w sp p e r tw in t w i pn fallls dail...

T W IP VOL. B. KO. 278, COilNEllOTES ' mmmi - tSM M S Democrats and Insurgents Put Inheritance Increasrin Reve- nue Bill; Gift tevy Up for Consideration WASHINGTON, Fob. 23 OP)—An in- <roo80 in tho ostato or inlioritanco tuxos waa Totod into tho rovonuo bi^ in thc houao today by another combination of dcmoemtic and republican insurgent forccH. Anotbor proposnl ot tbo coali- tion^A (I'ift tax—was boforo Uio liousc > whon it Adjoumod. - I ;Botl> amondmonts wcro attnekod by I orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif; tho rate* nil along tho lino on tJio.iuinio brackets aa now rontalnod in tho luw to n max t imum of 40 per cont on tho nmount bf which thOi cstato of a dccodcnt cxcocOt $10,000,000, instead of thc presont 26 per cont ruto^r.vns ndoptod. 190 to 110. PropoM Gift Tax. Roprosont&tivo RAnisayor, rcpublicnn, Town, submitted tho estnto tax amend* mcjtt, nnd Eoprencntnttvo Qrcen, re- [ publican, lown, ehainnnn of tho ways and means oommittee, proposed tho irift tnx, which will uo voted on tomor- row, About six democrats preaent vote<l ngninst tho cstnto tnx amondmcnt which wns supported by n numbor of topubllcanft, including Chnitnian.Green, I on a division voto. An ninentUnent also wns voter] to n allow crodit fo^ estnto taxes paid to n. states up to 25 per ccnt of tho tax d levied by tho federal government. Thi^, tl was proposed by Roprtfaontntivo Prear, u republican insurgent, Wisconsin, in n reply to tbo nrgiinient of lUsprcscnla- si tivo Mill", rcpublicnn, Now York, thnt tl nn increnso in thia t;tx would mnko it n permanent part of tho federal tnxn- ri tion i^slom, nnd eventually dispose b "o fn viW source of revenue." h LeadMH Hopefnl " ■Republican orgnnijiatlon ' leadon re- , I main hopeful of a compromise on thc q income rntes when a final vote ia tnk- ), cn on the bill, notwithstnnding tho ron- „ tinued coalition of dcmoorats nnd in- f (•urgent#. Adniinintmtion spokeftmon lot it be }<nown tlmt If their tax reform progrnm ns carried In the Mellon bill does not BcftlirouKh at thiit session It will bo [ brought up again next winter. Socro- tar>* Mellon believes tho country will »bow lls favor townr'l his pina nt thci < oloetions this fnll and that its success In tho next c o n g r^ wlll bo assiiriM, rw ar Oonfldoat.' Reprosontativo F rear,. speaking for . the ropublicnn insurgents, iasnod ,a , ntntemont todny declnring his group , wns not disturbeil over tbo Longworth , compromiao for n 25 per ccnt roduc- | tion in tho surtax mtcs which would | (Continued on Pngo r,, Col. 1.) ' Farm Bureaa Man Cites Spread in > Shipping Charges Says Fanners of Pacific Ooaat Oan Undersell Mid*Western Prodaots in East Because of Low ^ a te r Rates 8T, PAUL, Fob. 25 M V -“ Th« greatest problem that tho fanner has to solve today is that of tranaporta* tion and'|iarkot’8,'-!.dcielarod John W. Covordalo^ soeretnry-troasuror of tho Amorican 'Farm Bureau Fedoratloo, boforo ropresentativos from farm bn- I reana in Minnesota, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas oad Missouri, hero today. “ Tho farm bureaus are agricultural eomniorcial clubs,” coatinucd Mr. Coverdale, "and through them it is possible that & solution theao prob- lems may bo reached. Tho national organixntion of farm bureaus has boen in effect for fivo years and sinco that timo it has been of inestimable valae to tho Ameriean farmer.'" Mr. Coverdale said that the eom- plotion of tbo Groat Lakes to tbo aoo. ^ problem will greatly benefit fanners af tho weat. Declarlsg that tho for- nter of ^h<i Mississippi valley la being diserimisated against, b» added, *'the farmer -of the west eo&at ean ship egga by water to Boston and in the market they can undenell the mid* western farmer who ships by rail.but balf the disUnco. Opening of tbe . Mississippi river to navigation will benefit the fam or of this dlstriet" The fam bur<}au repretestativei convened to fonnnlato a standard program of flnanea and organisatioa ' for'farm bnreims of thia seetioa. Ths meeting wiU ead tomomw. rOE ONLY Asst N FA Nebraska Mtui BcUka 1 at Paying $203 for Charges on Cigars Fifty Bbxea Bought at Bargain in Germany ?onnd to Be Too Expensive to Smoke I OMAHA, Fo^. « M»)—A b r o t h - ' I cr in Gormany aont Honry Hom- ing of Plymouth, Neb., CO boxoa _ of cigara bought laat aummer in t tho bomolnnd at a bargain, for tho equival«at-ln-marks of nbout ono-tbird of a cent per box. p Whon tho cigars, reached tho customs officiala hero, tho attach* od bills for duly, ocoan freight, customs entry and storago brought tho cost of tbo cigars to a total of <203.4». noa'ry decided he > could not amoko at tbat prieo and >5 tho-cigars will bo aold this week' ^ by the cuatoms collcetor to tbo ^ highest bidder. 1- ----- ; i f f l CHIEF M r s i HE ENeneED IN ^ S T O C y ilN G S <■ ' I ■■ Daugherty Acknowledges Trad- " ing in Sinclair Shares and Offers to Submit Facts to ;■ Senate Investigators « WASHINGTON, F^b. 25 M>)-Attor- 0 ney General Ihjugliorty today publidy 0 acknowlodgo<l thnt Uo hml doalt In Sin- X clair stock bcforo and siiico ho entered 1^ tlio cabinot, doelarod he hnd never mi»- r. used officinl knowledgo in these trujis- E n actions nnd rcnvwcd hin willingncsH to n submit thtf facts in nny invvittiguUou ^ it tho scnuto might order, it In an ojwn letter to S<mator Willis, republic-in, Ohio. Sir. Daugherty said ® IC ho bought Iiomo Sinclair stock bcforo 1 ho bccAnic nttornoy genorai, nnd fiu { nlly suffered a lot* o<|2S'a share. Six months nfter Teo(>ot pomo was leased f to the Sinclair intcr^ts.'ho sold part { of hw stock iu an effort to recoup | losses. 'L a te r ho bouj^ht b.nck the snino j nmount at n sllKlitly lower pricc nml t finally sold, lnst fnll, his untIre Sin- t cinir holdings. * Explains Fftilura to Act. n Tho letter also answered chargcs of fniluro to prosoriito • tfx-SMretJiry Fnll ; “j (Continued on Pngo 5, Col. 2) “ GREEK GOVERNMENT IS REPORTED AS DEFEATED LONDON, Fob. US, (m-Tho Oro«k *’*■ government honded by Premier Kofnn- ^ dnris hns fnllen, according to an Ath- *1’ ens diapateli to tho Daily Express, in consoqucnco of its refusal to accede '®* to tho domanda of tho extremists for tho eatabliahmont of a republic bcforo ~ a plebiacito was taken. ' Tlie fall of tho government camo oa a surprise, aa it irAn thought up to tho last that tho cxtromlsta would bo dc- fontod, V ATHENS, Fob. 25 (/W-At a meet - ing this afteruoon betwooa ox-Promior Venizclos and ex-Mini»tor of Foreign Affnirs Bouaaos, with General Othon- aios. rcpreacriting tho army, it was agreed that tho downfall of thb dyn- .st usty should bo proclaimed in tlic aa- rn sombly but conditionally upon confir- gg iiKition of thia decision by a plebiscito. URGES MILITARY CONTROL ’he ______ las PARIS? Feb. 25 Tho BritisU ta- primo minister, Ranmay UncDonnId, hii» W. acnt a noto to thc I'rcncli..governincnt tho on tho necessity of the roHumption of on, inter-allicd militnrv control ' in Gor- bn- many, nnd thc conditions under which ind it could be cxerclsfxl most comprchon- md sively. Tbo note will bo cliscutwied nt nn ral early meeting of tho nmbas«ndorn cou- ar. foronco. »'>; quarantin TT s W lared ' nal ______ ““ SALT LAKE,, rib. ”5 ;W )-A qoar- antlne on California livcatock was do- «o clared by Governor Charles R. Mabey ' today. Danger of spread of tho foot nnd mouth diseaio waa tho reason. • lers IDAHO POSTMASTEItS NAMEI). for- BOISE, I^eb. 25.— According, to nd- *ag vices frt)m Wnahln^^on rcc.cive<l hcroi tbe President OoolJdge hns nominnted threo bip Idaho poatmoiitors—Cbrenco P. Smith, the Eden; John E. McBurnoy, ’ Harriaon, lid* and Mrs. Hannah H. Billa, Kimberly. ' but tbe I>AW'BEZJ> DT7AIJD irill WASHINOTON, Pob. 25 {/P>— Tbo t " apt of eongress making stato workmen >ei compensation lawi applicable to alove* ard dores working upou vessels lying in Jen navigable waton waa declared today rhe by the supremo eonrt to be unconatl- tnlioaal.and invalid. SOCIATED PRESS NEM l LLS TWIK FAXia. IDABO, TXTBSDAT ENDORiiK FOR SCHOOL : NOT AN EXT] I T is the dnty of every person vote in this election. No greater expense of scho tenance is involved in the qnes of this election. The six and three-qnartere "extra” or added expense. X t add to school costs. I t provid< to the same standard as last y tbe event that the election fai Other Idaho towns have not Twin Palls. The polls win be open from school for all voters living nc street, and at the Bickel school sonth side of dhoshone street The voters who are. qnalifiei tion are: Residents of tho dist lowing qnalifications: (1) Par nnd^ 21 years of age who a (2) Taxpayers of the distriot the taxpayer. A payer of poi I regnlarly qualified taxpayer. . Candidate Ra J in First Cami Senator Reed Touches on O il; Muss in First Address; Al- leged Facts Not Given ! * ST. LOUIS, Fob. 25 M>)—Unllod I- Stiktos Scnntor James A. Rood inform- , [> nlly opening his campaign for tho dem- '* ocmtic presidential nomination to- I night dcclnrcd that in hia opinion, “ not J ono-ionth of tho corruption nud in- 0 iquitics whicb has existed is luid bure." > in referring to oil disclosures. * Ho cbarger WUUam Gibbs McAdoo, fora\or secret^ of tbo^ treasury and tn opponent for tb6 'nomination, >x- P pectoil to receive »1,194,000 In legal « fees from E. L. Doheny, oil magnnte, '* tho Chnrles W. Morso.intercsts nnd mo- >• tion picturo concerns, although he . “ <Ud not appear in n single law- m iit." ,{ Tho senator relteratod his platfon^» II .............. I ^ ' ~ \ D j-------------------- ------- tk ; ' n- ! h- in lo or ro I io * •n- ir- ^ IR "■ T T ^E l «ii —- " ^ooiisiDEB WOJ. BWl in- - y _______ roi ^ rill ^ ^ »,! B y o m R u B B iS H r Tn ^ •“ y BUT THS PTOJ «tl- and "WOTto) B wsp A per in twin F/ DAIL T MOENlNa.' PBBBDABY SO, 1024. VT OF LEVY LPURPOSES RA EXPENSE" on who has a right to do so to I iool operation or soboorbiain* ! Bstion of the success or failofe 1 rs giillq asked for is not' an I Xt does xiot increase taxes or des for keeping onr sobools np year, which cannot be done in ails. Dt hesitated and neither should m 1 to 6. p. m. at tho Lincoln north and west of Shoshone >ol for all those on the east and ; at. led to vote ^n this special elec- Jtrict with one of the two foi- arents or guardians of children I are residents of the distriot; | 3t and tho hnsband or wife of | oil tax is not recognized as a | ajjs McAdoo ^ ipaign Address I agnlnat “ opiircmivo tariffs'’ nnd for reduction in taxes, adjusted componsi- • tion to soldiers, allovintijin of farmers’] conditions. elimination of. usolosii boards and buroaus of tho govornmont, repeal of unjust oppresslvo laws, curb-.*'' I ing of tl.e “ conccritmtion of power nt |u] tjio capitnl" nnd proti'ction of th»> q /•libcmi'i of tho pooiilo.ns resorveij in • tho constitution nnd (jilt of riidits.” [ llo ruviowed tho oil ccnidnl nnd shid ^ t tho disclosures “ wnrriinted in savin;;: that tho peoplo ot rhe United Htnto ? , wero. Ivy bribery, lU privod of these grent nil de|>osits upon which thc> nation i myat rely in tho hour ot,e^tronilty. ” 1^ ^ ADVANtmD . . .'|t 1 WAStllNGTON, Feb. 25 W»>—Hear- ‘1 ‘, lng was advanced today by tho su* t • prcmo court to April 14 on tho-appeals < 0 of tho Homo and Pacific Tclephono j • nnd Telegraph companies from doeia-; ions of fcdernl district courts for t n western WaiUlngtoa ia rato caaes. j' WHY RIDICULE THE OSTRICH? ,1. * I 'I' I B~THB~0llTM0H 'WHOSE TJNTUTOBBI FALLOW A UBNU TO 8TAOOBB A (H 3 BLXO OUTDOBS HIM JJt TIMES SUOH i SWALLOW TEB MOON XT TOV SAID ,Oo*rW>^: falls COUNTY .Y Nl MSMBBR AUDrr BURB> OP aHCULATlONfl Declares Fall Hoped [ to Vain Control of f V. S. Forest Reserve I Pinohot Tells of Alleged Plan - I to Transfer Supervision of Federal Lands ' NEW YORK. F.tb. 25 Cp—Plans I to hnvo tho forest reservo-of tho i United Stntes turn>>d over lo tho I dopnrtmont of the interior, as had i been dono with Uto naval oil rc* . n * serve, hnd been made by fonnor j -Seeretnry Fj»11 of tho interior do- 1 jiartmrnt, it wmi cfiylarcd tonight by Goverunr Gifford I’lnchot of IVnnsylvnnia, in nn nddress boforo tlio survey nssocintes. Oovomor I Pinchot foniiorly was eldcf forest- er of tho United Stntes. Former President Hnrding, tho j, spi>okor nsaerted, hnd approved .of ‘ y I'SilIs pbms mid ciianicteriud Oovomor Pinchot’-j op|>0Hitiuu to ^ thn policy jis wrong. PRDJECTlH ; I I RESTOREim : J msLm ______ h Senate Takes Favorable Action } on American Falls Appropri- p ation; Also Pass on iUinidoka a r and Gem Measures P I- ,1 1^1 Tho Hcnnto hns nwtored the fedornl t I npproprintion for the American Fallj ° irrigatioi projcct nnd has passed tho it'appropri.ifions for the* Minidoka and Gem districts, according to word re* " I ceived hore Monday from Wnshington. Tbo information ns^ to action taken S '^ ,on behiJf of U»e American Falls proi>~ ^ ~ osition wns contained in the follow- ' iug telegram from (Jongresamnn Addi- son T. bmith: \ 1 “ Tho senate hns restored tho nppro- ipriation for tho Amer'can Falls pro* . Iject nnd has modified tho‘phraseology , ' jto mako it wotkablo. The house will , ir- doubtless accept tho amendment when . u. tho bill is roturnod, thus insuring the ; lIs succcm of tJio Amorienn Falls pro- no jcct." lg.. Word as to the .ipprtipriations for , or tho Minidokji nnd (irm districts wufc ; \ ■(Continuod on Page B, Col. 2.) H7: ■' ^ * I I I I BBD XEBOAT I. OOAT— .1 : - - JBABTSB8B- JD IT WJl B < iuiimw tti» Kew lo ik Wbnae, tea. ' . EWS . PEIOB rITB OEHia. JM H f i ISJILEEED IN OiPIEIAGIiaN Defense Counsel Asserts Effort Was M^de to Involve North Side Attorney; Transcripts of Letters Read . BOISE, Feb. 25 M»)—-A feud bos ox- , Iated in Rupert for tho last eight yonrs nnd attempts have beoa made to involve E.. R. Damplor declared counacl for tho Ruport attorney Mon- day in hls opening statement to tbo federal court jury which will docido whether or not Dampler Is guilty of sending obsccno letters through the maib ns charged in aa indictment' ro* tumcd against him ' during the lost session of the federal grand jury. Thc trial opened Monday morning. W. G. Bbiaell, Oooding, counsel for 'Damplor, continuing with his state- ment, charged that this difforenco bo* tween “ certain interests" had existed for probnbly 10 years and tbat aa* m other offort hss been aado to i&dlct his clleat. . ' •«. ^ Claim aieaOs Ware HlMd Damplor's offico haa been "dlota* • phoaed" and private detectives bave i>eon employed to watcb his movemeats 3 during the course bf tbo feud, deelated Mr. Blsaoll. “ Wo will provo," ho contiaued, “ that Dainplct did aot writ© not mall ll tho lotters in question and tbat tbe 1 ^ ovidenee will ahow that it was abso* lately imposalblo.for Damplor to have placed them, in the postoffico." 'I Lettan Ax« B««d TranscrlpU of tbo letter* that the “■ govcramcnt alleges Damplor sont Misa Lillian 'Van Antwerp, 2», of Buport, *1“ wore contained lo the opening state* ment for tho goveramont presented by John H, UeBvers assistnat United States dlstriet attorney. Telephone coaversatloas, alleged .to ^ havo takoa place between M iu Aat* worp a»d a person alleged to have * been l)ampIor, were ootllnod by Mr. . , McEvors in his statement. He told '■ tfio jury that postal iaspoctort had beon sont to Bupert to advise the wo- man ns to a course of aetlon, follow- ing a report to tis offiee of Dam* _ pier’s alleged actions. Woman TestUIea Miss Lillian Van Antwerp, to wham E. R. Damplor Is charged in a grand jury IndictmoDt with having sent ob- J sceno lotters through tho maff, on the stand as tho fhst government wit* 'ncaa, testified that Dampler bad asked hor to wear a certi^a dress &ad hat, “ aa a aign that ahe was willlag to ' carr.^ out certain proposals made in the letters.” The dreai mentioned, ahe said, was ber usual attire for tbo office. Much tlmo was spent with crosa-oxnmlnatlon as to tho exaet^ date aho received tho letters. Bzpext Called Zn Tho sU r witness for tho govern- ment was J. C. Sellers, of Seattle, an expert in handwriting and typowrit- Ing, who pointed out in photographio . . (Continued on Pngo 5, Col. 3) Movie Hero Plays Role of Victim in Border Encounter Tom Mix Recovering from In. jtfries Received in Pight; Says United States Ottstoms Men Beat Him Up LOS ANGELES,. Fob. 25 Tom Mix, nthlotlc hero of weatom fflmi, tonight was entirely recovered from tho effects of fl border fight at H* Juana 10 days ago in which ho played tho rolo of victim, according to a Lof Angoles newspaper.' According to Mix as' quoted by thi newspaper two 'Onltoa State# eo»toia guards stopped him and two compaa* ions as they wore roturnlng aeress tho border after a visit to TUoana, Mex*. ico, dragged blm lato tbo custom houso, beat him, stripped aad searched him nnd finally turned him looao. - The actor wos unable to gi^e lb# names of his assallaats, aeeorAIas to , the nowspapor, but deelared ba'had been Informed tbey were neir'iniw ifl tho eustams service.' Hla ttoiy' w*l * corroborated by Frankie Delasi aad • Johnny CbrUtopher, hla eoavjnloai ; on the alleged tem peitn^ .. A t the ;botdet eoatomi hoi»e, . officials said >tbey kaaw BokUar.'.of' . t'h# affair. . "I'm going to taka U ap W -. eoagretmaa," 1^.: ma qootlA U . a.,. ;

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Page 1: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;

T W I PVOL. B. KO. 278,

COilNEllOTES 'mmmi -t S M M S

D em ocrats and Insu rgen ts Put Inheritance In c re a s r in Reve­nue Bill; G ift t e v y Up for C onsideration

WASHINGTON, Fob. 23 OP)—An in- <roo80 in tho ostato or inlioritanco tuxos w aa Totod in to tho rovonuo b i^ in thc houao today b y ano ther com bination of dcm oem tic and republican insurgent forccH. A notbor proposnl o t tbo coali- tio n ^ A (I'ift tax —was boforo Uio liousc > w hon i t Adjoumod. - I

;Botl> amondmonts wcro attnekod b y I orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | t a x Increased, rnlaljif; tho rate* nil a long tho lino on tJio.iuinio brackets aa now rontalnod in tho luw to n max

t imum o f 40 p e r cont on tho nmount b f w hich thOi cstato o f a dccodcnt cxcocOt $10,000,000, instead o f th c presont 26 p e r cont ruto^r.vns ndoptod. 190 to 110.

PropoM G if t Tax.

Roprosont&tivo RAnisayor, rcpublicnn, Town, subm itted tho estnto tax amend* m cjtt, nnd Eoprencntnttvo Qrcen, re- [ publican, lown, ehainnnn o f tho ways and means oom m ittee, proposed tho ir i f t tnx, w hich will uo voted on tomor­row, About six dem ocrats preaent vote<l ngninst tho c stn to tnx amondmcnt which wns supported by n numbor of topubllcanft, includ ing C hnitnian.Green,

I on a division voto.An ninentUnent also wns voter] to n

allow crodit fo^ estn to taxes paid to n. s ta te s up to 25 per ccn t o f tho tax d levied by tho federal governm ent. Thi^, tl w as proposed by Roprtfaontntivo Prear, u republican in su rgen t, Wisconsin, in n rep ly to tbo nrgiinient o f lUsprcscnla- si tiv o Mill", rcpublicnn, Now York, th n t tl nn increnso in thia t;tx would mnko it n perm anent p a rt o f tho federal tnxn- ri tio n i^slom, nnd eventually dispose b " o f n v iW source o f re v e n u e ." h

LeadMH H o p e fn l "■Republican orgnnijiatlon ' leadon re- ,

I m ain hopeful o f a compromise on thc q income rntes when a f ina l vote ia tnk- ), cn on the bill, no tw ithstnnding tho ron- „ tin u ed coalition o f dcm oorats nnd in- f (•urgent#.

Adniinintm tion spokeftmon lot i t be }<nown tlm t I f th e ir ta x reform progrnm ns carried In the M ellon bill does not B cftlirouK h a t thiit session It will bo [ brought up again nex t w in ter. Socro- tar>* Mellon believes tho country will »bow lls favo r tow nr'l h is p ina n t thci < oloetions th is fnll and th a t i ts success In tho next c o n g r ^ w lll bo assiiriM,

r w a r O o n fld o a t.'• Reprosontativo F r e a r , . speaking for .

th e ropublicnn in su rgen ts, iasnod ,a , ntntem ont todny declnring his group , wns n o t disturbeil over tbo Longworth , compromiao fo r n 25 per ccnt roduc- | tio n in tho su rtax m tcs which would |

(Continued on Pngo r,, Col. 1.) ' ‘

F arm B u re a a Man

C i te s S p r e a d in

> Shipping C h a rg e sSays Fanners of Pacific Ooaat

Oan Undersell Mid*Western Prodaots in E ast Because of Low ^ a t e r Rates

8T , PAUL, Fob. 25 M V -“ Th« grea te st problem th a t tho fanner has to solve today is th a t o f tranaporta* tio n a n d '|ia rk o t’8,'-!.dcielarod John W. Covordalo^ soeretnry-troasuror of tho Amorican 'F a rm B u reau Fedoratloo, boforo ropresentativos from farm bn-

I reana in M innesota, Iow a, N orth and South Dakota, N ebraska, K ansas oad Missouri, hero today .

“ Tho farm bureaus a re agricultural eomniorcial clubs,” coatinucd Mr. Coverdale, " a n d through them i t is possible th a t & so lu tion theao prob­lem s m a y bo reached. Tho national organixntion of fa rm bureaus has boen in e ffec t fo r fivo yea rs and sinco th a t tim o i t has been o f inestim able valae to tho Ameriean fa rm e r.'"

Mr. Coverdale sa id th a t the eom- plotion of tbo G roat L akes to tbo aoo.

problem w ill g rea tly ben e fit fanners a f tho weat. D ec la rlsg th a t tho for- n te r o f h<i M ississippi valley la being d ise rim isa ted ag a in st, b» added, * 'th e fa rm er -of th e w est eo&at ean ship egga by w ater to B oston and in the m arke t th ey can u n d en e ll the mid* w estern farm er who sh ips by ra il .b u t b a lf the disU nco. Opening of tbe

. M ississippi riv e r to navigation will ben e fit the f a m o r of th is d l s t r i e t "

The f a m bur<}au rep re te sta tiv e i convened to fo nnn la to a standard program o f flnanea a n d organisatioa

' f o r 'fa rm bnreims o f th ia seetioa. Ths m eeting wiU ead to m o m w .

rOE ONLY A s s t

N FANebraska Mtui BcUka 1

at Paying $203 for Charges on Cigars

Fifty Bbxea Bought a t Bargain in Germany ?onnd to Be Too Expensive to Smoke

I OM AHA, Fo^. « M»)—A b ro th - 'I c r in G orm any aon t H onry H om ­

ing o f Plym outh, Neb., CO boxoa _ of cigara bought laat aummer in

t tho bom olnnd at a bargain , fo r tho eq u iv a l« a t-ln -m ark s o f nbout ono-tbird of a cen t per box.

p Whon tho cigars, reached tho customs officiala hero, tho attach* od b ills fo r duly, ocoan fre igh t, customs e n try and storago brought tho cost o f tbo cigars to a to ta l

‘ o f <203.4». noa'ry decided he > could n o t amoko a t tb a t prieo and >5 th o -c ig a rs w ill bo aold th i s week'^ b y the cuatoms collcetor to tbo h ighest bidder.

1- ----- —

; i f f l CHIEF M r si HE ENeneED IN S T O C y ilN G S

<■ ' — I■■ D augherty Acknowledges T ra d -" ing in S inclair S hares an d

O ffers to Subm it F a c ts to;■ S en a te Investiga to rs «

W ASHINGTON, F ^b . 25 M >)-A ttor- 0 ney General Ihjugliorty today p u b lidy 0 acknowlodgo<l th n t Uo hml doalt In Sin- X clair stock bcforo and siiico ho en tered 1 tlio cabinot, doelarod he hnd never mi»- r. used o ffic in l knowledgo in these trujis- E n actions nnd rcnvwcd hin willingncsH to n

subm it thtf fa c ts in nny invvittiguUou i t tho scnuto m ig h t order, i t In an ojwn le tte r to S<mator W illis,

republic-in, Ohio. Sir. Daugherty said ® IC ho bought Iiomo Sinclair stock bcforo 1

ho bccAnic nttornoy genorai, nnd fiu { nlly su ffe red a lot* o < |2 S 'a share. Six m onths n f te r Teo(>ot pomo w as leased f to th e S in c la ir in tc r^ ts . 'h o sold p a r t { of hw stock iu an e ffo rt to recoup | losses. 'L a t e r ho bouj^ht b.nck the snino j nmount a t n sllKlitly lower pricc nml t finally sold, ln st fn ll, his untIre Sin- t c in ir holdings. ‘ *

E x p la in s Fftilura to Act. nTho le t te r also answered chargcs of

fniluro to prosoriito • tfx-SMretJiry Fnll ;

“ j (C ontinued on Pngo 5, Col. 2)


LONDON, Fob. US, ( m -T h o Oro«k *’*■ governm ent honded b y Prem ier K ofnn- ^ dnris hns fn llen , according to an A th-

*1’ ens diapateli to tho Daily Express, in consoqucnco o f its refusal to accede

'®* to tho domanda of tho ex trem ists for tho eatabliahm ont o f a republic bcforo

~ a plebiacito w as taken.' Tlie fa ll o f tho governm ent camo oa a surprise, aa i t irAn thought up to tho la s t th a t th o cxtromlsta would bo dc- fontod,

V A TH EN S, Fob. 25 (/W -A t a m eet­ing th is afteruoon betwooa ox-Promior Venizclos and ex-Mini»tor of Foreign A ffn irs Bouaaos, w ith General Othon- aios. rcpreacriting tho arm y, i t was agreed th a t tho downfall o f thb dyn-

.st usty should bo proclaimed in tlic aa- rn sombly b u t conditionally upon confir- g g iiKition of thia decision by a plebiscito.

U R G E S M IL IT A R Y C O N T R O L’he ______las PA R IS? F eb . 25 Tho BritisU ta- primo m inister, Ranmay UncDonnId, hii» W. acn t a noto to thc I'rcncli..governincnt tho on tho n ecessity of the roHumption of on, inter-allicd m ilitnrv control ' in Gor- bn- m any, nnd thc conditions under which ind i t could be cxerclsfxl most comprchon- md sively.

Tbo n o te w ill b o cliscutwied n t nn ral e a r ly m eeting o f tho nmbas«ndorn cou- a r . foronco.

»'>; q u a r a n t in T T s W l a r e d 'nal ______

“ “ SALT LA K E,, r i b . ”5 ;W ) -A qoar- an tlne on C alifornia livcatock w as do-

« o clared b y Governor Charles R. M abey ' today. D anger of spread o f tho foot

nnd mouth diseaio waa tho reason. •

lers ID AHO POSTM ASTEItS NAM EI). for- BOISE, I^eb. 25.— According, to nd- *ag vices frt)m Wnahln^^on rcc.cive<l hcroi tb e President OoolJdge h n s nominnted threo bip Idaho poatmoiitors— C brenco P. Sm ith, the E den ; Jo h n E . McBurnoy, ’ Harriaon, lid* and M rs. H annah H . Billa, K im berly. ' bu ttbe I>A W 'B EZJ> D T 7A IJDirill W ASHINOTON, Pob. 25 {/P>—Tbo t " apt o f eongress m aking sta to workm en > e i com pensation lawi applicable to alove* ard dores w ork ing upou vessels ly ing in Jen navigable w a to n w aa declared today rhe b y the suprem o eonrt to be unconatl-

tn lio a a l.a n d invalid.





I T is the dnty of every person vote in this election.No greater expense of scho

tenance is involved in the qnes of th is election.

The six and three-qnartere "ex tra” or added expense. Xt add to school costs. I t provid< to the same s tanda rd as last y tbe event th a t the election fai

Other Idaho tow ns have not Twin Palls.

The polls w in be open from school for all voters living nc stree t, and a t the Bickel school sonth side of dhoshone street

The voters who are. qnalifiei tion a r e : Residents of tho dist lowing qnalifications: (1 ) Par n n d ^ 21 years of age who a (2 ) Taxpayers of th e distriot the taxpayer. A payer of poi

I regnlarly qualified taxpayer.

