s B }o dor eql selquesar teqr ef,I^eprunurteld B suretuor pueq plo8 slqJ :uolrdprseq


090'17 at1r4 lad& ,(ue;o ura8

dB OOO'1 auo 'utopnrn s (lmo'rcpua1ds s, a73na'Suruunc

s,xol 'atpt3 s JDJ 'yl8uaus s,Ilnq 'a)LtDmWa s (rDaq

'8ulg a8rog :ql6 TO luottetntusuert eterepoy\'Ja^eosrBq/Y\ sesnuoq ou

seprnord rl qrlqr!\ Sur.rnp'a1or ^rau str ot srJlqs ll allq^rrnor{ auo }o porrad Aelap B sl ereqt 'cttsttets Jaqtoueo1 seqrtr/v\s ll JI

'["P rad efuo ,(1uo req]ouB ol snuoq

cgrcads euo ruog a8ueqc uEf, Sutr eql 'parellB ssal-rrn Alsnonurtuof, saleredo qllqm 'Sutllas ruopueJ E

tE puno; aq Alleraua8 111nt Sutr eqt 'puno; tsrl; ueq^44,'seqsrA\ JeJBe/!\ slr se BtuslJBqo Jo luoPSI/K 'acua8

-lllatul '[]tretxaq 'uollntltsuoO 'qt8uarrg ot snuoq

tuauaruBqua fi+ B seprnord Sutr eql ssre^.od'lueruol'u ol lualuolu tuou ,tcualslsuoJ

pue rolor ur a8ueqo pue rllqs ot stuees trBJ uI

pue 'paururetap eq touueJ ruaS;o ad,{r eqt 'sloeqc

asrerddy /,ue ,o ssarrns eqt Jo sselpre8ag 't{tnotu

str ur le/y\aIqoutJIBI{ B sploq ]Eqt peeq s(uoll penref,,tlereoutur uB sreeq pueq uaplo8 s,8utr eqJ 'sI

uortfunJ enrt rreqt lBq/lt ePIleP ol elqeun 'uIIq e{ll'urees ,{aql esneJeq /,1uo }l auleu slg JBeg ateaJf, rcuplp eq teqt eroul IBreAas pue '/,epol uo aAII PatBerJaq s(uatl eqt Jo auos lnq '�s/!\olleJ slt{ Jo lso(u e{ll

sIUBJ aqt ut [1qBIq asoJ renau slun 'sseuanlslf,epul

slr{ Jo} un\ouI JeJafJos Sur4ueJ-Arol B 'stu11 r{,q

peuBrf, se^r 3u1t s potl leur8uo eqJ :uopdrrrseq

ay{1ov eq}Jo tury s,uol-l'dF

0tO'6 ecu4 :JIr .{8tq B aq tsntu roteerr 'atp.t8

s,iD) '8ulg a8rog :.{tl 'IO luottetntusueJl ateJapol/{'senBs xeuau ro; pa'toldura

eq tou ,{eur remod slqJ 'llor Puof,as eqt lq (atp ro)

anll tsntu rau^\o eql '{raqr III{S PesBq-,bualxaq

pelleJ r{ue llor-er ot esooqJ uEf, JeJBe^t eqt '["P rad

eJuo 'uoulppe ul ',ttttalxaq ot snuoq tuarueJuetl-rre l+ tuBlsuoJ e saprnord Sutr eql :sJeA4,od

'uaar8 3uuenr13

tsorule '.lrlt 'daap B ot Jolof, a8ueqc sa/,a s(Jeu/no

eqt 'uJoA\ ueq^44. 'qtoJezv uo uees [ue se lca;-radsE alrrlf, B sr pue euots snolrerd srqt Jo {unqc a18utsB tuou ,(lfcalp pe^rer ueaq e^Br{ ol sreedde ruell

aqJ 'epe[ lsarnd ]o epeur Sutr slqt se/n retsef,lleds

Surrq8r; B sB reerer ral{ Suunp BIIBT(qtan JIe qBIqeqt ,tq paleerf, sruetl eqt Jo auo :uolldrrrseq

PllPl.qlenlo tuN epP[

'dB OOE'g aou4 l*attnaq pcrSolout{f,el es1 uI s{uer

g tseel le '8urg a8rog :qtl TC luotletntusuen IUIBC'(A1uo asofund reqt roj oraz ot tuetl reqtJo UIAI aql

Suuamol ,(1enltf,e#e) acrnap lectSoloutlret B asn ol

IIor {fBDE ro IIIIS euo,(ue ]E Paarf,ns AlleottBluolnB

ot asooqJ uEJ JeJBe/!\ aql '["P rad eJuo 'uoll

-lppe ul '$lreqf, *erIAeCI leorSolouqreJ esn uo

snuoq aJueteduloo g+ e Surprnord 'SutpuetsJepun

1eor8o1ouqf,et saf,ueque Suutna eql :sJa/nod'lenpl^lput rellBt B Jo ra8ug

alull eqt punore tlJ ol q8noua ,(11sea paqrlerts

pue petsr^u eq uer [eql 'urlqo8 B Jo ree eq] acratd

ot pepuatul q8noqrlv '8utr B Jo edeqs eqt uI Peuol-qsEJ srea8 {Jo/n{JolJ rturl }o tsISuoJ sruetl asaql'surlqo8 roJ surlqo8 [q pau8rseq :uolldrrrseq

sse^\ord lEltolouq)elJo tu 1rre3'g-, elqBl uo erurr aql

Io o/o5 I IIor "tluropuer palereua8 st Sutr B ueqrN'uoJaBpJo'I uo paBJoJ esoql uet{t sJeltod ratear8

furec Alruanbar; ropuIIIE) uo peteerf, ere^r tetlt s8utresoqJ' f, r SBru 8ur,to1du elo poqt eru Iryasn,{pe1 ncy rre dB sB s8uu ees tou plp /,1duns eldoad snoua8lPut

eqt asneraq sdeqrad 'qtorazv 'o tser eqt uo ere '{aqt

sB roptulle) ur uoruruof, sB tou are s8uu lecrBBI/{


1 tq8ra4l :dB Og L'1 actr4ispunorn awrapou arnJ 'ql8uaus s,llnq 'aJlra,LnPua

s (Jnaq'uorto4 /ltaJg :t{lg TO luottetnlusueJt IUIEC's8rms

0I sploq /,a4srq^\ slqt lo elnoq pauadoun uV'aldxa stre#e aqtJo uoltBrnp aqt lltun sanes xegeU

puB s{JeqJ aAIIBIIIUI uo ,bleuad 1- E sreJ]ns ra{ulrPaqt 'paqlqurt Sttrs Llf,Be roC 'uolternp eqt roj tf,a#eruJBr{J Jo JBe} /,ue ot euntutul seruoJeq Ja{UIJP

eqr pue 'srnoq 9pI roj (8ut1eaq ol UoIIIPPB ut)

uortntlrsuoO pue qr8uarts ot snuoq 9+ v stuer8 [t{-slq^A slqt;o s8rms OI Surluuq'saluadord Surleaqaqt ot uonlPPB uI 'srnoq

tPI ro} uollnlllsuoo PUBqr8uarts or snuoq Z+ e sluer8 ,{a4srt1/v\ slt{t;o s8rzns

;8ur>lulrcl 'eBBuIBpJo stutod rlq tpl sleaq l,11en1oe

/\{erq uerepued srqr;o Srtrs qtEE 'stl}eueq srl }o euo

/,1uo sr [a1slt{^{ slt{]}o atsel qtootus eql :sra/nod'plnbll

llpe/lrod snlr 8ur>1uuP raUE .1oll B sB Suorls

sE eruoJeq uBf, JoITIBAI pepunol\ B pue 'satuadord 8ur










- ' : : : : ! i ' l ' ' ; : l * r i i i ' l t ' * * ' ; : ' l ' '

Market Price3,500 gp?,040 gp18,100 gpl?,120 gp21,050 gp28,875 gp30,000 gp53,67? gp54,720 gp85,800 gp160,6?7 gp212,000 Sp

Table I 5: Rings, Rods, Staft and Wands

. . r,r: : ;- -.;r1,;;;.;la, i,1: {l:ll*,*;lilii;;lllt,ii+tfiu,i


Earring of technological prowess'Jade ring of Veth'talia

Ring of the mind

Spider ring

Lion's ring of the acolyte

Staff of negation

Wand of the wind

Scepter of healing

Nature's ring**

Rod of necromancy


Rod of undead mastery**


r ?1-?5q6-q?

.r*.r.i.'.....n:.:' 100

Powers: The ring allows a spellcaster to shift hisprepared spells to other rypes, within certain limits.Before it can work, the ring must be wom for at least 2consecutive days, after which it attunes itself to thethoughts of its owner. In addition, if owned by a wizard,the character must memor Lze aspell at least once duringthis period if the ring will be able to employ that spell.Once these conditions are met, the wearer can chooseto drop up to one level of spells per caster level per day,replacing them with any other spells he knows or canaccess. For example, a 6th-level wizard who prepared Z

ftreball spells, but now needs ,A""tifu for 6 recentlydiscovered items, could drop the no-longer-needed

fwebalk in exchange for the rdennfu spells (so long as hehas previously memorize d dennfy while wearing thering). Replacing spells in this manner is a full-roundaction, and once the change has been made, thereplaced spells may be cast normally.

Moderate transmutation; CL 1 1th; Forge Ring,Rarey' s mnemonic enhancer, one 500 gp chrysoberyl;Pr ice 18,100 gp.

Spicler RingDescription: This platinum ring appears to have

been made of thin strands of spider silk woven in aconcentric pattern. Eleven garnets arranged like aspider's eyes stare out from a web-shaped faceplate.

Powers: The ring provides a +7 enhancementbonus to Dexterity and allows the wearer to spiderclimb 3 times per d"y for up to 10 rounds per use.

Faint transmutation; CL 7th; Forge Ring, cat'sgrace, spider climb; Price 19,IZ0 gp.

Rocls, Staffs ancl WanclsMany of the rods, staffs and wands described in

the DMG are known to exist on Azeroth. Severaladditional such items are found only in the world ofWarcrafit. Some of them are described below.

\Uhen any rod, staff or wand is called for viarandom treasure selection, roll I5oh of the time onTable 4-5.

MinclstaffDescription: This gnarled length of wood features

unusual wrinkles, like those found in a sentientbrain. The tip is a chunk of onyx carved withconcentric circles that seem to ripple slowly acrossthe surface in an oddly entrancing optical iflusion.

Powers: This staff allows for use of the followingmind-affecting spells:

o Charm person (1 charge). Hy|notism (1 charge)o Daze monster (1 charge)o Charmmonster (7 charges)o Sugges tion (Z charges)o Mass suggesrion (3 charges)o Mass cltarm monster (4 charges )In addition to these powers, the staff allows its

owner and all allied characters to memo rrze oneadditional lst- ,Znd-, and 3rd-level arcane spell perd"y. These must be spells from the enchantmentschool and do not stack with any other bonus spellsprovided from magic items (..g. , a nng of wizardry),

snrPEJ s(lf,eJ$e eql uIt{lIAl uIBluaJ seJnlBeJf ,(1puetrlallqn\ Lluo enrJJB slllaueg 'tsef, plnor rotBerr eql

uerlt raq8rq la^al B Jo s11ads erotsar touuef, llorlseql '(11ads

1ana1-qrf v erolsar ol spunor V e{el

:' : ::l:;';: ) xJ;'iJ,"1T :,,:'�J' ;i:LilH T:t: e Alarelpaururr aJotser ot pesn eq uBf, peJotsal sle^el

IIedS 'OV rreqt ot snuoq uoltf,egep fi+ e eAIef,

-eJ pue 'punor red lanel 11ads euo JanoreJ 'punor

red srurod rrq t IBeq tods reqr Jo teal 0t ulqrl/lrseJntBeJJ Llpuau; IIB

'auop sr slqt aJuO 'uollf,B

punoJ-lln; B alnbar eseJ euoq eqt Surqseus pueseunr aqt Surpeag 'llorf,s slt{t asn rteu s11ads euef,-JE Suuser Jo elqedeo sJetJBJBtlt [lto :sJaAtod

'pe{o^ul sl cr8eur s(llorrs aqt ellq/r\ }ler{ur paddeus eg tsnu reqt auoq Jo pa^JEJ sJeuletuoJun{tr^\ puno} are ed,{r slqr Jo sllorls 'alueq uIurels rro uBlo ul{s pelrp pue par.{rterts L11nyeref, ar{luodn peqlrls ueeq seq llorrs slqJ :uolldlrrseq

uPlprPnD qtlu aqlJo lloJ)s eus)rv'eloqe '�slloJJs pue suortod

:b-b alqeJ aas 'Lluropuer sllorrs Surleraua8 rog'sllorf,s asaqt jo

euo Aoldula ,(eru JetJBJBqc Aue 'znolaq suortdrJf,sePeqt ur esr/Kraqro Pelou ssalun 'saIlIIIqB

leerSeruluatod esealeJ tet{t saunJ leroads gtltt 'suletl snoJp-uoA\ aIII eJoru eJB eluos 'tsel aq ol Suttle/v\ s11ads

urBtuor sllorfs IIB tou 'qlorazv Jo PIro/!\ eql ul


000'0t ef,lr4 lralsecllads/,ue Aq paluer{rua aq Leru ly q8noqr 'pue^\ aqt }ostueuoduroo lecrs/,qd eqt UBrr tsnullle rq8ru e'purrn-p!\m 'puB/)s.

uBrc :qtoI 'Io luorleco^e alBrePol/{'retser

la^el-qlgl B Aq tser JI se puft\n\ffb

11ads eqr yo sa8reqr 0g setl pue^{ ̂\eu V :sra^4.od'se^le tqflu eqr Jo a8en8uel eW uI seuru ul parerof,ap

pue fu ont Wyy\ perutulr uoleq uepoo/!\ V : uoqduesaq

pul| eqlJo pUPAA 'dE 169'09I errrd t"tacr

'dB glg'g7 acu 4:trhout4y wva7'pswy'asvra t^:o*'lrur s'(a'try 'uo!

'tttutttlr4iyp'Jp9nrsrJ'r3:.{r0l -IOluouernlqearerapohl* t;Hr:;;;::l#r'r'rr]';

(sa8reqr 0 cl8outpislp "r?iD?rO o L rr v "

.^"p eqt ro; s11ads(sa8req) 0 Psslursl1 ' rr uodn uo puBq euo rnd lsnu pu' #Brs eqr J(

(a8reqr I ) as?-Lf o 09 ulqtl/!\ rrurt lser AIt"p pelnbar rraqr puads(a8reqr I) t8vutyaQnq o serlle slr{ pue retsef, eqr 'snuoq sr

:q1ads Suynolo; equo asn ro; s/nolle;rers arl :s.ra/ho4 -ezqleloads ursry s3snue

'dlt str ot lelsArc padeqs-reJs B pulq re^lls Jo spueg'saunr

{rBIq qrlm PIEIUI PUB qrnol eql ol PIorsr poo^\ ,ter8 peqsrlod Jo #Bts slql :uoqdrrrsac


' ffi 6 L93 t g ef, ud lyoatlssvttt' spwn rn snans a rrc ssvttt' spwn rvt

uxrryu arnJ ssrTu/ 'sptnnrn rrpn a#D s$lur 'sptnnrn WIn

a"Lnr ssnu 'grrS UaIO :Wgt 13 :uolternfuoc Suong

'tqBII etlq/lt arnd E qtl/v\ szno18 os Surop

ralf,Brer.{r aqt 'pa4onut sI 11ads /,ue reneueqnN

(sa8ruqr D lDa\ ssrlA[ o

(sa8req) V) srynom IDrut,Lr arnr ss"fz\ o

(sa8reqr t) swnoftn snouas a"Lnr ss"/r[ o

(sa8reqr 0 spunoftn urnrpaur a"Lnr ss"/{ o

(a8reqr I ) swnoftn tfitt arnr ssrlz\ o

:s11ads 3urmo11o;eqr IIB Jo esn eqt s/v\olle ratdacs aql :sre/trod

'[poq req q8norq] ^rol] qtrure^r

Pelueluor E sleeJ qro eql seqrnol oq/l[ relsBJ auInIPArV 'tqBII allq^\ tulBJ E qtl/!\ smo13 ler{r Pue euo uo

IIeq eurllBls,trc B srBaq nt4acs eqJ '#Bls e l,11enlf,B sI

tnq'po, B aq ot tsrlJ re rq8noqt ueuo sI uorl paqstlod

Jo Ueq rq8rerrs-rozer 'troqs slql :uolldrrrseq


'dE O0g'98 af,l t4:poawn aioarr 'Wapun puuoc 'poap

aiauffitD 'pog UerC :r{lg I TO lrtcueulorreu Suortg

'retser la^el-qrgI B ̂q lsBf, JI se

(["p.rad eruo alqesn 'sa8reqr 0g)WaWn aivar"J o

'JelsEf Ie^el

-qrgl B ̂q tsBf,JI se (sa8reqr 0g) WrwnpuuoC .'JelsBf,

Ie^el-qt8 ue [q ]ser]l se (sa8reqr 0g) Wrp atvunuf, o

:Pro^\ Puetuluof, B ,(q palE^rlfB

qree (seltlllqe a{ll-11ads t set{ por aqJ :sra^rod'Poolq

PalrP Jo rolor eql uBqs

Ietetu /,neaq e dote sa/,a l,qnr gtlrn IIn{s peqtool-dreqs B sarJJBt Kcuputonau toporv :uolldueseq



- if they move outside, they gain none of the aboveadvantages until they return to the affected zone.The scroll's effects last for 12 rounds.

Moderate to strong abjuration and conjuration;CL 10th or higher; Scribe Scroll, curelightwounds,shiel"d; Price 8,000 gp.

Replenishment ScrollDescription: These sheets of parchment appear

at first to be ordinary magical scrolls, but uponexamination, their language shifts to somethingthat can be understood easily by the reader.

Powers: This scroll combines the effects of heal-ing and spell recovery. The unusual combination ofdivine and arcane magic requires a creator skilled inboth types of spellcasting. \fhen read, the user andall allies withinaZ)-foot radius are healed of 1d8+9hit points of damage and recove r 7 \evels of spellspreviously cast. These spell levels can be any corrr-bination of Z levels, such as one Znd-level spell ortwo lst-level spells. Each O-level spell counts as onel st-level spell. If a beneficiary of this magic does nothave 2 levels of spells available, the excess recoveryis lost (it cannot be saved and used later).

Moderate transmutation and conjuration; CL9th; Scribe Scroll, mass cure light wound.s, Rarey'smnemonic enllancer; Price 4,050 gp.

Replenishment Scrol l, GreaterDescription: This scroll resembles a replenish-

ment scroll,but is about twice the length of that itemand confers an increased effect.

Powers: This scroll heals Zd8+ 1 1 points of dam-age and recovers 3 levels of spells. The })-footrange is not increased, however.

Moderate transmutation and conjuration; CLllth; Scribe Scroll, mass cure moderate wounds,Rarey's mnemonic enllancer; Pnce 5,500 gp.

Replenishment Scrol l, LesserDescription: This scroll resembles a replenish-

ment scroll, but is only about half the length of thatitem and confers a reduced effect

Powers: This scroll heals only 1 point of damageand recovers only 1 level of spells. The Z)-footrange is not decreased, however.

Faint transmutation and conjuration; CL 7th;Scribe Scroll, cure hight wound.s, Rarey's mnemonicenhnncer; Prtce 1,750 gp.

Scroll of ProtectionDescription: This scroll appears to be little more

than a rolled-up strip of parchment with a fewmagical words inscribed across its surface. With afew moments of studying, however, any charactercan read the runes without difficulty.

Powers: When read, this scroll provides a +3

deflection bonus to the AC of all allied creatureswithin 30 feet. The effects last for 12 rounds.

Faint abjuration; CL 7th; Scribe Scroll, shield" of

fatrh cast with the \Uiden Spell feat (even thoughthat feat normally does not affect that spell); Price1,400 gp.

Scrollof RegenerationDescription: This scroll is inscribed on crisp,

clean parchment that stays a brilliant white even ifexposed to dirt, grime, or mud. The words inscribedthereon are magical, but easily understood, and arewritten in a circle that rotates when read, allowingthe inscription to be easily repeated.

Powers: This scroll must be read aloud and corr-tinuously as a full-round action. The character doingthe reading must concentrate fully upon the scrolland may not move while invoking its powers. If he isattacked, he must make a Concentration check asusual to avoid being interrupted. For as long as he

reads the scroll, he and all his allies within 30 feetheal 3 hit points per round, but only if they can hearthe magical words as they are spoken (possibly re-quiring Listen checks in some circumstances). Thecharacter may continue reading for as long as he isable, although after 10 rounds of continuous chant-ing he must make a Will save (DC 10 + I for eachround after the 10th) each round to avoid slipping upand interrupting the magic. Once the reading isdisrupted by any means, the scroll crumbles to dust.

Moderate conjuration; CL 15th; Scribe Scroll,cure serious wound.s cast with the Widen Spell feat,even though that feat does not normally work withthis spell; Price 5,750 gp.

Scroll ofSpeeclDescription: A faint whistling sounds from this

scroll when it is removed from its container. As thepage is unrolled, it seems to fl"p about as if caughtin a breeze.

Powers: \Uhen this scroll is read, all creatureswithin 30 feet gain 10 feet to their movement

, / , , , r y t : i f f i


pue telnruB eqt urqtr^\ paddertue uaeq SurneqeJnteeJf, IBntfB eqt 'erurl rlJee etues eqr s,(em1est SloqrnJ eql '[ll" Surrq8r] B sB 81oqrn; Llpuer U vqtroJ IIEI uBf, DInurD slqr '["p rad eruo :sra^rod

'uortellatsuof, eqt Jo ereld ul ueasl,peelo eq uBf, ernteerc e{ll-reeg e}o adeqs eqt 'lr{3ll

-ll\u rv 'pe{reru Apealc reag aqt }o uortelletsuof,eqt gtlrn '[{, rq8ru aq] SurAeruod euers E gllrnpaterolep sr telnrue uaplo8 slqJ :uolldrrrsaq

pul^ eqlJolelnuv

'qlzll rq31a4t :dF 000'0tI arrrd taruvtstsatTpQs(luetl snorpuo/)N uBro :qrl I 'Io iuorternfqe 8uorr5'patregap Surag 11ads E lnoqtl/\,r ssed teqr srnoq tZrfuane ro; lurod I Jo eler eqt tE urnter sturod asaql'turod

I [q sdorp le^el uor]relord srl '(or auopaABq lou Plno/lr sessassod JeJee/K eql seJuelsrseJ

11ads reqlo /,ue pue '11ads B pe{lolq uorlrelords Jalnurp aqt ter{t saterrpur {raqr ef,uetsrser 11ads eqleurrt /,ue ''a'l)

1lads B stf,egep nlnurv eqt eruu qtBE'SZeJuEtsrsaJ

11ads urlg Surua;uof, 'JeJBez$, aqt uodn

tser s11ads IIB rsurv?vspue;ap:;rlnurp aql :sre^4,od'[poq s]r urqtl^r daap Sutptr{ srolor

luBrqr^ gtlrn aJUBP PUB lrr^\s ot sreadde ef,EJJnsluernlsuert eqJ'pllos pue [prnts sE lsn[ sruoestnq '1etau ettnb lou sr leql IBrJelB(u unroulun uBjo epeur sl {slp lerrreqdsruaq slqJ :uopdrrrsaq

pletqs lledsJo leln|'Uv'qlzl1 rq8ra4l :dB Og L'l I erl t4itoopuotsuaulp '*all

snorpuo/N elBar3 :qt1'IO luorternluoc Suorrg'ruatl aqt reno loJtuof, srq dn anr8 ot sesooqr ,t1pet

-unlon ro sarp reu^ro leur8uo aqt;r ,t1uo lenpl^lput/y\eu B ot peunuB eq uer DlrutrD eqJ '11ads

4)ollvuolsuau4P E Jo snrpBJ eqt sB qJns 'la^Brt rBlnurs Jouo!'wiro(apl $llolq teqt uorterol [ue ur Alruasard srtalntue aqrJl uolrrun; tou lltrn pue ["p red ef,uo pesneq uBr ,trtltqe slqJ 'rrej$e rcop uol-suaurlp e q8norqrrotBarf, s Jalnltrv eqt aroleq rq8norq IIE ere spunod

0OZ'I Io lBtot E peerxe ol lou sarlddns rreqt pue

slenpr^lput rar{to Lo) dn pue '.rea8 slq IIe 'uosrad teql

'ua>1ods sr pJo/lr puetutuoJ eqt eurl eqt te talnrueeql Surr{,uec Jo Suueam sr asle euoeruos JI


Ieuorsuaurpenxa uE ur plaql uane 'pueururoc uodnuorlBfol ,{ue ruou urlg ot uJntal UBJ PUB JotEaJf,stl ot Alleorrsl,u paunue sr. Dlnun slqJ :sre^{,od

'lI selPnls eg atull t{fBe luetueSueileluareJllP B sees lalntue eql gllrtr JErlrruEJ auo,tueos '/,11ef,rporJed;1aslr sa8ueueeJ saraqds Jo uralledaql '[{r eql ur suooru Jo re]snlr e aIII srar.{loeqr Surddelra^o auros 'sepls tEU eqt uo paqrrrsureJB sezrs snorJe^ Jo se.raqds jo serJas V


Surr e [q pepunorrns ra^lrs paqsrlod ]o eperu sr /,r1a-A\e [1o acard 3ur1oo1-,teurpro slrlJ :uolldrrrseq

llg)auJolelnwv'qlZlI lt13ya4t :dF 009'9 acu4 itnQnarn tBvnt 'uleU

snorpuonN eleero :.{tg'IO luortelnrusuert eterepoy\'(ruaunrtsur) uro;rad ur s{uer s(resn eqt + I ol

lenba spunor Jo requnu B roJ stsel snuoq slql 'sllor

a8eurep uo snuoq tuerueJuerlua Z+ e snrpBJ too;-gfB urqtpr suodea/v\ pa8uer JoJ uortrunrurue IIB tuer8of pa,teld eq uer etng slqt '["p rad ef,uo :sre/r,tod

'arurt jo spouadra8uol JoJ tre#e str uretsns uer suerJrsnu pelllls tnq'sranrod str uodn IIEI pue Ktpntctp Io aln1laqt otur ,v\olquBf, auoAuy 'uortuelur rreqt ul ued e pa,{e1d aqsJl roErJallV ra8uer ue^la aqt Jouor{ ot petueu era^\ {tomcn

Io san[aqlJl reelf,un q ]l 'plo8 ut patuturn pue punoqsetng uapoolr aJB slueurutsur asaqJ :uoqdpJsaq

{rernDv Jo e}n IJ s.PUel lV'stuell snorPuo/)N :9

-t elqBJ uo aurl eqt P o/o09 IIor 'uortoales ruoPuBr

q8no.rqt JoJ palleJ sr ruetr snorpuo/r\ E Jeneueq,41'/Koleq

PelleteP eJB sed,tr u/v\ou{-Jeueq equo /!\aJ v'Jezlrod jo sle^el IIB Jo pue 'sezrs pue sadeqs ,(ueur ureruor sruatr aseql 'uErrrEA\ jo Plro^{ aqt ot en rtBuerB srcalqo rellurls Jo 'bar.len epr/r\ v 'OyVC eqlul peqrrfsep sruatr snorpuoa eqt ot uonlppB ul


OOI ef,rrd 1(lr uror;

rrleueq [11eurou ]ou seop 11ads tBrlt q8noqr uana)

lEaJ Ileds uapl/N eql qll,n Peulglllor t0auar snonlp-aQxa '�llorf,S aqlns :.{tl -lO luorlelnursuert lureC

'sJa/Kod relrurrs pue jDaual" snontpa4xa'alsvy sB qrns sluarueJuequa paads lecr8etu reqto

gllrn lrBts lou seoP snuoq slqJ 'alnuru I ro} spaads


i ?4 . : . . . . . - - \ * . * . .

- ._ . - .


forced to serve. When the command word is spo-

ken, the furbolg appears 1 round later in an open

square adjacent to the amulet owner's location and

immediately attacks the wearer's nearest enemy.The wearer can also give the furbolg other instruc-tions, which the creature will obey to the best of its

ability. The furbolg returns to the amulet if it is slain

or after 10 minutes have passed, whichever comes

first. The next time the creature appears, it is

healed of all wounds and ready for battle. The

owner can free the beast by destroying the amulet,

in which case it immediately bounds off toward itsformer home, eager to be reunited with its fellows.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft \Tondrous

Item, summon nanue's aIIy IV; Price 13,150 gp;

Weighr I17 lb.

Ancient Figurine of InsightDescription: This small statuette depicts a scholarly

figure seated on a stool studying a large book stretched

across his lap. The race and gender of the delicately

carved individual is indeterminate, as it wears a hooded

cape that drapes down over its darkened face. The

entire fign * appears to have been carved of a blackcrystalline substance that defies identification.

Powers: While the figunne is carried, it whispers

supportive thoughts and ideas into its owner's mind.

One full duy after the item is first picked up, the

owner receives a *Z insight bonus to Intelligence.This bonus persists for as long as the fi7*r"e is carried

on the owner's person, regardless of its actual loca-

tion, but it may not be in an extradimensional space.If the item is set down or given to another person, it

does not provide its bonus until grasped again. If

someone else carries it for a full d"y, she begins to

earn the Intelligence bonus, and the former owner

must wait a full duy after recovering it before he canenjoy its advantages once again. Once the figurinehas acclimated itself to its owner, it can give a flash

of inspiration once per dty upon command. \Uhen

this is done, the owner receives a * 10 insight bonus

on any one Intelligence-based skill check he at-

tempts in that round.

Moderate fiansmutation; CL 10th; Craft \TondrousItem, fox's affrn;rrrgPrice 12,000 gp; \Teight Il}lb.

Ankh of ResurrectionDescription: An ankh of resurrection is a palm-

sized metal sigil worn like an amulet and imbuedwith magic powerful enough to raise the dead. The


dwarves believe that titans created the first ankhs

to honor their reverence of life.

Powers: When the wearer of an ankhis reduced to-10 hit points or less, the magic of the ankhrestoreshim to full hit points, vigor and health immediately,with no loss of prepared spells. However, the wearer

does lose 1 level (or 1 point of Constitution if he was

lst level). The ankh can revive someone killed by a

death effect, but it cannot revive someone who has

died of old age.

Strong conjuration; CL 14th; Create \TondrousItem, reswnecnon; Price 24,600 gp; \Teight U4lb.

Bannerofthe Angry BoarDescription: Orcish shamans design these broad

silken banners to fly from the backs of orcish

swordmasters. The banner depicts a rampant boar

amidst a spray of bloody letters that spell out words

of fury in Orcish.

Powers: The rancor and tenacity of the boar possess

the banner's wearer and any ofher allies within 30 feet.

The wearer and her allies can continue to fight withoutpenalry even while disabled or dying. Once per day, the

bearer can cast blaodhst* on himself and five other allieswithin 30 feet.

If the banner wearer is 6th level or higher, onceper d"y she can summon a dire boar to protect her.

Treat the boar as if summoned by the spell summon

nature's ally IV, with the exception that the boar

remains for 1 day or until slain.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Craft WondrousItem, blaodlwt* , sLtmmonnatrlre's ally IV, creator must

be an orc; Price 72,550 gp' Weighr}Ib.

Banner of the Black WolfDescription: This red silk sashimono banner is

in the same sty le as those worn by orc ish

blademasters. The banner depicts a stylized black

wolf running across a field of blood.

Powers: This banner grants a +10 bonus to the

speed of the wearer and any ofhis allies within 30 feet.

Once per d"y, the banner's bearer can castpas s without

vare on himself and up to 5 allies within 30 feet.

If the banner's wearer is 6th level or higher, onceper d"y he can summon a black dire wolf to act as

a companion. The wolf will protect the wearer as if

summoned by the spell summon nature's aIIy IV,

with the exception that the dire wolf remains for I

duy or until slain.

d6 ogs'zzdB ogv'zzdE ogz'zzdE ooo'zz

db ooo'oz

d6 ooo'ozd6 009'61d6 szl'Bl

d6 ooo'Bld6 ooo'Brdb ooo'BrdB og/Lld6 ogz'Lldb ooo'/r

db ogg'9tdb ooz'9rdb ooo'gld6 09€'€td6 ogr'€t

d6 oo9'ztd6 osv'zrdo ooo'ztd6 ooo'ztd6 ooo'otdE oz[bdb 000'6d6 oor'Bd6 oog'9db ooz'Ed6 ooo'gd6 oog'?d6 oog'?d6 o?o'?db ooo'?d6 oo€'td6 ovz'Edo ooo'z

d6 ozEa3rrd layeyl

ZT-Jg02- bzBZ_ LZ9Z_SZ


ZZ_IZ0z- blBI_ LL9t-91VI-ELZJ_II




zb-tb06-68BB-/B0b- bB


98-98?B-€BZB_IB0g- bLgL_LL

9L-91V L-21ZL_JL

0L- b9

g9- L999-59v9-29Z9_1909-6999-/S99-E9v9-zsls- bvgv-svvv-lv0v- L29t-vEEE-JE


b0- L090-?0



reoq fu6ue aW jo reuueg

Jlo,u YeH aW Jo rauueg

uotse^e Jo uewqPl

roP^ Jo wPH

euoF ouJajut'teruod snoJpuolvt p awtnfitT

Preqs lsoq'tanod snoJpuolA p ewtnfi7

lreeq s.reqleeJPoolg

t1l6uet1s et6o lo sle7uneg

,,,rrffiilerar Jo lerywv

Kyyqou Jo teprD(Zt US) srererq pounA

psetedotK66wKg enlperru! sJ!^aaN

reilor p1 parydg

elseq P sa^ol)

PeeP eqt P \oog

Puy ew P pqwv

elleJ,qlaA Jo le!^ Palueqzufsepen Klpeep eW Jo reuueg

fl6pu1 p adtd slefipeqy

ry6u';J:f::,';;":;Yswnrp afipq fiuostely

qroorq >lystapdg

6u1upt1er jo ewol

Kcetncce lo eln7 s,elrailV

eol ew jo \sew(Et US) srazerq peunA

s&oPeqs Jo \eoDpeeds Jo sloog

epeuafi asn4Unu fiwzewe s61^aeN

sepql1anj Jo sloog

$eor ezepnwwqs

sPnolz aql Jo uroH

*Kqyaln Jo se^olg

qwoq Pale^ll2e-e2to^repoepeds s.I^eeN




Eb_Zbtb-0bbB_ LB98_',BEB_IB0g-v L2L-L999-t909-9999-19

09-9tsv*lv0v-92sE-r€08,-92s(,-lz0z-919 t-tt



,*?,i#.l l s n orpuo^A I g-+ e I qPI


37 -383q -4041-4243-44

45-4647 -484? -5051-525354-5556-5758-5?6061-6263-6465-6667 -68

6? -7071-7273-7 475-7677-787? -8081-82B3-8485_8687-BBB?-?0?1q2



' ' 't.:i' ''rtill



Market Price24,000 gp

24,000 gp

24,600 gp26,000 gp26,000 gp27,004 gp

27,500 gp27,720 gp28,800 gp28,?60 gp2?,500 gp30,000 gp34,000 gp34,500 gp42,480 gp42,800 gp43,000 gp44,750 gp45,000 gp45,000 gp46,500 9p4?,150 gp51,000 gp54,000 gp54,200 gp60,000 gp68,500 gp72,060 gp84,000 gp?0,000 gp?3,600 gp108,000 gp108,000 gp112,000 gp130,000 gp133,?20 gp237,400 Sp30q,200 Sp322,000 Sp352,800 gp


Table il: 6tWonffiuslte ntinued),,r,4 ,,

i 3r i , . . , .

r ' r..tt.

ItemFigurine of wondrous power,demonic

Figurine of wondrous power,stone token

Ankh of resurrection

Runed bracers (SR l?)

Cloak of writhing shadows**

Figurine of wondrous power,drake egg

Grimoire of souls

tegion doom-horn

lvory tower

Druid pouch

Warden's cloak

Scourge bone chimes

Hood of cunning

Medallian of courage

Khadgar's gem of health

Helm of battlethirst

Healing wards

Greater talisman of evasion

Cloak of flames

Witch's circlef*

Brooch of the crypt lord

Firehand gauntlets

Cup of Raiden

Lightning cloak

Gloves of spell mastery

Janggo of endurance

Gargoyle robe

Diamond of summoning

Crown of kings

Cloak of flames*

Mask of death

Eelt of might**

Gauntlets of might**

Superior boots of elvenkint*

Amulet of spell shield

Crown of the dreadlord

Drek'thar's spellbook

Robes of elven kings**

Girdle of the betrayef*

Celestial orb of souls

,,,,,,,,., ltfillor


Medium ,, ' ' Maiur'?3 33-34

.j tL


-' i







sll gllrn sreaddB qf,Be PUB 'sraqcre aJB JapurBrueJ

eqt allq/lr 'sratq8rJ arB readde teqt suotela>1s ,(ue;o

JIEH '["p eq] ro; Suruoruruns eqt sB tunoJ tou seop

ldruanB srql'patdnrratur sr reu/ho aqrJI lnq lpardnr-JeJur eq uBf, reqr uouJe punoJ-lln; B saJrnbar lf,e#eslrlJ 'un{tr^\ suonetuerur eqt Surpear Aq suolale{s

9pf uoruruns '/,ep rad ef,uo '[etu Jeul\o eq] 'uorl

-IPPB ul 'seJntBeJJ la8rel eql eJoleq lI sluasard PUEsPuBr{ req ur {ooq aqr sploq eqs allq/\{ PBaPun PuBru-ruof, Jo elnqal ot sldruane IIB uo snuoq 'tloqun

l+ e SUJBe JauA\o aqJ 'ult{ll/!\ sesJeA el{l Jo aulle18urs B uen e peer ol tdureue l,aql jf e8eruep ,t8raueanrre8au jo sturod 9pZ re;Jns pue 'tl elpuer{ ,teqtse Suol sB ro' Ie^al anrte8au euo ure8 eruot slqt 8ul-qf,nol sB qf,nlu os uene saJnlBaJJ IIne-uoN'saJnlEeJf,IIna Lq Aluo pasn eq /,eul {ooq slqJ :sre/hod

'pateldruor se^r {ooq aqt uaq^r sef,rJrrJessB palll{ sarnteerf, 8urnr1 Jo sule^ er{t tuou u^terp

poolq sr eprsur seunr pue spro^r lecr8eu eql etrr^\ot Pesn Iul eqJ 'alqlxeu urEruer ot PetEerl Puepeqrterts ur{s palJp tuo$ eperu eJB eurds pue JenoreqJ 'sernlBeJJ snoIJBA tuou seuoq PIBIUI lllrlt PaIEJ-oJep sr eruol ,bsnur 'luerJuB slqJ :uolldrJJsao

pPec eqlJoloog

'elql8ll8au tq8ta4r :dF 008'6Ief,rrd lr(qnr dB 000'I

'{[ 'atvt? s JDr '*ell snorp

-uo1)N. etBero :.{l0I 1o luorletnrusuBrl etBrePoy\'splelqs ro suodeam Burpnlrur '8ur,tg allq^{

puer{ reqt ur 8urqt,{ue esn lou Aeru eq tnq 'aplr

aqt ;o; Suole reul\o sll se{Bt le^\e[ at[ '11ads aqlse {,[ ot pepueruruor pue puer{ auo ul plaq eq uerua8 eqt '["p rad af,uo 'uorllppe ul ',{trratxaq slrlol snuoq luauaJuBr{ua b+ E suJBa aq'uorssassod srqur trDay eqr sdaa>1 Jeu^to aql se Suol oS :sJa^lod

'rorunr B tsnl ̂leTI sr srq]

rnq '3ul{-}rerr\p E pe^Jes eruo reqt uogu8 1n;:anodB Jo tJeaq aqt Sursn peteerr sB/r\ sleznal esaqt ]o rsJr]eqt 'sauots or Sutprorrv 'ernteerc Surnll B Aq plaqsl tl se 3uo1 os,(1uo tnq'rua8 eqt punore BerB too;-S Bseleultunill rer{t lq8tl qslppar e sernpordznolS aqt 'ssau

-IrBp ul 'plro/\{ aqr gtlm rq8u IIB aq III^\ Surqr,trena

I,tr sE 'qturem Fursngns jo pul{ B slee} [1uug ]lSurdser8 auo/,uv 'zno13 Jeuur uB r.ltr/!\ eurqs ot sruaesAqm per-poolq'palaoe;lrlnu slqJ :uo1rd1rf,seq

uPeH s,reqlPeJpoolg

'ql Z tq8ta4t :dB g S7'ZI erlrd lcro uE eq

lsnutrr JolEaJJ 'a?pa uaa1'urstora\ "LawalS 'ruall snoJp-uo/)il. uBJo :.p6 -Ic :uortBlntusuBJt etBJepow


' >L* rra>e'2_ _ S(V, u+(\


'tI a^BLl /,pear1e

lou saop rl JI {retrv pul^\lrlr{/4. eqt ro} pasn Suraqellq/!\,br1rqe uodeam lercads uael aqt sute8 uodeaznsrq req8lg ro lelel qr9 sr rereaq s(reuueq aqr JI

'({rEDV pur/lrlrlq/n e Suunp ue{Blaq tou [eru DIoBI]E snuoq teqt alru eqt ot uortdarxeuB sl slqr) stee; e^Belo tearo pue lef,nrro panordrul eqr

Jo srlJeueq eqt sreeq osle laetslo pu/!\lrltl \ Apeep slt{J'uortre ee{ B sB (tea; aql se) >llelv puv\{lrlq/6, B e{BtuAeru Jeuueq srquo JaJEaAr aqr 'Aep rad acuo :sJelrod

'$lJBq Jleql uo sJauueq aseql rBe^\sret seruapel g' fu ry p* eruBIB q ro' Io qul,{s s,r at sEuI apBI qrlsrrro uB sr lerrds eqr Jo ratuef, aql ulqtl/)N 'u.ralled

8ur1e.uds aleuo uB ur sepelq Jo sperpunq stf,rdtp reu-ueq ua{ls pareneq pue paqsels sltlJ :uolrdprseq

sepPlg ̂lpPec eqlJo reuuPg

'ql Z rq8ta4t

:dB OSV'ZZ errrd 1c.ro uB aq lsnu roreerf, 'AI {llos p,LniDu uoururns' aJv.ti mo\ilftn ssp4' npt"ns8uol'ural 1snorpuorN UBrO :.{16 'If luortern[uoc a]Brepolnl



own weapons. No corpse focus is required. Undeadsummoned in this manner serve and obey theircreator without question and last for B hours oruntil destroyed.

Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Create \TondrousItem, animnte ded; Price 13,360 gp; Weight 7Ib.

Boots of Quel'ThalasDescription: Boors of Quel'Thalas are created of

soft leather tooled by the high elves' most skilledartisans, then trimmed in silver enchanted by elvenwizards to grant the wearer magical agility. Theyare often passed from one generation to the next inelven families.

Powers: The wearer of these boots gains a +7

enhancement bonus to his Dexterity, adding theusual benefits to AC, Reflex saves and other uses ofthe Dexterity modifier.

Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Create 'Won-

drous ltem, cat's grace, creator must be a high elf;Price 4,000 gp; Weight negligible.

Boots ofSpeeclDescription: These boots are a favorite among

orcish light infantry, where they provide a speedboost to leaders consigned to ground movement.The boots of speed are created using the tannedhides of kodo beasts treated to remain soft and

comfortable on the inside while protecting the feetfrom rocks and other obstacles.

Powers: These boots grant an additional30 feet tothe wearer's movement speed on land. This is con-sidered an enhancement bonus. If the owner iscarrying a medium load, the bonus is decreased to 20feet, and if carrying a heavy load, it drops to 10 feet.

Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Create \Uon-drous ltem, expeditious retreat, creator must be anorc; Price 4,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Brooch of the Crypt LorclDescription: The spider kings of Azlol-Nerub

created a number of these powerful elder items.More than a few of these brooches have made theirway into the hands of servants of the Scourge.Stylized to resemble the spider-like legs, outer shelland scything arms of a crypt lord, this gold and blueenamel brooch is a powerful protective item. In-scribed on the back of each brooch is the ancienttongue of the spider kings of Azlol-Nerub, denotingwhich crypt lord the wearer supposedly serves.

Powers: The brooch wearer may speak to spidersand other arachnoids as if the wearer understoodtheir native tongue. As well, all arachnoids andinsect vermin (including summoned vermin) im-mediately recognize the wearer as an emissary of thecrypt lords and they will not attack the wearerunless attacked first.

Upon command, the brooch covers the wearer's

body and face with a sturdy layer of segmented blue

and gold chitin plates that grant a +4 natural armorbonus. Scythe-like claws extend to cover the wearer'shands. These blades are considered scimitars for deter-mining damage and critical threats, and the wielderuses them as if fully proficient. The wearer also gains

the benefits of the Two Weapon Fighting feat when

using the claws.

Strong transmutation; CL ITth;Craft WondrousItem, maglc armor, maglc weapon, tongues; Price

46,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Cap of RaiclenDescription: Created by the pandaren geomancer

Raiden, these caps are wide and slightly conical,woven from specially treated bambus reed. Ironwire threads through the cap in a lightning-likepattern. Inside of the conical cap is a series ofpainted sigils. These sigils combined with the iron

thread give the cap its power. Once charged, the

threads glimmer with a soft blue light.

Powers: The cap offers resistance to electricity10. It can also store electricity touch attack spells ascharges (to a maximum of 1 0 charges ) . The user canexpend 1 charge to deliver a shocking grasp to a

target as if the wearer were a Znd-level wizard.

Expending 5 charges casts a lightning bolt as if the

wearer were a 5th level wizard. Casting electricitytouch attack spells on the cap will charge it, but itdoes not absorb electricity spells that target thewearer.

Moderate evocation; CL 5th; Craft WondrousItem, Iightningbolt, resist energJ , shockinggrasp; Price

30,000 Bp; Weight 1 lb.

