vub chair in public-private partnership (ppp) · chair’s focus is locally, nationally and...

VUB Chair in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Activity report 2010 - 2014

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Page 1: VUB Chair in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) · Chair’s focus is locally, nationally and internationally oriented. ... PPP in the current stakeholder management theory, a comparative

VUB Chair in Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Activity report 2010 - 2014

Page 2: VUB Chair in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) · Chair’s focus is locally, nationally and internationally oriented. ... PPP in the current stakeholder management theory, a comparative




Page 3: VUB Chair in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) · Chair’s focus is locally, nationally and internationally oriented. ... PPP in the current stakeholder management theory, a comparative

Table of content

1| A word on the VUB Chair in PPP 5

2| Short history of the VUB Chair in PPP 7

3| The VUB Chair in PPP research team 8

4| Organisation of the VUB Chair in PPP 9

5| Research output of the VUB Chair in PPP 10

• Selection of scientifi c publications by the Chair researchers (2010-2014) 10

• Selection of conference proceedings (2010-2014) 12

• PhD defense of Chair researchers 13

6| Interaction among PPP stakeholders and participation in events 14

• Advisory Board Meetings 14

• Awareness building among practitioners 16

• Guest lectures for students 17

7| Media Presence 18

Contact information 19

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“At the start of the VUB Chair in PPP, we aim at becoming an academic point of reference in Belgium, stimulating multidisciplinary research in the field of PPP and disseminating research output over a wide network.”

E. Haezendonck, 2010

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1| A word on the VUB Chair in PPP

Worldwide, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has become an increasingly attractive procurement method for the delivery of public services. Much of this is because many governments consider PPPs as a win-win option for meeting their investment needs. Nonetheless, there is growing evidence that the practical implementation imposes some challenges. Multidisciplinary research is needed to capture these issues and to propose relevant frameworks that both assist in assessing the potential of PPP projects, as well as contribute to more effective PPP management.

In the last five years, the VUB Chair in PPP aimed to achieve just that and hopes to continue to do so. At the start of the VUB Chair in PPP, we envisaged becoming an academic point of reference in Belgium in relation to academic research stimulating multidisciplinary research in the field of PPP and the dissemination of the research output over a wide network. Close collaboration with existing networks and the interaction between business and academics were the key success factors in carrying out this vision.

We are very grateful to Deloitte, Grontmij and Laga for the sponsorship of the VUB Chair in PPP. We can look back on a period of positive and intensive collaboration, in which we were able to make a significant step in becoming a point of reference in research on PPPs in Belgium.

Prof. dr. Elvira HaezendonckChair holder of the VUB Chair in PPP (2010-2014)

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“The VUB Chair in PPP offers a platform for knowledge exchange and relationship buil-ding, bringing more stakeholders together for relevant and profound PPP discussions.”

E. Haezendonck, 2012

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2| Short history of the VUB Chair in PPP

Elvira Haezendonck was proposed as Chair holder by the VUB, for the period 2010-2014.

Prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck (PhD in Applied Economics, University of Brussels VUB) is senior research fellow and Associate Professor at the University of Brussels (VUB) and the University of Antwerp (UA), with a specialization in (project) management and strategy. She has been involved in over 50 research projects including multiple strategy analyses for seaports, large-scale project assessments, socio-economic feasibility studies and transport and infrastructure policy. Her teaching and academic research concentrate on (project) management, competitive strategy, (port) strategy and corporate responsibility. She has published various articles and books in these domains.Prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck

Both researchers and practitioners identified a pressing need for multidisciplinary research and the creation of an excellence pool of research in the field of Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Regardless the existence of some well-known institutions such as the ‘Vlaams Kennis Centrum PPS’, we believed that there was still a need for more comprehensive academic research. Existing research tends to investigate PPP arrangements too much from a single perspective (i.e., legal, economic or technical). Out of this concern the VUB Chair in PPP was born with the clear objective of conducting and encouraging multidisciplinary research in the field of PPP.

The VUB Chair in PPP at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) started in 2010, and is sponsored by Deloitte, Grontmij and Laga. The VUB Chair in PPP is led by Prof. dr. Haezendonck and is affiliated with three VUB faculties: The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Solvay Business School, the Faculty of Law and Criminology (RC) and the Faculty of Engineering (IR).

