w- ala ion lawyers the title insurance ir york y...

rpV t I t I ha onll Ir 1 I hI- U I V ns our ii iIt- hi In 4- ci 4- at I t iii- lrr 14 cic NiI d u- I IL MluI- NI ant w a It aidS air Ut F clip I tZ- F tr tour tgaaI- 53 13 I Olit- iola Pelt 3 Pelt I I3i- cc I l6- I 4- 9III l 1011- l3 la 130 ire Club ill atl- flIor flInT 3 tIpey- lpp7 79 l pppT- an I In- Iucn foil cli IIIIII- Uinn cwu TilE SUN WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 1902 j f r IIf J 1R > THE REAL ESTATE MARKET OF ACTIVITY OTED IX THE BIWKKItWK Yulerrtayi Oeala l w In Number and torn paratlvrty Inlniporlant Hale or No k FAil RlRhtrlithth Ntrrrt The Commrrrlal Lraira a New Ilullcllnf The lIt of private Kales reported yeter day n on the day Ion wnit a chort ont It appears likely therefore that the prpnent- we k will Fhow a rnnrked contraction of liuclness an compared with the provlouw two thl month However week ably a record breaker for a Docemlwr week an over a hundred Bales were inndo public The only noteworthy Item In yeolerdays budget wwi a of Xo S Eat Eighty iKhth ctrect by OSRIXM Pell A Co for Cleorgp C KdgarV Sons It IH a new five tory Amcrlcnn basement dwelling on a lot 57flxlOtS and i ono of a row of three month hy Fianol K Pendleton who gave In exchange a plot Gl10x1008 the north i Mrect 1W4 feet eawt of Fifth avenue This plot Ccorgp C Edgar Sons Intend to improve A oitiple of wink ago Derrick bought from W M Renjnmln a plot of three lots adjoining No B East Eighty eighth street mi the iinl Theso trancac lion taken In connect ion with other recent deal appear to reveal n fnirly active de- mand for property improved and unim- proved In the Fiflh avenue residence dis- trict conililiring the time of year In the Molinn lying liotween Thirty eighth nnd Ninetieth ctre tH and Madixon and Sixth avenues there are about forty new offered for ale They range In price from IIBOono t tMiOOOO and their aggregate value IH about 10000000 The pn nc of larK a number of unxoU- lhighpriced houses haw given rl j to come apprehennion that building movement in the Fifth avenue district may have been carried too far Hut while purchawK of costly resiliences by capitallRtx of national fame are IWH freiient than they were the Htipply of expensive Kant Side lion HP s on the market Is gradually growing smaller H Vlwtock IIIIH sold No 81 East 132d street a threestory anti basement dwelling- on lot The Huland t Whiting Company loaserl for Horace S Ely A Co to the York Commercial for a term of No H Sprucv itre t n building on lot 245x100 adjoining the Tract on the corner of Nansiu ntreet It will receive extensive alterations V L has Imught from V Smith No 122 East Twentyfourth Mreet a and cm lot 20x87 Jane Smith has old to a Mr Fitzslmons No 122 Knst street a four story brick dwelling on lot 20XR78 L A C Erntit have sold the plot 225- xlOOll on the south side of 101st street lOt feet east of Second avenue Mrs A C Harnes has sold through E A Cruikshank A Co to Mary Owens for HI500 the house No 44 Irving on lot 2AxltBx be twoon Sixteenth and Seventeenth streetH Stephen McCormlck has for James No M West 105th street a five flat on lot 315x10011 and for Davis Karp No 304 Wet 149th street a lx tory apartment house on plot S0x09il sold No 41 Went Seventeenth street a fivestory tenement- on lot 25x92 louis A Co have sold to Isidore Leipzig the northwest corner of Avenue street a sixstory brick build- ing on plot 32flilOO U reported to h v bought No 49 West street a and basement dwelling on lot 17x090 S O ood Pell A Co have sold a at Sands Point L I to W W Miller who will build a handsome residence for his own use Mis Caroline T Rtirknm 1s the buyer of No 37 West Fortyninth street of which was Duff A Brown have sold for the A Currier Company to a Mr Flannagan a plot 150x195 on near Broadway Aston has bought from Ran- dolph a tract of 100 lots a dwelling of Herman Schleicher on Thirteenth street College Point I I Metropolitan Life Insurance Com to Nos 31S to 322 Fourth avenue at ttw southwest corner of Twentyfourth street The company now owns of the block by Twentythird and streets Madison Fourth avenue Tndayi iuetlnti Salr- RT jars L VHlt Sixtieth Url NollS north aide tw feet neat of Columbus avenue 3SXIW1S five story IoU sale to close rstntr of Catharine M Ward drcrased Seventy third street No 300 north ride fret nut of lrxlnzton avenue 3 1i33 flat executors salr to close rstatr of Catharine M Ward deceased in OKORDE B liRAti No A3 north ion feet west of jtlKJ brIne store No H Metropolitan Llfo Insurance Company vs W If rl Hitch W II II attorneya R O Cummlnns refrrre dir on ludcment Ii3- SS343 aubjrrt to laVrs r ll9r II teat Knd avenue No 73 southwest corner of alice iHaxUia nve stoty brick dwrlllnE No Metropolitan Iniuranrr Company W II ft al itllrh W II A attorneys 1 II Wilson rrfrrrr due on Judg- ment Ulrtftloc subject to tales Ac lt OS Convent avenue No 7 Jill fret north of 144th atrrrt thrrr brick dwelllnr 3 Metropolitan Life Company va W II- Redflel1 et Hitch w II A attorneys O S- Lurtlow rrfrrrr due on Judgment 11917117 subject to taxes Ac IM3M Fifteenth si reel No Sja south aldr 400 feet well of Klrhth avenue mHiM nvralory brick flat No 41 Metropolitan Llfr Company vs V H Rerineld et IIM lorneya C I llowland referee tine on judtmrnt- tml S4iiA mihjrrt In taxrs Ar 1703AS street No 311 north aide ITS feet west of Seventh avenue Hi 100S fivestory brick flat s M r Livingston vs j ct al ill P Uvlnraton attorney p L Klrraan ref rrre dun on Judgment I3IS430S subject to lazes f 11003 nr nKRKKRT A SHRRMAN fifth avenue No 3103 rast stile 7411 feet south of Ulth UrI fivestory brick flat J It Carpen- ter and another trusties vs Patrick ft i r Chamberlln attorneys W referei due on Judgment IISWHKO subject to taTe Ac l 0BT BRTAK I KENNELLT- 130th atrret No 319 north side 1711 feet weal of Seventh avenue iZfliMll brick dwrlllnc W M lowell ant another aa trustee vi B II Taylor et al W M Powell Jr attorney 3 7I 5 subject to tales Ar 110- BT D rilKNtX INOIIAnA- UHathratf avenue No 3111 west aide 300 south l d street 3Uinn two story frame dwell- ing R K llrown and another as trustees v c II rt al J linr attorney w If referee due on Judgment subject to lairs Ac W130- 7Yrttrrday Auction Kalm- BT SAME L WrLIJI flowery No 33S east Title 1351 feet north of street 3S Ul 4JV to alley u fret wide iSx33ini3 4Hi3Jx0 two brick Store and lumber yard on rear Mutual Llfo Insurance Company VJ K J Schnucg rl al hans II rrrcdman referrr due on 1304731 subject to ttxia Ac IMS03 to Jwnrs 3400- 0littn StriCt north side 133 fret weat of fer- ard jxMnxjuxansJiiii two alory brick dwelling W W Richards et al- va II Little rt al llelderman A II at lomeyi IVnllnaiid Kidman Jr referee Our on Judgment t3S7434 subject to taleS Ac 4 lo plaintiff 1400 Park avenue Sos 3iUO 3IW rast side MI3 feet Hoiilh of 141th street ioilll9 one and three story brlrk building Lam bert Nuyclani vs I Redman et at A W attumeya M S lull rrman refrrrrduron JuitrmrnlUSSaM subject to taXes Ac 113203 prior mort I40il Adjourned lo Dec 23 BT niCIIARD T ItinNRTT C- OHnuslon strrrt So 431 northrasl earner of Avrnur D 33Si7 two story frame brlek front trnrmint I M gnstlnl vs C Saniay rl al Anders m P A A at lnmr loldmark refrrre suited lo tales Ar l 7Ji partition to l rn- eld A Praner tJIISH- BT turn r UKTKR a rn- Avtnuo No 134 aoutticMt corner ol LOSS all xo o bought lxlh t hal o Iacp Ruth 1 I Gun U I VtDU Oral I 2 v 2601 I o U trhlh f on Ildrmenl Warner 113 Inrlon alma rat I f C flit 4 CiI last wart rompleteil was met Pr flu Lane s tim vectra fvrit vfuurt I hior S etreet p flat ecii ItS foTjreInr sIde 111 stOry flurftnce at at 1 4 3 referee ilcie I A C > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > Eighth alreet I i70 brick tene Merrill Sands va A A Lapaugb llelghan x attorneys l nn refers subject to nm 4cI- JOO partition to Marcus Nathan t07S BT OIOIIUE II I4M Mrrct No Waoutli i M fail east nt Uraadway lisle brIck dwelling F II Tallin vs i rt al Stcvion J dc II I Klrr nan rrfrrrr due nn Judgment 113 OT7 7 subject la tales 4c IISMK BT D riUlNII INOKAIIAU- I street No M south side 100 feet cast of Vanderblll avenue UMIlKi two tut frame dwelling Klcle Itossltcr as iiur- vlvlng executrix vs J A Knot rt X Idwlon J A referee on Judgment IZ770 S subject lo taxes c HOD to Ilir plaintiff JMO- BT BRYAN U KKNNB14T Seven street No 115 north side Ml seat Columbus ai enue Kilo nml basement brown atone front dwelling sale estate Xellle I Carpenter de- ceased 8ISi- r FAMau rmnm HOOXKT co Ninth Mrrrt No south side 4JOH feet west of Fltlhavcnue SUUIi four story buck dwelling Margaret v- Hosalle Srbornbcrir ft al linn attorneys B II Frost rfffrrf dUe on ludrmrnt I14 i0 subject to taxes Ac- I7UIOU Adlnunint In Dee SO Thirty fourth Street No south side IZi feet east of FJghth avenUe l xiw four story stone frnnt dwelling New York Security and Trust Company substl- luted trustee vs Schoenbenf courier Hios K II Prusl rrfrrrr due on Judgment tluoui subject to taxes At J73 V Adjourned toDcSO Heat Kututr TrantreriDO- VMTOWH South Fourlfrnth The letters i c stand claim drrrti band- s for bargain and sale a e con- taining covenant against grantor only llroadway 4 7 and 4 Mercer M 2tioo8i- 34Vxi J William J A McKlin rrfrrrr to Mosca Gardner 114400- 0llmomr st 4li n 363x71 Juliet II- llrown t Abraham Nrrlns and ann I SOO 37 rear part llachrl 10 Frederic 1 Weekes U part b and n all Urns I property Frederic I Weekes to Her all title h and n all Urns I unIon t It e MxlOu Catharine II llur- rrll and aDO trustees to llncus Low en 74000 Same property llncus Uiwcnfeld and ano to I Division M 2A4 n s 7iS7iWil Moses L Adams lo Mamlr I Adams part I Division st M n i Charles S iUEEfnhrlm to Mamlr K Adam It part suit nil title suture Irtnoo IOiiO M ss 742 r iorrrK it 37117S- lamrs T Walth to I ODnnnrll mIce V 1 Same K ODonnell lo- Annrs K Sullivan li and n mice r if i 1 Suffolk l 87 r K 73xloii PolIsh National Ko llrnrvoleat Niclrty to Hrrnard- iali u kt 1470 Suffolk st 1 r s J3 inn Jadnlira OmdsVa to foil Kosculsko llrnfvolrnl Society q st n u cor North Munrr t 24IU7S Alfrrd C gulmby to sirnart- f Alirr r 100 Sits t Ill T r4 Chrtra Kadlsrua Thorn lo Kallnsrhou Trltrlhatim Vrrhrudrrunns Vrrrln It300 7th t 114 K TMWIO Morris Kafcn soil ann to Mai Lanrct rntvr Morio I 17th si ns 1M w Avenue C HI 13 irnrer- llufckrl lo Jrromr I1 llrrnncls 1 FAST HIDR rtftftar between Fourteenth ant ll 1 iff- 7d ar r 417 n Olst st J kO Flkan Kahn to Frederick A llohnl mire Hnr ie 1100 d av i4 n r ror S3d t 74 xlpO Kdwar- dSchnrllrtallo Jamrs Doris ooo 4th av 7J aw ror 74th st li4 fi r J Grist 10 Metropolitan Ufc insurance Co jno 4th av SI ws 