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VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi December-2013 - January-2014

- Sr SHARMILA FERNANDES, SJTPrincipal, Sacred Heart High School

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased,” we join the angels in singing this hymn of glorification because it's a joyous

moment. We have waited for this moment and now it is here, the moment of the incarnation. We realize our unworthiness and God's magnificent mercy. God who is glorious, God who is pure light, the radiance of truth and love, He is good, He is true goodness, goodness par excellence. Attached to God's glory is peace that he offers to all mankind, a peace that is established by His presence in the world. Thus through Jesus' birth, God entered fully into our human condition, giving us hope.

As Fulton Sheen rightly states that, God never does anything for us without great preparation. He made a garden for Adam, as only God knows how to make a garden beautiful. Then, when the Jews came into the Promised Land, he prepared the land for them. Why? Simply because we were not made for Heaven; we were made for Earth. Man, by sin, spoiled the earth, and God came down from Heaven in order to help us remake it. After having redeemed us, he said that he would now give us Heaven, so we got all this: the Earth, and Heaven too. Incarnation of Jesus is God's love manifested for humankind. It seems so mysterious; everything is a mystery in this holy Season. A Child is God, a Virgin becomes a Mother, and remains a Virgin;

things divine are mingled with those that are human and the sublime, “The Word Was Made Flesh”, for it admirably embodies the whole of the great portent which unites in one Person the nature of Man and the nature of God. The splendour of this Mystery dazzles the understanding, but it inundates the heart with joy. It is the consummation of the designs of God in time. It is the endless subject of admiration and wonder to the Angels and Saints; nay, is the source and cause of their beatitude.

Christmas is not about the celebration of an historical birth. Christmas is about becoming conscious of the renewing light that streams into the soul on Holy Night, that kindles into flame, the soul spark within us, the birth of the Christ-Light within us. Christmas belongs not only to a few of us who call ourselves Christians but to the entire Earth. The lowly animals, birds, plants and trees all participate in this nativity of the divine light at Christmas. It's a total revival of the Universe because the Creator now becomes the created and renews creation. In humility he becomes human.

Christmas is a Feast of humility - not just the emotional humility of the sweet carol songs and nice stories. It is the feast which teaches us that humility is the basic channel through which God chooses to reveal to us who he is. Jesus is born in humility; he lives in humility and finally humbling himself even until death he reveals how, “God is love”.





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Festive seasons always stir up religious and philosophical concerns in my underdeveloped mind. Therefore, the family was not surprised when I called for a serious discussion at Advent's first Sunday family lunch. 'Another nut to crack?' quipped my smart princess. Getting to the bottom of the story, cracking another nut… be that as it may, I was restless for understanding the phenomenon.

Junior heralds Christmas with the raspiest version of Jingle Bells. Of course, my grave countenance only seems to drum him on to a louder beat-boxing version.

Wasn't Christ born on a SILENT NIGHT???

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of persons/friends. 'The profile change must take place each day.', I am advised. Hasn't the Christmas image and message remained unchanged?

Junior equates fame with noise as he readies himself to go on air as FM's DJ for Christmas...it's gonna be the rap version of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. “Mom-Pop”... he hollers, “sync in your caller tunes, ring tones and car horns accordingly”.

Hubby and I look at each other mute. But wasn't it only the Holy Angels who trumpted his arrival, and that too in a stable???

Junior is also proceeding to arrange for us to be featured on television. “All TV news channels must feature you; they are necessary to ensure your 2-minute noodle fame – which is how Politicians, Powerful Men and self-styled Godmen blow your screen”, he haughtily informs. Didn't the Magi search for the Holy Babe amongst the stars???

Hubby and I are still trying to understand Christian worship for Mary and Joseph – humble, hardworking and God-fearing parents. Of course, our Gen-X has affectionately indicated that we could come close to their status if the latest Tablet and Note could be included in their Christmas stockings. Hubby and I ran to balance our bank account.

We said the 'Thanksgiving' prayer after meals, but it did not wipe away my anguish as no answers came forth: Without the battery of media filled with scams, murder, sexual assaults, electronic mobiles, ipads et al, how is it that a little Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes born in a stable silently slipped into this world, and still grips hearts and homes two millennia later???

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!!!

(Continued on pg - 3)


Amidst our Christmas festivity, I wonder how Mary and Joseph could have felt about the event. It wasn't a car drive to a good maternity hospital where a bed had been reserved with prior appointment. It was but a hard and slow ride on a donkey, in a cold night. Even hopes for shelter and some warmth in a wayside inn got dashed. As labor pain set in, yearning for decent accommodation gave way to desperation for any shelter—even amidst filth and farm animals. In the dead of night, with no doctor, nurse or midwife for any assistance, and i n t h e m o s t u n h y g i e n i c conditions, a babe was delivered! Could such an experience have been joyful, even though the infant was announced to be God-incarnate? Because, the dazzle of Annunciation wasn't followed by

divine providence of even basics for a childbirth! Yet, the couple seems to have improvised well with

a simple crib, some hay and swaddling clothes to provide bare comfort to an Incarnation that was the very essence of all creation! Surely, the couple must have deeply pondered over this whole experience, even though they accepted it with serenity.

There were no reindeer jingles or drummer boys around to lend cheer. But did they hear the angels sing? Did they hover around to help a weary mother, a tired

foster father and a shivering newborn? But thank God for small mercies like visiting shepherds! Perhaps they helped with some food and water! And lo! Then came the kings with their precious gifts! It must have helped the couple in the days ahead.

In retrospect, it seems a painful mystery to correlate events that

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Is Christmas celebrated in heaven?

Are there holly leaves and mistletoes

And strings of tinsel streamers?

Are there oven-hot plum cakes?

And do you decorate a tree?

I wonder…

Memories aren't painful,

But it gives me much cheer

To think about you,

Especially during this yuletide

Year after year!

I still treasure

An empty wine bottle…

The silver candle stands,

Red and green table mats,

And a frayed white paper star…

Remnants of our last Christmas


I yearn….

To hear the jingling of silver bells..