Besides conducting multidisciplinary research the VUB Chair in PPP initiates, organises and participates in conferences, lectures, workshops and other activities for and with students, academics, practitioners and the general public. The Chair’s focus is locally, nationally and internationally oriented. Activities are organized in cooperation with the sponsors (i.e., Deloitte, Grontmij and Laga), and occasionally in cooperation with ADEB-VBA, the ‘Vlaams Kennis Centrum PPS’ and other organisations.

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3| The VUB Chair in PPP research team

Since 1985 Prof. dr. Kaat Leus (Doctor of Law, 1991, VUB) is associated at the Department of State - Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology. She teaches public law, public company law, government contracts and administrative liability. She is also a lawyer at the bar in Antwerp and Brussels, specialized in public economic law. Besides she is director of several public companies and because of this, she is involved in various PPP-projects. She published numerous articles in the domain of public economic law, where she recently, as co-author in collaboration with the “Instituut voor Bedrijfsjuristen” published “DBFM: Meid voor alle PPS-werk?”.

Prof. dr. Danny Van Hemelrijck (doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1992, VUB) is a civil engineer (VUB) and additionally engineer in informatics. “Contribution to the development of thermo elasticity for the experimental mechanics of composite materials” was the title of his doctoral thesis. He is responsible for the courses: “Mechanica van materialen, vloeistoffen en constructies, Mechanica van het continuüm, Experimentele spanningsanalyse en NDT, en Ontwerpmethodiek en uitvoering” at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is (co)auteur of approximately 40 A1-publications and has more than 100 publications in congress proceedings. He is also involved in the postgraduate training management of major construction projects.

Prof. dr. Kaat LeusVUB Faculty of Law and Criminology

Prof. dr. Danny Van HemelrijckVUB Faculty of Engineering

dr. Steven De Schepper studied Applied Economics: Business Engineering at the University of Brussels (VUB). After his graduation in 2009, he became a research associate at the department of Business. In 2010, he strengthened the VUB chair in PPP, where he conducted a four-year study on the management of PPPs and where he obtained his PhD. in 2014. He is also involved in a number of research projects concerning complex (mega)projects. His interest includes various topics in the fields of strategic management of complex projects.

Geoffrey Aerts obtained his Bachelor degree in Political Science at the University of Antwerp in 2008. In the following years he earned a Masters degree in Comparative and European Politics, a Masters degree in Diplomacy and International Relations and a Masters degree in Maritime and Transport Management at the Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp. Currently Geoffrey Aerts is affiliated with the VUB Chair in PPP at the faculty ES and Solvay Business School of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he works as a research associate. The defense of his PhD is planned early 2016.

dr. Steven De Schepper

Geoffrey Aerts

In order to achieve the objective two researchers and two co-promoters have further strengthened the VUB Chair in PPP.

2 researchers sponsored by the VUB Chair in PPP

2 co-promoters supported the VUB Chair in PPP in view of multidisciplinarity

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4| Organisation of the VUB Chair in PPP

As both multidisciplinary research and communication and interaction between industry and academia are the Chair’s main objectives, the researchers of the VUB Chair in PPP were supported by several advisory and steering groups (as depicted in the organizational chart above).

The Chair Steering Group met every three months and supported the researchers in:1. Shaping and developing the research;2. Organising and quality reviewing the research;3. Developing the doctoral theses.

The Academic Steering Team met on a regular basis to support the researchers in:1. Shaping and developing the research;2. Organising and quality reviewing the research;3. Developing the doctoral theses.

The PPP Workgroup met on a regular basis to support the researchers in:1. Providing PPP expertise and experience;2. Validating the relevance of the research in the PPP field and related projects;3. Validating the management and practical relevance of the research topic.

The Advisory Board met six-monthly and validated the direction and content of the VUB Chair in PPP as centre of knowledge.

