vvoolluummee ffoouurr ddeeaatthh ooff aa … · a philosophical note, is the current collapse of...

W W I I T T N N E E S S S S T T O O H H I I S S T T O O R R Y Y V V O O L L U U M M E E F F O O U U R R D D E E A A T T H H O O F F A A N N A A T T I I O O N N Mike Walsh

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Page 1: VVOOLLUUMMEE FFOOUURR DDEEAATTHH OOFF AA … · a philosophical note, is the current collapse of the West karma consequence of the Allied destruction, dismemberment and degradation





Mike Walsh

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Mike Walsh

Mike Walsh is a veteran journalist, broadcaster and historian. A fugitive from

renegade Europeans, leftists, palace journalists, he has shrugged off their wrath over

50 years of writing. His Irish-American father, Patrick had fought in four conflicts by

the time he reached 40-years of age: The Irish peoples guerrilla war against the

British Army‟s Black and Tans. These armed irregulars, dredged from England‟s

prisons, were notorious for their viciousness. The Irish War of Independence and on

to fight in the most ferocious hand-to-hand battles during the Spanish Civil War.

Whilst on the frontlines he was a close associate of American war correspondent,

Ernest Hemingway. Mike‟s father formed an enduring friendship with Ireland‟s

celebrated playwright, Sean O‟Casey.

Eventually his father served in the Royal Air Force during World War Two as an

aircraft fitter / flier. Kathleen, Mike‟s well-educated mother also mentored his writing

skills. A former novice nun she was a corresponding friend of Spain's Civil War

revolutionary La Pasionaria.

From the age of 26 the world-travelling Mike was consumed by a passion for truth

and justice. Inevitably, this led him to the potpourri of lies, infamies, cover-ups and

crimes committed by the Allies that militarily defeated the Workers Reich. By doing

so they ensured the spread of Bolshevism, denial of freedom to nearly a score of

Central European nations, the dismembering of the British Empire, and surrender to

American imperialism. The Allied victory ensured that Bolshevism would fester for a

further 45 years; this they call victory. Through the base stupidity and race treachery

the armed forces of the victors‟ empires destroyed the one revolution that alone could

have ensured the preservation of European culture and values. Today, their dance of

victory is the dance of death on their own funeral pyres.


FURTHER READING Mike Walsh „truth bomb‟ book titles and his poetry and

general interest titles can be viewed at the end. Access all books and websites by

visiting www.renegadetribune.com

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To Patrick my father with whom I disagreed to a point of estrangement I belatedly

realise that he wanted a better world too. He did it in the way he thought right at the

time; bravo. To my dear mother Kathleen for encouraging my love of literature and

writing. To my apolitical wife Nadia who tolerates me. Last but not least I express

patriarchal love and regards to our sons, Craig, Michael and Nikita.


It is because the victors‟ propaganda has been successful that most consider

themselves knowledgeable about the Reich and World War Two. Such thinking may

be revised after reading Mike Walsh books covering the Reich period. This especially

applies to the four volumes Witness to History series.

One may then conclude that censorship and spin in the West is as contaminated as it

was in the Soviet Union. As you peruse Witness to History consider how much of the

information is new which may answer the question.

If you find Witness to History informative do bear in mind that as an individual you

enlighten only yourself. Might it not be far more socially responsible to use the

information gained to enlighten others? This can be done in several ways.

You can purchase copies as gifts for others, recommend others to purchase copies.

You can leave complimentary comment on Amazon Books. Why not use snippets to

make points in local media, add to comment on social media, bring points up during

table talk.

You can „lend copies out‟ and offer to sell each copy if the borrower wishes to add it

to their library. The internet is a powerful means of spreading information. Finally, on

a philosophical note, is the current collapse of the West karma consequence of the

Allied destruction, dismemberment and degradation of Europe from 1945 onwards.

Today, Europe and the U.S disintegrate into a confusion of class and social inequality

and disorder, murder and mayhem caused by non-European immigration, there is in

modern Europe a chaos of cultures. The economy collapses under unsustainable

debt, European peoples are disenfranchised, betrayed, and face an uncertain future.

Is this not a mirror-image of what earlier betrayed generations heaped upon

distraught Germany? A Chinese gentleman once confided in me; the moment arrived

when Europe‟s salvation presented itself; you destroyed it. Is this then the end of


~ Editorial.

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On arriving at undefended Dachau the camp’s staff and surrendered German

troops were gathered in groups and casually slaughtered by the Americans.