. Candidate Ra J in First Cami

S e n a to r Reed T ouches on O i l ; M uss in F ir s t A ddress ; Al- leged F ac ts N ot Given !

* ST. LOUIS, Fob. 25 M>)—UnllodI- Stiktos Scnntor Jam es A. Rood inform- , [> n lly opening h is cam paign fo r tho dem- '* ocm tic presidential nom ination to-I n ig h t dcclnrcd th a t in hia opinion, “ not J ono-ionth o f tho corruption nud in- 0 iqu itics whicb has ex isted is luid bure."> in re fe rring to oil disclosures.* Ho cbarger WUUam G ibbs McAdoo,

fora\or s e c r e t ^ o f tbo^ tre a su ry and t n opponent for tb6 'nom ination , >x-

P pectoil to receive »1,194,000 In legal« fees from E. L. Doheny, oil magnnte,'* tho Chnrles W. M orso .in tercsts nnd mo->• tion picturo concerns, although he. “ <Ud n o t appear in n single law-

m iit.",{ Tho senator re lte ra to d h is platfon^»II ..............

I ' ~\

D j- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -tk ; ' ■n- !h-inloorro

Iio *


ir- ^ I R

"■ T T ^ E l«ii —- •" ■ ^ooiisiD EB

W O J. BWl

in- - y


roi ^ r i l l ^ ^

»,! B y o m R u B B i S H

r ■T n ^•“y BUT THS PTOJ«tl- a n d "W OTto) B

w s p Ap e r i n t w i n F/

DAILT M O E N lN a.' PB B B D A B Y SO, 1024.


on who has a r igh t to do so to I

iool operation o r soboorbiain* ! Bstion of the success or failofe 1

rs giillq asked fo r is not' an I Xt does xiot increase taxes or des for keeping onr sobools np year, which cannot be done in ails.Dt hesitated and neither should

m 1 to 6. p. m. a t tho Lincoln north and w est of Shoshone >ol for all those on the ea st and ; at.led to vote ^n th is special elec- Jtric t w ith one of the tw o foi- arents or guardians of children I are residents of the distriot; |

3 t a n d t h o h n s b a n d o r w i f e o f | o il t a x i s n o t r e c o g n i z e d a s a |

a j j s McAdoo ipaign AddressI agnlnat “ opiircmivo t a r i f f s '’ nnd for

reduction in taxes, ad justed componsi-• tion to soldiers, a llovintijin o f fa rm ers’]

conditions. e lim ination o f . usolosii boards a n d buroaus o f tho govornmont, repeal o f un just oppresslvo laws, curb-.*''

I ing o f tl.e “ conccritm tion o f power n t |u] tjio c a p i tn l" nnd p ro ti'c tion of th»> q / • libcmi'i o f tho pooiilo .ns resorveij in

• tho constitu tion nnd (jilt o f r iid its .” [llo ruviowed tho oil ccnidnl nnd shid ^

t tho disclosures “ w nrriin ted in savin;;: th a t tho peoplo o t rhe U nited H tn to ?

, wero. Ivy bribery, lU privod o f these gren t nil de|>osits upon which thc> nation i myat re ly in tho h our o t,e^ tro n ilty . ” 1^

^ A D V A N tm D . . .'|t1 W A StllN G TO N , Feb . 25 W»>—Hear- ‘1 ‘, lng w as advanced to d a y b y tho su* t• prcmo court to A pril 14 on tho-appeals < 0 of tho Homo and P ac ific Tclephono j• nnd Telegraph com panies from doeia-;

ions o f fcdernl d is tr ic t courts fo r tn w estern W aiU lngtoa i a ra to caaes. j '



* I 'I ' I



,O o * rW > ^ :

f a l l s COUNTY


Declares Fall Hoped [ to Vain Control of f

V. S. Forest ReserveI Pinohot Tells of Alleged P lan - I to Transfer Supervision of

Federal Lands

' NEW YORK. F.tb. 25 Cp—Plans I to hnvo tho fo re st reservo-of tho i U nited S tn te s turn>>d over lo tho I dopnrtm ont o f the interior, a s had i been dono w ith Uto naval oil rc* . n * serve, hnd been m ade by fonnor j -Seeretnry Fj»11 o f tho interior do- 1 jiartm rnt, i t wmi cfiylarcd tonight

by G overunr G ifford I’lnchot of IVnnsylvnnia, in nn nddress boforo tlio survey nssocintes. Oovomor

I P inchot foniiorly was eldcf fo rest­er o f tho U nited Stntes.

Form er P resid en t Hnrding, tho j, spi>okor nsaerted, hnd approved .o f ‘ y I'SilIs pbm s m id c iian ic te riu d Oovomor P in c h o t’-j op|>0Hitiuu to ^ thn policy jis wrong.


______ h

S enate T a k e s Favorable Action } on A m erican Falls Appropri- p

a tio n ; Also P a ss on iUinidoka a r and Gem M easures PI- ,1

1 1 Tho Hcnnto hns nw tored the fedornl t I npproprintion fo r the American F a llj °

ir r ig a tio i p ro jcc t nnd has passed tho it'app rop ri.ifions fo r the* Minidoka and

Gem d is tric ts , according to word re*" I ceived hore M onday from W nshington.

Tbo inform ation ns^ to action taken S ' ,on beh iJf o f U»e American Falls proi>~ ~ osition wns contained in the follow- ' iug telegram from (Jongresamnn Addi-

son T. b m ith : \1 “ Tho sen a te hns restored tho nppro- ip ria tion fo r tho A m er'can F alls pro* . Iject nnd h as m odified th o ‘phraseology ,

' jto m ako i t w otkablo. The house w ill , ir- doubtless accep t tho amendment when . u. tho bill is ro turnod, thus insuring th e ; lIs succcm of tJio Amorienn Falls p ro ­no j c c t ." • lg .. W ord a s to the .ipprtipriations fo r , or tho M inidokji nnd (irm distric ts wufc ;

\ ■ (Continuod on Page B, Col. 2.)

H7:■ ' * I



■ . 1: - -

JBABTSB8B- JD IT WJlB <iu iim w

tti» K e w l o i k W b n a e , te a . ' .

EWS. PEIOB r I T B O E H ia .


O iP IE IA G IiaN■ D efense Counsel A sse rts E ffo rt

W as M^de to Involve N orth Side A ttorney; T ran sc rip ts of L e tte rs R ead .

B OISE, Feb. 25 M»)—-A feu d bos ox- , Iated in Rupert for tho la s t e igh t

yonrs nnd attem pts have b eo a m ade to involve E.. R. Damplor declared counacl fo r tho Ruport a tto rn e y M on­day in h ls opening s ta te m e n t to tbo federal court ju ry w hich w ill docido w hether or not Dampler Is g u ilty of sending obsccno le tte rs th rough th e m a ib ns charged in a a ind ictm ent' ro* tu m cd against him ' d uring th e lo st session of the federal g rand ju ry . Thc tr ia l opened Monday m orning.

W. G. Bbiaell, Oooding, counsel fo r 'D amplor, continuing w ith h is s ta te ­m ent, charged tha t th is d ifforenco bo* tw een “ certa in in te re s ts " h a d ex isted for probnbly 10 y ears and tb a t aa*

m o ther o ffo r t hss been a a d o to i&dlct his c llea t. . ' •«.

^ C laim a ieaO s W are H lM dD am plor's offico haa been "d lo ta*

• p h o a e d " and private de tec tiv e s b av e i>eon employed to w atcb h is m ovem eats

3 during th e course b f tbo feu d , deelated Mr. Blsaoll.

“ Wo w ill p rovo ," ho contiaued , “ th a t D ainplct did a o t writ© n o t m all

ll tho lo tte rs in question and tb a t tb e 1 ovidenee will ahow th a t i t w as abso*

la te ly im posalblo.for D am plor to have placed them, in the p o s to ff ic o ."

'I L e t ta n Ax« B««dT ranscrlpU o f tbo le tte r* th a t the

“■ govcram cnt alleges D am plor son t Misa L illian 'Van Antwerp, 2», o f Buport,

*1“ wore contained lo th e opening state* m en t fo r tho goveram ont p resen ted by Jo h n H , U eBvers a ss is tn a t U n ited S ta te s d ls tr ie t atto rney .

Telephone coaversatloas, a lleged .to ^ havo ta k o a place betw een M iu Aat*

worp a » d a person a lleg ed to have * been l)am pIor, w ere o o tllnod b y Mr.

. , M cEvors in his sta tem en t. H e told '■ tfio ju r y th a t postal iasp o c to rt had

beon son t to Bupert to adv ise th e wo­m an ns to a course o f ae tlon , follow ­ing a repo rt to t i s o ffiee o f Dam*

_ p ie r ’s alleged actions.Woman TestUIea

— M iss L illian Van A ntw erp , to wham E. R. Damplor Is charged in a grand ju ry IndictmoDt w ith h a v in g sen t ob-

J sceno lo tte rs through th o m aff, on the stan d a s tho fh s t governm ent wit* 'ncaa, te s tified th a t D am pler b a d asked hor to w ear a certi^a dress &ad ha t,“ aa a aign th a t ahe w as w illla g to ' carr.^ o u t certain proposals m ade in th e le tte rs .” The d rea i m entioned, ahe said, was ber u sua l a t t i r e fo r tbo office. Much tlmo w as sp e n t w ith crosa-oxnmlnatlon a s to tho exaet^ date aho received tho le tte rs .

Bzpext Called Zn Tho sU r w itness fo r tho govern­

m ent w as J . C. Sellers, o f S e a ttle , an expert in handw riting and typow rit- Ing, who pointed o u t in photographio

. . (C ontinued on Pngo 5, Col. 3 )

Movie Hero P lay s

R ole of V ictim in

B order E n co u n terTom Mix Recovering from In.

jtfries Received in Pight; Says United S ta tes Ottstoms Men Beat Him UpLO S ANGELES,. Fob . 25 Tom

M ix, nth lo tlc hero o f w eatom fflm i, to n ig h t w as entirely recovered from tho e ffec ts of fl b o rder f ig h t a t H* Ju a n a 10 days ago in w hich ho played tho rolo o f victim, accord ing to a Lof Angoles new spaper.'

A ccording to Mix as' quoted b y thi new spaper two 'Onltoa S ta te# eo»toia guards stopped him and tw o compaa* ions a s they wore ro turn lng aeress tho border a f te r a v isit to T U oana , Mex*. ico, d ragged blm la to tbo c u s to m houso, b ea t him, stripped a a d searched him nnd finally tu rned him looao.- The ac to r wos unable to g i^e lb# nam es o f his assallaats, aeeorA Ias to , th e nowspapor, b u t dee la red b a 'h a d been Informed tbey w ere n e i r 'in iw ifl tho eustam s service.' H la t t o iy ' w *l * corroborated by F rank ie Delasi aad

• Jo h n n y CbrUtopher, h la e o a v jn lo a i ; on th e alleged t e m p e i t n ^ .. A t th e ;b o td e t eoatomi ho i»e ,

. o ffic ia ls said >tbey k a a w B okU ar.'.o f' . t'h# a f fa ir . .

" I 'm going to ta k a U a p W -. e o a g re tm a a ," 1 ^ . : m a q oo tlA U .

a . , . ;

Page 2: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;

NiiSTERnSOI f LOIN’S 1101,


S ecretary to President C No Prior Knowledge oi Big Loan; Walsh Aeci tion in Oil Law Statem


WASHINOTON, Peb. 2 6 m - moro to thb McLoan>Fall incldci oil committeo today heard on beh tivo diBclaimer of any previou8«^ inside information on tho sub- " ject, and developed a now mys- f. to ry rotjarding: tho now famous $100,000 Iban which Albert t. B. Fall obtained whilo he w as « in the cabinet. J*'

0 . 'HiiHi'otii SIritiK. t»-pn*l;iry to Prom- - <lent CooliilKo. " " f j"

o n ly luul no priur l(nowhnli;i' o f 'tru th roKnrdinK tho h)iiii Imt th u t h<‘ ‘ dixctixRod th c HiibjorV iit I’nltii Rfiuli w ith liolh Fiill uikI l-Mwiirrl 1$. M f il Loaji, imhll«her of Ilio \Y'n<iliiiiK<*.n Post, und urKCtl thn: they (1ii*i>oso of tho iiumy ruiimm In i-irf,ut«tIon by toll­ing tlio committeo fhe wliolo ulory. .

B ask Balance Short. CI ’romlsinjf to toll all, Mr. yiom p «al<l,

MoLoan tostifio.l heforo Kiinutor W nlsh, ilomoprut, Moiilnnn, on tho snmo d a y ho had (fii-cii FhII tiro t-hcc)i»»100,000 Into ill 11)21, b u t th a t they had hoon rctum w l to him nncashod. Todny, howovor, tho »’0 iiiinitt«“0 loarnod from an uxiunination of, roconlit of W nnhini'ton bankH t'la t tho iiiilillshor d id n o t Imvo iiu URKiogato o f $100,00l> on dopoHit a t thc tiiau in tho biuiK on which ho nuld tho chccks woro draw n.

]lavin(f lonrniyl th a t Mr. s ic inp liail ' convornationH with both McLoan nnd ' Fu ll roKaidinf; tlio oil 'Hcandal n t Palm

Boaeh Inst month, Senator W alsh v.-ii< ■ook tomorrow to inicortain w hother any individunl memhers o t tho com* niittoo comnmnifntod by telephone or tologm ph w ith eitlier o t thom a t tho F lo rida resort, o r with Poll u t Now Ovloniis. Should th e rcinrdB in thi* oftinc!! o f Uic telephone nnd te lennip li eompiinioH hero dlKloso Ihat thero wiis sucJ> comoiuiiicntlon, Iho coimiiitteemun

. involved wil] bo givon nn opportun ity to m ake a Btatoment in th e house h ra r- ingii.

C on trac t Tolkod In Cabinet.A ft« r hearing M r. Slemp, tho commit-

tco rocoivo«l from H. iY stc f B ain , ili- rec lo r o f tho burenu o f mlncH, tcntl- m ony th a t R i l l h ad told him th a t tho contrnr.t w ith tho Doheny intori'n la for o il tn n k B to rago nt I’onri !Iarl>or, ^ Unwnii, hnd boon diacuntod by tho cnh- ^ in c t nnd th u t A tt^n iey General Daugh- ]{ e r ty itod mado no objection to i t . ]{

T ak ing tho oil discusHion ngain to I th o floor o f tho senute, W iJsh rhnrg t'd th u t tho ropublican nationnl new s bu- c rcau ti.ud mudo n “ d>liburnto and mu- " l ie io u a" misreproM ntntiou of tho fucin la i ts sta tom ont o f yesterday th a t tho n av a l oil louitoa wero mudo under tho , genornl leasing act of i 'eb ruary , 1020, < which ho had sponnorcj.

R eplying in n stntvmvnt to n ig h t tho new s bureuu aMortvil th a t Svnutot W ulsh’s deviiirution th a t tho leumv’i w ere mude, n o t im dcr th is act, b u t un-

. do r ono p u n ed in Juue. ll>20, was " n quibblo fo r tho purposo o f minrepre- sen ting fuct« .’ '

U cA doo Sscapos Teatlmoay. Chainnnn Lenroot nnd others o f tho

o il com m ittco indicated th a t tliero wu# no in ten tio n to recall W illiam U. Mo- Adoo, a candldnto for tho dem ocratic preaidentiul nomination, fo r quontion- in g regard ing h is slatem cut S a tu rd ay , t h a t h b then Now York law firm wouhl Imvo reeelvod an additional fco of «1KK),000 i f tho negotiations in tho D oheny com panies’ Moxican a ffa ir" h ad boen succossfuL

K arl wTSdm ylcr, a Denver n tto rney , who w aa counBcl for J . 'L v o S tuck , whoso ciuiniA to righ(<i in T eapot Dodio woro purchased by llarrj* P . B inclair, ' a rriv ed hero today to jirescnt to the com m ittoo tomorrow correifiiondoneo re ­gard in g o il m atters which hnd boen dcBcribod a s aoDsatlonal.

w m 0*11 Sinclair Lot«r. A nnouncomont was mado th a t Sin-'

c la ir ^rould n o t 'b o recalled fo r <jues-

fwstslei I . t h a n[ C r e a rH a t M o s a c r i f i c e


Page Two -______ TWIN


; Coolidge Says He Had of the Truth Regarding

reused of Misrepresenta- smentr BE. CALLED 'ORS SUBMIT REPORT ------------------ \P) — Turning: its attention once dent a t Palm Beach, thc senate 3ehalf of the White House a posi- s«----------------------------------- --------

limiiii*’ unlil a f te r tin- exjuTt acvnuni- A imls now ox/imining lnokn o f b rokern t'' f» firm.H in \Va«liiiij't<iu, N ov York an-l hJ

® l.'Icvelaiiil linvi- fiirnixlieil llio eomiiuf- ai t Ire Ihe ri'Ktiltn o f . f u ' i r work. Likc- S «'iHo ni) (leflnlto diito lian. lu'on hot

for llio .................... on the witne-iH Niancl . }■of IMwanl » . Mel>-:.n, win. will I.e

( asked In eleiir iii_i,tli • niVKtery I'Oiieern' iag the tinO.OIH) in rliei-ks he elaini' lit have Pnll.' • S

h --------------------------■ Men Now Living in " Arctic Circle with r Wealth in Pay Dirt J;

Old-Timo Prospcctor Says Sev- '> eral Havo $25,000 to $50,: t

000 Hoarded in Shacks ii

y XfrClUATII, AlaHka, Feb. 2.T OP)— « i. ■ — A dozen men are liv ing w ithin *■ d th e A rrtlc cirele i,n (ho Koy«kiik *' f rivor, with fiirtiinoH ranging from ^ ,r lo J.'JO.OOn ill jjold each, ••0 according to (’aptaiii ,Woblj, aiv t' „ ohMime jirospoelor, who, afto r

strik ing " p a y ," cnmo out tills ,1 w inter on hia nnnual vacation.,1 He Miiid theso men had married n native womon and settloil down to I, enjoy the ir m odest fortunes fn r r from the vnnitius o f civilization.I. l l ie y uso tho parcel post to pro- ,r curt* whnt luxuries tho ir tastes i; di^innnd. B ut thoy seem to hnvo ,v no desire to leave tho ir P o lar wil- c dorneiis.h Ouly w hoir somo prospector ,h mnkes a fina l clenn-up -and turns II his dust in a t some bnnk ean nn y estimato bo made o f tho amount p, of gold being tnk<*n from tho Arc­

tic creeks. Captain Wol)b Avas nc- cotnpnnied by a mnu w ho . cnrriod four Huit caKOs, cnch contnlnlng a.

J. porllon of his clcan-«p, estim ated to tolul $40,000.

,r VANDALS AT W ORS.. PAWTUCKCT. R. I ., Pcb. -jr. OP)—’ Ninoty-niiie lombstdnoH in M ount S '.

’■ Mar>-'s coinelorj-. oao of lho larges*. Uoiiian. (^iitliulic burial griiiinds in llhode IhIiiimI, huvo been broken o ff at

0 Ihe hiiso or overturni'd. ' d The jwlico tuiiil 'to d ay tha t it wu<

evidently the work of a ]H>werfu) man, acting alono in tho snnwitlorni Weilnos-

day night.

® Genuine W atk ln ’s ^-xtracts ami sHccs. phone fiOSJll.—ndv.

WRHiLEYS» ^ A J i e r e v e r y m m i i

M L w u yrlC E I


Woman Delivers Ga

n i pJir« . Tom 1-ieiter. wife nf a Xi.\-!ida s

• AiiKeleit Hi t:ar»im Uiiv ivlth the ta n k of ' Ooo .Toil, firnt man to die by th n t nioanii I Blilpped by rail. She foiled several a tto• aeroHH tho tlonertB.


Supromo C ourt Ju ry Sustains 'Otuun- p loa B U lioxdlst’s Cbargos o f Uis- condnct on th e F a r t of H is W ife

NKW VORK, I 'll.. 1*,' OP)—W illiam f P. Hoppe, w o rld ’h champion billiu rd lst,

wn» given n vordlct today by a j\iry ill suprem e c ou rt Mustainiag tho charges ho p re fe rred aga inst hls wife, Alice

: B oatrico IIoppc, in his su it for abso ­lute divorce.

Tho ju ry , found th n t M rs. Hoppe, who is a Hister o f Georgo W nlsh, ni?- lion p ic tu re netor, wns gu ilty o f mis- condiiet Inst Xovembcr w ith Edw nrd M. K xincr, a sulesmnn. Tho b illia rd cham pion’s m other and his a tto rnoy te s tif ied thoy raided u room iu l lo tc l

Pie: sho be 1

p l o ’

ive." : . A d i

sho sho Am

A d ’


I '■ven

!bes- you woe



as for Execution - |p

.* v n t *tl....................g,

State offie ia i. drove hor ca r from Los ' o f letlial gas used la th c execution o t " n « ^ Tho gas wns too dangerous to bo tom i'ts tu inlerceiit her th rillin g drivo

, Clo;

Imperiul nnd found M rs. IIoppo w ith Kxiner. Mrs, Hoppe an d Exiner do* a

, itiod m isconduct chiirgCB. c— ;-----------1--------- . a

Many CapaDte People. ' ^T hero Is nol n lw ays robin n t tho

lop, for there a rc m any people CQp» I able of milBR high poBltiona fo r w b o m '!

J thcro a ro no poaltloni. ti

' H cap.rg V. “, In henpInK nt> t"'..-.J ardent pnipngandlf;' i ' i

m ent th n t .h ls . Ih. : ' =caniera back.

Tom orrow.Tomorrow, didst th«u sa y l. . . ’T is

i fn n c j’fl dUld, and folly Is Us fn th o r;1 w rought on'Biich stu ff <in drcnm s n ro ;’ nnd bnKcio.'is as th c fan tosU c visions 1 of the evening.—Colton.

Wooderp HE peasants in Amerii

shoes at all, even in t erre, of Gascony. “No, t oes of leather, although I much more serviceable, n

owing........ And wooden s5. Ah, that America is a ivertisements haven’t yet oes. from Gascon feet — n oes from Gascon minds. G nerica in the future.

ivertisements make the di iprovements in countless d ley distribute Fords, furni dely th a t foreigners think em. They put you in touc nces. They help so many niences that their cost to ;

)u read advertisements tc st—to substitute speed fo: u otherwise would have )oden shoes of isolation.

) you read them regularly

Advfrtiaements are guide obtainable i

i M i i E D l.INTHiFCIlSE^

Milling In te re s ts A rgue fo r |° P rese n t R ate S chedu le ; B oard u W ants C ost on W h ea t Feeds J

--------- i'p! W A aniN O T O K , F rb . S.'i W)—Flonr ; m illing intorcstfl a rgued boforo tbo tar- , i f f commission to d a y fo r m nintenanco : o f tho present tn r i f f re la tionsh ip b o -‘

tween whoat flo u r nnd w hcnt products..^’ 1 Thoy wero unablo, howovor, to p ro -'

duco productions costa in w heat feed .desired b y tho eommlsslon nnd nd- ^ jonrnm cnt wob tn k e n u n til to m o rro w '"

I when tho commission oxpecta to con -,^ ' cludo tho hearings on tho costa o f, ivheat, flou r an d food prodnetion in [ connection w ith tlio application for n ' tn r if f increaao on w h ea t requoB tod b y j the w hent council o f tho Unitod j S tntes. IJ

; Tho millers te s tif ie d Ca'nndlan mill-Id ors were nble to J>ut dow n n bnrrel o f I flou r in New Y ork a f te r p ay ing a du ty]^ o f Sl.rin, fo r seven conta less thnn It I

. costs Americnn m illoni to placo f lo u r on tho Now Y ork m nrkot. *

They pointed o u t th a t i f tho w hoat h du ty wero Increased .'50 por cont and ). a corresponding in crease wna n o t plac­

cd on flour, C anadian millcra would bo ! ablo to iindorsoll A m orican m illorB in

New Y ork m nrkets to tho e x te n t o f 77 J conts a bnrrel,

1'! Tlie Idnho A nlo & Supply hnvo es- tended th e ir o f fe r o f froo ticke ts tn tho movies n n til W ednesdny, Pobruary 27, on all casli pu rchases o f tires, tubes o r acces^orlcs am oun ting to ono dollar o r more.—ad v .'

n ShoesTica do not wear woode

the fields!” writes Abl the peasants there we£

1 I think th a t sabots woul , ndt only on the roads, bi 1 shoes are fa r less expen

an extravagant country et taken the heavy wood? - nor yet the. heavy woode Gascony thinks in the pas

difference. They crisscroi i directions across the mile rnaces and electric lights i

nk you extravagant to enjc uch w,ith the latest con vei ny people en joy those coi ;o you is small.

to link yourself with tl for the shambling progrei ive to make in the lone!

•ly? Good habits pay.

re a reliable buying e in no other way


EDEN—Mra. Kbsa Season lo ft Wod-," nesdny ovcning fo r hor bome in S a lt , ’|L ak o C ity a f te r a fo r tn ig h t 's v is it

1 hcrtf w ith her paronts, M r. and M rs.■ E. A. Bong.

I M r. nnd M rs. P . A. Johnanson viait- -I cd in Burlpy Thuraday.' : Tho m om bcrB o f Loc F lo ra post o f d 'tho Amorican Legion enjoyed a ban- u quet a t tho M eyers ho tel W ednesday ** evening. Tho members ,o f HasoUon- ^

;'po"t wero guosto a t tho banquet.Jf* Mrs. M. C. M acijulnoy is visltlDg

’this weok w ith M rs. P ran k Mattlso.n of .0 Twin Falls.0,1 M axwell K ahn woB a business v is ito r, in T\vin Fnlls Thursday.o '; Tho- high school b o y s ' nnd g ir ls ',,l b a B k c tb a ll team s plnyod tho n ase lto n Q. high school teama a t H azelton Wod- „ nosdny evening. H azelton team s took Q. both games.


’^1 QUEBEC, Fob. ^r, </P»—Earl Brlilgea • d riv ing the O ntiirio paper oo try won thn E astern Intornntionnl* dog dorby Satur-

l l 'id a y , covering th c dhitanco of 120 milcK ' of in 18 hours 4-1 m inutes und IS Hecondu. ty I Honry gkceue, drivin,? th e B row i cor-

pom tion en try , wns necond nnd th e yj, Clintcau R obcrvult tenm third.

A q u a l i t y c i g a r e t t e

a t a q u a n t i t y p r i c e

— a r i » t o c r a t i c f l a v o r

a t a d e m o c r a t i c c o s t .



ens- •,ry!” I)den I)den I)ast. I .

ross ' Ililes. ■;s sonjoyven-con-

the Ixess I ■ •nely ' |

Page 3: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;

• , I ■ '

/ {>6l>4lW&J to M0\)

f ikHM M O -R £ - KVV \ t ) 0 c ^ i i M c i s e

A C 'O o n ^ - MCM V^u A .W K B W T

N O \) 'R ^ ^ ^M #kC U W t ^ ^ t*

^m A.^



JARBIDCElii. • —

W orkers on Alpha Properl Run in to E x tensive Depos U nder W ork ings; Splotctii of Gold a n d S ilver Seen '.lAiimnciE, Fc'i.; :r,_Tho aIp

mitK*, form erly owned hy the PoU J’fiijiicr esfnfp o-f Clueugo, i\tvw own ]iy Tarom n, W nshington, intoroHts, h htnii'I< very rieh milpliiJo ore hole tlie lower worklngB nml iff sinking ' it, iifconUuK to th c Novndn Btii Jriiirnal.

• Tho oro in . th o fnll wi.Uh of t winze fo r -JO foot in Oopth nnd st K«int; (lawn. I t j« ji\ pscUtlo-inoipV vi'iii m ntter, BhowitiR mnnsivo calc; eon.Htriietion. Tlio vnliies nro in lar Hplolrhos o f (jold and silver througho tlu ' vi'jH. Th«> ftvcrftjjc of lho vein over $(mO i)cr ton witli specimen da I>le« ko'HK o '’or $20,000 per ton, t freo yol.l slit.winR like jew elry. Vnh:!vro nhoMt two-lhinlH Kohl nnd oithird silver nnd ro to *how thu t otl p roperties horc n in y ’ expoct to becoi great mines whon depth is reached, thc forn iation is lho nnmo nU over 11

^ dintriet. Thc d is tr ic t is minernli? over nn nre.'i nbout ten miles «quf «ml the Jinrfnco hardly scrntched yot.

ThiH -proporty is lyinR between t Klkoro eom pnny’rt p roperty nnd t Hlimter Siipeoss Kfoup o f mines, fn %vtni-h \vu» m ined tv 1>5r nmount of fi 'inilling oro in tho past which R.n Rood returns.

B luste r M ill N oor OomploUoa Tho n iiis te r Consoltdniort Gold n

Silver Minos eom pany 's 100-ton cy: idiMK niill is iien rine completion, r I'lHj: iu nhnpo to mlU tho larRn tonn?

H of oro th n t is dovolopcd in the mi Thc ore on tho 800-foot, level runs O'

per ton fo r over /iv o fcot w idth, l\alivnco oC IcdRO lunnlnj? v!

' over l.*; nnd is very freo milUng o , Values vary as in somo chutos

preilominntos. In others tho vali iwufly eqttnl in gold tvnd silver. 1 bottom o f thc iro rk ings loolc n sth o i the sulphides a rc cloic nnd n lit deeper w ork inc should apcn into tl y.nne. Tf 1hi> sulphides provo lo nnything liko th n t n f th c Alpha, : n iiis te r jvill bo a hi(j m ine. Work well uiuWr wny for nn cnrly str n idline th e ores o f th is company wh U well financed by enstcm cnpii On th is ground is thc only plnco. cninp whero nndcslto crops throt tho ryhoVite to tho surface, on opposite side of ivhich lies thc P nnd Shovel com pany’s pa ten ted clnl and considering tho small amount worlc dono, shows up very well In b nnd hns some rcnl high grado and v strong outcrop.

