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  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


    Shortcuts are entirely optional. A shortcut key can be assigned to a macro using: Tools--> Macro --> (select a macro) --> Options. Excel will Warn you if you attempt to utilizea short cut key already in use -- it will change the form of assignment for instance. Youwill have to remember them or write them down somewhere. I highly recommendcreating a sheet for your MS Excel installed shortcut keys so that you can use FIND to

    find a shortcut yourself. You could even add your own at the bottom. Also recommendcreating another sheet for function keys. You can get a list of your own shortcut keysassigned to macros with an addin by Ivan F Moala.

    Create your table of builtin shortcut keys as follows:

    HELP --> Index --> Shortcut keys --> built-in keyboard shortcuts copy and paste each category into a ShortCutKeys spreadsheet Put topics in Red 12 point bold font, the rest Black 10 point Normal (all Arial)

    Alternatives to shortcut keys: Toolbar menu item, more information on menus and

    shortcuts on my Toolbars and Menus page. Assign a shortcut to a Shape , or use anEvent Macro . An interesting pair of Event macros (sheet activate and double-click) tosort a worksheet can be found on my sorting page under activate.

    I have assigned a short-cut key [Ctrl+k] or a tool bar menu item [* XL2HTML - simpleconversion*] to some of the macros I wrote or use.

    Function keysFunctionkeys

    SHIFT+Fn [Shift+F1, shift+F2, Shift+F3,Shift+F4, Shift+F5, Shift+F6, Shift+F7, Shift+F8,Shift+F9, Shift+F10, Shift+F11, Shift+F12]

    F1 Get online Help or the Answer Wizard Context Sensitive Help or What'sThis (prior to 2003)


    Activate a cell and the formula bar If you do tools>option>edit and uncheckedit directly in cell, then F2 will put you inedit mode in the formula bar.

    Edit a cell note (edit a comment)

    F3 Paste a name into a formula Display the Function Wizard

    F4Repeat the last action.Cycle through absolute/relative links a thelocaiton bar.

    Repeat a Find or Go To action,Find next blank cell in a selectionor used range if no selection

    F5 Carry out the Go To command (Edit menu) Carry out the Find command (Editmenu)

    F6 Go to the next pane Go to the previous pane

    F7 Carry out the Spelling command (Toolsmenu)

    F8 Extend a selection (expand see extend) Turns Add mode on or off F9 Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks Calculate the active sheetF10 Activate the menu bar Display a shortcut menu

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    F11 Create a chart

    F12 Carry out the Save As command (Filemenu)Carry out the Save command (Filemenu)

    Function keys (continued)Functionkeys

    CTRL+Fn [Ctrl+F2, Ctrl+F3, Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+F5, Ctrl+F6,Ctrl+F7, Ctrl+F8, Ctrl+F9, Ctrl+F10, Ctrl+F12]

    CTRL+Shift+Fn [Ctrl+Shift+F3,Ctrl+Shift+F6, Ctrl+Shift+F12]

    F1 Toggles "minimize/restore ribbon " in 2007F2 Display the Info windowF3 Define a name Create names from cell textF4 Close the windowF5 Restore the window size

    F6 Go to the next workbook Go to the previous workbook

    F7 Carry out the Move command (Controlmenu)

    F8 Carry out the Size command (documentControl menu)

    F9 Minimize the workbookF10 Maximize the document windowF11

    F12 Carry out the Open command (File menu) Carry out the Print command (Filemenu)

    Function keys (continued)Functionkeys ALT+SHIFT+Fn CTRL+ALT+Fn

    F1 Insert a new worksheet [Alt+Shift+F1] or menus [Alt+I+W]

    F9Recalculate all cells on allworksheets in all open workbooks

    [Ctrl+Alt+F9]F10 Show the Smart Tag Menu (addedsince Excel 2000) [Ctrl+Shift+F10]

    Menus: At least some of the following keyboard shortcuts found in the menus (#menus)

  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


    XL2000 Keyboard

    ShortcutsKeystrokes to

    invokeLocation: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/shortx2k.htm

    Use FIND to locate a shortcut Use FIND to locate a shortcut

    If you create your own table in Excel from the Help files it will contain shortcuts tothe HELP files, and give you some experience in copying data. This table wascreated by copying from the HELP file. Segments have been swapped left and rightto make this more readable using move Column C by dragging the side of selectedcells to Column A then using Edit, Shift cells to right. This table is similar to the onein SHORTX95.HTM where you will find additional information on Calculation and onworking with disabilities (accessibility options).

    (shortx2k -- Created from webpages.xls [ShortX2K] file 2000-06-25)

    Keys for working in a spreadsheets1 Keys for moving and scrolling in a worksheet or workbook s2 Keys for previewing and printing a document s3 Keys for working with worksheets, charts, and macros

    Keys for working with data1 Keys for entering data2 Keys for formatting data3 Keys for editing data4 Keys for selecting data and cells5 Keys for selecting charts and chart items6 Keys to use with databases and lists7 Keys for outlining data8 Keys to use with PivotTable and PivotChart reports

    x9 Keys to use with the OLAP Cube Wizard Keys for working in Microsoft Office

    10 Keys for menus and toolbars11 Keys for windows, dialog boxes, and edit boxes12 Keys for the Office Assistant 13 Keys for working with the Open and Save As dialog boxes14 Keys for sending e-mail messages15 Keys for working with drawing objects, AutoShapes, WordArt, and other objects

    Keys for working in a spreadsheet

    Keys for moving and scrolling in a worksheet or workbook Windows Shortcuts Note To enlarge theHelp window to fill the screen, pressALT+SPACEBAR and then press X. To restorethe window to its previous size and location,

    ALT+SPACEBAR then X(Maximize)ALT+SPACEBAR then R (Restore)ALT+SPACEBAR then M (Move)

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  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


    s2 Keys for moving in a worksheet with Endmode on

    Turn End mode on or off END

    Move by one block of data within a row or column

    (a shortcut for this shortcut is to double-click ona cell border)

    END, arrow key

    Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which isthe cell at the intersection of the rightmost usedcolumn and the bottom-most used row (in thelower-right corner), or the cell opposite thehome cell, which is typically A1


    Move to the last cell to the right in the currentrow that is not blank; unavailable if you haveselected the Transition navigation keys checkbox on the Transition tab (Tools menu, Optionscommand)


    s3 Keys for moving in a worksheet with SCROLL LOCK on

    Turn SCROLL LOCK on or off SCROLL LOCK

    Move to the cell in the upper-left corner of thewindow HOME

    Move to the cell in the lower-right corner of thewindow END

    Scroll one row up or down UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWScroll one column left or right LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW

    Tip When you use scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) withSCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you wantto preserve your selection while you scroll through the worksheet, turn on SCROLLLOCK first.