~ NEUTRALISED ~ At Dachau, "Three hundred SS camp guards were quickly

neutralized." ~ U.S General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Prisoners-of-war, instead of being processed, were gathered in groups, placed against

a wall and machine-gunned by American troops. While some were still standing,

hands raised in surrender, American soldiers casually climbed over the still twitching

bodies, killing the wounded. Whilst this was happening, American photographers

took pictures of the massacres since been published.

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American troops even took photographs of dying and wounded captives before

finishing them off and posing for their photographs to be taken. Needless to say, none

of these war criminals were charged with any offence.

~ VICTORS NARRATIVE ~ The victor‟s narrative alludes to excesses fuelled by

anger and desire for vengeance. The shamed and disgraced victors selectively use

photographic images. They are not above placing false captions on photographs to

distort the truth. For propaganda purposes, the occupiers gathered together inmates

near to death caused by cholera, typhus and malnutrition. These conditions were

common throughout Europe not just Germany. The cause was entirely due to the day

and night saturation bombing that turned these regions into a scene of utter

devastation. Many Germans were dying of the same conditions. As with all diseases,

not all contracted these lethal viruses. There are many photographs of perfectly

healthy camp inmates taken as the camps were taken over by allied troops.

Camp inmates were given free rein to kill unarmed prisoners with sledge hammers

and various instruments. They delighted in their task. Do these released inmates look

malnourished to you?

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Note: Those captive victims of the invading armies are not as described „Nazi war

criminals.‟ They are prisoners-of-war who had never been tried or found guilty of

any crime. "At Dachau, in the American zone of Germany, a shock force of American

and Polish guards attempted to entrain a group of Russian prisoners from the Russian

Liberation Armies. These unfortunate refugees refused to be repatriated under the

American ruling. Note: Liberated Poles, seen in the collage bottom right, were used

by Americans to force Eastern Europe captives on to trains to be sent to their certain

deaths in Bolshevik Russia. 'All of these men refused to entrain,' Robert Murphy

wrote in his report of the incident. 'They begged to be shot. They resisted

entrainment by taking off their clothes and refusing to leave their quarters. Tear-gas

forced them out of the building into the snow where those who had cut and stabbed

themselves fell exhausted and bleeding in the snow. Nine men hanged themselves

and one had stabbed himself to death and one other who had stabbed himself

subsequently died while twenty others are still in hospital from self-inflicted wounds.

The entrainment was finally effected of 368 men.” ~ Douglas Botting, In The Ruins

of The Reich, George Allen & Unwin, London.

Dachau. Inmates pose happily for their pictures to be taken by the American troops.

Such photographs are never shown by mainstream media. The reason being that it

would then be difficult for the occupiers to explain why some inmates are perfectly

healthy and well fed.

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FURTHER RESOURCES An account of the callous and illegal mass murder of

German prisoners-of-war at Dachau has been described in at least two books. 'The

Day of the Americans by Nerin Gun, Fleet Publishing Company, New York.

Deliverance Day ~ The Last Hours at Dachau by Michael Selzer; Lippincot,


~ DACHAU’S DARKEST SECRET ~ Not so well known, Dachau was an allied

army concentration camp for far longer than it was a German camp. The only truly

horrific period was when the camp, in allied hands, was used to hold Eastern

Europeans prior to their being sent to Bolshevik Occupied Russia. There they would

be either machine-gunned on arrival in groups or shipped in American made railway

rolling stock to Stalin‟s Gulag.

~ 1,200 GERMAN POW's STARVED TO DEATH ~ After the U.S. victory (the

battle for Remagen Bridge) Germans in the Rhineland surrendered en masse.

Between April and July 1945 some 260,000 German prisoners-of-war were held

under American guard in the boggy fields between Remagen and Sinzig. These

prisoners-of-war were kept in the open air. Their daily ration was one potato, a

biscuit, a spoonful of vegetables and some water. Racked by disease, at least 1,200

died, according to German records.” ~ Roger Boyes, The Times. 7 March 1995.

Jews were enlisted onto the British Army payroll and assisted in the massacre of


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"More than 1,000 Nazi SS Officers died as a result of eating arsenic-impregnated

bread introduced April, 13th, 1946, in an American-run prisoner-of-war camp near

Nuremberg, persons appearing on the state television claimed last night. The tale was

one of several told by former members of an Israeli force which captured and

executed Nazi war criminals (prisoners-of-war) after the end of World War Two.” ~

Toronto Daily Star, March 9 1968.

The Star of David on a Jewish torturer‟s British Army uniform



Enslavement of Prisoners of War is a violation of the Geneva Convention. ~

Article. 75.

