vvvvv - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home....1 it;.' 4ky a-5 h in ill ' ii imm...

.1 it; 4K .' y a- 5 H in ill ' ii imm mm mm iwu mu ia am 1 wr if in ii ii tii ill ill in in r vvvvv 1.-- .. .'. U j..-- . I its ?. VOL. XII.-N- O. 56 HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY business Cards. Tcuj Itiofrtiscmcuts. Xtxa CUtwrtiscnuiita. IXtm 2Umfrtisrmmt3. Notice to Planters! Australian Mail Service Pacific Commercial Advertiser 13. IT. EHLERS &CO Rep Yanor Engine 99 Fort Street, Honolulu. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A VERY LARUE ASSORTMENT OF J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cart wright Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. 1 Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms, Cor. Queen and Nuuana 8ti. 7Uoods of all descriptions Bold on commission. Dressed and Undressed Kid Gloves, in all Wis. CURTAINS IN LACE, SORIM, MADRAS and ANTIQUE, in Great Variety. NEW GOODS IN a Dressmaking under the management of Miss Clark. CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, Shipping ailtl Comiuissioil Merchants, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DEALERS IN BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL 1MIEKTS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmitlis' Machinists' and numbers' Tools, TTlTTLj ll S I T 1 J ATT I 1 f I T . F IJIYninn IHVT ITVWlJlT Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General !M!erchandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal r, Wilcox & Gibbs. and . V WAIALAE BREEDING EANCH THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST a 50-U- n shipment of the Mexican Phosphate and Sulphur Cos High Grade Fertilizer ! ("A") Brand, OF THE FOLLOWING CERTIFIED ANALYSIS I Per Cent. Phosphoric Arid 11 Potaasa 9.25 Ammonia 3.25 Which is oft red for sale in lots to suit, and will be kept in stock to supply wants of Planters. This Fertilizer has been tried and found to be productive of splendid results. C. BREWER & CO., 15-- 1 m 1332-3- m Queen Street. CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants IM POSTERS AND DALZR8 IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. E lantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine Insure ace Agents. 153 HONOLULU, II. I. ly CALL iTOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTTER In lib., 21b.f 31b. and 71b. Tins Finest -- A.rtiole fcr "Warm Climates. S.FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS 96 and 28 California 8t., Ban Francisco. fe T.89H245-l- v CHU ON & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods 43 Nuuana Street, Honolulu, Have constantly on hand, Silk, Satin, Crepe, Grass-clot- h, embroidered and hem- - chiefs, silk and crepe shawls and scarfs; al great variety of Japanese and Chinese tea sets, vases, bronze and lacquered wares, ivory, sandal wood and tortoise shell card cases, paper cutters, fans, and jewelry cases: sold and silver jewelry, set with tiger claws, cat-ey- es and umber, such as scarf pins, earrings, bracelets, necklaces. etc; an assortment of Chinese and Japan-- 1 ese nick-nack- s and curiosities too nuiner- - ous to specify: Chinese matting a specialty: also, a large quantity of ebony and marble furniture in sets, tables, chairs and settees: a full assortment of flower pots, artificial flower baskets, lacquered and bamboo goods, etc., etc. A new lailor sliop has just been opened .. . ... .... , iu. : l i. u t nk.. I uil iiic pttriijincs uy uic saiuc uim ui viiu I On fc Uo., with a large selection ol tine ieoods. suitimrs. diHeonals. and fancv trouserings, w nicu ttiey wm make up to oruer. The public is respectfully invited to inspect our goods la-J- m ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- - JXf fy f n nerted on gold, silver, allum- - .mini and rubber bases. Crown and bridge. work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber j.iates wnicn are a constant source of irritation to the niOUWl iinu IlllUill. C WUUIU ICVUI11IUC11U I iur Pronhvlactic Metal Plate. All ope r-- ofii.na ,irf r.rtnoil m MCrfinlanCP with trip latest Improvements in dental science. I eetn exirariei witnout pain Dy me use 01 Nitrous Oxide Gas. Hotel street, Tregloan premises. 55--1 y TSTOTLCK. TTAVINO BOl'OHT OUT MR. W. H. 1L Patre in the Honolulu Carriage Manu fartorv' at 12H Fort Street. I am prepared to continue the above business under the old name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac tory, and being an old experienced carriage hniUier I solicit the patronage of my old friends and the public m general, and with my thorough knowledge of the business and with experienced workmen and using only the best material I guarantee general satisfaction. Please call and see me before (Siened) OlDEON WEST. I HAnnlnln iw. 9 1RX1 1f- -f IS PUBLISHED E?erj Morning Except Sundays, At No. 46 Merchant 8t. HUBHCRIPT10N8! Daxlt P. 0. 1otutiiii,od( yetr.l 00 six montha.... S 00 per month........ 60 Wihl Haw An am Qazktte. one year 0 00 - foreign (In cluding poaUge) 6 00 Payable InvarlAbly In Advance. tar All Transient AtUertUetuente rnuet b Prepaid. addbem: UaWAIUM QAZETTX CO., id Merchant et., Poetofllce Bex O. Honololn. H. I. LEWEES & G00KE, (Buoceaaora to Lowers at Dickson) Importers and lealera In Lnmbr And all Kinds of Building Mtenl. No. M FORT STREET. Honolulu. IS JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In . GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 35--31 Qneen Street, Honolnln. ltf WILLIAM O. AOHI, Attobney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m H. HACKFELD A CO., General Commission Agents Cor. Fort A Qu..n 8U.. Honolulu, ltf I BEAVER SALOON. ... Wort sire 1 wppwiw - w - A. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. irat-olas- a Lunckas Served with tA OoSee, Uoda Water, Ulnger Aie or aun. Open From S . m. till 10 p. m. AfSmokera' Benlaltea a Bpeclalty. ltf U0N0L0LU IRON WORKS CO., Mullen. Hffr Mill, Cooler. Bran nod Lead CaatinKS, ind machinery of every deaerlpUon nda to inn I . .ttantirtn tiftid to abiSS OlaOK imUhi4r Job work axut on th. .norteat YOUNG NAT, Importer of fine new styles of Manila & Havana Olgars, Cigarettes AREATED WATERS, Etc. Cor. Bethel and Kin Streets. 98-3- m .. TflE ROYAL SALOON, Cr. Noaaaa and Merchant Streets Cnd.rth.Manag.tn.ntol TP TT TP. "w olter. - j i Tbo.ra. khd lC OOia D..r. IB Uuui I mo. at. per glM. arCIl and Weo IT. ltf WONG SAL, . m i I IVl flrCIiaill J- - 9 I I MANUrACTUBiB o- r- Gentlemen's Underclotmug And Furnishing Goods. Woolen and Pongee Coats. Wool, Calico, German and Linen Shirts. HMl Brands of torn d lalb Cigars. Ulnar RtrMt. J BUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. EstabUslaed 1710. lBiuranc. ttwUd npon .T.ry deiorlpUon of property at cnrra rate or premium. Total Sum Ininred In 188S .337,333,700 Claim, arranged by the Local Agent., and paid with promptltode and liberality. The Jurisdic- tion of f he Loca Tribunal reooguised. Q. W. Hacfarlane & Co. ,a AgenU for Hawaiian Island.. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. ... fl Rn SOT a.l.pnon aaw. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. rho new and ftn Al ateel atpiunablp MAEIPOSA 55 Of th Oceanic Steamship Company, wUi beJu at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Sept, 20, 1890, Afi4 will leave for the abnve port with malls and passengers on or abou t that date. For freight or passage, Davmg Btriiuun ACCOMMODATION S.ayvly to Win. 0. Irwin & Co., AHENTB. For Sydney and Auckland. 39 I'be new and line Al steel Bteamahip 64 99 ALAMEDA G the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San or or about Sept, 27, 1890. And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUI'JSKIOK AC II COMIMODATIONS, apply to Wm. ii. Irwin & Co., AGENTS Glaus spreckels wm. U. trvnn. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Exchange on the principal parts o tht world. Will receive deposits oh open account, make collections and conduct a general baailng and exchange business. Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav logs Department subject to published rules aDd regulations. 17oc3tf LOVE'S BAKERY No. 73 Nnnann Street AK9. KOBT. LOVE, - Proprletresi Every Description of Plain and Fancy! Bread and Crackers, F RES H Soda Crackers A N 2 - Sal 0011 irea(l Always on Hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. island Orders Promptly Attended to i7i-- n Just TrIOCGlVBCl Per S. 53. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, from China and Japan, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods SILKS, Sillc Handkerchiefs, Dinner and Tea Sets, Rattan Chairs, Flower Pots and Vases, Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc. WING WO TAI & CO. 25 Nuuanu Street 82-l- m MRS. M. J. RAMOS, m PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY Over A. I.. Smith's Store, Fort St., Where the best, the seatest and the cheapest Photographic Fictures and Resi- dence Views are taken. Entire satisfaction given, and all orders promptly attended to. gjf A respectful invitation is sent out to the ladies to call and see for themselves. 140-l- y Are adapteil for rumrlne. Klectric L.ipnung. mnnttiK levators, IUr-vestin- g and Thra.-hin- if Machines, Printing Presses. Hoot and Shoe Machinery, Circu-cular.Jifja- nd Band Saws, Hoisting, Mill, and Mining Machinery. Coffee Mill and Roasters. Polishing and KanningMachlnes, Ventilating Apparatus. Kmery Wheels, Etc., in fact, everywhere power is needed. No Boiler, No Fire, No Steam, No Coal, No Aahea, No Engineer, No Explosion, NO DANGER! .sap - ii, Started Instantly Without Even a Match. Always Ready to give out its Full Power. Cost to Run: About One Cent per Horse-pow- er per Hour. 'The above Engine cn be seen in operation at any time at the Meat Market of Jos. Tinker, Nuuanu street. 'Information in regard to the cost. running, etc. will be furnished on applica- tion to JOS. TINKER, Nuuanu St., 23--tf Sole Agent Hawaiian Islands. WE ARE NOW SHOWING AT OCR MUSIC DEPARTMENT rrrrtl 6 trrf? Six (New Styles) FISCHER and SCHURBERT (New York Make) I 9 I jWj f 1 ai T JL JL iTJLl 1 rID Just received direct from the Factory. .BBaCaBCkaaaBBar . . av ta a & ve w,u sen inem l1KM inal "" coia" petition, on Easy Monthly Installments! fw-C- all prlv and ppi f.rt rl.mr Al .. . J ' a new line OI Fiusn riano Scarfs and Fiano Stoola. the Hawaiian news co. 35-t- f NOTIOJE. THK ITNDKRSIUNRU II AS THIS 1 day open i a retail store at No. 7H Nuuhiiu street, for the purjtose of selling GENERAL MERCHANDISE, combined with a I Tailoring and Dressmakitg Department WONO HOP CHANO. Atig.21.lHUQ. 45-3- m PORTRAITS. MliS. EVA M. JOHNSON, Studio No. 27 Alakea Street, (Formerly of New York), urayon t'ortraiw, dm:. -- Saniples can be seen at btudio and at llann ton House ranors. ALL DEPARTMENTS. Lj TT T iVT V TlW Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. io4 1- -y Horses Kert. SALE DEPARTMENT. FOR SALE: Stallions of "Various Breeds. Mares with or without Foal Horses Tor any Purpose. BREAKING DEPARTMENT A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINER is employed on the Ranch. Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breaking and Training Horses. ISEISTBERG. f2-fi- m NOTT, aiid 97 KING STREET. dr- - w T 3 i4 I qiI ngd Housekeeping Goods. and Sheet Iron Work rr PAPERS OF THE KINGDOM. Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y GARDNER K. WILDER, Attorneyat'Law, Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 12frl-l- y J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumana Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AND Agent to take Acknowledgments. Office No. 13 Kaahnmanu Street, Hono- - 67-l- y lulu. H. I. s Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. ' . r?A E?'Mmw' A. CAOilA JT UUVi Awn.WA No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. 1209 35-t- f CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Ingurance Agents! AGENTS . FOB: New England Mutual Life Ins. Cof OF BOSTOK. jEtna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1X29 1-- y JAMES NOTT, JR., PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PLUMBER Corner of King" and Alakea St.., "u""ul TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; residence, Mutual, 26b. . Estimates . . furnished on all classes - rr l l A I ot JriumDing anu linsmuning worK. rirsii ciasg workmanship and material guaran- - n mU K a oKnt'a Kronphoa rf mtr hni. ness at reasonable rates. 44-l- y Walker & lied ward, m Q & Md Brick, 8ton. and Wooden Building Eatlinate. Oiven. Jobbluc Promptly Attended to, 76 KING STREET. Hell Telephone No, J. P. O. Box 433 11 tf C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE V1I COMMI53S10N AGENTS. LIST Cr 1F1ICEB8: President and Manager S&SSSEE Treasnrer ana secretary Auditor DIRECTOB8: 1 Son. 0. B. Bishop. Hon. H. WaUrbom. IPedisjrees of all BliEEDING DEPARTMENT j The following Fine Animals wiU stand for Service at the Kanch, Waialaer Well-bre- d Stallion " MARIN." Norman StaUion " CAPTAIN GROWL." Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT." . Two Native Stallions PILIAOAO" and " FRANK." AWell-bre- d Kentucky JACK PAUL E. 1314 - lv JOHN DIM0ND BLOCK. 95 CDC S3 N J Stoves, Ranges and Plumbing.. Tin, Copper - ff ! 4 k i) A- - Vould inform the public of Honolulu that ehe is prepared to fi orders in Intel. ater Colors. Oi , India Ink and The Daily Advertiser and Weekly Gazette ARE THE LEADING :9K I