    Keys for working with data1 Keys for entering data

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then

    press R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    This topic lists:Keys for entering data on a worksheet Keys for working in cells or the formula bar

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    Keys for entering data on a worksheet

    Complete a cell entry and move down in theselection ENTER

    Start a new line in the same cell ( IBMThinkPad problem... )ALT+ENTER (Mac: Ctrl

    Command Enter)

    Fill the selected cell range with the currententry CTRL+ENTER

    Complete a cell entry and move up in theselection SHIFT+ENTER

    Complete a cell entry and move to the right inthe selection TAB

    Complete a cell entry and move to the left inthe selection SHIFT+TAB

    Cancel a cell entry ESC

    Delete the character to the left of the insertionpoint, or delete the selection BACKSPACE

    Delete the character to the right of the insertionpoint, or delete the selection DELETE

    Delete text to the end of the line CTRL+DELETEMove one character up, down, left, or right Arrow keysMove to the beginning of the line HOMERepeat the last action F4 or CTRL+YEdit a cell comment SHIFT+F2Create names from row and column labels CTRL+SHIFT+F3Fill down CTRL+DFill to the right CTRL+R

    Define a name CTRL+F3

    Keys for working in cells or the formula bar

    Edit the active cell and then clear it, or delete

    the preceding character in the active cell as youedit cell contents


    Complete a cell entry ENTEREnter a formula as an array formula CTRL+SHIFT+ENTERCancel an entry in the cell or formula bar ESC

    Display the Formula Palette after you type afunction name in a formula CTRL+A

    Insert the argument names and parentheses for

    a function after you type a function name in aformula


    Insert a hyperlink CTRL+KActivate a hyperlink ENTER (in a cell with a hyperlink)

    Edit the active cell and position the insertionpoint at the end of the line F2

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    Paste a defined name into a formula F3Paste a function into a formula -- [fx] toolbar

    button, replace missing button SHIFT+F3

    Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks F9Calculate all sheets in the active workbook CTRL+ALT+F9

    Calculate the active worksheet SHIFT+F9Start a formula = (equal sign)Insert the AutoSum formula ALT+= (equal sign)Enter the date CTRL+; (semicolon)Enter the time CTRL+SHIFT+: (colon)

    Copy the value from the cell above the activecell into the cell or the formula bar CTRL+SHIFT+" (quotation mark)

    Alternate between displaying cell values anddisplaying cell formulasCTRL+` (accent grave /not a

    quotation mark)

    Copy a formula from the cell above the activecell into the cell or the formula bar CTRL+' (apostrophe / single quote)

    Display the AutoComplete list (i.e. cell with datavalidation dropdown) ALT+DOWN ARROW

    2 Keys for formatting data

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    Display the Style dialog box ALT+' (apostrophe / single quote)Display the Format Cells dialog box CTRL+1Apply the General number format CTRL+SHIFT+~

    Apply the Currency format with two decimal

    places (negative numbers appear inparentheses)


    Apply the Percentage format with no decimalplaces CTRL+SHIFT+%

    Apply the Exponential number format with twodecimal places CTRL+SHIFT+^

    Apply the Date format with the day, month, and

    year CTRL+SHIFT+#

    Apply the Time format with the hour andminute, and indicate A.M. or P.M. CTRL+SHIFT+@

    Apply the Number format with two decimal

    places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-)for negative values


    Apply the outline border CTRL+SHIFT+&Remove outline borders CTRL+SHIFT+_

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    Apply or remove bold formatting CTRL+BApply or remove italic formatting CTRL+IApply or remove an underline CTRL+UApply or remove strikethrough formatting CTRL+5Hide rows CTRL+9

    Unhide rows CTRL+SHIFT+( (openingparenthesis)Hide columns CTRL+0 (zero)

    Unhide columns CTRL+SHIFT+) (closingparenthesis)

    3 Keys for editing data

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous size

    and location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.



    This topic lists:Keys for editing data Keys for inserting, deleting, and copying a


    Keys for moving within a selection

    Keys for editing data

    Edit the active cell and put the insertion point atthe end of the line F2

    Cancel an entry in the cell or formula bar ESC

    Edit the active cell and then clear it, or delete

    the preceding character in the active cell as youedit the cell contents


    Paste a defined name into a formula F3Complete a cell entry ENTEREnter a formula as an array formula CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

    Display the Formula Palette after you type afunction name in a formula CTRL+A

    Insert the argument names and parentheses for

    a function, after you type a function name in aformula


    Display the Spelling dialog box F7

    Keys for inserting, deleting, and copying a selectionCopy the selection CTRL+C

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    Cut the selection CTRL+XPaste the selection CTRL+VClear the contents of the selection DELETEDelete the selection CTRL+HYPHEN [Ctrl+-]Undo the last action CTRL+Z

    Insert blank cells CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN [Ctrl++]

    Keys for moving within a selection

    Move from top to bottom within the selection

    (down), or move in the direction that is selectedon the Edit tab (Tools menu, Options command)


    Move from bottom to top within the selection(up), or move opposite to the direction that isselected on the Edit tab (Tools menu, Optionscommand)


    Move from left to right within the selection, or

    move down one cell if only one column isselected


    Move from right to left within the selection, or move up one cell if only one column is selected SHIFT+TAB

    Move clockwise to the next corner of theselection CTRL+PERIOD

    Move to the right between nonadjacentselections CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW

    Move to the left between nonadjacentselections CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW

    4 Keys for selecting data and cells

    This topic lists: Keys for selecting cells, columns, or rows

    Keys for extending the selection with End modeon

    Keys for selecting cells that have specialcharacteristics

    Keys for selecting cells, columns, or rows

    Select the current region around the active cell

    (the current region is a data area enclosed byblank rows and blank columns)

    CTRL+SHIFT+* (asterisk)

    Extend the selection by one cell SHIFT+arrow key

    Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell inthe same column or row as the active cell CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key

    Extend the selection to the beginning of the row SHIFT+HOME

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    Extend the selection to the beginning of theworksheet CTRL+SHIFT+HOME

    Extend the selection to the last used cell on theworksheet (lower-right corner) CTRL+SHIFT+END

    Select the entire column (remains valid in Excel


    Select the entire row (remains valid in Excel2003) SHIFT+SPACEBAR

    Select the entire worksheet

    (the grey button to the left of column headings (A-B-C), and above the

    row headings (1-2-3) is similar but does change the active cell)

    CTRL+A (unless you have Excel2003 )

    Select only the active cell when multiple cellsare selected SHIFT+BACKSPACE

    Extend the selection down one screen SHIFT+PAGE DOWNExtend the selection up one screen SHIFT+PAGE UP

    With an object selected, select all objects on a

    sheet (Excel 2003 behavior is broken by design just like Excel 2003 Alt+A)

    CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR(broken by Excel 2003)

    Alternate between hiding objects, displayingobjects, and displaying placeholders for objects CTRL+6

    Show or hide the Standard toolbar CTRL+7

    Turn on extending a selection by using thearrow keys F8

    Add another range of cells to the selection; or use the arrow keys to move to the start of therange you want to add, and then press F8 andthe arrow keys to select the next range


    Extend the selection to the cell in the upper-leftcorner of the window SCROLL LOCK, SHIFT+HOME

    Extend the selection to the cell in the lower-right corner of the window SCROLL LOCK, SHIFT+END

    Return to top

    Tip When you use the scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) with

    SCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you wantto keep the same selection as you scroll, turn on SCROLL LOCK first.

    Keys for extending the selection with End mode onTurn End mode on or off END

    Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell inthe same column or row as the active cell END, SHIFT+arrow key

    Extend the selection to the last cell used on theworksheet (lower-right corner) END, SHIFT+HOME

    Extend the selection to the last cell in the END, SHIFT+ENTER

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    current row. This keystroke is unavailable if youselected the Transition navigation keys checkbox on the Transition tab (Tools menu, Optionscommand).