Celestial Orb ofSoulsDescription: This crystalline ball, about 6 inches

in diameter, glows and swirls with ghostly shapes.Although it appears to be made of ordinary glass,

the celestial orb is virtually indestructible, with

hardness Z0 and 50 hit points. The device's unas-suming appearance hides a tremendous power.

s,a8rnoJs aqt enJes ol pateaJJ eJa/!\ suA{oJf asaqJ'peaq s(rareaa eqt lsute8e aslnd ot stuees qtlqr!\'aceyns eql urope saqorolds e{ll-poolq 'qslppeg'sauoq pauadreqsJo saryds [q palerorep,(uoqa peua-{rBIq Jo epeur sl u^\orr {rep slql :uolldrrf,seq

prolpPerc eqlJo u/!\or)

'ql 1 lq8ta4l :dF 000'tB erlrd

l1edo {rBIq dB 009'Z auo 'spleraura dB 000'I rno}'utopstm s (Imo 'Sutuunc s,xol ',topualds s ,a13na


s JD) 't1l8uaus s,Ilnq 'aJLtvtnpua s (roaq 'ulall snoJp

-uor6, etearO :qlZI lO luottetntusueJt Suorrg'snuoq erusrreq3 slr Surplo^

lnoqlr/n Suuanoc Jeqlo Jo Poot{ '*lt.{ B tllBeu

-Jepun uJoA\ aq tou ,teu PuB lols lauleq e satdnf,f,o

umorr eql 'af,ue8lllarul pue uonntnsuoO 'Atl

-ratxeCl ol snuoq lueuefuBtlua Z+ B PUB 'BlusuBtlS

puB ruoPSr/)N 'qlSuarls slq ol snuoq lueueruBque

fi+ B StIJBe uA{oJJ slql }o JaJBaA\ eql :sJaA{od'lsed 3uo1 s,tep ur

s8ur4 ueunq JoJ pateerJ ueqlJo IIB 'tslxe ot u^\ou>l

eJB sruatr an rssardut aseqt lo A\aJ e 't1ug '1edo {lBIq

SurmolS E punorrns splBretue a8ntl rnoJ 'peaqaro;

aqt JeAo JatueJ eqt uI pue lslutod U s (lrfttorJeqt UJoPE sadr{r snoIJEA }o sle/\{aI pue stueo 'sJeP

-roq eqt punore pue erelns eqt q8nortp Alarelllapueno^^, spuBJts unurteld ,tce1 Lq peteJorep plo8

Jo epBur sl u^roJJ enlsseJdrul slql :uolldlJtsaq

sturyJo u^ or)'ql

1 lq8ta4l :dB 005'terrrd '{lls raprds }o ue^o^t eq tsnru {Boll

'{lqtqts!ftu!'uratl snorpuo/N rJErO :ptt TO :uolsnlll IUIBC

'slleqo aplH uo snuoq ef,uBlstunf,JlJ

g I + v sure8 {Boll slqr }o rerBa^\ eqt 'paleu

-rrunlll ,{1lca.ilp l(usl lBqr BaJB ,tue ul :sJe/r4,od'sseuIJBP eql olul t{sluBn ol JaJEeA\

aqt s/r\olle 'spro1 raprds uBlqnreu eqt 'tq paraqle8

{lls ruory unds '>1eo1o {lBIq slql :uolldrrrseq


'ql g lq8ra4l :dB ggg'gb $lt4:ylarys ant (ruatl

snorpuo/)N etBero :.{l/ -Io luorleoo^e etEraPol^I'e8eurep

JIEI{ro; aABS xageg B /r\olle tetlt sIrBtlB LuoU a8eruepou se{Bt enBS InJSSarJns e uodn pue 's{f,Blle qJnstuog a8eurep jler{ l,1uo se{Bt raree^\ eqr ls>lcelle

pesBq-aru lsure8e uortJelord gtlrn JeJBe/K aql saPI^-ord IBoIJ aql 'tou ro SuturBU raqreq^t 'saultl

11ery '(tea;0I

) qrrot lerurou BJo uoltButurnf f l eqUIBt{

Aluo or lenba lq8tl JJo e^I8 pue teeq ou peqs sauBIJ

aqt tnq 'Sutrueg sI tl ellq/!\ erl; 8ur>1ool-rltslleer

gtlrn peunsuor sreadde {Bolr eqJ '(leulrou sB

a8eurep strrlJur llrts reIrBnB eqt) a4lrls Inlssaf,rnsB uo aSeureP arlJ,o slurod 9+9PI sre#ns atuBllB sI

tr elrq^A Ieolr slql Jo reree/v\ aqt {JBne ol suodea^\

pleqpueq ro [poq slt Sutsn ern]ea.rc Auy :sre^ .od'aelalu ur raq {fBttB oqA\

seJntearc Aue a8eurep letll satuep ut stdnJa eJBlJns

ratrro slr lpro^\ puetutuoJ eqt s>1eads pue peeq req

reAo pooq eqt s^\BrP rerBe/v\ eql lllun IBoll Parolor-tsnJ IBruJou lng r{neaq e sI slt{I :uolldrJJseo


'qt zlrlq8ra4t :dB g SZ' LI erlrd lplerauta dB OO0'1'utopstms (Iftno

'npual4s s ,a13na 'yl8uaus s ,llnq

(tuetl snorp-uo/)fi. etBaro :qloI 1o luotlelnlusuBrl elBraPol^I

'snuoq B(usrJBtlSslt Sutplon tnoqtlm ButranoJ reqlo ro pooq 'tuleq

B r.ltBsuJepun uJo/K aq lou Aeru PUB lols letuleq E

sardncro nlr4r eqJ 'drqsrapeel Jo stlert leuoltlperl

eqt 'BrusueqO pue uIopsI/)N 'qt8uarrs slq ot snuoq

luetuaJuBr{ue 7+ e SuJea JeJBaA\ eql :sJeA4,od'uleqt /,o1drua A\ou sJeJntuenpe /,ueut reql

relndod os uenord a^Br.l ,taqt tnq 'salgou ueunqJoJ paleeJf, aJelr stuatl aseqr rl seq pua8al 'uJOAr

s nlrnr eqt se 3uo1 sB ro; /,1lq8t1s 3utzno13 'peaqaro;

s(JaJBe/lt eqt Jano uA\oP s8ueq PIBJaUIa a3re1 a18urs

V 'aar8rlg runurteld gtlan plelut plo8 ;o epetu sI

rea8peeq Jo acard letuetueuro slql :uolldlrrsaq

,{lllqoNJo }eplIf

'ql 1 tq8ta4l :dE 008'ZSt

ef,rJd :poo8 eq lsntu JolEaJJ 'rtonJattnsal" anu'uall

snorpuo/N ateerO :tptl lC luouern[uoc Suorrg'(/,pnolr ere ser{s eqt }l uana s{ro^t

lra#e slql) dt setuoc uns eqt se rq8rl ot pesodxa sl rlse Suol sB esrJuns le Aep [rana a8reqc I se]BJaua8ar

qro eql 'sselelll PUB PauIBrP euoraq ulqll/v\ srolor

aqt 'papuadxa IIB are [aqt ueq^\ pue isa8req] 0I set{

qro eqJ '(sa8req) ,) uonrarrnsat anu ro '(sa8reqo

t) uonrarrnsar'(sa8reqc 0 Wap astnt'(a8retlo I)uotivurDJutar:suealu SuttrolloJ aqt ;o Aue q8norqlalll ot IlEq erntearr tetlt Suuq 'prom alSurs E qtl/v\'Aetu reunro s (qro eqt 'potrad tetlt Suunq 'spJeA^,aJ

rraqt ot uo Sutnoru pue Surdecse eJoleq etnulru I roJ

glo aqt Jo euseruep ,trynu eql uIr{lIAl uIBluaJ slnos

eseqJ 'Jau^ro slr Jo raet 09 ulqlln\ UIBIS aJnlEeJJ/,ue Jo Inos Suraag eqt sarntdeJ qJo aqJ :sJeA{,od



purpose and were given to those ranking high in itsservice.

Powers: If a horr-eVil creature attempts to put on oneof these crowns, the sharp tipsbend andpierce the skin,causing 1d6 points of damage for each round the crounis left on the creature's head. This damage ignores alldamage resistance. Ifwomby an evil creature, the croulnprovides a +Z enhancementbonus to Constitution andallows the creature to memorize one additional spell ofeach spell level; however, such bonus spells must befrom the school of necromancy. This benefit does notstack with similar abilities provided by other magicalitems such as a nngof wizardrl. In addition, the croqnrL'swearer can castfinger of dearh once per day as a spell-likeabiliry. Any damage dealt is retumed to the croqilr|swearer as immediate healing; should the targetbe slain,assume that the damage dealt was equal to the exactnumber of hit points required to kill the creature (..g.,

a target with 50 hit points would retum 60 points ofhealing to the crourrl's wearer).

Strong necromancy; CL 16th; Create WondrousItem, bear's endurance, finger of death, Iimited wish;Price 133,970 Bp; Weight 7Ib.

Diamoncl ofSummoningDescription: This item appears to be an ordinary

(if extremely valuable) diamond in all ways, exceptthat a faint flickering light emanates forth fromwithin. The gem maybe, but is not always, mountedin some other piece of jewelry, such as a ring oramulet, but if so, it does not take up that particularbody slot. Items of this sort are often given to aknight or similar character sent upon a quest, withinstructions not to invoke the gem's power untilher mission is complete.

Powers: The diamonl" can be given to any allyalong with a command word to be used to activateit. The diamondthereafter activates as the focus fora refuge spell, except that the item need not bedestroyed to activate the teleportation effect. Thediamond may not transport the original owner tothe user (normally available as an option for therefuge spell). The diamond may be used only onceper d"y and is linked to the original owner until therefuge power is invoked. Once the holder has usedthe recall power, the diamond may then be trans-ferred to a new owner.

Strong conjuration; CL 14th; Craft WondrousItem, refuge, 1,500 gp diamond; Price z 77,060 gp;Weight negligible.

Drek'thar's SpellbookDescription: This ragged tome is covered by "

sheath of carved wood kept sealed by interlockingteeth. Originally the property of the orcish sorcererDrek'thar, it reeks of powerful magic.

Powers: When found, this book contains a selec-tion of ordinary spells just like any spellbook would.These spells can be determined randomly or chosenby the GM. If selected randomly, there are 1d20+50spell levels inscribed in the book. In addition,several of the pages contain long-forgotten orcishrunes that can be invoked daily for special powers.Also, when its owner carries the book, it providesprotection against hostile magic.

Bonus Spells: If the owner of this book studies

spells from its pages, he may memo rrze 1 extra spellper level per duy. Each spell selected must be from

the book itsell present when it was found. Thesespells are in addition to any other bonus spells fromother items, such as a ring of wiTardry.

Dimensional Portal: One of the book's pages is

blank, but has an ornately designed border, like theframe for an unfinished painting. If the owner holdsthe book open to this page and speaks a certainorcish command word, a picture of his presentlocation appears within the frame as if drawn by upen dipped in blood. At any time thereafter, the

owner can speak another command word, and a

shimmering circular portal 6 feet in diameter will

appear before him. The book must be held open tothis same page when this word is spoken. The portal

remains in place for 1 round before closing onceagain, allowing the book's owner and anyone else

close enough to pass through, arriving at the origi-

nal spot drawn in the book. The image of thatlocation then disappears, leaving the page blankonce more, although of course it could be set againat that point. The page retains its magic for 1 monthbefore fading. Although the image on the page canbe changed at will, using the dimensional portal can

be accomplished only once per duy.

Spell Resisrance: For as long as the book is carriedon the owner ' s pe rson (no t w i t h i n anextradimensional space), the owner has spell resis-tance 19.

Spell Turning: Once per d"y, the owner can reada special page near the back of the book as a full-round action. Doing so activates a spell turningeffect that is treated as having been cast at the

reu/r\o eqt 'parrseP JI

'srnoq b ol dn rol luroJ uoSerp

ur surerueJ pue {ean\ rad eJuo petBAItfB eq uef,

33a aq1 'spueruruof, s(Jeud\o sll slIB/!\B pue x*eIEJppeJ B otur sruJoJsueJt 33a aqt 'patenllf,E uar{^4fi.' 'Jal

Jeereq petou se tdecxe taftnoQ snotpuoftn Io au1tn?{B JoJ salnJ aqt Sutsn suollf,un; tuatl slqJ :sJa^4.od

'tre Jo arald ,trrlenb-q8l.{ slqt peteerr reneoq^A ̂q

peppe slletep leuoltuatul lnq'renentoq'slleg tou eJB

esaql'af,Bpns s,33a aqt ssorJe IIB uees eq UBJ slrerf

Aurl (uorteunuexa esolJ uodn 'peJ rtrar; 'daep e peJo-lor sr proraqds atelqo qf,ul-t slql :uoqdlrrseq

ttg elprq 're^Aod snorpuo1 Jo auuntlg

' q b l Irq8ra4l :dE ggg' 17 a4r4 lslca tqo awunur'uat1snorpuo/)N uBrc :.ptl 1o luouelntusuBu 8uorls

'rnoq I or dn ro; Iuro; pren8uloop

ur surerueJ pue IeeA\ rad acuo patBAIlJB eq uBJ auttnS{

aqJ 'l,1purou s[aqo rl 'asl^ueqto laut] aql p o/oOg

ullg {f,Elle III^\ pren8uloop eqt 'alnJeaJr IEJtnau e ,{q

petenrtle JI 'ssefoJd aqr uI UIBIS sI Jo utH peuotutuns

or{A\ euo eql qlq aqlllun8urtq8g'qq s>lreue peetsul

pren8ruoop eqt 'poo8 sI rau^ro aqrll 'uoltsenb rnogrl/!\pepuBunuoJ sB suortrrulsul sF{,tago III^{ prenSruooP

aqt 'llna sI resn aql JI '{f,Bl]e

or ,tpear 'pueq uI pJo/v\s qtl/v\

:::::,j#:,'ffLX: aut"n7{ eql 'patenrl

- JB uaI-L/X\'JeUBeJeq Pelouse tdacxe rafttoQ snotpuorn

p au-tn?{ B ro} selnreqt Sutsn suoltf,unJ

tuell qql :sJe^4,od'punor8

eql uodn druolsol JI sB ol PesIErJoor{ a18urs B pue

PaqlraJlslno s/!\BIf

9llrlt uoueP InJ-eleq e stcrdap

l ettantels xAuo

{rBIq PanrBr,tlarecutul sltlJ


f luor.uac'JeMod snoJ puoMJo eullntg

'q Zl1 rq8ta4t

:dB gg9'Zl atg4 :;1a q8tq B eq tsntu rolearr '.tacuvy

-rr? Jrrrouauur s,(alry 'spunorn awrapour arnJ 'ual1

snorpuo/)N uBro :.pl -Io luorternluoo e]eraPol\

'["p rad plnbll ;o ad& qf,Ba ]o esop I etearr ol

epeur eq uBf, lpln eqJ 'aBBuIBplo stutod rlq / +BpZlo

PelBeq ,(lruersul eq o1 reqlqul aql sesnBf, IBIralBupar eqJ '(Surldrues rel{to etuos ro l1anal-ts I euo pue

Ie^el-puz o/nt :11ads la^al-ql9 euo ''3'e '�sle^al ,o

uorteulQruoc ,{,ue ur) [ep ]Bqt tsef, Llsnornard s11adseuBf,re Jo sle^el g ot dn /,puetsul IIBf,ar ot reu/v\o

eqt s^\olle rrxrle enlg eql 'plnbll qslpper ro pa8urr-enlq E reqlla qll/!\ IIIJ or ePBtu eq uBf, lt 'puetuluor

uodn 'rete^r Areurpro gtl,n palll; eq ot sreadde

Jeuretuor eqt 'pauturexe tsJIJ uaq/6, :sJaA{od'sturod rlq 0t pue OI sseuprBq seq reuletuor aqJ'rer{leel

Uos }o pueq B qlld\ dll eqr reno pedurelcsr {rBq patBerr ,(11eroads ;o raddots v

'plnbll rBelr

B qtl^\ pelll; 'sse13 elqelearqun dllenlrl^ Jo aPBIU

Ieln leroads B sB^\ stuetl esaqt Jo euo 'JetseJllads

Surtq8r; B sB reeJef, req ple ot stuall lercads lerenespeteerr BIIBT(qteA JIe q8tq eqJ :uotldlrrseq

PllPl, qlenJo |Pln peluPtpuf

'alqt8llSau tq8ra4t :dB 996'97af,rrd :p11m eqtJo plnrp E aq tsnu roteerf, 'LtotJD.ro$ar

rassal 'Sutuunc s,xot 'spunom awopoul atnJ (ruall

snorpuo/N UBrC :.{t6 -IO luotternluoc e]Brepolnl

llodsAaqr erolaq spunor g ulr{rl^r uetBa aq tsntu sqrel{

aqJ '11ads uortaro$ar l;.ssa1e Jo stlJeueq aqt 11e ,{uec

pue a8eurep jo stutod 6+gpz IEeq 'sat11e slq Jo ,{ue

ro Jlastulq ̂q peunsuof, ueq/!\ 'tegt sqraq Jo ralsnlf,

E qtroJ ̂rerp pue 3"q aqt otul qrear uBr plt,tt aqt Joplnrp aqt 'A"p rad ef,uo (uoltlPpe ul 'fi+ ot sesBarJulsnuoq eqr 're^eunoq 'PII/![ eqr 'o PInrP B ̂q PeIrrEfueq^46, 'aoua8lllelul ot snuoq tuerueruequa | + B

senrerer 8eq slqt Sutrea/n Jetf,BJetlf [tV :sJen4,od'puerl;o lq8rals q8norqt leets ol alqlssodult r1 8ur

-{Brrr Aqaraqt 'prom pueturuof, B gtl,lt peseelar lltuneraqt jlastl suetse; r1 '8urqrolf,

Jo alrlue reqlo /,ue

Jo rlaq s(Jau/ho eql ol Peqf,nol uaq^44. 'r{lool a18ursB qlr^\ 3"q aqt ol sdsell tBqt d"U dor B qtl/n raqteel

jo eperu sr reureluof, IIBtus slql :uolldrrrseq

q)nod s.plnJo

'ql t lqfte16 :dB 00t'L€Z ef,Ird lcrouB eq lsnru JolBeJJ 'aJtrJsrsat" ypQs 'ntnr4ua )llJuLudlnrrs,(a.my 'nopuorruatw (tuetl snorPuo/)Nrler3 :tp5I 'I3

luorte.rnfuoc puB uol]ElnusueJt cuolteJnl9e Suorrg'SJnoI{ tV7 n\B uJnleJ

spro/r\ eqt rn9 '{uEIq surnt e8ed aql 'auop st slqr

ueq/6, '(11eds teqt a{o^ul ot q8noua q8tq ,t11euuou

Ie^el E Jo lou sI eq JI uena) 1ana1 retser s(raPeer

EEWSBNIENTdtrE@&H& i;;;':,!.-:T....----;:.;l.i .-. -r:-. -/& :-l:y,,i-::.;\'':;...?;X-"=1p--:.d


can command a mature red dragon to appear in-stead of a drake, but if this is done, the figurineshatters when the creature reverts to statuette form.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft WondrousItem, animate objects; Price Z7 ,000 gp; Weight Il4Lb.

Figurine of Wonclrous Power, Frost SharclDescription: This item looks like a chunk of ice

carved from the purest crystal. \Uhen held, it seemsto draw body heat from its owner, chilling his fleshin a notable, but harmless, manner.

Powers: This item functions using the rules for a

figurine of wondrous power except as noted hereaf-ter. \Uhen activated, the shard transforms into afrost revenantxx with its weapon at the ready. Thecreature obeys as long as it is not given orderscontrary to its nature, such as to work alongside afire revenant, attack other frost-based creatures,and the like. Should these conditions not be met, orif the summoner is slain, the frost revenant goesrogue immediately and ac$ as it sees fit, eitherfighting if it feels victory is assured or fleeing romake its own way in the world. If the frost revenantis slain, or a full hour passes, it reverts to statuetteform. The item can be used twice per week, but notwithin 1 day of a previous use.

Should this figurine ever come into contact withaninferno stone, both objects explode, causing 6d6impact damage to all within a 5-foot radius.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft WondrousItem, animate objects; Price 20,000 gp; Weight Il}Ib.

Figurine ofwonclrous Power, Inferno StoneDescription: This item appears to be a black rock

shot through with red and orange streaks. Whenheld, flickering but harmless flames dance acrossthe object's surface, producing slight warmth againstthe skin. This fire is not actually hot enough roignite even the driest parchment.

Powers: This item functions using the rules for a

figurine of wondrous power except as noted hereaf-ter. When activated, the stone transforms into a firerevenantxx with its weapon at the ready. Thecreature obeys as long as it is not given orderscontrary to its nature, such as to work alongside afrost revenant, attack other fire-based creatures,and the like. Should these conditions not be met, orif the summoner is slain, the fire revenant goesrogue immediately and acts as it sees fit, eitherfighting if it feels victory is assured, or fleeing to

make its own way in the world. If the fire revenantis slain, or a full hour passes, it reverts to statuetteform. The item can be used twice per week, but notwithin I day of a previous use.

Should this figurine ever come into contact witha frost shard, both objects explode, causing 6d6impact damage to all within a 5-foot radius.

Strong transmutation; CL ITrh; Craft \TondrousItem, animnte objects; Price 20,000 gp; Weight IlZIb.

Figuri ne of Woncl rous Power, Stone TokenDescription: This chunk of igneous rock has an

oval-shaped smooth section hollowed out andcarved with unintell igible runes.

Powers: This item functions using the rules for a

figurine of wondrous power except as noted hereaf-ter. When activated, the token transforms into astone golem and awaits its master's command. Thegolem obeys all orders to the letter, interpretingthem with stubborn precision. If its master dies orleaves its sight, however, it forgets everything andgoes berserk, attacking the nearest creature withuncontrollable abandon. The item can be usedonce per week and lasts for 4 hours.

Strong transmutation; CL l Zth; Craft \TondrousItem, animate objecrs; Pric e 24,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Firehancl GauntletsDescription: These high-quality gauntlets ap-

pear at first glance to be made of a reddish-tingedleather, but upon careful examination their truenatLrre becomes obvious - they are crafted fromdragon's hide. \Uhile worn, they give off a softlyflickering red glow as if made of crackling embers.

Powers: These gloves provide a + 5 armor bonus toAC as well as fire resistance 5. Upon command, theycan be made to burst into flame, scoring an addi-tional 1d6 points of fire damage upon a successfulgrapple or unarmed strike. The gloves may not beremoved while flami.g, and if the wearer attempts tograsp anything, he could conceivably set it on fire(running one's hands through one's hair while wear-ing these gloves is not a good idea, for example).

Moderate transmutation ; CL 1 Oth ; Craft Magic Armsand Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, dragon hide, flameblnde or fireball; Price 49,I50 gp' Weight negligible.

GargoyleRobeDescription: This robe at first appears stitched

from a single sheet of thick grey leather. Once

aro,u.";'";'],]iff^:lii:ffi'frll'"1'#;";;il1 sa8ed eqt Surneal 'seqsruen {ooq eqt aplsul lBrreleu

aqt 'premrarlv ',(ltuaueuuad slurod 0I ^q lerot turodrlq slq Sursrer 'rarnod s({ooq aqt yllan pasn#ns}lasulqspul; A"p IInJ B roJ seunr puB suter8elp auerre eql8ur/,pnts auo,tuv 'lle^{ se Apoq aqt ot spuetxe asJnor

Jo r{llqn\ - Inos s(repeer eqt ueq8not puB uatlr8uerls

ter{t spro^\ pue sa8eut leortsr(ur gtlrlr paqlrf,sulare sa8ed aql 'peatsul 'Iooq eqt ulr{tl/v\ paddenueAllenrce aJB slnos ou 'etueu aql alrdsaq :sJeA4,od

'aurds eqr ruou seteu-Brue Sunurunq elqeerllou Alareq y 'poolq gtlnrpexrur xe^r gtlrn pelees elllnq {rltlt B Aq patretordsr aruot Arsnp 'pateoc-{lBlq slqJ :uolldlrrsaq

slnosJo aJlor.ulJD

'alql8llSau tq8re4t :dB gg7'bS e4r4 lslea; 11adgIIIrS pue IIedS peuarq8laH 'llads pepuetxg '11adg

a8reluE eqr eAEq tsnru JotBaJJ 'acpt7 s JDJ (tuetl snoJp

-uorfi. UErO :qttl 'If luortetnrusuert aterepolnl'passed e^Bq srnoq hT Wun I ^q sdorp ,buarxaq

ot snuoq eqt 'panordut sI 11ads B etult tlreE '[tp

rad serun 9 uerlt aJoru ou slleds anordurl ,{eu pue esnrad tuaruef,uerlua 11ads euo uerlt eJoru ou aplnord/,eru sano18 aseql 'Suuser

Jo tueruotu aqt tB apetusr esn ot 'Aue

I 'Arlllqe

IBIrads qclqrv\ Jo arloqr eqJ'aoe1d ur h111qe lerrads reqt qll/!\ 11ads eqt peredard

pBq pue tEaJ ateudo.rdde eqt peq aqs jl se ,(lrcexa

(ruaueruequa urnrurxeru la^al I ) Ilads peuetq8taqro'11ads pepuelxe '11eds pa8relue '11ads

lltrs B sB ll rserot tJales uef JeJBa/v\ aqt '11ads B qfns Sutlsec uee/X\'tuauoduroc f,Itetuos B qtIA\ s11eds Jeq Jeno IoJtuoJralear8 e sure8 osle JeJBeA\ aqr pue '9+ ot sesEeJJuI

snuoq slql 'retserllads auerre uE Jo spueq eqt ul'Alualxeq ot snuoq tueuef,uet{ua Z+ E epl^ord Latll'sano18 oseqr sJBeA\ Jelsef, eUEJJB-uou BJI 3sJelaod

'A\oqurBJ arll

Jo sanq 11e tlSnorqr a8ueqc pue rJlqs,(puersuor tBt{lsrolof, ;o [eue 8ur4rr]s B rltl/!\ nto13 pue Jatutulqsot ur8aq Aaqt 'esef, e Llrns ul 'relsefllads euBrJEue '(q uro^\ Iltun stellune8 reqteel Jo res rel{to /,uee{ll {ool sano18 rar{teal ulqt asaqJ :uolldrrrseq

'talsew lledsJo senolD'alqlSllSau lq8ra4l :dB ggg'SI arlrd :a$D\ 'urall

snorpuo/)N uBro :.p9 'lo luouelnl'usuBJ] lulEc

s a n ol B as eqr . r or' alr,','r':J;Jfrt iJ# :I,'Jl :r:Aq paunurelep st treJJe slqt Jo uorternp eql '11ads

a$D\ e Jo stf,eJ$a eqt repun q8noqt sB 'punor qreeSuunp uorlJe {JBuB ertxe uB aIBt,teul sano18 asaqr

Jo JaJBe/!\ eqt 'a8reqr e Surpuadxa uodl :sJan4,od'ace1d otur

'tlarncas pal{rnq eq uBf, teqt seno18 rel{teel pappnrsqfual-^4,oqle are aroy to saoolo :uolldlrrseq

elsPHJo senolD

'q1rq8ra4l :ffi SZI'BI erlrd :yfiuaus s,nry(tuatl

snorpuo/N UBrO :qrI I TO :uoltetntusuert eterepolnl

r rlaua q sr qr {,aqr r r prJ;l,T; ilJ;:HJ.';:l:;-urnfJ|J 0I + e gtl/y\ sPuBq slq Sutsn qrSuarls jo lBej

IBuauouaqd euo ldtuaue uBf, Jeun\o eqt 'A"p rad

eruo (uortlppe ul '(s>1caqr uI^\S ro qUIIJ roJ tunorplno^r ln9 'lllls durnf eq] ]o sesn tsotu ol l,1dde touplno^r snuoq slqr ''3'a) suue ro spueq slq sartnbar

teqr uorlJe [ue ro; qfuaJls o] snuoq tueueruequa

b + e s'q'll#l,i il,T:fi ;._ ill**i1ili", aqt uo srreq l,lltuq Surtnords uene 'a111-ul{s pue

pelJBuB sreadde af,Blrns peJnf, eql 'uoltelndtueul

3uU ro /Jtrotxaq or ,trleuad ou sJe#ns Jau/!\o aql

q8noqlle'paztsrano Alle.rnreuun readde sureeroj

pue spuerl s(reu^\o rleqt a{BU seno18 eqJ ',(11euuou

a8rel ro urnrpal\ 'llerus azIS jo erntBarr Aue tlJAaql ra,( puB 'ree^t ol 8rq oor rBJ eq ot eJue18 rsl; rereedde sano18 reqteel lllqr esaqJ :uoltdlrrseq

qltuerls erto Jo slellunPD'ql

I lq8ta4l:dB ggg'99 af,rJd '.atpts 'ur4sauots 'y4touQod'sulell

snorprronN UBrO :,{16 'IO luottetnlusuerl Suorrg'punor

I roj ue{Bqs arB eAES aql eleul

oql\ esoqt lspunor I +tpl ro; peuetq8tU eq ro (Zl

OC) a.tes III1N B aletu rsntu (anrrce sl rl ellq/y\) aqor

a1,to8.re8 aql Jo rerea^\ aqt Jo teaj O I ulqtl^\ qceo.rd. de oqiJi$

l:Hi ;l:l::l,JH,* :1,?" '02 e4J PUB 0z PIor'02 Plce ol efuBlslser sB lla^\ sB'uro; a1,to8.re8 aqt ur uaq^t eultuetuepe/g1 aouetslser

a8euep sJe#o Ieoll [uots eqJ 'enl]re etuoJeq ot astn8

antets eqt roJ repro ur {reql eplH 0z oc lryssaffnsE e{Bru pue fueuorlets uIBtueJ tsntu JeJBeA\ eqJ 'a1l'o8

-re? e SurlqureseJ enlels euols B Jo ItIJoJ aqr erunsseot Jelrod eql JaJBem aqr sant8 eqoJ aqJ :sJan4,od

'ruatl enllretord elqeplturoJB sr aqor a1("o8rn8 eqt 'sue1o a8ro;uor1 aqt jo suBI-pren8 uanJezrrp aqr ts8uoue pesn 'uoltetuJolsueJl

elqBIJErueJ B q8no.rqr seo8 JaJBe/r\ eqr 'patenttce

EffiSBNIIIKV1IffiINAHJLv;;u6;"-sr-E*r tr;.r\-#

TJHE RSIrePE ASru]Nr€ €AMIEStrong indeterminate; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous

Item, wish; Price 27 ,500 gp; Weight 4 lb.


Description: Healing wards are Horde roremsdecorated with fearsome faces to scare away evilspirits. They are also charged with magical powerby Horde shamans to mend the wounds of warriorswho rally ro rhe healing wards on the battlefield.

Powers: \Uhen the creature carrying the wardspeaks the command word, all allies in a 4O-footradius are cured of 1d8+ 10 points of damage. Thisexpends one of the item's charges.

'lUards are cre -

ated with 50 charges.

Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft 'S7on-

drous ltem, Enlarge Spell ,healingcircle;Price 43,000

Bp; Weight 15 lb.

Health StoneDescription: This polished, crysralline white

stone is translucent, so that anyone holding it up tothe light can see it has a reddish liquid at the cenrer.The bauble has hardness 10 and 20 hit points, burits owner can break it open at will with little effiorr.

Powers: The stone allows its bearer to recover 1hit point of damage every uninterrupted hour shecarries it on her person. The crystal may not be inan extradimensional space during this period. Ifdesired, the holder can break the stoneopen, releas-ing the reddish oil within. Any crearure uponwhom this liquid is spread is cured as if affected byahealspell. If used on an undead creature, this effectis treated as hnrm instead. Employing the oil in thismanner destroys the stone.

Moderate conj uration ; CL 9th; Craft \Tondrous kem,s.Lre cridcalwor,rnds; Price 18,000 gp; \Teight Il4]ft,.

Helm of BattlethirstDescription: These helmets are generally crafted

by orcish sorcerers and bear large horns, eyes and atoothy mouth screwed r.rp in a horrific grimace. Inmore civilized areas, they are sure to draw attentionto the wearer!

Powers: The wearer of this helm finds his musclesbulging and his hearr pounding at the thought ofcombat. He receives a +4 enhancement bonus to hisStrength and Constirurion, and has the ability to flyinto a greater rage (as the barbarian ability) once perd"y, in addition ro any similar abilities he mayalready possess. However, if he has not yer used the

helm's rage power, he must make a DC 14 \7ill saveduring his first action in any battle upon initiallytaking sight of an enemy. Should he fail, the grearerrage activates on its own, without waiting for thecharacter's conscious decision to use it. This ruleapplies only to the helm's greater rage power, not anyother rage abilities the character may possess.

Moderate transmutation; CL 1Oth; Craft \Uon-drous Item, buII's strength, bear's endurance, rage;Price 47,800 gp; Weight 7. Ib.

HelmofValorDescription: Though they can be decorated at

the whim of those who craft them, most helms ofvalor are as designed by their original creators -

winged blue helms marked with a white star.

Powers: In addition to providing a +Z armor bonus,this helm has 50 charges each of buT's srrenghand ca/sgace as if cast by u 5th-level caster. These charges areactivated by use of a command word.

Moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Craft MagicArms and Armor , buII's strength, cat's grace; Price77,000 Bp; Weight 3 lb.

Hoocl ofCunningDescription: This item is a blood-red hood that

fastens about the wearer's neck with a simple silverclasp. The fabric's edges are decorated with a shim-mering gilded weave. The hood may not be womwithout draping it over the head - if the ownerattempts to do so, it always flops back into place on itsown, as if pushed upwards by a firm but gentle breeze.


\ rt (

l 1

/,sea uqlr/v\ Jo urIS s(Jeu/v\o aqr Surqcnol sr la/v\e[ eqrse 3uo1 os 'uouf,E aag B sE JoJ pellef, sr aABS eqt tuetu-otu aqt euop eq uer slrlJ 'eABs apnrlrrog a18uls €uo snuoq eJuBlsrunJJIJ 0I + e Sururea 'uorlcatord struodn IIEo pue lalral eql dser8 uBf, rereaq eq] '["p redef,uo 'uortlppe ul ('sueaq a^Bq tou op teqt seJnleeJf,ro} uorlfunJ lou seoP ,trrlqe qql) 'uonntrlsuoS

ot snuoq luelueJuBque )+ e {ll,tt ullg saptnord

PUB tEeqtrBaq s(reu/v\o aql seqrlBru tqStl Surqsepslr 'p1aq rsrrJ sl tl raUB rnoq euo 'tols lpoq cgrcads,tue ur pa,toldura aq lou paau t1 'la1af,Brq ro ureqr Buo petrlJ punoJ uarlo sr ua8 eqt q8noqrlv :sre/trod

'f,r8eur lercads slr petef,

-lldnp e^Bq sJaqto 'uaqt eruls 'slerrl srq Suunp enrleurlg dae4 dl".{ or re8pBq) prezr/\{-qf,re eql [q pale-eJr sB/r\ sla/t\e[ lelcads asaq] ]o lsrrJ eql 'tEaqrrBeq

s.Jeu^\o srl qf,tBru ot srJlqs ,t1pnper8 ulrpr/K ruorySuua>1rlg eqt 'ureqc B uo Ireu eqt punore papuep roratreret{r B ̂q plt.{ ueq711 'rqBII reuur uE r{tr/r\ r{sBUot sruaas 'sts[qteue [uu [q p"punouns Surtrg runu-yle1d B ul tas 'puor,uerp ssel/v\Bg slr{J :uoqdlrrseq

qllPeH Jo ureD s.rPtpPq)

'ql 0t tqfta16 :dF 000'�09 aclrd taruatstsa-L'a$ml (ruell

snorpuo/)N atBero :.{r0 t 13 luonetmusuBrt erBrepow'seABS ePnltuoc IIB uo snuoq afuBlslsaJ

| + B ureS oslB serllB 'uonrppe ul '11ads a$ml B

Jo stre#e eqr repun JI se lce /,eur snrpBJ loo;-gg B ulsarlle 11e

'peAeld are sunrp eseqt ueq711 :sre^4,od'ef,uBrnpue pue paads

lecr8eur gtlrn eproH eqt Jo sJorrrE^r eqt anqur uer

ter{t aJuDrnrya Io o&?upf auroreq ot suerueqs qsrf,roLq petueqrue ueuo ere tnq 'sarrueue ereplurlrul/,1uo lou stseeq opo{ Suuaqunl dole q8tq ruory

paLeld rE/!\Jo sunrp Suuapunqr aqJ :uorldlrrseq

e)uPrnpuSJo ottuPf'ql

9'lq8ta4t:dB 008'82 arrrd lnqays arnJas s (plrDuroa-I


snorpuo/N UBrC :r{18'IC luorternluoc eterepol\'lSnp ol salqlunJJ

Je/v\ol /Jonr eql qllq/n JauB 'seurrl 0g Je/r\ot eql

a8relue ot pesn aq /,eur pJo^r pueruruor urBru aql'rq8raq relnuls E ruo{ slle} stranar lr uaq^\

re/\{ot eqt eplsul euoAuy 'ruro} Iepou ot suener

,{lruersul tl uar{/!\ 'prom puerutuof, ureur eqt Jo esnJeqlouB lrtun Jo sJnoq zI JoJ surBruer Ja^ror eqJ

'pJo/n puBturuoJ puoJes E Jo esn eql gtlan

Pa{rol euBf,rB eq IIe uBr slrls /r\orrB eqt re^o pasolraq uef reqt sratlngs eqt pue 'dot s(Ja^rot aqt tE

Joop derl eqt 'roop re^rol eqJ '(stuer8 ro [raurqfBtua8ars Aq rseo tros aqt tou rnq) salrsslu lerurou olsnornJedurl sl U

'euols IBJntBu eJe^\ ll Jl sB eJrJ puu

sarueu stsrsal pue Surplrnq auots IEruJou E sE SuortssE sr tl - asr/KJeqlo Aluncas alqBJaPrsuoc aptnord'ranamoq 'saop 8ur11aznp eql 'guednf,f,o stl puerl stra#e /,1asre^pe reaq eruenxa 'aroyaraql '(s11ent

str jo serlrlenb uortBlnsur IBrntBu eqt ueqt raqto)af,Jnos Surlooc Jo Surreaq ou seq Jel\ol aql

'llBA\ PetEIIeueJf IIBI-looj- g

E ̂g papunorrns turo;teld e otuo roop den e q8no.rqrsa8reua rappel eqr '1ana1 loo;- gZ eq) or dn Surnurl-uo3 'strls A,oJJE tuetsrprnba I rno arlJ uBf, sJaqf,JeaJaq/\{ )ile/\{reo JBInf,lc apl/t\-tooJ- g E sl dn laa; 7 1lpremdn speal ratuaf, s(ruoor aql ur reppel V


t pue 'a1ger relnf,rrc e 's4unq i, qttnn ruoor [tp pue

ueelr e sI Joop [prnts s(Jo^\o] eqr eplsul 'retatuelp ul

lae,5I PUB IIEI lee' 0t re/!\ol euols ellq^r B aruoraqot smor8 lepoul eqt 'ua>1ods pro^\ puBlutuor eql

pue ef,B3:ns B uo paceld sr tuatl qqr ueWX\ :sJe^4,od'tsBeq oPo{ B }o s{snt eql

r.uou penJef, Ja^\ol pren8 B Jo lepoul ller-qf,ur-g E sI

laftnoi xt"om uE 'uuo; alqelrod stl ul :uolldrJtseq


'ql I lq8ta4l :ffi ObZ'g actr4 listut8uuncsgo 'ual1

snorpuo/)N rJEro :.116 'I3 luouernfuoo alBraPohl'["p rad ef,uo ]nq u^\olq

aq r{eur uroq aqJ 'rblncrglp lnoqtl/!\ lr q8no;ql aes uerserlle srq pue rau^\o eqt teql tderxe lslur Sulmcsqo uBe{ll urqlr^r 1p Surrrage '*o.{ aqt Surmolq lenpl^lpulaqr punorB snrpBr too!-97 B sllu ,(1>1crnb 8oJ sF{J'11ads grul?ulmcsqo uB Aq ptprnord teqt ot relnuls 3o;asuap B qtro; smads uJor{ eqt 'umo1q uaq/6, :sraA\od

'pue repr^r eqt tuo5 ateueua Lpel-n8er e{ous }o sJJnd 11eurg

'qlSuarls leueuoueqd

Jo erntBarf, B ̂q tnoqe paqruarm ll sB 'adetls oIII-A{,eJfSIJor tsorulB uB olul [llernrBuun pelsl/n] sIuJoq uernet panJer l^larecutur sltlJ :uolldrrf,seq

spnolf eqlJo uroH

'alqlSllStN lq8ta4X :dB

000'tt ef,rJd iutopnrn s (Ifino'Sutuunt s 1ol (tuetl snoJp

-uo/)a. UEJS :,{t6 'Io luorlelnl'usuBJt elBJePol\'pul,n Apears B Aq uaolqll se smolllQ pue tno slfl; poorleqt 'auop sr snlt ueq/fi, 'Iraql

lltls peseq-uopsr/)NJo -eJua8r11aru1 a18urs Aue uo snuoq ef,uetsrunJJrf

0I+ B pPB uEf, eqs ["P rad eruo'uorllpPB ul'ruoP-sln6 pue acua8rllatul raq ol snuoq tuerueruequa

fi+ E saAIaJeJ Pooq qql Jo JaJeaA\ eql :sre^4.od

reach. Upon using this power, the gem goes dark for

T4hours and does notprovide its Constitutionbonus

until that period has elapsed.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft WondrousItem, any prorccnon spell, bear's endurartce,7,000 gp

diamond; Price 47,480 Bp; Weight I l7lb.

Khaclgar's Pipe of InsightDescription: The first of these pipes was carved

by the arch-wtzard Khadgar while he studied withthe acolytes of Dalaran. Though the look of subse-quent pipes of insight has varied slightly, most appearsimilar, with a stem of gnarled wood and a deep

bowl made of yellowed bone.

Powers: When the pipe is used, it emits a cloud

of fluorescent smoke that spreads around the user in

a 75-foot radius. Everyone in this area for an hourgains the effects of a full night's rest (including

healing and regained hit points). Spellcasters mayprepare spells and meditate during this hour.

Faint conj uration; CL 5 th; Craft Wondrous Item, cwremadcrate wounds; Price 12,000 gp; Weight negligible.

Legion Doom-HornDescription: These large horns are carved from

the tusks of the mightiest kodo beasts and ringedwith hairs cut from the heads of fallen orcish

heroes. The interior of a doom-horn is blackened as

if gutted with flame, but is smooth and cool to thetouch.

Powers: Once per duy, the owner can blow thishorn as a full-round action, producing a tremerl-dous, resounding bass note that reverberates across

the battlefield. The individual blowing the horn

and all his allies within 60 feet of her position areinstantly cured of Zd8+9 points of damage. Inaddition, all subjects increase their base land move-ment by 30 feet for 10 rounds. This bonus does notstack with any other speed-enhancing spells oritems, such as hnste or boots of speed.

Moderate conjuration and transmutation; CL1 l th; Craft Wondrous ltem, expeditiousretreaL masscure moderate wounds; Pric e 77 ,7 Z0 gp; \7e ight 5 lb .

Lightning CloakDescription: The cloth of this blue cloak is

threaded with hair-thin strands of copper, giving it

a metallic sheen in the sunshine. 'When

the corrr-mand word is spoken, sparks of electrical energydance across the cloak's surface.

Powers: Any creature using its body or handheld

weapons to attack the wearer of this cloak while it is

activated suffers 1d6+5 points of electricity damageon a successful strik. (the attacker still inflicts dam-age as normal).Those using metallic weapons (such

as a sword or an armored gauntlet) suffer an addi-

tional Id4 points of electricity damage. At all times,

the cloak provides the wearer with resistance to

electricity 10.

Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft WondrousIrem, fire shield, Iightning bolt; Price 54,000 gp;

Weight 1 lb.

ManaStoneDescription: This crystalline sphere is a translu-

cent, smoky black color. Inside, a turquoise liquid

seems to swirl about, as if waiting to be released.The mana stone has hardness 10 and Z0 hit points,

but its owner can break it open easily with only the

slightest pressure from his fingers.

Powers: A stone captures some of the essence of

any magic spells its owner casts. For each hour thatpasses, the owner may recall one level of spells he castso long as he was holding the stone throughout thattime and has not been without it in the interveningperiod. For spells higher than lst level, the ownermust wait a number of hours equal to the spell's level,

e.g., 5 hours recalls one 5th-level spell. The owner is

not required to expend all available levels at once; soif, for example, he is waiting for a 6th-level spell but

leur8uo eqt olur alquesseeJ puB 'roog ar{t ssoJf,E

IA\BrJ 'ul pappaque er,/,aql Janeteqn\ Jo tno senles

-rueqt IInd sacard stl 'sapoldxa tl raUE 'uortrppe

ul 'e8euep ot tou 'tlq ot ,i1uo snuoq stl sarldde

rnq 'apouat8 f + B sB stfe efr^ap Jelnrrtred slrlJ'adr(l

tuatr Jrseq aqt Jeno I Aq pasBeJf,ur sr Surle; uorl-f,unlleu er{t 'cr8etu ppB teqt sruetr 1eer8o1our.lf,el/,ueru gtlan sV 'stueruaJuequa

leor8eur qsrruou8gllrn /!\oq-/\{ou{ IBJruBrlJeru ur1qo8 Surplaru 'srea[

luef,er ur dn paddo:o e^Bq teqt sarr^ap 1eor3o1-our.{Jel A\eu IBJeAesJo auo sr ruetr slrlJ :sJe^,r.od


lecr8eu-ourlf,et ul tseJetur Aue seruep at1 tlSnoqrle'pnaa51 rotuenur urlqo8 '{repua8al aqt Aq pate-eJJ tsJrJ /,lpauodrnd sB^\ uatr slr{J 'du8 lce;rad eroJ se{Bru af,B}rns pateert Allercads aql ',t1ara1druor

pelquesse ueqr6. 'alzznd mes8r I leuorsueurp-eerqt v aIII 'sacard SurlcolJetur Jo raqrunu B Joeperu sr qtuoq pleq-pueq '11erus slrlJ :uorldlrrseq

eppuerD esn-lllnw tulzeuv s. I IneeN

'ql Zl1 rt13ra41 :dB O0g'Vf. arq4 ttopual4s s ,a13na

'yt8uaus s,llnq (ruatl snorpuo/N rlerO :.pgl TOiuortern[98 lt{8ll pue uor]BtnrusuBrt alerapol\

'stJe#a JEoJ IIE tsure8e snuoq eleJoru

fi+ e grlm rarEe^\ eqt saprnord (uatl slqt 'Brusrr-ErlO pue qr8uarrs qroq ot snuoq tuetueruerlua b+E ol uortlppe ul 'tr sarueduocf,E leqt uoqqlr Apne8eqt tnoqtr^\ uro/r\ aq tou [eru puB ]ols [poq lalnues(JeJEeA\ eqt sardncco uolllepetu slqJ :sJa/r4,od

'lsJo/Y\ lB PaPunodulttuatl aqt pue patserre Jlasraq pulJ Aeur puB 'lsaq teuodn pau^\og eq lllrv\ uortezrroqtne tnoqtr/r\ slepatueseql jo euo Surream auo,tue 'l{,uue ueunq eqlur suortBJof,ap ,hetlllru eq ot paraplsuoJ eJB sruatresaqt aruls 'uogqlr ̂\ollaA-pue-per B uo {f,eu eql

punore Sueq puB enlq Jo pleg E uo rets paturo d-b "

Jo ruroj eqt e{Bt A.qI'uoraeprol}o seoreq peterqe-lef, tsoru eqt ot spJEA\B sB uanr8 aruo eJo/n [aqlltstxa lltts slepatu esaqt Jo /!ra} [ran :uolldlrrse0

ete;no3Jo uo!lppew'ql

Z lq8te4l:dB OOZ'S arrrd lrarunq ^roper{s IIon e Lq eperueq tsnuru {seru eqt 'llna uo$uonrator{ 'Wapun panp(luetl snorpuo/)N UBrO :pr[ TO luor]ernfgB ]urEC

'11ads llna utotl uonraior4

B jo stralJa aqt raPun are^\ eq jl sB sraprstno puBpeepun 'strlds

IIna tuou ratunq /v\oper.{s eqt st)el-ord {setu eqt (uortlppe ul 'ralunq ^\opeqs aqt }o

teal og ulr{tl/v\ lr;rds ro erntBerf, alqlsl^ur ,(ue slBe^-ar l^llerrteruotne {selu eqJ 'seJntBaJJ

learodrocutpue elqlsl^ul eas ot furpqe eqt sute8 eq '1seul

slqt uo stnd retunq /v\opetls B ueqrN :srelrod'JaJtsa/K aqt r.uJBr.l or 8ur>1ees esoqt puB slurds IIna

ruory uortfelord epl^oJd s4seur eseqJ 'asn sJatunq/nopBqs Aueur tBqt snf,o} e sr 'plalqs

lleurs elo azrs eqll,11eldAl'4seru pa^Jef, 'uapoo^,\ sltlJ :uorldlJJseq

Po'l eqlJoISPW

'ql t lg8tenN :dB gg9'gS

aJrJd ilrna eq tsntu JotBeJJ 'x1loc \ivap nlpat8'urall

snorpuonN UErO :.ptI lO luouelnrusue.rr Suo.rrg'stols Apoq reulaq pue aAa eqt qroq dn sa>1Bl {sBtueql 'urorlt allqrN 'tuatr aqt senotuar aq lltun le^alanrte8eu I salraJal JetJBJBr,lf, eqt '>1seru eqt sJea/v\EJNIBEJf, IINE-UOU E }I

'PA^OTUEJ SI {SBI.U Aq] IITUNro rnoq I ot dn .ro1 tsEI slutod llq Brtxa asal{J 'le^el

ratrererlr req elqnoplo runurxeru E ot dn slurod l1t1fueroduel aJnpoJd'parn[urun sI eqs]l'Jo'pautetsnssBr{ JaJBeA\ s({sBru aqt sPuno/h z{ue IBeq slurod

trq esaqJ '(punqro$ E tuou a8eruep plor Brtxe sB

qrns stuerueJueque lerf,ads Lq pepl^ord asoqt toutnq 'sasnuoq

leor8eur /,ue Surpnloul ) perors a8euepeseq aqt ro la^al retfBreqr raq jo ressel eql ol

lenba sturod tlq sure8 ,{larerpeuul eqs 'tequor ul,(uaua uB slrq JaJBe/rr eqr Jenaueq/N 'xxpJolpeeJp

E Aq pernpord leql ot TBIIUIIS ErnB rtrtduren e riq

patf,eto;d sI tuetl IIne slqt Jo rere.l tqf :sre^4,od

lmor8 lernlln8 eelll quoj srann af,Ion req 's4eads rereel\ eqt ueq/K'sranresqo [ue o] per mo13 ot sruees ter{t plalqsAsse18 B qtrn\ peJenof eruoJaq sla{Jos a/,a aqt 'uJozr\

ueq/x\. 'qseu 8urnr1 otur arlg or ,(pear jl se ualsrlSot ruaas s8ue; eqt allql\ 'sree eqt pulqeq punore puepeeqeroj eqllo tno IrEq pue dn dea^{s surol{ pe^rnlsnopueuerJ 'ef,EJ s(uouaP e Jo ssaueIll eqt ur

penrer sr {sBru Auoqa f,r}rJJorl slrlJ :uolldrrrseq


'ql hl1 lq8ta4l :dF

000'8 I ef,rJd intuurlua Jruouauuls, (amy (ruetl snoJp-uo1)a, uBrS :.116 1o :uortBtnrusuBrt atBrePol^J

'euols aql s/,orlsap razlrodslqr Sursn 's11ads paredard rsel reu^\o eqt erurs tsers11ads IIB sarotser 'peaqaro; aqt ssorre paqqnr uar.l^/v\'tlrltl^,\ plnbll qslnlq e Sutcnpord 'uado tI

Ieerq uerseuols eseql Jo auo Jo Jeu^{o eql 'paau arlP }o sel'urlul 'elqBIrB^E

le^el euo e^Bq lltls PUB lr esn uBr aq'11ads

le^el-pr€,e spaau eq tBr{t srnoq b raa}e saprrep


grenade. This process takes 3 rounds to complete,after which the device can be recovered and used by

whoever was able to pick it up. If any of its parts

cannot reach the main body within 10 rounds (s&y,

they flew off the side of a cliff during the explosionor sank into a lake), the grenade's magic is lost.

