w. b. wilsonnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh707xm9m/data/0506.pdf · 2012. 6. 13. · jck ajun, a notorious...

LO'IISVILI.B JOURNAL Jlfotiis Gubua.n Rlcjixct. Tb Indiaoa-jpol- and urml uyi that Col. has been vntbor's d to rals the 2d lodlana German regi- ment, and la now industriously at work. Colonel AN Bvk'o-- lerred through the 8ofalft.wl HoUtein war aa as eAoer of ahirptbooura, and la thor- oughly posted in all the tactics f that useful inn of the Mrvioa, He was recently a resident of Few York dtv, and wm in the three months' service hi a New York regiment, and fought at nil Run. yWe taJx the rabjolccd extracts from the IxmiiTlll corTegpondeac of the Cincinnati Commercial: The Confederate are troubled with none of that aeveamUhneea about inflicting ponlsbrtient which dfs jeeeee oar defenders They have Id. Thorn-bur- g and two other East TftnaeefeeanB in Nwh-rill- e, under aentence of deaih, and will hang tbem amid (Treat exaltation. Boon after Buck-n- took pswesion of Buwllog Green, a Tnion dan waa caught tearing op tbe railroad. There an was no habeas erpua in the case Lie wus set Op on a stump and efeot into mhmeat by the aimul'anw w duohirfrw of seven musk eta. If a aacerainrilst were caught tearintr up one of xtr milroad we would m:k bltn "tak the oath." of Whatever mav b the prime caqm, dlsatfectloo, qr ftstra, there' in Utile dnobt that many of (Jen. Bnckner'a Rtmocity r are leaving bim On laM Saturday tq iad of ten entered the camp of CoL Jackecm, at Ovreufiboro, candidly tuld bim who thv were, gave ap their arras and, taking tbe oath, declared thev would tight no moTe aainpi Kentacky. I doabt net that each in- stances are mittnrrm, and that amorn the lien-tac- peeeeeionista tbr i a rernlslon of feeling it oo the sn lent that will flcelly disarm the moat ritit I saw in XuisviUa. ves'arilay, two dtteiHof that place who ) indlJuciLner at the hettlnnius of the raid, but who are now there (rain. Oo of them was reported to promi- nent among the bridie burn?. at Rolling Fork. Tbe Lit bar in a prad ate of tba Journal office,' though it Is known he dosa nut at'pnn of tbe doc- trine tatfht there It Is doe to the Journal to fay that It bus dene w tl In turning oct. Union soldiers Bwrdes tboee mentioned itboveaa having re'urned d to the citv, I mav so name others, who daily prefect themselves bare aci to tike tbe oath Op". Jck AJUn, a notorious man, who waeenced hi all the pira'iel xpediiicoa of fjren- - Wm Walket, aid who baa aeon eervke In Mfifco ia'ura!lv a rosile-- e man and indifferent so tbe fdiur- - has reacted Lis home in shelhv county, acd b3 taken tbe oath. Thirteen citi-n- s SC ti the Pame county retained with him, all of whom hd been In tbe rebl service. The otb is being daily adminlstored to returning rotel, who buve & en enough of the Southern Btrvice. Prwtuo Hbo'wall, of A L. Shotwell, of Lou- isville, h-- returned and Taken the oath lie ta that there are bn drvds who will (tlidly re- turn if permitted, o ii docmentn, however, are bell out to them. Tb u'nt Uiaorganiza-tkr- a es'at among Bnckuer's men, and tbe cause bat gained but lew recruits in Kentucky. Capt. Henry Clay, who has fust received a eoTnmhvton as Asiaunt Ad'u'aut urder Brig. GeoeTHl Richard W. Jnhoaton, is a young man of fine atrilitleB, a west Pointer, though not a grad- uate, and of trndonbitd and strong Union sentl- - menta. HU position is a very strange one, and ts one smone tbe many rr mantle stories of the day. His grandfather was tbe seje of Atibland, antl his fat died at Buena Vlbia. HU uncle, vlamea B. Clay, 13 a violent Psoe3ioc!at, now un der bonds to fppe&r for trial for treason. Anmn r ae, in the U. 8. service la re eponeiblfl ft the appearance ft tnal of James B. Clav. A brother, lhomaa Clay, Jr., Is on tbe staff of tien, Beaureijird. His sister s husband, with whom youn CWy repfdes In this ctty, has latelv entered the 0. 8. service, with two otber brothers, for tbe war, and now comes young Henry's turn, and be accepts the uneolicved com- mission which 0n. J h son has tendered bim fA geutlcmaa writng from this city to the Cincinnati Gazette Bays: I have communed with a gent If man who from lbs rVu h Lot the other dav. He has been among the rtbato from tbe oommertcemeni of this struggle, and is an ardent lover of the old Stars and buipea. There la no exaggeration In his method of stating facta, or in his es imation of their practical import. Yet be declared to me wVh amotion, that the aoithy of the rorth sick ened and appalled him. baU he, "The rtbth are in emruebt; Oct yinir people seem to he aleep Everv man. wiiman, an t child of them Is at wrk In some way to further the rebel Ion. Their con- - Bcknom thr w do imcediments in i he way. Of Km ucky thy pay, 'We nothing about her oerWa. we want her "i'. and will have it at the nrtnt of the havoret He Informed rce that about tbe 9 h or h of the present month, while in Nashville, be saw a me Kentucky troops ooinff Au hwnrd on a train of cars. To a Con federate "tiiwr star ding near, he paid, "What iathatfoti' "Ob," replied the oiBcer. "I s.ip- - poee they are oumlng here to be armed," This waa an evafion. Further lrqilry rewaled tbe fac that the toldlirs were a portion of the r ot deluded boys whom B tcknor deooyed In l Camn B one Th-- v bud sail thv "would bed d If th-- v would "lUltt against Kentucky, svid wre being removed like HoFfiLane to some other fie d of ac'i 'U 1 have no doubt many of Hrlfl men are Ui'ronnms. who are unwillin to fieht atralost their Stata; !.d thev are hi- - transtorr d to Kentuckvt wblte tbe Cmp Boone npea will be ued la ftuflouri. 1 he eame was assured hv thoee who hid converged cnniidentially wi h Etirdea's Mi bo- - dinate that h! command alcne rtinforoed Uuckner to the number of fifteen th sod there were many other detachments arriving from various dlreo- - tioirt. Tennessee trtrps are retornlug in little scuada from Western Virginia Becide the Te ox Ranfers in Buckner's Cdmp there were sixteen bendred at Naehviiie, who were nt fully enp- - Dlied with horses up to the Id h lntt. Th were amof-lni- the women and children with won dsrftl feats of torseroanabl riding at full epeed and enaxhi-ic- up small objeio from the ground shooting and irutantlv w!:!rlio tberosolvee under tbelr bora", etc They f.re cantinally remoxlng artillery forward frcai A&eiarilla, of whit,h tney trem to have an endiess uppiy. Notwithstand- ing nil that has hben sail of a scarcity of arms, ft was bit the ether dw that a nuroert us rein- forcement reo&ivd muskets at the State Eou In b.uvhvill They hire f till a otntadsraliie apply of brips and bi i tin for the inanufActnre ot cannon, and are turning oat rew ona dai'y. Tbe Home Ouarus about Nap'ndlle ar.d otber portions of the S'Ate are bdrg mnsterod icto eenfoe to Invade Kentucky. The vromn are, tit work day and night to provide clothing for the soldiers, and some of them leave their fatniiies aird ?;eitd weeka at the bosoiiakw 7b tk Edtivrt of tha Louiaeille Jtmrnak THE PKL9KNT CRISIS. What a sad page is now King written In tb history of the American people The treo of lib- erty has bea smitten bv tbe blast of anarchy and miiraie. Our country hss been assailed by traitcrous hand t and by the jnthless tyranny of ha internal foa Tbe aiars and atripea have been torn down by wkktJ hands and trampled in tbe dual he dg of oar country, unJer which it has nMLrched to glcry, to greatnesf and our present nrosperi'-y- . It has waved in triumph over lard and sea, ard leneath its foiJa our soliherd and coldier have win Immortal renown, fchall Ma," nbandm the Star Span- gled Eauner ftr the flier tliat waves over the rebelUoas Statt7 Thesis for the rattle?unke wb t an exchange for the p ad Anurican peo- ple! Tbe Mrper.t bitt ff or b en busv at ill; it whUpered danmaUe inlnuation.4 in tbe ears of X!e and seducd her from ber al'egUrca to Heaven, and now U would p!uce n from our al- legiance to v.r country. God frrfrd that ever Its coils Abold be fas'e-ie- around the flig of my country! Woe has followed the serpent from the time of the fall to the prent day bell was cre- ated on account of it, and millions who have Its tuinuatio'tis have been doomed to it. Gcd grant that Kentucky, my na'lye, mv much krrvd State, may never desert tbe glorious old ersgn of our country, tbe emblem ot our nation- ality, fin steS a 6ig as d. Civil War, under ail circumstances. Is a terrible caiaoo-i'- v; and ye, from tbefeltUb &mitivn aoi wick- - lues of m n, he beat, irnvx rr mcn8 have not been abl i to escape It. When I h k upon this bright land, a few rooutbt) elnce so profporoua, so trarq jil. so free, ard now behold it denola'ed by war, and the firesides of lis thirty millions of per pie da'kerd, and their bonores wrung with anguish, and krtow that all thi $ the work of a few men, who, ovr all thU na ional rain and de- spair, are p eparirg to carve with tbe sword their w?y to scats of permanent power, I cannot out feel that they are accumulating fipon their souls sn amount of gutit haidly equil-W- d In ail the atrocities of treason and of hoi.ii-c- that have degrsd d tbe annals of our race from the foundation of the wTrid, The people of the Southern Confrderacy are resorting to all mean stratagem?; large bodies of Indiang have been UTUsteTe-- into rvice in the Southern army, armed, not only wirh the rifl-- but with tbe scalp- ing k.ffe aid tomahavk. Is Kentucky willing to Ii k ber uame in history wi h the excesses and crimes which have sullied this revolution at everv ftep of ha progrwsf Has the war wbocp, which U9d to startle tbe al4p of our fr.m tiers, so ditd away In ber ears that Bhe Is willing to take tbe savnage to ber borom as the champion of her rights and tbe r prescntatk a of her epirit? Mua she not firwt forget h;r own eons who d, bu'ehered and scalped, upon tho dinatrous flednrf tbe early EJVolii'k)ti No contest so momentous as this had i risen in bnrruui his'orv, fbr, amid all the coi flkis of men ard of naUns, the lire of no such Government as ours has ever been at stake. Man should appeal to man, and neighborhood to neighborhood, until tbe electric tires of patriotism shall fiaeb from heart to heart In one unbrtken current thivngbuut tbe lund. Let us then twine each thread of the glorious tisstre of our country's flag arx,ut our heart strings, and, looking upon our homes and oatch-tus- c the spirit that breaibes upon m from the baU wu-w- w uiuwii-r- ?, ua revive tnat, come weal or woe, we In me and In death, now and ftr ever eland by the Slaw ard Stripes. U)IS A Kentarkv gUt, JUmryrr Ob- - Co., y., Oct. 2d, Tyl Sottth Amkrkia. A letter from sayB It was rumond there that Robert G. Scott bad been .nominaled lb the Coinmi.'isioi'r of the SoTTthern Stttea to obtain their recngnl'ioQ us an Independent power. 'l"be Br siJiun Oovemment pw!i!7ty rttntxi fo iy.t v.!rb tne ant cr rgenlsof theso styl d Ct,nfiddracy. Tbe papers wer eid upon the table, and the sultct dbmisa-e- d from thlr counl'.s. Aoooupts from Jjusnoa Ayroa up to tbe 27th of Atigust rtpreoent the lineiihood of ar again T'jvans In that unhay country. The Mtwoca K'fS'rt: end M .l!naa havu Scved fruiUe'J. Tie c!t.y of Mended, Uteiy by an 9arth:urtks, id Iwlti rt Milt. CJTAmmuuitkD waa shipped from the arsenal at Indianapolis on Tuesday for the Indiana bor- der and Kentucky, consisting of cartridges, balls, bullets, to the amount of eoms several thou-sen- d rounds. IMPORTANT LAW ;ASEir"W TO COLLECT BOUTHER DKBTS. ' CoTTetpondeDce of the N. Y. Tribune. Alexahmua, Va.( Oct, 16. A very important ci one in hich the mer- chants of New York and ThiUdelphia are ppecUl-l- y interested came before the Provost Court of this city v. Heretre the cwt has con- fined its attentions mostly to cuminal cases not desiring (as Judge ireette sard in delivering the . ik. .rt trt Av in tbe caee hrtt above alluded to") to interfere in the ordinary collection of debts or other civil cases, but these cases blng of a peculiar etiarscter, iUn being no civil court iu Aiexanaria w wdicd vdo case migov i""iou. " o- - out of his Uriual chanael and tatethem np The case was thiL-- : A mercnant oi ew lortc, ramed Moore, I think, had claims against two merchants of this city, or rather against two rros. When the L nlon troops tirst occupied tms city, the members of these nrms, raving Tan en active part in the seceeeiun movement, that t boy had better goBtill further South, and accordingly ahandened their stores and stocks and fled with the enemy. Jt waa ebown before the court that both inembprB of one of the firms were tfioers in the rebel army, and that at least one tbe other firm occupied a like position. If was lao shown that thev had left no responsible spent ere to settle their business, ar.d that those h were now soiling toe guuua moy usu iu uouk- - j were self constituted agentt; and nhen at,ked to pay any debt due from tbe firm, replied that bey had no auiuomy mo io ao. j remuvB w mie of the missing &nn hal been riearu to say bat "it was not tba Intention or tne inercnants here to pay any debts due the d d Yankee?, as would help them to opres the Sout h." These facts having Deen staieu to juuge rreei n advance, wish the asauraiKS that iner coum be proved by competent wtlnesaeR, he decided that it mU&t be brought before his court; and ccordingly tbe 'lumant bed bts case properly prepared bv 8. t'ercruson Meacfa, Lq , the navs! utllCer, and a good Union lawyer ot trus cuy, enn roucrbt Irtfore the court The arhdavits and . idence as stated liRvintr been submitted and tbe raritee heard In fence, Judjre Ireeee decided: t irst ThaL it was a legitimate caie to come a military court, as it wss evidsotiy an attemnt to take advantatre of cin um stands, caused by the reUiHion; and especially so the parues hoping to reap tins aavanUge were in arms apamt tne ijovernmeui. ami woum w siied and atretted by tbe carrying cut of tnetr heme. Second 'ITiat as all the civil courts in this city had been superseded and fufpeodfd by tbe mili-Utr- v ocmpincy of the place, it was only lust and tquitabla that loyal men having claims against duloyal refugees uhould le aided by the military autbori'ie in obtaining their duea. Third The claims having been clear iy prtTveu. and no reason snown why any stay wf proceedings should be granted, tbe court ordered that all the goods left bv these absconding debtors should at once be taken pose88lon of by tbe court for the henerjt of the claimant: that the store should be forthwith lucked up, the keys banded to the oourt, and a military guard detailed to watch Jiim; that they should ne hld in this way for five days, in order that tbe friends of the parties might, if they chose, redeem tbe goods by paying the daimp; that if at the end of the rive dya tbe claims were not paid, then tbe would be disposed of in liquidation of tbe cliims. The stores were accordingly closed, and all the good- are now under military guard and in cbargv of tbe conrt. This case, or thee cases, estabbsh a precedent hich will doubtless govern the Court In Its future action, ard wbrch opens up a new and rapid way in which Northern creditors may ob- tain their 1uat claims against Southern rebels who have tbonght to get rid of their debts by breek'ng up the Government. All loyal citizens here highly commend Judge Freese s action In tbe premises, Blnce it deprives tbe rebels or an expected advantage, and goes Just so fur in strengthening the Union cause. 