walter tsukamoto succumbs -

II' W t Kennedy Inauguration 8y Mlko foil. MaJAolc .. , IH.I-" "I:". IIlI ou" h Ih, mlr .et.. 01 • m llllom " , mrrlrans thflllt'<f \0 11'1< InOUR'" r lion of Jobn f' liS the rH leknl 01 Ih" Unl l, >(j , In U ... " ?r I now lorm 10 hlt th" n. on 5 Cllpl!.'1 Sl ne.' WIIUam H l'afl look o lllee In . .. ret rh lch " til urt' lY ""nil am onr; Ih mo. l e lO<l ll cnl (",'l"r uLlt.*rC"d bv an lncomlDIi!! ('blrl E ecuU\' : a nd ' hl h In · pired ('(mltd nee pnd P r i d ., amtln· 11 ,. \ml'rican In our I ke th \ rrf' '; dent , wr In br r l. clftl I hrrald...-:l h l.k, 'O\',·r Iro", the nktf'st t V(lr to t no t 70 ' with Ille- k ,.,) "tlo t. · fi'r m'\' rrn of ",Oroo l I J r 1111·' "IA' I Ih,' ""I GO fo rth 1",111 Ih.l lime , ... 1 I' c" \0 lrirnd nnd loe Ilk", Ib I "'''''h h IJ< "n I I 'l' eI 10 nc ,t·nt"rlllwn of , \mrrl " rans-ro rn In Ihi ".1' ry. tern · I"'rru by .. r, d, . c,pDn,,(j by n 1\2J'l lOne! bitter peace, pr. Mld nf our an(" J"It b raUl Kc--hnd unwil1- Inc to l ine or p.'rmll th" slow undoing 01 those humao rtdlls 10 whl-h this ,'ollon ha, al y be n tommltt,'CI, nnd to hid. .. e arr commlltL'CI toda y at borne and nrollnd the wo rld ." aliX'OOlo'1Z.l,·G Ihal th" ooe , .... 1 probl m of thc Nnllon I ill thc Inlcrn:lllonal ar 'M, he (,<>IIcl'nlrRted his AttenUon \0 thl sub)l'cl And "lid no d. rccl word OR dom. tic problem s "Wi eV r n, whether 1\ wish us weU (lr Ill . thai we ·h.IU I Y nllV t H any blJrdf'n, mt'cl un..v hilnt hi" . Ul'P'Irt a ll }' frll 'nd or c po. I' nny tn.' tn oro. r to :l un" un'lvnl anci AUf" or ArPrt'cl.IUnll the II, 'C _11y fOl unl\)' and ""erIIICl'. h.. d< cl1\rt 'CI " In )'our hands. my lellow ctUt I' n lC. mort: thn" mi nf' . wtll rc 1 Lhe fi n.ll -Uce l' 'i or I.Uurt' 01 our cour c Sine" Ih Ls countl . '" as fnundl'd. t,'"\c h ,1;\.'''- <r allon or America n h AC bl'\'n • ummoned to give tcsUmony 10 I na tional Ioynlly :-1ow Ih t rum prt umm n, u n s: rd n 10 bl-nr the burd"," nr :1 111l)t II< iLJlhl tru/UlI" I th, (: mm{)n f' 1l l'ml. r fnHn Lyr:fI1 - ny. poverty, til I:n I . nnd \\ .1r jL. It/ , I '{\lId u, lilY I .. Uo " ,\ k not what .. \101 rka w Ul ri o ' 01 y t, bU l ... ll we t'fII' do fur th,' ffl'cdClm nr mon :' ., III 1'1 Inl ,,<I nr ' lroCltlers h, Wl' d n \\ n ed mos t illl spl c1olls1y D"lnon tr"Unll Ihe villor 01 yo uth nnd the de h' rmlnatlon If becomc a"lIrc. ,t " P re Ident. the Ke nne-dy Adminl IS r api d. lv moving awn' l rom th< · tr am I' lion Pl'rlud \0 la unchlllg I pro- gram to make i\m(,.'rtc:l " move allaln". And. 011 Am< ' rlc;on rl ' j(urdle 01 rlv. IIkJ"" the • .,mplc thus lar, and pr"y Ih il t its obj ec· UyeS "III be "U3int>d : "creal· noL 3 new bahncc or powl lr. but H new world 01 In w. where Ihe "IrOll" lire 111.1 nod the weok ;st.,,<:urc and th,,' pres erved," Walter T, Tsukamoto row".:.. T T uka· molo, nal.Jod!Il pre Idenl of Ihe Japanesc "me-ncan Cit I zcn_ lA!:Ilue 1938 \Q 1940, passed a. ..... ay Janua,.,. 20 delberg, Ger· any, hilc on AD a slgnmenl ere a member 01 the Judge Ad\"O(';lte Gllneral' I)epartmenl of !be Army One of the founders or the N.Uonal JACL movement in the "Ie 1,,·.nUes, "'''s probably the fir I Ni;el 10 graduate rrom the Boalt dall 01 La ... on the Univer Ity 0' CalifornIa campus in Berkeley. He opened his prac· lice tn Callforrua 18:e c..pi· nnd sooa .. me ,.·en kno .... n 8S the JapaDl:Se AmerIcan attor· a.ey .. ho buttonholed legislator s to vole 811311151 bills directed allalnsl !be resident allen Japa· Mae who bceau of federal la .... were unable' 'to become natural· 1ud of tOOlr adop .... -d land In a cnse, he may wcU have beton the first Nisei "Lobby · P.rlQnabl , urllcul ... ', pcn.u, · 1.1.'-IIfo became one of 1>fl'WAI NI <10m' jno:Il ucce ftil , law· "'/ul and eloquent BPOke men In 11108. ",I\en the Chiengo Y-. A1 soc! tlon Ie- IeaIed lIS firlt Nlul 01 Ute Year, Sacramenlo ellonley Tsukamoto won !be Yamagata Award "For Merttorlou Achlevcm"nt" In re- nKUna credit upon those of Jo· panese a Dcestry in the Uo!lftI Slites. 1m, ",hen he wa "eidfve ",eretary of the , 'aUona! J.\CL, hI! IIl5Jl red the eventual or.anlzaUoo or the Inlermoun· I.1n Dislric JACL Coundl III en aanusl oC outhea tern Idaho and northern Ulah Nisei In lIMO. ...h-n the IDC wa lor· .... 11, e.ta /vo "' III 1- .Jet'r DurinI.': Wnl'ld Wilr II )'I'3r , whea mo&t pt'r on 01 a!ltt try were In 111111' relncallon cam!» antr their arbllrary ev,,· CtLlUon Irom their we t coast bomes and a 5O,,101110n5, Ihe JACL chapter and member. al· IDII$t alooe kept the Nall"nal Or. pnizaUon runellolllnll In III dedi· n1rd ta lk of 'keeplnl: .... tch aDd wlTd" over thO$e or Jupa line nc .. Iry In thl COlin try When the- IDC «'Iellrale . It.: 20th annlvcfl'ury thl< summer. it would be mOSI npproprlale I, dediea te its bienn 01 conventio, to Colonel Waller T Tsukamoto ,\5 ;\ sludent at the Unlversit' 01 California, hel pa.rlicipatL'CI ir the ROTC progl-am and upor his graduaUon was commisslone< a econd lIeutenlDl, being prob- ably Ihe fIr t Nt:el to be s< honor<d In CaUCornlo DurlnS! th s ubsequent years, he loithfull) kepi his re ' etve ;tatus alive by attendlnll the ncees. ary closse> and manuevers. Alter Ihe Army began to ocee pl comml.s.sloned • 'ise! in he vol ' nleered lor duly He wa. prob.1bl,y the IIrsl Nt. ei 10 De aceepled In th,' Judge Advocale General' , Devarlmenl. He serve<: at both Savage and ForI Snelling In ?tinne<Ota, In Japan during \ht' Occupati"n. al th·· Presl<llo 01 San Francisco. in Germany. and al the Pcalngon in Wa ·hinl!lon. He was on a peeial mi ssion when he pnssed a ... oy from a hoart aUnck. "'.1 ' amonl: the firsl Ni se i .0 rll l"",moliOQ$ 10 be Lleuten· ant Colr,nel and Colonel. TIIOUGII nol nctively a._ ciated with the JACL since he rnlered ,ervlee in the Army duro Inl: World Wnr II. he was al· ways concerned wtth not only the growth 01 the OrganJ7.<1 tion to which he conlrlbuled <0 much In its elrly singes bul In the wellare and acceptance of all persons or Japanese anceslry In :'hlJon . By remainlnll In IInl(orm 3' ont' 01 the rankinl: Ni,ei and In uch an exem- plary mann,·r. he colllJnued to make hIS conlrlbution to II wKlpr landing alld "jlJ>recinlioll or thfl Amt'rican 01 .ht,lanf'MI ;tn· '" tn· In Ihls counlry , Many ,)1 u "'hu worked "'IUI and In pin,d b}' Walter Tsu· will miss his keen mind and reslJOn Ible leadership. And the J ACL ha s lost another of Its ""Ifie s pre ... ar leade" who I:ave 10 much 01 Ihemselves to mak" lb.· J ACt. Ihe worthy organlzall'ln thdt II wn . and ha s become nol only III th,· lives "I those It repr p "nts lIut In IIl e III" or the Nation it Ion serves. By WillI.m Marul.nj. EDC Chalrm .. n rhe C ... of ,he Flirt,tloul Blonde' The lime was about 6 p.m., Saturday . .ran 14 , In Ihe oul AlIlrts of Washington, DC. the countryside was very dark nd misty, In spite of Mike's expressions of doubts as to di· r«lion, E\.su, acting a navigator, "stuck to her guns" and IbrOUgh twists and turns unerringly led us to our destina. lion, the Prince Gef)rgr:s Country Club when! the D.r Chap- ter was holding its installation dinner·dancI' In the back Beat of the Masaoka "OJcJs", Congressman Rarralt O'Hara (f) 111) and; had golfen on the sullject or trial Irah:S!y and the :tmlable and ahle genlleman from Chi· rago's 20(1 Cllngrcs3irmal [)i. tricl wall relating the calle of hiI defen II fJf a hoy charger! with hf)mitidc '!'his W:IR during Congrc sman's years as a lawyer It that Ihl' hoy, In his ctrl)f\a to Win Ihe lavon, of a certain bloncJe damsElI. had purchaserf a new dr" for hl'r only If} Ihe f"'klf' female repaying hi s by flirting 11'llh (I gilng of eager lad, with hf'r ne\\ df' f)f 1'f)1I1'.,(' Such a Mltualif)n porten'" only truubh', An argument became heated, /I knife lIa hed and on" of the gang lay bleeding, dyIng And I, hcfMC Wf' pVl'n kn('w if , thank to kerr. I;ns(' nf dlr dion, W(' mllpr) IIp 1i1l' driV/'\IIIIY IIC Ih,. J>rin('(' t,e f lrg81 Country ('11111 The 'D,rtc Cpntlnen" , . , Stirs J"ar aWHY pl"I' with ,1 rangE' 'ranj(;1/l ylkll, Mauritania. Zanzihar, Nlgf'rla Of and nl1wr place!! Cnngrf'umap. O'Hara I Jloke at Ihl! dinn,.r havln/{ rccllnlh' .1 lied fnc.:a M chairmOln of Ihf' I/f)U SC SI1Ilf'ommlllf'" 110 Alrkon Hair. A ne giant sllrs mighlv, 10 1111' Iwlnt flf Con!.:.WJed OQ Pa;;o Walter Tsukamoto succumbs OFFICIAl: rUBI.ICATION : JAI'ANESE AMeRICAN PA IFI CI CITIZI1NS LCAGUF. IZ N Served for thiny yean in Army with distinction IRIlI ,'1. II) I" II" Cltlt"", WASH!. G1'fJN -Col Walt"r T,lkC" 'r IIknmolJl, member "I F.el-i .Iudlclary Dlv!. Ion ..,1 011' .JudlCe ArlvoC<lle G'nt'nt' OIlICC, U 1; Army. died nr nttllCk J n '11, whll,' nn dllty , , 18 0/11 'er I mlhtary JUd"pl ''', Vol. S2 No, 4 JilllUMY 21. 1961 I aenrral cOIlrl marll.11 Irlal II. 125 Wellor 51" Rm, 302. Los Angelos t2 , Calif" MA 6·4'171 10 CJ:Nl S _ ______ -----------------------:---------------- -------------_____________ __ lIelrlclbttg, G,'rID Iny Hr WI! ;,r, Ollrln/( hi mill!:lrY Cdti' 'r, r),1 SOUTHWEST L.A. JACL SHOOTS FOR 1,500 MEMBERS Mark Kiguchi elected '61 presiden'; Sunday set for installation rites Sollthwl '. t Lo Anllelt·.· JACL h A. blns ll'CI otr on I dr ive for mot< member s In IWI will remalr> in the member hip orbit until Morch 15, II v .. 1, announccc! this w<",k by ,\\lorney Mark Klltu· chi, newly·elected chapter pr e, den!. " OUI' !toni is ,I strenglh 01 1.500 member ," KiS!uchl decla,,>d, "and we'll meel it." He explained Ihal every member or his board. numbertn" 19, will serve us n team In the campaign. Each leam wtU conslsl "I eight members. will !icour lhe en· ire Soulhwest area I which has un ,sUmaled 20.000 Japanese Amerl· ans' lor renewals and potential nembers ." Kiguchi added. prom· .;ing thai no one will be overlooked n tht> process Aiding l\Iomo MurakamI. memo bershlp chairman. arc Kathy Sugl· Nara, Frank ShimazJkl and Paul ). Kalo. Sr Chapler Board Members Klguchl will be assisted In the l/(alrs o( the chapler by ' George exec. v.p.: Ken HayashI. Vergle Tachlbana. Paul S. Kato, Sr .. adm ln. v.p.; Dr. Sho Turumolo, 1000 Club v.p.: Ed Shimntsu. prog. v.p.; Ted Fa· iii. special events v .p.; Maebelle Higa. social v.p.; Mock Hamagu· chi. youth v.p.: Sam Oda. \reas .: Yosh Kono. aud: Eleanor Sekiya. rec. sec .: Rulh Nishimura, cor sec .: Jun Naj;(,1tanl. hi. I: and Mo· rio K,ynshl1n. MalSlloosllke 0, . James K Sakokura nnd Kalhie Suglwaru, mcmbs. · ill·lrg. The bQard will be Inst:,Ued by Taknln, rej(iooal dlreclor on Sunday. Jan. 29. 730 p.m., al Ihe New Glnza .. e.-Iauranl. in "ddl· Uon to the regular New Glnw revue, an amusing program ha, been planned Thc public as well as member s are invited. Reservations at $5 per person are being acceplcd by Dr Sho Tarumolo IRE 3·17131. general chairman. Mack Hamaguchl will be emcee. The sPl'cial Community Service aware! will be pre<entpd 10 an 0111· . landinll Soulhwesl Ni sei al Ih" rlinner (1Ial,l .. I'rof;'ra lll' M ·my interp·)tius;t evenbi have been ,.,lannt.·d {()r the comil1J.: year (or SWLA JACLer;. 'Oley Include picnic,. barbecues. dances. danclnl: cla .. es, cook!n!! lessons. bridge claSHes. ,Japanese movies, an Issei Nlllhl. and lecture. by leading au· thoritles In vorious fields which may be of special Interest to chap- ter membcrs Jane Yamashita 10 head Venice-Culver CI}!NER crrv 11,. Vunire · Cuh .... r J ACL board. under Ihe pres idency 01 Jane YamiishlUI. a n· tiel""ll' S another year o( activities and program, ror the beneUt and welfare of all Japanese Americans . The new board wlll be forma Ity los talled al II., annual dinncr-dance Iomorrow night at King's Tropical Inn, w; lh dInner 'Iartlng at 7 Loul> Kado will be emcCe and n .. Uonal JACL presldenl Frank Chumsn will be the principal s peaker Among Ihose 10 be honored a. guests arc Mr . and Mr . Au . Un Dixon. principlil or M;,r1n,· Del Rey Jr. High School : Mr ilnd Mrs. Nalhlln Sloor'r Ave School prlnclp.l; Mr and Mr: Kt'nnuth L. Smith, Pla yn Dr l School principal: Dr an d Mr< Roy Nh hlkaw" pa t na Uonal .JACL pn'. ldrnl. f'rt'Ci Til k 0 I ". .IACI. "'lIlonol dlre c lor ; Sle w"rl Rt,bcr tson, manill/lng ,dltf)r . Cul vc l City Slnr New : Hurrv Hl) ndn. P C ,dl t", : Mr . lind Mrs. l,4'o nord GotlIleb. n ,1 8I oDl Lo Counc ilman Karl Rundb(Org. lind Mr li nd Mr . Kay Nakailrl. PSWDC chalrlnan The n"w br",rd II/'Id I IIr I "I Iho h"m, ' of Ih" "fI' . I. ,\t' nt .1.ln 10 The m"mb" " hlp r amp" ."n b,' lnll condu cted by mllil hu , re ul \c'd In 80 ,, · n, ·wlIl. th,' boa rd w. Inl,., m,:d LONG BEACH c.l. TO ENTER BID FOR '63 KEGFEST LONC; Th " 1. 01\ /{ BC /l ch·lI 11 r bor 0 1 Irlcl ,IACI. Ihl PII I w" l'k " ·venl",, It will m.lkl' R dr" ng bid In ho. l th,' IM1 NAII ',"ill JACL Bowling Tourn me nl a l th,· S,U\ ,10 .. mt·etln" In ',furrh. 'n w r h'\JJtf1r bt"raed rt ·nrl. ·rNI III d ,. (" 1 ti m . t thr n' Icumh; 'r ml'tH- n it Ln o ac " tlnc h W IUI hn t 01 lb .' Wi>:! Nallouals , U,N , CONFERfNCE IN TOKYO POSTPONED, SAYS ALBUQUERQUE NISEI Mr S nll ih Y 1111 h hno lo 01 Albuquer que . r<'lJOrlcdly I(II IIIU 10 .Iapron n. an lUI M,. Ell ' (1.oor Roo. cvclt lh l' yeHr a Americanism was foremost in life of past nat'l president T ukllmOln 'rv!>d'N th rio tincllor, f I qctvn ,11(' tlfli cr tn hoth fir 'h,· m ljor "'Ie cnmm"wi ., h I""'n ,I slgnerl to Ih .. 1-'81 t cummAnd lI'rior to and <.Juri,,!! Ihlll Korr-an conflIct dnd lalpr in Jlc;l(lqu'ntA:!r US Army. III lalt· A Ignmenls ir, dud"d dillY wJlh the lilh III thp Pre Idln or San c" dell ' lItol<-. to 0 Unll< -d N"lI ons A: <;., 1 Wuller T ,. . ukllmolo Wit elution conference In Tokyo. hn the IIvil," prool 01 Am<'ricanl. m Inlorml-d Ihe P acl llc Cl lI wII th l. or Ih e Nisei in Ih,' Unlled St "II" week IhOI Ihe conlerence hn bren and Ihl ., de plie th e biller nnl POs lponl·d. mo.- lUes d irec ted agn ln t pc r . on Mr s. In th e.' menn- or Ja pa ne se dU rin g lht lim e, has been clccll-d , lUi,· "rl' wa r wUh .1;lI>3 n ;lIId In pi le 0' <lenl or Ihe Associllllon lor the the d epr cs Ing· 'Jr thl United Nutlons in New Mexico. d ese rl relocll tlon clIm p dur lnll Ih .. Vcrn Country man, denn 01 Unlv wnr or New Mexlco' s law school . ut· Th e hl j(hllahLs 01 hi 11 1, '-'10 ceL'CIl'CI the ac llv,' lOOiI Club m,·m· !lllorney . nOllon,,1 JA C(' pr esl de nl , ber as Albuquerque A\TN 01 Ihe Yenr" In Amer ica ,lent . In 1940, a nd iOn Army carecr mon Dur l nl( Ih<' pusl yeor . Mr s HI' who was due to roth'e u(ter 10 s hlmolo ha s been speltklng on Ihe years o( servle l>-<l tche s In bold Un lied Notions 10 such service roshlon his d, -d l cation 10 prov e thai groups os Ihe Lions, Allrusl Inter Ame ric,ns or Ja pan ese an ces tn nallonal. Soropllml , ts. Hada ss ah ' arc as mu ch Ame rlc nn 05 Ameri. PEO Council. YMCA ond PTA •. I can s 01 any other an ces try the churches, colleges and school· Walter Ts ukamot o'. Inlelllgence San Luis Valley CL installs Kunugi, honors Issei at fete and Inl cg rlty were demonslrated in hts pro(esslon II S a succe ss rul lawyer berore evac uatio n In Soc r:I' mento a nd by hi a tL- 1l nm e nl 01 high rank in the U.S. Army a lter· wa rds . of h.lptl'f " I DurinK T sukamDto' knur,' 01 · )fesl denl. ;, rou rt h dl ,tdct CI1Il1/ell I de.lgnaled In l<'rmou nlaln w; " ,Idd· 'd In Ihe na ti onal ·)fganll .• Uo n !'here were 5/) ehnp iN - I g rowth 01 el llht chapll'r inside the bil'o, ni um I .f \Ct. l\1nvrmC''!1t. Whf'n T 'iukn moto bC( 'u m (+ 0 ·1· Ilnnnl at Ihr '38 JACL convention In 1. 0 Anllcle_, he . poke out the ba Ie phllo,..,.,hy 01 Ihe JACI_ move men I He al d. "w. be li eve In Ihl or ga ni zation becn usr il Is dedicated to , .11 AmerIca n. be they me mber s II<)t: becau se It. purpose Is cnUrch' un se lfi s h and becau se It .ecks 10 instill In Ihe m,"d . a nd hearl s or ca n. of Ja pan es e an cest ry a d eep love lor and ap pre ciation "r th i! gr e at counlry or which Ihey ar c an ra ble and Intel/ ral par I." Al( oln in al th e ,IACL eC<! · venllon at Porllitftd. s))Oke oul sl ron gly " We ha ve or· rtrmed and rca llirm cd our un· dIvided loyally 10 the Uniled Stale. To this principle, ca n be no and rel! ardl e' 01 Hi s ou ts lnndIDg se rvice to lellow Nisei culminated In his election as No tional JACL Pres ldenl and selection as Ihc " Nisei of the LA JARA , Colo.-The San Luis Yeor" In 1!I40 Ihe sacrifice ; which m,ght b" en· Valley JACL honored issei pia. nom III lI.wall wil ed. we mu st not fo rget Ihat . I we ar!' Amerlc"n s Itr. l. lo , t and neers 01 Ihe area nnd ,"stalled Walter \Va> born . 1001 . In Molo- always." Its 1961 tabIDel headed by Jimmy I kal. attended public . chools In During the IMe 1930. hnsl Uity Kun.ugl al the AlAmosa American Sacramento and while attendin g Ioward American s o( Ja jXl nese an. I..cglon Hnll Jan. 14 .. . high s chool. he wa s In strumenlAI was con. lderabl e and ,IACL. Hi!!hllght of the evenml: was the In Ihe American Loyal· Ihrough 115 national pro.> lde nl T!IJ' InsPlr:,tional lalk by Selll Iy League In Sacramento in kamoto. look an unequivo cal sland o( B!lghton. a past nationll vice· I-Ie was gr aduated Irom the Umv 01 loyally 10 the United S13l es preSident 0/ the U.S. Jumor Cham· of Caillornia School 01 luri sDrud· B T k 10 . "" ber of Commerce and state JCC ence IBoall Halll In 1929 with th. b I ,:,U a:"o I' ,a president. I degree 01 Juris Doctor roa er mer can s m , . n: The Issei bonored were Mmes . I c umbenl upon all of u. to T k S HI h' M" DUring t931, he organized th( <how our Irue allegiAnce 10 the C. ina. OJ;; . Y 0 ess':j:' Nisei or the Sacramenlo are . In ln United S ta tes. and ollr supoorl for K. UJII,. . os a, no. a JACL chapter and served as It.. all views which ar e fnr the pro- TakahashI , T Ogura and N. No· pre s ident until 1936 when he wa. tecUoo and 01 U.e countr y kODo. 0 I elecled national JACL' , exe c utive a nd opjXlsed 10 all lelO lallon or 'l'!'e ?ther elecled ';ill;' secretary In the late ,lImmle Sa ka· ne tion which are h; IS"eI UllQn In. cOf.'>· \\ho were nsln e ) .. malO's cabinet. He olso served as tolerance nnd rnclnl tncl Judge RIch ard Conour, were chairman of the Northern CUliCQf' .' Hnl'l'Y Sumida, v.p.: Ka y Shlosh!· nh Dlslrlct during 1935.36 He wn < I. view on Ihe functIon o( JACL tn, Iroas.: Fumlko Kunugl, rec " elected national prcsldent In 1938 IS still a ba sic policy. 'These wICre sec.: Yoshlko Inouve, cor sec.: Sim Togasaki. who was re. brave words in 1940. Den Shlos hlta . Sam Mizokami, Roy elected a third time as naLional declared the JACL m us l be un· Tanaka. Clarence Yoshida. K. Ono. .IACL trea s urer In 1936, spoke 01 1 alterably oppo. <l'CI to any rorm 01 Roy FujII, membs.·at·lrg. Walter as being "eWelenl . respon. agn," sl a llY group' Rob crt Hall. Sierra Grand. sible and dependable. w,th plen1.Y of cItizens ba sed race or color school leacher. fendered several, In order \Q pul the I War): ear. vocal selerUons and was accom· JACL on a bus iness·like basis:' I With the war and eva c uation . the pan led al Ihe plano by Karen Hj. He added "Because 01 h;s alten· 1'sukamotos wcre moved to Tule shlnuma . Mr s. Kay Shloshlta read tion. over-all and execu· Lake WRA camp. represe nt ed the thc Japanese American Creed. Roy tion o( organizalional matters. he I camp wllh Tom YC1'.O nnd Ted Na· Inouye was emcee: Mrs. Georlte was able 10 increa sc the number kamura at Ihe November I!J.I? Hlshlnumn. cnlertal nm enl chair· WALTER 'nIUK.HYO'fO DIe. 01 Hearl \(la ck I H wa Ih,' ",",cullv,' mllccr tr Ihe starl )1I'lgo advornle If Ihl! mUt:ory dhllslon In Iho or "rmludge Arlvo If General '" th, P"nI4 n Illl· rmont P onelln/:' Intf'trm('nf 'ran cme- n lrp. b.,. Ing m ,de '11 tho , "llon .• i I" the Pre Id'Q "I San F"ranc .... ,,, ('aliI He I. .urvivetl by hi' Wile, 'h T 'TIOY" -rlulmmolo 01 Ar linaton Vn , Rlehnrl " nd 0 ')/1 ;lId 01 Berkel"". Calif, fOd David of C," en Calif two daurrhl"rJ :'1r Ch:orlC$ Kobaya hi of Berke I-v. Bnd :'Ir SD<- nepr " I Franklin SquDre, NY, hi hl hor Mr Jo Tallullro and brothe. Frank 5., both 01 Scrkeley, Bnd I ler Mr C. T anaka of Ku· Japan. Will It m em ber of the Call1aTnla SllIll' B&r Amer can Bnr anr! the F ederal Bar .-\ thl! J udge Ad\.'ocalt' A oclal/On. and was admi tted In "ractlce before the MUft of mill· "rv He wa ,. In trap fhooti ug . JACL emc rgl ney 10 h, "inJ/ " nd lenni., cha rt ,IACL's "'ar\;mc pollCIP He was appolnll'd ()n Dec 17. \1111Iar,' Rer"roJ 1942. a . '''''c lal .IACL IPllal coun ,'1, He r. "'1 led the fo\L) .... llt lt 11, 1 10· In the suit o( .Iohn T Rell.on vo. t"ry a ..... ard th America n Cam Cameron King. wher ein il wa, palgn Medal, World . War II attempted to elimlnale Ni el M m es tory ?kodal. 0 cuoallon of J apa n, rrom th e o( VOll'rs In S In I Com mendation Ribbon. B ro n. f> Franci,co. 1' ..... 0 m onths lal" r. how. St,lf, Kor ean evr.r when the Ar my lilted th ' Reo""c ,I edal, National ba r' again Nlscl Induct on" D. len$". Mcr1al a wl the vol unt cel'1:d a nd wn ccepted He United IOn ServIce had bee n , r e,ervc ollie"r In the He ted In foil. "'Ing Judge Advo:a te G-neral' de art . campaign d unn :: the Korean con· me nt " nee hi. r.ollcg.. da\'s P;and OIet· U.,,:. oflen of th .. ?,ine<e by 1938 had attai ned Ihe k nt Commu nISt forces Interv .. n Uo n, th; captain n Ilf t U;o; cO'IO\cro ll enslve. Ihe Ch, · Befo r<' T ul.. he ne e Communt<t !,;fcS $pn n:: 01 sa id mu L re alize In Ume len Ive and Ihe Jm mcr·faU , . orren I\.'C o( war. n gh arc <ubordlnate '''. H r\!cCJ\'ed hI U. B (rom <o bl.<: all<l n .and.l"-' I Ihelr firM d UI) Unl\' of Cilh!orn: in 1929 " the obh gallo n In erv.. Ihel a coun l rv wi thou t conwht:;·l " r r,". .;(" vall on: We can flghl lor 011r rlllht when peace is attam r estored. and upon our re l'Ord will dcpe nd ho., success (ul or un. ueel's ful ouEULOGIES POUR INTO PACIFIC CITIZEN FOR W.1' pro;mcUcally DISTINGUISHED JACLER rlghl n Ihose vic .... · Th .... <arritie'" FR,lNK F ('lImy.\." and heroic r ecord 01 :-; ,lCl GI during World War II h as m3dc ;o;.linnaJ •. J, CI. the !lalns 01 the Im mediat£ I I, "'I· th p' " twar pertod And T ·ukamo hear:. tha we;t of knew in buildinl: • • lrung arllanl· man Oulgoin,: presIdent FI'ed Haya· shlda w;os pl ' csented Ihe pa.1 pres dent's rln by Ihe Incom Ing pres dent. 10 ('hncon's orehes· Il'a alld movies followed Ul e di ner, which IVa s served b.v the I..cgicn Auxllial'y to 1 2S and guests . lation (or JACI, thai 11 "" p nne c American Ctt1zens require /I nallonallv organll,-d 1.c32Ue p'y 0\ lart respe'ts D J h L h t b d db .IACL 10 Iran :lale the br lIIan l Colonel Walll'r T;ukJ,mol ,tile r. 0 n ec ner was 0 e commen e y r pco rd 01 Ihe Ni el men 01 I' .TACL frnm 10 10 pn·-,' ay ac ha'v men . . I Colonel T 'ukamoln se r\' ed 'H SAN FRANCISCO JR, JACL CHARGING 'FUll FARE' SAN FRANCISCO. - The Francisco You t h Group ha s changed lIs nnme to Junior J ACL. aecordln/( to Marj;(1ret Kai. preslden!. When Ihp Youlh Group was !Ir.t formed. the memher s lell Ihal the "Japa· nese " lag would hinder their progress. But the pres enl Youth Group ' Celt thai beinl! a!lillated wIth the JACL would not only the chapter This decl _lon wa s made at the Jr. JACL board make them n part of the JACL but al so clos elY be Identified wIth meeting of Dec. 20. 1960. Dues ror the ,Ir J ACL her!! are $3.50: S3 going 10 National J ACL and 50 cents baIng reo lained (or Jr. JACL. The purpo se ror s ending 53 to the national organization Wll 5 to get the Paci· fic Citizen and the News lotter ror each member, so the member may be nnd 01 '0 10 let olh er know whal Ihe San Francisco .Ir .IACL is doln". Thi s al so rtn olillel by wh ich the youlh cnn expre ss th em5elve., MlsR Kill po lnled 0111 . Stockton JACL to install new officers Feb,S STOCKTON 1'111' SLockloll JACI onnoun ced pilln lor 1\, hl" llIlIo · 1" .1 wcek JI will be held a t Ihl' 1I0u." 01 J::.J . Mur phy on Sundll Y, 5. 6 p.m Res er vation . nn' belnll ueec llted by He nry Kusn m ll 1110 1 ·2701 ', C eor gc BobA mo :\-3300 1 und Dor olhy Babn ' HO », 7521' unlll 2. Cos t will b., $4 I" 'r TWIH, Iy· lhre,· mc mbl'r "r" on Ih,' In omb ... , hlp commlll",'. which I. c urrrntl y I>u. ll ln" IL <lImpll lgn to 101' 1081 r' "tror", Th(· com· mlltl'OIn cn lirt' Dirk "·uJ JI, rflm Oknmntu, J 'H:". Ki llt. "PWft. M"., 8,ko l. 1..011 1. n .1"n, f" II nk MtJrlUt • 'rUl1 k I num •• u. l .IJu 1"· un ('· "'.-w-. n lchn,d YOl'lhlkll ...... l. [ Julu 0; , I Urnlntt. Tif f! A k"hu. Dor n t h\- n.hll, Dr .. 'b Cf t A bl b t JACL . f I Dun ni! Ih e IACI. pre.<idcnl oC the ac r amen lo Cba p- J a e ssem y, u In ervenes I JACL's "watchdog" I'Ole nipped ore sol uti 0 n of com mendtlon which was inlroduced in the Cailtornia SI ate Assembly week for Dr. John R Lechner . remembered ror his WAr tim e ra cism agaln,1. NiseI Lasl Tuesday. Steve Naj!cr. ad· mlnis traUve a ss ls lant lor As sem· blymon Jerome Wa ldie ID .. An· tlochl r e e a II e d Dr I..cchner·s tlr"dcs IIgalnsl Ihe loy ally o[ Japa· "cse American s durlnS! the war years. and Inlormed National ,IACL Hendquarlers 01 the pending resolu· Uon . Unruh 0 Los An gelesl a nd .. he concured the P rc;ldcnl or the JACL. :lurinl: thP Waldie I. IJOslllon Inken by SJbum KId .. th ai mol tur bulenl and tr;.ing .jay. l or JACL ,ho, ld nol persons 01 Japlloc.;e ancesl ry ID l.t CL I'rolesl' I " My concurrcnce I based UI the or C,lIlorn13. "The Japan es e Ame rican Cili. I la rae pa rt upon our J nl effor E ver since the late 20' and ' e zens Lea gue stronllly opposes any dur tn l! J ACL s Inlancy ID early 30's aod continualh' up unW r esolution. commendation or ree· tn, 01 kind. the day of the Qutbre:ik 0) 1 the omme ndatlon hononng Dr . John R. he explained. war and arterw:lrds, political lead. Lechner by the ':-1;.,,1 nr thr " ., ,'rs, ne'.t'Spopers, special larm aD" Chuman slaleel .. In his Duri n.; thp Ilr" n ,,',rs 0', 'I hinl: .1nd nther l!l'OUPS He ha s bren one o( the mosl JA('[,. the (Mm,I' " Ir r.1 th. iReI al mpt<-d to make per on. ,,' bigoted. r aelsl. rabble·rolls;n.; In· 1 orl:llni/.11'01l. \\',,\t, r. l' ukamol' ! IUPo1nc<e ancc.!otry Ihe 'COIpe. g ' I, di vldu nls In Ih e st.1le 01 Coliloro io IVas ;Idynamlc leader. ','hn c phi' 'or rae;sm .IOd big 'ry. againsl loyal eili7.ens a nd r es idents lo,ophy and pollrlc In' sUIi ex·, In so 'Ion al cr so: ino n( Ih. 01 Japanes e ances t ry " pre<Sl'CI in the ,I ACL mf)vemenl to- L<:-lIllatur. nllm The pro le ,t poInted oul thai his I d ay .rOllS bills wer . inlrndlltL'CI to pr unfounded a r:cus atl ons, susp!cloll s His ,ervic!? to the .c.u. <' . of the I 'ent the In an,·,,, lrom Jarmlng. Frank. F Chuman. 1I0\lonnl JACL and alta ck:. !mpul! ning the loyolly Nbe l wa s 'n April. 1!J.1?'/lca in::: occupying or -lwDlng land. president. 01 Los Angeles. nohli ed and good ct tiZenshlp of persons 01 when Ihe Chicago 'i oung P<oople s 'lnd to elimlnale the Japnfl{'se eom or the resolulion (or the director J npan ese rl1USed irrepar· Associallon. und"er leoder,hl; olelcly rrom the gr al whing In 01 Ihe A mer I c a II Educational abl e harm," the d ar k da yS before o( a noth er alto rney F ranklin Chi· dustrv which they h d buill u. LeAgue. promptly YOlel>d Ihe pro- nnd dur ing World War II no .• elected WaHer T r uk'." ,' \0 a ;""agnl!lcent be fore the lest 01 the or ganization with the Th e wir e. were r eceived in lime as Ihe "NiseI 01 th ... yeo..... In ulbreak .,1 World '''ar 11 State Ass embly In telegr ams to Tue sd ay morn i ng fo r th e SUI. na mln!l him for nnsh Ya· Becau;e of the n'lath'c you hand WlUl nm Munnell '0. MOlltebellol. Asse mbl y r ejecled Ihe re,olul lon. mAlln13 Award. Il w", ,tnt'Cl ,"experience or th,' :-;Isci. t "!lS Asse mbly ma jority leader; Don 53·19, by re lerring Ihe resolution Tsukomolo well deserve, thi> rce· the older leader> like Col ncl T ·u· Allen 'D . Lo. Angele<l . Edward bA Ck 10 the Rules Co mmittee. thnl ognlt'on lor in 1919. under hi '<arnoto who fou'M the b,ul" for EWott 10 . Los Angel e,' . Jes se afternoon. "egiS. the J ACL lepperl out a- the 'isel and olh,'r per<on< of ----- ---...::-------------------- the lead.lng Ni ei on;::anlz lion if nncl'stry with fcarle s the U meeUng pr('s:lng prob· .:<Jurllj(l' tt WlI< thl"OU¥h his e[(or Gilroy Nisei cadet af Air Force Academy compiles outstanding record in 1 st year GILROY - Cnd,.1 WII II "m SlI kah ra. RI. 2. Box 218. Gilroy . h n . nn "'cord in his first I ,'r m in Ih,' Unltl'd Sl ntes /\Ir For ce Aca d emy , Con grl'ss mnn Chnrl e< S. Gub,e r n ·w " lt·" hl'J' l' thl' past wl'Ck S :o knhara , who.'r hnmt' I: II I RI 2, Bo)( 218 in Gilroy . ' nlt ' rI'Ci the oCAdem y l as t .Iuly Nisei postmaster's name sent to Senate LlVINGS'I'ON Norl\'ukl 'I'll. h mn h ilS beon IIPpollltt'd' pos tm a,"'r 01 Ll vill/{.Io ll t il Cou III" Ind hi IUlllt l' hus b" ll n sent to Ih" US. Sc nule r oo' .o" llrmll tl on by P n'l ld"nl •• llhowl·r, be loft· hi "'Un' n,,,nl Irom olll ce lu. I lie hns lIeen h ry nor!>d with de· sig natlo n on \Ill' Dca n '. List which Includes Ihl' 1"1> qlla rl ,'r 01 hi. c1nss nClld,·mir.nlly and hn. mnde Ihe Co m ma ndnnl ', List rar Ilrollcl· rncy "In per(or mn n"e 0/ clld"1 dul\' " He r eceived fur th er hO l\ or< ror belnll on !>nIh lis\.' AS his nome went on th,· Su perl nl end ellt', 1.lsl, the (.;tlroy congrc:'.!'man notl-n Sukflhnrn \\18." An honor I{T H.J1I· nt" or Gilroy H1 Rh in 1959 wlwrr h,' rllnked 2 1th III hi. el\lss 01 6117 "Willie has justitito(\ ,'vcr rOil ' IleI" nct' Ihal h AS be"11 plael'd In him. ,. Gubs"r nddce! . Auburn Kiwonion AUBURN G.'orlll' Hlrnkawn nr Prnr"fl wu. Inf;t.IJlc.od n t) IW I)r Ih,' dlr .. 01 Iht, AlIbuIII Kiwll nl, "'COll t l,y hll 1" "' 11 .... vlllll" Lodi Nisei group .1cll ll g 1'0 tmo. l", III 1 01 1,001 '1111' LOlli Nt. ,'1 C:lvlr It,y ,trlll Yf'ar , h nvl n" ll ".' 11 rlf"\, 1 ,lrrt,-d Mo. Okuhnr. 1 U I" IlIk" r.h,!rlol " oll l'r till' dL' Ih 01 Id"111 I"r llItU the 1 0lmer pc:l.Itmastcr. kI. , I lems with Intelligent " ,nd leneler. hip through the JACL P resent<ition or thr ""srd wn Ihat Ihe atlnoks upon u: · ··' ere made by Lar,,' T.I)lrl of tht' .r blunted nnd deterred to ""me eI, F ra ncisco A m \' rIc t 1 I thl" outbrt.·ak or \\' rid News an<! crrlo'nly Ih" dtotlol War II IhAt Walter T Tsukamolo I. hnn· I know that Colm",1 ored AS the NI .... I whn h1 con, WII' pmud of Ihe trlbut,'Cl Ihe mo I 10 thr cau,1 his I",,· "I the NiH'i 1nrin(l W tlf' 01 th<' NI l'i 'n . \Ilwrlc.,' .... u .. i I ". he <cT\'l'd Ihe Unll ... 1 1It1l nK trlbull' to Ih Imd r hlp ht' rml·d lit the .\· jlav" during th,· yrar. whl'n .I,\CL I tar\' Intclllgenc< chonl "".:1$ mat ll rlng ,tt Clmp a\'a 'l.. Hnd loth'r at treut nulhng,1'tlinnc!'ota ttl ttisil "crW'I) "ilh eli,tlnctlcn In Tokyo with Cnnlinlled on Pa(le 21 JAPANESE CANADIAN HISTORY NEAR COMPLETION TO RONT O. PublicltHon of Ih, History of In C..anndn. a $16.000 projecl bdllil ,pon,or,-d by Ihl' Jllpan<' .,' Conadlon Cill' lens Association. ha bern pilln. n,'Ci (or th,· rull Ilf 19';1 01' sprill/(. 1 002 'f th,' Ie I by K,'n Adnchl wn. peglt,'Ci rol' .llIn<' ur .llIly, nnd thl' JCCA nuli.'II.11 ,'. e('utlvr cammltlcl' \YtlS in(ormt.'<i by Rllymond Morl:vam" I h " I lotN·cst ill l'Illll\ to hoV<' the Iran I1tltxl lIlId publt.hl'd In .... pan MorlYllmu , noll'Ci N!sN orchitrct. wn . In .Ia· pan 10 . t anel W;I ",lei Ih,· translalion 'lid pI/bite 1110" lot Japan \''Dwd coot about 2,000, J ------- CHAPTER INDEX -------- * ------ T h,.. lb'r et h,. If", t t' Ihn .. " \\ hfr h m f\ l ''II1t d ... nr" .... drBrllltu' HId h ""f' t l'trl r .. ,,, U 11 ... wf' t 'k· ... I,.,."to. 1\1.,"" U,'rk('lcy t l.a •. \meel .. " Edr.. Town hlp Fnwlt'r Id tlu f II 1 .. 11",: I\rach 'll"-' lI1kt"r :\u. { kl.nd Rt" 'bura Sin "'I·n "no S-ltn fTIUIl."I. ., S;!nerr HI WI.J \,Alhl7 ." uth .... I 1....A. ShK'kt(l1\ 81,.., 1-' .. 1 ... t" , 13ll.l