And see the reflections of shattered dreams

Shining on the mercury globes

with myriads of hue.

As the echoes of nostalgic carols grew louder

I gaze at the star-sprinkled night sky.

And I spot you!

The chants of 'Gloria'

The winter nip in the air…

And the laughter of my children

Tugs at the heart strings.

As I get ready

To celebrate yet another Christmas-

My 30th Christmas without You…

- Usha Varkey, Sector-17

All I Want For Christmas!

A CHRISTMAS REFLECTION...(Continued from pg - 2)

would occur some three decades later. As Mary's eyes delighted at the eyes of her smiling babe, did she expect to sorrowfully gaze into those very eyes that still conveyed love from a face dripping with blood and sweat? During all the tender nursing and arm-cradling of that bundle of joy, could she have known that years later she would hold on her lap, that very form, just rendered lifeless from the most excruciating torture? While delicately adjusting hay and swaddling clothes for the tender, new-born skin to rest on, could Mary have ever imagined that they would eventually give way to a shroud that would wrap on the torn, bleeding skin of a battered dead body? And when that mutilated body was finally laid to rest in a borrowed tomb, did she recall its infant form that she many times picked up from and laid back in the crib? Finally, for most of those three days following the events around Calvary, did she wonder if this was the purpose of Bethlehem?

Why did it have to be this way? The essence and purpose of all life and creation to subject itself to abject poverty and the ignorance, conceit and cruelty of one of

its own creations! Was there no other way? Although Christmas finds its meaning in Easter, it doesn't take away the mystery of the interim.

May we reflect a little on this mystery of Love that is Christmas, while celebrating the Joy of its purpose. So that, we don't 'X'-communicate Christ and celebrate X-Mas! We can never fully understand the Mystery of Christmas. But we can be grateful for its purpose of Salvation. May this Christmas be a redeeming blessing for all of us throughout the New Year!

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- SOPHIA, Sunday School Catechist

“Hello Sophie miss...How is your mom?” I turn around to see... who that is.. oh its one of my Sunday school student's dad. With a pleasant smile I told him she is fine. “She is recovering fast; in fact it's a

week since she's been going to office. Thank you so much for your concern.”

“My daughter never forgets to pray for your mom when we pray the family rosary”, he said. “Thank you so much for your prayers. It's definitely these prayers that have helped my mom recover faster from the surgery.”On that happy note we parted ways.

I called my mom and told her that just the week before her operation I had told my Sunday school students to spend 2 mins in silence to pray for her, the doctors and all the others who were going to assist in the operation. “After two minutes,” I continued, “one of my students volunteered to lead the prayer while the whole class joined hands and closed eyes. The day is still fresh in my memory because when I opened my eyes after the prayer, I realized there were tears in my eyes.”

“I met my class after the operation to tell them that the operation went well and my mom is fine. Together we

offered thanks to God for hearing our humble prayer.” Now, every week we spend 2 mins for a special

request, I brief them about the situation and ask them to spend time in silence, then anyone could volunteer to lead the prayer. We pray for all those in need.Each prayer request has not just enriched the faith of my children, it has enriched mine too and each prayer has made me realize how much blessed we are and how much grateful we need to be to God.

“Excuse me miss.” I look up to see who is at the door. “So you are late to class today Jo? And I haven't seen you at the morning mass? Come in”, I say. He hands me a small handwritten note.. he looks a bit weak. The note signed by his mother informs me that he was

down with a stomach upset and could not attend mass but would do so that evening.

Such a child and such a parent in today's world… I was touched… Jo was a perfect example for that day's class which was on decision making.. I was more impressed by the parents' attitude.

Every Sunday I look at the children, I meet the parents… My faith is enriched and I feel recharged to handle the week ahead. What more could I ask God in return… I am blessed indeed!!



Advent is the coming of Jesus. In other words, Advent is the four Sundays before Christmas, the birthday of our Lord, Jesus Christ.”ADVENT “comes from the Latin word “ADVENTUS” meaning “coming” or

“appearance”.Advent is the period of 4 Sunday's. It is also the

second appearance of Jesus, the first being Lent. Every Sunday, a candle represents that day. Every Sunday, a new candle is added. After the four Sunday's of Advent, there will be four candles, each representing a Sunday. Each candle signifies something.

The candle on the first Sunday signifies “HOPE”. It also represents the covenants God made with the people who were escaping from Egypt.

The candle on the second Sunday tells us the true meaning of “LOVE”. It also represents the covenants that God made with Abraham.

The candle on the third Sunday stands for “JOY”. It

talks about the covenant made with Moses. This Sunday is also known as “GAUDATE SUNDAY”.

The last candle, put on the last Sunday, tells us about “PEACE”. On this Sunday, we learn about the covenant made to David.

Advent leads to the most joyful time in the Christian calendar i.e. Christmas. Every catholic, or must I say, every one, Catholic or not, waits for this festive season not only to decorate the home with the brightest lights and decorations but also for all the sweets and lastly my favorite “Presents”.

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- OSCAR GOMES, Sector – 6,

We men are most worried about our liver – scared that it will get enlarged, should we not also be concerned with our Heart. No harm if we are called large hearted.

The heart is a ten ounces fist sized organ. It beats 72 times a minute and more than a lakh times a day. Traditionally it was believed that the heart has no relationship to emotions, intellect and soul. The heart is more than a physical pump. There are layers of the heart that don't appear in the stress test or the electro cardiogram i.e. the mental heart affected by hostility, stress and depression – the emotional heart crushed by loss – the intelligent heart has a nervous system and communicates with the brain and other parts of the body – the spiritual heart that yearns for a higher purpose – the universal heart that communicates with others – the original heart that beats in the unborn foetus before the brain is formed. The Greeks believed that the spirit resided in the heart. The Chinese believed that theheart stores the spirit (shen). Early Christians believed that the heart stores the record of life.

The heart is symbol of love. What we called day dreaming has

now become a technique called guided imagery in which patients are asked to visualise their goals for future lives.

