wageningen imares is een samenwerkingsverband tussen wageningen ur en tno application of dispersants...

Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague, October 2, 2007

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Page 1: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO

Application of dispersants on

oil spills in the North SeaWorkshop: The Hague, October 2, 2007

Page 2: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Workshop program

10.0010.00 Word of welcome by ir. L. Bijlsma (director Waterdienst)

10.1510.15 Opening and introduction

10.3010.30 Lectures

14.0014.00 Subgroup discussions

15.4515.45 Plenary presentation

16.3016.30 Evaluation and closure

Page 3: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,


Page 4: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Word of welcome

ir. L. Bijlsma (director Waterdienst)

Page 5: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO

Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea


Page 6: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Workshop objective

Learn… from other countries Discuss… about application in NL Recommend… on a Dutch decision


…to arrive at a Decision Tree for the use of dispersants on the Dutch Continental Shelf

Page 7: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Capaciteitsnota 2006-2010

Objective How prepared is RWS for combating oil spills Which and where updating is required

Background Goals defined in ‘Nota bestrijding milieugevaarlijke stoffen

Noordzee 2000-2010’ Capacity is determined by protection of vulnerable areas National and international experience (e.g. Erika,


New in the Capaciteitsnota: Use of chemical dispersants

Page 8: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Torrey Canyon 1967Torrey Canyon 1967• 14.000 tonnes oil reached shoreline• 10.000 tonnes industrial dispersants

Page 9: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Considerations for selection of strategy

Analysis of the threat Assessment of (meteorological) conditions Evaluation of regional vulnerability

Page 10: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Use of dispersants

Basic strategy is mechanical combatement Deployement of UK Maritime and Coastguard

Agency, according to Bonn Agreement Coverage of DCS within 8 hours

Page 11: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

To Spray or not To Spray?

When is use of dispersants considered possible? acceptable? feasible?

Decision tree

Page 12: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Decision trees: To Spray or not To Spray?

Source: CEDRE 2005

Page 13: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Decision trees: To Spray or not To Spray?

Source: TNO 2004

Page 14: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Decision trees: To Spray or not To Spray?

Source: TNO 2004

Page 15: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Decision trees: To Spray or not To Spray?

Source: Lewis, 2007


1. Should dispersants be used on the type of spilled oil?



2. Is the spilled oil of a type that is dispersible?



3. Is the oil likely to be within the time “window of opportunity’ for dispersant use?



4. Are the sea conditions suitable for dispersion?





Page 16: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Workshop objective

1. Learn…2. Discuss…3. Formulate recommendations…

…to arrive at a Decision Tree for the use of dispersants on the DCS

Page 17: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

1.1. Learn

What are dispersants (Lewis)

Which response options are in use (Huisman)

Strategic/operational aspects of aircraft application (Frances)

Vulnerability of the North Sea (v Dalfsen)

Page 18: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

2.2. Discuss

Approval of dispersants

Bird vs fish debate

Dealing with operational restrictions

Monitoring of (short- and longterm) effects

Page 19: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

3.3. Formulate recommendations

formulate suggestions and recommendationsto be used when developing a Decision Tree for use on the Dutch Continental Shelf

Page 20: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Workshop program - Lectures

10.3010.30 Different aspects of oil spill dispersantsAlun Lewis, Oil Spill Consultant

11.1511.15 Current practice in response methods in the BonnAgreement Sjon Huisman, Rijkswaterstaat

11.4511.45 Strategic & operational aspects of the application byaircraftChris Frances, Maritime Coastguard Agency UK

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.3013.30 Ecological sensitivity in the Dutch part of the North Sea

Jan van Dalfsen, IMARES

Page 21: Wageningen IMARES is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Wageningen UR en TNO Application of dispersants on oil spills in the North Sea Workshop: The Hague,

Workshop program – Subgroup sessions14.0014.00 Subgroup workSubgroup work

Each divides 5 points (stickers) over subgroup questions Discussion start with highest rated question Each provides 1 recommendation on Post-It note Each is invited to answer other questions after the workshop!

SessionsSessions1. Which criteria are important for the approval of specific dispersant

products2. How can different types of ecological impact of (un/)dispersed oil be

compared3. How can we deal with the operational restrictions in using dispersants4. How should short and long term effects of dispersed oil be monitored

15.15 15.15 Break and demo’sBreak and demo’s

15.4515.45 Presentation of subgroup results16.3016.30 Evaluation and closing words