Tho Bnccess M . & M. Oo.Tho Success group adjoins tho B

te r group, thn veins running throi both properties. I t is ii well dovolo mino and hns ve ry good d iances to

§l fl big property . T here Is blockod over $-JOO,000 -worth', of m ill oro i is now n t tho stage th a t tho oro bo< ean bo much fu r th e r developed. Wl somo spocimon sam ples go |4 to | per ton, i t is in tho uniform ity of values th a t m akes tho Suecess st out a s n fu tu re Inrge prodneer. oro is o f a v o ry freo noturo. T recently mndo showed ‘n 00 por c ex traction mndo b y tho simple cyai pcoccaR, and now w ith nmplo dec power in camp an d fre igh t ra tes than ono-half o f form er years i t Ic liko t^ig p ro f its to th is eompai^y, w

- tliey Btiirt to m ill tho ir ore. Tha n• cnn bo s till fu r th e r dovclopod by

tending low er tunne ls to veins a t feet doopor th an a t p resent. Sov K«od su rfacc p rospccts aro near propcrty and need cap ita l to fur develop them . A ll o f whieh shows Novttdft i# nil r ig h t.

_ • Tho li lk o ra M in ts Oo.^ Tlio Elkoro fo r sovorni years

duced more gold th n n nny othor mino in N evada (soe IT. 8 . repo D uring th is y e a r tho w orking tu was extoDdod In to tho m ountain n( J} mild aod oponed an oro body w

____ ^ .

^ - r - — ,

f \ j o s f » E W s ) s e \E M S \ tm ,X > N o O tW E « E W k S It o o \ SVITMON M V S t lN G O P F‘.u v M o o \ ‘T M '3 M o u f c a e1S6 « H 1 ALVW m o\o ' p r o w n c a u o n r v t K i tW W G - *■ « w e k t c r . 'T o k N M W H 6 F U « c t l 0 N 5 -

^ s £ u ' r f

i n

Roberts Is Nm

N MNE Hperty S w



r tlie ' i f l B H H H H Id still - • i--------- ---lOrpbic , .catcito 1 ‘ ,»jI large | , UBhoal

tho .

I one-: othor ■'-i/iHIIlecomeled, ascr Ib is Owen J . U oberls, eclebrated Philn ratizeil CooUdgo to ac t w ith A tleo P<

nrtions arisiiy; froni the oil loiiso so

lea as g.j -ri,,, senate ci

on the ~ ■1 tho Av:is d rifted on over SOO fec t in leng , from nnd is s till in ore. T Ihto nre 11 of freo fi'c t o f backs. Low er tunnels arc I gavo ing run to cu t i t a t still g reater dep

All ore iu t h i s vhute in good mill < (jjj and fu ll w idth of d r if t. This eonipn

lia.s Huvcral hundred feot ahcail ‘ J* ' th o n i 'o f good su rface Nhow ings wh

ran ho developed n t g reater depths ■ tlio tunnel advaneos into the monntn

(vnnngo Othor iiroperties ailja.-ont to t ground, nre boing developed w ith g< T.'siilts. TI.0 Klltoro is vory froe oy

® iding nnd jjives up most <if,it# val tho tailings only going Kl cents

"ff ton . W ith such good showing a t ® depths a tta ined sovoral years o f pi

I'orous m ining fo r thi^ cOmpanv is j ^ 7 dieted, though

;.T i HAZELTONlo 'bela , tho IIAZKLTOX—Tho in fan t daugl 7ork is n f Mr. and M rs. J . 11.' Seeley d

sta rt, W odnosday. ___.I?which i i r s . Roscoe B oden left T uesday ' capital. Boiso for a b r ie f v isit witli her i Inco. in band.ii.ush J ,, j„,|, ivor.K'H l,.flT.

fiJ** Boise for n vncntion of ali

' 1 1™in»° nf 1* '° SclM m provom cnt club met in coldid' very "P‘‘®w eatlibr thero wcro aoveral meml

present. A fto r tho business meet ' Bl M^rpUy served JV delicious lui

. Ccorgo B ucklcy motored to Jeri

;Tp?as to bo The last haskctball gamo .heroted out season wna played ‘Wednesdny evciiro and ■«'th tho f ira t and second tennisI bodiea K'lo" ‘'" d th e ‘g irla ’ tenm f

Whllo Kilcn. Ilazeltpn w alked nwny w ithto $500 games.T o f ita B a rr o f Edon ia hero visi'I stand Georgo W yllio fo r a week or

Jta L ad ie s ’ A id society m et a t* Tosta 0^' M rs. F ra n k Rlcm au Wed

or cont ’i».v nftem oon.cyaijdo M r. nnd M rs. Jg h n Craig of Ielcctric moving in tho N ato G riffith ptes loaa wook.^________________

rl S BAN .CALIFORNIA S T O iha mlno —

by os- IIKLENA, M ont., Feb. 23 C4>)—<I a t ,800 ornor Joseph M. Dixon today is.<iui Soveral proclam ation closing M ontana to

»ar th is Uvcstoek frojn C nlifornin bceniist fu rther tho reported 'p^ovalenco o f tho foot

IWS th n t mouth diaeaso In th n t atato. Tho <] an tino is c ffee tlv o immediately.

ars pro- H lgheft R adio S tation. .[tor gold Tiio h ighest rad lu sta tion Inreports), world Is 2,100 fec t nbovo Rlo doJ tunnel oelro, on Ihe peak o f M ount CorcoViin noarlf T ho conBtm ction wqb dono ■, a t giy w h l ^ rU k i to tho w orkracn.


~ ^ j<%tK \ / / ' t oP F /a s - s o M t 0 ? ,

1 " W E I'TW tM 'T i Z . ^

9 'tC V C W . N o u 'S- V


amed as Oil Counsel

hilndelphin nttornoy, has been nnnied b y 1’ I Pomerono o f Ohio, In nil crim inni nnd c• seandnls. M r. Itohorts takes the |>liico <>ri; Chicngo, wJio.iii imnio was w ithdraw n bucu e confirm ed the nduiiiiatiau of! M r. R oberts

Philadelphia Sckbol ro 1,0. Authorities Approc

Use of Uniform Dre:npany<- ——IKl of H eartaches of Girl Stude whidi Banished hy New Idea; W inTaim General Tavor

th is ----------I good PHILA D K LPH T.', Feb. (/P)- eyan- Heartaehos among studen ts a t tl v a lu c .^ .'Jo iitl i Pliiln.lolphia High Srho

ts I'or'if for fiirls bopauso of tho vagari it thc 'ij.o f nam e Fashion havo been ba ' pros- ishod by the adoption by, scho it pre- au thorities of a uniform dreas f

stnilents. Although w earing o f tl dross is voluntary, a largo groi r>f th e girls has a lready ordcri

.till' garb, und ih c sen tim en t th lighter *" n m anifestation

died • «<’i"’ol sp irit is reported spreadii j among the rest of tho studoI body.

iiy^fo r, j , tho outgrow th" ‘“'■j a self-governm ent plan. An ,op'

forum on "School S p irit aitT ucs- School Problem s” tceon tly lod

about disi'ussion o f dress, ia which pt ] ' en ts of tho girls pnrtie lpa ted . T

net a t uniform wns" favored by all pn.[urphy j ent.s to rm y ' Tho costume comprises n dnembers j bluo junijier with tho sehool morlee tin g ; g ra m ' embroidered in g r r i j ''s i :

lunch. I whito tailored wftlHt, «p«rt shr Jerom e ' “"d stockings. Tho co it is ar

j to bo ten dollars.

" . .“ 'R EA L ESTATE TRANSFtinis o fl —I from ' pom loliod by th e T w la F » lli T itle rJth all A brtr»et Compftar

.■isitingt Saturday, Fobruary 23.or so .' E. D. Askew lo A. W altz, $r,000

a t tho 2 <1rnecland.7cdncs- ''*- 1* N orris to C. 1-apray, SI;

jN E 22-0-14.• f l ! Q '» t cinim deed. 0 . H. K Invon i f h,don jnckson , $1; N 1-2 SE H-lO-1.h placo, , — - .

M onday F o b iuary 2C.I S. S. KtJinger lo K. 8<'hniiod, O C K lo ts -<1, -12;.-13, Twin Fulls Height I F . C. Lynch t« A. U. Lehman,

p)_Gov- lo t 1. , block 112, Twin Palls, (isuod n ' J* Ch.imbers to J . A. Crom, $1

to nil Iot« fl. 7. block ."iO. Twin VnWn.W80 o f ' ^ B lair to C. W. Mtvrtln. $1000? oot nnd IS. M . block HO. a-win F alls.

' TONSlUnSI • Apply th kk ly o v t thro

In th o ' 1 eovor with-hot Oanuol—

E , „ X S i S s


T H E G U M P S -


- U S E N O H O O K S

I P S H 'T V J O M m3 'IC A C H .K A t f t .N > n S \N < ^ - M H

(k C O s ) t? V V 5 t ' '> '^ N T t C ,R M .U ^■ tE P t O M

V W « U t U t t R M l S - - o n e ,V V MEEX> (.NV) M O E E V > J0 iu v .« .6 E

M O W W V ,> C O L V E G E - y ------- — - ____ ' —


. GHeiNET lUGIPresident Coolidge’s Clioice f(

Successor to Denby Centei on Dixon and-M icliigan iVlat Both EndorsedWA.'^niXOTON', F ,‘b. 2." f>P)—I„iti

cniisidi'ratioii j;i»'/vi h r Prefli<l<>n£ Cat idge til se lfi'tion o f a successor to E will Denb.v as seero tary of the 'na ' hiiH revolved abou t Jo.iepli I f . Dixo

'/ I'livcrnnr of M ontana, aiiil .lames l^avidson, rejiiibllean national roi Niiltei-inan from M ichigan.

,In;iHnnieIi as M r. J^enby’s rotireme frnm tho eab inu t doo,s not become c feolivi' un til M areh 10 and because more iaiiiieili'ato’ pressing ([iiestions, t lirexi.IiMit, it w as said today nt f Wiiite House, has ronsiderod the fi ing of lh<' nnvy post only in a prelii inary wuy. I t was neknowledgcil, Jio 'M-cr, tlia t a num ber of telegram s a; li-tters had been received omlorsi: l.oth Governor Dixon and Mr. Dav:

Urge DIxoq fo r ? laco' Governor D ixon 's name has bc

r^jl' pot forw ard b y sovoral adm inistrati rit'iii- 'vho hnvo pointed to I•i-auHC and n lso 'to tho fnct tl;ts,. he comes from the fn r wost, a secti

Io which i t has been getiornlly belicv ^ Mr, Cooliiigo wnuld tu rn ia search ol

r man to fill tho f ir s t yaeaney to occ in his cabinet.

t V e Those ,oatlor.Hiiig tho M oatana gov '‘€ 8 3 havo poin ted out h is conn

tions w ith tho progressive group, having been chnirm iiu o f tlio uatioi

IcntS eommittee of th c Hooaovolt progress] Wins I’-'*’*.'’ nfgned tl

Mr. Coolidgo should recognize t wiivg o f lUe rej'ubUcnn parly in ieeting the naval seerotary. Cover;

P>— Dixon has been m entioned rccently tho IV jiossiblo republican nominee for vi

hool -jitesidcnt.D avldaon la Sliiphuiidor

’ Mr. Davidson is a shipbuilder a '■O'** Iumi)ormaii o f Hay City. Mich., a

roriies from a fam ily which bns bc engagoil for y ears in the shipbuildi business on th e G rea t Lakes. Th' endorsiiig him, in addition to prese

J ing h is cjualifieallons, havo oxpresi tlio be lie f th a t inasmuch as th'o rei

' ing socretary eamo from Mi.-higan,siu-i'ess(ir should bu ehosen from tl

, , stale.It o f _________________

“J ' j T htnk of Poor Sol.{ ' Some o f thcj nun hjwih a re snid ^ bo thouanndB of m iles In dluincti Y],o and ye t Uilnk o f th c fu ss n girl mnk

over on o rd inary freckle.—Host Tm nacrlpt.

dark ---------------------------‘0" 0- Color Harmony.«llk, Ho— Jllss Dolly, you arc* ih e lo’ ihocs ,n lie au tlfu l gnrd^anid s iif—You liariiionke wtill, too. w

thesu green su rround ings Mr. nioe

’ ERS • To l/T loate H igh Bluff*.Lia and * ** planned to 'c ro c t wjndml

a lo o t th e C olum bia riv e r al the v t e r 'i edge to IrrlR ate th e hlRh hlui


± W A]WillContrac

GrimmUi, $1 ; Salmon T ract, OasUefor

forred. Will contract on age now w ith eatabUshe

H). furniah OertUied Seed Ureliable p a rtie s having It

Por particu lars, writ Eep

^ The Albert Di

INING, FEBRUARY. 26,1 _ _ _

-V --- ----------------- ^\ \ "MNM -TOV / V.HM X-WKfOLt.I /VOOUl.^ SOV) \ VW A.% M

bkA V, (V VOVFE WHO ''*> " '" 'E' . S T W 6 S O f T O R

H t T l RM bUtS-J (V ^

r— -------- n M'zvK t\ j’\ * MC>HTAJNt>


M m * — I ---------

Relics of Lincoln Wanted for Museun

_ for Illinois C i tOwner Offers Valuables ofFo

mer President; W ant Instit r tion Founded

j,--^sntiN G FiK i^X 111,, i>n,‘- rr'(>p)— An alm ost ]>rirok-»s i-ollei-tioii of

.. Lincoln relies has boi'ii offered by6 f o r tho ir nw oi'r as an inilucement lo

. estali!i:i)i an Abniliuni Llneoln mii-fll6 rS seuia Iiere, aerord ing to tlii(.Linuoln Vlfln* (’ontoiinial iissoeiat-on.

I t is th e hope o f the ns:<oei(iti<in, It.H officer.H say, lh a l eA-ontually tlio Siiiigaiii'in I'oii'ity rourt iiounn

Initial ran bo obtaineil as a Lin'rolu mn- Ht'iiiii. P<ir fJie p r .s e a t moms ia

.0 Ed- the (’i iile n n ia l building, o r sjiare 'navy -in th,> s ta te l i is io r ira l . museum,

Dixon, aro ciiggested as -i p lare fi.r the i.s E exhibits,

com- W illiam O. (Im viTse. ow oit of tho oO lei'tion, has offeroil llie rei-

ement ie" th e ns.Kiriation for exhihi- iu> ef- tion il. lho {>ro|>osod mnsriim. Thc use of eolleetion eoalulns pioneer fnrni iis,tho tiiro and iiteimils and is rogarilrd

(),Q ilS aiiiiost - |>rii'i'lrss and tlio most e fill- complete in Ihe I 'n ite il .‘-'lates, trelini- Couvers.- said. A ppnipriatelv

Jiow- eatalngucd, p rotortod from fire nnd IS and theft, and open to th e inspection, orsing profernbly in a building doilI David- Lineolii, .a re the romli

tions under which Mr, <.’onvi-rs( m ade the? offor.

been nppcnl to owners of Lincoli. .. reli~s in Illino is and tliroughou o' Ids •‘States, to loan TtlPl

•t thn t museum, is planned.

S i e ! ; , A CT ON TREATY,h o f n itO M E, Feb . 2,'. /P)—Prem ier M

occur -■'*“ 1 tbo .Tugo-K'av m inister hijoxrhangcd ra tif ira tii.n s of the trei

„ovi‘r- ’■'C"'-''* i*•onncfl-' i’fo '"*"'''"” t*'** trea ty tllip l.oeoiiies Itali.iii territo ry ,iticiiul j ^ s = = = = ^ s = a s = = = : ^ = ressivo d th a tj

« i m C u r e a C a U kJIneJJjay

» „ i [ boon

Those ‘W W m.

r - f B r o m a I \iiummejnid lo


The tonic and laxativo effect of Laxativo BROMO QUININE Tablets wiU for-

. lovo. tify the system against In- :nrdcQ. fiuenza and other serious . 'vith Ilia resulting from a Cold, nioom. « . . . ,IliA box bean tbls sigoatsre

idm llltwa- pnc« 30c.

bluSa. -----

^ T E Dact Limited Acreage m Alfalfa Seed . •.'(ford or E osew orth . D istricts pro on three to fivo years term . Acre

shed stand, s ta te certified, or wil i for initial planting tliis spring t( S: land th a t will p ass requirements vrite or see E.- E. SPAFFOED, Representative

Dickinson Companyi r FALLS, IDAHO

----------------------------------- (

'TO - l u z "TIlAJNmG o e 3V.^ C A N ^ ^ Q ^ U • \ ’l> MAKE ' i G tlW E-JviV cE '-iM

"TWO W ^ e ^ O s -Y iM tl •

OVJfaWT T o -f tw iN E ^

Tvtc>u'rTyW K . M.

umi t yt F o r -

.H t.- O N L Y

1 ." H A L F A Tt lo

luoln .

li..... w Txlally I

; = t i m eimreeum, 'the

r of rei-

hil,i-‘Thc .1 . .l iates.It ely nndtion, ^dodi- Vo.s, o u r m en’s t.mU-‘•erse . C 1 <> t 1» I U g (lepiirt-

‘5“' ’* meut is ton i up allfhout *riglit, J i u t doing

busiuoss ju s t thor Mus- , s ',r have suiuu—ouly liUlf a t trenty

t is ii'y a time is being re-y that "

* modeled.

^ So if you think the

lim e is ripe to get

your now Schoble,

como right in the ‘

H sam e tw usual—the

W . boy.s jire all on the

job, the mirrors are

■ standing a r o u n d

|>jP somewliere, and tlie

m h u t s a r e within

easy reach.

Ivo^0 y o u ’ll w ant to see'or*In- what-’s g o i n g on,)US

anyhow — and the •

* balcony th a t’s go-

^ ing in.


mts, D E P T .

S T O R E 1

^ b ring U b « ik V ‘ . i |

mmm = = ^ = s i = a s s a « ^

,1924. . PageTkw ,

Page 4: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;

’ d a y ^ s S p o :


IfflP S E fB illTR om ero-R ojas, A nother South

A m erican M enace, L o o m s Over Pugilistic Horizon; F ir- po’s A ttitude Not Sa tisfao to ry jN EW TORK, r t b . IS H>>_J«ck|

Dompaoy may bo cnllod on to Joiond I hiti hcnvywclKht championship agninst R now South Amcricnn mcnaco noxt fa ll, if present ]i1nns of Tox Hiekurd jnntcriniizc,'

Tho promoter announced todny thn t lie hnd Kimrnntcoil Qnintin Itomcro* Kojas, Chilean hcnvywclght, n jiureo o f >100,000 for ft litlo flRhi w ith Jnck Dempsey, ponxibly in Soptcmber, i f lio fluceoctlii in dinpoaini; o f Oitco proJlm- innry oppnn’ont*. B lckard hns como to n dofinito ngreem ent w ith tho Chil- fnn nnd cnblcd tho boxor todny to fix tho earliest possiblo d a te on which ho can roach th is eonntry.

3Z&7 B« BenaiUoa Romoro*nojas hns boon offered the

aamo opportun ity to Rain ring fnme A nd financinl roward “th a t fell to Luis

. Angel F irpo la s t yonr, Itlcknrd Raid, ndding th a t roports reaching him jus- tffiod the prediction th a t tho Chlloan m ight prove nn ovon grcator-BonBation thnn tho A rgontinc, who gained a mntch w ith Dempsey a fto r cu tting a wido swntli through hoavywoight rn n k i

A t tho sanio time, Rfckard rovonlo.d th n t ho hnd no defin ite ngreement w ith F irpo fo r a re tu rn mntch with Dempsey and thsa ho mny nbnndon plnns for such 'tiS contost i f Ilomoro- Bojns domonstratJB th n t ho is a f i t challenger fo r » o champion. Tho prom oter m ade It plain th a t ho Is dls* sa tisfied w ith F irp o ’s failure to re­spond to rccont overtures fo r a mateli licro th is ycnr nnd was ready to can­cel tho A rgen tine’s proposed p n rt in h ii heavyw eight program unless tho “ Wild B u ll" assumes a d iffe ren t a t­titude.

E e A n u AgreesRickard has received tho nskuraneo

o f Ja c k Kearns, Dem psey’s manngor, th n t th e champion would b« ready t* iheot Komoro-Ilojas if the lo tto r cooes up to expectations. According to presen t plnns, th e Chilonn’a f irs t bout will bo staged o t M adison Square G ar­den,. with IVod FuUon or Floyd John-

— . ^ p n ' - a » - an opponent. Should, ho omcrgo victorious in h is f irs t m ntch, n m atch w ith Jnck R enault, hard-h itting Canadian, next would bo sought,-R ick- nrd asserted. Tho prom oter said ho would not consider an clim iaation fight' betw een Romcro-Rojos nnd F irpo. '

W ith practicftl nbundonmont b y a , New Y ork syndicate of e ffo rts to m atch F irpo and I la r ry W ills in Ju ly , bccnuao of a deadlock ovor prelim in­ary gunrontccs, B iekard dcclarcd bo stood ready to renew h is recent o ffe r fo r sujih a contest. • —

O ffered $300,000 !R ickn rd ’s proposition of $100,000 ta ;

W ills nnd *200,000 to F irpo was ro- ; jectcd by both fighters, but tho pro- m otcr said he would n o t n iter th is b id . Tie said ho is ready to stngo such a , fig h t ‘in B oy le 's T h irty Acres, hls Je rsey City arena, in Ju ly , i f his term s nro nccoptcd. The synd ica te ’s o ffor wna to r o purso of $500,000 to ■bo evenly d ivided by tho principals.

Meanwhile, F lrp o 's Amorican repre­sen tative, W illiam McCorney, said the A rgentine pliuinod to rotnrq to tho U nited S ta te s nbout the mlddlo of

■ April ond go on nn extensive figh ting tour. ■ According to McCatnoy, o ffers fo r fig h ts Include one w ith J a c k Re­nault, a t W indsor, Canada, M ay 2+, nnd another w ith F loyd Johnson in Clovoland. O thers, nro from Memphis, 8L Louis, Chicago, New Orleans, St. P au l, Toronto, Philadelphia, Kalama* zoD, Mich., and Louisville.

BXTENOS A IR ES, Feb. 25 M»)—E f­fo r ts oro b e lag mnde to arrange a bout betw een Lui» F irpo and Qulntln Rom- oro-Rojas, tho Chllwin heavyweight, befor® K rp o palls fo r the U nited Stntea. I t is tlio iigh t possible th a t BOtnethlng d e fin ite vrtth regard to tho bo u t w ill bo arran g fd tomorrow, the tim e lim it fixod by th e South Am eri­can Boxing foderathii) fo r F irpo 'a an- liwor to tb e chtillengo of .Rojoa cs- ^drcs. Tho federation ruled some time ago th a t IHrpo m uat m eet Eojaa o r for* {oit h is t itlo o f champion o f Soutli A m ariea. _ '

B o ju r<^torat«d. his challenge to F irp o is tbo r in g So|><lAy b igh t bofors th e b o u t in w hich Tirpo kno ck ed 'o u t " F a r m e r " Lodge, the American fig h t or, in Ave rounds.

B ojaa to ld th e Associated Prosa to- . day - 'th a t he h ad aen t a eable diapatch

to T ex SickATd in Now York nee«pUag nn o f fe r fo r th reo flgh ta ia tl^o Uni-

. te d S tates, b u t th a t hia departtire fo r

.N e w Y ork Jn u n cd ia te ly depends on w hathflr F irpo aeeopt h la choUonge fo r

. n b o U b here. ;

A t Corralliso-O regon A g ^ s 28, - 'W o ah in g io n f^ ts to 20

Page Ponr . . _TWI

o r i i n g j j c ! ^


T N ew s T eam Goes in fo r High S co res w ith Three S tra ig h t W ins from Laundry Five

1^3 Tho Nows bowlers, w ith a represcntn- tiv e squud M onday,'cam o buck strong

ir~ i» n d showed some of the ir old-timo 'fo rm , b y tnk ing thro strn ig lit gumes

'n f l f r o m tho Troy Lnundry bow lers In [compnrfltiveJy eaay matches.

Tho p rin te rs to talad 'S037 p h is whilo th e laundry was m aking 2378, a d iffer- onco o f 259 pins In tho totul.

0*1 T his is tho f irs t tim e In wooks tlin t tho p r in t shoi^ squad hns hnd moro than tliroo regu la rs present n t a aossion and w ith tlio tcnm up to fu ll strongtli Mon- (lay and ovcry mnn h ittin g around tho 500-mark, thoy found no d ifficu lty

'‘J w hatsoever in tam ing th e league lead- J ® Ing Trojnns.

T his ovcning the Times team is plnn- n ln g on jum ping in to f i r s t p lace w ith

* ll v ic to ry ovor tfio Iloyal B akery bowl-K or".“ ® F ln k e and Solf woro .tho high mon

■ fo r tho evening w ith F inko nosing out . S e lf b y a p in In tho finn l count of 554.

Tcnm to ta ls for tho two team s ^I'ow ‘"I® tho News n t 175 and tho T ro jans n t

158.?U*’ Score.

■ N ow s: - I ' S 3 Tot. ,j“ “ |S o lf ......... . . . . . . 1 8 2 2 0 0 .1 7 1 ,- 5 5 3■ f'ln k o ....................205 173 17fl“* 554

A sbury ............... 200 134 195 528‘ . M cD ougall .........183 109 Ifll 515® Thompson .............154 138 105 487

“ 020 8 H 807 £587rith T roy L nundry: 1 2 3 Tot.Jon D ailoy ..................172 180 177 520jro- Sclck ....................137 152 154 403f i t K ing ....................137 150 164 451

Pho T r i t t ....................132 173 104 4C9Ils- C ubit ............. 140 150 170 400

tell 738 ,805 835 2378 an- — — ' '------

CANCEL e i E S i I N H iD P lE Ties ■■ 'I .

H ollister W ithdraw s from Suh- «r- D is tric t T ourney; Girls’ T our-

n am en t Called OffB U IIL , Foil. 25.— iSpcclnl to T hf

Now*,)—Tho Ilollintor biisKctlinll tonm ho *'” * w ithdraw n fron. tho mjb-distrii-r

tournam ent, i t wns nimounccd hero tn- d ay b y M. M. Van P ntton , who is

‘ ninnnging tliis interschobintlc a ffa ir .This leaves b u t four team s com peting

j_ fo r honors—‘Filer, Twin t 'jilb . Buhl nnd . ’ K im lw rly. ^2,^ Tho girls tournnm ent nino has beon 'or following tho fa ilu re of

th reo o f tho fivo schools to ngroo to partic ip a te . Kimberly, H ollister an-i F ilo r, nil fo r vnrioii* rciisons, deemed

ro. Buhl nndTw-in F a lls tho only com peting tcnm?

J j »n/l nn e ffo r t on the pnrt o f Buhl to ^ se ra ro a gnino w ith Twin F u lls socnu

to bnvo lesultod In the bluo an d whit') cu-ixU also preferring to cnll th e ir scn-

, son to a closc, in event th ere w ere to . bo no o ther comji^ting tenm s. 'J lencc ,'

tho Buhl sex te t hns the field to i t « ; l f . ,‘ A t till) draw ing held Mondny evening

. ’ i t wnii I’ceidetl th a t Twin F n lls .would lucet K im berly for thc f i r s t gnmo on

' . T hu rsd ay afternoon n t 2:30 clock w ith th^vFiler-Buhl game lo be played Itnmr. <Uately aftem -nrd , a t 3:30. The con-

- te a t Is to be run on tho doublo ollmln- ■ a tlo n plnn w-itli tho k>sors p laying ' T hursday evening, followed b y a ga:no

, botwoon th e winnorg o f tho aftornoon IJ®' gamo*.

Tho f in a l gam e of tho tournam ent w ill bo hold on F riday a t 8 ©clock. AH o f th e gamos ore to bo p layor In tho

school gymuasium w hich ha*' a la rg o f lo o r and excoUent sea tin g fncil-

itlM i '

L E E TO JO IN AM BEIOAN8.®, D EN ER , Peb. 23 OW—D udley Loo,

$50,000 shortatop o b tiia cd from^ Tulsa■ o f th o W est«m lengue la s t fa ll, and

' aow th o p roperty o f th e Boston Amori-' ■ tona , w ill m eet hla Bow colleagues a l ‘ ■ th o S an A ntonio, T etaa, tra ih ln g .cam p

w ith ia ^ few days, ho announced horo to n ig h t. *Lco, who w ithin 'th e la a t few wooka had returned two con tracta un- d g n c d to th e Boston d u b , Waa in te le­g rap h ic communication w ith P resident B ob Q uinn today and .,w ired th o t tho th ird con trac t re n t him had been signed.

> ^ t -------------------------8TE 1B L IN 0 LOSES.

B UFFALO, N. Y., F«‘b. 25 ( /P W im S la tte ry won th e dodaion ov e r W . L.

;ch (YooBg) S irib llng in a six round bout horo tonight.

ni- V I ' |_


" TASTELESS p E CASTOR OIL▲D good drug atorci ereryw her«


What ihiO iSSEEK

P o c k e t C h a r t T e s t* B lo o d b y C o lo r M a tc h

■ Testa o f ihe blood con be m ods by

Y m atching ita color w ith those shown on ft vest-pocket c h u t th a t 'h a s la te ly como


T ^ ^llo into uso among doctors. In making the c ,. experiment, tbe patien t's finger ia first

. pricked w ith a at«rili«sd needle and a drop of the blood collectcd on a piece of w hitepaper. T hc color is then compared

. w ith tboso on thc ecalo of tho instrum ent to dctcrmine-tho-pcrccntogo of red cor-

E a s t - B o u n d S h ip s L ig h te r T h a n T h o s e G o in g W e s t

(in- Bdcntific experimcnta to ascertoBa th e ith possiblo effect c{ th e direction in which a wl- ahip ia going upon its wcisht>«arrying ca>

p td iy , roccntly m ade b y a prom inent ion sdcntist, resulted in h ia conclusion tha t 9ut »2,000*ton vessel traveling e ast oilciB 400 54 . pounds less resiBtanc« to th a w ater cur» 'ow re n t thAn i t does w hen west-bound, n t T h is calculation, i t is said, is baaed upon

th e infiQence of oentrilugal force, w hich is greater wben a body is riding w itb tho

'o t tide in the direction in which tho earth 5J53 revolves, than when beaded th e o ther way. 554 ■ • •528 S a fe g n a rd if lg t h e A e r ia l

Frequently a sinrfe-wiie aerial is strung between tho house and a n e a r l y tree , and

— th e awingiag o f tlw treo in a stonn often 937 breaks tbe wire o r pu lls i t p u t o f th e sup< 'ot. p o r t a t tb e o ther end. A good ibetbod ^20 o f overoomiDg thia tto u b te ia to placo an 103 Qidinaiy sereen-door ^ ttin g betw een the 151 end of thfl aerial a ikl b o ^ T h is wiU 1C9

— Short Time Left for ™ Idaho Jockey to Keep

Apprentice AllowanceParke to Lose Five Ponnd

T “Bug” on M arch 9; Piloted 81 Winning Horses

NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 25 (/P)— Ivnn Parke, tho D odo, Idaho, lad

[ j . who hns showed tho wny to evory jockey on' tho American tu r f dur-

r - ing the last 11 months, w ill nuto- m atically lose tho fivo pound “ bug” or npprcntico allowanco on March 10.