Now let us see what the scriptures say of the heart. The word is found 835 times in 775 verses in the Bible. The Bible teaches us that it is (i) a place for

thought, reasoning and understanding within man, (ii) the will of man, (iii) amans emotions or feelings and (iv) a mans conscience.

Lets take some selected verses – for lack of space will take only a few.

©Psalm 51:17 – The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart O God you will not despise.

©Psalm 139 : 23, 24 – Search me O God and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts.

©Proverbs 23 : 7 – For as he thinketh in his heart so is he. Eat and drink saith he to thee but his heart is not with thee.

©Psalm 112 : 7 – He shall not be afraid of evil tidings for his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord.

©Mathew 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

©Proverbs 4:23 – Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

©Psalm 51:10 –Createin me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit in me.

Finally, we cannot end this script without a prayer to the Omnipotent Heart from where flows Love and Mercy.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fount of love and mercy, we place our trust in Thee.



was conferred the RACHANA Professional of the Year 2013 Award by the Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry at a glittering ceremony held in Mangalore on 17th , November, 2013.

Dr. D'Souza, retired recently as 'Outstanding Scientist” and Associate Director of BioMedical Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai and was in charge of programmes in Food, Nuclear Agriculture and B i o t e c h n o l o g y , contributing significantly to science and society. Dr. D'Souza has over 41 years of research experience and under his leadership 19 new crop varieties have

been developed in oil seeds and pulses and released for commercial cultivation in the country by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. He has over 200 scientific research papers in reputed International journals, a few patents and been the research guide to over 25 Ph.D. students. He was a Senior Professor of Homi Bhabha National Institute, Adjunct Professor of

Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai and m e m b e r o f v a r i o u s National and International Scientific Committees. He i s t h e r e c i p i e n t o f numerous awards and honours.

His wife, Dr Sandra D'Souza was also a former scientist at BARC.

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- CLODA FERNANDES, President, Mystical Rose

Within a short period of 15 months from the date of its inception, the existing Presidia, the Virgin Most Faithful of Sacred Heart Church, Vashi, has opened its new

Branch of Presidium i.e. Mystical Rose. However, both Branches of Legion of Mary, consists of 20 members each and has its own office bearers elected through its Spiritual Director Rev. Fr Gerry Fernandes. Both Branches have been revitalized and reformed on the basis of principles of equality before Mother Mary. The re-inception has been done in a way that the Members who were confirmed prior to December 2013 and Members confirmed on probation basis, after December, 2013, have casted their votes and have been enrolled equally in both Presidium, i.e. Virgin Most Faithful and Mystical Rose. Weekly Meetings of both Presidiums are being held at the same time and same venue.

The extension and recruitment of a New Branch, are the collective, faithful and dedicated efforts of all the existing Legionaries with the utmost moral, personal and divine support being rendered by our Spiritual

Director Rev. Fr Gerry Fernandes not only during the weekly meetings but also during legion work.

The Main reason for establishment of a second Branch is that the Hand Book does not permit any Presidium to have members more than twenty. The reason is that it is not easy for the Presidia to handle and supervise more than 20 members. After all it is the duty of the Presidia to safeguard the interest of its Members in their active work to be reported weekly and also to

see that the members actively participate at the Meetings or else the interest in the work would diminish and the membership would shrink. The Presidium would not only lose the power of transmitting life to another branch, but would find it difficult to preserve its own existence.

"A primary law for every religious society is to perpetuate itself, to extend its apostolic action over the world, and to reach the greatest possible number of souls. 'Increase and multiply and fill the earth.' (Gen 1, 28) This law of life imposes itself as a duty upon each person who becomes a member of the Society. Père Chaminade thus formulates this law:- 'We must

make conquest for the Blessed Virgin, make those with whom we live understand how sweet it is to belong to Mary so as to induce many of them to join us in our onward march.”



This annual function well known as the September Function of the Legion of Mary to celebrate the birthday of our Blessed Virgin Mary, was held on 9th September 2013, in the Sacred Heart School Hall and was attended by 42 members belonging to the Ghansoli, Khoperkhairne and Vashi Praesidium.

We began with the Opening Prayers and Rosary at 5 p.m., followed by welcome songs by members of the Virgin Most Faithful Praesidium, Vashi. Bro. Percy Valentine of the Morning Star Curia extended a warm welcome to the Spiritual Directors , Frs Gerry and Anthony. Assistant Spiritual Director, Sr Moksha and the members of the three praesidia. The Spiritual Directors and Sr. Moksha were invited to join in cutting a birthday cake in honour of Our Lady. Fr Anthony of O.L. of Evangelisation Praesidium, Ghansoli cut a second cake since it was also his birthday.

Exciting games were organized by the Arc of the Covenant, Praesidium, Khoperkhairne. Bro. Leo invited legionaries to give testimonies of the miracles worked by our blessed Mother in

their lives. Quite a few members gave beautiful testimonies. We danced to the accompaniment of lovely music provided by Fr Anthony and his group and enjoyed delicious snacks and tea. Fr Gerry spoke inspiringly on the Immaculate Conception. Fr Anthony brought with him copies of the CDs named “Ma Mariam” produced by him which was purchased by some of the legionaries. He also distributed copies of the hymnals he had brought along. Prizes were distributed followed by more singing and dancing.

Sr Marlene, President of Virgin Most Faithful Praesidium delivered a vote of thanks when she thanked everyone for coming and for the co-ordination and hard work involved by the various praesidia to

make the event a grand success. Sr Moksha prayed the grace before meals soon after the concluding prayer which was followed by each one enjoying the delicious dinner sponsored by Sr Mona.

This function not only gave us an opportunity to enjoy ourselves but also an opportunity to tighten the bond of unity which we experience throughout the year. The function ended at 8.30 p.m.

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- VIOLET D 'ALMEIDA, Sector-16

“Such is Mary's Rosary, a new and fruitful vine, which began to blossom at Gabriel's salutation, andwhose fragrant garlands form a link between earth and heaven.”

