w.a.n.t.e. march 2016 newsletter working for...

W.A.N.T.E. March 2016 MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTER WORKING FOR YOU 111-1555 St. James Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 1B5 Phone: 204-953-0250 Fax: 204-953-0259 Office Email: [email protected] Website: www.wante.org Editor: Carol Gossel Nominang Commiee—Bruce Zilkowsky W.A.N.T.E. Annual General Meeng Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 5:00 pm Admin Building #2, Room 106 It is important that you be there to be part of the decision making. There will be some proposed amendments to the Constuon that will be voted on and the results from the elecons will be presented. All proposed amendments to the constuon will be sent out in advance and you will have the opportunity to read them and come prepared to vote. As stated in our constuon This constuon/bylaw may be amended at any general meeng, by a twothirds (2/3) vote of the members present provided noce of the amendments has been presented fiſteen (15) days before the meeng. Thank you to those members who put their names forward to stand for nominaon for the 2016 / 2017 W.A.N.T.E Execuve and Council. The Noce of Elecon with the final slate of candidates and their profiles will be sent to the workplaces on or before Friday, April 8, 2016. Keep in mind the following dates: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 Ballots will be sent out to the membership Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Deadline for ballots to be returned to the W.A.N.T.E office Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Annual General Meeng at Admin #2—Room 106 - the results of the ballots will be reported. - all amendment changes are voted on at the meeng I would like to invite all nominees to the Liaison meeng on April 7 at 4:45 p.m. at Admin #2 to introduce you to the Liaison members. W.A.N.T.E. Annual Meeng There is no Reference Code for Employment Insurance for Spring Break

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Page 1: W.A.N.T.E. MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTER WORKING FOR YOUwante.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/March-2016.pdf · 2016-03-01 · W.A.N.T.E. March 2016 MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTER WORKING FOR YOU


March 2016

MARCH 2016


111-1555 St. James Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 1B5

Phone: 204-953-0250 Fax: 204-953-0259 Office Email: [email protected] Website: www.wante.org Editor: Carol Gossel

Nominating Committee—Bruce Zilkowsky

W.A.N.T.E. Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Admin Building #2, Room 106

It is important that you be there to be part of the decision making. There will be some proposed amendments to the Constitution that will be voted on and the results from

the elections will be presented. All proposed amendments to the constitution will be sent out in advance and you will have the opportunity to read them and come prepared to vote. As stated in our constitution “This constitution/bylaw may be amended at any general meeting, by a two‐thirds (2/3) vote of the members present provided notice of the amendments has been presented fifteen (15) days before the meeting. “

Thank you to those members who put their names forward to stand for nomination for the 2016 / 2017 W.A.N.T.E Executive and Council.

The Notice of Election with the final slate of candidates and their profiles will be sent to the workplaces on or before Friday, April 8, 2016.

Keep in mind the following dates:

Tuesday, May 3, 2016 Ballots will be sent out to the membership Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Deadline for ballots to be returned to the W.A.N.T.E office Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Annual General Meeting at Admin #2—Room 106 - the results of the ballots will be reported. - all amendment changes are voted on at the meeting

I would like to invite all nominees to the Liaison meeting on April 7 at 4:45 p.m. at Admin #2 to introduce you to the Liaison members.

W.A.N.T.E. Annual Meeting

There is no Reference Code for Employment Insurance for Spring Break

Page 2: W.A.N.T.E. MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTER WORKING FOR YOUwante.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/March-2016.pdf · 2016-03-01 · W.A.N.T.E. March 2016 MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTER WORKING FOR YOU

In Memoriam:

On December 17, 2015, May Agnes Sherbrook, Retired Teacher Aide, a member of our staff for 13 years

On January 6, 2016, Eleanor Marion Pluchinski, Retired Clerk, a member of our staff for 32 years

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Message from the President - Barbara Morrison By the time you receive your newsletter there will be less than 3 weeks till Spring Break. Spring Break statistically has always been a time where many members make that big decision to retire. We always see the majority of our retirement notices right after the break. As I am writing this, we already have 16 retirees on the list. Take time over the break and enjoy your getaway or just the thought that you can sleep in a little. Enjoy your time off in whatever you do!

