vutha news 26 july 2013 issue

Vutha News FREE CAPTURING LOCAL & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS! Friday 26 JULY 2013 Distribution Areas: Daveyton: BP, Engen, Total, Daveyton police station, Municipal offices, Shell garage, Daveyton library, HP Mokoka Library, Chris Hani clinic, Sgodi clinic, Daveyton main clinic, Unisa Daveyton campus, Daveyton mall, Post office (Majutene)/ Post office (Daveyton mall. Etwatwa: Jerry Moloi Library, Ema 13 clinic, Council offices/ Council offices (Barcelona), Police station, Joy clinic, Barcelona clinic, Caltex & Engen, Sgodi clinic, Enviroserv, City of Ekurhuleni (communications & marketing office) PAGE 2 PAGE 7 Title deed gets man kidnapped • Read full story on page 2 By: Linda Sokweba The couple stayed together at Cloverdene before the man moved to Simelani Street in Etwatwa. It is alleged that the man was gatvol of his baby–mama’s behaviour when he decided to move out of the house they stayed in together. On the day of the incident community members saw a strange car next to the shack, few minutes later an un- known man poured petrol in the shack and even burned himself. Community allege that he flew with burned injuries and it is believed that the girl- friend took the man to nearby clinic. Pretty boy, a Street commit- tee member was called by the community to witness all the fire and incident. It was around 11 o’clock, when he rushed to the scene. The community couldn’t help the shack as they could only rescue the car. The shack was supposed to be saved by the water but there was nothing the commu- nity could do. They have been prom- ised water and noth- ing have been made, they survive with water truck and it doesn’t come every day it skips one day. “If you miss the truck, then it means you won’t get water. It’s not fair on us because we cook, clean, bath, d o wash - ing, flush with t h e same water in the toilets. We are now starting to loose hope in fighting this battle,” said Pretty boy. The unknown girlfriend, was seen by com- munity members, was then asked questions by the police and she denied. The community called fire brigadiers which are only 5 km away from the incident but they arrived two hours af- ter the fire had already eaten the shacks. “We have fire hydrate but there is no water coming. We asked one of the truck drivers to supply us with wa- ter and he refused, said pretty boy. After the girlfriend was questioned by the Police, she denied the accusations. Just there, Pretty boy found evidence. He went to the girlfriend’s car and saw that the burning man was once in there and he informed the cops, girlfriend was asked questions again and ended up confirming that she was involved. No arrest has been made since the victim did not open a case against his girl- friend. The two have made an arrangement. The woman is expected to pay the victim R20 000 and the victim is also expected to pay the land lord since he is a tenant. No water to save the burning shack Beware of the “grabber”, cops warn bank card users Mandela day celebrations

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Title deed gets man kidnapped & Mandela Celebrations


Page 1: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

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CAPTURING LOCAL & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS!Friday 26 JULY 2013Distribution Areas: Daveyton: BP, Engen, Total, Daveyton police station, Municipal offices, Shell garage, Daveyton library, HP Mokoka Library, Chris Hani clinic, Sgodi clinic, Daveyton main clinic, Unisa Daveyton campus, Daveyton mall, Post office (Majutene)/ Post office (Daveyton mall. Etwatwa: Jerry Moloi Library, Ema 13 clinic, Council offices/ Council offices (Barcelona), Police station, Joy clinic, Barcelona clinic, Caltex & Engen, Sgodi clinic, Enviroserv, City of Ekurhuleni (communications & marketing office)


Title deed gets man

kidnapped• Read full story on page 2

By: Linda Sokweba

The couple stayed together at Cloverdene before the man moved to Simelani Street in Etwatwa. It is alleged that the man was gatvol of his baby–mama’s behaviour when he decided to move out of the house they stayed in together. On the day of the incident

community members saw a strange car next to the shack, few minutes later an un-known man poured petrol in the shack and even burned himself. Community allege that he flew with burned injuries and it is believed that the girl-friend took the man to nearby clinic. Pretty boy, a Street commit-tee member was called by the community to witness all the fire and incident. It was around 11 o’clock, when he rushed to the scene. The community couldn’t help the shack as they could only

rescue the car. The shack was supposed to be saved by the water but there was nothing the commu-nity could do. They have been prom-ised water and noth-ing have been made, they survive with water truck and it doesn’t come every day it skips one day.