We the Legion of Mary “VIRGIN MOST FAITHFUL PRAESIDIUM, SACRED HEART CHURCH Vashi celebrated the month of the Holy Rosary by getting together every evening for half an hour at the homes of our Mother Mary's children and praying the holy rosary with devotion and love to our blessed mother.

This devotion started on Tuesday,1st October 2013 at Mrs Savita Santhumayor's home. All the members of the family were present along with the members of the Legion of Mary. Every evening for the next one month we met at different homes to carry on this devotion. At every home the altar was beautifully decorated and in some places with the help of Non Catholic friends especially Mother Mary's statue was bedecked with lovely flowers. The rosary always started with a hymn in praise of our beloved mother followed by the opening

prayer, angelus, and the creed. The Mysteries were recited with intentions by each and every one present with faith and devotion. All present never forgot to ask Our Lady to pray for world peace. The Rosary always ended with one Our Father… one Hail Mary… one Glory be to... for the intentions of the Holy father, for the Souls in Purgatory and a hymn to our dear Mother Mary.

All the members collectively expressed their prayers and personal intentions with devout faith. The rosary definitely will bring great peace and holiness to their life since it is a powerful instrument to be close to Jesus and the best way to honour Mary. Most families wanted us to join in their joy of prayer and fellowship by offering us light refreshments.

We are planning to conduct the Rosaries again in the month of May 2014 in different homes, if interested please contact the legionaries or the SCC animators of your sectors.




On Children's Day, we celebrate the birthday of India's First Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru. Children have a lot of fun on this day. They sing, dance and enjoy themselves since it is their day.

On this day, I participated in the drawing competition conducted by St. Teresa Community Sector 4 and won the First Prize. I thank all those children who also participated in the competition. Participation is more important than winning the competition. Happy children's day


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- MICHAEL DESOUZAWe give 'thanks' to the Father who thro'

Jesus His son brought the community of Sector 7 & 8 together on Saturday evening of 23rd November 2013. God's Spirit works in wonderful ways, as it was a dual

celebration- Feast of St. Cecilia our patron and Christ The King. All joined in the Eucharist, praying, singing, offering the gift of ourselves to the Lord, then welcoming Jesus to be the king of our hearts- followed by a Get-together. It was really nice to see all enjoy themselves with a smile and a glow of love and affection for each other. As usual the games by Esther were enjoyable. Talk of food, it was delicious prepared by Remezia. My prayerful thanks to Fr. Baptist our spiritual director for the spiritual nourishment and growth of our community and also to Peter and Marie the chief organizers. May we always live in unity and love. Could we have these cravings often may St. Cecilia keep the music of our lives, burning with zeal and alive in our hearts.

Community Feast Celebrated In Sector - 7&8Patron - St CECILIA

St .Thérèse of Lisieux is the patron saint of Sectors 4 and 5 whose feast we celebrate on Oct 1st every year. The feast preparations kicked off with the 7pm feast mass which was celebrated by our Spiritual Director Fr Gerry Fernandes and concelebrated by Deacon Lloyd Dias, an active SSC animator of our community. The feast mass was attended in good numbers by families of our community and Lloyd Dias presented a fitting homily on the life of St. Thérèse. After the Eucharist, we all headed to the conference room for a time of fellowship and get-together. There were around 40 members of our Community who attended. The program started with a prayer song dedicated to St. Thérèse, beautifully sung by members of our sector. After a round of cake and soft drinks, we started off with games like the “butt popping balloon” followed by “musical chairs”. There were lots of spot prizes and games which were really fun filled and even saw each and every one participating. The game of “butt popping balloon” witnessed hilarious scenes and sounds. The musical chairs were played uniquely wherein the music was absent, and actually songs were sung to give a new twist to the musical chairs. Thanks to all who sang. It was wonderful to see our priests come in for this celebration and be a part of it. The most exciting time of the evening was the Quiz time based on the life of St. Thérèse, where most of our youth provided the correct answers. We then began with the felicitation of the young bright children of our sector who excelled in their studies this year. We had the annual report read out by Mrs Eugene Fernandes.

Community Feast Celebrated In Sectors - 4&5Patron - St THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX

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28th October marks the feast day of Saint Jude, the patron of the Sector 1 Community, who gathered together to celebrate the feast with joy. The celebration began with the Eucharist which was

followed by a get together of all the members and graced by Fr Gerry. The best part of the celebration was that we created music that day as we didn't have speakers forcing us to sing song after song till the room was enveloped with sounds of happiness.

To add up to the excitement level our super-talented Sector kids flaunted their singing and dancing talents! Kudos boys! After cheering ourselves with classics old

numbers and enjoying the kids shake a leg on Lungi dance… we engaged in a couple of exciting games like Passing the Parcel, Fire on the mountain and the modern housie, which was quite interesting & added spice to the celebration.

While the fun and excitement continued the winners received their small prizes, it was time to satisfy our appetite. Fr Baptist, priest in charge graced the meal with a powerful pray. We then proceeded to enjoy the sumptuous and mouth watering biryani & Jalebis.

Another get-together had come to a happy end and we thank every Parishioner of Sector 1 who helped in making this Feast so memorable and blissful. We're sure we are eagerly looking forward to the next celebration that will get us together as a united family of Christ.

Community Feast Celebrated In Sector - 1Patron - St JUDE


This Diwali holidays we had Vacation Bible Joy from 10th November to 15th Novmber. It was a great experience to participate in this programme and it truly gave us joy. We learnt so much about the

Bible and also how to open the different books of the Bible and find the chapter and verse.

Being year of faith, the overall theme for the week was “Through the Door of Faith”. Each day we focused on a theme of how the Bible touches and inspires us.Day 1: The Bible God's spoken word and our GuideDay 2: The Bible gives Freedom and LoveDay 3: The Bible gives Life and Sustains usDay 4: The Bible is the sword of Truth and our WisdomDay 5: The Bible is a Book of Hope, Prayer and PraiseDay 6: Celebrating the Word and the Eucharist

Every day we had to memorise one verse form the Bible based on the theme called

'Memory Verse'. We also had exercises, quizes and puzzles based on the Bible. For the smaller children there was colouring. This Vacation Bible Joy has increased my knowledge and understanding of the Bible. It has encouraged me to read the Bible more often. We thank Fr. Raphael and Fr. Baptist for conducting the Bible class. We had lots of fun and we look forward to the next Vacation Bible Joy.