7ilo Alfrrd I Snydfr to Mrtropolttnn IJfe ln urancr Co 1 4th av Sin w I7i N II mm lo v mr- ralje i0i r s K4- 7IM st 3VIO c 40i9J Mai Llpman and ann lo Samurl 1amass ano SUnoii ino- J4lb t s a 80 w 4th av 701494 Nalbanlrl II Norton to Mrlrutxilltaii Life Insurance Co mtge i 41st 177 e rnwB Heal Properly Co to John W mIce HOaio 100 st a s in 7d av 74H077 Annul Jacob to Oscar Krueier mt r II70 1 i Jd si 741 r 1SH077 Srlma Mortus to John 1 Old st 110 r lritngton JOxlOOS Sophia Ulrand widow to Klltabeth mtreMonn i- WMT HIDt West of FtId rt between foutrnith and W III Vth m e s iSieOi4ui Thomas Wataon e al K llolurook Cush man I70m- Amslrrdam av a r ror 7 th l 773iri Thomas Culllnsn lo Kuirnla Wolf mire HOroo i Am trrdam av n w ror 107th at o7xtnn- Comraertcal Real rotate Corporation to John OConnor ml telV onn ino Amsterdam av a e ear 7 th st 777 i James toTbomasCulllnan h and j Same property Frederick W Ken tosnmr I Same propirtr Jennie to b 1 Same property Emma Clark Indlv and truslrr 4 iO 44th st IS5 W TOitOOS Harriet I Potter to James W llrnnlni 40000- 46th st 7l iIdOS A R Smool to Mary Cavvon mIce llsOJi JSloo Same pmrrrtyt Cnsson to Jacob Wolf And ano mtfr 37000- 4Wh st W JilflOS Thomu Watson rt al ricrj to llowlrtt SilTs JlflSrtl 73000 tIlls at 370 W 74x1004 Thomas Watson rt al dir to G H Cchrtta mIce lloSftl 73000 104th st IIB71 W 40xlOOlt the nrron L McUan mlitr I40ooo rich and 100 RAIUX- Mtnnbatton Island north nf llif- 1st 7705 nw cor tilth st 53x75 Donato micro ct al to Antoalo JJracco ll part mt r 2iion iiooo- d av A v cur 117th t WSxHO Mirj J Oliver to lydia H Koch mttr i 2d av w i 741 a HMh at s7H10 Mary J Oliver tu Lydia II Koch 4th v n w Cur isntli at72xs4 llenr Schmlt- lretrrrr to henry 1 D dr Melt J13M 4th av 7lo M w s Snxiio Lawrence 1 Hock to lAo M Irhman mtffrSVirvo i Ilnxidway st iwiui5CtirrlS- II Kmierlo Allanlle Realty Co 100 Maillsnn w 7ixw IMwarrt Schnell- Ii7imil 37500 St Nicholas av no w 33miiajx73xlll4 Frank M Ilrrnnan to llyman Kuhrn mtrr7- Snnri j lllth at y 35xlonli Lillian nipp to Max Orhrn mtBr I32d st 35 n 100 w Mount Morris Park Wrat Vlxinoil inner W Kom to Jacob Hntzman 4 mire n oin ItS Hid si 573 W Kllii A JennIngs to IWinli l McKoon b and a cas BRONX florovgfi of The Senor Evelyn pi a I7S w Jerome av Wxinn- Marfarct J Thomson widow to Otto Nicola 14700 Herman pi ea 7 n 156th it 75U1004x75x- B59 Max Stan to Lawrrncr ItorU mIce tioom 100 Hoffman st 34WON e a 4ni775x50xl73 l lla II II Klssam to Jcnnlr FrlnhUtl 3WO Klnzshrldfr rd n w enr Madison l i- Mxmxiai Caroline Dwhm ft al to Sidney Wnrma a all llrns Myrtle Vanderbilt or llallruad av aw ror at or Molt at Mxioo James I Haven and ano 7000 Southern boulevard n a 174 W St Anna av- 3UIOO Louli F Doyle referee to Herman llivipltal and 14000 Washington av e a 87tfl a Fletcher at 7to Fuchs to Waller- Whpwell 11500 i Webster nv proposed w a proposed lto Ids M Forachnrr to Walter Clarke ml ic xjirjfo 7400 e Uttnn Timothy lower to Martha fiercman all 1800- Zulett av aa e av J5ilt lot let W A Maprs Harry A Archibald- to Martha O fireman 3000- It3l st 0 K I8HX103B Charles Model to Andre Warhler 100 Same properly Andrew Wachter to Lizzie 100 147ih al ss tOil w St Anna av 7Sx75x77inx 94 Sohirnnn Moses lo Lawrence J Hock miCe tf K 100 IKd st 774 K 17x100 Srlma Morbui to John Helm b and a 184th st a a l w Ktrbbln av 30x730 A D IarktT to William I Case imth st aw cor Strhhlns av 19x73exlOlOx 77 A D Parker to William Case t- Mlh t a a M Stebblni av 33x731 A D- Cnrker to William P Case i Lot I lots O Hunt estate Catharine Hunt to Thomas Scott Recorded Boston rd aw ror I7 th at Patrick nice 10 Ttiomaa llroadway I o4 00 Sam S vhubrrt and ann to J StaTIon tyro llth av a w ror 4Uth al 35 74 Michael Daly and to Thomu K 5 yrs 7th av 31 All rn Adtms trusleo to James McFlroy in yra- W av I7HJ nw ror Both st Louise Cilia to Peter Lrnnon 4 yrs Cotirtlandt al 33 H Nftelhlnf to lunlrl J Spraiur 10 yra- Courtlandt av KOO n r ror ll ih st Samuel llahn to Joseph Sealer 3 Kllubrth it 303 Faust U Matron attorney to Salvatore Plrsrla 4l yrs Rrronlrxl MnrtsttSM DOWNTOWN SoulA of FourteenTh 11 Where no Interest Is slated read 5 per cent 447 also Merrer si 34 iardner to John F II Mllrhrll rt al I yr percent 1100800 Ilmume t 41 Abraham Stevens and ano lo lawyers Illle Insurance Co I yr lloon Canal si n 71 w Kllubrtlist Margaret A- lluito for ier fillesi lo Title iiiaianire- ami Iruxi Co due Nov 1710074 per run 10000 nlvi Interior nnl parcel No I Chrrry st 41 Hrrnard lo Henry De Werkrsdue Jnn I luoi K rinl dniiii st n w cor North Moore it Stewart C liger to Tlllr iuaranlrr It Trust Co due W 4 Vet vcut ISooo mel ain lid < I I to lh a a- lI of rai n 3 th CI A NIl of cit lor deed c for deed s Chrrr 1 and ann Jam Jam tko atonal lon of > and I Alt U Tub h s A A to I A q olk to same Mar 11 a 18 I a s rl at to Marartlha 11 1 I par I a 1 a and ann h and referee to nlfd States Co I miCe 0 3 i A s MAP C I 1 I S r l 210 228 I mma 72 3M 1 n I p r Oce 10 1 a Lash 51 the Walsh feet adntltlit raters a quit 1 411 Same feid 2zSz2lJltc7 200 1 tags Tal- mud fEast 5 mIce In- vestIng a hem and cacti 0 same a cilia and 22S illS Louise Comrin of New sork to Ntary I heir ridge a a Trait earn Lout 256 ZtIlcIt a ice toar a H s lease Iturhe tram ito hem s40 rS 441 a I Cceir t2 ncr alec t m > > > > > > >> > > > > Mb al CI a s 34H7 e Ate II KolaMrhow- Telirlbaura Vribrudrruncs Vcrelu to Kalbarlna Eocb due Jan I I90N 4 i per 11000 to Chrbra Kadeaba Talmud Thor- aprtormUefll 3000- Hi si 114 Mix Ijincet lo Morris Kahn prior liner W0l w 5 yrs Installs 11 per rent 4500 nth t rwVtt i alhan Mlxrrsoti Sender Jarmulmvsliy lyrnpvrcrnt 40K i nth t to s M4 fnirr trace liuld Wilnhandlrr to lUrry W- llruUlrlnatalNUirrrriil W- K r IKa t of rift ar hilurm and I1OI id 3d ne cot 3d t lanirn linda U David M Kothler phur 3lu I yr a per rent w 0- Mnv JAms Torts In Kqultn- Mr LIfe AMurntin Nirlrly dup 1 tttH t rrnt 3IOW 3d IR313S Ode I Itrld Kltcli Inc lo U IlUiiat rick Sirs 000- 31st at F Snmiirl Puritans and nno lo Max Upmau nnd alto prior rotire- iI755u I jr Samr to aamr prop riy prior mtges- llSnm I yr 0 nr rent WSf 4M M a sis w I Clinrlfs V Scbmldt to fhnrlis Schiitlf I yr I per crnt tW Kit at 3711 Ij Harris to Meyer old Irlor tnlirr J i i a u ornt 13j- 65th M n r ror Ialk n John M to irortr I1 prior lIlt June I ll 0 4 per mint gold 10000 whir HlllK- ItVrt of flttli tie htttrrtH tliurttrnlli and IIOOi ill OUT nv l3 F llolbn k Cuthman to Dowrry Batik yrn I lIlt iTtit IIOono- AniMrrdini nv n w ror at John OConnor tu William J Casey dm Jan lo- 1WI3 300IKI Amsterdam av K i ror Tilth l Thomas ill llnan to Drills HorLin 3 r 4000- 0CvlurntiuanVniTiirTltliM Martha Holmes yr I 50000 Sd M ns ISia Mb iiv William F Dunnclly- tn Marion i Vnti livkf I r PIT rent IOO- i4lhstt3 WJamia W llriiiilng In Ijtwyer- Tlllr Inournnrr Co I Ii prr cent 37000 SOIls st 335 W Star Cn on to Albert II SiniMit 1 yr S000 iulscHo tic and Trust Co 4 yrs per cent 15500 37U V ilovamil chrtla lo Title uuraiil iniulTru Co3yr 4prrrrnl 17000 st 751 A JiiMplilni Crump t I- IVrklim prior mtge l I yr 1000 SOIl t s 313 w Amslrrdam nv Ashrr r Meyer to Tltli Insurance Co of Nrw York I yr w ISooo 70th M ns TOOW Wist Knd nv Max Vogr- ltoSramniu iwonol- UlilKH 61h av n w cor l itli M llcnry i I de Still to lloncl MortgageA Viiirltles Co 1 lth M i sit HriMriwiey Allnmic Kealty to Charles H Kriner 3 yrs 4j per- cent I47tli M a r cor Hmailwuy same lo Mine 3 yrs i jper rent ISth st ss c Hroadway same to same 3 yrs ii per IMth t ss 375 e llrnadwny same tosame 3 yrs iij per rrnt- Lenox av 3l 5d Catherine II Mtken Margaret I trustees 2 mtgcs 3 yr 4j IIIIIIM ff nr limo Kvelln pi sa 17 w Icrmnc av Otto Nlrolal to Margaret Thompson S yrs pr cent tollman st 4iufi lennlc Felnblatt to Leila U II KKsam 3 yrs B per cent Hughes BV r s am n l lst M liar bir to Siphle Kniippir 3 yrs 6 tIer dint I liintalne av ne cor isoih si James Iiiirls to luMil Kwhler prior lini clue Ilic 16 ll 3 per cent collateral HMtti st su iorMebblnsav MIUam PCase- to Nellie lunlni 3 yrs Same pruperly MHIC to Andrew I Iarker prior mIre iic i due June 15 I9H3 tier cent IMth st as 19 w Stebblns av same to Nettle lunlng 3 yrs Same property same to Andrew f Parker prior miitt n u tier edit leuli t ss st M siebblns av ssme to Nettle lunlng 3 yrs Same property same In Andrew II Iarncr prior mgv I7i i fl mo n per dent Irrlianlti lIens t th st n e ror eth hosts William M Crane Co vs Mela Realty Co 300 00 nml 37th t 3 K A C flrlmm a Frederick A Wahl unit ano 1IOOO Cherry t 31 Auser Melsel et al vs Hertmrd- tSolden eta 11800 Cherry st W73 3 and Waters SI3t Max Lrnnky vs tarot Leader ll a00- Ilracb nv Louis I llrhman v Annie ChMlig IIJO- lltilldlnc Loan Contract Freeman at n w ror Chlshnlm st 100x85- Luey 1 llarnard loans Nellie A Lnvelle and ano 14000- 8th st 31KK105 Sender Jarmulowsky loans Nathan Mlvrrxon 40ono- 31st st M ifl K Max Llpman and ano loan Samuel and Ann ia000 Mrrlianlos liens av ws vsiTa lOlh st 75x K x- Irrrg Church K lutes A Co vs irorgat V oIlIer l eo 13 1003 ei 00 117th al 13 W Mas lustier antI ann va Louis harp SoV 71 li 3 eooCO- S3d t 317 E Simuel lrvlnr and ano VI Samuel llruscb June 37 Itui Jnooo Foreclosure Stills II4th st 23 lrun OilIer va Jacob Goldstein et al ally M H layman 8th av i s 495 n I5lth st 75txino John Stauf vi Francis J schnuzir rt al tty W ODonoghue nth nv e s 7411 n IMth at 74Mm William Me n vs Fnincls Srhniiiri rt nl s mr 14th at r 31 nv KHIdJ Ilfr Insurance Co vs Ji rili Srhwartlrr rt al nlty Dillon A II Rond from Wrstchrnter lo West Farms nt the June lion ol n street laid down on annexed to a ilrnl by William Smith lo lame Kelly made by Andrew Flmllay July 5 l 57 Snxn Irreg Lvvrrr r s IIIIXUINIX Irrrit lots t and 7 on of building lots tn Village of WcMcbester Itaiph Illckns vs John J llnnohin and ano ally Noble C IU Iciiilons4- 3d st s o w 7th av nU Mary A Smith ft al v William A action In set aside a deed A K hail ii fiber n e cor I5d st VfiMfn TdwaM- Ilertlans llobrrt II action to mabllsh- n lien SItS J K st 517 3S W leasehold Consiimfrs Hlsciilt A- tMinifnruirtnir Co vs John W Cnllnban and ano action to Impress n tnist Saltrr A S IMnno Illftl for Ililllillnmn- OIIOtdll or MANHATTAN SI XlehnlaX av c s a Kid t flit Itrally Cu of w York l n NASSAU MuM A Ijindslrdrl lisih- t anil 3l av architects rn l 1100000- IZflth st 111 w d BV tin unit four sinry city of Nrw Noik owner C J V i Park nv architect rust ISOono Division and Altunuy n r ror six story iirineiit stores Samuel 123 Irchnnl si rtunrr i F IVIham 413 5th av nrrhlirrl n l 43000- SMh st I 4 two fnir stnry and Mse- nirnt dwellings w II S Mnitln trrrn- weh Cnnn II S Townsrnd 70- H