“If you miss the truck, then it means you won’t get water. It’s not fair on us because we

c o o k , c l e a n , b a t h , d o w a s h -i n g , f l u s h w i t h t h e s a m e w a t e r in the toilets. We are

now starting to loose hope in fighting this battle,” said

Pretty boy. The unknown girlfriend, was seen by com-munity members, was then asked questions by the police and she denied. The community called fire brigadiers which are only 5 km away from the incident but they arrived two hours af-ter the fire had already eaten the shacks. “We have fire hydrate but there is no water coming. We asked one of the truck drivers to supply us with wa-ter and he refused, said pretty boy. After the girlfriend was questioned by the Police,

she denied the accusations. Just there, Pretty boy found evidence. He went to the girlfriend’s car and saw that the burning man was once in there and he informed the cops, girlfriend was asked questions again and ended up confirming that she was involved. No arrest has been made since the victim did not open a case against his girl-friend. The two have made an arrangement. The woman is expected to pay the victim R20 000 and the victim is also expected to pay the land lord since he is a tenant.

No water to save the

burning shack

Beware of the “grabber”, cops warn bank card users

Mandela daycelebrations

Page 2: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

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EDITORBonolo Thebe


Winile Goodman Mdaka


Rev Mariba

Friday 26 JULY 2013


From page 1

Neighbours say he was crying the night before he went miss-ing. “I heard him cry when he knocked late at my house. I did not open for him because I was scared and wondered what was going on.” The neighbour say she saw a man coming from the white quantum outside Mohlala’s house after he came knock-ing at her house. “I asked my partner to call his cell-phone but he was not answer-ing,” said Mohlala’s neigh-bour. Then my partner and I phoned the other neighbours and they blew their whistles to see what was really going on,” continued the neighbour who witnessed this through the window. The neighbour say before the quantum drove off; they

could hear someone crying inside the quantum. Mr Mohlala has been missing since last m o n t h f r o m t h e 30th o f

J u n e 2013. P e o p l e in the n e i g h b o u r -hood allege that Mohlala’s girlfriend, whom he used to stay with, is behind the kidnapping. Neighbour say it has been

two years since Mohlala has been staying with his

girlfriend and they were

having a

c o n -tent rela-

tionship. The neighbour say

Mohlala started complaining about his girlfriend when she started fighting for his RDP

house in Cloverdene. “This girlfriend wants Mohlala’s RDP house. He once mentioned to us that one day he is going to get killed for the mere RDP house,” the neighbour said. A week before Mohlala went missing, the girlfriend went to register the house under her name but the Department of Housing could not assist her because the water receipt was not under her name but Mohlala’s. Since Mohlala got his title deed they have been fighting until the day he went miss-ing. “The girlfriend should be happy that Mohlala ac-commodated her with her kids and not do such things to him,” added the neighbour. Crystal Park’s Captain Makhubo said no one has re-ported Mohlala missing and

the police are still waiting for the family to report him miss-ing. “We cannot act on allega-tions until the family reports the man missing.” Angry residents took the law into their own hands when they saw that nothing is done about Mohlala’s missing. They took out the girlfriend’s furnishes and burnt them just outside Mohlala’s house. The community also said wherever they’ll see Mohla-la’s girlfriend; they’ll teach her a lesson. The community described Mohlala as one good man, a man who loved soccer and had no enemies. “Mohlala was not even a drunker as he was a member of ZCC church. Mohlala’s body was found ly-ing dead at Ma19, in Etwatwa last week.

Etwatwa Police are investigat-ing an inquest docket follow-ing a death of a 12-year-old boy. This Incident happened on Sunday the 7th of July 2013, around 18h00pm, at Emaphupheni section in Et-watwa. It is alleged that the 12-year-old boy was amongst three (3) of his friends, play-ing in an open field near Ema-phupheni, where there is an abandoned open hole. The fire started while the boys were inside that hole. Three of his friends managed to free them-selves while Amkelo Chayisa (12) was left alone inside the hole and got burnt from the fire. Police are investigating to find what the cause of the fire could be. Inquest docket had been opened.

Fire claimed 12-year-old boy’s life

A 14-year-old had appeared in Benoni Magistrate’s Court on charges of 4 counts of murder, case has been postponed until 20th of August 2013, for fur-ther investigation. He would remain at place of safety. The 14-year-old boy who ap-peared briefly before Benoni Magistrate’s Court on charg-es of 3 counts of Murder and one attempted murder on the 12 of June 2013, case was postponed until 19th of July 2013.