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Page 1: vvvvv - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home....1 it;.' 4Ky a-5 H in ill ' ii imm mm mm iwu mu ia am 1 wr if in iir vvvvvii tii ill ill in in 1.-- ...'. U j..--. I its ?. VOL




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THE DAILY business Cards.Tcuj Itiofrtiscmcuts. Xtxa CUtwrtiscnuiita. IXtm 2Umfrtisrmmt3.

Notice to Planters!Australian Mail ServicePacific Commercial Advertiser 13. IT. EHLERS &CO Rep Yanor Engine



Commission Merchant.Office Cart wright Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.1

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

Cor. Queen and Nuuana 8ti.

7Uoods of all descriptions Bold oncommission.

Dressed and Undressed Kid Gloves, in all Wis.CURTAINS IN LACE, SORIM, MADRAS and ANTIQUE, in Great Variety.


Dressmaking under the management of Miss Clark.


Shipping ailtl Comiuissioil Merchants,




PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmitlis' Machinists' and numbers' Tools,

TTlTTLj ll S I T 1 J ATTI 1 f I T . F IJIYninn IHVT ITVWlJlTKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General !M!erchandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal r,

Wilcox & Gibbs. and

. V


THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUSTa 50-U- n shipment of the

Mexican Phosphate and SulphurCos High Grade

Fertilizer !


Per Cent.Phosphoric Arid 11Potaasa 9.25Ammonia 3.25

Which is oft red for sale in lots to suit, andwill be kept in stock to supply wants ofPlanters. This Fertilizer has been triedand found to be productive of splendidresults.

C. BREWER & CO.,15-- 1 m 1332-3- m Queen Street.


Shipping and Commission Merchants



E lantation Agents,Life, Fire and Marine

Insure ace Agents.

153 HONOLULU, II. I. ly


BUTTERIn lib., 21b.f 31b. and 71b. Tins

Finest --A.rtiole fcr"Warm Climates.

S.FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


96 and 28 California 8t., Ban Francisco.fe T.89H245-l- v


Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

43 Nuuana Street, Honolulu,

Have constantly on hand, Silk, Satin,Crepe, Grass-clot- h, embroidered and hem- -

chiefs, silk and crepe shawls and scarfs; algreat variety of Japanese and Chinese teasets, vases, bronze and lacquered wares,ivory, sandal wood and tortoise shell cardcases, paper cutters, fans, and jewelrycases: sold and silver jewelry, set withtiger claws, cat-ey- es and umber, such asscarf pins, earrings, bracelets, necklaces.etc; an assortment of Chinese and Japan-- 1

ese nick-nack- s and curiosities too nuiner- -ous to specify: Chinese matting a specialty:also, a large quantity of ebony and marblefurniture in sets, tables, chairs and settees:a full assortment of flower pots, artificialflower baskets, lacquered and bamboogoods, etc., etc.

A new lailor sliop has just been opened.. . ... .... ,iu. : l i. u t nk.. I

uil iiic pttriijincs uy uic saiuc uim ui viiu I

On fc Uo., with a large selection ol tineieoods. suitimrs. diHeonals. and fancvtrouserings, w nicu ttiey wm make up tooruer.

The public is respectfully invited toinspect our goods la-J- m



from one to an entire set in- -

JXffy f n nerted on gold, silver, allum- -

.mini and rubber bases.Crown and bridge. work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber j.iates wnicn are aconstant source of irritation to theniOUWl iinu IlllUill. C WUUIU ICVUI11IUC11U I

iur Pronhvlactic Metal Plate. All ope r--ofii.na ,irf r.rtnoil m MCrfinlanCP with triplatest Improvements in dental science.I eetn exirariei witnout pain Dy me use 01Nitrous Oxide Gas.

Hotel street, Tregloan premises.55--1 y


TTAVINO BOl'OHT OUT MR. W. H.1L Patre in the Honolulu Carriage Manufartorv' at 12H Fort Street. I am preparedto continue the above business under theold name of Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, and being an old experienced carriagehniUier I solicit the patronage of my oldfriends and the public m general, and withmy thorough knowledge of the businessand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material I guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me before

(Siened) OlDEON WEST.I HAnnlnln iw. 9 1RX1 1f- -f


E?erj Morning Except Sundays,

At No. 46 Merchant 8t.


Daxlt P. 0. 1otutiiii,od( yetr.l 00six montha.... S 00per month........ 60

Wihl Haw An am Qazktte. one year 0 00- foreign (In

cluding poaUge) 6 00

Payable InvarlAbly In Advance.

tar All Transient AtUertUetuente rnuetb Prepaid.


id Merchant et.,

Poetofllce Bex O. Honololn. H. I.


(Buoceaaora to Lowers at Dickson)

Importers and lealera In LnmbrAnd all Kinds of Building Mtenl.

No. M FORT STREET. Honolulu. IS


Importer and Dealer In.


No. 35--31 Qneen Street, Honolnln. ltf

WILLIAM O. AOHI,Attobney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Real EstateBroker.

Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort A Qu..n 8U.. Honolulu, ltfI


Wort sire 1 wppwiw - w -A. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB.

irat-olas- a Lunckas Served with tA OoSee,Uoda Water, Ulnger Aie or aun.

Open From S . m. till 10 p. m.AfSmokera' Benlaltea a Bpeclalty. ltf


Mullen. Hffr Mill, Cooler. Brannod Lead CaatinKS,

ind machinery of every deaerlpUon nda toinn I . .ttantirtn tiftid to abiSS OlaOK

imUhi4r Job work axut on th. .norteat


Importer of fine new styles of

Manila & Havana Olgars, Cigarettes


Cor. Bethel and Kin Streets.98-3- m



Cr. Noaaaa and Merchant StreetsCnd.rth.Manag.tn.ntol

TP TT TP. "w olter.- j

i Tbo.ra. khd lC OOia D..r. IB Uuui I

mo. at. per glM.arCIl and Weo IT. ltf


. m i I

IVl flrCIiaill J-- 9 II


Gentlemen's Underclotmug

And Furnishing Goods.

Woolen and Pongee Coats. Wool, Calico,German and Linen Shirts.

HMl Brands of torn d lalb Cigars.

Ulnar RtrMt. J


EstabUslaed 1710.

lBiuranc. ttwUd npon .T.ry deiorlpUon ofproperty at cnrra rate or premium.

Total Sum Ininred In 188S .337,333,700

Claim, arranged by the Local Agent., and paidwith promptltode and liberality. The Jurisdic-tion of fhe Loca Tribunal reooguised.

Q. W. Hacfarlane & Co.

,a AgenU for Hawaiian Island..


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,

111 FORT STREET.... fl Rn SOTa.l.pnon aaw.


rho new and ftn Al ateel atpiunablp


Of th Oceanic Steamship Company, wUi beJuat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Sept, 20, 1890,

Afi4 will leave for the abnve port with malls andpassengers on or abou t that date.

For freight or passage, Davmg BtriiuunACCOMMODATION S.ayvly to

Win. 0. Irwin & Co.,AHENTB.

For Sydney and Auckland.39

I'be new and line Al steel Bteamahip

64 99ALAMEDAG the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from Sanor or about

Sept, 27, 1890.

And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUI'JSKIOK AC IICOMIMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. ii. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

Glaus spreckels wm. U. trvnn.



Draw Exchange on the principal parts o thtworld.

Will receive deposits oh open account, makecollections and conduct a general baailng andexchange business.

Deposits bearing interest received in their Savlogs Department subject to published rules aDd

regulations. 17oc3tf

LOVE'S BAKERYNo. 73 Nnnann Street

AK9. KOBT. LOVE, - Proprletresi

Every Description of Plain and Fancy!

Bread and Crackers,F RES H

Soda CrackersA N 2 -

Sal 0011 irea(l

Always on Hand.


island Orders Promptly Attended toi7i-- n


Per S. 53. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, fromChina and Japan,

Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

SILKS,Sillc Handkerchiefs,

Dinner and Tea Sets,Rattan Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,

Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc.

WING WO TAI & CO.25 Nuuanu Street

82-l- m



Over A. I.. Smith's Store, Fort St.,

Where the best, the seatest and thecheapest Photographic Fictures and Resi-

dence Views are taken. Entire satisfactiongiven, and all orders promptly attended to.

gjf A respectful invitation is sent outto the ladies to call and see for themselves.

140-l- y

Are adapteil for rumrlne. KlectricL.ipnung. mnnttiK levators, IUr-vestin- g

and Thra.-hin- if Machines, PrintingPresses. Hoot and Shoe Machinery, Circu-cular.Jifja- nd

Band Saws, Hoisting, Mill,and Mining Machinery. Coffee Mill andRoasters. Polishing and KanningMachlnes,Ventilating Apparatus. Kmery Wheels,Etc., in fact, everywhere power is needed.

No Boiler, No Fire, No Steam,No Coal, No Aahea,

No Engineer, No Explosion,NO DANGER!


- ii,

Started Instantly Without Even aMatch.

Always Ready to give out its Full Power.

Cost to Run:About One Cent per Horse-pow- er per


'The above Engine cn be seen inoperation at any time at the Meat Marketof Jos. Tinker, Nuuanu street.

'Information in regard to the cost.running, etc. will be furnished on applica-tion to

JOS. TINKER, Nuuanu St.,

23--tf Sole Agent Hawaiian Islands.




rrrrtl 6 trrf?Six (New Styles) FISCHER and SCHURBERT

(New York Make)

I 9 I jWj f 1 ai TJL JL iTJLl 1 rID

Just received direct from the Factory.