Advisory BoardA committee of PPP experts (representing all stakeholder groups)

PartnersGuido Vandervorst - Deloitte

Peter Vanhoegaerden - Grontmij

Werner Van Lembergen - Laga

PPP WorkgroupErik Paquay - Deloitte

Rob Van Den Plas - Deloitte Tax

Kathleen De hornois - Laga

Ronald Probst - Grontmij

Academic teamElvira Haezendonck - VUB

Geoffrey Aerts - VUB

Steven De Schepper - VUB

Chair Steering Group

Academic teamKaat Leus - VUB

Danny Van Hemelrijk - VUB

Academic Steering Team

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5| Research output of the VUB Chair in PPP

The Chair’s aim was achieved through publications and doctoral research. Since the start of the VUB Chair in PPP this included presentations at international conferences as well as publishing in a variety of international journals.

The emphasis of the Chair’s research is on the potential of PPP projects and, among others, the following topics were analysed:

• Critical Success Factors of PPPs;• Stakeholder management of PPPs;• Transaction costs in PPPs;• A qualitative success framework for PPPs;• Capacity building for PPPs;• Knowledge transfers from and to project teams.

• Selection of scientific publications by the Chair researchers (2010-2014)

De Schepper, S., Dooms, M., Haezendonck, E., (2014). Stakeholder dynamics and responsibilities in Public–Private Partnerships: A mixed experience. International Journal of Project Management, 32, 1210-1222.

Although stakeholder management is seen as one of the main success factors of Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs), to date, limited research has investigated actual stakeholder management in PPPs. After positioning PPP in the current stakeholder management theory, a comparative case study analysis of four PPP infrastructure projects demonstrates the relevance and importance of stakeholder inclusion in PPPs. The case study findings indicate that a PPP makes the stakeholder environment more complex to manage, due to the increasing importance of the stakeholder context and dynamics. Hence, allocating stakeholder responsibilities between the public initiator and private consortium becomes problematic as it goes hand in hand with balancing between reactive and proactive responses to stakeholder claims. In order to cope with the PPP specific stakeholder characteristics, the use of a dynamic dual stakeholder management tool is recommended as well as the identification of governance structures that allow the sharing and division of responsibilities between stakeholders.

De Schepper, S., Haezendonck, E., Dooms, M., (In press). Understanding pre-contractual transaction costs for Public-Private Partnership infrastructure projects. International Journal of Project Management.

While public entities are still increasingly interested in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), we recently observe increasing reluctance from private partners to engage in PPP-bidding. Up-front costs that PPP bidders make are considered too high compared to the bidding chances, and may result in fewer bidders in the future. In this paper, we empirically analyse transaction costs of PPPs in the pre- contractual stage and compare these to similar costs borne by private partners for traditional public procurement. Statistical analyses based on sample of 172 public infrastructure projects enable the estimation of the pre-contractual cost burden. Based on the study results, suggestions are made to lower these costs or to improve the cost position of the private sector, in order to safeguard the competitive setting of the PPP market.

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Aerts, G., Dooms, M., Haezendonck, E., (in press). Stakeholder management practices found in landlord seaport authorities in Flanders: an inside-out perspective. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics.

This paper offers an analysis of actual stakeholder management conducted by port authorities. Drawing from several organisation-centric stakeholder management theories, we study the conceptualisation and the identification of stakeholders, as well as the application of stakeholder management as executed by port authorities. By analysing the opinions of middle management, we examine whether daily stakeholder management reflects stakeholder theory findings, emphasising the importance of attribute-based stakeholder conceptualisation, identification and stakeholder management strategies. We also conduct a comparative analysis, assessing the quality of the stakeholder management practice in several seaports located in the Rhine-Scheldt Delta. The results show that actual stakeholder management practices, found at several port authorities, convey little resemblance to the methods and theoretical findings presented in academic stakeholder management literature.

Aerts, G., Grage, T., Haezendonck, E., Dooms, M., (in press). Public-private partnerships for the provision of port infrastructure: an explorative multi-actor perspective on critical success factors.

Worldwide, infrastructure projects increasingly use forms of public-private cooperation in the project finance and provision of large-scale infrastructure projects. We use a multi-actor analysis in order to explore, which critical success factors (CSFs) are important in public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the port context, and to what extent different stakeholders have diverging opinions on the importance of these CSFs. The results of our questionnaire, indicate that eight CSFs are of superior importance in port PPPs: the concreteness and preciseness of the concession agreement, the ability to appropriately allocate and share risk, the technical feasibility of the project, the commitment made by partners, the attractiveness of the financial package, a clear definition of responsibilities, the presence of a strong private consortium and a realistic cost/benefit assessment. The reason for their importance is their deal-breaking character, which can lead to a total failure of PPP projects during the early stages of project conception.