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Page 1: Walter Tsukamoto succumbs -

II' W ~~hi"tj.t'H t ~ £w~ I EHCt :

Kennedy Inauguration 8y Mlko foil. MaJAolc ..

, IH.I-" "I:". IIlI ou"h Ih, mlr .et .. 01 tr<J~' I~ • m llllom " ,

mrrlrans thflllt'<f \0 11'1< InOUR'" r lion of Jobn f' K ~ nn<d y liS the 3.~th rH leknl 01 Ih" Unll,>(j S~\r , In U ... " ?r I now lorm 10 hlt th" n. on 5 Cllpl!.'1 Slne.' WIIUam H l'afl look olllee In

I"~ ... ret rh lch " til urt'lY ""nil am onr; Ih mo.l elO<l llcnl (",'l"r uLlt.*rC"d bv an lncomlDIi!! ('blrl E ecuU\' : a nd 'hl h In· pired ('(mltd nee pnd P r i d .,

amtln· 11 ,.\ml'rican In our n ~W I ke m~n. th ~nu n' \ rrf' ';

dent , wr In br r l.clftl I hrrald...-:l h l.k,'O\',·r Iro", the nktf'st t V(lr to t no t 70 ' with Ille- k ,.,)"tlo t. · fi'r m'\' rrn o f ",Orool I J r 1111·' " IA' I Ih,'

""I GO forth 1",111 Ih.l lime , ... 1 I' c" \0 lrirnd nnd loe Ilk", Ib I iJ,~ "'''''h h IJ< "n I I 'l'eI 10 nc ~ ,t·nt"rlllwn of ,\mrrl" rans-ro rn In Ihi ".1' ry. tern · I"'rru by .. r, d,. c,pDn,,(j by n 1\2J'l lOne! bitter peace, pr.Mld nf our an(" J"It b raUlKc--hnd unwil1-Inc to l ine ~ or p.'rmll th" slow undoing 01 those humao rtdlls 10 whl-h this ,'ollon ha, al y be n tommltt,'CI, nnd to

hid. .. e arr commlltL'CI today at borne and nrollnd the world ."

aliX'OOlo'1Z.l,·G Ihal th" ooe ,....1 probl m of thc Nnllon I ill thc Inlcrn:lllonal ar 'M, he (,<>IIcl'nlrRted his AttenUon \0 thl 'I~I sub)l'cl And "lid no d .rccl word OR dom. tic problems

"Wi eV r n~ n, whether 1\ wish us weU (lr Ill . thai we ·h.IU

I Y nllV pn{"f"~ t H any blJrdf'n, mt'cl un..v hiln t hi". Ul'P'Irt a ll }' frll'nd or c po. I ' nny tn.' tn oro. r to :l un" t h l ~ un'lvnl anci AUf"

l ~ or U ~ r ly," ArPrt'cl. IUnll the II, 'C _11y fOl

na t lo n ~ 1 unl \)' a nd ""erIIICl'. h .. d< cl1\rt'CI " In )'our hands. my lellow ctUtI' n lC. mort: thn" mi nf'. wtll rc 1 Lhe fi n.l l -Ucel' 'i or I.Uurt' 01 our cour c Sine" IhLs countl . '" as fnundl'd. t,'"\ch ,1;\.'''­

<rallon or America n hAC bl'\'n • ummoned to give tcsUmony 10 I national Ioynlly :-1ow Ih t rum prt • umm n, u ns:rdn 10 bl-nr the burd"," nr :1 111l)t

II< iLJlhl tru/UlI" , , ~ n lll. I th, (: mm{)n f' 1ll'ml. r fnHn Lyr:fI1 -ny. poverty, til I:n I . nnd \\ .1r jL.

It/ , I

'{\lId u, lilY I .. Uo " . \IO ~I; n.~·

,\ k not what .. \101 rka wUl rio ' 01 y t, bUl • ... h ·ll tCl~elhf ' r w e t'fII' do fur th,' ffl'cdClm nr m on:'

., III 1'1 Inl ,,<I nr ' lroCltlers h ,Wl' d n\\ ned mos t illlsplc1olls1y

D"lnon tr"Unll Ihe v illor 01 youth nnd the deh' rmlnatlon If becomc a " lIrc.,t" P re Ident. the Kenne-dy Adminl I r lltlo~ IS rapid. lv moving a wn' lrom th<· tram I' lion Pl'rlud \0 launchlllg I pro­gr am to m ake i\m(,.'rtc:l " m ove

allaln". And. 011 Am<'rlc;on rl' j(urdle

01 rlv. IIkJ"" the • .,mplc thus lar, ho ~ and pr"y Ihil t its objec· UyeS "III be "U3int>d : "creal· In~. noL 3 new bahncc or powllr . but H new world 01 In w. where Ihe "IrOll" lire 111. 1 nod the weok ;st.,,<:urc and th,,' pcac~ preserved,"

Walter T, Tsukamoto row".:.. W~ltcr T T uka·

molo, nal.Jod!Il pre Idenl of Ihe Japanesc "me-ncan Cit I zcn_ lA!:Ilue 1938 \Q 1940, passed a. ..... ay Janua,.,. 20 I~ H~ delberg, Ger·

any, hilc on AD a slgnmenl ere a member 01 the Judge

Ad\"O(';lte Gllneral' I)epartmenl of !be Army

One of the founders or the N.Uonal JACL movement in the "Ie 1,,·.nUes, ~ "'''s probably the fir I Ni;el 10 graduate rrom the Boalt dall 01 La ... on the Univer Ity 0' CalifornIa campus in Berkeley. He opened his prac· lice tn ~ Callforrua 18:e c..pi· ~l nnd sooa ~c .. me ,.·en kno .... n 8S the JapaDl:Se AmerIcan attor· a.ey .. ho buttonholed legislators to vole 811311151 bills directed allalnsl !be resident allen Japa· Mae who bceau of federal la .... were unable' 'to become natural· 1ud "'~ILI of tOOlr adop .... -d land In a cnse, he may wcU have beton the first Nisei "Lobby· ~t."