    Return to top

    Keys for selecting cells that have special characteristics

    Select the current region around the active cell

    (the current region is a data area enclosed byblank rows and blank columns)

    CTRL+SHIFT+* (asterisk)

    Select the current array, which is the array thatthe active cell belongs to CTRL+/

    Select all cells with comments CTRL+SHIFT+O (the letter O)

    Select cells in a row that don't match the value

    in the active cell in that row. You must select the

    row starting with the active cell.


    Select cells in a column that don't match the

    value in the active cell in that column. You mustselect the column starting with the active cell.


    Select only cells that are directly referred to byformulas in the selection CTRL+[ (opening bracket)

    Select all cells that are directly or indirectlyreferred to by formulas in the selection CTRL+SHIFT+{ (opening brace)

    Select only cells with formulas that refer directlyto the active cell CTRL+] (closing bracket)

    Select all cells with formulas that refer directly

    or indirectly to the active cellCTRL+SHIFT+} (closing brace)

    Select only visible cells in the current selection ALT+; (semicolon)

    5 Keys for selecting charts and chart items Keys for selecting a chart sheet

    Select the next sheet in the workbook, until thechart sheet you want is selected CTRL+PAGE DOWN

    Select the previous sheet in the workbook, untilthe chart sheet you want is selected CTRL+PAGE UP

    Keys for selecting an embedded chart

    Note The Drawing toolbar must already bedisplayed.

    1. Press F10 to make the menu bar active. F10

    2. Press CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB toselect the Drawing toolbar.CTRL+TABCTRL+SHIFT + TAB

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    Move to a new record CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to the same field 10 records back PAGE UPMove to the first record CTRL+PAGE UPMove to the beginning or end of a field HOME or ENDExtend a selection to the end of a field SHIFT+ENDExtend a selection to the beginning of a field SHIFT+HOMEMove one character left or right within a field LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect the character to the left SHIFT+LEFT ARROWSelect the character to the right SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW

    Keys for using AutoFilter

    Display the AutoFilter list for the current columnArrow keys to select the cell that

    contains the column label, and thenpress ALT+DOWN ARROW

    Select the next item in the AutoFilter list DOWN ARROW

    Select the previous item in the AutoFilter list UP ARROWClose the AutoFilter list for the current column ALT+UP ARROWSelect the first item (All) in the AutoFilter list HOMESelect the last item in the AutoFilter list END

    Filter the list by using the selected item in theAutoFilter list ENTER

    7 Keys for outlining data

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    Group rows or columns ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROWUngroup rows or columns ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROWDisplay or hide outline symbols CTRL+8Hide selected rows CTRL+9

    Unhide selected rows CTRL+SHIFT+( (openingparenthesis)Hide selected columns CTRL+0 (zero)

    Unhide selected columns CTRL+SHIFT+) (closingparenthesis)

    8 Keys to use with PivotTable and PivotChart reportsNote To enlarge the Help window to fill the

    screen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous size


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    and location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.

    This topic lists:

    Keys for the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard Keys for page fields in a PivotTable or PivotChart report Keys for laying out a PivotTable or PivotChart report Keys for grouping and ungrouping PivotTable items

    Keys for the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard

    Select the previous or next field button in thelist UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW

    Select the field button to the left or right in amulticolumn field button list LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW

    Move the selected field into the Column area ALT+CMove the selected field into the Data area ALT+DDisplay the PivotTable Field dialog box ALT+LMove the selected field into the Page area ALT+PMove the selected field into the Row area ALT+R

    Keys for page fields in a PivotTable or PivotChart reportSelect the entire PivotTable report CTRL+SHIFT+* (asterisk)

    Display the list for the current field in aPivotTable report

    Arrow keys to select the cell thatcontains the field, and thenALT+DOWN ARROW

    Display the list for the current page field in aPivotChart report

    Arrow keys to select the page fieldin a PivotChart report, and thenALT+DOWN ARROW

    Select the previous item in the list UP ARROWSelect the next item in the list DOWN ARROWSelect the first visible item in the list HOMESelect the last visible item in the list ENDDisplay the selected item ENTERSelect or clear a check box in the list SPACEBAR

    Keys for laying out a PivotTable or PivotChart report1. Press F10 to make the menu bar active. F10

    2. Press CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB toselect the PivotTable toolbar.CTRL+TABCTRL+SHIFT+TAB

    3. Press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWkey to select the menu to the left or right or,when a submenu is visible, to switch betweenthe main menu and submenu.



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    4. Press ENTER (on a field button) and the

    DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to selectthe area you want to move the selected field to.



    Note To scroll to the top or bottom of the field list, press ENTER on the More

    Fields or button

    Keys for grouping and ungrouping PivotTable itemsGroup selected PivotTable items ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROWUngroup selected PivotTable items ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW

    Return to top

    Keys for working in Microsoft Office10 Keys for menus and toolbars

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill the

    screen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    Make the menu bar active, or close a visiblemenu and submenu at the same time F10 or ALT

    Select the next or previous button or menu onthe toolbar TAB or SHIFT+TAB (when a

    toolbar is active)

    Select the next or previous toolbar CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB(when a toolbar is active)

    Open the selected menu, or perform the action

    assigned to the selected button ENTERShow a shortcut menu SHIFT+F10

    Show the program icon menu (on the programtitle bar)ALT+SPACEBAR then XALT+SPACEBAR then R

    Select the next or previous command on themenu or submenu

    DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW(with the menu or submenudisplayed)

    Select the menu to the left or right or, with asubmenu visible, switch between the mainmenu and the submenu


    Select the first or last command on the menu or

    submenu HOME or END

    Close the visible menu or, with a submenuvisible, close the submenu only ESC

    Display the full set of commands on a menu CTRL+DOWN ARROW

    Tip You can select any menu command on the menu bar or on a visible toolbar with the keyboard. To select the menu bar, press ALT. (Then to select a toolbar,

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    press CTRL+TAB repeatedly until you select the toolbar you want.) Press theunderlined letter in the menu name that contains the command you want. In themenu that appears, press the underlined letter in the command name that you want.

    11 Keys for windows, dialog boxes, and edit boxes

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    This topic lists shortcut keys for:

    Keys for windows Keys for dialog boxes Keys for edit boxes in dialog boxes

    Keys for windowsSwitch to the next program ALT+TABSwitch to the previous program ALT+SHIFT+TABShow the Windows Start menu CTRL+ESCClose the active workbook window CTRL+W or CTRL+F4Restore the active workbook window size CTRL+F5

    Move to the next pane in a workbook that hasbeen split F6

    Move to the previous pane in a workbook that

    has been splitSHIFT+F6

    Switch to the next workbook window CTRL+F6Switch to the previous workbook window CTRL+SHIFT+F6

    Carry out the Move command (workbook icon

    menu, menu bar), or use the arrow keys tomove the window


    Carry out the Size command (workbook icon

    menu, menu bar), or use the arrow keys to sizethe window


    Minimize the workbook window to an icon CTRL+F9Maximize or restore the workbook window CTRL+F10

    Copy the image of the screen to the Clipboard PRTSCR Copy the image of the active window to theClipboard ALT+PRINT SCREEN

    Return to top

    Keys for dialog boxes

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    Move to the next option or option group TABMove to the previous option or option group SHIFT+TAB

    Switch to the next tab in a dialog box CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGEDOWN

    Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or


    Move between options in the active drop-down

    list box or between some options in a group of options

    Arrow keys

    Perform the action assigned to the active

    button (the button with the dotted outline), or select or clear the active check box


    Move to an option in a drop-down list boxLetter key for the first letter in the

    option name you want (when adrop-down list box is selected)

    Select an option, or select or clear a check box

    ALT+letter, where letter is the key

    for the underlined letter in theoption nameOpen the selected drop-down list box ALT+DOWN ARROW

    Perform the action assigned to the default

    command button in the dialog box (the buttonwith the bold outline often the OK button)


    Cancel the command and close the dialog box ESC

    Return to top

    Keys for edit boxes in dialog boxes Move to the beginning of the entry HOMEMove to the end of the entry ENDMove one character to the left or right LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove one word to the left CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove one word to the right CTRL+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the left SHIFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the right SHIFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the left CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the right CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW

    Select from the insertion point to the beginning

    of the entry SHIFT+HOME Select from the insertion point to the end of theentry SHIFT+END

    12 Keys for using the Office Assistant

    Get Help. Displays the Assistant balloon if theAssistant is turned on. F1

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    Select a Help topic from the list the Assistantdisplays

    ALT+number (ALT+1 is the firsttopic, ALT+2 is the second, and soon)

    See more Help topics ALT+DOWN ARROWSee previous Help topics ALT+UP ARROW

    Close an Assistant message or a tip ESC

    13 Keys for working with the Open and Save As dialog boxes

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    Display the Open dialog box CTRL+F12 or CTRL+OSave the active workbook ALT+F2 or F12 or CTRL+SDisplay the Save as dialog box ALT+SHIFT+F2 or SHIFT+F12Go to the previous folder () ALT+1

    Open the folder up one level from the openfolder (Up One Level button ) ALT+2

    Close the dialog box, and open your World

    Wide Web search page (Search the Web button)


    Delete the selected folder or file (Deletebutton ) ALT+4

    Create a new subfolder in the open folder (Create New Folder button ) ALT+5

    Switch between List, Details, Properties, andPreview views ALT+6

    Show the Tools menu (Tools button) ALT+7

    14 Keys for sending e-mail messages

    To use keys to send e-mail messages, you must configure Microsoft Outlook as

    your default e-mail program. If Outlook Express is your default e-mail program, youcannot use most of these keys to send e-mail messages. [OE shortcuts ]

    Note To enlarge the Help window to fill thescreen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressX. To restore the window to its previous sizeand location, press ALT+SPACEBAR and thenpress R. To print this topic, press ALT+O andthen press P.


    Move to the e-mail message header. Cell A1 SHIFT+TAB

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    must be the active cell when you press thesekeys.

    Send the active spreadsheet as an e-mailmessage ALT+S

    Open the Address Book CTRL+SHIFT+B

    Check the names in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxesagainst the Address Book ALT+K

    Open the Address Book in the To box ALT+PERIODOpen the Address Book in the Cc box ALT+COpen the Address Book in the Bcc box ALT+BGo to the Subject box ALT+J

    Open the Outlook Message Options dialog box(View menu, Options command in a message) ALT+P

    Create a message flag CTRL+SHIFT+G

    15 Keys for working with drawing objects, AutoShapes, WordArt, and other objects

    Inserting drawing objectsInsert an AutoShape ALT+UInsert a text boxInsert a WordArt object

    Selecting drawing objects Select a drawing object F10 for toolbar

    Editing drawing objects Rotate a drawing objectChange the size of a drawing objectCopy the attributes of a drawing object

    Rotate a drawing object by using the keyboard1. Use the keyboard to select the drawing object you want to rotate.

    2. On the Format menu, select the command for the type of object selected for example, AutoShape or Text Box and then select the Size tab.3. In the Rotation box, enter the amount of rotation you want.

    Change the size of a drawing object by using the keyboard1. Use the keyboard to select the drawing object you want to resize.

    2. On the Format menu, select the command for the type of object selected for example, AutoShape or Text Box and then choose the Size tab.

    Select the options you want. For help on an option, select the option, and then

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    press SHIFT+F1.

    Copy the attributes of a drawing object by using the keyboard

    1. Use the keyboard to select the drawing object with the attributes you want tocopy.

    If you select an AutoShape with attached text, the look and style of the text as wellas the attributes of the AutoShape are copied.2. to copy the object attributes. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C

    3. to select the object you want to copy theattributes to. Press TAB or SHIFT+TAB

    4. to copy the attributes to the object. Press CTRL+SHIFT+V

    This webpage was created via XL2HTML macro available at 02/27/2001 10:56 viaHL2HTMLhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/xl2htmlx.txt

    Will handle Right Justified, Font Color, bold, italic, Font size, merged cells -- tested

    only in XL2000. Think vertically merged was added in XL2000. Will handle hyperlink when it is the only value in a cell. Will not handle: Interior color, hyperlinks when not only value in a cell

    Shortcuts NOT documented in Excel 2000 (see menus ) Find [Ctrl+F], Replace[Ctrl+H], GoTo [Ctrl+G] are not found in HELPFind Ctrl+F

    Replace Ctrl+H

    xx Shortcuts added in later versions of Excel

    reveal the smart tag menu ALT+SHIFT+F10

    A similar table, Loughborough University - Excel 2000 Keyboard Shortcuts (92.4 KB / 20 pages / Dreamweaver )

    Microsoft Office Assistance: Keyboard shortcuts for Excel 2003 , be sure to click onShow All to see all descriptions (27.24KB, 22 pages). (for things to come inExcel 12 see David Gainer -- Charlie's list).

    The following include keys not found in Excel 2000 Help but are available:Ctrl+{2,3,4,6,7,8}A table by Key and auxiliary key(s), Chip Pearson, Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (163KB / 2

    pages, produced via Front Page)A table by key and auxiliary keys(s) (72 KB / 8 pages), Russel Proctor - Better Solutions,Microsoft Excel > Shortcut Keys ,A single page reference by category, Debra Dalgleish, Microsoft Excel KeyboardShortcuts (1.3KB / 1 page)

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    Cells.selectApplication.RecordMacro "'Comment from Ctrl_A in " _

    & ThisWorkbook.NameApplication.RecordMacro "Cells.Select ' Ctrl_A"acell.ActivateApplication.RecordMacro "Range(""" & acell.Address(0, 0) _

    & """).activate ' Ctrl_A"Beep 'if you want to indicate restored usage

    End SubWhen recording a macro, these lines will be inserted in the recorded macro:

    'Comment from Ctrl_A in personal.xls if C8 was the active cellCells.Select ' Ctrl_ARange("C8").Activate ' Ctrl_A

    Excel 2003 has eliminated all or most of the context menu (Shift+F1). You can no longer use Help, What's this (Shift+F1) to:

    Can't -- Point to a menu item for more information. Can't -- Point to a toolbar button for more information.

    Can't -- Point to more buttons such as on formatting toolbar and get moreinformation for each item. Can't -- Point to a any other part of the spreadsheet for more information, i.e. Title

    bar, minimize/restore/maximize/close buttons, font box, name box, formula bar,column heading, row heading, worksheet area, sheet navigation arrows, sheettabs, status bar, window sizing border, scroll bar

    Also see Excel 2003 Review , by John Walkenbach and he didn't even go into what's broke to not recommend it. Actually he did touch on the Help system without actuallysaying that a lot of it didn't work anymore.