Just a couple of reminders as we prepare for the end of the school year.

DISCRETIONARY DAY: If you haven’t already used your discretionary day and you are entitled to one, pick a day and fill in your Short Leave request ASAP. A discretionary day CAN be attached to a long weekend but cannot be used on June 30, 2016. If you don’t use it prior to June 30, you are not allowed to carry it to the next year.

GRADUATIONS: If you have a child that is graduating this June, confirm the date and fill out your short leave now. The day off with pay for graduation is for high school, college or university graduations/convocations and is for your child ONLY. There is not an allowance made

for grandchildren. Maybe save your discretionary day for that one.

CAMP: When going to camp this year, remember the Agreement allows for 14 hours paid the day you go, 14 hours paid for each day you are at camp and up to 14 hours paid for the day you return. The day you return you are paid for your hours worked so if you are up early and then get back to the school on time, let the secretary know what hours you worked that day.

BANKED TIME: Any time that you have banked over this past year should be taken prior to June 1, 2016. If you haven’t taken the time off before June 1st it will be paid out to you in June and any time banked in June will just be paid on each cheque.

ANNUAL MEETING: Our annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 25, 2016. This year’s meeting will be held at Admin Bldg. #2 in Room 106 at 5:00 pm. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending.

I would like to thank all of the members who put their name forward for nomination.

- Barbara Morrison

T4’s Your T4 is available through

Employee Connect.

For those members who have NOT requested the Web print option, hard copies of your T4 have been sent to your work location. Please check your mailbox.

There will be no Reference Code for Employment

Insurance for Spring Break.

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Liaison News - Luis Tome

Message from the Vice-President - Luis Tome

The Liaison Committee held its third meeting on February 3, 2016. It was attended by 38 Liaison Reps and members of the Executive and Council.

There were a number of topics discussed that evening, please take a look at the minutes. You will find them on the WANTE website.

At this meeting we discussed Permanent Employees who accept positions for extra duties at a different level of pay. Overpayments/underpayments, it happens at times but not very often. Members should be looking at their pay stubs on Employee Connect to make sure there are no errors. Certificates for NVCI and First Aid - make sure they are also up to date. HR will not shortlist any permanent members who have let them expire.

Our Computer Tech Rep on Council, Mike Langtry, hosts classes once a month at Elmwood High School for individuals wanting to learn more about computers. Classes are held on Tuesday nights. Check for dates on the WANTE Website for upcoming Tech Tuesdays. If you have any questions you may E-mail Mike at [email protected]

Once again, I would like to thank all of our Representatives from the various work locations for your efforts and time. I hope you all will have a relaxing break in March and see you April.

Thank you for taking the time to attend meetings, and to my Committee, along with Executive and Council. If you have any questions please bring them to your Reps or E-mail me at [email protected]

Hello to all members in our W.A.N.T.E. collective, we are roughly four weeks from Spring Break. We always try to encourage involvement from the membership. I will be entering my second year of Vice-President in June 2016.

Since September of 2015 to the printing of this Newsletter, I have attended Executive and Council meetings. I also Chair the Liaison Committee of which we had our third meeting last month. The other Committees which I am also involved in are Budget and Finance, Nominating, Grievance, Pension and Executive/Personnel. Some of these Committees meet more often than others. I have spent time in the WANTE Office as required by my responsibilities or requested by the President. I answer E-mails and phone calls from the membership on a variety of topics from our Collective and sometimes not from our Collective. I have met with members, our lawyer, and Human Resources personnel. Another part of the Vice President’s duties is to fill in for the President when required. This is a brief synopsis of the duties and responsibilities of being Vice- President for WANTE. What cannot be measured here is the time and energy that is takes to be involved in WANTE. No matter what position one fills on the Executive/Council or Liaison Representatives, it takes time, effort and commitment.