P.rlQnabl , urllcul ... ', pcn.u, · 1.1.'-IIfo became one of 1>fl'WAI

NI <10m' jno:Il ucce ftil , law· "'/ul and eloquent BPOke men

In 11108. ",I\en the Chiengo Y-. P~les' A1 soc! tlon Ie­IeaIed lIS firlt Nlul 01 Ute Year, Sacramenlo ellonley Tsukamoto won !be Yamagata Award "For Merttorlou Achlevcm"nt" In re­nKUna credit upon those of Jo· panese a Dcestry in the Uo!lftI Slites.

1m, ",hen he wa Ihe~·

"eidfve ",eretary of the , 'aUona! J.\CL, hI! IIl5Jl red the eventual or.anlzaUoo or the Inlermoun· I.1n Dislric JACL Coundl III en aanusl me~tlng oC outhea tern Idaho and northern Ulah Nise i In lIMO. ...h-n the I DC wa lor· .... 11, e.ta h~ /vo "'III 1 -k~., .Jet'r

DurinI.': Wnl'ld Wilr II )'I'3r , whea mo&t pt'r on 01 Japan~ $ e

a!ltt try were In 111111' relncallon cam!» antr their arbllrary ev,,· CtLlUon Irom their we t coast bomes and a 5O,,101110n5, Ihe JACL chapter and member. al· IDII$t alooe kept the Nall"nal Or. pnizaUon runellolllnll In III dedi· n1rd tal k of 'keeplnl: .... tch aDd wlTd" over thO$e or Jupa line nc .. Iry In thl COlin try

When the- IDC «'Iellrale. It.: 20th annlvcfl'ury thl< summer. it would be mOSI npproprlale I, dediea te its bienn 01 conventio, to Colonel Waller T Tsukamoto

,\5 ;\ sludent at the Unlversit' 01 California, hel pa.rlicipatL'CI ir the ROTC progl-am and upor his graduaUon was commisslone< a econd lIeutenlDl, being prob­ably Ihe fIr t Nt:el to be s< honor<d In CaUCornlo DurlnS! th s ubsequent years, he loithfull) kepi his re ' etve ;tatus alive by attendlnll the ncees. ary closse> and manuevers.

Alter Ihe Army began to oceepl comml.s.sloned • 'ise! in 1~3. he vol ' nleered lor duly He wa. prob.1bl,y the IIrsl Nt. ei 10 De aceepled In th,' Judge Advocale General', Devarlmenl. He serve<: at both Savage and ForI Snelling In ?tinne<Ota, In Japan during \ht' Occupati"n. al th·· Presl<llo 01 San Francisco. in Germany. and al the Pcalngon in Wa ·hinl!lon. He was on a peeial miss ion when he pnssed

a ... oy from a hoart aUnck. H~ "'.1 ' amonl: the firsl Nisei .0 rll l"",moliOQ$ 10 be Lleuten·

ant Colr,nel and Colonel.

TIIOUGII nol nctively a._ ciated with the JACL since he rnlered ,ervlee in the Army duro Inl: World Wnr II. he was al· ways concerned wtth not only the growth 01 the OrganJ7.<1 tion to which he conlrlbuled <0 much In its elrly singes bul In the wellare and acceptance of all persons or Japanese anceslry In ~he :'hlJon .

By remainlnll In IInl(orm 3'

ont' 01 the hlgh~ . t rankinl: Ni,ei and rrvin~ In uch an exem­plary mann,·r. he colllJnued to make hIS conlrlbution to II betl~r

wKlpr landing alld "jlJ>recinlioll or thfl Amt'rican 01 .ht,lanf'MI ;tn· '" tn· In Ihls counlry,

Many ,)1 u "'hu worked "'IUI and "'~I ' " In pin,d b}' Walter Tsu· k~molO will m iss his keen mind and reslJOn Ible leadership.

And the J ACL has lost another of Its ""Ifie s pre ... ar leade" who I:ave 10 much 01 Ihemselves to mak" lb.· J ACt. Ihe worthy organlzall'ln thdt II wn . and ha s become nol only III th,· lives "I those It repr p "nts lIut In IIle III" or the Nation it Ion serves.

By WillI.m Marul.nj. EDC Chalrm .. n

rhe C ... of ,he Flirt,tloul Blonde'

The lime was about 6 p.m., Saturday . .ran 14, In Ihe oul AlIlrts of Washington, DC. the countryside was very dark • nd misty, In spite of Mike's expressions of doubts as to di· r«lion, E\.su, acting a navigator, "stuck to her guns" and IbrOUgh twists and turns unerringly led us to our destina. lion, the Prince Gef)rgr:s Country Club when! the D.r Chap­ter was holding its installation dinner·dancI'

In the back Beat of the Masaoka "OJcJs", Congressman Rarralt O'Hara (f) 111) and; had golfen on the sullject or trial Irah:S!y and the :tmlable and ahle genlleman from Chi· rago's 20(1 Cllngrcs3irmal [)i. tricl wall relating the calle of hiI defen II fJf a hoy charger! with hf)mitidc '!'his W:IR during Congrc sman's years as a lawyer It %e(~ms that Ihl' hoy, In his ctrl)f\a to Win Ihe lavon, of a certain bloncJe damsElI. had purchaserf a new dr" for hl'r only If} lli~covf'r Ihe f"'klf' female repaying hi s genero~lty by flirting 11'llh (I gilng of eager lad, with hf'r ne\\ df' f)f 1'f)1I1'.,(' Such a Mltualif)n porten'" only truubh' , An argument Cn811(~d , became heated, /I knife lIa hed and on" of the gang lay bleeding, dyIng

And I, hcfMC Wf' pVl'n kn('w if , thank to ~ ; I A u' kerr. I;ns(' nf dlr dion, W(' mllpr) IIp 1i1l' driV/'\IIIIY IIC Ih,. J>rin('('

t,e flrg81 Country ('11111

The 'D,rtc Cpntlnen" , . , Stirs J"ar aWHY pl"I' ~ with , 1 rangE' ~ flllnrling naml'~ . 'ranj(;1/l

ylkll , Mauritania. Zanzihar, Nlgf'rla Of thf' ~ I' and nl1wr place!! Cnngrf'umap. O'Hara IJloke at Ihl! dinn,.r havln/{ rccllnlh' .1 lied fnc.:a M chairmOln of Ihf' I/f)USC SI1Ilf'ommlllf'" 110

Alrkon Hair. A ne giant sllrs mighlv, 10 1111' Iwlnt flf

Con!.:.WJed OQ Pa;;o ~

Walter Tsukamoto succumbs OFFICIAl: rUBI.ICATION : JAI'ANESE AMeRICAN



Served for thiny yean in Army with distinction

IRIlI ,'1. II) I" II" Cltlt"", WASH!. G1'fJN -Col Walt"r T,lkC" 'r IIknmolJl, member "I Ih~ F.el-i .Iudlclary Dlv!. Ion ..,1 011' .JudlCe ArlvoC<lle G'nt'nt' OIlICC, U 1;

Army. died nr h~arl nttllCk J n '11, whll,' nn I~mpornry dllty , , 18 0/11 'er I mlhtary JUd"pl ''',

Vol. S2 No, 4 Frid~y, JilllUMY 21. 1961 I aenrral cOIlrl marll.11 Irlal II. 125 We llor 51" Rm, 302. Los Angelos t2, Calif" MA 6·4'171 10 CJ:Nl S _______ -----------------------:-----------------------------_____________ __ lIelrlclbttg, G,'rID Iny Hr WI! ;,r,

Ollrln/( hi mill!:lrY Cdti' 'r, r),1


Mark Kiguchi elected

'61 presiden'; Sunday

set for installation rites

Sollthwl'. t Lo Anlle lt·.· JACL hA. blnsll'CI otr on I drive for mot< members In IWI ~nd will remalr> in the member hip camp.~illn orbit until Morch 15, II v .. 1, announccc! this w<",k by ,\\lorney Mark Klltu· chi, newly·elected chapter pre, l· den!.

" OUI' !toni is ,I strenglh 01 1.500 member ," KiS!uchl decla,,>d, "and we'll meel it."

He explained Ihal every member or his board. numbertn" 19, will serve us n team c~plaln In the campaign. Each leam wtU conslsl " I eight members. "Thc~c team~ will !icour lhe en·

ire Soulhwest area I which has un ,sUmaled 20.000 Japanese Amerl· ans' lor renewals and potential nembers." Kiguchi added. prom· .;ing thai no one will be overlooked n tht> process

Aiding l\Iomo MurakamI. memo bershlp chairman. arc Kathy Sugl· Nara, Frank ShimazJkl and Paul ). Kalo. Sr

Chapler Board Members

Klguchl will be assisted In the l/(alrs o( the chapler by '

George Ma~ubara. exec. v.p.: Ken HayashI. Vergle Tachlbana. Paul S. Kato, Sr .. adm ln. v.p.; Dr. Sho Turumolo, 1000 Club v.p.: Ed Shimntsu. prog. v.p.; Ted Fa· iii. special events v .p.; Maebelle Higa. social v.p.; Mock Hamagu· chi. youth v.p.: Sam Oda. \reas. : Yosh Kono. aud: Eleanor Sekiya. rec. sec .: Rulh Nishimura, cor sec.: Jun Naj;(,1tanl. hi. I: a nd Mo· rio K,ynshl1n. MalSlloosllke 0, . James K Sakokura nnd Kalhie Suglwaru, mcmbs. · ill·lrg.

The n~w bQard will be Inst:,Ued by ~Ted Taknln, rej(iooal dlreclor on Sunday. Jan. 29. 730 p.m., a l Ihe New Glnza .. e.-Iauranl. in "ddl· Uon to the regular New Glnw revue, an amusing program ha, been planned Thc public as well as members are invited.

Reservations at $5 per person are being acceplcd by Dr Sho Tarumolo IRE 3·17131. general chairman. Mack Hamaguchl will be emcee.

The sPl'cial Community Service aware! will be pre<entpd 10 an 0111· . landinll Soulhwesl Ni sei al Ih" rlinner

(1Ial,l .. I'rof;'ra lll'

M ·my interp·)tius;t evenbi have been ,.,lannt.·d {()r the comil1J.: year (or SWLA JACLer;. 'Oley Include picnic, . barbecues. dances . danclnl: cla .. es, cook!n!! lessons. bridge claSHes. ,Japanese movies, an Issei Nlllhl. and lecture. by leading au· thoritles In vorious fields which may be of special Interest to chap­ter membcrs

Jane Yamashita 10 head Venice-Culver

CI}!NER crrv 11,. Vunire· Cuh .... r J ACL board. under Ihe pres idency 01 Jane YamiishlUI. a n· tiel""ll'S another year o( activities and program, ror the beneUt and welfare of all Japanese Americans.

The new board wlll be forma Ity lostalled al II., annual dinncr-dance Iomorrow night at King's Tropical Inn, w ;lh dInner 'Iartlng at 7 Loul> Kado will be emcCe and n .. Uonal JACL presldenl Frank Chumsn will be the principal speaker

Among Ihose 10 be honored a . . pc~iAI guests arc Mr . and Mr. Au. Un Dixon. principlil or th~ ~e",

M;,r1n,· Del Rey Jr. High School : Mr ilnd Mrs. Nalhlln Kravll ~

Sloor'r Ave School prlnclp.l; Mr and Mr: Kt'nnuth L. Smith, Playn Dr l Rr~ School principal: Dr and Mr< Roy Nh hlkaw" pa t na Uonal .JACL pn'. ldrnl. f'rt'Ci Til k 0 I ". .IACI. "'lIlonol dlreclor ; Slew"rl Rt,bcr tson, ma nill/lng ,dltf)r. Culvcl City Slnr New : Hurrv Hl)ndn. P C ,dlt", : Mr. lind Mrs. l,4'onord GotlIleb. n , 18IoDl Lo Councilman Ka rl Rundb(Org. lind Mr li nd Mr. Kay Nakailrl. PSWDC chalrlnan

The n"w br",rd II/'Id I IIr I ",c~lIng "I Iho h"m,' of Ih" "fI'. I. ,\t'nt .1.ln 10 The m"mb" " hlp r amp" ."n b,' lnll conducted by mllil hu , re ul\c'd In ov ~ r 80 ,,·n, ·wlIl. th,' boa rd w. Inl,., m,:d


BID FOR '63 KEGFEST LONC; B~ ~ AC;H Th" 1. 01\ /{ BC/l ch·lI 11r bor 0 1 Irl cl ,IACI. Ihl PII I w" l'k " ·venl",, It will m.lkl' R dr"ng bid In ho. l th, ' IM1 NAII',"ill JACL Bowling Tournn· menl a l th,· S,U\ ,10 .. m t·etln" In ',fu rr h .

'nw r h '\JJtf1r bt"raed rt·nrl. ·rNI III d ,.("1 tim . t thr n'Icumh;'r ml'tH­n it Lno ac " tlnch WIUI hn t 01 lb.' Wi>:! Nallouals,



Albuquerque. r<'lJOr lcdly I(IIIIIU 10

.Iapron n. an I nler pre l~r lUI M,. Ell' (1.oor Roo. cvclt lhl' yeHr a

Americanism was foremost in life of past nat'l president

T ukllmOln 'rv!>d'N th rio tincllor, f I jfld~r. qctvn ,11(' tlfli cr tn hoth

fir 'h,· m ljor "'Ie ~~ cnmm"wi ., h ,vlll~ I""'n ,I slgnerl to Ih .. 1-'81

J ~1t t cummAnd lI'rior to and <.Juri,,!! Ihlll Korr-an conflIct dnd lalpr in Jlc;l(lqu'ntA:!r US Army. l ~urr,pr-

III lalt· Id~ A Ignmenls ir, dud"d dillY wJlh the lilh Arm~ III thp Pre Idln or San ~'rancJ c"

dell' lItol<-. to 0 Unll<-d N"lIons A: n· <;.,1 Wuller T ,.. ukll molo Wit

el ution conference In Tokyo. hn the IIvil," prool 01 Am<'ricanl. m Inlorml-d Ihe P aclllc Cl lIwII th l. or Ihe Nisei in Ih,' Unlled St"II" week IhOI Ihe conlerence hn bren and Ihl., de plie the bille r nnl POslponl·d . mo.- lUes d irected agnln t pc r . on

Mrs. H , , ~ htmolo. In th e.' menn- o r Ja panese a n cc~ l ry d Uring lht lime, ha s been clccll-d , lUi,· "rl' I· wa r wUh .1;lI>3n ;lIId In pile 0' <lenl or Ihe Associllllon lor the the deprcs Ing exper· 'Jr thl United Nutlons in New Mexico. deserl re locll tlon clIm p durlnll Ih .. Vcrn Countryman, denn 01 Unlv wnr or New Mexlco' s law school . ut· Th e hl j(hllahLs 01 hi 11 1,'-'10 ceL'CIl'CI the a cllv,' lOOiI Club m,·m· !lllorney . nOllon,,1 JA C(' presldenl, ber as Albuquerque A\TN pr~ 81 ' "N I~c l 01 Ihe Yenr" In America ,lent. In 1940, a nd iOn Army carecr mon

Durlnl( Ih<' pus l yeor . Mrs HI' who wa s due to r oth'e u(ter 10 shlmolo has been s peltklng on Ihe years o( ser vlel>-<ltches In bold Un lied Notions 10 such service ros hlon his d ,-dlcation 10 prove thai groups os Ihe Lions , Allru sl Inter Ame ric,ns or Japanese ancestn nallonal. Soropllml, ts. Hadassah' arc a s much Amerlcnn 0 5 Ameri. PEO Council. YMCA ond PTA •. I cans 01 a ny other ancestry the churches, colleges and school· Walter Tsukamoto'. Inl elllgence

San Luis Valley CL installs Kunugi, honors Issei at fete

and Inlcgrlty were demon slrated in hts pro(esslon II S a successrul lawyer berore evacuation In Socr:I' mento a nd by hi a tL-1lnm enl 01 high rank in the U.S. Army a lter· wa rds .

of ,·h.lptl'f " I Dur inK T sukamDto' knur,' 01

·)fesldenl. ;, rourth dl ,tdct CI1Il1/ell I de.lgnaled In l<'rmou nlaln w;" ,Idd· 'd In Ihe na tiona l ·)fganll .• Uon !'here were 5/) ehnpiN - I g rowth 01 elllht chapll'r ins ide the bil'o , ni um I

.f \Ct. l\1nvrmC''!1t.

Whf'n T 'iuknm oto bC('um (+ 0 ·1·

Ilnnnl f)) esl d~nl a t Ihr '38 JACL convention In 1.0 Anllcle_, he . poke out the ba Ie phllo,..,.,hy 01 Ihe JACI_ move men I He ald . "w. beli eve In Ihl orga nization becn usr il Is dedicated to ,.11 AmerIcan. be they members ~ r II<)t: because It. pur pose Is cnUrch ' unselfis h and because It . ecks 10 instill In Ihe m,"d . a nd hearls or ~ 11 Am ~ ri·

ca n. of J a panese ancest ry a deep love lor and appreciation "r th i! great counlry or whi ch Ihey arc an In.cparable and Intel/ral pa rI."

Al(oln in I~O al the ,IACL eC<!· venllon a t Porllitftd . T ~ uk a m oto

s))Oke oul slrongly " We ha ve or· rtrmed a nd r ca llirmcd our un· dIvided loyally 10 the Uniled Stale. To this principle, th e r ~ can be no coml>roml ~ e and rel!ardle' 01

His outs lnndIDg ser vice to lellow Nisei culminated In his election as Notional JACL Pres ldenl and selection a s Ihc " Nisei of the

LA JARA , Colo.-The San Luis Yeor" In 1!I40 Ihe sacrifice; which m ,ght b" en· Valley JACL honored issei pia. nom III lI.wall wiled. we must not forget Ihat . I we ar!' Amerlc"ns Itr. l. lo , t and neers 01 Ihe area nnd ,"stalled Walte r \Va> born . 1001 . In Molo- always." Its 1961 tabIDel headed by Jimmy I kal. ~Ie attended public . chools In During the IMe 1930. hnslUity Kun.ugl al the AlAmosa American Sacramento and while attending Ioward Americans o( Ja jXl nese an. I..cglon Hnll Jan. 14. . . high s chool. he wa s InstrumenlAI ~ eS'\ry wa s con. lderable and ,IACL.

Hi!!hllght of the evenml: was the In organl~lng Ihe American Loyal· Ihrough 115 national pro.>ldenl T!IJ' InsPlr:,tional lalk by Selll Horlt~chl Iy League In Sacramento in 19~ ka moto. look an unequivocal sla nd o( B!lghton. a past nationll vice· I-Ie was graduated Irom the Umv 01 loyally 10 the United S13les preSident 0/ the U.S. Jumor Cham· of Caillornia School 01 luri sDrud· B T k 10 . "" ber of Commerce and state JCC ence IBoall Halll In 1929 with th. b ~ I ,:,U a:"o I ' eX~~f t' f , a president. I degree 01 Juris Doctor roa er mer can s m , . n:

The Issei bonored were Mmes . I cumbenl upon all of u. to op e nl~ T k S HI h ' M" DUring t931, he organized th( <how our Irue a llegiAnce 10 the

C. ina. OJ;; . Y sh : ~num~: 0 ess':j:' Nisei or the Sacramenlo are . In ln United S ta tes. and ollr s upoorl for K. UJII,. . os a, no. a JACL chapter and served a s It.. a ll views which are fnr the pro­TakahashI , T Ogura and N. No· president until 1936 when he wa. tecUoo and w e l!~r e 01 U.e country kODo. 0 I elecled national JACL', executive and opjXlsed 10 all lelO lallon or

'l'!'e ?ther elecled ~r~p~~ ';ill;' secretary In the late ,lImmle Saka· netion which are h;IS"eI UllQn In. cOf.'>· \\ho were nsln e ) . . malO's cabinet. He olso served as tolerance nnd rn clnl pr.Judlc~ " tncl Judge RIch ard Conour, were chairman of the Northern CUliCQf' .' Hnl'l'Y Sumida, v.p.: Kay Shlosh!· nh Dlslrlct during 1935.36 He wn < I. HI ~ view on Ihe functIon o( JACL tn, Iroas.: Fumlko Kunugl, rec " elected national prcsldent In 1938 IS still a basic policy . 'These wICre sec.: Yoshlko Inouve, cor sec.: Sim Togasaki. who was re. brave words in 1940. T s ~~amoto Den Shloshlta . Sam Mizokami, Roy elected a third time as naLional declared the JACL m usl be un· Ta naka. Clarence Yoshida. K. Ono. .IACL trea surer In 1936, spoke 01 1 alterably oppo.<l'CI to any rorm 01 Roy FujII, membs.·at·lrg. Walter as being "eWelenl. respon. disc~imln a t/On agn,"sl a llY group'

Rob crt Hall. Sierra Grand. sible and dependable. w,th plen1.Y of cItizens based o~ race or color school leacher. fendered several ~f, In order \Q pul the I War): ea r. vocal selerUons and was accom· JACL on a bus iness·like basis:' I With the war and evacuation . the pa nled al Ihe plano by Karen Hj. He added "Because 01 h;s alten· 1'sukamotos wcre moved to Tule shlnuma. Mrs . Kay Shloshlta read tion. over-all pl~nnlng and execu· Lake WRA camp. represented the thc Japanese American Creed. Roy tion o( organizalional matters . he I camp wllh Tom YC1'.O nnd Ted Na· Inouye was emcee: Mrs. Georlte was able 10 increasc the number kamura at Ihe November I!J.I? Hlshlnumn. cnlertalnm enl chair·

~OL . WALTER 'nIUK.HYO'fO DIe. 01 Hearl \(la ck

I H wa Ih,' ",",cullv,' mllccr tr Ihe starl )1I'lgo advornle ~nd If

Ihl! mUt:ory ~Iral dhllslon In Iho OUlc~ or th~ "rmludge Arlvo If General '" th, P"nI4 n

Illl·rmont Ponelln/:' Intf'trm('nf 'ran cme- n lrp. b.,.