    Excel 2007 (Ctrl+A gets worse)If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+A selects the current region (Ctrl+*).Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the current region and its summary rows.Pressing CTRL+A a third time selects the entire worksheet.

    The only valid bypass (non solution) is to make sure that you invoke Ctrl+A at leastthree times as there is no problem with hitting this shortcut more than three times.Failure to change the way you invoke Ctrl+A will result in the ultimate destruction of aworksheet in a worksheet when you fail to change your habit(probably a very largeworksheet) after sorting data, unless you can reverse (UNDO) the changes or exit withoutsaving. There is no visual indication that you have selected the entire worksheet, nor is it

    likely that you would always for such an indication if there were.

    You can click on the "Select All" button between the row headers and the columnheaders, but it will change the selected cell as well. Ctrl+A (times 3) does not change theselected cell which is an important distinction.

    See Excel 2007 Ergonomic Hell , A not so smooth conversion to Excel 2007 from previous versions.

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    For those of you stuck with Excel 2007, your best bet is to learn as many keywordshortcuts as you can and to make heavy use of the Context menus , which have beenslightly improved but will problably see the same "improvements" as you've seen withribbons destroying functional main menus.

    OnKey to Reassign a key or shortcut (#onkey)

    Deactivate a Shortcut key (#deactivate)

    ' Disable Copy keyboard shortcutApplication.OnKey "^c", ""

    ' Reactivate Copy keyboard shortcutApplication.OnKey "^c"

    Use of ONKEY to invoke a macro from a Function Key (#onkey) Reference OnKey Method [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaxl11/html/xlmthOnKey1_HV05203370.asp

    Would not really suggest changing your basic keys, and keyboard shortcuts, but here ishow you can change the HOME key not use of braces in the following (not parens).

    Sub botchup_home()Application.OnKey "{HOME}", "Alternative_Home"

    end subsub unbotch_home()

    application.onkey "{HOME}", ""end subSub alternative_Home()

    range("F14").activateend sub

    F-key to open a particular worksheet , Dave Peterson, misc, 2004-03-28. Use of Auto_Open to set function key, and of Auto_Close to restore normal use of theFunction key. Chip Pearson has a shorter, less rigorous solution in same thread.

    Here is a clever use of onkey to intercept a single key stroke into a cell;otherwise, if not a specific key it acts normal. If you need to begin cell contentwith a lowercase e you can use the formula bar. (Jason Zischke, 2006-02-23 ,

    programming) Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.EditDirectlyInCell = False Application.OnKey "{e}", "Macro1" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.EditDirectlyInCell = True Application.OnKey "{e}" End Sub

    http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/rightxl.htmhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/rightxl.htmhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaxl11/html/xlmthOnKey1_HV05203370.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaxl11/html/xlmthOnKey1_HV05203370.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaxl11/html/xlmthOnKey1_HV05203370.asphttp://groups.google.com/[email protected]://groups.google.com/[email protected]://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=034CCE54-B3BA-4D1E-BF05-5F66C608A628@microsoft.comhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/rightxl.htmhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaxl11/html/xlmthOnKey1_HV05203370.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaxl11/html/xlmthOnKey1_HV05203370.asphttp://groups.google.com/[email protected]://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=034CCE54-B3BA-4D1E-BF05-5F66C608A628@microsoft.com
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    The above are event macros installed with the sheet, the sample macro1 isinstalled in a standard module in the same workbook.

    Sub Macro1()msgbox "Hi David, you pressed 'e'"

    end Sub

    For more information on Onkey and codes used see Onkey Method and Onkey MethodExample in your VBA Help.

    Some of my own additions -- Creating your own shortcut keys (#mykeys)

    Listed above were all of the shortcut keys for Excel. You can also make your own shortcut keys.

    To create a shortcut key for a macroAlt+F8 (Tools, macro, macros), select the macro, options, key in shortcut key.

    You will get a warning if you attempt to change an existing shortcut. But there could beshortcuts in other non open workbooks.

    Actually I invoke most of my own macros from menus or toolbar buttons . Also seesummary of how to invoke macros ).

    Enter data using shortcut keysUser added Shortcut KeysJoin, join cells together by words (see join in join doc) Ctrl+J (lowercase)

    PasteSpecialvalues , Paste Special Values Ctrl+SHIFT+VPasteSpecialFormats , Paste Special Formats (like Format Painter) Ctrl+SHIFT+PReset the last cell (see lastcell doc) Ctrl+K (lowercase)ReversI, reverse order of cells (see ReversI in join doc) [wipes out fillto right_ Ctrl+Shift+R

    SepTerm, separate first word (see SepTerm in join doc) Ctrl+T (lowercase)SepLastTerm, separate last word (see SepLastTerm ) Ctrl+L (lowercase)

    PreviousDay, macro with Activecell.value = now - 1 Ctrl+M(lowercase)Available keys for own usage: (if you've not already used them yourself)

    Ctrl+ available are: E, F, G, H, J, L through T, YCtrl+Shift+ available are: C thru F, H thru N, Q thru T, and YSome additional personal shortcuts that will probably prove of interest

    Name Box Shortcut , Chip Pearson, macro shortcut to the Name Box on theformula bar. (suggests CTRL+SHIFT+N as a shortcut). F5 is GoTo and allowsyou to select a cell or range the same as using the name box.

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    Addins to simulate Shortcut keys for Formatting (#formatting)

    SuperSub , John Walkenbach, entry of superscripts and subscripts as an alternativeto selecting characters on the address bar and use Format, cells, alignment.

    Name Box Shortcut , Chip Pearson, shortcut to the Name Box on the formula bar.

    Macros to simulate Shortcut keys for formatting (#macros)

    Creating a Center Across Selection Button , to simulate the Excel 95 center Across button that does not merge cells. This is code create or obtain your own button .

    Windows Shortcut Moving a Window (#winmove)

    Windows such as the Excel Window, and the workbook Window(s) within Excel can bemoved around by Right clicking and dragging the window. Sometimes the window getsmoved so that the blue title bar is hardly visible or can't be dragged from top or upper corners. To solve that

    Alt+Spacebar for Excel Window, or Alt+minus for Workbook Window (with NumLock key OFF)

    look at the menu, choose Move, then move the window around with arrow keys.

    For more information refer to Excel Window, Workbook Window, Worksheet Window ,Moving a Window

    WINKEY shortcuts (#winkey)

    The Winkey works even if Explorer or the Shell doesn't have the focus.