mth st archItect rust 3 Oi- XHonornii orTiir HIIONX Freeman at three two story dwellings Wllllim T Laxrllr 1175 HIM owner and nrrhltert cost f 15000 Freeman st ns 3 w Chlsholm at three In o story ilwrlllnes lyiuls V Lavelle- ownrr and nrrlillrct coat 15000 West Fnrma rtiad and lnt nport road n e nnestiiry New York New Haven slid Hartford Railroad Co New Haven Cnnn uuncr William lIen drrvm Wrst ChiSlrr archItect cost 8000- 15lst st n s iVi e Cinirllanilt av rear two stable llllnm Illrmensuer 115 IM owner A Inndt av arrhllrrt rusl 3000 Forest av w IVi it Home at six three Mory dwellings Crockett 4 Hamilton 2 F 5th si cmnrrs W C Dlckerson 8d- av and Itath st archlieri lint 4SOOO Anthony av r s 3 s l ilh W thrrr story tenement and store Frlln TUl- j 11511 st ciunrr since archItect 10009 Plan riled for Altrrtlloni MANhATTAN BRONX Items tinder 1000 omitted ith av 172 linproviinent IK Infix Saul Mare H Lyttoii III owner Alfred ucker 33 Waverly plnre archItect cost 300 S- Park av r s 174 n Iffitlh si Improvement to fnrtjiry Anirrlean SIIU Mlrl Cu A F A Schmllt rn Courtlandt arrhllicl cost 6 o- IIIJVI KSTATK VIRCINIA LAND W It llronddiis ill West Point Is olfcrlna for sole an emlrr village IN SALT Muter wlh 12 liinlilinit to start with slut lind enough adjoining for from 40 to CO farms sleamrrs land on the farm There Is timber enough to build a large town on the land line fishing business Is clone which can be greatly Inrrraned Thr Mare p o Tel o and now paying si Ins and can be Increased very much Write Mr llrovldtis for full parllriilars Owner ot the said wharf has free to and from Iialilmorr Md on account of the Vr Ms ad In anolhrr column William U Crulkshank Idward ACrulksha- nkWin Cruikshanks Sons REAL ESTATE 51 LIBIRTY STREET 74TII VI Thru suit basement alone ilwtlllni I7tiniinnii- IIIMK A IMHUMID S01 Hth T IIKNT SKCTIDN IIAIIIMM Four comer lots rip for ImirnMllntr Improvrnicnu- TUGU KOtjlIHb IJKILLaSl HEST5BTUHT ell I HIV a mIl n Jai a Mar Ir a I I r tier I I al I fflt r r 491h 131 lan 41 I 21 lall for Sallls 3 I crnl of It r 0 I 301 0 omo And dent rAh 200 lo ugh II 120 201 60 R BWO 3m a and 0 Ian I alI 0 S Iran I 111 rl al AlI lot r I I 01 a a I I 11 Court rot ANt A n a an already hArf what 1 ITTI t 0 PerCent 5 i cor rd st I 41 tilt sum a streW ti oit itt tnt a 3275454 5 > I JoIli 0111 0 2 U billIe tIlt St II s yrs Per fit If ii141fIt Iilf nr fP 1101 25000 S 45000 lit 201 S- In Milehill sndiunn esers muir 01 lot CC 0 450 0 100553 4000 nina 3305 Itt 33 Satisfied lie 5 10 New sl tory Ii her OIL arid I Ti ncr 0 Ii3 n fir stAr It 0 Smlinltt a TilS I 3 lseo owner 0 era then are ITt ° ° < > > > > > tlTV BKAh ESTATE SPECIAL FIVF STORY 70 AMIiniCAV4- 3X11 STIIKCT CAN KASILY AL- TKIIKD loll IILSINKSS PIRPOSFA- FOlt SALi Oil HUNT FREDK ZITTEL 30tt Ciiloinhu Are nrar tiil M The Lawyers Title Insurance Company- of New York 37 Liberty St Manhattan 38 Court St Brooklyn Lends money on Bond and Mortgage in any amount- at lowest rates of interest and at moderate cost IAPITAL and I SURPLUS 8000000 Apartment House Owners ATTENTION I I am about tu open A uincrnl rest estate office on upper Slilr have hail ten years eiperlencr- In for really slid will lake complete charce- of apartment on ri tiTms would apartment for 3ervlces soil ad- ditions cash HrMfIa references and hands IMKIIIKNClil boi i Sun office 4l2 A w MCLAUGHLIN co Ilrokert and r 1rn In ilurtgatoi- I 2 BROADWAY iiHiiK STOUY TIMMHNT lost hId t tth- St near M Income f3Sm price tts n 113ml mint be sold IflSIIN l 7th av fUOM UATTEUV TO 14TU ST INCL- fsivn A SIXSTOUV rA T llV IHllniNOW- HII9 near City Hall tar sale at a bargain com- plete power plant Immediate r iw lon AniiuiMi fo- i i IIIKKMXN STlllIT Itt nrsiRAnu IIOrsKS th st to 12th t In- clusive near 5ih KV up- KlllstOl IIIIOTIIiits Mi llroadway ABOVE 14TII KT BTII AVE TO EAST nivinK- AST WTI1 ST MMt IKAINUTOV four story with nirnalnn I77WI W AUANSO- NAIIXAMIIII sa Sill AV- Hlh and 7M sis irmpllnu prices ICIINOM lll0llllits Mi nroadnay ABOVE 14111 ST STII AVU TO NORTH niviitC- OLfMllfS AV fOHNKII Two famllles on floor all ImproverrcntN icntali Ui l price uiim l lillT tiTII AV- IIOROKill OF IIIIOOKIVSALK Oil niAT 2 story and basement brovn lone house In 23- dwarl at Ibe price II rixinis oat bath all bard wood tas prates lurnacr parquet minor open plumbing halt rvcrvlhmK up to mortgage tiioi Want an otTer Apply lo- IKIKIlt 11 40 Sumner Av H l ey St once ot en FOR SAIK iintsns SlUt ST NHAII Park WcM 3 storj nnd Imnement homrs Artistic asciI fronts foyer ant regulation balls openwork plumblnn tllrd Imihronin open flit Inquire on tireml e A IIIISN Itulldr- rSiiK T APAIlTMIiNTS Anon 14TII ST KANT nl ST SM East Iwo three and rooms all light but water modorn M40 in fuLMOH IIKUTHKIIH M AIAllT li T IIOTKIX THE WESTMINSTER APAKTMKvrs Aiis4Hiriiv riinrii Mip- lUndsomelr fiirnMieil sillies to Irve consist Inc n PAIIIOII rilllt linil KIIIMIS AMI HATH lImit from i to ISJi per month Strait served In the aujtuncnlt or In the hotel dInIng worn apartments with the WESTMINSTER HOTEL KAST IHTII MIIIKT One Block From Union Square N Y The quiet slid privacy uf a home combined will the conveniences soil of n T THOMPSON Manager iiurri iiiiiiciAiinIIII- OAIItVAT AM J7TII ST OPKN i irK init 20 APAHT TN TO lin ITBNWIIKD- AIIOVi I4TII ST HINT SIDK OR COUPLES 159 WEST 34TH ST Two nnd lour rmim and Neatly furnished Suite reaMinable rents near Herald SiU re hotel service all nlelit elevator meals If de lred Superintendent on preml c 1351 ST S7 UYST IlKTWEKN Hll AND sill AVS The flneit part of Harlem new elegant model nACHEIon APARTMENT nrAi HSTATI AT AIHTION Auction Sale Saturday Deo 20 at noon SUBURBAN PROPERTY line chicnce fur linestnicnl Titles Insured by the North Jersey Till iuarantee company THECONKLIN ESTATE HACKENSACK BERGEN CO N J This property consist of benutlful private real drncn ulih lots nnd V1 inner low Un Schools and siallou Trolley piwcj properly All city advantages Sale on erved before inle Free P e on T S A W II It Oct maps passes snit further particulars from W E TAYLOR Auctioneer 133 Liberty St N Y Tel nOZflA Curt N U If stormy sale will take place In Cnnklln HcMtlence isicnm D PHOENIX INQRAHAM Auctr Supreme Court Inreclasure Sale will sell at auction nl New York Heal ljUle Salesroom III HriMitway THURSDAY Dec 18 at 12 oclock os 3111 312 t34 Tin ass and tin WEST 17TH ST U fivestory brick tenement each MX abt NuiOJ three families on n Inor In Inch IIIUIM 70 per cent can remain on bond and mortgage at 4 per cent Messrs S7ANTON A IIOIKINs Attorney for IUlntln 31 Nassau M For and parllculars npply lo the auctioneer III llroailuay 54i R E SIMON AUCTIONEER- L J PHILLIPS A CO AUCTRS Will sell III Public Allcllilll Thursday Dec 18 1902 noun nl lhc N Y Heal Kstale Silenom Ill llnwilnnjr No 318 WEST 14TH STREET A four stone private dncllhiit on lot i IOJ I Knr maps apply lo the l tInny N Y C IMlKMIMi IIOfNIM TO IIi A HOUsriM unfurnlahrd and In deSIrable localities rent 11700 to Mftio- ITUL9UM Uttoril lt UroaUwar Add 4 9 a 2 0 A o oo SlIt AV tetwcen C OU c tot lln n NIt for hall nro dAY snnemteil BACHELORS nuouuuu o Clectrie near lrlr n uIr 0 lIT IIAFttIrcr lX lIITII 0rNtP roit Ill lest tlNr1ar 5 mort- gage II IrSltltllIr III1SllCNI near 1111 FIis The are elI thin ha Ill proved lIiciits ISatr line ltosits > hit oil tin 151111 I 35 I > > > < > > > < TO LET FOR BUNINEM PURPOflB OFFICES TO LET IN Temple Court Market and Fulton Bank Building nd several PII lrnadway RUUND WHITING CO s HKUKMAN ST- ItlrV OMiKIt HlllMIIMt- Madlvin nv corner Wtli at a larite cornet office SuiTable rot stock bniker lawyer architect centre- of trainc mum of Atith ati aupirrlntendent on lolta bulldliifs omcej tIne lhl nmt oilier ihMrable localItIes KOISIIJI 111111 lints sv limaduarS- PLIINIJIII IOIT ovcr large store plate front die 37 W1 sleam hal rliclrlc elevators riot l i nne location Z44Jtfl lOrd Mid IINH FOLHTIt KLOOII 2JiJO ulnduHa front ami nar bnlstway rent fcr liarelay st- IIKAI KSTATK iT Ol TIlE HI1STCIIKSTKII COtVriNAU Hit II IIOIUlS AMI 1IATII Shout heat lot MilKi near Mallnn cheap CUM terms OHNEII S2 HKST IST MO1T VERNON rOH SAIi pieces of real estate In Mount ernon at prices KUMIN W FISliE MOIT viiic ItomiS AM HATH lot W IW near station cheap IMVMM S3 WEsT IIT HT MOfNT- KH iricsiv AII on RENT FOII SAIK llutherford N J splendid large II room house tarn carriage house rine lawn iadr nnd fruit trees this property Is on IWO main routs and would make a road hotel U II IHIIW IIS inii av Patcrnon N J NtTIFY N J Ho lots and acres coVOKH with St and Madison av- r t NAIK KXTIIIE vnJMIlR I dwellings And outbotiaeii acres fine high land mi acres oysters several 110111 worth rood Umber large MICCI orchard More once tel phone uiBre and sleamer wharf lovely view flue Ilshlnr oysterlnc crabblnc bathlnc and store and ubarf Mill ins on the Investment W H IlllOADDrs West Polni Va Owner lias free tr nsionaton for self anti family In and from llnlllmore Mil on account of the wharf LHMsllii UOOMS TO lliTM- AniSON AV IS Parlor noor suite corner house rrlvato bath meals acrved In pri- vate service 17lnlT J1ST T Handsomely furnished rooms singly and ensulte class accommodations superior cuisine table hmrct excellent service lYlepnone No 4J5 Isth- 4ITII ST l XVKST Newly furnished riKims for eentlemen private famllyi conveniences tele Torn Sr 5W WKST and small room iHaullliilly turnlshed modern residence aplendld conveniences select resIdentIal local on near elr- valed Matlon private V II McVICKKII 1 ST W ITIIJHBI well heated cheerful runiern lioissr rcosonahl- elinril NT 171 WKST One or two con nrcted southern exposure a tot water UOAIIIIHIW WAVTEI Attractive suites rooms with and with out board references ltUnd lloird Directory 2 West SM si ST AlTUNS 7 HAST 3IST ST nonmn atnrld en suite wIth private baths doctors once dining room pirlor tight excellent table buard lllll WAVTKn FKMAIFJi- A rv wvws N w v v V R H Macy Co want several neat and tidy cash Apply to Supt at rear entrance on 34th ItnOKIllNIlKKY Pxperlenced operator wanted on Smytle seeIng machine A SON 35 Park st cor Duane and Centre ala niX1KlllNlirIIV hand folders wantid mi printed work OKI McKIIIlllN 4 SON s park t tutor cir Duane and Centre st- sItills urlllnc at home evenings 17 week particular free to all addressed cnveliipe FIIIIKIIT Dcpt W 71 box lilt Pnlla- iMlihli Pa IAIIIHS WANTrI rVKllYWIinriK copy let ters hurtle evcnlnO anti return to ui we MO Ihousaud Mnd addressed envelote particulars antI rout Address W 71 box iwri Philadelphia Pa PLAIN 8KWINO AT HOME 10 week ma- tcrlals cent free steady work Send addrcwd for PONT Pent W 71 luck box 1VJ PhllBrtPlphla Pa- K H MACY CO