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The United States, Britain and France, nearly a year after peace are violating

international Red Cross agreements they solemnly signed in 1929." The Report went

on to roundly condemn the transport and use of slaves; their being used in clearing

mine-fields, sweeping sea mines, destroying surplus ammunition and razing shattered

buildings which contravenes International Red Cross Agreements and the terms of the

Geneva Convention. An International Red Cross official stated, “The bartering of

captured enemy soldiers by the victors throws the world back to the Dark Ages...

when feudal barons raided adjoining duchies to replenish their human livestock.” ~

Henry Wales, Geneva, April 13 1946.

"It is an iniquitous system and an evil precedent because it is wide open to abuses

with difficulty in establishing responsibility. German soldiers are not common-law

convicts - they were drafted to fight in a national army on patriotic grounds and could

not refuse military service any more than Americans could. It is manifestly unjust to

buy and sell them for political reasons as the American Negroes were a century ago."

~ Henry Wales, Geneva, April 13 1946 Chicago Tribune Press.

~ GEE! I HOPE WE DON'T EVER LOSE A WAR ~ “When we (The United

States) resumed delivery of slaves, we took pains to make sure that the prisoners-of-

war were in satisfactory physical condition. The men would be lined up and

examined, their mouths opened and inspected, their chests thumped, their joints tried,

their ears, eyes and teeth looked over, as if they were horses being offered for sale.

GIs witnessing the spectacle were heard to remark: 'Gee! I hope we don't ever lose a

war.” ~ Ralph F. Keeling, Gruesome Harvest.

"After we (The U.S) had delivered the first 320,000 prisoners, the French returned

2,474 of them to us, claiming that we had given them weaklings. Correspondents

described them as, 'a beggar army of pale thin men clad in vermin-infested tatters.'

All were pronounced unfit for work - and 19% had to be hospitalized.” ~

Congressional Records, December 11th 1945. A-5816.

Asked to investigate, the International Red Cross (IRC) agreed that German

prisoners-of-war were receiving inhumane treatment from the French. The United

States threatened to stop the supply of German prisoners-of-war at which the French

protested that the supply must be maintained or they would suffer heavy financial

loss. "It then came out that the French Government was hiring the men out to French

employers at an average of 150 francs per day per man. Out of this, the government

paid each prisoner-of-war 10 francs, and stood the extra daily cost of upkeep

estimated at 40 francs. It was making a profit of 100 francs per slave per day, and

this over 50 billion francs a year from German prisoner-of-war slaves.” ~ Henry

Wales, Paris. March 12 1946. Chicago Tribune Press Service.

~ PAPAL CONDEMNATION ~ "We remember with profound sorrow all those

who, although the end of the war has been proclaimed, must this year again pass the

beautiful season in a foreign land and feel ... the torment of their uncertain lot and of

their separation from parents, wives, children, brothers, sisters; all their dear ones."

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Referring to them as ''children' still held in prison,' he prayed. 'May they receive and

be comforted by our wish, shared by all who cherish the sense of man's brotherhood,

to see them regularly and speedily restored to their anxious families and to their

normal peacetime occupations' ~ Pope Pius XII, Christmas Eve allocution. 1945.

NOTE U.S. open air camp without shelter or facilities holds female and male


~ CIVILIAN SLAVES ~ "Many of the Allied held slaves in fact had never served in

the German armed forces. Included were German seamen illegally seized by the

Americans before they entered the war, U.S.- German citizens, and German civilians

who had previously lived in South American countries. Even anti-Nazi Germans who

had returned from America to help families and friends in dire need were 'nabbed for

enslavement.' ~ The Chicago Daily Tribune, March 14 1946.

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"The last operation of this kind in Germany took place at Plattling near Regensburg,

where fifteen hundred men of Vlasov's Army had been interned by the Americans. In

the early hours of February 24 1946, they were driven out of their huts wearing only

their nightclothes, and handed over to the Russians in the forest near the Bavarian-

Czech border. Before the train set off on its return journey the American guards were

horrified to see the bodies of Vlasov's (Russian Liberation Army) men who had

already committed suicide hanging in rows from trees, and when they returned to

Plattling even the German SS prisoners in the nearby POW camp jeered at them for

what they had done." ~ Douglas Botting, In The Ruins of The Reich, George Allen &

Unwin, London.

"The official International Red Cross Report in August 1946, showed that the United

States Government, through its military branch in the German zone, was exacting

forced labour from 284,000 captives, 140,000 of them in the occupation zone,

100,000 in France, 30,000 in Italy, and 14,000 in Belgium.” ~ John Thompson,

Geneva, Chicago Tribune Press.