. .av ta a &ve w,u sen inem l1KM inal "" coia"petition, on

Easy Monthly Installments!

fw-C- all prlv and ppi f.rt rl.mr Al.. . J 'a new line OI

Fiusn riano Scarfs and Fiano Stoola.

the Hawaiian news co.35-t- f


THK ITNDKRSIUNRU II AS THIS1 day open i a retail store at No. 7H

Nuuhiiu street, for the purjtose of selling


I Tailoring and Dressmakitg Department

WONO HOP CHANO.Atig.21.lHUQ. 45-3- m



Studio No. 27 Alakea Street,

(Formerly of New York),

urayon t'ortraiw, dm:.

-- Saniples can be seen at btudio andat llann ton House ranors.



Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.io4 1- -y

Horses Kert.


FOR SALE:Stallions of "Various Breeds.

Mares with or without FoalHorses Tor any Purpose.


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingand Training Horses.



dr-- w T3 i4 I

qiI ngd

Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Workrr


Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y


Attorneyat'Law,Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.

77 12frl-l- y


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumana Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l-y Rogers).



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahnmanu Street, Hono- -

67-l- y lulu. H. I.



' . r?A E?'Mmw'A. CAOilA JT UUVi Awn.WA

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.1209 35-t- f


Life, Fire and Marine

Ingurance Agents!AGENTS . FOB:

New England Mutual Life Ins. Cof


jEtna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.

UNIONInsurance Company




TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of King" and Alakea St..,

"u""ulTELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261;

residence, Mutual, 26b.


. .furnished on all classes

- rr l l A Iot JriumDing anu linsmuning worK. rirsiiciasg workmanship and material guaran- -

n mU K a oKnt'a Kronphoa rf mtr hni.ness at reasonable rates. 44-l- y

Walker & liedward,

mQ & Md

Brick, 8ton. and Wooden Building

Eatlinate. Oiven.

Jobbluc Promptly Attended to,


Hell Telephone No, J. P. O. Box 43311 tf







President and Manager

S&SSSEE Treasnrer ana secretaryAuditor


1 Son. 0. B. Bishop. Hon. H. WaUrbom.

IPedisjrees of all


The following Fine Animals wiU standfor Service at the Kanch, Waialaer

Well-bre- d Stallion " MARIN."Norman StaUion

" CAPTAIN GROWL."Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT."

. Two Native StallionsPILIAOAO" and " FRANK."

AWell-bre- d Kentucky JACK

PAUL E.1314 -lv



Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing.. Tin, Copper

- ff






Vould inform the public of Honolulu thatehe is prepared to fi orders in Intel.

ater Colors. Oi , India Ink andThe Daily Advertiser and Weekly Gazette




Page 2: vvvvv - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home....1 it;.' 4Ky a-5 H in ill ' ii imm mm mm iwu mu ia am 1 wr if in iir vvvvvii tii ill ill in in 1.-- ...'. U j..--. I its ?. VOL

.' . - ,1


Un utljoritn tion can be fair, no investigation THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. STna 3i)Drrttscmcutfl.the motion to strike this out when it'ame out. He would now move that

Ayes lH-rfce- Maiiariane, Muller,Pu., Hind, Burchardt, G. N. Wilcox,Nawahi, Baker, Rickard. Kahookano,

railroad company an to. i void aninvestigation there is nothing in it. Along time-ag- o ' a pamphlet as tai l onmy table with a full statement or factand I presume the hon. Noble ha- - aopy.. I move the previous question.

Carried.The ajes and noes on the motion to

reconsidf r th; motion to refer the bill toa committee was then called, with thefollowing result :

Aye G. Brown, iencer, Peterson,McCarthy, Phillis, Ciabbe, Kauhane,J. M. Horner, Baldwin, V. Y. Horner,The attention of the public is called to

Section 7a anl Section 7b Chanter 29 ofuie cession haws ot which are as follows:

Section 7a It shall be the duty of everyperson to report immediately to the nearest executive Inspectors or InspectingOfficer, any animal on or about his ownpremises or the premises of another, whichhe fchall have reason to believe to be affect- -eu wiui any miectious or contagious disease or distemper, under a penalty of notless than five nor more than rmo hnn,iro,i I

-dollars for each offense.

dectioj. b baid Inspecting Officersshall have the power to enter upon anypremises wnere they have reason to believe there is any animal affected with anymiecuous or contagious disease or distemper of a nature dangerous to the live stockof the country, and to cause any suchanimal to be placed in quarantine or wichtime as said officer may deem necessary;ana snail have the power, with the an--provai oi tue majority of said Board, tocause any such animal to be destroyed.

W. T. MONSAURAT,Executive Inspector.

J. II. Brown,Paul It. Isexbero, Jr.,

Inspectors.Honolulu, Aug. 21, 1890. 45 1337

Regulation No. 1.in accordance with an Act ' Relating to

the Suppression of Plant Diseases, Plightsand Insect Pests," approved on the 16thday of July, 1890, the shipping, sending ortaking of any plants, slips or cuttings fromthe Island of Oahu to any of the otherIslands of this Kingdom is hereby prohibited until further notice.

Exempt from this regulation are plantsfrom foreign countries landed at the portof Honolulu in transit, provided that upn me nine resuijuueiit mey nave notleft the wharf of Honolulu and haye beenduly examined.


Commissioners of Agriculture.Approved August 5, 1890.

C. N. Spencer,Minister of the Interior. : 31


September, 1800.

$6,000 e appropriated, as only aboutthat Hinoant was expended iu the lastix rial.

Noble Baldwin thought the questionwas not whether the institution was wellconducted, but whether it was necessary.merewa no wnere eise lor these Doyto go. and it was a sound tiling to keepthe school. If it had not been nronerlvkept up, it should be.

Noble Burchardt aupported passing theitem as in the bill. Such schools erenecessary for boys who needed t begot awav from their parents as well asothers.

Rep. R. W. Wilcox said he mightwithdraw his motion if the Board wouldput a live man there. But for four orfive years the school has not amountedto anything. A teacher who was noto- -

nous tor his wua oats could not have avery good influence on the boys. If 1

were a minister, I would kick the Boardout. I think such a Cabinet as this.which sits winking and looking at usand doing nothing, ought to go downtown and go to work.

Noble Pua supported the motion tostrike out the item.

.Minister lsrown thought the moneynot badly spent even if only two or threebovs were saved.

Rep. Nawahi moved the committeerise, earned.

the report ot the committee wasadopted.

The House adjourned at a little after4 P. M.

Xcdj CUtocrtisrinrnts.

Meeting Notice

4 QUARTERLY MEETIMi OF THEBoard of Trustees of the Queen's Hos-

pital will be held at the Room of theChamber of Commerce on SATURDAYNEXT.-th- e 6th inst., at 1:30 p. m.

Fer order r . A. SC11AKFEK,

Honolulu, Sept. 4, 1890. f-- 2t


A NY PERSON HAVING IN POSSESsion a binocular Field Glass made by

Troughton & Simnis, London, and belonging to the Oovernnient Survey, will pleasereturn tne same to the umlersigtmi.

U. J. L.YONS,Assistant in charge of office.

Sept. 2, 1890. 13XK3t 5B-- 2t


U- - his sincere tharVks tn thnse friend whnkindly assisted at the funeral of the lateMrs. Ena.


Ladies' Nurse,Cor. Likelike St. and Palace Walk. 5G-2- w


Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing.

Studio Eagle House Cot taire. 55-- m

WANTED.NURSE TO TAKE CARE OF ANA elderly person. Address 1. O. Box Z,

Honolulu. 49-t-f

IT THE ADJOURNED AN..t. nnal Meeting of the Walohlnu Aericul-tur- al

and Grazing Co. held Angant 11th lawt, thefollowing officers were elected for the enniugyear, viz:

M.P. Robinson President.John Ena V.ce-- President.

' C. P. Iankea. ...Secretary and Treainrer.W. M. Giffard Auditor.

C. P. IAUKEA,Ilonolulu, Sept. 1st, 1890. Seclretary.

1338-l- t 54-- 1 w

Su. Mo. Tn. Th. Fr. Sa. September 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 8tQuarlSL.St ptembt-- r 13

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 New Moon.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28Full Moon.

28 2a 30

can carry any weight or convictionto the public mind, if this simplebut indispensable preliminary isneglected. In the present imperfectstate of human nature, it is not tobe expected that it should.

The business of the Finance Committee is of an essentially judicialnature. Unless its work is doneby a committee on which both sidesare represented by representativemen, there is no guarantee thatthere will be a bona fide investigation. Wo may go further, and saythat there is a guarantee that theinvestigation will not be bona fideIQ appointing, therefore, a commit- -

T?r.v-- r.ir 1 o ,1LUIj Jll YV 1111.11 Llli; 1 L1.11J1 111 W4llV V

X 1. 1 1no representative, tne possiuuity

of a fair inquiry was precluded atthe outset. It would be absurd toexpect the Reform party to treatthe findings of such a committee asconclusive of the facts.

In making these observations, wedo not intend to reflect upon thepresent committee. We are simplystating universally recognizedfacts. The principle that no manshould bo judge of his own cause, isno where truer than in politicsWhen a dispute arose in the UnitedStates over the election of Mr

IIave9. Uoncrress established anElectoral Commission, consisting o

five Representatives, five Senatorsand five Judges of the SupremeCourt. There were seven Democrats and eight Republicans on thisCommission. " Five of them belonged to a body trained to theconsideration of all questions in ajudicial spirit all of the fifteen

m iwere prominent, several or mememinent men. They were boundby all the sanctities of an oath, torender an impartial decision, yetthey declared Mr. Hayes elected bya strict party vote.

Now, with all the deference possible to our present Finance Com-

mittee, we cannot help thinkingthat if this Electoral Commissioncould not free itself from party prepossessions, our committee is justas little likely to do so. Yet if thisstandpoint is a correct one andwe confess to thinking it sober, obvious and such as any reasonableman would naturally take whatbecomes of the vast labors of theFinance Committee ? They mightas well have spent the last threemonths pouring water into a sieve.

Wo have purposely abstainedfrom making any allusion to the details of this report. . Possibly itmay bo worth while to refer to themlater. Certainly they present aninviting field for comment, and weshall be in no want of matter: butenough has already been said toshow why we think ourselves orany honest man entitled to dismisstho report, if we so choose, withoutany attention whatever.

In the meantime, the House is

going to "consider" tne report,and if they can really find any-

thing in it to 44 consider," why, wesay with all our hearts (borrowinga phrase of Noble Widemann's),let them consider it, and "God blessthem!"

As tho House seems likely to sitanother three months, perhaps thebest thing to do would be to referthe report to another committee, toascertain whether the allegationscontained in it are true or not.

1'eraonal Mention.

The following distinguished tourista sailed on the W. G. Hall, Tues--

day, for the Volcano, having remain- -

ed over from the steamer Alamedafor the purpose, viz.: Mr. ClaytonGlynn, Mr. A. Burns 2nd Mr. D.JIcBraynes. Mr. Glynn, is of thefamous Glynn family, and connectedwith the great banking: house ofGlynn, Mills, Currie & Co., the largest private banking firm in LondonThey along with Baring Bros, floated the great Guinnes' breweries forthirty million dollars, and theMessrs. Glynn became famous atthis time in having: paid over theircounter to Sir Arther Guinnesssingle check for twenty million, fivehundred thousand dollars, andwhich was said to have been one ofthe largest ever paid to a single individual in .London. Mr. .Burns is anephew of Sir John Burns, one ofte heads of the ereat Cunard Steamship Company. Mr. McBraynes is ason of one of the largest steamboatbuilders and owners in Scotland.These crentlemen remain over amonth, visitincr tho Volcano andHaleakala, and then sail for SailFrancisco.