Ing m ,de '11 tho , "llon .• i Ccm" ' ~'r)

I" the Pre Id'Q "I San F"ranc .... ,,, ('aliI

He I. .urvivetl by hi' Wile, 'h T 'TIOY" -rlulmmolo 01 Arlinaton Vn , thr('eon~, Rlehnrl " nd 0 ')/1 ;lId 01 Berkel"". Calif, fOd David of C," en Calif two daurrhl"rJ :'1r Ch:orlC$ Kobaya hi of Berke I-v. Bnd :'Ir Ro~er SD<-nepr " I Franklin SquDre, NY, hi hlhor Mr Jo c~ Tallullro and brothe. Frank 5., both 01 Scrkeley, Bnd

I ler Mr C. Tanaka of Ku· mamc~. Japan. Co~ Tsukam{)~ Will It m em ber

of the Call1aTnla SllIll' B&r Amerl· can Bnr anr! the Federal Bar .-\ ~c.laU~n thl! Judge Ad\.'ocalt' A oclal/On. and was admit ted In "ractlce before the MUft of mill· "rv ~pPl'''1

He wa ~ct ,. In trap fhootiug. JACL emcrgl ney cvll("rr·ltc ~ 10 ~krpl h, "inJ/ " nd lenni., chart ,IACL's "'ar\;mc pollCIP

He was appoln ll'd ()n Dec 17. \1111Iar,' Rer"roJ 1942. a . '''''cla l .IACL IPllal coun ,'1, He r. "'1 led the fo\L) .... llt lt 11,110· In the s uit o( .Iohn T Rell.on vo. t"ry a ..... ard th America n Cam Cameron King. wherein il wa, palgn Medal, World . War II V j~. attempted to elim lna le Ni el M mes tory ?kodal. 0 cuoallon of J apan, rrom the r e ~l sll' r o( VOll'rs In S In I Com mendation Ribbon. B ro n. f>

Franci,co. 1' ..... 0 months lal"r . how. St,lf, Korean SCr\I~ Mr.da l ,. , ,:,,,e. ~ evr.r when the Ar my lilted th ' F orcc~ Reo""c , Iedal, National bar' again Nlscl Induct on" h ~ D. len$". ~ervlc" Mcr1al a wl the voluntcel'1:d a nd wn ccepted He United N~ IOn ServIce " t ~da1. had been , re,ervc ollie"r In the He ~r:Jci ted In th~ foil. "'Ing Judge Advo:a te G- neral' de art. campaign dunn:: the Korean con· ment " nee hi. r.ollcg .. da\'s P;and OIet· U.,,:. oflen Ilv~ of th .. ?,ine<e by 1938 had attained Ihe ~" k nt CommunISt forces Interv .. n Uon, th; captain n Ilf t U;o; cO'IO\crollenslve. Ihe Ch,·

Befor<' leavln~ Tul.. I ~'ke. he ne e Communt<t !,;fcS $pnn:: 01 sa id " N I.~i m u L re alize In Ume len Ive and Ihe t;~.. J mmcr·faU

, . • orren I\.'C o( war. n gh a rc <ubordl nate '''. H r\!cCJ\'ed hI U. B (rom th ~ <o bl.<:all<ln .and.l"-' I Ihelr firM d UI) Unl\' of Cilh!orn: in 1929 " the obhgallon In erv.. Ihel a coun lrv withou t conwht:;·l " r r," . .;(" r· vallon: We can flghl lor 011r rlllht when peace is attam r estor ed. and upon our re l'Ord will dcpend ho., success(ul or un. ueel's ful !h~ out·



cO~~~ a m olo W.1' pro;mcUcally DISTINGUISHED JACLER r lghl n Ihose vic .... · Th .... <arr itie'" FR,lNK F ('lImy.\." and heroic record 01 :-; ,lCl GI during World War II has m3dc ;o;.linnaJ I'r~ldrnt • . J, CI.

possl~ l e the !lalns 01 the Im mediat£ II, "'I· th ndLosan· \ d n~h ~. ",~~ p' " twar pertod And T ·ukamo hear:. tha we;t m pm~~ of h~ knew in buildinl: • • lrung arllanl·

man Oulgoin,: presIde nt FI'ed Haya·

shlda w;os pl'csented Ihe pa.1 pres i· dent's rln by Ihe Incom Ing pres i· dent. Dancin~ 10 ('hncon's orehes· Il'a alld movies followed Ul e din· ner, which IVa s served b.v the I..cgicn Auxllial'y to 12S member~ and guests .

l a tion (or th~ JACI, thai 11 wDul~ "" p nne ~ c American Ctt1zens require /I nallonallv organll,-d 1.c32Ue p'y 0\ ~ lart respe'ts

D J h L h t b d d b .IACL 10 Iran:lale the br lIIan l Colonel Walll'r T;ukJ,mol ,tile ~h r. 0 n ec ner was 0 e commen e y r pcord 01 Ihe Ni el f lgh:Jn~ men i ~\:rg~c nt 01 I' .TACL frnm

1010 pn·-,'nt.cfay acha'v m en . . I Colonel T 'ukamoln ser\'ed 'H



Francisco You t h Group has changed lIs nnme to Junior J ACL. aecordln/( to Marj;(1ret Kai. preslden!. When Ihp Youlh Group was !Ir.t formed. the memhers lell Ihal the "Japa· nese" lag would hinder their progress. But the presenl Youth Group ' Celt thai beinl! a!lillated wIth the JACL would not only the chapter This decl _lon wa s made at the Jr. JACL board make them n part of the JACL but also closelY be Identified wIth meeting of Dec. 20. 1960.

Dues ror the ,Ir J ACL her!! are $3.50: S3 going 10 National J ACL and 50 cents baIng reo lained (or Jr. JACL. The purpose ror sending 53 to the national organization Wll 5 to get the Paci· fic Citizen and the Newslotter ror each member, so the member may be In l orm~d nnd 01 ' 0 10 let olher know wha l Ihe San Francis co .Ir .IACL is doln". This also provlde ~ rtn olillel by which the youlh cnn express them5elve., MlsR Kill polnled 0111.

Stockton JACL to install new officers Feb,S

STOCKTON 1'111' SLoc kloll JACI onnounced pilln lor 1\, hl" llIlIo · ~ i on dlnncr-dnllc ~ 1" . 1 wcek JI will be held a t Ihl' 1I0u." 01 J::.J . Murphy on SundllY, F ~ b . 5. 6 p .m

Reservation . nn' belnll ueecllted by Henry Kusn m ll 1110 1·2701 ', C eorgc BobA mo :\-33001 und Dorolhy Babn ' HO »,7521' unlll ~ · ('b . 2. Cost will b., $4 I" 'r I"'r ~o n

TWIH, Iy·lhre,· mcmbl'r "r" o n Ih,' In omb ... , hlp commlll",'. which I. currrntly I>u. ll ln" IL <lImpll lgn to 101' 1081 y ~a r ' " tror", Th(· com· mlltl'OInc n lirt'

Dirk "·uJJI, rflm O knmntu, J 'H:". Killt. "PWft. M"., 8,ko l. 1..011 1. n .1"n, f" II nk MtJrlUt • • 'r Ul1 k Inum •• u. l .IJu 1"· un('· "'.-w-. n lchn,d YOl'lhlkll ...... l . TO~·tl [ Julu

~~ ~~,. f ~ t~: ~ \ ~· {~ ~· Fr : ~ r'o' r lf ,~ ~~ ~ :: II~ 0;, I Urnl ntt. Tif f! Ak"hu. Dornth\- n.hll, Dr

~:3 ~:::,lJ·!·~ f! .. : li ~ll hG~~r~: · "~.u!k·:."d 'b Uh~r.~

Cf t A bl b t JACL . f I Dunni! Ihe deb"l~ amo n ~ IAC I. pre.<idcnl oC the acramen lo Cba p-

J a e ssem y, u In ervenes I ~ ~ 'cJ~ :~ ; I ~~ li~~~U~~II~\~~aO~~ ~:c · s"e~r:~a~a!n~~rI~ 0~ L~~t 1~~ i JACL's "watchdog" I'Ole nipped

ore sol uti 0 n of com menda· tlon which was inlroduced in the Cailtornia SI ate Assembly tht ~

week for Dr. John R Lechner. remembered ror his WAr tim e ra cism agaln,1. NiseI

Lasl Tuesday. Steve Naj!cr. ad· mlnis traUve asslslant lor Assem· blymon Jerome Wa ldie ID .. An· tlochl r e e a II e d Dr I..cchner·s tlr"dcs IIgalns l Ihe loyally o[ Japa· "cse Americans durlnS! the war yea rs . and Inlormed National ,IACL Hendquarlers 01 the pending resolu· Uon.

Unruh 0 Los Angelesl and R elnl l " ~ .. he concured ~ Ith the P rc;ldcnl or the JACL. :lurinl: thP Waldie I. IJOsl llon Inken by SJbum KId .. thai mol turbulenl and tr;.ing .jay. lor

JACL , ho, ld nol persons 01 Japlloc.;e ances lry ID l.tCL I'rolesl' I " My concurrcnce I based UI the St~te or C,lIlorn13.

"The Japanese American Cili. I la rae part upon our J nl effor Ever since the late 20' and ' e zens League s tronllly opposes any durtnl! J ACL s Inla ncy ID lormula~: early 30's aod continualh' up unW resolution. commenda tion or ree· tn, e nt a~gle m en~ 01 ~ny kind. the day of the Qutbre:ik 0)1 the ommenda tlon hononng Dr. John R. he expla ined. war and arterw:lrds, political lead. Lechner by the S t.~te L egi~ l a lllr e." ':-1;.,,1 nr thr ".,t· ,'rs, ne'.t'Spopers, special larm aD" Chuma n s la leel .. In his telegr ~ m Durin.; thp Ilr" n ,,',rs 0', 'I hinl: intcre>~ .1nd nther l!l'OUPS

He ha s bren one o( the mosl JA('[,. the (Mm,I' " Ir r.1 th. iReI al mpt<-d to make per on. ,, ' bigoted. r aelsl. rabble·rolls;n.; In· 1 orl:llni/.11'01l. \\',,\t, r. l' ukamol' ! IUPo1nc<e ancc.!otry Ihe 'COIpe. g ' I, divldunls In Ih e st.1le 01 Coliloroio IVas ;Idynamlc leader. ','hn c phi' 'or rae;sm .IOd big 'ry. aga insl loyal eili7.ens a nd residents lo,ophy and pollrlc In' sUIi ex·, In so 'Ion al cr so: ino n( Ih. 01 J apanese a ncestry " pre<Sl'CI in the ,IACL mf)vemenl to- :'~lIlornl'l SIR~ L<:-lIllatur. nllm

The prole, t poInted oul thai his I day .rOllS bills wer . inlrndlltL'CI to pr unfounded a r:cusatlons, susp!clolls His ,ervic!? to the .c.u. <' . of the I 'ent the In an,·,,, lrom Jarmlng.

Frank. F Chuman. 1I0\lonnl JACL and altack:. !mpul!ning the loyolly Nbel wa s l 'ecoIlDll~ 'n April. 1!J.1?'/lca in::: occupying or -lwDlng land. president. 01 Los Angeles . nohlied and good ct tiZenshlp of per sons 01 when Ihe Chicago 'i oung P<oople s 'lnd to elimlnale the Japnfl{'se eom or the resolulion (or the director J npan ese a~ ees tr y rl1USed irrepar· Associallon. und"er th~ leoder,hl; olelcly rrom the gr al whing In

01 Ihe A mer I c a II Educational able harm," the dark dayS before o( a nother altorney Franklin Chi· dustrv which they h d buill u. LeAgue. promptly YOlel>d Ihe pro- nnd dur ing World Wa r II no .• elected WaHer T r uk'.",' \0 a ;""agnl!lcent de~ree before the lest 01 the organization with the The wire. were received in lime a s Ihe "NiseI 01 th ... yeo..... In ulbreak .,1 World '''ar 11 State Assembly In telegra ms to Tuesday morning for the SUI. na mln!l him for th~ nnsh Ya· Becau;e of the n'lath'c you hand WlUlnm Munnell '0. MOlltebellol. Assembly rejecled Ihe re,olul lon . mAlln13 Award. Il w", ,tnt'Cl ,"experience or th,' :-;Isci. t "!lS

Assembly ma jority leader; Don 53·19, by relerr ing Ihe resolution Tsukomolo well deserve, thi> rce· the older leader> like Col ncl T ·u· Allen 'D . Lo. Angele<l . Edward bA Ck 10 the Rules Committee. thnl ognlt'on lor in 1919. under hi '<arnoto who fou'M the b,ul" for EWott 10 . Los Angele,' . Jesse afternoon. "egiS. the J ACL lepperl out a- the 'isel and olh,'r per<on< of --------...::-------------------- the lead.lng Ni ei on;::anlz lion if 18p· l ne~c nncl'stry with fcarle s

the U meeUng pr('s:lng prob· .:<Jurllj(l' tt WlI< thl"OU¥h his e[(or

Gilroy Nisei cadet af Air Force Academy compiles outstanding record in 1 st year

GILROY - Cnd,.1 WII II"m SlI kah n· ra. RI. 2. Box 218. Gilroy . h n . ~o ml ' lIed nn o~I.' l a lld lnll "'cord in his firs t I,'rm in Ih,' Unlt l'd S lntes /\Ir F orce Academy, Congrl'ssm nn Chnrle< S. Gub,er n ·w " lt·" hl'J' l' thl ' pas t wl'Ck

S :o knhara , who.'r hnm t' I: II I RI 2, Bo)( 218 in Gilroy . • ' nlt' rI'Ci the oCAdem y las t .Iuly

Nisei postmaster's name sent to Senate

LlVINGS'I'ON Norl\'ukl 'I'll. hI· mn hilS beon IIPpollltt'd ' postma,"'r 01 Llvill/{.Io ll til M~ r cl-d CouIII" Ind h i IUllltl' hus b" lln sent to Ih" US. Scnule roo' .o" llrmll tlon by Pn'l ld" nl ~ ; I •• llhowl·r, Ju~ 1 be loft· hi "'Un'n,,,nl Irom o lllce lu. I

lie hns lIeen hry nor!>d with de· signatlon on \Ill' Dca n'. List which Includes Ihl' 1"1> qlla rl ,'r 01 hi. c1nss nClld,·mir.n ll y and hn. mnde Ihe Com ma ndnnl ', List rar Ilrollcl· rncy "In per(ormn n"e 0/ clld"1 dul\' "

He received fur ther hOl\or< ror belnll on !>nIh lis\.' AS his nome went on th,· Superlnlendellt', 1.lsl, the (.;tlroy congrc:'.!'man notl-n

Sukflhnrn \\18." An honor I{T H.J1I·

nt" or Gilroy H1 Rh in 1959 wlwrr h,' rllnked 21th III hi. el\lss 01 6117

"Willie has justitito(\ ,'vcr rOil '

IleI" nct' Ihal hAS be"11 plael'd In

him. ,. Gubs"r nddce! .

Auburn Kiwonion AUBURN G.'orlll' Hlrnkawn nr Prnr"fl wu . Inf;t.IJlc.od n t) IW I)r

Ih,' dlr .. ~lo"> 01 Iht, AlIbuIII Kiwll nl, "'COllt l,y

' \1 '~~~hlln" hll 1" "' 11 .... vlllll" Lodi Nisei group .1cllllg 1'0 tmo. l", III 1 ,lv lll ll~ l on 101 1,001 '1111' LOlli Nt. ,'1 C:lvlr It,y,trlll Yf'ar , h nvl n" ll" .' 11 n nml~d rlf"\, 1,lrrt,-d Mo. Okuhnr.1 U prt·~

I" IlIk" r.h,!rlol" oll l'r till' dL' Ih 01 Id"111 I"r llItU ~uccecdlnll 1!l1l1l~1I' the 10lmer pc:l.Itmastcr. • ,TI~bU kI.

, I

lems with Intelligent d!sp.~tch " ,nd leneler. hip through the JACL P resent<ition or thr ""srd wn Ihat Ihe atlnoks upon u: ···' ere

made by Lar,,' T.I)lrl of tht' .r blunted nnd deterred to ""me eI, F ra ncisco Ja~'nc~e A m \' rIc t 1 I ~rC't.· b(~r(Jrl" thl" outbrt.·ak or \ \' rid News an<! crrlo'nly Ih" dtotlol War II IhAt Walter T Tsukamolo I. hnn· I know that Colm",1 Tsuk"mO!~ ored AS the NI .... I whn h1 con, WII' pmud of Ihe ~real mlllh~ trlbut,'Cl Ihe mo I 10 thr cau,1 his I",,· "I the NiH'i 1nrin(l W tlf' 01 th<' NI l'i 'n .\Ilwrlc.,' .... u .. W~r i I ". he <cT\'l'd Ihe Unll ... 1 1It1lnK trlbull' to Ih Imd r hlp ht' ~\ntl'S, rml·d ~'ofl'es lit the .\· jlav" during th,· yrar. whl'n .I,\CL I tar\' Intclllgenc< LJnl:u,~c chonl "".:1$ matll rlng ,tt Clmp a\'a 'l.. Hnd loth'r at treut

nulhng,1'tlinnc!'ota ttl ttisil "crW'I)

"ilh eli,tlnctlcn In Tokyo with Ih~ Cnnlinlled on Pa(le 21 JAPANESE CANADIAN

HISTORY NEAR COMPLETION TO RONTO. PublicltHon of Ih, History of ~'ap;lne"t:.' In C..anndn. a $16.000 projecl bdllil ,pon,or,-d by Ihl' Jllpan<' .,' Conadlon Cill' lens Association. ha bern pilln. n,'Ci (or th,· rull Ilf 19';1 01' sprill/(. 1002 Compl~tI"n 'f th,' Ie I by K,'n

Adnchl wn. peglt,'Ci rol' .llIn<' ur .l lIly, nnd thl' JCCA nuli.'II.11 ,'. e('utlvr cammltlcl' \YtlS in(ormt.'<i by Rllymond Morl:vam" I h " I U ll.'n~ I~ lotN·cst ill ~r l'Illll\ to hoV<' the h!stor~' Iran I1tltxl lIlId publt.hl'd In .... pan MorlYllmu , noll'Ci N!sN orchitrct. wn . In .Ia· pan 10. t ~'eor anel W;I ",lei Ih,· translalion 'lid pI/bite 1110" lot Japan \''Dwd coot about 2,000,


-------- --~ -------CHAPTER INDEX

-------- * ------T h,.. ('i h :\ ,.t f"r~ lb'ret h,.If", t t'

Ihn .. " \\ hfrh m f\ l ' 'II1t " ,tf ~ d ... nr" .... drBrllltu' HId h ""f' t l'trl r .. ,,, U11 ... wf' t'k· ... I,.,."to.

1\1.,"" d;~ U,'rk('lcy Corl~.I:

.~. t l.a •. \meel .. " Edr.. Town hlp Fnwlt'r ~1H1

Id tlu f II 1 .. 11",: I\rach

'll"-' lI1kt"r

:\u. OI~'l11l'I" { kl.nd Rt" 'bura Sin "'I·n "no S-ltn fTIUIl."I. ., S;!nerr

HI WI.J \,Alhl7 ." uth .... ~ I 1....A. ShK'kt(l1\ \'"nl{'''!'~Cul'\l'''

81,.., 1-' ~ " .. 1 ... t" , 13ll.l !~C !. ~ t-=~~

Page 2: Walter Tsukamoto succumbs -


Bu., :\l~r .

East of the River By Richard Akogi

A Visit to a Nationa l Institution \l.lrthn Mllnrne I"t's "n I' J,l 5,lh 'Irl'l'I, which i a

l't'I·)n or 'e\\ York I qUtetl.· opulent and monilorl.1d

I y \ ornH .w.1\ t1Clllfln.'n who ,I/'l' acll\'el: un~en'ilc 10-

\\urd II ,tl ngcr

When the (.Ill pulled ul' :11 h~\' ;1t1drcs~. I 'uw thai her

partmen! btllltJlIlg \\;1.- of rather mo,k. I SI7.<.', or perhaps

II m 'rd ' nppearcd lh 11 wa~, p\llchl',1 11\ ;1: It was belwcl.1n

Ihe m ·IH grJllIt lac:llies of tt - nelghblln" Thert! were

Ihre{' of \I nl\' !los. and Ihe \'Ollllg lady ,\ ho knew ~lis'

C( r tdry Ihe. etTt'tary had rca II) 11('l.1n .\rthul

• hiler ... t r a :1 kllltl ur ;10 111 anc fool note 10 thIS

t:plSodt· I hl'gall to feel Ihal n1a~ b~ .\rlhlll' \filler had given

II;, 'Ionrlle Ills q't retar) a:a Jl~11 of the lh \' un: , settle"

ment lone\' ~Ii ~ IOIlNe d,)l'SIl'1 need, bUI a good seen:­

tlf\ I hJnl to I'm by) and ml.1 wllh lhe tape rl!conlel'

'I~ btl 'IItiutil'd hlln~l'lr in 011 tillS Irip for 110 other rea­

, n than 111' \\.lnll·" 10 $t'l! ~Ii .. ~Ion\'f't' anrl Ihl' same was lrul' of Ihe \uunl: lady I II., Ihl' nnly working member

.f the lrc \

\n l' pl.ln:ltory lIort! 'hould bl' addl'd h.'re : I ;101 our

htlp' "exp rl" on whal is known tn thc Ir:lde as an "open

end rJol \IItenlell' _\n opl.'n end intente\\' is one III

tuch Ihe orlt-mal lIIfenlelH\" voite Imine III our case) IS

d Ided Cr m tie hn.11 tapp 10 all<>11 Ihl' 10l."al announcer to

.. I as Ih . I h I.., I .lettlally 3.klll:;: thl~ quest lOllS. This. Ihen

\\ Ih' Job al hal1u t:llk to ~ll. s ~Itlnrof' ,md then turn

Ihal t.llk 111\0 dn "pcn cnd inlrnic"-

II l1oul1l also be noled thaI I nm a c:onfirmed gawker

I 11)\' to "\'k al celcnnlit's Jlld Iwar-ce.1ebrilies: Claude

IWIIl:> rr"nl1) .trul ing tlomn Fifth ,\lellul.1 \lith a womall .

tll rln' /lIer bIOI b) a head, al his side. a male modl'l in

.. cl1.trclle ,tlmml'l'('ldl hurr) ing pas I ak. Rosemary Cloon­

c\ loukm" pall' <lnd nondescrlpl, gOll1g bv 'I Pat 's; Ton\'

St'nn t amblln(Y down ;\Indlson _\\'cnue. whislllng.

bnd Chere .t fill" 111 pl);('on-tOt'ti slupor moulh agape

hugo(' cd ImmlliJ:hzed ,n embarras 'ment 10 my more so­

phI; II Jt£'d fnends and a nUIsance to Ihe pedestrian Iraffic

o naturall~. [ appro. ched thi a' I nment of inlerview­

IIIg ;\Ianljrn Il0nrQe wtlh a numb, slack-jawed. tongue-lied

:1Otl ,pallon

\\'t' m~rchl'd through thc small lobby under the skepti-

"I ('rutin) 01 the tI Jorman We lold the elevator operator -

the floor \.(' \\anled. lhl' operator, a Irusling sou l. then

commanded the doorman to call :\/iss ~Ionroe's secreta,,'.

though WI! had alrea(9'-asstlred him. meekly. Ihat we we~e nprcted We were take'ri lip to Ihe floor but the operator

naited until '11 Monroe's secretary came to the door and

1m Ited us 111 before he would go back down

\\ e ellt~r('d Ihe foyer; .directlv facing it was a room

converted mto an offic:e, ~hich bandied the business deal­

III _ of the ~Iarilyn 'Ionroe Productions. To the left was a large room shapl'd like a rev(,Tsed L. and to the right II

narrow cl)rndar whi h It d a. I discovered laler. to the

maJd':; ha hroom and beyond thaI to Miss :\Iollroe's private

quarter ,·cedle. 10 say, nonl' of us ventured anv further

than Ihp b3lhrol'm .

We \Iere t3kf'II 10 the large room at the left. which

~a; almo t "partan 10 ils bar"ne <, if you can accept the

fa t Ih:11 a room can appear Spartan though it has a thick­

(ream·collJred mg cO"ering its expanse. a grand piano nest­

hng In one corner. an out.o;i,zed divan-oh. forget it Jus t the

arne, hI' room eemed bare_ The short wall. the boltom bar

of th fl'H'r cd L. w~ occupied by a shelf of books; near

the piaM hUng :, I;H'ge .Japanese painting of a horse. dat­

Ing hack In the lith ((mlury. Miss 1\10nroe bough I the paint.­

m;): only a clJupte of IVl'eks ago, :;aid the secretary. and a

gentlf'man named .'tlf. Shirai came ina few davs to make

ure It \ ",5 hung JJmpHly Then lIe wailed. We- wailed for

an hr) Ir and a half Then she came in. Miss Marilyn Mon­


ShE> \ as wearing black toreador pants and a white

knit 5we,,1 r She looked fine

Surprmngly, ~he stru(;k me as heing genuinel~' shv

and dUring Ih openlllg moments of our conversation.

omc\lhat nervnu.<; (lp 10 the lime she walked in, r had been

mulling over a probl~m of my own 1 didn'l kno\\' whether

til call h T "MI~ \Ionroe" or ":\[arilyn" during the 111-

len lew. I d(!I,t<il'd to go with "l\larilyn" and nearly gagger!

Ihl.' llrst hme I tril'll it

The Inlt 1'\1(; v I.ol)k fiflepn minutps When it was over

hI' a' ked us to for drinks and ~o we sat around ann

,dkrd for • bOllt <1n hour While I can't re('all mu('h oC

\. hat Wi! did Ihe VieW was mpmorahl!' Latf'r, when the

elrv"tor brought US oa k dO"'n 10 the lohhy. Wl' found

S Il.y Parker waltll1~ to get nn I , u peet lhat life on East ,)7th S~rc('I, de P' thl' d'JOrml'n can he (Illite plea3anl

T R 0 U B LED!: with debts

with heavy payments

with many sm,,11 payments

with any kind of Money


I/tr.-\ 'I/!j~\ '" ".\1 f 111-


1 ulogie for Walter Tsukamoto

'Conlinu,·d ("m, F .. ont Pag"l .\111,'<1 Occupation and was at the lim ... • .,"IC his \lntlmcoly de:1th one "I thl' hlllhc'l ranking olllc" .. s In Ih,' Judl!< Advoont '-G~ncr"I', Or. tiCl' in G~fmn"y ..