~ PAGAN ROME ~ "Our administration, along with our allies, both the godless ones

and the professed Christians, is trying to turn the clock back to the times of Pagan

Rome. It has undertaken to build a brave new world on the principles of anti-Christ.”

~ Uncle Sam. Slave Dealer, Chicago Tribune, February 20 1946.



Long after the war ended, the Soviet Union had a slave population estimated at

20,000,000 souls. The Western nations too, though not on the same scale, used slave

labour, not to rebuild their economies but to further enrich the elite, the war


From the Baltic States to the coasts of France, from Poland to Dagestan, tens of

millions of the war‟s distressed survivors looked towards a bleak future. It was bleak

indeed. Amidst the chaos, the USSR and its Western Allies collaborated in the

biggest slave market place that ever blighted human history. To the victors go the

slaves and go they did from all corners of geographical Europe.

Such was the death rate in Stalin‟s Gulag archipelago during the 1930s through to the

1960s the vast emptiness of Siberia‟s prison plantations needed to be replenished by

fresh supplies of able-bodied slaves. Using transport, mostly provided free of charge

by Britain and the United States, an estimated 20,000,000 further victims were fed

into the insatiable maw of Bolshevik Occupied Russia. Never had the human race

sunk so low, never was human life so cheap. ~ ~ ~ READ MORE

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A Soldier‟s Message. Rudolf Hess (printed for private circulation) M.Muller & Sohn. Berlin. No

Date Given.

American Manifest Destiny and the Holocausts. Conrad Grieb. Examiner Books. N.Y.1979

The American Mercury. Re-Print. Liberty Bell Publications. Reedy. W.Virginia.USA. 1976

Anne Frank‟s Diary: A Hoax. Ditlieb Felderer. Institute for Historical Review.1979

Advance to Barbarism. F.J.P. Veale. The Mire Press, London. 1948/53/54 (Hamburg) Wiesbaden


Blasting the Historical Blackout. Harry Elmer Barnes. Liberty Bell Publications. Reedy. West


Behind Communism. Frank L. Britten.

Conspiracy to Destroy the Christian West. K.R. McKilliam. B.A. Ashford. Kent. England

Catholic Herald, October, 21, 28 and Nov. 4, 1933

Doenitz at Nurenberg – A Re-Appraisal. H.K. Thompson/H. Strutz. Amber Pub. Co. N.Y. 1976

The Destruction of Dresden, David Irving. Corgi Books Ltd.1972. Revised.

Did Six Million Die? Richard Harwood. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK. BN22 1TN

Death of a City. Michael McLaughlin. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK. BN22 1TN

The Development of Germanophobia, Michael F. Connors. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK.

BN22 1TN

Exiles From History, David McCalden. Londinium Press. London, 1982

From Admiral to Cabin Boy. Admiral Sir. Barry Domville. Boswell Pub. Co. London, 1947

Fichte Association ( Fichte Bunde). Hamburg. Information papers published 1933-1945

For Those Who Cannot Speak. Michael McLaughlin. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK.

BN22 1TN

German Economic Policy. Wilhelm Baur. Terramere Office. Berlin.1939*

German White Book (Documents). German Library of Information. New York

Gruesome Harvest. Ralph F. Keeling. Institute of American Economics. 1947

German Economic Policy. No 11. Terramere Office. Berlin.1939*

History of the Second World War. Capt. Basil Liddel-Hart. Cassel & Co. 1970

Hitler‟s First Year. H. Powys Greenwood. Spectator Booklets. Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 1934

Hitler‟s Germany as Seen by a Foreigner. Cesare Santoro. International Verlag. Berlin, 1938

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. Prof. A.R. Butz. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK. BN22


Holocaust News. London

History‟s Most Terrifying Peace. Prof. A.J.P. App Ph.D. Boniface Press. Maryland. USA.


Hitler‟s Personal Security, Peter Hoffman, MacMillan Press Ltd. London. 1979

The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler. James Larratt Battersby. Southport. England. 1952

In The Ruins of the Reich. Douglas Botting. George Allen & Unwin. London, WC1A 1LU. 1985

In Defence of Germany. G.E.O Knight. Sons of Liberty. Reedy. W. Virginia. USA. *

The Jewish War of Survival. Arnold Leece. Guildford, England. 1945*

The Last Secret. Nicholas Bethell. Andre Deutsch. London, 1974

The Leuchter Report. Focal Point Pubs. 1989. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK. BN22 1TN

Methods of Re-Education, Udo Walendy. D-4973 Vlotho/Weser. Germany. 1979

Nemesis at Postdam, Alfred M. DeZayas. Routledge & Kegan Paul. London, 1979

Nurenberg & Other War Crimes Trials, R. Harwood. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK. BN22


National Christian News. Oct. 10, 1946. USA. (Herman Goering‟s Last Letter to Churchill).