'LT rem the Loodon DaO? Nen'B. The Gropsib aji Ch aractkr oy Intehvkh- - rroN en aiKiioo ine letters irom Mexico to the end of August dVcWe that tbe gkom and wretchedness of the English iu the Interior are extreme. Tbe Government, while it fails to guarantee them protection and security, multi- plies and aggravates its exactions. A pmjjorty tax of one per cent, has been Imported on a1! per- - Bom living in tbe district of Mexico. Foreigners have been declared liable too, and are paying tt, by the advice, tt is said, cf the British Minister, noder protest. Even the poor and peculiarly British consobition of grumbling la denied our countrymen, and Mr. Moran, the editor of tbe Eofflish newnaner In the Cirv of Mexico, has been arreted on tbe charge of publishing com mants on the acts of the Government. It is impossible that we can allow Mexico to oontmue thus to set at notion t every ooliiration and defy every summons. If its Government will not do Its duty to its own people, it must at least do its duty to o. If we bad takea no part In procuring its independence, if w had lent It no money, we should still have the same claim upon it for jnst treatment of our ciizms as we have upon Jupan or any other country, Pagan or Chris tian, to which our merchants trado, Tne French have also a strong interest In Me Ico, arising out of tbe diOerent circumstances. There are more Frenchmen than Englishmen in the Republic, the city of Mexico alone containing three thousand, and they have suffered with our countrymen, on tbe one hand by the general dis order and on the other by the legaliatd iniustice of successive Government. It Is not, therefore. easy to understand why some of the Paris news papers should take pleasure In discrediting i be intention of the Governments to ioin in measures for obtaining redress for the wrocga which their countrymen in Mexico have sustained, and which i buy still endure. The expedition which has been announced is neoeesary, and, therefore, wUl be carried out. But if it is necessary to bring tbe Mexican Government back with a strong hand to the acknowledgment of its international duties, It is equally impjrtent to avoid anything like ao Intervention In the domestic affair of the country. Our neighbors have never professed to bold the principle of as a hxed rule of policy; but, generalization apart, It is clearly tor the interest of all pirties that the Mexicans should be allowed to termioate their disputes in their own way. We 6lull greatly assist them In doing so if we take tbe portion of revenue which belongs to us Instead of allowing it to aliment a civil war. By foregoing, or at least fbrbaarlng to eefcroe our claims, we have, In fact, been bribing the factions to o tut in ue the strife. Tbe in teres Is of all parties will tike a new shape whon tbe neces- sity of re koning with foreign power Is brought home to them. In yosstsri-o- of the ter:p-t- , there w no tst cluhn wfificfi we nay ruJ enforce vpon th Qorentmejit. We trust, therefore, that tbe suggested military warvb to the interior has no place in the intentions of tbe powera Such an occupation would give a character of Indeii lte-ne-ss to tbe enterprise, would open the path to any adventurous and speculative policy, and prove greatly embarrassing. We at this distance cannot pretend to tlx tbe fortunes of Mexico; that must be left to the inCaenca of events, to tho pressure of circumstances, and, above all, to tbe character of the people. Such an occurrence us tbeannouaced discovery of rich gold placerB on tbe western coast of Mexico will do more to determine the future of that State than ail tbe regimeuts that oourd be sent from Europe. We had better leave tbe country to nature and to time. How BoMTiSiiiLLta aue Mat;.--T- he manu- facture of bombshells is verv interesting. Tbe shell is first filled with old fbioned round lesdn boiled; melted sulphur is then poured in to fill up the intoratiot's and bind the bullets lu one st ltd mast; tbe shell is then put. Into a kind of lathe, ami a cylindrical hole of the exact sUe of the ori- fice of the shell is bored through the bullets and sulphur. This cavity Is filled with powder even with the interior edge of the orifice, a h shell of tbe kind bere described ho.diug about half a pound. The fuse titled into tbe oritice is a rrcant HbJUin Invention, made of pewter, and resembles the ecrew-oi- p ued for the patent fruit-can- s. An ex- amination of this pewter cap shows, however, that it ii made of two hollow dics of metal screwed together and tilled with meal powder. A number of fine hole are drilled in the liwer di&c, while tbe outer due U entire and mark d with llgures in tbe circle, 1( 2, 3, 4. In this stitethesheU is water-proo- f. When taken for use tbe gunner, by means of a small steel no-- 1 ru- ment, Kxxipe out a portion of tbe outer toft metal purface, and lays bare tbe charge of compojiilon powder it. If the shell is desired to explode In one second after leaving the gun. the fcoopIngU made on tbe figure 1; if in two seconds, on tbe figure and so on; the idea being that tbe ehelld of this de rcription shall tirst strike the ovicet aimed at and do execution as a ball, and then explode, sending tbe bullets forward as if from another oannon lo- cated at tbe pint whore tbe flight of the shell is arrested. Large sheds of eight or ten inches are tilled with powder only, and, bursting, do execution by means of their frngmea's. T hee Ur.e shells are gene- rally lired by means of a fuse ot' meal powder ex- tending through a brass plug screwed into the mouth of the shell. In both cafes the fuse is fired dy the ignition of the charge la tbe gun. Tkk CiBr??KT Divided Campari Move-?ieh- ts We have arrived at a period in tbe bta-tc- ry of the war when tbe largeet demand is made upon the executive capacity. Tbe army of the Potomac id full; at least it ti&a reached that point where it li in condition for atrKTes8vaoperitiona1 and the Bnrplns cf troop is being directed to otber points. In tbe deli beret iona of the Cabinet ap to tbe policy to be adopted here, there is a division of opinion. The President, supported by Secretary Seward, la opposed to a forward movement. Surrounded by an army, ae we are nonv, against which no foe can successfully con- tend for the posweion of the city, they prefer and advise that do forward movement be made berej bnt that tbe surplus force now coming into the tield be forwatded to Kentucky and M'tsoori, and that in those States a vigorous effort be made to crash oat ro ellion, while the naval fleets now in conrpe of organization are bmnght to bear upon tbe jwirts and cities along tbe coast of the Son t hern States. But other members of the Cabinet uree aLo, us a pirt of the programme, a vigorous crusade during tb autumn mor.ths against the ru'el army in Virginia. The of Virginia has ever rotaltK- - it? LnJon to n lare degree; it 1 now lrjoreasine; tbay are rlisgiis'ed w!.h the rebe' anny and sick of secewQ. The 'valley" and l iatern Vir- ginia dewrve to be relieve! froci tbe ir.'Juence of the rereia, and it ia believed that the rrblHon r. IrV.t M3 driven lack to Kkhmon l. A portion cf ie Cibinet are ?tr .n fr a muvement U this ei:d. Vet no (Wwon 1m lfn Brrirrl tt',-I- hil. cm is. -- The Hon. Bland Ballard, the successor of Judge Monroe as Judge of the federal Court ftj the District of Kentucky, waa formally qualihed as such on Monday. UovMSXisHT AKbiSAL. In all probability a snnanent Government arsenal will be estab lished at Indianapolis, Ind, county, Indiana, has furnished more than 1,000 men for the grand army of the Union. rgrThe Government owes the State of Mis souri the sum of $8. X)0t00O upon contracts. DECISION'S OT THK Of AT Ot A F TEALS. Ita;"? M.cKiy tt al, wMustcn; BruL Warder, .t , Burrc, OrrarJ: rrtitlsn frr fcli'r1nt( ovniiU'd. .reni'lr-?- - . t tun ton ri n , MiW' I'v'b Koae el al. r IIftmvtn. Moii; Kfcculdt tft al. vr. Rw.t et !, Btn'.ti t i. Smi'iu Mwon; wpt rjtt.itf en l".'. o 'ni'r vii. ln(fT.htn, S jyiie; arjpfd by Jmin f"r aid -- nbmitted. CITY DIRECTORY, Arranged Alphabetically in Keg ard to BUSINESS N1MES. AnoUoneftra. Sjktm, L-- north eiflo Main, bt 4th and Vb AnderaOD. T .4 Co.. 430 Main t. Henry, 6n.ro u el . A Co., Main st, be. Id ao4 tth. 8kmcer, C. C, Main ft. bet. 3d aad 4th. AcHculturn.1 ImplemeniLe aad Bds Brtmt, H. A Co., 67 Mm ft, Sberrona 4 Bro.t 931 Mia. bfetireen Plitii and Seventh. Mnrjo. A Co., eomor A Oren avid iJth. Pttklu, Wiard, 4 Cc., 616 Main rt. Carter A Bnohanao, 4W4 Main ft. VaHetir. Te, Rnd t nnry Bae;, J No. aiW Fourth st--, twt. Maiu and tfi.Herta. J. C. BlrM's (rormerly ITarrif'i) Gallery, MaIii, be- tween Fourth and Fifth 4 Bio., ftUtn at., beleen Fonrth and Fiftn. RoAUaellev;, HtoXlsoenr. St Periodical ileaiere Dnvideon, A., 3d trt, bet tlp(Teron and Mars. Madden, M et, it JeSersou &ai MvkK Bazken. CarUf Warre-i- , ATI Katit Ft. BoniMt Bleit'. Oborce.MTi. Wm , JefTereoa it, hnt Bd and 4'h. 1'lothlnc mnd en:tenOBa VurnlmMca fJeMwfau Annrtroiir, J. M., earner 4th ed M1n rte. Sproule A riajidavtUe, corner 4th wid Main st. C,arret Oil Ctoths, and 1 ortafn Oee mt A Small, Kia st., bet 3d and 4th. Cioalut, irliuitlllna, ai?d Varieties. Merrtman, C TH 4th tl, near Mala, P ivnado. El., Vain ft.bst. tb and Tta, China and (laAeware CMseflay A TTorkiDit, 634 Mfttn ft Outcher 4 MK,Yedj', 413 Main ot Jaeinsr, A.- A Co, 4th st , bet. Market and JefEervm, Oal Dealore. Crittenden A CKntt, 8d st., bet Main and Marfcai, Kellogg, J. N., 3d at, bet Jenertou aud MiJirei. ChtmAwXa and Aiwthraarlsa. Daves, g. eurnar 4tli and Jeenon cut Cement. McHaett, F , Main st , bet 7th and ftb tta. C'pJThaw manufaetiireta. Btone, I F. A Co., UiAn st, bet lrt and Drock. Prnsie, lTeetnfrV, Ot!a, Fntnla, &-- . Morria, J. 8. Son, 461 Main ot Robin ton, B, A. A Co., V .n ft , bet th aid flth Vilvm, Peter, A O.. 482 Main st Wilder, R.,446 Main at Dry Good, Clothe, 4k Mark A TVnrna, Main stroet between 4tb and 6th, Mama A CramtMnirh. 4th, hTwen Market 4 Jf nVrvn. Tabb, Q. B., oomer 4th and Market Knr and Fur Goodis Crai, A Main ativet, between 6th and 'to. Fanoy Uoodsu Kmbrelerles, and Trimming a. Raochfuss, Charles F, 4th street, bet Market ftikd Jeff. FlehlnK Tarkle, Gods, and IImcoIb Dlfkon A Oilmore, M rtrt bet. Main and Market Griffith, .fopepn, ftth atrwt, bet. Jlalo and ULirket Ftro, rMartne, and T.ife Immranca aR4 Amenta American In. Oo.. H. IVnt fcV., Main, bet. 8d and 4th. Jrffrraon Ina. Co,, Wm. Muir. 8hc, Main, bt M and S4 Lonlvli3liL4. Co F.obt Atvood, Quo AtaJji, U-- W and 4th. Muir, .lolm. Main rt., bet W and Sd. Rom, Wni., Main st, . frt Aird M. Waahlnrtn In. Co. Wm. Hoea, Bee, Wain ft, bet. Id a.'ul 3d. Genile-are- Fnirnlhtnsr Goo9e Armftron, J. rrr. 4th and Main rtt. rVtoftUy A Sadfr, Bd et, bat Market and JefTetvoa, Gro4Mria, Ilqoore, and Tohanoev Stewart A Parter, (Ab Main street IJqaora, Wlnea, and AloelraL Hart A Clark. 3d t ., bt Main and Market Monka, Joseph. Main atreet 8rhrrder A , Whll et, but. Main and Water. Zaaoue, A. 4 Sod, 6th et. h?t M&in aikd Water, Iiuuber, Kaah, Door, dkc Alexander, RlHs, 4 Co., cor. Pmestou, A Walnut A Mala. betvttm let and 3d. Brediu J- N cnr. Malu A Wenael and Walnut, between Ket A Floyd. ITIltl Fnrxiln(irna. Herbert A WrWht 1 Sd street Prlntlnsi Pnpr Irlannfaetnrers, Doront A Co., Main street between 4th aoc itX Powder. Dapnnt A Co. ,Mn!n -- trw. between th and feih. Dvis 4 Speed, 6ft Main street. pHlenC medicine nod PeKirote, Raymond A Tflc?i 4th street, between Main A Market. fleet euirnjita. Cawrdn, J. A Co. fW nJkpr'e, between Market A Ma'r. BufliW, C. C. (St. Cbarlee), 5th!, bot. Market and NUIu. HeTrlna Machlrww. Barber, C. T., A sent frr Grover A Eier'e Beviikg Ma chin, 3o3 Fo-r- sU StaniboaX A Kwntm nnd m7iiiKs1oii sum! For-Prw- lo A Co., V7ll etreet. Moorhtiad A Co., Wilt street, bet. Main and Wetsr, Tenia and Faucy (roeer!e. Lacham A Co., Sd street, bet. M&rket aud Jeflersca Tobacco Comualasloa. Nock, Wicks, A Co., 512 M- -u street Undertaker. W Wratt, ccr. Tth sod JofTeraon rtreeta, WoomIod and WIlicTf Wares Brooms, Cordnsre, BAWSON, ORItIN, S38 Hziii itroet- - White Itul and ltned CHL VTOnq, Fster, A Co., Mala street. Bfirdwax amd t'&Uerr Ormty, Colli, Main street. Hat and Cai ITIasafaeturvn-Craig- , A., l 4th and Main, and Main bet, 6th and Ttb, Iron, Hteel, Nulla, Are. Belknap, W B Co., corner Third and Main. Jewelry, Waicbca, aod Pkita. FteTcber A Pnntn, Malo st , bt. 4tb and oth. Kendrkk M irt., twt. MArst aitd MiJa. Voaiit A KUnk, Sd st bet. Main and M&rkev Lnmpt, Dnm1ni Fluid, Coal Oils, d a Hardy A Beatty, 4th rtreot, between Main and Market. General Prednce and Provtaloa Broken. A Co., 5d, bt Main and rlvw. BnrfctLnnlt. W. A Il tUrkst- - rwt. th and Ita Ribbltt Sod, Market, twt. in and 81, Cood A Moody, Wall st., bet Miln and tbe river Gardnar A( o., C'J M.iio ezroet Gav. Wra., bt) Main strvet El albert M A Co., t& Main street. Jack A Brothnr, o1." Main street. Morris, Geo. W., TUutI treet bet Main and Wlkecj Newtorub, U. D. A Co., Wall street Otter A a;'d. Sixth tr-- t, b--t Market and Maia. Rsweoo, Todd, A Co.. ol4 Main tfrert. ftnj dr, JoUn, Market street bet r'trst and Brook. BUCKWHEAT 50 bars n"w PeonevlTanla per Marmora in store and tor sale br 023 W. A H. TITTRKnAnrvr. 41f Market K NY- - 10 bbU new Qomlny received and for sale V. A H. PITRKII ARTT. 417 Markot t n f OLAaKd-f- tt bble PlkPUt oo Molaawa in stoie A' I and tor sale bv Ht TRKT1 A PT. 417 Mark rt. BRBAKFaST BACOi'4-Dti- pId nm, clear Sides, In tlnr an.l tr sle by otl W. A H HPHKHAKFl'l'. 417 Market rt. CooeieUcg of Bl LLIUN, Eubr.