Piirko won his f ir s t race a t Tift Junnn, Mnrch 19, 1923, and according to tho rules loses his npprontico* alloH-anee oao yoar

' la ter. On tho New Orleans tracks since Jnnunry 1 Pnrko haa piloted winners of 81 raccs and i t is ro- giirded us high iy probablo his m ark will bo in cxccss o f 100 to* wnrd fhe 1£>24 eup beforo ho Joses his apprentice allownncc.

"'I Tho News Is read by tho perm ancat W orking'classes.

n«l -in? _________________________

IIJ ' .t? Today

and l l j i y i y QWednesday

E G loria Sthx*' in the Sidney 0

I “The Humr n U E Swanson in

nt groatetrt Swanson

As goi^eousand b< a* gowned as ever—;il- .

—as saucy and Freneh os she was in

oc. ’ —and also—hold nd firs t mole imporsonati

G loria Swanson in

As. the most notor ew who masquerades in

comes the ta lk of th ,n nemesis of the poUce.

. I t ’s a rem arkable does her greatest acti

itn A fter “Zoaa,” a tr<follow-up p icture had “The Humming Bird’

= soars to a new mark• o ta l l time,'; U d E CONLEY in the Mei

* ___ n f t tw iw g




keep th e win ta o t a a d a t tb e same tim e prevent i ts being broken eaaily. In some cases i t m ay be desirable to have

y springs a t b o th ends o f th e acrioL “ . • • •^ Snow Scraper Attached to Rake

A aerviceablo mow aeraper can readily be m ade b y attaching a plcco of gal* vsoiced iro n to on ordiauy garden mico, .

\ as ahown in ’tho drawing. T be metal I should b e a t least -h in . thick and should T ‘be cu t to th e dimensions given in thc f upper detail. SLort cuta are m ade a t thc

points ind icated and tho atrips between theso c u ts b c n t o u t aa shown is the lower drawing. T b e loops thus fonned ahould

. bo m ado so th a t the tines of tho rake muat bo forced into them, thua prcvenliDR tho scraper from falling off tho rako. A


rf I 'n t ^ ^ ^ 1 J j M •

lat METHOD o r RAISING» ' ^ ^ 1 1 ; ' locp WK nwE t r rwceIIP* ~ • '

scraper o f th is kind costs m uch loss than ™ a m anufaetiircd one, and, if properly is made, serves tho purpose ju s t DS well,

ho • • •^ W a t e r S u p p l y f o r P r iv a te G a rag e

R a in w a te r is ideal fo r use in auto­m obile r a p t o r s , os i t is frco from moat of th e ecalo-forming chemicals and salta

ng present in w ell and hydran t water. Two ad coavenicntjD C ^oda of storing rain water en ia readiness for uso a re shown ia th^draw - ip- 'iog. T h o up p e r figure shows bow a half od b o ^ m ay be arranged on a s b c l f ^ id c an the garage, a t a height th a t wili permit he tho w ater t o flow in to tho radiator. A rill g u tte r is ru n along tho edge o f tho roof


MOSCOW, FoU 25 W>)—T ho victory o f K ing , W ashington s ta te collcge 175-

j pound w rcetlor, whon ho socnrod an ^ unexpected fa ll from Veascr, Unlver-

I s ity o f Id u h o 'm o t mnn, saved W ashing­ton S tn to college w restling toam from d e fe a t In a coast eonforeaee wrestling m atch to n ig h t. Tho resu lt o f tho match wns o tie , 8 to 8.

B ittn e r , Idalio , th row K ollcr, W. S. C., in th'o 125-pound m atch in 1:20. All o th e r b ou ta woro draws. Tho program- waa a rra n g e d on a baala o f ono 15- m inuto b o u t in each claaa te a f a l l No doclslona w ero given.

The Id a h o froshm oa w restlera won from th o 'W ashington S ta to y e a r^ g s , 10 fo 0. Id a h o au tho rities w c re ^ n s ld - ering a possib ility o f con tcstlsg K in g ’s v ic to ry ov e r Vessor on tho ground th a t K in g ’s nam o w as n o t among thoso sub­m itted a s en tering in tho tou rnam en t

Rapid Promotion.“1 guesa I 'l l double my iDcome.” said

it the ofllce boy a s he fo lded h is ten-dol*' la r b in .


Sw ansonO lc o t t P r o d a c t i d n

lining Bird”I T IIIS p ic tu re is the n you’ve ever seen!

beautiful and alluringly

p e rt an d deliciously n “Z aza” —

you r b rea th !—in her Ltiou!

Jl trousers!

)rious Apache in Paris, n boy’s clothes and he- the boulevards and the 0.

B role and in it G loria :ting.

tremendous success, her id to be a t least' as good." d” not only is better, but :k for Swanson pictures

; e r m a i d O o m e d y “ H i g h L i f e ”

i T h n r s d a y --------- ;----------

i n *‘THE U A E E . O F Z O f iB O "


Is ^ oin^l A G A z n m

>« IffMNSPOl/r ^


^ nD®MkL ^Id ,L U _ m _ i i i£ X / r c n i V '

- ! cn ‘ ^ ^ 7

Id B u c tc r- . f p r : = - Jicc _________________________________LOK

and a sm all^tap pipe from the p u re r is — brought tlirough Uie wii11.uk Hliown, so y th a t the w a te r wiJJ drain info thc b.-irrcJ.^ A abort length of pipe, fitted w ith a vnlvo,^ is fitted through tJic aide nenr Uic bottom [■. nnd a length o f rubber hoso is att«chc<l aa

shown. An overflow pipo is al»o provided. Id ganigcs where thero ia uot enough apaco to pe rm it tho instoiiation dcscriLx.-*! above, a barrel m ay be m ounted on a

, a tand outside of th e gamgo as ahown in tho lower figure. I n both cases a fmo

I, sieve m uat Im provided in the pipe lending from tho gu tter, to catch any forciim

“I matter.- T h c insider of tha corjtaincr aboidd bo w ashed o u t occnsioually,

• • •

5 D r y m g C lo th e s in C o ld W e a th e ra D uring cold w eather cloUica hung o u t

on tho iino to d iy bccomc stiff, d ue to the frozen m oisture in them, and in a ttcm p t- ing to rem ove tlicm they are frequently to m a t tho comcra. This daoRcr can bo elim inated by hanging tho clotbcs on wire cout-bangcrs of Uie kind used ex-

to- tensivcly b y cleaners'. The clotbcs are oat hung on th e ‘haQgc(fl, which are bung on ilta the line. T o keep them scparat<^ evenly, wo a num ber o f old yardsticks or ’Iaifis are ter used, boles being drilled, in them nbout IW- 3 in . apart, and tho hooks of tho bangeta lalf passed through tho holes beforo th ey are idc hung on th e line. T he clothes are b rough t n it in on the hanger? and allowed to thaw o o t

A before taken off. This method also obvi* oof a tes th e usual discomfort of cold hoDd& ,

A Good T U ag —D O N 'T U IB S IT .%y Bead y o n r nam e and address p laln lj ^ ' w ritten to ge ther w ith 5 ccnta (a n d thU

alip) to Cham borlain Mod'slne Co., Do* iry Molnea, Iow a, a n d receive In re tu rn a fB- tr ia l p ackage containing Chnm berlaln’>

Cough Romody for couatis, colda. croup, bronchial, " f l u " and whooping coughs.

>S* and tick lin g t h ^ a t , Cham borlain’r }m Stom ach a n d L iver Tablota fo r stomack ag tronblas, indlgoatlon, gassy p a in a^ th a i,

erowd th e hoart, blllluu»D ess and eonatl-' pation ; C ham borlain 'i Salvo, needed lu evory fam ily fo r burnt, sc ald s , wounds;

S. piles and sk in affections; theso valued U l fam ily medlclnea fo r only 5 cento. D on t' tm. a h a IL—adv.15- -

ila t

M atinee 10^ and 20c; n igh t, c

A p la y e f a wo- m an ’s 'way .in. a — . j A b B

1° lonely c ity o f folly

K a t h e r i n e

-■^afeScaiThe s to ry o f a lonely gixl i n a c ity —tb e so rt o f botUe a g lzl m ost ^ h an d le aloaeT AU th e a r tis try an^ m ens b eau ty Is here I n 'a strange w ay a a d ths-^'winning th rough a a a

n ’o i d ~ t h ¥ ^ r i g i ] i a l s t o

Beaoitiftil e lo th ^ scenes o f splendi m ethod In th e A m erlcu

ALSO s: ^ B aH ts^ cn%» O m ni k

yf/iu. R o g e r s ^TWo V&OONS-, ,, - Bora

d TOMOEEOW—VATOEVI■ and shiblet :


' BU H L, Fob. 25 (Speelal to The ^ o w s ) —Tho Buhl A ll-S tar baskctbaU

. team w ill meet the H o llis te r A ll-S tajs Tuesday n ight in tb e locnl gymnasum.

B ubl has an exceptional tow n team th is y e a r which has m ot b n t one do- ifea t during the w hole season. This w as suffered a t the hands o f tho Twin F a lls AU-Star delegation on tho Twin

., F a lls floor in a gaino th a t required < j two ovcr-tlm e poriods boforo tho Magle ; C ity q u in te t trlum ped over th e c rack

(Buhl aggrogntion.Tho H ollister toam Is roportod to

j 1)0 som ething of a d a rk horse, hav ing . m et b u t fow teama in th is diatric t.


is Demp»ey, heavyweight boxing cham- so plon o f tho world, w ill undergo a minor

|T?J. sui;gicAl operation e ith e r tom orrow or vo, W ednesday, i t wna roportod today n f te r ^ Dm th e champion had conferred w ith a as specialist.

cd. A fte r leaving n hosplU l, Dempaoy Igh wllL ren t Mintll pliyrielans w ill perm it

him td travel to tho I'nclfie coast.

> SLOW BOUT GOES TO DRAWing ----------iim SALT LAKE, Fob. 25 H orry ncr Thompson, giant negro boxer o f P oca­

tello, Idaho, nnd “ Cyclone” W ork­man, lig h t heavyweight o f P a rk City,' U tah , fought six slow rounds t a a

: r draw decision here tonight. Evoryfound .w as featured by sIqw in-fIghtlng—- jj and booing frora tbo crowd. •• -

Gland Treatment ™ Restores R. G. Laws

CX- — ' 'are “ I am ju s t a* young aa used to bo, on an d i t ’a all duo to glnnd pills. Iloro

Qly, I am 72 and foci ju n t na apry nnd full o f vim -ond pep ns i f I woro only 30 or

. 4 0 ." This testim ony to tho virtue of ^ a n d treatm ent waa volccd recently by Bobort Oeorgo Lawa, prom inent London broker. Mr. Laws, whose

>Shi hea lth has beon poor for several years, o o t claim s th n t a g landular tonic p u t up 3vi> in ta b le t form has restored him to tho ^ ^ hea lth and vigor o f eorlior days.

Such a trea tm ent ?s now obtainable g in tho form o f Oian<fogon, a highly

coaeontratod g ln nduhr tonic, prepared '* ,from tho glands <of l-calthy young ani* inlj jm als in eonvenlcnt ta tilc t form . Olnnrl- Li,u}ogen luia had romnrknblo success witU

: thousands of ailing men nnd womon. Glandogen is obtAinxblo n t Schramm-

i a Johnson I ^ g comp.iny. M ail orders n ’» g iven prom pt a tten tion .—culv.up, B = = S ^ = ^ = S ^ = ^ = 1 'ths. -----------------:------------------------------------------ 1

l}Ac LB.h . , fo r any U n d m ixed house

■V R A G S -■ ». . . Oor t n c k w ill call

T W m FA LLS JU N K HOUSE ' Fhone 79S Ath ave. a a d 2nd f t . &

TODAY— r ONE DAYt , ch lld rea lOc, adnlta 20e an d 30c

t t

i d e t U l j ^e lty e f foU y--«f h e r f l g t t a c a ln s t t t • t g ive th e worid w ben sh e ’s g o t i t to

and en trancing grace o f th e -wotld-ffr- o«e s te iy - o f a m an’s w ay—a -woman's sacrifice .

S t o r y b y ^ e d S i ^ t t e i i a m

endor, grondeor Invested 'w ith ta len ted i c a n ^ t t t y ' s la te s t p lc ta re

I S H d w X H Q

t i H b g o t C 1 « « •I j y ROACH;


--------------- ^ ^ %s v n x E road show, iaots,:y hasok featube .

— r * '


Page 5: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;

■ ~ ■ ■'' -TV

FEIITISEIISEE m ergency A ppropriation o<

,, $ 2 ,000 ,flb0 to Be A sked: C oast C ity Closes M arketsOAKLAND, CaL, Pob. 25 CP>—

Emorgenejr. nppropriatioQ o f $2,000,000 b y congross fo r uio ia tho fig h t ic Cal* ifo rn in a ^ n s t tbo hoof and mouth dlaoaso wiU bo oakcd, i t w as anoouncod here today, following a conforonco ol a tato , c ity and federal o ffida ls .

Tho nionoy wonld bo used ch iefly tc tdom nlfy owners whoso hogs, ca ttio and ■hoop aro destroyed.

I n tho moantimo, i t w as ngrood tha t a fltrlet quaran tine o t overy ranch, d a iry and slaughter honso in Alameda,

' N apa, Solano, Sonoma, Contra Costo and M ontoroy eountios was tbo boal

k m oans of proTonting lu H h c r spro&d oi lho disease.

XIoadquartors for d irec ting tbo fighi aga inst tho opldcmic w ill bo oponod to n o rro w m orning in th'o O akland nudl torium . O ther countics w ill bo qoar nn tlned whorovor tho disonao appoora

' F o r ty Rovornment m oat nnd ea ttlo in apoctom hnvo been ordered to ro p o rt a tho O akland headquartera to aaaiat it tho Bafogunrdini!' o f ,tho un infcctod nn im ale In tho qusvTAotincd eottatlcs. Thii w ork w ill bo done in conjunction w itl th o county food nod hea lth authoritioa

I SAN FRANCISCO, F o b .’ 2 0P>—Aiadd itiona l precaution ngainat aproai o f tbo dreaded hoof and month' diacaac tho San- Frtinciaco board of auporvia ors today passed an ordinance roqnli in g closing o f nil b u tch er shops >at ( p. m. on weok dnys.

Tho mcasuro waa fram ed to proven doliverips of m eat a t houra wbon cit; m oat inspectors nro o f f duty, i t wa aaid. K osher ment m arke ts aTo.allowe< to rem ain open -until 10 p. m. undo tho now ordinanco nnd tho bonzil o hoalth is gSvon power to set closlni hours on holidays.

The loss to livcatock owners in tht sta to , so fa r is estim ated a t $2S0,00(

' whllo 15,000 head o f cattio and 0,00 hogs havo been destroyed by tho a t thorities.


M fO n y a t L iberty 'Under B ond ■ ( $20,000 A it« r S o m n d erln g to M& shol; Bofnses to U o k o S t* t«nien t '

IN D IA N A P 0 L Is7 F cb . 25 M ^ W a ren T. M cCray, governor o* In d ian wbo, i t dovolopcd today , was nnmod I

P tw o indictm ents re tu rned by tho fci o ral grand ju ry w hich reported Ioj

S iiturdny, waji a t lib e rty ton igh t undi bond o f (20,000 a f te r hav ing aurrc: dored to U nited S ta tes M arshal. L int M eredith . I lo will bo a rraigned Marc 11 beforo Unitod S ta te s D istric t Jud f A< B. Andoraon, together w ith a nur b o r o f others who wcrb named in tt

. TOpOTt of tho grand ju ry S iilurdny. A fte r hia rolcnsc Govornor McCrt

doclinod to make a stntem ent, nssei lng th n t ho had " ab so lu te ly no th ing s a y .”


• . —;-----’ . rContinnod from Pttg». One)

c u t th c maximum to ‘.H l*'i p e r cc inatoad o f th e -J4 p e r ccn t now in t bilL I lo called upon M r. Longwor to mako publie hla plun ao th a t stui might bo given it.

Mr. P ro a r nlso denied nny /orm conlilion w ith tho demorrnt*, doclori:

. tho insurgents supported tho domochil plan bccuuac " i t w m tho noxt b< plnn to OUT own.” Ilo «i1lod nttc tion th a t dcmocrata hnd aided in i

( • fcn tln p tho ir proposals fo r tax in g p r c n t tax exem pt securitlca. ,

The cn tlro day w as apcnt on* t ostato tax contost, b tit w ith a - v( in sig h t cnrly tomorrow on tho g i f t t proposal, Chnlrmnn Oreon said ton if ho oxpoeted read ing o f tho b ill to | well in to tho cxciao rntca by tom orr n igh t whoro ano th e r-fig h t imponds proposed reductions in tho autom ob taxes.


K ansas C ity D octor's DlscoTBiy Mal0 T m ss or O peration. ' ^

................ Unnecessary.K ansas City, Mo.,— (Special)— A n

discovcroy, which, exporta agroe, I • no equal fo r cu ra tive effect* In

ru p tu re casoa is tho la te s t aec< pliahm ont o f Dr.- Andrews, tbo v

■ known Ilorn ia- apccialiat o f th is cl T he ex traord inary aucccsa of th is n m ethod proves th a t ' t holds a n d he a rupture. I t weighs only a fow oum H as no hnrd, gouging pads, no olai belt, no leg -atrapa, n o steel bands, i is ns com fortablo aa* a ligh t garm i I t has enabled hundreds of persons th row aw ay trusses nnd declare tl ru p tu re absolutely iicnlod. M any

^ theao hnd sorions doublo ruptures, fiwhich they had suffcrod f o r ya J t ia D r. A ndrew s' i.mbltion to h ovory rup tured poraoa onjoy tb o q i re lief, rorafoTl and healing pow or th is discovery, a n d 'h o will send i t freo tr ia l to any read er of Tbo N who w rites him n t bi* office, 8063 K Bldg., K ansas City. Mo.' Ho w uaU

_ person in ench neighhorhood to wlJ io cnni refer. I f 'y o n wlab to bo o f n ip tn ro for good, w ithont a n op tion, take advantage of tho doct frco offor. W rito b>m today.— adv

Plaao tnn ing .' F bons L o g in 's , —*d».


(OoDtX'tiisd from Psige Ont> . | L E d w ard L. Dohony, H a rry P . Sinclair

and Cliarlea. R. Porbns, fo rm er dlrcctoi lOl lh o vo tem ns' bureau . M r. Daugb'

J o r t y pointed, o u t th a t a t b is suggestion o f j ac tion against Pall, D obcny and 8 in

Qfia o la lr vnis lo f t to spoeinl govonmumt ” Uy counsel while procoodlngs ag a in s t Mr [S F orbes hnd been ,in ltm t«^ some tlini

ngo boforo a grand ju ry j n Chicago.fl]__ Tho attom oy g o n o m r ^ d e d th n t h(1000 had given any opibion, oral oi

w rilton , regard ing tbo leg a lity o f thc 9u th Iw slng i>olley and hnd no knowlcd^rc aeod noRQtlatlons u n til th ey wcro coa

, eluded. Ho urgod th n t tho sennto in qu lry into h is dopartm cnt bo conduct

^ od w ithout delay, b n t th a t ho bo glvei ^ . nu op iw rtunity to sunm on w itnesses ol

° h is own fo r questioning b y hi» owr . . . counsel'.

OooUdge In fo ra e d . a A .copy o f the lo tto r wna sont to th«

‘Oaa, W hito llouao n fte r I t hud been mail« public ut tho departm en t o f justice W hlto lIouBo offic ia la aaid i t hud noi

: ® prcviouslv l.een submitte<l to Presldcn OooUdge. I.« tc r in tlu* day M r. Daugh

ig n t JJ confercnco w ith thiJI* executive, b u t thoro wna no out

w ard’ bidicntion of a cli.mgo in tho ait un tion th a t hus resu lted from tho dc

oars. o f rcpublieuji Hf'nato loadom thn’ ho resign.^ ** A t tho snmo time, how ever, It wna ap

p a ren t tlm t somo d efiu itc s top m igh t bi ' anniiunued- in th o -n e a r fu ture . Th'

prcfiidoiii hua under conaideratlcn aev w ith propoMils, ono o f them contcmpint ities. th a t M r. DnugherVy aubm it h is rci

ignutLon to become v ffcc tivo n f te r th —Aa Hunate inquiry hna b>)en complotcd. B, iread fiin t method, i t hua bcou auRgestCi ease, tho ntto rncy genenii m ight ^uvoiil th irvis* chnrge of qu itting his o ffico undo qnlr- fire.a t 0 A ction E xpected.

A ction on tho invustigation resoli: svcnt tio n In «sp\>ctc<\ In tb o sen a te n o t late

c ity th an Wednesday, nnd It m ay bo ndopi w as cd tomorrow. I ts nu thor, Senate

owed W heelrr, demorrnt, M ontann, todn indor nouglit unnnimoun consent to tiavo ^ o f (lay by bring ing it o u t o f committor osing b u t S tm alor W illis objected , insistin

upon “ dcront, p roper and orderly pr( I tb e ccduro. i t r . WilHw snid he dcsiro },000, ea rly diapomtion o f tho m n tto r bv 0,000 wnntud i-ctfon to bc tnkon in tho rogi0 nu- Inr wny.


(Continned from P a g e One)sen t by Bcnntor P ran k R. Gooding-

. tho offici;ila o f tbo b ig pro ject.Senator Qoodbig’fl te legm m wna ;

•Wor-lian n * * npproprintion fo r tho Mlnldol lOd in d is tric ts paascd tho sunato t1 fed- ‘' “ y* ' ’

W A SniN G TO N , Fob. 25 M>)—Wil Jrron- rccord vote tho aonnto npprovL inus npproprintion o f $450,000f .. tho in terior b ih fo r a hydro-elocti J*^dffo Boise, Idaho , roclam ati

” . p ro ject. The appropriation .committ hnd recommendod elim ination o f t

“ * item ; An am endm ent b y Sonat . Smoot, republican, U tnh , w hich woi

have added *1,500,000 to tbo $40,0 “ pi'foprlntion cnrrlcd In tho b ill i

.8 S tra tvberry Valloy p ro jec t wont out a po in t o f order.

Senator Jones, republican , 'Washli ton , gavo notlco th a t I f the Smc

r iO N npproY cdrrho—W6io f fe r similnr am endm ents to item s 1

I W ashington projects.

I J " " ^rwortn S W ®study

la r in g ^>chitic “ T H E 'S O A S L E T U L Y ” FIL M t bc^t IS T.ttTP. PA BH IO N SHCa tten - E very woman in tliis c i ty ivill wr in do- to aoo ' ‘The S ca rle t L i ly ," Knther: C pres- MnaI>onald's la te s t p ic tu ro fo r B.

Schnlberg, whieh is now p laying in th e th e O rphcum 'thoator, to d n y only, ai - vote F ir s t N ationni a ttr.xction, fo r . Lft tax gow ns M iss MncDonuId w ears In t o n ig h t produetion mnko tb e fe a tu re a disti to got tiv o fashion show, norrow Always famons fo r h o r Inxuri ads on gow-na. M iss ^ a c D o o n ld h as aomo r mobile ones th.nt w ill surpritro even h ^ rvdn

crs, who alw ays cxpcet m uch from in tho w ay o f sa rto ria l splendor.

Tho atory o f “ Tho S ca rlc t Lil ’T U B E deals with U»o atrugglos o f a beautl i r V ^ •“ ‘®P nbovo finnni

w aters w ithout loaing bo r self-rosp and gives hos .m any opportun ities '

-A new d isp lay tho ta len ts w hich have been le, has atoweil upon her go liberally .In all 'Victor Schertsingor directed tis ; aecom- turo , nnd tlie supporting ca st contt « OrvUle Caliw bll, L ineoln Stedn ? G race Mot» : S tu iirt H olm es nnd (

a»n E «»o ii.ounces.elastic A W OMEK^S PBIBON.

ds, nnd Old F o rt Bchuylor, > 'cw Y ork, wl a rm c n t h as beon abandoned p rac tica lly fo sons*to num bor o f years,- w as roconstm ctei e th e ir nppear lik e th e S t. Lnjraro prison any o f P a r is for scones in G loria Swanw 8, from la te s t Param ount p ie in re , " T h o H

yacrs. m ing B ird .” -Prom inftfrm atlon o havo colvod from Pari* th rough tho P n0 quiek bureau o f in form ation in Now York, iwor o f a r t depurtm ent a t th e P aram o u n t I d i t on Is lan d studio was ab le to rcconst e News th e prison, using th<« old f o r t aa a f 13 K och dation.Lsts on<* This is the f i r s t lim o th a t the 3 whom L o iaro prison has ever beon sh

bo r i l in motion plcturoa, e ith e r in Eu1 opera- o r America. In tb o s to r r o f " docto r’! Hum m ing B ird ,” whioh is now si -adv. in g a t th e Idaho th ea te r , M iis 6 ’

son, as a no to rio u s 'A p ach e o r P I's, 108. I s held In th is prison fo r a long pe

' M any Interesting scenes a re sho«


M i r i i l f s i r iiEs om)gn*tion —si«. Expect H earing o f Ludendorf

to L a s t B ut Few D ays; W jt ii»o nesses R eported III■ be M UNICH, F eb . 25 C4*>—Prcdlclinn I or wore nuulo in m any quarte rs tonlgh the th n t tho trin l o f form er I 'ie ld Maridiii

)d(ro von Ludondorff nnd hia Asaocintcs fo con- tho ir p a r t In tbo N ovcnibcr putistl

in- which w ill beg in hero tomorrow, wi: uct- lust b u t a fi'W dn>*».Iveu Alrowly thero a ro roport* th n t mnu s of o f tho witnoM cs have been taken i own and cnnnot possibly recover in tim

to givo testim ony iu th is prirtiruln taso. I t is even runrorod tlin t Dr. vo

th e Knhr, fo im cr B avarb in ii)ilitary dictr mile tor, nnd othcru und,of 9ubi>ocuu to tci tlce. tify have engaged beds in sanitnrj^um not and axe prepared to o u te r thcso inst

ilont tutiuns n t n m om ent’s notico should a ugh- omorgcncy uriac.

the The m ost im portan t and intcrestin out- testim ony will bo henrd in CMmora, un Bit* i t ia beliove<l,that l i t t le w ill bo brau^'l dc- ou t in thc publio hcijring which hji

thn t not a lready becomc known nnd pul lisliod.

I ap- Tho ton defendan ts nro: Ludendorf t bc Adolph H itler, Pochner, chiof o f tl) The Munich police; Dr. P ricb , ox-prcsldct aev- of th e d ia tric t o f M uuicb ; Liciilcnai

p lat llon ry I’um ct, who ia Ludondorff rc t- stepHon, und IJe u tc n n n ts Wngnc thc Unieckner. C nptain Horlim, Dr. Wch<

. By and Colonel K riebel. th c luat fivo bein « tc 'l nccuscHl o f boing IP t le r 'a liuutennu'

till! nnl londcrti o f illcgtil brnnchcs o f li ndor organliuttion.

E s t t i r f f f l sg ^ E i S T lsting . ----------

'•’en-D ay W alkou t of Doc 'im t W orkers in England Final

S e ttled in ConferenceL0>O)0N. i\ jb . 2r, (/P)—The do

strike, lusting ten days, wns ncLtl[ILL tho dei.'gn tcs m et in c<i

fcroncc. Acceptance o f tho t4?rmn w nimoat unnninioua, only two m b

____ portfl hnving objected.'g ' t o A fen tu ro o f tho s trike , which

volvwl iiinny tbonsnndn of men, w na ar foniplot? absence o f cUsorder^

though tho atriko ex tended ov<t Idokn pa rts o f tb e kingdom , a n d dcc.kMH g- to to- orally..,.nro regnrded a s n aommvl

' unruly clnas o f w orkers.Tho govenm icnt la <>xpcp,tiHl to i

W ith- nouncc im m edijitely th e chairmnn roved the commiaaion to Inquire in dccniK00 in lintiori nnd na tho employer* hn eetric agreed t;i tJie p rincip le o f m aintcnat intion for tho men who uro 'id le during p nittoo of th e week owing tn the pccollnr

tho {(^ourirs o f dork Inbor i t may bo am ator ^wswl th n t Monie reme<ly fo r tliln griwould iinro w ill be apeedil" found.40,000 _________________


shing- —Smoot (Continued from page one)w tu ld --------- :------------------------;---------------------as for enlnrgom cnts certa in pcculinritios i

allegod sim ilnritiea of le tte rs in m issives alleged to have boon rccol

t b y M iss "Van A ntw erp nnd thoso lottcra on D nm plcr's o ffice cor pondfincc.

Ho denied th n t be had causod a tograph to bo placod in D nm picr's fice. __

B u p e rt C itizens l?rseent Follow ing a de ta iled ' cross-exam

IHOW tion b y dofenso cbunsol on tho ide fieatlon o f typew riting , tho court

herino ccspcd until, fl o ’clock Tuesday mi B- 'P- lag."K T h e ’ courtroom w ns crowded i1 ns n epocUtors, m any o f whom came f

Rupert and surrounding citics.n th is , ___________ 1 ------[istiac- 3T B IK E NOT ENDED.

LONDON, Feb. 23 Thc at; curious of th e dock w orker* la fIIU in progi 10 nev? The position wna w ithyu t chnngo admlr- •'‘‘y propoaed (-ottlement is)m her _______________

U lv ” D A ILY N E W a

autifu linnciol NOW SHOW Iospcct cs ' to sen be-

,is pic- jn tains ednuin.


which for 0 ■

toison of anaon's ) Hum-

tf- ^Frenchirk , th e ' i t Long

a foun- I

the |^D j9eO K |^ |K lshown


r show- B t B u i O S S S ! * ® * ”

r P aris , G lo ria S w an so n a n d Edwa l^period. P i c t u r e ♦ T h a H u m m in ihown.