He is now expected to face four (4) counts of Murder, following his grandmother’s death on the 29th of June at Far East Hospital. It is believe the old woman died as a result of injuries sustained during an attack. The boy appeared twice be-fore court after he was found to be fit enough to stand a tri-al by the Doctor when he was admitted in hospital for treat-ment of injuries sustained when angry community were

in a verge of killing him. He was rescued by the Police and taken into the Police bak-kie. It is alleged the boy was armed with an axe, hacked his own family to death. Amongst the victims were his mother Nosiphiwe Ncoyo (30), his younger brother Samkelo Ncoyo (7) and a toddler Lulama Ncoyo (3 months). His grandmother (Nosisi Ncoyo) survived an attack

and she admitted at Far East Hospital and later died. Two of his sisters escaped an attack unharmed and seek help from the neighbours. When the attacker heard the noise of people outside the yard, he grabbed a 3-month-old child and fled the scene. Neighbours tried to give chase, but the suspect disap-peared with the child in the long grasses close by. Police were summoned to the scene, and launched a man-

hunt. During the search in an opening field, a body of the toddler was found with inju-ries. Few days later; an axe believe to be used as a weapon during an attack, was found by the Police after a thorough search on the field. His arrested emanate from the meeting between Community and Police working together in tracing the attacker; he was arrested by the commu-nity and rescued by the Police

from the angry mob. This incident happened on the 24th of June 2013. The Boy has been detained at Place of safety until he will appear before Benoni Magistrate’s Court.

14-year-old to face four counts of murder

Etwatwa Police have arrested a 32-year-old man for pos-session of cloning Bank card device, on the 14th of July 2013, afternoon. It is alleged the suspect is working for Se-curity Company as an ATM guard, and guarding one local ATM at Etwatwa. He was in company uniform when ar-rested. His arrest came after few people complain about the security guard’s behav-iour when assisting clients to draw money. The behaviour caught Police attention and identified the suspect, in his possession they found device which believed to be used to clone bank cards. He was arrested and detained at Et-watwa SAPS. More arrested are expected to be made soon after investigation being con-cluded. “We appeal to ATM users to never loss side of their cards when using ATM machines and report any sus-picious people around the ma-chines,” said Police Spokes-person Constable Masilela. The suspect is expected to ap-pear before the Benoni Mag-istrate’s court soon.

Beware of the “grabber”, cops warn bank card users

Constable Millicent Rakhadani

Daveyton Saps is appealing to members of the Commu-nity to provide information or identify illegal Shebeens, Taverns, Pubs, Distributors and Liquor Outlets to their local Police Station. Some of these outlets are operat-ing with fake licences and Permits. Daveyton SAPS has closed 143 illegal outlets dur-ing the past 3 months. It has been scientifically prov-en that when suspects com-mit crimes, they were found

under the influence of liquor or an intoxicating substance. Daveyton SAPS is currently conducting daily operations to eradicate the illegal liquor outlets that are in Contraven-tion of Gauteng Liquor Act and National Liquor Author-ity. Offenders of the Act are mostly the Tuck Shop own-ers, Petrol Station owners and Private Home owners. The latter converts their houses and they operate illegal liquor

outlets. Information provided to the Police on these liquor outlets will be followed up, investigated and informers’ identity will be kept confi-dential. “It does not matter if a person is selling one or two cases of beer of Sorghum beer. They are also commit-ting a crime,” said Police Spokesperson Captain Alfred Nakana. He said Lawlessness cannot be tolerated. “Such individu-als must be reported to the

Police, who will take steps against them. Neighbours are having sleepless nights be-cause of these illegal outlets. In terms of the Criminal Pro-cedure Act, items used in the committing of a crime may be confiscated and forfeited to the State, eg. Fridges and TV’s. It is now time that the com-munity work with the SAPS in ensuring a safe and secure environment: “Let’s take back our streets!”concluded Nakana.

Illegal shebeens, taverns, pubs, distributors and liqour outlets (operation Mpimpi)

Page 3: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

3Vutha NewsGot a story? Call Bonolo on (011) 420-0153Friday 26 JULY 2013

By Linda Sokweba

Daveyton Post office honoring their hard working staff. Themba Njokwe (branch manager) the organiser of the top event, he took 3 months plan-ning the event. Nelson Mandela was in their thoughts and prayers, five minutes prayer was dedicated to him. He was happy with the outcome for praying for Tata Nelson Mandela and all the incidents that happened here in Daveyton. They are one big hap-py family, because of the top branch manager who encourages the staff to be disciplined. ‘I lead by example, I always make sure am early at work, staff members should treat customers with respect and dignity, I always tell them to live their personal problems at door” said Themba. He contin-ued by saying “Post office is a nice company to work for also encourages the staff members to stay away from committing fraud, and they should

belong to the circle of trust. “I make sure that the staff go extra mile when serving customers,” he said. Recog-nition awards were received by Kate Moremi teller of the year,Emelda Makola teller of the month, Por-tia Mosotho Best customer service teller,Ellah Ratale Best branch op-erations teller, Bongani Maseko Best improved teller, long service 30 years Lorraine Diremelo. 29 years Paulinah Chiloane. Miss Namana standing in for the pensioners said “I am happy that the staff is doing this especially for us, the people who are living with disabilities. I thank the staff for being there and they don’t give up on us, we enter with smiles and we live with joy.” The staff is really making a mark in helping their customers. A bird should never lie in the nest but instead it should open the wings and fly high that’s the post office staff is doing to their members.