The Night Hamburg Died. Martin Caidin. Ballantin Books. N.Y. 1960

National Vanguard (The Best of 1970 -1982). USA

The Nazi Olimpics, Richard D. Mandell. Souvenir Press, London, 1972

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The Nameless War, Capt. A.H.M. Ramsey. M.P., Britons Publishing Co. London, 1962.*

The Other Side of Hill, Capt. Basil Liddel Hart, Pan Books. London. 1948 -1970

The Press and World Politics. Dr. O. Dietrich. 1937.*

Propaganda in the Next War. Sidney Rogerson.

Roosevelt Warning the E.N. Sanctuary. N.Y. Dec. 1934.*

Ravishing the Women of Conquered Europe. Prof. A.J.P. App Ph.D. Boniface Press. Maryland.


The Rules of Russia. Rev. Denis Fahey. CSSp, DD, D.Ph. BA, U.S.A. 1938/1969/1975.*

A Straight Look at the Third Reich. Dr. P. App Ph.D. Boniface Press. Maryland. USA.

Soviet Murder. Dr. P. App Ph.D. Boniface Press. Maryland. USA.

The Spotlight. Washington D.C. U.S.A. 1979

Six Million reconsidered Committee for Truth in History. H.R.P, 20 Madeira Place, Brighton. UK.

BN22 1TN

The Sudeten-German Tragdy. Dr. P. App Ph.D. Boniface Press. Maryland. USA.

The Suicide of Europe. Prince Michael Sturdza. Western Island Press. Boston. 1968

The Six Million Swindle. Dr. P. App Ph.D. Boniface Press. Maryland. USA.

Social Welfare in Germany. No.7. Terramente Office. Berlin. 1938. *

The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Fever. Udo Walendy. D-4973 Vlotho/Weser. Germany

Truth for Germany. Udo Walendy. D-4973 Vlotho/Weser. Germany

Twas a Famous Victory, Benjamin Colby. Arlington House Pubs. N.Y. 1974

Unconditional Hatred. Capt. Russel Grenfell. R.N. Devin-Adair. N.Y. 1958

The Voice of German Americans ( Newspaper) Various Editions.

Why Are We Being Lied To? Heinz Roth. Germany.*

The World Conquerors Louis Marschalko. Christian book Club. U.S.A. 1958

Why Lloyd George Met Hitler. Emrys Price. Starling Press. Newport. Wales. 1981

Eagles Nest Obersalzberg in a historical view. Herausgeber: Verlag Fabritius.

National Archives Washington DC 20408. Uni.-Prof. Notar Jean Mouchel Paris. Druck: Munch

Druck, Bayreuth. Nachdruck verboten. Text Und Gestaltung Amtlich Gepruft Und Genehmigt.

Germany Reborn. General Hermann Goering. London 1934. Elkin Mathews & Marrot LTD. 44

Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2

Other Losses. James Bacque. An investigation into mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of

the French and Americans after World War II. MacDonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd, Orbit House, 1

New Fetter Lane London EC4A 1AR. A member of Maxwell Macmillan Pergamon Publishing


Crimes and Mercies. James Bacque. The Fate Of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-

1950. Warner Books, A Division of Little, Brown and Company (UK), Brettenham House,

Lancaster Place, London WC2E 7EN 1997

The Dark Side of the Moon, T.S. Eliot. Faber and Faber Limited, 24 Russell Square London. 1944

The New Unhappy Lords, An Exposure of Power Politics. A K Chesterton. Hampshire, Candor

Publishing Co, 1975

Caught in the Act A True Story. Peter Dupre. D J Costello (Publishers) Ltd 43 High Street

Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1XL 1988

Last Days of the Reich, The Collapse of Nazi Germani, May 1945. James Lucas. Arms and Armour

Press Limited, 2-6 Hampstead High Street, London NW3 1QQ, 1986

Germanic Mythology, Jacob Grimm. Translated from the German by Vivian Bird. Scott-Townsend

Publishers, Washington, D.C. 1997

Germany‟s Hitler. Heinz A. Heinz. London, Hurst & Blackett, LTD. 1934.

History of the Eagles Nest, A complete account of Adolf Hitler‟s alleged „Mountain Fortress‟.

Florian M. Beierl. Verlag Plenk, Berchtesgaden. 1998.

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YouTube video:

WHO IS MIKE WALSH by Mike Walsh and Jayme Louis Liardi and website web-

site „History without the spin.‟