It is also at this time of year where the WSD begins the process of preparing and presenting the draft budget for 2016-2017. It calls for expenditures of just over $397 million in 2016-2017. The draft budget would propose a 5.1 per cent increase in school taxes to residents who live in the WSD boundaries. The Board must pass their budget by March. 15 I wish you all a good and healthy year!

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The Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children (MCEC) awards an Educational Assistant of the Year Award to Educational Assistants who have demonstrated exemplary performance over a period of time, and have exhibited the ability to inspire and support children and youth with exceptional needs.

W.A.N.T.E. is pleased to congratulate 4 of our members for receiving Educational Assistant of the Year Awards. Congratulations to Denis

Roussin, Donna Ruminski, Susan Swinn, and Donald Van Landegham!

Denis Roussin has been working in the Winnipeg School Division for 15 years. Denis is an Educational Assistant at Sister MacNamara School. Denis has a unique ability to understand what students need in order to grow and further their skills. Denis is generous and kind, and his dedication to bettering the lives of the students with whom he works makes a difference for every student and the school.

Donna Ruminski has been working in the Winnipeg School Division since 1986. Donna is a Child Development Lab Assistant at Adolescent Parent Centre. Donna has helped create an environment that makes teen mothers and their babies feel welcome and worthy. Donna demonstrates a strong commitment to the students, the babies, and the Adolescent Parent Centre through her energy and her tireless work ethic.

Susan Swinn has been working in the Winnipeg School Division since 2005. Susan is an Educational Assistant at J.B. Mitchell School. Susan is an outstanding Educational Assistant who is dedicated to her profession, and creates a caring environment for all students. Susan ensures her students’ needs are met, and each experience is a positive one.

Donald Van Landegham has been working in the Winnipeg School Division since 2006. Donald is an Educational Assistant at Robertson School. Donald is the ultimate team player and is willing to work with all students. He seems to innately understand which approach will be successful for any given student. It is Donald’s ability to accept students for who they are that establishes the trust required for students to grow.

Congratulations to Denis, Donna, Susan and Donald!! We are very proud of you!!

On Wednesday, March 9th I've been invited to be a Living Book at Glenlawn Collegiate's 5th Annual Living Library. The theme is Human Rights - Human Stories. As a Living Book I will be asked by students to tell my story of advocating for my special needs son. I'm very honoured to be included among attendees such as Lawyer and Human Rights Advocate David Matas, Chief Justice Murray Sinclair, David Northcott of Winni-peg Harvest, Nahanni Fontaine, Evan Wiens, and Lara Rae. You can view a short video from Glenlawn's 2014 Living Library at https://youtu.be/4uB3oOpXKrg

Darcie Reimer, E.A., Diagnostic Learning Centre

Celebrating Our Employees

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Funds are available to our members from the Winnipeg School Division and from W.A.N.T.E.

Any members seeking funding must first apply through WSD and then to W.A.N.T.E.

WSD PD funding forms should be available at your work location and W.A.N.T.E PD forms are available on the W.A.N.T.E Website.

Funding is given up to $250.00 to an individual once per year or $500.00 for group funding of more than 5 people.

W.A.N.T.E., in conjunction with VuBiz, offers members and their families an opportunity for online training. VuBiz offers a huge list of courses available on subjects such as Office 2010, Telephone Etiquette, and Health and Safety courses - all free of charge to you, our members and your families!

Training is accessed through the W.A.N.T.E website - the first time you access the online training, you will be required to enter your email address (home or personal) as well as your first and last name. All subsequent log ins will require only your email address and the W.A.N.T.E password: WANTE

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and begin your online learning experience today!

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT www.wante.org Training - Online

Online Training Available

Just a reminder for Educational Assistants who work extra duties and / or miss the opportunity for taking their breaks. Here are some facts: 1. Any extra time you put in because of a school bus being late should be reported to the office clerk daily

and added to your weekly time sheet and paid out accordingly. If it makes your day more than 8 hours, Payroll will pay you accordingly.