-ere- and w Patent Mttalllc SHUCLDEB STRAPS, UKNAMrKTd, BA8UKS, Ac, alwayi ou hand and made to order at C. J. RAID LETS, US2 J person street .if: between Tbird aod Fourth. mm tU. 8. Officers noikd at len chan vciodnnati priori. oU SUGAR3-rW)b- bls White and Yrflow to REFINEO for sale by fl R A WHOM. TOT. A PQ. MOLASRKS SU Vdo do-- j bbl Snftr-llous- BiruK a store and for sale bv o14 M ARflriAIL HA'BrRT A CO. jl 1 ACKKRRL 11 i. bM No. 3 larp? Hackerrl; 5 kit "o, 8 do: In rtcre and for rale br MARSHAT ALP7r A (V). STARCH IbO boxee Sttrrb in store and for sale by tTAKCH O fM bofc-- J. J. Wood's Co'ucib-d- a Pearl 8trcq 1M0 Vl do 'lo do do do? Tost reaiivM and for caio by 09 OARDNTJR A CO. 1ICORICK -; 1 do K. bv RAwno(. Torm. on. O MolAfsei In etr-r- ard for sale hy q1 AND'W Bl'CUANAN A CQ. DID COFFEE- - VKJ bae Bio Ci e In stole and for Lt. si ale by AVTTW BUCHANAN A CO. Mackerel la store and MAi,KEitBl AND'W BUCTHANAA A CO- - .t ' bs Rio, nood and prlrue; f0 d La(niHia; 160 do Java (tn pockety; for sale h7 i,W'HrN T tn. A i!Q, J L lLMfl 4 att for sa!e on ootiaign-- 3 meut b) RAWPOM. TOHDj A OO. CIGAK8, TOBACCO, iW IJaTana Cigars and fr ale by ANTHONY 7.ANO.VB A BON., supply: O also other Military Hooka, Tittles, Ac o: l. A. civile J. TKK KS, ItRNMLS, WHT8KY, Sft. W Foil '1b st , tor. !ia and MUt,i W. B. WILSON (Successor to Gr. V. Bashaw), WliOLKaALK DEALFR IN CHOICE FIELD AMI GAUDES Agricultural and Horticultural Implements and Macbims cf all sorts, FLASTBR, CEMENT, WHITS SAiVP, JLKD t.imi?9 Main St., bot. Third and Fourth, o;pObiio Bank of Low.iilc, C?dl7 li U SINEWS CAin)g. MILITARY GOODS&TRIMMINQS AT MA.D. D. RUHL'S, ronrth street, nest door to IVIccart Eall HAND ANf MAPWTO OKOKK C'ONSTANTXYON HI51TS. fl,L ami HrL.VF.li BRAlf!l. MOlV a;id MfU'l TA H LACKS V S wd HTAt F lilTI'nN!. Ut-- J UttOI LI)i:rt STaP:-!f"- Olhrcj--- - et tiiiJvrfn ra'it". twrH CV'tiUS, iKlNiit made to ordw at Ths lowest inHc-- -. f'J'J ltf WATTB, (T!', 4 CO Padurii'i, Ky. Li ausvi;le, lud. WATTS, CRANE, & CO., 3. Commission Merchants, 45 bkuau ar., NBW vokk CITY. TE hqvo opened a In Vi City of Mw Y rV f for tiif P'lf o". ro WtV vr Prodi a . and nenwttullv eoli' it a Fhiire of W-t- p:i mi prom-ou- r Lictt efiorts lor ttia iutarfcta ot our curTfef',"u'3- - st full tie'". in round li:, tV.vuioie adi-- i r'tjivweiite to he Sew Vr.ik nmi'fc.. Mr lAin Wit of V.'tt, , Vi . jiIi. and Watti-- . iln. New jrK an ', t'.' ;):uiy fitiiilliar with tti Tolnc-- ruJ.-- , wttl aive hU nm: b'tution to f'at depart Mr I. A. f CrAP & F.vati'vill', will attend direct to tht Wefitiii Produce dyartmont. WATTS, CBANC, A !', Nru- - , TtUtr1 1. ftU"' ll .m" GKO. CATHRALL, Manufacturer aad Dealer in Tobacco and Cigars, 8outbat comer i Second and CallOHhtll eta., PHILADELPHIA, FA. N. B.Au assortment of one mMHou Domestic Cigars 0LMSTEAD & O'COXXOB (3ucciBeors t. jua, Bottn F33 STTONA Q&tlttil L COAL, Aiid Bole AeimtF foi tbe poxnoroy Ool ORDKRB for any of thfl tibonn Coala promptly filled at the ioivfait ruarkct prices. Ccnjtantly on hand alarite Biivlvof the "PKYTONA OANNiiL" and PICACOOK" P0.HBK.OV COAL3, which for kitciion, parlor, or chamNr iwe have no bu pei ior. Offices No. 04 Third ferret bptwe-:- Ma: t and at ltobb'a old stand; and at No. JJt"2, southwest corner Bm-rt- t nnd Murko ftrfTp. dll II MILIARY GOODS. II pLf)WKna. 0HfLDRKN3 FLATS liiip rti'f, IJOXNKT W1RTT3, and A rvd affiorttT-m- t of lack, iialp lacs. td BUCKiiAM t'KAMJB aiwayt on hnuA at lh lovet CHfh pTiw4. RarULiUXJOTNa AWD PUKoPlNO J lil" TfiT iror. rt JTor Sale. Cash paid for llarley At run KENTUCKY MILT MOUSE, SOUTH NIDK niARKKT rtTRBET, Btftwen 3Uta and SevetJi. JanMdtf JOHN KOWLM OO. DORN & HUGHES. Gouiiiiission Merchants Raw Whisky, Hour, Bacou, Sar, Grain, Tobacco, and Trodace, Mesra. T. ft J. W. Gaffe Dictiltertes, Aurora and Lw-- rncBirs. Io3. MeM. fl. tlne A Co, Tdtil', Pitric, lad. Bearcrass I lour Mlits, Luievill. !Iy. Hooj!- -t rAiil&t- - li d Gaffs Aurora aod Lawrenceurg, led., No. 613 not.Ji B'do Market street, between Siitii axd Seventh streets, Jrt?tdsTn UnRVTt T P, KY. New Importations. At No. 877 Maia street, rtre floors bclc7 tlie LouiivUle Hotcl, now Tca'vlng ler- - aJaitJoa to th?ir rtrr of ARF aid On har.J and urrii-iu- ; a larsi antl hndoou m clfteB'aro, Brit, nd Pliitl , I,uiito-r- Toilet Bf, ar-- Frelt; !. all if vhicb i?Ul be (rilured at ai low Enures as can ba iu tie rjMBet. Improved Metal Burial Oases j f"0fflc8 corner Saveclh acd Jrrwo, Loulsvl.l.i.4r j TUB obovs Cask.6 a.-- made of Conr.gir-- 3:crt tal and lliifc.l vrilh JV;rrtia or Iiwlis Kuubgr so a to bo Air and Watur Tlhi. AU orders prompMy aMcndt-- t i. dS3JStf HA2T & CLARK, AND WHOLESALE DKAJ,T?H3 IN IMPrnT"fiR8 CTGAU3, and FANCY Ns. tia TiitiA sti-t- , have In stoie anil lr sale to bblsctipfrlorBcnrboQWiii'ty,,ireuro!'l: l do do x Co lu casks Cccnui Brandia; 310 ' do OO flo; Ao Port Wir.; IA W flo atvloiradtfi 10 V flo RhoiTT do; V bbls old Peai.h Brant!?, r'r; 21 bSU old AriIo Caiidy, pore; Champaa,e v ln!S, vurlotis brana;' N. Lorurworth & Co.'s aad J. McM! Hen's NittvoWteei Pn;lish and flcotth lal Al-- an J Pcrtr; Cia'mt In casos: Aninettf. Aosyutii Maraechino; Cnrarua, sc. J! lrt, a Laiyn and i Ftp1j Kt PicUtea, wA Uermetica'.ly 8ala Goofi cf all dcrf tttis ft lrtwt ntarkft t.rW- ff M Save our JFruitt LARGE STTPLLY OF A MASON'S FP.UTT OATB; WILLOUOilBV NKVVMAN3 " KXCiCLSiOB " Po? s!e at pan;x prloe. mS4 riKIHV "?. B Bon It Crushed wetted auii l'' by alrt KArVSiN. 'fOTMV WHITK hv y tjhls Ii&. it Saiitjriia i;i f.Torn Mid and Uiirubuvs V CLotw received iir a :d vr uvo Uv a!5 I NO. F 3i:fiA.V-G"b- Balticiore D Soft LV.:h REFINKD ana for aie by aj uvflJ T'n t'n - M' " " f COFFEK-S-- W haas good to fciiliuo KIo Coffee iu "tore sale by RIO C;FPEK U'J bags Bio Coffw g per aud Cor nfJf - Cirnr of fVw.nd wid kTi IAVA COFKKH j btiga euirijr oid Java Cotfoo re-- Ivcd and for sale by OATtPNIft A CO. Holt '9 Speeches for tho 1,000,003,. Complete LdltloD, containing: fpHK Addroas to tbe K&nmcky iroop- - at Cfrjp "Jo J Holt " The Addrvae de'lvpm.1 at July 1 1, IKriL The Addrpd In trAy to U'.in. W. IuT at Osise, N Y Tb" Adnsw Iu reply to tiio UufT-il- Comiulttce at tNi Falls. Will b mailAd to nny pddrm on 10? ipt. of two thnwvcent ,tamH Pricf by thdmi 4u cent?, or by ma I 50 cuU. Prite hy hd buii irod 2 or by mral HOLTS LFTTKIW UPON TTIK POLICY OF TllB OOVKKNMKNT, llii: Pf'.ND! NG Bl' VOLITION, Tl-'- DUTY 01 KE!riUC!Hf,at, when oroVrwi with the abov, will bi laruLbvil for one tr.irwc-'Jit- . st.iitip; by the loeeu i5 cnte, or by mill ij oentu; by Ihv hua-dre- d dL b mat I $2. L. A. CIVILL, Main "t-- , m30 wtftl , Kr. JLABl'TT WINK ch b ood Wiatc ia) caakfl do do do; In store aad for sale hp ANTHONY ANONP , a5 FliLh nt.. balnw Mud. BLACK AND GPJ'KN TWA 3 A fi mnt of eufc rior Ulitrk sjd firo Tpji. sa 5 it lected exitreaaly for faciity trdd. tcr sah by .t. 1 . IjANI Am CO . ,1? Importers of T. ae. c. Third t. TAECH-1'- W box Jnlhra J Wood's Columbus O Farl Btiroll lust recefred and for i?ai; by A CO. M 1F8I CottoaFlO'T M.T" )lst rerxuvM aud for tale ny art W. ft R. BUBTOABDT, 417 Markt s. VTKW PRINTS" w Vjrt now styl Prints for 1 1 faU tia-i- s Jiut re salved an.l for tl o.oai frr f,vh lal7j T A ft. SLKVIN & CAIN IAMILY FLOl'Kof ditterent brands, ail warranted a,' ftood, for sale by J. fi'.TTTU BPKlD. Main rt. j a.';d f"si' bv ia.j O hun::k A CtJ. AOUAVR-- Con Hi btiw in stmA and for f&Ie I ' by sujsirscss cm f E A KNE'J'l COOPE i ., Wholesale Ceamtesloa Werciaat Butter, Cheese, & Produce. in 43 ,11 stroet, XocifcvlHe, Ely. jNOCK, WICKS, & CO., AWM it tto. tl i)fd Ll Mtfiu t.. LcL TMrd and tb, CTEArIDOAT AG- - IWV. "ri;l Aj;tA for Tc'.j. CvAj RUi.'ron..? No. C F:)i:5n'll m:: WALU 3i'.TS wc! Ttf rv W. P1TKJM. VM. L. P. KilU. . r. iVAf. PITKINiWIARD.&CO, J,a JJ-- j L fc 9 jl t Machines Hydraulic C?.ant Znzo, 2Tlafftir, tc. tf !. S.if,i r . (IV. tPF.r'-'C'-i Pi;rtR3--i- and kln;?. J 1PR( ;V'".!) pi .iK TAHLK Mll.-JV- . 11 j ffo; iuli bUi' 1i;d l:.liul- l j u MA" MlSwa.. -- 'trn! u'-- i tf Hn M11 Irons, tkv?. Liiir:f n, Boltiog, Piui jt Pirii.and K'.M arMcl.-'- W have 00 hk'id a rr!r rf fJ.'r-")iuK- d arti'.les. Forsaji Kw aaO .nn:itv v ai liF ItrtM f .t ssn37 g.f r)o. U Third rt.. Mn ad .:vrif; Comer Fourth Joilrr" :ei fT--- : JcrlLt!PS''.'rrIii' &.. j at ran'-?""- eci;cn?-''i- '1 at H Lirnn day ?? ui?'::z, di: ITIBllITTfeSON, 3 Mai kct t, bat bcood ax:d i iiud, IJAVii IN BVOlit A VVl.J, HTiX'S OF Ki somt SOTDS-- Cc CO., fr" Msi'i btltveru Third and Frwirth, LO'.'HjVU.uV.KY. PAivnc:i.An at nr. - u1v?:n tqtu b.il i d tr- a.- -, uuil PUPONTT IN KW'Au RKGSt W? !ir7e in .?,ii 3 tl ?nr bratefl i:tv.ii cf . iv. rt b' jt'f S, 3.1:1 Ccr e.ve s'o prf- -j w,'"j"'i fc' A. V. rw. 3.- - For -i: Ly ?i i:e L 11 i ur'ri eMol'iVa IN THE MASONIC I hre )xft rvm otvdr'.I -- M rfV fr ?!p rr hw l!ca tii; Ltr)('.'5t kinl ctiort fclv wit -- '.oci: of Chiua, Clapri, and Q.eenb?rar3 Ever offi'ii l'l tbla tr vy othT oHy la thu NotrJi or Bo'jlb, I hare aio oa ha.ul und i:I aB to li.vo tbe r!oc oi E!LYKK-PI.V- .D WAW3, CLl'I-taV- , B.ITANNL v.;Di:M ANi WIILLOW WAKE, aud GAd ILXTt-H;:- la tbe couulr, i:d wlucb I will at jTle-- f U- tlu tlrjt Yvrwrt havlns old Cr.irni'llera. L iTinr :, A,c . ztLn xt th' I rJ o t n:n O.P. f PIPS Lnto r' J In antifl!-T- rt "..'v v4.'t ri J i r ..1 .;t r't"-n- x ,U ts nr T'.Jld St., :, s:.i ..:. . 1 - h i is- fll ?Viln. h- ' - '!! r 1, .M , M. iJ . C VrT ,T. UOA- K- lu kbit irhi N. O C 3 r.i "iKICK FAMILY il.Uid iy oq ba:vi I ,T f'.MlT'J T1! i! ft..i ! r ?z'i.c by 'POH VC rji ,.,T.-- rt,bait- - sjoirtej brsindff, lii J Stottf for , W. ffl I!. '! J AC bLoJ. jvi.-- , a- d e'eir itlii'i tr ?tore all V. tz 1L bl'KS i:';T, 7 JAM-L- il'AVii i, AND JAVA CO by .1 sMj'fi! 1.!), Muj st. 1ALI,C"S D AFT' 1 av;D fit AO Cil'U. liLANTATie UA:D..t: .UD, . on et CO llr t til - U MO.iiK !.' '.. .u .'o;a 1 rex r.J; r'i 1L V. CO'UV hy hh'P ri'.iair-tbi- ! 'e; W kit Ij oii-- wr nl-- V;' C'LKAH yI t CS A ND aiiOt'Li-'IiitJ- - 5 Io Ptuve a'jJ Iy ( ; A Mati;ii:s- -. t.h of vi'ii ah!;:': AUO Ju srvas V:.'; ocut rv..t, Lc.t.-.'- fLi Jsnd FvurLfi, auCt'oi sii'nLuw by Uj'.wi'J ItAWHOV. ROHLVSOVrJ ALO s''PJ.L!:n; liiST iV.i OF 'lil-- L'WITu U ci'ATl'.J, by p. rartt- - f- f 6 Ci'.y i.o!.1; !e by HOE T h 6 r, a : CO 1TW -- IIO lt;o Co(b'. In rloitt a;;d f'-- c ai '7- - (I. CASKS 10 u r itahi.Ij s.uT-- w tbu fiuo able b:ilt lr st"r tia-- 1 1fr ilrt by liili. f,, hi;.' r a "...d W. j H. l'l: IT IO OOi -- 1,1' 'V 49 i'0?ii and i'j S I. In ire a.ia i .r Sid SHOrLOI'H3 - V , rJIO COFr'Fii- - bay fb' ;w m;;'o.aa: ;lOlfi.i. Cr- bi il Ui MArttlALl U.AUv-- j CO. RAILROADS, 10 JliWiLlt AND NAdnVILLt HAILROAD. Hotice to Passengers. COMMKNONO "1, Trau.s on the NL NASIIVIlXt KAfijKOAD w.tl i.n.x Lo:iiI!e a follow.-- : !. ! :Ki! n Tia'.n tSuc.Ays excevtcd). r:uf A. M .. :.U P M. Buperintiidut. jPassong-er- ehoald be careful in pur- chasing Tickets to Bt. Joseph or points Kansas to eo that they read by tho North 3ZUouri Xlailroad, It is tho only all rail end direct route from St, X.ou to St. Josoph. thirteen hears qaickor, faro low aa any other rute, 1HAAC n STt RUFrM, Prr. 'r ui:d Gvju'l dup't Njrth MiBMurt It. R-- Co., 3. Mo. lVOrjiPVIXI-II- . NTJW ALBANYr U rOSST.LOi'LSsCallCACIO, DETROIT Bunraor ArTaoffcmrct. 1061, i after T;!P!"1r, CW. t, ln. Fiutix Tralnt IU levw Nr.w Aibaay as follow r 1 M. CHIOA'Xi "Ji'RWf aily except Snn- - fyr Terre l!vi- and l;n!Unao-li- , tui'l C'liuutt: g at Lauiyette tor C1iicngo. HrThro'ij?h froLQ New At baby to Chicago In 16 hours. 7:46 P. M. 8T. LOUIS NIOUT KXPR&a Datlr, i ichiu:-- ' lit. boms at A. M an '3 Cincinnati at 6 A. M. TLie T iin ru'is to Mitchell only. ST. LOL'ia EXPRI'SS atiives at New AIli'.n.- it 4: A- M, mik;ni( c'ae connections frcm Sr. and Cuicinuati, reach! ux Loulsvilie at 6;15 A. M. TheCHJCAd'J MAIL arrlvw at 7 w P. M- -, reacbiug Lcuio-ai- at P. M, ruin mv'tf rofl NotMj It l'rl.i( Ka Ci'y -i sit iMiuti hvt, e?t, and Ncrtb- - I Triia? are raa by LonltriCe Mm. fTT-F- TRit!)I''.li TICKKT3 acd fnrhr Infrr- - at tlw KAI LROAJ ccicjr cf Third and Main streets, ilie, Ky. A. B. CLLVER, eop't P. 8. PP.UM,Aent a!J dtf - v i i i ! i. - rv i ilillNClNa APRIL 14 lvSL. ASSO Colnxiib-a- s and Xenia Arn ( iuciiinat!, HamctUoDt& Daytcn ii mimmi 1861 RAILROADS. FROM CINtTINNATI TO In $"Ti hours. Nrtw York In 91 hoars, t'.ia.t' (vhia in 3T V hmrs. Ffltioioro In hour. ,t- - . , ha in i' 4ti;re. A.lbany tn hour. Ili.itlo in tr.',v lic.irc ImKjrk b 14 boors, i '; .v hours. Fittrbnrr in I'd benra. vii-'- imp tn ti.v beers. HwibenviUs tn 11 hours. ( rt?iV' iu f 'tpwilla in 7 hours. G'jAiitky iu S'1 ho!. T in 9 hours. L'tDoit in hours. Vbroatr Tralae eave C In r! on all m follora A. M. EXTT.ES From Clnefnnatt, Ham-Ct'- A Dfttoa Depot conuects via Toledo, Detroit, r.rni CAiiart. 7.i:0 A. M. CTNtTTAll KX.PRR38 From Little i':l VJf.it ' C"'nanh-:4- , (,'ieveland, Drin-Vh- id H'ifWx v!a O!iirort:, Cestlttie, and Plts-- I' ri. it la. Ouuir.l, it, Sieabnviile, and Piltiourg; and It Co!oL;bu, atii D.'iswc-od- A. M. FXPKt'SS MAIL From LHt!o Mlaiel I) rot. cnt'f..: v!. .'oh'xib'ip. Tlo'lair, ft"l Ftttsbir; vIa :s, OfllnH, si"1 inplmrfej via Colucibut, d, i.'.iukirk. ajil P. M. F! TBHBS Frnvi Cincinnati, ramlltoo, A Dajto&D-fot- , c.' v!a Xuledo, IrtiT.it, aad Cana- - 10 r. M. NIGHT EXFarsS-Kre- io C:.ir.1noi.ri, Uam- - Flo:t. s t.' tn pnp'..f., c int?rta via Columfci;- -. a!" f'tt't 'm:; v Colitinbu, Crtli, acd l'!c(t (V nipjhns, Clvpland. Dun irk. and Bi:f-- vta C'lnn-hn- , 1.1) air, nd Benwocd; and via r.ni)?Jrt ar4 l:itiirc Modern SUcjin.j Cars on this Train. for Lalta Steamezs will take tba morn ing Tral-i- . rrTba 5:45 P. M. Exprsst, Baturfiays, for Toledo cmy. The Sight runs Daily, SaiurcUni excepted. AH oiher Tram run Daily t Sundays excepted. I in'ralr? run hy Clambo time, which b 7 minatej fwWr t'-i- n Ct iC'uiieti Uiae. T. t'aga Checked through to all Eaotaru Cities. Csscrprr sroafd hs It rrd that the i3 t.wuLDi:i FAVOItlTK HO'TK. iiu.'iM pivxu-ily- tlm Koad are thoroughly Ki i LAB l"'ti , aiid U rniiroTTjmtrtitB aioptal v.M tug iryal, tiOitrOLT, aud 8AI KTY. rristocon t:h;eto Aj-,- . P P!t thL. PiflNCIVAL TTOKPT C r'i'iif-i- . WP-?- aad BOL'TIL Ask fir Tick-L- ti via CXCX;:iSATi. P. W. .DpH, Tic ken Ae.?nt, (.inclnoaH. Sr0yl1!; gis;1 Frankfort aad Lex-'v-.ri- oii a?id Fraskfort KA1LROADS. fcN AND AFT tilt MONDAY, April 23. Trains I ly-bl JT, A? A. M., soprinf at all statlcoj v '.si.itrccd.oTfvp' r Gr'i.iiQB. ii4re('our, Browus-nu- u '3An iff, at Eniuence withrtap-j- s nr l:w Cvtle; st F ranli'ort for lanT'icebtirK, UfUTods-t."i:- ;. 5,nd at Midmr frr Versaillfa; at Paynes n for Gort:,iti;wn: i.t Ijtxiutrtou via railroad b 1 Htiy f.tr Nicholcrfillts Lancastor, Crah Bidinn.ua, Mt. aterling, aod ail In- - r1 r ' "IS. tl ; ONl TtAFN S:M P. stopiln? at all rtatlma v'h-- e 1 ft , r ici'id-- , l'oint, Kad Coarse, i . : '.v'v's, I'ra Tt iif iV aod !ortti ra&oa: ? rnnb p.t ;riin(;nw New Caa:le; and at l'aVi!u B IOV '."CT'.Ct','"!;. . t;i:i' M ACCOMMi 1DATION Leare at 4:10 P. M., atopr-"- f t all ritations; r?t!iniui. U lr.i: c t bt .V at all utaUous, aud ar-:- i, :t ;vii if- rtl .1"." At M. iiiuL' ,iTire In a fVJows; FirV Train at V:- A. Tr-il- at C:'Jj P. id.; L5'-ivi- Accoia- - !cd at.s-1- A. M. l'n-'i'i- Vi"alufl leav 1 Lonlovlliedcily (Pununrs xcapt A, a'c i: 'p. M. Fi."Vhv Li r.3iTod a,: nl rll3Cargrd from 730 A. M. to (J J K, hrouvb Tfffts for DanH1!-?- naTodbcr, Crab '"' I'Vi:.'!, ti, and all fur '.jzi:iT rM'trnn can b! had at tbn Ibpft in Lonw-.