A number of other research papers are currently under review.

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De Schepper, S., and Haezendonck, E. (2014). Transaction cost economics of public infrastructure delivery in the procurement phase: a comparative assessment. Paper presented at the EURAM 2014 conference. Valencia.

Aerts, G., Haezendonck, E., Dooms, M. (2014). Public-private partnerships for the provision of port infrastructure: stakeholder analysis of critical success factors in German, Dutch and Belgian seaports. Paper presented at the EURAM 2014 conference. Valencia.

De Schepper, S., Dooms, M., and Haezendonck, E. (2013). Stakeholder dynamics and responsibilities in Public-Private Partnerships: a mixed experience. Paper presented at the PPP conference (Global challenges in PPP). Antwerp.

Aerts, G., Haezendonck, E., Dooms, M. (2013). Organisational learning in hybrid settings: a value creation framework for project based learning in the PPP market. Paper presented at the PPP conference (Global challenges in PPP). Antwerp.

De Schepper, S., Dooms, M., and Haezendonck, E. (2013). Strategic management of Public-Private Partnerships: a stakeholder approach. Paper presented at the EURAM 2013 conference. Istanbul.

Aerts, G., Dooms, M., Haezendonck, E. (2013). Managerial perspectives on the state of stakeholder management in seaport authorities. Paper presented at the IAME 2013 conference. Marseille.

De Schepper, S., and Haezendonck, E. (2012). A Critical Review of Success Factors of Public-Private Partnerships. Paper presented at the EDEN seminar: Perspectives on Projects: The Projectification of Society. Lille.

De Schepper, S., van Balen, M., Haezendonck, E., and Dooms, M. (2012) Public-Private Partnership: a Driver for Value. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium of Partnerships for the Social Good. Rotterdam.

• Selection of conference proceedings (2010-2014)

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Abstract of the dissertation:

Worldwide, a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has become an increasingly attractive procurement method for the delivery of public infrastructure services. Much of this is because many governments consider PPPs as a win-win option for meeting their investing/infrastructure needs. Nonetheless, there is growing evidence that the practical implementation is not without (managerial) problems. In this regard, this dissertation seeks to propose three relevant frameworks that both assist in assessing the success potential of PPPs, as well as contribute to a more effective PPP management. First, the use of a dynamic, dual stakeholder management framework and the ex-ante inclusion of stakeholders is suggested to put an appropriate stakeholder management process in place to capture and address stakeholder concerns more effectively. The need for such a stakeholder framework is motivated by the finding that stakeholder issues do not solely emerge because of a gap between stakeholder expectations but are often the result of an imbalance of reactive and proactive stakeholder management approaches and an absence of any guidance on the responsibility and accountability issues surrounding the stakeholder management of PPP projects. Second, a toolbox is offered to aid contracting governments in estimating and controlling ex-ante the transaction specific investments that bidders make in the procurement of PPP projects. The necessity of such a tool is driven by the observation that transaction costs in the procurement phase hinder the viability of some projects in the short run, and if these transaction costs remain high, the magnitude of these costs have the potential to harm the public infrastructure market in the long run. Third, a first step is made toward a conceptual ex-ante evaluation framework that incorporates different stakeholder perspectives, as well as the cause-and-effect relationship between success factors and stakeholder objectives/criteria. If further operationalized, the framework has the advantage of providing governments a set of alternative delivery models through a tool that could aid the (contracting) governments in optimising the chosen PPP alternative and future PPP initiation and procurement processes.

Geoffrey Aerts will defend his PhD early 2016.

• PhD defense of Chair researchers

Steven De Schepper successfully defended his PhD, titled “Essays on the Success Factors of Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure”, on the 28th of August 2014 under the supervision of Prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck. About ninety invitees, among which different leading figures of different Belgian PPP projects e.g., Diabolo, BRABO1 and the “Oosterweelverbinding”, attended the PhD defense.