Faint transmutation; CL 7th; Craft \TondrousItem, mending, caster must create the grenade him-

self; Price 4,040 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Neevi I's Increcli ble Flying GyroparasolDescription: Another item supposedly invented

by Neevil, this device is more likely a knockoff ofthe original design enhanced by magic. The item

resembles a standard gyroparasol, but is made of

higher quality materials and has a special, mal-leable handgrip that adjusts to fit its owner's fingers.

Powers: Like most techno-magical items, thisitem's malfunction rating is increased by 1 over astandard gyroparasol. It does, however, possess 5

additional hit points due to its quality construc-

tion. If properly used, it eliminates up to 4d6 points

of falling damage. In addition, it can both leqtitate

and fly once per duy. To use the former power, thegyroparasol must be used in an area with light or nowinds, or it will automatically fail. For full flight,the winds must be moderate or less, and the user

must spend his entire action every round control-

ling the gyroparasol's flight (even if it hovers inplace). Both powers operate for only 10 rounds per

d"y and are activated by throwing a special switchon the handle's tip.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft '!Uon-

drous ltem, fly, Ieqtinte, caster must create thegyroparasol himself; Price 16,350 gp; WeightZIb.

Neevi I's Spectacular Voice-Activatecl BombDescription: These bombs have no fuse or other

apparent triggering mechanism. They look likespheres made of iron, with only a single flat surfaceto keep them from rolling away if placed on evenground. Although these are usually referred to as"Neevil bombs," Neevil himself denies ever in-venting such a weapon.

Powers: This bomb conforms to all the rules of anemplaced bomb except that it requires no fuse ortrigger, and has an MR of l-7. Instead of a fuse, thedevice detonates when it hears a pre-arranged deto-nation word. To prevent accidents, the word is not"programmed" into the bomb, but set by the owner

just prior to use. The owner places the device where

he wants it to be, puts his hand atop the smooth

surface, and says "Activate Explosives" followed by

the word he wants to invoke detonation. The bombthen arms itself and waits to hear that word. It willwait up to a week before its magic runs out. Onceactivated, the bomb may not be disarmed; and every

time it is moved, a DC 15 Use Technological De-

vice* check must be made to avoid setting it off. The

trigger word must be spoken in the original languageused to arm the bomb. The device has an effective+70 bonus on Listen checks in situations where itsability to "hear" a command word is in question.

Faint transmutation; CL 7th; Craft \Tondrous

Item, caster must have 5 ranks in the Listen skill

and must create the bomb himself; Price 370 gp;

Weight 10 lb.

Periapt ofVitalityDescription: This golden amuletbears a large, raised

rune over a deep-red ruby that is warm to the touch.

Powers: Once per d"y, the periapt can grant its

wearer ZdB temporary hit points. If these hit points

are not lost in combat, they go away in 8 hours.

Moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Create \7on-drous ltem, aid; Price 18,000 gp; Weight Il7 lb.

Runecl BracersDescription: Only in recentyears have sorceren leamed

to recreate the magic in these powerful afiifacts, golden

bracers inscnbed with ancient and unurtelligible runes.

Powers: These bracers come in several rypes thatgrant the wearer varying degrees of spell resistance

when wom. The spell resistance can be SR 13, SR 1 5 ,SR 17, or SR 19 depending on the specific bracers.

Moderate to strong abjuration; CL 15th; Craft

\Tondrous Item, spellresistance; Price 5,000 gp (SR

13); 10,000 sp (SR 15); 17,000 sp (SR 17);26,000sp (SR 19); Weight 5 lbs (set).

Scourge Bone ChimesDescription: A set of chimes made of human and

animal bones connected by cords that glow with aneerie luminescence.

Powers: These chimes may be struck once per

d"y, causing a deep resonation that grants the user

the ability to make a vampiric melee touch attack(as vampiric touch cast by u lOth-level caster).

Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft \TondrousItem, vampiric touch; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 8 lb.

lqftl Sureem sI rau/ho eqt fl pasn aq Aluo uEf, sramods(ueulslpt at11 '^{onp Surnes lryssef,f,ns E qtlrv\ a8euepou se{Bl JeJBe/v\ s(uBruslpr aq1 'aSeuleP

JIEII Jo} /lroJLpSqnes xege5 e ldurele ot ratJBJBql e s/lroile ,\puuou

lBr{t tre#e ,{ue ot pesodxa I 'arrBu eurBs aqr }o &IIIqeanSor aql sqe8 ueursrlBt slrp Jo reJea/v\ er{L :sJa^{od

'par{oldrue aJE sramod str uaqzrn rq8rlgll,n saslnd teqt puoruelp anlq e8rel B pue salqddesgll,n pele/!\e[aq st ]elnuB plo8 slqJ :uortdrrrseo

uolsP^f Jo uPr.usllPl

'ql 1 tq8ta4l

:dB ggz'91 arrrd :111 ntsuour uoururns 'ruat1 snorp-uo1)fi. uero :.{l0I 1o luortern[uoc a]Erspolnl

'["p rad aruo pasn aq uer rEIIor

puB qseel aql 'Suueaddesrp eroleq rnoq I ot dnro; sureruer reIIBts IaJ eql '(uo os pue rpreJ 'pren8'leeq) spueruruof, eldrurs Jaqto r{,ue uanr8 Jo sanuaues(JelsEru slr {JBllE o1 PesBaleJ aq ueql ,{,eur eJnlBeJf,eql 'rBIIor eqt ult{tl^l sreadde qllqrv\ 'x

xre{letsIaj e uoruruns ot pJonl pueruruof, a18urs e >1eadsuer reu/r\o eqt 'Aem slqt plaq sl r{seel eqt ellq71A,'lsBeq

PeuIBJl e jo Jeuueru aql ur sleeq s.JeuA\oeqt te s/lrolloJ pue puets ot parcadxa eq plno/v\8op a8rel B ereqA\ ,(lrcexa uorlrsod e ot sllB; lr 'paseel

-ar rEIIof, aqr PUB PIeq sl qsEel eqr JI :sra^4,od'aprsul sr Surqtou q8noqt uane '1cau

s(punor{ B punoJe peddem Llnrt eJeA\ rl JI se 'saulrt

IIB tB uado [ll.] sureruer rBIIor aql 'r{sBel u/r\ostr qtl/r\ seulor pue sa4rds peqreq Sur4ool-pa{rr/!\gtl,n pa8uu sI rBIIoo 8op {rBIq slqJ :uoyldrrrseq

TPIIoJ leJ peIIdS'qlz tq8ta4r :dB 00t'g acu4 :tsval ;aor^l (tuatl

'qlZl1 lq8ra4l snorprro/)N UBrO:qllI lC luonern[uor e]Brepol\:dB 000'6 erlrd lqam 'luatuanou

lo uopaa$ 'uall .ef,uo pesn eq,{1uo ,{,eusnorPuorN UErO :.{t6 13 luotlernfuoc etBraPol/{ urefie 'trslqr ro ,trfiunr

'pro/!\ pueruruoc a18uls B gtlrn ZI rcltwal ;aon\BJo slrJauaq aql ruollre prepuets e se 11ads qaftn B ̂rorr1t uer reu/Ko srqt,o a>lerred oq^\ ^

:[]' :TJJ],:,tfi :Ti:l :f# ;J,'�$l' ill,'ff : l.l;:H :::il::ffi'5 osle uer aH 'sqa^r raprds /,q padderrua ro pe/\{ols dn;ora8unqaqtBurtes'{tt tt eq touuef, pue 11ads qam e }o slf,eJta eqt B qtr/!\ peteof, lseor aEol aunlxull sr qrooJq srqtJo JeJBe/!\ aqJ :sre^4,od ll 'aJIJ B JeAo pa{oo:

'oB ra1 or rl slll,tt reu/r\o eqt llrun ereqt s8urlopue Surqrolc /,ue otJlastr seqJEuB tr - uratl qqt ree^tot perrnbar sr urerlf, ro uld oN 'plur{rere uB Jo esoqleTI prB/Ktno puetxa rer{r suuB peturot /,1d:eqs rqSra ro;

tdecxa '{lls raprds ruog,(1ata1druof, uelo^r uaaq seq rlq8noqt sB s>lool r{roorqra^lls a8rel slqJ :uondr.rrseq

q)oorg Illsreplds

'{ror Jo {unqf, E;o tq8le^r pue lae} aql

serl uell araldruor eqJ 'a8elyods ruor; urqtr/r\ {Barsaqr Surtcalord pue Sursecua 'pllos rnq 'lsrour tousr 'renell\oq '8ulteof, eqJ 'etuIIS qsr^\ol1aL;o pul{aruos gllrn peJenoJ eq ot lsJr} lB sJBedde tBaru /r\EJelqelllruaprun jo {unqr IIBUIS slqJ :uopdrrf,seq

lsPou ea?ltreruurlqs


armor or no armor. If the character alre"dy has evasion as

a special abiliry, this talisman provides no funherbenefit.

Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Create WondrousItem, cat's {ace; Price 77,750 gp; Weight Il}lb.

Talisman of Evasion, GreaterDescription: This amulet looks almost identical to a

standard talxman of evasion, except that the diamond at

the center is of the purest white. As the higher qualiry of

its diamond suggests, this item is a much more adaptiveversion of the basic nhsman of eorcion.

Powers: If the wearer of this amulet does notpossess evasion as a special ability, the greater talis-

man provides it. If the wearer already has evasion,

this ability is upgraded to improved evasion, so that

the owner takes half damage even if his Reflex savefails. If the wearer already has improved evasion, it

is upgraded to supernatural evasion, which quarters

all damage even on a failed save. In all cases, thewearer also receives a * 1 luck bonus to Reflex saves.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Create 'Won-

drous ltem, cat' s grace , divine faonr; Price 44,7 50 gp;

Weighr I l7 lb.

Tome of RetrainingDescription: This small book looks more like a

notebook than a full-fledged arcane tome. Clearly

written instructions inside the front page explain

the item's purpose to any interested reader. Atty-

one reading these inst ruct ions must decideimmediately whether or not to employ the tome'spower; if they choose not to do so, it closes itself tothat individual forever.

Powers: Any character of 10th level or lower can

read this book. Characters of a higher level see onlyblank pages. Once the book's magic is invoked, thereader loses all feats he has leamed over the course ofhis career, including those gained at lst level, with thesole exception of feats that can only be chosen atcharacter creation. The reader must then spend 3 full

days studying the arcane writings and instructions

that appear in the book's pages in response to his owndesires. After that period has elapsed, h. may select anentirely new arrangement of feats, essentially replac-ing the ones he lost with new ones. Each new feat takesthe place of ones eamed at specific points in his careerand must follow all the applicable restriction i.e.,

a new feat replacing one taken at l st level is ffeated as

having been selected at lst level for purposes ofprerequisites. A character may not select a feat that

may only be taken at character creation and must

meet all prerequisites per the nolrnal rules. Should the

3 -day study period be intemrpted for any reason, other

than eating, sleeping, and at most I hour of other

activities, the tome's magic isbroken and the character'sold feats retum at the end of the delay period. Regard-less of the result, the tome only works once, crumbling

to dust when its magic is expended.

Srong transmutation; CL l8th; Craft Wondrous

Item, slwpechnnge; Price 8,100 gp; \Teight I lb.

Warclen's CloakDescription: Specially constnrcted for the night

elves' wardens, these green velvet cloaks bear a fringe

of deadly, razor-sharp blades along the hem, resem-

bling the wings of an owl. Wardens leam to shift and

swing the cloak dramatically, presenting the blade

fringes to anyone who might get too close. The cloak

is both a defensive measure against sneak aftacks anda potent weapon for the warden when surrounded by

enemies. It also provides numerous knife blades for the

warden to use with her slicing tonent ability.

Powers: This bladed cloak of elorcnkindprovides a

number of special magical abilities to a warden in

addition to its martial and defensive measures.

Spinning in the cloak grants a special attack that

targets everyone within 10 feet of the warden with its

brutal, slashing fringes. This action requires a full

attack. \Uhen used as a melee weapon, the cloak

inflicts 1d8 points of damage (the wearer's Strength

bonus damage applies) with a threat range of Z0 and

a critical multiplier of x7.

The deadly blades also grant one additional attack

of opportunity with the cloak. This stacks with any

other attacks of opportunity granted by feats or spells.

Anyone attempting to sneak attack the warden

in combat while she is wearing the cloak must make

a successful DC 25 Tumble or Bluff check as the

cloak swings and swipes. Failure means the attacker

immediately takes ld8 points of damage and is

forced back 5 feet.

The warden is impossible to flank while wearing

this cloak since the blades present a significant threat.

The cloak provides a focus for her slicing torrentclass ability while she wears it.

In addition to the cloak's bladed properties, the

warden can also use the following magical abilities:o Fearher faII 3ldav. Jump 3lday

aqt stuer8 teqt rua8 pezrs-tslj B sr qf,Be q8nogl 'ur8uo

u^\oulunlo srf,Blrrre rounu Inpe/r\od are rq6 eqJ e^Er{ /'ueru q8noqllv 's'

IIBo ot re^rod aqr peq ruatl lltra/Kod qrp 'pua8al or 8urSqJO eql -prorry'sef,Br l'uoru aquo ue{ aqr uro+rsol s'/r\ .,,oq

'ql S rq8ra4l :ptf.Z TO luortetnrusuerr Suorlg

'petertuetsqns eq louuer pua8al slr{t 'aurrJ;o ql8ua1,tue roJ tuetr srql pessassod aneq sa^la tq8ru [1uo setnq '3uo1 roJ tl sarrrer egJt;1a rq8lu B otur peurnt eqAllenpef 11y,r,r rereeq s p,Lo\eqt ter{r sturq rounr V'setnunu g 1 fuana turod tlq tsol I seteJaua8ar pue slurodrlq 09+ Jo snuog B sBrl rarBaq ar{L :l?xos Io ufi"arrs

'paretunor ro pelladsrpaq touuef, ramod slqt q8noqlle 'atsay jo stre#aeqt Surneq sE peleert sr aq pue teeJ Ot ̂q peseerrursr paads puBI aseq s(rereeq eqJ :pulyayt Io paa4s


e sB s{reqf, (arnreu) aSpal/nou) ro lB^r^rns IIBuo 0z aIEt sr{em1e uBf, rerBeq eqJ :n\Aary Io aro-I

'tllaueg ou seprlord &rpqeslqt 'tnoJs

Jo sle^el ou sBr{ eq JI 'sessessod /,peeJle

aq asoqt ot uortrPPB ur 'sse1c lnors eqt to sle^ela^Itf,alJe Z

,sute8 rereaq eqJ :lrxoJS ary Io u,DaH

'pelqnop st snuoq &111qe plau/v\oper{s sn{

}1a lq8lu B sr retf,Brer{f, aqUI ' I Z ef,uBtsrsar 11ads pue 0I

ef,uetsrsal eJrJ 'g 1 acuetsrseJ ploJ r(q palcalord sr JaJBeq

eqr 'rq8ru tB srooprno ueq/il, :ry31N np Io ryoD'serlle srq ro un\ aqr Jo rareeq aqt 'salnteerf, snoue

-Blp.rl 'srueld IBrntBu

'adecspuel eqt tf,e#B tou seopa8euep slrlJ 'punor rad (rnorqt Surnes ou) a8eurepeur^rp Jo stuod gpOZ ra;ns 'puel aqt ot anrteu roreu^\o s pra\aqt ol AlpueFJ esoqt ldaoxa 'snrper rooJ-00I e qqlr^\ sernlfruts PUB serntEarr IIV

'rerBeq eqlLqpeleu8rsap etrs e uodn u/v\op urBJ sJets fuan1gs esue(u-lur 'uno1q sr ulorl aql JaUB spunoJ g JoC 'seJnlBaJJ

snoua8lput slr ro puBI eql Sursnqe are oqA\ esoqt {f,Bueof ,(1uo 'suoJrnua slr Jo eJnteu Jo uouJrutsep eql urple ot euop eq lou l{,eru Suruoturuns slrlJ 'senla rq8rueqr;o lq8rlu snoerq8u eqt uoruruns ot un\ eqt uodn^Aolq Aeru rereeq aqt '["p rad eruo ; sl4dS aW IIIIDJ

'setnqlrue [rerur.rd 9 II" o] snuoq

luareqq z+ B SUreS rareeq eqJ :puIWpuD Kpog

:peJenof,srpun lar( se sJeqto ,tue ot uorllppEur 'sramod u^\oul Surtrollo; aqr seq ulo1l eqt 'sa1el

ot Surprorrv 'uorsef,f,o uo sJeqto or tl paueol aq las-tulg rc] un\srq rda>1 l,lpuuou snrreue3 q8noqrlv

'q8noua lea.r8 sl tl roJ peeu aqt uaq^treadde ure8e Aeru t1 ,tep auo ra,t pue 'aurrt

IIB ro; rJElluElsol slqr peturelr Jlestr lsero; aqt teqt rsaSSns sroung'uortef,ol stl peJe^ocslp e^Bq euou 'll JoJ peqf,Jees

pcr8eru slr{Jo uorlef,ol aqr 'paqsuad snueueO uaq/X\

snlJPuefJouJoH'slJBlllJB Joulu eseql 'o IBJenes st$l uortfes

slql'stuatr Suuarle-u8redruBf, 'lltra^od l,laurardns

eJE IIB toN 'sJeJnluaAPE Lq /';anoJSIP IIEA\E aJo(u Aueul'�qooq

uerrrBA\ rer{to ul peqlrrsaP ueaq e^Bq qtorazvuo strBJIlrE llpa^tod aroru eqt lo lera^as q8noqrry

spPJluvroulw'qlZtq8ta4l :dE g7L'6erlrd lreaj a8e.rno3

jo sutunJq aqt aABq tsnu JetsBJ 'aBDt 'ruatl snoJp-uo/)a. uBro :.p6 1o luortetnrusuBJ] etBrapol\

'A"p rad af,uo pa,teld aq [eur srurup aseqJ'(8ur>1cers strleueq eTI tsure8e alnr leuuou eqt oluorrderxe uE) strleuaq eseqt gtlnrt lrets tBaJ teqt ruo{sesnuoq aqr 'tea; a8ernoO jo sruruC eql ro; pa,teldare srurup esequl '(uo os pue '0I re f + 'g ̂q papaerf,ns

Iraqs aqlJl 7+ ' 'a'l) snuoq eql ol PePPB sl I a rel{]rry B

'papaacf,ns {raqr urroled aqt qrlq/!\ [q srurod g fuana

JoC'slloJ a8eurep eelaru uo snuoq eleJorr I + B SeAraJeJpetlege auofuena 'spunoJ

0I txeu eqt Jol 'suodeanr

rreqt tnoqe [l*tJ eroru uarq8rr spuer{ rreq] pueretsBj lBeq strBeq rraqt IeeJ surql,tqr lBuorteJldsul eqlSuueaq sarlle IIE

'�spearf,ns aq jl '{reql (sruaurrutsuruorssnJrad) turo;.red S I OC B seletu Jau^\o eqt 'uonfe

Punor-llry B sB pa,teld aJB sruruP eqr uaq4N. :sre^4,od'rerloPuBq e aIII tsaqr

slq ssoJJB rueqt Jee/v\ ot Jeu/no Jreqt s/y\ollB derls3uo1 V

'senuaua eproH pateeJap Jo sllnls eqt reno

peqJlaJts urIS PerJPJo aPBur sr sluaunrtsur uorssnf-rad pezrs ,tlarerapou;o rred slql :uorldrrrseq

srunrq allleg tuosrP6

'ql g tq8ta4t :dB 009'6Zatlrd :jle rq8ru B eq

tsnru roteerr' qwlp ng4s' alviub4' ilLwxf' {,lryqrs!ftu!' IIDImpnalsuet I snorpuo/)N rJBrO : tll S lO ! uor snlll tuleC

'/,lenucalJe )TBolJ eql esn UBJ uepJB/K la^el-ls Iy 'a8eurep;o slurod hpl seop pue rarea^\ eql srnr {Eolrar{t teqt sueeru eJnllBC 'uortoru pcrs[qd asualur selnb-eJ teqt uoItJE [ue Sunuroyad ro 3u11qunl 'Suluuru

ellqA\ Punor qrBa eABs xeueu 9I oc e e{elu tsntu

{Bolo eqt rBe/lt or Surrdulane slenpl^lput peurertun

^"plt qurllr tapfig o^"p/t alDlrbal o

T}ffie R@!1ffi}UAWT]NT€ €AffiIE

wielder a similar set of magical enhancements, thevarious types have their own particular appearances

and unique powers associated with them:

Orb of Corruption: A diamond crudely carvedinto the form of a skull, the orb of corruption grants

the bearer a + 10 competence bonus on all damagerolls. All damage dealt by the bearer is considered

chaotic damage. All attacks made by the bearer also

ignore all armor bonuses to AC.

Strong transmutation; CL 18th; Weight 3 lb.

Orb of Darkness: A sphere of polished obsid-ian, the orb of darkness grants the bearer a + 10competence bonus on all damage rolls. All dam-

age dealt by the bearer is considered unholy

damage. \Uhen the character carrying the orb

deals a kil l ing blow, he has the option to immedi-ately raise the creature as though with animate

dead cast by " ZOth-level caster.

Strong transmutation; CL Z0th; \Teight 3 lb.

Orb of Fire: A sapphire sphere glowing with an

inner fire, the orb of fire grants the bearer a +10

competence bonus on all damage rolls. All damage

dealt by the bearer is considered fire damage. The

bearer of an orb of fire may make attacks as thoughshe possessed the Whirlwind Attack feat.

Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Weight 3 lb.

Orb of Frost: A sphere of smooth, ice-cold topaz,

the orb of frost grants the bearer a + 10 competencebonus on all damage rolls. All damage dealt by the

bearer is considered cold damage. When a charac-ter bearing the orb makes a successful hit on a target,the target suffers a -4 penalty on initiative checksand his movement rate is halved for Id4 hours.

Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 3 lb.

Orb of Lightning: An enoffnous pearl with sparks

dancing across its surface, the orb of lighninggrants thebearer a +10 competence bonus on all damage rolls.All damage dealt by the bearer is considered electricaldamage. The bearer of an orb of lighmingmay cast dispelmnglc at will, and lighmingboltonce every 10 minutes,

both as if cast by " 15th-level caster.

Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Weight 3 lb.

Orb of Venom: A jade sphere inscribed with amaze of grooves, the orb of uenom grants the bearer

a * 10 competence bonus on all damage rolls. All

successful attacks made by the bearer are consid-

ered to be made by u wounding weapon. The bearerof an orb may cast contaglon at will.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 3 lb.

ShaclowOrbDescription: The shn"dow orb was constructed by

the Shadow Council and given to Gul'dan. Shortly

before his death, the shadow orb was shattered into

ten different pieces that became scattered through-out the underground tomb of Sargeras.

Years later, the night elfwarden Maiev recovered the

shaAaw orb and used it in her bid to recapture the

renegade Illidan. Unfortunately, the shadaworbwas lost

during a battle and was once again shattered into ten

differentpieces. This time, theywere scattered all acrossAzeroth. Somebelieve there mayevenbe apiece ortwo

hidden somewhere out in the Twisting Nether.

When assembled, the shndow orb is a smooth,

solid black globe about 5 inches in diameter. It

glows with a faint violet light and is surprisingly

heavy for its size. The individual shnlow orb frag-

ments are jagged and non-luminous.

Powers: \7hen two fragments of the shadow orb

are touched to each other, they immediately fuse

into a single piece. The seam disappears as though

the fragments had never been separate.

Each ofthe ten separate fragments of the shadworbhasthe same abiliry. \il/hen two or more fragments are brought

together and fused, the resulting fiagment loses its previous

powers but gairu new, more power{ul abilities.

See the Campaign Seed sidebar for ideas on how

to use the shadow orb as the basis of an entire

campaign story arc.

l FragmentThis is the smallest fragment of the shadow orb.

To activate its power, you must touch it to a

weapon. The fragment fuses itself with the weapon,

which takes on the physical appearance of a master-

work weapon and gains a + 1 enhancement bonus.

The fragment can be removed as a full-round action.

Touching another fragment to this one increases the

fragment's size and power (see 2 Fragments, below).

Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Weight 1 lb.

2 FragmentsThisfragment is activatedas the l-fragment shn&ow

orb and grants the same bonus, plus the following:

The eyes of the weapon's wielder glow faintly,

and the wielder gains low-light vision.

Faint evocation and transmutation; CL 3rd;

Weighr 7Ib.

'r{rBe s^\oPBr{s tP Iro; /,ep rad errn\t htltqe Suruo(utuns ̂\opeqs aqt esnAeur aqs 'tee;

09 ol tno uorsr^{rep salnbce aqs 'l+

ol sasBeJf,ul OV ol snuoq uollfapaP s(Jeu/Ko aqI

:s/v\ollo, se tdacxe 'sesnuoq aruBs aqt stuBr8 pue qrcmoryf luaur8erJ-g eqt sE pete^nf,B sr luauSe{ qqI

slueuterg 2'ql

9 rq8ra4X :qU TO luorternluoo Suorls 'uor]et-nrusueJl pue uorsnll 'uorlerone 'uorleJnlqe ]urBC

'I nlsuour uollrurns 11ads

::l T"ililil"ll J"::'Jl' "i" :n10" ;u* ::lJu' '0I + ol senordut s{reqreplH uo snuoq ef,uelsrunJJrf, pue 'Z+ ot senordulrsllor {f,EllB IIB uo snuoq ̂\opBrls s(Jeu^\o eqJ

:s/!\olloJ se ldacxe 'sesnuoq eruBs eqt sluerS puB groffboryIsruau8vry-g eql sE patenrtre sr tueruBe4slr{J

slue|.Ututg g

'ql g tq8ra4t :t{rg lO luouetnur-sueJt pue uorsnllr 'uortefone 'uortern[qE ]urBC

JIasJeq uo alwy\al rsef, Aeur Jeu 4,o eqt 'puer.uruoJ uO

:Surznollo} eqt snld 'sasnuoq eluBs eqt slue.r8 puB groftnopzrls lueu8e U-b eqt se pelenrrf,e sr ruau8e+ slqJ

sluewterg g

'ql t lq8ra4t :.pS TO luouetnru

-sueJl pue uorsnllr 'uorJeJona 'uorleln[qB ]urBC's{leqc aplH uo snuoq aruetsrunrrlr g+ B rer{ 8ul-tuet8 'smopeqs qtrn\ sueIJEp ruJoJ s(Jeun\o eqJ

'uorsrA lq8tl-/*\ol sure8

:Ut pue ',{1rure; rnro18 sa[e s(Jau^ro eqJ

CV ol snuoq uolllaueP I + e PUB sllor

IJBIIB IIB uo snuoq /!\oPBr.{s I + e sureS reu^\o eqJ'euols unor enrssBru e a{ll osJol

s(Jau/no eql trqJo ot stJets tuelu?utl eqJ 'tr eseeleJpue tno tl ploq l,lduns 'tuaulSeu srqt etenrtfe oJ

'suoltf,rrtsar Jo aa5 aterado or q8noua lryJaznod

sI tueru8"I SurrlnseJ eqt 'pesry aJE sluaulSeg eJou JornoJ eruo 'uodeellr B ot par,lretre ,tlroalp Suraq rnoqtyltsremod Jreqt tue.r8 ot IBe/v\ ool eJB slueu8ery Jalleurs

slueuturl 7'ql

t lt13te4r :Ptt

TO luortetntusueJt puB uorsnllr 'uorteJone tureC'(mo1ag 'stuaru8erg p aas)

uodeam peqrene eqt#o dorp ot lueru?eqeql sesnerosle lng '.lamod s(tueru?vtl aqt seseeJf,ur euo srr{t ot

luaur8eu Jarltoue SurqcnoJ 'uoltf,B punoJ-llnJ B sBuodeam aqr ruory pe^oruer eq uEf, luauBBU aqJ's{f,aqo aplH uo snuoq ef,uBtsrunrrlt g+ B re! 8ul-tuer8 'smopeqs qtr^\ sue{Jep tuJoJ s(replel/K eql

:SurmolloJ eqt snld '�sertlllqe erues aqt sluer8 puB qromoryf I u aru8 e U- Zeqt sE pete A r I re sr tue(u Ev tlsl rlJ

slueurterl g

'(tou ro stueru8er; oqr eurqruoc l,11entre sreAeldreqleqrr\ Jo sselprEsar) Ie^el ateudordde eqtseur(uratep terlt ezrs aqt sr leqt 'slueurBerypesnJ

3nlJ e^Br{ III^\ acard Eurrlnsal eqt esneJag 'la^el

rltgl tB (pasn; [pearle sacard o^u grlm '[es)

tuaur8er; raErBI B anr8 plnor nC eql 'pealsul

,,,u ' ''t,1aAal qlz I lE pJBA\aJ E sE luaur8er; a18urs e onrE

ot peeu t(useop htC eqt 'stuaurBvtl paurquooearqr ser{ ,{pearle dnor8 aqf I 'a1duexe, roC i

, , :lueur8*S ̂reu e Eululetqo roJ lalal ateudordde eqleunruatep ot sluaru8e#Jo letot paul$uoc erp es[I'pesBersep sr pJB/trar lsanb B eq uBf, ruaulSery B selup ,

Jo requnu eqt Lluo lpaprelre eq ppogs ruaruEery :::B rlrlq/n rB la^el eqt a8ueqc tjuseop qW tnq 'Ua_,rn '

sB sPJB/neJ Se Uan€ aq rre3 uuauSeg peulquroc .,,,i'SJalJBJBtp

le^al-Puze o1 PJe/l\eJ B se ua43eq plnoqs rueur8er; IBUIJ eqr pue 'sletf,BrBqf,

, Ianel'qt8z ot qluru aql (sretrerer{f,

lanel-qtb7. ot r1lt13ra aqt 'sJatluJerlr

lanal-tsIZ ol

, qluales aqt 'sJaloBJerlo lenal-qtg I ol qtxts ar{l

tun','sretoereqJ le^el-qrgI o] r{rylJ eqt 'sralceJeqf,

Ia^al-qryI ot qlrno' eql 'slatf,BrBqc la^el-qt6

ot prltlt aqt 'sratf,Breqf, le^el-q1 ot ueAIS eq

plnoqs luaulSe$ puores eq1 'srelf,Brerlf, le^el

-q15 ro' PrB/nar B aq plnoqs ruaru8Brt tsrrJ eqJ'spJEA{eJ LIf,ns JoJ stwod ateudordde are

qelal Eurmogo; aql 'aru1l lano spJemer ra1uns3u3sB tno papuBt{ ar€ sacard luaurEery a13urs areqn\uEredureo E ul 'e)e1d p;ramod arou qJnru E ateJa-ueE ot tuetufi"IJeqloue grlrn dnor8 Suuntuanpe

.ijaaqt ,tq peulquof,ar aq lllnn ruaul8er; pera .,,-Aooplp Llmau B terlt perunsse eg plnoqs tg 'uodeam

i,, a18urse ot snuoqluerueJuer{ua I+ e Lluo8urrueJ8'ernseart

,,IFOA,, e [1pnpl^lpur sr lueru8"S a18urs eailqnN'uEteduef, er.ll tnoq8norgr qa^al f,al snolren )lB peralorer aq um qn moryls aqt ro ererd raqto-uV 'uEreduref, ernua uB Jo, srsBq lear8 B saIer,uqn fiboryls eqt lf,rutsuorer ol lsanb crda uV



Faint abjuration, evocation, illusion and transmu-

tation, strong conjuration; CL 9th; Weight 7 lb.

8 FragmentsThis fragment is activated as the 7 -fragment shndow

orb and grants the same bonuses, except as follows:

The owner's shadow bonus on all attack rolls and

deflection bonus to AC both improve to +3, and

circumstance bonus on Hide checks improves to + 15.

She gains a fly speed of 40 feet, with good maneuver-

ab iliry. Twice per day she may summon 1 d4 + 1 shadows.

Once per d"y, the owner may cast shndaw walk.

Faint abjuration and transmutation, strong conju-

ration, evocation and illusion; CL 1 1th;Weight B lb.

9 FragmentsThis fragment is activated as the B-fragment shadow

orb and grants the same bonuses, except as follows:

The owner's shadow bonus on all attack rolls anddeflection bonus to AC both improve to +4, and

circumstance bonus on Hide checks improves to+70. She may summon shadows three times per duy.

The owner heals 1 point of damage per level

every hour rather than every duy. (This ability

cannot be aided by the Heal skill. ) Nonlethaldamage heals at a rate of 1 point of damage per level

every 5 minutes. Lost limbs, organs and other

missing body parts grow back after 1 minute.

Faint abjuration and ffansmutation, strong conju-ration, evocation and illusion; CL 15th; Weight 9lb.

1O FragmentsWhen the final fragment of the shadow orb is

reconnected with its cousins, there is a burst of

darkness (manifesting as adeeper dnrkness spell from

a ZOth-level caster centered permanently on thepoint where the shndow orb becomes whole).

The completed shndow orb is activated as the 9-

fragme nt shnlow orb and grants the same bonuses,

except as follows:

The owner's shadow bonus on all attack rolls and

deflection bonus to AC both improve to +5. She

may summonZd6 shadows three times per duy. Shegains regeneration 5. Lost limbs, organs and othermissing body parts grow back after 1 minute.

On command, the owner can become incorpo-

real. The effect is dismissible.

The owner can make melee touch attacla that deal

1d6 points of Strength damage to a living foe. A creature

ShaclowBonuses*,,,-, Shadow themes are strong throughout the; Warcmftuniverse. "Shadow" is a newbonus rype

common to many items and spells created by theShadow C.ouncil and other such nefarious organi'-*'

zations. Shadow bonuses to the same roll do not',,',.$o lq with each other, just as enhancement bo-' I nuses do not stack with each other. Shadowbontrses

, do sack with other non-shadow bonuses, such as

enhancement, insight, luck and so on.. . :

reduced to Strength 0 dies and becomes a shadow Id4

rounds later. This is a negative energy effect.

The dark power of the completed shadow orb can

be overwhelming. The owner's most notable obses-

sion grows stronger over time. In the case of Gul'dan,he died trying to acquire the eye of Sargeras. Maiev

became obsessed with recapturing Illidan to the

point where all other considerations were secondary.

Faint abjuration and necromancy, strong conju-

ration, evocation, illusion and transmutation; CL

20th; Weight 10 lb.

Shi elct of the Death lorclExactly who created this shield is unknown. Some

believe the Lich King himself designed it for his most

powerfrrl death knights, while others feel it is a de-

monic artifact brought to Azeroth during one of thegreat wars and lost by its original owner. [t might also

be from a different world entirely, flung into the

TwistingNethereventually tofind its way to Kalimdor.

Whenfirstfound,theShieldof heDeadlordlooksfairly

unassuming - aslighdy curved sheet of darkened steel

rimmed with a jagged border and covered with what

appear to be scratches and dents across its surface. If

picked up by a creature that is not laffil evil in align-

ment, it acts as a +3 light steel shield( tt d identifies as such ),but its powerslowly aftempts to convert the bearer to the

cause of evil. Each time he slays an enemy in battle, the

shield's owner must make aWill save (nC 10 + 1 foreach

week he has owned the shield) or shift alignment one

step toward laurful evil - for example, laffil good to

laurtul neutral, or chaotic neutral to either chaotic evil or

true neuffal. The change is so subtle that the owner might

not even be aware that anything unusual is happening.

Should the owner be laurful evil or convert at last to

that alignment, the shield's true nature becomes known.

'aJnteeJf e splor{ tr uaq/!\ 'ql I "bdula ueq^\ a1qt3

-ll8eu lq8ra4t :1s17 1O !aleutruralePur 3uorr5'ulstr\{ surBtueJ euo ailw\ JeLpouB den ]ou [eur

Pue elup B tB aJntBaJf, euo uBrfl eJotu Hoq tour.rBf, uno

1rros arLL 'nuoJ pur8uo stl ot $unteJ Jr 'sueeul ranareqtr,(q'pettdtua sl Ie \a[ep ueqn1'uoy8rl Surulng erp]o sleplaprre se8es peJnuot ̂\eJ E ot l,1uo u/v\oul sesodrnd cruouapell^Jo,bauen B roJ pesn ag osle uer ulpyr,r Fos arLL'ilads

\qffi ro aporrur'uayaa$B uene rou - pnpl^lpul paddenB eseelal uef or8eu uA\oDI Jer{lo oN'atels ter+ rn JeneJoJ

Haq ro 'ty peddenue ter.It arnteaJJ ar+ ulo+ pro/t\ prreur-ruof, puof,es B ̂q peseeler eq uBt ulppn ernteerr er.LL

Jlesrl uao rxos aqt urqtr/v\ plaq puB azrs ur pernparsI eJntearc taEJEt eqt ldacxa '11ads :ruauruosu,Qutt uB sElueuldeJlue qql IBeJI'A\oJqt Sutnes ou se6laf,al tI pu''ryom ot re^rod srqr roj taa; 09 ulqlr^\ eq tsntu la8releqJ 'pro/!\ puetutuoo a18urs B tnq gtl,r,r azrs IBSSoIoO oldn arnteaJf 8urnr1 euo [ue derlua o] posn eg Arou uefrua8 ar1J 'rr{3ll talor^ Surslnd e qtr/K mo13 ot sur8aq pueaas leluJou str setull 0I o1 slle/v\s laarraf eq] 'paraldtuoJ

sr /,uourarer srr{r ueql6 'asod;nd snp roJ paf,lJfrcesernleerc 8urnr1 lua8rllatur uE uro4 poolq ur paddlp sltl lltun perenooslp eq touuBJ erntBu arut s,rua8 aqJ

'ateurruretapur sr cr8Btu Jo ad,b aqt q8noqrle

Tesll IBeAer ramod Suorls sll seop c1?out pawp

ot pasodxa sr le^\e[ ar-,lq qrul-rauenb eqr ueq^^,AIuO 'puEI aqt ssorre seprorl ernseart ur punoJselqneq uoturuoJ rer{to Jo Jaqrunu E }o /,ue eq olsreadde Ie/KeI aqt 'ranod Surle]se^ep ,(llerluatod'a18urs B qtr^r trelltrB rourru B sl ura1 fxos eql


O1 lq8ta4l:puZZ TO luorlecone pue uortBtnusuert Suo;rg

'orez;o ,bleuad {Jeqt JoruJB puBernllp,J 11ads euBrre uE seq plelqs eqJ 'splalqs asnl,lleulrou touuBf, Jeu/v\o eqt JI uana 'sartleuad leq-rrror Aue lnoqlr^r pesn aq s/,emle uBf plelqs slqJ

'11ads *uonalourun

eqt jo tf,e#e eqt arecrldnp reqt setueu per-poolqur padolanue sr JeJBeq eql 'puerutuof uodl o

'cr8eu Jelrruls /,ue Jo r,uatr terlt Htlrn IJBts touseop snuoq slqt rnq 'KtptnZlftb

Io 8uu E Jo rauueru eqlul pelqnop ere slleds lanal-prt pue '-puz'-tsI

IIV .'uortntrtsuoo srr{ ot le^al JaIJEJET{J

red shuoq tueraqur | + e sure8 reploq eqI o:srenztrod leuourppe Sqmoloj eqr qlFA plqf Taastqng+ e^\ou$ tl 'qteet euruec d.reqspue sruoqJruouepJeeqteqlqp{s yrpr perelor eq ol s.readde trou tr 'Jaumo er.{t oJ

, i l #


*1ffi.' '':t , ','*Sf,li *,..,"rii&

Sunsroum Loy 0n rhe rudqe, lrookmq down ar rhe Honde encampmenr

In rhe dtm, prc.e-dawn hqhr he counred ar l,easr stx ry ltcs and d rK,

sl,eepmq neaK rhe dymq emhen s 0f a campflKe. The ltcs had appavc

rwl EKunrs ro rhe dury - and lne 0F rhem was asLeep. He wluLdhAv,

wrch ar Leasr rwo shryTS 0f rhrcee men; rhe pl'ace wa,s ea,sy ptcktnqshapdened ALhance soldrens Less rhan a, mtLe ,away, S unsrlqm knew

TveT wrchm mmures.

Insread, he wluld pol'l'ow hs oKdets.

The ALhance Assemhl'y wanred mrel,LlEence, and rhe rmkens had 1clulLd qer rr. To S unsrlKm's l-epr, NuTt Kodoshnearh Looked ar hm e,

neady ro go," he whspeRed.

Sunsrotm nodded. The dwanp puLl,ed a sruanEe cKosshow fwlm h

rlwatd rhe slrare-coLorced sky, Nu,lr puLl'ed rhe TRIEEIR. ThehoLrhur

Lepr rhe weapln and caRved a hLazmq sLash actlss rhe sky."FlKsr, rhey'Ll, rake lur rhe Euaud," NnJI safi. A ffian aKlse ftl(,

rcolrl"ed fr, EKenade herween rhe Euaud's feer. A euler ,/,nff rlssed p0

who rwrcched and fKlze m mfi-cny. "TlTal, paKal,ysts, " safi rhe d

neLared ro rhe same rlxrn ZeckeR used fllhts wand. BeLteve Ir 0R w

a sprdeK ro-""The woLves," safi SunsrlRm. "They'Re awake." One wa,s 0n ITS fe

Towatd rhe paLl,en quaKd."Warr

fltrr," Nu,Jr rcephed, as fr,LLrhruee woLves pfrdded acnoss rhe

Sunsrltm Eurrred hrc reerh as rhe I'ead woLp sruffed ar rhe Euaud.

Jusr as a parR 0f eLves srepped onro rbe Rla,d. When rhe woLves hayr

flnsr el-f Launched a ner rhar wKapped arcound rhe heAsrs. The seclni

acrwared a sream enEme hfiden m rhe w00ds, drcaqErnq horh ner .

acKoss rhe Koad and up Inro a, TRee.