The Roval Hawaiian band willgive a farewell concert to the Captand officers of the U. b. b. ipsicFriday evening at the HawaiianHotel at 7:30 o'clock. After the concert there will be an impromptudance in the parlors.

The Advertiser is the leadingdaily paper of the Kingdom.

Waipuilani, White, Kanealii, Kalua, Hal- -

stead. Kamai, A. S.W ucox -- 18.Noes G. Brown. Spencer, Peterson,

McCarthy. Phillips, Crabbe, Kauhane,J. M. Horner, Bal twin, W. V. Horner,Cornwell, Walbri.ige, Anderson, onTeinpky, Kanoa, C. Brown, dimming,Marquet, Lncas, R. W. Wilcox, Rosa,Uusii, Kauhi, A. Horner, Aptki, Pae--

iiaule, Knudsvn. Rice 2s.The amendment ws lost and the bill

passed its third read inc.Nol.le McCaithv moved to er.

Lost.The House took a recess at 12:35.

Afternoon Seion.The House at 2 p. m.Minister Brown, for the Cabinet, an

swered the question of Rep. Marquescertain projected removals from

office as follows:In answer to the question propounded

bv Hon. A. Marques on the 2d inst.. Ihave to sav that the Ministers are unaware of the fact stated by Rep. Marques,namely, " that the National Reformparty have jersistently demanded there'moval from office of a certain few'individuals notorious for their incompetenceor their offensive and active parjtizaushipin o!ities," and they cannot and do notbelieve that the National Reform partyor any political organization has becomeso demoralized over the pursuit of officeas the statements of Rep. Marques wouldlead them to infer.

In renlv to the Question as to " whatthe Cabinet propose to do in the matter,are any changes to bo made, and if bo,when?" the replv is that such changesas are found to be necessary or expedient will be made with due regard to theefficiency of the public service and atsuch time as the Cabinet may deem ap-propriate. The Cabinet further desire tostate that thev are exceedingly surprisedat the tone and tenor of the questionsasked and would inform the honorablegentleman that they consider their "wordof honor " to be above the innuendoesand slurs sought to be cast upon it in thefourth paragraph of the questions, andalso to inform the honorable gentlemanof a fact which he seems to have over-looked that the Cabinet when they tookoffice swore to faithfully discharge andperform the duties pertaining to theirseveral offices, and thev consider thatthey would be violating their oaths in re-

cognizing and carrying into effect thespoils system.

Rep. Kalua moved the reply be accepted and laid on the table.

Rep. Marques seconded the motion. Itwas not his intention to discuss it now.The matter could be settled later.

The motion carried.Rep.Kalua resolved that after Septem

ber 8th no more bills be introduced, excent such as have been noticedAdopted.

Noble Burchardt resolved that theCommittee on Accounts be authorized topay the bills of the Special Committee toInvestigate at the Kalihi Hospital. Itappeared that the charges for cab hirewere excessive.

Rep. Knudsen and others protestedagainst such extravagance.

Rep. Kapaehaole explained, that thecharges were so high because the hackswere kept waiting while the committeewas making its investigations. It is truethat other persons went, but they weremembers of the House.

Noble Kauhane thought the committee might have been much more cheaplyserved.

The resolution was adopted.Rep. Bush read by title an Act to

amend Art. 48 of the Civil Code relatingto juries; the bill was read under sus-pension of the rules a second time bytitle.

Referred to a committee of which theAttorney-Gener- al is chairman, with or-ders to print.

Noble Crabbe introduced a resolutionthat the Minister of the Interior submitto the House a copy of the lease of har-bor front to the Oahu Railroad and LandCompany.

Rep. Brown said the Finance Commit-tee make strictures on that lease and itwould be a good p an to consider it to-

morrow.Noble Macfarlane said no strictures

had been made by the Finance Commit-tee, but only a recommendation to in-

vestigate.The resolution was adopted.Rep. Kalua moved all Constitutional

amendments be taken from the table andreferred to the committee on those mat-ters. Carried.

Rep. Cummings read by title an Act toencourage the cultivation of coffee.

The House proceeded to the Order ofthe Day.

Noble Phillips said in view of the factthat the bill was similar to the OahuRailroad bill, which had been rejected inits original form, and would therefore re-

quire extensive amendments, he wouldask to w ithdraw the bill.

Rep. Kalua thought it might go to acommittee to be amended. The hon.member might forget to it.

Noble Phillips said it had already beensent to a committee, which had movedto post pone it indefinitely.

Rep. Kalua moved consideration inCommittee of the Whole.

Bep. Brown thought if the introducerwished to withdraw it, he ought to havethat privilege. It was very hard toamend a bill in Committee of the Whole.I move the hon. member be allowed towithdraw his bill.

Noble Muller moved the bill pass toengrossment.

The bill was withdrawn.Third reading of the Cantonier Bill.A section of the bill having been

omitted, it was returned to the Engross-ing Committee.

Third reading of an Act relating to en-

forcing of liens for public improvements.The bill passed.

Consideration of the AppropriationBill in Committee f the Whole. NoblePhillips in the chair.

The concluding portion of report of theSjecial Committee on Educational Itemswas read.

Rep. Brown moed the item for salaryof Deputy-Inspecto- r of Schools bestricken out, because it is included in the$190,000. Carried.

Rep. Brown moved the item for sup-port of schools pass at $100,000.

Noble Baldwin asked why $190,000 wasasked for instead of $170,000.

Rep. Marques explained that $190,000was the original estimate of the Board.

The iiem passed at $190,000.R.p. Brown moved the item, Indus-

trial and Reformatory School $12,000,pass as in the bill.

Rep. R. W. Wilcox moved "it bestricken out.

Rep. Brown sai 1 there were fouiteenboys now there. There was no otherplace to put such boys, unless they arecommitted to the Oahu Jail. It is afalse piece of economy to strike it out. Itis an institution in vogue in every part ofthe world. There are some young menwho have come from there who are hardworking men to-da- y. I know of two my-

self. I don't think it right to strike theitem out

Noble Crabbe laid that he had mad

Third Annual Picnic





TRAINS WILL LEAVE HONOLULUat 1.00, 2:00, 0:00, 7:00, and ):30o'clock r. i.

TRAINS WILL LEAVE REMONDUROVK at 4 :10 ft :00, 8 .30, 12 .00and 12:15 o'clock r. M.


To commence after arrival of tho firsttrain, consisting of Baseball,' S.ick amiFoot liaces, Apples on the String, andother games to amn&e young ami oM.Suitable presents will be awarded to thesuccessful competitors.

At 3 :30 p. m., the Barracks and Pau-a- hi

Clubs of the Amateur RaeebailLeague will play a game.

CONCERTDuring the afternoon and evening-by-th- e

Royal Hawaiian Rand.


55-t- d

New Model Lunch Roods!'


ROOMS TO LET,At No. 4 Garden Lane. 5Mf

L. HUGHES,Clothes Cleanel anil Ilepaird.

Adams Lane. ftl-f- it


13 Emma Street, - - "

Will resume Instruction Monday, Sept. 8.

CXy-Mut- ua' Telephone No. 321. 5t-l- w


ATTORNEY - AT - LAW.Honolulu. II. I.

Office over Rishop's Rank. 49-l- y


HoA St., Honolulu.

Large airy rooms with hoard. Also,table board.

Hot and cold water bath,

Terms reasonable. 130-t-f

THE- -

104 Fort Street.

1 1890,


50-t- f

Seventieth Day.Wednesday,. Sspi. 3.

The House mt at 10 a m. Prayerby the Chaplain. Minutes r a I and approved.

Rep. Lucas reported one bill printed.Ordered to be di-rib- u-d.

Rep. Kalua for . the majority of theJudiciary Committee rt-ror- on the billproviding that a majority of 1 he CabinetghaU rule, recommending that it pass.

The report was laid on the table withthe bill.

Minister Brown stated that His Ma-

jesty had approved the law relating tosalmon licenses and also the law extend-ing the item for completion of the islandcable.

liep. Rosa for the committee on theroad back of Honolulu reports recom-

mending that the item be inserted in thebill, but that the load be not built untilthe Minister of the Interior is eatiefiedthat the receipts from land sales will ex-

ceed the cost ot the road, and recom-

mending further that in all deds thecondition be inserted that trees shall notbe cut and that lands shall bcT'liept treeof lantana.

Laid on the table with the Appropria-tion Bill.

Minister Brown read the answer ofthe Minister of Foreign Affairs to Hon.J. W. Kalua's question as follows: Con-

fidential conversations of foreign repre-sentatives with the Minister of ForeignAffairs cannot be divulged. The Min-ister read the rply of the Minister ofthe Interior stating that lie had no offi-

cial conversations with foreign represen-tatives on the subject of ttie constitu-tional convention, and adding that confi-dential conversations of this sort are notdivulged by men of honor.

Iiep. Kalua moved the answers beaccepted and laid on the table, and thatthe newspaper reporters have access tothem. Since he had brought up the sub-ject it had been generally discussed bothin the community and in the Cabinetitself. I have been charged with tryingto make trouble and to antagonizefriendly foreign powers. I do not seehow those charges can be thought to betrue. I brought the questions of myown accord just as I introduced the constitutional convention bill of my ownaccord. There is a great deal of talk intimating that foreign representatives areadvising with the Cabinet. 1 his notionwill be disposed of by these answers.

The motion was carried.Minister Brown in answer to the

question of Rep. Marques in regard to arecent seizure of opium, would state thatsuch a seizure was made, but that theofficer making it has not been removedand the matter is now being investi-gated. Laid on the table.

Minister Brown on behalf of the Minister of the Interior in reply to questionsof J. W. Kalua states that the questionwas referred to the Board of Health andtneir answer is appended, lne answerof the Board states that the examiningBoard consisting of Drs. Kimball, Rodgers, Trousseau and Mcbrew did go tothe station in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Health requiring theexamination of Dr. Lutz's patients every3 months. Dr. Lutz was notified of thisresolution of the Board, and as it waspresumed that, from motives of delicacy,he would not wish to sit in judgment onhis own patience, the Board appointedDr. Henri McGrew to be present at theexamination in his place. Dr. Lutz washowever invited to be present but de-clined. No change was made in thestatus ot anyone in tne Hospital, norwas any such change contemplated bythe examining Board.

Rep. Kalua moved that this reply beplaced on the Order of the Day for today after the Appropriation Bill. Carried.

Rep. Kalua said yesterday the OahuRailroad bill was referred to a committee. He had voted with the majorityhaving been all the time opposed togranting this company any such privlleges. I now move the reconsiderationof that vote. The bill has occupied theattention of the House five whole daysIt only has two features of importance,the guarantee of interest and the subsidy. After the action ofthe House yesterday I came to the conclusion thatnothing more could be done. The onlyquestion remaining is whether we shallgive them $500 a mile or $700. It hasgot narrowed down to that. I am notpersonally interested in this matter atall. A great many have ridden free onthe road but I have not. I make thismotion because after considerationthink there is no use in further delay.

Noble Macfarlane confessed it was amatter of surprise that . this motionshould be made by the member fromWailuku who all along has fought thebill bitterly. He has been won over invery mysterious manner, although I amnot prepared to fcay that he has been"seen." This is only in keeping withall the tactics of the promoters of thisbill in doing everything they can to pre-vent any investigation of the affairs ofthe company. The hon. gentleman wasthe hardest man I had to deal with inthe matter of the indefinite postpone-ment of the bill. I heard this morningthat attempts would be niade to recon-- ,eider the bill but 1 could not see whowould be the one to move it. I did notthink certainly it would be the memberfrom Wailuku. But they seem to havefound him. The supporters of this billmay seem to have won a g!orious vic-tory this morning. But they are wel-come to it so far as I am concerned ButI wish to re-affir- m my position that 1 amin favor of the bill, and of a liberal sub-sidy, and I think $2,500 is a liberal sub-sidy. But we ought to know what itcost to build the road, and if they willnot give us access to their books, it mustbe thev do not want us to know what theroad cost. If this House wishes thereshall be no further investigation verywell. But I think the promoters oughtto court this investigation. Yet they arecirculating reports this morning that thecommittee will be stuffed. I call for theayes and noes and I hope the I. G. Ad-vertiser which is in the habit of puttingon record persons who do not agree withit, will put these names on record.