    Customising Explorer and the Start Menu

    Key Description

    Winkey or Ctrl +Esc Opens the Start Menu

    Winkey + D Minimises or Unminimises all windows, SHIFT reverses

    Winkey + E Starts Explorer

    Winkey + F Starts Find Files or Folders

    Winkey + Ctrl + F Starts Find Computer

    Winkey + M Minimises all windows [leaves dialogs up]

    Winkey + Shift +M Unminimises all windows

    Winkey + R Starts the Run Dialog

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    Winkey + F1Starts Windows Help (F1 start help for the current application, if thefocus is in Explorer or the desktop F1 also starts Windows Help)

    Winkey + Tab Cycles through open windows with out bringing the Window to the top(press Enter)

    Winkey + Break Starts System Properties


    Assigning your own shortcut for FIND in your own personal folder:or see Set up a Search shortcut in your Start Menu for a search of your hard drive

    AutoFit of Columns and Rows (#autofit)

    You can autofit row(s), or column(s) by selecting a range of either or Select All ( Ctrl+a ,

    unless you have Excel 2003 ) then double-clicking on the boundary between the headingletters or numbers. There is also a Select All button (gray/grey) located at theintersection of the row number headings and column letter headings. More informationon use of mouse . VBA: Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit

    Calculate and recalculation (#calc)

    Tools, Options, Calculation (tab), calculation: [x] AutomaticThe following is based on a Rob Bovey (7 Jan 1999) reply post on the differencebetween F9, CTRL+ALT+F9, and VBA 'Calculate' . Note: Function key 9 items havebeen changed to match XL95 HELP. Application.Calculate calculates all open workbooks.Range.Calculate calculates the specified rangeF9 Calculates all sheets in all open workbooks.Ctrl+F9 (Minimize the worksheet)Shift+F9 Calculate the active worksheet.

    Ctrl+Alt+F9 Recalculates all cells on all worksheets in all openworkbooks .Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 For Excel 2002 will rebuild all dependency trees.

    The common thread running through all but Ctrl+Alt+F9 of the above is that therecalculation occurs *only* on the cells that the Excel calculation engine thinks are dirty.

    Since the calculation engine occasionally gets this wrong, we also haveCtrl+Alt+F9 which forces a recalculation of *everything* in all open workbookswhether or not Excel *thinks* recalculations are needed.

    Status Bar may continue to show "Calculate", try the Ctrl+Alt+F9, make sure tools,options is on automatic calculation, you can try clearing the status bar (Application.StatusBar = "" ) to see if problem goes away and it may be stuck because of

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    code which has to be recalcualted having to do with volatile coding. Also check for MSKB articles on the statusbar link.

    Volatile functions are one way to force a recalculation. Generally it will help to avoidvolatile functions, but it is available if needed. For instance a change to a format of a cell

    is not detected and will not cause a recalculation in a user defined function that simplyreferences the correct cell. The builtin Volatile functions are not as bad: CELL(),INDIRECT(), INFO(), OFFSET(), NOW(), RAND(), TODAY() as those in a user defined function.

    A B C D E

    1 222 GetFormula It would take Ctrl+Alt+F9 to update cell A3 (or reopenigworkbook, or rentry of formula)

    2 222 =$A$1 '-- recalcated for referencecFunctionvolt1(cell AsRange)

    volt1 =cell.ValueEnd Function

    '--not automaticallyrecalculatedFunction volt2()

    volt2 =Range("a1").ValueEnd Function

    Function volt3()


    volt3 =Range("a1").ValueEnd Function

    3 222 =volt1($A$1)

    4 111 =volt2()

    5 222 =volt3()

    Information from Excel Help: HELP --> ans. wiz. --> calculate Recalculate all open cells, worksheets, and workbooks To recalculate all cells on all worksheets in all open workbooks, press CTRL+ALT+F9

    Note Recalculation of all formulas may take considerable time. To recalculate only thecurrent worksheet, press SHIFT+F9

    Warning: This is one way to learn that the A1 or other cell reference in the formula=CELL("filename",A1) really is needed. Without the cell reference, recalculate willcause the active worksheet to appear instead of the name of the worksheet where theformula resides. Another problem with displaying the active sheet instead of the sheetwith the formula would be using

    SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name instead of SheetName = Application.Caller.Parent.Name

    Reference to article posted by John Green.

    If you have XL97 and do not have SR-2, checkout XL97 recalculation problem in theMS KB.

    The following is from a posting by Tom Ogilvy (Jun 1, 1999) for code to simulateCtrl+Alt+F9

    For more information see SendKeys Statement in your VBE HELP.

    Sub tester3()

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    Application.SendKeys "^%{F9}"End Sub

    Back when the recalc problem was so prevalent, some people mapped thisto the F9 key useApplication.onkey "{F9}","xlmisc68.xls!Tester3"

    John Walkenbach then reported that in XL2000 the Ctrl+Alt+F9 gets recorded as:Application.CalculateFull

    The following summarizes Programming use (Charles Wilson, 2000-11-10 programming)

    In Excel 2000:Application.calculate ' f9application.calculatefull ' ctrl-alt-f9

    in Excel 97application.calculate ' f9SendKeys "%^{F9}", True ' ctrl-alt-f9

    For more information on Sendkeys see this MSDN article, " Sendkeys Method " ^ for Ctrl, % for Alt, + for Shift, {F8} for F8

    For information on XL97 Recalculation patch for SR-1 seehttp://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q174868

    problem was corrected in XL97 SR-2.

    Q224183 - XL2000: Certain Functions Calculate Differently in Early Versions of Excel

    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q224183 Summary: When you use certain functions, you may receive a different value dependingon the version of Microsoft Excel that you are using.

    CalculateFull Method Example http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/officedev/off2000/xlmthcalculatefullx.htm

    Summary: MSDN Library - Office Developer Documentation - Office 2000. Excerpt:CalculateFull Method Example This example compares the version of Microsoft Excelwith the version of Excel that the workbook was last calculated in.

    Auto_Open set to guarantee Calculation is turned on (#autocalc)

    I had trouble with Recalculation being turned off that I put code into Auto_Open to fix it.Turned out that it was an Addin that I wasn't even using that was causing this.

    Sub auto_open()If Application.Calculation -4105 Then

    '-4105 automatic, -4135 manual, 2 semi-automaticMsgBox Application.Calculation & " " & _


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    Application.Calculation = xlAutomaticMsgBox Application.Calculation

    End IFEnd Sub

    Laptops may not have a full complement of keys(#laptops)

    No key to left of 1-2-3 to toggle Formula view (Ctrl+`), solution use a macro and assignshortcut key -- or use Tools, Options, View Tab, Format (Alt+[T,O], view tab, Alt+R)Sub Toggle_DisplayFormulas()

    ActiveWindow.DisplayFormulas = Int(ActiveWindow.DisplayFormulas + 1)End Sub

    Keying in a Non-breaking space CHAR(160) (#nbsp)

    To manually Replace a Char( 160 ) value which is known as a non-breaking space() in HTML or a required blank (RBL) in rich text formatted documents use oneof the following:

    on a desktop Ctrl+H thenFind what -- hold the Alt and key in 0160 with Alt+0160 on the numeric keypad (Not thenumber row)Replace with -- leave the to field empty and use Replace All

    on a laptop Ctrl+H thenFind what -- hold the Alt and key in 0160 with Fn+0160 on the numeric keypadReplace with -- leave the to field empty and use Replace All

    Right-Click (Context) or Pop-Up Menu to PasteFormulas (#rclick)

    Chip Pearson uses a Right-Click menu to copy the formula of a single cell and to pastethe formula unchanged to another cell. Requires coding in your Auto_Open macro. http://google.com/groups?threadm=uNR1fmHt%24GA.287%40cppssbbsa05

    Right-Click context menu areas in Excel:

    title bar, menu bar, column headers, row headers, worksheet , worksheet tabs, scroll bars, status bar , navigation arrows,

    Some shortcut cursor techniques, evidently notconsidered shortcuts (#cursor)

    Fill Handle (#fillhand)

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    The fill-handle is one of the most powerful tools in Excel, and normallyalleviates the need to type in formulas similar to the previous lines. Usedto replicate content (values, formulas, formatting, color), copy cells, fill ina series (Mon, Tue, ...; 1, 2, 3, ...).