want several neat and rapid sheet writers those who are thoroughly experienced on drivers sheets need Supt 34th st entrance driveway R H Macy Si Co want several Boys of neat appearance over 16 years of age wagons to of Delivery at rear of building- R H MACY CO want several men to pack toys at Managers rear entrance on Jth st R H MACY CO want several young men as tracers in their inquiry Apply to of 4th entrance at driveway- R H MACY CO want several experienced packers also bricabrac glass Apply at driveway st entrance- R H Macy Co want several neat and tidy Boys apply to Supt at rear entrance on WMPitsrrnll Capable reliable younc men In small Job nnice steady place to tight and wace wanted bin HI Sim iiillce- PKHIKNCKI SHIPPING CIKIIK ant porter I In ItlhoKrupMc shop permanent position good pay Inc William at I WANTED Ill n dry goods commlvslon house- a buy In learn the business one reotdln with his I patents preferred Address P O 101 M- lvotxo MIN FVKHYWIIFHK copy Idlers boon cvcnliin 17 week Send addressed en velnpe fur rillinllT llept W 71 Inn III Iblladrlplila ATIONS WAXTKII MAIKSI- IAVINO SOIll INTBKEST In business here am seeking pirmanent connection with reputable rnnnrai am 37 ot nrestty years experience as clerkicasbler- trciisurcr and mannErrt In railroad tnanuMctiirliiK mercantile and newspaper lines can fumlsb any lionel needed povslbl- nnfcTcnres as to character and capability excep tional organizing and cxicutlve tn TOrT nf nflslrs and have done doll licrabln succesitul would like to form connection wlili large where In Industry and Integrity will assure ade- eniate cornprnsatlon Address IMIX Ill Sun nfflc- eIIOOKIIIMIIH A lir t class Job forwarder with tn years experience having some honest worker New York ex would like or cloth work best of reference UKO F 111 Market st Pinighkeepsli N V rMTiiiKnn SALESMAN in lm ciiiiiitrlis wishes rood line for Cuba and Mexico S CosnioKlltan Hotel NIWSPAPIH MAN Ml of more than ordinary ability fur engagement as editor or special writer on dolly or Sunday seven years- esperlencc any KIllT lbs II sun MIUIMUIY AMI UIICSSMAKINi- IIIIKSSMAKIXi IIIMMitr taught Per feet filling shirtwaist or skirt tialteila cut to nt bw MuliOWIilI SCHOOL SlltU Av Special vIler tfcli week ala SIOWS 1c glass 1 mT- A y A ou l o Ao for to tent riot 4i I Et rom EST 110 root rom co v Jut or DIM f ImI TInULI del t co 2 u P- AIl TI a JI n IO I t list 7 tIT V- II sale and Itt 0IlSEIbtsEOtS Sail ShilL west 514 all lArge fan Ill 0 Side Ill age WILSON I I I Ill In Situation cover leather I I tOt ON Osvn 5 14iiiMT > > > PIANOS AI OHCA S f w > PI A Mix AMI OllttAN a A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION THE PIANOLAW- e have prepared for the holiday season a large m a of choice woods Your inspection of these instruments is cordially The AEOLIAN CO Aeolian Hall 5th Avo near 34th St THE ONLY THAT IMPROVES WITH USE CALL OR WRITE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POSTPAID HARDMAN PECK CO 138 FIFTH AVE NEW YORK alas 62 HARDMAN- P I A N 0 PIANO IISTAIIIISIIKII IMl JACOB DOLL MAMTACTlllKIl OK GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOSNe- w lImes o Ilrnl and Sold on lUiy l inrnl HOLIDAY INDUCEMENTS 93 FIFTH K I ITH ST OPEN iVKMMiS Send fur CuUlogue- llranch lot Market St Newark NI rilCIK OF rilE MUSIC I4IVIM II IIIIf SPECIAL 1NI1UCKMKNTS on used pIanos of COlic makes obtained by exchange Kiy term IManiis tn Rent 113 KAST 14TII ST THE PIANOTIST PIANO PLAYER any piano any out ran It operates by foot treadle or electricity dally from 10 to 4 rash or asciI wr H AUK KtMIJIS ITO RTH AV KAIt IIITII ST roll StIr WEEK BUYS ANY Others from to 50 Largest Stock of Records In the World Full Lint of Victor Talking Machines SRHAVEGA Store 32 EM15O- pta ftry Evening Until XMAS Edison Phonographs Victors Zonophonti Most country Machines A llrcords reiiiid reducid durlns boll clays Stow A sundiys until u p M Money funded VICTOR Slain Store in l Second avenue I j door above H6lb t llrancb Stores 7 Columbus Ave V City HI ISth Avenue Newark X J SAFES New antI second hand of all kinds and makes safes nt- cxctianccd arid repaired 1 Jl 7 Maiden Uinr Til 1123 John Ullllard and Pool Tablet solIdly made hlch irrade goods lOng accurate durable cusliljni Decker est isjo lua East ma al- NATHANS TVrFWlilTFlt UAIKiAINS- Ileinlnilon No I7o No B K No S JS No 1 Hi Franklin IIS Yo t i Hammond Via lillckendorler IIS Dllver U Smith Premier mCtaJidull 112 Odell V Drnsmorr J5 Kdlami Mlmeoeraph IIA coxt liO cnrbon paper 1154 typewriter ribbons uo NATIIAV ai ulion at- fNTII IIHIS1MAS IIMV A IU tree hand purl rail JJxai reduced to- IU0 a Hi free hand rraynn ISx reduced In fin snilsfscilon iSClllS AHT- STtDlO 401 Wrst Mil si car nth v- UilCd charge for new If M I KKKM Itu lIMway- SnilIKH CAIKMIAIIS IIHI1 than the cardboard beautiful lithograph colored deljns embraelni 10i as low ns HI Vim IKH THlfSAVI INIllM CO M7 Broadway room V New Year Private Malllne Cards Calendars for Souvenirs and AdrertMni Purposes Chrlslnuis and New Year Cool Irons lo to 11- 1JOSUPlt KOKIU111 nnd Mniiufncturer Ilirk How New York Open Kvcnlnits- BANKUIfS militia check protectors utenclls Indelible Ink numbers types daters etc AIIIIAM AAUONS 22 Ijul Mb M car rnlverslly t ANTIOlKS fltlOS ANt MIIVICII Old Jewels MlvenTarr rare fans aliiilnirs mlnla- turei Slid weapons old grit bnUEht at EltlIVS- AHT lAllrllV Iftt West Uil st near ntb av GENERAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Ml IIHOAIWAV IAIIK PIACK General dealers In all makes of typewriters rented sold exchanged repaired mm mm h 17 Em fm KVR TEST DAILY M iOili LMSMS ji- KKKM i o itromi- IBXTIKMKXS ClOTIIINd made to order weekly payment flue material tit Kuamnteed Doom 7 CLOTHING ON CREDIT ladles soil ienliiuieiis nlvi IUM on Imtsll- rnents tprmx mnndriillal AddrcM lw M sun Harlem oillce II9 Wcrt IJith s- tWiiitY PAX 1IKNTH I wVclies- Vlarantred lowcM prices buMniss rimtldrntlal WATCH SI CO Maiden Uitie- SOIIA liSt STAINS all sivlcs my telephone coiincrllDns McCAIIIll COMPANY Pink sis Head SAFK rou SAII In rir tclivv cnnditlon Htttcbes and Jewelry I HAYKTAKKX IN IXCII for real estate I4nil uf dlamouili ron IMlni nf nne dlamonil heart nnn sunbur one harvest moon one lirnncli- wltri Msteen dlAmiinds and live solitaire from Jj tn ail carats also thee ctu i T the nlnivc ire blue white nml absolutely and will stand expert must dispose them Deinnber 15 call nu Mcurrn II A III A N lorAIIII I Vr t nil K tar UriindMi- WKKKIY PAYMKNTS Ilni dlimondi lowest price cnnildrntlal WATCH CO Tune Maiden Lan OIICCKS AMI SCIKIIIIS For uaiiKMeii Hiimen ltr IounlrT REGENTS COLLEGE KnnhMs- rMTMH M IIOOI in slllll IlACI- liny Ivenlnit or Private Siiut for t iiiUiK r iA iNviiit y PREPARATORY SCHOOL It Hot 43d Ml N Y Telephone laStS 31 bay Bvcalof or Pilvtu Ullo iie A KRAKAUER SOS TiE YE e it pta sic Only uhnccradsll able ash Noulded Records or auti 1114 ilalI It goods are not satIsfactory 4 e 5 Old ones taken In ez III tea cost Till II OIl CfrIstrnns and ISO Oil ito Iiaiinul I lIc rte liEu InquireS tNt rIngs ceteat is iii list itilid li cult ran Iet ties and sod suit tel iiie 451 IIItElil N fur C n50 5 < < < > > > ° + 3 AT th St The most advantageous offer in America Pianos WeeK Wilson Piano 155 Harmony Piano 175 S5 down and SI a No interest is charged for time taken in making payments Pianos delivered on receipt of first payment of 5 Bloomingdales is the only de- partment store in the hav- ing own factory and tints our facilities surpass any Corn petition- We offer on the same terms the following highgrade pianos Richardson 195 Mayers 165 Walters 105- Vil each piano selected we give a stool to a new style piano cover Come and hear the wonderful Pianista Piano Player You can secure one on easy terms of 2 a Week BLOOniNQDALE BROS Third Avenue 59th and foth Streets PIANOS All the new Waters Uprights have 7 13 octaves strings to a note full iron frame linest ivory keys repeating action and three pedals They excel in fine tone solid construction careful workmanship and great durability If you desire to purchase a strictly highgrade piano with all the improve incuts at a reasonable price call and see us or send postal for catalogue of Waters Pianos with reduced prices and terms on our new 3ycar system of payments giving you three years time on a piano without interest HORACE WATERS CO 134 Filth Ave near ISth St HARLEM BRANCH 254 West 125th St near Bth Ave OPEN EVENINGS JAHES HOLHSTROM- ii I if HTU srilUKT- lleaiilllui Maby iianris of merit Cnliiiilil IdtmitMincoanil Ha by without our un iterlid Tran Vied Melnwnyc IIH pianosHentnf1 up O WWUERTZ PIANOS iiietn lied in tiiic tniiii nid duroblliyi atisululel- reliilili fnrinry prices cOalS or easy payments plniio renitl ren purohnv- iliis rniin AV MITII ST SID r it c Mydri in HVKXINOI GORDON up tine order 7500 Nrw tMiiucii tip lull W mo HIS IMrce nxortnirnt of lliililly used Ilano- lielit s M up or sell caii iMynienu- Jicml for cidHliUNS 113 nun av RELIABLE CONNOR PIANOS nl id trill ti n s rcrliAiikinir re- pilriic OIHJI cvi ninth I fl i id it iurant uprlglt piano 17 erlnK litm lieu iirlflI pianoS iKiUEht nnd rxrUntienl tiintui and UIMi liUiVIH utst HHi si brnnrh tw ttu- nv CIT IMl si opiii iveilnp- A lull AM Mlii IIXIi ImmelUlely mIre Ir nillnii usrcifInMnc Runt nti iiitc rillil or ru ilnll V years itiuilentr ciiiiMllnllivn Itii1 mnlldr- nllalr labll nnli inr 7 t IttliM SPECIAL MlTIc ljnlli deoiiiiiE rscliulM pnincy toil who cilijrri iu Miiiii an nl I u SIC In ltid to rnl upon Hie iluttor til IU fleraiit hulls isi VeM st tor ndrlri their M filllsllllllliin I it roMlilnillil- A Hit liul lils KI U 47TII ST Specialist for UIIIM n ptutUi In led In the treatment nt tin nrtrtiiic nml Imntiiiiini clixiac Irieru piMillnr In Ibr ix sanitarium I IMIII xkllliil wifi Irramclit Iouis In to 7 A VI liMs I IHMAMM Ct HI In rilsiasei- nf men itntizriim rjM H ullclleil relief at once l HIM nnlv in t cl s xeieiniftc trrntmriii- MtiiuM rtiiliMiliiiiriifiiili liiivscillllI- II t si Jlii M Hours ti tn a 7 tiii Siindays 10 17 lilt i Mils SCIIIiciiluil Ir niile speelslUMi- Pirriul Id illMlllllltlli UIUIM tlMlltltCl Mils ii CM liiii si Mm prrtlee roll niu t i iiii pmve no- tl7 I is Iilli si i WKST fir Ciowe cures trtecur- llic AT ONUi wltuuut paui lIK IIO 7 i 1 week WATERS 3 11 lit S Itt gbest I plIghts keyboard Yt I tic liii I list tic 0 sue a iLo Ito 0 I a S i hIck V Ill MEIICtb recuinrill It ltloln haul 01 eli rge a 00 0 lOt 10 iil I till is a solO mi Iii C it tIc ONI ll 111 I cc ant suCil 3 5 1 A ¬ > > > > < > < i f iff Ct C S S I ifrn C v 5 1- I 54 a 0 P J S 7 id v- c j- 4u 5r- al 4 4 1 5- c I ri ia SJ I 0 ii- S I i I 9 J <