F| ..ilFQ

0Larqaaq11,[ao1tuula(Dao,ur(,pn(t)^;'I;::1'r";t*:;il]lti',u)u) ano,(. uaqM ,Mdaq 00L L,u.saM hq*rssv aql qawl L,

'd.aaq) ,(aaM07aq,b11at aql w sd.a4ull aLIL qua )lLSrqM (DUaLS stqul sLSamTo a

'aru1d ut Lau aql lurryds uabaq Qua QdaMdol ilaa1 sd,a4wL ':

aql u)ldJ 'allq )qL 7o qLnlu) aql dall qaddoaq ,br1t LaqL Lau (Fx'astd, aai )qL plew saatdnq)q qxcnoub 1o a;d a 'aar1 Luoil)orMou allq daaq-too[-g1 )LIL llut plquJnl slloxl gua fid,o aql '5urs

pwQQnLls sdooal )gulH )cll qlvauaq guytoub a[L sa ,b1la^ )qL 400q

ad,aH' (D a 'lL 5u tt H ? aa,,b qL,' r[hN gru s,,"::r:::y;n' rT*ff::r:::::,,,'Q)daupnals

)da uau) ano,(. aaoiaq Lrun )qL 7o rcaa aql w 1tuas )(n La'I 'u,Mo draqL,bta) tbql isQ1il qoob ada aslql4urql ,fi1waahllr,, 'u)dlLsunS qrus ,,'I

'dwvt acll Jo d)Lun )qL QdaMlL s;d,o aql qatqnd puv sndl qafit)qL 'waqt

Qutcpq shqtqllM 1o sQnlp Surssol 'air1 llut Q)dutaLF 1o sil)da aty u0 QalunluJ sMas )qL 'dlutaa

4ilql ilaql 11rqua saaads aql tllt6'suorx:uvM ffi4utL aql Lv savads 5ut1anc1 sdallaql 5uurto1101 'snbaal

QaWLIMS sda(pda a(ll 'sqoom aLIL lo tno padd,wz0Q-11rq a uaflM 'u,ltlacnuoi )NSualrQ a ut sdooat sry ppdn d,uilD)dlP dDqL uI sMldda Qas007 sdaq)da )QdoH 'uJd,|Lsuyls gamu)y\d

'Tlt>'qs bwtaail v Lvtl Lal LauJlaq su,l u0 QalunluJ alLSryM u)valsaql qua dva nq,Q Surbuatq\um v Lv qaynd Tavmq aql 'suodvam dr,dDqL ot ilaa1 fid,o sy ,,'auo,(daM Lnl \umq 0L )u)tl,'tfnp 1.wS ,,'d


** '?*'*' -- ,+r',

'erue8 rno,{, ul sef,l^ap pclSolouqf,ello uoplury pueesn ew uo uorssnf,s'rP IBuolllPPB sre#o PrrB cclll ryerrreA\aqtJo eanllraldeq3 ul pellelap qFulSFo serr^ep pry8o1-ouqJet SqrearJJo;sqru arp uodn spuedxa uoytf,es $ u I

'Surnas eqt ur ,{,setueJ }o esues aqt Suruatq8taq

pue Surcro;ureJ,tllenroe'cr8eru aprs8uole,tlssalr.uees$lJoA\ tI 'raqler lot8eul eultuJapun Jo luBlddns touseop tl 'peepun pue seruou8'surlqo8'sanJe/lrp sB r{f,nsstuaruala ,(setuBJ IBuolrrPEJl ol uouJurlsrP PUE asod

se) nec IPD Fo lou q)el :l:H:l"j::,1'^:fti;tupnpuetu11eer3

-Bruqns dolanap seuou8 'surladdaz plynq sqlqo8 pue"'sessnqJaPunlq esoql uorqsBJ SaAJBA\P re^ 'rtrotsrq

s(qtJEE ruory IIar!\ A\ou)l a/\{ qf,rqn'suodBe/v\ aSats PUBsruJEeJIJ seq tr 'arng 'r{,3o1ouqreuo eJntBu IEJrlsBruBJaqt ur serl Surues UBrrrB/v\ eqt;o qfuens tear8 y

'UEJJJUAA ur esBJ eqt tou sr r.lfns'a>p1-AsEtuBJ os tou 'lla^ 'tlq E tuees UEJ seJIAep 1ect3o1-our{Jat Jo tuaudolenep pue eJueserd aql 'seluleue

prequoq puB ,(g auo stal l,pearle orSeuJI isessnqrep-unlq rreqt senre^rp ro surladdez paau surlqo8 plnoqs^.iln iqtorezv uo allllo tcadse fuana epe^red Aldunsct8eut t(usaop ̂.Un 'teul eq tsntu ,tcuatslsuof, IBU-Jetur Jo suoytercadxa 'Jeneltor{ 'Suntas 8ur,te1de1o;,(serue; B qrl/N 's1eo8 uoISSIru cgroeds Sutnatqceur raqreSot Iro/lr /,8o1ouqrat pue cr8eur teqt osstrun snorJBA Surnordurl pue SutteaJJ,o txeluoJ eqlur 'sdeqrad 'tueoyu8ls ssal eruoJeq suorlf,rpeJtuoJ

Ienuelod qcns 'seuIBS rarndtuof, {nnw4yreqt ul 'Jel

-rBJBr{f lertuasse str }o loadse [tI B sB ASolouL{Ja] Jouorsnlfur eql gllrlr suouJrPBJtuof f,uBrualqord oturunr plno/n SurDas ,tserue; B leqt lqqr rqSrul auo

,{to lou q)el puu {selueg

'runrpuedruo3 eproH N oTUBIIIV eqr jo euoxrpuaddy ur pallerep aJB uortrunrurue pue suodeama8ars ',t11eurg 'Iooq teqrJo aerql rerdeq3 ur sef,rnep

lecrSolouqret Jo uortreles IIBrus E pulJ osle uerno^ 'cdu

uBrrru/K arp ur eerql rerdeqo ees 'saf,r^n

-ep leJrSolouqf,et SurlearJ uo salnJ aJof, aqt JoC'serrneP relrez snourBJul PUB lBnsnun aqr sE IIa^r

sB - suodeanr pue self,rqel 'sruetl pue sefuelsqns

lerceds 'rea8 Suuntua^pe SurpnlJul 'secrnap

IBJ-rSolouqJar jo suorlducsaplo slsrsuoJ ueql rardeqcaqt jo )ilnq eql 'sef,Br luera#lP Jo sre{ur] ro} slBrr-eleru paJoABJ aqtJo uorssnf,srp JeqtJnJ pue 'saornap

{Jo^\Jetseru pue slJalord eArtBJoqBIIoJ uo sllelep'stcege uortf,unlleu le {ool alrsuatxe ue 'sa1f,rr{en

roj selnr ,trrlrqere^neuBru PulJ lltrlr no,{ 'Ao1ag

'serue8 ratndum {nnrn6eql uro# pe^lrappue /\{au upoq seq^ep pcrSolouqcar }o eproq elqetlre^ BSuyruasard or pue saq^ap pcrSolouqcar Sqsn pue SulteerrroJ selru agl uodn Sqpwdxa ot peto^ep sl e^lC radeq3

a;aldPqf slql ul s'lPt{M .srq8raq/neu,puer8 or rr a{Br IIIA\,{Bolouqoar :1

""esnJ eql lq8tl eqt dn pesseu cr8eyrl ('aperr aqt Jo prezeq'eJnlry eqr u^ro sJeIurJ 'eruer{r Jrar.{r peq sa8e;n1 'AleteunrJo}un 'suors(

'fuotsq s(qtorery ul aceld rreqt tnoqe qf,ntu aplrep ro; pre8arsrp elnll B tr

illan uortenouur s1{t tcalar ro erBJqrue saldoad srl lecrs,iqd'ryero'moq-ArrA\oH 'uorlenouur

Jo aJuessreueJ lear8 EJo a8pa eqr tE -lour{Jet ta1 'suran ,fuspuets plro/y\ eql :peranocslp /,1qsag-lllrs eqr Jo esues cr8eur'erng ipeqslloruieqt serrref, l,Solouqret ;o cr8eu eqr 'qtorazy uO isar1s aqt tuory e{lle s,

's8urqr ImrtsetueJ op ot suotsrd pue rEq/fi. isaruBlslP lear8 ssorre AI{rl

srea8'1lo'rueals'uolsrSolqd esn saJl^ep 1ecr8o1ouqf,et eJaAr A\oH ',t8o1ouql€

'steu Surutq8rl ot sraldoclleq qsrulou8 'sraleuurer lno Peurnl a^Bq lou p1

ol sueqctl{ alqerrod 'srotenle^ ot stooq arDIS ruorC -raPun PlelJellleq eql'

,,'f,r8eur,, Jo puq u^\o str srego dSolouqf,et 'q8noqr eql aBpalnoDIJE s[euvl',tlSurn8rrturerol 'wnqatnutloyusfi4coti$f +B8urle 3ur>11er quo/l\ lre uB-eJJ 'aJuelsul JoJ 'sluauoduroc snorJals/,ur pue slenlrJ '[llenruene

Inos Jn

pue s11ads - JeqlaSot {Jo/v\ 'esJnoJ

;o 'ueo ,{3o1ou auo[rang 2rtrarsrtru 8

-qret pue or8e;rq 'uorteur8eun eqt [q [1uo palrurl eJB eJe sraJueruoJf,au pur

llBrrre/K ul sef,rnaP pcrSolouqset roJ serllllqlssod pue 'tnq ' ' 'aSrnof s equo s

;o adocs aqt 'daa1s ot euoeruos rnd ro sr.ruols SuruttlS1 suoruep aqr Sur8uuqr{uo; IIBI uer ter{r s11ads }o repuo/lr eqt aTlun toN 'llen6, 'r{,11ear 'gnts act

eEwB BNilil.Nltdcfit@. &Hr& ll:,.-:::..51:ii -.:-...,--: :'.- r " -{ .' :-:r:i-':':.':/t' l-l5r-<-::

Vehicles: Movementancl Maneuverability

Tinker-built vehicles can travel at speeds thatmatch and even exceed the fastest mounts. Onlyskilled pilots keep dwarven siege engines or gnome

he I icop ters from be com ing crump led wrecks of me tal,and even they sometimes have trouble with the

fickle and unwieldy controls of some vehicles.

Piloting a vehicle requires the character at thecontrols to make regular maneuverability checks tomaintain control of the vehicle. Maneuverabilitychecks are based on a vehicle's Maneuverabilityrating. \X4rile vehicles may travel up to their topspeed, Maneuverability ratings assign a speed in-crement that indicates how quickly a vehiclebecomes difficult to control. For each speed incre-ment beyond the first, the vehicle's pilot suffers a -4

penalty on any Maneuverability checks.

To maintain control of a vehicle traveling in a

straight line and at a constant speed, pilom mustmake regular standard Maneuverability checks withtheir Use Technological Device* skill. In travelunder normal conditions, a standard ManeuVer-ability check requires a pilot to make a DC 10 UseTechnological Devicex check once per hour. In

combat, a vehicle is considered to move on itspilot's initiative count, and a standard ManeuVer-ability check requires a DC Z0 Use TechnologicalDevicex check once per round.

If the pilot succeeds at a Maneuverability check,he is considered to be in control of the vehicle andmay perform a standard action after the move

action. If he fails, the check becomes a full-roundaction and the pilot cannot perform any actionsuntil the following round, at which point he mustattempt to make the check once again.

Attempting to do more than maintain control ofa vehicle and move in a straight line can alsorequire Maneuverability checks:






Speed Increment5 mph (45 ft./round)10 mph (?0 ft./round)15 mph (135 ft./round)20 mph (165 ft./round)25 mph (220 ft./round)

Changing Speed: A pilot may accelerate or de-celerate a vehicle up to one speed increment and

require only a standard Maneuverability check to

maintain control of the vehicle. For each addi-tional speed increment the pilot accelerates ordecelerates the vehicle, he must make a Maneuver-ability check with a l penalty per increment.

Turning: A vehicle canbe tumed up to 45 degrees

and require only a standard Maneuverability check

by the pilot to maintain control. Tuming more than

45 degrees requires a full-round Maneuverabilitycheck with a 4 penalty per additional 45 degrees.

Drifting: The pilot may drift a vehicle while it's

moving, sliding the vehicle laterally to the left or

right while continuing to travel forward. For each

vehicle width a vehicle drifts, a Maneuverability

check must be made with a -4 penalty.

Example : Maneuverabi I ity i n Com batIn search of thunder lizards, Ryon Quarvel is riding

into the Barrens on a steam horse with a top speed of

60 mph (530 ft./round) and Average maneuverabil-

ity. Traveling for several hours at 45 mph, he is

required each hour to make standard Maneuverabil-ity checks - a DC 10 Use Technological Device*check with a -8 penalty for each of the two speedincrements (15 + 15 + 15 - 45 mph)beyond the first.

Suddenly encountering a pair of thunder lizards, Ryon

enters combatat45 mph (390 feet/round). As he ridespast the lizards in the first round, he makes a DCZ0 UseTechnological Device* check with a 4 penalty due tospeed. In the second round, he slows two speed incre-ments to 1 5 mph ( 130 feey'round) *d tums 180 degrees.

This action requires a DC 20 Use Technological De-

vice* check with a l penalry for the second speedincrement decelerated and a -12 penalty for each 45degrees nrmedbeyond the first, fot a total penalry of-16.

In the third round, as he lowers his lance to

attack, Ryon is traveling 15 mph. As this is within

the first speed increment for a vehicle with Average

maneuverability and he is traveling in a straight

line, Ryon makes his standard Maneuverability

check (a DC 20 Use Technological Device* check)with no penalties. He succeeds on the check. Thecheck is thus considered only a move action, allow-ing Ryon to attack the lizards in the same round.

Malfunction EffectsStories of the amazing devices created by tinkers

are matched in number by stories of their malfunc-

sr (eoroqf, s,l4lo aqr yo) arrnep aqt ;o ,byllQe euo

paleder Suraq reUB uane .sarrlllqedec uourunlleur-eJd s(af,rlep eqt ot ateudordde sV 'uortf,unJleur

aqt ur pa8eruep sE/!\ arr^ap eqJ :uoltepu.r8aq'(CdU llerrru/K eqt Jo aerql rardeqC aas)

aper8dn uB se ledal str Surteerl ,tq peads snornardstl ot Paurntar eq ,(1uo Aeul uorlf,unJ Pelrqlquleqt '>1caqc (*acrnap lecrSolouqcar) UBrO e gll,nuorterado (ramols rreqle) reln8ar ol parredar aq [eruaf,rnep oqt q8noql 'qtro; os pue '9 sartnbar /!tou

uels ot setnulul t perlnbar teqt alf,Iqe^ e lspunor

7 (tta'ta eJrJ ,(1uo /!rou ,(eru PunoJ lBquof, r{f,Be arl}

plnor reqt uodea^r V 'pelqnop sr (rotf,EJ reqto e(uos

Jo 'uorralduroJ sll pue uortf,unJ s(aJrnep eqr Jo uorl-Brtrur uee/vueq sessBd teqt erurt eqt 'erurl dnuelsreqteqzn) saterado tl r{rlqrv\ uo rolJB} elull aql'paledar sr af,rnep eqt af,uo suorlrun{ parlqlqul

'urBBE {ro^r lllrn [aql

erolaq,(11enpl^lPq parredar eq lsnlu suollfun' IIV'ef,rnep eqtlo suortrun; rer.lto IIB op os 6llBJ uoltrun;Suruortf,unlleur eqr seop /,1uo toN :arnlle{ Ierol

'uollf,unj ol sesBaf, af,IAePegt ',t1yep parldde tou sI eruetsqns eqt JI


A1ee1 B jo tno Surdaas sr teq^r ereldar ot uotsrSolqd

,,,,1i. ''4'{- |"'':,,..'#



' '


.'' ' uorsogdxe uolsfoll{d nrr'

euruf,eu urel .t . Ll

e;rbe-r3 ,

;," ' uotlf,unj PesnJraleues!oN

't"'"-'"' elrlglqv

luauoduor lelrlrrJ{{ng

, ' suoqe)r;duor loJluoJi" e;qr6ue-r3

eJ|jlleg**' uorleJado p-renrll V

af,r^ap xe;druo3



uorlf,unj Pellqlqulernrej lelol



Ilol uorl)unJ

, , . uorlcunlFFl


Q/ ,.::.,,.."

blBl ,,,",ii:''',,.




ZJ .''i,




v "21"



ro '/,lqloorus Suturnl sree8 daa>1 ot tuef,IJqnl B aq,{,eur slqJ 'Surterado anurtuof, ot JepJo ur aJuetsqnsaruoslo suorlecrldde reln8ar erlnbar s,temle lltnn ef,IA-ep aqt 'uoltf,unJletu slqt Suuagns reuy :A1ea1

'ua{oJq /,lruaueruJad paraprsuof, sl tl 'aJr,rrl

lre#e uollrurylEul slql sre#ns ef,I^aP B JI 'Pe^lBq

sr enle^ talreur aqt 'acrnap eqt,o uonenle^ Jo elBSot pateler sesofund IIB roC 'ute8e etues aqt Iool Jeneu

Ilt,lt ll tnq 'parteder eq uer erIAeP aqJ :pelEuBIAI

ur parolr sep Io paunsuof, sI ef, I A J:#,TlfiTtillIanJ ro uourunrurue IIv

'paads erues eql lE uoll-JeJrp erues aqt ur /,lqelloJtuof,un enolu ol enultuooselrrqa^ lpararle eq touuef, uortJarrp Jleqt puearlJ ot enultuoJ suodea/il. 'peuoItJunJIBuI ll qclq/!\ur punoJ eqt ur ua{Et suorlf,B eql teadal ot senull-uoJ efr^ep aqt 'spunor gpZJoC :IJo-[ uol]Jun{

'Pellor ro Petf,alaseq Plnoqs rra#e uorlJunJlBlu elBlrlellB uB lJe#a aAIl-BBeu B aABq lou plno/\{ lI aJaqn{ seseJ ut 'r{,luloPueJ

sJnJJo JO Uasoqf, sr lf,a#e uollJunllBul B Jeqraq^l

rBql etoN 'sJnJJo uollsunllBul B elull tlf,Be elqBl

aqt luou tre#e uorlf,unllEul luoPuBr B IIor ol IAIcaqt 3urmo11e ,tq (eralduloc sI uoltJnJlsuoJ eJlnepraUB apuru tuaulsnlpe aq] gtlrn 'I

]o tuntululul Eor) I- Lq peseerrap s8urteg uollf,unllelnt rleqt e^Equef, ral,eld ar{r ,tq patJnJlsuof, saf,Inep 'r{,laluurarlv'euo tuare#lp B uodn aar8e ro elqer eqt ruog tf,e#erelnf,rlred B esooqc /,eur IAIO aqt pue sra,teld 'actnap

e Suncnrlsuor alle/K 'slf,aJfe uoltrunlletu alqyssod

Jo requrnu E stsrl slf,e#E uollfunllBl^I : I-9 alqBJ'stJe#e - SulteJtsnry eJotu qJnlu 'sre4utt ot pue

- Surlsel ra8uol e^Er{ suoltJun}lBul saultaulos rnfl(CaU tlerrre/K aW Jo aarql rardeqO uI peulBld-Xe sB) paledar lllun Surlerado dots IIIr!\ erllep

aql reqr sI uollfunllBlu Elo lf,e#e alBlPelulul eql'sJnJJo uorlf,unlleur e 'Surteg

uorlJunllelAl s(eJIAep eql Jepun Jo ol lenba sI tlnsalaqt pue arrnep aqr Sutsn allq/\{ epetu sI IIor {rellero {raql III{S B ueq/x\ 'uollBaJr s(ef,I^aP aql Suunp

S pue 0 uae/rueQ las '(Uf,t) Sutleg uollf,unlelnl

e e^Bq uBrrrB/K Jo PIro/\4, aql ur sre{urt Aq pale-eJJ SefrAeP IIV (('JeUUBTU UA\O Sll UI UOIISUnJIBIU

Iltrn r.{f,Be tnq 'sue1d etues eqt ruory petf,nrts-uo] eq ,(eur sef,IAeP oaJ,, :srtes tuIXBlu JeIuIl v

'parnrdnr erB sef,rnep eqr Sutramod sralloq:'

palen;-uotsrSolqd eqt ueq/lt JnJJo reqr suolsoldxasnoruJoua Lq serultetuos parnlur ra8 saflnap

r: 'i:;:'* eql Sutsn asoqr 'suotlBnlls lsJont eql ul 'aJIJ l,uopsuodea/!\ pue enoru t(uop self,Iqan 'lsaq tV 'suoll



spe#I uonou rylewj t € elqPll i. ',-,',.


TruHE R@}IretrItAWT] NftB GAffiIE

decreased by 1 point of TS (as indicated on Table3-6 in Chapter Three of the Warcraft RPG):

maximum AC bonus is lowered bV 1; maximumdamage inflicted or prevented is lowered by 1d6;maximum movement speed is decreased by 70miles per hour, and so on.

Balky: Vehicles and other devices with a Maneu-verab iliry rating ( see above ) that suffer this malfunction

effect have their Maneuverability rating decreased byone category. This effect can only be repaired by " DC75 Craft (technological device*) check with a dura-tion equal to the device's TS in days.

Complex Device: The device is more difficult torepair than others, falling apart into a multitude of

tiny components when a malfunction occurs. TheCraft (technological device*) skill check requiredto repair the device has a minimum DC of 25.

Awkward Operation: A device that suffers thismalfunction effect is always more difficult to oper-ate after being repaired. All weapons become

two-handed, and all actions involving the devicebecome full-round actions.

Backfire: All weapons on the device backfire,doing damage to the operator equal to what theywould normally do to their targets. If the device isnot strapped or attached to the operator in any w?y,the operator is allowed a Reflex save with a DC

equal to (10 + the number of dice of damage theweapon inflicts) for half damage.

Frangible: Though it can be repaired normally,the device is more likely to malfunction in thefuture. Its Malfunction Rating is increased by * 1.This effect is cumulative if it occurs multiple timesto the same device, and can be repaired only bygiving the function an upgrade that lowers its MR.

Control Complications: Its controls damaged bythe malfunction or complicated by the repairs, adevice repaired after this malfunction effect willforevermore be more difficult to operate. Operatorsof the device suffer a -3 penalty on all related rolls.This penalty is cumulative for devices that suffer thismalfunction effect multiple times.

Bulky: A device that suffers this malfunctioneffect may only be repaired and rebuilt in a new,larger form. After repair, the device is one size classlarger - Tiny devices become Small, Small de-vices become Medium, and so on. The weight ofthe device is similarly affected, and the vehicle'stop speed is lowered by Z0 miles per hour.

Critical Component: A critical component of the

device is completely destroyed by the malfunction.

The device cannot be repaired until a rare or delicate

component worth at least 5o/o of the device's market

value can be replaced. (This requirement might bean adventure seed for components that may not becommonly available on the open market. )

Ablative: Even after they are repaired, devices

that suffer this malfunction effect continue to dam-

age themselves each time they are used, losing t hitpoint each time they operate. This damage can be

repaired with normal Craft (technological device*)rolls, but the malfunction effect can onlybe removed

with an effiort equal to an upgrade that would provide

the device with its maximum number of hit points(and a Technology Score equal its current TS).

Noisemaker: At the time of the malfunction, the

device emits a loud and annoying noise that can be heardby *y creature within 60 feet. After repair, the devicemakes the noise continuously during its operation and for

a period aftenvard equal to its starnrp or operation time(but not less than 1 minute). This effect can be repaired

by " second Craft (technological devicex) with a DC

equal to that required to repair the Device check.

Fused Function: After being knocked into a

malfunctioning state, the device becomes difficult

to repair and impossible to alter. After suffering this

malfunction effect, the device may never be up-graded, and all skill checks made to repair the

device have their DC increased by +5. The penalty

to skill checks is cumulative for devices that suffer

this malfunction effect multiple times.

Fragile: After malfunctioning, the device be-

comes more easily damaged. Even after repair, the

maximum hit poin$ that the device can possess is

equal to its Technology Score x 1. This malfunc-

tion effect can only be repaired via an upgrade toraise the device's hit points to their previous level.

Pain Machine: The device can be repaired rlor-

mally, but after suffering this malfunction effect the

device will cause 1d6 points of damage to its opera-

tor each time it is used. Repair of this effect requires

effort and cost equal to adding an upgrade with the

ability to inflict 1d6 points of damage.

Phlogiston Explosion: The small phlogiston

boiler at the heart of a steam-powered device ex-plodes, doing damage equal to ( the device's

Technology Score x 1d6) to all characters and

creatures within 15 feet. The Craft (technological


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'Iro^AretsBur E uraqt IIEr erEP Plrrllrrt olr tnq 'asod;nd rreqt anres sla8pu8 q8notaseql 'sqrdap s,noa8llnp ts LII puno; slred,{lsnr uIoUserr^ep Ulqseltsur raqraSor alqqor ol slllls rleqlasn LrtsJ sJelrrrl 'stuauroril aluradsJp tsoru JrJtlt LII




'(n^J.raldeqj Ln sselr a8rlsa;d raatn8ue aqt aas) ArlilqtsLror tBroqEII or pBel eqr g f nt -raatn8ua tre [q p.l st tra [o;d ..p

ssalun LrortBlnf,lBr sltp LII PePnllul loLI arB SIaIJIF)uI lBec

la^el ralurl aberane s.lfe[o.rd + srelull 1o requnu- l1u;1 ;eu6qouq]el uorleroqelpJ

:serlrera;1p 8q,,v\olloJ aqt qtl^\ tnq 'CdU rlurrren6 equoeerqJ.ratdeqj LII peqlrrsap sE sI Llolleroqellor Aq arrnap

lecrSolouqcal ts Jo trortueJr eqJ 'uorlalduloJ [laurrrol toeford aql aptn8 o] suo#e rleqt eLIIquoJ tsllu srrlull

pailHS 'a1drr1nu 's>1ser aldturs Surlpwq pLrE slulralutu ̂\tsr

8tu nou,tq tsr sse uuf sJeIJoA\ peuluJtun all g,A' LI/Ko JI el{l

rro {$rt eqt atelduroc plnol sre{LIIt ̂\aJ tBt{t trrutstlofot tlnruJlp os ro a8rel os erB 'slnutua88nf Suto8ueefos,JpJoH eqt pLrE surladdaz LIIIqoB su qcns 'saJlnap etuos

u o lPnrlsu oJ e^llPr oqP I lof'notsrSolqd;o Alddns ̂\eLI e Stttrncord

eAIo^Lrl IIIA\ pLrts 5 I lsBel rB Jo OC tuntultl]ul e a^eq

III^\ arlnep eqt rtedar ot parlnbar llrt{l (,r.arl^ap

se)neq lro^Arelspw ro,rur1 1ecr'o,iffll",',TJl,Tli1l;;'(1ana1 ra+rlt lcalord a8uanu ar4 + OC s(If,eqr eql)

.(q parldupur sr llnser er.p '�Ireql UErO lrysserlns E sa{Eul

JeIrru E Lreq \'ranaznoll '(sacardplo8 LII palrBtu sl sa:8ordaraqzn) srseqApler!\ ts ro (sacardra^lls Lrl pelreru sI sa-r8ordaraqm) slseq [lpp ts relple LIo sllor eTetu [eut loalordeqt Lrl pa^lo^Lrr ralrrrt qJtse 'patuu-retep sr eJrneP eql

JO enp^ talrtsur aqt reUV 'arl^ap eWJo arors dSolotqlelatp + 51 O1 lunba ilps st ssa:8old a4eu ol Prrlnbar >1caqc

(r.acrnap pcrSoyoqcal) UErO aqr Jo OA eqr 'lca[ord

rronJnJlsrroJ anrlBroqtslloJ E LII :uorlJrulsuoJ aJI ac'requlnu aloq \ lserBelr eql ol papunor

eru suollrerJ IIV 'sre+qr jo raqr.unu letot eW Aq 3u1p1n1p

pLru pe^lo^rrr sre+rl] IIE Jo qe^al ssElr re+rrt lBtot eql8u1ppe Aqpatrruuetep $ Ie^el re+u a8erane s,traford t.LL


Masterwork devices are similar to masterworkitems created by other artisans in that their superiorconstruction makes them more effective than nor-mal devices. To create a masterwork technologicaldevice, a tinker first designs the device as describedin Chapter Three of the Warcraft RPG, and paysone-third of the item's market value to begin con-struction. However, when creating a masterworkdevice, the tinker must pay an additional l}o/oof theitem's cost to reflect the higher quality of the device'scomponents, and make a Craft (technological de-vice)x check with a DC equal to 15 + the device'sTechnology Score. Though the cost of building amasterwork device must only be paid once, eachattempt to begin takes 1 week. Once the tinker hassucceeded at this check, she may begin makingnormal progress on construction of the Device check.

Masterwork devices grant their operators a +3

bonus on any skill checks required to operate them.The masterwork quality is not automatically con-ferred upon upgrades that provide a masterworkdevice with a new secondary function or replace itsprimary function. These upgrades must be corr-structed as masterwork devices in order to granttheir operators the bonus.

Special ancl Favorecl MaterialsLike other artisans of their races, tinkers like to

work with their favored materials. Occasionally,when they manage to procure supplies, tinkers ofother races also like to work with these specialmaterials due to their superior qualities.

The favored special material of each race is de-scribed in Chapter Three of the Warcraft RPG. Atinker receives a * 1 bonus on all Craft (technologi-

cal devicex ) checks while working with his race'sfavored material. All devices created with specialmaterials must be of masterwork quality, created asdescribed in Masterwork Devices, above.

The bonuses granted by special materials are asdescribed below. The costs of using special materi-als are as described only where these materials areavailable. Typically, a tinker will only be able toeasily procure the favored material of her own raceat the cost listed. Obtaining other special materialsmay involve exploring to gather them in the wild orstealing them from other races.

Adamantine: A device fashioned with adam?rr-tine has a maximum hardness equal to twice its

Technology Score and maximum hit points equal toits Technology Score x B. Use of adamantine adds anadditional 50o/o to the cost of raw materials requiredto begin construction of a device.

Arcanite: A device crafted using arcanite can in-flict orprevent a maximum of 1d6+2 points ofdamageper round for each point in its Technology Score. Italso has a maximum hardness equal to its TechnologyScore + 10. Raw arcanite costs 1,000 gp per point ofTS, which must be paid when purchasing raw mate-rials before construction of the device begins.

Darkwood: A device made of darkwood is sturdybut unexpectedly light; it has a maximum cargo loadof its Technology Score x 400 pounds. In addition, itsmaximum movement speed is equal to its TechnologyScore x75 milesperhour. Use ofdarkwood inbuildinga device adds 1 ,000 gp per point ofTS to the cost ofrawmaterials required to begin construction.

Dragonhide: A device covered in dragonhide israre but exceptionally resistant to damage. It has amaximum AC bonus equal to twice its TechnologyScore and a hardness equal to its Technology Score+ 5. Adding dragonhide covering to a device costsone-quarter the market value of a device, whichmust be paid when purchasing raw materials beforeconstruction begins.

Mithral: A device made with this light but rigidmaterial has maximum hit points equal to its Tech-nology Score x 9 and a maximum AC bonus equalto its Technology Score + 4. In addition, light-weight vehicles built with mithral are so easy topilot that they grant their operators a +5 bonus onManeuverability checks. Use of mithral doublesthe cost of raw materials required to start construc-tion of a Device check.

Thorium: Thorium grants a device into which it isincorporated not only strength but unusual dens ity. Ab lewithrstand higher steam pressure, it can inflict up to itsTechnology Score x 1d8 points ofdamage per round andhas a ma<imum range increment equal to its TechnologyScore x75 feet. It also has a maximum AC bonus equalto its Technology Score +3 and maximum hit pointsequal to its Technology Score x 10. However, as thoriumis also heavier than other memls, devices made with ithave a mar<imum cargo capaciry equal to theirTechnol-ogy Score x 150 pounds and add a -5 penalry on allManeuverabiliry checla made by the operator. The useof thorium in constmcting a device doubles the cost ofraw materials required to start construction.

' ,,,,,. q'qt

9t d6 001'q sz d6 ozt 'qil d6 ogz

, 'ql0E d6 ozt'qt

0? d6 ooE'qt I d6 oEt'\til d6 szt,

,,,,,,.,':tllt 'q g db oEu

i 'ql 0z d6 oEg

'ql B/l d6 oog

'qt 9t d6 og

:i::o,.;,rl:i;*,ri':' .ql gl d6 OZ

'qt 0z d6 og: 'qL d6os

'qr ? d6 oEz'qt 001 d6 szz'qlvil d6 os'ql

0E snorre^

qtztt d6 oEi:,::ii


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L d6 oot'ql

9? d6 ogl'qt

0z d6 oot'q

00['t d6 002'qt

9z d6 oEt'qt

0z d6 oot'qt

0t 'd6


E d6 ool

: 'ql

0z d6 oE'q

0z d6 sgl'q 9t d6 912

'ql EZI d6 osz'qt

0z d6 sztilblot\ lsoJ

ttf ' ,,

I )!unl reuuns;,..rri ,

l esugs,ls

0 pnoldru!'Fuy!\r'uee6

0 PcPuEs'r{3ul/,^reelS

Z slelluneb ruea15

1 stooq eleIs

I lced p;arq5

I qleaqs 6urued.req5

z uPqees

0 6ur-r rlloopres

0 plalqs s..redde5

O ('U 0d erorerh '"dog

O ('U 0S) edoruo4 'adou

Jentnb 6u t fi an@,.i;,1:r i:,,,,

rolcefur uorlod

I uat{rlPl eHe#9d*F:

I raleuasrou lalrod

s uruPollefll

J ,futues leuueqoey\-ror-redns

t, 'rcrp;os elqeleBut

pano.rdur(, 6rarPlos eneleHul


'relPps aHeleuul

Z qleeqs PoPIoH

0 se(e s.uoqd{.rg

L le;d lrol s6urtqog

E slooq (u.re ullqoC

0 uleqreS

g un6 uo6er0

I a6plrq a;qrsdelpJ

V uexo lro/YtlcolJ

I a6.re; 'ryed o6.re3

I prepuels '1ced o6.re3

0 uleq a(a1q6r.rg

Z razlllqels ,t\og

2 lerreq ePeE

7, slFlso$v

2 Jelql illeuolnv

0 lslueqf,le )llstuo$v

(, selloeqs anrldepy

un ,i, sallIP,,,A,,, F iilnlueAp$. u,,+r,f'


OC aqt '�slle; pue eperu st adeose ol ldulatte uE erull

r{rBE '0[ le sur8aq sel{retls entldepe tuory aar; ta8ol s{rer{f, lsrtry adef,sg }o OC eql 'adecsa ot tlnf,-llJlp /,11ensnun sI tg 'pauatq8rr

PUB PatBUuI stslr/!\slr{ punoJe s#nJ eqt pue spuetl s(Jeuostrd e JeAo

paceld sr sallrer{s anndepe }o qteer.{s IIBuIulBt{Jaqt aruo 'r{,euJnof laql SutrnP sel{let{s anudepe

petue^ur anrlr8n; padecse uB Jo qJJBes uI reIull

JalsBru E rllr/tr SurlanBrl uepJe^l v :uolrdpesaq

sePpPqs e^ndPpv'PBor eqr uo alltlA\ IBau luefeP B {oof, ol

ro '' 'plro^r eqr enBS ot stsenb laqr Suunp InJesn pulJ

/,eru sraJnlua^pe rer{t stuatl slletep uoltf,es sltlJ

rPeDtulrnluenpv'stJalqo uo uoltetuJolul aJotu JoJ ,,'uoltetoldxE,,

'Suuntue^pv :6 rardeg3 'gHd aqr pue Sutrnl-uenpv :aerr{I rardeqO 'CdU

UerrrB/K aqt aes'JJa[qo rc1luls ro uodeen\

'luaudrnbe Jo ef,etd prepuets B JoJ sB etues eqt sI

Jo elqecrldde tou sI Jaqtle JItsItEts eql 'uotsslruo uB

Jo esBJ ur lcttsltets ,{,rena tsII III/K seJIAeP IIB roN'(Ul,tt) Surreg uoIlf,unJIBIAI PUB la8e

-ruepJo tunorue l(a8uef,) luatuarrut a8uer :(goU)

aJrJ ,o elBJ epnlJul sf,Itsltets aqt 'suodeam JoJ'(UW) Surreg uonrurylel/{

pue :(tS) etult dnlrets :(CC atearO) OA uolte-err ruetl lseoatd plo8 q (nlAI) anpn ta{retu :(ntat3)

pepeau srequeru /\{erf, }o reqrunu :(o8re3) ,brcedeco8rec 1 sasarpuared ur patou Suuer,bII qeJe^nauetu gt l rlt'rnoq rad sallul ul (pdS) paads dot lsPunod ul (InA,.)rqfte,lrr :(ZS) aas :(dq) qutodrH : (UH) sseuPrBq :(OV)

ssBIC rouuv apnllul sf,It$ters 'uottdursap eqt s/KolloJ

{lolq sJrtslters v '*ell ct8eut e aTI qJnu 'uotldtrf,seP

aralduror B stq pue eluBu ,{q palsll st erlnep qrEE

stu 11s!T e)!^eq p)lto;ou q)el

'aTIB SUBIII^ PUB saoreq ol alqqpne saf,InaP

pcrSolouqcet Jo uortrellof, enltlutJep aqt aplno;d am'ara11 'qroreryjo sef,Br aqr ̂q pasn sef,I^ap lef,rSolouqcareqr Jo Surldules B lnq parago a^{ 'CdU

ryErrre1\ aql

Jo aen{J rarderl3 u1 'ularl,teur }o eua8eueu snorpuo t

B $uesard uortJas qW - {sap s(prea^\ elp ot rotf,elloruotsrSopd aql uIoU 'sta4cor qquou8 ot uo8em teerueql ulory 'totcatap

Wrur eqr ot uooq,(uue qlqo8 uorC

se)nec IPDFolouq)eI




i i ' t . . , , . , : r l , j i , , ! ,

Aclventu ri ng Gear (conti nuecl )

m ' '

Item MR

Sunbuckle 0

Tinker's arms 2

Tinker's belt 1

Tracking boots, 0dire bear

Tracking boots, 0dire wolf

Tracking boots, 0quilboar

Tracking boots, 0frost wolf

Tracking boots, 0frostsaber cat

Tracking boots, 0kodo beast

Traphands 4

Trap thumper 5

Valuator 1

Wand harness 0

Wizard's desk 0




Memor-y scrubber 2

Miser's forge 3

N6utralizer grenade 1

Noble's swordsmen 1

Phlogiston collector 2

Phlogiston, liquid (vial)

PortSle head (ldt$rage) 2

Portable head 2(Knowledg", 3 ranks)

Portable head 2(Kruwledge, 6 ranks)

Substitution engine 1

Truth detector 2

VehiclesItem MRDeshoyer 1Fly*ng'mmhine 1Footcarts 1

Cost Weight50 gp 1l2lb.2,500 gp 20 lb.25 gp 10 Ib.40 gp lzlb.

40 sp 12lb.

50 gp 12lb.

60 gp 121b.

75 gp 1215.

120 sp 1216.

625 gp 25 lb.500 sp 100 Ib.250 sp 3 lb.30 gp 4lb.200 ep 15 lb.

Special Substances and ltemsCost Weight415 gp 1,500 Ib.33,000 gp225lb.?,375 gp 200 lb.500 sp 1 lb.2,250 gp 7,000 lb.37,500 9o12,000 lb.20 gp. 11416.110 sp 15lb.120 sp 15 lb.

215 sp 15 lb.

6,000 sp 200 lb.1,750 gp 300 lb.

Cost Weight1,660 gp 22,0001b.2,17'10'..9p 1,100 lb.125 sp 6 lb.

" t,,r, "' 'i'

','-w#fl;tt wi


Vehicles (continuecl)Item MRGnomish helicopter 2

Gnomish submarine 1

Goblin shredder 3

Goblin zeppelin 0

fron fish 2

Meat wagon I

Phlogistic unicycle 0

Rairundrer 3

Scout balloon 1

Siege engine 3

Siege wagon 1

Steam horse 1

Steam launch 1

Steamwarrior armor 1

WeaponsItem MR

Alchemical grenades 1

Blast arrow 3

Demon dirk 1

Dwanren reciprocator 3

Firestarter 1

Frre arrow 2

Flash pod 1

Glue mines (6) 1

Glue rifle 1

Gnomish rockets 2

Grease mines (12) 0

lronjaw 1

Lightning net 2

Musk bomb 0

Net launcher 1

Oscillating hilt 2

Splinter gun 1

Swordbelt 1

Tinker's tosser 2

Zecker DevicesItem MR

Tecker's cloak 0

Tecker's firestaff 2

Tecker's wand 1

Cost Weight

750 sp 600 lb.2,225 gp 5,500 Ib.1,350 gp ?00 lb.6,000 gp 3,000 lb.1,500 gp 600 lb.1,000 !p 5,000 lb.300 sp 60 lb.87,500 gp 42,000 h.45 gp 40 lb.1,500 gp 4,500 lb.2,750 gp 4,000 lb.782 sp 600 lb.660 sp 300 lb.2,550 gp 1,300 lb.

Cost WeightB0 gp 1 Ib.75 gp 1l16lb.17 gp zlb.1500 sp 15 lb.5,000 gp 3,500 lb.100 sp 1/16 lb.50 gp 1 lb.175 vztb.400 sp 20 Ib.125 ep 5 lb.300 sp 113lb.200 sp 4lb.165 sp 10 Ib.300 sp 1 lb.250 sp B lb.65 sp 1 lb.330 sp 15 lb.150 sp 4lb.375 sp 15 lb.

Cost Weight

12,500 9p25 lb.

330 sp 12\b.100 sp 1 lb

IIIII uolnq puof,es agl Suysserd 'etult ,{ue le Sutstr dols otuq 8q/!\olle allq/lr'punor rad taa; g I jo arer B tB leeJ 09Jorqflaq uruulxeru B ol stilts aql dore JaJBa r eqt sesIBJ tlun

Iorluor eql uo uounq rsrrJ eql 8ursser d : Z W I swing

:slf,aJ;a SurmolloJ eqt ser{ trun lortuoraqr uo suottnq eql Jo esn 'tlaq slq tuory s8ueq

rer{t tlun IoJluoJ E ot 8ur>1eus selqeJ qll/v\ 'JeJeezlt

aqt ;o s8al ra^\ol pue teeJ eqr Jo r.lree ol derls teqrseJrnap lef,rueqf,eru aJB stlltsolnv :uolldrJJseq


rS:6r oC el'a'o:dB gttnn,'qt o! Iil;i!#:;g x IIBTTJ I x epl/n'ul gt)^utJ,ZS:0I dq:g uH

'(anoqe aas)

{raqr . ":::,:,r"r:i:::;rt, ::il:::::'ff, " sB esrou qJnu sB seTeur;alql Jrteruotne eql 'uorlerado

ur ailq/A, 'lll)ls eql uI s{trBr 0z PBq 1l I sB {f,eqrerrneq elqBSIC B sa{Br.u}a1p f,rlBruotne eqt 'raryeareqr

spunor g fuana pue pete^rtf,B sr tl reUB spunor e^lC '{rol

aqt alqBSIp or parnbar OA elp jleq-euo or pnbe OCIB r{tl/rr {leqr xaf,rneq pcrSolouqf,al esn B e{Etu lsnrurolerado aqr 'Icol E ouarqr Jnetuotne uB tf,euuoJ oJ

'$lJol prepuets pue sroop lsou uado ol sa8e-ueur eJrnep eqr rng 'sseJoJd AqlSuel ,t11ensn pue,{,srou B sr srqJ 'IJol eqr uado ot ldurane ot sur8aq

jalqt f,rtBruotne aqt pue lpalenrtre sr eplsul stq8ram-JeJunof, pue 's8uuds 'srea8

Jo ualsAs atef,rJlul eqlisaqord eqt ot patJeuuof, uaqt sI ef,Inep eql 'aser

punoq-sseJq stl dote stuerutreduloo tuory saqord

pezrs ,tlareudordde $reles Jelql f,rletuolne uE Joroterado eqt '{col e Suuatunof,ua uodn 'uoltJun}

Ienrce stl ueqt rrleruerpolaul erotu tlq B sdeqradsr Jerqt f,rleruotne eqt jo erueu aqJ :uoltdlrrseq

'(sasn O0 erJrlt Jeno lno JBe/n pue 'tsoJ [11eulrou

plno/rrJlesrl tuetl aql tunoluB aql seturl 0I lsor 'uall

Ierrueqlle cglcads e 8ur>1etu roj sadtcar eql aprnord

s8oc esaqJ 'stsllueqtle qsrulou8 tuog elqBIIE^Eere terp sadrcer lernueqlle uretuoc sSoc rrllreds

'sarlddns aJour Suurnbarerolaq ulal! IBrrueqrlB ,{,ue }o xls ol dn eIBtuor 1l /nollB lBqr sluelPerSut [ressaceu Jot sJeulB]uof,

sPloq lsrueqJlB f,IlBluolnB aql uI sulq Jo selras

lercads V 'slBlJetetu /v\BJ /;essaoau aql set{ af,Ilep

eql ur tEA ar{r se 3uo1 sE alqlssod sI sruetl lef,Irueqrleraqlo pue arlJ s(lsnueqtle 'plr"

Jo arntretnuelnl'02 ro O I e{Bl Lluo uer tslrueqrle f,Iteluotne aqJ'lll{s eqt uI sluat g gtl,n tnq 'op uet III{s (/,uraqc-lB) UBrC eqt tBqt {sBr ,tue ruro;rad uBr erl^aP

eqJ 'Surf,ueleq f,Ielnuroy Sullurolrad pue slue8e-aJ Surxlul 'stsal

lef,Iueqtle SutuunJ Joj snteredde

PaJUBAPB surBluoJ eluoP IBleuI PezIs-IB^{P slt{J's{set enllltadar ro Sutroq ulroyad

ot sreuortrtJerd lecruer.lole roJ peeu eqt eleultulleot tsltuaqlle Jltetuotne eqr pau8rsep Jotuelul uV'stuerpar8ur,o uolteulqruof, IBIJeds e xlul Jo EInu-ro1 ateJrlep E ef,uBIBq ot 8ur,{rr ueq^t ,tlleroadsa'stlnsar snorlseslp ot peel uauo uBr Aruaqrle ul slnJ-uoqs 8ur>1eru reqr peJanocslp e^Bq sef,EJ Jeqto puesurlqo8 'seurouo 'ulnlpat

Jo eJer{s JIB} stl seq 'ef,ue

-lf,s Surtsaralul ue allr{m "{ulaqJIV :uolldrJJsaq


UI/{ lspunor Z IS :02

CC areerO :dE g7I nW :'ql g 1714,.:(qteaqs retetuelp'U

I x 3uo1 I S' I ) IIBIUS ZS :gZdq:g UH :gt OV'trefqns E uo sellret{s lnd ot >lf,eqf,

*arrneq lecrSolouqf,al esn g I OC :uorleredo'Jauosud aqr tnq auor(ue ol tuaredde

Jelq.I)llpuolnv ,tlaterpetulul aq tou ,(eul uoItrunJIBuI aql q['rauosud B otuo paceld Suraq erB sel{ret{s aql

'0 Uy\ lspunor g JS:OZ OC ateerO:dB ggynll{ ueq/lr Aluo srnrf,o uo

|q szl r/N iurnrpan zs :oI d.{ :g uH :0I ov .elrrqa^ ro IIB/!\ B o'Sulllllar roJ lxe1 aas lraSSur or {reqr sal{t'qs anrldepe }o raluef, aql

xarrneq lecrSolout{reJ asn 0Z OC :uolturedo V

.(0t CC) 1ana1 es'q

'satlddns lBrlueqr lltun etnunu rad CC aqt ol [-]o eter eqt tE u€

-lv uI dB OSZ stsor IIIlat qlBE 'sselesn slelreleu ,(pro1s IIIA\ s#nr aqt '

eql srePuar PUE ulq IIIlal eql Jo slueluof, eql s111ds 8ur,fur sdots rauosud alsrueqf,le f,ItetuotnB eqt IIIJat ot {raqr eqt SulllEC eqt arurl qf,Be a8eulr'If,eqf,

*af,Ineq lecr8olout{ral asn gI OA e sartnb q8noua rq8rr eq IIr/y\ si-er tsruer.{rlB rrlBruolnB aqt 3ur11gag :3u177r.p9 eqt saqrBar ccl eql

'uatr lerruaqlle a18urs reqt 8ur>1etu;o asodrnd ut Sutnerp pue 'tllq8r:

aql ro; $luer 0 I ^q III{s (Aruaqrle ) UBrO s(lsrrueqrle treer retuer rlaqt lB sO

f,rlB(uotne eqr stsoog sSoo asaqt Jo auo 3urs61 -BtrI pue Jelloq uolst8




gryphon's eles

inflanble sol.dier

lower him at the same rate. Moving while the stilb areextended requires a Balance check against a DC equal to(5 + 3 for each 10 feet of stilt extension).

Button3 : Pressing the third button extends the stiltsto a 7)-foot length nearly instantaneously, and thenretracts them just as quickly. This function allows forprodigious leaps - the character may make a Jumpcheck with a +15 circumstance bonus, and a maxi-mum distance that is capped by the character's height+ 70 feet.