W o i i l i lT{ ASGiOIDIITErff Call Is Issued to Form Club to j t - ! B oost C am paign; F o rm er Of­

fic ia l Is Surprised •-R A L E in U , N. C., Pob. 23 OW—Thc

u b l f ir s t defin ito move In N orth Caroltna ‘J'ul I looking to tho nomination o f Josephus

! Dnrrielfl, fonner socrotary o f tho navy, as th e dcmocrnllc candidate fo r pic^l-

‘'■lil dont, waa taken hero ton ig h t w*:h th t isHunnre o f call by a score o f proml-

‘“.V h en t men fo r n 'm e e tin g rp f dcmocrnti i l ' l o f tho atnto In thia c ity .-T huradn j

i" " ' n ig h t to organlne a “ Dnniols fo r pres idon t c lu b .”

r i i n ,A I ) E L P n iA ,Fob. !5 OPJ- F orm er Serro tnry of tho . N nvy D an iels oxprcHactl aurpriso ton igh t wher

" ■ bo learned of tbo movement In NortV “ ' C arolina to gain for- him tho domo

c ra tic nom ination, for president. Il( ■ said he had not pro\'1ously heard ol

tho m ovem ent, knew nothing o f i t nnc f ' would hnVe nothing to sny rognrdln{

it n t th is tlmo.’■ M r. Daniels ia in thia c ity p repar

ing u prospectus for a book on th< lifo o f Woodrow Wilson.

th e

1"! AT THE’ HOTELSnor, 'm ScKIiSON— F. S. Turtle nnd wi(o ‘her Spohani-: O. T. l<ogi‘r«, O gden; J . T .•ing H nv-benr W. ^^lnehboner. lioiae juta .Inine.n ,t. U ‘nt, Ogilou; Owenrtolyn Ma his Oiindy, Il:ig< rman j Ruliert 8. Bliertr.cr

S|i«kiuii‘; riuilliii'' Allred. Poratello .W endell Kuhn, Wendell; J . C. M eyer [sohn, .r. S. Andrews, A. W. McOliie F ran k D. Sniijli, Mr. and Mra. .1. Doriiu H. IU B incbur, Doc Uodgo, C. Nelson J . P . Pornn, H. Culp, A. Adama, Bal

# p L ak e ; H. .Morgan and wife, C. F [ L Biixter, .Jr., A uW M- I'j.wpbeJI; I. liai I I bour, R. n . Maxey, (,'uptaln lic r t ti l l « ^ Wamjde:*-, W. Kjostiew, Iloiae; J . A

|8tHnU-y, ItiK-hesler, X. Y.; 1>. A. Morse II . Wilfwii. W. K. Jones, 8l>okane

i.r. S. Bmith. Clevclanil; A. P . .McClurc a l l y I>enver; 1). V. Reynolds, P a irfic ld ; 11

n. .Jones, Corrnll; Orn .Test<T, TwIi F u lls; 8 . H. .lolinson, R upert; W. A. WH lit, C*. H, riirrlng to ii, Po rtland ; T. I< HnokmJtn, .lr., Kansna C ity; H. W. Rcl f.-bit, Ogden; J . C. Huloy. Tacomn .lolm T. Flinders, Oriinsvillc, U tah

m is JJ,,,. T Wooilin, Clovilan d ; Li«o Adler, Ui.ker, Ore.; .J. M BiirbiT, I-re<l {,'lirijilcnaen, V ictor Rmitl B urley; Krneitt Kgaii, K imberly.

' ’*!: PPmUI>*I->-C. H. McGary and w if J * ‘‘ Pocatello ; W. H. Lockett, Nnahvill

nnd w ife; C. . Rudy, Bulil; Korea .\ndcraon, B u tt

C. F . Fhulk, D. F. .Murphy, Boise; ; . W. Olsen, P ilcr; M nrniy Brookmnn;

Jo e l Petemoii and wife, 8 jd t I>-ik K a to W. H unt, Kimberly; C. R. Bal w in ; A. .1. Hull. Roiso; A. Croxfer S a lt L ake ; .1. li. G reenberg, 8j Praiicim-o; M. Andoraon, Denve

^ ® ‘ H om er P. C;iiristenB<*n, F o ste r F. Oof ‘ " J ' B nit I.-,kc.; C. II. llu lc l.o n , llo i.o ; 1

' ■ 1. Yoiimna imd wife. S ea ttle ; C. W ebb, .In rb idge;-F . II. Adama, J^os A golea; F ran k Pickott, Pocatello; W. B lom grea, Idaho >’ illa: T. G. Miiya,

y p T A. I tw d . Boise; J. g. Bussell, Pof te llo ; P. .M. Berov, Denver; G. E. Orc< O gden; It. W’. Morrison, S a lt Lak

____ F ra n k Soiiijien, M urtaugli; B. P . P enI and A Pitta, Boise; A. C. N i , th e I^ake; II. A. Peterson , R( :olvodse o l ------------ ,orrcs- T he herd o f Kcnneih P. Brown, Tw

F nlls. linve beon tuberculin tested . . D r. W. A. Faleon luid 'h av e proved

, ■ he free from nil tuberculosis, nnd hi “ ing complied wilh ail c ity regulntic_____ lu jd rulings, shall bo vorv g lad to f

nwh. milk of high quality to wlwe> mlna* m ny be in ncod. dcnti- - f a d v . KKNN'ETIl P. BROWNr t re- --------------------------morn- ' P ic to ria l Review pattorna n t Blasi

e t tc A rt nnd Buby Shop. I l l Mi w itb ftvenuo oast. Pbono 9SJ.—adv. from ■ ------------- ■ —

Stop Cqughing«lriko *».»W


B t«v7 M W is a M m d



faid Burnt in a MOK Sen Uu ftoniounb in ^ B iid ' A SidoerO lcoa Pniductlon


t a s t o B i y g jE saiud br u n . B. B. w m iuu

T rtnH um i 300


2 £ n . F . W . D om ks I s HostM S to M «n bOB o f Olab D sp a rtm sn t; W orks o N oted Composers O atlinod

Tho ’ ------Hna Mrs. P. W. Dumko w aa hostess t ibns th e music dopnrtm ont of tho Twentlot: avy . C entury club M onday afternoon. ic<il- There wns tb e usual sh o rt buslnci tho scaaion, followed by tho program i

oml- charge of Mrs. P . T. K ellogg. An lr irnts te resting a rtic le em bracing eigh t o idny tho modern composcra wa* rend b ircs- M rs. J . A. D ygcrt, Mra. H . C. Mt

guiro gavo an account o f tho achievi m ents In tho fie ld of opera of W altc

4>>_- Damroach, E dgar S tillm an K elley, Rofi Dan- inald Do Koven nnd V ic to r llerbor phon Amcricnn w rltera o f opera, o rth lllu slra tiona from tbo operas “ Ni omo- to m n !’ and "R o b in H ood” wore give

H o ou tho Edison. M rs. H . C. Mngnli 1 o f sang “ The Flow er May, H ide ItsL o v i nnd ly Pace ,” by Oagood, ond “ Daw

d in g L ight nnd Bird Bong,” by Cloy Speak Mra. N. .T. Kocfor aang “ A Bowl c

tpar- Rosea,” by Clark, and a s an eneoi tho “ Kiaa Mo.” “ A L ittlo D utch G a

d e n ” was sung by Mra. Glen Sturdi vnnt.

* W omen Obserrovifc, S< « i* lH our , *

'p Tho Buslncsa nnd ,TroftfSs1onal W« men m et in tb o ir-c lu b room s. Monda

M a- evening nnd onjoyed a social hou tV.cr, Mra. H. J.*-Younga,, ■»Vho-hns-Toecntl c llo; re turned from n th ree m ontha via ■ycr- w ith rclntivca and frien d s In varloi j'liie, pnrta of California, gavo a n Interea >rau, iiiR account o f hcr tr ip , laon, ■■l^kli Now Members fo t

F . T rl-0 Olab \iar- The Tri-C club m et S a tu rd ay cvonir

B. w ith Misa M arguorito P inch and I . A itin tcd tho follow ing now member orse.. Besa Duke, ITelon F isher, M argar an e t Scilley nnd Ayloon B ooth. A gonor lu re , social tlmo wna enjoyed and tho ho ; H. css served delicious refreshm ents, rw in ■-W ll- Cam pfire Girls

K. A ro G aerts Rch- Misa D orothy E s tlln g en terta in

J tn h l ,




U ik"! ■ r ^P orrv . V, N i l - \. Boj?* I \

aI 'S ' ■ 'BT

= HumnFE

(1 ) E X T E A LENQ tho s tan d a rd i

______ g ives addition!ties.

1 (2 ) D O UBLED TO bled to th e sll superio r finish, tie .

(3) P U B E ,a iL K i No co tton to ^

(4) GABTEB-BUN D E B S ” —A sa tho s ilk body Tuns^' from gi knots.

(6) W ID E b a n g :SH A D ES—P ur

« la te ly fa s t col

5 (6 ) ' D O N 'T LOSEI Snug f it t in g J

* ^ (7 ) W E A B LONG! a t10


a lth o OwaUsa C am pfire ’ g ir l i ’oB'>'6iiiiK'." 0 ''d ay a fto raoon a t h o r home on-'S ix th ; avonuo east. B ess F ile r, M ildredd D i^

I tr ich and B u th Taylo# w ere voted tn ta ' ' - ; tb e cirelo. T h e n e x t m eeting iwUl- b*

held a t th e bom e o f E llxabeth C ali* ' woll, 330 S ix th avenuo north , BAta> day, M ateb 1. ' '

J « A jraO tJN O IO lB N T S.1 An Im portan t m eeting o l the alam ni ,

^ ^ ' o f the U nlvoraity o f Idaho is ealled ' lo r Tuesday, F eb rnary 20, a t S p. m.

, ln Boom 201, high sehool ballding.

i Tho A ddison Avenue Social elnb la to ' will moct w itb M rs. F ran k Smith in* ‘tic th Btoad o f w ith Sfra. P ickortng, on Wed­

nesday, F o b ru a ry 27. ilncss .‘ in . The M. S. a elub w lll m eet Tjdth,_„ n M rs. F le tch o r D arling on Wodncsday,

Fobrunry 27. A largo ottondnnco Is ^ 7 desired, a s th e ro is business of Im- Ma- portanee to bo transactod.'..* ,

iievo-1 IWalter I The c u rro n t events dopnrtmont i f

tho T w en tie th C entury club will meot rbort, Tuesday, F eb ru a ry 20, a t the borao of

iM rs. S. S trausa , 327 E ighth avenue " N a - cnat, w ith M rs. M ary Y . Norton, M*s.

jo i,n A u lt a n d M rs. I ln rry Davis os-, ignire gigtant hostesses. Ench member la Love- r'i'qucsted to b rin g her f ir s t jdioto- Dttwn graph; ')eaka. i ----------

of The C om m anlty I/ad ies’ A id will ncore m eet V odnesday , Fobruary 27, w ith Gnr- M ,a, E d Olmstoad. Those a ttending

:urde- a re asked to b r in g gingham a n j (K-t calo fo r quUt blocks.

OAED OF T H A N IS .We wisli to express ou r h ea rtfe lt

Wo- appreciation o f tb e kindness o f our )nday friend* an d noijcbbori^ ronderod lip-dur* hour th ir illness "hhd anddon ~9<^atb of

o w door bab y , V erdean Hntchings.M r. nnd M rs. 0 . R. Hutchings,M r. a n d M rs. B. B. Hutchings.


We Are Notlooking fo t argnm entf, b n t w«

-oning p » j tb s

ibora: I HIGHEST PRICES I^S«ot 'brass, «vp«r, aiamiaum, t» .onoral dUtors, iMd, hldai nod ptfU.) hos-

Idaho Junk HouseP hono 640

B ack e f Id ah o S e p t S to tttainod

--------------------------- -------

/ / \ J p

ini 4!MmiirdM i f ^ HOSI ERY


ming Birdi'EATURESSNOTE—M easnrea 30 inehcs against rd 27 inches. T his e x t n length :ional com fort and w earing quali-

TOP—Tbe m ereerized top Is doa- 9 silk , w hich gives oxU a strenntb, nish, and ma^cos tho to p ex tra elas- •

.K SOLE AND BE-IN TO BCIN O — to wash th rough a n d look khabby.

lUN-STOP — N O >£O B B “ LAD- L sa fe ty devleo a t th o jonction of ody and m u ee rized top , p revents a g arte r in ja rie s go in g b ^ w tbo -

IfG B O F FX SH IO N A B L B N EW -Puro D jed , n o t " lo a d e d .'* Abso- ,, .

colors. . • f /

»SE SH A PE A T T E B W A 8H IN Q — )0 vag A nkles a i ^ P o e t


, 1924. .. :... Page

Page 6: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;

: I ^ IN FALLS DAILY NEWS |(Mntta ev ery roarotwg tx c c p t Monrtny <

rwlB ’ Fftll« N ow i I^b ilih ln iif Cfc. In V ;(E aU b lU hed 1>M) . _ |

’ |>>lercrt tl* «*con<J cln»8 mftll m iitt« r. 'VtirtJ 9. a t Xhe po»W f(lc« c t T w tn ,

Idano . u n d e r Uie n e t o f H a rc h I . ,__________ ' i


I tnonlhs ................................................. m onth ................................ ............................ W

m rM D E R o r a s 8 0 c ia . te i i> r n u j s sT ho AlUioelntwl PrCM is exclusively

M(IU«i| to Uia u se for repub llcn tlon of u i nnwn d lopntches orodK rd to It, o r no t <tnorw lse crrdttiH ) In th is pAiier. a n d

• *Ji>0 ^ocjvl n«wiv l\o r« tr . ,aJI riKlitit o r rnpuhllCAllon of anoclol lls im lchcs huroln a re a lso reoervo<).

A't m ean* A snoeU ted F rcas. t ------------------<->.^3— I

ru « Nvwn \« «i ro<sn»b«ir o t tl\o A u d it y Uuroiiii of Clrculrtllonn, from wliom fu ll • a ifoniin tlon lUt to circiilatlM i m ny bo o b- ‘ jilnivl iiiK.n upiillcatlon. Detnllod liifor- sh ilo ii Hupplletl Incnily tipon rcauen t. ,

.Vo r'-npon!<tti|Mly t/i nnnum rtt (o r Uio |of uiihollcttcil m ftnuncrlpta. p hoco ' ‘

fTiiphfl n r o itio r co n trlh iitcd m a tto r . Ar>-iclun Buliitilit<Mt for p u lilla itlo n will t>e , kncd or oot n t ilio d lscrt'tlon o f (ho o d t'cor, and iu> niiinuncrlptn will bo re tu rn e d 1•nlenn ucooinjmnlrrt Hy ncocasnry noatiiKc. ,

BA STER.v n n rn n s n N T A T iV T s a 'Jenrif.- M. Dnvld Co.. Inc.. 171 M adlnoti

N«vt Y ork; A. U. K rM o r. H HH iirirort: liu lld in s , c b lo is o . I


riiujvti'v lins uJi«o»t vniiUlipii 'w it'll 't l u ' o f Uh‘ oM iiallinK ’

“ dliil'!'. I'Vw iir«!m<iil-<iiiy InmMulibiTH Ji.'ivi' I'ViT lii'iin l n rcnl i-liantoy, o itlio r ' HHliorc’ o r otl till* Tiiro o«n;iH{oiiH w hen

go ilow n to lliu Hcii !n slilpa. . ■Sm:lVhlJ^?^llt’ c liU u to /'J ip s i io \V n s'rptn- . '( ’(I lipjircijiriuln oil a HtL’.'imHliljt, pa r* ‘ tii 'i i liir ly i>ti 11 jwant'iif;('r w h cro 1i t , w oiilil 1)0 .juutiL a p p rc c if ttc ir by tlio lioan-r.H.

Now tlic ro iH a ro v iv a l o f lh o c l in n n 'i , in ;; old K.’ilt -w a tu r c im lom . A ] in o r < fro m Iiivcri>iioI j iu t to no;i th o o th e r ,* da.v, fo r .'i lo u r o f S o u th AiiiDric.iii porlfl, w illi c row nn<l p!i»HcnRcr« b o th | a iiifriaj; chnntoyH, u n d th o p n ic t ir o w ill | bo \ij> U itoM Rhma Uiv cn iim ', i fvoidi-.i liiHt th a t loiiR-. T h cro h avo iiccn ' o th e r iii lin iu t io n s o f iiuch a rcv iv n l, p u r t in i t a r ly in th e n r ill.s li a n d A m ori- can iiavicH. i

T h e re Is Bomothlnfr n r t if ie iu l n h o u t t h i s ro v iv iil, to h e «iire. B ji.t. b e t to r j Im vo i ir t i f ie la l r h a i i te y i tlin n tiono (it a l h mill tlio y w ill como to houiuI tin t- '

. ii r a t iiKaiii, in tim e , jiijit a s “ O ld K en - ; tu e k y UiKUC.” !in<l ‘ '(U o u u -n tlu e .” ' “ Siirineo lU v e r " u n d o th e r fav o rito tt do on la n d . S in^h iK is m oru im por- i n n t n t sen, n n y w u y , b c ca n sc th e re in BO litM o t l io rr In th o w n y o f d iv e rs io n ; a n d w h a t shoiiM be siiiif ', i f n o t (lia n - tcysT

Ro n\l Ibe obi nniltir rbsHics wiil probaiily h<’ d iij np nKuin. Thero may dcvcto]! a new Keliool of chantey-ATrit- ors, Tomparahlt^. to nur intiHio-linll bal- Iflilisl!!. And ovontiially, no doubt, wc ahnll uU bu a^ilo to pet cliuntcys, u t w ill, by rahlo, from ' tho Hovon neas. Yrilh ull thoir tan>; und flavor, whilo sittin g eoiiifortably n t homo in an arm ­chair.

H E L P THB P O S T O m O EThousand o f ready lo tto r w riters

m ay havo overlooked tho fac t th a t tho pa.st weok wan Uctlor .MailinB ‘Week. I t was fio donignated by I'ostmnstor- Qpnornl Now, b u t oven u piiMtmnBtor- gcnornl is not oinnijmtent. llin loo;;- flufforin>; siibordiuatcs havo proli.ably

' had dutnpcd upon thom almost their <iu«tfl of Kiindircctcd m at­

ter, whieh norm ally nmounts to four million pieces a weok. O f th a t quan­ti ty , pf-rhaps throo hundred thouaand picoo.i wont tcT'tho dead lo ttor offiee as usual.

The caretossuoKs of mail scndors ]a.nt week, or nny ro .eu t wook, cost the Postoffico D epartm ent n io ro Jh an th ir­ty thouaand dollnrB merely for tho ■alariea of spocial clerk# dealing w ith addresses known to bo wron(» nr in ­complete. Thc loaa of tim e anionf? o th e r elorks nad carriers, duo to thoir e ffo rts to puzr.lu out wron;; adilrcsscs a n d deliver tho mnil whcro it belongs, m u st bo fa r g reater. G reatest of all, however, va ih« loss lo tivo tiCQdeis tlicmselvba. I

Three-fourths of thia so rt of earo- lessneaa should bo avoidable. Hoop Address li.sts up to dato, and inspect addresses carcfully a f t e r ' tlioy aro irritto n .

FO LTIO A li SADIO'n^illiam G. IfcA doo has applied to

th e D eparim ent of Commerce io r per- m ission to. Snstall a rad!io broftdcaating a ta tio n a t hia homo In L os Angelos. Tbo sta tion ia to cost obout th ir ty th o u to n d dollam, and Mr. McAdoo e*- poctfl to U0O i t in his caropaiga fo r

- tbo presidency.' H ere is tbo boglnnlng o t a now gam e, ond no m ortal man e a s aoo tbe end. Tho p resen t yoars la probably

. deatlncd to eco_An-a™tt*l“ B ftdapU tioa•,e£ tb e radio lad u a try to politic*. W hat V o W -|eaadldflte doea. o ther cand idate*

ezpeeted to do. There-

? Pagebix TWIJB B8ia8at8888888w aaas8888S8aa8saaa^

H Dreamland'.~ 4; JxmOE OWL'

j! ' X I JUj!SSBn:i£Si!3S2SjSS3S£2SfflSSZS!iSS^^

(Jack ODd Jo a o t go to Eirdlnnd dd with 3ndge Owl to seo ^»w th e l2S noats o f tho blrcla- bave come « through tb e w inter.)


o? M isc h ie v o u s V Js ito rs .

i5*d T l-l'GK o w l , urlniiod iit .lack nn.l il •*

“ Whool Whool Mr. Field M(HIh<; mado u -v o ry . /in o liuirh for mc,.«.;ii‘' hootod. “ An> vou hnii^'rv? Would

» t y„„ llko fo r i..t.‘ lo cjitrli a mnii,..o or h i two fo r y o u f 'ir- No, indoed. .Jack and .Ina.-t >vc.e

not ut utl hiiiif'ry i'or a field maiiKe ^ luu.-J>. 'I'lu-y %voiild bv.ve i.Jl tbe moU"e , o . Inni'lios 111 Judge Owl.«•- T h ey th o u g h t. .Iiidg,- O w l liail bopu

v e ry ,-lover in e a ( .- l , l i i- M r. F ie ld ! ed M«iiKc. U c ha ij 1i> bo UMb-c)>,

u n d w hon M r. r i e l d hud rro i 'l .■” -int Cd n ilib lo h i^ too>. .h id i:o O w l ha.l

g rah h e d h im a n d gcdiblod h im . • '“ W hiuit W lwiol N'»sv t b n t wo hnvt- '

h a ii Iiiiii'li. lel. us g e t ilo w n to bual- = no« .,,- ' h .m ted .lii.Igo O w l. f la p p in g Ills ]

wiiigH. ‘ 'O u r [.ill i-. t<i nee Jn w h at Hhapi. Ull. b i r ih w ill f iu .l th e ir w hen Ihoy (ninic b a e k ff<im th e m innv

"I! .,,,,11,." ■■rs Juilgc' 0 \ ^ flciv -ip inlo tho t ro - [ ' ,or where Corky . Kol.In and M rs. Coel-.v ',

-lUihin had tho ir nost. | '“ W hoo!.., W l io o l . - I l i i t y ' t o i l y l \V lu it '

i.l th i. i? ” iiliiH terod .liidgo 'O w l, an ho . a lig l i lp i l .n n u h r.m eli br.n ide tlio noM'. '

■>r* ‘ ‘ yniMO n iis e li ie f in a lfc r h a s been lirri'. TO I’’ly np h e ro u n d s e e .” 'Iio A gain .Iiiil(;t; O w l ha 'I f o rg o l le n th a t

•Ta-1{ a n d . la n e t oonbl n o l f ly . But. .Jack ‘ a n d . la a i 'l wer<' m ou n lo d 011 th e ir poaie.t

" ’■ |an-l wh.-u tlio y s)o ,„ | np on Ihe b a ck s ' lor o>- T rix io an-1 T o p sv th c v oould h.ok ] ic r ill the- I fo b in s ’ n e s l. ' • ';j„ “ W hy, th e tu'Ht i.s v i-ry n n ti< Jv ," '

.-ai.l .Tanel. “ I am M.iro M rs. Coeky ' i;<iliiii wax to o gninl a liniiii-.Otecii-T lo loave it t h a l w u v .”

if “ \V lioi.l ^Yhnll! H o ity - to i ty ! Tu c n '>'■ jJiire sh e w a s .” hoo te -l J ii-tge Owl.

“ .‘ -mienae oIho live-1 in I b is n-'st a fli-r

r i- — = r= — ' - - -

Kdou be a p a w o r fa l ra d io o u t f i t iu 0. | i m t o ry i-an d i-ia tir 's lifinie, to lino th in g s ’

o r th o .c o n v e n tio n s .....,T h o .c o n v o n - ^a t li'ijH IhoniH elves w ill bo brondcn.'^t to ,

I t - th e f o u r w in d s o f h o a v c n . A f t e r tho ; !n- a iim in a tlo n s a ro m ad o , tl io good old lid “ f rim t jw iH i" 'w i l l b e tran sC orm cii ' to» in to ft b r o a d c a s t in g s ta tion ,*H !iow criiig ' or- jiliinks, ]ilodgefi n n d o p in io n s u p o n nil ,

i-* th o w orld . \in; '

in . b e t t e r OLOTHES F O B M ENThoro is ta lk now n f n “ dross up ■

' wi-ck.’’ Not for wonu'n, o f course: : y they never need any urg ing to drcsa **■ up. Thc proHcnt reform niovonicnt is | ■* ■ iiiiiit'ii a t till- m e n , wbo bavo \icon

growing lamonlalil.v lax in aartorinl nmtfers.

The re ta il elothiers o f Now Eng-land Kl..... to hnve aturled tho thing,nml thore in a disposition to tnko It up ull over tho ronnVrj-. Thoro mny . soon bo a lingo publicity drivo, cnIHni! a ttention to all thc u-lvantagca to he

ors derived from looking o n e ’s best.;ho The mnxt Inveterate dovotcc of c^m- ok. fortahlo old clnthcs m ay adm it thnt or- there ii a good basis fo r Hit this sort: or- -if pM pacanda. Men. only 11 littio lesi' DR- than women, do feel b e tte r, pliysirall.V,, Illy iiionlally a n ’l morally, and stinvul.ite e ir their eiiergie.^, un>l land jobs anil more ,a t ' oTdvrs w otc readily , and m nke a bct- sur te r iai|.ros>iion generally, nnd perhaps an- get ahi'.Kl b e tto r In nearly overy w.ay, md whon they aro well dressed. The o<l- 'ice vico of Toloniua, in “ H am le t," atiU ,

IioMr:n.nt “ Costly thy h ab it as thy purse,.can- tbe buy,lir- H ut-not oxpreMod in fan cy ; rich, not tho gaudy:i th Kor thc apparel o f t proclaim s tho m an .” in- Tlio only bnd th ing abou t tho m at­ing te r , ’ from tho view point o f tho con- o ir sumer, Is tb a t good ilressing, onco in- acs dnlgod in, becomes a .h ab it, liko a igs, narcotic a-ldiction. The dresser has to all, koep righ t on, and p robably increase .ers tli« (lose,

ro- JEROME.1Km>MK— l*auli;io M iller, th e inf.-Tnt

dnughter o f J fr . an-1 M rs. ^V. S. M iller d i d u t tho fam ily h'lmo ou Thlirsdn.v. Tho fiinoral was hold on F riday nt tho horn-! w ith in torm ent in Jerom e f,cnictcry.

to Tho Fnlls C ity Civic c lub m et oa Thursday aftornoon a t lUc homo <if

inc Cornelius Thomuiion. A ftor the“ bunincss mooting a iirograiii was cn- *• joyed followed hy relrcshm cnta.

r ty Mm, J . B. W olls is spending a short e*- vacation a t tho boma c f her alator fo f in OlennS Fo rty .

Ob Thursday evening tlio Modom Woodmon held np open m eeting a t tbo ball to which tho public w os invited. Doputy H ead Consul H oover aad Dis-

bly tr ic t M anager J . J . Q uilloa woro th ; [oQ spokoemen- A good crowd enjoyed

t tho addresses.W . H. Taylor o f tho J . C. . Penney

ltoco.,JiAa^t8tlUW £ll^ 7 w here he underw ent a serious opera'


r L ’S L E T T E E iX>A2>D7 I

K a s s s R s s a s a s s a s m a s ! ^ ^

10 “ W lio can I t bo?“

'' lho KobiuM moveil noulh. *“ Tho nost lias boi'U broken, ton,*'

I said .Tuck. “ I l will noe.l luonding wliei: the Hobins eomo back .’ ' •

I’' “ Whoo W hool •llo ily -lo ily ! Her.- ia a s ig n ," liootod .linlgi', Owl. “ I haven 't, my glu«scs hero. Cun y o i rend i l f “

*' Till? sign w as a le:;f fastoiiod' wilh th rin to tho sido of lho no:il. 1.4'tter,. woro priokoil in tliiH leaf, a« if bv a

'r knife. ............ ■.lack bv Htrvlrhiiig high conl-1 mak.'

'■ out tho w or.is 'fo riho il by lh-> loHerM.I Ho roa.l thom aloii.l.! “ Koop ont! This tr my noHt now. [and her-1 in m y m u r k ' ' ' The mark wax u Htroukoil b lack an-I '•hcHlaiit feat1i<-r.

-“ W hool W hool H oity-toity. Thai • is, Impg'.lvncc, for v o u ." hootod .fndge ; l>'wl. “ R-im.Hin.r bn’s slolen (h.- Holilni''■ nost nnd iim'uiih t-> ke.‘)>'it.”

“ Who can it b o ? " nsk.-d .lack. “ l ‘' d o n 't Koe uny l.inU in Ihc w.>o.l,s now.”

“ Wboo W hoo! l>r-il»ably the; Ihior moveil into n warm plai'e when bllz-

I 7-ardv w oathor ramo. ’ ’ hooto.l .hnlg.'Owl.’ “ Como, le t is nee if nnylhinu'

,, bii« linpptn .'d to tho nests nf Hbiobini und .lonnv W ren. I*iiiiolio H ird aiul Hrown T h ru sh .’ '

(W h at tb e y find in tlie oUior '' noats w ill be told tn tbo nex t chap- '• ter. Who do you tb ink tbo nost ■r th ieves nre?)

V- tion. Tavlor i.n ri'i'ovoring nIowIv an.l will Im- on eriiti'hon for awhile. '

Mr. au.l M rs. W illiam Sill-anuli ;>ro llie li >.(>11 bnrn n t th trir bomewe.-i o f .I.T.im.', • on .Sun-iav, F.-brli

iio ary 17.Id A. n . ArpH h.’iH rcffirned l.> .ferDiiie |.i\ to luaUo bin sifier'iiii aliM'iiov i>V

.mTiuo timo in Aiiierie.in Fulls.:*; .\lr. anil M rs. .1. P. .Shaiinoa have .Us-

*” i>0He.l o f th .-ir . Iioldin-s u t W oslficld nml will k-avv iu tho uoar fuH.ico ,f«. Wu.Hhinglon whoro tlu-y m il muke thoir homtr.

Mra. W illiaiii Tlmtnun, who reni-lo^ west o f .loromo i.s seriously ill a t hor

e: homo.ijig Mr. a n d ’ M rs. W illia iii 'K o iH ro f lv i .loru.l.i Heighlx. are spending a nhort

vueation In ll..i.-*.0 . O liver o f A fa ilia is transacting

liuninosn iu I 'o r lb u d 'u n - l S .'a ttle thin w.'ok.

Ijt. Tony Kiil!nu-l spent iJio weok-Ciul trajim icting biinino.ss in Twin Falls.

' .lunies 1'rity.ler transncle.l bunjrtoss in Minl.loka botwoi'ii traiiin on Hatiii-

“y .lav.lift Mr. an.l Mrs.^ Can.niii.s King havo ro ho turn .'d to .loromo after, an 'abnonco in

Calif«irni;i o f ono yeur and wUI make th .'lr tiomi' no rth »f Jerome.