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Post on 27-Dec-2019




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Page 1: W- ala Ion Lawyers The Title Insurance Ir York y …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-12-17/ed...ceased 8ISi-r FAMau rmnm HOOXKT co Ninth Mrrrt No south side 4JOH feet
























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Yulerrtayi Oeala l w In Number and tornparatlvrty Inlniporlant Hale orNo k FAil RlRhtrlithth Ntrrrt TheCommrrrlal Lraira a New Ilullcllnf

The lIt of private Kales reported yeterday n on the day Ion wnit a chort ontIt appears likely therefore that the prpnent-we k will Fhow a rnnrked contraction ofliuclness an compared with the provlouw twothl month However weekably a record breaker for a Docemlwr weekan over a hundred Bales wereinndo public

The only noteworthy Item In yeolerdaysbudget wwi a of Xo S Eat EightyiKhth ctrect by OSRIXM Pell A Co forCleorgp C KdgarV Sons It IH a new fivetory Amcrlcnn basement dwelling on a lot57flxlOtS and i ono of a row of three

month hy Fianol K Pendleton who gaveIn exchange a plot Gl10x1008 the northi Mrect 1W4 feet eawt ofFifth avenue

This plot Ccorgp C Edgar Sons Intendto improve A oitiple of wink ago Derrick

bought from W M Renjnmln a plotof three lots adjoining No B East Eightyeighth street mi the iinl Theso trancaclion taken In connect ion with other recentdeal appear to reveal n fnirly active de-mand for property improved and unim-proved In the Fiflh avenue residence dis-

trict conililiring the time of yearIn the Molinn lying liotween Thirty

eighth nnd Ninetieth ctre tH and Madixonand Sixth avenues there are about fortynew offered for ale They rangeIn price from IIBOono t tMiOOOO and theiraggregate value IH about 10000000 Thepn nc of larK a number of unxoU-lhighpriced houses haw given rl j to comeapprehennion that building movementin the Fifth avenue district may have beencarried too far Hut while purchawK ofcostly resiliences by capitallRtx of nationalfame are IWH freiient than they were theHtipply of expensive Kant Side lion HPs onthe market Is gradually growing smaller

H Vlwtock IIIIH sold No 81 East 132dstreet a threestory anti basement dwelling-on lot

The Huland t Whiting Companyloaserl for Horace S Ely A Co to theYork Commercial for a term of NoH Sprucv itre t n building onlot 245x100 adjoining the Tract onthe corner of Nansiu ntreet It will receiveextensive alterations

V L has Imught fromV Smith No 122 East Twentyfourth

Mreet a andcm lot 20x87

Jane Smith has old to a Mr FitzslmonsNo 122 Knst street a fourstory brick dwelling on lot 20XR78

L A C Erntit have sold the plot 225-

xlOOll on the south side of 101st streetlOt feet east of Second avenue

Mrs A C Harnes has sold through E ACruikshank A Co to Mary Owens forHI500 the house No 44Irving on lot 2AxltBx betwoon Sixteenth and Seventeenth streetH

Stephen McCormlck has for JamesNo M West 105th street a five

flat on lot 315x10011 and for DavisKarp No 304 Wet 149th street a lx toryapartment house on plot S0x09il

sold No 41 WentSeventeenth street a fivestory tenement-on lot 25x92

louis A Co have sold to IsidoreLeipzig the northwest corner of Avenue

street a sixstory brick build-ing on plot 32flilOO

U reported to h vbought No 49 West streeta and basement dwelling onlot 17x090

S O ood Pell A Co have sold a atSands Point L I to W W Miller whowill build a handsome residence for hisown use

Mis Caroline T Rtirknm 1s the buyer ofNo 37 West Fortyninth street ofwhich was

Duff A Brown have sold for the ACurrier Company to a Mr Flannagan aplot 150x195 onnear Broadway

Aston has bought from Ran-dolph a tract of 100 lots

a dwellingof Herman Schleicher on Thirteenth streetCollege Point I I

Metropolitan Life Insurance Comto Nos 31S to

322 Fourth avenue at ttw southwest cornerof Twentyfourth street The companynow owns of the blockby Twentythird and streets

Madison Fourth avenue

Tndayi iuetlnti Salr-RT jars L VHlt

Sixtieth Url NollS north aide tw feet neatof Columbus avenue 3SXIW1S five storyIoU sale to close rstntr of Catharine M Warddrcrased

Seventy third street No 300 north ridefret nut of lrxlnzton avenue 3 1i33flat executors salr to close rstatr of CatharineM Ward deceased

in OKORDE B liRAtiNo A3 north ion feet west ofjtlKJ brIne store

No H Metropolitan Llfo Insurance Companyvs W If rl Hitch W II II attorneyaR O Cummlnns refrrre dir on ludcment Ii3-SS343 aubjrrt to laVrs r ll9r II

teat Knd avenue No 73 southwest corner ofalice iHaxUia nve stoty brick

dwrlllnE No Metropolitan IniuranrrCompany W II ft al itllrh W IIA attorneys 1 II Wilson rrfrrrr due on Judg-ment Ulrtftloc subject to tales Ac lt OS

Convent avenue No 7 Jill fret north of 144thatrrrt thrrr brick dwelllnr 3Metropolitan Life Company va W II-

Redflel1 et Hitch w II A attorneys O S-

Lurtlow rrfrrrr due on Judgment 11917117subject to taxes Ac IM3M

Fifteenth si reel No Sja south aldr 400 feet wellof Klrhth avenue mHiM nvralory brick flat

No 41 Metropolitan Llfr Companyvs V H Rerineld et IIM

lorneya C I llowland referee tine on judtmrnt-tml S4iiA mihjrrt In taxrs Ar 1703AS

street No 311 north aide ITS feetwest of Seventh avenue Hi 100S fivestory brickflat s M r Livingston vs j ct al

ill P Uvlnraton attorney p L Klrraan refrrre dun on Judgment I3IS430S subject to lazes


fifth avenue No 3103 rast stile 7411 feet southof Ulth UrI fivestory brick flat J It Carpen-ter and another trusties vs Patrickft i r Chamberlln attorneys Wreferei due on Judgment IISWHKO subject totaTe Ac l 0BT


130th atrret No 319 north side 1711 feet wealof Seventh avenue iZfliMll brickdwrlllnc W M lowell ant another aa trusteevi B II Taylor et al W M Powell Jr attorney

3 7I 5 subject to tales Ar 110-

BT D rilKNtX INOIIAnA-UHathratf avenue No 3111 west aide 300

south l d street 3Uinn two story frame dwell-ing R K llrown and another as trustees v c II

rt al J linr attorney w Ifreferee due on Judgment subject tolairs Ac W130-

7Yrttrrday Auction Kalm-BT SAME L WrLIJI

flowery No 33S east Title 1351 feet northof street 3S Ul 4JV to alley u

fret wide iSx33ini3 4Hi3Jx0 twobrick Store and lumber yard on rear

Mutual Llfo Insurance Company VJ K JSchnucg rl al hansII rrrcdman referrr due on

1304731 subject to ttxia Ac IMS03 toJwnrs 3400-

0littn StriCt north side 133 fret weat of fer-ard jxMnxjuxansJiiii twoalory brick dwelling W W Richards et al-

va II Little rt al llelderman A II atlomeyi IVnllnaiid Kidman Jr refereeOur on Judgment t3S7434 subject totaleS Ac 4 lo plaintiff 1400

Park avenue Sos 3iUO 3IW rast sideMI3 feet Hoiilh of 141th street ioilll9one and three story brlrk building Lambert Nuyclani vs I Redman et at

A W attumeya M S lullrrman refrrrrduron JuitrmrnlUSSaMsubject to taXes Ac 113203 prior mort

I40il Adjourned lo Dec 23

BT niCIIARD T ItinNRTT C-OHnuslon strrrt So 431 northrasl earner

of Avrnur D 33Si7 two story framebrlek front trnrmint I M gnstlnl vs

C Saniay rl al Anders m P A A atlnmr loldmark refrrre suitedlo tales Ar l 7Ji partition to l rn-eld A Praner tJIISH-

BT turn r UKTKR a rn-

Avtnuo No 134 aoutticMt corner ol



xo o bought









Gun U I

VtDU OralI 2v

2601 I o




on Ildrmenl








flit 4 CiI

last wart

rompleteil was met

Pr flu





fvrit vfuurt I





flat ecii





at at




referee ilcie













Eighth alreet I i70 brick teneMerrill Sands va A A Lapaugbllelghan x attorneys

l nn refers subject to nm 4cI-

JOO partition to Marcus Nathan t07SBT OIOIIUE II

I4M Mrrct No Waoutli i M fail eastnt Uraadway lisle brIckdwelling F II Tallin vs i rt alStcvion J dc II I Klrrnan rrfrrrr due nn Judgment 113OT7 7 subject la tales 4c


I street No M south side 100 feet castof Vanderblll avenue UMIlKi two tutframe dwelling Klcle Itossltcr as iiur-vlvlng executrix vs J A Knot rt X

Idwlon J A refereeon Judgment IZ770 S subject lo

taxes c HOD to Ilir plaintiff JMO-BT BRYAN U KKNNB14T

Seven street No 115 north sideMl seat Columbus ai enue Kilo

nml basement brown atonefront dwelling saleestate Xellle I Carpenter de-ceased 8ISi-

r FAMau rmnm HOOXKT coNinth Mrrrt No south side 4JOH feet

west of Fltlhavcnue SUUIi four storybuck dwelling Margaret v-

Hosalle Srbornbcrir ft al linnattorneys B II Frost rfffrrf dUe onludrmrnt I14 i0 subject to taxes Ac-I7UIOU Adlnunint In Dee SO

Thirty fourth Street No south side IZifeet east of FJghth avenUe l xiw fourstory stone frnnt dwelling New YorkSecurity and Trust Company substl-luted trustee vs Schoenbenf

courier Hios K IIPrusl rrfrrrr due on Judgment tluouisubject to taxes At J73 V

Adjourned toDcSO

Heat Kututr TrantreriDO-

VMTOWHSouth Fourlfrnth

The letters i c stand claim drrrti band-s for bargain and sale a e con-taining covenant against grantor onlyllroadway 4 7 and 4 Mercer M 2tioo8i-

34Vxi J William J A McKlin rrfrrrrto Mosca Gardner 114400-

0llmomr st 4li n 363x71 Juliet II-

llrown t Abraham Nrrlns and ann I SOO

37 rear part llachrl10 Frederic 1 Weekes U part b and n

all Urns Iproperty Frederic I Weekes to Her

all title h and n all Urns IunIon t It e MxlOu Catharine II llur-

rrll and aDO trustees to llncus Low en74000

Same property llncus Uiwcnfeld and anoto I

Division M 2A4 n s 7iS7iWil MosesL Adams lo Mamlr I Adams part I

Division st M n i CharlesS iUEEfnhrlm to Mamlr K Adam Itpart suit nil title suture Irtnoo IOiiO