-ili- cf tnJ Pr,ok ?tre!."a. MiJiiij HILL, - ::'f L. 4 F. and L. A V. K. ft. f'l Kli . f i' f. C'.l f.nd rint-- - Ilt'; IL'J Jnh (iu yockt'ti- O r pa!f bv IUV.'RuM. YoIjD, A CO. lei bi Eitra Family Flonr la ttore aod for .110 by s!l W. A II. BUHKHAFDT 4!T Martret.rt. f, XT rt A FAMIi-- F'.AP -- l:t fr.xen duperior A.J Ki.ii' rrT?lvp i An, r , y,,. A W. IfLUKHARHr. 417 Varketai. ii1::.!' Ti b gi IV.o Coa e rwt'lved and for , n rnei, A rvrt 4t- - vftrk-- t ft. 'A tLASKr: it! hhlc pfln e P!30t.tl'jt Ml"".1: Tn storo r.Tid tor lkJo by r A w ' ' nil-- h A N A v ;o. j OVi,;.IN(-i- i Hl(fKS bh'd Pdrt 1. tad JiUD:iiE.it hiicifs it: aad tcr rai.'t-- ij AMrW FL'CH NAN ct. WISJfft-b- - Wi:i: 1' ) c tt .U'iTiii do; hJ d;) N'iSfnt (t : ' 'laiet clt; fj b 'Ja hit'j ('o; - l.kd Wherry dj; 00 Fait do; In ctotd &Dd for sio br AHTHOTY 24NONT! & BON, aJO Fitrh Btr'wt. hiiow Main. JXltI3-fl- 10 ' Vinrh Bm-d- for sale by aSTHnV ANoNt; a son, I tiiJi pr., t!ow Mftln. .' bojbs E'ardieon OI'VM OK '.c,'Tt. jiyM!'f-- 1 WTiUky-- 4 I '(v-- Hoiiaild OlO r, y.u:iiivOj,t i.m-- 'a atd St. C'rt'T lWe.Jcby ANTUOSiV ANONIO A BON, lu Fittb ft, k..- - H,in. jJIl.IiAllY i;0'JK3 at CTVTLL'B, Main sU J:i2KXulON KECORO (5 1 arts) at CIV ILL'S. .Y&LVBI'JAN FLAO, at JIVILL'3. OLIXRD'd LATIN ACCiDKNCK CIVILL'S. fT'ARKADAVB CHKMiCAL HISTOEY OF A CAN- - x-- ULh till CIVILL'd. a pvi-- IN TUK Bt'L'TU PACIFIC, by a t ft, Prli X, ;t CIVILL'S. 7 UIA'd CIVIL EMQINIiKHlNG at CIVILL'S. 1M' :a cuamcal u sawing CIVILL'S. at gi.CrloNa GEOLOGY at CIVILL'S. SCHOOL chuap at civir.Tfl. 3 AK- 1- 1': 's tl- Ua; lu rtoreand f.rsU: by Ji W. ii U. HFRKHAUDT. 417 Market st do PljQMill d'r, iO do d; per Ida May jt! for rile hv F liOWASID ft C'tV, tr M'lunlactii'-ers- Jn'o. t.rtwn Third ami Feu th. sVa, lifT'liLiON Pi:COKii. A mry of ArKii- - UfLi Um LoCldVlLLU AND LF.TTKfl "J F. Ji'fri'.i.. .JvM. LVI'iO'-- i T'3 rot: .Til of Jl'LV tiRATION IN I.W YORU- - ii a-- . . L. A. CIVILL IO O' KKC- -J i hrt p'im- - Jtio Co.V landing ir mii'.lV-H- .'.nj 1 ,.- - j'o tr.- - AND'W PiK: rlANN ft CO., .: i.u tig. lo- lo f liff o fit by J. tfVITIi PPPKD, Mtlntl, RAILROADS Change of Time. 'J1 RAINS wiU leave Jcttorsonvllle, opsit LotiiiviUe, Ut.iO P. m. and Ut JO A. M : P FXPRVCJ3 PA3T-ra- i!y (Sundays exempted) connnLttnc at Tn(rur h itb traius on the Jbio and Mb??iBpiprt Kilroad for Inciane.ti, Columbus. New York. Boi;, P!nlut;lph!a, lUU.niorL-- , ai'd all Kat4'rn (.itit-s- ; andHt Inrlisnapoli- wirh B '..ne for Cleveland, Pittsburg, FhlladUrhia, llitlii5Cirft, and ail the print iric tie in the FUs; p!-- o with Trains un thn T. re fiai.t and Lata-- , ett- - Uiil- - Tf tor h. jmi, Chrro. RorV Iptand. Onironv. HannibKl, bt. Jopi.h, and all tUeotbir trluc'i.lo cili. in the Wert ari Northwest U P. M NIGHT EX PRISTS Daily (Saturday, P2. cpted', connwtipg at gfymmir with traina on tho Ohio and MitaWr-h,ai- RailrcAd for i inclnnatt ird alt Kastorn cils; at ln.liana'-,l- with the Blffnm-t- n Line f"t Toledo, Oenoit, , iMtfa'f.. Nw York. , Philadelphia, Baltimore, sr.J nl! pubatp in the and with th ( iDcint' tti and ch'c-af- o Tt-- r Haute and Klrhmond ard I.aiav-ertt- e Kiilroa-l- for LhicaRo, 6t- - Faal. Sr. St Loxil. and all points in tlin Wet and CLINTON .TorjNSON, Aent at dtf A. S. CROTHKR9. Bup't. TD-nnmn- dtui RAILROAD Is a First Class E'.ad In all re?pect, W ITH 28J MILES DOIBLE TRICK, THKEli DAILY TKAiNa With Connect frrtts from ail in( West) From Pittsburg to Philadelphia ALL CONNECTING L'LUECT TO NEW Y$KK, Morning Mail, Afternoon Fast Iin, J Night Express. OMIT T11IH DAILY f BO M Vil ISHURQ TO SEW YOfiK mo met W1THOVT CHANGE OF CARS. VIA AUENTOWN and With pln-c- t Oiuetiious horn TVee'eri Ws IN A"YA?:E OF OTHEB R'JlTP?V flw ttaU or Ruat Lint- - ' i Express Train Runs Daily Otliers Sundays Excepted. NINR Pal!? Trtlrt fr-- m Ptiflndelrhta Hew York, licket? ro" id on any Luje or Tntln. New York or Ifcstoa Tirkets ia via vniLibairniA or ALLKSiovm. BOAT TICKETS GOOD TO B08T0N VIA ANY OF THE BOAT LINKS. Tco it ait p Connetiof$ Prom Harrltbnrg- to Baltimore and Wttfltittfl vn Baggage Checked Through All Trans- fers Froo. FAKE ALWAYS AS LOW AS ANY OTHER RuFTS. BIV TICKETS VIA PITTSUVSfl. TicketH for Hale at ttll Main Olticos. FREIGHTS, By this rent treteM of a)! descrlprlou tan be to ai f'Om Pailadrily-bift- , Now York, or battbaoi, lo and from any poiat cn tu: ct Ohti, Ken.nchy, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, or M;ouii by rstiroad dirt'rt. Tho Pfr.iiaylvaiiSa B abroad atso counfrts at Pit-nr- g with stealer?, b which rckkSb can be forwarded to aoy Port 00 tho Ohio, M iiekinum, Ktrctuclcy, Tti aeMe, CumbBrland, liliiio, Mlsiippi, WIecorjru. Mipeourl, Kanea, ArlmiiP and Bed rlvt-nt- and at Clivftland, Bftiidiinky, and Chicago v iUi stealers to ail polls on U N.irtti6t''ni Ir.bffs. Mprchant snH Shippers entmrtiiiK tli! transports ti of tbvir to this Company cio ruly with cocti-duc- e oo Hi riPody ttjieiL THE P.ATK3 OF FKLIGIIT to aud from any point lo the Wwt hy tho Pennsylvania are st (til tftnes a- - favorable as aro oowgd by tny otbr Kiilroad Conp-tnios- ""iie particular to mark packages "Via Fraxa. K. L K. J SNEEDFR. PbUadrtyhla. MA OKA W A KoONS, au North rtrwjt, Balttraors. LICtCil & CO,, No 3 A stor iiouisa, or No. 1 &outh W il-- atrewt, Nw York. LCKCI1 4 CO., No. 77 BUto stroet, Rostn. II. FJ. UOFiSTON. General Freight Ageat, Fhiladfli-- t L. L. UOFPF, G?nf?ral Ti-- Agent, PiiiUielpbJa, ENOCH LKW16, GQral Bup't, Alwona, a. a3 dtr MADAME ISABEL SXELL, D0CTSE3S & ASTE0L0GI3T, Eighth st second door from Grayson, WOUIJ reppetfi)ly Inform the cit'r.nnaof thut she s able to tell any' bin, they hava In their ruiud . aj.d caji htiip pfltiie dit (J...ir trooMe. d matter what it is. 8ha ws boru wh a ?rt trit ?naI b her to rurpar? arty oijfl else !u TELWNO Siie ran also tand out t'i'.ronsb her regret liil circumstances 01 eickuetw, and can tU what wil! m tbera are roots gfovluK lor ervry dUa.'e in tint world. Madam T. 3. it the only one that f-- make PR. IILKLAlSD'jJ LIFK L6SKNCE TiiL" mUtur ir ood tor al Mlenw, and tain oniy be bought in !jr office. No. 6rt Kiahtb itreet, seiood door from Kvery percoo. that is deprpss-j- and tronbk-- about War shor.ld call on her, a she la th-- t only oi3 ?ht thu ivcn't irom la Aw?;m!, the grvtt Fort'ine-Trll- that Napl''oo pf Franc-- j tn all his aid male him succee-fu- l In rM hii battles. Shi wagere )?, I 0i tnat uo ou cm curi ae hr. Please cail and tee her, and yv-- wit) bt) relieved. Those who are too poor can cnn?o wiihont mont-- r; and those who don't believe, call at LI o'clock at nUbt o.td s'in will make tbetn beiiov. je!i Tiy THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE Of SPEOltLE & MANDEYILLE Are uow receiving their larg stock of CLOTHING Fvirnisliing Goods. SPSOVLE & SliSIDSTILLE, i 8. C cftrnr Fourth and Main fctiwjt. 1LTTfcR BUCKETS 1h dozn Butter atd Batar J'st received aud lor saH h 0B KIN RAWSON. f9 Man st.. btwppt( Fourth ami h'l'rh. BUl'UKY, MAItKIKA, AND PoKT WIMi- B- h H dj?.eu ti"e pale ahtrry; ft . 60 oi l do old fort; In store and for sale In ii'jantitli" to suit p irrhwM by J. P. THOMPSON. IS oui th U Military Dooks at OivilTa. ARMY Regulations (1VM new editiun. llartiee ij ols-). Cavalry Tactic) lU vole ) ArtiMerict' Manual. il!u?raed, Try valnaMi. Robert Hand-Hoo- 0! Arti lery icr t!m JStv Ic' of tba V. ft. 0"ii. Aodtron's Kvolii.iuu- - 0! Field iiattt-ris- , with pltr-- iby ordor of WprDf.in i"r,'.i Nupolcod's M.i'tcji of ar. A" "f Trnr, 1, aM mal ' ptfldlerj aui others who b to "rii-- 1'," rnnkq ?btt-- , A b'aodip Oiltirri of thy N, Y- Seventh K irertt (Durv'i'f. Driu'; C"odn;'d Military ltxj-Hf- ; Manuai. KtiHrn's Now Manual the bayonet f t t !. 3. Anny. Benimftii'n MflitlMT'u'rt Knitual nud Sord Play, C Trl pier's IIind-Boo- f.r the. Miiit v S!irpon. Orwi'i M nual of Milittny f ursery. Vury's pTniiie TTaTkJr, a llasd-fljo- f ir Overlaid l!Mt. Uons. L. A. t:i lL L. el Hjnkieiier. Ill H BITT u nci7, VVnOI.F8A.LB AND KRTA LG HOCF.iJY, PrOL T T acd TKA BTOKK. No. Market .trt, ttw-'- 5?ODd and' Third, south sidri, Louurille, Ify. f4 1 OVrlKINO'SaCOARS n'br.lp LoTf ring's Crabbed, J Powdornd. aad Oramilatod Sugars in cr; re jid for W H iO'-- S M t N ANDLFS luu boxes 8ta- CanAIes: -l do Mold dr., Iu store and for eale by MARSHALL H Al.HKRT & (Yl. OHIM15 LA!f-- 60 prime rxim;rr t n.rd iu nra t and foral by 14 ItHHrPV A 8"N. IJRIMK oFl--;- sacks LapujT'i a d I.ivi C01- - m. ior 9:e hv 114 CANDLK-WICK- . TfO U4 aitra uuU-- , received nd for sril? by OK1UN RAY' SON, si 4 W Main street, between Third and Fnnrlh. F'INi! BUOAK9-- U0 this CVusbed, Granulated, tiid Suyara for eale by PTPPTTT ft ffO:T. (KCriHMO BUOAIt-- 31 hhls Lovtrinjr'B Cnvhed vl' g per mfi.!lN;at au- for sale by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. tCUAUr AfiNR WINKS V. Clicquot; f iW do Iflmonico; jfc Sio baskets Veraenay; 116 do Hted(,lcka-Co.- In stoie and for sale In quautithto suif br J- - - TUOMPiioN, itFftinai', rTerms Cih. ICE 15 caks rice received ai d for sal by . - a RAWRON'. TODD. CO. RtFINKO SCOABS White Kn6ned Snra i." bb!.! do - In rtore and for eale by RAWBON, TODD A CO. New and Important Books at CivilTe. CART1MOE AND HCR HJIMAINS. Eicavatioud, a hi) bKASONS WITH THF. Biwrtinii Ad- - ventai-ee- . Ax- Illuftratd. 7u FRAMLFY PARSONAUE. By TroUope. Dlustrated. PL OSJCCT LEPSONS FOR TEACHKBS AND PA. BKNTB. M. T(1M BROWN AT OXFORD. Parti ABaOTT S HioTORY OF MARGAKET OF ANJ0U. HAHPKR'S ORFFK AND LATIN TKXrB Caaax, Cicero, Lucretius. Each 4t,c al I... A, CIVILL. Main et Military Books riFL!g HAND-UOO- Full ACT IV 15 SKTtVIOB A Prirlini Book, rjt Till" M LIT! A liN'S MANUAL AN1 RWOHD- - PLAY KXl' RCiaKrf, c. Inclrwllnft DrCI. tftl 5. WILCOX'S Kin.:--: AD KIF1J PRACT1C15; with oWrtftions of llltief. ROOK OF AKTILL1.HY FOR FNITKD STATK SKKVICF. fi'l. MA.I. RoBKRT A.NTi:RSN3 P VOLUTIONS OF ( J tl'l.l) HATTKRIi a. el 5. s.5 I.. A. rTVTTT,. M loTTN YARNS, CA RP1T CilAJN, AND BAT-- . TlNO aMort.f, for ft!eby nH .HIBFJTT 80!, ao4. FALL & WIXTEH GOODS. FecMr d II Is )nvt 1 ,UU y.KRKI Jiwfr & HPEACiUt'B PRINTS NEW STYLE CLOTH CLOAK J: SHAWLS Of 07ery detcrl;tlon. Id fiforcj 50 PIECES FRENCH M!'R1 NOES' RiCtI PRINVC:) MER.N'OlfSt rich FitiMi::) rn: lainics, SOLSD (UJLOitD KCPTd AND V VL T?RS-lff- PICCK5 AMERICAN PKrNTKD D? LAISS-KHii- t 6C.ITCII PLAIDS AND UXRINOES- - HIACK AND K AN'T DRU53 dILKd; yf)UNN(J COODH iu vnrlpty; llOSIKRY of evnrv DOZr.N COATo'S CO TON: HKVY TWrLLRD cLOHIit ANT) JEANS-KXTK- HEAVY Pl.AID MNSCVPr 3LADTKS ANT GENT'S I'NOBRtVAR; "20-- PIECL3 WO )L FLANNF.J.S' "WHITS AVD OHAY H.NK.PVrf; DOMKSTTC STOCK CMtPLF.ri All nf whi-- h j,? irchii' A I'M'Ift'n to t'e rlw.f'.Teaib, and will po'. I u i n 'oci ilni;ij rhay tsr the me. MARTIN 04 ?M3AUOn, Yalker's Exchange, TFUHD ST., DKTWLTN MAIN AND MAKKKT WT--" OYST"R YOtTNO fstfUTf'i:, VOCNO qt'MU J1U.;hOO'43, I LUiWIvl DCCfC- WOo CO K- - vK'.'I N FI3U, SOT elKU CH vHJ, and all odiar dcli:a."i'i it t'i twin o:1J-t- JOUN' AWI51N & CO. tOur - hrhiI, will hi jppliuIwUh tha rlnes wi "K-- i,it; ioL-- i r 'iahk. t. ., v 00. AT CRXGPS: Army Hats; Army Caps. OT FICKKB' DUE33 HAT0; OFnvEr-.- F ATI (J 115 CAP II ATS AND CAtrS ICtt INFAJJTEY, CAVALUY, ANT) ABTILLItY. UVO?.) AND 8CBSTASTIAL EA'I'd AND CAPS FOU PiOV'ATt;. AH t?s abovf, tud Lj tbf Hai aod fjp line, oc ua-j- auA vile to cj(Jvr. AT til VH at t.t t:.;ei for BARGAINS IN f U ATA AND CAi'4. 1 jo:o FRAlTiEtt A BMITU r-- . A u i''.r and t !f,il ani le of FALL sr ll jjuifiijo ha 'S r . ri Ka li ( a. rr inw . PKATULK ft rSMlTH'H, 4: - Main st. MLN S A O rwVrt' SObT r F. T H T8 of -f FRATIfKK A SMITH, OMaln ft- - bw. Fourth A Firth. St. Charles Restaurant Fifth stieet, between Eala aad Maikfct. And aU othciT DliLIcAH'S of tbe cl BASON, reir daily a ibb BT, CQAKLKLi. RUEFER pToprla N. B- DAYTON AT.ft and pOftTrtS for sa!a by bftnel. hah bauel, k, nd in boitla. OLD FOE PAPEE.1 " EE ST AND CHEAPEST VOOT --- ? 24 Third trt Reivj l:y f ?r sitlja aud sola a lartjv aity.rtiD'JEit of T T.m XI. "ST, ftf sroer;:?r i7t itnd 'arhlnnoMo stv'l?, t'r'il, '.'t-,?r- - ItI, &v. rflis rood, fine, s(!'i Nv 'Hi nn! M'!p? lx?!onjdn M ov? L!ie. of h'it0;'.i'j iw Y'r faoric an Civ a i'i Havlnc r,. n V.y 3 toCLOSi'" OUT anj fu.'l (.t day rafov' ii:-- i fowls, and, ow-b- u to tim h.f-- lr'C?. dH:'.rr,- - to Lt-i- ' ;: ' ( COiVoli'll 00 m tho KOif ot p. k'-s- , hivt'e our friends ftrA tLs ribtic to call al our itrrk, and rw f'lat Uiair war-- uj w:j wii' aid Ir- - Riatidtja. at vo'i r & HlUnj, COAL! COA1L! p o on .'ji at?( COAT.! 01 tbe lt and at the lo r.t i".4.cfs, foT sale bf TnrKN t OA NTT, ! of riL"iI ciiev.t, v and Mv:r, PJsw 7c'5s T?yw nv- - 1FTH".: LNlTi-'- NHTIilr:iUJkT8bf H7;'-T;H- if i. NOT" 3 ON S( :'.:vr' TV- hv '3 60. Tli UltiLK Ail) Tlli2 CLAbliC3,byBLebopttffta, 'J r'l. ANNAL3 OF Tj AMKillO'.N MrTUODXBT PUI Pli. bv '.V. U tr.-j-r, . O. t:: W.jLAk d liii'uilV t'F UNO LAND. Vet I. 4 ' wo;u:m"i:n and rut: tit i;iry;ct'LTUi5, by Mn AND FAO-Ot.- 1 TfcXT KOOK, Bf J. 1. Macl.io. D. f. i' u. aDI'VS LADk'f H0t?K firMty. Ju.-- t Thwiv...i f A. DA V"ITi?OW l nri- - JUST IlKOEI VED 4.1 TtCC Ciion jr X-- b ao- - Store 3O9FO0t;TU BT8BBT. 1 JLAOS IJV13 VP11... n.- it'-rn-- : JLf L'i . Ik Cr;.--- 1 '''w jti-- u"": Lin- -i M lir.!.'s: Faunt Klot.iiie MbiaiJ3, jKt 6? title u tuarfcrl: .Kc-fit-- kiljvi.'rtjd; Io Bobbin tv-- CiV tK- M-- i.'t'o:), Mr it low rri v nii ' CUAUM'.S P. KALCHFLSS'B, GREAT UEDUOTION EiigravlJigs, iValklng CaDlo, Afiae acwrtrjimt; aud CKCAi'Kit THAN KVVVL. kaA &. VV. ooi-U- ifi'-rf- anii Proton Hfv At liLMD oi KNOFF.L'8 with iliie e.i,j br p w. - an , tf(xrh iLameitt'ely St. ia-ii- ' Chueb- - mi WHJt?ti.Y fo tMs dcb)i jtr- q.; b'(!3 lino old L'ciiri.'oa tl : bhl.3 ilee old Kii cc; In st.ir And ior stiie r' ic iP"TALL IJALVKHT 4r CO- RAMIY ' Fnuidrr ? do A. tydrYtblAe 6 w," ti. C,C'C ; ?y L' lc Now Y:-- t; la e'.ore ami tor saJo by o, "H A w AJ-- HALHRRT A CTO. ks Wiie; 1! do Pat Uj Oi.Trr r! : lb at iii?...i do; In t e iar f.-- br o.i r.AR HALf. brxei licrrlaK f,ut rivTtd and for UEimtN:j-- r) rr"i C. , w Nt-'- A 40 CtJDilA-- CG-ii- ; 4' b..v.. d, Jut-- t received 42d lr Js by oSl O DVFR t o. VVOUD.: WARi'.-- td r Hii Chains, Puckit I Au, vU b .u.l iin Mr e hv cia ljl'MITT A yo EV .Kiik' BLOJLArKSi---lu-- t - cl,lljh-d- . ofJ L. A. n,i. BL'RrGirRV-lhttla- acd bt ks MILITARY o.S L A. ClVILL. O bK.di N. o. of vt; 4 J bbij ft. ii5 Cr Su'ir. )e bblj 3:r(ir; Ii rtiic aad ijr "mt CM tA.Mim VIX HALFV-R- A CO. i.T'O A't-J- -"' n l? .1 ud isJe ry o'J A CO 7 f"')0 YAKi': -:- ,rP CLOlU In store and for ile, and Jj k"K4 JwullkiJIti a Lividuu for ilo by LA I I." t. Jtn:t ouL'l.'.hwd CoryV'lete, ou L. A. CIVILL. V r;w iMiAHY ii 10NAUV -- MLi'ary TdCtlr- - l1 Ttiit i3D3iU, Li- L A. 'TVn,T. FIX)! Esfa Finely Flo-.-- ' f IA.VILY LrauuJ in Jia rud n;- - lM VP O!'' t':NTLl.'K nv ?n t iTi l F'.'Ck(.t Mutf.juri. Arc ' 1,. A. nvp.i. LCD if KK'.l't D fki. b, lh- deryienml at iuirb le !jhu ti" n ull . t Mil a'n nits ra. C'VC'.. REMOVAL "MOWD TO T W. FT PIDF op I O.UTh . :V3. N. - tOFi"i',J-:v-.'- MAIieitu.L WAXB.KaT A CO, i 1