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6| Interaction among PPP stakeholders and participation in events

• Advisory Board Meetings

One of the main events of the VUB Chair in PPP was the six-monthly organization of Advisory Board Meetings. Eight Advisory Board Meetings have taken place as from the start of the VUB Chair in PPP in 2010. The purpose of the Advisory Board Meetings was to tackle hot topics surrounding PPPs with a large community of stakeholder experts.

Overview of the Advisory Board Meetings

Title Date Speakers

1st Advisory Board Meeting: Roundtable on the success factors of PPP projects

16/12/10 Roundtable with the Advisory Board Members

2nd Advisory Board Meeting: Workshops on the Critical Success Factors of PPPs

20/06/112 workshops based on working papers of Steven De Schepper.

3th Advisory Board Meeting: Connecting Europe Facility and its innovative financial instruments

26/01/12M. Bertrand (DG Move) S. Forrester (TEN-T)

4th Advisory Board Meeting: PPP and railway infrastructure: lessons learned and challenges ahead

21/06/12 L. Lallemand (Infrabel)

5th Advisory Board Meeting: The need for capacity building at the public sector


H. Van Der Borght (Vlaanderen)Y. Verbakel (Vlaanderen)K. Leus (VUB)W. Decrem (PMV)

6th Advisory Board Meeting: Project finance & bankability of PPP projects


E. Meysmans (KBC)W. Vermeir (AG Insurance)D. Van Hassel (Royal BAM)L. Verstraeten (KBC)H. Vanderborght (Vlaanderen)W. Van Lembergen (Laga)

7th Advisory Board Meeting: value creation of PPPs: how can PPP project create value for all stakeholders?


B. Van Zeebroek (S&R)V. Van Daele (Lijninvest)B. Verhulst (Heymans)H. Baeten (Grontmij)J. Lindenbergh (Deloitte)

8th Advisory Board Meeting: The Future of PPP in the context of budgetary constraints


J. Bosschem (ORI)H. Van der Borght (Vlaanderen)J. Ceyssens (Willemen Group)F. Boelaert (Vlaanderen)S. Ouaki (DG Move)R. Houthaeve (Grontmij)

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1. Client | 1.1. Government Yvan Verbakel Vlaamse Overheid Toon Colpaert Vlaamse Overheid Cedric Bossut Federale Overheidsdienst

Mobiliteit en Vervoer - Beliris Hedwig Van Der Borght Vlaamse Overheid

1. Client | 1.2. (semi-) public agencies Roger Kesteloot De Lijn Bernard Blaszczak MIVB - STIB Jan Van Rensbergen BAM Marc Smeets Infrabel Karl Cools AG Stedelijk onderwijs

Antwerpen Frank Nooten AG Stedelijk onderwijs

Antwerpen Mieke Francken AG Vespa Marc Noppen VUB

2. SPV Luc Neyrinck Noriant Bart Keymeulen Locorail Alex Vandemeulebroecke Locobouw

3. Contractors Jean-Charles Vereerstraeten CFE Didier Cartage ADEB-VBA Bart Verhulst Heymans Rudi Cnudde Besix Paul Lievens Jan de Nul Jo Roelants Jan de Nul Marc Selen Strabag Diane Zygas CFE Robert Seghers Alstom Johan Ceyssens Kumpen/Aswebo

4. Investors Marcel Van Handenhoven PMV Freddy Hoorens Quares Manu Vandenbulcke DG Infa

5. Bank & Insurance Lode Verstraeten KBC Katrijn Quaghebeur KBC Peter Vermeiren Belfius Koen Wuyts Belfius Erik Vleminckx Belfius Isabel Fritz ING Benoit Theys AG Real Estate Marc Van Begin AG Real Estate

Guy Haesevoets BNP Hendrik Deboutte BNP

6. Architects Jacques Timmerman G30 P. Swinnen Vlaamse Bouwmeester Philémon Wachtelaer BURO II & ARCHI+I

7. Advisors | 7.1. Legal Werner Van Lembergen Laga Kathleen De hornois Laga Stefaan Van Dyck Laga Danny Stas Laga

7. Advisors | 7.2. Financial/Technical Olivier Vanden Eynde Deloitte Coen Ysebaert Deloitte Erik Paquay Deloitte Marc Derycke Deloitte Rob Van Den Plas Deloitte Guido Van Der Vorst Deloitte