M s s 742 r iorrrK it 37117S-lamrs T Walth to I ODnnnrllmIce V 1

Same K ODonnell lo-Annrs K Sullivan li and n mice r if i 1

Suffolk l 87 r K 73xloii PolIsh NationalKo llrnrvoleat Niclrty to Hrrnard-iali u kt 1470

Suffolk st 1 r s J3 inn Jadnlira OmdsVato foil Kosculsko llrnfvolrnlSociety q

st n u cor North Munrr t24IU7S Alfrrd C gulmby to sirnart-f Alirr r 100

Sits t Ill T r4 Chrtra KadlsruaThorn lo Kallnsrhou Trltrlhatim

Vrrhrudrrunns Vrrrln It3007th t 114 K TMWIO Morris Kafcn soil ann

to Mai Lanrct rntvr Morio I17th si n s 1M w Avenue C HI 13 irnrer-

llufckrl lo Jrromr I1 llrrnncls 1


rtftftar between Fourteenth ant ll 1 iff-7d ar r 417 n Olst st J kO Flkan Kahn to

Frederick A llohnl mire Hnr ie 1100d av i4 n r ror S3d t 74 xlpO Kdwar-dSchnrllrtallo Jamrs Doris ooo

4th av 7J a w ror 74th st li4 fi r J Grist10 Metropolitan Ufc insurance Co jno

4th av SI w s 7ilo Alfrrd I Snydfr toMrtropolttnn IJfe ln urancr Co 1

4th av Sin w I7i N II mm lo v mr-ralje i0i r s K4-

7IM st 3VIO c 40i9J Mai Llpmanand ann lo Samurl 1amass anoSUnoii ino-

J4lb t s a 80 w 4th av 701494 Nalbanlrl IINorton to Mrlrutxilltaii Life Insurance Comtge i

41st 177 e rnwB Heal ProperlyCo to John W mIce

HOaio 100st a s in 7d av 74H077 Annul

Jacob to Oscar Krueier mt r II70 1 iJd si 741 r 1SH077 Srlma Mortus to

John 1Old st 110 r lritngton JOxlOOS Sophia

Ulrand widow to KlltabethmtreMonn i-

WMT HIDtWest of FtId rt between foutrnith and W III

Vth m e s iSieOi4ui ThomasWataon e al K llolurook Cushman I70m-

Amslrrdam av a r ror 7 th l 773iriThomas Culllnsn lo Kuirnla Wolf mireHOroo i

Am trrdam av n w ror 107th at o7xtnn-Comraertcal Real rotate Corporation toJohn OConnor ml telV onn ino

Amsterdam av a e ear 7 th st 777 iJames toTbomasCulllnan hand j

Same property Frederick W Ken tosnmr ISame propirtr Jennie to b 1

Same property Emma Clark Indlv andtruslrr 4 iO

44th st IS5 W TOitOOS Harriet I Potter toJames W llrnnlni 40000-

46th st 7l iIdOS A R Smool to MaryCavvon mIce llsOJi JSloo

Same pmrrrtyt Cnsson to Jacob WolfAnd ano mtfr 37000-

4Wh st W JilflOS Thomu Watson rtal ricrj to llowlrtt SilTs JlflSrtl 73000

tIlls at 370 W 74x1004 Thomas Watson rtal dir to G H Cchrtta mIce lloSftl 73000

104th st IIB71 W 40xlOOlt the nrronL McUan mlitr I40ooo rich and 100

RAIUX-Mtnnbatton Island north nf llif-

1st 7705 n w cor tilth st 53x75 Donatomicro ct al to Antoalo JJracco ll partmt r 2iion iiooo-

d av A v cur 117th t WSxHO Mirj J Oliverto lydia H Koch mttr i

2d av w i 741 a HMh at s7H10 Mary JOliver tu Lydia II Koch

4th v n w Cur isntli at72xs4 llenr Schmlt-lretrrrr to henry 1 D dr Melt J13M

4th av 7lo M w s Snxiio Lawrence 1 Hockto lAo M Irhman mtffrSVirvo iIlnxidway st iwiui5CtirrlS-II Kmierlo Allanlle Realty Co 100

Maillsnn w 7ixw IMwarrt Schnell-

Ii7imil 37500St Nicholas av no w 33miiajx73xlll4

Frank M Ilrrnnan to llyman Kuhrn mtrr7-Snnri j

lllth at y 35xlonli Lillian nipp to MaxOrhrn mtBr

I32d st 35 n 100 w Mount Morris ParkWrat Vlxinoil inner W Kom to JacobHntzman 4 mire n oin ItS

Hid si 573 W Kllii A JennIngs toIWinli l McKoon b and a c a s

BRONXflorovgfi of The Senor

Evelyn pi a I7S w Jerome av Wxinn-Marfarct J Thomson widow to OttoNicola 14700

Herman pi e a 7 n 156th it 75U1004x75x-B59 Max Stan to Lawrrncr ItorUmIce tioom 100

Hoffman st 34WON e a 4ni775x50xl73l lla II II Klssam to Jcnnlr FrlnhUtl 3WO

Klnzshrldfr rd n w enr Madison l i-Mxmxiai Caroline Dwhm ft al to SidneyWnrma a all llrns

Myrtle Vanderbilt or llallruad av a w rorat or Molt at Mxioo James I Haven

and ano 7000Southern boulevard n a 174 W St Anna av-

3UIOO Louli F Doyle referee to Hermanllivipltal and 14000

Washington av e a 87tfl a Fletcher at 7toFuchs to Waller-

Whpwell 11500 iWebster nv proposed w a proposed

lto Ids MForachnrr to Walter Clarke ml ic xjirjfo 7400

e Uttnn Timothylower to Martha fiercman all 1800-

Zulett av a a e av J5ilt lot letW A Maprs Harry A Archibald-

to Martha O fireman 3000-It3l st 0 K I8HX103B Charles Model to

Andre Warhler 100Same properly Andrew Wachter to Lizzie

100147ih al s s tOil w St Anna av 7Sx75x77inx

94 Sohirnnn Moses lo Lawrence J HockmiCe tf K 100

IKd st 774 K 17x100 Srlma Morbui to JohnHelm b and a

184th st a a l w Ktrbbln av 30x730 A DIarktT to William I Case

imth st a w cor Strhhlns av 19x73exlOlOx77 A D Parker to William Case t-

Mlh t a a M Stebblni av 33x731 A D-

Cnrker to William P Case iLot I lots O Hunt estate Catharine

Hunt to Thomas Scott

RecordedBoston rd a w ror I7 th at Patrick nice 10

Ttiomaallroadway I o4 00 Sam S vhubrrt and ann

to J StaTIon tyrollth av a w ror 4Uth al 35 74 Michael Daly

and to Thomu K 5 yrs7th av 31 All rn Adtms trusleo to

James McFlroy in yra-W av I7HJ n w ror Both st Louise Cilia to

Peter Lrnnon 4 yrsCotirtlandt al 33 H Nftelhlnf to

lunlrl J Spraiur 10 yra-Courtlandt av KOO n r ror ll ih st Samuel

llahn to Joseph Sealer 3Kllubrth it 303 Faust U Matron attorney

to Salvatore Plrsrla 4l yrs

Rrronlrxl MnrtsttSMDOWNTOWN

SoulA of FourteenTh 11

Where no Interest Is slated read 5 per cent447 also Merrer si 34

iardner to John F II Mllrhrll rt al I yrpercent 1100800

Ilmume t 41 Abraham Stevens andano lo lawyers Illle Insurance CoI yr lloon

Canal si n 71 w Kllubrtlist Margaret A-

lluito for ier fillesi lo Title iiiaianire-ami Iruxi Co due Nov 1710074 per run 10000

nlvi Interior nnl parcelNo I Chrrry st 41 Hrrnardlo Henry De Werkrsdue Jnn I luoiK rinl dniiii

st n w cor North Moore itStewart C liger to Tlllr iuaranlrr ItTrust Co due W 4 Vet vcut ISooo


ainlid <












of citlor

deed c for deed


Chrrr 1

and ann











h sA





to same





srl at to Marartlha 11







and ann h and

referee to nlfd States Co


miCe 03 i

A s




I S r l

210228I mma




Ip r

Oce 10 1



51 the



adntltlit raters










tags Tal-mud







hem and


0same a

cilia and



Comrin of New sork to Ntary


heir ridge






ZtIlcIt a ice

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Cceir t2 ncralec

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> >





Mb al CI a s 34H7 e Ate II KolaMrhow-Telirlbaura Vribrudrruncs Vcrelu toKalbarlna Eocb due Jan I I90N 4 i per

11000to Chrbra Kadeaba Talmud Thor-

aprtormUefll 3000-Hi si 114 Mix Ijincet lo Morris Kahn

prior liner W0l w 5 yrs Installs 11 perrent 4500

nth t rwVtt i alhan MlxrrsotiSender Jarmulmvsliy lyrnpvrcrnt 40K i

nth t to s M4 fnirr traceliuld Wilnhandlrr to lUrry W-

llruUlrlnatalNUirrrriil W-

K rIKa t of rift ar hilurm and I1OI id3d n e cot 3d t lanirn linda U David

M Kothler phur 3lu I yr a perrent w 0-

Mnv JAms Torts In Kqultn-Mr LIfe AMurntin Nirlrly dup 1

tttH t rrnt 3IOW3d IR313S Ode I Itrld Kltcli

Inc lo U IlUiiat rick Sirs 000-

31st at F Snmiirl Puritans andnno lo Max Upmau nnd alto prior rotire-iI755u I jr

Samr to aamr prop riy prior mtges-llSnm I yr 0 nr rent WSf

4M M a sis w I Clinrlfs V Scbmldtto fhnrlis Schiitlf I yr I per crnt tW

Kit at 3711 Ij Harris to Meyerold Irlor tnlirr J i i a u ornt 13j-

65th M n r ror Ialk n John Mto irortr I1 priorlIlt June I ll 0 4 per mint gold 10000

whir HlllK-

ItVrt of flttli tie htttrrtH tliurttrnlli and IIOOi illOUT nv l3 F llolbn k Cuthman to Dowrry

Batik yrn I lIlt iTtit IIOono-AniMrrdini nv n w ror at John

OConnor tu William J Casey dm Jan lo-1WI3 300IKI

Amsterdam av K i ror Tilth l Thomas illllnan to Drills HorLin 3 r 4000-

0CvlurntiuanVniTiirTltliM Martha Holmesyr I 50000

Sd M n s ISia Mb iiv William F Dunnclly-tn Marion i Vnti livkf I r PIT rent IOO-

i4lhstt3 WJamia W llriiiilng In Ijtwyer-Tlllr Inournnrr Co I Ii prr cent 37000

SOIls st 335 W Star Cn on to Albert IISiniMit 1 yr S000

iulscHotic and Trust Co 4 yrs per cent 15500

37U V ilovamil chrtla lo Titleuuraiil iniulTru Co3yr 4prrrrnl 17000st 751 A JiiMplilni Crump t I-

IVrklim prior mtge l I yr 1000SOIl t s 313 w Amslrrdam nv Ashrr r

Meyer to Tltli Insurance Co of Nrw YorkI yr w ISooo

70th M n s TOOW Wist Knd nv Max Vogr-ltoSramniu



61h av n w cor l itli M llcnry i I de Stillto lloncl MortgageA Viiirltles Co 1

lth M i sit HriMriwiey Allnmic Kealtyto Charles H Kriner 3 yrs 4j per-

centI47tli M a r cor Hmailwuy same lo Mine

3 yrs i jper rentISth st s s c Hroadway same to same

3 yrs ii perIMth t s s 375 e llrnadwny same tosame

3 yrs iij per rrnt-Lenox av 3l 5d Catherine II Mtken

Margaret I

trustees 2 mtgcs 3 yr 4jIIIIIIMff nr limo

Kvelln pi sa 17 w Icrmnc av Otto Nlrolalto Margaret Thompson S yrs prcent

tollman st 4iufi lennlc Felnblatt toLeila U II KKsam 3 yrs B per cent

Hughes BV r s am n l lst M liarbir to Siphle Kniippir 3 yrs 6 tIer dint

I liintalne av n e cor isoih si James Iiiirlsto luMil Kwhler prior liniclue Ilic 16 ll 3 per cent collateral