Working hard really pays off

By: Linda Sokweba

Mfundo Dlamini, Yam-kela Sbotho, Thulani Di-bokoana and Lucia

Maseko founders of Gazi-1 decided it’s time to make a change in the community and to the youth. These amazing

pupils are doing grade 12 within Daveyton. This is their first proj-ect and their aim is to see schools, streets and

homes clean. Baikag-etse intermediate school was first on their list and more schools are still to be cleaned. Gazi-1 is trying to make change in the lives of the youth because drugs, crime and doing noth-ing are ruling in their lives so they created a platform to invite people from different schools to join them. They are sponsored by the Ekurhuleni munici-pality ward 70 and the ward councilor is Sphiwe Ditshego. “The cleaning campaign is dedicated to Nelson Mandela and we are honoring him before

his birthday. This will not end here. We are planning on go-ing far with this and to make changes not only in Daveyton but in other places too,” said the Co-founder of Gazi-1 Thu-lani Dibokoana. Nomsa Hlela (19) a Grade 12 learner from Hulwazi secondary school said she joined this project because she love helping people. “It’s my first time work-ing for a project and I will continue helping my community in mak-ing a difference.” Veli Mika Dube (19) said he is proud of giving back

to the community. Although they were not getting paid for doing this campaign, they were excited about this initia-tive. The youth is encouraged to wake up and to hustle and not wait for hands out, volunteerism also helps. Anyone who wish to sponsor Gazi-1 or want to join them in their campaigns they can be contacted at 079-611-2133/073-959 5915/071-978-7227.

Future leaders

Making a huge difference with Gazi-1

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By: Linda Sokweba

Phumulo Malatsi aka physical da animal was born on the 16th of No-vember 1990. The Hip hop artist started to write songs in 1999 and being a rapper it all began in 2006 and that’s when he started being serious about his career. His entire career, he has been involved with different groups but it was only last year October when he started going solo. This decision came after he and his group members didn’t get along well. “We decided to go our separate ways and started working with Dj Love,” Phumulo said. He said he enjoys working with Dj love and describes him as the best. Physical says hip-hop is his life. “It is my language and I express

myself with hip-hop very well, he said”. The young upcoming artist has released a mix tape called done deal with 19 tracks. His hip-hop is local and the mix tape only costs R50. “Being in the music industry is not easy but if you know what you want you will definitely get what you have aimed for,” Physical said. He did not study Music, it is just a God given talent. He also explains that hip-hop is not about swear-ing. He writes music that touches people’s lives and encourages the youth to build their futures. His music is promoted by model explo-sion, Mavicho entertainment, Su-per rider (publish artist, do promo-tions, event and marketing. In five years time Physical sees himself in the game of music and owning his

record company with his own art-ists. Since he is not only musician, he plans also on getting into acting very soon. He says music is his ca-reer. “It is my life and I am nothing without music,” he said. The young fresh upcoming artist is going big and promises to give back to the community. Witnessing Physical on stage, he is very energetic that he can perform for hours without getting tired and that’s where the name ‘Physical’ comes from. Phys-ical will be on the Super rider tour from September doing clubs tour. “It will involve Hapivaal, Mafa, Slagga man and many more,” said Physical’s manager Tebatso Mryden Lekgau. Catch them on the 27th of July Saturday at Etwatwa Fikile’s place city corner from 6 till

late and entrance is free of charge and he will also be performing at the MR and Miss Unity Secondary School on the 20th of September. He is already working on his album that will be coming out next year, early march and it is called “Suc-cess”. Physical advices young peo-ple to love and attend school. “It is tough out there and always stay focused,” he said. Physical said education is every-one’s right and we must all pride ourselves with it as young South Africans. If you want the mix tape you can contact him or his man-ager Tebatso Mryden Lekgau and for bookings 076 578 7120 and for sales 074 704 7820 and his fa-cebook account is Phumulo physi-califa vur-vai.