"■ Tlio We.ln.-.s.luy Bri-lKO clnb mot on mt We.ln.-H.lay w ith .Mm. Ahrumson, Mrs. >rl:Shtrlcy won high an.l Mrs. Hrown low. .sjlT lioro wiTi' th r.'O giii-jits; Mr.s. (ioiild 1 .'w inn ing tbo ^ue.sl, prize.’ ’{ Kmmett O ’Uolirko i.* sponding a shor:

vacation in l » s AngeI.vs with relatives, ire «■Pt. , = ^ =


'!,! In I'lP D is tr ic t Court oT l iu Klev.-iitU Judicia l I>istrict o f the S ta te o f 1-lalio in an.l f o r^ k i j ^ l l a County.

J . W’. Recce, IMuiotifr,vs.

lot J . K. Brown nnd Georgia Brown, his w ifcyan .l G. II. Brown, Dofondantn

Tbo fita le o f I-lnho aon.is gTootings nt- to J . K. lirow n, tho above named de- . . . fendant.

You urc horoby notified thn t a com *"■ p lain t hna boon filed ugiiinst you in

a tho D istric t Court o f tho Kleventh .Hi. d icial D istric t o f the Stuto o f Idnho, ill an.l fo r T w in Falls County, bv the

»*o abovo named p la in tiff , un.l you nro hereby <Uroct<Kl tn njijwar und nnswvi Hjiiil com plaint w ithin tw enty dnys of tho Borvieo o f th is summons if served w itjiin Riiid Ju d ic ia l Dintriet, and w ith­in fort.v dnys i f noncd oNowhoro; nn.l

nt you are fu r th e r no tified th a t iinlosn ff you so appear and answer w ithin the

tim o horoiit spoclfled tho p ln in tiff will tak e judgm ent ngainst j ’ou as prayed

n t in aaid com plaint.B.'iid action is brought to foreclose

tb n t c e rta in mortgago dated March. 2Gth, lt)21, filed Mnrch 2flth, 1921, u n l

recorded in B ook tiO o f M ortgages al ■if pngo ‘.iSO, Tt et>Tda n f Tw in FalU Coun- hc ty , B tato o f Idaho , w herei»-J. E* Browm :n- end G eorgia B row n, Ms wifo, nro m ort­

gagors aod tho nbove named plain tiff. J . K. Ueoco, is .m ortgagee, and covering

-* tho follow ing doseribod propertv sltn- a te in Tw in Fnlls CountJ-, Stntc* oJ Idaho, to-w lt:

™ L ot Twolvo (12) in Block .Four (4^ bo Kim Park, ad d itio a to tho City 6C Twin :d. P alls, Idaho.i». W itness my hand nnd tho seal o f tho 1,2 said p i s t r ie l C ourt th is IS th day of

Februarj-, 192-1.C. C. SIOOINS,

(SEA L) Clerk.JO H N T. H A N SEN , Deputy.C. A. B ailoy, a tto rn ey for plain tiff,

ra' residing o t Tw in F alls, Idaho.



1 Nearly *400,000 Spent In United f States —Greek Refugee

Work Completed. !iF o r Its proparednosa to ro o d er ro­

liof through oSccUto iTsd sonorous aid .. io tho suftorors from d isa s te r tbo A m erican Red Cross la unlTorsally ro* gardvd as ibo one organlzaU on from " w blcb response lo appeal for h e lp 'is Im m cdiato. In tbo la s t yoar. accord- " I n s to th e annual rep o rt of tbo Rod Cross, its d isaster ro llot operations " woro carrlcd out In 110, lotidllUos fii* tb o U nited S la tes. T h is work, w ltb ’ a c tlv ltloa carried bvor from tbo provi- • ona y ear, ruquired tbo oxpendlturo In I' tho United S la tes of I397.4C8.04 by U\o Amorican Hed Ctosa. l la Chaptora and Branches. In tbo em ergency fol- c

' lowing tho defeat of tbo Orook forcM f : fn Turkoy and lho burning of tbo city T • 'o f S m yrna, which oata ilod thu roUef I

I- of 'nearly OOD.OOO mon. women and c : ch ild ren , Rod Cross N a tional Head- s I q u a rte rs oxpendod $I3,G05,C9C.09. Tho

food d istribu ted In Oroeco aRgrcgatod I 25,000 to n s; gnrm enla, 809,000: blan*

k ets . 48,GS0: now shoes, G.OOO pairs;, m edical, hospital and sa n ita ry sup­

plies, 304 tons. Ii tbo feed ing of the ,. refugees tbero was lis ted up w ard s of 1 I 32,000-children undor tb roo yea rs of .]

ago. . sTho dlsafllers In tbo U nitod Statos t

during th e p ast year rep o rted 240 per* I . Bona killed. 991 Injured, 12.691 ren- ■ I dered bomoless. Tbo to ta l property '

loes w as OHllmated a t >20,710,000. ,Hell«( o t Bunorlt\s caused by dleoa*

te rs of such tuagnltudo aa. to over- .. wlielm lho resourccH of lho communl- ; , tic s in whlcb tbey occur la fundam en- c

la l to tbo ch a rte r of tbo A m orican n net! Cronu, In addition lo m aking {ip- I p roprlatlona from ila tre a su ry and as-

' s lgulng. tro lned personnel to relief *' - work, tb e Ked Cross lo d isa s te r con- " an d m akea nioro oflfect/TO ro- ,’ Ilef funds and supplies con trib u ted by

th e country n t large. •

L i f e S a v i n g W o r k

O f R e d C r o s s C o r p s

I W a r s o n B r o w n i n g s

'• Tho Innlgnlft o t tho A m erican Red e Cross U f e Savlnj? Corps on tbo bath ­

ing appare l of men. women nnd you ths Is aeon everyw here n t favorite bntlilng places along tbo .const.i, rlv>

V era. lak es anil ponds. Ip Ita unroienl*.Ing cam paign to reduco loss of life by

I- drow ning th e Rod Cross In making d co n atan t huadway. Tbo dom nnds for < tustn^cllan (roni o rg aa iiaU o o s In all r p a rts o f 'th o country wero ho numer-

OUB thu p a s t y ea r Uiat I t w as neces- „ nary to more than doublo tho atatf of r Uod Cross Instrnctors. T h is work ot

tra in in g for w ater llfo-aavInK showed i an enro llm ent o t over 30,000 volun* t tec ra enlisted for duty on p atro l, for

r tscu o and roauscltatlon. a ll compo- te n t to Instruct o thers In lho standard

w ator-safety tneiliods, T bo Rod Cross by req u est o( tho W ar D opariniont g ives w a te r flrst aid tra in in g o t tbo U nited S la tes M ilitary and N aval ocadum los and in the m lllU ry tra in ing campH to r rosen-o officora and civil- Iana. Thu to u r cash prizes aw arded by th e Red Ctobb laa t y e a r to r borolc rescues wero conferred upon tw o girls,

" a boy and a man. Indicating th a t tbo youUis of tb e country s ta n d well a t

lho top In consorvlQg IKu a lo ag our ” w ato r courses.

' R e d C r o s s F i e l d

O f A c t i o n C o v e r s

; , A l l t i i e W o r l d

R oprosonted by 83,668 m em bers, tho A m orican Rod Cross p o no lra tos ,to

J. ncftrly_«vory p a rt o t th a w orld . T bo . a Insu lar and foroign roll call atalTsUca

for tbo poml -year aro > m o st conclu* slvo m aoltostA llon of tbo Red Cross

(, sp ir it ca rried Into tbo m oat ram ote lands. In Europo th e re aro 4,088

is m om bera: In Turkoy. and bcU to la " tbo C onstantinople Chapter. 3,546. Chl*-

nn b as a n enrollm ent SCZiSZ: A frica,^ 13$: India. 224. and. A u stra lia . 39.

Even Vladivostok, hi frig id S iberia,, has a live ch ap te r w ith 100 mombera.„ The Philippine Isla'nds can m obilise

68,747 under tho Red Cross banner (), and H aw aii 7.8S3. Tbo to ta l funds le ra ised through (orelgn and Insular 0 m em bership enrollm ent and son t to 't n a tio n al headquarlo rs tn ■Washington >f niduntod to J60.216.B4, wbllo a n oddl-

tio n a l 133.360 wns forw arded fo r tbo endow m ent fund ot tbo A m orican Red Croaa. T ho h igh sons roU call la 1922 • waa an Inspiring success. T bo Navy '

II signed OD 4,331 fo r th e |te d Cross and I d lho m erch an t ships 4.141. O t the to- >

ta l m em bership ou tside th e U titted \ IC S ta te s 83,998 aro ro g tste red .w ltb chap- \

te rs In foroign lands, tb e In su la r pos- ‘ f sosslobs and dopendoDClea. 1it

1 w an t to : therefore I c a n !" ta th e • f. ap lr it tho t-ap u rs tb e B ed C roaa work- f, « r l a well-doiof.K

‘ ,F ortunaU CIrcumatancee P erbapa.’One tb lng th a t America aod Europe

'' b sv e ' In commoi) la an" ability to see " Dce ano tber'a doty.—D niutb U enild .10>f Oood Advice.

People who uro too fond o f arguing In d know it, ahould pray every day : ‘Lord. lead ua not into tem pta tion .’*




I M URTAUOH—T ho MlJUOS' EH ubotli and Ifa rg a ro t H oover of Paul spont tho w eek-end ' w ith frionds In Mur- taugh..Tohn Soneeal and fam ily o f Twin *

J Falla woro M urtaugh v isito rs Friday.W. c . Hnll and son, Howard, return­

ed from P o rtlan d F rldny, whcro th o y . hnvo spent tho la a t wcok on business.

8 . H. W alton w as a business v isito r. . ^ in Twin Falla Thursday. j“;ij A leap y ea r danco will bo glvon a t i ' ^ tho L. D. R. am usem ent hnll Friday,)^ February 29. > T w in Fnlls music will . (J ho fiirnished. I 'J Tho studen ts o f tho M urtaugh h igh |,j J. school w ent ou a h ike to 'S n a k e riv e r‘s J cnnyon la s t Tuesday. .The chaperone j J was Mra. I . D. W ard . Iif. - The. non b f Mr. H W bnrd, who is #U -L 1, lion agent o f tb o 0 . 8 . L . a t Mur*l I. tangh, has boon seriously ill w ith ty - ! n phoi.l pnoumoniii b u t la now Improving. J y Tho L ndioa' A id m ot n t tho home of { a Mrs. n . F . J a lu In st week. Thosoprl:*- l- ent wore: M rs. O. I. Cnnnan, Mrs. W. ' a R. Riekufus, Mm. P. J . Fahoy, Mrs. V. , ; y R. 'I k ’H, M rsj O liver Johnson, M ra.'•t Lloyd. Ja li i and M rs. F.. L . .Tohnson,^ d guest. Delicious rofreshm enta wero j J- servod.0 , --------------------------- . ,


----------- 1° Tliousunda df o v crfa t people bavo , « he-'omc Hlim by follow ing tho ndvico of . )f doctor.^ who recommend Marmolo Pro-1

Seriptlon T ab lets, thoso harmloaa littlo | )S fut rc-lnccrH th a t ntmplfy tho doso ofl r* Uio famous M nrm ola Proscription. I f i Q. loo fu t, don ’t w a it—go now to you r! ' y .Iruggiat an .1 fo r ono dollnr, which Is

Oio price the .world over, procure n hox of thoso tab le ts . I f p referable youlj cun aocuro them direct by sonding;*

^ prieo to tho M nniiola Co.. 4012 W ood-i' I*- ward Avo., D etro it, Mich. Thoy ro- n- (iueo steadily and easily w ithout tlro-[ ,n KoniQ cxetciso or Bt;irvation d ie t ivnd; p- loaVo no iiiiplcunant offcct-—adv: j B- Tho Twin F a lls chnj.ter. D. A. K., wi:l q{ have a coolcod'foo-I sale tsntiirday, Jan _ iiary 2fi. Alvord A? .Moft grocery, f ir

lho bonefjt o f tb e • SoJ-lior Momori.-i) fund.—adv.



Id //jWn QV- i l j j j j ^ 7 / y ^ u i l l

''*• IBW fW>7

m u '

IT '* 0 ^ /

4 l Iot ^ ^ y 1i\

A L ^n* l / l 1 7 / l/.l

o- ' F I f ^

1 g'In'.thIR . r ' : D a >

: R i c t- . i Y l

” '•I--. 61/ .38 s - «fc '

ir. . 4 IR V IN G M (» . * ' 1 • . •19. . - I - • *“O. ■ * I•fl- \ C 0PY R 1C M TivlR ,V ir

L . r \ ------------— ---------------------

JJ r r i H I S s t o r y i s t h e c a p

}n I e n d u i i n g l i t c r a i y c a

e n g a g e d u p o n t h e i

3d . y e a r s , b u t i t i s t h e f r u i t

JJ i t h i n l d n g , t h 'e f l o w e r o f .id ” . o- • H e r e i n m e m o t a b l e n a n

j o f r o m a n c e , t h e q u i c k t

•s- ; u n i v e r s a l a p p e a l o f cp i

; ■ A f e a in a s i n “ A M a n fo:

»• • h a s f o u n d i n s p i r a t i o n i r

*'■ v i c e s o f a g r e a t A m e r i c a n

m o s t h u m a n , w i s e , en g ;

a c t e r i n o u r e a r l y h i s t oM

N o w O fie re d as a J

‘ | T h e T w i n ]

Beginning Toim

B re jik fast Foodr- '^M atrim onially Speaking^’

B y H u g b M eEay.[n “ l l- M y wlfo is olw ays getting nio to

tak e telepbono moswijca fo r hiNr.“* I t seems th a t noarly every time one

of bor fTleuds calla up, *bo’s dressing or tak in g u b a th o r I n 'th e m idst o f

“^ ‘show ing .the cook how to mako luiappc,- 18OU11—or'Som eth ing liko thnt.

7 1 ‘ ‘ W o n 't you ju s t find o u t svUut Helen y.’ %vnnts?” sho enrols baek, when I toll “ |lie r w ho’s on th e ivire.. I A nd io I .isk Helen w hut’s on hor

>*lmiud. I t ’s gencRi.Uy piuuty—und 1 ®*’ c a n 't underMtund nny of i t nntil wo'v'- ““ .talktNl fo r about five mlnntca.

Finidly I te a r m yself aw ay from tho ^ '•I 'hono and bellow to .my wife:' *1 “ She says w-lll y<iu stop for her qII

you wny to C harlotte W’iikliiRon’s I'-n '''*’■ tomorrow n f t j^ o o u , nnd lion’t fo rgot--^., ° to bring tho aaniple of that, matorhil o f'

yours, und i f hIio nhouldn't he -Hiero ‘ ■ y o u 're .just to wnit, 'ukI should sho call

■jup Sarah Fiol.j tn nny both of yon will atop fo r her or w liat do yon tliin k f”

W oll. of conrso, niy wifo has au oven ■ longer iinswor to miiko to th is—nnd

thon Helon h a « 'a reply to that. And I have lo trunHluto ovorything nnd re ­lay it— until 1 feel jUHt liko one of tho

O K iris, myself.Tho next tim o m y wifo nitks mo lo

tuko n mcMsago, I ’m going back to ^® |thi. iiboue and Hiiv, “ I ni.a.lo a mistake

tlo I . ----------o fl Tomorrow: “ M y husband blows I f ; blm aolf to o iponsivo luncbos.”

I .C opyrlu lit, t)y Public Lc-lKcr-Co.)

I I f your p roperty is desirabl* nnd lr [■dvortisod In tho e lasiifi-d—you'll fiu'-

„ ^ ;yo ar boyei.____________________ .id-ro- '

j^ j|232E[E^3l

^ o rK a r d d\CHELLER j- ]

5.VING BACHELLER, / ^ t . > .f *- _

c a p s t o n e b f a b r i l l i a n t a n d

r c a r e e r . M r . B a c h e l l e r w a s

l e a c t u a l w r i t i n g f o r t h r e e

ru i t o f a l i f e ’s r e a d i n g a n d

o f m a t u r e i m a g i n a t i o n .

n a r r a t i v e a x e t h e f i n e f l a v o r

c k t h r i l l o f b o l d d e e d s , t h e

c o u r a g e a n d s e l f 's a c r i f i c e .

f o r t h e A g e s , ” t h e a u t h o r

n i n t h e l i f e a n d p u b l i c s e r -

c a n . B e n j a m i n F r a n k l i n , t h e

s n g a g in g a n d l o v a b l e c h a t -

i s to r y d o m i n a t e s t h e n o v e l

a Serial to R eaders of

F a l l s N e w s

M o r r o w M o r n i n g

24 . . '

Page 7: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;



CniCAOO, Feb . (/P>—Corn wa.i n rttvo nml toilny w ith ^vhoalcxftctly tho rcvorHo. nccoipt# nf rom were iininllor thnn Iit I liccn oxpw to.l hnd it wnit oalit tlii> coiinlrv had

hcIHuk. Com '■IrtMO.l firm n t l-n ' to 1-4C to n-Hc iii'f udvnnro. ?ilny S(> :m

to «0 7-8p . In who.-it flio finiRl. wnn un- (.I'ftlpil, 1-2 to !5-8 to n-4n rlom i; tl.e oiitMniP for ontH wns n nlin.lo to M e (loplinu um! fo r jirdvi lion.n '2 to l."> tu-iits gain.

ImporfnnI roniiniHHi<m lioiisoni' wor.' nccri'siivo l.iiyors o f rorn nt, llte stur*. ami tliPro wnji fiirront tlia t stork?nf rnn i in Hh' i-:iKf rxtn-m olvlight. Tn IhiM .oouit^ctioii tlio fa r t WIIK I'-ip i'T -iiillv ,'notfli'that'oxport ra il WHS ROorl nnci th a t the 'rttipply o f corn on opoflu jiaowCf* wu-r iiiiiHi nmlor 111*' amount o f n yonr nK". Dtiyinu wns fur.

I thpr onoonrnKOil throuKh prcdirtionn ‘».tit onlv a .liminiMiiinc ninvrniont o' corn wnuld l.o witnciwoil ilurlnc thn rc- niniiir^T nf th.< Hfnxoii. Mi-sinwhDc, an inrroiisi* of 2,S.'f!.000 I.hhIicIh in Hio vi«- iblo supply fotiil nnnonnrcd today wnn iiliniil vvlint ha<l looked for. nnrlhad !iu‘ littlo o ffcct on tl.i' nmrkot. Ilottc 'vrr, p ro fit tnk lii" Knlos crilnrRcd n fte r a inodcrato bul;;c in priffis, nnd

. fo r a l l.vist lho lim e licini: th is cirrtini. stnnrc fjnstrafod anv i.dditioniil «ain.

Wheat liitUs-w.!ti- ainpiiuriiKrd hy ab- Noaco of rrop w aro ilovolopincntf*. Bo-

■ fiidcH,,n dccn-.iso o f .l..i;i0.000 bniilioln in tho doniPHtir vi«iblo to ta l wnn rc~ardMl

» aH ton'HliKlit (o t-orvv as n Htiniiihm to biiVB i-onfrontixl w ith diKpatrlicH Kiylne thiit thp Krcatcht (|Uanlity of •wheat over onnocntrntid a t ono ]>ort in the world’s M story is a t proncnt in utorc nnd afloat a t I’nrt Arlliiir, Ont.

Oat« KajTRod with w lunt.HiRhor q'notatioiiN on Iiokr Rnvo

BtroiiKth fo th e provision nmrkot.

.,-JW IN FALLS MARKETS ..ThcKO priccJi are obtained da lly '

n t -I o ’(-loek in thc uftrr^inon an.l aro intended to cover only tho av-

A cragc •> o f priecn. Whertf carta-n ‘ ' dealers fo r Hhort periods o ffe r more

than tho quoted prico no o ffo rt i j made to include bucIi quotationi*. Quotations a rc offe red incroly ns n eiiido to producers nnil should n o t bo ncceptcd a* reflec ting oztrem or of e ither’ high or low price*.

KUTAIZ. M A BEET&PAld to 'P rodacers.

Tho Twin i'a ll# m arkets yeslorday wero HS follows:

l^v w to ck .Heavy hop . ........... .............. $4.00 to R.OOModium hocs ..................... J4.50 to $n.UOU g h t 175 to 225 lb .............#fi.50 to tO.USS o w s ......... ........- ......... $3.00 to J3.50

P Holfurs ........... ..................................... 14.00f i t o o r s .......... ........... - ...... - ♦4.00 to f.7.00Veal c u lv c s ................ ....... >5.00 to W-00U m b s ............................. .. $7.00 to eS.tC

FowU.• Hoavy hena ------ ---- -- ------------------ 12e

L icht lions ______________________8cD airy.

B nttorfat, cri;ainor>- ....... .................... 47cB u lte rfa t, sln tioa ............. ................. 45cCountry b u tte r __________________E k p . (shippers) .................................... ISfiE rrh (loral stores) ............... ........... 17c

W heat and M ill Feed.W hent ................................................ «1.33Bran, cwt. S1.2oBrnn, 500 lb. lota ............................. *1.20

. Stock food .................... .................... $1.35• Block food, 500 lb . lotfc............ — *l.oC

Stisar, W holesale.Cnno .............................. ...................... SlO.nSBeet ..................................................... *10.78

Bm os .Grcnt N orthern ................................. *5.00

POtatMA.I*otatoc!i, w hite .......- ........ - ................PotatocH, Bussots .......... ........................ 80c

B E T A n . PXaOES. V egetables.

Potatoea, 10 lb s , f o r ---------------------25eSwcot potatoes fb......—........ .............07rlloiui le t tu c e ............... ..............lOc to ISiOniona, 8 pounds f o r ........... .............. 25cNew cabbntte, p o u n d ____L----------- 04oCelerv bunch ..................................— 10«

M Cauliflower, pound ______________ 20oF rrdu

C o eo an n ti.................. ................. 15 to 20c■ G rapefruit, e a c h __________lOe to 15c

arnpea, t o k a y ------------- -----------------20oLemona, dozen ___________________40«Oranges, dozen _____ 25e to 50<Bannnna, lb________ _____ _________ IBcEngliah wnlnuta ..................... SOc to 43:

T ^ .Creamery b u tte r — .......0.*ifBuhl cheese .........— .............. ....... ........ 30tWisconsin cheese .......— .......— —... 40c


W hoat—Hnrd white. February , B. S ^ B n a rt, $1, March *1; noft w hite, Feb• ruorj' 90c, March OOc; w estern w hite

February 99e, March «J9c; hard w in te r Fobrunry OSc, M nrch OSc; n o rthon

. spring, J-'ebrunry OSc, M arch 05c; weat ern rcd, Februnrj- OSc, March D5c.

Oat»—No quotatioi.a.


Stntea D epartm ent o f A griculture M nr• ke t Nows Servicc.)—Carlot ahipmont

for tho U nited Stated Thuradny, to ta 770; Id ih o 80; sumo day 1923 (22nd 328.

Shipping p o in t inform ntion Thura• day:

Idaho Fnlls — Dciniind improvini! ■Mnrket firm . Carloads cash trnck Buraia 07 l-2c to 70c. Russota ropack cd for Cnlifornia m ostly >1.30. Wagon londa Rurals 60c to C5c. l lu s « t« most ly *1.05. F riday , holiday, no trnd ln t Opening Snturday o ffe ring price uo

■# cstubUahed.M lnneapolla-St. Paul—Demand goo(

M arkot firm . Cnrlon^a deUvered salt round w hitea U. 8. No. 1 aacked *1.0 to *1.15. Moatly *1.15. Mixed cfti Triumph aeod *1.15 to *1.20; ftfw hig aa *1.25. Cobbler leed *1.15 to *1.2^


S hioaUy *1.25. B urbabk seed *1.25 to *1.30. Rod R iver Ohios U. S.- No. 1

_ am i jm ttly gntdeil *1.16 to *1 .2 0 .'W nuparn , W is.-D om nnd m oderate.

M arke t ateady. Cnrloada delivered p p unloH round whites U. S. No. 1 (iaekc.l

*1.0S to $1.10.O»oolcy, Coin., W iday (U no ffic ia l)—

Demand modorafo. M nrkct firm ., t^i*- •0^* doad* usual terms. Avhito variotieH U. 8 -

No. 1 mostlv n.v. •P o rtla n d ; Ore., T iicadny-M ark .-t

*'M'- steady . WagnaloaiLi f. o. b. countrv I-'* loading points, UurI.nnks Barks'll I*. S.

No. 1 sti-ni-ilwl bngH, fow salc.H *” '• to -*1.50. .

Sau 1-uis Vi.lli'v. ^Vodn^■sdav— M ar. kot stoadv. . WagnnluadK rash To grow- ors. U ro«n Uoauti.-s ninstlv vSOp ; UpiI

, M K’lnn-s .S.l to !Klc; m ostlv 'lOc. Hur- ))!Hiks

I’r.',-...... IhIc, Maine, Mnndiiy— Pomand li;;ht. M arket Meadv. Carload doliviTi'.l salos, (;reon .Mouatains, bulk !fl.-U) fo $ 1..';.’;. Bpanlding Hoso. ;>ulk. mostly

H aturday iiinrningN im portan t mar- kols ropiirti’d bv wire:■ ChipaRn—2 'idahn, fl M irhican,

i‘'" " ^Iinno“ota, 3 N ebraska, 1 T exas, >1.1 "• Wisoonhin, 1 Wynmimr arrivo .l. ISH

on t ra rk . Supplien laoderato. Demaml slow. M arkol nboiit ^leadv. CarloTH

vi'*- oulw oight Wisconsin r.>u«d whitoH U. . . Nn. 1 Mipke.l $1.J'. to *1.-1.'5; nioslly around $1.30; bulk ^l.-IO to $1.(50. Min nesota nnd North D akota Red R iver

S'*'' Ohios U. S. No. I J1.4I) to *1.5.';. No ""'1 IdnhoH reported.

Kansas C itv—A rrivals since Tliur.^- day, H Coloiiidn, 3 Idaho, 12 Minne- sota. !♦ Ncbra.Hka, S N orlh D akota , ?■ Wyi.ming. OS oti tr.ipk. Supplies lib-

" *" oral. Demand moder.ito. M arket dull. C arlots niilwoiglil M innesnta lU'd R ivrr Ohios U. S, No 1 sacked to *1.00; p a rtly graded $1.35 fo $1.4.1. ( iir lo t

'<'«• salos to outside points, wostern whiti- variotiPH II. a No. 1 sacked *1.40 to Jl.-I.-; Russets Jl.C.’i fo .*1.7.^

San Francisrii. W odnesdaj'— 2 cam WaMhinglnn and 413 sacks California

'‘"■® by I,nat and 4 Oregon, 1 C aliforn ia , 1 WashingUiM, 1 Maho arrivod. Supplios liberal. Trading moderate. M arker hfea.tv. .fnl.biiig pri<■p^ C aliforn ia r$iir

■ ■ Imnk.s-'^r.T.". to $2-^0. W ashington |. • Ooins, r'i-p;n-kod ?2 lo $2 .1 0 ; jionror lo’c

as jfl.7.1. Mnho RuHsots V. S. No. 1 IV. to #2,10; p(K.rer low as $1.7.'i. O n- i-n ‘ gon Burbanks bcHt $2.3.''. to ’ *U;40; irc iiooror-*2.3.'.i i 1 8 t. I»u is , Thnrsdav—37 on track,

Dem and slow. M arkol dull. .Tobbini; " pri-vs, Colorado Rus-otH U. S. No. 1

$1.75 to $l.<lOi Miiii'Psota Rod Rivorf I '. K. No. I ^L.-.O to $1.0.-. Wisconsin R urals U. S. ,No. 1 s.-irko.L..$1.50 fe $1.00.

Loh Angeles, S n t i i r d a v -12 Culifor- day '‘ix. 2 Nevada, 3 Oregon, n l Idaho nr-

rived. _..fl diverte<l. OS unbroken, 3'J broken on track. Demand ROod. Mar- ket firm . Carlots ou tw eight Idnli.j Russets U. S. No. 1 i l .9 0 to S2; mosllv

S fo »-■” ...............................4.00 '.7.00 ' POTATOES AND PEODUOE.0.00 ‘C niC A aO , tv b . r . OP)—P o U ito es- S-'-C Tradintr slow; market, dull; ri'roiptH (5f

cars; to lal U. 8 . sliipments 1130; Wi..» V .-..iimn .-arked roun.l whites $1.20 I.

1.40; l.ulk $1.3.-; to MinnosoUi47c :ind N orth D ab ifa sarko.l Rcd Rivei 45c Ohios $1 40 fo 1.(50.40c ’ B u tter—UnsdttUsl; preamory extra* IS*’ 4Hc; standahl's 40c: ex tra firs ts 4S It

48 1-Jp; firs ts 47 to 47 l-2e; seeomb J 3 . .l.'i 1-2 to 4f.e.I'oT Eggs — Lower; rec-iipls ^.l.lSS.cascs; L 20 1-2 t<. 2Hc; ordinary f ira ts 2 .'‘i!35 «o 2(ip.l.oC Poultry—Alive, hii-lier: fowls 23 tc

2r»p; springs 2(ir; roo%lors 17c.o.ns ‘ ^ _____

OASH QUOTATIONS.(5.00 (HIICAGO, Feb. ‘J.’. OP)— W heat— No

3 red $1.1(1; No. 2 hard $1.10 1-2 U 6-'3c 1.14.SOc («nrn— No. 2 mixed SOc; No. 2 yello«

SO 1-2 tr> 81 l-2c. , . ,o , anli»—No. 2 white J!) to .'Oe; No. : 5;® whit(i. 47 3-4 to 40e.15i R j i '—No. 2, 71c.25c BaHey—«.*. to H2c.04o T iniothv nciHr—$0.50 to 8 .10« Clover seed—$1.S to 24. .2 O0 L ard—$11.10.


2 ^ POBTLAKD LTVESTOOK.40c PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb . 2.1 OP)—C at 50c tlt>—S teady to US tfl 50c h ig lie r; rc IBc- eeipfa 1U75; 700 Ihroueh; beef cowa an. 4 ''“ h eifers good grndo J6.75 to 8.23; me

dium $5.50 to 0.75; common *4..'50 t. 30 c ni.’HJVeAnnera nnd cu'lTors'$?.7iTt^.*>C 400 Hogn — Unevenly sternly; roeoipt

4S.'>:>; 17S5 through; rlau g h tc r pigs $ to 7.35.

/P)— Sheep—50 to 7.Tc h igher; receipt [. s . 1301; 490 contn iet; medium nnil goo' Feb- an d choico bimba 84 pounds down *1 hite, to 14; culls and common *10.50 to 12 n te r, yen rling woUiers medium to choico, iiJ hom weiRhtn *7 t o '10; w ethers *0.50 to 1) weat- ewes, medium to choicc *5 to 7.50.