HMtti st su iorMebblnsav MIUam PCase-to Nellie lunlni 3 yrs

Same pruperly MHIC to Andrew I Iarkerprior mIre iic i due June 15 I9H3

tier centIMth st a s 19 w Stebblns av same to Nettle

lunlng 3 yrsSame property same to Andrew f Parker

prior miitt n u tier editleuli t s s st M siebblns av ssme to Nettle

lunlng 3 yrsSame property same In Andrew II Iarncr

prior mgv I7i i fl mo n per dent

Irrlianlti lIenst th st n e ror eth hosts William M

Crane Co vs Mela Realty Co 300 00nml 37th t 3 K A C flrlmm a

Frederick A Wahl unit ano 1IOOOCherry t 31 Auser Melsel et al vs Hertmrd-

tSolden eta 11800Cherry st W73 3 and Waters SI3t Max

Lrnnky vs tarot Leader ll a00-Ilracb nv Louis I llrhman v Annie

ChMlig IIJO-

lltilldlnc Loan ContractFreeman at n w ror Chlshnlm st 100x85-

Luey 1 llarnard loans Nellie A Lnvelleand ano 14000-

8th st 31KK105 Sender Jarmulowsky loansNathan Mlvrrxon 40ono-

31st st M ifl K Max Llpman and ano loanSamuel and Ann ia000

Mrrlianlos liensav w s vsiTa lOlh st 75x K x-

Irrrg Church K lutes A Co vs irorgat V

oIlIer l eo 13 1003 ei 00117th al 13 W Mas lustier antI ann va Louis

harp SoV 71 li 3 eooCO-S3d t 317 E Simuel lrvlnr and ano VI

Samuel llruscb June 37 Itui Jnooo

Foreclosure StillsII4th st 23 lrun OilIer va Jacob Goldstein et al

ally M H layman8th av i s 495 n I5lth st 75txino John Stauf vi

Francis J schnuzir rt al tty W ODonoghuenth nv e s 7411 n IMth at 74Mm William Me n vs

Fnincls Srhniiiri rt nl s mr14th at r 31 nv KHIdJ Ilfr Insurance

Co vs Ji rili Srhwartlrr rt al nlty Dillon A IIRond from Wrstchrnter lo West Farms nt the June

lion ol n street laid down on annexed to ailrnl by William Smith lo lame Kelly made byAndrew Flmllay July 5 l 57 Snxn IrregLvvrrr r s IIIIXUINIX Irrrit lots t and 7 on

of building lots tn Village of WcMcbesterItaiph Illckns vs John J llnnohin and ano allyNoble C

IU Iciiilons4-

3d st s o w 7th av nU Mary A Smith ft al vWilliam A action In set aside a deed


hail ii fiber n e cor I5d st VfiMfn TdwaM-Ilertlans llobrrt II action to mabllsh-n lien SItS J K

st 517 3S W leasehold Consiimfrs Hlsciilt A-

tMinifnruirtnir Co vs John W Cnllnban and anoaction to Impress n tnist Saltrr A S

IMnno Illftl for Ililllillnmn-OIIOtdll or MANHATTAN

SI XlehnlaX av c s a Kid tflit Itrally Cu of w York l n NASSAU

MuM A Ijindslrdrl lisih-t anil 3 l av architects rn l 1100000-

IZflth st 111 w d BV tin unit four sinrycity of Nrw Noik owner C J

V i Park nv architect rust ISOonoDivision and Altunuy n r ror six story

iirineiit stores Samuel123 Irchnnl si rtunrr i F IVIham 4135th av nrrhlirrl n l 43000-

SMh st I 4 two fnir stnry and Mse-nirnt dwellings w II S Mnitln trrrn-weh Cnnn II S Townsrnd 70-

H mth st archItect rust 3 Oi-

XHonornii orTiir HIIONX

Freeman at three twostory dwellings Wllllim T Laxrllr 1175HIM owner and nrrhltert cost f 15000

Freeman st n s 3 w Chlsholm at threeIn o story ilwrlllnes lyiuls V Lavelle-ownrr and nrrlillrct coat 15000

West Fnrma rtiad and lnt nport road n ennestiiry New York New

Haven slid Hartford Railroad CoNew Haven Cnnn uuncr William lIendrrvm Wrst ChiSlrr archItect cost 8000-

15lst st n s iVi e Cinirllanilt av rear twostable llllnm Illrmensuer 115

IM owner AInndt av arrhllrrt rusl 3000

Forest av w IVi it Home at six threeMory dwellings Crockett 4 Hamilton2 F 5th si cmnrrs W C Dlckerson 8d-

av and Itath st archlieri lint 4SOOOAnthony av r s 3 s l ilh W thrrr story

tenement and store Frlln TUl-j 11511 st ciunrr since archItect 10009

Plan riled for AltrrtlloniMANhATTAN BRONX

Items tinder 1000 omittedith av 172 linproviinent IK Infix Saul Mare

H Lyttoii III owner Alfreducker 33 Waverly plnre archItect cost 300 S-

Park av r s 174 n Iffitlh si Improvement tofnrtjiry Anirrlean SIIU Mlrl Cu

A F A Schmllt rn Courtlandtarrhllicl cost 6 o-


VIRCINIA LANDW It llronddiis ill West Point Is olfcrlna

for sole an emlrr village IN SALT Muterwlh 12 liinlilinit to start with slut lind enoughadjoining for from 40 to CO farms

sleamrrs land on the farm ThereIs timber enough to build a large townon the land line fishingbusiness Is clone which can be greatlyInrrraned Thr Mare p o Tel o and

now paying si Ins and can be Increased verymuch

Write Mr llrovldtis for full parllriilars Ownerot the said wharf has free to andfrom Iialilmorr Md on account of the

Vr Ms ad In anolhrr column

William U Crulkshank Idward ACrulksha-

nkWin Cruikshanks SonsREAL ESTATE

51 LIBIRTY STREET74TII VI Thru suit basement alone

ilwtlllni I7tiniinnii-IIIMK A IMHUMID S01 Hth T

IIKNT SKCTIDN IIAIIIMM Four comer lotsrip for ImirnMllntr Improvrnicnu-TUGU KOtjlIHb IJKILLaSl HEST5BTUHT










r tierI

I al I ffltr


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lit 201


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> >







FREDK ZITTEL30tt Ciiloinhu Are nrar tiil M

The Lawyers TitleInsurance Company-

of New York37 Liberty St Manhattan

38 Court St Brooklyn

Lends money on Bond andMortgage in any amount-at lowest rates of interestand at moderate cost


Apartment House OwnersATTENTION I

I am about tu open A uincrnl rest estate officeon upper Slilr have hail ten years eiperlencr-In for really slid will lake complete charce-of apartment on ri tiTms would

apartment for 3ervlces soil ad-ditions cash HrMfIa referencesand hands IMKIIIKNClil boi iSun office


Ilrokert andr 1rn In ilurtgatoi-

I 2 BROADWAYiiHiiK STOUY TIMMHNT lost hId t tth-

St near M Income f3Sm price tts n113ml mint be sold

IflSIIN l 7th av


A SIXSTOUV rA T llV IHllniNOW-HII9 near City Hall tar sale at a bargain com-plete power plant Immediate r iw lon

AniiuiMi fo-i i IIIKKMXN STlllIT


nrsiRAnu IIOrsKS th st to 12th t In-

clusive near 5ih KV up-

KlllstOl IIIIOTIIiits Mi llroadway


AST WTI1 ST MMt IKAINUTOV fourstory with nirnalnn I77WI W AUANSO-NAIIXAMIIII s a Sill AV-

Hlh and 7M sis irmpllnu pricesICIINOM lll0llllits Mi nroadnay


OLfMllfS AV fOHNKII Two famllles onfloor all ImproverrcntN icntali Ui l priceuiim l lillT tiTII AV-


2 story and basement brovn lone house In 23-dwarl at Ibe price II rixinis oat bath all bardwood tas prates lurnacr parquet minor openplumbing halt rvcrvlhmK up tomortgage tiioi Want an otTer Apply lo-

IKIKIlt 1140 Sumner Av H l ey St

once ot en

FOR SAIK iintsns SlUt ST NHAIIPark WcM 3 storj nnd Imnement homrs

Artistic asciI fronts foyer ant regulation ballsopenwork plumblnn tllrd Imihronin open flit

Inquire on tireml eA IIIISN Itulldr-



nl ST SM East Iwo three androoms all light but water modorn



THE WESTMINSTERAPAKTMKvrs Aiis4Hiriiv riinrii Mip-

lUndsomelr fiirnMieil sillies to Irve consistInc n PAIIIOII rilllt linil KIIIMIS AMIHATH lImit from i to ISJi per month Straitserved In the aujtuncnlt or In the hotel dInIngworn

apartments with the


One Block From Union Square N YThe quiet slid privacy uf a home combined will

the conveniences soil of nT THOMPSON Manager

iiurri iiiiiiciAiinIIII-OAIItVAT AM J7TII ST

OPKN i irK init 20




Two nnd lour rmim andNeatly furnished Suite reaMinable rents near

Herald SiU re hotel service all nlelit elevatormeals If de lred Superintendent on preml c

1351 ST S7 UYST IlKTWEKN Hll AND sillAVS The flneit part of Harlem new elegantmodel



Auction Sale Saturday Deo 20 at noon

SUBURBAN PROPERTYline chicnce fur linestnicnl

Titles Insured by the North Jersey Till iuaranteecompany


This property consist of benutlful private realdrncn ulih lots nnd V1 inner low Un

Schools and siallou Trolley piwcj properlyAll city advantages Sale onerved before inle

Free P e on T S A W II ItOct maps passes snit further particulars from

W E TAYLOR Auctioneer133 Liberty St N Y

Tel nOZflA CurtN U If stormy sale will take place In Cnnklln

HcMtlence isicnm

D PHOENIX INQRAHAM AuctrSupreme Court Inreclasure Sale

will sell at auction nl New York Heal ljUleSalesroom III HriMitway

THURSDAY Dec 18 at 12 oclockos 3111 312 t34 Tin ass and tin

WEST 17TH STU fivestory brick tenement each MX abt NuiOJ

three families on n Inor In Inch IIIUIM

70 per cent can remain on bond andmortgage at 4 per centMessrs S7ANTON A IIOIKINs Attorney for

IUlntln 31 Nassau MFor and parllculars npply lo the auctioneer

III llroailuay 54i


Will sell III Public AllcllilllThursday Dec 18 1902

noun nl lhcN Y Heal Kstale Silenom Ill llnwilnnjr

No 318 WEST 14TH STREETA four stone private dncllhiit on lot i IOJ IKnr maps apply lo the l tInny N Y C

IMlKMIMi IIOfNIM TO IIiA HOUsriM unfurnlahrd and In

deSIrable localities rent 11700 to Mftio-ITUL9UM Uttoril lt UroaUwar


4 9





o oo

SlIt AV tetwcen






NItfor hall

nro dAY



nuouuuu o

Clectrie near




lITIIAFttIrcr lX lIITII 0rNtP roitIll






IrSltltllIr III1SllCNI near

1111 FIis

The are


thin ha Ill

proved lIiciits ISatr line ltosits




tin 151111





> >








Temple Court Market and FultonBank Building

nd several PII lrnadwayRUUND WHITING CO s HKUKMAN ST-

ItlrV OMiKIt HlllMIIMt-Madlvin nv corner Wtli at a larite cornet office

SuiTable rot stock bniker lawyer architect centre-of trainc mum of Atith ati aupirrlntendenton

lolta bulldliifs omcejtIne lhl nmt oilier ihMrable localItIes

KOISIIJI 111111 lints sv limaduarS-

PLIINIJIII IOIT ovcr large store platefront die 37 W1 sleam hal rliclrlc elevatorsriot l i nne location Z44Jtfl lOrd Mid

IINH FOLHTIt KLOOII 2JiJO ulnduHa frontami nar bnlstway rent fcr liarelay st-


II IIOIUlS AMI 1IATII Shout heat lot MilKinear Mallnn cheap CUM terms OHNEII S2HKST IST MO1T VERNON

rOH SAIi pieces of real estate In Mounternon at prices KUMIN W FISliEMOIT viiic

ItomiS AM HATH lot W IW near stationcheap IMVMM S3 WEsT IIT HT MOfNT-

KH iricsiv AII on RENTFOII SAIK llutherford N J splendid large

II room house tarn carriage house rine lawniadr nnd fruit trees this property Is on IWO main

routs and would make a road hotel U IIIHIIW IIS inii av Patcrnon N J

NtTIFY N J Holots and acres

coVOKH with St and Madison av-

r t NAIK KXTIIIE vnJMIlRI dwellings And outbotiaeii acres fine high

land mi acres oysters several 110111 worth roodUmber large MICCI orchard More once telphone uiBre and sleamer wharf lovely view flueIlshlnr oysterlnc crabblnc bathlnc andstore and ubarf Mill ins on the InvestmentW H IlllOADDrs West Polni Va Owner liasfree tr nsionaton for self anti family In and fromllnlllmore Mil on account of the wharf

LHMsllii UOOMS TO lliTM-

AniSON AV IS Parlor noor suite cornerhouse rrlvato bath meals acrved In pri-vate service

17lnlT J1ST THandsomely furnished rooms singly and ensulte

class accommodations superior cuisine tablehmrct excellent service lYlepnone No 4J5 Isth-

4ITII ST l XVKST Newly furnished riKims foreentlemen private famllyi conveniences tele