1\ waS the hL plrattlJnal I~IIdcr­

ship and tt>naclnus tru5h(llo ot our lc.d~r~ In lh.' .1 ACL. such :111 Cot",nol Ihllt ha\',' brc.ughl 011 per.~ln or J apo llll,-'!".I' anet.'st.ry t(' lht.· hitch pollatlon 01 U"l"~ll'Jln"" und r,' "nlUnn throughoUl CulHornlo and th.. Unlt,od Stll\t' ~,

While "" ,. t"M our decpest con­d"lenCl" to hh wHe ,II1d /lve chll· dren. 1,\'11.' h0Pt-, thAt thl.-'J will bl' C<lmlorted In th. knnwll·,hle that thl' grt'at M'r\'lcl', of Colonl'l T u kUmolo \\ ill rt ... maln pt.·rtnan~nch'

l', ... :h,·d in thl;..' h ~ftft.!C and hi 001' o! Ow Jhp;ml l! 11\ UtI.! UnitloO Stnh

OR . nIO~ ' 1 r \ . \ '1 \In: V.,l ~aL'1 J \ (,1 .. t'n"~lct ~ nl

Chleallo Though I h We not hud thi' ""por·

tunll,· (It :;:,·.:Jo WnJll~r too olhm . lI:hH.'~ thl:" wnr, \"il' Kept b\ touC'h th-rOlllh 4.."Orrc!'l'ond,-nn

Tht O n",,\'" of hb • \'-liing carn. as U 5UfIJrt " ,and sh ck. We old thn~rs in J ACt. wtll nlwuy~ rtf mt-'mbcr him .. c; ·In t'nl.~rKl~t1c nun tlrdC'~ .... workltr , who .rUVl' u great denl 01 hi. ti",,, to h~11> build ch,' pr"",nl J At:L In Its "ilrly day"

1 rl.'Jn,1mb,"r \V.tll '1 /I o;tudl'nt lit the Umv 1>1 l htornl" wh<lll ht! il u~ndt.>d th(.' far t c-onCcrunCt' "t Nbd l'nlJ,'d tOIl~th"r In Sall 1"'rnnci!'C'O undt·r the nume ot thl. Alnl."rican l~yull.'· L~ilJ4Ul' In 1923 n "-"U . thl.'l"l' 'hnt I first ltll."t \Va1t and kn\.'w tlll·n thut "-lOrn\! duy hl' wu dl"UOc.."(I to b.,' H lendc-r

Sine,' 1929 h~ wa Id"ntlrlt'd WIth the Citlz\'n: Lt>aaul.· muV(.·mcnl be· iOt( t.'Il.'ctl.'d Nutlon:tl S(·crNar.v In 19:16 and ~ub!'l'"(ltlL'ntl~' L·lt·cll."<i {l.:o;

our Nntlc<lol Presldl·nt. A. .,ur Natlonnl pre,ld,'nt h,

<ervl-d us 011 falthlully, hmdlng " gna\ d~ol of I'rc'Ug,· to the or­ttonlza!lon with hi' dynaml~ per onolll'" <,Ioquenc<' and untirIng

:o:.oc."llicc~ which ... ·vl~ntunlly led h;. hi, winning thl' Nt,el 01 thl? Yea! ,mp/IY

Though his seT\~ice~ to our coun· try k<,pt him ""'IIY trom parllclpat· iOJ{ with us in recenl vear$1 Colonel \\'"Iter T.ukomolo will al· wuy.s be rt.!-membcrcd a$ one 0: out notional )C'ndC'r:--.


We old timers will sorely mis> him as We look back to the old days ", .. hen we rt.'.specled hi~ ad· \'lCC. opinion> and dlscusslon.s re­garding uur problems. I Most of all we ~hall miss him as a dear and devoted Irlend

I\{\' heart goes out to his (9mily wIth whom I have the pleasure and privilege ot knowing in shar· Inl( this great sorrow_

GEORGE lNAGAKl P',I N.c'l Pre Ident

Los Anlleles Regretful news 01 Walter Tsuka­

moto', passing brings back a llood of memol'ies (or me. As a high school and collcge kid in acra­menlo, Walt was f'nE' ~i!'el aU 01 us, even 3$ brash youth, lookt'<i up to and re.pecled . It was Wall who first guided me mto JACL and kmdled the tirst .park oC tn· \erest m the organization.

1. morc or iess. lost contact with him when I moved to Los Angeles

In 1935. But World War II and

Camp Savage brought us together again. Even though he was a captain by thH time and I was a buck pri\'at<', Wall never leI me teel the dlIterence 1I1 rank.

I !\!any were the rides he gave me into Minneapolis and olten, because he Javed to hunt. he dropped a pheasant or some other game at my wile's apartment.

Yes. Wall, by his klndness , and lov!! Cor his tel­lowman, lelt a lasting influence upon us who grew up around him.

I join all the others in mourn .n.@. lhe passing 01 a truly grand guy

THOMAS T HAY ASm Sat' l JACL Legal Counsel

With the untimely and pr!!mature New York I

death o( Colonel Walter T. Tsuka­moto, we have lost a valuable and eminent citizen and a great friend.

He was one 01 our outstanding legal minds; his juridical work was maTked by en!!rgy and Imagi­nation. He was well Qualified to give and d id give his valuable guidance to those who aspired to enler the legal profeSSion, such as mysell in Sacramento some twenty

I live vears ago. . I He found time in a busy life

to devote himselt to the bUlle task of llUidini: JACL as its na!loDA: preSident and as exec uti ve sec:-e tary. He was a warm and a gen· erous friend aod a particuiarl"J staunch friend of those wbo .hared

I with him the labor and respon­sibilities of the JACL mov~mellt.

It is not mr (unction to go Into any lengthy discourse on his ac­tivities. The,e thing., are all wnll known. I conceive It my duly to Yoice the sentiments o( my .rACL a",oclates and wish his wite and hmlly our prayer that God grant

I them coura"e and fortitude to beor and a 1<>", that if gr~at.

OLO f 'JUE.ND Sacrament")

Lile-s chapler was unexpectedly closed for Colonel Walter T, Tsu­kamoto in a dl. Innt land while removed from his lamily n~d

hom ~ Perhaps more so Utan others, hi. Socromento Ir i ends Wl'rc mo.,t h~kcd to learn 01 hi' pas Ing becau. ~ ,t wa,. alwoys Il'lt Ihul he Wil, only on tempor,,), h~avt.' 01 ob~f'nc(' from our mid L

Colrnl'l T<ukam()to h .. d cnst hi' ,-.y~~~ lar Inlo the hori7..on nnd ':el <Jut to atl"in hi. aspirnll'm~. Much did h,· Mcn,"pli,h during hI.. Sf yt!.ars from iI country boy tC' ,."Ionclcy In Ih,· ottle. n( Jud" .. Adv()cil\c d th" UnItN\ Slate.­Armv. HJ mtcrvcnln« v(':tt' werc~

'ruit/1I1 and wer" 1II1i',I With rit'h· nl'JI 1n 9~ryJcp to hi .. country and ((·now m:ln. .

His loyolty to hi land of birth had no p<'<'r , Thl wn evident by Over thirty yellr ot m!lltllry liCrv.

IcC' 09 n r<'lh."rVl! ond nctlVl" officer.l d~rly rnnnrwl~ Hl~ WI1~ M1 e10quent And hi. cherished aim W:1. to bf.. spenkel Ht· Wit S rrlimdly know}. of Jtood dUl'd und !'t.·rvicc to h1· cdaablc ,and h('lp(ul rell~ w Jilpnne5~ Aml~rlcDn." fit. In recent yca1"I." hI. rnilitary \\'U tht.> foundl'"r and chnrl..t·r memo o~siKnmlmu did lIot permit hIm bt!r of the 5ncrnmrnlo JACL nnd I to l.,ktJ an active purl in the work II , live lIml' prt'sld~nt. He nS.lImed I oC thl> J ACt. Ht' nonethelt'. s, mllln· thc duth!!i of t..-xccutlvc . .:;tlcrctury 01 tolncd .\ ccmtinuin,l{ Il1tel esl in tht' thl> :-J"lIon~1 JAC'L b~tore ""ccnd organlzntion, At thl' Uml' or hI> InK to II, presidency lor Ihe 1938- d~alh. he 100 "mcmbt'r 01 thc 1940 t.crnt ['01" mony your . ..: prior Wn~hlnglon, DC Chnpt"r or th ... · to World Wur II, he led maneuvers .JACL, tn th,' stale lellt I.llure and betore I'll. unUmely dOllth IClive " It. a~rncl"N to l>re,,,rve and b"Ucr delinlte Void In the nlllk" ot Ih,· til "politico I and cconnmlc tUlure JACL_ tor Am~rlc(ln~ of Jnpane:c ances· trv ond Ihl'lr ollen pnr~nt. It L I1TN 'VA I mo,t rellrctt;lble th ai '0 little rc~' ~Itn,-I'l) Choh'tnon o~nllio" hod been lIi\'.n to Colonel T·uknmoto while II!' wn still with II 1,,1' hi' Inlthlul .rviee. In lhe intt·n'st or his rollow Nha!l

Denver Fh'., ye'lf ago, lor the 2Mh

JACL Annivl'l'811ry ,,<1111011 01 "1C

Pacific Cltllcn, we wrote' " WALTER T TSUKAMO'fO

Word, I trlbule to him at thb tim ... · seem mllst hollow, .1n l'mpty I(~.sturt! Howe\'er. 101' thos~ of u' loyal Amt:l'icun . AUornl'y·ut who con.ld~red him "' oUr Iriend I~w, licensed by tho Stale ot Cull· ond who WNt· <,ndenred to him tornla .. , 3rd Notional l'rcHldenl b,· our [!'Iend. hlp and fellowship,. I ot thl' Japanes" Am"rlcon CItizen, memol'y r Colon~l Tsukamoto and Ll'ugue ..... Accln~mcd " Nisei of all lhnt he ,Iood fOl ' will I'emain Ih<' Ybbr In AmorlcO. In 1940 , with us to \I;no, Immemod,,!. l.letltennni-Colollel In the U II I ted

1-·or.KollIl/ i. subn,ltt ed a, n .Imvlc st"tement at trlbul~ to the Colon"1 by Jun MI~'nkllwa, CL'Orll~ T 'I'lIkuha. hl Rnd Henry Takela, in beholf 01 hi. oldtintc

ocrOffit!nto triend: .

JOHN YO ' JUNO DC. Chapter Pre,lclent

\YD . hlngton. D.C J Ih'.sl met WUlltlr T~ukamol o in

th" late tlurtie" \Vh~n h~ wa., the Nollonol JACL Pre.ldent. I wa' lrt'm<,ndouNly ImpreO$ed by lhe "n'~ WIth which he chaired lh. "'ectlnll' ~nd the paUence h" dis· played In dealing wIth the ob, trep­crows. member~, Greatnes~ ehllraclerl1.<,d his lead­

ershll) \\'hlell bellan early in hi. tile nnd went right on through his distinguished mllltalY cnreer which brought him the honor and dlst!nolipll or being lhe highest ranking Nisei ollicer In the United Slale, Army

He wn. an able lawyer, highly successful in his chosen proCi'ssion and resp.!cted by his peers. He had an Incisive mind and his prc­sentaUon flowed m logical and 01'-

Slates Army ... Sad new. rc:uC'h,~ s us 110W, from

O.rmu!»'. advising thnt Wnlter T TSllkomoto, all" 56, succumbed oj • heart nttaok lost w"ok. While "rvlng with the U.S. Army In Europe

Those words we wrow Ilw yenr. allo concerning Walter T Tsuko­moto .,.tlll hold true, and the valid· Ity or his po:;ltIon at u patrlotlc American nnd as un honored Jead­er 01 the Nl, el In Ame'rica Is un­changed by his untimely pn«lhg .

Walter T Tsukamoto is survived by h,. widow and flv" children. E!ui. )T\orl? th.1n that. he Is aur· vlv .. d by the gratitude or 811 pcr· sons or Japanese ance.try who Mve been blessed by hi. early devotion to the J ACL. laylnK the basic (oundatlons lor a trong no­tionol ()rgonlzallon whiCh hos ben­clilted us all during these past thirty y"ars ,

Walter T. TSUkamoto, loyal American, past national JACL lead­er. an olllcer and gentleman of the United States Army. has gone to his eternal rest. he leaves as a legacy for us all a brtlllont and Insplrmll page In the proud hlslory ol the Nisei in America,

----------------------------. •. strengthened JACL as an American institution, national in its organization

(E:xr~rpts of Walter's o,)(>"lIiIlU address to dele­gntes al Ihe .ri.Tlh biC1lnial N(Jti","al JACL CO'lVe"t;".,. JIIeetillfl at Porllmld. Ore ., on AILO. 28, 1940.)

- - - objects and purposes of this 1 America . - . organizalion is best e"pressed in ... it is neither fa ir nor proper the preamble of its constitullon: tor an. organization of this ~ize

to continue to demand the tIme We. the American citizens 01 Japa· aod services ot men in key posl· nese ancestry, In order to \lpholo tions w!ihout fairly adequate com­and defend the Constitution of the pl!Dsation, We must. If we are to United States, to roster and spread cont:nue to grow and to carryon the true spl1'i l of Americanism. to ·th" good work o( this organization build the character of our people in the Interest 01 the vast num­morally and spiritually on Ameri- ber of lellow Nisei, seek a solu· can Ideals. and to promote the tion to this problem Immediately. welIare and aid in the development The first <lnswer to this situati:," of Americans 01 Japanese descent is the 'bulldlng up of our treasury as an integral part or the national upon an adequate and sound basis. lile. do establish thls conslitution H . is imperative that a paid execu­of the Japanese American Citizens live secr!!tary be provided lor this League of the United States 01 organization.

Al[hoUlIlt tltis l>ro.b!em is ,PT1m(JTtty O1Ie fur Ille Nalianal Council [0 sollie, it nellertheless Tests upon the shoulders of eaclt and ellery member of tlte LeagtLe to do his or her share bV edu­cating those Nisei who are not as yef 1IIelnbers "lid to assure Ihe individlLal responsibililY o.f inereasiitg the present men,beTShip iTt this organization.

The only reqnirelllellt of the JACL is thot the members pre­pare themseilles as Sll bstan.tial an.d wortlly citizens of tllis great eom Ulonwealth a.nd eXeTcise his politico t !'rancllise witll litis thougllt uppermost in his miTld: that of acting for tlte best interests of our American dl'llloC'TacU a1ld th e weLj(tre of IIi. fellow Americans.

We believe in this o.rganization bec(Juse it is dedicated 10 all Americans. be they lnefllbers or not; because its purpose is en­tirely unselfish and because it seeks to instill in tile minds and /te(Jrts of aU AmeriaC'llS of Jap(l1lese ancestrv a deep love for and appreciation. oj tilts great country ot'whiclt they are an inseparable alld inteoral paTt.

About the Chronic Complaints Against JACL

In spite of the many bene­Ilts and privileges gained by the J ACL for the Ni sei in general. there bave .been chronic com­pleinls. There are discontents and dissatisfactions and gloomy minds mistakenly think t.hey see a break­ing down 01 the organiz3ljon.

1n one sense discontent is a good tb .ng. It .s the opposile o( self­,atisraction. It is a good thing to appreciate that we have not done

our best and then try to do -il _ .. But there is another kind 01 discontent, born of an inclinatio.n to jeaiousy and envy, tbal seek~ not to repair its mistakes nor te· profit by Its failures nor to bund uP. but to tear down . _ .

. .. in these discontents, there Is a menace to the security oj the Nisei. Tbey a ftord <lpportuni­ties for the demagogue . But glory to the' seriQus-minded !'Jisei.

The JACL--skeptics, lit-wishers and minoritll oppreSSion groups to the C01"ltTary notwithstandi1lg-ma.kes 110 COnll>T01n1Se Oil the

one and only reaSOn for tI,e existence of tllis o.rganizati011: tlte mainteMnce and diTPctiotl oj every effOTt, program and aClivil1J a$ a patriQtic body oj American citizi1ns to perpeluate furever o.ur A merlCall ideals alld inst'ittLt·iolls.

The Nisei hnve a solemn dlllU 10 tl'e country just 11$ oIlier ra ­cial A merican groups halle. Howevcr, tI,e fo.rmer halle a dlLty to th emselues also in d(,lIe!ophlg IItMr indillid.wl character 11$ worlhy and $1lbstantinl citizen,<, As suCl. thell will be (J Po.sition to make Ih"'ir proper cnrlfribll[lon. toward fhe IHHiema!. ec",'omie, social ""d dllic 1I)el/are, 11$ well a.- to make 0/ themse lves as In.tegra! part oj the natiou'. lifp. Thi, organizetion. Is dedicateeZ to.w(Jrd till' realization 0 /that purpose.

Let II'" k{tl!p Jor~llIo , <! in our mlnil,< (Jlld hearts Ihe blessed fact rhat we are Am('ricafIJI a/I, and [hat in tIle enjoYlllcn t of the mauli prh,iJeuc. oj dll:"n!hip tVP s tand ready III all times 10 contribute 10 thp prollreu 0.1 our A meriean principles of democrl101I and that wh,,",'v('r [he "Pl'd site>uld ari3c we will be the first to fight fOT Ihl' prt"PTvatioJl Of rhese ideals,


2« E, 1st St_. - los Angeles -- MA 8-4935

Empire Printing Co. J;n,1I8h And JnpBnra.


114 W.ller 5t., los Angele. 12 MA 8-7060

I '

Shonien ap'peal near its goal of $5tOOO

N With the specl .. l Shonien Hollday-cw Yoar appeal closing Jon. 31.

It Wa reportt'<l 797 contribution to'allng $4.U15 had bet'n reCt'ived II of Jon 18 '1'111' "on I I. S50011 '0 '1l.1 e 'Hud 10 lII\lpon Ih., ,:tonti w~ (tIl' J)ro"ram ..

ru S~:~nt~ft rl~ealt'd lh,tl part r)r tilt.' n! S would meet tht!.;cml-:,ulfi\lUl

I,,,ymenl 01 $2500 due ('nah April nnd OctOber 0'; lh" $40.000 bUlldlnll loon b<Jrr(Jw<td In 10.')5 to construrt the n('w Sl)II.O!JO re tdenll,l l chltd ('f"'(' Unit In bJ.,. .ratffm loct: HISS.

Toyo Printing Co, OJJS!!t - [klt"rl>re ..


MO 8, San Pfdro lit. LoB AnlreJ~. - MA fl.K153

Fur 'l'h!n.o. J(J1l(Jfle ••

CUtta .. M"uR':'7.lnO.9 • ReCfJr~

TH~ YOROZU WnoleauJe and RetaU

322 " 0 " 51" Sacra mento 11

PTompt Mall S.".tlIce


Still on Ice SR ITO

, R E R L T Y lq. HOMES· · •• J N S UR.AN'C£

. I

By Elmer Ogawa

Northwest Picture

First Day of School: Circa 1921 ST U 010

318 East First SIr"'

los Angeles 12

MA 6-56p l

We'll say the name I. " am • . rt could s tand ler Yamacruchl, YiI­mashlta, Yamampto, Yamauchi He had stopped by the local pub a couple evenings in a row aIter an absence that could al­mosi be measured in yea"

1t was good to sec old lriend Yama again-we hadn'l swapped any conver,ation in such a lonl' lime, and now something would be added to the relaxation 01 the loamy ritual tha .epar.I", the work-aoday mono ton v of the salt mines from the 'Ieisurely creative hours.

"On vacation, Yarna"'" Vie put out a tentative feeler. No, n~th.

ing like that. -'Will' awav"" If it was a gucss, it was a' wrong guess. And from there Ihe talk drifted back to. the old old time" after sketohlly covering more re­eent events Ilke who had d~.

parted this green carth since we had last met. Like the two ~I).ion

oWelals who. gave SCQres or Nisei a big as>ist as they came back from evacuation.

Around lIurty years ago \\ as when people were really scratch­ing to keep their heads above water. universal discriminatio.n and prejudice was painCuLJ>- co"'· monplacze, and in relating some of his experiences in trying to find just a job ot any kind, he said, "You know, that's some­thing 1 think you should writc up more in that PC column or yours. the hudreds of absurd insults and rejections a YABO used to get."

Well, we could not Quite agree to taking orr on such a course, and oprned that more construc­tive an attitude Is more appro­priate since the situation is so greatly changed, and as a job se!!ker It's frequently an assel to be a Nisei.

Yama reflected on th.1 one a HtUe bit and then came back with the rejoinder that mmority people still have a lot o( t"",'bl" attending schools of their cboice, and by g{)sh it reminded .,im of the lime when as a firsl grader, the PTA had wanted '0

kick him out or an all-white school.

Well. now that sounded interest· ing, altho.ugh not a bit Ilke OJr impressions of PTA policy-the story might make an In teres ling oddity on its own merits, but not as a beer.

" We lived way down south, and it was really a larming commu­nity out there by the Seattle

city limits Came the lime the <chODI year Wa, about to start, myoid man ;sld the Ume had come for me to go to . chool and get an "ducat!on. So he took me to the school, lound the fin' grade room, dumped me there with my lunch, ond took "rr The onJy hitch wa. thai I knew only the Japanese that wa il~~k,~n around home_ '0 Eng·

So, as Yama told It. alter couple hours of trying to catch on, the teacher turned the cia" loo$e. He didn't know It wa< only 10 :30 recess so he headed right (or home, The old m .• n was ruriou>--ordered him righl back to school with the advice that the nexI break would be lor eating lunch. But wben 2 p.m recess time came, Yama headed straigbt ror home agam, and was promptly ordered right to the seat o( learning. It was a ""ugh first day. with school bemg a couple miles a way. or a t least. It seemed like it. and most 01 the first day was spent tramping back and'orth_

And Yama went on: "You know, my dad wasn't kidding ,bout this going to school busi­ness-that was the year 01 a big snow, '21. I guess. In the morning, he packed me to school on .his back, dumped me dowr on the school yard. and a t the last bell, was tbere to carry me home again."

As can be rea(Uty understood. the odd ball speechless kid with the odd features sutlered plenty of taunts-and got in plenty 01

.. Good Pia.,., to Ea' Noon to &1Jdn1cbl

(Closed Tuesday)


Lao An,et"" IiA C-_ ~ bJd .. tnt Street

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........................... "' .......................... _ ... ... Business-Professional Guide

lights but eventually gained the B-:~~ Idaho respect of the paleface class- -------....;.~.:.;;::......---mates. SECURITY LIFE & ACCIDENT CO

He evidently became one ot N°~brenc3::~~ll:u!r:,~~Pb::.ew-the gang up to the pomi of par- -~~ ~~ tlcipating in a raid on someone's Box un. Bo"". Idaho. Ph. 4-2:141 apple trees_ The kids w ere chased, and it was reported that Greater los AnQeles "the Jap kid" \Vas m the gan~ . --------------__ So papa-san heard about it. and Financial Industrial Fund says Yama. "That was one t:ime A "tutual Fund

be really cutfro me around-he G ... r~..!Dr!':~~;~':.t;:rsuWll le told me that I was a thiel. a lIO N. san Pedro t1~1 !>1A 8--t1l88 disl!l'ace 10 the family . and th,! furthermore if I was hungry for Flowers tor Any O"",,",on

apples, he cc-uld buy all 1 .. ."nt. Flower View Gardens ed. " Member ITO

And you know somehow, we SH9 ~s I c;el~~3'~J,,~~ 1~rt3U8 forgot to ask whether the PTA complaint was because tbe odd­ball kid was such a misfit not knowing wh~n school was out. or for stealing apples. or (or getting in too many fights.


Fuji RexaU Drugs Pffg;'rlpt r.on S~aUsts


E . FiIsL st. - lilA 8-5197

NEW J4P4NES£ AMElIiCAN NEWS EnlIllsh-J.p",,~ DallY

.' 'm~~r;a' Gardens '

. SulCi aki\ Restaurant

m E.. 2nd St,. Lo." Anf(eles 1.2. C:lllf.. Sliburo Kldo-Pres.. and PubUshu

DR. ROY M, NISHIKAWA Sr;u!daJizing in Ccntatf. ltnSH

82,25 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood -- OL 6·1750 WELCOME JACLERS - YOUR HOST: GEORGE FURUTA, 1000ER

When in Elko

Stop at the Friendlv Stockmen's


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EAGLE:. PRODUCE Ratified Commission 1I1erQbln" "'hol ... le Frull ond VCI"tlbl.,.

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los Angel •• 15


~34 S O.tord (4) OU 4-7400


HI",1 Ownod City Center Motel

12th & D SIs. - Gl 3-7478 Swimming Pool-Room PItones ReI,itj".t<d AI,_Condltioning


"Flowers for AU O~3 slo ns"

East acramento Nursery and Florist

58th & Folsom Bh'd, GL 5-8298

Royal F.lorist "When W::;;. bt'<.;-t $aid b tlowerJ

s.l\:'o' It wtlll (".In

UIU .. IUth St. at 2...:r;tH-l\oy Htg.Jshtno

IU8 -

W AKANO-URA Stile Iv.akl CIw\J su\,,.

