w.a.l.t (we are learning to)

Oban High School Personal, Social and Health Education Active Travel Lesson Health and Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To) Develop an understanding of the reasons why exercise is good for us Understand the benefits of reducing the use of cars and buses Appreciate the benefits of cycling and find out about safe cycle routes

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To). Develop an understanding of the reasons why exercise is good for us Understand the benefits of reducing the use of cars and buses Appreciate the benefits of cycling and find out about safe cycle routes. W.I.L.F (What I am Looking For). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)Develop an understanding of the reasons why exercise is good for us

Understand the benefits of reducing the use of cars and buses

Appreciate the benefits of cycling and find out about safe cycle routes

Page 2: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

W.I.L.F (What I am Looking For)

Pay attention to the introductory PowerPoint

Participate in the pair / share exercise

Work collaboratively in groups to produce information leaflets and a poster to encourage the use of cycling as a means of exercise and raise people’s awareness of the new cycle track between Oban and Fort William.

Page 3: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Why is Exercise Important?Why is Exercise Important?Exercise keeps you fit and healthy and helps you to feel good. It's important to take exercise regularly, at least three times a week. For the exercise to be effective, you need to do it for long enough - at least twenty minutes - and hard enough - until you are breathing heavily.

Page 4: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise builds up your stamina or staying power - your ability to keep going without feeling out of breath.

Page 5: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise helps to keep your lungs in good condition. When you exercise you breathe more quickly and deeply, because you need more energy and use up more oxygen.

Page 6: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise builds up your strength by developing your muscles and keeping them in good working order.

Page 7: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise helps to make your heart work more efficiently. It improves your circulation because it increases the rate at which the blood flows round the body. Exercise helps to protect people against heart disease.

Page 8: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise develops your suppleness. If you are supple, you can bend and stretch your body easily, and you are less likely to injure yourself.

Page 9: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise can help you to control your weight. It uses up the calories in food that might otherwise be stored as fat.

Page 10: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingSome good reasons for taking exerciseSome good reasons for taking exercise

Exercise helps you to relax. It is a good way of getting rid of tension, when you feel stressed.


…what’s stress??

Page 11: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingAre you getting enough exercise?Are you getting enough exercise?

Working in pairs, make up a diary for each day of a typical week. Remember to include walking / cycling to school.

Monday hours/minutes of what activity? TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

Page 12: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingAre you getting enough exercise?Are you getting enough exercise?

-Feedback to class-Feedback to class

Discuss how much exercise you have each done. Now set yourselves a ‘fitness target’, for example, ‘In four weeks’ time I shall be able to cycle for 5 miles’. Do not be too ambitious. Set yourself a target that you have a good chance of achieving.

Page 13: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and WellbeingCUTTING DOWN OUR CAR USECUTTING DOWN OUR CAR USE

Read through the suggestions on the following slides of ways to get people to cut down on the use of their cars. Discuss which of them do you think are most likely to be effective. Can you suggest other measures that governments and councils could take to get people to use their cars less?

Page 14: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Make drivers payMake drivers pay

The more it costs, the less people will drive. Hong Kong, for example, penalizes drivers who use the centre of the city. A computer-based system tracks car movements into the downtown core. Charges vary with time and location - it's cheaper to drive down a main street at 3.00am than during the rush hour.

Page 15: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Make drivers payMake drivers pay

A similar scheme has been introduced to discourage people from driving in Cambridge city centre. The amount you have to pay depends on how long you spend in the city centre - so if you take the risk of driving into the city and get stuck in a traffic jam, it can be costly.

Page 16: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Make drivers payMake drivers pay

Singapore penalizes the solitary driver. Drivers of cars carrying fewer than four people pay a monthly fee of 50 dollars if they enter the city during the morning rush hour. Since the system was introduced, downtown traffic speeds have increased by 20 per cent and accidents have fallen by 25 per cent.

Page 17: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Improve public transportImprove public transport

People often drive cars because public transport won't do the job. But if public transport is quick, convenient, reliable and affordable, people will use it. According to the National Federation of Bus Users, the main reason people give for not taking buses is their unreliability.

Page 18: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Improve public transportImprove public transportBritain's railways compare unfavourably with railways in the rest of Europe. In France, for example, the rail network is twice as large as Britain's and the service is more extensive. Britain's investment in railways is a third of France's investment and a sixth of Germany's.

Page 19: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Improve public transportImprove public transportIn recent years, Britain has spent public money on roads, while other European countries have put large sums of public money into railways.

Page 20: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Cut the car spaceCut the car spaceIn some towns and cities, streets have been closed to cars. In Florence, Italy, the centre of the city has been turned into a pedestrian mall from 7.30am to 6.30pm. York is another town where the centre has been largely pedestrianised.

Page 21: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Cut the car spaceCut the car spaceAnother method is to cut down on the number of parking spaces available, or simply charge more for those that already exist. Certain cities have two-tier parking charges with cheaper rates for those who want to shop for a few hours-and crushing rates for those who drive to work and park for the day.

Page 22: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bikeBoost the bikeBicycles are enjoying a revival as more and more people cycle either to work or to the shops. Bicycles are efficient, cheap and quick-especially in car-clogged inner cities-and cycling helps to keep you fit.

Page 23: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bikeBoost the bikeEurope has led the way in this revival; the Netherlands for example, has 14,OOOkm of bicycle paths. Cities in North America and Australia are following suit. So too are many British towns and cities.

Page 24: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bikeBoost the bikeLinking bike use to public transport can reduce pollution and save energy. A study in Chicago found that the average bike-and-ride commuter could save around 9 litres of fuel a day. Bike-and-ride is so popular in Japan that train stations are jammed with bikes. In the city of Kasukabe, cranes are used to park as many as 1,500 bicycles in a 12-storey parking garage.

Page 25: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bikeBoost the bike

Page 26: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!The whole of S1 are going to compete for some amazing prizes.

The 1st prize is a Day’s Gorge Walking with Stramash!

Page 27: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!

There are many more other prizes to be won, but you need to be in it to win it!

Page 28: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!What do we need to do?What do we need to do?

Working in groups of 4, you will collect information on the Oban to Fort William cycle route.

Page 29: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!What do we need to do?What do we need to do?

You will use this information to produce leaflets and a poster to encourage use of the cycle track.

Page 30: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!What do we need to do?What do we need to do?

Some of the information will be provided, but you will be expected to collect some of your own - the more you use, the higher your chances of winning.

Page 31: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!What do we need to do?What do we need to do?

Your tutor group will select the winning presentation. This group will then compete with the other tutor groups and the winners will take ALL members of the group on a day’s Gorge Walking Adventure with Stramash.

Page 32: W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Oban High SchoolPersonal, Social and Health Education

Active Travel Lesson

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing

Boost the bike - Competition!Boost the bike - Competition!What do we need to do?What do we need to do?

Work begins next week & you’ll be provided with resources to create your stunning presentations. You’ll only have 2 periods of PSEd to complete this.If you have time left today, you should begin organising yourselves to delegate tasks and agree upon resource collection. Good Luck!