Physical now goes solo

Page 4: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

By promise Marupeng

It has been the end of an excit-ing journey for many young men around the country, and their families. Part of the great tradition was

also the Daveyton community as young men returned safely home after three months of traditional initiation schools were they were groomed. “They are taught life skills, manhood, parenthood and be-

ing better men in their soci-ety,” said Chief S.P Mahlangu of the Ndebele tribe under the Nzunza clan. Amongst the many young men who took part in this year ‘s initiation was Simphi-

we Mabhena from Daveyton in the maswazini section, who expressed his gratitude to his elders and the family at large for having supported him as he took the journey to manhood. The excitement appreciated as the festivities continued around the community as the celebration of amaso-kana (boys in initiation) got bigger and better in sections such as Emaphupheni, Barce-lona, and Etwatwa East while proud parents held celebra-tion ceremonies, and handed gifts to the their children in appreciation of their respect to tradition and the elders who headed them during their time away from home. These acts highlighted that although people stay in urban areas, the practice and fol-lowing of their cultures and tradition is still of a very piv-otal nature to them and their children. Community leaders and cul-tural leaders have joined hands with the department

of health in fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic and edu-cating young men about the importance of safe sex and testing and staying negative and the fundamental role of education and drug abuse. As these young men are taken to health faculties to get test-ed for HIV/AIDS and STI’s before they can go through the circumcision. Mr T.P Skhosana who is a teacher at one of the initiation schools said the emphasis of good behavior is one of the values that are highly given attention, as this is the first step to building and molding a young person and they have taken it upon themselves as teachers to make sure they groom these young people to be better fathers and future leaders. Adding on what Mr Skhosana his fellow elder Mr Thabethe, he pleaded with the members of society to stop discourag-ing young men into follow-ing their traditions by leading them to believe in the myths

and misconceptions about the practice of cultural initiation schools. He said there is nothing mys-terious about the process and it is a great way for fathers and their sons to be closer to one another and establish fruitful relations and friend-ships. He went on to thank the par-ents that worked with them to make it a success as their children came back home safely and said they hope for more young men to come out in numbers and follow in the footsteps of their elders and leaders.

4 Vutha News Got a story? Call Bonolo on (011) 420-0153 Friday 26 JULY 2013

From boys to men

Zama Zinhle Ngwenya

To me the king insulted de president.

What do you think of comments made by King Dalindyebo about President Zuma? Was he expressing himself or disrespecting the President?

TK Ma Mphow Sematle

I think he was trying to ex-press himself but the man-ner in which he did ended up insulting the President.

Jabulile Mabrr Makhue

The king insulted the president. He does not have respect.

Plg Mhlobo’dulayo Ka-MasokaHe disrespected the whole Zulu tribe. I wonder how King Zwelithini feels about such remarks on Zulu people.

Lumka Lumes

He was expressing himself he said nothing wrong.

Eddie Madjedjeni

Expressing himself and telling our president what others can’t tell him.

LIFEWhat can I compare life with?I can say it’s a roller coasterAlways has its ups and downsOr maybe a natural disasterNever knowing what will happen nextTHAT’S LIFEYou can fall in love and out of love in no timeOr is it cause you didn’t have time for your loved ones?Life doesn’t have a friendUnless if you’re friendlyThey say keep your friends closeAnd your enemies even closerI’d rather keep both of them close because you may never know what lifehas in store for youLife is roughBut if you’re toughThings may get harderBe careful of what you wish forCause life may make your life a living hellMake life your friendGet to know it betterAnd your life may be worth livingTHAT’S LIFE


By: Promise Marupeng

I personally took the defini-tion of motherhood from my

own mother, who when our father walked out on us never gave up, but took on the role of both father and mother without another and never looked back. From the day I discovered I was pregnant, I remembered my mother’s love and words of encourage-ment. She told me to love my child more than I love myself, and if push comes to shove rather sleep in an empty stom-ach. Virtue and integrity are one of those standards every woman has to stand for, I am woman and without doubt I am beautiful specie of human nature. The scars that life has given me are my pride as I

reminisce into my past and observe the achievement of my sincere struggles, I am a woman, a rock and I have endured. Motherhood un-leveled new mysteries in my existence. The joys of being a mother sometimes feel like a rollercoaster ride as I felt like life was passing me by. There are times when I wish I had special powers and could postpone the responsibity of taking care of another life, then the warmth melts my heart as I see way my child loves me, the way the little life follows me around, and smiles, and the glance I get from his innocent eyes, and

as he accomplishes the mile-stones of having teeth, crawl-ing, walking and talking, then I smile and know I am a great woman. My fears are over-come by my achievements and winnings in life. As I tell my story my heart changes pace and I look at the changes I have made around me and my society, and thanks to all my sisters that helped make me a success and held my hand when I felt weak to go on. The journey has been that of an amazing woman who still has eagerness to go on learn and grow from the un-certainties in life and I take each day as it comes and pur-

sue that desire to be amongst the best woman of all times. Failure never brought me down and in as much as I have not succeeded in some occa-sions getting up and going back to fight has been what kept me going over the years, and keeping my eyes on the ball and never losing brought amazing results in my life and career and in my spiri-tual well being. Hard work and determination makes a woman and no one can take your dreams if you hold them tight in your hands and never let go. I am a woman and a humanitarian true to myself and my people.