'V7hen this function is used, the autostilts

may not be used again for 10 minutes while steampressure rebuilds inside the pistons.

A character's movement speed is halved whilewearing autostilts.

Operation : DC 1 0 Use Technological Dev ice x check.

HR 5; hp 75; SZ Small; \7T 20 1b.; MV 165 ep;Create DC Z0; ST 1 round; MR 2.

Blacle BarrelDescription: The goblins of Ratchet have devel-

oped hundreds of ways to secure precious shipmentssitting in the warehouses and storage rooms of theirfamous city. The blade barrel seems to be the most

popular measure of the moment, a stunningly in-timidating contraption. Goblin dock wardens placeblade barrels among shipments of precious goods.

The device is a deterrent to theft. Triggered byproximity or movement, the blade banel unfolds, andup to 10 articulated affns slide out of hidden panels.

Each of these arrns terminates in a scalpel-sharpdagger blade capable of slicing bone. These arrnshover like serpents waiting for any sign of movement.Clockwork sensors and phlogiston-directed vanesdetect motion near the blade barrel, and anythinglarger than a rat is subject to a lethal series of attacks.

Blade barrels appear to be normal barrels of goods

or warehouse crates. A tell tale ticking can be heardwith a DC 70 Listen check by those cautiousenough to stand still and listen. Cruel or maliciousgoblins often tip the dagger arms with venom tomark anyone that the blade barrels daggers slash.

The blade banel lashes out at anything that stumbleswithin its lO-foot reach. It makes 1d10 attacks per

round on its own initiative, each at +5 to attack. Eachblade inflicts Id4points ofdamage (this may also carrypoison, depending on how the device was armed).

't UIAI l'ullu 0I IS :SZ Jq

areerC :dB gg7 nl^l :(punorl.ry 06) dur 0I pds :'ql

00I' I JrA,' :'ql 000'7 lrtrtvdec o8rec' (apglr'U gx IIBI'ry

Lx 3uo1 'ry g1 ) a8re11zs:gg dr{ :0t Ug :Zt JV'If,aqr

*aq^ecl pcrSolouqcel asn g I CC :uoneradg'su/!\oP{BeJq alqBlr^eur eqt ledar ol sra{urt apnlJulseurqJeu aql Sursn sUEABJBJ tuerlJJaru lsoru reqluortJunJleur ot euord os sr uaxo {Jo/DlJolJ aqt 8ul-remod aur8ua r,ueats aqt 'alqernp [laular]xe sr llaqssrr q8noqJ '[poq pedeqs-larreq s]l ]o rorratur eqt uro8rec;o speol ,heat1/,uec ol peu8rsap sr esJor{ tueetsaqt Jo uorsJel Japnrf, 'radeaqr slqJ :uolldrrrseq


UIAI ipunor I JS :(a8re1) St '(prepuers)

/ I OC etearC :(a8re1) dB 0gI '(prepuels) dF OOI nlAI

:(a8re1) 'ql Sz'(prepuels)

'ql0Z I71A,:'ql 009,hrcedec

o8rer '(deap 'fI V x epl^r 'tI

b x IIBI 'U g) (a8q)

a8rel :'ql 001 lucedeo o8rec '(daap U e x apl^r 'U

t x IIBI 'U g) (prepuers) unrpel/{ ZS :0I dt{ :Z UH

'enorueJ ro uop ot {f,aqJ,{rlrarxaq 0I cc :uoRe.redg'paledar sr tl lrtun ([1pul

-rou petearl tq8razn IIE gtlan) >1ced{req prBpuBtsB sB stfe 4red o8reo eqJ 'sdeus sderts uoddnsxalduroc s,>1ced o8rec eqt Jo euo :uori)unllnw

' rbroedec Surr{,JJBf, SututulJelap

Jo asofund eqt roJ peraplsuof, sl rq8ram letor aqljo retrenb e /,1uo :>1oed o8rec B eprsul pelJJEf, aq,teul,broeder IInJ aqt ol dn peol [rV 'sploueurnq a8relreqto pue uernet roJ elqBIrB^B sr 'spuo1 SurpunotseeJoru uene [uec o] alqe '>1ced ra8rel V


ploueurnq unrpal\ ro IIBUTS /,ue rlJ ot parsntpeeq uBf, 4ced o8rec prepuets E uo sdens eqJ 'speol

snoruJoua /,uec LlqeuoJtuoJ or >lcedIleq paJuBIBq-lle^\ rer{ snotuJoua aqt Jo JaJEe/lt eqt 3urmo11e'auler; stl dn Sur4eul srroddns Jo selJes alBf,IJluIpue rtprnrs B ser{ >1ced o8rec slql :uolldrrrsaq


'0 UW lpunor I JS :9t OC atBarC :dB gg nlAI :'ql

0I I71N :('rJ I x 'U I x 'U I ) [utl ZS:9I dq :g UH

'PII eql Janlol Jo asIBJ ol Jo 'Io Jo uo luBeq

tt{8ll aqt urnl ot uortrB prepuets :uorleredo'satnulul

0I uBql ssel ul IIoq B ot relBm BuuquBf, tl - rod 8ur4oof, B sB raurleq aqr esn pue a8etuen-pE rreqt ot uelqord srqr perunt e^Bq sJalntua^peSutsufuetuE 'JeJBa/r\ eqt uo etnqur rad a8eulep aJIJ

Jo luod 1 rorgur pue dn reaq llt,r,r urlaq eqt pasolr srpll aqr ueqn\ ro '/,laleredas

Jo peurnt aq lsnru rueeqeql 'tqBII aqt renor ot suel eqt rano u^rop paddorp

eq uer terlt ranof, e)il1-pll eqrJo esnBreq osp rng rqEIIslr ro, l,1uo lou patueu se^r qeq a/,elq8lrq aql

',fuaneq uotsrSolqd auo uosJnoq Zl rcI saterado tl 'auof, tooj-ggI e ul uoneu-rurnlll l,,lopeqs pue euor 1oo;-gg E ul uorteururnlllrealf, saprnord rueeq slqJ '^rorq stl uo pelunousuel lef,rreqdsruraq B tuory lq8tl Jo rueaq Inleznod estcaford raurlaq slql 'sureAEJ punor8rapun SuuoldxasJeJntuenpe pue sJeunu JoJ patBaJO :uolldrJJseq


'Z UIAI :(moq ot qreue) rnoq I JS :gt CC eleerC

:dB ggl nn :'ql tIrN lannnutuKl ZStg dq:g UH'rr\oq o1 JazrllQers qJBtlB o1

(aornap 1eor8o1ouqf,el) ryer3 gZ J1:uorleredo'parreder sr tl lltun sllor {f,Bue IIB uo 'b1eua d 7-e 8ur-SrlEJ 'esn ol llnJI#lP PUE Pef,uBlBqun saluof,eq /noqeql 'suortJunJlBur JezrlrqBrs /noq B ueqm 'JeAeA\oH'({ceqesroq ro 'a1cl!an B sB qcns) a8etuen SurnotuB ruou aP€lu roqs ,{,ue uo snuoq ef,uBtsrunf,JrJ f+B stuer8 rezrpqets r!\oq aqt 'paqcene eJuO 'rezrllgers

eqt qrene ot rnoq auo sa{Bt ll 'If,er{f, (acrnappcr8olouqcal) UBrC gZ CC B gtl,n /r\oqrroqs romoq8uol [ue uo pelle]sur aq uBf, rezrlrqers ̂\oq V

eq, pu*,, ( uop oq { "#H[X Ji-Tffi;;":?f::sr rezrlrqEts ^{oq eqr 'pardoc

{.plrN 'sarrnap s,urds8o3

Iuos aruBf, sserf,ns rleqt Jo qrnr,u ,!\oq eSpaproll)l-JE ot >1c1nb sBA\ Jepueruruof, aql 'aproH aqt tsurc8erBrN Puof,es eql q strun e^rlre#a tsolu eqt Jo auo sB

PaJouoq sB/n ((JePuntL 8qilou,, eqt ueq/n 'uortoru ureplr\ Suug;o ulo t pue $lf, orls aqt roj petBsuaduroc reqruq8ram-retunor puB srea8Jo les B petJrutsuof, urdsSo3r[^lv 's]oqs rleqt ;o ,(cernrf,E aqt Sultrage alf,rqe^aquo Surlrsoleqr ]noqe paureldruof, sreqf,rB eqr uaqr/K'suo8em a8ars ur epJoH er{t tsurc8e apteq otul epoJLaql sB sJar.{JJB ef,uerllv;o,{uedurof, E Suruoddns JeIurlB ̂q palua^ur se^r rezrlrqels /!roq ar1l :uolrdprseq

JszllrqPls /!\og

't UIAI lpunor I JS :OZ CC a]eerC :dB ggnll{:'ql OZ JnA, lurnrpay\ ZS:gI d.{:0t UH:g CV

'{JBnB or peuud 1,11n; Sururerual ellq/!\ enrlJeurreadde llta,r derl aql reqt sueetu S uer{t eroru ,tq

{f,eqr uouenltreep eqr Surpeg 'etenrtreap ot pue tesot xerr^ecl pcrSolouqceJ asn tI OC :uorleredo

'uralo8 {un[ e [q pe^ouer lerreq aqr e^Bq ueqr

PUB ,teme laeJ 0t lnoqB ruou ellsrq^{ aqt ^rolq llt,lrurlqo8 trerus V

'ur!\olq ueq/lr tr selenltf,Bap qJlqr\{'altsrqm

lercads e salnbar derl eqt Suruueslcl

&Hr& 1::=\-J":,'.i

Collapsible BrictgeDescription: A collapsible bridge is a system of

canvas, pipes and cables that folds into a small

trunk. When opened, the bridge has a canvas

surface 5 feet wide and anywhere between 10 and

30 feet in length. In its shortest form ( 10 feet long),

the bridge can support up to 600 pounds. For each

additional 10 feet the bridge is extended, its maxi-

mum load decreases by 200 pounds, to a minimum

of 200 pounds at 30 feet in length. Rings on the far

ends of the bridge poles and on the trunk allow the

bridge to be spiked in place at both ends.

Operation : DC 1 0 Use Technological Device x check.

HR Z,hp 10; SZ Small (Tft.wide x 1 ft. tall x 1 ft. deep),

stored; \7T 20 1b.; MV 100 gp; Create DC 17; ST 1 min.

per 10 ft. of extension to unfold or repack; MR 1.

DragonGunDescription: Dragon guns are tinker-created

weapons inspired by the deadly breath weapons of

dragons. Alchemist's fire is projected by steam

pressure from the tip of a blunderbuss-like rifle to

cast sheets of flame across a battlefield. Though

dragon guns are terrifying and destructive weapons,

the backpack tanks that store the liquid ammuni-

tion are notoriously fragile.

The weapon has a70 -foot range increment and infl icts

7d6 fire damage on a successful hit. On the round

following a hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points

ofdamage as the sticky alchemist's fire continues to bum.

The target can take a full-round action to attempt to

extinguish the flames before taking this additional dam-

age. A successful DC 1 5 Reflex save is needed to extul$ltsh

the flames. Goingprone and rolling on the ground gives

the targeta+Zbonus on this saving th,row. Leaping into

a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automati-

ca[[y extinguishes the flames.

'\rrvru,miaon: A fully-loaded dragon gun carries 15

charges of alchemist's fire. Each charge allows one shot.

Operation: Exotic'Weapon Proficiency (dragon

gun) and ranged attack roll.

HR 5; hp 5; SZ Small; \7T 45 lb.; MV 150 gp;Create DC 18; ST 1 round; MR 5.

EarhelmDescription: Earhelms have large, goblin'e.ar'

shaped dishes mounted on their sides. These dishes

focus the sounds ahead of the wearer and give him

the ability to hear a whisper at incredible distances.

Earhelms allow the wearer to make Listen checks with

a-l modifier to the DC per 50 feet ofdistance. The dishes

may be rotated to face forward or backward. Th.y grant

the wearer a +5 bonus on Listen checks to detect the

sound of any creature attemptrng to sneak in the direc-

tion the dishes are pointed (rypicallyforward ), but a4penalty on attempts to detect creatures sneaking up from

the opposite direction. Ifthe wearer is willing to look silly

by having one dish rotated forward and the other back,

he gains a +7 bonus to detect creatures sneaking from

either direction, and no penalry. Creatures sneaking to

the wearer's flanlc are treated normally.

Operation: Listen check; DC as appropriate to

the situation.

AC + 1 armor bonus to wearer's AC (stacks as a

shield); HR 7; hp 10; SZ available for Small or

Medium creatures; \7T 7 lb.; MV 100 gp; Create

DC 16; MR 0.

GoblinArmyBootsDescription: The first thing a person thinks of

when goblins come to mind is most likely not foot-

wear. Yet the innovations that goblins have brought

to the design of shoes for adventuring are undeni-

able. Goblin army boots take the design ethos of thegoblin army knife and apply it to military footwear.

Goblin army boots are sturdy leather boots that

strap up to the knee. The heels are very thick,

lending another 6 inches to the height of anyone

wearing a pair. Contained within the heels of the

boots are a number of devices that aid in jumping and

traversing difficult terrain. The wearer can direct the

boots to perfrorm several tasks by manipulating a

series of toe triggers with a successful Use Techno-

logical Device* check; failure means the desired

function is not triggered. It takes three rounds to

switch the boots from one mode to the next.

The soles of the boots contain several options for

negotiating obstacles and terrain. Tightly coiled

springs released from the soles grant the wearer a +5

bonus on Jump checks as well as increasing his base

land speed by 10 feet when running with the springs

extended. Accordion-like stilts extend from the

heels, allowing for an additional 7 feet of height,

although a DC 10 Balance check is required to stay

upright on the stilts. Using a bellows in the heel, air

bladders in each boot inflate to allow a wearer of

Small or Medium size to cross a body of water without

getting wet, with a DC 15 Balance check required to

stabilize and stay upright when walking across water.

'{f,aqf, todg IZ OC B sarrnbarrarplos alqelegur rorredns B pue '�{raqr rodg g I CCB serrnbar rerplos alqelegur pe^ordulr uy '(1ceqc

slqt ot ,(1dde sseu{rep pue ef,uetslp ol enp srar}rpour

IIB) Iraqf, rodg g I OCI B r{tr1y\ trnrtsuor lBrrl}lrre uesB pazruSocer eq uer rerplos elqetellur prepuels V

'saseq rrer{t dn a>1eru teqt s8a4 IIBrus eqlolur pa>loedar Surag ueq^\ IBel e Suuds ot [1.{ll eroruaJB slapou Jrlsllear aJoru eqt 'Surqctrrs xaldtuoJ eJorurlaqt ot anp '[laleun]roJun 'saJBr pfoueurnq 8urfuen

Jo sraqruetu eq or Suueadde slaporu ere se 'alqellene

Sunuof,eg eJB (sqaq urt pue 'sun1s urerlf 'sarnlea;

IBIIBJ qrl^r) rusrleer Surseerf,ur jo srarplos elqetegur'strocsa

ilry erlq or deaqf, ool ro rood oot stuBqf,JaruSuoure ,truelndod ure8 Aaql sV 'ere ,(1rur ,(aqt ueqlpepren8 rauaq readde sdueo rq8rura^o e1eru srarploselqetelluy 'qre8 fueuefJe(u;o Suuelor retro uB qtr^\sreppelq s,daaqslo epetqrelplos elqetegur equo uoue-eJJ eqt peuorssnuruof, aJorueJeqJ pue ua^EqlqflNuea/l\teq satnoJ epBJt snoraSuBp eqt 3uo1e suru relnSarSurleur tuBqf,Jau Sursud.retue uV :uopdpJseq

reJplos elqPlPuul'Z

UIAI :qreaqsotur ra88ep peoleJ ot 'unu

1 'asn ol uortf,B elotu IS

:9t JC eleerO:dB gt nll{:'ql t JnN:(deap'ut I xapl/yyul zx 3uo1 'ul

B) anrrnululc zs:g dq:z uH'(rxal aas) IIor {lele pa8uer ro aABS xageg :uoBBr"dO

'qteeqs aqr ur pauureIser{ re88ep eqt ter{t sueeru IIor {f,BnB er{t ro aABSxegeg eqr raqtra uo uortrunlleru V :uotirunllnw

''trleued V B r{tr/n IIor IrBltB pa8uer

B seJrnbar pue tae' S p tueueJf,ur a8uer B ser{ {f,Blleslr{J'uodeem pa8uer B sB eJIu{ eqt esn pue aAES xeuegeql o8aro; or uondo eql seq JeJBe/!\ eqt 'palenrtce

sr qteeqs tnoploq eqt ueq716, ',{,padord ra83ep aql

;o llH eql qf,ter ol aABS xegeg 0I OC B serrnbar pueuollf,B enoru B PeJePrsuof, sr /nBJP slr{J 'PuBr{ s(JeJBaAreqt otur tno ra88ep e qsnd qrear.{s aqt eprsur s8uudspue 'qctec B seseelar self,snru eqt Jo qJtl/ru pallorluor

v 'flunl esool BJo se^eels eql qlBeueq tuo/v\,(11ensn sr

pue suueeroj eqt ot sdens qteeqs slqJ:uolldprseq

qlPeqs lnoploH

'0 UI/{ :punoi

I IS:8I OCI alear3 1'q1 t J71A,.:(daap'ul t x IIBI'ul

9 x apl^r'ul 01) annnururc ZS:gI dq :Z UH'Sur8reqJeJ JoJ lxel ees .go Jo uo uorsrl

rq8rl-unol uJnt ot uoItJB PunoJ-llnC :uorlgJado

'uotsrSolqd pln-bll;o a8reqr B pue {reqr *errneq lecrSolouqraJesn il OC B sarrnbar uolsrSolqd WIrn serreueq

peep ,sa133o8 eqt Sur8reqreg :aBwtpag {"nung'uotsrSolqd yo Alddns qsau B r,ltrlr\ pa8reqcar

aq tsnu laqt aroJeq rnoq 1 /,1uo roJ lroun sa133o8 eqlramod tBqt sarreneq IIBrus eqr 'reqtrnC 'llelap

lensr^Surruasqo ol peteler $lraqr ro slreqc rodg ,tue uor{rleued tru sra#ns reree/!\ eqt 'sasual

IJIr{t ,sa133o8aqr ot anp 'ranamo11 'uorleununlll rood ;o suorl-lpuoc relnuls pue tq8rlqcrot 'lq8lluootu 'rq8rpets ur/,11eurou aas uEf, JeJEa,t. eqJ 'uorsrn rq8rl-mol JeJEaAreqt tuer8 teqr sa133o8 A{l.q eseql sI penallce a^BL{[aql ]lnser tseq eqt're; snqJ'{rep eqt ur ees or,brpqes,uoqdfu8 aql alearf,ar ot rq8nos 3uo1 a^Eq sraplrpul^\aqt Suoure 8ul{Jo/n sra{urJ :uolldrrrseq

saAS s.uoqdr{tC

't Uhl :gI OC eteer3

:dE Ogt nl,\ i'ql t InA, :l,uta 79 :g dq :g UH'alqrssod sl {reqr uelsrl OZ OC B qrr/h ureqr

Suueaq tnq '3ur4or1o rq8rls e ,t1uo sr a{Eru [aqraslou eqJ'slool (sanelql {Jo/llJalsBlu}o las PJBPUBf SE sB suortf,unJ osle {ctd {lol s(urlqo8 ..{I 'uortre

prepuels B salnbar 't1uo lduralle eqt tnq 's>1oaqc

Ilo'I uadg uo snuog f,+ B Jarqt e luer8 saqord pues>1crd jo uonf,eles plder aqt saop [1uo roN ',(14crnb

{lol e 4crd ot papeau a8pa eqr}elql peurerl e anr8 or

pau8rsap sJenel pue sreSSul Jo sarJes B qtr/r\ ef,rlap

peddu8-lolsrd '11eurs B sr {cld {rol s,urlqo8 eqJ'anu eruor tueerp sJerqt B erB s>1crd {rol s,urlqo8'laqcte5

Jo aprstno uees uloplas :uolldrrrseq

)pld )po-I s.ullqoD

't UIAI lspunor t IS :gt OC arear3 ld8

Og nll{ :'ql 0Z J/6 l[ur1 ZS:g dq :Z UH :t t OV'{reqr

xef,rneq lecrSolour{ral esn 0I OC :uorlerado'tae;

0I ^q reree/v\ eql yo paadseqr ernpeJ Aeqt reqr Aneaq os ere stooq alrtesrenaseqt '[lp"S '(aull

TIS raprds Suorls;o taa] 0g apl^ordol lf,auuof, suorlentrs eJrp ul qJlqm ) sacel pue sderlselqersnlpe Jo sarJas B qtr^r ]eeJ s(reJee/!\ aqr ot peltlJ-ruolsnf, pue 'tq8tuaten\ sI JEe/uooJ asofundrrlnruslqt 'renernoH 'spunod

0I Alareunxordde 8ul-q8ram qJBe 'r(neaq atrnb eJB senlesuleqt stooq eqJ

'aBBurBp ler{rel }o srqod tpI trrl}ur

$lrene {lH s(reree^\ eqt '�sapelq eseqt 3urs6y 'teqruor

B ul suodearn de8dots apl^ord ot looq qree Jo eot aqlruog spuetxa epelq ra88ep e 'suortBnlls lequor roC

Operation: DC 5 Use Technological Devicexcheck to set up.

AC 11 (standard), 10 (improved) ,15 (superior);HR 0; hp 5 (standard), 10 (improved) , 15 (supe-rior);SZ Medium (inflated:7 ft. tall x 3 ft. wide xZ ft. deep), Small (stored:7 ft. tall x 1 ft. diameterk.g); WT 40 lb.; MV 40 gp (standard), 60 gp(improved), 80 gp (superior); Create DC 17; ST 10min.; MR 1 (standard) ,Z (improved),3 (superior).

Mechanical SentryDescription: These 5-inch wooden spheres can

be used to set a perimeter around a campsite, or to

secure a hallway. A ring mounted on one side can

be pulled to extend up to 30 feet of wire, which can

be attached to either a spike or another mechanical

sentry. When an intruder brushes against the taut

wire, a shrill steam whistle inside the mechanicalsentry triggers to alert those nearby.

Operation: DC 5 Use Technological Devicex

check to set up.

AC 14; HR 5; hp 70; SZ Tiny (5-in. wooden

sphere); \7T Il}Ib.; MV 50 gp; Create DC 16; ST

1 min. ; MR 1.

MellocliumDescription: A mellodium can capture a perfor-

mance on a musical instrument and later use the

instrument to replay the perfrormance automati-

cally. Each rype of instrument requires its own type

of mellodium. The device is connected to theinstrument, and a musician makes a Perform skillcheck with a -5 circumstance penalty to play de-

spite the attachments. The result of that skill check

is captured to a hard wax tablet inside the mellodium,

and can be replayed at any time using a mellodiumattached to the same instrument; though othermellodiums use the same tablets, music recorded onother instruments will be played as noise.

Operation: DC 30 Use Technological Device*

check to attach a mellodium to an instrument;move action to replay.

HR Z;hp 10; SZ Small; \7730 lb.; MV 675 gp(drum), 650 gp (fife), 780 gp (lute), 800 gp (panflute),950 gp (mandolin/lyre); Create DC 27; ST 1hour; MR 5.

Pocket NoisemakerDescription: The pocket noisemaker is a hand-

sized device with four legs; when wound up and

released, it scuttles across the floor in a straight line

at the rate of 50 feet per round. Starting in the

second round it rings a small bell on its back,

continuing to ring and crawl for the following three

rounds until it runs down. Pocket noisemakers arepopular among rogues, who use them to distractguards while they slip past in the shadows.

Operation: DC 5 Use Technological Devicex


HR Z;hp 5; SZ Fine (5 in . x 4 in . ) ; \7T I l4 Ib;

MV 50 gp; Create DC 16; ST 1 round; MR 1.

Portable KitchenDescription: These heavy and expensive items

are still used mainly by milihry officers and wealthy

merchants, though there are many tinkers laboring

to create a version for mass production. A portable

kitchen is the size and shape of abarrel. Aphlogiston-

amplified steam engine built into the base heats asmall oven in its midsection and the kettle under-

neath the cover atop it.

Cooking bread or stew with the portable kitchen

is as simple as adding the mixed ingredients to the

appropriate compartment, using a lever to set the

heat to the proper level, and watching the clockcount down the minutes until the food is prepared.

Use of the portable kitchen provides a +9 bonus on

Profession (cook) checks. Those untrained in the skill

can still use the portable kitchen to make simple and

bland (but filling) food, provided they follow the

instructions included with the kitchen when it is sold.

Operation: See text.

HR 5; hp 35; SZ Medium; \7T 100 lb.; MV 725

gp; Create DC 18; ST 1 min.; MR 1.

Potion InjectorDescription: A potion injector is a device that

straps around the upper arm of the wearer, with a

cable running down to a control box worn around

the wrist. Vials of potion can be mounted on clamps

around its exterior, their stoppers replaced with

corks and tubes running into the device. 'When


stud is pressed on the control box, the potion held in

the indicated slot is immediately injected into thewearer of the device. In all but a few rare cases, this

injection has the same effect as swallowing thepotion, and its effects take place normally. If the

wearer of a potion injector is unconscious, using the

device to administer a potion is a standard action (as

opposed to the norrnal full-round action required).

-IJBr.uaJ B sseleqtauou sl 8uu qloot/Kes eql 'aldoad

alqeuorlsanb ot sroop pesoll pqqaq plos /,11ensn puBsasod;nd alqeuorlsanb roJ petue^ul :uolldlrrseq

tury qloolmPs'0

Ul\ :- JS :Ot OC eteer3 :dB gg

nl^l :'ql gI J/N:11eurg ZS:OZ d.{:t UH :gt OV'lxel eas :uolluJedo

'plalqs aqt pulqaq uonrsodSurlaau{ B ruo5 Surune allq^\ aUIr B errJ ot resn aqrs/nollB reql ̂\opur^\ re/t\ol B pue lerreg eulJ B JoJ uodB ser{ tr 'stallune8 perorure }o pBetsul 'stsrxe plerqss'radrus':;"T51

Jii's o"'"T"f, ;:'iH:l.Iu,:plarqs eqt dn ploq s8al elqepuelxalo tes Ierf,ads y 'lg

pulqeq,(lrcalp uosred aqt ol suorsoldxa ruo4 ranof,

ilnj pue -lSl uournper a8eurep saprnord plelqseql 'uorleuotep eJnleruard lnoqe ,{uo,l ol Surneqlnoqtr/v\ sa^rsoldxe tes uBf, reddes aql 'plelqs eqr

Pulqaq tuo{ lluoU eqr uo slellune8 Peroure o/!u seqplelqs aqJ'salqrsreuqns qsruou8 ul pesn,ttauen eql

Jo sl pue Iaers se qr8uarls erues eqt ser{ /r\opur/v\ slqJ'/v\opurm sselS peteeJt ,(llecrulaqJle uB qlr^, plelqsre^\ot paf,rolurer ,(11eroads e sl plelqs s,raddBs eql

'plelqs s,raddes eqt sB^\ tlnser eql 'sture pepuel-Xe pJre/r\ pue slrns JotuJB [sulnlc ur uor]Bnouur

1ect8o1our.{reuo tsrnq}eFq E peteerr srqJ'sef,ro} enrs-o1dxe tuory uonfelord Jo uos eruos aABq ot uooqoB teqr s8urqt qrr/lr {ro/n oq^{ esoql roj peeu aqrpezrleeJ seruouo 'uo

{req seot puB sre8ur; Jeq ̂\aspuE etuoq elqqoq uef, eqs jl ,t4on1 sr dn ll ^rolq pueenuf,alqo raq ol la8 ol sa8euer.u oqrv\ raddes V


pue letnrq 'u(lseu s1 elll s,raddes V :uolldrrrsaq

plelqs s.radde5'0

UIAI !>1sereqt ro; [ressereu sB JS :Et OC aleer3 :dE gTny\ :'Ugg rad 'ql gI JrA,. :11eurg ZS:'U 0g rad 9 dr{ :Z UH

'JxeJ aas ladog esn 3uorleJado'tsrnq ot {raqc qrSuens 9Z JAB serrnbar

pue slurod rlq 9 ser{ lr 'sr1l8uel too}-09 ul plos 'edor

Ieuolllpert ueqr speol rerneeq furec uBf, pue elqernpeJoru s ador eJoJeJrnr 'aJrlr uoJr-lq8norm peplBJq JoaJoJ B punoJe punotr ador uaduleq V :uopdpJseq

ero)erl^ 'ado11

'0 Uy\ :{set aql

ro; [ressereu sE IS :gt CC a]BerC :dB gt nll{ :'U 0grad 'ql

0Z J71A, :11eurg ZS|U Og red OI dq :Z UH'txel aas lado5 asn :uorJBJadO

'tsrnq or >lf,eqc qlSuerts gZ OC B serrnbarpuB sturod tlq 0I ser{ adoruorl }o qr8ual too;-ggqrBE '[]leuad acuetsrunf,rll I- E ragns slf,oqo adogesn tBqt ,(oldure ot q8noue prB^\{^\e surBruer IIItsadoruorr 'retueJ str te dureq aqr gtlrn ue^A 'alqlxegul

/,peau eq plnonr rl 'Joualxe paddeJl\-eJrm s,adoJuoJraPISul arof, raQIJ eqr rnoqll/)N :uolldrrrsaq

adoruoJl 'ado1

't UIAI ltustueqratu

eqt pul,n pue stloq 0[ qrl/lr III] ol 'ulru g IS :0t CCareero :dB gg nll{ :'ql I Jn6 l[ur1 ZS:S dq:g UH

'lxal aes :uolleJedo'paledar sr tl lltun pe^ouer ag uer slloq raqtrn; ou

pue sruefranrnb eql 'UW s(Janrnb aql or lenba Jo uer{]ssel sI IIor {f,BltB ue}l 'ranrnb eqt tuog pepBol uodeameql Sursn IIor {reue pa8uer eqt Suunp epetu eresuoltJunJleur ro; $lreqO '$lJeqJ

lercads ou seJrnber

tequof, ul renrnb Surnanb aql Sursn pue Surpeol'slols rrar{l otur ,tlqenarrlarrr srloq aql IIE 8ur>1ool puE

Sururue[ro;]rreqJuad s,ranrnb aqr;o fuem osle are,taqr'smo1p qql arrJ Jo eter rag81q aqt etercardde sraqf,re,{,ueur ailq/N 'uortf,B enoru e /v\oqssorc Aneeq B Surpeolarpue 'uortf,E ea{ E ̂roqssorr tq8ll ro prrBq e SulpBolerse{Bru qr1l 'uortrsod merp-r{,see uB olur Surpua]xe pr.repunore Sunelor 'papeol aJe/n Aaqt JapJo tf,Bxe eqr ul

tno paal IIpn srloq eqt 'tequlor ul 'tols rad auo 'lanrnb

eqr orq pepeol eq uer stloq ̂roqsson 0t ol dn 'pue

I'uo]loq $r olul lllnq >luBJf, B r{lr/!t Puno^t 'ePISul rusru

-BqJer.u {ro/rDIJolJ B ser{ ranrnb qr1l :uopdprseq


UW :peo1ot'urru I '(lxal aas) esn ot uorlre prepuets JS:gICO areerO :dB ggz AIAI ?qlb J/A,. lsarntearc a8relro 'urnlpelnl 'lleurs roJ elqetsnlpe ZS :g t dq :t UH

'Jolf,e[ur aqr olur uorlod B peol o] {f,aqf,xerrleq leorSolouqreJ esn I I CC lasn or {f,eqf,*ef,rneq lecrSolouqf,al esn 0I OC :uorleredo'tf,e3$e ou qtr/v\ papuadxa sr uorlod eqt 'uJo,tr lou sr

tr uaq^\ petu^nf,B sr Jotra[ur uorrod aq] JI 'suolrod

xls ot dn ploq uBf, rotcelur uortod eqJ 'uJo^r sref,rnap aqr alaqnr BeJe eqr Suuanof, Jorure /,ue JBeA\

louuef, rotcafur uortod B ,o JaJBe/n eqJ 'peurJer{

eq uBf, - SulrenoJ IIBurulBqJ enrtJetord B aplsul- suleluoJ tI suoltod ,(ue eJoJaq tsJrj a8eurep sa{Elaf,rnep eql lnq 'JotJe[ur uortod eql lsure8e parf,alrpeq ,teru s{teuv 'uoltod e 8ur>1ulJp gllrlr paterf,osse,brunuoddo;o IrEUE eqt e{onord tou seop tnq 'uou

-JB prepuets B sl JotJa[ur uorrod aqt Surtenlt]V


able device. Though it appears to be a normal ring,

the two halves of a sawtooth ring can be pulled apart

to reveal a band of sharpened teeth wound tightly

inside. The band spins furiously for 10 rounds, doing

3d6 points ofdamage per round to anything the teeth

touch. Captured rogues often use a sawtooth ring to

cut their way free ofbonds, but the rings also have the

potential for use as a melee weapon.

A DC 20 Reflex save is required to pull the ring open.

A character failing this check takes 1 round of damage

from the ring before he can get his own fingers out of the

way. Once a sawtooth ring has been opened, it cannot

be stopped until 10 continuous rounds have passed.

Rewinding and closing the ring takes 10 minutes and

requires a DC 10 Use Technological Devicex check.

Using the sawtooth ring to damage an opponent

in combat requires a melee attack and inflicts 3d6

points of damage.

Operation: See text.

HR 5; hp 10; SZ Fine; \7T 1/8 lb.; MV 300 gp;

Create DC 18; ST 1 round; MR 0.

SeahelmDescription: The collar of this heavy helmet

seals tightly around the wearer's neck, after which

all air he breathes comes through rubber hoses from

four bladders hanging on a shoulder strap. This has

allowed underwater explorations to continue for up

to an hour. Seahelms are sold with a hand-cranked

pump to refill their air bladders, a laborious process

that takes more than an hour per bladder.

Operation : DC Z0 Use Technological Dev ice x check.

HR 5; hp 75; SZ Small; \7T 20 lb.; MV 650 gp;Create DC 23; ST 4 rounds; MR 2.

Sharpening SheathDescription: Sharpening sheathes come in varying

sizes constructed for short swords, longswords, bastard

swords and greatswords. When a sword is drawn from

a sharpening sheath, miniature grindstones built into

its housing sharpen the edge of the blade and grant it

a temporary enhancementbonus to damage.The first

hit made by a blade after it is drawn from a sharpening

sheath gets a +3 bonus on the damage ro[], the second

a +Z bonus, and the third a +1 bonus. All following

hits deal normal damage. The Quick Draw feat may

not be used in conjunction with a sharpening sheath.

As sharpening sheathes are thick and bulky, they are

usually wom over the shoulder on a baldric rather

than hanging from the belt.



sapper's shield

uaq/6,' 'punor .rad reaj g I 'spunod OOg ot dn re/v\ol

Jo esIBJ ol uoIlf,eJIP Jeqlle uI unJ eq uBf, t{Jul/neql 'aoe;rns E ot pa4ds ro parloq eruo '(anoqe

aas) ador erorerl/r\ Jo ree; 00t gtlm padder^{ unrpB surnt teqr aur8ua uotsrSolqd Inlre/\{od lnq IIBursE splor{ Sursec lcedruoJ stl 'sJeJntuelpe

Jo sartred

IIBtus uene pue sUBABJBf, tueqJJer.u (slruh Arelrpuroj luarudrnba SurlanBrl Jo acard prepuets B 8ul-ruoJeq ̂lptdEJ sr qJullr\ r.uBals eqJ :uorldrrJseq

rpul^A r.uPels'z ul\ !'unu 5 JS :gI 3cl etuaro

:dE gg5 An :'qt Ot I/4, :11eurg ZS:S dq :Z UH'{JeqJ

*errnaq lecrSolour{ral asn gI f,C :uorleredo'satnulru g seIet >1ced

ruBets puB stallune8 aqr uo 8urrrn.1 'elqrssodurl

sr uaql 8ur;ee/\{ elrq/K uortelndrueu eurJ Suurnbars{set Suruuoyad pue 'ul snoretxep eq ot tlnf,r.#pere sano18 asaql 'qrund ol pesn Suraq ueq/!\ a8e-urep ur snuoq qr8uarts + BpI op steltune8 aq1

'lanJ Jo lno sunr A11eug l1

uaq^r err^ep eqt or a8eurepJo sturod 9pI saop a^rrp-reAO 'aporu slqt ur {f,nts ere steltune8 aqr ellq^rpunor rad a8eurep erlJ jo sturod tpI sa{Bt reree/neqt pue 'anuprano ur ellq^A tor{ Allensnun surnq

rueld tueels aqJ 'lue1d tueets eql ur IenJ aql IIBSururnsuof, eroJaq spunor 9pI ro; aroos qr8uerrs 9Ze SurneqJo str;euaq eql JeJBaA\ eqr sluer8 os Suroq'elqrssod sl anrrprano otur steltune8 aqr 8ur4cr;

's8ureq Je{Ba/n Jo} esnrepun{ uer tl teqt [neaq os ueuo sl >1ced paramod-r.ueels eqt 'lce; u1 'a8ueqJ lou op eJueJqr.unf,ue

pue ,brcedet 8ur/;Jef, s(JeJBe/!\ aqr teqt tdacxa 'ate

-redo stellune8 aqr ellqA\ qr8uarts peruBque slql

Jo strJeuaq aqt IIE surB8 raream eqJ 'gI qt8uarrgper{ eq JI sB sroelqo dn {ctd o] ,brpqe eqt rasnrsellerus eqt uane /v\olle steltune8 eqr ur srezlllqas

leroadg 'qr8uarrs pelueque roree^\ eqt stuer8 rueld

ueels eqt Suttenltf,B pue stellune8 aqt SuuealX'sezrs Suuaglp Jo sef,Er Jo spuBrl

aqt tlJ ot elqetsnlp" AIlBnsn are pue 'sl]nu pororu-JE crtue8r8 aIII eJoru eJB sanlesrueqt sralrune8eqJ 'rerBe/K eqt Jo {rBq eqr ol sderls eurSue srqJ'eur8ua (uBats elqet.rod [{l.q B ol rlrer]B slaltune8peJemod-rueals'paoueque llleorteurnaud oA\I

's8urqr qsnrf, pue eurru'sre[ uedo tuaqr dlr.{ o] patue^ur e^Bq saulou8

tBqr suortenouur [ueu eq] ]o euo eJB slallune8

tueets ',tra8rns ssal salnbal tet{t uortnlos B roJ pardoeABq seruou8 aues pue pezrlrlrf, aJolu 'scrtaqtsord

paramod r.ueels tueuBurad Jo esn eqt etefonpe,{trunuruoJ 1ecr8o1ouqf,et qsrurou8 eqt Jo $ueru-ele a8uu; eror,u eqt allq/il,' ',ffio1ouqret q8norqrs8urtuorlroqs leorsAqd ro; dn 8ur{Bur tB pallerxasrtemle eABq sJotuelul r{snuouC :uolldrJJseq

slellunPD r.uPels

'I UIAI lspunor

t IS :t I OC etear3 :dB ggl nt\ :(poo8) (pu.otl't1SSil qdur 0t pds :'ql g J71N lrurlZS :0I dq:Z UH

'atBArJJeaP PUB atB^rlf,B ot IJeql

xef,rneq lecrSolouqf,eJ esn 0I OC :uorteredo'(paads luarrnr (slooq aqt;o qdur 91 Arane ro; taaJ

91 SulllBJJl se a8euep strrgur SurllBJ) lq8udn ,tersol Punor qfBe {reqr efuBleg 9l oc In}ssarfns ee{Bru tsnru rasn aqJ 'urBJJat JBoIJ rano spaads q8tqlB enotu ol JeJBa/v\ eqf /v\ollB slooq Peleeq/\,\ esaqlramod teqr seur8ua tueats IIBlus eql :uolldlrrseq

sloog elqs

al'er, :d8 e7r nr^r,.q; l,tlxrTil:::*g;i{3$ 'urnrpeyq 'll"*S ro; elqBIIB^B ZS :0I d.{ :Z UH'etB^nf,Bep Jo aIEAI]JE ot IJaqJ

xerrleq lecrSolour{rel esn 0I OCI :uorterado'plelqs aqt punore slqSg

eqs sE s{f,Bne aalau IIB uo /;1eued I- B seq JeJBa/naql tuorlrelord Surprnord pue alrlf,B sr 4ced plelqseqt ueq^r te1 '>1ced eql Jo IlBq eqt rano [eme splo]ture plelqs eqt 'ilo peurnt ueqn6' 'rerl slralord tr ses{JBnB s(JeJBa/v\ aqt;o rtem eqt ur slaS ueuo 11 'crleur

-otnB sl plelqs eqt ,o tua(ue^o(u aqt sB 'Jene/v\oH'(prrr{ qree ur uodeam e ro) uodeen pepuBq-o^\t B Pler/lr ol req s^{ollB lltrs ra,( 3y req ot snuoq

plelqs l+ e rarBe/K eqr sruerS >1ced plalqs eqt Lq

papl^ord uotlcelord eqJ 'tI >lf,olq ol s8utnts plalqsaql 'lcelte Sururof,ur uE tretep plalqs eqt pulqaqpeleeruor saf,rnap uaqnil 'plalqs uapoo^r AneaqB ul spua PUB reJBe/v\ eql PunoJB saqf,Bal lBql turB

IBJruBr{Jer.u a8rel B ot lf,auuof, srusrueqfeu aseqJ'JorJetul srl ur PalBeJuoJ srusruEqf,au puB JelloquolsrSolqd eqt ot enp Atroedec Sur,tuec patrurlE r{tr/r\ ryedqoeq B sr 4oed plelqs V :uorldr.resaq

)pPd plelqs

'I Ul\ luonoe aery JS :BI OC atearo

:dB Ogb nlAI l'ql S J714, :/,ut1 79 :g dq :7 UH'If,eqr

*ef,rneq porSolouqreJ asn g f,C :uorleredg

EffiS BN[IilWro.dCfEGru. QHT&

the rope is attached to a fixed object, the winch canexert a force equal to Strength 30.

Upgraded steam winches are also available, fea-turing a drum of ironrope (see above). This sturdiercable allows for a load of up to 1,200 pounds,

although it can only be moved at a rate of 10 feet per


Operation: DC 10 Use Technological Device*check to use; Use Rope at appropriate DC to attachthe winch's rope to an object.

AC 13; HR 3; hp I5;SZSmall (Tfr.. wide x 18 in.

deep x 18 in . ta l l ) ; \7T 50 lb . (s tandard) ,75lb.(upgraded); MV 170 gp (standard),760 gp (up-

graded); Create DC 18; ST 5 rounds; MR 1.

SteamsawDescription: Steamsaws are smaller, portable

versions of the saws attached to the arms of goblin

shredders. The spinning blade of a steamsaw isusually used to cut down trees, but some havelearned to use the unwieldy device in combat.

Use of a steamsaw in melee combat requiresExotic \Teapon Proficiency (steamsaw). Thesteamsaw is a two-handed weapon that inflicts (7d6+ Strength modifier) points of slashing damage.

Operation: DC 15 Use Technological Device*check for basic use; see text for combat use.

HR 5; hp 25; SZ Small; \7T 75 lb.; MV 120 gp;Create DC 17; ST 2 rounds; MR 3.

SummerTunicDescription: These long-sleeved, woolen tunics

are threaded with tubes leading to a small phlogiston

boiler that hangs from the belt of the wearer. Theboiler runs heated water through the tubes to keepthe wearer "as warm as a summer day" even in thecoldest weather. The flow of water may be adjusted

such that the wearer feels anywhere between 1 and60 degrees warmer than the outside environment.In cold weather, this feature may save charactersfrom required Fortitude saves, but in warmer cli-mates it may accidentally raise a careless character'stemperature into the range where she must makeFortitude saves (see DMG, Chapter 8: Glossary,"Cold Dangers" and "Heat Dangers").

Operation: DC 10 Use Technological Device*check to start the boiler; DC 15 Use TechnologicalDevice* check to make temperature adjustments.

HR 1;hp 10; SZTiny; \7T 15 lb.; MV 100 ep;Create DC 17; ST 1 min.; MR 1.

SunbuckleDescription: This buckle can be attached to any

belt and operates like a normal belt buckle. 'When

a secret catch is pressed, however, the face of thebuckle flips open and flash powder inside the buckleis ignited. All creatures within 50 feet of the wearer'sfront arc must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be

blinded for 7d6 rounds. The buckle will operate 10

times before the flash powder inside it is expended.

Operation: Standard action to trigger; DC 10Use Technological Device* check to reset.

HR 1; hp 5;SZFine (3 in. tal l x 4 in. wide x 1 in.

deep);\7T Il}Ib.; MV 50 gp; Create DC 16; ST 1

round; MR 0.

Tinker's ArmsDescription: The first tinker's arm was created

by the Tinker's Guild in Ratchet for SamuelWrenchwright, a popular member who lost a limbin an accident. When others saw that'V7renchwrighthad not only gained a useful limb but also increasedstrength, they asked the tinkers to develop a ver-sion that might be used without the loss of a livingarm. The resulting apparatus straps to the wearer's

arms, and when activated grants a +7 enhance-ment bonus to her Strength score. Tinker's armsdesigned for a creature of one size category may not

be used by creatures of another size category.

Operation: DC Z0 Use Technological Devicexcheck.

HR 2; hp I5;SZSmall; \7T 20 lb.; MV 2,500 gp;Create DC 35; ST 2 rounds; MR 2.

Tinker's BeltDescription: Many tinkers may leave their work-

shops to go adventuring, but some bring theirworkshops with them in the form of a tinker's belt.

This heavy leather belt features a small phlogiston

boiler to power devices, large pouches to cary parts

and inventions-in-progress, hooks and straps to carrytools, and rwo articulated arms with hand-like clampsthat can hold devices while the tinker works on them.While these "hands" must be manually positioned inplace, tinkers have been known to use them as aids in

climbing and other oon-rrrechanical pursuits.

A tinker's belt includes and carries all the standardtools required so that Craft (technological device)checks can be made without circumstance penalties.