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- RONALD D'SOUZA, Sector -9A

It was a dream come true to be a part of the holy land tour along with Fr. Johnson Lawrence & the parishners of Sacred Hear Church and this was organized by Jenson Worldwide Tours

The tour included cities of Amman- Mt. Nebo, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Cana, Jericho, Galilee, Mt. Tabor, Mt. of Beatitudes - which are the beautiful attitudes of JESUS sermon on the mount, Mt. of the Olives - Jerusalem, Jordan River where Jesus was baptized , Holy Sepulcher Church that stands on a site that surrounds both Golgotha or Calvary where Jesus was Crucified and the Tomb where he was buried and many more…

The tour was very well managed and we were served all three King size meals. An enjoyable boat ride on the sea of Galilee and dancing to the tune of Hebrew songs - AND not forgetting eating St. Peter's Fish on the shores of Galilee. We also got the chance to swim the Dead sea, the Red sea as well as to Visit the Mt. of Temptation by Cable Car

The Guides that accompanied us were very knowledgeable and made sure that we were well explained. Towards the latter half, we also visited the cities of Eilat, Taba and Cairo,where we saw the Great Pyramids, Sphinx, Egyptian Museum and Dinner on the Nile Cruise.

It was a life time experience. I thank Jesus for

giving us the opportunity, grace and strength to undergo the Pilgrimage. I enjoyed meeting everyone in the group, all of the pilgrims seemed to get along well and enjoy each others company. By the end of the pilgrimage it felt like we were all a big family. It was so much fun. I was so impressed with Jenson, our organizer. Mr. John Jenson was fantastic and he did an excellent job.



Volunteers from Vashi and Kharghar (Navi Mumbai Deanery) belonging to Prison Ministry India (PMI) conducted an Eye Camp for prisoners in Taloja Prison on 23rd October 2013. This camp was organised by PMI in collaboration with Lions Club of Koparkhairane. The whole camp was supported by Frs Alwyn, Gerry, Baptist, and Louis.

We started our program with a prayer and song along with the inmates and officials of the prison, followed by the felicitation of officials with bouquet of flowers. The eye testing program was held from 10 am to 3 pm by a team consisting of one Ophthalmologist and two Optometrists, who came along with their computerized eye testing equipment. There were twelve PMI volunteers along with our co-ordinators Mrs Greta and Mr Henry Parthe and Lion Madhu Nair from Lion's Club of Koparkhairane. Testing of the Eyes was done for 62 inmates. Out of which 33 inmates were diagnosed with some problems / error in their vision,

they were provided with free bifocal spectacle to correct their vision. Approximately 29 inmates were advised further checkups / operation for cataract. (The spectacles, medicines for skin, syringes, tapes and tablets etc. for the use of inmates were delivered later to the prison officials on 7th November 2013).

The response from all the inmates and officials was very warm. The Officials thanked and requested us to visit again and conduct such medical camps regularly. We are also thankful to Fr Gerry who arranged for the morning refreshments and lunch.


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Fr Gerry arranged for and invited specialized resources persons to deliver a training session for the Parish Animators and Pastoral Councilors which was held on Sunday, 27th October 2013. It was also open to Parishioners who desired to be involved with the Parish.

The program was held in the Sacred Heart School Hall attended by about 75 members. After refreshments, the session began with prayer led by Fr Gerry invoking the Holy Spirit to help each one to imbibe the lessons to be learnt. He then introduced Fr Patrick, Parish Priest of St. Anthony's Parish, Mankhurd and Ms Iola from Powai.

Fr Patrick began with a humorous anecdote to lighten the atmosphere after which groups of 5 or 6 persons were formed. The parable of the geese was introduced with the flight of the geese and its analogy to the SCC communities. There was a brief discussion within the groups and each of the groups were asked to give their interpretations of the parable, which worked out as under:

Flight of the geese

The geese fly in a V shaped formationThis ensures that there is a leader to face the pressure of the opposing wind.

When the leading goose gets tired, it falls to the back of the V formation and anew goose takes up the leadership

The V shaped formation is adopted to ensure a maximum coverage of area.

When a goose falls ill or is injured, it falls out of the formation, and, two or more geese go down to help it recover.

Functioning of SCC groups

The community has a leader- Coordinator who soaks up the pressure and leads the Group in the right direction

In the SCC group, the principle of rotation of leadership is followed just like the geese.

In our SCC communities also, we have divided the area into clusters with a leader for each cluster so that all the families in the community are covered in this fashion.

In the SCC community too, sometimes our members fall sick (physically, mentally orspiritually). Then two or more members go to their assistance and help them recover.

This was followed by a self- assessment of the functioning of communities by means of a questionnaire. This questionnaire was meant to be an objective assessment of the functioning of our communities. Most of the communities scored well which indicated that the SCC movement in our Parish was by and large alive and vibrant.

Dr Maureen Lobo rendered the vote of thanks on behalf of all and thanked the visiting faculty for sparing their valuable time and efforts to help us understand more deeply the Community way of life and steps to be taken to improve. The session ended with lunch.

- DESMOND ROWE, Sector - 16


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The young at Heart of St Thomas community gathered on Saturday, 16th November at 7 am to spend the day at Pinewood Resort, Karjat. After a hot cup of coffee, a prayer and a hymn, the bus started at 7.45 and reached Pinewoods at 9.15 am.

While check in was underway, the children were already on the swings and other facilities available. The mothers were not far behind. After a sumptuous breakfast everyone explored the resort.

The pool was thrown open from 10.30 am. The children were waiting to splash around. Looking at the children others joined in. When the tempo was upped and the rain showers started those who desired to shake a leg were all there outdoing each other! What a pool of talent!!!!