My pride, struggles and


On the 10th of July 2013, the Gauteng Department of Com-munity Safety together with Putfontein SAPS conducted a crime awareness campaign in Putfontein. It became apparent during interactions between Putfon-tein SAPS, official from the department and members of the community that Putfon-tein was ready and committed to root out criminal elements

especially in the informal set-tlements of Mgababa, Mogo-ba, Zenzele and Mina nawe were vehicle theft, house breaking, rape and gangster-ism is terrorizing the commu-nity on a daily basis. Notwithstanding standing challenges cites by the com-munity such as lack of police visibility, late response by SAPS when crime is reported and substance abuse cause

often led criminality in the area. Colonel Mbatha, station commissioner of Putfontein police station, requested the community to refrain from creating a market for crimi-nals by buying stolen goods and encouraged them to join community safety structures such as patroller movement, street and block committees.

Crime aware-ness campaign hits putfontein

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Page 5: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

5Vutha NewsGot a story? Call Bonolo on (011) 420-0153Friday 26 JULY 2013

Daveyton DA celebrated Tata’s birthday with the elderly in Daveyton. The event entailed clean-ing the home, serving biscuits and juice and giving 50 gifts to the elderly at the Old Age Home. “Yes we are do-ing this for Madiba and we are going to continue working for the commu-nities to ensure that we build a better South Af-rica in an open opportu-nity society for all,” said

the Daveyton’s Demo-cratic Alliance Commu-nity Operations Man-ager Thabiso Aphane. He continued by saying “Everyday should be treated as Mandela Day. We need not only admire what Tata did for us, but also learn and emulate his principles and live his values every day. The elderly are very spe-cial and fragile people, we believe they need to be taken care of, respect-

ed, loved and honoured along with Madiba.” The staff and the elderly at Rose Dabula were very happy and grateful to the DA and mentioned that they need to come back often. All went accordingly and the DA would like to thank Councillor Sol-ly Klaas and all the DA activists that took part in making sure that the event Succeeds.

DA celebrates Mandela Day

THE 95 years old former President Nelson Mandela is a true hero of all times, not only to South Africans but to the entire World. Madiba as he is affection-ately known has taught the entire human race true lead-ership, humility, magnanim-ity, patience, forgiveness, the dignity of labour and

self-liberation from bitter-ness, resentment and hatred. The most crucial thing deep-ly sited in his heart is the love for children. It is on the basis of this rare attribute of his that the Joe Seremane constituency un-der the tutelage of George Boinamo, MP, decided to spend their 67 minutes in

honour of Madiba by enter-taining children of Siyafun-da Crèche by giving them toys, colouring material, singing happy birthday to Tata and taking them out to watch the movie with their teachers at the Nu-Metro in Lakeside Mall. See how they are beaming with joy.

By: Linda Sokweba

Daveyton mall and Manage-ment centre took part in the Mandela day 67 minutes. They were approached by two organisations and the management centre spon-sored them, 200 t-shirts were given out. The hawkers who work at the taxi rank took the initiative to be part of the 67 minutes and cleaned in and around the

mall, picking up litter and re-fuse bags were supplied and also the Landlords and ten-ants took part. They gathered around 9 o’clock and first sang the na-tional anthem in honouring Tata Nelson Mandela in his big day and prayed. The purpose of the campaign is to recognise Mandela’s values and his dedication to the service of humanity and acknowledge his contribution

to the struggle for democracy internationally and promo-tion of peace throughout the world said,”The management centre members”. Things like this should not only be done in Mandela Day only, Man-dela should be honoured ev-eryday, 67 minutes done ev-eryday not only once a year....They all wished Tata of the nation a Happy Birthday.

67 minutes in Daveyton Mall

Handing over of the keys to Dickson the beneficiary of the house.

EEC Principal with Lungile Nkambule Tshipi Noto Fu-neral Home Project Manager and Ronnie General Manager Tshipi Noto Funeral Home.

The EEC principal cuts the ribbon of the house.

The house that was built by EEC students.

Ekurhuleni East College donates a house to a family in Duduza

Page 6: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

The City of Ekurhuleni calls upon fine artists all over the country to finalize their en-tries for the 2013 national Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards competition which will be opening next month. The annual Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards (TMFAA) is a contemporary fine arts competition which, in its 26th year, still seeks to in-spire the passion that the late acclaimed resistance artist Thami Mynele had for art. Mnyele once said: “Our art

must be a process – a living, growing thing that people can relate, identify with, be part of, understand; not a myste-rious world a universe apart from them.” Hence the com-petition caters for artists of all ages, producing various media of art works. The dates of the 2013 Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards submission of art works are August 20, 21 and 22. Works may be delivered to the Coen Scholtz Recreation Centre, Mooifontein Road

in Kempton Park between 09:00 and 19:00. Satellite en-try points will be available at the Boksburg Library on Au-gust 21, from 09:00 to 16:00; the Springs Art Gallery on August 20 to 21 from 09:00 to16:00; and at the Katlehong Art Centre on August 20 from 09:00 – 16:00. The entry fee is R50 per art-work and all artworks must be ready and suitable for ex-hibition. The judges will select an ex-hibition of the best works.