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Page 1: W. B. WILSONnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh707xm9m/data/0506.pdf · 2012. 6. 13. · Jck AJUn, a notorious man, who waeenced hi all the pira'iel xpediiicoa of fjren--Wm Walket, aid who baa

LO'IISVILI.B JOURNALJlfotiis Gubua.n Rlcjixct. Tb Indiaoa-jpol-

andurml uyi that Col. has been

vntbor's d to rals the 2d lodlana German regi-

ment, and la now industriously at work. Colonel AN

Bvk'o-- lerred through the 8ofalft.wl HoUteinwar aa as eAoer of ahirptbooura, and la thor-

oughly posted in all the tactics f that useful

inn of the Mrvioa, He was recently a residentof Few York dtv, and wm in the three months'service hi a New York regiment, and fought at

nil Run.

yWe taJx the rabjolccd extracts from theIxmiiTlll corTegpondeac of the CincinnatiCommercial:

The Confederate are troubled with none of thataeveamUhneea about inflicting ponlsbrtient whichdfs jeeeee oar defenders They have Id. Thorn-bur- g

and two other East TftnaeefeeanB in Nwh-rill- e,

under aentence of deaih, and will hangtbem amid (Treat exaltation. Boon after Buck-n-

took pswesion of Buwllog Green, a Tniondan waa caught tearing op tbe railroad. There anwas no habeas erpua in the case Lie wus setOp on a stump and efeot into mhmeat by theaimul'anw w duohirfrw of seven musk eta. If aaacerainrilst were caught tearintr up one of xtrmilroad we would m:k bltn "tak the oath."

ofWhatever mav b the prime caqm, dlsatfectloo,

qr ftstra, there' in Utile dnobt that many of (Jen.Bnckner'a Rtmocity r are leaving bimOn laM Saturday tq iad of ten entered the campof CoL Jackecm, at Ovreufiboro, candidly tuld bimwho thv were, gave ap their arras and, takingtbe oath, declared thev would tight no moTeaainpi Kentacky. I doabt net that each in-

stances are mittnrrm, and that amorn the lien-tac-

peeeeeionista tbr i a rernlslon of feeling itoo the sn lent that will flcelly disarm themoat ritit I saw in XuisviUa. ves'arilay, twodtteiHof that place who ) indlJuciLner at thehettlnnius of the raid, but who are now there

(rain. Oo of them was reported to promi-nent among the bridie burn?. at Rolling Fork.Tbe Lit bar in a prad ate of tba Journal office,'though it Is known he dosa nut at'pnn of tbe doc-

trine tatfht there It Is doe to the Journal to faythat It bus dene w tl In turning oct. Union soldiersBwrdes tboee mentioned itboveaa having re'urned dto the citv, I mav so name others, who dailyprefect themselves bare aci to tike tbeoath Op". Jck AJUn, a notorious man, whowaeenced hi all the pira'iel xpediiicoa offjren- - Wm Walket, aid who baa aeon eervke In

Mfifco ia'ura!lv a rosile-- e man and indifferentso tbe fdiur- - has reacted Lis home in shelhvcounty, acd b3 taken tbe oath. Thirteen citi-n- s


ti the Pame county retained with him, allof whom hd been In tbe rebl service. The otbis being daily adminlstored to returning rotel,who buve & en enough of the Southern Btrvice.Prwtuo Hbo'wall, of A L. Shotwell, of Lou-

isville, h-- returned and Taken the oath lie ta

that there are bn drvds who will (tlidly re-

turn if permitted, o ii docmentn, however,are bell out to them. Tb u'nt Uiaorganiza-tkr- a

es'at among Bnckuer's men, and tbe causebat gained but lew recruits in Kentucky.

Capt. Henry Clay, who has fust received aeoTnmhvton as Asiaunt Ad'u'aut urder Brig.GeoeTHl Richard W. Jnhoaton, is a young man offine atrilitleB, a west Pointer, though not a grad-uate, and of trndonbitd and strong Union sentl- -

menta. HU position is a very strange one, andts one smone tbe many rr mantle stories of theday. His grandfather was tbe seje of Atibland,antl his fat died at Buena Vlbia. HU uncle,vlamea B. Clay, 13 a violent Psoe3ioc!at, now under bonds to fppe&r for trial for treason. Anmn

r ae, in the U. 8. service la reeponeiblfl ft the appearance ft tnal of James B.

Clav. A brother, lhomaa Clay, Jr., Is on tbestaff of tien, Beaureijird. His sister s husband,with whom youn CWy repfdes In this ctty, haslatelv entered the 0. 8. service, with two otberbrothers, for tbe war, and now comes youngHenry's turn, and be accepts the uneolicved com-

mission which 0n. J h son has tendered bim

fA geutlcmaa writng from this city to

the Cincinnati Gazette Bays:

I have communed with a gent If man whofrom lbs rVu h Lot the other dav. He has

been among the rtbato from tbe oommertcemeniof this struggle, and is an ardent lover of the oldStars and buipea. There la no exaggeration In

his method of stating facta, or in his es imationof their practical import. Yet be declared to mewVh amotion, that the aoithy of the rorth sickened and appalled him. baU he, "The rtbth arein emruebt; Oct yinir people seem to he aleepEverv man. wiiman, an t child of them Is at wrkIn some way to further the rebel Ion. Their con--Bcknom thr w do imcediments in i he way. Of

Km ucky thy pay, 'We nothing about heroerWa. we want her "i'. and will have it at thenrtnt of the havoret He Informed rce thatabout tbe 9 h or h of the present month, whilein Nashville, be saw a me Kentucky troopsooinff A u hwnrd on a train of cars. To a Confederate "tiiwr star ding near, he paid, "Whatiathatfoti' "Ob," replied the oiBcer. "I s.ip- -poee they are oumlng here to be armed," Thiswaa an evafion. Further lrqilry rewaled tbefac that the toldlirs were a portion of ther ot deluded boys whom B tcknor deooyed In

l Camn B one Th-- v bud sail thv "wouldbed d If th-- v would "lUltt against Kentucky,svid wre being removed like HoFfiLane to someother fie d of ac'i 'U 1 have no doubt many of

Hrlfl men are Ui'ronnms. who are unwillinto fieht atralost their Stata; !.d thev are hi- -

transtorr d to Kentuckvt wblte tbe Cmp Boonenpea will be ued la ftuflouri. 1 he eame

was assured hv thoee who hid convergedcnniidentially wi h Etirdea's Mi bo- - dinate thath! command alcne rtinforoed Uuckner to thenumber of fifteen th sod there were manyother detachments arriving from various dlreo--tioirt. Tennessee trtrps are retornlug in littlescuada from Western Virginia Becide the Teox Ranfers in Buckner's Cdmp there were sixteenbendred at Naehviiie, who were nt fully enp- -Dlied with horses up to the Id h lntt. Thwere amof-lni- the women and children with wondsrftl feats of torseroanabl riding at full epeedand enaxhi-ic- up small objeio from the groundshooting and irutantlv w!:!rlio tberosolvee undertbelr bora", etc They f.re cantinally remoxlngartillery forward frcai A&eiarilla, of whit,h tneytrem to have an endiess uppiy. Notwithstand-ing nil that has hben sail of a scarcity of arms,ft was bit the ether dw that a nuroert us rein-forcement reo&ivd muskets at the StateEou In b.uvhvill

They hire f till a otntadsraliie apply of bripsand bi i tin for the inanufActnre ot cannon, andare turning oat rew ona dai'y. Tbe HomeOuarus about Nap'ndlle ar.d otber portions of theS'Ate are bdrg mnsterod icto eenfoe to InvadeKentucky. The vromn are, tit work day andnight to provide clothing for the soldiers, andsome of them leave their fatniiies aird ?;eitdweeka at the bosoiiakw

7b tk Edtivrt of tha Louiaeille Jtmrnak

THE PKL9KNT CRISIS.What a sad page is now King written In tb

history of the American people The treo of lib-

erty has bea smitten bv tbe blast of anarchyand miiraie. Our country hss been assailed bytraitcrous hand t and by the jnthless tyranny ofha internal foa Tbe aiars and atripea have beentorn down by wkktJ hands and trampled in tbedual he dg of oar country, unJer which it hasnMLrched to glcry, to greatnesf and our presentnrosperi'-y- . It has waved in triumph over lardand sea, ard leneath its foiJa our soliherd and

coldier have win Immortal renown,fchall Ma," nbandm the Star Span-gled Eauner ftr the flier tliat waves over therebelUoas Statt7 Thesis for the rattle?unkewb t an exchange for the p ad Anurican peo-

ple! Tbe Mrper.t bitt ff or b en busv at ill; itwhUpered danmaUe inlnuation.4 in tbe ears ofX!e and seducd her from ber al'egUrca toHeaven, and now U would p!uce n from our al-

legiance to v.r country. God frrfrd that everIts coils Abold be fas'e-ie- around the flig of mycountry! Woe has followed the serpent from thetime of the fall to the prent day bell was cre-ated on account of it, and millions who have

Its tuinuatio'tis have been doomed to it.Gcd grant that Kentucky, my na'lye, mv muchkrrvd State, may never desert tbe glorious oldersgn of our country, tbe emblem ot our nation-ality, fin steS a 6ig as d. CivilWar, under ail circumstances. Is a terrible caiaoo-i'- v;

and ye, from tbefeltUb &mitivn aoi wick--lues of m n, he beat, irnvx rr mcn8 have not

been abl i to escape It. When I h k upon thisbright land, a few rooutbt) elnce so profporoua, sotrarq jil. so free, ard now behold it denola'ed bywar, and the firesides of lis thirty millions ofper pie da'kerd, and their bonores wrung withanguish, and krtow that all thi $ the work of afew men, who, ovr all thU na ional rain and de-spair, are p eparirg to carve with tbe swordtheir w?y to scats of permanent power,I cannot out feel that they are accumulatingfipon their souls sn amount of gutit haidly equil-W- d

In ail the atrocities of treason and of hoi.ii-c-

that have degrsd d tbe annals of our racefrom the foundation of the wTrid, The people ofthe Southern Confrderacy are resorting to allmean stratagem?; large bodies of Indiang havebeen UTUsteTe-- into rvice in the Southern army,armed, not only wirh the rifl-- but with tbe scalp-ing k.ffe aid tomahavk. Is Kentucky willingto Ii k ber uame in history wi h the excesses andcrimes which have sullied this revolution at evervftep of ha progrwsf Has the war wbocp, which

U9d to startle tbe al4p of our fr.m tiers, so ditdaway In ber ears that Bhe Is willing to take tbe

savnage to ber borom as the championof her rights and tbe r prescntatk a of her epirit?Mua she not firwt forget h;r own eons who d,

bu'ehered and scalped, upon tho dinatrousflednrf tbe early EJVolii'k)ti No contest somomentous as this had i risen in bnrruui his'orv,fbr, amid all the coi flkis of men ard of naUns,the lire of no such Government as ours has everbeen at stake. Man should appeal to man, andneighborhood to neighborhood, until tbe electrictires of patriotism shall fiaeb from heart to heartIn one unbrtken current thivngbuut tbe lund.Let us then twine each thread of the glorioustisstre of our country's flag arx,ut our heartstrings, and, looking upon our homes and oatch-tus-c

the spirit that breaibes upon m from the baUwu-w- w uiuwii-r- ?, ua revive tnat, comeweal or woe, we In me and In death, nowand ftr ever eland by the Slaw ard Stripes.

U)ISA Kentarkv gUt,

JUmryrr Ob- - Co., y., Oct. 2d,

Tyl Sottth Amkrkia. A letter fromsayB It was rumond there that Robert G. Scottbad been .nominaled lb the Coinmi.'isioi'r of theSoTTthern Stttea to obtain their recngnl'ioQ us anIndependent power. 'l"be Br siJiun Oovemmentpw!i!7ty rttntxi fo iy.t v.!rb tne ant crrgenlsof theso styl d Ct,nfiddracy. Tbe paperswer eid upon the table, and the sultct dbmisa-e- d

from thlr counl'.s.Aoooupts from Jjusnoa Ayroa up to tbe 27th of

Atigust rtpreoent the lineiihood of ar againT'jvans In that unhay country. The

Mtwoca K'fS'rt: end M .l!naa havu

Scved fruiUe'J. Tie c!t.y of Mended, Uteiyby an 9arth:urtks, id Iwlti rt Milt.

CJTAmmuuitkD waa shipped from the arsenal

at Indianapolis on Tuesday for the Indiana bor-

der and Kentucky, consisting of cartridges, balls,

bullets, to the amount of eoms several thou-sen- d



CoTTetpondeDce of the N. Y. Tribune.

Alexahmua, Va.( Oct, 16.

A very important ci one in hich the mer-

chants of New York and ThiUdelphia are ppecUl-l- y

interested came before the Provost Court of

this city v. Heretre the cwt has con-

fined its attentions mostly to cuminal cases not

desiring (as Judge ireette sard in delivering the. ik. .rt trt Av in tbe caee hrtt

above alluded to") to interfere in the ordinary

collection of debts or other civil cases, but these

cases blng of a peculiar etiarscter, iUnbeing no civil court iu Aiexanaria w wdicd vdo

case migov i""iou. " o- -

out of his Uriual chanael and tatethem npThe case was thiL-- : A mercnant oi ew lortc,

ramed Moore, I think, had claims against twomerchants of this city, or rather against two

rros. When the L nlon troops tirst occupied tmscity, the members of these nrms, raving Tan en

active part in the seceeeiun movement,that t boy had better goBtill further South,

and accordingly ahandened their stores and stocksand fled with the enemy. Jt waa ebown before thecourt that both inembprB of one of the firms were

tfioers in the rebel army, and that at least onetbe other firm occupied a like position. If was

lao shown that thev had left no responsible spentere to settle their business, ar.d that those h

were now soiling toe guuua moy usu iu uouk-- jwere self constituted agentt; and nhen at,ked topay any debt due from tbe firm, replied that

bey had no auiuomy mo io ao. j remuvB wmie of the missing &nn hal been riearu to saybat "it was not tba Intention or tne inercnants

here to pay any debts due the d d Yankee?, aswould help them to opres the Sout h."These facts having Deen staieu to juuge rreei

n advance, wish the asauraiKS that iner coumbe proved by competent wtlnesaeR, he decidedthat it mU&t be brought before his court; andccordingly tbe 'lumant bed bts case properly

prepared bv 8. t'ercruson Meacfa, Lq , the navs!utllCer, and a good Union lawyer ot trus cuy, enn

roucrbt Irtfore the courtThe arhdavits and . idence as stated

liRvintr been submitted and tbe raritee heard Infence, Judjre Ireeee decided:t irst ThaL it was a legitimate caie to come

a military court, as it wss evidsotiy anattemnt to take advantatre of cin um

stands, caused by the reUiHion; and especially so

the parues hoping to reap tins aavanUge werein arms apamt tne ijovernmeui. ami woum w

siied and atretted by tbe carrying cut of tnetrheme.Second 'ITiat as all the civil courts in this city

had been superseded and fufpeodfd by tbe mili-Utr- v

ocmpincy of the place, it was only lust andtquitabla that loyal men having claims againstduloyal refugees uhould le aided by the militaryautbori'ie in obtaining their duea.

Third The claims having been clear iy prtTveu.and no reason snown why any stay wf proceedingsshould be granted, tbe court ordered that all thegoods left bv these absconding debtors should atonce be taken pose88lon of by tbe court for thehenerjt of the claimant: that the store should beforthwith lucked up, the keys banded to theoourt, and a military guard detailed to watchJiim; that they should ne hld in this way for

five days, in order that tbe friends of the partiesmight, if they chose, redeem tbe goods by payingthe daimp; that if at the end of the rive dya tbeclaims were not paid, then tbe would bedisposed of in liquidation of tbe cliims. Thestores were accordingly closed, and all the good-

are now under military guard and in cbargv oftbe conrt.

This case, or thee cases, estabbsh a precedenthich will doubtless govern the Court In Its

future action, ard wbrch opens up a new andrapid way in which Northern creditors may ob-

tain their 1uat claims against Southern rebelswho have tbonght to get rid of their debts bybreek'ng up the Government. All loyal citizenshere highly commend Judge Freese s action Intbe premises, Blnce it deprives tbe rebels or anexpected advantage, and goes Just so fur instrengthening the Union cause.

'LT rem the Loodon DaO? Nen'B.

The Gropsib aji Ch aractkr oy Intehvkh- -rroN en aiKiioo ine letters irom Mexico tothe end of August dVcWe that tbe gkom andwretchedness of the English iu the Interior areextreme. Tbe Government, while it fails toguarantee them protection and security, multi-plies and aggravates its exactions. A pmjjortytax of one per cent, has been Imported on a1! per- -Bom living in tbe district of Mexico. Foreignershave been declared liable too, and are paying tt,by the advice, tt is said, cf the British Minister,noder protest. Even the poor and peculiarlyBritish consobition of grumbling la denied ourcountrymen, and Mr. Moran, the editor of tbeEofflish newnaner In the Cirv of Mexico, hasbeen arreted on tbe charge of publishing commants on the acts of the Government.

It is impossible that we can allow Mexico tooontmue thus to set at notion t every ooliirationand defy every summons. If its Government willnot do Its duty to its own people, it must at leastdo its duty to o. If we bad takea no part Inprocuring its independence, if w had lent It nomoney, we should still have the same claim uponit for jnst treatment of our ciizms as we haveupon Jupan or any other country, Pagan or Christian, to which our merchants trado,

Tne French have also a strong interest In MeIco, arising out of tbe diOerent circumstances.There are more Frenchmen than Englishmen inthe Republic, the city of Mexico alone containingthree thousand, and they have suffered with ourcountrymen, on tbe one hand by the general disorder and on the other by the legaliatd iniusticeof successive Government. It Is not, therefore.easy to understand why some of the Paris newspapers should take pleasure In discrediting i beintention of the Governments to ioin in measuresfor obtaining redress for the wrocga which theircountrymen in Mexico have sustained, and whichi buy still endure. The expedition which hasbeen announced is neoeesary, and, therefore, wUlbe carried out. But if it is necessary to bringtbe Mexican Government back with a stronghand to the acknowledgment of its internationalduties, It is equally impjrtent to avoid anythinglike ao Intervention In the domestic affair of thecountry. Our neighbors have never professed tobold the principle of as a hxedrule of policy; but, generalization apart, It isclearly tor the interest of all pirties that theMexicans should be allowed to termioate theirdisputes in their own way. We 6lull greatlyassist them In doing so if we take tbe portion ofrevenue which belongs to us Instead of allowingit to aliment a civil war.