2. If you are not given the opportunity to take your breaks because you are supervising students, whether

it be that you are on a field trip or work experience, you are considered working and will be paid for the break time either by way of banking your time or payment of wages at the option of the educational assistant.

a. If you choose banked time, you have to request equivalent time off at a time mutually agreeable to you and your supervisor.

b. If there is no mutually agreed time, then the time shall be paid out. c. Banked time must be used by May 31st of each school year or it is to be submitted for payment

in the beginning of June so that is paid prior to your last cheque. d. Remember any banked time that is taken is without a substitute.

Banked Time

Professional Development Funding

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In addition to the Non Instructional Days, each school is allotted two additional days to be

used at their discretion, however, staff, parents, and communities must

be notified well in advance.

2016 Important Dates Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 5:00-7:00 pm Tech Tuesday with Mike Langtry

Thursday, March 17 - 5:00 - 7:00 pm Labour Ed Workshop—”Identity Theft”

Friday, March 18 Non Instructional Day

SPRING BREAK Friday, March 25 (Good Friday) through Sunday, April 3

Thursday, April 7 - 4:45 pm - Admin #2 Liaison Meeting

Friday, April 8 Notice of Election sent to membership

Tuesday, April 12 - 5:00 - 7:00 Tech Tuesday with Mike Langtry

Friday, April 22 Non Instructional Day

Wednesday, April 27 - 5:00 - 7:00 Labour Ed Workshop - ”Pensions”

Tuesday, May 3 Ballots out to membership

Monday, May 9 Non Instructional Day

Tuesday, May 10 - 5:00 - 7:00 Tech Tuesday with Mike Langtry

Wednesday, May 18 Deadline for ballots to be returned

Monday, May 23 Victoria Day

Wednesday, May 25 - 5:00 - Admin #2 Annual General Meeting

Thursday, June 30 Last day of school

Who can attend the General Meeting and who can vote?

As per the WANTE Constitution: Section D - Rights

1. Each member shall pay an initiation fee of $5.00 and in good standing shall be entitled to a membership card, a copy of the constitution/bylaws policy, the collective agreement, and one vote at any general meeting of the Association.

2. Only members in good standing may attend meetings. 3. For a member to represent this Association, all nominees for Council must be members in good


Annual Meeting Information

How are changes to the Constitution made?

As per the WANTE Constitution:


1. Amendments shall be made in writing by Council and/or members and delivered to the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the general meeting.

2. Such amendments must receive approval of the Executive Committee before being presented at the meeting.

3. This constitution/bylaws may be amended at any general meeting, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present provided notice of the amendments has been presented fifteen (15) days before the meeting.


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WANTE has been in conversation with our rep for our plan and have negotiated a few changes.

1) Opting-Out During a Leave of Absence At the start of a leave, employees will have the choice to either:

- Remain on the benefit plan(s). If they remain on the plan(s), they remain enrolled & pay premiums for the full duration of their leave or until coverage is suspended based on the duration of the leave.


- Opt out of the benefit plan(s) at the start of the leave. If they opt out, they remain out of the plan(s) ONLY for the duration of the leave. When they return to work, coverage is mandatory and will be reinstated.

This option is available regardless of the type of leave, and the decision is effective for the full duration of the leave. 2) Opting-Out-Alternate Coverage More Than 90 Days

If you have WANTE Blue Cross coverage and your spouse has acquired coverage through their employer since the effective date of your enrolment in the above plans, you may opt out of the applicable coverage by providing proof of the effective date of the alternate coverage.

In order to process the cancellation request, return the completed Blue Cross Cancellation form to the WSD Pension & Benefits Department. This form is available on the WANTE website. The coverage will end on the first of the month following the date Manitoba Blue Cross is notified of the cancellation.

Once you have opted out of the W.A.N.T.E. Blue Cross health and/or dental plans, you can opt back in only if it is done within 90 days of loss of the alternate coverage.

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W.A.N.T.E. wants to keep in touch

If a member at your work location is off for an extended time due to illness or has had a bereavement in the family, please advise the W.A.N.T.E. office and we will send out a “Thinking of You” card.

W.A.N.T.E. Benefits