Noble Crabbe I like consistency. Afew days ago I brought in a resolution tohave a committee appointed to go overthe proposed line and investigate it. No-ble Macfarlane was one of those who'ridiculed the idea.

Noble Macfarlane No. I didn't.Noble Crabbe Yes, you did. Now, if

Noble Macfarlane has no objection to aninvestigation now, why did he oppose itthe other day ?

Noble Macfarlane said he had no recol-lection of any such resolution. In facthe paid very little attention to what thehon. gentleman does bring in.

Rep. Kapaehaole supported the recon-sideration. As to the charge that the

Waibridge, Anderson, von iemyMty,Kanoa, 0. Brown, Cummii gs. Marques,Lucas, R. W. vvilcox, Rosa. Buh, Kau-ai, A. Horuer, Waipuilani, Apiki, Piehaoe, Kanealii, Kalua, Kamai, Kuu lsen,Rice 31.

Noes Berger, Macfarlane, Muller,Pua, Hind, Burchardt, Cornwell, G. N.Wilcox. Baker, Rickard, Kahookano,White, Halstead, A. S. Wilcox 14.

Rep. Brown moved the bill pas, anicalled for the ayes and noes.

liep. Rickard moved to amend by reducing the subsidy from $700 to $500 permile. He took the ground of Noble .Macfarlane. Tha motives of the opponentsof the large subsidy had been impugned.The motives of those who voted blindlysuch recklessly large subsidies mightwith at least equal justice be attacked.He was sorry that- - the bill could not goto a committee. f-'.o-

OO was as large asubsidy as the country could afford.

Noble Baldwin There has been nobill before the IIou?e which has hadmore attention than this, and I am infavor of passing the bill. I have fromthe first taken a conservative view, andwas decidedly opposed to a guarantee ofinterest. At first I favored a subsidy of$2,500 only , but since then I have learnedmore of the difficulties in the way, andhave taken a trip on part 6n the line,and have seen where a tunnel wouldhave to be made. The Hon. Noble Mac-farlane says he does not know that $3500would not about build the road. I wouldask. the hon. gentleman whether as amember of the firm of Macfarlane & Co.he does not know that that will barelypay for the rails. I base this remarkupon prices which we have paid for railsimported through Macfarlane & Co. Ithink under the circumstances that$3,500 is only a reasonable subsidy. Thecost of the rails is only a small portionof the total cost of the line.

Noble Pua favored the bill, but thoughtthe amount asked for by the companywas sufficient, and could not understandwhat prompted members to give thecompany more than they asked for.(Ilep. Kapaehaole explained that it wison account of the interest guarantee be-ing struck out.)

Noble Cornwell said he had not fa-

vored reference to a committee, in orderto kill the bill. He thought if the Gov- -

eminent was going to assist at all, $3,500a mile was little enough.

liep. Brown said at the least calcula-tion the laying of the road would cost$8,000 per mile. There is a pamphlethere which every member has beforehim which estimates a part of the roadat $15,000, and another at $18,000 perper mile. I think that is too high, butit was based on the cost of the PearlRiver division.

Rep. Rickard said it mattered not forthe House whether the road cost $S,000or $80,000 per mile, but how much theGovernment could afford to pay. Theroad would cost enough, so that it wouldnot pay the gentlemen who were invest-ing in it from motives beyond the knowl-edge and authorization of this House.The receipts of the Government wouldnot be increased by this road to anamount corresponding to a subsidy of$3,5,00. This meant that the taxes ofpoor people would have to be increasedto support private enterprises in whichthey had little or no interest. Therewere people here who .were voting thismoney, who would not vote it if it was-thei- r

own. He intended to treat it as ifhe were voting his own money.

Rep. Kapaehaole stated that he hadintroduced the amendment increasingthe subsidy to $700 per mile. He sawno reason why he should change hismind. The railroad would be of greatbenefit. In riding down on the road, Inoticed that the ties were almost all na-tive timber from Hamakua. I noticedthat the constituents of the memberfrom Hamakua (Rep. Rickard) weregreatly benefitted by this road. I sawthat natives were employed on the road.I saw a great many native carpentersgetting good wages. I see more reasonthan ever for trying to have this amend-ment passed.

Rep. White favored $500 a mile insteadof $700. The Government should con-sider the interests of the people as wellas those of the company. The railroadwould not benefit the common people .

Mr. Dillingham has merely employednatives in order to make an impressionon the House.

Noble Macfarlane moved to take a"recess till 1 :30. Otherwise he would liketo have the floor.

The motion to take a recess was lost .

Rep. White claimed the floor, andNoble Macfarlane resigned his right.

Rep. White said the road would onlybenefit Mr, Dillingham jind Mr. Castle,who was running around outside therepulling wires. The company want tograb and get all they possibly can.

Noble Macfarlane said he had moveda recess to enable the promoters of thecompany to make another raise. Theyseem to have no difficulty in getting sup-porters. Yesterday it was proposed tome to reconsider that vote, so as to pre-vent its being brought up to-da- y.

Noble McCarthy said there was a verygood reason for that, for the result wouldbe different. There was a mistakeabout that count yesterday.

The President said that was not so.He had counted carefully and impartial-ly, and was in a better position to seethan any member of the House.

Noble Macfarlane, continuing, said hewas not a member of the firm of Geo.W. Macfarlane &.Co., and knew nothingof the costof rails. The question nar-rowed down to this: Why the informa-tion sought should be withheld. Thelobbying done on this bill was simplydisgraceful. His own ositjo;i was per-fectly honest and perfectly tenable. Hpsimply wished to know what the actualcost of railroads in this country is, andmembers who oppose such investigationsas are wanted are not doing their duty,as legislators to this country. I say thissudden change on the part of membersis very mysterious, and it shows that in-

fluences have been brought to bear ujonthem which are not very creditable tothem.

Noble McCarthy The hon. memVerhas spoken ten minutes, and I move theprevious question.

Noble Macfarlane I have not ; I havekept watch.

Noble Macfarlane, continuing, said ifthis subsidy were passed it meant thatthe two steamship companies should re-

ceive the subsidy for which they asked,and the Hamakua road the same, andevery enterprise of the sort. If memberswished to take this course, he.was satis-

fied.Rep. Cummings moved the previous

question. Carried.The ayes and noes were called on the

amendment as follows :


Grrand A-imiia-l

Mammoth Clearance SaleAT



Legislative Assembly At 10 a. m. .

A & A. S. It. Nuuanu Chanter of RoseCroix No. 1, at 7:30 P. M.

Fire Department Meeting of Board ofliepresentativci at 7:o0 p. m.


Paciic Commercial Aflvertiser.

He just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aiin'at at be

Tby Country's, thy Ood'i. and Truth's.

THURSDAY. SEPT. 4, 1890.



The report of the Finance Committeo after a delay of about threemonths was brought into theHouse a week or two since. Ourintended review of it has contmually given placo to moro importantmatters. The House seems to havetaken the same view ofthe relativeimportance of the report, for up to.tbo date of this writing no actionhag been taken upon it by theHouse, beyond fixing Thursday(to-da- y) for its consideration.

If tho House can find anything inthis report worth considering, weshall never bo able to admire itsacufeness enough. We ourselvesmust freely Confess to an inability to'discover anything of the sort,and donot hesitate to pronounce the document as something of which no oneof cither party is bound to take tholeast notice. Our reason for thissweeping judgment is briefly this:Tho report contains simply thoofficial investigation of. tho acts ofone political party by another.The result of this investigation is,of - course, a condemnation. Nothing else was to be expected, andif anything else had resulted, thepublic generally would have been

r Vvery much astonished. Ah investigtition of the acts of one party by

' another! Since when, pray, havesuch investigations been held tocarry any weight? With all duerespect, wo cannot help thinkingit must have been since the NationalReform party came into power. It isa truism iuall politics that inquirieswhich have any political bearingshould be conducted by committeeson which both parties are fairly andfully represented. No investiga






At Cost and Less Than Cost!


Sold For Cash. Only !



j r

i f-

i iiift



Page 3: vvvvv - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home....1 it;.' 4Ky a-5 H in ill ' ii imm mm mm iwu mu ia am 1 wr if in iir vvvvvii tii ill ill in in 1.-- ...'. U j..--. I its ?. VOL


OAIIU RAILWAY k LAND CO.'S LOCAL AND GENERAL. Xcui CUtorrtiseinnit3 Hl&m'SfClfM.furnished everything which appcarcd necessary' for the informa

JUST LAJSTDED !OccHelanQOrientalS.S.Go.

4 - PttB&m il v

2 Westermayer PianosNew Slyles!


129 100-- 1 v

E. R. Hendet, President and Manager.Godfrey. Beowit, Secretary A Treasurer;


Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers anil Dealer in General

HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYGenuine Havilcnd China, plain &nd decorated; Wedfewood

Ware; Piano, Library and 8tand Lamps,

Chandeliers and Electoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;


The "Gazelle" Riding How and Equalizer. Bluebeard Rice Mow,Planters' Steel and Goeenecked Hoes .

OILS: Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and rocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Uaps, ine ueieoraiea "uiuo xnaciune-ioaue- u arirui.

AGENTS FOR:'New rroceas" Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paint,ilartuian's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel-wir- e Mats,

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ratten,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks

100-- 1 y for Pipe and Bolt Threading


The Only SteamHawaiian


Ginger Ale, plain, Sweet and Cream

tion of the House relative to thebill. It was suggested to me yes- -

terdav, while listening to you, thatwe ought to have printed every-thing and distributed it in theHouse. I am inclined to think now,this would have been the wisercourse; but it seemed at first thatit would appear obtrusive and as ifthe measure were for private andnot public utility. If the bdl was aprivate grab it ought to have beendefeated as I believe yon desired,but if one of public benefit it oughtto have passed on its own merits,as it certainly did. If it pleases HisMajesty to sign the bill, you willfind that the O. R. & L. Co. willproceed to build, as rapidly as pos-sible, and in the interest of thestockholders, as well as the generalpublic, a substantial and well-equippe-


road. Bonds will not beissued, as is sometimes the case, forthree or four times the cost of con-struction, as in case of a road verynear at hand of which we know.

Yoirrs very truly,W. R. Castle.

2Cctu ttiDcrttscnicnts.


MR. OSCAR HEROLD BEGS TOthat he is ready to receive

Pupils on the Piano and Harmony. Forterms and hours apply at residence No. 73Beretania street next to Punahou Prepar-atory School. 56-2- w

Meeting: Notice.

ALL MEMBERS OF THE HONOLULUare requested to attend the An-

nual Meeting at their Hall, FRIDAYEVENING, Sept. 5th, at 7:30 o'clock.Election of officers, etc

PODEYN,5G-- 2t (Secretary.



PLY CO., held this day, it was voted thatthe Annual Meeting of the Company beheld in Honolulu, on MONDAY, October6, 1890, at 10 A. M.

W. O. SMITH,Secretary.

Honolulu. Sept. 2, 1S90. 55-- 3t 1339-4-t

LOST.STRAYED FROM PREMISESlast Friday, Aug. 29th, my largeCarriage Horse, color a cross be- -twf en dark brown and alack.