Positioning the arms is a standard action, and forpurposes of gripping once closed, the clamps have

'I UI/{ lula8 B enlen ot spunor

g IS:/I CC ereerO:dB ggz ny\:'ql e JrN:(daep'ul

t x epl^r'ul g x IIBI'ul B) ̂rtJ zs:g dq:t uH'Iraqr

x af,rnaq pcrSolouqreJ asn 0 I OC : uoBBr"dO'lllls asrerddv eqr ur s{uBr g passassod tl I sB aperueq or slser{r s/lrolle rolBnle^ eqJ 'uorlBnlB^e

IBul}s(ef,rnep eqr srteldsrP ePIs eqt uo retunof, v

'aJoru PUB

'ro1oo str {f,aqc 'auolsure8 eqt q8ran Lllecrreruolne

teqt aplsq seJIAep Jo raqulnu B uolto(u otul Sutllas'pau-rnt rotenlen eqt dole {UBJJ B pue elpBJf, B otur

pexl; sr auotsura8 aqJ 'seuotsura8;o enle^ aqt ssesseot pesn eJrlep IIEurs B sI JolEnlBA V :uoBdr.resaq


'g UI/{ l'ullu g IS :SZ OC etearC :dB ggg

AI/{:'ql OOI 1714,:11eurg ZS:gI dq:t UH:e t CV'lxel eas :uoBeJedo

'uorloru slr of uorlualle A\BJp ot asrou Sur4eur allq/!\ur8uoJo turod srl pJe^rol {req senoru radurnqr derrpBlc-Jer{teel eqt (uoueulrsep slr lB ef,uo '(rorenllJe

eqt Lq pepllep 'taa; 00I ol d.) eruetslp tasard

B ot teeJ 0t to paads B tB prB/KroJ sl^\Brr radulnqreq1 'eporu enrtenouur lsoru eqt sl slr{I :Surlrog

'ped luerueoeldar e Suurnbar aroyeq seurl

0I ol dn eqord llyn redulnqr derr eql;o ,,ra8ulJ,, eqJ'uosrod ol pesodxa uar{^r druep seruoreq eqord eqt Jopua eqt uo drt rle; 'ryos '1puls E pue (sallq ro $lclrdurdselerrpur ped raqleal V

'uqtr/!\ sden Aue ere eraql JIaas ol aloq ro {f,ol B otur tl Jo pue eqt sa>1od pue ernl-BULTB eql spuetxe errnep eqr'apou slql u1 :Surgord'qled s,radumql eW q aq,teul tBW sden lrd ro sraffirl

'saleld arnsserd /,uego $as ualed qr1l '(ro]enllre eW ̂quo peplf,ap 'lae;ggl ol dn) eruetsrp tasard B ol teeJ 0I Jopaads B lB pre/!\ro; Surlanen 'urop pue dn sdoq uortearf,reqteal Asunlc arp'apour qqr ur tes ueqr6, :8wQunna1

'seporu eaJqt Jo auo olur tl slas radurnqr den aql3u1pu146 '$lf,ol Sur4caqr roJ aqord ernteuue uE ser{ osleaf,r^eP auLL 'teaj uoqs o/I\l gllrn 3"q reqlBel ,t reag 'lFr

-)oo1-g'pepeol-Buuds B selquaser radurnqr den ar{L'r(JBzlrun aql JoJ ual saJnseeruJalunoc ,tue

ra88rn ot Irol ro roop ',(etr11eq E {leqr ot ,{,e,l. tseqeqt sr radurnqt den aqt'tuepunqe sI atult pue anssl uB

l(usl t{llBels ueq/n ',{rn[ut leuosJed lerfue]sqns lsBel

tE ro asruep >1crnb B ot setnor plder IIe erB s>lrol urselpeeu pue sderl rozer'sateld alnsseJd :uopdpesaq


't UIAI lspunor Z IS :OZ CC

eteerC :dB g79nll{ |ql gZJl6 lsarntearc aBrB'I pueurrrnlpelnl roJ elqBIIB ^e ZS :gZ dq:g UH :gt OV

'$lreqJ III{s aletrdordde sartnbeg :uolle.radg

'JoprurlB) uratsBa ssoJfB sure^Br PUB raqJrBuur srelqrue8 Suoure relndod auroreq seq spueqderr

Sursn suorlrtaduroc SutlqBIJ pJo/ns uo Surnaq 'sleart

tueJer ur te1'seurru puEI ot slseqf, pue sJoop padderrruog Sur8uer sef,rnop snoJa8uep elqesrp ot ,tpreuud

pesn ere spueqderr 'euleu eqt Aq pttldurt sI sV'uorlounJleur ot auord sr spueq

eqt ur ,traurqf,Btu etef,rlap eql 'sden raqto PUBselpeeu 'plrn,tqparclput a8eulep tsrser ol tdurene uEur rorretxe pelleur B e^Bq Laqt q8noql 'ef,Inep eql

q8norqt apetu qreqr,(ue or Arleuad f u sreJtns rol-Bredo aqt tBt{t q8noue pJB^t{rt\E tsnl osle rnq 's1ool

(senerr1t pue qcrd>1rol }o esn eqt /r\olle or q8noue

Uep are spueqderl 'of,rnap eqt ruory taa; g I ot dn

pepuetxe eq uer teqt slure 3uo1 uo petunotu spuetl

Jo luaruanoru eqt sloJtuof roterado eqr 'spueq

req Surnoul Lg 'err^ep aqt Jo epls eqt ur seloq aIII-taltune8 olul spueq slq qf,Its spueqderr ;o rred e

Jo roterado eql 'a8reqc rep^todun8 B r{tl^t padderr

{unn B ot sPuBq qroq lsol reqlorq slq rer}B re{ull

JJo ue /,q peluenul eJa/v\ spueqdeJl :uorldlJJseq


'0 UW l'urur g IS :Z I OCI alearo :(tseaq opo{) ffi OZt

'(rec raqeslsog) ffi SL '0lo^ rso{) dB Og


dB OS '0lo^ artp ro reeq ertp) dF Ot nl\ |q ZI IrA,'

l('tt 9 x'rJ I x'U Z) IIBUIS ZS :0t dq:Z UH :Zt OV' (lxal aas )

{raql *arrneq lecrSolouqreJ esn :uolleredo'{lEA\ E ueql Jelse} paads Aue tB eloru lou ,{eul stooqSurlcen Suueam sJatJBJEqO 'DIf,BJt eql Jo eJnteueslBJ eqr azrlBar ol {reqr IB^I^rns s(raIrBrl B roJ ocleqt seruoreq qllq^A Jo llnsar eql {{faqr

*arl^ecl IBI- r 8o1our{rel esn e sar nber slooq Sur4oerl 8ut uuo6l

'slnoJs apJoH lualslxeuou ro; SurqJJBesotur slorred ueJnet IooJ ot repJo ul sa^lo^r erlp Joasoqt sE s{f,BJt Jreql asrn8stp ol stooq 8ut>1ceJt esn olu/nou{ erB suarrBg eqt Surlanerl slueqrrar.u ullqoo'slBturuB pll/!\'e3re1 snorJBAlo $lf,BJt eqt e^Bel slooqeqt Jo selos panrer eqt teqt os reree^t eqt;o rq8talteqt arnqlrtslp stooq 8ur>1oerl 'saoqs eultu utlqo8

Jo srred peprersrp plo ruou lllng :uolldlrrseq

sloog tuplrPrl

'I UW lspunor t JS :9t CC eteerC:dB gZ nll{ :'ql 0I In6 :11eug ZS :0I dr{ :Z UH

'lxel aes :uoIlBJedO'{raqf,

*ef,rneq lectSoloul{reJ esn gI OC e sertnberef,rnep reqtoue ot ralloq eqr Surqceuv '9I qfuerls


Wancl Harness

Description: lnspired by the tinker's belt, thisdevice is an articulated arm that hangs from awizard's belt and can unfold to hold a wand at theready. A small set of crosshairs mounted on the armallows for preparatory aiming while casting a spell.A wand held in the harness can be readied with afree action, and the wearer of a wand harness gets a+ Z bonus on attempts to make ranged attacks withthe wand during the round in which it is readied.

Operation: DC 10 Use Technological Device*check to place a wand in the harness.

HR 1 ; hp S;SZTiny; \7T4 lb.; MV 30 gp; Create DC16; ST 3 rounds to place a wand in the hamess; MR 0.

Wizard'sDeskDescription: A wizard's desk travels folded up to

the size of a small trunk. W'hen the legs are extended,the side can fold down to become a writing sur{ace.Inside are compartments for material components,spellbooks, parchment, inks... and the tinker-cre-ated device that makes wizard's desks so sought after.From one side of the interior, an articulated arm canbe unfolded. At its tip is a stylus with a tube that runsback down the arm and is connected to a vial of ink.Stabilized by springs and providing an uninterruptedflow of ink, this design allows spellcasters to workquickly and precisely when scribing scrolls. The timerequired to scribe a scroll is halved when using awizard's desk, but the cost of raw materials rises totwo-thirds of the base price (cheaper parchmentstear under the clean strokes of the silver nib, andinferior inks clog the rubber tubing).

Operation: Requires the Scribe Scroll feat.

HR 5; hp 10; SZ Small (3 ft. wide xZft. tall x 1ft . deep);\7T 15 lb.;MV 200 gp; Create DC 17;ST1 min. (set-up t ime); MR 0.

Special Substancesanclltems

The following technological devices are unusualworks of engineering with rather specific applications.

DirtwormDescription: A dirtworm is a large mechanical

device designed by goblin sappers during the First\Var to aid them in tunneling beneath Alliance

defenses. Enormous teeth on the front of the devicechew up earth and pull it inside, where steam

hammers push it outward and compact it to createa tunnel with hard-packed walls.

The dirtworm can chew through any materialwith 7 or fewer points of hardness at the rate of 10feet per minute. Harder materials take 10d6 points

of damage per round. The tunnel it carves is 8 feet

in diameter with walls of hardness 4; a5-foot lengthof the tunnel will collapse after taking 50 points ofdamage.

On open ground when not tunneling, thedirtworm can be moved at a maximum speed of 70feet per round.

Operation: DC 15 Use Technological Device*

to start, and an additional check once per minutefor continued operation. Operating the dirtworm isa full-round action.

HR 5; hp 75; SZ Large (10 ft. long x 8 ft.diameter); \7T 1,500 lb.; MV 415 Bp; Create DC

Z0; ST 5 min.; MR 1.

MemoryScrubberDescription: Tinkers have long sought methods

to help those soldiers haunted by their war experi-ences. The most methods attempt to erase thememories of those events altogether. Unfortunately,

none have yet managed to achieve the desireddegree of precision that would allow the removal ofonly selected memories. However, tinkers havemanaged to develop a machine that can erase themost recent memories of those it is used upon: thememory scrubber.

The memory scrubber is a chair attached to a large

trunk full of machinery. The target of the device sitson the chair and places the device's helmet onto herhead. The operator then has the choice of severalsettings; the device can attempt to scrub the hrget'smemories of the last 1d20 hours, 1d10 days, 1d6weeks, ld4 months or IdZ years. Upon activation,

targets report seeing flashes of light and hearing abuzztng sound, followed by " calming void. After 1minute, the process is complete. If the process wassuccessful, the target will be unable to remember anypart or aspect of the period erased.

[Jse of memory scrubbers has occasionally causedsome trouble when it has resulted in the loss ofcrucial information. Yet thus far, no tinker hascreated a machine to recover erased memories.

s8urleg uortrun;let\ rreqr a^Bq uorsoldxe epeuar8rezrlBJtneu E ruou snrPBr looj-OI B ul saJr^ap IIE rBqlsr llnser pua eql 'sralloq uolsrSolqd gtlm ere;returot se8 uolsr8olqd uaul jo pnolf, E pue '4roznree8

aref,rlep 3o1o ot IIo pue lsnp 'Suurm rleur ot ,bl-JrJJf,eleJo tloIE eseoleJ o] sapoldxa tl 'BaJB uB oturu^{orqJ 'seJr^ep Jer{to}o s8ur4Jo^\ aqr gtlrn areJiJelur

Illnn teqt erl^ep B etearr ot lduatte letuetutrad-xe uB sr apBuaJB rezrleJtneu aql :uolldrJJsaq

epPuerD EzllPrlneN

't UI/{ lrnoq I IS :02

OCI ateerO :dB g L€'6nll{ :'ql 002 IrA, :(daap 'ry Z

x apr^\ \t Z x IIBI 'tI

[.) *.tpelnl ZS :OI dq :g UH'qf,lBq qf,Ba ro' Ireqf,

xarl^ecl leerSolour.lreJ esn SZ JA:uorluredo'qllBg eql uI Pe^lo^ur surof IIB sulnr

uouf,unJleur ef,r^ap 8.,'lEJeuaB ul :uoriJunllnw

s{r er rr * 3 f, r n eq 1 e cr 3.,;:i'* j:Ji,i,T.:tHff xZ+ v sure8 AraS.roC ul s{uBJ eJoru Jo g gtlrn rasn V

'aurqreu eqt ^q pernpord suroc3nlJ Jo rlltBq qlBe ro} ePBru sl {reqr y ',tra8rog

;os{uer g I perl rr q8noqt sB raqlouB otur urof,;o edArauo ((suenuoJ,, lf 'pasn st a8ro; s(Jaslru B uaq/N

'sexel Surrted plone ol JapJo ul

(ra^lls ur peleof, suloo plo8 sB qrns) radeaqo readderueqt seIetu teqt Sutplt8 gtlrlt pere^ooslp ere sulof,uorseJJo uo 'JaAeAroH 'sluet{JJeru pneryep ot pesn'uorteurruouap JeA\o1yo /,11eordrb eJB paJenoJ sulof,aql 'suroJ 3nlJ ot dn JeAof, uBJ a8ro; s(Jesrru B ulpetletu acard plo8 a18urs V

'serra8ro; e^rlf,e#a,t13ur-srJdJns SurleeJr - surof, enlen-JeA\ol plt8 ot leleuSurrlnser aqt sasn ueqr pue uolteultuouep q8tt{ e

Jo uroJ B u/nop stlatu tBqt aSro; PeJa/y\od-uotsrSolqd6llBtus E sr serrots aqt ur PaqlrlseP ef,r^eP aql

'erurt ol erurr urory saceldreIJeruur reedde saop {ro^\lpueq srr tlSnoqrle 'sa'ta u^r,oJreql Hllrn auo uees eABq ol ruIBIf, uBf, ̂{ac (('PualuB JO puelu 8,, ,tq Pau/no srtemle 'sa1el uJanBl ur

Jo uelods ef,rnep e sr a8roJ s(Jeslul V :uopdlJJseq

aErog s.Jeslw

'Z UIAI lleuorterado etuoraq ot euIqrBU

ro; rnoq I 'trefqns dn {oot{ o] 'ulul g IS :gZ

OC erearO :dB ggg'tt nll{ :'ql SZZ IrN :(llet U f.x daap U b x epr/yrq b) *ntpalnl ZS:g dq :t UH

'errnap eql aterado ol {reqr xerIAeCI IBI-tSolouqral esn S1J1llce[qnt e dn {oot{ or {reqf,xarrneq lecrSoloul{reJ ast-1 gI OC :uor}Bredo









raised by +3 for 7d6 rounds. A full-round DC 30Use Technological Devicex check by the operatorof a targeted device can reverse these effects beforethey've run their course.

Operation: The grenade can be used as a thrownweapon with a range increment of 30 feet.

HR 1;hp 5;SZTiny (4-in. diameter sphere); \771 lb.; MV 500 Bp; Create DC 20; ST attack actionto activate, grenade detonates 2 rounds later; MR 1.

Noble's SwordsmenDescription: The noble's swordsmen is a room-

sized apparatus commissioned from a group of tinkersby advisors to the Alliance Assembly; they wishedto settle disputes with traditional swordfights, yet

didn't want to risk any true physical harm.

The noble's swordsmen requires two operators;each straps himself into a skeleton-like frameworkthat wraps around him and telegraphs his moV€-ments using marionette-like cables to one of twolife-sized mechanical soldiers. Armed with woodenswords, these soldiers' movements mimic those oftheir operators. Their wooden bodies have corn-partments that can be packed with bladders full ofred dy. in order to simulate injury in particularbody parts. Though severing the control cableswith the wooden sword is possible, such tactics arefrowned upon by devotees of the Device check.

Strapping into the control framework requires aDC 10 Use Technological Device* check. Combatbetween two creatures operating the swordsmen isrun as if it were a combat between the two opera-tors, with the following exception: the movementof the swordsmen is limited to an area 30 feet indiameter. Once loaded with "blood" packs, eachswordsman is considered to hav e 75 hit points, andthe swords do 1d4 points of damage (with a bonusto damage of only half the operator's Strengthbonus.) The mechanism's statistics (see above)represent its inherentphysical attributes, were sorn€-one to attempt to destroy it specifically.

Operation: See text.

HR 5; hp 30; SZ Gargantuan (50 ft. long x70 fr..high x 50 ft. wide); WT 7,000 lb.; MV 2,750 gp;Create DC 23; ST 10 min.; MR 1.

Phlogiston CollectorDescription: The first samples of phlogiston were

collected in the labs of dwarven tinkers in KhazModan when a vacuum pump was used to collect the


superheated air over. a kettle of molten iron. In theyears since, the process has been much refined,leading to the development of the phlogiston collec-tor. This wagon-sized piece of machinery has a largeintake valve to pull air into a reserve over a glowingcrucible. Once the phlogiston gas has been separatedand purified, the device bubbles it into a mixture ofoil and water to capture it. The liquid is then

siphoned into glass vials and sold as "l iquid

phlogiston," the fuel for many devices.

A phlogiston collector running at full speed cancollect 40 vials of liquid phlogiston per hour, thoughcollectors running atop mountaintops (such as thecollectors at the high altitudes of Khaz Modan)collect a bit more and collectors at seaside (such asthose at Thermaore) collect a bit less.

Phlogiston collectors are temperamental pieces

of machinery and require constant supervision. Ifthey collect too little phlogiston g&s, the watercontent of the liquid phlogiston will be too highand devices won't operate properly. If too muchphlogiston gas is collected, the crucible inside maystart to react with the g?s, burning white-hot untilthe entire collector melts into slag and the col-lected gas ignites in a titanic explosion.

The collector requires a Use Technological De-vice* check each hour; failure means that nophlogiston is collected that hour. If the collector isshut down, even for a moment, a full d"y is requiredfor it to heat up and collect enough air to beginprocessing again.

Operation: DC Z0 Use Technological Device*check.

:x,ri:,;@,,,,%,#,'""Liquid Phlo$isfon: Description: Produced by phlogiston collec- *:, tors, vials of liquid phlogiston contain a pt'ecise

i'"-mixture of oil, water and phtogiston gas. Liquid1r phlogiston allows smaller boilers to bum at the

,,,' tremendous temperatures and pressures thatenable portable tinker technology and gigantiq**

vehicles to operate. Unless otherwise specified, :i,post portable phlogiston-powered devices r€- i

'*'=tqirir. 1 vial of liquid phlogiston per week.

:"i;; i.i'l17ahicles may require anywhere between 1 "td*,***,'

-*Z)vials per week based on their size and weight.

, ,,:,,:, :, A vial of phlogiston weighs Il4lb. and has'H-

.*ryarket value of 70 gp. : ::::::

petunoru ruJB uEJo lueruenoru eqt l{,q ultror{s sl ]lnseJeqt pue 'taurqec pezrs-eqoJpJe/v\ B otur {JBq peeJ

IIE stuerualnsearu asaql 'r{Jeruots eql ur Surnoulsplnbll Jo punos eqt prof,er dp.{ lser{r aql rsure8edn passard seueJqtuetu pue 'sJBe eql JBeu arnssardpue aJnteJedulal ur se8ueqc IJEJT [rncraul grlrlr

PalllJ segnl sse13 'uuearoJ eql uI self,sntu Jo uollf,Brl-uoJ eqt eJnsBer.u spueq JrtsBIe tq31l 'ArB[ pue /noJqueenrteq luauenoru eql alnseatu dp.l sr.uJe redrleo

Jo spue eqt uo sdruBIO 'rueqt Jo auo fuena pue qf,Ba

ot PatJauuor r{18un1etsuted pue [1no1s sr pue 'Lre

-unIJBUr,o r{,eue ue r(q papunoJJns JrBr{3 elqBtJo}ruof,B ur slrs pelsel Suraq eJnlBeJJ aq1 ',{qtrolusnJl

sr rarlddns aqt tou Jo Jaqteqnr ureueose ot stuB/n

pue rarlddns /!\eu E r.{lr/!\ IBap tuetJodull uu 8ur{Bursr AueduoC arntuan eqr ueq/lr leqf,teg Jo ,trtC eqlur paAoldrua sr ef,rlep xaldulof, srqJ :uolldlrrseq

ropeleo qlnrl

'I Ul\ !'urur 0I JS :EZ OCereerO:dB ggg'9 nll{:'ql 002 I71A,:(llBt

'U f.x daap

'u f. x ePl/lr 'u b) lunrPal^I zs :gt dr{ :5 uH :g cv

'uBrssEIrBqJ ;o a8pel/v\oul pue {f,aqo

*af,rnaq lecrSolour{ral asn gI CC :uorteredo'uortdr{rJue s,aur8ue uortntltsqns eqt lsqe8e enrlJa;etou ere srJe#a lads rellurls 'raqto pue lads sm7ualaqt :rq peteerf, terlt [r{ aq] qtyr\ aur8ua uortntltsqns eqr'tq [1uo ua>1ods a8en8uel B ul ue]lum aq or peraplsuof,sr a8esseu eqt 'raqeqdle uBrssBIJBqL eqt ul uenrrn sra8essaur pelqurerrs B reqt ureld sr tr q8no[L 's8ur]tes

IBU-Jetur s,eur8ua eqt spJof,eJ reqr ["I uepoo/v\ aql e]BeJf,A11ryssaf,rns or If,er.{f, *ef,rleq lerrSolouqoel esn gI

CC B eTer.u ol roterado aql sarrnbar osle ll 'uBrssBIrBrLL

puetsJepun ot roleredo aql salnbar uorteJadout ,(1fueJJnf, seJIAep A\aJ eqt Jo euo Sursn 'sm11 'JaIutl

Ia q8ttl e Lq pauftsap ere \ saur8ue uortntpsqns'petJnJlsuof,al aq e8esseur leur8uo

eqt UBJ aur8ua uortnlltsqns Jeqtoue pue 'a8es

-Serrr pelqurerrs aqt '[rI eq] gllrn [pO ',(1]uareJJlp

pelquerrs ere lur{l sa8esseru ur tlnsar III^{ s/,e>1pe^reJ,tlruaraglp leur8ua uortntltsqns eql;o s8ulltes IBU-lalul eql PJoJeJ

'aSessalu qf,Be JoJ Pe^JBf,-tuolsnJsr qllq/lr ,,'[e{,, uepoo/n B ur seloq eqJ 'sJellel

ruopueJ Jo serJes B olur a8essaur B uJolsueJl ol Jesnaql s/trolle {unrl pepls-azuorq aqt eplsq ryonreaSetBf,rJtul 'slalJes lseleeJ8 s,/,1quessv eJuBrllv eqr

Jo euo ureruer Laqr l[lruaceJ saf,rnap esaqt paluen-ur raaur8ua af,uerllv luerlllrq V :uolldrrrsaq

eultuf uollnlnsqns

'Z UIAI lspunor g IS :(llt{t a8palmou) s>1uer 9)

Ll' (ltt{t a8paptou) $luer t ro eBenBuBI I ) qt CCereero:(iltIs a8palmou) sIuer 9) dB gIZ'(llt{r e8pa-llnou) $luer t) dB OZI'(aBenBuBI I ) dB 0I I nl\l'ql gI J/1:(aqnc'U I) ileurs ZS:il dq:Z UH

*ef,r^eq lecr'orourrrar esn 9I ail1ffiiffiu' 'uotsrSolqd plnbll Jo asop qseuB sarrnber relloq leuretul stl eroleq srnoq 9 ro; ere-redo uer peeq alqetrod y 'perrsep uorteruroJul eqlsserf,E touuef, ro aAEq tou seop peeq aqt '�sllej

Ilaqf,eqtll 'peaq elqelrod eqrlolletlaq uo IIor aqt se{Btu

I/{C eqr '>1oaqc IIHS a8palmou) B salnbar teql

uortsenb e pasod uaq16 'tr asnluof, ,tlysea sra>1eads,{qreau aldrrlnu rnq 'enrtf,B sr pBeL{ alqerrod e uaqzn,tllecrleruolne petelsuerr are saBenBuBI ua4odg

('sperap roJ CdU Ue.rrre/y\ eql Jo eerqJ ratdeq3ees) 'saper8dn se ratel peeq B ot peppe aq /,eur q1{sa8palmorD{ ur $[uer ro sa8enS*l leuor]lppv


,trepuocas sB peppe aq tsmu q1pls a8palmolD{ puesa8en8uel aldltFIAI'(molaqpetq sB sef,rrdtlturr) DIrrBr 9ro t lB III{s t8ptl^olr) B ro IIHS a8en8ue'I )Teedg a18utsB ssessod uec lr 'patearf, sl peaq elqeuod e uaqrN

,,'{lnou,, sJI ur uapplq aueJqr,uaur SurtBJqlA'11erus eBrA Je/nsuB eqt >1eads III^{ lr 'a8pel/noDl eqr ssassodsaop tr uerLx\ 'tr{8ll

lllnn seAa slr 'ramsuE aqt ^roul

t(useop rl JI 'uorlsanb e peIse eq uBf, peaq eqt 'palen

-ltf,B uaqtylrefqns TBInJI]red e, uo a8palnou{

;o ,(poq B ssassod speeq elqetrod xaldruof, eroy\'uorsnJuoJ ur sa/,a euolstua8 slr

lq8tl puu stlnsar ou urnter III/II rt lpeaq aql sasnluof,

PuelsJePun lou saoP tt sa8en8uel ol Sutuetsll 'lxeu

eql ul rl s>1eads pue punor auo Suunp ples Suraq sr

tBrl^r ol suatsrl JoIBISUBJI aql 'patenrtce Suraq JaUV'sJotBISuBJt sB tf,B ot JapJo ur pelletsur a8en8uel

puoJes B qlr^r esoqt eJE sp€er{ alqetJod uounuoJ

tsoru orll 'spueruruoJ uelods puetsJepun ol JepJour 'e8en8uel auo lseel tB /v\ouI speeq elqetrod ttV

'(speeq u^ro rraqt Jo urroJeqt ur ueuo pue) sarnreerf, snorren Jo speeq aql

Jo urro} eql ur uaql PIInq ,t11ensn rounq Jo sesuessnorJrJdec gllzn sJalurl 'af,ueJeedde pJB/Klno /,ue uoeIEr [lrTI plnof, l,aqt q8notlJ'e8pal/nou>l]o serrol-rSodeJ lceduroo eJB speeq elqBtJod :uopdr.rrsaq


'Z UIAI :[ep I IS :OE CC e]EarC

:dB ggg'Zt nl^l l'ql 000'ZI I71A,:(11e1 'U

6x ept^{'UZIx8uol'U 81) a8ng ZS:;Ldq:Ot UH :;ZJV



on a pivot on its exterior. If the arm points toward thepainting of a full moon, the device is certain that thewords spoken are the truth. As it swings along a lineof waning moons toward the black disc of a newmoon, it is increasingly likely that the subject speaksa falsehood. The device is surprisingly accurate; theresults have led some wizards and priests to recon-sider the abilities of technology.

Once a subject is attached to the truth detector(a complicated process that requires 30 minutes),the machine can make a Sense Motive check onceper minute as if it possessed 9 ranks in the skill. ADC Z0 Use Technological Device* check is re-quired each time a Sense Motive check is desired.\Uhen the measuring instruments are not in use,they can be stored inside the cabinet.

Operation: DC 25 Use Technological Device*check to hook r.rp a subject; see text for use.

HR 5; hp 15; SZ Large (7 ft. tall x 4 fr.. wide x 3ft. deep); \7T 300 lb.; MV 1,7 50 gp; Create DC 18;

ST t hour; MR Z.

VehiclesSoar through the skies! Rumble over the land!

Rule the seas ! Just don't forget those regularlyscheduled tune-ups.

DestroyerDescription: Destroyers are heavy, iron-clad

warships that can quickly carry a half-dozen heavycannon to any point on a coastline and bombard atarget into submission.

Operation (Destroyer): Vehicle Proficiency(water vehicles)x to pilot and DC 30 Use Techno-logical Device* checks to operate.

Operation (Cannon): Exotic Weapons Profi-ciency (firearms) and ranged attack roll.

AC 25; HR 15;hp 1 10;SZColossal ( 180ft. long x45ft. wide); \7T 77,0001b.; Spd 20 mph (I75 ft./round)(poor); Cargo 4,400 lb.; Crew 7 (1 pilot,6 gunners);

MV I,660 gp; Create DC 37; ST 10 min.; MR 1.

Cannon: RoF 1/3 rounds; Range 100 ft.;4d6; MR 2.

FlyingMachineDescription: A dwarven improvement on the

helicopters built by their gnomish cousins, theflying machine is a heavily armed, flying gun plat-

form. Thick armor protects the daredevil pilots


who pilot the flying machines, but the armor alsoslows the vehicle considerably.

Operation (Flying Machine): Vehicle Profi-

ciency (air vehicles)* to use and DC 70 UseTechnological Devicex checks to operate.

Operation (Flak Cannon): Exotic Weapon Pro-ficiency (firearms)* to use and ranged attack roll.

Operation (Bomb): Ranged attack ro11.

AC 18; HR 10; hp 50; SZ Large (20 ft. long x 15

ft. wide); WT 1, 100 lb.; Spd 60 mph (530 ft./round)(good); Cargo 200 lb.; Crew 1; MV 7,170 Bp;Create DC 25; ST 3 min.; MR 1.

FlnkCutnon; RoF l/round; Range 50ft.; 3d6;MR 1.

Bomb: RoF once; Range 10 ft.;6d6; MR 3.

FootcartsDescription: The inventor of footcarts was once a

poor tinker who employed her talents at toymakingin the coastal town ofTidus. The most popular of theproducts she sold in the marketplace were miniature,phlogiston-powered, dwarven steam tanks. When a

tauren scoffed at the "foolish toys" and attempted toleap upon and smash them... he suddenly foundhimselfpulled across the marketplace with the wreck-age of tiny steam tanks bent around the bottoms ofhis hooves. That night, the toymaker realized thather inventions might be put to more useful ends and

crafted two simple carts designedtobe strapped to the

bottoms of her feet. The next morning she arrived atthe marketplace, put on her "footcarts," and zoomedinto tinker history. Today they are one of the firstuseful devices tinkers teach apprentices to construct.

Though footcarts have become a simple andpopular mode of transportation even among adultsin many Kalimdorian cities, they are rarely seenoutside city walls. The reasons are primarily prag-

matic: off smooth cities streets and packed earth,footcarts turn every loose pebble into the possibil-

ity of a painful spill.

Footcarts are such simple devices that they use

the character's Dexterity as the basis for Maneuver-

ability checks (rather than Use TechnologicalDevice*). A character with 5 or more ranks inBalance gets a *Z synergy bonus on these checks.Normal DCs for standard Maneuverability checks

are halved when wearing footcarts.

Operation: See text.

HR Z;hp 5;SZavailable for Small, Medium, andLarge creatures; \7T 6 lb.; Spd 20 mph (165 fr.l

'{raqr xerrneq lecrSolou

-qrel esn g l OC : (rapperqs ullcloC) uorle.redg's/KeJf,

IJOA\ tuBsBed [q per.lJ]Bruun 'etBJ alqrpeJlurtIE le Jequnl u/!\oP lnf ol stuJB Jlaql ol PeqJEllEs^{esrueets eqt esn srepperqs urlqo8 'u-ro; ploueunq eqrrnunu or pau8lsep eurqf,Eur tsrrJ aqI :uopdprsaq

repparLls u!lqoD

'I Un :9pb i(raremrapLrn) 'U

OS'(au.roqrle) 'rj

OO1 a8ueg lpunorll CoU :opaQrc1'l

UW l'urtu g IS :tZ OC ateerO :dB gZZ'Znnl(rauun8 I 'ro11d

l) Z ̂rerO :'ql OO9 o8re3 :(poo8)rate^rrepun (punor l'U OO .{d* Ot

'ace;rns aqt Lro

(punor l'ry Sn) qdtu OZ pds :'ql OOg'g JA :(epr^Altg x Suol 'rj Ot) a8n11 ZS:SZdq:g UH :gt Oy

'llor {f,EDE

pa8ueg : ( opadrol pelledo.r4-le{rog) uollu.radg'alerado ot slraqr xerrneq lerr8olour.lrel

es1 Ot OC pue esn ot *(salcrqe^ rete/y\) AcualllJ-ord ellrqa1 : (euueuqns qsruouo) uolfuedg'pallods Suraq tnoqtr^\ pa8rauqns ellq^A areyns eql

/v\er^ ot adocsuad eqt asn ot aurreuqns equo lo11d aqls^\olle {reqr eplH pasoddo InJssef,rns V :lerrads

'ste{JoJ Jo fuaneq s(aurJetuqns

eqt Jo a8uer uqtr^A sla8ret IEtsBoJ osle tnq 'sdrqs l,1uo

lou ot tBeJr{l lryrei!\od e eq ol se^lesueql Pe^ord aABqsaurJeurqns eqI'senB^\ aqt JePun IenBJt ueJ tBrlt slasse^

rq8rrratem Burzeue eseqt peteerf, pue sees eqt ot sseulry-efJroSeJ Jrer1t loot sJotuenur eruouo :uopdpJseq

eulJPr,uqns qsluouD

'Z Un l'urru t IS :OZ OC eteerO

:dB 1gL nll\i :1 it\arO :'ql OOZ o8re3 :(ruallaoxa)(punor/'ry SOD .{d* 08 pdS :'ql 009 J71x :(eprn\'tt

€.1 x Suol'rJ gI ) a8rel ZS:SZdq:g UH :Et f,V'ete;ado ot s{leql

xef,rnacl lelSolouqleI esn OZ OC pue asn ol

*(salcrqe^ rle),tcuarcllor4 elrrqe1 :uorleredo'serls aql uI saulqfBu elqeJe^neuBru

tsoru pue tsetseJ eqt Jo eruos urerueJ sreldoorl-eq qsruou8 'leluaueredtuet pue aly8eg 'parureun

q8noql 'saurl Aruaua pulqeq re! tnors ot sral-docrlaq rleqt Sursn Aq acUBIIIV aqt ot r{uoru\ rreqlpanord oq^A '�uepolnl zer{) }o seuou8 eqt Aq llgnqereA\ seurqJeu 8ur[g Aurr ]srrJ eql :uorldlrrseq

reldoflleH r,lsJurouD

'I UI/{ l'urru t JS:9t OC eteero :Q}o tes)

dB SZ I AI/{ i 1 marj :'qt OOZ o8.rej 1(l^sunlr) (punor


TruKEOperation (Steamsaw) : DC 10 Use Technological

Device* check to start; Exotic \Teapon Proficiency(steamsaw) and melee attack rolls for combat.

AC Z; HR 5; hp 50;SZ Large (15 ft. tall x 9 ft.wide); \7T 900 lb.; Spd 10 mph (90 ft./round)(poor); Cargo 1,000 1b.; Crew 1 (usually designedfor goblin-sized Small creatures, though larger v€r-

sions have been built); MV I,350 gp; Create DC25; ST Z min. ; MR 3.

Steamsaw (mounted on right a,rm): 4d6; ST 7rounds; MR 3.

GoblinZeppelinDescription: The goblins built their first bal-

loons in the days of the Alliance's early battles withthe Horde. Refining and enlarging their craft overthe years led to the construction of the first goblin

zeppelin, a massive air vehicle capable of transport-ing vast numbers of troops.

Operation: Vehicle Proficiency (air vehicles)x

to use and DC 75 Use Technological Devicexcheck to operate.

AC 12; HR 0; hp 170; SZ Colossal (90 ft. long x30 ft. wide x 50 ft. tall); \7T 3,000 1b.; Spd 40 mph(350 ft./round) (poor); Cargo 8,000 lb.; Crew 7 (I

pilot, 1 engine tender); MV 6,000 gp; Create DC

40; ST 5 min.; MR 0.

Iron FishDescription: This single-person vehicle holds

enough air to allow for t hour of underwater travel.On several occasions, pilots have taken advantageof its powerful engine and thick metal hull to ram- and even sink - other vessels.

Operation: Vehicle Proficiency (water vehicles) x

to use and DC 30 Use Technological Device*checks to operate.

AC 18; HR 8; hp 4};SZLarge (3 ft. wide xl7ft.long); WT 600 1b.; Spd 60 mph (530 ft./round)(excellent); Cargo 700 lb.; Crew 1; MV 1,500 gp;

Create DC 23; ST 2 min.; MR 2.

MeatWagonDescription: A weapon of both destruction and

terror, the meat wagon is a vehicle constructed bythe Scourge to collect corpses from the field ofbattle. These corpses can then be flung at theenemy with the meat wagon's catapult or, if themeat wagon carries a necromancer, raised to swellthe Scourge's undead ranks.

Special: The meat wagon can automaticallygather up to six corpses that it drives over. If these

corpses are used for ammunition, full damage is stilldone at the point of impact; any living characterswithin a l5-foot radius can become diseased withfilth fever ( injur!, Fort DC 17, rncubation 1 d3 days,1d3 Dex/ld3 Con; see Table 8-Z in the DMG).

Operation (Meat Wagon): Vehicle Proficiency(land vehicles)* to use and DC 20 Use Technologi-cal Device* check to operate.

Operation (Catapult): Exotic \Teapon Profi-ciency (catapult)* and ranged attack roll.

AC 17; HR 7; hp 35;SZGargantuan (20 ft. wide

x 35 ft. long); WT 5,000 1b.; Spd70 mph (165 ft. l

round) (good); Cargo 1,400 1b.; Crew 3 (1 pilot, 1gunner, 1 passenger); MV 1,000 gp; Create DCZT;ST 5 min.; MR 1.

Campuk: RoF l/round; Range 50 ft.; 3d6 blud-geoning (standard catapult ammo); MR 1.

Phlogistic UnicycleDescription: The unicycle is a favorite of both

goblins and gnomes for rapid transportation oncity streets. While uncommon in the cities ofhumans except during performance expositions,unicycles are common in Ratchet as an eccentricform of transportation. The infamous Slink Strong,goblin performer extraordinaire, bases his "line ofdeath" stunt on a reliable, Ratchet-designed phlo-gistic unicycle and 10 pulley guns firing spider silkl ine. These one-wheeled devices can move withstartling speed and perform maneuvers of suchfinesse they almost seem like a natural extensionof the driver.

Running on a small steam engine heated withcombusting phlogiston, the unicycle can travel upto t hour without needing refueling. Unicycles arefor Small riders, but they can carry a Medium riderof up to 150 pounds without difficulty. At least 5ranks in the Balance skill are required to ride one of

these contraptions. A pedal mode allows them totravel at slower speeds without consuming fuel.

Operation: Vehicle Proficiency (land vehicles) x

to use and DC 10 Use Technological Device*check to operate.

AC 10; HR Z;hp 5;SZTiny (ZIlTft.); \7T 20 lb.;Spd 40 mph, or 60 feet (I2 squares) per round inpedalmode (good);Crew 1;MV300gp; Create DC18; ST 3 min.; MR 0.

'suortBJrlrtJoj ol ssoJf, ol sdoo[ /nollB ol 1ue1daPIAr-loo|-b PuB 8uo1-loo|-oz E Puelxe UBJ uoSem

a8ars qJBE 'suo8em a8ats pallets uea/v\taq lISuBJl,{,sea ro} ̂\olle alrrqe^ aqt }o tuonoq pue dot eql uI

seqf,teq q8norqr SurpBel srappel pue 'suottf,erlp lle

ur IJBnB ol sraqJJB /r\olle uo8em a8ets B Jo sapls eqlur slrls /v\oJJV 'eJuelslp 8ul{IJts ulqtl^\ sdoo[ Sutrq

pue sertrf, a8rel Jo suoltef,lJltroJ ratno eqt ot dn IIorl,1ino1s uer reqt srentot a8ats ellqou luroJ ol ratlla8-oJ parloq pue reqloue euo dole pe{f,Bts aq uer

suo8en e8ars 'a1>1cet pue {lolq B pue sdoon Sursn'uorteulQruoc ur pesn suo8em aldrrlnru sallnbar suo-FBA\ a8ars jo asn elqe{JerueJ [1nrr aq] 'Jenerv\oH

'sJeuenbpeaq (sJeJIIIo

ro sdoqslro/n (sJa{url sB Pasn erB sraqlo ellq^\'sueqctl{ ro slelrdsoq plelJ aluoreq suo8em eruos'luaurdruef,ue uB lB Sutntue uodn 'ttt.lJ 'seull

tuory aqt ol sdooJt pue IeIJelBlu seIJJec uo8em a8atseqt Jo tueuueduloo aplsul eqJ 'JoIJatuI enlsuedxauB PUB ulIS PaJoruJB uB 'slaagm uaPoo/n Punoq-uoJr ytlrn alf,rqe^ [xoq e sI uoSem aSats eqJ

suq serrrqe^ eseqr r" r,',:;::l ifi :Tr ?# nfi:sdoon pue suodean uoddns ol salJlt{an are^r sleeqrleqruo >1crnf 'sreq$loruep aproH 'surladdez urlqo8 's4uet

r.ueels uaarel\p - JBA\;o suodea/t\ eJe/v\ tlloJery pueuoreeProl q rilnq aq ol salrll{e^ lsrl} aql 'sraloq

Pere-A{od-uorsr8olqd }o tue^pe aqt reUV :uopdutsaq


UI lSuruoa8-pnlq 9pg :'U 002 a8ueg lpunor/t goU :uouuDC

'I ulAI :52

CC atBer3 :dB 009'I nlAI l(ra8uassed 1 'rauun8


I ) t ^\erC :'ql OOZ'1 o8re3 :(rood) (p"nor/'ryggt) qdru 0t pds :'ql 009't J^44,' :(11e1 \21 x Suol 'U

SZ x ePI/!\ \ b1 ) a8npl ZS :05 d.{ :0I UH :OZ CV'(*uouueJ) /,cuarc

-llor4 uodeal6 rltoxg : (uouueJ) uorluredo'elelado ot >lJeql *aJIAaCI IBI

-rSolouqral esn gZJApuB asn ot x(salctqan puel),tcuercllor4 alrlqen : (aupug e8ars) uope.radg'suorleorlrtJo; ,{,ureua tuBJ ot speads q31q /,18ursufunsol dn ureqr xBoJ uBf, sropd >luBr UaAJE/Kp 'rour-re

Jora,te1 {rlqt srr /,q pe/ltols alolqa^ /,p1armun uB st aut8ua

a8ars eql e^arlaq ,tueul q8noql 'a8lnof,S eqr ytlrttelueq rreqt Suunp serroJ aTUEIIIV eqt ol uolrlppeArau B se,l. aur8ua a8ats uaAJBAtp aqJ :uolrdpJsaq

eultu3 a8a;5


1'urur 0I IS :02 CC aleerO :dB glnlAI l1 mar3 i'q1

002 o8re3 l(rood) (puno rlq06) qdtu 0I PdS :'ql 0t1714, :('rJ 0I x 'U

01) a8re j,ZS:SZdq:t UH :t t CV'atelado ol {f,eqf, xef,Ineq pcrSolouqrel

esn 0I OC tng'esn ol ,(cuercr;ord oN suorteredo'uorutuoc rtlSursBeJcur SutuloJaq

eJB suoolleq tnoJs 'alerado ol alduns puB deaq3 '[to]

-rrreJ SurpunoJJns at{t }o ^taIA pete^ele uE ro; /,1dulrs

pasn PuB eerl B ol Pereqrar ,tlpnsn arB suoollBq lnoss

tnq ',blllqeralneueu petprll ,,tolld,, eql s/lrolle 4cedeqt uo ralladord IIBurs V

'aulSua uolsSopd Lutl e/,q pacnpord rre toq gllrn petBUuI uoolleq e Sutuletuor

>1ced1oeq B sr uooll€q tnors eqr 'ropultle) paroldxe,{aql sB ef,uBIIIV eqt Lq petue^ul :uolldprsaq


't UIAI lrnoq I JS :ZZJqeleerC :dB ggg'18 nl/{

17 mar3 :'ql OOZ'1 o8reC :(a8erane) (punor/'ry 99I)qduttl 0Z pds :'ql 000'Zb L7556.:(ller

'ryOzx ePI^r'U 0t x3uo1 'u

09) uenrue8reg ZS:gt dq:g UH:lI OV'lxel aes :uoIJBJedO

'uorteJedo ul sl tI ueqA\ Je{BtuuIEJ eql

/,q pereraue8 eslou elqlperf,ul eqt PUB sPul^r ,tnearl

apnlf,ur ra{Buurer aqt Eunerado;o stre#e "ltt


rad ser{rur bpI Surddorp 'trous /,neeq sB tse}luetu

IIIm uIBr eqt 'raqteam Plot ,(pelnclrred ul 'reUB

-eraqt srnoq 9PZ ro} erl^aP eql uo Peraluef, snIPBr

ellul-z E ul ,t11peats uIBr ol enulluor lltrtt ll PUE 'ral

Jeareqr ,(lrroqs lle, ol sut8aq uler /,nee11 'ernlslolu

gll,n ,tneeq Pu€ {llqr eluoreq sPnoll eql rnor{ uE

qqrlnN '[It eq] uI reqle8 pue ruro] ol ut8aq,tlaletp-eunur spnolf, 'patenttoe sI Je{BuuIBJ eql uaq/6,

'{f,eqf, *ef,Ineq lectSolouqreJ

esn SZ OC B sertnbar re{eruul€r aqt }o /,ra-urrlf,Etu loJtuof, JaqlBa/tr eql Sutleradg 'alelado ol

s{f,ar.lf, *ef,rneq leorSoloutlrel esn g I OO PUB teeJ

*(salcrqe^ puBI) [cualrl]ord elllqen eqt sartnbar

Jeqloue ol aceld auo tuory JaIBIUUIBJ eql Surntrq'AraJJ uosrad-oA\l aql Jo' sJeuenb 8urnr1 PUB aulqf,-Bur eql JoJ ruooJ loJluof, B sB slJB lBtll luou aql

uo urqBf, llBurs E tlll/\{ (alf,Iqen e a{ll u/lrol ol u/lrol

r.uou ue^rrP eq ol ll ^{ollB rEr{l s{rBrl Peleeq^t PUBaur8ua uB seq tl ter{t a8rel os sI Ja{BtuuIeJ eqJ '[{t

JBaIJ E ruory spnolt ruJots uotutuns ol elqe 'actnap

alqrparrul slqt Jo uoltrnrlsuor aql PunJ padlaqsuarrBg pa{Bq-uns eqt ur sa8ellln :uolldlrrsa6l



\Uhen siege wagons are stacked to form a siege (good);Cargo 800 lb.;tower, they remain mobile. Only the operator of DC 19; ST 2 min.; Mthe bottom siege wagon is required to make checks ato maneuver the tower. For each tower stacked atop Steamwarrior Armot

the first, the top speed of the operator's siege wagon Description: Steam

drops by 10 miles per hour and its Maneuverabitity to the battlefield in wa

rating drops by one class to a minimum of Clumsy. a steamwarrior's persc

\Uhen six or more siege wagons are stacked, the improved and modifit

resulting tower is immobile. As the boilers of all money have been kno''

siege wagons in a stack help power the tower, the sets of armor. These I

weight of stacked wagons does not count toward a but do possess axe bl'

siege wagon's cargo capacity. wrists to allow melee ,

Operation: Requires the Vehicle Proficiency(land vehicles)* feat and DC 15 Use Technologi-cal Device* checks to operate. Stacking siege wagonsatop one another requires the use of the appropriateblock and tackle and labor to raise its weight, as wellas a DC 20 Use Technological Device* check.

AC 21; HR 1 1; hp 55; SZ Huge ( 15 f t . long x 15ft. wide x 10 ft. tall); WT 4,000 lb.; Spd 60 mph(495 ft./round) (average); Cargo 7,200 lb.; Crew 1 ;MV 7,750 gp; Create DC 26; ST 1 min.; MR 1.

Steam HorseDescription: The first steam horses were built

by the Alliance for patrols traveling the aridsavannah of the Barrens in eastern Kalimdor,where grazlng was sparse. The rider sits in thesaddle atop the four-legged machine and guides itjust as she would a living mount. The rear of thesteam horse includes a spacious compartment forcargo and gear.

Operation: Vehicle Proficiency (land vehicles ) x

to use, DC 10 Use Technological Devicex check tostart, and Ride checks to operate.