The hours danced away. It was 1.30 pm and time for lunch. New acquaintances were made at the lunch tables. After a little lazing around and a game of housie was followed by a photo session. It was time for evening tea. All were reluctant to leave.

With a thanksgiving prayer the bus commenced its

- LEO GOMES, Sector-7

Often times when going for a picnic the bus is delayed due to stragglers. However the opposite happened when the Senior Citizens of Vashi went on a picnic on Sunday, 10th November to a farmhouse near

Badlapur. Seems the bus had a puncture attended to before making its appearance. The beneficiary of the delay was the snack bar outside the Church which had to replenish the exhausted stock of food. Everything happens for a purpose.

Puncture repaired, the bus finally set off an hour and half behind schedule. This however did not dampen the spirits of the picnickers who had a merry sing song even though the ride was long, hot and bumpy. Every cloud has a silver lining. A beautiful garden full of lush tree cover awaited the tired travelers.

Some delicious repast put to rest all tiredness.

return journey. The picnickers were too tired, a sign that they had enjoyed the day to the fullest.

Breakfast was followed by games, housie, lunch, some more games and some spicy joke sharing under the shady foliage cover. The farm had tanks full of water, originally meant for breeding fish, which kept the place and some of the picnickers cool. As the farm was close to a river some went for walks along the river bank and one, at least, who had come prepared with fishing rods, to fish.

All good things come to an end and sadly despite the desire to extend the revelry for some more time, the bus made its bumpy ride back to Vashi with its tired and sleepy picnickers who did not forget to thank the organizers profusely for the wonderful day. The strong need for fellowship spurred the picnickers to plan some more outings in the not too distant future.

We hope this opens new doors for fellowship and bonding and make Vashi a breeding ground for caring, sharing and love.



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A Novel Way to Get Started in Reading the Bible

- JOSEPH LOBO, Sector-17

The 3 days Bible reading program conducted at Sacred Heart Church, Vashi on the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th November was indeed a rewarding experience for me and several others who signed up for the one hour reading with specific timings. Whilst most persons signed for one hour and were probably there for two hours, few signed in for one hour sessions once each day of the program.

It is said people neither read nor listen. It can be said it was and is not true in the case of this Bible reading program. There was continuity in reading and listening and at any point of time there were 2-3 persons always present. Reading and listening to the Bible in small groups for me was also an exciting experience. I was there from 11 am to 1 pm on the 1st of November i.e. on Saturday. The 3-4 persons including me present during this time finished reading from the book of Mark and Luke and we all read and listened to the life and happenings in the life of Jesus during this period.

It is said that we 'Roman Catholics' attend Mass regularly and participate in the Eucharistic celebrations, by, are poor at reading the Bible. i.e. in a way we are breathing with only one lung. Whereas our Protestant brothers are also breathing with one lung only i.e. they are very good in reading their Bible day in and day out. By participating in the Bible reading program, we would be breathing with both our lungs i.e.

we could be experts in reading the Bible and also celebrating the Eucharist too.

I would strongly recommend that people who have missed out on this program not to miss out on the next Bible reading program.

Thank You Fr. Gerald and your Team at Sacred Heart Church, Vashi for giving us this program.

The Power of Word of God


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God “

John 1:1

When our parish organised a 3 day service of reading & listening to the Word of God, I was overwhelmed and decided to give my fullest to the opportunity to listen to God's word.

It started at 8 am on Saturday, 2nd November after the 7.15 am Eucharist mass in the Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament with many of the enthusiastic parishioners with each parishioner either reading or listening one by one on an hourly basis.

I felt that listening is the fullness of hearing while paying attention. Our Lord is a communicator. He has revealed His will to mankind in the form of words which is preserved to date through the Bible, the Word of God. The salvation of mankind is the theme of the Bible.

The reason for my listening to God and obeying Him by following him through the Word of God, was to practise hearing Gods voice, then it would become easy to follow him which would be like picking up the phone and recognising the voice of a friend whose voice I yearn to hear.

The most important part of my prayer time with the Lord is to listen to Him, to know Him and be one with Him and receive His Holy Spirit who teaches me. I cannot be a true disciple unless I hear His voice and obey Him. Attending the 3 day session has changed me and I say to Him “Speak Lord your servant is listening”

The following are some of the verses that touched my heart, and wish to share with you.1. John 14:6 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life….. 2. Luke 4: 4 - “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God “.3. Mark 9 :7 - “This is my beloved son. Hear him “.4. Mathew 4: 4 - “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God “.5. Luke 11 : 28 - “More than that, blessed is those who hear the word of God and keep it”.


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Sacred Heart Prayer Group conducted a Deanery Level Full Night Vigil at Sacred Heart Church, Vashi on the eve of Christ the King Feast i.e. on 23rd December 2013. The Vigil began at night 10.00 pm and culminated in the morning at 5.00 am. Program consisted of Praise and Worship lead by Ghansoli Prayer Group, Talks by Fr Gerry and Br George, and Intercessions and Prayers through Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary culminating with Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr Baptist in the morning. We thank each and every one who participated in this vigil by sacrificing their time and sleep to pray for the needs of our families, youth, our church and parishes, all the needs of the communities. Vigil was attended by our parishioners and also the members of other neighboring parishes like Airoli, Ghansoli, Koparkhairane, Sanpada, Nerul, Belapur and Kharghar.



The feast of St Nicholas was on the 6th of December. Being the Patron saint of Sectors 9A and 10A, about 70 members of the community across all age groups gathered to celebrate the Eucharist and then proceeded to the conference room for an evening of fun filled fellowship.