7. Advisors | 7.3. Technical Peter Vanhoegaerden Grontmij Jo Belen Grontmij Ronald Probst Grontmij Bernard Gilliot ORI

8. Research centre Kaat Leus VUB Danny Van Hemelrijck VUB Patrick Uytendaele VUB Koen Verhoest UA Steven Van Garsse Kenniscentrum PPS Yseult Marique Essex Erik De Keuleneer ULB Yves Rammer ULB Paul De Knop VUB

9. International experts Willem Vermeend PPS Netwerk Nederland Alex Vermeulen Rijksgebouwendienst

10. VUB team Elvira Haezendonck VUB Geoffrey Aerts VUB Steven De Schepper VUB

List of Advisory Board Members:

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• Awareness building among practitioners

The VUB Chair in PPP initiates, organizes and participates in multiple forums for discussing and communicating research results and relevant issues on PPP, such as lectures, expert meetings, seminars and conferences aimed at different types of audiences. Recently organized seminars and discussions are “Pre-contractual costs of PPP”, “Legal issues of design and build”, “Project management skills for PPP”. Examples of forums in which the VUB Chair in PPP actively participates in are the EU Open Days, the National PPP Day and Realty (Real estate networking platform).

Title Date Target audience

Evening lecture: ‘Public-Private Partnerships: Challenges for better project management’

07/06/11About 100 PPP experts. (Large representation of contractors and advisers).

Evening lecture: ‘Design & Build: a legal challenge in the Belgian construction sector’

12/06/12About 120 PPP experts. (Large representation of legal and financial advisors).

Conference: ‘Precontractuele kosten: een obstakel voor de toekomst van PPS?’

06/12/12About 150 PPP experts. (All stakeholder groups were present)

Part of a conference: ‘Panel discussion of Grontmij’ on the National PPP day

04/06/13About 50 PPP experts. (All stakeholder groups were present)

A selection of events co-organized by the VUB Chair in PPP for practitioners

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• Guest lectures for students

Besides organizing seminars for practitioners, the educational component of the VUB Chair in PPP also entails visibility to a large number of bachelor and master students. In different faculties, and covering various topics directly or indirectly related to the Chair’s theme, the partners of the VUB Chair in PPP offer interesting guest lectures. These lectures are embedded in VUB courses and programs and taught by experts of the Chair’s partners. As such, they share knowledge and real life cases with many students, and they have the opportunity to give visibility to their expertise and organization. The VUB Chair in PPP offers this structured and continuous student-partners platform.

Faculty Course Subject offered by lecturer from partner Student reach

EconomicsManagement en strategie/ Management and strategy

CSR - social entrepreneurship 350

Engineering Life cycle costing Managementaspecten bij bouwprojecten 80

Law Publiek ondernemingsrecht ESR 95 neutraliteit en PPS 25

EconomicsOrganisatieontwerp en -verandering

As One 150

Economics Risk management Inleiding tot Solvency II 20

Engineering Ontwerp van constructies Sustainability and innovation through PPP 16

Law Venootschapsrecht Rol van de revisor en commisaris 90

Economics Masterclasses Entrepreneurship CSR - Social entrepreneurship 80

Economics Marketing Social media 180

Law Bestuursrecht Benchmark PPS in Vlaanderen 25

Engineering Bouwkunde Sustainability and innovation in PPP 16

Law Notarieel vennootschapsrecht Vermogensplanning 30

Engineering Life cycle costing Managementaspecten bij bouwprojecten 80

Selection of guest lectures organized by the VUB Chair in PPP for students

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AMBITIEKRANTwoensdag 6 juni 2012


woensdag 6 juni 2012

pps wInT nog AAn BELAng, MAAr EnkEL MET


Rector Paul De Knop over de toekomst

van publiek private samenwerkingsverbanden (PPS)

als geen ander weet paul de knop,

rector van de vrije universiteit

brussel, wat de voor- en nadelen

van publiek private samenwerkingsver-

banden (pps) zijn. hij was projectleider

van een aantal pps-projecten, zoals de

vernieuwing van de sportinfrastruc-

tuur en de bouw van het toekomstige

multifunctionele hotel op de Campus

oefenplein. samen met doctors elvira

haezendonck en steven de schepper

van het expertisecentrum voor publiek

private samenwerking van de vub zet

hij hierover een standpunt uiteen.

