vzdělávání - education

Education (Vzdělávání)

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Pre-school education

Compulsory education

Secondary education

Final examination

Higher education

Czech and British universities

Problems in schools

Education system in the Czech Republic

Education includes these stages:

• Pre - schools

• Primary schools

• Secondary schools

• Universities

Pre – school education

Nursery schools and kindergartens

For children aged three to six.

Children mostly play there and form their basic social and hygienic habits.

Primary education

For children aged six to fifteen

Elementary school, primary school, basic school

Two stages:– 1st – 5th grade (for 6 - 11 years old) – one teacher– 6th – 9th grade (for 12 - 15 years old) – more teachers

Students do not wear uniforms.

Primary education

The school year is divided into two terms.

The first term starts on the 1st of September and finishes on the 31st of January.

The second term starts on the 1st of February and ends on the 30th of June.

At the end of school year pupils get their school report with marks from 1 to 5.

Summer holidays are in June and August.

Secondary education

Grammar schools (Gymnazium) prepares students for university studies

Technical schools are specialised in building, chemistry, business, autorepairing…

Pedagogical schools

Music and art schools

Secondary education

Secondary education lasts four years.

It finishes with a school-leaving examination, which we call maturita.

The exam is held in May.

Secondary vocational schools

• train apprentices − future bakers, cooks, bricklayers, hairdressers, auto mechanics etc. for practical professions

• the training usually lasts three years

• at the end of training the apprentices get the certificate of apprenticeship (výuční list).

Higher education

Higher education takes place at universities.

Students have to pass an entrance exam.

Students have to choose a field of study.

University studies last from 3 to 5 years.

Higher education

After 3 years students reach their

bachelor’s degree.

Then they can continue studying to reach master’s degree or doctorate.

The university studies are finished with

a state exam and graduation ceremony.

The most famous Czech universities

Charles University (Prague, founded 1348)

Masaryk University (Brno)

Palacký University (Olomouc)

CVUT (Prague)

The most famous British and US universities

Great Britain:Great Britain:

Oxford and Cambridge Universities - the oldest universities in the English-speaking world

USAUSA:: Harvard university (Massachusetts)

Yale university (Connecticut)

Princeton (New Jersey)

Problems at schoolsProblems at schools



Playing truant (truancy - záškoláctví)

Drug abuse

Lack of motivation