AC 1Z; HR 13; hp 15;SZLarge (7 ft. tall x 10 ft.long); WT 600 lb.; Spd 60 mph (530 ft./round)(good); Crew 1; MV 787 Bp; Create DC 18; ST 1min. ; MR 1.

Steam LaunchDescription: These small boats are enormously

popular among fishermen. Several steam launchesare often kept aboard larger ships for ferrying troopsand supplies to and from shore.

Operation: Vehicle Proficiency (water vehicles ) *

to use and DC 70 Use Technological Devicexchecks to operate.

AC 12; HR 5; hp 70;SZLarge (17 f t . long x B f t .wide); \7T 300 lb.; Spd Z0 mph (175 ft./round)

Operation ( Steamwarrior Armor) : Vehicle Pro-ficiency (combat armor) to use and DC 25 UseTechnological Device* check to operate.

Operation (Wrist Axe): Martial \Teapon Profi-ciency (axe) and melee attack roll.

AC 12; HR B; hp 40;SZ Large (11f t . ta l l x7 f r .wide); \7T 1,300 lb.; Spd 40 mph (350 ft./round)(good); Cargo 400 lb.; Crew 1; MV 2,550 gp;Create DC 25; ST I round; MR 1.

Wrist Axe (one on each arm); ST attack action;1d6; MR 1.

WeaponsThis section describes technological devices de-

signed for incapacitating if not blowing tosmithereens - your enemies. As always, proceedwith caution. . ..

Alchemical GrenacleDescription: The dwarves have taken to tech-

nology with exceptional efficiency. The stout raceis more focused than gnomes, and less manic thanthe goblins when it comes to implementing tech-nology. Most dwarven technology, while efficientand well designed, appeals to their more martialnature. In other words, the dwarves enjoy makingbetter weapons.

These alchemically enhanced grenades deliverelemental effects with a blast. The dwarves havemade a grenade for electricity, fire and ice. Othervariations include a grenade that unleashes a lowbaleful howl to terrify targets, and a grenade thatunleashes choking gas.

An electricity, fire or ice grenade deals an addi-tional 1d6 points of damage of its energy type inaddition to the grenade's blast damage. Each type ofgrenade has a distinct special effect.

't UIAI ltcedutl uo seleuolaP 'ntoue ol

luauodruof, tselq qf,Elte ol 'ultu I JS :9pt luodean

aqr se a8ueg:BI OC elearC :dB g 1AIAI :'ql 9I/I JnA,:(rapur1,(o rararuelp 'trl-

Zll ^q,3uo1 'ul t) eulC ZS

'{fBDB paSuer lBurou B sl /norrB lsBlq PaqrBlrBAlsnornard B gtlrn /KoJJE uB Suurg :uorluJado

'luatuaJJul a8uer leruJou B eABq

stor{s esaqt 'a8reqc eqr [q ptlladord lou are ,taqr

sE tnq issautplal/Kun s,AtoJJB aqt ol enP /v\oJJE arl;

B sB rtrleuad aouetsunf,Jp f arues aql sJa#ns nroJJE

tsBlq B Hllrn llor If,BltB paSuer y 'laSrel e e{lrrs,(aql lltun alru8r r(uop sa8reqc rep^rodun8 rleql

rnq'saoJJB arlj 01 JBIItuts readde smoJJB lselg 'AtoJJB

lselq aqr ot pal (nnolaq aas) /ltorre arlj eqt Jo lueu-dolanep aqt Suunp stueplf,ce,tpefl :uopdr.resaq

/\AOJJV lsPlg

'I UIAI llcedull uo saleuofeP 'uue ol uollf,B e6oul JS

1(rxar aes) reqto lo 'eEeIrIBp A8raue 9PI + 9PZ:'U 0Ia8ueg :OZ OC ateerO :dB 08 AIrr1 l'ql I J714,. :r{ut17g'eteudordde sB peqf,unel Jo u/noJr{I :uoIlBJedO

'PunoJ I JoJ

ueleqs ere pearrns oq/t\ asoqt allq/\{'spunor 9PI ro}

pauerq8lrJ sr aABS III/)N g I CO E slle, ot{rr\ auo,tuy

'epeuer8 aqr jo tee, 0Z ulqtl/n auoAue $f,e#E reqr

I^{or{ rruoruep 'qsllleq B aseelar sarl^eP eql 'peats

-ul 'a8eurep IEep tou op sapeuar8 lrr\oH :ynoH

'sPunor lBq1uof 9+ bPl uI sesradstp PnollaqJ 'tre#alo BerB aqt Sutneal rerle sPunor tPI roj

ro 'sesradsrp pnolr aqt llrun Peleesneu aq ro /t\orqr

Surnes epntrlroC SI CC e aIBru lsnu Pnolt eql

urqtr^r sernteerc Sutnll I1y'taa; 0tlo eunlo^ E slll;

reql pnolr B elearr sepeuar8 se8 lBrlrueqrlv ; sro'apeuer8 aqr Jo trege plol

eqr ,tq lleap aBeulEP eqt or lenba sPunor jo raqunu

E Jo, s{Jeqf, aAIIEIIIuI uo ,trleuad z- e sa^Ief,eJ

pue 'lllt{r eqr ot enp ,tlyrerodulal s/Kols apeuar8

arl uE Jo snrpBr lsBlq aql aPISul auo,tuy :arl'(anes ou) auoz

lsrnq aql ur lltls auo,{,uB ot aSeueP erlJ ;o slurod

9pI rar{toue Suttrrgur 'punor IEuoIrlPPe uB ro}

seluBu gtlrn pelt$ sI epBuar8 al; E Jo BerB tsrnq ar{J'e8eurep

JIBq roj aABS xelleg g I OC B e{Btu tsntuepeuar8 arty E Jo lselq eqr uI {rnrs asoqJ :a,nl

'PunoJ I JoJ PezBP PuEls Jo anES

epntltroC g I OC B e>letu tsntu ePEuarB lecurrele uB

Jo tselq eW ur rqBnEJ auo,{,ue ltuauoddo tsalPrnlseqt uena unts uBJ ,{8raua IBf,IJlf,alE : {ltcwcalE


Description: The demon dirk was originallyinvented by a lazy tinker as a self-oiling daggerthat couldn't rust. Upon carrying it, he quicklydiscovered that he had invented a weapon withmore possibilities than he imagined: not only wasthe dagger protected from rusting, it could morereadily cut through fibers (even those of a giantspider's web, thus saving the tinker's life on oneimportant occasion). Most importantly, the tinkerdiscovered (when he let dagger and its oily coatingstray too close to a campfire) that the weapon'sblade would burst into flame. Reminded of weap-ons he had seen carried by the Burning Legion, thetinker christened the weapon a "demon dirk" andbegan sell ing them.

A demon dirk is immune ro the rusr ability, ?swell as any spells or abilities that corrode or damagemetal. The weapon also grants a + 15 bonus onEscape Artist checks when the wielder is entangledby " spell or object. Igniting the dagger's blade usingthe sparker built into its hilt is a move action.When the blade is aflame, it can inflict 1d6 addi-tional points of fire damage per attack for 6 roundsuntil the oil stored in the hilt is expended and musrbe replaced. The dagger's immunities are lost whilethe oil reserve is empty.

Operation: DC 10 Use Technological Device*check and a half pint of oil to load.

Simple Light Melee \Teapon; WT }Ib.; MV 17gp; Create DC 16; Id3 (Sm) or 1d4 (Med), crit 19-701x7; ST 5 min. to reload; MR 1.

Dwarven ReciprocatorDescription: At first, this short-barreled rifle ap-

pears to be a very long blunderbuss or flintlock. Onlyon closer inspection does one realize it has fivebarrels instead of one large barrel. A clockworkcrank and romting clockwork action act as thetrigger for this reciprocating long-arm. The dwarvenreciprocator is a brutal and intimidating weapondesigned for use against charging opponents at closerange. This weapon has proven ideal for dwarventunnel delvers as well, since it can fill a hallway withenough lead to poison any pursuer permanently.

Tuming the action once fires a single shot as a normalattack action. As a full attack, winding the clochvorkcrank around several times fires all five banels in rapidsuccession. Each banel shot receives a cumulative -2

penalry FZ for the first shot, 4 for the second, and sofonft), but the shooter can aim each shot at multipletargets as long as they are within 5 feet ofeach other. Thebanels eachhold a single shot, and crankurg will onlyfirethe number of shots that remain in the weapon.

The weapon needs to be braced for reciprocatingfire. Bracing the reciprocator requires a single stan-dard action. Firing the reciprocator without properlybracing it doubles the penalties incurred.

Operation: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (fire-

arms); Ironforge dwarves and goblins treat dwarvenreciprocators as martial weapons.

\7T 15 1b.; MV 1,500 Bp; Create DC 20; Range70 fr.; 3d6; MR 3.

FirestarterDescription: A device first employed by elven

tinkers, a firestarter is a system of lenses and mirrorsthat collects the light and heat of the sun andfocuses it upon a distant target. Few targets canwithstand the incredible heat, and most immedi-ately burst into flame.

Firestarters are large, heavy devices mounted oncarts drawn by teams of horses. Their creationrequires an incredible amount of precision crafts-manship, and usually involves a partnership betweentinkers and artisans familiar with glasswork in orderro make the large, highly polished mirrors andfinely ground lenses required. Efforts to makefirestarters small enough to be carried by individu-als have thus far proven unsuccessful.

Operation: The firestarter requires Exotic\Teapon Proficiency (siege weapons) to operate(see Alliance & Horde Compendium, ChapterOne: The New Blood). The mechanism requiresthe sun's rays to function. Setting it up to collectand focus the sunlight properly requires t hour anda DC 25 Use Technological Devicex check.

Each round that the firestarter is employed incombat, one member of the crew must make aranged attack roll in order to maintain the weapon'saim on the target, while the other must make a DC15 Use Technological Devicex check to keep themirrors and lenses in alignment. Focusing afirestarter inside its first range increment is diffi-cult, and any attempts to do so have a -6 penalty.

The firestarter deals 1d6 points of fire damage toa target in the first round it successfully hits. Eachfollowing round that it successfully remains on the

ot adeosa qrrp lsBI e eTeur ot $lro/nerlj tualrl.Jnspeq [aql ]nq 'ate1 oot are/n saulou8 aqr ',t1pES 'dtlc

rlaqt peuetBarr{t reqr s88orr }o saproq Sultuorul aql

tsure8e sef,rnep amsoldxa aseqt Sut,toldure ot {oot st$ru-er{JIB rl$ruouC 'suodeem elltf,ege eperu sryo/!\eJl}rleqt tBrlt parenocslp srotuenul qqulou8 'sqoul 33orrSurpenul ot IIBJ s,ue8araurouo 8u1rnq :uopdprseq

la)pou qslwouD

'I UW lpeolar ot uortf,B

punor-lln; IS l(txar aas) e^ISeqpB snld bpz:'U0OI a8ueg :t I OC ateerC :dB ggfi,nW :'ql 0Z I/4,

'llor IrBltB pa8uer B pue *(sulre

-arlJ) rtcuarcllor4 uodealg rltoxg :uolleredo'peo1,(ed L>1crrs rleql peards

pue rsrnq Laqt aroleq allrrs [aqt la8ret ,{,ue ola8eurep;o sturod bpT.rrrllur Laqr teqr,brcola^ qBIqB qf,ns lB srePpBlq Pelll}-a^rseqPe aql sarrJ eulr eqJ'(sean pue slle/r\ ot ,tuenb laqt If,ns ol suepJe^teruos /,qpasn rtlsnoureJ sl puu) uotrtunlurue sE saultu

an13 sasn urBarrJ pelerrBq-ePl/h slrlJ :uolrdlrrsec


: (uunorqr )'u 0 r ra.,"sl' rttf:il'Ji]:il:"il dB glI nll{ :'qlzl I InA,' i(rareurelp'ul-f ) aul{ ZS'eurru eqt /r\oJr{] IIOJ >lf,BDB pa8uer

lauru aqt dorp or uoIlJB pJBpuBtS :uorleredo'r{,larnteulard Sqpoldxe ruo# ueql

tuanerd 01 /v\Brts qryt\ peilU sexoq ul palced '9 Jo sr1rn

ul plos,tlpcrd& erB seuru enlo '0I sPaerxe lFser {f,ar.paqr qrlq/v\ ̂q nuyod g IIry qree roj taa; g senotu ernteerrar{L '{raqr tsruv adecq ro lf,aqf, gt8uals /!\eu E e{Etu

ot eJntBeJJ ar.{r s/v\oile Sul^olu ol Pelo^eP PunoJ qJBE',t1mo1s fuan an13 arp ssoJJB anoru ,{eur tnq 'palSrrerua

sureruar ernteerJ aqr '(1ceqc tsltrv adecq ro {car{f,qlSuals relel B ro eABs xegeU IBIr1ul at{t SutIguI ^qreqtl e ) asool af,uo'Iceqr lsruv adetq 0Z CC B ro lreqrql8uals SI OC B e{etu ot uoure punor{ry e 3q4et,(q asool ryaJq uEf, eJntealf, palSuetue uB tnq 'aceds sly

tuo+ enoru t(uBJ pIJB palSuelue $ eJnteeJf, eqr sslleJ eAESeWil '(lrro1aq aas) palSuelua ailq/n leuuou rreql rprl.#peJoru q Sulnour q8norp 'Surnour ulo{ petua^ard loutnq'palftrerua q eJnteeJf, eqr 'spaacons aAES slrpll 'eABS

xegeg SI CC E eTeru tsnu sapoldxa rappelq aqt ueq t

BaJB eql q auortrly''BaJB arenb,s loo}-O I B JaAo enlS peardspue $.rnq [t {t

'uodn paddars Jo u/Konl] ueqn1 'aAIS

-eqpe,blorrs;o $aPPBIq are seunu enlc :uondursac


'I UIAI lpunor I IS l(rxar aas) lerrads

+ 9p1 :(umorqt) 'rJ 91 eBuBU :l I CC elBarO :dB gg

nlAI :'ql t J714,. :(araqds raleruelP 'ul-g) [ulJ ZS'esn; eqt lr{8tl ol uoltre prepuets :uolleredo

'spunor gp1roJpepulq8qaqplone ol aAES xegag 0Z CCIB e{Bru tsnlu uouBuolaP eqt"}o lea} 0t ulwm sernlBarf,

ilV 'qsEU Sulpullq e ul ulaqt salru8t pue 'autqtuoc

ol aPISq suollerras eql s/v\ollB oslB 1l 'lee} s ultppn

ernteerc ,{ue ot a8euep }o srqod gpt sleeP uotsoldxa

er{L 'seteuotep a8reqc rapmodun8 aqt 'tI uaeq ser{

pod qsEU Elo esry Suturnq-4opb eqr reUB spunor o AJ'tsaJoc alEnuaqsv ruory slJes

-rrr tuarseroqdsoqd Jo suolleJJes eql SututetuoJ

slueulreduroJ ol\t pue rap/trodun8 yo aBreL{J IIBUISB sl llaqs uapoo/n s(pod qseg e eplsul 'ueneqtq8lN

;o a8elltn y1a rq8lu aqt uI pasn stq8tl Aq partdsutuorlua^ul relult B ere spod qsBIC :uolldrrrseq

pod t{sPlJ

.Z UI^Ilmoue ot tueuoduloJ aJIJ qf,Etre ot 'ultu

I JS :'rJ

OOZaBueg:Ot CC eteerO:dB ggl AI/{ :'ql 9IlI 1714,t(rapurl[o raraurelp 'ul-Zl

I Aq 3uo1 'q t) eulC ZS

'lf,Bue pe8uer leurou E sl ̂rorre arlJ peqJEuB[lsnornard B gtla,r AToJJB uB Suurg :uorluJedo

'lloJ {f,8118 eqr uo ,trleuad ef,uBlstunJJlf,

tr e Sursodurl '^plar/v\un Lllq8tls ̂rorre eqt se>letuosle tnq tee; O0Z ot tot{s reqr Jo ruatuerf,ut a8uereql sasealJur /r\oJJB uE ol AtoJJE eJIJ e Sutqf,Bllv'seruetslp elqlparf,ul A\orIB eql sladord pue raputlAo

aqt aplsul a8reqr eqt seltu8t Prof, eqt 'P"tlJ sI ̂\orIE

eql ueq^46,'Jenlnb s(JeqJJB eqt uo 8uu E ot raputlrtJ aqr

Surqceue pJof, lJoqs B qllnt 'peat{ s(/v\orte aqt /t\oleq

tsnl saqJB]tB reqt raputlLr sserq IIBUIS E s(ll 'pealsul

'Arorre uB jlesll l(usl ntorlB arlj aqJ 'AlorIB puE A\oq

eqt PrB/v\ot tl PeIJInl PUB sle>lror PUE seulr Surdola^eP

paure8 l,aqt rapnodun8 gtlrn asttradxe eqt 1oot sre{ull

uaAJE/r\p 'mouB aJrJ eql Surdola^aP ul :uoBdueseq


'I UW :tq8tluns snroJ pue rrallor or

rnor.{ I JS |U OL a8ueg l(rxar eas) punor enlsserrnsred 9pI snld art; 9pI :S€. OC eteerC :dB 000'9nl4t 17 mer3 :'ql 009't IrN :(ller 'ry 9 x epl/K 'U 8 x3uo1 IU ) aBre-IZS:g7 dq: t UH luodeal6 a8atg

'9p1zlo tuntulxetu B ot '(uo os PUB 'punor

r{rKxls eqt ul 9p9 'punor puores aqt q 9p0 qpl + ̂q

seseerrur a8eurep aqt '(punor qf,Be /y\err aqt /,q 11ol{rBuB pa8uer In;Ssarrns e Sutrtnbar) ra8ret atues


freedom despite the superior forces arrayed againstthem. Since seftling with the dwarves of Ironforge , thetwo races have worked together to tum the gnomishfirework into a deadly weapon. Some of these weaponshave made their way to Kalimdor, as gnomes travelingwith dwarven compatriots have retumed to manufac-turing explosives to combat the Horde.

Gnomish rockets pack the punch of a bomb corrr-bined with the range of a bow. Lighting a rocket andaiming it is a full-round action, and aiming it at atarget still leaves it vulnerable to scatter (see Player'sHandbook, Chapter 8: Combat, "special Attacks,"Tlvow Splash Weapon) should it miss. Delaying arocket's fuse is impossible. A rocket explodes uponimpact unless it malfunctions. Rockets can hit indi-rect targets, but these munitions can't safely beaimed a targets closer than 10 feet.

Operation: Exotic \Teapon Proficiency (gnom-

ish rocket) to employ normally; gnomes treat themas martial weapons.

\7T 5 lb.; MV 175 gp; Create DC 13;Range 150ft.; 4d6 (70-ft. burst); ST full-round acrion to lightand aim, detonates on impact; MR 2.

GreaseMineDescription: These palm-sized clay discs are sold by

the dozen. Th"y can either be laid as ffaps for theunwary, or thrown to crack open in a desired area.When a grease mine is shattered, the grease inside thedisc spreads to cover an area 5 feet square. Any creatureon or crossing this area must make a DC Z0 Reflex saveor fall prone. A grease mine can also be broken on acharacter; the grease will grant the character a +5

circumstance bonus on attempts to escape a grapple.

Operation: Standard action to drop the mine;ranged attack roll throw the mine.

SZ Fine (4-tn. diameter disc); \7T U3 1b.; MV300 gp per dozen; Create DC 18; Range 10 ft.(thrown); ST bursts on contact; MR 0.

IronjawDescription: An ironjaw is an awkward-snouted

apparatus that wraps around the wearer's head,with a pair of rubber-covered bits that go into themouth.

'When the wearer of an ironjaw opens and

closes her mouth, the movement is amplified bygears and pistons and imparted to the sharp sets ofteeth mounted on the end of the snout. \Uhen thewearer has successfully grappled an opponent, theironjaw allows her to make a bite attack.

Ironjaws are unusual devices, but they are cher-ished by many of those who wear them. Often theyare painted to resemble the snout of an animal, froma dire wolf to the mandibles of a spitting spider.

Opera t i on : Exo t i c Weapon P ro f i c i ency(ironjaws) feat and a melee attack roll.

Exotic Light Melee \Teapon; HR 4; hp 70;WT 4lb.; MV 200 Bp; Create DC 19;3d6 (do not applywearer's Strength modifier); ST 1 round; MR 1.

LightningNetDescription: A lightning net is a normal net

woven with copper strands that stretch back alongthe control rope to an electrical battery pack wornaround the wielder's waist. When a target becomesentangled in the net, the wielder can press a stud onthe rubber-coated control rope to release the bat-teries' charge into the net. A creature in contactwith the net yet not ensnared in it may make a DCS Reflex save to leap clear and avoid damage.Before the charge builds enough to be releasedagain, 4 rounds must pass; and the battery packshold only enough energy for six charges before theyhave to be recharged by connecting them to astandard phlogiston generator.

Malfuncnon: On a malfunction, the lightning netloses its remaining charges for the rest of the encoun-ter. It may continue to be used as a norrnal net.

Operation: Exotic \Teapon Proficiency (net)

and a ranged touch attack to use (see Player'sHandbook,Chapt er 7, "'V?'eapon Descriptions," Ne[for more information on nets and how to employthem). Releasing the electrical charge into the netis a free action.

Exotic RangedWeapon; hp 10; \7T 10 lb.; MV 165gp; Create DC 70;5d6 electricity; ST 1 round; MR Z.

MuskBombDescription: A musk bomb is a foot-long copper

cylinder perforated with holes. When the ring onone end is tugged, a bladed rod at the center of thecylinder rips through the small bladders inside torelease the concentrated scents of a dozen cre?-tures. Three rounds afterbeing activated, the mixedodors spread to cover an area with a 60-foot radius,hiding anyone in the area from being detected ortracked using the scent ability. If the musk bomb isdropped in place and the scents allowed to concen-trate, the effect will last for t hour. If the muskbomb is carried, the effect lasts Zd6 minutes.

'I Un lraqloue ol r,uro; euo tuory

a8ueqr ol 'ur(u I IS :Z*l0Z-61tlrr'(pary) SpI ro

(*S) qpl :BI OC erBeIO:dB ggl AI/{ :'ql t J71A,:0Idq :S UH luodea/N aelery IBnTBI{ papuBH-euo

'qraqr If,BllB ealeru aleudord

-de a>1eru ot puB (proms8uol) Acuarf,rtord uodea46e^eq ot replel^r eqt sarrnbar uodeen\ B sB rleqpro^rseqt Sursn 'ssaoord eqt Sursranar saop sB '4cagc

*errneq leorSolour,{f,el esn 0I OC E serrnbar rleqE otur proms8uol eqt u/y\op Sur4eaJg :uolre.radg

sllor {retre IIE uo ,b1eua d 7- B rePlar/!\eqt senr8 rer{r uodea/v\ pecuelequn uE sI rlaqpro^{se 'proms8uol

leuorrlperr B jo uortf,nrtsuof, pllos eqlDIJBI tr sB 'JeAe^\oH '(rt1uo asodrnd srtll roJ puBH

Jo tq8ralg asn ot lenpl^lput paulertun uE s^rollBosle ty ) tlaq e a{ll tt Sutream ,tq alnteu enJl s(eJIAapeqt leeruor ot Surldurene s>lreql pueH;o rq8ralsuo snuoq g I + e raPIer/K eqt stuerS uodean aqt Jodrqsueusrlerf, renap eql 'el{rnq rleq B e{ll readdeol peu8rsap uena sr uodee/lr eqt;o lllg ta{sBqJIBr{aql 'tsrB^r aqt PunoJB PauetsBj aq uEf, tBrlt stuau-Bes patf,euuoJ jo serJes B otul asde11of, ol uodeemaqt s^rolle puB erof, stl q8norqr Sutuunr elqerE Jo uorsuar eqr seseelal tr 'pamarJsun sr laurutodeqr ueq^{ 'JeneunoH 'pJo^rs8uol

IBruJou ,t1roa;rade aq ot readde uBf, tlegpro^{s y :uoyldlrrse6l

lleqpro/!\s'I UIAI lpeolar ot spunor g JS :gpblry OZ a8ueg

:OZ f,C atear3:dB gtt nll{:'ql gI I71N:(llerut 8x ept^\ 'ut g x 3uo1 \ T) II"*s zs :oI dq :g uH

'llor If,BtrB pa8uer pue tEeJ *(sulre

-arg) ,{cuarclJor4 uodeel6 rlloxg :uolleJedo'stlaq rrer.{l tuog Sur8ueg ,,segrnod Japurt,, eql

[q pazruSocar eq uer sun8 rarurlds plar^r oq^{ asoqr

Jo ,tueur pue 'uodeam eqt tuog ,(laleredes peJotsaq tsnu uolllunturuv 'punod

1 sq8ta/y\ pue elBeJJ olatnunu 1 salnbal uortrunruluelo punoJ euo '{Jols slrotul lllnq rapuu8 B otul poo^Uo sereld 11euts Sutpaa;Lq palearf eq uBf, un8 rarurlds eqt JoJ uortrunruruv'a8eueplo slurod 9pZ a{Bt enes xeueU g I CC B IIE}or{A\ BeJB patJe#E eqt ur seJntBeJJ IIB pue 'auof, foo}-0€.8 ul slrep tno stooqs un8 ralurlds aqt 'sllBJ

{rBuBeqt JI ue^E 'eSBrueP

IInJ roJ {f,nrls ueaq sBq laSreleqt terlt sueatu ssorrns 'llor

{f,Bue pa8uer B sa{Brureplar/v\ eqt 'un8 raturlds eql arrj oI 'loqs a18ursE uI slrBP uaPoo/tt Pezls-uroqf jo sParPunq arlJot aJnssard rueats sesn uodean\ slt{I :uolldlJJseq


'Z UIAI lpunor I JS :/ I OC eleerC

:dE ggnlAI :(apelqyo tq8ta^t ot peppe) 'ql I IrA,

'lduralle ruJBSIpe Suunp epelq aqt Suruutds ot uoltf,E aau 111ersutot {reqr (Surqltusuodeam) UBrO :uorturado

'rBeJ ("p"lq Surrelpcso) snroC uodea46aql tnoqtr/\{ teqtuor ul pasn eq louuef, /;y11qe slqJ'punor rad a8eurep Jo srurod 9pZ tf,rgur uer tl '�lllrp E

sB pesn sr rlq Surlellrrso uB tlll^r paddrnba apelq BJI'sseuprego sturod t sesol tt 'proms equo arntf,ruts IIBJa^oeql ue{BeA\ srusrueqf,eu aql sB 'ranamo11 'ruauoddo

srq urrESIp ol slduralte uo snuoq t+ e rapley!\ ar4 Sutruu8',brco1e^ qflq B lB epelq s(pro ts aqr suds laululod s,tllg

aqr otq rlpq aut8ua uotstSogd IIBtus e 'passardtP s1 dp8

eyl ul qrtBr E ueqa 'sre)il.n] ,tq paryelc tilg ^\eu E olul

paceld pue tllq putftro srl ulo+ pa^ouar sl apelq eI{L'pJo/v\stearS B ot ra88ep B luo+ uodeam apBlq-rqft ens,tueroJ uouef,llporu B sl r1q 8u1le1pf,so aI{L :uondnrsaq

lltHtupeilpso'I UIAI lpunor I IS ?ry 0b

a8ueg:l I OC ateerO:dB ggz nll{ l'ql 81714,.:g dH

lor {rBnB pa8uer B pue tee} (raqtuneltau) Acualf,Ilord uodea46 rltoxE :uorlerado

- ac 1err3o1 ouqrer .,;;? # ?l5,l:J""Er::1,,teu B Surpeolag 'sllor

IoBUB IIE ol ,trleuad b-B sJe#ns teu PJBPUBIS B sB lau Jer{f,unBl lau B asn ol

SurrdtueltB aJnteerc ,tuy 'uodea/\{ aqr gllrn esn JoJ

pau8rsap /,11n;eJBf, eJB Jar{JunBI lau B roJ stau aql

('uouce punor-llry e oqe)

Irer{r qr8uarrs gZ CA E r{tp\ rsrnq eq uBf, pue uurod trq

0I seq teu eqJ'uorlf,B punor-llryE '1caqc t$uv adecqg

OZ f,C E qtl/v\ adecsa uer arnlearc palSuetue uV 'Attry

-ssef,rns lads eqt tsef, or Iraqr uoltBrtuef,uoO gI OCI BeIeru tsnru r1 '1ads B tsBJ ol stdulele eJnteaJo palSuetuaeqt JI' a8reqc ro uru touuer pue'paads;1eq,t1uo tB elotuuBf, 'r{tuatxeq or ,{rpuad tre

'q1or IJBIB uo r{rpuad 7-

B sa{Bt erntearc palSuetua uV 'palSuetue s ta8ret aqr

tBqr sueeru rFI Irysserrns 17 'tno $ooqs 3r{ aql eplsul

pa>ped ,t11ryaref, teu aqr 'parl; q uodean eqt ueq/N'lerreq srllo pue aqr tB patunoul Se>1ileuIS B t{tl/!\ ssnqrap-unlq a8rel B e>lll qool reqrunel teu V :uoudpesaq

Jeq)unP-l leN

'0 UI/{ lpunor 1

IS:BI OC alBerO:dE ggE ny\ l'ql I J714,:(raputl/,craleuelp'ul -Zx8uol 'U

I ) enrrnululq ZS:gI dH'uonf,B pJBpuBtS :uolle.redg

Tinker'sTosserDescription: The tinker's tosser is yet another in a

long line of mechanical arms, this one a sizeable modelattached to a backpack containing its phlogistonpower source. A hand mounted on the end of the arrncan hold anything from a rock to a dagger, whilecrosshairs hanging in front of the wearer's eye allowhim to select a target. Properly loaded and aimed, thetosser throws its payload at the target.

The tinker's tosser can be used to throw anyweapon or object, with its range increment doubled.Due to the tremendous force with which it throwsimprovised weapons, the normallpenalty is halvedto -7. 'When

determining damage, the tinker's tosserhas a Strength modifier of +5.

Operation: Ranged attack roll.

HR 5; hp 10; SZ adjusts to fit any Small orMedium creature; \7T 15 1b.; MV 375 gp; CreateDC 18; ST Z rounds to build up initial head ofsteam; MR Z.

ZeckerDevicesForyears, balladeers sang of the ongoing adventures

of the great and power'fuI wizard Brymidaine Zecker.Only when Zecker vanished from his room at theShady Rest Inn, allowing the innkeeper to sort throughhis belongings in search of clues to his whereabouts,was it discovered that Zecker was not a wizard at all.He was, in fact, a brilliant tinker who for his entireadventuring career had duped the world into believ-ing his inventions were magical artifacts.

Zecker's CloakDescription: Brymidaine Zecker was never seen

without his glistening bronze "cloak of the titans,"which stories said he had recovered on the expedi-tion that discovered Bael Modan.

'Weaved entirely

of metallic threads, the cloak was marked withrunes similar to those from the Disks of Uldaman.Despite repeated requests from the high councils ofKhaz Modan and Bael Modan, Zecker never pre-sented himself or the cloak for inspection.

When the cloak was closely examined after hisdisappearance, it was discovered that its propertieswere the result of ingenious construction ratherthan the blessings of the titans. The dwarves whoonce treated the cloak and Zecker with reverenceimmediately condemned both. Still, the cloak re-mains widely admired by tinkers for its amazing

array of protective properties, especially the weaveof metallic threads that tighten and stiffen to ab-sorb the force of blows. A collective of tinkers inRatchet has begun to craft replicas of Zecker'scloak, but they remain difficult to construct andexpensive to purchase.

A character who wears a replica of Zecker's cloakis granted a +5 armor bonus to AC. In addition, thewearer gains damage reduction 7d6l- per round.Finally, when the wearer is grappled, the cloakreleases an electrical charge that does 4d6 points ofelectricity damage to the attacker per round for 6rounds unless the wearer of the cloak is released.The cloak has an armor check penalty of -1, ?Darcane spell failure chance of 1 5o/o, and can run fort hour on a charge of liquid phlogiston.

Operation: DC 25 Use Technological Device*check to activate the complex protective mecha-nisms hidden in the cloak.

SZ replicas are made for Medium creatures; \7T 25lb.; MV l7,500gp; Create DC 21;ST 1 round; MR 1.

Zecker's FirestaffDescription: The signature item of the "wizard"

Zecker was his staff -Zecker's Staffof the Elemenm.Six feet ofpolished wood bound in silver and gems, thestaff could shoot a jet of flame on command and just

as quickly snuff a roaring campfire. It could release abolt of lightning or a peal of thunder. It allowed Zeckerto walk through the air as though clouds were stone.The iron globe clutched next to the blade mounted atthe staffs tip could glow as brightly as a star, sheddingwarrnth and light, or it could absorb heat until thesurrounding area was sheathed in ice.

After Zecker's disappearance, his staff - now re,vealed as technological trick"ry - was purchased bya wealthy elven tinker. In a process that lasted twoyears, the elf slowly took apart the staff to leam itssecrets. Shortly thereafter, he realized thathe couldn'tput it back together.

'While the elf continues his quest

to reassemble the work of the master tinker, he hastrained his apprentices to recreate some of the effects.These lesser staves, known as "Zecker's Firestaves,"still have a variery of functions (see below).

Operation: Using the staffrequires Use Techno-logical Device* and the expenditure of liquidphlogiston, as noted for each different function.One of the most innovative aspects of Zecker's"staffof the elements" is a system that holds chargesof liquid phlogiston and feeds them to the stave's

'I UIAI lasn qree raUB dn e8rer{f, or punor I IS

:t I OC eteerC :dB 00I AI/{ :'ql t IrA, :(3uo1 'U I xraleluBlp'q-Z/1) anunulul6l ZS :0I dq :Z UH

'>lf,eqJ xeJr^ac

1ecr8o1ouqf,el esn U OC :uorJurado'l$lueqrlB uB tuou

peuretqo eq tsnru e8reqc /v\eu B qrrqa raUE'sesn eerql Joj uosrod q8noue sploq pue/lr

aqJ 'spunor 8pI ro; paz[pred aqro aABS

epullroc 9l oc e a{Blu lsnru euofer{l uI aJnteaJc /,uy 'Jodel snouos

-lodJo auof, too;-gl e srterds pue/\{eqr aplsq uolstd IIBUIS e 'para88ur

sI qrlBr aql ueq/X\ 'qrlBr IIBUIS

B sl UBqs s(puBl\ aqt punoJe sderm

ter{t {ro^\sserq eqt Suoule uapplH'dlt stl ot pexl#B prsfuc zuenb elqe

-eZrS B r{lr/n PUB/!\ lecrSeur Pe}EJJ ,{1aur; esaf,ueJeadde pJBAuno Jeqto IIE ol sr tr 'leurou

uBqt relf,rqt ,t1rq3r1s q8noq1 ,,'Suruunts Jo'\

f PuBllI,,Slqloasoql aJBSJeeAluacaJuI JBedde of

PatJBts aAEq rBql sef,r^aP s(Je{Jazlo suorlBeJ-rer aqt Jo relndod lsoru eqJ :uolldprsaq

puPA s.Jepez

'(/,11enpl^lpul uoll-run;leru uBf, suonf,un]) ZUIAI ipunor I JS :02

OC eteerC :dB gtt ny\ ?qlZI I71A, i(rataruerp'ul-Z x IIBr \ 9) a8rel ZS :gZ dq :g UH

'asn qrea ro; uotsSolqd plnb11;oa8reqc euo serunsuor pue {f,eqf, x eJIAaC por8olouqleJesn SI OC e sarnber,trlpqe qt1l 'rre eqt otul reeJ 0g ordn deal ot replel/lr eqt s/nolle ter{t eurel}}o la[B se]BAItf,B

11 'por qql oluo sdals repler^t aql uar{ril '#Brs aqt }oPue ra/v\ol eql Jo lno sPloj lserlooJ IIEurs E 'rrB uo IIBIKol Llqtqe s(re{rez}o serrots aqt ot sartrllqe sn{ qf,reurot re{ult ua^le aql ,tq lduranB ePruf, B ul :&n4nrl o

'esn qree roJ uotsSolqd plnbll;o a8reqcauo serunsuof, pue Tlar{r *arrneq pcrSolour{f,el esn

0Z OC e sarnbar,blllqe slqJ'punor rad a8eruep errJlosturod gpespap teqr eurell;o euor )oo!-g7B eteerr ol

tulU B ̂q patru8r sr teqt t$ru uotsSopd e /,erds ot#Btsaqt;o drt eqt sasnef, ula8 raqtouy :alrrvlClo tuo) o

'asn Jo srnoq 9 qf,Be ro; uolsrSolqd plnbll;o a8reqc

euo dn sasn puB {reqf, xaf,rneq pcfolouqf,el asn OIOC B serrnber ,b11lQe slqt 'snrper looj-gg B r{tr^\ BerBue srq8lf pue,tpq8uq smo18#Ets equo drr aqr te aqo13eq'�' pessa'�dap

:];1;;:'Jili,T:;;,H, I]3H*-rXBUr B PIOq se^BlseJr, s(Je{Jez 'PePeeu sB suorlJun}

ewssNilnNro,[email protected]&

'a8rnocs aql;o ,tuuer,b peapun eqt sasoddo reqrtuleal E Jo suBrpJBnE aqr e(uoJaq e^Br.{ slneureSSntuorr tI eqr 'fuanoosrp rraql erurs 'seuenl[g uaanfeeqsuBg aqt Jo Ionuof, aqt Japun suortBerr uorr

{rEIq ere ̂ro1aq daap urleer eqr ot sete8 aqr lV 'uaIes

-roc pBepun aqt ,tq parelndod 'r{trcrapun eqr sall

lorrdec s(uoJaepJo-l jo surnJ eql r{leeueq Surrsag

uolldlr)sec's44 $alwp aW ut uon utotl paSrcl lsuril rliaap

D vrya\sarruDarJ a\I'ssaurryat Io aiuts iualorft D ur aqoj uaas slsr/ aftl-swur '� palrnJ gI ' saunt uaat? ruaquJalulpa,LaftoJ anivts uo.Lr4wlq' a?nyv srarnt

,DaJ,J K4lnqslqJ

4ueulsnlpv p e1


0H 7V-EE :(a6ng) 0H Zt- Ll

leJlnau s(er'r;y


9t(7) ace-rq 'rfue1lps

(,(1; crapun eql) puno-r6.repun (uV

Ileilv re^ od6JapunS peloJd, t ounJJeA0

pano-rdu1 6e^eelJ learC


llng pano-rdu1 'Molg euose^ V

0l eqJ'01 sl/3-

lul 6- uoJ '9[ xeo '9€ rls

9+ ll!4\ '/+

Jeu 69+


llnJlsuo )' gzef, uelsrsa.r ; ;ads'r(ll u-nuur ;;ads

'erl1 pue (1rrrl)ala'Plol 'Ploe ol ,(lrunuut 'ltJqllu

/g t uolllnper aOeuep '{poq uorl)pelq'uorsrA tqbr ; -,rno;'uotsrAIJe6

a;drue.r1'ef,uese.rd ;n1-l{6r.11'u terp r(6-raue ourerp,(1

| tqV'u

9l/'lj 9t

Ql*Zlpd aeleu ZZ+ uqs

Qt*Ztp7) aa;au ZZ+ uels

zE+ l(,1+ :e;dde.gpllv eseg

0€ Pelooj-leH 601 qrnol

'(;e.rn1euZZ+ 'rag 7+'ansZ-) Zt

(un-r 1.uec) (sa-renbs B) 'U

0? :peeds

Arqs*u ^;:11,5:: :::ff .r,1il"iiiili:,#erurt Jo JeDB(u E Lluo sl rl '�plJo/n eqt otul suolteaJf,A\eu Suuq IIIzn teqr gdacuoJ tuJoJ ot ta,{ a^Bq spulturreqr allq/N 'UBrr s(re{ult eqr;o a8erue^pe eqt easslloJt PUB sfJo aruos uen e ra^ 'Peeulo serun ur ueql

ple ot uoltelouul urlqo8 uo pealsul SurAlar '/,3o1ou

-qf,at jo seJuB^pB eql tslsal ot elqe ueeq e^Br{ Leqt'suoure; ruepuadapul aqt ruory dlt.{ gll,tt tnq lrr{8u-1no suoneaJf, eseqt Jo /,ueu 8ur,(orlsap Jo elqedeceq tou /,eur epJoH aqt Jo sJe/v\od aqr 'cr8eur Jrtsr-ueurer.{s Inlamod uo 8urllrg 'stf,nJtsuoJ]o esn aqls^reqf,sa lBql uorlrB},tluo aql A11ear sI eProH aql

'lorluor slt{ }oa1ol, aql rapun eroru Suuq pue 8ut) qrl-I aquo,fuo13

aql JaqtJnj ot lool Jaqloue lsn[ st ']ou Jo tJnJtsuoJ'arnlearc eterurue uB 'a8rnocg eql oJ 'rlBJJ Jreqtro; itelc gll,n a8rnoos eqr ,(1ddns ol dn a1ld sarpoq eqlra8uol aqt aoelduoruruof, aluoJaquolleultuoqe eqt sB

qfns sauanbsator8 pue uo8en teelu eqr sB qf,ns suoll-derJuoo 'plel; aqt ot stJnrlsuoJ InIaA\od Sur8utrq

Jo alqedec are 8ur) r{rl1 eql Jo stuenras eql ue^E'a8rnocs peepun agt pue aproH eql

;o cr8eur Surpeerds-real eqt uele pue e8euep tsrsaJuBJ lr eJurs alqenlen eJoru JEJ seruofeq lilelo8 y 'aq

ol Pasn lI sB lBalql B Jo qJnu sB lou sI PJo/ns e 'mo1

srerplos Jo dnor8 e [e1 uer sessnqrepunlq qll^r uatu-eulr omt ueu/x\ '8ur8uBqr arE sPlarJelllBq eqr lBqlsraqueru snorrB^ (sef,uErllv aql Jo IIB ol rBelf, sI 1lre1 'urepsrp qll^{ ASolouqcar IIE tsourle teerl ,taq1'uortBlol^ ,tressacau e 'alnlBu ol luo{JE JeqlouE'acgglre

Jo uollealf, Jaqloue sB /,8o1ouqcar AteIAsa^la rq8ru eql 'teqtuor ul ulaqt re^Ilep ot pro^tspue reads '11ads uo,tlar ot tuetuof, aJB sueurnq ellq/lr'sserq pue rueelsJo sJetsetu enJt aqt eJe seruou8 puesenrB^tc 'srelurl aqt ot uel rsaq se r{8o1ouqf,et A\arAsuBunH '3ur>1ult{l

;o [em ^\eu B Jo uorsue]xa uB

tsnl ere s]f,nJtsuof, 'eJUBIIIV eql ]o seIuJB el{t oI'qsel' uaDor PUB sauoq ur llol rlaql e{Br llylt ,{,ruo

-deelr pue slJnJlsuof, Areu (saruou8 aql ter{t urBtJaJeq uBf, tl 'a8rnocg aqt Jo suollBuruoqe peuulepeqt tsutu8e IIer rq8rur ef,uBIIIv eqt Jo seoraq puesrerplos loo; aql ellq/N 'rarntue^pe parederd-111 pueparuauadxaul aql ot leqtel enord uec surlqo8 aqt Josurelo8 lun I snora8uep [lplt* eqr uene ls8urqr,tlpeap

PUE luelorn erB llerrrBA\ Jo Plro/lt aql uI rB^l JostrnJtsuor eql 'tq8noql B lnoqtl/tgleq uI f,ro ue 8ut-puar Jo elqedeo suorteuruoqe otur sanrtdel to qsepeqt splour a8rnocg eqJ 'roprulle) jo splellelueqaqr ssorf,B ePlrls qsau ro IEreuI Jo aPBlu sluBlo

z+(dq ezt) or*orP9r

4ueuarue Pv:lueuu6r;y:eJnseeJl

:6ur1eg a6ue;;eq3:uoqeaue6.rg




:seruil(v:sa es

:saryFnQ prced5



:sselJ JoluJv

:e^qeryul:er!o llH

(ua1es.ro3) lcnrlsuoJ a6n;.;

ureloD uorl)pPltl

These black iron sentinels prevent incursionfrom the Scourge above. While the denizens of theUndercity plot to move against the Lich King andhis undead armies, these creations of some elderrace defend the gates of the Forsaken realm. TheBanshee Queen is clearly not the creator of theserelics, since they were in the Undercity long beforemen discovered it. How Sylvanas managed to tame

them is a closely guarded secret.

Standing 30 feet tall and weighing at least 10,000pounds, these solid black iron statues at first appear toblend in with the rest of Undercity's d6cor. Theformidable, black iron statues bear the rich runes of anancient undecipherable tongue. Leering masks hang

on the faces of these iron golems. These vast deathheads grin at those who might seek to trespass throughthe thresholds under their guard. Ablack iron golem's

sur{ace almost seems to absorb the light cast upon it.

While they don't seem to respond to the corrr-mands ofUndercity's denizens, they do not move toblock those not under the Lich King's yoke. Evenindependent undead serving the Lich King areblocked by these creatures; many spies have beendestroyed trying to sneak past them. Yet for somemysterious reason, the Forsaken can pass throughthe gates without fear.

In total, 1 3 golems block the entrances to Undercity,each one responsible for a different entrance, with thelargest entrance to the tunnels and caves guarded bytwo of the massive statues.

'When the forces of the

Scourge attempt to rush the gates, the golems easilyrebuke them, especially when aided by the magic andmartial skill of the Forsaken warlocks and warriorswho dwell within.

CombatTo see a black iron golem in motion is to witness

violent death embodied. Swift and indomitable,these creations are relentless in moving to blockthe gates of the Undercity from trespass.

Ability Drain (Su): Upon a successful meleeattack, the black iron golem drains 1d6 points ofstrength. A DC 73 Fortitude save negates thiseffect.

Energy Drain (Su): A successful melee attackfrom the black iron golem bestows 1 negative levelupon the mrget and invigorates the golem. A DC73 Fortitude save negates this effect. The golemgains 5 hit points for every negative level it inflicts;it cannot accumulate hit points over its maximum.

Frightful Presence (Ex): A black iron golem

causes terror in the enemies of the Forsaken when

it moves to defend the city. Creatures with fewerthan 16 Hit Dice who are not immune to fear effectsmust succeed at a Will save (DC 18) or be fright-ened for 5d6 rounds.

Trample (Ex): Ablack iron golem's trample inflicts7dI7+I8 points of damage; Reflex DC 79 for half.

Black Iron Body (Ex): The iron construction ofthe golem allows it to sap energy with greater efft-ciency. The DC of all saves to resist the golem's

attribute and level draining abilities are increased by+5 (this bonus is already factored in).

Spell Immunity (E"): Summoned creatures can-

not attack the iron golem. Negative energy spellattacks actually heal the golem ( 1d8 points per spelllevel). Positive energy attacks do not harm thegolem, but slow it for 1 round per spell level.Healing spells count as positive energy attacks.

Construction\Thoever built these imposing black constructs

has not left a record of how to create them. The

Black Iron Golems of the Undercity d.fv analysis.The runes and magic shift and change with eachinspection. Although their true purpose remains amystery, it is obvious that these hulking guardians

will remain unique for now. Anyone attempting to

create a black iron golem creates a normal irongolem instead. use the construction rules and sta-tistics for an iron golem for attempts to create ablack iron golem.