Opon II - 1\ C'Td Monda, 2217 - lOth 51. - GI 8-d2a l

Page 3: Walter Tsukamoto succumbs -

By Bill Ilosokowa

Fro ..... he

Frying Pan

Denver. Colo,

WHAT'S THE SCORE? For a long lime we've been

IIIltl thl' .·i l'i gn'\' lalll't hl'll\ict and huskwr than theil' J~~l;Jn~ e nlll:iI Iwt'au 'c "f Ihc better American dwl

Grcah~1 intake of meJI and l~gS . dairy produds and fresh

frulls lind \'egclables "en' said to be re~punsible [or the lact IhJt the .\m riColU·boril turned out 10 Ill' largel- tand

pre umabl> healthl or) peel/nens all hough thl'ir r<loal heri­ \\as tdentic~1 10 tho.e born llllt.! reared in ,Iapan. Oiet \\,J' ag:l1n crt'llited lor the iunea.l.'<I stature of

pOlitwar Japanese The J,lpanl'se ~hild of today gets more

milk , buttl'r, ,hl'eee, eggs and red meat than his lather

and grandfalher did . tic IS also hkely 10 be conSIderable

taUer and heavier Ihan his immediate ancestor'. ;mel of

course Ihls i al 0 true 01 Ihe girls. Comes no" Ph) 'H1logi I ,\ncel Ke\'s (If the Untversity

f (mne.ota \\ nh the warning that our (at·heav)' diel in­

rea es the amount of n [alty white sltb;lal1l'1~ t'alled l'holes­

terol in OUt' hlood. dam3!:ing arteries, al1tl leading to heart

disease KeF' \ ic\~ are published !It some length and in\·oklng detail til tht' .l:muar> 13 r:slle of Time

",agotine In Iht' rsl' of his studies I'eys :tudlt!d the

e!llm!:, hahil 31111 coronary dealh raIl'S of Illiddlt'·aged

J3,, e HI .Jap:ltl 11~\\,:lit anti Ca1tlOruia Sa~ 's Time' "The native Japanese, he reporls. gel only 13 per­

cent of I'leir calol!ies from fals_ They eat a high.carbohy.

drate diet of rice. fish .lnd vegelables, having an average

chol.slerol count of 120. The Hawaiian Japanese, on the

other hand. also eat fish. along with meat, eggs and dairy

products; Ihey gel n per cenl 01 their calories from fats,

h .... e an average cholesterol counl of 183. The Los Ange­

les Nisei 's diet is typically American; they get 45 per cent

of their calories from fally foods. and their average choles­

terol count is 213. fA cholesterol count of 240 or over

is considered high,l For everyone heart attack in Japan,

Keys notes. the Hawaiian Japanese have four. Ihe Los

Angeles Nisei len." Are we, then'; paying a penalty for greater stature

and more tntere~!mg tliets? Keys' position is supported

by :l good many medical men, but slill others are not

ready to :lCU'PI his theories in enlirety. Th!.'}' would gh'c

mu~h imporlance \0 stich matters as hypertension. stress.

smoking and physical inacti\·ity. Time says Ke\'s gives

these causes only minor roles . Key' recommendations for diet reform are fairly:

simple "Eat Ie,' fat meat, fewer eggs and dairy products.

Spend more time on fIsh chicken. cal\'es' liver,. Canadian

bacon, Italian food. hllle e food. supplemented by fresh

fruit .. , vegetables anti casseroles." Keys himself docs not

have sleaks. chops and rOJsts more Ihan three times a

week :I n'Slrll trm ,u;hich would be easy to follow in our

(a. e for economic ralher than physlIJlugil'al re;Jsons .

In the tage production of "Flower Drum Song." the

night club ma"tcr of ('cremonies has a punch line that is often mis cd by tire audience When it looks as if the entire

Situation i gOing to hlow up through a succession of boo­

boos. he sa) in a mournful aside. -Oh well. back to the

bundry" ilowCH'r, it would seem that the Nisei. who as

a group take a b~t sellt to no one when it comes to en·

joying food, an' not going baek 10 fish and ri~e as a steady

diet soll'ly on Keys' say-so. A hamburger and milkshake, both high fat. is much

morl' to the liking of :-:isei palates than fish. On the other

halld. fish i n't bad. ,\nd as for Chinese food. we can enjoy

it seven times a week.

Fello\\ I kno\\' doesn't

He inquires "How's the

cholesterol count?~'

say, "How are you'" any more.

cholesterol'" And how's your


Com"l~t. 'In, ~I. Ihhd ory 1,.,.kP and Tlekl'lInr

301 E. 1st. St .• Los Angeles 12 MA 8-3232


Council for Civic Unity

exocutive director

to address banquet

CONCORD -The Ilrst quarlcrly meeting of the Z5 NorthL'rn C"llfor· nia-WI' · t~rn N~vada Dlstrlcl cho!>, ter will m"~1 h"rL' on Sunduy FL'b. 12. at Ih~ Concord Inn. 1001 Will p"" Rd Contra Co.ta JACL will b.,' th~ ho ~t chnpt~r under the d,recllon of Sam Klt~bap 8 hl. 1!/O() chapter pre ident and NC-WNDC Executh'" Board membel Dr Yo-11IY~ Togasukl.

Relii. trMinn will b~lIln al 12 noon. Oflkiol d~lellutd-$5. boo.t· ers-S35O. Youth-4:l .50.

Dis trict Council Chulrmon IIL'no' Kato will pre Ide OVer the busine s sC!IIsion from 1 to 3 p.m. Thn!c Workshops will be conduct<>d from 3 30 to 5 p.m. following u holt hour co(CI!C br~Bk ,

III Chaptcr Program ond Ae· th'llie,-led by Dr Yoohiy .. Togo. saki. NC-WNDC Prollram Dnd Ae· lI\'itle Committee Cholrmnn.

121 Yuuth prollram-wlth Conlro Costa Junior J .... CL In chorge. as· slsted by Jt.'rry Enomoto. Notional Chairman. JACL Youth Committee. and :\1arie KUrihara . adl/ to San Francisco Chapter Youth Group.

131 Onen13tion for neW Chaptel Presidents and Officers-led by ~tilS Satow, N:tttonal Dlrcctor .

Uanqut:t l~oker

Fr,mk Quinn. Executive Director of the San Francisco Council fOI

Ch'lc Unity. will be the ,!>Cuker "I thc banquL·t wblch sturls lit G p.m. Th" 1960 NC·WNDC Chapter of the Year will be presentl'd 01 thi. lime, and tbe Contra Costa Cha pier ofllcers hcudl'd by Presi· dent WilUam Waki will be Installed.

Major business ilems will be 10 fallow up th... resolution 01 the previous meeting backing up !be legisloUve program 01 fair housing WIth financial support. revising chapter quotas to includ,' the 1000 Club chaptl'r quotas. appolnlment and "pproval of District CommIt· te ... Chnirmen. and a preUminnry r"POrt trom a special committee on obtaIning lull time stoIC pcr· sonnel for the NC-WN oreo.


HIGH SCHOOL HONORS SAN FERNANDO - Nancy En­dow. vice president 01 tbe San Fernando High studenl body was selected as one or the Ephebians of !be February graduating class this week. The very ouL<tandlng and popular studenl is the dau~h­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom En­dow. long-time active leader oC the San Fernando JACL Chapler Nancy was also one of the win­ner< of the JAY Scholarships to the Brotherhood USA Conterence last summer.

Other posls were won by San v.p. Dick Kaku. Student Ad­Fernando High School Sansei : Dennis Yamamoto, sludent body visory Board Chairman. and No­rione Kono. Dale Evans Class secretary

Eden Township JACl elects S. Kawahara

HAYWARD.-The 1961 orticer5 of the Eden Township JACL will be inslalled at a dinner to be held on Saturday. Feb. 4. 7p.m.. at the Doric. 23950 Mission Blvd .• 11 was announced this week.

The new officers are Sam Kawa· hara. pres.; Sam Kuramoto. 1st V.p.; Tom S31to. 2nd v.p.; Dr. Steve Neishl. treas.; George Rata­keda. rec. sec; and Mary lye· mura, cor. sec.

The newly-elecled board memo bers. who will serve two years are'

Tet.l sakal. Akl Hase,awa. Sho Yo­,hid .. , Min Shlnodo. Kawahara. Saito Mrs. Iyemuu

Holdover board members are: Bob t.aleer, Ma. Yoshioka. Tok Rlro­

naka. Or. Frank Satto. Kuramolo. Ra­tllki!do. Dr Nelshl and Kee Kl~yama tt!x...ottlelo)

lIlain Speaker

George Alcorn. director oC the Unlv. of Calilornia Extension Servo ice. will be the main speaker. talking 01 his recenl expe~Ience

Visiting farm lands In Japan. He was invIted last spring by the Rural Rehabllilatlon Association. which has sent larm Iralnees to CalilorOla. some being ho.led by Eden Township JACLers.

Henry Kalo. NC-WNDC chair· man. will be the Installing ofllcer O!bcr gue.t: include Kal Kawagu· chI. Fremont J ACL president; M .... Henry Kato and Mr and Mrs . Everett L. Ward .

Robert Lateer will be emcee. Reservation. ot per person are being accepled by '


SCHOLARSHIP AWARD ALAMEDA.-Vicloriu Shigeko Ko­datu. Jllne I!/O() IIraduot" of Alo­ml'do Hillh School. hn. been od­Judll<>d wlnnl·r at the locnl JACL', nr:t onnuol scholarship awnrd

Prcsentall'Al oC the 5100 award will bt.· mudl' ut the annual In· SIDllollon dlnn"r or tlw local chup­ter to be h\~ld In Februory,

MIs. Kodota , daullhter 01 Mrg. M~gumJ Kodota. 01 2108~ I,incoln Ave .. Is enrolled nt Ihc Unlv. 01 Culltorn\;! In Berkel .. )' and I. study· in~ to becoml' [I t~lIchl'r

Th .. Judgc. were Donuld J . Bell, princlpol oC Enclnol IIllIh School; HI Akolli. choplel' president. and Horuo Imuru. cholrman o( the scholnr hll> committee

Fresno chapter tells of program for 1961

FRESNO.-In the throe. of Ihelr flrsl project of the year. the Fresno Americon Loyalty Loague is eX· pecll'd 10 tin Ish its eonvu s~ for J ACL membershll)S by the end 01 Jonuary. It wos nnnouncl'd by Dr. Shiro EIIO. chApter president.

Membership Is open to all Amer· icon cili7ens 18 yeurs old and aver. remJnd<:d Dr Henry Kouto. memo bershlp choirmoll. adding locol fees were $4 .50 per slOjlle and $7 .50 P<'r couple membc ... hlps. The Pacific CItizen Is Included in memo burship.

At the same time. Ihe ehopter has planned its progrum for the coming year •• tartlng with a pot­luck SUP!>CI' on Feb. 18. tentatlvel)' sloled fOI' the Jal)SneSe Congr"go­tiona I Church . MllY Oji lind Lily Sudu are ce>-chuirmen. asslstcd by;

Muy Koznto. Tomiko Ishikawa. Nancy Suda. KazlIe Iwatsubo. Ayu Kimura. Neva Salto. Mlki Tokaoka. Sachi Toshlyuki. food: George Ta· kaoka. clean-up: Peggy Tsurula. decorations; and Ben Nakamuro, enterlalnment.

Pioneer Ihn'tuat Th~ IsseI pioneers lire lo be

honored in March 0< a spec in I r~'Cogmlions dinner. Plans 10 ex· pond it to the CCDC level with Issei living (rom Madera to Bakers· field being Invited are under con· sideration.

The Fresno ALL community pic· nlc will be held on Apr. 23 with Jin Ishikawa ond Eddie Aburamcn already named as co·ehairmen. Various commilteemen assisting lhem are to be appointed.

Other even is slated are the on· nual steak bake. a general meel· ing lea luring a speaker on a cui· lural topic in September, a mas· querade party In October. and pre· paring In November Cor the CCDC convention and fashion show.


FOR EDEN TOWNSHIP JRS. HAYWARD. - The Ij:den Town­ship Jr J ACL has received iis Jr. JACL membership ca r d s from National Headquarters to be dislributed tonight at Ihe gen­eral meeting being held at the home of Mas Yoshioka. 9G17 D SI., Oakland.

The youth group held elections Dec. 28 and the following were chosen; Sharon Ide. pres.: Gene Mori. v.p.: Roberta Nakashima. rec. sec.; Takeko Tani. cor. sec.; Shigeko Masuyama. Ireas.: and Tulie Yamamoto. pub.

Jr . JACL dues for Eden Town­ship are S1.5O. it was announced. Application was made lor 28 members. \

'61 calendar slaled by Fowler chapter

FOWLER.-A preview of 1961 ac­tivitie5 and appointment ot com· mittee chairmen headlined the iirst general meeting of the Fowlel JACL held las! week. according to Tom Toyama. chapter president.

A special dinner meeting is beIng called for 7 p.m .. Feb. 25 at Bruce'S Lodge to hear Judge Matt Goldstein. Fowler City Attorney Mikio Uchiyama. who is CCDC c.hairman. will introduce the speak· er. The meeting wa~ tentatively scheduled for Feb. 20.

The chapter calendar for the coming year includes a general meeting in March. community pic' nic on Apr. 16 at Kearney Park Section 2-A. youth softball and JACL soflball programs in May. a dinner meeilng in June.

No activities arc planned through July to October because of the busy fruit and grape harvest sea· son here.

JOth Annlve..,..ry Fele

Rexburg JAft fete Issei at chapter installation rites

ST ANTHONY Id"hl>. - A com· bln<-d Inslnllallon nnd 1 .. ,'1 Apprl" ,'lnU"n S",ol·gn.b<,,·d dinller w~.

h,' ld by the Rexburll JACL ul thc Sliver Horseshoe Cute here J~n . 13. Special gllesls w,-re the IUel pun'nt, of thl' mcmbc ... und IDe Cholrm nn Joe Ni.hloku and hi s ,,~fe of Id Aho Fall •.

After " weleoIDe nddre.. bv pre. idenl Kuzuo IIlkldu . 0 mOVIng Invocation In .J 3pnnl' s(" W8~ i!C,lvl!n by m<'mber Don Powell In.tolla· tlon of of lice," follow<>d. conductl-d by Joe NI.hioka

Officers In.talll'd w"re Ka lliO Hi· kida. pre,; TotcRhl MlyoHnkl. v.p.1 /laruo Yuma.akl. treaH.; Mu· IIle Sukotu. rec. cc.; Mlye IIIkldu. cor sea .• 1"ujl illkldo. 1000 Club; Jane Ikeda ond Kiyo Fujimoto. sac.; Sukolu, del.; Mary lIiklda. pub.; Jelli,' Miyo ukl. wei· for~. Hiroshi Mlyasol<i . nlhlelle; and Ka ts Miya SA ki •• gt.-at·orms.

Joe NI.hloka olso led tho group in the Pk-dge of Allegiance and presented a post prosldent's pin to K~zuo Hlkido .

A Irlbu te to Ihe Issei by Taleshl Mlya.okl in Japanese stressl'd the obligation of Ihe Nisei to live up to the high stnndards set up by the pioneering I !Sci. ond al~o of Ihelt duty In Ihl' name of their parenL, 01 meellng their obligations In civic. an church activIties.

A Disney color 111m wos screened by Charles Beesley followed by " la lk and color slides showing on Jupnn by Delmont Law. a returned LOS misslonury from Japan . Some 52 ml'mul'I's Hnd gU(.l s t ~ Wen' pres· ell I.

Frank Yamasaki to head Berkeley JACL

BERKEl..EY. - Fronk Yamasaki hus been elecled president of !be Berkeley JACL. Other cabinet or· (lcers nnd board members lor the 1961 t .. rm nrc: Sat Nlshila. v.p.; GL'Orge Yosukochl. trens.; Nobu Uratsu. ree. sec.; June Kako. cor. sec.

New boaM members are Dr. Ray Hama)!. June Kako, Hiroshi Kondo. Roy Marubayashi, Rev. George Ni· shlkawa. Sat Nishila. Mrs. Chiyo Sumimolo. and Nobu Uraisu.

Old board members serving an­other year are Mnsuji FujII. Tad Hirota , Sho Sato. Mary Ann Taka· rl. George Yasukochi. Frank Ya· masakl.

U.S. immigration policy

rapped by Ohio prelate CLE\I1;:LAND.-Currcnt u.s. laws culting olf the flow of migranls from abroad are based on an "economic (allacy." Auxiliary Bis· hqp Jphn J. Krol or Cleveland has declared.

"The fallacy is that only alixed number of Jobs exists in an econ· omy. Following thaI fallacy. we have enacted legislation which practically denies the right of migration."

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SOUGHT BY CAUF. ASSEMBLYMAN At least 25 Nisei Democrats Qr.

bolng Invited to Governor Brown', breakfast conference Jan. 30 at the Stote Capitol. il was revealed this week by Art Takel. presldcnt ()I the West J elterson Democr.tlc Cluh. who is headlnll Ihe Lo. An· ,!ele. delegutlon

SACRAMENTO - Assembly B1I1\ tul .. 7. "to put teeth". Into the enlorce· 4 Empower the Slale 'Falr Em­menl or non·.lIscrlmlnatlon In hous- ployment Practice Commlulon "to inB. has. be co proposed in the prevent violation" 01 the '. .~Ic leglslalure by A .. cmblyman slons 01 A B 7 ' . prOVI Augustus HawkJns. It ,,<as rePQTled • by the California Committee lor 6. AuthoriUl the Comml .. lon til

P roblems 01 the community ~nd mailers reIn ling to the Demo cr~tlc

P arty nrc to be dlscuSlI'd. PracUccs la.1 wcek The bill proceed in a hoU!ing dr-orimlno­I. now being clrculatLod io permit Uon cue "In the same manner other assemblymcn to sign as ee>- and with the same powers a, pre>-sponsors. vide<! . . . In tho case ot an un·

The West .fefforson !troup I, meeting tonight at the home (>1 Ken Walose. 947 S. Fl'<lQrn. Ie preporc tor tht· conference 10 be held 01 Monslon Inn Motel. which I. ncross the street from Ihe Onv· ernor's mOMlon In Soeram(·nto.

Mlklo Uchiyama of Fowlerln.1 Yorl Wada of San FrnneiBeo ":c DI'gn nt?ln/( delegntlons. Hcnr.v 'l'n· k"to of Sncraml'nto I. In ehnrp,c ot CDI1((.'rcncc orron"t·mouh.

Idaho Falls Nisei cited by clubwomen

U ' •. lawrul cmployme n~ proetlae ..• nder the proposed measure. the and Ihe powcrs. duties and ri(lhL<

Hawkins Fair HousJOg Law en- ~f the Stale Falx Employment aated In 1959 would be exlcndl'<i Practice Commllslon. ils cholr­to prohibit dlscrlminotlon on Ih<- mnn. m em b e r s, altorneys 01

basis of race. color. religion. nil' agents. the complainant, Ibe ro­tlonal origin or onec.,try in the spondent. the Attorney General lind sale or rental of all thl' Superior Courl, shall apply to prlvtrle as well as public and pub- ony proccL-ding under the provl: IIcly assisted housing. slonJ of this secttoo"

It would also provid" Inr nd· mlni. trollon enforcemenl by the' Fair Employmenl Practices Com mission I which wUl become the FaIr Pracllce. Commlssionl

"Successlul enactment 01 A.B. 7 will . glve us the broadesl. soundesl and most e f f e c t I v e legislation

Bank appoints Nisei assistant cashier

against hou.lng dl scrlmtnatlon to SAN FRANCISCO. - Sci7.o Franc!. be lound anywhere In the United Oka. active JACLcr. has been al>'

IDAHO FALl.S.-Mrs. Fred Ochl Slate •• " Assemblyman Hawkins de· pointed an ottlcer on !be Bank was among the eight nnollsts se. clared. "The houllng law P'~1'1'd of Tokyo ot California as al8!SL4nl lected to compete In the thtrd an. In 1959 wa s a liral 'l.c1>-now let' cashier. here !bls past week nual " Woman 01 the Yeur" contest complete !be Job." Born In San in 1911 1ponsorcd by the Idaho Falls Jay- "Assemblyman Hawkins Include<! Oka went to Japan in 1929 and C.Ettcs. in A.B . 7 aU the provisions agreed was graudaled (rom the Tokyo

The active JACLcr wn. noml. upon by the wide coalition 01 Cali· College of Foreign Language •. nated by the Bonneville County lornl. organizations !Including thc Shortly after his graduation he Republican Women' s Club of whIch J a pan e s e American CiU7<!ns Joinl-d !be old Yokohama Specie 3he Is serving as president. This L e ,\gueJ backing civil rights." Bank. Kobe otrlce. He entered the contcsl I. sponsored In an effort I stated C.L . .oellums. Chairman 01 US. Army Counter Inlelligence 10 recognize some or the local . the Calilornla Commitlee lor Fair Corps In JaP3n In 1948 returnll18 women lor their many hours o( Practices. and Western Regional I to the United States in 1948. From sel'vlce to their community. !belr President of !be NAACP. " Wc mu·t 1948 to 1957 he handled evacuation ,'hurch"s and homes. now . continue ) 0 I n t action to claims lor the U.S. Department 01

She Is past president 01 the moblll.e communlly support ." Justice. In March of 1057 he reo Toaslmlstress Club . a member of As oullined by the California turnl'd to banking. by Joining the the Loague 01 Women Vote.... Committee for Fair Practices. A B. Bank of Tokyo 01 California. San church board. a Sunday School 7 conlalns provl.ions to: Francisco head otrlcc. where he teacher. and JACL youth conselor. 1. Make It unlawful "to refu.e has been employed up to tbe She also teaches Japanese cln .. cs to sell. renl or lease or otherwi:e pre'ent time. and has live small sons at home. to deny or wltbhold Irom any per· Oka also leaches an evening

Sanger JACL commiHee

chairmen appointed SANGER.-Appointments ot vorl· ous chapter committee chairmen were announced this past week by Sanger JACL presidenl Kelly blu· moto.

Committee chairmen (or 196t are Tom Nagamalsu. 1000 Club; Sam Kawohata. movie; Kazuo Komoto. T .Y. Kanagawa. Issei S lor VI George Fujihirn. Chapter of Year ; Tom Nakamura. membership and ·uneral.

Serving on the cabinet as Jr. JACL adviser will be Ben Maisu· naga. Olher cabinet o/(icers are:

wi.°m a::ka~~~:a. ~~o~':e: H~~~I~~f~: trl!as.; Mnsamt Arim, rec. sec.: Ceo (Ie Okajlma, cor. see., Kazuo Komoto del.: Ben. P,,-tatsun3ga. alt . del .: Ceol',e F'u/lhlrn. his!. ; Larry BOttJI. pub.; and Tom Tanimoto, nth.

Ask for •• ,

·Cherry Brand' Mutual Supply Co. 200 Davis St. San Frauclsco


-Complete In ,ur1Il1te Prolectlon--

AIHARA INS. AGY. -K .k l ~ 114 S. San Pedro .. . ..... MA 8·9041

ANSON T. FUJIOKA. Room 206 312 E. 1st St.MA 6-4393, AN 3-11Qot

FUNAKOSHI INS. AGY. Funakoshl-M3nau· Masunw. 218 S. San Pedro

MA 6-5275, HO 2· 74OC1

HIROHATA INS. AGY, 354 E. 1st SL. MA 8-1215. AT 7-8605

HIROTO INS. AGY, 318 ~ E. 1st St. RI 7·2396, MA 4-0753

INOUYE INS. AGY •• Norwalk-15029 Sylvanwood A'e ..... UN 4-Sn.

TOM T. tTO, Pasaden.-669 Del Monti SY 4-7189. MU 1-4411

MINORU 'NIX' NAGATA, Monterey P.r!<-497 Rock Haftn •. .•. . . . AN 8-9935

SATO INS. AGY··Ml6~. i4is,t ~~ 5.6791

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Fugetsu-Do Confectionerll

315 E. Firs t St .. Los Angeles 12

MA 5·8595


HE. 6-0124


son or group o( persons such cia.: in Japanese ~t the San Fran. housing accommodaUon because 1)1 cisco Adult Schools Is a notar, the .race. color. religion. national public. and belongs' to. and lakel origin or ancestry of such person an active part in many Japanese.