The works of art must have been completed in the 12 months prior to the com-petition entry dates. “The TMFAA serve as a platform where artists are encouraged to transcend limitations, re-configure and manipulate contemporary cultural social and political signs. Artists are encouraged to em-ploy various media to express metaphors, and their aesthetic sensibility to reflect the world we live in,” says Ekurhuleni spokesperson Sam Modiba.

The adjudicators for the 2013 Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards competition are Robyn Nesbitt, Lwazi Njafa, Bongi Mautloa Dlhomo, Reshma Chibba and Pieter Swanepoel.The opening function of the Exhibition and Prize Giving Ceremony will take place on 21 September 2013, where the following prizes will be awarded:First Prize R 40 000.00 Ekurhuleni Prize R 30 000.00

Multi & New Media Merit Award R 7 500.00 Painting Merit Award R7 500.00Art on Paper Merit Award R 7 500.00Sculpture Merit Award R 7 500.00For more information please contact the Visual Arts Cura-tor at (011 391 4006/7) / (011 391 6273) / (011 9994474) or email [email protected] or [email protected] Exhibition will run from 22/09 to 13/10/2013

6 Vutha News Got a story? Call Bonolo on (011) 420-0153 Friday 26 JULY 2013

By Promise Marupeng

Locals at the Daveyton com-munity have pleaded with the municipality to speed up the process of the water pipes

sewage system replacement as it has cost so much incon-venience; the pavements have been dug out left looking like graves. “The safety of the children playing outside is

not guaranteed,” said a resi-dent at Phambane Street. She also said even getting outside her gate is a struggle as she has to create her own small bridge to step out of the

yard. The residents expressed their devastation and said they have had to stay without wa-ter and electricity because of the recklessness of the people working on these sites. “Elec-

tricity cables and pipes were unprofessionally cut as the contactors dug the water pipes and no one would say any-thing to us and they even take time to fix the problems while we go out without lights and proper sanitation,” added a resident at Roka Street whose child fell into the grave look-ing like pit by the gate while trying to make her way into the house. Mr Sithole of the street committee said they went to the municipal offic-es after the incidence of the child falling into the dugout pavement but no one spoke to

them ,no one even showed in-terest in the matter. Commu-nity members around the area said they are aware of the changes that the municipal-ity is doing, however it shows no progress as the pipes gave them problems due to being old and repairing them was no longer an option because they burst all the time. The hazardous conditions that the residents are left under are the main concern at the moment. Authorities have promised to look into the matter and better the situation as with immedi-ate effect.

Ekurhuleni women caucus formed by the female coun-cillors of Ekurhuleni, in con-junction with TREATMENT ACTION CAMPAIGN (TAC) held marches in THEMBISA, DAVEYTON, KATHLE-HONG and REIGER PARK in the war against the drug Nyaope and Women and Child Abuse. The councillor with the com-munities marched around the townships to deliver memo-randums to the station com-manders of the police sta-

tions. Chairperson of TAC, Senzo Zwane said that the drugs are making the youth to involve themselves in unpro-tected sex and they also drop out of school. Masontaga Masango the ANC women caucus chair-person said drugs are killing and leading the youth to steal- even in their own homes. She also asked the police to intervene. The police asked the commu-nity to help them to identify the drug lords.

Locals devastated by change

Ekurhuleni Women Caucus on the march

Prepare your entries for the 2013 national Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards

Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor, Clr Mondli Gungubele has vowed to pull all stops to fight the scourge of unemployment in the City of Ekurhuleni. The mayor was addressing residents on Friday, July 26 at the service delivery summit. Clr Gungubele identified un-employment as one of the main socio-economic chal-lenges facing the city along-side food security and under-development. The City’s official unemploy-ment rate stands at 28.8 per-

cent. The mayor’s message of hope to more than one million unemployed youth seeks to reveal the city’s plans to undo joblessness in the region. “We are working on establishing labour desks per ward to be located in the customer care centers. This will help us to zoom into the unemployment situation per ward and we will be able to deploy the necessary inter-vention and resources to ad-dress the problem,” he said. Already, the mayor has allo-

cated R1 million per ward to respond to the developmental needs of the different wards. In addition, the City will es-tablish the Job Creation Proj-ect Management Office to specifically deal with unem-ployment. According to the executive mayor, the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Grant Funding will be in-creased from the current R14 million to up to R150 mil-lion by the 2014/2015. “We are also going to extend

the EPWP Vuk’uphile Pro-gramme beyond the current three years agreement. We are leading the entire country on this programme and we were able to produce about five millionaires from the previously disadvantaged areas. The Vuk’uphile Programme equips learners with con-struction skills and provides them with platform to show-case their skills in real life situation.