After seeking the Lord's blessings, the fun and games began in full gusto. Gracy Bhable was the MC for the evening and did a wonderful job of getting everyone on their feet, with the help of the music provided by the talented DJ! Bryan Fernandez. Angeline Correa painstakingly wrapped each of the many gifts and spot prizes that were given out, adding a special touch by adorning the gifts with motivational messages. A talented quartet of young boys, Sheldon Jose, Stephen Jose ,Jaden Furtado and Austin Dennis,

put everyone into the Christmas mood by leading us to sing a few favourite Christmas carols. An action packed game of Housie involving many prizes was contested in great spirit and enjoyed by all. A delicious dinner was preceded by Grace led by Milton Correa

The Sector Parish Councillor, Vivek Fernandez , Sector Coordinator, Elias Dcosta and the Animators in charge of the families in different clusters were introduced to all present. The evening also served as an opportunity to welcome 2 new families into our community, Mr and Mrs Suresh Babu and family and Mr and Mrs Jacob and family. We were encouraged by the presence of Frs Gerry and Baptist at the get together. Everyone went home energized for the coming year!

St. Nicholas (the patron saint of gifting and giving) was truly invoked and presided over the celebrations giving much joy and happiness to one and all.

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As part of our campaign “Care For The Girl Child”, Women's Commission conducted an Essay Contest in a few schools of Navi Mumbai. The response was overwhelming! We were amazed and awe struck of the thought processes of these young minds. We had in fact, difficulty in evaluating the best essays written by our NextGen!!… these teenagers, boys and girls alike, are very observant in their homes and societies of the gender discrimination experienced by a girl and wants to fuel the winds of CHANGE. In the next few issues of Vashi Vision, a few cream of the crop essays are being published to share with our readers some of the reflections of our future leaders. – USHA VARKEY.

- DIYA PAUL, VIII Std. Sacred Heart High School.

Women are the builders of a nation's destiny. But in the recent times, they have been subjected to a number of crimes. They are generally looked down upon with

contempt. Our country could have flourished highly if we had respected women. It is said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. But the majority of Indian women are still confined to their hearth and are only roti making machines and slaves to men's whims!

Gender discrimination begins right within our homes and even when one is an infant. The school boys crack disgusting jokes on the girl students. Their mindset has to be changed right from the childhood and it can be done by their parents who inculcate gender equality and gender sensitivity in their sons right from their childhood. Even women need to change their attitude to themselves. So many of us think it's a girl's fault if a crime is committed on her. It's time we shed our inferiority complex and start thinking high about ourselves. We are nobody's doormats!

The orthodox male- oriented society in India has still not been able to adjust itself to the fresh wave of women's liberation. I am proud to be a girl. Though in Vedic India, women were considered as Goddesses, in the

medieval era, there was a huge set back and inhuman practices like Sati, child marriages and denial of education were imposed on them. Even today, widow remarriage is a taboo in many societies and ancestral property rights are still joyfully bestowed only on men.

Our national leaders like Gandhi and Nehru realized that as long as women of India are not uplifted and emancipated, India cannot progress. Constitution provides full equality to women, but 66 years into freedom, women are still chained to sex discrimination and gender inequality. There is still a great divergence between the constitutional position and the stark reality of deprivation and degradation of women. Be it in the higher strata of the society or the rural interiors of many Indian States, many women are still untouched by the winds of change.

Despite stringent laws against taking and giving dowry, every year thousands of women lose their lives or are tortured by her in-laws. There needs to be a radical change in the attitude and social structure of this male dominated country. The change may not come so

fast, but the only thing I hope is that Indian men will one day realize the value of all women and respect them. I am sure that from that day onwards our country will progress. Napoleon was right when he stated that by educating the women, we educate and uplift the whole nation.


Dignity Of a Girl! Yes, What About It???

“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.”― Marilyn Monroe

“A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement”― Jess C. Scott

“Love is all right, as things go, but lovers can be a terrible waste of a girl's time.”― Anna Godbersen

“It's only through sheer force and luck that she's yet to take over the world.”― Julia Quinn


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Marriage, they say, is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story. While having a chat with Peter and Margaret Quadros of Sector 8, Vashi, I was privy to

the threads that have combined to make the fabric of their lives together for over four decades. There have been some bright hues and some dark ones but together, a beautiful tapestry has been woven.

Peter remembers those early days when he lived in a chawl and is not ashamed to admit today, that his mother began life as a domestic worker and that they were poor. Margaret was the pretty neighbour with whom SSC notes were exchanged---soon love blossomed!! After a courtship of 5 years, and the moment they got their first jobs as apprentice and shorthand/typist respectively, the elders in the family insisted that they get engaged.

Peter's job in Siemens Kalwa, brought him very close to some of the early settlers in Vashi. The trials and tribulations of life in the early days of their marriage can fill a book. Margaret juggled with two jobs and Peter was part of the Vashinagar group who would go all the way to Kurla to procure milk and then distribute it to the houses. All this while, Peter's mother, affectionately known as Mai, kept the home fires burning and raised the two children, Savita and Somesh.

A job offer from Dubai changed the tide of fortune for the Quadros family. Both Margaret and Peter worked extremely hard and climbed the corporate ladder. At this

juncture they said, "Life improved" They are indebted to Mai for nuturing their children while they were in the Gulf. Both the children are well settled today and the three grandchildren bring immense joy to Peter and Margaret.

On asking Peter what are some life lessons he would like to share, he replied that he considers the years he spent in Sector I in E/3 to be the most formative ones. He recounts that they all lived like the Early Christians, sharing and caring. There was no groupism and all worked for the common good Today, both of them are in a comfortable space, there is understanding,trust and sharing of the chores to keep the spacious home ship shape! As in all relationships there are ups and downs and some serious fighting at times. They are of the opinion that now in the twilight of their lives, they must give back to God and society. They are quiet donors especially for the cause of elders. Peter heads the Family Cell in the Parish, is the Sector 7/8 PPC member, is on several committees and the representative of the Parish on the Archdiocese Pastoral Council.

When asked what makes for such a long innings in marriage when all around one hears of high divorce rates and crumbling of relationships, the young at heart couple replied "The greatest marriages are built on

teamwork, a mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration and forgiveness, keeping God in the centre of the home and a never ending portion of love and grace”

Cheers to the Quadros family and we take this opportunity to wish all Married Couples in our parish God's choicest blessings on their future togetherness.