By foregoing, or at least fbrbaarlng to eefcroeour claims, we have, In fact, been bribing thefactions to o tut in ue the strife. Tbe in teres Is ofall parties will tike a new shape whon tbe neces-sity of re koning with foreign power Is broughthome to them. In yosstsri-o- of the ter:p-t- , therew no tst cluhn wfificfi we nay ruJ enforce vponth Qorentmejit. We trust, therefore, that tbesuggested military warvb to the interior has noplace in the intentions of tbe powera Such anoccupation would give a character of Indeii lte-ne-ss

to tbe enterprise, would open the path toany adventurous and speculative policy, andprove greatly embarrassing. We at this distancecannot pretend to tlx tbe fortunes of Mexico;that must be left to the inCaenca of events, totho pressure of circumstances, and, above all, totbe character of the people. Such an occurrenceus tbeannouaced discovery of rich gold placerBon tbe western coast of Mexico will do more todetermine the future of that State than ail tberegimeuts that oourd be sent from Europe. Wehad better leave tbe country to nature and totime.

How BoMTiSiiiLLta aue Mat;.--T- he manu-facture of bombshells is verv interesting. Tbeshell is first filled with old fbioned round lesdnboiled; melted sulphur is then poured in to fillup the intoratiot's and bind the bullets lu one st ltdmast; tbe shell is then put. Into a kind of lathe,ami a cylindrical hole of the exact sUe of the ori-

fice of the shell is bored through the bullets andsulphur.

This cavity Is filled with powder even with theinterior edge of the orifice, a h shell of tbekind bere described ho.diug about half a pound.The fuse titled into tbe oritice is a rrcant HbJUinInvention, made of pewter, and resembles theecrew-oi- p ued for the patent fruit-can- s. An ex-

amination of this pewter cap shows, however,that it ii made of two hollow dics of metalscrewed together and tilled with meal powder.

A number of fine hole are drilled in the liwerdi&c, while tbe outer due U entire and mark dwith llgures in tbe circle, 1( 2, 3, 4. In thisstitethesheU is water-proo- f. When taken foruse tbe gunner, by means of a small steel no-- 1 ru-

ment, Kxxipe out a portion of tbe outer toft metalpurface, and lays bare tbe charge of compojiilonpowder it.

If the shell is desired to explode In one secondafter leaving the gun. the fcoopIngU made on tbefigure 1; if in two seconds, on tbe figure andso on; the idea being that tbe ehelld of this dercription shall tirst strike the ovicet aimed at anddo execution as a ball, and then explode, sendingtbe bullets forward as if from another oannon lo-

cated at tbe pint whore tbe flight of the shell isarrested.

Large sheds of eight or ten inches are tilled withpowder only, and, bursting, do execution by meansof their frngmea's. Thee Ur.e shells are gene-rally lired by means of a fuse ot' meal powder ex-tending through a brass plug screwed into themouth of the shell. In both cafes the fuse isfired dy the ignition of the charge la tbe gun.

Tkk CiBr??KT Divided Campari Move-?ieh- ts

We have arrived at a period in tbe bta-tc- ry

of the war when tbe largeet demand is madeupon the executive capacity. Tbe army of thePotomac id full; at least it ti&a reached that pointwhere it li in condition for atrKTes8vaoperitiona1and the Bnrplns cf troop is being directed tootber points. In tbe deli beret iona of the Cabinetap to tbe policy to be adopted here, there is adivision of opinion. The President, supportedby Secretary Seward, la opposed to a forwardmovement. Surrounded by an army, ae we arenonv, against which no foe can successfully con-tend for the posweion of the city, they preferand advise that do forward movement be madeberej bnt that tbe surplus force now coming intothe tield be forwatded to Kentucky and M'tsoori,and that in those States a vigorous effort be madeto crash oat ro ellion, while the naval fleets nowin conrpe of organization are bmnght to bearupon tbe jwirts and cities along tbe coast of theSon t hern States. But other members of theCabinet uree aLo, us a pirt of the programme, avigorous crusade during tb autumn mor.thsagainst the ru'el army in Virginia. The

of Virginia has ever rotaltK- - it? LnJonto n lare degree; it 1 now lrjoreasine;

tbay are rlisgiis'ed w!.h the rebe' anny and sickof secewQ. The 'valley" and l iatern Vir-

ginia dewrve to be relieve! froci tbe ir.'Juence ofthe rereia, and it ia believed that the rrblHonr. IrV.t M3 driven lack to Kkhmon l. A portioncf ie Cibinet are ?tr .n fr a muvement U thisei:d. Vet no (Wwon 1m lfn Brrirrl tt',-I- hil.

cm is.

-- The Hon. Bland Ballard, the successor of

Judge Monroe as Judge of the federal Court ftj

the District of Kentucky, waa formally qualihed

as such on Monday.

UovMSXisHT AKbiSAL. In all probability asnnanent Government arsenal will be estab

lished at Indianapolis, Ind,

county, Indiana, has furnished more

than 1,000 men for the grand army of the Union.

rgrThe Government owes the State of Mis

souri the sum of $8. X)0t00O upon contracts.


Ita;"? M.cKiy tt al, wMustcn;

BruL Warder, .t , Burrc, OrrarJ: rrtitlsnfrr fcli'r1nt( ovniiU'd.

.reni'lr-?- - . t tun ton ri n , MiW'I'v'b Koae el al. r IIftmvtn. Moii;Kfcculdt tft al. vr. Rw.t et !,Btn'.ti t i. Smi'iu Mwon; wpt rjtt.itf en l".'.

o 'ni'r vii. ln(fT.htn, S jyiie; arjpfd byJmin f"r aid --nbmitted.

CITY DIRECTORY,Arranged Alphabetically in Keg ard to


Sjktm, L-- north eiflo Main, bt 4th and VbAnderaOD. T .4 Co.. 430 Main t.

Henry, 6n.ro u el . A Co., Main st, be. Id ao4 tth.8kmcer, C. C, Main ft. bet. 3d aad 4th.

AcHculturn.1 ImplemeniLe aad BdsBrtmt, H. A Co., 67 Mm ft,Sberrona 4 Bro.t 931 Mia. bfetireen Plitii and Seventh.Mnrjo. A Co., eomor A Oren avid iJth.Pttklu, Wiard, 4 Cc., 616 Main rt.Carter A Bnohanao, 4W4 Main ft.

VaHetir. Te, Rnd t nnryBae;, J No. aiW Fourth st- -, twt. Maiu and

tfi.Herta.J. C. BlrM's (rormerly ITarrif'i) Gallery, MaIii, be-

tween Fourth and Fifth4 Bio., ftUtn at., beleen Fonrth and Fiftn.

RoAUaellev;, HtoXlsoenr. St Periodical ileaiereDnvideon, A., 3d trt, bet tlp(Teron and Mars.Madden, M et, it JeSersou &ai MvkK

Bazken.CarUf Warre-i- , ATI Katit Ft.

BoniMt Bleit'.Oborce.MTi. Wm , JefTereoa it, hnt Bd and 4'h.1'lothlnc mnd en:tenOBa VurnlmMca fJeMwfau

Annrtroiir, J. M., earner 4th ed M1n rte.Sproule A riajidavtUe, corner 4th wid Main st.

C,arret Oil Ctoths, and 1 ortafn Oeemt A Small, Kia st., bet 3d and 4th.

Cioalut, irliuitlllna, ai?d Varieties.M errtman, C TH 4th tl, near Mala,

P ivnado. El., Vain ft.bst. tb and Tta,

China and (laAewareCMseflay A TTorkiDit, 634 Mfttn ftOutcher 4 MK,Yedj', 413 Main otJaeinsr, A.- A Co, 4th st , bet. Market and JefEervm,

Oal Dealore.Crittenden A CKntt, 8d st., bet Main and Marfcai,Kellogg, J. N., 3d at, bet Jenertou aud MiJirei.

ChtmAwXa and Aiwthraarlsa.Daves, g. eurnar 4tli and Jeenon cut

Cement.McHaett, F , Main st , bet 7th and ftb tta.

C'pJThaw manufaetiireta.Btone, I F. A Co., UiAn st, bet lrt and Drock.

Prnsie, lTeetnfrV, Ot!a, Fntnla, &-- .Morria, J. 8. Son, 461 Main otRobin ton, B, A. A Co., V .n ft , bet th aid flthVilvm, Peter, A O.. 482 Main stWilder, R.,446 Main at

Dry Good, Clothe, 4kMark A TVnrna, Main stroet between 4tb and 6th,Mama A CramtMnirh. 4th, hTwen Market 4 JfnVrvn.Tabb, Q. B., oomer 4th and Market

Knr and Fur GoodisCrai, A Main ativet, between 6th and 'to.

Fanoy Uoodsu Kmbrelerles, and Trimming a.Raochfuss, Charles F, 4th street, bet Market ftikd Jeff.

FlehlnK Tarkle, Gods, and IImcoIbDlfkon A Oilmore, M rtrt bet. Main and MarketGriffith, .fopepn, ftth atrwt, bet. Jlalo and ULirketFtro, rMartne, and T.ife Immranca aR4

AmentaAmerican In. Oo.. H. IVnt fcV., Main, bet. 8d and 4th.Jrffrraon Ina. Co,, Wm. Muir. 8hc, Main, bt M and S4Lonlvli3liL4. Co F.obt Atvood, Quo AtaJji, U-- W

and 4th.Muir, .lolm. Main rt., bet W and Sd.Rom, Wni., Main st, . frt Aird M.Waahlnrtn In. Co. Wm. Hoea, Bee, Wain ft, bet. Id

a.'ul 3d.Genile-are- Fnirnlhtnsr Goo9e

Armftron, J. rrr. 4th and Main rtt.

rVtoftUy A Sadfr, Bd et, bat Market and JefTetvoa,Gro4Mria, Ilqoore, and Tohanoev

Stewart A Parter, (Ab Main streetIJqaora, Wlnea, and AloelraL

Hart A Clark. 3d t ., bt Main and MarketMonka, Joseph. Main atreet8rhrrder A , Whll et, but. Main and Water.Zaaoue, A. 4 Sod, 6th et. h?t M&in aikd Water,

Iiuuber, Kaah, Door, dkcAlexander, RlHs, 4 Co., cor. Pmestou, A Walnut A Mala.

betvttm let and 3d.Brediu J- N cnr. Malu A Wenael and Walnut, between

Ket A Floyd.ITIltl Fnrxiln(irna.

Herbert A WrWht 1 Sd streetPrlntlnsi Pnpr Irlannfaetnrers,

Doront A Co., Main street between 4th aoc itXPowder.

Dapnnt A Co. ,Mn!n --trw. between th and feih.Dvis 4 Speed, 6ft Main street.

pHlenC medicine nod PeKirote,Raymond A Tflc?i 4th street, between Main A Market.

fleet euirnjita.Cawrdn, J. A Co. fW nJkpr'e, between Market A Ma'r.BufliW, C. C. (St. Cbarlee), 5th!, bot. Market and NUIu.

HeTrlna Machlrww.Barber, C. T., A sent frr Grover A Eier'e Beviikg Ma

chin, 3o3 Fo-r- sU

StaniboaX A Kwntm nnd m7iiiKs1oii sum! For-Prw- lo

A Co., V7ll etreet.Moorhtiad A Co., Wilt street, bet. Main and Wetsr,

Tenia and Faucy (roeer!e.Lacham A Co., Sd street, bet. M&rket aud Jeflersca

Tobacco Comualasloa.Nock, Wicks, A Co., 512 M- -u street

Undertaker.W Wratt, ccr. Tth sod JofTeraon rtreeta,WoomIod and WIlicTf Wares Brooms, Cordnsre,

BAWSON, ORItIN, S38 Hziii itroet--White Itul and ltned CHL

VTOnq, Fster, A Co., Mala street.Bfirdwax amd t'&Uerr

Ormty, Colli, Main street.Hat and Cai ITIasafaeturvn-Craig- ,

A., l 4th and Main, and Main bet, 6th and Ttb,Iron, Hteel, Nulla, Are.

Belknap, W B Co., corner Third and Main.Jewelry, Waicbca, aod Pkita.

FteTcber A Pnntn, Malo st , bt. 4tb and oth.Kendrkk M irt., twt. MArst aitd MiJa.Voaiit A KUnk, Sd st bet. Main and M&rkev

Lnmpt, Dnm1ni Fluid, Coal Oils, d aHardy A Beatty, 4th rtreot, between Main and Market.

General Prednce and Provtaloa Broken.A Co., 5d, bt Main and rlvw.

BnrfctLnnlt. W. A Il tUrkst- - rwt. th and ItaRibbltt Sod, Market, twt. in and 81,Cood A Moody, Wall st., bet Miln and tbe riverGardnar A ( o., C'J M.iio ezroetGav. Wra., bt) Main strvetEl albert M A Co., t& Main street.Jack A Brothnr, o1." Main street.Morris, Geo. W., TUutI treet bet Main and WlkecjNewtorub, U. D. A Co., Wall streetOtter A a;'d. Sixth tr-- t, b--t Market and Maia.Rsweoo, Todd, A Co.. ol4 Main tfrert.ftnjdr, JoUn, Market street bet r'trst and Brook.

BUCKWHEAT 50 bars n"w PeonevlTanlaper Marmora in store and tor sale

br023 W. A H. TITTRKnAnrvr. 41f Market K

NY- - 10 bbU new Qomlny received and for sale

V. A H. PITRKII ARTT. 417 Markot tn f OLAaKd-f-tt bble PlkPUt oo Molaawa in stoieA' I and tor sale bv

Ht TRKT1 A PT. 417 Mark rt.

BRBAKFaSTBACOi'4-Dti- pId nm, clear Sides,

In tlnr an.l tr sle byotl W. A H HPHKHAKFl'l'. 417 Market rt.

CooeieUcg of Bl LLIUN, Eubr.-ere- and

w Patent Mttalllc SHUCLDEB STRAPS,

UKNAMrKTd, BA8UKS, Ac, alwayi ou

hand and made to order at


US2 J person street.if: between Tbird aod Fourth.

mm tU. 8. Officers noikd at len chan

vciodnnati priori. oU

SUGAR3-rW)b- bls White and Yrflow toREFINEO for sale byfl R A WHOM. TOT. A PQ.


bbl Snftr-llous- BiruKa store and for sale bvo14 M ARflriAIL HA'BrRT A CO.

jl 1 ACKKRRL11 i. bM No. 3 larp? Hackerrl;

5 kit "o, 8 do:In rtcre and for rale br


STARCH IbO boxee Sttrrb in store and for sale by

tTAKCHO fM bofc-- J. J. Wood's Co'ucib-d- a Pearl 8trcq1M0 Vl do 'lo do do do?

Tost reaiivM and for caio by09 OARDNTJR A CO.


1 do K. bvRAwno(. Torm. on.

O MolAfsei In etr-r- ard for sale hyq1 AND'W Bl'CUANAN A CQ.

DID COFFEE- - VKJ bae Bio Ci e In stole and forLt. siale by


Mackerel la store andMAi,KEitBlAND'W BUCTHANAA A CO--

.t ' bs Rio, nood and prlrue;f0 d La(niHia;160 do Java (tn pockety; for sale h7

i,W'HrN T tn. A i!Q,

J L lLMfl 4 att for sa!e on ootiaign-- 3

meut b)RAWPOM. TOHDj A OO.

CIGAK8, TOBACCO, iW IJaTana Cigarsand fr ale by


supply:O also other Military Hooka, Tittles, Ac

o: l. A. civileJ.


Sft. W Foil '1b st , tor. !ia and MUt,i

W. B. WILSON(Successor to Gr. V. Bashaw),WliOLKaALK DEALFR IN

CHOICE FIELD AMI GAUDESAgricultural and Horticultural Implements and Macbims cf all sorts,

FLASTBR, CEMENT, WHITS SAiVP, JLKD t.imi?9Main St., bot. Third and Fourth, o;pObiio Bank of Low.iilc,



AT MA.D. D. RUHL'S,ronrth street, nest door to IVIccart Eall


LACKS V S wd HTAt F lilTI'nN!. Ut-- JUttOI LI)i:rt STaP:-!f"- Olhrcj--- - et tiiiJvrfn ra'it".

twrH CV'tiUS, iKlNiitmade to ordw at Ths lowest inHc-- -. f'J'J ltf

WATTB, (T!', 4 COPadurii'i, Ky. Li ausvi;le, lud.


Commission Merchants,45 bkuau ar., NBW vokk CITY.

TE hqvo opened a In Vi City of Mw Y rV

f for tiif P'lf o". ro WtV vr Prodi a . andnenwttullv eoli' it a Fhiire of W-t- p:i mi prom-ou- r

Lictt efiorts lor ttia iutarfcta ot our curTfef',"u'3- -

st full tie'". in round li:, tV.vuioie adi-- i r'tjivweiiteto he Sew Vr.ik nmi'fc..

Mr lAin Wit of V.'tt, , Vi . jiIi.and Watti-- . iln. New jrK an ', t'.' ;):uiyfitiiilliar with tti Tolnc-- ruJ.-- , wttl aive hU nm:b'tution to f'at depart Mr I. A. fCrAP & F.vati'vill', will attend direct to thtWefitiii Produce dyartmont.

WATTS, CBANC, A !',Nru- - , TtUtr1 1. ftU"' ll .m"

GKO. CATHRALL,Manufacturer aad Dealer in

Tobacco and Cigars,8outbat comer i Second and CallOHhtll eta.,


N. B.Au assortment of one mMHou Domestic Cigars

0LMSTEAD & O'COXXOB(3ucciBeors t. jua, Bottn

F33 STTONA Q&tlttil L COAL,Aiid Bole AeimtF foi tbepoxnoroy Ool

ORDKRB for any of thfl tibonn Coalapromptly filled at the ioivfait ruarkct

prices.Ccnjtantly on hand alarite Biivlvof the "PKYTONA

OANNiiL" and PICACOOK" P0.HBK.OV COAL3,which for kitciion, parlor, or chamNr iwe have no bupei ior.

Offices No. 04 Third ferret bptwe-:- Ma: t andat ltobb'a old stand; and at No. JJt"2, southwest

corner Bm-rt- t nnd Murko ftrfTp. dll


0HfLDRKN3 FLATSliiip rti'f,


A rvd affiorttT-m- t of lack, iialp lacs. tdBUCKiiAM t'KAMJB aiwayt on hnuA at lh lovetCHfh pTiw4.


J lil" TfiT iror. rt

JTor Sale.Cash paid for llarley

At run


Btftwen 3Uta and SevetJi.


DORN & HUGHES.Gouiiiiission MerchantsRaw Whisky, Hour, Bacou, Sar,

Grain, Tobacco, and Trodace,

Mesra. T. ft J. W. Gaffe Dictiltertes, Aurora and Lw--rncBirs. Io3.