Publieke instellingen zien publiek private

samenwerking (PPS) als een aantrekkelijk

mechanisme voor de levering of verbete-

ring van openbare infrastructuur en dien-

sten, gezien hun krimpende budgetten.

Dat is althans onder meer voor België zo,

waar de debudgettering de voornaamste

insteek was om PPS’en op te starten. De

financiële crisis van de afgelopen jaren

lijkt dit enkel te versterken. De prikkel

voor PPS-projecten is duidelijk: publieke

wensen en middelen worden versterkt

door de efficiëntie en het kapitaal van de

private sector of investeerders. Maar het

heil dat men dacht te vinden in PPS is, op

basis van de huidige motivaties en proces-

sen voor en tijdens PPS-projecten, eerder

teleurstellend. Bovendien tonen verschil-

lende rapporten (uit onder andere Dene-

marken en het Verenigd Koninkrijk) dat

PPS de verhoopte opbrengsten in latere

fasen van de levenscyclus ook niet altijd


kAn dE fInAnCIëLE CrIsIs pps

wEEr doEn hEropLEvEn?

Besparingsrondes zijn momenteel priori-

tair bij veel overheden, maar de behoefte

aan investeringen, in het bijzonder voor

infrastructuur, neemt niet af. Wel inte-

gendeel. De Europese Commissie schat

die behoefte voor de EU op meer dan 2,7

triljoen euro voor de komende tien jaar

(waaronder 1 triljoen voor de energiesec-

tor, 270 miljard voor ICT en 1,5 triljoen

voor transportinfrastructuur). Gesterkt

door ratingbureaus die de schuldgraad

van verschillende landen nauwlettend in

het oog houden en in lijn met de Maas-

trichtnormen, is het ‘off balance-karakter’

van PPS’en aantrekkelijk. De domineren-

de motivatie gelinkt aan debudgettering is

erg risicovol en verstikt het PPS-poten-

tieel. De beschikbare wetenschappelijke

literatuur wijst erop dat PPS meer kans

op succes heeft als de risico’s evenwichtig

verdeeld zijn onder de betrokken stakehol-

ders, als projecten hierdoor aan efficiëntie

en timing winnen en als private partners

interessante, commerciële perspectieven

krijgen bij de realisatie van PPS-projec-


Een evenwichtige risicoverdeling is

evenwel moeilijker te bereiken wanneer

debudgettering tot het belangrijkste doel

behoort. ESR-neutraliteit vereist immers

een transfer van het bouw- en beschik-

baarheids- en/of vraagrisico. Deze be-

perking maakt het vaak onmogelijk om

te spreken van een optimale risicoverde-

ling, wat de vrijheidsgraden van andere

stakeholders in het PPS-project beperkt.

Een bijkomend aandachtspunt van het

debudgetteringsprincipe is dat nakende

wijzigingen aan de ESR-neutraliteits-

voorwaarden (op gemeentelijk en Euro-

pees vlak) op korte termijn ernstige be-

dreigingen kunnen lijken voor PPS.

Maar anderzijds kan dit momentum juist

een kentering betekenen in het Belgische

PPS-denken en -doen. Een grondige

herziening van het gezamenlijke gedrag

en doel van PPS, met afstemming van

de doelstellingen van alle partijen, en

een goed stakeholdermanagement in alle

fasen en over de hele levenscyclus zullen

immers een grote opportuniteit betekenen

voor PPS in België.



De pertinente vraag is of de objectie-

ven van verschillende belanghebbenden

van een PPS-project verenigbaar zijn.