Any person returning the same will besuitably rewarded. G. P. CASTLE.

53-- tf


Mr. John Gracp has this istv hppn rpointed - Manasrer of the Honolulu TlnirirCo., in the place of Mr. Martin O'Dea,resigned. J. ALFRED MAGOON,ol-l- w becretarv Honolulu Dairv Co.

NOTICE.lirR. WALTER M. GIFFARD WILLU--- act for me under power of attorneyduring my absence from this Kingdom.

Honolulu. II. I.. August 29, 1890.52-2- w


ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBYwarned against shooting or trespassing

on the lands owned by me in the Districtof Waipio and Waikele, Ewa, and on theland of Waikakalawa, held by me underlease. All persons so shooting or trespass-ing will be prosecuted to the full extent ofthe law. C. A BROWN.

Honolulu, Aug. 29, 1S90. 52-2- w

Pearl City Lunch Room.

THE . UNDERSIGNED BEGS TOthe patronage of the traveling

Public at his Lunch Room now open atCity, Ewa, where he will make all

feel at home. Lunches, cold drinks, tea,coffee, cakes, and refreshments; ice creamon Sundays and holidays.

E. A. GALASPO,145-- 1 m Proprietor.

$75 Reward.

A REWARD OF $75 DOLLARS WILLbe paid for information leading to

the arrest and conviction of the party orparties who broke off the steel picketsfrom the fence in front of the residence ofC. H. Atherton, Beretania street. Applyat this olhce. 4-- tf


Boilers Inspected, Tested and Repaired.

71LL GIVE ESTIMATES FOR' new Boilers, Tanks, Pipes, Smoke-

stacks. Flumes. Bridges, and general SheetIron Work. Good references furnished,and all work guaranted.

BTAddress P. O. Box 479, Honolulu,H. 1. 139 1327-3-m


from 87 King St. to 132 Fort St.

Importer and constantly on hand thechoicest

Manila and Havana Cigars andTobaccos.

Good Smoke and Cold Drinks cuaranteed.

CCF"Also Acting Agent for the PacificEmovme.st Leacuk. Blanks for applica-tion and all information given.

50- - lm H. PETERSON.

Kawaiahao Seminary.

NEXT TERM OF KAWAIAHAOTHE begins on MONDAY, Sept,8th. Persons desiring to send pupilsshould apply at once.

HELEN A. 1'EPOON,2S-- 6t 133t-4- t Principal,



Leave Honolulu 8:5 1:45 5:30tArrive llonoullull 9:49 2:49 6:34fLeave Honouliull. 5:40 10:51 3:51 ...Arrive Honolulu. . 6:4 11:55 4:55 ...

Saturdays and Mondays only.t Saturdays only. 53-t- f



Stnir Pele, Smythe, from Ilamakua andLabaina.

Stmr Kinau. Lorenzen. from Maui andHawaii.

StmrC II Bishop, St Claire, from cir-cuit of Oahu.

IlEPAICTURKS.Wednesday, Sept. 3.

Stmr Kaala, Hagland, for Kilauea andIlanalei.

Hcbr Ilaleakala for Kona.Schr Luka for llaalawa.


Stmr Iwalani. Weir, for Labaina. Ku-kuihae- le,

llonokaaand Paaubauat 10 a m.Schr Kawailani for Koolau.

VESSELS I J POUT.H B M 8 Acorn, Pollard, from a cruise.U S S Nipsic, McCurley, Hilo.Bk Wenona, Newcastle, N S W.Bk Harvester, Delaware.Bk Magnat. Faust, Newcastle, N 8 W.Bk Columbia, Goodman, Port Blakely.Bk Mathilda, Swinson, Departure Bay.Bk Paul Isenberg, Wolters, Liverpool.Bknte 8 N Castle, Hubbard, San Francisco.Bknte W il Dimond, Drew, San Francisco.Bknte Planter, Dow, San Francisco.Bktne Discovery, McNeil. San Francisco.Schr Kuby A. Cousins, Cousins, Eureka.


ARRIVALS.From Koolau, per stmr C R Bishop,

Sept 3 Hon H A Wideinann, Hon PaulIsenterg, Hon J Marsden, Miss Atkinson,Mrs Steward, and 27 deck.

From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau,Sept 3 Miss K U Nawahi. Miss Birch Fan-ning, Mrs O W Hapai and 2 children, MissBrown, Miss White, Robt Young, C ERichardson, Wm Rcinhardt, Misses Ry-cro- ft

(3), Mrs W L Green Jr. Mrs J Light-fo- ot

and 2 children, Lau On, wife andchild, Wm Jarrett, Master Paul Jarrett,Mrs Putnam and servant, C Ahee and 2children, J Magulre Jr. Chang Chow, HKekuewa, J Kekuewa, Wm Campbell, AKaua, Rev T L Gulick and wife, E D Bald-win, Bro James. Miss M Freil, Master JFreil. Miss A Widditield, Miss D Widdi-fiel- d,

Miss K Cornwell, Miss K Vida, MissC Fuller, Miss M Widdifield. Hon W YHorner, Mrs Kia Nahaolelua and 2 chil-dren. Masters Fred and Ivy Maby and 112deck.

From San Francisco at Hilo, per brigLurline, Aug 21 Mrs Patten and 2 chil-dren and Miss Townsend.


The Kinau brought from Maui and Ha-waii September 3d 1,178 bags sugar, 24bags wool,350 bags potatoes, 45 hogs, 4horses, 20 crates fowls, and 200 pkgs. sun-dries.

The steamer C. R. Bishop brought thefollowing freight: 170 bags rice, 020 bagssugar, 7 pkgs. hides and 13 cases grapes.

The steamer Pele brought from KukaiauSeptember 3d 1,575 bags sugar, 50 bbls.molasses and 20 empty barrels.

The bark Harvester is being loaded withabout 300 tons of old iron. She leaves forSan Francisco about the 10th inst.

The steamer Claudine has been hauledof the Marine Railway and is anchored inthe stream.

The American brigantine John D.Spreckels, Captain Christiansen, arrived at

, Hilo, August 31st, 18 days from PortTownsend with 201.&G0 feet rough lumberand 4,103 feet dressed lumber, valued at$2,124 53. The lumber is for Wainaku andHonuapo, Kau.

The brig Lurline, Captain Matson, ar-rived at Hilo on August 2lst 15 days fromSan Francisco with 612 bbls. flour, 1.786ctls. barley. 715 bis. hay, 564 lbs. sugar. 29cs. 32 bbls. and 8 hf. do. salmon, 50 bbls.lime, 2.655 lbs. beans, 2.874 sks. bran, 4horses, etc., valued at $16,808.

Ball on the V. S. S. Nlpalc.

Capt. McCurley and officers of theU. S. Nipsic gave a farewell ball onboard the vessel yesterday evening,which was a most delightful affairthroughout. The decorations weresuperb and won the admiration ofall present. The invited guests wereconveyed from the landing in theship's boats, and were warmly wel-

comed by Capt. McCurley and hisofficers and most agreeably enter-tained during their stay. His Ma-

jesty the King, members of the Cab-

inet, diplomatic and consular corp,and a large number of prominentcitizens wer among those present.The Hawaiian band played1 for dan-oini- t.

which was carried on withgreat spirit until a late hour. ThereWas a UUUUUtlU BUjiyijf wi uiud uou- -

o?rn refreshments. The earlv departure of the Nipsic is regretted, asher officers have become familiarfigures in the community, and willle much missed.

The Third Warning Voice.

A pamphlet entitled The ThirdWarniDg Voice," addressed to HonC. J. McCarthy, and purporting tobe the work of Robert Hoapili Baker,was distributed among the membersof the House yesterday. It is morethan suspected - that Robert is beingused as a blind, as the ear marks ofa much more expensive and highertitled official are blazed upon everyrmere.

The cist of the arcrument is thatthe Legislature should provide foran army of 521 men and ten staffofficers, at a cost of Thesalaries of the staff officers are toamount to 45,680.

The "English' of the pamphlet issuch that if y author will only con-

tribute reg; iiy to a funny paperhis fortune will be made. Wo under-stand that a syndicate is beingformed to "corral" the author andfarm him out to KTexas Sittings''nnd "Punch."

The regular monthly meeting ofth Board of Representatives of tneHonolulu Fire Department will be

Mr. John Ena publishes a card ofthanks elsewhere.

Who has cut a binocular fieldglass belonging to the Government?,oee notice.

Rep. Marques got his "answer"yesterday. You will find it in theLegislative report.

Mr. N. S. Sachs will commence agreat clearance sale on Saturday.It is to last two weeks.

The annual meeting of the Hono-lulu Arion Society will be held Fri-day evening at 7:30 o'clock.

Messrs. T. II. Davies & Co. havejust opened out a new stock of Jap-aues- e

goods direct from Japan.

The Board of Trustees of theQueen's Hospital will hold a quar-terly meeting on Saturday at 1:30p. if.

One of Rep. Marques' cantonierswas parading the streets yesterday.He looked like a Salvation Armycorporal.

The fine new S. S. China will sailfor San Francisco on or about Sep-tember 23d. Messrs. Hackfeld & Co.are the agents.

Mr. Oscar Herold is now preparedto give lessons on the piano and inharmony. Particulars at his resi-dence No. 73 Beretania street.

This evening Dr. E. L. Hutchinsonand Miss Alice L. Afong will beunited in marriage at the Waikikiresidence of Mr. and Mrs. Afong.


Mr. D. D. Baldwin retnrned froma trip to Waianae atid Waialua yes-terday, after collecting about 3,500land shells, embracing forty differentspecies.

The Hawaiian Wine Company hasjust received a new stock of goods.fully specified in another column.Those in search of first class wetgoods should read the notice.

At the monthly meeting of EngineCo. No. 2, held last evening, one newmember was elected, and a refresh-ment club was started. Other busi-ness was of a routine character.

In the Police Court yesterday twonative women were each fined 10for disturbing the quiet of the night.A nolle pros. wa3 entered againstfour Chinese charged with gaming.

Last evening Mr. D. Nichols andMiss Lillie Nott were united in marriage by the Rev. H. H. Parker, atthe residence of the bride's parents,King street. Only the immediaterelatives and friends were present.

At three o'clock this morning apoliceman reported at the Stationhouse that a native woman was lyingdead in the lane back of Kawaiahaochurch. A stretcher was taken tothe spot, when it was discovered thatthe woman was dead drunk. Shewas taken to the Station house.



Dear Sir: For a few minutesyesterday I had the ploasuro oflistening to your remarkable andinteresting argument before theLegislature in favor of referringthe Oahu Railway bill to a selectcommittee in order that further in-

formation might bo obtained. Isay remarkable for it seemed veryremarkable to me that you shouldhint that any of jrour fellow mem-bers were so weak and wicked asto allow themselves to yield to evilinfluences from without againstpublic interest. You also spokeoFclisgracefui t lobbying" in sup-port of the bill, and of the "verystrange " change in the opinionsand vote of several members. Youalso referred to the Oahu Railwayand Land Company in such a man-ner as to cause your hearers toconclude that the said company isunder the control of those who aredeliberately misleading the publicand indulging m bribery to put itroughly. Of course your legisla-tive privilege protects you in all ofthese charges and inuendoes, inspite of the fact that you may dothe company thereby a very greatinjury for which no redress lies.My first thought and wish is to saynothing, and let your baseless, un-

fair and injudicious charges go un-

answered, but friends and othersadvise a challenge to you to pro-duce al or any of your facts. Itseems to mo upon the whole thatthis is the wisest course. You are,no doubt both fair and houest. Youknow that the O. R. & L. Co. hasno chance on the floor of theHouse to refute anything youmay choose to say. But inthe public press it is differ-ent. Hero bp,th hayo a chance.Now if you have any charge ofbribery or unduo influence to bringagainst the company, do so whereyou can be answered, and you willbe given a full, free and public op--

poriUllliy LO ouuBiauuuLc uii juusay. I will say to you at once thatyou will miserably fail, for youhave not a shadow or an iota oftruth to stand on. Everythingwhich has been done by the O. R.& L. Co., or by or with itsconsent or knowledge in itsbehalf by those interested init, for the furtherance of the bill,hag been open and aboye board,It has not cost the company onecent, either in cash or promises.All information requested hasbeen furnished. Wo have furnished

1 more than that, and have in fact


Ex Barks Adonis and Isenberg.