MeM. fl. tlne A Co, Tdtil', Pitric, lad.Bearcrass I lour Mlits, Luievill. !Iy.Hooj!- -t rAiil&t- - li dGaffs Aurora aod Lawrenceurg, led.,No. 613 not.Ji B'do Market street, between

Siitii axd Seventh streets,Jrt?tdsTn UnRVTt T P, KY.

New Importations.At No. 877 Maia street, rtre floors bclc7 tlie LouiivUle

Hotcl,now Tca'vlng ler- - aJaitJoa to th?ir rtrr ofARF aid On har.J and urrii-iu- ; a

larsi antl hndoou m clfteB'aro, Brit, ndPliitl , I,uiito-r-

Toilet Bf, ar-- Frelt; !. all if vhicb i?Ul be(rilured at ai low Enures as can ba iu tie rjMBet.

Improved Metal Burial Oases j

f"0fflc8 corner Saveclh acd Jrrwo, Loulsvl.l.i.4r j

TUB obovs Cask.6 a.-- made of Conr.gir-- 3:crttal and lliifc.l vrilh JV;rrtia or Iiwlis Kuubgr

so a to bo Air and Watur Tlhi.AU orders prompMy aMcndt-- t i. dS3JStf


Ns. tia TiitiA sti-t- , have In stoie anil lrsale

to bblsctipfrlorBcnrboQWiii'ty,,ireuro!'l:l do do x Co

lu casks Cccnui Brandia;310 ' do OO flo;

Ao Port Wir.;IA W flo atvloiradtfi10 V flo RhoiTT do;

V bbls old Peai.h Brant!?, r'r;21 bSU old AriIo Caiidy, pore;Champaa,e v ln!S, vurlotis brana;'N. Lorurworth & Co.'s aad J. McM! Hen's NittvoWteeiPn;lish and flcotth lal Al-- an J Pcrtr;Cia'mt In casos: Aninettf. AosyutiiMaraechino; Cnrarua, sc.

J! lrt, a Laiyn and i Ftp1j KtPicUtea, wA Uermetica'.ly 8ala Goofi cf all dcrftttis ft lrtwt ntarkft t.rW- ff M




Po? s!e at pan;x prloe.mS4 riKIHV "?.

B BonIt Crushed wetted auii l'' byalrt KArVSiN. 'fOTMV

WHITK hvy tjhls Ii&. it Saiitjriia i;i f.Torn Mid

and UiirubuvsV CLotw received iir a :d vr uvo Uv

a!5 I NO. F

3i:fiA.V-G"b- Balticiore D Soft LV.:hREFINKD ana for aie byaj uvflJ T'n t'n- M' " "f

COFFEK-S-- W haas good to fciiliuo KIo Coffee iu "toresale by

RIO C;FPEK U'J bags Bio Coffw g peraud Cor nfJf -

Cirnr of fVw.nd wid kTi

IAVA COFKKH j btiga euirijr oid Java Cotfoo re--

Ivcd and for sale byOATtPNIft A CO.

Holt '9 Speeches for tho 1,000,003,.Complete LdltloD, containing:

fpHK Addroas to tbe K&nmcky iroop-- at Cfrjp "JoJ Holt "

The Addrvae de'lvpm.1 at July 1 1, IKriL

The Addrpd In trAy to U'.in. W. IuT at Osise, N YTb" Adnsw Iu reply to tiio UufT-il- Comiulttce at tNi

Falls.Will b mailAd to nny pddrm on 10? ipt. of two

thnwvcent ,tamH Pricf by thdmi 4u cent?, or byma I 50 cuU. Prite hy hd buii irod 2 or by mral

HOLTS LFTTKIW UPON TTIK POLICY OF TllBOOVKKNMKNT, llii: Pf'.ND! NG Bl' VOLITION,Tl-'- DUTY 01 KE!riUC!Hf,at, when oroVrwi withthe abov, will bi laruLbvil for one tr.irwc-'Jit- . st.iitip;by the loeeu i5 cnte, or by mill ij oentu; by Ihv hua-dre- d

dL b mat I $2.L. A. CIVILL, Main "t-- ,

m30 wtftl , Kr.

JLABl'TT WINKch b ood Wiatc

ia) caakfl do do do;In store aad for sale hp


a5 FliLh nt.. balnw Mud.

BLACK AND GPJ'KN TWA 3 A fimnt of eufc rior Ulitrk sjd firo Tpji. sa

5 it lected exitreaaly for faciity trdd. tcr sah by.t. 1 . IjANI Am CO .

,1? Importers of T. ae. c. Third t.

TAECH-1'- W box Jnlhra J Wood's ColumbusO Farl Btiroll lust recefred and for i?ai; by


M 1F8I CottoaFlO'T M.T" )lst rerxuvM audfor tale ny

art W. ft R. BUBTOABDT, 417 Markt s.VTKW PRINTS" w Vjrt now styl Prints for

1 1 faU tia-i- s Jiut re salved an.l for tl o.oai frr f,vhlal7j T A ft. SLKVIN & CAIN

IAMILY FLOl'Kof ditterent brands, ail warranteda,' ftood, for sale by

J. fi'.TTTU BPKlD. Main rt.

j a.';d f"si' bv ia.j O hun::k A CtJ.

AOUAVR-- Con Hi btiw in stmA and for f&IeI' by

sujsirscss cm f E

A KNE'J'l COOPE i .,

Wholesale Ceamtesloa Werciaat

Butter, Cheese, & Produce. in

43 ,11 stroet, XocifcvlHe, Ely.


AWM ittto. tl i)fd Ll Mtfiu t.. LcL TMrd and tb,

CTEArIDOAT AG- - IWV."ri;l Aj;tA for Tc'.j. CvAj RUi.'ron..?

No. C F:)i:5n'll m:: WALU 3i'.TSwc! Ttf rv

W. P1TKJM. VM. L. P. KilU. . r. iVAf.


J,a JJ-- j L fc 9jl t

MachinesHydraulic C?.ant Znzo, 2Tlafftir, tc.

tf !. S.if,i r . (IV.

tPF.r'-'C'-i Pi;rtR3--i- and kln;?.

J 1PR( ;V'".!) pi .iK TAHLK Mll.-JV- . 11 j ffo; iulibUi' 1i;d l:.liul- l j u

MA" MlSwa.. -- 'trn! u'-- i tf HnM11 Irons, tkv?. Liiir:f n, Boltiog, Piui jt Pirii.and

K'.M arMcl.-'-W have 00 hk'id a rr!r rf fJ.'r-")iuK- d

arti'.les. Forsaji Kw aaO .nn:itv v ailiF ItrtM f .t

ssn37 g.f r)o. U Third rt.. Mn ad .:vrif;

Comer Fourth Joilrr" :ei fT--- :

JcrlLt!PS''.'rrIii' &.. j at ran'-?""- eci;cn?-''i- '1

at H Lirnn day ?? ui?'::z, di:

ITIBllITTfeSON,3 Mai kct t, bat bcood ax:d i iiud,


somt SOTDS-- Cc CO.,

fr" Msi'i btltveru Third and Frwirth,LO'.'HjVU.uV.KY.

PAivnc:i.An at nr. - u1v?:n tqtu b.ili d tr- a.--, uuil


W? !ir7e in .?,ii 3 tl ?nrbratefl i:tv.ii cf . iv. rt b' jt'f S, 3.1:1

Ccr e.ve s'o prf- -j w,'"j"'i fc'

A. V.rw. 3.- - For -i: Ly ?i i:e L

11 i ur'rieMol'iVa


I hre )xft rvm otvdr'.I -- M rfV fr ?!p rr hwl!ca tii; Ltr)('.'5t kinl ctiort fclv wit -- '.oci: of

Chiua, Clapri, and Q.eenb?rar3Ever offi'ii l'l tbla tr vy othT oHy la thu NotrJi orBo'jlb, I hare aio oa ha.ul und i:I aB to li.votbe r!oc oi E!LYKK-PI.V- .D WAW3,CLl'I-taV- , B.ITANNL v.;Di:M ANiWIILLOW WAKE, aud GAd ILXTt-H;:- la tbecouulr, i:d wlucb I will at jTle-- f U- tlu tlrjt

Yvrwrt havlns old Cr.irni'llera. L iTinr :, A,c . ztLn xtth'

I rJ o t n:n O.P. f PIPSLnto

r' J

In antifl!-T- rt"..'v v4.'t ri J i r

..1 .;tr't"-n- x ,U ts nr

T'.Jld St., :,

s:.i ..:. .

1 - hi is-

fll ?Viln. h- '


r 1, . M , M. iJ

. C VrT ,T.


lu kbit irhi N. O C

3 r.i"iKICK FAMILY il.Uid iy oq ba:vi I

,T f'.MlT'J T1!

i! ft..i ! r ?z'i.c by

'POH VC rji ,.,T.-- rt,bait- - sjoirtej brsindff, liiJ Stottf for ,

W. ffl I!. '!

J AC bLoJ. jvi.-- , a- d e'eir itlii'i tr ?tore

all V. tz 1L bl'KS i:';T, 7


il'AVii i, AND JAVA CO by.1 sMj'fi! 1.!), Muj st.

1ALI,C"S D AFT' 1 av;D fit AO Cil'U.


UA:D..t: .UD, .



llr t til

- U MO.iiK !.' '.. .u .'o;a 1 rexr.J;

r'i 1L V. CO'UV


hh'P ri'.iair-tbi- ! 'e;W kit

Ij oii-- wr nl-- V;'


CS A ND aiiOt'Li-'IiitJ- -

5Io Ptuve a'jJ Iy

( ; A

Mati;ii:s- -.t.h of vi'ii ah!;:':

AUO Ju srvas V:.'; ocut

rv..t, Lc.t.-.'- fLi JsndFvurLfi, auCt'oi sii'nLuw by

Uj'.wi'J ItAWHOV.


liiST iV.i OF 'lil-- L'WITu U ci'ATl'.J, by p. rartt- -

f- f 6 Ci'.y i.o!.1; !e by


6 r, a :

CO 1TW --IIO lt;o Co(b'.

In rloitt a;;d f'-- c

ai '7- - (I.


r itahi.Ij s.uT-- w tbu fiuo able b:ilt lr st"r tia--

1 1fr ilrt by

liili. f,, hi;.' r a "...d

W. j H. l'l:

IT IO OOi -- 1,1' 'V 49 i'0?ii and i'jS I. In ire a.ia i .r Sid


rJIO COFr'Fii- - bayfb' ;w m;;'o.aa:

;lOlfi.i. Cr- biil Ui

MArttlALl U.AUv-- j CO.



Hotice to Passengers.COMMKNONO "1, Trau.s on the

NL NASIIVIlXt KAfijKOADw.tl i.n.x Lo:iiI!e a follow.--:!. ! :Ki! n Tia'.n tSuc.Ays excevtcd). r:uf A. M

.. :.U P M.Buperintiidut.

jPassong-er- ehoald be careful in pur-chasing Tickets to Bt. Joseph or points

Kansas to eo that they read by thoNorth 3ZUouri Xlailroad,

It is tho only all rail end direct routefrom St, X.ou to St. Josoph. thirteenhears qaickor, faro low aa any otherrute,

1HAAC n STt RUFrM,Prr. 'r ui:d Gvju'l dup't Njrth MiBMurt It. R- - Co.,

3. Mo.



Bunraor ArTaoffcmrct. 1061,i after T;!P!"1r, CW. t, ln. Fiutix Tralnt

IU levw Nr.w Aibaay as follow r1 M. CHIOA'Xi "Ji'RWf aily except Snn- -

fyr Terre l!vi- and l;n!Unao-li- ,tui'l C'liuutt: g at Lauiyette tor C1iicngo.

HrThro'ij?h froLQ New At baby to Chicago In 16 hours.7:46 P. M. 8T. LOUIS NIOUT KXPR&a Datlr,

i ichiu:-- ' lit. boms at A. M an '3 Cincinnati at 6A. M. TLie T iin ru'is to Mitchell only.

ST. LOL'ia EXPRI'SS atiives at NewAIli'.n.- it 4: A- M , mik;ni( c'ae connections frcmSr. and Cuicinuati, reach! ux Loulsvilie at 6;15A. M.

TheCHJCAd'J MAIL arrlvw at 7 w P. M- -, reacbiugLcuio-ai- at P. M,

ruin mv'tf rofl NotMj

Itl'rl.i( Ka Ci'y -i sit iMiuti hvt, e?t, and Ncrtb--

I Triia? are raa by LonltriCe Mm.fTT-F- TRit!)I''.li TICKKT3 acd fnrhr Infrr--

at tlw KAI LROAJccicjr cf Third and Main streets,

ilie, Ky.A. B. CLLVER, eop't

P. 8. PP.UM,Aent a!J dtf

- v i i i ! i. - r v i

ilillNClNa APRIL 14 lvSL.


Colnxiib-a- s and XeniaArn

( iuciiinat!, HamctUoDt& Daytcn

ii mimmi 1861


In $"Ti hours. Nrtw York In 91 hoars,t'.ia.t' (vhia in 3T V hmrs. Ffltioioro In hour.

,t- - . , ha in i' 4ti;re. A.lbany tn hour.Ili.itlo in tr.',v lic.irc ImKjrk b 14 boors,i '; .v hours. Fittrbnrr in I'd benra.vii-'- imp tn ti.v beers. HwibenviUs tn 11 hours.( rt?iV' iu f 'tpwilla in 7 hours.G'jAiitky iu S'1 ho!. T in 9 hours.

L'tDoit in hours.

Vbroatr Tralae eave C In r! onall m folloraA. M. EXTT.ES From Clnefnnatt, Ham-Ct'-

A Dfttoa Depot conuects via Toledo, Detroit,r.rni CAiiart.

7.i:0 A. M. CTNtTTAll KX.PRR38 From Littlei':l VJf.it ' C"'nanh-:4- , (,'ieveland, Drin-Vh-

id H'ifWx v!a O!iirort:, Cestlttie, and Plts-- I'

ri. it la. Ouuir.l, it, Sieabnviile, and Piltiourg; andIt Co!oL;bu, atii D.'iswc-od-

A. M. FXPKt'SS MAIL From LHt!o MlaielI) rot. cnt'f..: v!. .'oh'xib'ip. Tlo'lair, ft"l Ftttsbir;vIa :s, OfllnH, si"1 inplmrfej via Colucibut,

d, i.'.iukirk. ajilP. M. F! TBHBS Frnvi Cincinnati, ramlltoo, A

Dajto&D-fot- , c.' v!a Xuledo, IrtiT.it, aad Cana- -

10 r. M. NIGHT EXFarsS-Kre- io C:.ir.1noi.ri, Uam- -Flo:t. s t.' tn pnp'..f., c int?rta via Columfci;- -.

a!" f'tt't 'm:; v Colitinbu, Crtli, acdl'!c(t ( V nipjhns, Clvpland. Dun irk. and Bi:f--

vta C'lnn-hn- , 1.1) air, nd Benwocd; and viar.ni)?Jrt ar4 l:itiircModern SUcjin.j Cars on this Train.

for Lalta Steamezs will take tba morning Tral-i- .

rrTba 5:45 P. M. Exprsst, Baturfiays, for Toledocmy.

The Sight runs Daily, SaiurcUni excepted.AH oiher Tram run Daily t Sundays excepted.

I in'ralr? run hy Clambo time, which b 7 minatejfwWr t'-i- n Ct iC'uiieti Uiae.

T. t'aga Checked through to all Eaotaru Cities.Csscrprr sroafd hs It rrd that the

i3 t.wuLDi:i FAVOItlTK HO'TK.iiu.'iM pivxu-ily- tlm Koad are thoroughly

Ki i LAB l"'ti , aiid U rniiroTTjmtrtitB aioptalv.M tug iryal, tiOitrOLT, aud 8AI KTY.

rristocon t:h;etoAj-,-. P P!t thL. PiflNCIVAL TTOKPT

C r'i'iif-i- . WP-?- aad BOL'TIL Ask fir Tick-L- ti

via CXCX;:iSATi.P. W. .DpH,

Tic ken Ae.?nt,(.inclnoaH.

Sr0yl1!; gis;1 Frankfort aad Lex-'v-.ri- oii

a?id Fraskfort

KA1LROADS.fcN AND AFT tilt MONDAY, April 23. Trains

I ly-bl JT, A? A. M., soprinf at all statlcojv '.si.itrccd.oTfvp' r Gr'i.iiQB. ii4re('our, Browus-nu- u

'3An iff, at Eniuence withrtap-j- s

nr l:w Cvtle; st F ranli'ort for lanT'icebtirK, UfUTods-t."i:- ;.

5,nd at Midmr frr Versaillfa; at Paynesn for Gort:,iti;wn: i.t Ijtxiutrtou via railroad

b 1 Htiy f.tr Nicholcrfillts Lancastor, CrahBidinn.ua, Mt. aterling, aod ail In- -

r1 r ' "IS.

tl ; ONl TtAFN S:M P. stopiln? at all rtatlmav'h-- e 1 ft , r ici'id-- , l'oint, Kad Coarse,i . : '.v'v's, I'ra Tt iif iV aod !ortti ra&oa:

? rnnb p.t ;riin(;nw New Caa:le; and atl'aVi!u B IOV '."CT'.Ct','"!;.

. t;i:i' M ACCOMMi 1DATION Leare at 4:10P. M., atopr-"- f t all ritations; r?t!iniui. U

lr.i: c t bt .V at all utaUous, aud ar-:- i,

:t ;vii if- rtl .1"." At M.iiiuL' ,iTire In a fVJows; FirV Train at

V:- A. Tr-il- at C:'Jj P. id.; L5'-ivi- Accoia- -!cd at.s-1- A. M.

l'n-'i'i- Vi"alufl leav 1 Lonlovlliedcily (Pununrs xcaptA, a'c i: 'p. M.

Fi."Vhv Li r.3iTod a,: nl rll3Cargrd from 730 A. M. to(J J K,

hrouvb Tfffts for DanH1!-?- naTodbcr, Crab'"' I'Vi:.'!, ti, and all fur'.jzi:iT rM'trnn can b! had at tbn Ibpft in Lonw-.-ili-

cf tnJ Pr,ok ?tre!."a.MiJiiij HILL,- ::'f L. 4 F. and L. A V. K. ft.

f'l Kli. f i' f. C'.l f.nd rint-- - Ilt';

IL'J Jnh (iu yockt'ti- O r pa!f bvIUV.'RuM. YoIjD, A CO.

lei bi Eitra Family Flonr la ttore aod for.110 by

s!l W. A II. BUHKHAFDT 4!T Martret.rt.

f, XT rt A FAMIi-- F'.AP -- l:t fr.xen duperiorA.J Ki.ii' rrT?lvp i An, r , y,,.

A W. IfLUKHARHr. 417 Varketai.

ii1::.!' Ti b gi IV.o Coa e rwt'lved and for, n rnei, A rvrt 4t- - vftrk-- t ft.

'A tLASKr:it! hhlc pfln e P!30t.tl'jt Ml"".1:Tn storo r.Tid tor lkJo by

r A w ' ' nil-- h A N A v ;o.

j OVi,;.IN(-i- i Hl(fKS bh'dPdrt 1. tad JiUD:iiE.it hiicifs it: aad tcr

rai.'t-- ij AMrW FL'CH NAN ct.WISJfft-b- -

Wi:i:1' ) c tt .U'iTiii do;

hJ d;) N'iSfnt (t: ' 'laiet clt;fj b 'Ja hit'j ('o;- l.kd Wherry dj;

00 Fait do;In ctotd &Dd for sio br

AHTHOTY 24NONT! & BON,aJO Fitrh Btr'wt. hiiow Main.

JXltI3-fl- 10 ' Vinrh Bm-d- for sale byaSTHnV ANoNt; a son,

I tiiJi pr., t!ow Mftln.