HarvestGolemLarge Construct

Hit Dice:Initiative:Speed:Armor Class:

Base Atk/Crapple:Attack:Full Attack:Space/Reach:Special Attacks:Special Qualities:

5d10+30 (s7 hp)*330 ft. (6 squares)

22 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +10 naturalarmor), touch 12,flat-footed 1?


Claw +7 melee (1d10+5)

2 claws +7 melee (1d10+5)

10 ft./ l0 ft.


Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vi-siono damage resistance 5l -,

endoskeleton, harvest guise, con-struct traits

qtro/lr qersfuc pcr8eur pue sSoc pereeur8ua ,tlprcadsLq paramod aur8ua uB gtllrr peug eq lsnru uralo8aqJ 'spunod

OOg tseel re sq8re/n ruelo8 altue eql'rtrllqe pcr8eru aruos pue a/,a uedxa uB saJrnbar uote-leIS Ieers eql Sullquassv 'lr tf,rutsuof,,(eru suorleeJf,esar{t }o euo ot sueld aqt pernres eABq oqA\ esoqJ'aldoadrq8u eqt s^lou>l auo| /,lprcadse 'uralo8 rsarueqe Surlcrutsuor roJ sluudanlq aqt [.q uBr uosrad y


'treJ;e aqt arou8r ,{eru (aroru ro t peilHSurneq sdeqrad) sernteerf, aqt ol ernsodxa q8nouagtlrn sJetf,BrBqf, 'uorlercslP s,no eqt tv 'sPunoJ

tiPIroJ ue{Bqs eq ro enBS III,N 5I 3cl B eIBru tsnru I3BltBuB Suunp uralo8 lsa^req aqt Surssautl/n asoqJ

o, pesn ,ou {ror o, a',lijl":i'ilTl}:::t1$l 'af,ueJeaddu eruosJeal B rl anr8 pue uolala{sopuestl ped ot qlolt pue rnnBrJS 'depnq

;o rar{el {rlt{lE srBe/h ula1o8 lse^rBq eqJ:(xg) esmc lse^rul{

'rbtlenb leroads astn8

tsa^rer{ aql sesol pue Sutuoa8pnlq/O t uoltf,npere8eurep sure8 uralo8 lsa^req eql '(d.{

Vl) srurod ln1

leur8uo slr lo o/o;ZotpelnpeJ ef,uo 's8urryol\ Jauuranlllsuas s(eJnlEaJJ eqr stJetoJd e8ec leleru slt{J'uoll-fnJlSUoJ IBleleIS uoJI PUB leals ,tprnls B sl rue1o8

lsenreq aqt Jo arof, aqJ :(xE) uolele{sopug'a8reqc e 8ur4eru JaUB If,EUB

IInj B a{Bru /,eru uralo8 lsa^rer.{ aql : (xg) erunod'elqrssod se

s{f,Bne IIn} puB sa8reqo Aueul se Sur4eur 'a8etue^pe

str ot paads slr{t esn ot spuat uralo8 eql lleq uI uBuIumor8 e Suueer Jo alqedef, eJB tBqr s/lrolq Jo serJesE re^rlap pue sta8ret srl tE a8retlc ot tl 3umro11e'lequlof, ul sseurllms alQIJJet lt sant8 u8rsap s,ulalo8eqJ 'retunof,ue plnoqs lg Surql 8urnr1 ,tue ,torrsapol sr uralo8 tse^rer{ er{t Jo asodrnd auud eqJ


'JoJJel Jo uorteeJJ enJl B sr r,uelo8 rsaAJBr.{ eqt '�sepelq

fueqs-r ozvr 'snorf,rn sll ruog sadrms gllrrn uede uBr,uB reat puB teqr.uor otur a8reqc or ,trrllqe eqt qtl/N'r{tolf,

{f,BS pue /rreJls Aldurrs ueqt eJoruJo lno eperu sr

tr Je^ocslP ot ,t1uo serntBerf, eseqt.Io euo {JEttB lltrlrdnor8 ruepr;uoJJeno ue 'uaryo oot ilV

'senoru uralo8aqr sB IUBIo pue runqr tBqr sSoc pue srea8 gll,n pelll;

Iaats,o uolela{s E sl [".{ pue depnq eq] qreauag'tq8ts Jleqt ulqll^\ tseeq Jo uetu

/,ue ,(orrsap ol a8reqc ,(aqt sB asodrnd ratsrurs JreqlAerraq sture Jlaqt ruory Surpnnord s/KBIJ fueqs-rozvr

-lq8terts '8uo'I 'splalJ eql ssoJJB Sutlqule s^toJf,eJersA4cors eq ot readde tsrrJ lB sulalo8 lse^ret{ lsotu'sleq peuulrq-peorq Surrrods puB ̂\Brls gtlrn pe#nrss8eq depnq raqraSot-peqrtrts ur pessercl 'lq8raq ur

tee; 6 r{,1q8noJ spuets r.ualo8 lsanrBq eqt 's^toJf,eJers

Pue Sluelol lSeAJBq u/v\o (SJaLUJBJ eql Jo SaIPoJEd'papJBnB

11am /,ran sr AtrnrtcesBrlec Jo Jeluef, srr{t 'uosBeJ ar.uos Joc '{ooJquool^I

Jo u/lrot PeuoPuBqB eql PunorB sPBor PUB sPIelJ eql

pren8 suralo8 tsa^req ,(ueur 'troN '{lo} IUJBJ tueJ-ouur J$o aJBJs ot sueeru B sB suralo8 eseqt petBeJf,,(lleur8rro pooqreqrorg sBIJaC aqt lr seq roung

pu' r'ej peards or :lla/v\ asofund 'aqr ,;It$:;-eJJ Suuapue/v\ ,(1sse1une esaql ',{,JJeur lnoqllm

IIoJ pue sreurej pue 'uaprnq jo slseaq '4colsantl

uede rBel [aql eraq^r '�lle]tser6.' Jo splal] eql ssorf,B

alque stJnJtsuof, pazrs-er8o aseql 'arun ,tue lBSurloadsnsun eqt uodn IIBJ uer sa/,e per 3utno13 sl1'A"p pue rq8ru uae^uaq aruera#lp aqr ;o rdaouorou seq pue 'aurqceur v sI uralo8 lsenreq eql

'sdoJr Suuaqle8 lno ellq/!\reaq lq8rur rerureJ IIBpserN e spunos pereeJ tsotu eql

Jo euo sr rlf,Bordde (stualo8 tsanreq eql Jo {uBIl puerlq^A Sutlltt{r eql ')ilo}

Ierol eqt Jo serrro^\ Iertuets-qns /,pear1e eqr ot sppe /,1uo e;Irts aroru 'lq8tu eqlur peepun Jo rBeJ eqt pue sdoro etelosep eql 'suultol

pauopueqe apls8uolv 'srea,t A\eJ rsBI eql uI ^\orros

Jo areqs rlej str paraqle8 seq IIBlrse/N;o uor8er aql

uolldu)sao'iv\paurunrq-Woq. sI \iaaurapun wo$ rno73 sa("a

pat, TnlalDg 'surra st1 Io spua aW uo$ anrrnp8ua1 8ur

-puaixa samq(mr1s-toZnt" aatp \In ffiorJarv)s pawul-lLrD ' K4cots 'aft:ssaur D aq oi s"wa44e arniDatJ a\I

:ileulsnlpv p e'l


0H OZ-1 :(a6.re1) CH 0t-9leJlneu s(errr;y



$-d 6ue6'(re1r;o5

(speor pue sptegdo.rc puno.re) puel a1e-redual r(uy

Ileilv reMod 6a^eelJ

t eqJ 'l[ sl/'- fu1 6- uoJ '�Llxe(J '02 rls

t+ lll^\'?+ Jeu 6l+ uoJ


:6uqeg a6ue;;eq3:uoqezrue6.rg




JunkGolemMedium Construct

Hit Dice:lnitiative:Speed:Armor Class:


ldl0+20 (2s hp)+1

30 ft. (6 squares) (can't run)

16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11,flat-footed 15

Base AtldCrrapple: 0l+1Attack Slam +1 melee (1d6 +1)Full Attack Slam +1 melee (1d6 +1)Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: -

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vi-

I ill -, ",ll,jjl ;: [fi ii i i.i;bludgeoning, construct traits

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0

Abil it ies: Str 12, Dex 12, Con -,Int -,

Wis 10, Cha 1


Sof itary, pairo company (2-5), orswarm (5- 20)

Challenge Rating: 2

Treasure: None

Alignmenh Always neutral

Advancemenh 2HD (Medium); 3 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:

This Lumbering mechnnical contraption stands nohigher than a dwarf , Coq)eredin a varietJ of lenses andarmatures, it appears buik from wire, lengths of woodand broken barrels. Steam belches from a furnacesomewhere in its body as it moues. Clumsy arms withq,,tarious attachments seemto gropemindlessly atthe air .

DescriptionIt is a common sight to see a junk golembumbling

down the city streets of Ratchet. Almost consid-ered disposable by many goblins, these constructs

1,500 gp. The scarecrow components are included inthe cost of the body. Creating the body requires a DC75 Craft (weaponsmithing) check or a DC 75 Craft(technological device) check.

CL 10th; Craft Construct, arcarLe €J€ , unseenseruanf, creator must have 5 levels in tinker; Price7I ,500 gp; Cost 11,500 gp + 770 XP.

vary so widely in construction that really categottz-ing them is impossible. In a city where tinkering is

a respected science and where phlogiston and coalare relatively cheap, this golem has become analmost common minion of not only Ratchet's junk

guilds but also traveling goblins in general.

Identifying a junk golem by the qualiry of itscomponents is very easy. These constructs alwaysappear ready to fall apart. Tied together with string,glue and luck, the junk golem tends to have ahaphazard appearance. Most have a variety of dif-ferent appendages for digging, burning, cutting,smashing and picking things up.

Most tinkers customize junkgolems to suit theirneeds.Not overly reliable, th. constructs have a tendency tobreak dourn under sffess. Cheap wooden barrels, recycledtracks, bellows, junk wire, broken clock gears and otherunreliable mechanical components are responsible forthe frequent breakdowns of a junk golem.

The junk guilds of Ratchet build adtzzytng array of

types of this golem. Some are even capable of clumsyflight to perch on top of junkyard heaps.


Junk golems in combat can be a barrel of sur-prises. Each golem can be different, having a varietyof attacks and tactics that it could employ. How-

ever, these constructs aren't subtle and generally go

for the most direct route. In numbers, junk golems

tend to overwhelm opponents by sheer force.

Chaotic Construction (Ex): Junk golems tend tohave all kinds of functions and apparent uses. Frompicking up bottles to grinding wood chips, junk golems

can perfiorm a number of special attacks based on theirdesign. To determine that design, roll on Table 6_lId4 times to determine the special properties of thejunk golem. Re-roll contradictory results (like gettingthe Tracked result twice). Every two additional fea-tures increases the CR of the junk golem by 1.

Breakdown (E*): Hitting a junk golem for 10 hitpoints of damage or more makes it lose the use of one ofits special functions. V/hen hit, it spews cogs and piecesout of its shell as it malfunctions. Use an appropriate dieto select the broken abiliry. The construct also beginsto slow down, falling one place down the initiative

count every time it takes a significant hit.

ConstructionA junk golem's body is assembled from various

piles of junk, and ends up weighing about 200

2(oz-E) prr

-ed -ro '(S-d uo.rpenbs 'rfue1r;o5

puel {rV

Ilellv ra/nod 'e^ealJ

0[ eqJ'01 sl^\'- lul '- uoJ '6J xao '61 rls

l+ lll4\ '9+

Jeu 5J+ uoJ

* i.i. wli

:6ur1eg a6ua;;eq3




sl Palooj_leH6?[q)nol'(;e.rn1eu g+'xa6 V*) bl

(sa.renbs 9) 'U


v+(dq gE) oz+otPE

:sseD JoluJv:paadS

:e^qeryul:etlc llH

IrnrlsuoJ unrPaN

slreJl llnJlsuo) s -

19 uorllnPeJa6eurep 'If,olJalur '(11po1 ouors

-rn lq6ll-^ ol ''U 09 uorsr^lreg :setilFn$;ercad5

(aberuep 9pl+) a6-reqc In1remod :$ltellv ;erced5

U $/'lj I :qreeu/ered5

(tr*gpt) aa;eru 9+ ruels qrElv ilnJ(l*Bpt) aa;au 9+ uels qrElv

g+ lZ+ :a;dde.rgplcElv eseg


.: 'J lernleu e uo saqser) ue;o6 eql 1nq 'uorlle punor-fiFj'G ss

QrtOZlOlpdlselle eeleu e re^rlep uer srolor aql'.rood 1o6ur1e-r {1;;1qe-relneueu epue leej re^oH eq1 '(sawds

9) teej 0E jo paeds 6ur(g e sure6 pue lueuelou paseq-puel slr saso; ura;o6lunleql'punore alou pue (B ol srolor uo serle.r rua;ob rynlaql

- :i .a6euep,",ht i?;;,';':; :::::l r;, :::l ilr g,l;11.il#1,1,""#,::ffi il: eql uo sr slerreleu luara11rp snorre^ ur seloq Ourleru ro1 lllrp paads-qbrq 'peddrl-apr,rn y.'. ,.'RorIJelle a{l uo r(1;eu ed v- e ql!,!r ssnqrapunlq eql qil/yr llene peoueJ a;6uls e eleu

Kewl[ 'ssnq.repunlq e ql!/yr l]n4suol slr{l uJe o1 q6noue Kzetf, se/v\ ralurl euesur euos

., r I nn 5,sr n q,oor - 0,, ",TlffJ il,l:i[ ff i rff ili]fi i:l :rff" 1,1?,3 l- i'o": e uO 'a6euep Jo slurod Ot ue{l erou salel ua;ob aql aull (rana pa.rnbar sr llor Zlpty

'ssarls auarlxe repun sr rua;o6 aql ueqnn apo;dxa ol sueleerg ua;o6 aql Jo relroq aql'prezr^

le^el-pr7e (q lser spueq fiulutnq elrl lleneslrfl learl

'spunor 91 ftene ef,uo lnods e uorj erueg 1o lnob e qlpq uec ue;o6 aq1

i*$. 'g arfj ol af,uelstser sule6 ua;o6 lunl eql 'erlj ruorj rua;o6 aql pprqs seleld ,fiee;1'e6eruep 6ururru.ralep ueq^ s1a6.re1 uepoo^ Jo sseupJeq eql seJou6r

epelg ̂ es aql 'Ireile 6urqse;s glpl e qll/vr rue;ob eql jo pene uels aql ereldau',(1;eued poqlr/vr selrelsqo pue urerrel ilnlg1rp eleqobau uef, pue (saceds g) lee1 0t Jo

paeds e seq rua;o6 aq1'uorloru Jo ef,rnos ureu s.ua;o6 rynf aql asuduol speerl -re;;rd-ra1e3'Ireile

llnj e se lrelle uelse ra^tpp uel qqq,u qlee '(z*vp) su.re leltueqleu Jo. AetJP- ue seq rua;o6 )un[ eql

'lee1 dFI peno-rdru1aql asn Aew lrnrlsuor e{l lsluauoddo dl.,l uef, ue;o6 aq uo saqsn-rq 6urdaar*5

, '(leuruep ueelg ..'1ueudrnb3,,

oburJnlue^pv :o,!\I,re1deq3'gdggeJue4) -rautuequeels aql uo spelep ees 'serpadold

;erreds reqlo .ro3 'abeuep jo slurod qpE saop leql


1l i

Ileile uels e ur 6urlpser lreile lln1 e aleu r(eu ua;o6 rynleql'spunor 0l rftane e3u0 r'leej g jo peads Morrnq e pue'a6euep 0pl sleap leql llene uels e sureb rue;o6 rynlaq1



9l + dB O$p tso3:dE gS I'I arrrd lra>1urr la^al-qtg e tseel tB eq lsnuJolEeJr 'Jrtantas uaasun 'lrnJlsuoO

UEJO :ls I 13'Irer.{r (Surqlnusuodee^\) ryer3 gI OC B ro 1raql(acrnap lecrSolouqcal) UErO gI OC e sartnbarApoq eqt Surrear3'(unurxelu b) dE 00I ,tq ualo8eqt jo errrd aql saseerrur ,trtllqe IBIrads peppe qrEE'dB

Og I quo/y\ sI Jlestl rueld rueats aqr '1eoc pueuolsrSolqd eruos gllnr'pelll; pue dn pallo 'spunod

sepep o-r{g Tl


ssnqrePunE ,.,0,[

reilo8 uelorg b

rolereullul B6urp;erq5 a6.ro3 L

sePeE ̂ es 9

PaIlerI I ',,

.',Peurv-!ilnyu v


.radaaan5 E

lr"ottril e.rnfeeS ;ercedg iloU





Always neutral

4 -6 HD (Med ium) ; 7 -? HD(Large)

Level Adjustmenh

This metallic mechanism resembles a hunched-ouerdwarf . It, seems ready to moq)e at amoment' s notice. ksbody coils with power as steam vents from irs nosrrils.

DescriptionThe gnomesbuilt the steamgolems to serve them as

power'ful foot warriors to help defend their warrensand cavems from future assault. Gnomes have alwaysbuilt steam-powered contraptions with the intent touse them in a peaceful manner. With the destructionof Gnomeregan, the gnomes have begun to makemachines with more martial purposes. On occasion,one of these powerfuI, stocky constructs trundlesalong with a gnomish tinker or emissary working withthe dwarves in Kalimdor. undying, loyal to its charge,and powerfuI enough to deter even the boldest assail-ant, the steam golem has proven worth its weight ingold to the diminutive gnomes.

The construction of the first steam golem broughtin a renaissance of tactical design for the gnomesworking with dwarven engineers. Ignoring theirmore whimsical designs, the gnomes focused onfunction. The gnomish steam golem is efficient andfull of purpose, able to serve as a powerful porter andbodyguard in times of peace and as a deadly corrr-batant and soldier in times of war.

The unique feature of the steam golem is itsability to combine with other steam golems. Foursteam golems can combine to create a portablefortress on the battlefield. Five steam golems caninterlock to create a larger steam golem constructcapable of dealing more damage and of wreakinghavoc on unsuspecting foes.


formidable structure capable of moving slowly acrossthe battlefield. This 15-foot by 15-foot square srruc-ture has an Armor Class of 19, a speed of 5 feet ( 1square), and can provide full cover for 4 Small inhab-itants or Thunched-over Medium inhabitants. Thereare slits on each side forfiringweapons, and ahatch onthe roof allows egress for one creature of Small size.The shelter has a hardness of 5 and 100 hit points.

Interlock (Ex): As a full-round action, 5 steamgolems adjacent to each other can combine to forma Large version of the steam golem with 9 Hit Dice.Clumsier and sturdier than irc lesser components,this mega-steam golem is often a terrifying surpriseto cocky orcs or necromancers. This form gains the

following changes:. The combined golem has IZ0 hit points.o Init iative -3.

o The interlocked steam golem's powerful chargenow deals + ldlO points of damage.

o The base damage of the steam golem's attackincreases to ld 1 7+ 4 .

o Trample: ld8 +6 points of damage, Reflex DC18 for half.

o Great Cleave.o Armor Class 14.

Disengaging from the interlocked state requires 2

full-round actions.

ConstructionGnomes assemble a steam golem's body from

brass and steel plating, the whole of which ends upweighing 600 pounds. The phlogiston-injected

steam plant that operates as its heart is worth 500gp. Creating the body requires a DC 70 Craft(technological device) check or a DC Z0 Craft(weaponsmithirg) check.

CL 10th; Craft Construct , Llnseen seruant,Leomand's nny hut, creator must be at least a 5th-level tinker; Price 10,000 gp; Cost 5,500 gp +400 XP.

In combat, the steam golem can serve a number of A,different roles. Typically, sream golems acr as body- StOne l(ee;guards in times ofpeace, but in times ofwar squadronsof them will d.pioy to hold sffaregic posirions. Medium Construct

Powerful Charge (E*): When charging, the Hit Dicq :

powerful piston-driven fists of the steam got"rn deal Initiative:

an additional 1d6 points of damage. Speed: :

Fortify (E*): As afull-round action,4 steamgolems Armor Class: ''

flat-footed 21within 5 feet of each other can combine to form a Base Attack/Crappre:


tt paloo1-leg 66 q)nol'(;e-rn1eu

ZZ+ 'abpop

1+'xa6 1- 'azrs

t-) tE(sa.renbs B)

'U 0?

t-(dq ztt) oE*otPst

:a;dde4gprElv eseg

:sselJ JoluJV

:peeds:e^rleryul:ec!o llH

lcnrlsuo3 a6.re1


-letur peuuerSord str tou 'slrell f,rseq Surleclldar ur/,1uo paeJ)ns ,(aqr tnq isacarfuelseru esaqt ateorldarol ,trl ,teur sradaal euols perpnfs pue peleJol e^BqoqA{ esor{r ',tepo1 'suBlrt eqt WIrn o8e 3uo1 tsoleJaA\ radaa>1 euots e SurlcnJtsuof, Jo staJf,as eqJ


'punor IInJ I ro, cr8eur ol ,hrunurrur pue

uonJnpeJ a8eurep stl sele8au rnq'elntf,nJls s(Jedealaqt a8ueqc [11enrce ]ou saop 11eds \sa[ oi auois V

'stulod tlq tsolstr jo IIE sleeq ryor" oi Wu ainu$ltvrl ellgm 'morql

Surnes ou qrl/n spunot gpz ro1 (11ads moq aqr se)Jeqf,lB/n auots E snools 11ads wuol\JoJ"alnursuvuv

'd\olaq petou sB 'ernteeJf, er{r lsule8e ,tlruaraglp uorr-Jury srf,e#a pue qlads ureuaf, 'uortlppe ul 'ef,uelsrseJ

lads s/\{olle lerlt /;ilqe e{ll-ileds ro lads ,{ue ol auntu-rrrr sr raqf,tB/n euols v :(xfl) rlEsw o1 fiprnruul'eteplo tno Bluuelllul eq or spuet a8pel,lou{ s,radaalauots eqr Jo lsoy\ ',brlqe slqt Sursn rarlB >lraqf, aSpe-lAlou) lxeu SII uo snuoq eJuBlSlunJJIJ 0I + B SeAIaJeJradaa4 euots aqI 'uorleruJoJul paArqJJE enerJleJot slelsfuo slr atenrtf,E UBJ radaa4 auots e 'raqlJnC

'(anoqe ees),brunrroddojo {rBuB uB se{onord reqr uortJe pJepuets E sB qf,Ee'sar8uol sE qf,ns 'sartlllqB e{11-11ads;o reqr.unu ztue ale-raue8 ot uJBeJoj slr uo slersr{rJ aqt arelndruBr.u uBJredaa>1 euols v :(xg) aeua8r[efq peruruel8o.r4

'qlZI le^al JatsEC 'Sutaas anu'san?uoj

'cEvttt War

'atoy puaBal 'sa!l uraJstp 'c13nu panp',Lal,uoanp aZKIDUD - Iltnn rV :sapilqv a{l1.[eds'rtressaf,eu uaq/n sf,rlf,Et ,toldrue etuos rn9 'stlnesse

IBruoU alduns epnlf,ur uauo sJrtf,Bl sradaa{ euots

71asrl puelep ot peuuerSord [11ensn sr ]nq 'lqEIJ

ot pauuerSord lou [11eraue8 sr radeel euo]s V


Jo alqedec Suraq rue8rllatur /,ue gtlrneteJrunruruof, ot elqe eJB pue 'saBenBuBI azr{1eue

ot cr8eu lnyaunod esn uer stfnJtsuof eql 'tsol

sl IIB loN 'aBenBuBI slr{t puetsrapun oq^\ enrle ere

([ueJI) sern]Berf, A\a] 'reneAroH 'suetrl aqt;o a8en8-uEI tuarf,ue eqt ur ateJrunluruoJ ot elqe sr radaalauots V

'8uleq tualtues e ruou euo Surqsrn8urrsrpeurl rlnrlglp e e^eq sranresqo reqt pelef,rtsrqdos osacua8rlletur pauuerSord e ssessod sradee{ auols

'slad sB {urqt uene rq8ruleuo lsuorueduroc sB panJes ueuo sradaal euols'rttradotd,suetrr eqtlo suerpren8 se panJas sJeqf,te/lreuots allq71il,' 'raqf,te^\ euors eqt ;o qfuerts elnrqer.{t Jo elllll q8noql 'acua8lllatur tuertues tsoruleuB peluer8 eJe/v\ stf,nJtsuoo asaql 'stuelsrsse puesluelJas eq ot sradeel euots patEaJJ suetrr ar{J'eJo(u Surqrou pue'leuortf,un; are r(aqJ'efuereadde

Jo slleleP eql !ll,n Pereqloq aq lou Plnor srole-eJJ Jreql q8noqt sB 'sernJeal uleld l,lanrlBleJ e^Bqsredaa{ euots 'spunod

Ogt'I sq8ran puB IIEr teaJ

I sPuBls 1l 'qtorazv ot uerlB elqrBu,tarS 'qloous eruory epetu [poq ploueurnq B seq redee>1 auots V


paysm8upslp {,yw1ncn n 4 a wuwant{ayryulpawaqua sluls(r parcpr maln KTug'ssalarntnal Kynau asunra\to yBnoWID 'ppunutn\ y iI'anivis auo$ pawutuv uD aqoi sna44e atntvatJ a\L

(unrpayl) t-VleJlneu sr(ean;y


vG-d 6ue6.ro,fte1r;o5


6+ Uero;;ed5'9* a^rloy\ esues 'b* tl)Jeas'5+ 1duo5 -reqd!reg o5+ asrerddy

I eqJ'lls!4\' Lllul' - uoJ'6 xao'9[ rls

l+ lllA\ '0+

Jeu 6l+ iloJ


lf,nJlsuof, 'rbeu ol (lrunuur'aurlueu epe lguorllnpa-r aberuep'acuabrllelul peuue.r6o-rd ouors

-l^ lqbll-^ ol ''lj 09 uorsr^Ire6

serlrlrqe a4;-;;ed5'u 9/'u I

(t*gpd aa;eru g+ uels(t*gpd aa;aru g+ uels

:lueupnlpv p^e.l

4ueuecue PV4uaruu6r;y:eJnseeJI

:6ur1eg a6ue;;eq3:uoqezue6.rg:lueuuoJ!Au3





:qceeu/ecedg:IrElv ilnJ


Attack:Full Attack:Space/Reach:Special Attacks:Special Qualities:

Slam +21 melee (3dB+10)

3 slams +21 melee (3dB+10)

10 ft./ l0 ft.

Time drstortion

Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vi-s ion , damage reduc t ion 151adamantine, immunity to magic,construct traits

Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5

Str 30, Dex ?, Con -t In1 -,

Wis 11, Cha 1


Solitary or gang (2-4)



Always neutral

16-22HD (Lar9e) ; 23- 45(Huge)


Skills:Feats:Environment:0rganization:Challenge Rating:Treasure:Alignment:Advancement:Level Adjustment:

A massive humanoid statue pounds its way towardyou. ks nondescript, featureless face is emotionless asit raises irs arms to strike with sron) fisrs.

DescriptionA stone watcher is 15 feet mll and weighs 6,000

pounds. The stone that makes up the watcher's body

is unnatural, and no stone like it exists on Azerothexcept in the construction of these constructs andthe related stone keepers. This creation is incrediblyswift; it relies on time magic to move with a devas-tating purpose. Much like the enigmatic black irongolems, there is a similarity in the apparent design of

these constructs.

Most stone watchers lurk over ancient ruins,guarding entrances to long-lost halls and crumbledstone constructions of immense size. The corl-structs are obviously guardians of some sort, left towatch over long-abandoned sites that once prob-

ably held great significance. These creaturessometimes guard ancient roads or remote wilder-ness areas waiting for intruders to attempt to pass.

These relics of an ancient race can still prove adeadly and final menace to the unwary.

Time Distortion (Su): A stone watcher exists in

a bubble of time that is slightly out of phase with thenormal world. The effect is similar to ahnste spell,

but the effect cannot be dispelled. The following

bonuses are alreadyfactored into the statistics above.The stone watcher loses the following bonuses in

an antimaglc field.\7hen making a full attack, a stone watcher may

make one extra slam attack. It gains a + 1 bonus onattack rolls and Reflex saves, and a + 1 dodge bonus

to AC. A.y condition that would cause the stone

watcher to lose its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class

also makes it lose its dodge bonus.

The stone watcher's normal movement speed is10 feet, but with its time distortion it seems to move

40 feet.

Finally, a stone watcher is able to make even

larger shifts through time, and seemingly move

from one place to another almost instantly. The

stone watcher may use this ability to gain 5 com-plete rounds of movement while time seems tocease for everyone but the stone watcher. Thestone watcher cannot interact with the material

world while it is in this special state, shifting through

time. After making a large shift, a stone watcher's

energy reserves must recharge; and it cannot makeanother shift for 1d4 rounds.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A stone watcher is

immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows

spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and

effects function differently against the creature, asnoted below.

A w ansmute r o ck n mudspe I I s tr ips a s tone w a tch e r

of its time distortion ability for Zd4 rounds with nosaving throw, while transmute mu"d to rock heals all

of its lost hit points.

A sron e to fleshspell does not actually change the

watcher's structure, but negates its damage reduc-tion and immunity to magic for 1 full round.

ConstructionThe secrets of constructing a stone watcher were

lost long ago with the titans. Today, those who

have located and studied stone watchers attempt to

duplicate the stone watcher's superior techniques,but invariably fall short. Anyone wishing to con-struct a stone watcher only succeeds in creating a

stone golem instead. Use the construction rules

and statistics for a stone golem for attempts to

create a stone watcher.

'tuauLnuuetug prezzrlg '600Z rq8uAdo3 uaqAey4l rp rr8u141

luauturr?lretuA prtszztlg't002 tq8u,{do3 tunrpuaduroJ eproH N aruerllv

tuaururEtrerug pluzztlg 't002 rq8rr,tdo3 srelsuohl Jo lenuBI4J'wot'sauo8taJuultrouau'ffimm;o a8ud 1e8a1 aqi uo punoJ

'luaurnroq af,urralag urarsfg aq] ut prutulrer aram luql WoqWDHs,taf,q4 eql uog s11adsuo pesuq I'ru1 'saureglarur?urorf,aN

Z00Z lq8u,tdo3 urnrpuadtuoC atueN 11adg leur8r.rg'uoseurv a^tsC puu xu3,t9,trug 'g ,tq

lurrelpu leur8uo uo posuq 'lleproC 'U afnrg 'suturlltr(\ drlg'1oo3 atuohl ,laaml ueqleuo{sroqlnV 1'ru1 'tstuo3 aqtJo spruzt/X\ 't002-0002 rq8uAdo3 ruarunroq aruaraleg uralsAg

'ru1 'tseo3 aqr JO sprtsztlx\ '0002 rqSu{do3 tsO'l ̂ asuarr-I eluBc uadg


'alqEeJroJue tl altsul ol Arussacau lualxa aqt ot ,{1uo paurrojal eq lltsr{s uorsrnordtlJt'ls 'alqearrrluaun aq ot plaq sr asuarr-I srqr Jo uorsrnord,tue;1 :uour?uu()ag 'tl

'asuafr-I str{l Jo uouBuil.ural eqt a^t^Jns llBr{s sesuaf,tlqns

IIV 'tlrpelq aqtJo aJumts Sututo:aq;o sAep Of urql^r qruarq qf,ns arnr ol IIEJ pue urareq suual

Ilp ql.tr Alduro: ol llp.J nof,J! A11u:rtuurorne ererrrurral lll/h esuaf,r-I srq I :uoutsururaj 'I I

'patla_JJe os lpueluhl ewtsC uadg Auu asn tou ,{eur no1 uaql uoueln8ar luluaururano8 ro'reP111

lutrtpn[ 'aln]uls ol enp luatLroJ eurpC uad6 aqt Jo llp lo autos ot lradsar qltm asuaft'I

sttll _lo sulrat eqr Jo luu qtr,n ,tlduro: ol noA ro; alqrssodur st 1JI :A1duro3 or ,{rr1rqeu1 '7 1

'()s oP ot Jolnqglq,l3 eqr utog ttotsstuuad ualrrJm anuq no,( sselun JolnqutuoC Auu;o eutpu aqlSutsn tuatuo3 auteg ualg aqr asrua^pp ro lJIJtsur rou [uur no^ :slrpar3 rolnqu]u(DJo asn '

I I'alnqrrlslql no1 lualuoJ aupC uadg

aqt,lo,{dor,(rana qlt^r asual'I str{tJo [dor e apnl]ur lsny\ no1 :asuertl strllJo Ado3 .g1

'asual'l srrll Jo Lrorsren Auu :apun patnqtJrslp ,tlleur8ucl tuatuoC auruC uadg ,(ue arnqyrtslprpttu A.1rpoul ',tdo: ot asuafrl srqryo Lrorsren pazuor{tnts ,tuu asn Auu notr 'esualrl strll Josuotslan palupdn qsllqnd ,{uut stua8y pateu8rsap sl JO spJr?zr1x\ :asueJrl aqt Surrupdn '6

tLralLroJ auruC uadg are Surtnqyltsrp aJB no[ tuqr llo^r aq];o suortrodr.lrrt{.,n arulrpur r(1rue1r rsnur nol lualuo3 auBC uadg elnqrnsrp no{;1 :uontsfguuJpl 'g

'^rtuaPl lfnPord lEr{t ()l

puu r.Ir tseralur prJE allt 'stq8u llu LuBteJ lleqs ruatuoC aurtsC uadg ur pasn,{rrruapl rf,npord

Autz ;o rau,ro aq1 'Arrruapl rf,npord tprlt Jo drqsraunno aql ol a8ualleqr u otnlusuof, tonsaop tuatuoO aulpC uadg ut Alutrapl trnpord lue;o esn eq I 'Ilr?utaptslI q]nsJo Jaumo rqlqtrm tueuJaar8y ruapruadaprur ':atltouu ur pasuaf,tl ,(lssardxa su ldarxa luatuoC atueC uadgSuttucluttr IJOm p qrA\ uonf unfucl: rrr >lJtsutaptsr1Auu qrrm Arrpquldupre-or ro {trpqquduroratpJtput ol lou aar8u no1 'Arrruaprl rJnpord luqt Jo tuauJla qltsa Jo reu^ro aqt qtrm lueut-aar8y tuapuadaput 'teqloue ur pasuJfrl Alssardxa se tda:xa',(trpquedurof ol se uoqBf,tpurttu stu Surpnlrur 'Aluuapl tlnpord [ue asn ol lou aar8u no1 :{rrluapl rtrnpord Jo esn 'Z

'ernqulslcl no^ luatuoS aultscuadg luur8rro,tuu;o EIIJON l-HCIUAdOC aqr ot aurtsu s.leplor{ tq8uAdor aql puu ,arupr

tq8u{do: atlt 'a1ttt eqr ppu lsnu no1 puu 'Suunqrrtsrp Jo 3ur,!rpour 'SurAdor alu no1 lualuo3nrtsC uadg ,tuu;o gf,ll-ON LHCIUAdOC eqr jo lxat tf,tsxa eql apnlrur ot asuarr-l srql

Jo ttottrod AIIJON l-HCIUAdOI aql alupdn tsnur no1 :lt{SpAdoJ esuerl'IJo alqoN '9

'asuart-I stql [q pa[anuor slq8tr aqt tuur8 or srt{8u luarf,t$ns e^tsq no1 ro/pt1sLIOUtsJJf, ;uur8uo rno^ erp suounqrrluoC tno^ leqt tuasaJder no1 '1ua1uo3 euluC uadg se

lEualBur luutBtro Buttngtuuof, arts no1 JI :atnqrnuo3 or ,(trroqrny JO uoupluesardag 'E

'tuatuoC aurBC uad11 aql 'esn ot asuaf,t'I stqr Jo suual lJuxaaql qf rA,r asuaf,rl aArsnlfxe-uou 'aarl-AtluAor 'aprmpljo/\{'lentadJad p no^ luur8 srotnQlJ]uo3aqt 'esuef,r'l slt{l asn ol Suraar8e ro; uoupJeplsuof rrl :uoltureprsuo3 pup ruuC 't

'asua)r'l srqr Jo surral aqr JOaruutdarre rno{ ate:tput nor( tuetu()J auteC urdo aqt Bursn [g :aruuldaJf,V pur? Ja#O 'f

'asuaf,t'I sttll Sulsn parnqrrlsfp tuatu()J auteC uadg Auu ol parlddu aq Aeur suollrprroJr() surrat raql() oN 'Jlesrr esuaf,t'I atll ,(q peqlrJsep se ldarxa asuaJt-I stqt urory petf,prlqns lo olpappts aq [eur sulral oN 'asn noA reqt tualuo3 autuC uadg due ol af,uou p qJns xulr? ]snut no1'asuaf rI srqrJo surrat ut puu Japun pesn eq A;uo,teur tueluo] auttsC uad6 aqt rtsqr Suuerl;rurof,rtnu r? sruetrroJ ltsr{t tualuoC euttsC uadg,(ue ol sarldde asuaf,l-l str{J :esuaJl-I aqJ .Z


snltJO suuet ur easualrl arlt sutsau,,rtroA,,Jo.,no1,, (q)'tuatuoC autpC uadgJo ltstralpf\ia^llt?^lIaC eltsJlf JSI/r\reqlo PUE alulsut?rf ',!tpout'leut.tol'lrpa',{do:'atnql[sl(I 'esn ol supaul

,,31us1,, JO ..f)asn,, ',,oSO,, (3) rornquruoJ aqt ,tq asua:r1 auttsC urdo aqt ot palnqutrrof

sl:npord peterfossu eql ro strnpord sl ro Jlasl i91ruap1 ol totnqruuo3 e Aq pesn arts leqlsu8rsap (ollonr 'tr8rs 'ryuur 'sJurpu 'so3o1 aql suuau ..IJeuapurf,, (J) ltuatuoC autsC tradgaqt sepnlrxa A11e:gt:ads qlrq^r pue 'Aluuapl tlnpord eqt Jo rau^\o aqr ,tq Arrruapl lrnporcl su

lraUlruePl ,{1tua1r >FeutapuD pare]srBar:o lruutepeD raqlo Aue pue lsuBrsep rrqder8 ro 'sloqur,ts'soBo1 'slf,aj$a ro sautltqts lernletuadns ro lerr8riur

'luaurdrnba 'soJnlEerf 'sluauruoJtAua 'srrou

-uro1 'sa:rz;d lsarrrpqu lerrads pup sassaualll 'suuosrad 'surual 'sepr;euosrad ,sluauqueqf,ua's1;ads 'sratre:et1:

;o sttoudtrf,sap pue seureu lsuouuluasardar orpnu Jo lunstn JJrllo puerrqderSototld 'rrqder8 puts sautJql 'slde:uol 'sasod 'sleuuo; rsassaual!l 'suorlrrdap ,su8rsap'sloqul,ts '>ptxltu 'a8un8uul 'sluaptlttt 'an8olerp 'sluaurala f rleueql 'slo1d 'saurlArols 'sarrols

lsrat:urut1: saJnlpaJJ :stJptruu :ssarp aptsJl Surpnlrur slJtsru SurAlrtrapl pue so3o1 ,saururr

aurl lrnpord Pue trnpo.td sueaut,,AtlluaPI l)nl)ord,, (a) 'Arrruapl rrnpoJd sapnlfxa,(11err;rrads

tnq '.4\BI rt13rr,(dor rapun slrom a^rttsn rJap pue srronBlsueu Surpnllur 'asualrl slr{l Aq praranor>pom [uu supeut put? 'rolnqlnuoJ atll Aq lueluo3 auEC uadg s€ pautluepr Apual: lualuo)

It?LlolllPPt? ,tue prue lru rotrd aqt laAO tueulaf,Lltst{ue uE sr puu Alrruapl lf,npotd aqr Aproqurat()LI saop lttarLIof, qf,ns lualxa aqr or saurrnor puu sassaf,ord 'sarnpa:ord 'spoqlaut aql sepnlf,ulputs Jruurlf,aur atue8 aql sutsetu ..tualuoC auleC uadg,,(p) :arnqurs!p Jsr/nJaqto ro lrursutsD'Ae;dsrp Alrr;qnd'lsurpuorq'11es'asea1 'luaJ'asrrerr; 'arnpordar ot sueeur,,alnqulsrq,, (r)lpaldepc ro pauuorsuult 'tsela: aq [uur ryom Burtsrxa ur? qf,rqA{ ur urro; Jeqlo ro ]uaur8puge'utlnepdutt)f 'luau.tenordurr 'aprer8dn 'uotsualxa 'uorlrprpe 'uouJauof, 'uotletu!pour 'ttoqelod'(sa8un8uul ratndtuoc raqlo otur Surpnlrur) suontslsutsu puts slrom anuu^lrap Surprnlrur

Ielreteur pafq8u,{dof, sLrpaur .,lprJalehl anur?Arraq.,(q) :r.r"r.ro3 aurpC uadg pe]nqrrtrrof,a^Eq oq.r\ sreu/no lJuutapeJt ro/pue lq8r-r,{do: aql sutsJur ..srolnqulur.rJ,,(e) :suourulracl '


sssT rq;i,r,rd,,3 sr pup f,..rl ,,."Ii:::i:t:":l"f,i,ilY. l;lill,,Al'1,iii'ii3,ili,il;*lil'^P0'l uorsren 3sN:1f,11 3y\vc NSdo

']CO aql qlr^rluelsrsuol ScoJo asn Jo /her^er;o asodrnd aqr ro; ldaoxa '�uapplqJo}

,{lssardxa sI JeqslIqnd agt}o uorsslturad ualllJ/n eqt tnoqtr^r esn Jo Lrorl-onpordsg 'pa^rasa: srq8u llv

'luaruuretralug prezzrlg ̂q qOOZ rea,tpattlSu,idoc are'uoueu8lsapro ssalpre8ar 'Iooq slqtlo stuatuoJ IIV

(.'lueruuretreluA prcz lg' 7OOZ tq8u,tdo3uaqAe141 5l l3e;41,, EJIJON IHCIUAdOC aql reeq plnoqs'pasn osjl pue 'tuatuo3 auBC uadg or pappe [qaraq sr looq srql ]o suortrod

f,co esaql Jo repureuar aqJ 'lu1 'tseo3 aqr Jo sprBzuN t00z 't002

'2002 '1002'0002'66610 arB Pue luaunf,o(I af,uereJeg uars,ts eqrurory aleur8uo CCO pareeurlep ere leql looq srqtro suorlrod auos

'afrnos cco

Jaqlo iluos Jo tuetunJoc af,uaJaleu uats,iS aql ur SuueaddBJo entJl^Aq rualuoC auBC uadg,tpearle sr teqt urerar{ paureluor esla SurqrAuepue !a,rtg raldeq3 uI sarrAap 1ert3o1ouqf,et ro, sf,nsners lanrg ratdeq3uI selnJ sualr IJoArJatsBru Pue uortf,n[suoJ annBJoqelloJ 's]fe#a

uor 1f, Lrnjl eu "{t r 1 r qeJan naueu al f, r rlan ! aa:q1 rardeq3 Lrr ser I r rue} aunJaqt pue euo raldeg3 ur rr8etu eunr;o uorldrrf,sap aql laug raldeq3ur uondnJJo3 euef,Jv :alng tuBrJBn roJ lxet 11e :Sunsll s,ernlseJf E jouortf,as ((leqruoJ,, oyt Jepun txet IIB :seunJ jo uolloas .(lJeJlE aung,,eqt repun txet IIB pue's11ads;o uorlf,es,,lf,eIlg IIedS,, aqt repun txar IIBlsuatt rt8eu lenplAlpul jo uouf,es (.sJalrod,, ogt JJpun lxat IIE isasselca8rlsa-rd :(OS) sarlrlenb lercads pue '(VS) sIrEuB lerrads

'stea; 'sllrIs

11e :(rapeeq ..uolldr.resaq,, eyt eroleg /,lalerpauur lxal pazrJrlBtl aqrot u/nop [peapun IIETUS

''3'.] adAa azls ruog'a'r) sareldual rnsltels

CdN pue erntearJ IIe :ruaruoC atueC uedg sE pateu8rsap ere ua\-KoW f? rlSDWJo suoltrod SurmolloJ aqr 'anoqe uoueu8rsap furruapltf,npord aqr ot tratqng :lualuoJ arueC uad6 Jo uolleu8rsaq

'luelLroc aurEcuadg tou sr ,trnuapl trnpord e^oqB aqJ 'araql 8ur:eadde jo entrr^^q CCO Lpearle are pue tuotunf,oq ef,uerelag urars,ig OZp aql urreadde,tpearle leqt stuetuala qlns ldarxa'su8rsap orqderS ;o'sloqurts'so3o1 'sasod 'sassaua4ll ',iqderSouer pue sdeu 'suoneJlsnllr 'sLrorl

-rrdap'su8rsap'sloquAs'>pomtre 11e lanSolElp pue'stuatuala rrleueql'slo1d 'saur1,fuots 'sar:ols

IIe pue ,tue :s11ads ro 'suorlezrue8ro 'sruall

otBeu 'sluan e f,rJolsrq 'spo8 'suonef,o1 rrqderSoa8 'sarnteaJJ 'sautunol'sratf,ereqc 'sacrnep 'slce;nJB

Jo serueu 'setueu pazrletrdef, ot petrtulltou tnq Surpnlrur 'Surltas

Uerf,rel1\ aqtlo slueuele Aue lSurrsll s,JdNro 'lce-;1lre 'rualr rr8eu 'le^lu an4 '11ads 'aJnlearo ,tue Jo Japeeq ,,uofl-dr.rrsa(L, egl rapun txat IIB :o3o1 spue1 parref,S aqt pue spue'I parrersaql 'aro1 lsol :Z slentrg pue sf,rlag 'slenlrg pue sf,rlag 'rtrensag a8e-^BS :I uor]ralloC arnleerC 'arra8euaht

IreCI :Z uonf,ellof, arnleer3' pasr nag uonf, al loC arnlear3' Arals^n lo spuB'I' lq8l-l N s/nopBqs' lll U-uoJ Jo spuB'I 'uag,{eyq

5 cr3e41 'tunrpuaduo3 aproH N ef,uerllv'sra1suo141Jo

IenuEI/{ ol petrturl rou tng Surpnlcur sarueu aull rf,npordpue tlnpord sneqtrv pue orpnls Arecrog pue proms IIe Surpnlcur'ssarp epert pue sIretu SurA;rruapl pue soSol sneqtrv pue otpnls,{racrog pue pJo^\S lle pue ,iuy :eO'I uorsJen 'asualrl aureC uadgeqlJo (e) I uorrlss rltr/n aruBproff,e ur ,itrluapl tf,npord sE pelBuSrsapAgaraq erB srualr 8urmo11oJ aql :Arpuapl trnpord Jo uorleu8rsaq

'tuarunf,op pue 'aprn8 'asuacrl aqt Jo suorsJen

leulJ alerodrof,ur IIr^r looq srgt Jo s8unuud luanbasqns 'lseo3 eql

Jo sPJezr/x\ urou uorssrruJad /,q'tuatuncoc esualaJau uars,{g (5't'^)pesr^a5 aqt pue :aplnC o3o1 lretueperJ uats^S OZp pue asuef,r'I

IreutrtaperJ uels^S OZp eqt jo 1'VlO'g uorsran lasuarrl aueC uadgar{t ro u0' I uorsran rapun auop x uay0ory E c18oy11o Surrurrd slqJ

uollPul JoJul IPte-I : o1!U 4 pueddy