Cases o Star Hennessey Brandv,

Cases Palm Tree Gin,Cases White bottle Key Gin,


Irish ami Scotch Whiskey,

Cases Extra Fine Sherry,Cases Dry and Sweet Champagne,

Cases Italian Vermouth- Chartrusse, Benedictine,

Curacoa, Absinthe, .Etc., Etc.

Tannliaeuser Beer !



The Best Beer in the marketbeats St. Louis and Milwaukee all topieces.


BUFFALO BEER,Brewed and Bottled in Sacra

mento, finer and Cheaper than Fredrick--

burg and Wieland California Beer.



56-l- m FRANK --BROWN, Manager.


of our Mr. Wm. G. Irwin fromthe Kingdom, Mr. E. 1. Spalding will actfor him in all business matters connectedwith our Bank.52-l- w GLAUS SPRECKELS & CQ.


under full power of attorney, dur-ing my absence from the Kingdom.

W. F. ALLEN.Honolulu. July 31, 1890. 27 1334-l- m


until further notice, to collectall Crown Land rents, and to eive receiDtsfor the same.

G. W. MACFARLANE,Crown Land Agent.

Honolulu, Aug. 19. 1890. 43-t-f.

Land For Sale.

A PIECE OF LAND SITUATEat Kulaokahua, District of Kona,Island of Oahu. lying along niauka

side of Beretania street, between Mrs.lvowe's place and JNapoIeon s. This is asuitable piece of land for residence, havingwoocien nouses tnereon.

0Furtrer particulars can be had ofS. M. Kaaukai, over Bishop's Bank.

Honolulu, Aug. u, iyu. 1335 3l-z- m



sons that at, a meeting of the share-holders of WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,held on the 31st day of J uly, 1890, it wasvoted to accept the Charter of Incorpora-tion dated July 24, 1890, and granted tothem and their associates and successorsunder the corporate name and style of


And that the Corporation under saidCharter was duly organized, and electedthe following named omcers, viz:President and Manager.. William G.IrwinVice-Preside- nt Claus SpreckelsSecretary and Treasurer ....W. M. GiffardAuditor i.e. rorter

Notice is also given that, pursuant to theterms of said Charter, no Stockholder shallbe individually liable for the debts of theCorporation, beyond the amount whichshall be due upon tne snare or sharesowned or held by himself.

W. M. GIFFARD,1335 30 Fec'v Wm. G. Irwin & Co.. L'd.



Wm. G.Irwin, - President and ManagerClacs Spreckels, t . - Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. Giffabd, -- - - Secretary and Treasurer

Theo. C. Porter. - - Auditor

Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.


Of San Francisco, Cal.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) hasassamed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue the general business formerlycarried on by that house. 1335 30


sons that at a meeting of the share-holders of PAAUHAU PLANTATIONCO. (L'd.), held on the 1st day of August,1S90, it was voted to accept the Charter ofIncorporation dated July 24, 1890. andgranted to them and their associates andsuccessors under the corporation nameandstvle of PAAUHAU PLANTATIONCOMP'ANY, (LIMITED). And that theCorporation under said Charter was dulyorganised, and elected the following namedomcers, viz:

President Wm, G.IrwinVice-Presiden- t.. ..... Claus SpreckelsSecretary & Treasurer. , . W. M. GiffardNotice is also given that pursuant to the

terms of said Charter, no Stockholdershall be individually liable for the debts ofthe Corporation, beyond the amountwhich shall be due upon the share or sharesowned or held by mmseit.

W. M. GIFFARD,30-l- m Sec'y Paauhau Plant. Co., ( L'd.)

For Yokohama and Hong Kong.Tte munificent teamr

OCEANIC.Vv. M.. SBSITH, Commander.

Will Mil for tbc abvve ports on or about


For freight or passage, apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.. Agents

San Diego Steamship Line.

For San Francisco Direct.

The Al Steamship

FARKAL0N,Capt. S. Bosifield,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about TUESDAY, Sept. 9.

lFor Freight or Passage, apply to


30-- m Fort St., (over A. L. Smith's).


Book, News and Stationery Store





A full and beautiful assortment ofTIPrang's ART STUDIES at N. Y. prices.




in great variety.BOOKBINDING promptly attended

to.Sole Agency of the MERR1TT TYPE

WRITER Don't fail to get xne as itsurpasses all others. .DANA'S CHARACTERISTICS OF


WAII, Etc., Etc.SOCIETY STATIONERY a specialty.

THUS. gTtHKUM.Pkofrietor.


40 Head of Mules!

Just arrived per bktne. Tlanter, from SanFrancisco, in good condition, and can beseen at the Hawaiian Hotel Stables.

9For further particulars enquire of

8. I. SHAW,or J. O'CONNOR,

52-l- w Hotel Stables.

P. & 33.


Patent Ideal Roofing, and Sheathing






Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

No. 2 P.& B. Paint is especially adaptedfor bridge work (wood or iron) and smoke-stacks, and has been used for these pur-poses at Paauhau for the past four years,giving great satisfaction.

No. 3 P. & B. Taint for fence posts orany wood or timber used under ground orsubmerged, being a protection against allmarine parasites or water; also forfoundation timbers.

Ideal Roor Paint. Colors: Red, Brownand Black. Is the best in the market foriron, tin or shingle roofs.

P. & P. Electrical Compocnp. This ar-ticle for affording perfect insulation iswithout an equal and has obtained recog-nition by the largest eltctric light com-panies and manufacturers of insulatedwire.

Ideal Roofiso ani Sidiscj. Colors:Brown or Black. Adapted for steep orflat roofs. Can be laid by anyone withoutprevious experience.

All the above articles are absolutelytasteless and odorless and contain no coaltar.

For circulars or other informationapply to the agents. 51-- tt

Election of Officers.

VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT1 at a meetii.g of the Stockholders ofthe Hawaiian Pacific Cable Co.. held Aug-ust 23. 180. the following omcers wereelected;

Hon. E. Crow Baker, Victoria. B. C,President, vice J. Shenuau Bartholomew,resigned.

Win. W. Hall, Vice-Presiden- t, vice Hon.E. Crow Baker, resigned.

Hon. S. M. Damon, Treasurer, vice J.Sherman Bartholomew, resigned.

E. O. White, Auditor, vice W. W. Hall,resigned.

E. O. WHITE,Secretary H. P. C. Co.

Honolulu, Aug. 25, 1st). 48-l- m

For Salo by

King and Bethel Street.

Jons En a, Vlce-rreside- nt.

Cecil Beowk, Auditor.



Soda Works in theIslands.



Just Received !

Mi II I ri "V 11 11

HAKDWAEE CO.. Ld.fl- Fort and Merchant Struts.

SUN NAM SING,No. lOO Nuiiitnu Street,

Bgs to call the attention of the public totheir large and well selected Stock of

Japanese GoodsSuitable for this market, which wflt besold at lowest price. 49--y

KADTfll2 DAILY ADVERTISER' if vou want the Utesi new.




Factory: USTo. 23 Nuuanu St.MUTUAL TELEPHONE 860; BEL.L. 878.

D. T. BATT.KY. - - Manager.


PACIFIC HAEDWAEE CO., L'd.,B. F. Dillisgham, Pres. J. O. Sfksceb, Manager. F. L. Wiktfb, Trean.


New Goodso

EUBBKR HOSEof the best quality; all sizes.

Special Belting for all kinds of Machinery.

PACKING, Etc., Etc"Special Security" Cylinder and Engine Oil;

Locoruoiive and Albany Cylinder Oil,and Compound

KEROSENE OIL,of guaranteed test a specialty.

NEW STOCK OF SHELF HARDWAREMe&anica Tools, Cntlery, ind Hons Furnishing Goods,

Art Goods, Picture Framing, Artists' Materials;l'aints, Oils and Varnishes, Turpentine,

Galvanized and Plain Fence Wire and Staples; and

Plantation Supplies Generally.O :

PACIFIC11-t- d

Election of Officers.

AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEA-- Stockholders of the Han&lei Sugar MillCompany, held this day, the followingofficers were elected for the ensuing year:

Chas. Koelling PresidentJ. N. S. Williams Vice-Preside- nt

. J. O. Carter SecretaryP. O. Jones. TreasurerJ.O. Carter Auditor

J. O. CARTER,Sec'y Ilanalei Sugar Mill Co.

Honolulu, J uly 21, 1890. 18-li- uheld this evening at i :du o'ciock.

Page 4: vvvvv - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home....1 it;.' 4Ky a-5 H in ill ' ii imm mm mm iwu mu ia am 1 wr if in iir vvvvvii tii ill ill in in 1.-- ...'. U j..--. I its ?. VOL


Xtw Slbcatiacintnte. (General ttofrtisantnte. 2Cctu Sttujtrtisrmrnta.


a Fine AssortmentManager,superintendent.J. N. S. WILLIAMS,

11. MO HE, TBI H. MISWe have just received per S.S. Australia,a: L I " v f J

comprising, oneelegantineers i Iron FoundersEng Drap's and MedicinesHand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set

& COA few of those fine hand-embroider-OFFICE A5D WORKS, - - ESPLANADE, HONOLULU,




Oceanic Steamship Co.From Ban Franclico, 171 O'clock, Noon.

Leave Dae at8. F. Honolulu

Alameda . ..Saturday . .Bept. 20. . . . Sept 27Mariposa.. Saturday.. Oct. 18. ....-Oct-

. 25Zeatandia. .Saturday . .Nov. 15. . . . Nov. 22Alameda... Saturday.. Dec. 13... Dec. 20

To San Fraavtcco.Leave Due at

Sydney HonoluluMariposa . . Wednesday . .Sept 3. . .Sept 20Zealandia.. Wednesday... Oct 1....0ct 18Alameda... Wednesday.. Oct 29... Nov 15Mariposa.. Wednesday ..Nov.J.... Dec 13Zealandia. .Wednesday . . Dec 24. . .Jan 1j

Intermediate 8. 8. Australia, 12 M.

Assorted colors and patterns of Crepe-- THE LEADIXG BRANDS OF- -bilk bnawis. kieganl lete--a te (Jups

and Saucers. A fine lot ofSteam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks. Sugar Cars,

Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,Wmmrht ami Cast Iron Work for House Builders. Cigarettes and Tobaccos.Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc., Etc. MANILA CIGARS, 100 IN A BOX.


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches. Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and Table fta Most Complete Stock of Photographic SuppliesAlo, a small selection of JAPANLeave San Francisco Leave Honolulu. 0





COSTUMES. On the Islands.Friday cent. 12 Friday bept. 2I" rulay ..Oct. 101 fin"Call early and examine thisFriday Oct. 24

Friday Nov. 21Friday Nov. 7 assortment of New Goods. V " 4Friday Dec. 18rnuay liec. ti AGENCY FOR THE KODAK.WING WO CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Strwet

155-l- y. Dark Koom at Amateurs.Disposal ofoWin. C. Irwin fi Company,

Manufacturers of a Full Line ofBaldwin Locom(LIMITKI.