OMAHA Z JV IST O O E .OMA.HA, Fob. 25 •>*»)—Hogo — R.

r . ' coipts 12,000; mostly 10 to 2.’5c highei sited bu lk 220 to 300 pound butchors *0.9 M nr. to 7.05; top *7.05; desim ble 180 to 21 lon ts pounds, weight *0.7.'j to 0.90; mixc to ta l loads cnrry'ing pncking sows nnd lik ~nd) *0.75 to 0.95; packing sows moatl

$0:3.') to O.-IO; nverni^c coat S atu rda Iiurv *0.71; w eight 233.

C attio—R « c ip t8 9000; fed a tccrs an ving. yearlingK slow; kllliirj: q ua lity plait rack , ex trem es o f quality i te a d y ; in botweo pack- Rrades weak to lower* top *9.90; bul igon- stee rs and yearlings t7 .50 to 9 ; othi most- k illing claaavs m oderite ly active, a t« ding, dy; fltockers and foodera alow, abot I uot 8 toody; bu lk butcher cotvs and hclfo:

*4 to G.50; cauners nnd cu ttc rs *2.1 good, to 3.05; venicrs to p-ickora *0 to 9.5i sales somo packers paying upw ard to *10.1( *1.05 bulogna buRs *4 to 4.50; bulk atocko enra nnd feeders *0 to T.25; top foodo high $7.85.

>1.25; Shoep-R oceip ta WOO;' a c tiv e ; f


"I D iM lA n ^'red' I/M W DiDKir w te rV rte n H E ft w s t:e.i ; MriN UONDON, 1/ I SO IT


\ _ F £ l ^ ^

Dooad =,„lk lamlm 2.-5 to .'iOr, h igher: woolo.l lamb ,,lk. $14.75 to lop $1,'.20; clipp.-.

• Iambs $12.70 to i:t; slu-oi- a n d .-feeder

OHIOAOO LITESTOOK.CHICAOO. Fob. 2.'-. (/p)_(•■ittle— Ro

coipta 20,000; beef steors and f a t sh, ,,n,l stock s teady to strong early , closin,

uneven, about steady, top m;it.uro< _ s tw rs $7.7.'-. to 9.-r>; in betw een gradei tliv I 'fednm inating ia fed s teer run ; bult ,f,; fat. cows $4.,'50 to 3.7.'; bulk bo.^f hoif yj.y ers $.*..'50 t« 7; load medium lo gooi

yearling heifers $8.50; common fa ‘ cows an.l cann.-rs and cu tle rs firm

a - tlv e ; boloffnii l-iills largely $1.75 t. 5; most voal calves to packers $10.,-i.

, r. to 11; oiilsidcM payin.T upward to $14 stockers and feeders in fr.*sli roeeipl:

,„ll scarce, stronKj bulk $-'5,.'50 to 7; a fev loads m eatv fee.lers T.7 to 7.r.0.

Hnge»-Rorcipls iVI.OOO; opened aet ivo: early sales l.i to 2."e h igher; liu'h

Ilill- "'"'K*'*’' show.'.! ninnt advajiee; closv. . oxtromelv sh>v,-: Mi; j.ackers biddiii;

stea .ly with Satnr.lav; n.'.OdO unsold n•ars•nia nverai;intr l-'O ponndH nm, 1 mon. $7.10 tn 7.:i(l; to-) $7.30; bulk pack-lies ‘"K '••'■'"'f

w.‘iRhi kiliii.j: pius I., rt.,-0; o»ti m,-i»od J»,Jdovcr -jr,.!)!)!).

8ho<'p— Rwoipts^l.S.OOn; f a t lam b* '.'i to 35c biRber; hpols more; elosod t'b.

, \ h igh tim e of (he day; sheep Htfnnir feodiiiK lam bs 2.'. t.. 4(ir h ic lie r; bnll

..,0 . f a t wooled lanib« M3.7.-5 to 10; to| ’ $1(5.2.'.; KOod voarlinR w ethers $13,.'50

Nnvajos $iri;’ lop nged w ethers $11 ,i, ; bost fa t ewes $10; fe.-rling lam bs large , T ly $13.73 to 14.25; cboico ahoarini i-ers

T OIL., PROBE HITS STOCK!for- Total sto rk siil.Mi 712,300 Hhares. ar-. T>vciitv induRlrialH nvernge«l 97.fi9 .12- ne t loss, .77. High, J0.24,'101.24; low

la r- iM.HH.ali>> Tw enty railroads avernge<l 83.7-1 ally not losa, .3.'5. High, 1924, 85.90; low


NBW YORK, Feb. 2-T (/P)— Resiimj tion nf fhe WnKhinRfon oil inveatigi

, (50 linn pr.vido.l i.rofessional b ea r tni.l ,Vi,. ers w ith nnothor excin.* fo r nn h ttac

(„, on to .Iny’s sto.-k m arket, o pera to rs o noUi ’""jr " ''I '’ showing li t t le diapOBitio iver extend their rotumitmenfK, nppnroal

ly tlirough fear o f fu r th e r 'u n fav o rab l (P,,., disclnsnreB n t fhe oil inquiry. Sale , ,0 wero ai:ain relatively (.tiinll. mils H eavy selling of Ihe copper share

in fu rther reflection nf tho passing o tho Calum et iftid Hecln d iv idend wn

, o.T ono o f tho d ay ’s features. Anncond was th ^ principal ta rg e t o f Bcllin;

I to I’r<‘*snro. due fo Ihe fea r in some qiiniter« tb n t Vbt> regttbvr diviilend, to b noted on tomorrow, waa in danger. Th sfock-elosod two point-s lower n t 37 1-

. . n fle r selling slighlh- below th a t figur / Y ; whilo ne t leases o f n po in t o r so wer• recorded by Ut^h, Cnlumct and A ri«II »a. St. .loscph Li-;ul and O r ro d

Pasco., KxU-iisive sliort sc 'Iing took pluco I

fho oil shares, bu l w ith fho exccptio o f Houston, which closed 2 .T-8 lowt

\ a t 71, most o f thc* nctivo lasuee mnd go<.<l recovery from fhcir low pric.i which rangwl o i ic lo two pointa belo' H ntnnlny’a final figures.

Call monoy opened n t 4 po r cen t bi: nd>-anccd to 4 1-2 in tho Into nfto noon, closing n t th n t .figure. Tho tim money and com m ffcba papor rat< woro nnchnngcd, tho bulk o f the bun ncaa in eaeh being trnnsuctcd n t 4 3

“ '* per cent.Settlem ent of th e dock workon

L ^ ^ ^ jtx ik e -md publicAtion ' 6 f -- /a v o ra b enblo dispntchea concerning th e woj o f the reparations expcrta had u stii:

* * u la ting c ffec t on tho Europcjui f , changea. Demand aterling wna up i

.1.31 .1.4 and 1-rinel, fr«nc« to ■l.i.'! b u t rflnsidemble -p ro f it tak in g toe plnco when the high levels wero renc

' *-|j od, s te rling falling t.ack to $4.30, o one eont, nnd frnncn to 4 .3 c ' 1-2, .

“ 1 1-2 points nbovo S a tu rd a y 's fin quotation.

OOVEENMENT BONDS.Re- . NEW YORK. Feb. 2.''. ( /P ) -^ ib e r

;hcr: bonds cloaed:f0.9J 3 1.2» ......................... ....................... I 09;> 210 F irs t 4 1-ls ....................................09.1lixcd Second. .................................. tH).

Ilk.. Third 4 l-4a ..................................... lOO.oatly Fourth 4 l-4s ................................ 99.irday tr. fl. Government 4 14* ............. 100 .

I nnd 8UOAE.Iain ; NEW YORK, Fob. 25 M>)—A n i; ween proved inquiry brought nn ndvance bulk 1.8o in tho local raw jiugar m ark o t 1

othor d ay nnd apot pricoa nro now qnoted aton- $7.41 d u ty .pald . Solea Included 82,0 tboiit bags o f P orto Bieoa und 00,000 bags siiors Cubns fo r F o b p u ry and M arch sh $2.35 rnunt to local an iro u tp o rt rofincra. 9.50; Raw sugar fu tures dcclinod 1 to :0.10: ])ointa early under acntterod llqu ldati ckors an d Cubns selling lit consequcnco odori tbo moro favorablo Inbor conditic

la Cuba. The deeUna a ttm e to d eons f a t erablo covering and renew ed outsi


\am \iONE CENT PER WCAdvertisements under this hea so far devised of bringing the n.


FOR RENT—F u rn ish e d 'ro o m s, 2.’5;i Third avenne no rtb . Phone 204.L'

FUR.SISHKD UUUM, adjnininK Imtli. Furnace hoat. Closfl in. Phoae 47;iJ.

i::.l F IFTH avotiue oasf. three room = furnished a |n .rtm ent, Phoae :i.'57.1.‘bs ItOOM l'\JU RK.V'I’—Furrii>li.-.l. cl..so ..•.I, in. DoHirablo pa rt o f lown. Call HH). cr.i — T u n iiih e d modern

room w ilh home privileges. Phone 1S17W. ' • .

TOR R EN T—3 -ro ^ i“ funtiahed apart He- ment. Reasonable. Bungalow. Apply ,h.- F ifth s tree t an.l Second ave.' cast.

rod FOE P^NTr— o T iin m n iH irB p

" 'f o r ' RKNT— Fmir-r.iom modern bun- (*!ilnw w ith acreaR.-. Phone 71)0.1.

.od FOR R EN T—M 1SO EU A N EO U 8.

‘~lU)A'ifD ami ....... 'lof!'Third nnrI'h't’lKMie 1.-.24.______________


„ 1„ " "w A N T E l)^ P o ta to e s .V a rlo ts Russets L , and Riirala. .1. B. W hite, a t Perrine

hotel.WANTKD— For esiim ates oa cement

, , « i.rk of aav kind call K. II.dmoK.Phono 703.■

r ' ■ WA.VTI-^D-Tn ren i orV..|,oom mn-t. ‘" t .-rn bouHC. well located. .T. K. Whiti:,'

Llll Main east._______________________

"I'* for tlieir feed, .\dd rcsa A. B., caio News.~HliLIX>—D on’t forget th a t Diia is

"ti- stil) alive a t 305 South Shnshnne." u'A.S''i’KI>—To borrow $2000 firm

r ' innrttface on -ta acres. P»ione 503. i - , W ANTICD-Livo poultry oi nil kinOr

'ur: Public M .arket. piiono 1573." 'k WANTKI) TO RKNT—15 ..r 20 •op fipres. Cash or crop rent. Ad.lres^.'50; Diinc^in M u..... Boa: 4(!H, T«vin Falls,11: Idaho.■g<‘- ’---------------------------- - “ing I>OBT________________

*’ l/)R T — Hetween Uagennan au.l Twin F alls, a l.lack lea ther haiidbng,

K S eonlaiuiiiK keys and pajK-rs. Rewant (’all a t News office.

RKWARD—LOST — Botwccn Roger- C,o; aoa nml Twin Falls, 84 4 1-2 tiro and

rim. F inder will g e t reward a t pbono 020W.

. LOST—S terlin g silver flexible Urnee- „ ■ let, set with rhincstoneH. Ix-avu ut

News. Reward.LOST—Between .leromo nn.l K ^

brown nllign to r purse containing past "’1>- matron pin. Masonic purac, bill book K'l- with bills. H. D. Read, 340 Thir.l av.'- ^t.l- nue nortb. Reward, ack - • •

01. r o E SAUS—F E u r r s . v e o e t a e l b *

F()R SALE— E ar corn. • Public Mai •l,!e lilL__________ :________________________Jes -iXJR SA LE— W hite or yellow cor.

PubUc M arket. Phonn 1573.__________I ’O R SALB— .Vettc<l~Ooiii sued Jiolii-

toea, M ontann slock. F . A. Holmgren, ® :i miles east, b a lf mile north o f foun-

adJing ' M lB O B L ia ifE O U k .

" s i l i E ' f iiA K TN ^Criio M ATERN ITY N U ltS lN O . 7 y e a rs ’ 1.0 experieniic. M rs. E. J . Smizer. Phone

540R4.W E B U Y and BcirTnytM ng. Caah o-

commission. Idaho • Auction Ce ,,, Phone 310.

■ ItOCK ClUiBiv g ^ iv e fa n d annj. 142 , Fourth avenuo w est. Phone 2(38W.

. M ark lo’s blacksm ith ghop.E. D. KElLaXKJG. ngent fo r L atim er's

, Dry A racnato o f Load fo r 'sp m y mnter- ial. Call Phono fl.'JOR. P. O. Box 7.--.4.

POULTRY llO U S fc i^ O n n bo kej^ clcnn, oJurleaii, freo fr.-m germs nnd Hee w ith r r .» tt 'a P o u ltry D iainfectant. Your

b u t hena will do b e tte r . Wo guarantee it, to r- D lSTIU U U TO lty — t^ulckly dovolo-) ime own independent nuslneea handling \tv5 Scotm inta Y east C andy , now Ford au. iiifli. tomobilo free ; czcluaivo te rrito ry . Scot .■{.4 m ints Compnny, 00 Scotm lnta Building

CHty, N. J . “ a O M r W R I T E I t i i^ \ \ 'c will compoa(

ibl.) “ eatchy ptclody fo r your song j«jcm . . Big money can bo m ade from royaltiei

paid by piano p layer roll and rccorc m anufacturers. Your song may bo tbi

ex- next b ig b it. Send your song poeu ) to todny. W ondyrtono Miislo Co., 027 N ■iryp, Frcm nnt Ave.. B altim ore, Md.________


" " r a n SAI-E OR T R A D B -F o r .m/il . or ncrengc on Twin F a lls trac t, 130 acre Inal south M issouri land , woven wire fonce<l

crom- fenced, tw o aeta buildinga, 9 neres in cu ltiva tion . Fam ily orchard bnlnncu in p as tu re and fino tim ber good w oll; p len ty o f sp ring w ater; a:

• Ideal d a iry farm .- C. E . H artley , Flloi ^ Idaho, :r . 1. •19.9 - _ j . i r - T ^ ------

bu>*iug and -pricOn la te r rallied, closin 10. two poin ts n e t low er to four point )9.1] h ^ h o r. Mar«b-S.<>6, M ay 0.57, Ju l )0.0 5.70, Septom bcr 5.50.

Eem nnd fo r roflne<l su g ar showod n im provem ent, b u f pricos wcro finnc

im- nnd unchanged to 15 poin ts higher. Th e of Hat fo r f ino g ran u la ted now range t to* from *8.90 to 9.15.d a t - ----------iOOO W OOL P E IO E S r iE M .:b o f BOSTON, Feb . 25 </P)—F air amour Bhif. o f business Is being trnnsucto.l on locr

wool m arket. Prices «\uiot, firm, in n to :< lin(« o f dom estic wool, bo tli fleeco an ition te rrito ry . Bales oro rmaR. Somo ii 0 o f qulrles b y m nnufacttirers fo r good wo< tiona but buyers n ro v e ry paution# iu coi ndd - tructing fo r la rg e r quan tities thnn fc tside ncccasity fo r imxnodinto need.


ED ADVERTIyORD PER INSERTIONlead are always alive and active, i need of advertisers to the attenti

ru K 8AU&—uiB C B m iK B O u a2.'5;i FOR SALl->-('iaer, 3 g a H o n s 'l ^ .

Publie M arket.^ HAY FOIt sT i7l'> -( ro/.ier T r:insfer

c«wp;iuy. I 'lw w M i.FOR SALl->-See.l l.arlev-, H a lf mil''

__ south o f Shosli.me ►.licet l)rid^;e. D.

FUf{ S A L K -S tovo leuntli wood. <ip- one •’‘’I’' ’*'’- Fiiqaire I’ulHic Mar-

—i "Fr>u"bXLl:^.N^-w Hteci anvils I'll 'V centa per pound. Mnho .lu n k House. I''.'’ phono <140.= FO R SALl->—Almo^> now l.uby l.ugny

mill jnm p.T. 8I3' M i'i" “venuo weat.Phono 31>4W. ._____________________

un- FOR SALl-i— (Ireal N orth rrn be:ii.^ th r .‘Mho.| beforo the rnin. U M . Boehm,

— 243 Seventh avenue aorlli.FO R SAL1'>-.'5110 l.iiahcla MariiiiiB

seeil w heat Imported from Montan;i. .lohn LinfijiK . Rogeraon, Idnho.

---- FOR tSA L l'W Ireat N ortbern seen.boiins. Recleancd. Novcr been wel. Oc. H. L. Stewnrt. 711 Sccotid avenuo

lets «-»"t. eity.____________________ ••ino FO R SALh;—Sinks, lavato ry anvila.

a rgo size tarpa, rubber belting. Phone 0-»0. Idaho Junk lloimc, buck of Idnho

,0K. D opartm ent Store. _________W E HAVK an especially fino stock

Trn o f f ru i t nnd shnde trees, shrubs, roaes. ill.; v ines und perennial plnnU th ia spriiii’.

nil grown hero, nnd frcMi frnm the— ground fo r your planting. P rieea ar'!

rig h t, too. Cntnlogue freo. K im berly N urseries, Klmborly. Idaho.

- - W ANT to henr from ow ner buyin,; fnrm for sale; g ive pnrllculnra an.i

— low est price. John J . Black, C!iij)pen-i. F alls, W'isconsin.

iXJR SALK—10-20 'I’llun tra c to r lu 'O'- good condition, choap; part term s to__ r ig h t p a r ty ; Ford cnr acceptcd aa part

20 o f cash paym ent. Enquire 12.'.0 Sixth res« avenuo cast.

W ANTED—Stock to pnatiiro fu r mun- mor. Good mountain p astu re , nil

— fenced.’ F o r Infonnntion w rite o r cull Jo b n \V. DeGrau, Wendell, Idabo , P. 0 . Box ao.

;"rd r o a SALE—rOULTS^g.— ‘" 'f o iT s A L B ^ . A . C^ W hito L^ghoTn 8®*;- chickona. C. R. H averland, e aa t ol

rock enialier._____________________ ____' i \ ) R SALE—LnrRC bron-^o turkeys,___ toma nnd hena. W. A. McDonald

Phone 507J5.' •* 1X)H BALE—Thoroughbred B uff Orp.,__ ing ton eggs and se ttin g liens. Phoni

515J3. E. E. Cnibtree.^ R ) R S A L E -B ln ck M inorca eggs fo]

hn tching, *4 a hundred; 7Gc so tting 'jM ra . O. D. Ball, Hai;sen.

==-1 K JR SA L I'> -l’tiro bred Rhode Jalaii'l r-B, Red cgga for se tting ; o rd e r early^ Phonn H.'50R. P. O. Box 754.________■lai- .MAM.MOTll Hronxo T urkey toms

largo bonud, well marked, $10. Egg! ^7“ In seaaon. Mra. C lifford Dennoy, Phont

■ 2J21, Filer.J i;;: FO R SALE—Thnruugiihred Jtourl.ori .p., Rcd tu rkey toms; regiatere.l Durhnni

hull calves. -12 to Iri montliH old. C. ]»etcrson. Rock Crcok. Iilnlio._________

Q U EEN Incubators and B rooders, —- also all Poultry Supplies


jlc,. Phono 474four

W ’ WANTED.' n.}* Ordora for day old eh lcks; six-

w eeks’ old pullota, b a tch ing cgga. Wo havo the A ncrcd s tra in of Leg- j,orna, w ith records o f 250 to 2U4

------ cgga i>er yonr; also Thompson s tra inUinglct Barred Plymouth B ocks of

gcnv '>00-cgg records.' E arly h a tched pul- J ties lota fo r w in ter eggs. We nro book- cord [„jj orders now for March- ond April ' th e deliveries.>oeio LEO H O R N B -81* w eek s ' old pul- 7 >«• lets, 40c cach. B aby chicks, “ dny____ o ld ” 20c each. H atching eggs, $‘i------ fo r 15 eggs. Barred Rocks n t the

SJimo prices. A liberal d iaeoun t on large ordors. Wo require n dopoalt o f 25 per cen t to book y our order

^ , AddrcaaD. A. W RIGUT,

7 Box 381 Phone 031JI b e r ----------------------------------------------------------[,’llor. ' T , =

FOB EAXB—rU&BlTUSB= "~FO'r pA LE—Majei.tlc range,Dsint tic a lly new. Very cheap. .Coll. 1270. o in tj I-'. . .1. =Ju lv FOB BALE—AUTOUOBZL^. ^ F O B S A I ^ D o d g V r o a d ^ t i r h T f ln

~ clnss condition. Cheap. A. M. W ike I ' . " f07 M nin. Buhl. M iiler’a grurago.

■ J \ ) R aAJ..E>—1 ton ford tro c k I‘"ROS A 1 tDudJtitfir. Pneumatic tire s . Er

p ire Auto Shop, 138 Third avenuo sout STORAGE, #4.00 per m onth. I c

* overhnuling nnd repairing, F o rds no lount nil makes o f 'c a rs . Seven y o n n a t t l local autom obile work. ' Contrai G arage. 31

In nil W est Shoshono itroe t. Phone 018W.3 and0 in- M O im r TO 10A3I

0 1 .2 ’ pE H CENT monoy fo r f* r loans. Caa ge t yon tho monoy in ti

I* ' 0 ' days £ro;a dato of application. C. . Bobinson. ^



ve, and constitu te the b e s t m eans ention of residen ts of S ou th Idahok H Z liP WANTED

75e. W A N T K D ^G U f‘for general hounc. work. J.'52 SevenUi av.'iiae oast. Phono

STTr ___________________________ r -WANTED— Meu or women to

_ _ ordcra for gonniiui gnarantood hosiery iniH fo r men, wometi ,and ch ildron; olimin-

i ‘- atoa darning. S :ilary $7.' a week fidl tim e; *1.S0 an hour spare tlmo. Coltons,

„ii. heathers, silks. . In te rn a tio n a l bturk- dar- i»g Mills, N o rr ii^ w n . Pii.________

^ a iT U A T iO N b WAJfTED.use. ■^vT n 'TED— I'louseivork." " n r ’£ T ^ w

o f News.igKJ- WORK l-Klt DAY. Phone DSUU'. Fore- a'Mt. noons._________ WORK WANTED Ijy Jxporiencod:ii.-«, fnrmer, marrloii, hnvo fam ily,. N ear ?hm, school or on wngon route, .lacob'

Tt»Mnp*on,-R. Ij Twin Fnlls.■)iiiH WORK W ANTKD l.v experienced an:i. mnn, mnrriod, have fn iaily . N ear

achool or on wagon rout.-. Jaco ^IIJTn Thompson, R. 2, Cily._________________

< u b lu v a a - r u o ik ^

r w i L L 'B U r l - o u r f a r c i t t l o . ^ 0 . T. ^ i B r o w n . Kimberly.lonc-l i m SALl'>—Hrood sows and pigs. .Inho . J-hoae ■'il.'5.13. E . E. Crabtree.___________ I l’'t)H SiU,/!';— Young corn fed liogn bylock th e slice or Avholo hog. P u b lie ’Mnrket.

I “ f o u HALt:—Chenj., A iredale aad '“ " ’• bird dog pups, m other purebred Gor-

don setter. Box 7, '.are Nowa., ' i i I “ f o r h a l e — A few reg is te red Guero-

^ !se y cowaj holfers and hoifer calves u t ' _,— rcnsonnblo prices. Leslie O. P erry ,

Wondell, Idaho.i FOR SALb^—2 tonnis mules, weight l l ’OO fo I. OO. 5 nnd « yeurs old;, . T •

___ brood sows, thoroughbrcos, somo w ituf pign, Bomc to farrow ^oon; I ’i rcgla*‘ ‘0 tored gilts, wclRht 100-125. M cM nster

Tanrh. near Holliator. H ines Pros.I t'UU bAl iB— E8TA7BI H t o R SALE—30 n'crcH^iJi bean rdls^

«!! tr ic t. Priced r ich t. )l., cnro News.I ' FOR SALE OK T R A D E -F o u r room

’ • modem houBC, oxcep* bnth, two loU.I^ lco *1.'550. C ar and cash fo r equity.

= W. H. Gheen. Phono 1284W.r u u EBM l—xA B M b

TOR REN T--80 "acre's?~H. C? Gcttert^ 114 Main north . Phono 223.

------ I " f ^ R RENT— Good north aide land(ev't, to south sido bean and beot fa rm er. Dr, naid. DwiRht. •

r i^ A R M >X>11'ItKNT—100 acros I milo Orp south of l ia iu ltu n : bee t, po ta to an d ‘'on'-- bean land. Phono n f te r 8 p . in., Chas.

_ |W . Barlow, Hn7.ollon, Idaho.acrea 1 milo out,

ling nbout 4 acros s traw berries, fam ily or*' chard, rasi.berrlca, g rapes nnd other

ilari'l Bmall fruits, 4 room bouao and other arly. small outbuildings, .i'liono 203.11.____! FAM FOR R E N T —100 acres knownoms, os Runner ranch, 1 1-2 m llos w est of I2gg> Rock Creek; no im provem ents. Casli hone ren t dcaired. S tnuart H . T aylor.

' lA N l) TOK U B N l— i'lio JJouril of rbon ConimiH.Hionera o f Tw.'n t 'a l ls H ighw ay hnm D istrict, will rocelvo bids ou S aturday ,

C. Mareh Jst, n t 2:30 jj. m., fo r a caah ren ta l o f approxim ately 10 1-2 acros of lund belonging to tl-e d ia tric t nod a p n rt o f tho q uarry a itc in Section 22,10. 17. F:tuart H . T aylor, Soeretqry.


BEAD L. HODOIK—Booms 12 and 18 F irat N ational B ank B ldg. Phone &

J . U. W IO :, lA V 7 «r. O ffices, Rooms I fl and 7 ovor T w in FaU s B ank h

^ j T rust Co., T w in F alls, Idaho.,o ro rS A l5 r 'o v c r 'C iM ''B o o k ''^ < to r« r“

. j d b N W /G B A H A M -L aw y erT B H E k *I T rust B uilding. Phone 935-B.ABHEE B. WTLSON— Law yer.H O l ^ 0. M ILLS—Over C ity

------- SWEELEY ft SW SBIiEY -< A t to r n m------ at-law. P rac tice in n il courts. T w la ’

Falls, Idaho..“I*- ■ P H T O O M M a

______________________J . E. LANOENWALTEE, Phyald in—

, Office ovor Goldon Bulo Sloro. Be«> idoneo 238 E ig h th avonuo north.

" Reaidenco phono 892J. O ffice phone

S .

BUSINESS DIRECTORYS°y B i A o g a m T H ____________

' , J ; B La S bM IT H — MAOHDTB 8 H 0 P — on Blaeksmitha, welders, boUer makers,

ioalt machinists, m anufac tu rers supplies dor of all k inds; agenU Altm an-Taylor

Machinory Co. Krengol M achine Oo. Phono 1202. 210-220 Second ave. 8.


___WINDOW' OI*ABS—W ind shields, e»bl*------- net work. M oon’s Shop. Phono 8.____ TKANSFEE

J i ’' ' ’' McNlOHOLS TEA N ST B E * STOEAQB —Oarbago haaled daily . Phone 200.

OEOZIEE TBA N SPB B 0 0 . Phoae M8.» Crating, Storage and Liberty eoAL '

mTEEXmBAN MOTOB TB U O K O dlt r.v,," • PANT — Ned B. MeCraekoa, M « . viKcr’ gg, ^ M8BIL

P Nothing too big, oot&ing too smalL p .,f Give us g coll. . —

jout"h. BHOB E B PA IE IN O ^^^ ’ ”

TWPT FALLS BHOB E B P A I C T ^/ . v , la s W est Sboshoa« BL Pboa« U S .

J 3W Mail o r ^ postpold^M O

, Meyors, Prop.’ 180 B w o ad 8W 8.^ -------- Twin Palls, W o aIm «ur»y o « r il ie M------

fans , r— — ----------..in te t aEH STATB TULOlMXZOm , . C. A IM 'Second ATO. w ciV QoodjM T. a M .

U iU e r tb e c 7 t f e « s l ^ K ,

1924. . .Pa^.Soy^-

Page 8: w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL EWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | tax Increased, rnlaljif;


______ ■ l>"

■Mass M eeting fo r Explanation of D istric t’s Financial R e- " quirem ents E n l i v e n e d by Grilling of Opponent

Twin r a i l* Indnpandont Bohool ^ d is tric t t r t l l n o t oxreed lt« author- Ijsod roTcau® fo r mftlnteniinco w id aopport o f Twlo r« ll5 schools ao x t p year; and I f tho iU ttr ic t 's T oton

- doclino to approTff tho school ta x lovy doomed necw sary b y th e board o f odncaUoa, tho1>oard w ill accepttho roenlt u o '^m aadate for cur- . ttO lnuait o f aducallonoJ sorvlcea . and WlU m ake such curtaUm onts an m ay be reQOlrod, .WUh th is BtftUiiiiCHt, expri’SflCfl .

tbroiiRli its prw ldont, C. K. McClain, tlu ‘ hdiinl o f education, iit a mnss moot- Idb in tho liiRk Bchool (indUorium Mon-

• d ay ovoninp, subm ltlcd tlio quuHtion ' to bo determ ined l>y tlio diB tricl'n vot- orn n t lui oloction today nn to wlu'tlicr tho board d lin ll'bc uutliorir.fld lo lovyn Hcliool tux o f 6 3-4 niilU in nddition to llio 8 milln uu thorirw l by law for njuiiitonunco and mipimrt o f tho iwlioolr, “ o r wlictlicr, in doftiui*. o f nuthorizution “

‘ fo r tho fi :5-+ milla lo%’y, rovouuon for opcm tiou o f tlio ncliool nex t yonr hIiuII bo roduccd npproxim ately SSJi.OOO uii- dor tlio rovonufs provirlod fo r th a t pur- pone tills ycftr; _.......... Calla fo r Explanation.

Oppoaitiou to tho 0 3-4 mlll« lovy '■ wan expruBsed lit Uio mooting M onday ovcnlnjf only by C. K Bisbco, who wna ^ rovcniod om th e au thor o f a n adrortlae- m t'n t publlsbcd Mondny cvoning ndvis- inff votem ,to votongninict tho lovy, nnd asHCrtloi; th a t “ If you voto dowu th is levy, independent 'scliool d is tr ic t No* 1 w ill s till hnvo odoukIi monoy to run nil school* offlp ion tly .” '

Uiaboo’s connection w ith th is pub- s liciition wan mailo known to tho moot Injf by E. J . FlaoU. llo cnilcd upon tho au thor to explain- tbo quotod s ta te ' jp m ont. Thoro wnn no rcsponso and then , P inch said th a t ho nnJoratood Biibcc w aa respouslblo for tho publication.