.. American civic affairs. He ~ 011

"Such housing accommodation" th~ supervisory board of San Fran. Includes oil bouslng "other th:Jn sco JACL CredJI Unton. a single-unll dwelling occupied in _ _ _ _ _ ...

whole or part by the owner os his residence."

2. Forbid discrimination "in the terms, condltlons or privileges" of housing accommodations. "or in the lurnishing oC facilities or servo Ices in connection therewith."

3. Pro h i bit dIscrimination by "any person. bank. mortgage com· pany or other financial institution 10 whom application is made for {inanclal assistance . . . • ,

4. Make it illegal "ror any per­son to aid. abet. incite. compel or coerce !be doing of any of the acls or practices declared unlaw·

EXClUSIVE BY OWNER A CHARMING KOME ON BEAUTI. ful property. A ,.rdener'. PlrOldlsel with fruit and Ihade t1'teS-i0C4led. In Long Beaeh In quiet $ec:IUded f"6 . Ide.nUal area. 2 R·2 tots 113Ox1lO) Bund 3 more homes wfth room t~ apare Unusual buy tor famllle-a who want to live tOIe.ther under sepa.ral.e roolll or tor retire.ment income. On))"

$25.000. Submit Down.

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13 hours from San Francisco ..• 15 hours

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228 East First street· Los Angeles. MA 4-2075 Kf'~ Kltnyamll ,nR 1-:1.16(1). T~t" Sn­

kat ILII 2·204:11), Mn. Mn"lko Minami IBn 8-18UI' MrJ T .. klkn ShlnQdn 11..0 ·/~1: 'r.U) I:Ind Mbmo Kl.IwQkoml COlt 6· "iii". 1

The year will finish with a 10!b anniversary banquet at Bruce's Lodge on Oct. 14. participation in the Fowler Fall Festival parade. riBbing derby. election of officers in NovembCl' <lnd !be Christmas party and CCDC convention In De· cember.

The chaptcr awards a .cholar· F;'::;;;:::==;::::::;;;;:::;;;;=======:::;;;:::==============, ship to a deserving Fowler HIgh School graduate ,n Junc.

This exclll~'itle III.'W Greal Circle ROllII.' is ol{ered in oculi· 1/011 10 Pml Am' :tlr~adv popular Jet Clipper- service to

J:lpan vill Hawaii. It means you can now go one way, re·

tUl'n tilt, otiler, 01 no e,tJ'll fme. You can C\'en ·top over in

llllwlIii for ils long u, you M.l'. al 'o without paying one penn)' more.

'I'h,. chopl~r acknowledges the memol'll l contributions from the A..,I 1.lmlly on Ihe pa •• lnll of the father and trom the ~'unnmura I~mlly for the po Inll 01 Mary I)'emura's lather.

Membership chairman Ray NI· shinn reported 83 rL'gular members nnd a t leosl DIne Thousand ClUb member •.

Com mlUee ChaIrmen Committee chairmen lor specllic

events.nd chopter progrnms Wcre Large turnout hears talk announced u& followl,

Mlklo Uchlynmn. I.allt "'0'01 And on'luvenile delinquency quot .. ; Tom Shlr.lwwlI •• cholorahlp,

Dr . Otor«e M~nkC. brqur,tl. ('ndow,

IDAHO l'AIl.S .A Inrge turnnut m.nlil~"rr.y IIknrgu,". pub r.i .. K'a­

'Nli rf'port('d tDr lh(' joint Idaho' ~Io~,t, r~:W~·rdl00::pn~~,b. \I~~~~' rf~allr:.! f alb .1ACI. nnd ,JA Y,-, mcptlnJ( Ken IJhoM', 111m A,uklJwu, tl lhlng a,·r. .Jan . 14 to henr Bonnt"vUle C(>unty'h by; OIC'k twunlntn l pm •. -notl".~ 'fhnm-


011 Voulce Blvd... Los Angeles 15 - RI 0-1449 FUller.1 Dlreclor.; e1J1 Orolo - Eddie I . hlm.isu

¥uloka Kubola

SWALLY'S Wh\l nat hn1)e \lour next banquel with UI

'1'lIIH' P. I' NQUIlT no OMS F INJ;S1' V I ~ I N& A'P JlI!ASO NAJl I,1I 1'/tIC/!8

CALL I\N lI-lllllU J331 S. nOYU:. L.A, Z3 A.OItO~UI ""OM intAI"

. II' TovuJna. yuuthi nov KUla .poru· I'rO,a'cUtinK r..tlf)rnoy. EUt(l'nC BUfii h, T,'m MuknJ. bhwHnll, "If'" fdo·,,, . VOlt; -============================ IJp'·, lk on ",Juv('nlh· Odjn(IUt'nr.v ~ f'd fJro".; Tom ICulnlkuwlJ , ,,'F-PC ~

II Sympto~ •• COU!l"~ Lind Cure:" ch<;::trn'::1~ItYJ:"I~"~.;r~~~I;n"NQr!;~!'.1~~ . . Il Chi! .1A(;r... HidJ hl'rc,' ),Ct' T.anlituchJ, a I, Tom K.-mlka,vQ

Ch",p','r IU C Idl'nl Lt!D Hosodn P,lInk Sukohlru , rrtr. noy HI.hlnD.

pn·cod .. tJ the with n hort ~;~,o~tf:.rlrt~3/iK~:~~~u~·~·0l~~~ UIII lfu·

b .. Int'15 ml'cUn". r>r,' .·ntlll6l omt.: C('l')ri'" T"raoko W09 II i1 In ,. d Un,.1 d,'latl, 01 thl.' chavttlr curtll· !fJ)Poakf'r on JOIpa'1f'Nt' £lultu r.· wh"11 ~;,r Iwld III t w~I'k ~ d.,nr" COli' the chnplrl I. D kud by non.Java-lud~<l thu ~v.nin Quse sroup, •

. ,

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Page 4: Walter Tsukamoto succumbs -

4-PACIFIC cirllttJ Ftl::l'i, Jan 'ery '1.1, 1961

By Mawo S.'ow, Nellonal JACL Director

We h 'c)U t had a lelo-,,/tonl' c~U from C.hIorrua Stat,· »em­blyman J~",m" It . Waldie 01 Conlr. Coot,. the Ocn,o.,."lIc caucus I"adrr, 1/1 mInI: us th.,t liod.Iy • Tue .... Jan. 211 " ..... ..,Iu­tIoII b hedull!<l 10 be InlrOOucro III tht'! U,lllsl~lur ....,mm~ndlnll Dr. John R_ u,chn"r for his Americ:ant.lnt. Older Nlscl "'ill rl-eaU Lechner's Americanism In­.,lllded purging C Il.f<>rnin 0.1 n \I J • pan eSC t\m(>rl~~n. ,"~·U.

1nI hale ~!:alnsl thom duronl: "'arUme In Utab onJ Colorado. .lid oppo>llI& thdr return to ",.,1 0085\ bomes eVl!n aft"r Ibelr lo,yall,y had Men rn)\'~. • ." JIIa~r of het. Le.:hner s lactl~s Co oboo loll th It U,., Ca\U.Jrnla ~par1m .. nl "I I h (' American Lellion. whose Amerl­can~m Committee be Jlurroorh-d­IT beldt<!, hAd 10 rl'l',tdlale hlO' .

FOrtlloa\('~v for us, we havc :emblyman W Idle and olher:

of lrmrrlly In the SI"le U,­t\lJ'e who arc wise 10 Le.:hner .nd .. W do everytblntt pos.lble t4 waylay thiS IIclion which the Le,ulature michl hnc to rel:rct II ,.".,e future date. Presldenl rr..tII OIuman h~ been alerted. &lid b4 prompl mcs$ages 10 "vera) key people bould M ~lIeoI'" 10 put dlc final kibosb Oft ibis.

W ......

National JACL mourns the un­Ibely p • .ulllll of Col . Wililcr T'u­kamofo In Grrman.,v. Our 3td ullonally elected JACl. Pres i­ddt will M rem~mMred for his .tribullons 10 tile organiza· 1IiIIi.. formativr years and belJ> "'- 110 set JACL's lone thRI we .,\11\ pfOve ourselves worthy of \be npts 10 wbloh we are en' tMItd. tIIII the oblJllalJOns of dti· ftIIIIIIp are primary. even over tile T1pU of ciUzeaship.

,SQIaeIIDW Walt Impressed us ova all the otber.Flsl'l we met _ • Caliep Student YMCA con· ~ce at ,bUOIIIar we attended .... Jotrly freshm.n. ... number oI,1"rs later wilen Vo'e were DltIaltd inlO JACL. Wolter bad ~ ~arned an Importanl ~ce III \be Mlional organi2:l-tIQII. ~

r..m 11136 110 J_ during his thm as N.1l<!na1 EoIpcutlvl' Sec­reIUY-rthen an clected and un­paid P1SiUon, we had the privi­~ 01 ,ferVIDII as Assistant Exo-

bf'l"tJOlC ~ hilo!h r:ulkiug olbcef wlth wbal had bo'en lb~ We>lrrn 1N(,.f}Sl- Command which ~'cars

"arller ~ased u oul oU UIC we , I co;l.1 WIth uch dbl'alch III the Dam, 01 mill!;,ry ncce5$lty.

Sequoia Inslallalion

W~ were prlvllelled to In.L,1l S<.'Qllnl., rr~ld~nt Sak Okamura aod hIs new cablneL Tonslm~ ~'­t~r M tUUkaWil or Jal)"n Air l ,iUl' , III Inlr...Judn!! the bCNd t.lble. dcll~hUul\y ntanaJ:''<! 10 Rrl husb,ulds and wive. . IIlI ,,.. up much to Ute coll'rt;ullnlt'ot 01 . ""erYODC Ine!udinJ: Redwood CIty l'>Ia.,·or <lntl Mrs . W,·)-mouU. 'l'h~ banqu~t pro.;r.,m covers were courles,' of J n I' "n lr Lines, natch We suspect on In· dlnnUo" on our p<"t toword Rl'dwood Cih·. partlv b~causc

nur birth I. rCllblrred Ihrr •. but morc >0 breau.e 01 Ule conllcnlAI J.\CL"r •. ampl~' rvldent at the po. t-Installatlon inlormal recep­tion al 1000 Clubber r. Hunlel 001'. ~hnngjnJ: Dlreclor of Redwood

C.ty Chamber of C (> m mer c c Frank Brinkman lold of Ihl' prob­lems 01 hi. organi2..~Uon. ralher apropo:; of J ACL. 'l'he C of C found II was trying to be aU thinl!. 10 aU men. SO the Boord decided 10 conc~nlrate upon the primary purposes of the or!lanlz~. lion, and found that the orllanl' z,~lion grew .trootter and .. ttmet· ed more members Ihoreby.


With Mr. Justin Herman, DI· reclor of San Francisco's Rede­velopment program, sched\lled for the San Chapter installation banquet on Feb. 10 he should command a good sIzed audience since the Japanese com­munity Is vitallv aUeeted by the redevelopment and rehabUitation program o( the cily.

This we~k Detroit 1000 Clubber and internallonally known archi· teet M1Doru Yamasaki head!ines our lown as he addresses a joint luncheon of the National Home Fashions League and the West· ern Mercbandise Mart on a sneak preview of San Francisco In 1965, with special reference to the Japanese cultural center blocks whIch he Is helping 10 design.


F.ft arid bcca~ acquainted

blla-Ihrou.h C(>rrcspondenee SlIb,rquent 1061 memberships wIIIdI Walt was nev r 100 from Milwaukee ond MODterey

= attftld. Th follo • .-iru: ft.v!' Ibese two chapters all-Ume be became "11r Na- ..

. I l"ftMdent. • hij(hs. B .. kersCield and Puyallnp V.,lIey have done better th.~.n last

'!WItlkr Tlukamolo's en'lers to YI'ar. RepOrls have also been re­- eapedaCly fnvaluable ceiv~ from Alameda. Fremont. ... Pftwa )'RES In stop. Portiand, Salt L"ke City, So­

..... ete ",pealed rfforts at Cali· quais, Southwest Los Angeles,

..... poHt/clabS and pre<s"re and Slockloo. 10 bobst memMr-

11 III &itcrarMlI~ 10 pro- sh' 5 000 t rNIdeot aliens lrom en-, __ ._P_Io __ . __ . ______ _

In comm~rclal Ci hing. bIll&-_re InWriably Inlro- GUITARIST TO PLAY AT

Et ev.rJ leatslative session

.dIteeCed ... iDst Ibe l$sei EAST LOS ANGELES JACL tmder die old cliche

...... IuD. baits wl!re DOth- INSTALLATION DINNER

.... 1Iut ~rU qI. .J.pan·s Im-PIffjd ... "" spytq America's Guitarist Larry Hayashida will ...... 1 traten, 0'nI7 after our be a featured entertainer at the J'eDlnl from tile .. e~t coast un- East Los ADtteles JACL installa-

~mll byifetla was the lion dinner-danee IOmorrow night

J..ects/alure able t.o at Swally's Restaurant. He Is the jlua biD wbl8b .rACL sub. "" son of Charles Hayashida, past

luId det!lared Wlconsl:itu- president of Ibe San Luis Valley by tIa U.s.~~ CQUCI JACL. and nephew o( the East

lD \lie · ... ~btlasbl Casf. LA. chapter president Mrs. Mable Wilt bad a 1"OU8II time In r .. lo- Yoshizaki.

.... ceDkr bee..,., o( his oul- ['red Takala, JACL regional di·

~D Amerlcanl"". Hr. was reclor, will swear In the ollicer~ ~ ~PPlM "'hen the brlnll h(':tded by Mrs. Yosblzakl

Irtrn7 c:baqed 1\5 mind abaul for a .eeood time. Other member$ at~ "'H[, for h~ bad al- of the cabinet and board are:

...... .. lted 17 long years in ... ,:r~~~:rJ:OI"~~~ U.~:~8~lA,;.:~~: I'" AJ'JI17 Reurve lor a chance Shl .. MI~" hb' New oUicon-Frank

... adt#fI hla l"O<JDtry. We had Okamolo. V.p.; (menob.); Rlro Omura,

oc.'NDon to vlsit Watt at P"l ~~.1~~~:.·~1!~ I ~:::'~ ~~r:n1t1:r~. P~~I ~ as be helJlf'd the many «I. IfIIioI 0/', the", untanttle their ApP<l'n,pd-CporR" Wotanabe. 1000 ",..1 Jlf'ohlfm,. After a tOllr 01 Cluh: Fronk K.w."".. Bob Sawal dUty .In Jap;.n. hI'! wa. stAllonerJ Yl')~~~d ot GnVf'rnor _ &oJn Purut .... .t the San Franrisco Pr~ldIO. o.'I'J"" Klllw" ,.,..rd Wllkab'VHlhl 0It ~I OI:caslons hI.' came Dr. Ro~rl Obi. Dr Ceor,e W.da, Cy .. III Sail lAk., CI\y tor asslttn. ~~~~h~.~';'''''bn~~~k •.• ~d' c~:i; mata at Ft. Doullas and he Nnml ilWlQ'I bJked us up at Head- Roy Yamadera will be inastmas­quarters. W hen Head<luarters ter. Dinner will be served from lIIqVed back t.o San Francisco, 7 p.m. and dancing wW mntlnuc bUsy " he was at the Pn!Sldlo, until 1 a.m. be wOuld call UI once In a dUe 10 a.k bow thin"" were 1101111 1t!'IIlI JACL. It mUll h.w~ NeD qaHe ntbfylng 10 him 10


-----*----'Alt. :II (lI.tprtl41) "~'''U''-C''"IV.I. MPmotrl.1 H.U .:'ke~(.'IlVlPr - Jnu\MUon dlnnC!,.

~_Kl~~= ~I~n". · r. S~II.r

,..'" - end II tfnlQn .nnua) ~i. r. lAce . • p.m. Iiino""" "" .... ~I ... I.lI.IIQn dlnner-

•• 111..' .... 1Ie,.... lal 8. Boyl.. ?

1 ... - n n •••• 1)

-" ..... n: f... A.-tn .... "~tlDn dlnn,."

... 0"jZ:,i. "l:r' (~:;'d~Y) C~I~d!;:' f,"r~~:~ Ln late an ..

~T".....:·I,!.. C~~targ:rtJO ,Unn~r.

1 p.m.; C.tJT" I\I(I)rl1 . Ok' n~'n".".Ut)" dtftMr, Stout.

It,. .. ns ,:;c'~d.(/.I.:;, atr"",to M'!"~.!';'~~n dlm,er. Hf)u I'll ~!1!~'.tv '1' ... T.noll"" dlnd'r, IIplnd ~.'t.~.ntl til p.m,

e 3ACL 't:':'fj",ly It: """1 fhkf'flU .. ,tj '0. 1 ITU"'OYI

Eaat tAl. An.,I".-t;If!n,,,,.1 rn~.tln • . 'n ....... II"".1 Ih."1 uc-

!tin ,,.ncr.:~~J:Lf1rt'~~!~l,., . AtUlh.

:.7tMt~,/t~;r;II~:!~~f~~ ~1~~~rJt'~ II" fr,,7.~: "/i","'."'''d.a ...

P.,.&e,-%Sth A"nIV""",y 'IInntt. ,._. It (.u"4'a,1)

PSWDC-<:lt.p .... clink' .. Ct)8ch"11i V.I ... ley .nd F .. t lJI An,,,I,., JACI4 ("0.

~ .P1m~'C~~rr~~~~n'b,~tl,.~h!n1!~ , :nJ: ... :t~~(;~.,J'rr';~II .) O/''''~. &:311

tloo-WN~-"',"'''''rIV m'4!nn,.. r(Jn. I,. (·,.,.h JAC' hott. CmJf"ortJ Inn .... WUI ,'I fld (" Itv.urd I n.

Pioneer Issei farm expert naturalized

SAN'J'A ANA .-A Japanese Imml· I:rant who came 10 thIs eounlry :IS years ago and bonored through Ihe years by both his naUve aDd adopted land, achIeved a Ilrelong ambllion ibis past week.

Tsunejl ChIno was onc of 88 Oran,e County realdenls who be­came cltizeno. His wHe, Mlyo,hl. al50 was amonlC the group. The coupl~ lives at 845 E. McFaddcn, SanWt Ann.

ChIno wa 0111' 01 27 Amcrlcana hOllot/'d laot Jllnr h.v one o( Ja­pan', hlglwat h'Jrlor. . thp FIfth Ord"r of Ibe Sacred TreBure 01 Japan. beslowed on hIm by Em­""ror Hlrohlt.o. Gen. Dougla. Mac­Arthur WD. onr of the others t.o n·r .... h'(' !hI' hf}Mt.

'flit! il word was In rccLJg4 nltlon 01 ChIno' lonl: rpcurd 01 brlnlllntt about hormonloue rela­tion& between Am~rltan. 01 JapH ne.c drscent Rnd those of Cnue", I"n blIeklVttund. JlI •• rr'Jrlll Irtl 10 npn-.'III"rer.

monl lind I"ter rep',,,1 of Call. tornill'. "lien I,nnd Law. pn "('d In Iho early IwenUes.

As • celery grower In th~ Chula Viall, • rell h" worked conlta nU, t.o Improve relotlon. with native Am""le""o, and won hlmsolf hIgh r~tt~rd amoll~ hi. nl'llIhbor. •• t.: Ifj.od by hi "I~cllon 10 th. boM,1 ftl dl.-rtor of th,· dumber ,,1 '·, rc III lJa.~1 dly


East los Angeles and

Coachella Valley

divide Clinic chores

F'\II" I pion. tor Ihe 1001 chnt'tel' eUnlc of Ihp Pnr.lllc SuuU.wcsl 01,­trltt Counell w,'rc completed 01 'I",clal mcetln/! of reprcscntntlves Irorn Enst Los Anlleles ond Conch· cUn Volley chnptcr, nt Indio In. t Sunda\'.

Bccnuse it wns Ih,· Inlenl of U,e Counrll to Rvoid tl1I' rush .,f crowds durin/! the Indio Dote FesUval. lhe ch.,ph.'r cHute hns been moved 1111

10 Sunday. Jo' b. 12. at Pillecrall Dilling Room on State HIghway 111 and Madlooll St., Just [' .~ mll,'s cast of ludlo. t" •• Date Fe.llvnl I. schedull,<! lor tb .. (ourth wcckel"l of February aod UIC rh~pler clinIc hod b"cn tentAtively ,I.'t for I'cb.

26~ rull d;ly'. program begins with relll. lralloll at 9,30 lI.m. lind dl,-Irlct council busIness (rom 10 until 12:30 p.m. with Kay NakAlllrl. PSWDC chaIrmAn, prc.lding. A buteet luncheon follows lind the ehoplor e1lnlc wlU lost from 2 until S:30 p.m.

Chapter or tb~ Vt ..

The "Chaplcr 01 Ide Yenr" Award will bo presented by Kango Klln!­tsUI:II. Immediate past district council chRirmnn, and Nolio,,"1 JAC!- Pre.ldent Frank Cbuman wlU be Ule main speaker at Ibe dinner starting 01 6,

The Coachella Vnllcy JACL htls promised to I/Ive each delegate attendIng n bal! 01 theIr world famous Coachella grape(rult 10 tAke home as a souvenir o( the It visIt.

Fees (or Ibe day; $1 .50 reglstra· tion. $4.50 lunchcon I includes rel!­istrallonl, $3.50 dinner on~7 package deal for all events and reglstratioo.

Chuman Is calling on Informal meeting of all chapter preslden!!; durlnlC the luncheon. Regional dl· reclor Fred Takata hopes that each ebapter prestdent wW make a spe­clal attempt 10 be preseot.

Cbartered Bus S~t The regional offlce bas on·

nounced Ibat a chartered bus will be leaving 125 Weller St. at 6:30 a.m. on the day o( the meeting. Round trip fare will be $4.25 per ~rson. Reservations arc 011 a tlrst come-first serve basIs. The new bus will accommodate 41 passeng· ers.

Present at the meeting last Sun· day were Kay Nakagiri. PSWDC chairman: regional dIrector Fred Takak,: Mrs. Mabel Yoshizak. and Roy Yamadera 01 East Los An­geles, Tom Sakal and George Shl­bala o( Coaohella Valley ..


Long 8eacbelects Art Noda chairman, eyes 600 members

LONG BEACH.-Arthur NOOa, WO' prielor of lbe Santa Fe Jewelers and member of an ardent JACL family, was elected 1961 chairman of the Long Beach-Harbor DIstrict J ACL. He is Ibe 13th presIdent in the ehapter's 22-year hislory.

Serving on the board are: Allan Kobala. exec. v.p.: Mrs. Ruby

Mlo. adm. v.p.: Dr. [taru l shJda. trea:..: Mrs. Loulu Ktkawa. cor. sec.: Mrs

t~~~J.e b~tta~~~' ~i~k~~~:U~'~~!: blood b.nk sec.: lurZ;:UJnl Yamashita, hI.!.; Dr. Kal5uml Izumi. 1000 Club; Dr. John Kashfttabartl, mc.mb.: Kot) 110, pub. re1.: Hath Ya5wnura, youth: Lloyd Na"alanl. RI-Co.

other members of the board are :

rl.Pt~:ver.~!lt:eJlr~tt1~I:I't.. CCa'btf; t!::: saki. Suml FuJimoto. Kazuo Takade, Ceor,e Nakamura, Dr. Dave ~tlura .

The chapter board met 10 plan Its pro,:ram for the year and tentatively the following events have been scbeduled :

Feb. 18-,1apanese movIes: Mar. l8--General meeting; Apr. 15-"Orienta l Fantasy" danoe; May 2G-lssei Night: June 2<I-Corona­Uon Ball: Jul.v 9-Beachcomber outing: July 2.1-Community pIc­nic..

Sept. 16-General meeting: Oct. 21-"Autumn BaU": Nov. 24-25-Basketball Invitational To urn a­menl and Award-Dance: Dec. 9-Installa tion din n e r: Dec. party; Dec. 3O-New Year's dance.

Bloocl Bank

Members of Ibe local J ACL, gardener's assoclallon and the Har­bor DIstrict NlkkclJln Kai have contrIbuted 74 pints of blood to lIS Harbor District Japanese Blood Bank since Its Inception In Febru· ary. 1059. As of mid-January. 36 pInts have been used by members, one porson requIring as many as 13 transfusions.

JACU,rs were urlled 10 join the Blood Bank. To maIntaIn acUve membership, a member of the famIly eontrlbulos aplnt of blood at the Red Cross not oftener than (JIIce oycnr.-.presently. It L, about once In two or Illroe year.. The Red Cros. will noltry member. when their turl! 10 donote comes. Nalurally with more members In the group. the less orten one must give.