.' bojbs E'ardieonOI'VM OK

'.c,'Tt. jiyM!'f-- 1 WTiUky-- 4

I '(v-- Hoiiaild OlOr, y.u:iiivOj,t i.m-- 'a atd St. C'rt'T

lWe.Jcby ANTUOSiV ANONIO A BON,lu Fittb ft, k..- - H,in.

jJIl.IiAllY i;0'JK3 atCTVTLL'B, Main sU

J:i2KXulON KECORO (5 1 arts) atCIV ILL'S.




t ft, Prli X, ;t CIVILL'S.


1M' :a cuamcal usawingCIVILL'S.



SCHOOL chuap atcivir.Tfl.

3 AK- 1-

1': 's tl- Ua;lu rtoreand f.rsU: by

Ji W. ii U. HFRKHAUDT. 417 Market st

do PljQMill d'r,iO do d;

per Ida May jt! for rile hvF liOWASID ft C'tV,tr M'lunlactii'-ers-

Jn'o. t.rtwn Third ami Feu th. sVa,

lifT'liLiON Pi:COKii. A mry of ArKii- -

UfLi Um LoCldVlLLU AND LF.TTKfl"J F. Ji'fri'.i.. .JvM.LVI'iO'-- i T'3 rot: .Til of Jl'LV tiRATION INI.W YORU- - ii a-- .. L. A. CIVILL

IO O' KKC- -J i hrt p'im- - Jtio Co.V landing irmii'.lV-H- .'.nj 1 ,.-- j'o tr.--

AND'W PiK: rlANN ft CO.,.: i.u tig.

lo- lo f liff o fit byJ. tfVITIi PPPKD, Mtlntl,


Change of Time.

'J1 RAINS wiU leave Jcttorsonvllle, opsit LotiiiviUe,

Ut.iO P. m. and Ut JO A. M: P FXPRVCJ3 PA3T-ra- i!y(Sundays exempted) connnLttnc at Tn(rur h itb traiuson the Jbio and Mb??iBpiprt Kilroad for Inciane.ti,Columbus. New York. Boi;, P!nlut;lph!a, lUU.niorL-- ,

ai'd all Kat4'rn (.itit-s- ; andHt Inrlisnapoli- wirh B'..ne for Cleveland, Pittsburg, FhlladUrhia,

llitlii5Cirft, and ail the print iric tie in the FUs; p!-- o

with Trains un thn T. re fiai.t and Lata-- , ett- - Uiil- -Tf tor h. jmi, Chrro. RorV Iptand. Onironv.HannibKl, bt. Jopi.h, and all tUeotbir trluc'i.lo cili.in the Wert ari Northwest

U P. M NIGHT EX PRISTS Daily (Saturday, P2.cpted', connwtipg at gfymmir with traina on thoOhio and MitaWr-h,ai- RailrcAd for i inclnnatt ird altKastorn cils; at ln.liana'-,l- with the Blffnm-t- n

Line f"t Toledo, Oenoit, , iMtfa'f..Nw York. , Philadelphia, Baltimore, sr.J nl!pubatp in the and with th ( iDcint' tti and ch'c-af-o

Tt-- r Haute and Klrhmond ard I.aiav-ertt- e

Kiilroa-l- for LhicaRo, 6t- - Faal. Sr. StLoxil. and all points in tlin Wet and

CLINTON .TorjNSON, Aentat dtf A. S. CROTHKR9. Bup't.

TD-nnmn- dtui

RAILROADIs a First Class E'.ad In all re?pect,


With Connect frrtts from ail in( West)

From Pittsburg to PhiladelphiaALL CONNECTING L'LUECT TO NEW Y$KK,

Morning Mail, Afternoon Fast Iin, J

Night Express.OMIT T11IH DAILY f B O M



VIA AUENTOWN andWith pln-c- t Oiuetiious horn TVee'eri Ws


flw ttaU or Ruat Lint- -

' i

Express Train Runs Daily Otliers

Sundays Excepted.

NINR Pal!? Trtlrt fr-- m Ptiflndelrhta Hew York,licket? ro" id on any Luje or Tntln. New

York or Ifcstoa Tirkets ia

via vniLibairniA or ALLKSiovm.BOAT TICKETS GOOD TO B08T0N VIA


Tco itait p Connetiof$ Prom Harrltbnrg- toBaltimore and Wttfltittfl vn

Baggage Checked Through All Trans-

fers Froo.



TicketH for Hale at ttllMain Olticos.

FREIGHTS,By this rent treteM of a)! descrlprlou tan be

to ai f'Om Pailadrily-bift- , Now York, orbattbaoi, lo and from any poiat cn tu: ctOhti, Ken.nchy, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, orM;ouii by rstiroad dirt'rt.

Tho Pfr.iiaylvaiiSa B abroad atso counfrts at Pit-nr- g

with stealer?, b which rckkSb can be forwarded to aoyPort 00 tho Ohio, M iiekinum, Ktrctuclcy, Tti aeMe,CumbBrland, liliiio, Mlsiippi, WIecorjru. Mipeourl,Kanea, ArlmiiP and Bed rlvt-nt- and at Clivftland,Bftiidiinky, and Chicago v iUi stealers to ail polls on UN.irtti6t''ni Ir.bffs.

Mprchant snH Shippers entmrtiiiK tli! transports tiof tbvir to this Company cio ruly with cocti-duc- e

oo Hi riPody ttjieiLTHE P.ATK3 OF FKLIGIIT to aud from any point

lo the Wwt hy tho Pennsylvania are st (tiltftnes a- - favorable as aro oowgd by tny otbr KiilroadConp-tnios-

""iie particular to mark packages "Via Fraxa. K.L

K. J SNEEDFR. PbUadrtyhla.MA OKA W A KoONS, au North rtrwjt, Balttraors.LICtCil & CO,, No 3 A stor iiouisa, or No. 1 &outh W il--

atrewt, Nw York.LCKCI1 4 CO., No. 77 BUto stroet, Rostn.

II. FJ. UOFiSTON.General Freight Ageat, Fhiladfli-- t

L. L. UOFPF,G?nf?ral Ti-- Agent, PiiiUielpbJa,

ENOCH LKW16, GQral Bup't, Alwona, a.a3 dtr


D0CTSE3S & ASTE0L0GI3T,Eighth st second door from Grayson,

WOUIJ reppetfi)ly Inform the cit'r.nnaofthut she s able to tell any' bin, they hava

In their ruiud . aj.d caji htiip pfltiie dit (J...ir trooMe.d matter what it is. 8ha ws boru wh a ?rt trit?naI b her to rurpar? arty oijfl else !u TELWNO

Siie ran also tand out t'i'.ronsb her regret liilcircumstances 01 eickuetw, and can tU what wil!m tbera are roots gfovluK lor ervry dUa.'e in tintworld.

Madam T. 3. it the only one that f-- make PR.IILKLAlSD'jJ LIFK L6SKNCE TiiL" mUturir ood tor al Mlenw, and tain oniy be bought in !jroffice. No. 6rt Kiahtb itreet, seiood door from

Kvery percoo. that is deprpss-j- and tronbk-- aboutWar shor.ld call on her, a she la th-- t only oi3 ?ht

thu ivcn't irom la Aw?;m!, the grvtt Fort'ine-Trll-

that Napl''oo pf Franc-- j tn all hisaid male him succee-fu- l In rM hii battles.

Shi wagere )?, I 0i tnat uo ou cm curi ae hr.Please cail and tee her, and yv-- wit) bt) relieved.

Those who are too poor can cnn?o wiihont mont-- r; andthose who don't believe, call at LI o'clock at nUbt o.tds'in will make tbetn beiiov. je!i Tiy


SPEOltLE & MANDEYILLEAre uow receiving their larg stock of

CLOTHINGFvirnisliing Goods.

SPSOVLE & SliSIDSTILLE,i 8. C cftrnr Fourth and Main fctiwjt.

1LTTfcR BUCKETS 1h dozn Butter atd BatarJ'st received aud lor saH h

0B KIN RAWSON.f9 Man st.. btwppt( Fourth ami h'l'rh.


h H dj?.eu ti"e pale ahtrry;ft . 60 oi l

do old fort;In store and for sale In ii'jantitli" to suit p irrhwM by

J. P. THOMPSON. IS oui th U

Military Dooks at OivilTa.ARMY Regulations (1VM new editiun. llartiee

ij ols-). Cavalry Tactic) lU vole )

ArtiMerict' Manual. il!u?raed, Try valnaMi.Robert Hand-Hoo- 0! Arti lery icr t!m JStv Ic' of tbaV. ft. 0"ii. Aodtron's Kvolii.iuu- - 0! Field iiattt-ris- ,

with pltr-- iby ordor of WprDf.in i"r,'.i Nupolcod'sM.i'tcji of ar. A" "f Trnr, 1, a M mal 'ptfldlerj aui others who b to "rii-- 1'," rnnkq?btt-- , A b'aodip Oiltirri of thy N, Y- Seventh Kirertt (Durv'i'f. Driu'; C"odn;'d Military ltxj-Hf- ;

Manuai. KtiHrn's Now Manual the bayonet f t t !.

3. Anny. Benimftii'n MflitlMT'u'rt Knitual nudSord Play, C Trl pier's IIind-Boo- f.r the. Miiit vS!irpon. Orwi'i M nual of Milittny f ursery. Vury'spTniiie TTaTkJr, a llasd-fljo- f ir Overlaid l!Mt.Uons. L. A. t:i lL L.

el Hjnkieiier.

Ill HBITT u nci7,VVnOI.F8A.LB AND KRTA L G HOCF.iJY, PrOLT T acd TKA BTOKK. No. Market .trt, ttw-'-

5?ODd and' Third, south sidri, Louurille, Ify. f41 OVrlKINO'SaCOARS n'br.lp LoTf ring's Crabbed,

J Powdornd. aad Oramilatod Sugars in cr; re jid forW H iO'-- S M t N

ANDLFSluu boxes 8ta- CanAIes:

-l do Mold dr.,Iu store and for eale by


OHIM15 LA!f-- 60 prime rxim;rr t n.rd iu nrat and foral by 14 ItHHrPV A 8"N.IJRIMK oFl--;- sacks LapujT'i a d I.ivi C01- -m. ior 9:e hv 114

CANDLK-WICK-. TfO U4 aitra uuU--

, received nd for sril? byOK1UN RAY' SON,

si 4 W Main street, between Third and Fnnrlh.

F'INi! BUOAK9-- U0 this CVusbed, Granulated, tiidSuyara for eale byPTPPTTT ft ffO:T.

(KCriHMO BUOAIt-- 31 hhls Lovtrinjr'B Cnvhedvl' g per mfi.!lN;at au- for sale by


tCUAUr AfiNR WINKSV. Clicquot;

f iW do Iflmonico;jfc Sio baskets Veraenay;

116 do Hted(,lcka-Co.-

In stoie and for sale In quautithto suif brJ- - - TUOMPiioN, itFftinai',rTerms Cih.

ICE 15 caks rice received ai d for sal by.


RtFINKO SCOABSWhite Kn6ned Snrai." bb!.! do -

In rtore and for eale byRAWBON, TODD A CO.

New and Important Books at CivilTe.CART1MOE AND HCR HJIMAINS. Eicavatioud,

a hi)

bKASONS WITH THF. Biwrtinii Ad- -ventai-ee- .

Ax- Illuftratd. 7uFRAMLFY PARSONAUE. By TroUope. Dlustrated.



Cicero, Lucretius. Each 4t,cal I... A, CIVILL. Main et

Military BooksriFL!g HAND-UOO- Full ACT IV 15 SKTtVIOB

A Prirlini Book, rjtTill" M LIT! A liN'S MANUAL AN1 RWOHD- -

PLAY KXl' RCiaKrf, c. Inclrwllnft DrCI. tftl 5.WILCOX'S Kin.:--: AD KIF1J PRACT1C15; with

oWrtftions of llltief.ROOK OF AKTILL1.HY FOR FNITKD


J tl'l.l) HATTKRIi a. el 5.s.5 I.. A. rTVTTT,.


TlNO aMort.f, for ft!ebynH .HIBFJTT 80!,


FecMr d II Is )nvt


Id fiforcj50 PIECES FRENCH M!'R1 NOES'RiCtI PRINVC:) MER.N'OlfStrich FitiMi::) rn: lainics,SOLSD (UJLOitD KCPTd AND V VL T?RS-lff-


HIACK AND K AN'T DRU53 dILKd;yf)UNN(J COODH iu vnrlpty;llOSIKRY of evnrv


HEAVY Pl.AID MNSCVPr3LADTKS ANT GENT'S I'NOBRtVAR;"20-- PIECL3 WO )L FLANNF.J.S'"WHITS AVD OHAY H.NK.PVrf;DOMKSTTC STOCK CMtPLF.riAll nf whi-- h j,? irchii' A I'M'Ift'n to t'e rlw.f'.Teaib,and will po'. I u i n 'oci ilni;ij rhay tsr the me.



WT--" OYST"R YOtTNO fstfUTf'i:, VOCNOqt'MU J1U.;hOO'43, I LUiWIvl DCCfC-

WOo CO K- - vK'.'I N FI3U, SOT elKUCH vHJ, and all odiar dcli:a."i'i it t'i twin

o:1J-t- JOUN' AWI51N & CO.tOur - hrhiI, will hi jppliuIwUh tha rlnes

wi "K-- i,it; ioL-- i r 'iahk. t. ., v 00.



FOU PiOV'ATt;.AH t?s abovf, tud Lj tbf Hai aod fjp

line, oc ua-j- auA vile to cj(Jvr.

AT tilVH at t.t t:.;ei for BARGAINS IN

f U ATA AND CAi'4.1 jo:o FRAlTiEtt A BMITU

r-- . A u i''.r and t !f,il ani le of FALLsr ll jjuifiijo ha 'S r . ri Ka li ( a. rr inw .

PKATULK ft rSMlTH'H,4: - Main st.

MLN S A O rwVrt' SObT r F. T H T8 of

-f FRATIfKK A SMITH,OMaln ft- - bw. Fourth A Firth.

St. Charles RestaurantFifth stieet, between Eala aad Maikfct.

And aU othciT DliLIcAH'S of tbe cl BASON, reirdaily a ibb BT, CQAKLKLi.

RUEFER pToprla

N. B- DAYTON AT.ft and pOftTrtS for sa!a bybftnel. hah bauel, k, nd in boitla.



VOOT- - - ? 24 Third trt

Reivj l:y f ?r sitlja aud sola a lartjvaity.rtiD'JEit of

T T.m XI. "ST,ftf sroer;:?r i7t itnd 'arhlnnoMo stv'l?,

t'r'il, '.'t-,?r- - ItI, &v. rflisrood, fine, s(!'i Nv 'Hi nn! M'!p? lx?!onjdn M

ov? L!ie. of h'it0;'.i'j iw Y'r faoric anCiv a i'i

Havlnc r,. n V.y 3 toCLOSi'" OUTanj fu.'l (.t day rafov' ii:-- i fowls, and, ow-b- u

to tim h.f-- lr'C?. dH:'.rr,- - toLt-i- ' ;: ' ( COiVoli'll 00

m tho KOif ot p. k'-s- , hivt'e our friends ftrA tLsribtic to call al our itrrk, and rwf'lat Uiair war-- uj w:j wii' aid Ir- - Riatidtja.at vo'i r & HlUnj,

COAL! COA1L!p o on .'ji at?(

COAT.!01 tbe lt and at the lo r.t i".4.cfs, foT sale bf

TnrKN t OA NTT,! of riL"iI ciiev.t,

v and Mv:r,PJsw 7c'5s T?yw nv- -

1FTH".: LNlTi-'- NHTIilr:iUJkT8bfH7;'-T;H-if i.

NOT" 3 ON S( :'.:vr' TV- hv '3 60.

Tli UltiLK Ail) Tlli2 CLAbliC3,byBLebopttffta,'J r'l.

ANNAL3 OF Tj AMKillO'.N MrTUODXBT PUIPli. bv '.V. U tr.-j-r, . O. t::

W.jLAk d liii'uilV t'F UNO LAND. Vet I.4 '

wo;u:m"i:n and rut: tit i;iry;ct'LTUi5, by Mn

AND FAO-Ot.- 1 TfcXT KOOK, BfJ. 1. Macl.io. D. f. i' u.

aDI'VS LADk'f H0t?K firMty.Ju.--t Thwiv...i f A. DA V"ITi?OW

l nri- -


Ciion jr X-- b ao- - Store3O9FO0t;TU BT8BBT.

1 JLAOS IJV13 VP11... n.- it'-rn-- :JLf L'i . Ik Cr;.--- 1 '''w jti-- u"":

Lin- -i M lir.!.'s:Faunt Klot.iiie MbiaiJ3, jKt 6? title u tuarfcrl:.Kc-fit-- kiljvi.'rtjd;

Io Bobbin tv--CiV tK- M-- i.'t'o:),

Mr it low rri v nii 'CUAUM'.S P. KALCHFLSS'B,



iValklng CaDlo,

Afiae acwrtrjimt; aud CKCAi'Kit THAN KVVVL.

kaA &. VV. ooi-U- ifi'-rf- anii Proton HfvAt liLMD oi KNOFF.L'8

with iliie e.i,j brp w. - a n ,

tf(xrh iLameitt'ely St. ia-ii- ' Chueb- -mi


fo tMs dcb)i jtr- q.;

b'(!3 lino old L'ciiri.'oa tl :

bhl.3 ilee old Kii cc;In st.ir And ior stiie r'


RAMIY' Fnuidrr

? do A. tydrYtblAe6 w," ti. C,C'C ;

?y L' lc Now Y:-- t;la e'.ore ami tor saJo by


ks Wiie;1! do Pat

Uj Oi.Trr r! :

lb at iii?...i do;In t e iar f.-- br

o.i r.AR HALf.

brxei licrrlaK f,ut rivTtd and forUEimtN:j-- r)rr"i C. , w Nt-'- A 40

CtJDilA-- CG-ii- ;

4' b..v.. d,Jut-- t received 42d lr Js by

oSl O DVFR t o.

VVOUD.: WARi'.-- td r Hii Chains, PuckitI Au, vU b .u.l iin Mr e hv

cia ljl'MITT A yo

EV .Kiik' BLOJLArKSi---lu-- t - cl,lljh-d- .

ofJ L. A. n,i.BL'RrGirRV-lhttla- acd bt ks


O bK.di N. o. of vt;4 J bbij ft. ii5 Cr Su'ir.)e bblj 3:r(ir;

Ii rtiic aad ijr "mt


i.T'O A't-J- -"' nl? .1 ud isJe ry

o'J A CO

7 f"')0 YAKi': -:- ,rP CLOlU In store and for

ile, andJj k"K4 JwullkiJIti a Lividuufor ilo by

LA I I." t. Jtn:t ouL'l.'.hwd CoryV'lete,ou L. A. CIVILL.

V r;w iMiAHY ii 10NAUV -- MLi'ary TdCtlr- -l 1 Ttiit i3D3iU, Li- L A. 'TVn,T.

FIX)! Esfa Finely Flo-.-- ' fIA.VILY LrauuJ in Jia rud n;-

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VP O!'' t':NTLl.'K nv ?n t iTi l F'.'Ck(.tMutf.juri. Arc

' 1,. A. nvp.i.LCD if KK'.l't D fki.

b, lh-

deryienml at iuirb le !jhu ti" n ull . t Mil

a'n nits ra.C'VC'..


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tOFi"i',J-:v-.'- MAIieitu.L WAXB.KaT A CO,