“ I d id n o t camo h^ro to tnlk, b u t to l i s te n ," Biabco said, w hen, his nnmo w as moiitlonod. “ I shall do m y ta lk- ^ log w ith m y ba llo t n l tho schc^ol house )„ tomorrow. ” • c<

B randed Oow>irdly Act. T hereafter, Bbtboo wns invited re­

pea ted ly b y 'F in c h and by Jam es 8cil- ]y to explain his tlicary o f how tho y •chools could ho m aintained on tha n p resen t basis .without tlie levy fo r which tl tho v o te rs’ autiu>rlr-n*ion Is oKkod. Bis- tl 1)00 ndvnuced no exiilanation, but souRht only to defend figures (luotcd u in tlio publication, which, ho said, bad »

'b e e n ohtiilnotl from ‘ th e court house, d H U . fniluro to explain U»o atatem ent a f te r causing i t to bo published wni li brnnOnd by JHnch and Scilly as a cow- T

• o rd ly uct. IA b ig b lnckboard was brought into t

p iny by Suiw rlntondent M. C. M iteholl li lo r nn analysis o f tlio d is tr ic t’s flnan- o cliil requirem ents and Bisbeo waa In- I v it£d to lend a hand in com pilation of u tho figures to show, i f ho could, how c echools could bo m u on the prosenl c basis for less monoy th a a tho boa|n^ - asked. I'

Tbo analysts showed th a t in addition o to tho 14 3-4 m ills sought fo r school i m aintonnnco and support, thore might bo levied a to ta l o f 7 1-4 inilU for tran iiporta tlon o f pupils, Iniorcat and bond rodom ptios. t

JThomM l>rawii Bedtictlon. .On the basis o f th is ahowing, C. D.

Thomaa, who in the early days o f Twin , F a lls was prom inently iden tified w ith . fducationnl u ffa im o f tho cbmmunlty, , in an olocjuent ploa fn r m aintonance of , schools on on e fflc lon t basis, po in ted o u t th a t tho amounc fu r which the ■ board Is ask ing thc v o te rs ’ a u th o riu - ,

. tlo n is approxiinntoly the snmo ns t h o | | (inioiint to be n tlsed for In terest and s ink ing fund an d doclarcd:

'^‘I t IB tru e th a t th e .schools , ceuld b e m ala ta ln M w lth o n t th ia , « c tr» lo ry , b u t th ere would be , no th lag l e f t fo r la te re s t and slnk> , lo g fund . I t seenu th a t Mr. Blsbee la co rrec t In h is contention to th a t ex ten t, b u t he sooiis to have for- ‘ i g o tten a b o u t p sy la c uobts. ' ' ‘Hehool tax es a rc h igher in th is dls- '

t r i t e th.in In older dt.«trlcts because w e p havo bulldcd so nuioy buildings In such fi sh o rt tim o. I can seo no argim ient ‘ ‘ a g a in s t v o ting fo r thiv levy, as i( secniM | to me th u t any {wrson who expi-cts to ' m ake h ia 'hom o horo, who has tho in te r­es ts o t tho community a t iioart and , who, is LOO per cen t Amorican cotUd *

- a o t vot,) nga inst i t . ”■ H its a t m s trac tlo n a l Service. FaUuro .of the vo ters to approve Uio |

lev y , i t w as nrguod hy M m K atherine P rovost, c ity treasu rer, would s tr ik u ' a lm ost en tire ly a t tbo funds avoilabfo . f o r .“ ia a trn c tb a a l sorvico.” or toacli-

• « ts» sa la ries and o th e r ' itom s o f oi- penao, oilcli a s upkeep o f building*, o te . The am ount a tked , sho sold, is f equlvnlont to thA aonuol salarios o f abou t SO teachers. Assum ing th a t at, i le a s t 80 ' pupils oro e t s i ^ e d to each 3 t e a s e r , fh ilo ro o f th e levy to epiry a t 1 th e . e le c tio n 'w o u ld m oan th a t 1 5 0 0 ^

' ehildren .will be doprlVod of oduca- >tional. sorrlce to. a.:^;jrreater or leia t• x tw t.. . ' t

l a onnonaeiflS the attitude of tho <. ' b((ard"with retpeet.'tft tho tax levy, 0/ liTr.'U^Olain Isdleatod th a t i f tbe lovy d^ ' W oecesaAry to b

: Vago EJght- TWII

SeesBK de T urn ing

|T o w a r d |T ^ n F allsJtidge W alters Compares Oon-

. ditions Here w ith Those of Southwest Eegions

■ ' - Territo ry undor tho Tw in F a lls ca- I nnt Hystem is on tho ovo of a n o ra of I developm ent equal to any form er per­

i l iod o f dovolopmont in i ts h istory , ac- cording to Judge E. A. W alters, wbo

I roturnod M onday w ith M rs, W alters./ nnd the ir son Edward from fo u r wooks

buHlness and vacation t r ip to Arlzon;^ nnd California.

“ I am absolutely co n fld o n t," Judgo W alters said , "U irft wl>hln th e n e x t 12 or 18 m onths thoro will bo a g re a t In­f lux of land Bookers in to tho Twin Fnlls country, nnd I fool th a t now is th e timo to make money by acqu ir­ing property horo a t presen t v a lu es .'’

W hilo nwny Judge W alters visited tho S alt lUvcr Irrigation pro joct in Arlxona nnd the Im perial ’V alley pro­je c t in California, and ho bases his conclusions w ith rospoct to tho futuro

, fo r tho Twin Falls country la rg e ly on h is obacrvntionn thore.

' Buyers are coming in to tho Salt Ilivor country, ho said, la rge ly from

I llie central states. Bhlfts o f popnla- . tlon o f th is kind, ho believes, como in ”, . wnves nnd tho tido tow ard Id ah o Is , likely to so t in in tho nea r fu tu re . n , . “ Laud horo will produce m oro and ^ g rea te r , crops and this region Is in- -

f in ite ly superior as n livestocy coun- I I t r y , ” Judge W alters said. M any o f I r th e nowcomors to tho Balt I tlv o r val-* | ] ley are Iowa and Illinois fa rm ers who . have been 'a ttra c te d thore b y reports . o f tn^d w in ter cHmato; b u t th e y , are

destlno'd to leilrn, too, th a t thoro is no th ing m ild about summer woathor

. enDditions thoro.” Judgo W alters gavo w arm p ra ise to •,

I o fflclcncy o f managoment of tho S a lt R iver project^ under adm inistra tion o f tho settlers, who, largely through

I <|evelopment o f power ia tho canal , system , have rcducod m ain tenance chnrgo to $1.25 an aoro, and b id fa ir

J in tho noxt fow .yoars to p u t tho ays-tom on a solf-supportlng basis.

'- I fisliorton Ihe length of th c school term , C

® -“ o r some other cu rta ilm en t” w ould be ' involved. ♦ r

" Superintendent M itchell ind icated , ji ® in roply to question, th a t tho bonrd hnd t

n o t discussed fonnaHy monsurcs w ith p reg a rd to oiwnitlon of schools to lie 0 tnkon in event tho levy woro denied, t

'* Among scliroolineu tlim ughout tho n tate, n ho said, sovural alternutlves hnd been u considered. n

y . Possible OurtAllment. *'l. F irs t, ho said, since the f i r s t six '0 y e a rs of school aro considered logicallyfl m oro im portant than tho la s t s ix years, h tho high school might bo closed. In I- tb a t ovent iwrsons o f high school ago j It would be ontitled undor th c law to ■1 utt<>nd o ther high sclioqls w ith a ttend -(I n u t expense assessed a g a in s t.th e lr home». d is tr ic t. Iit Sooond, ho s.nld, luHtructiounl s*«rvlco IS In tho lower grades m igh t bo curtnllcd. ] f- Toiu-honi’ salnries m ight bo reduced,

I t w as estim ated th a t tho reduction iu .0 th is lUstrict would havo to bo upprox-II inm tely 45 per cent. O r tho num ber1- o f teachers m ight bc reduced so thn t, ‘n- in th is d is tric t. I t was estim ated , tw lcc 1if us nmny pupils would have to b e assign- Iw ed to coch teacher, or “ pupils m ight (

come to school In two s h i ^ ” 1 ■It - M r. M itchell aaid tho bonrd h ad pre-

pjired Us tcn ta tlvv budget fo r m*st yearm on Uio iissumption thu t there would 101 no roduction in tho enrollm ent. 1

EoroUmeat on. Increase. <“ No o ther assumption w us ju iti-

f io d ,” he said, “ sln-.o tho , onroUinent tills ycat; is g reater tban i t w as la s t . ’*

Doclaring th a t fiunnclal records of P- tbo d is tr ic t showed th a t iu provloua

yoars when cnrollmeiit hud doclined ■■tho iMjrcontjigo o f decline in enroll- • m en t was n o t us greut as tlio percent nge of leduetiou in tho .cost o f edu-

II® cu ting such pupil,” and th a t th is jwl icy Jiad beeu pursued by tho beard

* ‘ j “ aga in st Uio tide, bccauso tho larger th e institu tion tho luwer tho cost o f o p e r a t i o n . M r . ^ litchell inv ited , ■ 'anyone who knows whero tho d is­t r i c t 's tnoney has ln‘en m isspent nnd bow a fu itb e r saving cnn bo o ffe c te d .” to polnl out whero such saving can bc niado.

Oosts Ziowv Here., .aw ii!;ny tivc figures w ere intro- , du c^ ltto s)tow th a t tlif costxf'Oi>en»llng iT w iu 'F u ils schoola on tho baais o f ’coat l>cr pupil iwr month wa* as

.1. {agulnst nu average of ^0.23 fo r Id a h o ’s schools, w ith enrollm ont o f 1!00

|v r more Inst yoar, and $0.L’3 a s agaiiuit Jg un averJRo of $10.13 tw o yoars ago.

The m eeting waa attended by ubout I SO persons. I t wus callcd to o rder by

Mr: M c a a ln Who in troduced M r. M itchell to explain proviaiona o f the now law requiring apiiroval b y thb vot- ors o f tho levy in oxccsh o f 8 m illa an<l tho d is tr ic t’s financial requirem ents

^ u s dolcnnined by Uio b^ard.

t T A L k s W s tA 'f E B g T R A D EBusinoaa iotorcets in the e a s t aro

is approhcnsivo ovor possibiUty o f n id i- , 9f ^al po litleal dovelopmonts, b u t b u y ln j li;, in wbolosalo m arkets is procoedlng this :h y o a r p re tty much tho samo a s i t did i t l a s t y e a r w ilb active domand fo r h o tte r ' )0 w ares, C. K. W right, m anager o f W . H . , a- W rig h t a n d Sons company storo here, ‘ la to ld mombors o f tho K iw anis e lub a t |

th o lr regular weekly mcoUng M onday.10 Chooper mercbandlso', M r. W righ t sold y, may be b ad fb r im mediate delivery , b u t ( y de livM ^ o f tho ,bottor ^ a d o s cannot t ‘0 h e ob ta ined short o f sovoral weeks.


Prince Sella Czar^

' I, .The black pearl nccklnco o f thc Itomai . tbo toars of doapalr—now adorns tho pel

o f the ninlU-milllonnitf U nited S ln tcs seiu ‘ to th is country b y P rince Y ousoupoff, w ' who killed th o monk R nsputln , wbo b'eld

and Cr.arina. Tho purchnso price is repoi

^NMOniUMTO i B l D i N L I i[ No Municipal Funds Available ' fo r E xtending W a te r S erv ice ,

1 M anagem ent Is Told

M anitgcniont o f tho T ir in F n lls nntft* torium will draw watervUirough a pipe line to be built a t i ts own oxponso. *

' fitatcm ent to thia c ffec t waa mado byi^ , C. X. Lnubonholm, ono of th e proprie-1 ’ ! tors, n fte r ho hnd boon advised a t a./

regular m eeting o f Tw in F a lls m unici-l- , |ial commission M onday evening th a t] ! I tho city adm in is tra tion , a lthough d ls - [ ‘ > po.ied to asfliit tho in s titu tio n to t h e ' ' : ex ten t of ax tcndlng tho aupply lino . to tho* m un icipal-boundary , fools un-I^ . able to do so th is yoar ainco a survey i X of occounta Indicates th a t thoro w ill b o '|

no margin thU y e a r botweon tho rove-1 uues and th o expendituros o f water-

works departm ent funds. Cost o f ex tending tho lino to tho

, cl,ty lim its was estim ated a t about f't.'O. Tho ' natntorlum m anagem ent

(J proviously had expressed Its readiness JJ to eontinuo tho lino from tjw c ity ,. lim its to tho pool.

' F I R E H I T S F I L E R C L O T H E R Y0 - —I. B lase la B asam ont o f B a lld ing Occu- I, pled by A. T . Oralg O olapany Dls- u covered a t M idnight b y Paasers-ByC- " ■r FILER, Feb. 25 (Spoclnl to The t, Xews)'—F lro , o r ig ina ting In th e baso- c m ent of th o building owned b y L. A I- Small and occupiod b y tho A. T. it C raig Clothing com pany, here was d is­

covered about m idnight Sunday 'b y [>- Ralp.h, Conant and H arley W illiams, | ir w ^ o -^ e re -p assin g a t th a t hour and i« turned In tho nilarm. Dam age waa

confinod m ain ly to tbb basem ent, bn t somo dam age from smoko resu lted on

J. tho firs t floor. Causo of tho bl.no wns not determ ined. Doors nnd win-

t". dows were fa ttened . Tho W ilks cleao- ing cstabliahm cat had q uarte rs :o the

jy rear of th e building. B otb building nnd clothing stock '^oro insured.

t- N E W T Y P E T I R E IS W I N N E RU- _____ i1 Balloon tires constitu te tbo biggest d forward s te p in a num ber o f y ears in -'r thc car business, according to F rank )f Magel o f Ma^el Brothers, who returned id Sunday from a tte n d in g tho au to show s- n t San Francisco.d In eonnoction w ith tho show tho ” firm of Dodgo B rothers held a four- >c dny school for m anagers salesmen

handling th e Dodge line. M r. Magol sta tes th a t tho balloon tiro w as one

Q. o f the ch ief topics, not .Only nt Ig ‘‘ s c h o '8 r '" b u t ' '^ jthero lly '‘ 'during’ *'tKei t nuto show. ___in “ Na‘fu ra lly ,” 'sn id J f t . M n g e l'y ea t^ - 'h day, “ th ere w ere m any th in g s al}Sn K> balloon t ire s wblcfa I did n o t know. I t Prom tho lite ra tu re I h ad received on

tbo subjcct beforo go ing to San Fnui- I t cisco a numbor of ob jections oecurrod ,y to me. Boc&uso of tho low j i l r pres- r . Burt)' ahd tho size o f tE o ' tiro I was le under the impression tb a t thoy would t . render steering d ifficu lt. ’ N othing ,<l could bo fa r th e r from th e t ru th . From I j the m anner of th o lr construoUoB-thoro

Is no g rea te r a rea of tho tre a d on tho gr6und th a n in the ease o f th e ordln--

£ a ry cord. B tcoring ia n o t a b i t harder. In fac t i t really seems easier.

‘‘The b ig advan tage o f courae Is in tho added comfort to pssaengors.

* There are no h a rd ru t ty lOada any moro. Sm all bnm pi o re elim inated al- together, ,otrhlle largo onos are eu t

'' down to a point whloh is lurprising .. Because o f low a ir p ressure th e bol- ' Ipon ia harder to punctnrc^ th an tbe ’ ordinary typo tiro . I t g ives whero a

J.' rig id tiro dooi n o t ”

Boo W illis T onng, gonernl agent ' t CapitsH Lltfl Ina. Co. ( fo f rea l prolee- 't Uoi^‘. , O ffico over L ognn Musio ^Coi


J Gems to Mrs. Gerry .if ■ ■ ^


b,ffiTOBiiffiP w l ;i n<

. L i>:

Elanoffs—con ta in in g 40 gems ns blnck aa nc lorson of M rs. P c to r Goclol Gerry,«>vlfo. ^ nator from R hldo Island . I t wus brought who lod tho band o f Bussinu noblemou

d such u s in is te r influence over tbo czar , lorlcd to bnvo been $400,000.

—- ■■ I Ul

! B R E V I T I E SSpends' I>ay t e O ity—Grover Rich of E

Uurlej', »pcnt M ondny In Twin F alls on a buKinom v isit.

. A rrives F rom C allfon ila—Mr. and , .M rs.'l-l 1). K ollogg retu rned Mondiiy I from n t r ip to C aliforula.

, __ ni

> Ijoayos fo t.F o x tlan d —Mrs. J i J . Pet- ^(•rnuin, who hail been v is iting rela tives hero, lo ft,M ondny ovcning for hor home in I’o ttlan d . ' ?

, irI —O a l l^ B oat b y Illness—Mrs. H. H., Shermnn w as ejjllo»l t-j Cblcngo Mondny ®' . in- responso to news o f tho serious 111- '*. Inesn o f her sister.

Loaves fo r E a s t—M rs. M ilton Dos- n se tt leuv ts Tuindiiy m oniing fo r Kcnrj-,Nobrnsku,. w here she wns ca lled 'by tho t ‘

jidw itb o f hor fa th e r. ” n, ...... ... K; i Goes to O allfom ls—-A E. S lifer le ft el ’ . tho Inst o f tho week for southom fa l-

lifiin iin fo r a tw o w«.ek#’ v is it w itb ( |h l8-tlnught'cr,-M rs. E rneat Cbmdin.

Goes to N eb rask a—Mr. nnd Mrs. M .T. Nowmnn le f t M onday fo r W ymore. ”

I N’cliraskn. M r. Nowman was form erly connoetcd- w ith th e Whlto storo. "

t , ^ II■ H ero I ’rom Pocatello—Jam es Bussell, ^ ' woll k n o n n T w in R ills bnnker, wh6 loft

hore u fow w eeks ago to mako his home .In Powitelh), is in Twin Fulls on a

' business trip .

. E e tu m F ro m Southern Onlifomla—^ M rs. O. T. I 'u lle r, accompanied by her ^ daughter. Mm. H. L. W'oodlngtoii and

eliildren, re tu rn cd M oiiday from a t r ip ^ JJ to U jilifornia. ' j

’* Home F rom A rlsonn—Judgo and M rs jr B. A. W alters and son, Edwnrd, ro- f

turnod M onday from an extended bus- g■ liii'SB t r i |» .to Arizona which was cx- "i

J I tended tb rough Now Mexico nnd souUi- E ^ le rn C aliforn ia. ^

‘ l ^ tu m s to P oca te llo -F o llo w in g th e * re turn o f D r. H arry Davis from Los J

’* Angeles, D r.-A . T. Bnidbury, who had ” taken chnrgo o f the Dnvis Optical com- '■ pany d u ring tbo abscnco of Dr. Davln 'J loft M onday evening fo r I ’ocatello. j

P B uyer E e tu m s to San Wogo—W ilu ' iam Conley, 11 rqiroHcntativo o f tho j WilllTuu S . I la rd y L 'v e s to tk Comniis- ,

1 sion com pany, ro turnod to the home j o ffice in San Diego Monday. During’ ,

it his s ta y in T w in f'nlls, Mr. Couley pur n chiined 14 carloads o f calUo' from th e J

U tah C onstruction company ranch.d -------------------------- jIV TWO roSTIO ES rO E FILBE. t

C e rtif iu ite s o f npnoinliuCnt ns jus- f ° tices o f tbo poaco io r F ile r precinct

wero Isaued M onday 'oy oWor o f tho 1 “ board o f co un ty commissionirs to B .,F .» I’hilby ;ind A r th u r . .^^ B alilton , both

o f whom su b m itted pi'HUon^* ^t:9^bW t^S^^F ik•^ . •uiTiietili’’ . • • •

ir ' ^ O K L E S S 1>BlVXlirO'‘-CaiB iOBD.ft G ottlolb M eyer, In jirobnto ciyirt.horer. Monday, p k w led not gu ilty to a chargon of d riv in g an nutomobiio while intox-I- Icated, and w as adm itted to $100 balld w hich ho h in iislicd , pending prellniin-I- 9 0 lJ> c im n g _ to d u y . '• The wm plnlnt_«ns tho_ enso"‘wus signed by C. A. Jungst,d who ca r M eyer is alleged to hi^'o dam-g ngod in u co llis io n ,sca r-th o sugar fnc-n to ry hero M onday . evening o f last0 week. ■ M oyer is accused of having0 boea In toxlcatod bn th a t occnsion.



SffEEP PELTS'• W o o l H id e a' r n r s


F U tli A t . - u d SK oiid S t. So.r t m u e u w

l i l i N y i T E i i 'T O U L l i G E SC h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e A r r a n g e s

f o r M e e t i n g t o A s s i s t i n

R e a c h i n g 'A g r e e m e n t

W ith a viow to form iilation b y the fa rm ers o f T w la Falla county o f a fa rm wngo scale fo r tho com log aeo- son, th e T w in F alls Chamber o f Com­merce, tb rough ita ag rien ltu ral d opart­m ent o f w hich W. T. Leslie is ch a ir­man, haa a rranged fo r a m eetin g to ! bo hold a t 1 o 'c lock Satusday a f to r ­noon noxt in tho Parish hall hore, ae ­cording to announcem ent mado M onday by S ecre ta ry C. F . D w lA t. Tho qham ber o f" CommorR" ia .O T g ffc tib g a froo ' em ploym ent 8 o r v i^ r 3 |t t_ th f l beno fit especially o f farm em ployers and farm laborers. '

' ' / ‘ Wo havo on flio a large nnd grow - ' ing ntmibor o f applicants bo th fo r I

, holp and - fo r em ploym ent,” M r. j D w ight s a i d , / ‘ b u t .thoro seoma to be ' no agreem ent as to tho fa rm w age ■

> scnle. Farm ora hro a t n loss to de te r- ' ’ mino w h a t ahall bo paid, a n d appU ' • can ts fo r w ork seem to bo re lu c ta n t I to se t n prico for tho ir services. I t 1

1s hoped th a t tho mooting S a tu rd ay , w ill re su lt in n more dofinito general <

understand ing in . th is reg a rd .” '

V E T E R A N S T O B E H O S T S______ 1

f E n ta r ta ln m e g t P rogram a t L eg ion ' : M eeting to B e Provided b y M em- '

' b e rs o f 8 . O. S. in W orld W ar

J V eterans who served ,du rin g tho y world w ar in tho arniy. ordnance depart-

niciit vrlll hnvp chnrgo b f tho en tc rtn ln - monl progrnni n t n m eeting th is ovcii- Ing o f Tw in Pulls post, Am ericnn Lc- '

J gion, fo w hich all form er scrvico por- soun nro in v ited . Coiitiilomtion w ill be givon n t th is m eeting to dcvolopmcutH In conijection \vith the v e te rn n s’ claim

I fo r ad justed componsatlon a t tb o hands J o f tho na tion . Tho m eeting w ill opon j. u t 8 o ’cioek ill tho E lk s’ lo d g e ,rooms. '

M ombers o f (ho leg h n n t th e ir lunch-, : oon m eeting n t thc Rogerson hoto l nt

J. noon todny will bnvo na th e ir guenf tho Rov. A. O. Pearson, who Ls expocted

Q to discuss -subjects o f In terest cspec* ' n lly to form er fig h tin g men. Tho p ro ­gram fo r tho luncheon m eeting is in ,

t ehnrge o f P. W. M cRobcrts.

'■ G IV E S M IL K T E S T R E S U L T S

J Results o f nnalysM o f sam ples of J,' m ilk subm itted during jllio monUi of ' Febriinr>' tn tho clt.v chem ist fo r test*

nro contnined in tho following repo rt mndo piiblir Mondny by Dr. W. C. Mc- Phcrsoii, c ity m ilk inspector: ,

rt . 5* w 5? wi l l ?? ” ? 9c 3 5 ; ■ S S =r » "

?r f- , ] i,

!!l T inckinck 1.03.17 3.7 12.0 120 ,00!J'‘ Shorman 1.0328 4.fi IS.fl 110,00il

n . L. Gro .... 1.032!» P.3 14.7 5,000A rring ton .... 1.02M .3.7 12.0 PO.OOO

* Jones ............ 1.0333 3.0 ’13.1 22,000O ott ......... _... 1.02DS 4.1 12.5 12,00-T

B- Scliribner .... 1.032R 5.0 14.4 5,000s- Voung .......... 1.0330 :\.n 13.1 fl.800h- Shaw ............ 1.0328 4.2 13.4 7,fl00

Johnsto .i .... 1.0323 4.1 13.3 0,200K a y le r .......... -1.0337 f5.7 l.’5.4 .'5,000F o ltr ............. 1.0340 4.6 14.2 5,00nThorp .......... 1.0335 . .0 l-i.'S SH.OOl

” P o rte rfie ld .. 1.02SH 4.3 12.5 10,000

"• pB O L A E B W AE ON W EE D S." T«vin F a lls county com m issioners

Sa tu n lay issued an order u n d e r Idaho stn^iitcb calling ui>nn landholdcra to destroy noxious weeds during th o ’pcr- iod beginning June 1. nnd e n d in g No­vem ber 30, th is ycnr, and prov id ing th a t in the fa ilu re o f tho landho lder t>»

’*5 destroy such wi‘o<ls the coun ty shall provide for destroying th e w eed s .an d assess tb e cost nn taxes ag a in s t the property . Noxious woods doslgnnted in the o rd e r a ro Canadian th lstlo , bull th istle , ^dodder, dock, wild m orning-

p. g lory or b lin d weed nnd quack grass.c t --------------------------10 TPO L A TE FO B OlA & SIFIO A TIO lf

fi; H E L p 'n E L P HCT.P

^[s p e c ia l" - — - ^ 7 5 o

CKocolate Coated ■B , Almonds= A G L C E N T S A



VARNEY” T he U ta Gaady> U a n ”

THEPOPPY"137 Shodun. K o tli"

Plum . U6> .

:NG, FEBRUARY 26, 1924

] High Temperature la FoUouied by Snoicfall

S lV ty -tw o dogrocB w as tho m axi­mum tem perature recorded n t the local w eather oba«'rvcr'a a ta tion fo r Sundny and M ondny. High • m ark fo r tftio two daya was ox-

IS ncUy 10 degrees above th a t o f r Saturday .in Minimum tem p era tu re over the

week-end showed very lUUo varl- nnco. Low m ark fo r S unday wna 2« degrees a n d 2*> degrees was minimum fo r M ondiy .

ft Snow began fa llin g shortly be- a- foro la s t m idnight b u t account a . o f tho high tem poraturo mcltod al- -t. m ost aa fa s t aa i t fell, r - — ■

“ V A N E A T O N IS S E N T E N C E D

ly B ode 0 « 8 k B anchnr F ound G nilty o f ' DrtvUig O u - m u o In to x lca tM M u jrt.

- r * T B80.66 H n o a n d Oorto

JJ L. M. V anEnton, Hoclc Crook ranclior,in d is tr ic t eourt hero Kfonday waa aon- ,

IT. tonced by .Judge W . A. Babcock to or pay $50 fino nnd $110.55 coats under . fr. judgm ent pronounced on n verd ict by BO which V unEaton was found g u ilty of JO driv ing hls cnr whllo in tox icated last ir. ChriBtmns eve on tho a ta to highw ay li. east o f Twin F alls. Judgm en t waa n t Imposed upon V nnE aton and hia I t bondsmen. V anE aton h ad appealed ly from the probato eourt ,Avhoro ho was al aontoncod to p ay $50 fine and $50

costa. ...........»V anEaton, through hia a tto rneys,

S W. P. Guthrio and E. V . Lorson, filed motion for a now tr ia l and served

JJJ notico of appeal to tho aupromo ' al- -

F ran k Borra, p r o p r i e t o r - - tho Eu­reka lodglng-hopBo, T w in Falls, who

ho wns co'nvlctod o f Illegal possoBBion of rt. in tox icating liquor, w as aontoncod to

liorvo 00 daya in ja i l and pny $250 I ,, fine. B erra wns ndm ittod to parole

on paym ent o f th e fino.jr.I.- E IV C A M P M E N T M E M B E R S T O ’

£ H O L D C E R E M O N IA L H E R Eds ■on Mombers nf tho h ig h e r branches of J*. Odd Fellowship in th is region aro ox- ,

pected to asaemSblo h e re in consldera- nt bio numbers th is evening, tho occasion

being a ecromoalal In connection w ith ed the consolidation of tho cneampmonts

o f Joromo and Eden w ith th a t o f •o- Tw in Palls. Guy Sehilllngton, Rupert, in grnnd high prieat o f th e encampment

In Idaho, is to a tte n d and conduct proceedings in connection w ith t ’>o '

• c completion of tho coiwolidatlon which '. has horotoforo beea votc'd by all throo

encampments. M em bership In tho on- " campmcnt horo will bd Increased by

tho addition o f abou t 40 members heretofore a ff ilia ted w ith tho organi- zatious a t J ^ o m e and Eden.

In connection ?riUi th o ceremonial, tho Go'den Rulo degree .of tho ordor

a w ill bo conforrcd b y members o f tho 5 R upert oncampmoat, a n d tho P n tria r-

chnl degree w ill bo conferred b y tho - f Twin F alls eneam pm cnt. i • D inner w ill bo se rved during th*

evening to t h e ' local lodgcmon and tb e ir guests. Tho coronionial w ill bo bold in (V^d Fellow s hall.

)0 i1 ■100)0n

K W A N T E D !)00 1 100 6 0 0 sets harness m ore'

i TO OILion Two vats golag. Best and only )0-> noaUfoot in coantry. ouaran.WO toed to b« aa repeeanted.

er. F red F o ssOpposite F ire SUtlon

to _____ _______



UP- —

* Injuries to his hand wer® worth $6,000 In tbe opinion of a man hurt on a roller coaster.

This Is merely one o{ endless cases^hars people demand eash for lajnrles, 'with or without Jnst causa.

Liability insnrance la essential protection to prevent stich losses.I t not only pays tbti flflma. If uny. but I t cosdncta the defense a t no expense to yon.

Ton may h ara sndden need,-for this faunranca and the servlee pro»i4od 1>7 t h . H M tlo r t A c ^ - dent -and Indenmlty Oonpany.Oet It her^ before the accident.

Twin Falls Title and Abstract Co.' ^ PHONB 168


)24 , '