    Moving a group of rows or columns to another location (#move)

    On the worksheet you can, select the row(s) to be moved then Hold the SHIFT key andgrab the upper or lower boundary with the left mouse key and drag to between the rowsyou want to move it to. Similar for columns instead. (for more information see mouse topic on my Fill Handle page.)

    I guess this is not considered a shortcut, and theses tips are not easily shown in the abovetable. You will find it in Excel HELP (F1) --> index --> move --> move or copy cells

    Sheet Tab navigation arrows (#sheettabs)

    Read about More sheets by right-click on navigation arrows.

    Hold shift key down and click on sheet navigation arrows and you go to next set of worksheet tabs not currently visible.

    Important Excel 2000 keys picked by MSDN (Microsoft DeveloperNetwork) (#msdnchoice)

    B C

    18 Excel 2000 Shortcut keys in --http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/O2kkeys.aspx19 Activity Shortcut Keys

    20 Alternate between displaying cell values anddisplaying cell formulasCTRL+` (single left quotation

    mark)21 Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks F922 Calculate the active worksheet SHIFT+F9

    23 Copy CTRL+C

    24 Create a chart that uses the current range F11 or ALT+F125 Display the Format Cells dialog box CTRL+126 Display the Go To dialog box F527 Fill the selected cell range with the current entry CTRL+ENTER28 Insert the current time CTRL+:29 Insert today's date CTRL+;

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    30 Move to the beginning of the worksheet CTRL+HOME


    Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is thecell at the intersection of the rightmost used columnand the bottommost used row (in the lower-rightcorner), or the cell opposite the home cell, which is

    typically A1


    32 Open CTRL+O

    33 Paste CTRL+V

    34 Paste a function into a formula SHIFT+F335 Print CTRL+P36 Save CTRL+S

    37 Select all (when you are not entering or editing aformula) CTRL+A (unless you haveExcel 2003

    38 Select the current column CTRL+SPACEBAR39 Select the current row SHIFT+SPACEBAR

    xxSelect all cells leaving active cell still the active cell.

    (broken by design in Excel 2003 where it works sameas broken Alt+A in Excel 2003)


    40 Undo CTRL+Z

    41 When you enter a formula, display the FormulaPalette after you type a function name CTRL+A

    Some Interesting Web Searches

    Was looking for list of described icons to go with the tables here. Did not find what Iwas looking for and all the icons would probably really affect your time in seeing this

    page but did turn up a lot of interesting links with the following Google Web Search:

    excel icons paste special values

    Error Messages in Windows (#ErrMsgs)

    Reporting an Error message as plain text can be tedious. If you have software that grabsa screen shot and converts to text (SnagIT) you can save time. There is a shortcut keycombination that sometimes works to copy the text from an error message --Ctrl+Alt+C . An alternative for dialog messages that don't come from Windows if youdon't have SnagIT can be found in How To Copy Text or Error Messages from AnyDialog Boxes in Windows Raymond.CC Blog , which lists several applications that cangrab a dialog message.

    Using the HELP files with your Excel Software (#help)

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    Excel 2000 Shortcut keys:

    http://www.microsoft.com/office/techinfo/productdoc/2000/en/excel/xlrefUsingshortcutk eys.htm [former link]

    http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/offhelp/off2000/excel/ -- as seen on 2002-02-10

    Excel 2001 Shortcut keys: ) Shortcut key information for Macintosh is rather limited onthe web XL2001: Shortcut Keys Available in Excel 2001 for Mac (Part 1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/275633/EN-US/ -- as seen on 2006-09-28

    Excel 2002 Shortcut keys: http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/offhelp/offxp/excel/default.asp?URL=/assistance/offhelp/offxp/excel/xlmain10/html/xlrefUsingshortcutkeys.htm -- valid 2002-02-10 but script is broken they just can't get web pages to work properlyExcel 2003 Shortcut keys: (not complete) Microsoft Office Assistance: Excel shortcutand function keys http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/preview.aspx?


    Excel 2000 Specification: [What's New] http://www.microsoft.com/office/techinfo/productdoc/2000/en/excel/xldecMicrosoftExcelSpecifications.htm Excel 2002 Specification: [What's New]


    Microsoft Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide

    Product Documentation , Get the Help files for Microsoft Office programs online.Word, Excel , Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, FrontPage, Publisher, MapPoint.

    Hidden Menu Items exposed with SHIFT key (#hidden)

    Shift Key menus

    SHIFT+File , exposes: Closes all Files SHIFT+Edit , exposes: Copy Picture, Paste Picture, Paste Picture Link

    Also see these pages: toolbars , rightclick , logoshd

    Accessibility / Disability / Impaired Sight / KeyboardAccess (#accessibility)

  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


    Working with disabilities / accessibility options : Some documentation found in theMicrosoft Knowledge DataBase (MS KB) for Windows 2000 looking for disabilities &mouse turns up some items of interest.

    Information from Microsoft

    Description of Windows 2000 Magnifier and Utility Manager Tools Microsoft Accessibility Home , information on working with disability, including

    visual disabilities (impaired, impairment, sight).Accessibility: [Features] [Index] [Newsletter] [Search] [Products]

    Windows 2000: Accessibility for People with Disabilities Keyboard Assistance Shortcuts for Win95, Win98, WinNT, choose the Word

    (.doc) version. Keyboard Assistance -- Search Also see Excel Help (or the Help in any Office Product), answer wizard:

    Accessibility for people with disabilities .

    Additional corporate sites on disability and workplace environment IBM Accessibility Center --

    [Search tips] - "Phrases" plus(+) minus(-) ,[Laws] [Learning Disabilities]

    Accessible DHTML - MDC (Mozilla), DHTML accessibility is implemented inFirefox 1.5 , and is being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium . Thecode for DHTML accessibility in Firefox has been contributed by IBM.

    Macintosh (Apple) Disability Solutions -- also see Downloadable list of Mackintosh shortcut keys

    Computing Services - Computer Accessibility Options . A subset of available

    shortcut keys with PC and Mac equivalents -- Keyboard Shortcuts for PC andMac, Towson Univ. (Maryland).

    Additional accessibility webpages/websites

    disability factsheet , National Commission Persons with Disability (Maltese). John Wilson's from the keyboard tutorials , for the visually impaired. [Google

    search: visually impaired Excel ] Digital Web Magazine - 10 Reasons Clients Don't Care About Accessibility , and

    why laws trying to address so many different and conflicting requiredments aredoomed to failure.

    Accessibility Tutorials for Internet Explorer 6 (specific to IE browser) Accessibility features of Firefox - MozillaZine Knowledge Base (specific toFirefox web browser)

    Accessibility in Opera (specific to Opera web browser)

    Text to Speech

    Accessibility (broken link), Univ of Hawaii

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    Speegle Speak Perfect Web Search ., submits a Google search and the resultslist will be read back to you (Google Labs)

    General Resources

    Resource for the Blind, Visually Impaired, Disabled and Interested Parties NISS - Special Needs/ Disabilities , by type of disability University of Minnesota Accessibility of Information Technology , Frequently

    Asked Questions on web access, additional links to other aspects, Resources andTools

    Type With One Hand - About One Hand Typing, Keyboarding and Keyboards Adaptive Technology Resource Centre - Alternative Keyboards

    Presentations involving Excel worksheets -- location bar hard to see in back of room.