Ekurhuleni mayor vows to take on joblessness

Page 7: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

Got a story? Call Bonolo on (011) 420-0153 Vutha News 7

Scene Around

Friday 26 JULY 2013

Happy 95th birthday Tata

Page 8: Vutha News 26 July 2013 Issue

In a night of glamour and glitz of the Gauteng Sports Awards held early this month at Emperors Palace in Kemp-ton Park, Samkelo Radebe scooped the Sport Personality of the Year award, while Itu-melemg Mashele was named Sport Fan of the Year for 2012. Radebe beat Cameron van der Burgh and Caster Semenya for the much sort-after Sport Personality award, while Mashele overcame Thulani Ngcobo and Constance Pinky Moseme for the Sport Fan, respectively. In what proved to be a fierce contest, a total of 45 other athletes and personalities competed in the 12 other categories that were up for grabs. They were either nominated by their federations, col-leagues or the public. Submissions for these closed on 25 May 2013 and winners

were selected by an adjudica-tion panel after a meticulous process. Only the Sport Personality of the Year and the Sport Fan of the Year categories were open to voting by the public. The glitzy event which also attracted a full house of the Who’s Who of South Africa’s sports, music, arts and fashion world, had been much await-ed as it has become a premier affair and was broadcast live on SABC 1. Performers included Judith Sephuma, Thandiswa Maz-wai and sisters, Mafikizolo and DJ Oskido. Lebohang Maile, the Gauteng MEC for Sports, Arts, Cul-ture and Recreation described the event as a fitting tribute to Sports stars. “The day we have been all waiting for is here, we are pleased with the impressive attendance by in-dustry players making these awards a complete success.

We thank our sponsors the City of Ekurhuleni, National Lotteries, Rotary, AMKA, Gauteng Tourism Authority, Toyota for sup-porting this event where we reward sporting excel-lence of our ath-letes,” said MEC Maile.The Executive Mayor of Ekurhu-leni, Councillor Mondli Gun-gubele said: “It is an honour to be associated with such a prestigious event which does not only look at sporting excel-lence, but also motivates aspir-ing sportsman and women to do better knowing that one day their efforts will be rewarded.

Hosting such an event also showcases Ekurhuleni as a destination of choice in terms of hosting big provincial,

national and international events.” Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane pre-sented the Lifetime achieve-

ment to Ephraim “Jomo” Sono and Jacob “Baby Jake” Matlala

Sport Vutha NewsFREE

Friday 26 JULY 2013


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Keeping fit with gogos and mkhulus this winter

By: Linda Sokweba

Barcelona Mkhulu’s and Gogo’s kick the ball to keep healthy and have fun, the team is going strength to strength by making the mkhulu’s and gogo’s healthy.They started exercising early this year while the project started last year 31 April 2012. Lephina Chaphole project manager of Assurance Res-

urrection Care Centre, wants them to be flexi, normal and avoid sicknesses, I started it with Mr. peter, Marry and recruited other members and now we have ten people. During the week we clean their houses, wash clothes for them, they exercise Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday they gym very strong.Their aim is to see themselves playing for the nationals of the

old age, soccer is the cure and the medicine is to keep them alive, healthy and strong. The exercises are the weapon they use to fight high blood pressure and other diseases.The exercise helps them a lot because every time they go for check-ups at the clinics the nurse are always telling them that they are healthy and that their diseases are low. Their motto is practically

practicing good life, the gov-ernment has been has been making empty promises and still no luck. Assurance Resurrection Care Centre wish to pay their volunteers because stipend might help poverty in the community cause they wish to create more jobs in their community. They have marketed them-selves with words of mouth.

I started to join last month, and I see changes in me and am healthy, I enjoy to see love and joy here said Linah Jiya. The coach Augustine Eze have a huge interest in mkhu-lus and gogos and she is also a soccer player, and she sees progress in them everyday and she enjoys her job. George Motloung encourages gogos and mkhulus to join

the gym so that they can be healthy Assurance Ressurrec-tion Care Centre is looking for funds and sponsor, any-one who can help can contact them at 083 592 8587 or 082 749 2139 The Assurance Resurrection Care Centre don’t have spon-sors and lack funds and they wish to be sponsored.

Gauteng province rewards its top sport people