- Answers by children

HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? 1. You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should

like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. >Alan,aged 102. No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it

all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. >Kirsten, age 10

WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE?1. Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even

boys have something to say if you listen long enough. >Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure)

2. On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. >Martin, age 10

HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK?1. Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck. >Ricky, age 10

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As a part of preparing themselves to meaningfully receive the sacrament of Confirmation, our youth visited a mission station and interacted with the villagers at Kumbarde. Following are some of the heart rending feedback

VThe people lived in very poor condition. Age old tradition like child marriage are still prevalent. I saw young girls married aged 13-15 years; one of the 15 year old girl had two children – which was very shocking. I saw people struggling for basic necessities like a proper meal, clean drinking water, proper medical facilities. Since we are more privileged, it is our responsibility to do something for them. - SONALI VAIDYA

VOn seeing their conditions we felt we were the blessed ones. Though they were poor, they were satisfied. And we are provided with everything, yet we crave for more and more and still not satisfied. -RACHEL REBELLO

VWe learnt that we should be happy and content with whatever we have and we should not crib or complain about everything, instead we should accept everything in life with gratitude. -SHARON JOSE

VUnlike school camps, there were no barriers or rules we had to follow. We got to experience three days without our parents and were pulled out of our comfort zones. -ARUSHI D'SOUZA

VWe reflected on our experience and made charts depicting what we saw and experienced during the visit. We were also asked to come up with solutions

and what we can do to make their lives better. -SUZANNE D'SOUZA

VThe only difference between them and us is that they are happy with what they have and we on the other hand keep asking for more. -CIBONI VAZ

VIt was something new, something that I have never done. Looking around at the conditions the villages lived in made me realize that I've forgotten to thank God for all the blessings I have received. I learnt that instead of crying over the things we don't have we could rather thank God for the things we already have and use it to the fullest. -SHERINE ANTHONY

VWe experienced that we should be happy with what God has given since people did not have proper houses, clothes or food. The things which we take for granted, they don't have these basic necessities. I learnt we need to adjust with small place and little things we get. I also learnt to share my things. - SHERYL D'MELLO

VI learnt that many people in the city live in luxury whereas many people in the villages suffer a lot. I feel that God has really blessed me with basic necessities and not to ask for much because our needs are never fulfilled. - MARIA JOHN

VI loved to interact a lot with those small children and their families. They live in terrible conditions without proper hygiene or sanitation. I learnt that we are blessed by our loving God so much and still we complain, disobey our parents and take them for granted. -ANITA JOHN


(Continued on pg - 18)

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Where we were out of the city's walls

and urgent emails and distress calls,

Where time seemed to slowly laze,

in chilly morning's misty gaze

Where ruins spoke a million stories,

of countless battles and unpleasant victories

Where you were in a crowd and still found yourself,

while all alone you could literally know yourself.

You had to be there,

to experience the hearty laughs and stupid jokes

You had to be there while we were guessing

stupid movies and intelligent words

You had to be there to be with God in prayer,

silence and noisy spheres

You had to be there to speak about our past,

wants and desires.

If you were there you too would testify the laughs,

the fun, the time that quickly did fly,

If you were there you would love the amazing food,

though your mamma's cooking is the best

If you were there you too would have been

a victim of a Baptism (ask someone who knows it)

If you were there and did not know how to swim,

we would have taught you how to float!

Thank you God for keeping me well to attend this trip

Thank you God for the safe trip we had

Thank you Fr. Baptist for being an

amazing spiritual guide

Thank you all my friends for making this

event as memorable as said!



VThe visit gave me reasons to thank God for all the things he's provided me with. I also learnt that just like that one village where they hardly have food to eat and clothes to wear there are so many more such villages. I would like to put forth a helping hand in which ever little way possible. -KAREN VAZ

VI learnt many stuff like not wasting my food, to be satisfied with what I have, not to trouble my parents. I realized how much important my parents are for me. I loved the camp which opened my eyes. -GLADDIN BOSCO

CONFIRMATION CAMP...(Continued from pg - 17)

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Out Of The Mouths.... Special Prayer

Just after Christmas Michael, was walking along the pavement in front of his church when he heard the intoning of a prayer that nearly made his collar wilt. Apparently, his 5-year-old son, Rory, and his playmates had found a dead robin. Feeling that proper burial should be performed, they had secured a small box and some cotton wool, then dug a hole and made ready for the disposal of the deceased.

Rory, the minister's son was chosen to say the appropriate prayers and with sonorous dignity intoned his version of what he thought his father always said, 'Glory be unto the Faaather, and unto the Sonnn, and into the hole he goooes.'

Charity Begins at Christmas

After the Advent church service, eight year old Lee said to the preacher: 'When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money.'

'Well, thank you, 'the preacher replied, 'but why?'‘Because my father says that you're one of the

poorest preachers we've ever had.’

Spot the Fool?

Father George was opening his Christmas cards one December morning. Out of one the cards came a single sheet of paper on it was written only one word: 'Fool'. The following Sunday, in church, Father George announced to the assembled congregation, 'I have known many people who have written notes to me and forgotten to sign their names.

But this week I received a note from someone who signed his name and had forgotten to write a letter.'


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Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, family counselors Rachana and Sabu Joseph are available from: 5 to 7 pm in the Counselor’s office at: Sacred Heart High School, Sector-4, Vashi

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Investment Consulting, Portfolio Management, Tax, Insurance and Retirement Planning

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Sunday: 5.00pm – 7.00pm.


Pathology Collection Centre

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi December-2013 - January-201422

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VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi December-2013 - January-201423

Page 26: VV 13 Dec-Jan 14 - WordPress.com · FACEBOOK to be in the news, stay in the news, attract attention, stay in circulation and be 'Liked'... always by the same number of persons/friends

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi December-2013 - January-201424

Page 27: VV 13 Dec-Jan 14 - WordPress.com · FACEBOOK to be in the news, stay in the news, attract attention, stay in circulation and be 'Liked'... always by the same number of persons/friends
Page 28: VV 13 Dec-Jan 14 - WordPress.com · FACEBOOK to be in the news, stay in the news, attract attention, stay in circulation and be 'Liked'... always by the same number of persons/friends