    Tools|Options|General Tab -- Change the font size of the standard font also

    affects the location bar. Recycle Excel for change to take effect.

    Not listed as Accessibility, but appears to fit in category

    o RowLiner Add-In , Chip Pearson, changes the color of borders left andright of the entire column of the activecell and same for the row of theactivecell, choice of color, and width of each border. While this addin isvery useful please be aware that you will lose the use of Undo (Ctrl+z) andRedo (ctrl+y) since macros and addins using VBA clear the undo stack.

    o Hands Free browser , free Edumedia, adware. Requirements: IE (not Netscape), microphone, etc. Uninstalled after it showed lots and lots of

    advertising and offered to (or if you accidentally) click to put all your bookmarks onto their site. NO THANKS!!! Uninstalled and removedDLL's. Also having seen the ADVERTxxx.DLL's, I also uninstalledWINAMP and I can now work with my own pages on my own disk quickly once more. You can probably safely use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to do hands free web browsing.

    Related Information (#related)

    Excel to HTML conversions , the XL2HTML macros generate a smaller file and letHTML do it's own thing rather than simulate Excel.

    Toolbar menus . One way to learn most of the important features in Excel or any other software is to become familiar with each of the items in the menus. Microsoft Excel 97Menus provides a description of each menu item .

    Caps Lock , 2004-09-20, akyhne, uses GetKeyboardState keys(0)

    http://www.speegle.co.uk/http://www.speegle.co.uk/http://www.hgea.org/~mota/resource.htmhttp://www.niss.ac.uk/admin/sp-needs.htmlhttp://www.niss.ac.uk/admin/sp-needs.htmlhttp://cap.umn.edu/ait/FAQ.htmlhttp://cap.umn.edu/ait/Web/ResourcesAndTools.htmlhttp://cap.umn.edu/ait/Web/ResourcesAndTools.htmlhttp://www.aboutonehandtyping.com/http://atrc.utoronto.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=32&Itemid=9http://www.cpearson.com/excel/rowliner.htmhttp://www.edu-media.com/http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/xl2html.htmhttp://monkeyquest.com/help_topics/excel/97/menus.htmlhttp://monkeyquest.com/help_topics/excel/97/menus.htmlhttp://groups.google.com/[email protected]://www.speegle.co.uk/http://www.hgea.org/~mota/resource.htmhttp://www.niss.ac.uk/admin/sp-needs.htmlhttp://cap.umn.edu/ait/FAQ.htmlhttp://cap.umn.edu/ait/Web/ResourcesAndTools.htmlhttp://cap.umn.edu/ait/Web/ResourcesAndTools.htmlhttp://www.aboutonehandtyping.com/http://atrc.utoronto.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=32&Itemid=9http://www.cpearson.com/excel/rowliner.htmhttp://www.edu-media.com/http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/xl2html.htmhttp://monkeyquest.com/help_topics/excel/97/menus.htmlhttp://monkeyquest.com/help_topics/excel/97/menus.htmlhttp://groups.google.com/[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Vysakh Exel Tips


    disable keyboard keys , the most effective way to to disable the "Caps Lock" is to pry itoff and throw it away or misplace it. To disable other keys see posting 2004-12-20 byJim Thomlinson. i.e. Application.OnKey "^{c}", ""

    Caps Lock on a laptop : For a laptop you probably don't want to remove a key, but you

    want a system wide method of avoiding the problem -- Windows Control Panel,accessibility, ToggleKeys option will provide sound when invoking/revoking CapsLock , Scroll Lock , or NumLock keys. (in Windows Vista, ToggleKeys is set in ControlPanel, Ease of Use, Eases of Access Center, Keyboard) .

    XL97: How to Disable Shortcut Menus (#kb161440), also see Visual Basic Example toDisable All Shortcut Menus (#kb131257)

    Move a Column or Row techniques can be found on the Fill Handle page under topic:Use of Mouse and keys to move, and insert rows or columns . Another technique is todouble-click the fill handle to copy the formula or sequence down as far as the column to

    the left is filled with adjacent data/formula.

    Navigating within a Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows -- portions of the"Adobe Acrobat 4.0 Tips for Business Professionals" for use with MS products(displayed in HTML format). Warning: just like MS site, if a page displays 404 "NotFound" or "The page cannot be displayed" -- try Refresh once more.

    Keyboard Layouts , Keyboard Maps select a country ( Canada , Canada , UK , US ), turn off popup stoppers and use the shift key on the layout to see those requiring a Shift key.

    Keyboard Problems (#hardware) ,Try a different keyboard . Laptops have a PS/2 connention for auxiliary keyboard.Pop off key cover , remove hair and crud, then vacuum entire keyboard before replacingany cover(s) removed. Place cover carefully into position and gently press down til it

    pops in. [also see Replacing Laptop Keys (and keyboards) , and manufacturer's own site]Cleaning Laptop Keyboard , be careful with liquids and use only in well ventilated area, if the dry spray is Teflon make sure it does not burn.Also do a search including your own brand name of laptop and the following searcharguments: remove +laptop +keyboard fix* OR repair* [additional optional words:clean* pop* ] Wison Mar, layouts of shortcuts, and other related tips and accessibilityinformation.

    Software Problems with Keyboard shortcuts (#problems)

    Function Key(s) does not work in Excel 2003, check out this entire thread involvingmacros, safe mode, addins, trusted publisher.

    Specific code for personal function keys and keyboard shortcuts can be found earlier onthis page [ onkey , foobar ].

    http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=EDE19A3D-221C-4A0C-AE0E-2A8DF721BEC5@microsoft.comhttp://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=EDE19A3D-221C-4A0C-AE0E-2A8DF721BEC5@microsoft.comhttp://groups.google.com/[email protected]://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;161440#appliestohttp://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;131257http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;131257http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;131257http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htmhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htmhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htm#mousehttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htm#doubleclickhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htm#doubleclickhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/navigation.htmhttp://www.adobe.com/epaper/tips/pdfapps/main.htmlhttp://www.adobe.com/epaper/tips/pdfapps/main.htmlhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/keyboards.aspxhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdcahttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdcahttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdcanhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdcanhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdukhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdushttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdushttp://briandesmond.com/blog/archive/2003/09/23/205.aspxhttp://www.computing.net/howto/simple/keyboard/http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=%[email protected]://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/shortx2k.htm#onkey%23onkeyhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/shortx2k.htm#foobar%23foobarhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/shortx2k.htm#foobar%23foobarhttp://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=EDE19A3D-221C-4A0C-AE0E-2A8DF721BEC5@microsoft.comhttp://groups.google.com/[email protected]://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;161440#appliestohttp://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;131257http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;131257http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htmhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htm#mousehttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/fillhand.htm#doubleclickhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/navigation.htmhttp://www.adobe.com/epaper/tips/pdfapps/main.htmlhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/keyboards.aspxhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdcahttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdcanhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdukhttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/keyboards/kbdushttp://briandesmond.com/blog/archive/2003/09/23/205.aspxhttp://www.computing.net/howto/simple/keyboard/http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=%[email protected]://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/shortx2k.htm#onkey%23onkeyhttp://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/shortx2k.htm#foobar%23foobar
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