Arrival of BurrowdaleLime ttii'l Cement, The undersigned having been appointed Comprising all the Popular Carbonated Beverages of the Day.o


HOLLISTER & CO.. - - - 109 Fort Street

bole Agents for the llawauan Islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the "Works of

Compounds and Roofing 142 Days from Liverpool!II. I.HONOLULU,14S 1304Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands for the

PELTON WiTER WHEEL.reed's patent--o iAiiarc CARGO op

ABRepairs to all kinds of Machinery done at Reasonable Rates and atFelt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. CLIMAX BAKING POWDERBurnham, Parry, Williams & Co.Short Notice. zo-i-m

Philadelphia, Penn., New GoodsFERTILIZERS: ABSOLUTELY PURE!V V'l' A I VI I I A iXUli V Axe now prepared to give estimatesh. I n A I J n I I ( VV Af fi, l fl receive or&rsfor these engines, of


Wool Dut,Hone Meal, 40 Gents a lb. only Try one Can and you will always use itThe Baldwin Locomotive Works areFish Guano. now manufacturing a style of LocomoNO. 51 KING STREET.JOHN GRACE, Proprietor.

tive particularly adoptedALSO


HENRY DAVIS & CO.,High Grade --Chemical Cane Manure. A number of which have recently beenGREAT BLOOD PURIFIER received at these Islands, and we willhavA nlpa.snrft in fiirnishinc Plantation

X " . . o .. . I mn n n Eiclasive Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.Agents and Managers with particulars of u-u- m


Cocksfoot, Rye Grass and Clovers. The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only known E. O. HALL & SON, L'd,here but is acknowledged throughout thegt;ngker, ale, United States.

Cocoa Mats, Kettles,Sauce Pans, Fry Pans,

Bedsteads,Fence Wire,

Sheathing Metal,Roofing Iron,

Cane Knirer,Cutlery,

Sole Leather Trunks,White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

nutitMnn OTTrt rn I

canning co.s corned Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,Falrbank WM. 6. IRWIN & CU,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

21 1307Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.


Invoices of Iron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Bel and Howard Street.Mutual 330--TELEPHONE-

S--M1 298.Galvanized and Black Fence Wire Soap, Groceries,

ATTENDED TO.ISLAND ORDERS San Francisco.. CalifornUPROMPTLY111 1296-l- y

W. H. TAYLOB PresidentB.8. MOORE Superintendent Hardware Chanders

GEO. W. LINCOLN, Builders of Steal Machinery HAVE JUST RECEIVED X


For sale by


33-l- m

In all its branches.WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS S'ilLL IN THE FIELD AS ATHE and is now better nrepared to do any and all kinds of work Ex Bark John D. Brewer from Boston ; the Ship Borrowdale from England ; andSteamboat, 8teamsblp, Land Engines & Boilers.

Boots and Shoes,Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brushes,Croquet Sets,

Dressing Cases,Mirrors,


Bridles, Felts, Whips, Spurs,Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Shawls, Handkerchiefs,Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting, Leggings,Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Helmets,Velvets, Embroidered Dresses,

aDDertainine to contractineor anv other class of work belonging to his trade, in Bigb Pressure or Compound. ouier laie arrivals, a large assortment ot Uoods in their line,includingthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore; having curtailed my shop 8XEAM vessels of all kinds built complete.

exDenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- - with bulls ot wood, iron or composite. MANILA ROPE 6 Thread to 9 inch; IRON WIRE, and FlexibleT w --l mcr to the bmldine trade that mav be entrusted to my care. I am enaoiea to ao ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad bliihL KOrJii, all sizes; Bolt Rope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn,visable.1 y I "IT I 5? tne same at verv low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time

8TEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs conwaring iu mixiu mat yyuai is wurtu uuiug at aix id vuu uuiug men. structed with reference to the trade in whichL.iinnu, xiamuruune, nousune, seizing man, wire seizing, wnaieune,Oakum, Felt. Pitch, Coal and Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.IBLO CKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles ;

SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed ;they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.Thanking the public for past favors,

I remain respectfully yours,GEO. W. LINCOLN.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allARRIVE BY THE S. C. Z.LLEN. 65

A Large Assortment ot

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,due June 15th. 20 head of fine vouner Boiler Iron Work connected therewith.b;oke Mules and 20 head of 3-- and WATER PIPE, of Boiler ox 4heet Iron, of anyoias, unoroRen.and within W days HQ bead size, made in suitable lengths for connecting A i ULL LINE OF

HALL'S STEEL PLOWS AND BREAKERS,of young, broken and unbroken Mules. together, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theranging from 4 to 7 years old, and all for LEON HARD & ROSS, Flannel, .ground.sale cneap. l am prepay I to nil anv with extra Points, Handles and Beams to fit; all kinds of AGRICULTURAL

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Waterorder that those wishing xdules as to a.iv IMPLEMENTS ; MECHANICS' TOOLS, of all kinds;Pipes made by this establishment, riveted bynumber or quality at as low or lov r rates ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, Galvanized and Copper Telephone Wire, Fencehydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofOFwork being far superior to hand work.than any importer, as I have arrangements

with one of the best buyers in California,and I shall endeavor to buy from firsthands.

SHIP WORE. Ship and Steam Capstans, SteaxuWire, Ualvanized and Black ; LEATHER, Card Mutches, Paints and

Oils, Kerosene Oil, Lubricating Oils, and Engineers'Supplies, Coarse SALT by the bag or ton .

ELLENSBURGH, - - - WASHINGTON. Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

ST" Prompt attention will be given by SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificGIVE NOTICE: ,WP Jbjrst-cla- ss Goods at LOWEST Market Hates.Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.j. n. wngui ai inline uruaa, jionoiuiu.Address P. O. Box 452. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or1325 130-3- m J. IV. WRIGHT. city works purposes, built with tbe celebrated

Davy Valve Motion, superior to any othezORDERS FOR " SUNNYSIDE " PROPERTY AT PRESENTTHAT prices must be sent not later than by the "Alameda" leaving Honolulu

van anu dbb jqf i. purseives at

E. O. & S03STS,57-2- m Comer of Tort and glng Streets.

pump.on the 31st of May, 1890.Pianos For Eent. JOHN DYER HonoluluOne-four-th of the purchase money is sufficient to secure a contract.

Basket Trunks,Picnic Hampers,

Rugs, Mats, Carpets,- Clothing, Tweeds,



Suitings in latest styles,Underwear, Braces,'Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Embroidery. Curtains,Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-proo- f Coats,Artificial Flowers.Dust Cloaks,Pajama Suits,Fine Hosiery Silk, Lisle, Cotton,

13m Boom No. 3, upstairs, 8preckels' Block

PIANOS IN GOOD ORDERPrice of Inside Lots $ 150 00 eachPrice of Corner Lots. 175 00 each

The above notice does not apply in those cases where the propositions are filter presses. HAWAII 4N BUSINESS AGENCY,from $4.00 to $7.00 per month.MUSIC DEPARTMENT OFTHE HAWAIIAN NEWS already in course of negotiation. Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, flopoMn,

Hawaiian Islands.COMPANY. 123-- tf

PAATTBAD PX.AKTAHOH, )Haw An. March 9, 1888.


1st If they are American citizens; 2d If not themselves American citizens, butmarried to the daughter of an American citizen give wife's full name. Rlsdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran GENER AL AGENTS, EXPERTchas. brewer & co:s

cisco.Gentlemen We nave used two of toot 30- -Honolulu Block,

Ellensbnreh, Wash.LEON HARD & ROSS,

1274 112-l- yBoston Line of Packets. ACCOUNTANTS ANDCOLLECTOES,

chambered Filter PreeaeathUaeaaon. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to onr satisfaction. I can recommendno Improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moobi.

REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOMNEWIMPORTERS WILL PLEASEManager Faauhan Plantation.take notice that the fine Dinner Sets,

BARK FOOHNG SUEY, Hbkia, Sept. 28, 1889.


Departments of Business:Books abd Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.

Ma. John Dteb, Agent Blsdon Iron WorksCapt. A. M. Newell, Honolulu.

Tea Sets,Desert Sets,

Fancy Crockery,Common Crockery,

Wedgewood Ware,Vases,

Dzab Sib: Please ship ns one of your 30Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this port on December 1st.

Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied as last season,which I am pleased to aay has given ns entire

Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles famishedLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely


Opened on Saturday last, an entirely new Stock of Goods, ex S. S. Australia,consisting of all kinds of

DRY GOODS & TAILOR GOODSAll of which will be sold at very low prices.

For further particulars apply to sausiacuon. xours iruiy,GEO. B. EWART,

Manager Beela Agricultural Co.74 1316-- y C. BREWER & CO- -

These Presses are made extra heavy for



engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leafed and rented, and . rents collected.Fike and Life Insurance effected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies.Custom Hou6E Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negohated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

REN EWERLIFE high pressures, occupies a floor space or II4 ft., and presents a filtering; surface of 240square fee& A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Blsdon Iron Loco. Works,A first-cla- ss cutter is employed, and all clothes made at our establish



San Franciaoo.

Wicker Ware, Faacy Chairs,Hammocks, Tables, Baskets.Umbrella Stands,Decanters,Salad Bowls,Mush Sets,Flower Pots,Filters."Etc.. Etc., Etc.

ment will be guaranteed a first-clas- s fit. 108-4-w For Barticnlira enanire ofJOHN dyeb : Honolul


Kaliinle H. E. Mclntyre & Bro.f'haln Ra.lt la Clauaranterd to AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES.

0edanaon y Big G has given univerJh the latest improTSI eriect Jioay-naurr- y. sal satisfaction in the

TTha electricity from 7it$ it cn be f Corals 'X. IiTLTO 0aT8- -

faaaM&trietar.instantly frit by the ' a r r. cure of Gonorrhoea and

Ulet. I prescribe it andThisceleoratea insirnraeni wm cure, wnfeel safe in recommend

Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv-e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all busine&s of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfnllvonliHt a trial. HA WATT AX TITTBT VCQQ ififunv

out medicine; enrmigi. naramiuim,iii,Miii. Conatfnation. Dlaeaaes of tbe


Q-iocerie- s, Provisions and Feed?JJAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STRSBTS.

flI HrdMlybythS ing it to all sufferers.t i.mmKUmvi. Ijmi Bark. Female Weakneaa.A.J. ST05EB, a.D.,

Bell Telephone No. 274.Ueneral Debility, Spinal Dlneaae, isexaal Weak-nn- t,

I m potency. Kic. Mf-uipraor-Y for aaea

free every Belt- - i. The lectrlcity RoeaDecatur, Hi. 2ft 1804--HVVa PRICE. SI.00. Theo. E. Davies & CoSold by Crufcgists.

Hoixisteb A Co.. Wholesale Agent.

directly to all Weak rartt and restores them toHealth and Vigorous fctrenUi.l For particulanicall or in stamps for sealed PamphletNo. . Addrtsa MAGXKt 1C KLAbTIC TRIMCO!HV. 04 Sacramento St.. San FrancUoo. C al.yyrr tttc I' troubled with Memorrbeidaor Pilea,irJJjUiO. Seid stamp lor Pamphlet Xo. S.

The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. AdvertiserNew tioods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe fresh Californiaproduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecltv free of charre. IiIad orders solicited. SaUafactlon guaranteed. Poatoffice Box No. 41$

Bksson, Smith A Co., Wholesale Agents'Telephone No. M P" ARK THE LEADING I.A.PBiRS OK THK KINGJJOM 133 lSOO-- lj