Torn Sr 5W WKST and small roomiHaullliilly turnlshed modern residence aplendldconveniences select resIdentIal local on near elr-

valed Matlon private V II McVICKKII

1 ST W ITIIJHBI well heated cheerfulruniern lioissr rcosonahl-

elinril NT 171 WKST One or two connrcted southern exposure a tot water


Attractive suites rooms with and without board references ltUnd lloird Directory

2 West SM si

ST AlTUNS 7 HAST 3IST ST nonmn atnrlden suite wIth private baths doctors once diningroom pirlor tight excellent tablebuard

lllll WAVTKn FKMAIFJi-A rv wvws N w v v V

R H Macy Co want several neatand tidy cash Apply to Supt atrear entrance on 34th

ItnOKIllNIlKKY Pxperlenced operator wantedon Smytle seeIng machine ASON 35 Park st cor Duane and Centre ala

niX1KlllNlirIIV hand folderswantid mi printed work OKI McKIIIlllN 4 SONs park t tutor cir Duane and Centre st-

sItills urlllnc at home evenings 17week particular free to all addressedcnveliipe FIIIIKIIT Dcpt W 71 box lilt Pnlla-iMlihli Pa

IAIIIHS WANTrI rVKllYWIinriK copy letters hurtle evcnlnO anti return to ui weMO Ihousaud Mnd addressed envelote particularsantI rout Address W 71box iwri Philadelphia Pa

PLAIN 8KWINO AT HOME 10 week ma-tcrlals cent free steady work Sendaddrcwd for PONTPent W 71 luck box 1VJ PhllBrtPlphla Pa-

K H MACY CO want severalneat and rapid sheet writers thosewho are thoroughly experienced ondrivers sheets need Supt

34th st entrance driveway

R H Macy Si Co want severalBoys of neat appearance over 16years of age wagons

to of Delivery at rearof building-

R H MACY CO want severalmen to pack toys at

Managers rear entrance onJth st

R H MACY CO want severalyoung men as tracers in their inquiry

Apply to of 4thentrance at driveway-

R H MACY CO want severalexperienced packers also bricabrac

glassApply at driveway st entrance-

R H Macy Co want several neatand tidy Boys apply to Supt atrear entrance on

WMPitsrrnll Capable reliable younc menIn small Job nnice steady place to tight

and wace wantedbin HI Sim iiillce-


In ItlhoKrupMc shop permanent positiongood pay Inc William at

I WANTED Ill n dry goods commlvslon house-a buy In learn the business one reotdln with his

I patents preferred Address P O 101 M-

lvotxo MIN FVKHYWIIFHK copy Idlersboon cvcnliin 17 week Send addressed envelnpe fur rillinllT llept W 71Inn III Iblladrlplila


IAVINO SOIll INTBKEST Inbusiness here am seeking pirmanent connectionwith reputable rnnnrai am 37 otnrestty years experience as clerkicasbler-trciisurcr and mannErrt In railroadtnanuMctiirliiK mercantile and newspaper linescan fumlsb any lionel needed povslbl-nnfcTcnres as to character and capability exceptional organizing and cxicutlvetn TOrT nf nflslrs and have done dolllicrabln succesitul would like toform connection wlili large where In

Industry and Integrity will assure ade-eniate cornprnsatlon Address

IMIX Ill Sun nfflc-

eIIOOKIIIMIIH A lir t class Job forwarder withtn years experience having some

honest worker New York exwould like

or cloth work best of reference UKO F111 Market st Pinighkeepsli N V

rMTiiiKnn SALESMAN inlm ciiiiiitrlis wishes rood line for Cuba and MexicoS CosnioKlltan Hotel

NIWSPAPIH MAN Ml of more than ordinaryability fur engagement as editor or specialwriter on dolly or Sunday seven years-esperlencc any KIllT lbs II sun


IIIIKSSMAKIXi IIIMMitrtaught Perfeet filling shirtwaist or skirt tialteila cut to ntb w MuliOWIilI SCHOOL SlltU AvSpecial vIler tfcli week

alaSIOWS 1c



mT-A y A ou




for to tentriot
















co 2














sale and




west 514



fan Ill 0









Situation cover leather

I I tOt ON


5 14iiiMT






THE PIANOLAW-e have prepared for the holiday season a large

m aof choice woods Your inspection of

these instruments is cordiallyThe AEOLIAN CO Aeolian Hall 5th Avo near 34th St












PIANOSNe-w lImes o Ilrnl and Sold on lUiy


93 FIFTH K I ITH STOPEN iVKMMiS Send fur CuUlogue-llranch lot Market St Newark NI


COlic makes obtained by exchangeKiy term IManiis tn Rent


THE PIANOTIST PIANO PLAYERany piano any out ran It operatesby foot treadle or electricity dally from

10 to 4 rash or asciI wr H AUKKtMIJIS ITO RTH AV KAIt IIITII ST

roll StIr


Others fromto 50

Largest Stock of Records In the WorldFull Lint of Victor Talking Machines


pta ftry Evening Until XMAS

Edison Phonographs Victors ZonophontiMost country

Machines A llrcords reiiiidreducid durlns boll

clays Stow A sundiysuntil u p M Money funded

VICTORSlain Store in l Second avenue I

j door above H6lb t llrancb Stores7 Columbus Ave V City

HI ISth Avenue Newark X J

SAFESNew antI second hand of all

kinds and makes safes nt-

cxctianccd arid repaired1 Jl

7 Maiden Uinr Til 1123 John

Ullllard and Pool Tablet solIdlymade hlch irrade goodslOng accurate durable cusliljniDecker est isjo lua East ma al-

NATHANS TVrFWlilTFlt UAIKiAINS-Ileinlnilon No I7o No B K No S JS No

1 Hi Franklin IIS Yo t i Hammond Vialillckendorler IIS Dllver U Smith PremiermCtaJidull 112 Odell V Drnsmorr J5 KdlamiMlmeoeraph IIA coxt liO cnrbon paper 1154typewriter ribbons uo NATIIAV ai ulion at-

fNTII IIHIS1MAS IIMVA IU tree hand purl rail JJxai reduced to-

IU0 a Hi free hand rraynn ISx reduced Infin snilsfscilon iSClllS AHT-STtDlO 401 Wrst Mil si car nth v-

UilCd charge for newIf M I KKKM Itu lIMway-

SnilIKH CAIKMIAIIS IIHI1than the cardboard beautiful lithograph

colored deljns embraelni 10i

as low ns HI Vim IKH THlfSAVI INIllMCO M7 Broadway room V

New Year Private Malllne CardsCalendars for Souvenirs and AdrertMni Purposes

Chrlslnuis and New Year Cool Irons lo to 11-1JOSUPlt KOKIU111 nnd Mniiufncturer

Ilirk How New York Open Kvcnlnits-

BANKUIfS militia check protectorsutenclls Indelible Ink numbers typesdaters etc AIIIIAM AAUONS 22 Ijul Mb Mcar rnlverslly t

ANTIOlKS fltlOS ANt MIIVICIIOld Jewels MlvenTarr rare fans aliiilnirs mlnla-turei Slid weapons old grit bnUEht at EltlIVS-AHT lAllrllV Iftt West Uil st near ntb av


General dealers In all makes of typewritersrented sold exchanged repaired

mm mmh 17 Em fmKVR TEST DAILYM iOili LMSMS ji-KKKM i o itromi-

IBXTIKMKXS ClOTIIINd made to orderweekly payment flue material tit KuamnteedDoom 7

CLOTHING ON CREDITladles soil ienliiuieiis nlvi IUM on Imtsll-

rnents tprmx mnndriillal AddrcM lw M sunHarlem oillce II9 Wcrt IJith s-

tWiiitY PAX 1IKNTH I wVclies-Vlarantred lowcM prices buMniss rimtldrntlal

WATCH SI CO Maiden Uitie-

SOIIA liSt STAINS all sivlcs mytelephone coiincrllDns McCAIIIll COMPANY

Pink sis


In rir tclivv cnnditlon

Htttcbes and Jewelry

I HAYKTAKKX IN IXCII for real estateI4nil uf dlamouili ron IMlni nf nne dlamonilheart nnn sunbur one harvest moon one lirnncli-wltri Msteen dlAmiinds and live solitaire fromJj tn ail carats also thee ctu i T the nlnivc

ire blue white nml absolutelyand will stand expert must disposethem Deinnber 15 call nu Mcurrn II A III AN lorAIIII I Vr t nil K tar UriindMi-

WKKKIY PAYMKNTS Ilni dlimondilowest price cnnildrntlal

WATCH CO Tune Maiden Lan


For uaiiKMeii Hiimen ltr IounlrT


liny Ivenlnit or Private Siiut for t


It Hot 43d Ml N Y Telephone laStS 31bay Bvcalof or Pilvtu Ullo iie




YE e it




uhnccradsll ableash Noulded Recordsor auti1114


It goods are not satIsfactory

4 e


Old ones taken In ez

III tea cost

Till II OIl

CfrIstrnns and



ito IiaiinulI lIc rte




is iii list itilidli

cult ran Iet ties

and sod


tel iiie

451 IIItElilN


C n50 5





> >



3 AT th St

The most advantageous offer inAmerica

Pianos WeeKWilson Piano 155Harmony Piano 175S5 down and SI a No

interest is charged for time takenin making payments

Pianos delivered on receipt offirst payment of 5

Bloomingdales is the only de-

partment store in the hav-ing own factory andtints our facilities surpass any Cornpetition-

We offer on the sameterms the following highgradepianos

Richardson 195Mayers 165Walters 105-

Vil each piano selected we givea stool to a new stylepiano cover

Come and hear the wonderful

Pianista Piano PlayerYou can secure one on easy

terms of

2 a Week

BLOOniNQDALE BROSThird Avenue 59th and foth Streets

PIANOSAll the new Waters Uprights have

7 13 octaves strings to a note fulliron frame linest ivory keys repeatingaction and three pedals They excel infine tone solid construction carefulworkmanship and great durability

If you desire to purchase a strictlyhighgrade piano with all the improveincuts at a reasonable price call andsee us or send postal for catalogue ofWaters Pianos with reduced pricesand terms on our new 3ycar systemof payments giving you three yearstime on a piano without interest

HORACE WATERS CO134 Filth Ave near ISth St


254 West 125th St near Bth Ave


ii I if HTU srilUKT-lleaiilllui Maby iianris of meritCnliiiilil IdtmitMincoanil Ha by

without our un iterlid Tran ViedMelnwnyc IIH pianosHentnf1 up

O WWUERTZ PIANOSiiietn lied in tiiic tniiii nid duroblliyi atisululel-reliilili fnrinry prices cOalS or easy paymentsplniio renitl ren purohnv-

iliis rniin AV MITII STSID r it c Mydri in HVKXINOI

GORDON up tine order 7500Nrw tMiiucii tip lull W mo HISIMrce nxortnirnt of lliililly used Ilano-lielit s M up or sell caii iMynienu-Jicml for cidHliUNS 113 nun av

RELIABLE CONNOR PIANOSnl id trill ti n s rcrliAiikinir re-

pilriic OIHJI cvi ninth I fl i id it

iurant uprlglt piano 17erlnK litm lieu iirlflI pianoSiKiUEht nnd rxrUntienl tiintui andUIMi liUiVIH utst HHi si brnnrh tw ttu-nv CIT IMl si opiii iveilnp-

A lull AM Mlii IIXIi ImmelUlely mIre Irnillnii usrcifInMnc

Runt nti iiitc rillil or ru ilnllV years itiuilentr ciiiiMllnllivn Itii1 mnlldr-nllalr labll nnli inr 7 t IttliM SPECIALMlTIc ljnlli deoiiiiiE rscliulM pnincy toilwho cilijrri iu Miiiii an nl I u SIC In

ltid to rnl upon Hie iluttor til IU fleraiithulls isi VeM st tor ndrlri their

M filllsllllllliin I it roMlilnillil-

A Hit liul lils KI U 47TII ST Specialistfor UIIIM n ptutUi In led In the treatment nttin nrtrtiiic nml Imntiiiiini clixiac Irieru

piMillnr In Ibr ix sanitariumI IMIII xkllliil wifi Irramclit Iouis In to 7

A VI liMs I IHMAMM Ct HI In rilsiasei-nf men itntizriim rjM H ullclleil relief at oncel HIM nnlv in t cl s xeieiniftc trrntmriii-MtiiuM rtiiliMiliiiiriifiiili liiivscillllI-II t si Jlii M Hours ti tn a 7 tiii Siindays 10 17

lilt i Mils SCIIIiciiluil Ir niile speelslUMi-Pirriul Id illMlllllltlli UIUIM tlMlltltCl

Mils ii CM liiii si Mm prrtlee rollniu t i iiii pmve no-tl7 I is

Iilli si i WKST fir Ciowe cures trtecur-llic AT ONUi wltuuut paui lIK IIO 7






11 lit S Itt gbestI plIghts

keyboardYt I tic liii I list





iLo Ito 0 I a S i hIck




recuinrill It ltloln haul 01eli rge a




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Iii C

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