Mcmb.~hlp GOII: 600 Il~ .roo n"· to Uw current menl­

be .. hlp campaign by mall hn g been . Iow bulllraUfylng, "coordlnl( 10 pallt pre.ldcnt Dr. Kashiwnbaro, member ~hlp chairman who ho. an­nouncl'd a goal o( 600 .

""raonnl conVilS. I being I>lan­ned

'nlc [fIRI do,,,'!' dolSc. for hf'­!llnM" and Intf'rmrdlnlc . tlldenL. bellnn Wednr duy nl"ht at the Hor­bor Communlly Center. Joc Fletch­or and Belty Ruft 01 the Joe Pletcher Oanco StudIos tirc In­s trucllng, The 10-weck Icnlon Itortlnll Feb. I will b,' $12.50 per )'K'r.un 1111! buglnJlor'a "roup mrct .. I 7'30 p.m., find UIL' Inlermedl!le

11Il1 .. /lI . tal t at U_


B,'11l1! cOIlWntlllnl"d for hellll: n'-decled I,n'sldont of the Wc.,t Ln.. Anlld" JACI, I Aklrn Ohllo ( .. '<'"lid from rillht), shuklnj( hnnds with City Cou"ellm"" RtUltlbo .. /:. ,Joinlnl( hIm ale (from lelt) F"NI T"kuln, .IACL relllon,,1 director, KD .V Nullll~~r1, PSWI)C choll'mull ; IIlId Nullonal JACI, Fr"nl, Chllnlan (nl cl(trem,· rlghl).


BV HAnnv IlONO" As Frnnk Chumnn, N;IIlollnl

JACL Presldenl, makes his round. 01 Iho ehllplers since he look otrlce At Sacramento lo sf July, he hns underUned U,e ns~ct ril "AmerlcDlI Cltlzrn" In Ihe nrl(alli. zoUon's UlIe: Japane.e AmerleuD Citizen League.

By "Amellieon Citizen", Chuman means Ihat NiseI DS cItizens 01 the community "n e e d not be shackled by Interests of problems purely Japanesc". Chumnn plae~. fundamental impOrt..nce on the meaninlt o( "cItizenshIp". lI.\d II Is in this dIrection Ihal the whole organiZAtion must go.

Last week at the West Los Angeles J ACL Jnstallatlon dinner· dance, Chuman who llrew up In the saIDe neighborhood as the 1961 West L.A. chapter president Aklra Ohno repeated he would cali the roll of tbe chapters at the 1002 national convention In Seattle to see how many mcmbers are reg­Istered voters.

"I want every member 10 be a reglslered votCI'," Chuman ex· claimed, "because Its exercise is a basic right. ..

"1( we mean what we say Ithal Nisei are American cItIzens 01 Japanese ancestry). let's be Amer­icans and be regIstered to vole," he added.

At previous occasions, ChOman had noted that local polilicians know how many Nisei voters reside In Iheir district because of their names are easHy recognizable on the rolls. The list of voters is a matter of public record and acces· sible to anyone for Inspection.

'Invlslhle J\mer[cans'

Addrcssmg an overflow n\<dl­ence of some 150 at 1<Inl:'s Trol>kal Inn. Chuman described tho Nisei as Ihe "invisible Amenic811s". not· log that they a're disappe.rlpl: Crom the community SellRe. '!'4ey ore not attending the professiOnal conventiolls In prOl>orlionate num· bers. They are not as aeUve as tbey shouid be in schools, commu· nily and other oivic organizations.

"We should take more interest in local, state and natlonal-even international-atealrs. IC not, we're not performing our dulies as full American eiUzens." Chuman went on extemporaneously.

By the same loken, Chuman hoped that J ACL would be able 10 bust loose (rom its "insularism" and ta ke more active Interest in aUairs not strictly Japanese. Even tbe general meelings, he suggest­ed. could include speakers kllowl. edgeable in nalional de(euse, lhe

scicnClis. BchutJlA. ('le ' f nod each community has 0 weolth o( men "lid women In these [Ields.

Narcotlo rroblem On thIs point lhat JACI, should

take Rctlve Inlorest In problcms nol strictly Japanese but whleb embraCC~ thd entire communi ty In which Nlsni Hve. Chumoll revealed U,al Ihe chtlplers III Call!ornlJl wlU gear their whole program 10 know­Inl: more "bout the narcotic prOb­lem In the stato, whIch has be­come a mAjor cl'lsls.

Governor Brown has rormed n California Study CommissIon on Narcotics, 10 which Chuman Was reeeotly appointed.

This step was applauded by Ihoso ollcnding thc dinner, the secono Ume his lalk was Interrupled by nQPlausc. The Ilrst interruptlop came whon Chuman wanted all J ACLers to be rel;llslered voters.

New The new ollicets o( Ihe chapter

ond the women's auxlliary, the only women's group organized In the PSWDC, were installed by Fred Takala, regional director.

Sworn In were: Chapter-AkJ Ohno. pres.; Jjro Mo·

chlz.ukI. 1sl v.P.: Shfgeo Tnkeshlt8. 2nd v.P.: Roy Takeda. treaa.: Klyo Nomu .. rn, ree:. scc.; Mary Dcguchl. cOJ;. sec.; Steve Yuel. mCO"Ib.: Mlts NI,lilzawn, 1000 Club: Dr. Klyoshl Sonoda. Dav.e

~~n~~I: /.,~j; ~~~::l\,/~~kr.'}~~h6shf~~7. Bob Iwamoto, Tnkco YnbuLa. Tadd To· kudl'\, Joe. Sn~. bd. mcmb5.

Auxillary-Tayc l$Ono. prc$.: Satsu .. kl Uyeno. v.p.; Mrs. H~rold J{aradjl. 8C('.; Mrs. Shlgco 1:3kcshJta, lr~s.: and Mrs. S .. knc Kowala. pub.-"fsl. ,

Masler o( ceremonies David Aka­shi int(OOuci'd s~veral s I' e cia I guesLs includIng Cily Councilman 'Rundberg and vislllng chapter presi!lent" from )'as~ ["os Ange}~s IMable Yoshiznk.), Venice-Culver IJane Yamashita) and Long Beach (Arthur Nods 1.

J ACL pins for olltstanding service 10 tile chapleT for the past year were presenled by AkI Ohno to,

t ~1~~ T~~fu~~~g~~~/·l~·lts~ya So~ao~~~ f{!fyo Nomura, Mrs. Suml O$hlnoml. EJ­Icon Uchida. Sobl FuJlu. Mils Nlshl­rowo. Ceorge S~kamolo and JQc Sase.

Ol)no. a((er being sworn in a second time, thanked the members for their support and hoped even more wOllld support the program (or the coming year. The chap\('r has been active this past year with yollth and community aUalrs. '

The Rev. Dr. J .K. Sasaki of the West L.A. Community Methodist Cburch gave the invocation. The Rev. Larry Uyehara o( the West L.A. Baptisl Church gave tbe bllne­diction.


WakamQ'su reviews

'Issei Story' progress


MILWAUKEE. -The Mllwa.lkee JACL was honored on Saturduy,' Jan. 14, with lhe presence of Shlg Wakamatsu, Joe Kadowakl and Ku­meo Yoshinari lor Its annual In­staUation of oUicers beld at NIno's Steak Round-up, slle of the now famous MDC Convention whing­ding held here last May.

Wakamatsu. wbo was the maIn speaker. gave a eomplelc resume of the Issei Slory project and 01 the forthoomlng goals of the no­tional organization. It was on elf> quent speech, the Immediate pasl national presIdent beIng In his usual good form .

Kadowaki, MDC chairman who Installed the board of oHicers, gave a shod speech of the merits and advances made In recent years In the Midwest District Council, and the slreamllnlng It has undergone. The flight from Cleveland was turbulent, however. so he be/lged of! gIving a "tillo Hattie" per(orm­anCe Ihls Ume.

Before Kumeo YoshlnArI, na­tional treasurer, could begin 10 throw figures at us, he wa~ I're· Hented with a gill of apprecIation (rom lhe Milwaukee Chapler for thc mnny yeors of moral Dlld physIcal suproort rendered in Ule past. Of all the Ihousands o( JACLcrs, he has been the mosl help(ul 10 MlIwullkee sInce It., In­cepllon In 1010.

611vor )'In A",ardor MIlS Noml Shlo. "Ihe f"lth(ul

one" a~ she I, refcrred to here And 0 former MlIwQukl'c choplOr preKldcnt, WAS conforrNI tl'10 J ACt. Sliver Pin . the (Irst such rrcllll enl In the chnpter. She has been Ihl' party, ~I nce 1046, 10 whom IIOY probl"m WIIK exlond"d and por· tlcularly whenevor a rough eh~lr· mnnohlp nocdL'd fillIng. It was only pro per thnt thlw hord-worklnl( J ACLor be th.· first 10 rcculve IhlA oword

The ehoplor alHO l>lllh'd 1I~I·tr on UI" b(lrk In flf:kn"wll'<lillllJ: rrr(lipt 01 Ihe .ICJO 8uvlllil0 oolld, Ule flflt

prJze award (or having tI,e besl Exhibition booUI at the Interna­UOllal ~'olk Fair here in Novem­ber, 1960.

The Folk Fair WaS participated by 33 elhnic groups and this was the second year in a row that the chapter won first prize. Prior 10 two years ago, Ulere had never been any awards for Ule Folk Fair, so 10 dBte, Mllwauke~ JACL has domina ted the field . The Folk Fair Is tbe mlljor lund-raising project of the year and has. In addition 10 the exhibit, another area where Items peculiar 10 each nationality group are sold.

Now Board Members

The new board members are DenIs Makiya, pres.: CUte Dykstra . v.p. and memb.: Julius FuJlhira. treas.: Lily Kataoka, ree. scc.: Roy Yashiro. hIs!..; Marlle Ogawa, 9Oclal: Saloshl Naknhlro, 1000 Club and Issei Slory; Helen Jonokuehl, Betty Iwata, Charles Matsumoto, and Gordon Brandes.

The ovenlng ended with Informal clanclng and partyIng Inlo Ihe wee hours of the morning.

Cortez JACl bass derby

winners for year announced eAI.-LICO. - AnllUally tile Corte, JACL awnrds a/fI'Olld I)rlze a nd some le ss ~r prizes 10 members weIghIng in Ule bIggest fi shes dur­Inl: the year.

Thl. year tbo grand prize, a pOrtuble TV "ct, we lit to Kellehl Vnmnlluchl who welllhed In wIth n 16 Ill. I~ <II.. s triper.

Runners-up were Choklehl Snkn­~lIchl, IS.7: Shln)lro SUlllurn. 15.4: Yon,'hlchl SUlllura, 15; Snb Oka· murll, J3.12: Dick YI.mashll«, 1.1.0'''.:: Sam [{uwohnrn. II.~ : 'l~I.,

Mllsudo, 10.0: unci EJrnosL Yosilldn nlld hi> wIfe, lied II~ O,j

Mt. Olympus donce closs SAUl' LAKID CITY - 'l'he MI. Olympus ,IACL hAS storted a closs In bull room dunclnl( U,I ~ w~ek at 'l'qny dp Cn"'u Studio, G73 E. 21st Soutb. Rclko NudLu I~ chulrulU li .

J,' LiYiHg with JACL: by IIbut'tI f(ido . ,

The ',rsf Bieanlal' ' 11.1111:· AI'~ lookl"" Ul'! My frlcnd w Arc eomln" 10 the

rescue! Aklrn Ilorlko"hi. of the "rll(lnal

convontlooe," from Son Fran cloco who . UII lives U,ere, rllm· nHll:ed Ihrough his .llIfe Aod fOllnd his copy 01 UIC Jopane"., AmerIcan CourIer doted Sept. 6, 1030. I don't know how he re· talned thl. copy slllee It Is over 30 years ago. However, the 1m. pOrk,nt thlnl! Is that It hRS been made available to me nnd per· mlts me 10 recall the Ilrst na· tlonal J A C L convention wIth greulet' dCi,.;III .

I'AIIT (I : ('ollllllued

(Th~ moln 1)f!lnl" 01 tho 1G30 ' uWr t:onventlon \Vrr. repnr~d fll Mr. Khln 'a cOl ullin I .. ~ week. HOlm. of Ibe detaiL'! and slde­lI(hh wlU IIr o,ttred In Ih. en· • Ull1K InstaUmrnl!t,-Ed.)

" ccordlng 10 thc summary o( lite convention reporll'd In the COllrler of Sept. 6, 1930. It at> pears I did present the matter of a mutual beneCll plan (reported as " fraternal Insurance" In the .Jan. 13 InslallmcntJ but no IIC'

tlnn WaS taken. Apparently, It wns tabled lor lurther study.

Although It maY be repetitious and ledlous. I would like 10 add lhe summary contaIned In Ibe CourIer. Arter all, thIs conven· Uon was Ille beginning of our National JACL. It sbould be 01 Interest to the younger as well as the long-time members 10 know what transpired at lhe con­ventloll wl)leh laid the Ioundatlon of our organlzatlon back In 1930.

InStead of calling them "na· tional commlUee meetings" as we do toaay, tha 1930 parley

I caUed Ibem "round tables" and there were Clve: Cl) legal, rz) roolitleal, (3) soola l, (4) eepnom· les, lind (S) international.

The summarIes are as rollows: "LEGAL-Discussion of Cable

Act amendment, resulUng In draftiog a reljOlutlon 10 Con­gress. DIscussion of naturaliza­tion law and of Japanese World War (1) veterans o( the U. S. Army: resolution 10 Congress drafted.

"Immigration problem and tbe Ael of 1924. DlsC'Usslon of pass­port problem.

"POLITICAL -DIscussion on Ibe number or eligIble volers In the distrlc:t reprcsented by eacb chapter and Ibe draCtlntt of a

Ihat tlIO.. who attend rollege and I(rnd"nle should hovt' 8 scI film And sUc k to It after they geL through school

"Sumo SUlll (o( Los Angeles 1

reported on the work beln" eur­dod on at Sl:<ln(ord UnIversity by mean. 01 a CornCllle EndoW­ment on tho second generation J apanese.

"INTERNATIONAL - Inlorma­tioonl dlscIIsslon by Mr. S:lkutllu­chI on the .Ifeel of Iho Jlfllng o( lhe gold embargo by JQJ)an had on trade with (he rebt of lhe world, the e((or16 of lhe present (J.1oover ) admlnl~lrallon to st.ablllze UI~ economic condi. tions and the td ct IMt commo­dIty prices ha ve reached the In­ternational average .

" [lIforma tlonal dl .eussloll by Mr. Ytununaka On U,e (orelgn trade o( tI.e United Sillies, how her ImpOrts and e><ports cumpare wllh Ihose of other nntlQl1s. the fact that the U.S. hold" lbo key 10 lhe world's law 01 supPly and demand. and thaI Intcrnallonal tr~de 15 b •• ed on the pMnei!>le 01 reclproclt.y and Inlerdepend. ence."

", F. vnrlte liubjett

ft mll st be noted Uw t 01',' <>1 the favorite convention sllb,ee16 o( those days was tbe marrIage problem. I used 10 take }lreat pride In the laet that the Jap~­Dese exercised eugenics In theIr marriage. I remember lecturinR on Ihls subjcct at Mills Collel/e and at San Jose State Tl!aeher', College.

The poinl 1 was trylnlt \0 eBtab­llsh was the faet that the asci custom of .. plclure brIdes" was not as inhuman as many of the AmerIcan public had thought. The oustom relled uroon the long trad!­tlons and pride In oOQ's family background. The cuslom included Ibe calling lor the services 01 a middleman ("balsbakUllw"l 10 check in\<> the families of the parties betrothed. [t was not a oastc system as Americans were led 10 believe, nor using 01 young people as chattles.

The Nisei today are aware of the cODflIct Ihat existed between the American style of marriage through loVe and the Japanese style of pre-arrange marriages. We nrc also aware of Ibe com­promise that bas evolved of al­lowing the parrots 10 select a

"b.,.hDkunlll" ollly ~rter u •• OJ> ""rtunlly 01 a.sod.tlnll (Ir.;1 Is given belore consen!lng 10 mar­rl~JI " I. discussed,

During the war yr.ars, th ••• u!d praotlCt'1 were dlscardO<l. ~ a mlllea were no lo ng~r oble 10 check Inlo the anceslors 01 each other TIt" Allied Occupation in J ail a n aloo removod prcju<1lee against Intermarriage. Now tMI ther~ ne MDre than 25000 'SIt' calkd "war brides" In A'merlea, 1he NI~cl arc Intermarrylng aDd there I~ mUe .ald agalhst 11.

The older IIIsel &1111 Pre(cr mar­riages ""tWeen P'''OIOM ot Japa­n~ Je allcestry. However the Ja­panese community no longer CUI)­

siders Illtttmarrlage a9 8t r-trTR~ and something 10 be shuDWld. And NIseI especiaUy <! such marriages as ,"evilabie liD view 01 U.e 'soula l IntercourY~. lila! begJ.n from school day •.

H,lI.UI Okuda

In the ,~ nle Issue of the eo/trier 15 a slory of Ihe laIc lUI. Okuda. the losel pIoneer who was ad­ the FIrst Blcnnlal (tOn­ventlon.

"(Mr. Okuda ) related how ht landed In San Francllco in 187.l, clod In 0 cheap slIlt wfth only two dollars In his pocket. lit loot his way 10 a farm and was unable 10 aek anyone as he klH!w no English. He slept in barllS. haystacks and odd places lor lack of a ho!ne,

"He wO.kt;!l for months under a foreman ,' only 10 have the latter dbappt>ar onc nlgbt. leav­Ing hIm ~~t the wages that wcre commg 10 hIm. He tramped up aod doWn the coast, finally lIetOlng doWll In Seattle, wber~ he bas bec'l for 33 years.

" In conclUl;lon. he remarked: •. 'It Is a great work you are

doing. ThIs Is a history-making convention. rt what Ibe First Generation d!d we kept no nc­ords. We have coUected old ma­terial on them, but no one caD get everyt}1~g. You mUst ke~1' a record so that future genNa, tlons caD 'tell you dId ...

" ''The FlNt Generation's woyk could Dot ill!! completed beeause we have no 1V0te. but YOIl have the right. U.e that right \() your best loterests', and questioris will soon be scrttled one way or 3;11'

other. This I is my earnest de' sIre: "

resolution. Dlscussion of I>olillcal By the Board', ethics, Ibe opInion peing ex-pressed that standards are un­even; ilnd Lhat . the Citizens League chapters ' should not vote in a btoc but (that each member vot'll IndepeDdentiy.

"TIJe genel'lll,opinion was. held that women, both of Japanese and citizens of the United States, were taking an increased interesl in politics and Ibat though Japa· nese women had no vote. ~hey inOuellced the poijtieal stream 01 Jamn.

" Discussion of Japan's politi· cal berlllage, anll its comparison wllb the polltieal structure of the United Slates.

SOCIAL-Four ways in which the Second Generation may gain recognition: III Power of num· bers. (2) In commercial field. (3) Social contacts. (4 Own in· f1uencc-characlcr and personal· tLy.

"Disell'sslon of marriage prob­lem.

"Recommendation that Japa· nese language s c boo I should teach Japanese hislory and eul· ture as well as tile Japanese laJlguage.

"ECON03DCS - Discussion 01 farming on the fact tbat Japa­nese American citizens bave a great Iield in the agricultlll'al line, being able by their knowl­

Continued Irom the Front Page

being awesome, in area, reSources, popullltion.

To my right at the dinner table sat Mrs. OUlon S. Myers,

"a real peop1e" as tlley say. Delightfully natural, down to

earth, rt was not hard to see where her husband, wartime

head of the W.R.A., derived much of his hWJ)anity ivhicb jn­fused the administration of the relocation camps. We hope

her gralldchlldren liked the "kokeshi" dolls that Congress­

man lOan Inouye and others of us showered upon her.

'To Get a Job Done, Give it to I Busy Person'

And that must have been how Mrs. Clairc Minami \\'lIS

selected as gllneral chairman 01 the dinner-dance. Others .in­formed me that she sandwiched this project between teach.­

ing school and meetiBg her wifely and motherly duties. She's •

also a truly smooth dancing partner, managirig to follow evep

this writer's awkward shuffling_

A Chapter with Loverag_

The Washington D.C. Chapter is undoubtedly eminently

unique among the 80~oUle chapters of Ute organjzalion. Be~

cause it is located in the nerve ce,nter of our nation, thE!"-. chapter's role, influence, activities and prQDouncemenls can

be tar-reaching and magnified manifold. Thus, it is a cbap­

ter which, more than any other single chapter, serves the

edge of English 10 cut down the interests of all and does so, by the way, most unselfishly. And e)'''peose now existing between the SO it was heartening when administering tbe oath of officc Japanese farmer and tbe con-I ' . ' ~umer. to see many experienced JACLers 011 the new Board of Gov-

" Discussion on the proposItion ernors with John Yoshino as the chairman. John, a member '

~o ~ , ,~~~O elected Oakland president

OAKLAND.-Roy Endo was elecl­ed 1961 president of the Oakland J ACL while outgoing president Ken 1.1ntsulJ1QIo was elected chairman of the ehapter's board o( direclors.

A joint installation dinner with Berkeley J ACL is being planned for February.

On the eablnet are David Saito, lst' v.p.; Katsumi FUjII. 2nd v.p.: Charles Kawasaki, 3rd V.p.: May I~eda, Ireas.; Alko Yokom1zo. ree. sec.: and Kathy Haglwara. cor. sec.

Serving on the board arc J ames Tsurumolo, Issei Slory chmn.: Frank Ogawa, 1000 Club: Richard Lee, social and sports: Chartes Ishlzu. pub.: Nobuta Akahoshl and HikoiclU Ta)tma, [ssei pub. reI.; Sblz Tanaka, George Kurata, Too Mayeda, Asn FuJle, Haruc Mlno­moto: Margaret Utsumi, Molly Ki· toJlma lind Grace Mlsaki.

of the President's Committee on Government Contracts. was

the immediate past presidenl of Llle Chapler'and thus brings

a fresh reservoir of experience upon which to continue to


All in I Oily'S Work

lf, like myself, you're among those who enjoy lta1.ia.D. matzahs-with-tomato-sauce (flavors include ancbovy, onion,

mushroom, etc.) topped with good fellows~p , get Jack I:li­rose, Miwe, et al to take you to a quaint place"On Sixth- Strect­

and-Someplace (it was after 1 a.m., you see). You ' U kno\("

it's the genuine article because the place has a replica or

the Leaning Tower of Pisa carved (jut of Italian marblc; if Mike tells you that the Tower is leaning in the wrong dir~­

tion, then that's the place for sure. But as ~ was saying, lbe pizzas there are delizioso! The only admonition I have to ofter

is to partake of same only afler the dance and only iI ~Otl have "no further plans" for the evening.

Since I had told wife Vicki that fd be,,home that motn­

ing, Mike and Elsu kindly saw me off to thc Pennsy talion,

Mike being able to locate it without havillg to depend on

Etsu this lime. The train pulled into Philadelphia just be­fore 5:00 a .m . /lncl (arty minutes Inter, upon reaching home,

ALIEN ADDRESS REPORT I find Vicky reading "Hawaii" while awaiting me to check in. And so ended a day which began on noon the day before

FORMS DUE BY JAN, 31 when the rain pulled out of Philadelphia Jor Washington ._

Allen; In Southern California Just some rambling vignettes of a district coul)cil reprc cllLa' UTe r~mlndOO thot the last day for flfinl! Add,'css Report forms live's day_ Is nox! Tue ~ d9Y , Jan. St. Th.,. Sequel

luw requires every ollen except If you're stili with me, here's the sequel to the story U,o ~e having dIplomatic status. rcprescntntl"cs 01 certaIn Inlor- wherein Counsellor O'Hara appearecl for the defense: the nntlonol or,:anlutlons and per- h tId on nrobalion Some .ons ndmlltcd temporarily as boy Involved In t e racal) was pace " . ~"rle~llural laborers. must rile 20 years later, Congress)tlan O'Hara met the man again.

dllrlng U,e month 01 January quite by chance, on the streeL So glad and grateful was the

ca.n ~e YJ~~'L Reglonnl Ortlee wW man that he startled the Congressman by bending down and

assist Issei III I theIr lorms. kissing his defense laWyer's sh~el It seems that the man had

CORRECTlON been paying penance for hi mtStal.ce all these years by con-

Nome o( the young Son OJogo trlbuting a major part of h.15 mbdest earnmgs to"ard belp­girl III last week's 1,lcture on page' ing the Indicent and the needy. I I. Ducky OlluyushJ.-Ed. I

~ :J