Uit recent academisch onderzoek van de

PPS-leerstoel VUB (promotoren De-

loitte, Grontmij en Laga, titularis prof.

dr. Elvira Haezendonck) blijkt echter dat

de doelstellingen van de belangrijkste sta-

keholders met elkaar verbonden zijn. Dit

blijkt reeds uit het verweven zijn van het

debudgetteringsobjectief van de over-

heid en de opbrengstoptimalisatie van de

private partijen in de samenwerking. Een

beperking van de vrijheidsgraden door het

terugdringen van de mogelijke opbreng-

sten, verminderen ook de motivatie voor

investeringen in duurzaamheidsaspecten

en innovatie. Sommige partijen worden

hierdoor wantrouwig tegenover PPS,

zeker als de indruk ontstaat dat overhe-

den erop uit zijn om kosten en risico’s

zoveel mogelijk af te wentelen op private

partners. In dergelijke gevallen blijft

de vraag hoe groot de motivatie van de

private partner, bijvoorbeeld de aannemer

of het studie- of architectenbureau, is om

onder andere zo snel en efficiënt mogelijk

te werken, om innoverende technieken

te introduceren, duurzaamheidsaspecten

in rekening te nemen, en om überhaupt

nog informatie te geven in functie van een

eventueel partnerschap.

Respect van alle partners voor hun inbreng

in het project, transparantie over alle ob-

jectieven van bij de aanvang en levenscy-

clus-analyse zijn essentieel. Men moet in

een opwaartse spiraalbeweging komen,

waarbij partners elkaar aanmoedigen en

versterken. Bijvoorbeeld, hoe duidelijker

de verwachtingen voor het privé-consor-

tium, hoe groter de motivatie zal zijn en

hoe meer, ook maatschappelijke, waarde

de overheid op haar beurt kan bekomen.

Die waarde moet echter niet alleen in

monetaire termen op de korte termijn

gezien worden, maar wel in termen van

sociaaleconomische valorisatie, maat-

schappelijke ontwikkeling, tijds- en

efficiëntiewinsten en kwaliteit.

De gunstige spiraalbeweging moet duide-

lijk zijn en mag ook tijdens het proces niet

onderbroken worden. Overheden moeten

hiervoor hun intrinsieke neiging naar

controle meer trachten los te laten, en in

de projecten commerciële perspectieven

laten verwerken. Meer en betere oplei-

dingen voor overheden op alle niveaus

kan ook hun vaardigheden en kennis op

het vlak van PPS verruimen en verdie-

pen (‘institution building’). Private part-

ners moeten ook bereid zijn om meer en

meer sociale vraagstukken mee te willen

oplossen en zo projecten vanuit een breed

waardeperspectief te benaderen.


voor publiek private

samenwerking van de vub

In 2010 richtte de Vrije Universiteit Brussel een

nieuwe leerstoel in, het Universitair Expertisecen-

trum voor PPS. De VUB sloot daarvoor een overeen-

komst af met drie partners-investeerders: Deloitte,

Grontmij Vlaanderen en advocatenbureau Laga. Zij

voorzien de universiteit van de nodige middelen om

doctorandi aan te stellen. Het doel van het Exper-

tisecentrum is om doctoraal onderzoek rond PPS uit

te voeren en te begeleiden. De ontwikkelde kennis

wordt daarbij op regelmatige tijdstippen publiek

gemaakt via publicaties en seminaries. Ook gastcol-

leges, studiedagen en congressen staan op het pro-


De leerstoel wordt geleid door prof. dr. Elvira Haezen-

donck, hoofddocent Management en Strategie aan

de VUB. De twee andere promotoren zijn prof. dr.

Kaat Leus, doctor in de Rechten, en prof. dr. Danny

Van Hemelrijck, doctor in de Ingenieurswetenschap-

pen. Steven De Schepper en Annick Faveere zijn de

twee onderzoekers. Drie faculteiten zijn dus betrok-

ken bij het Expertisecentrum: Recht en Criminologie,

Economische, Sociale en Politieke Wetenschappen

& Solvay Business School en Ingenieurswetenschap-

pen. Het is de bedoeling om tijdens de initiële leer-

stoelperiode van vijf jaar het Expertisecentrum uit te

bouwen tot referentiepunt voor PPS-onderzoek in

België en in het buitenland.


zijn momenteel

prioritair bij

veel overheden,

maar de

behoefte aan


in het

bijzonder voor


neemt niet af “

“men moet in

een opwaartse


komen, waarbij


partners elkaar

aanmoedigen en





Gebouw “M” van de VUB

is een ontwerp van de

Belgische modernistische

architect Renaat Braem.

7| Media Presence

In the course of the past four years, the VUB Chair in PPP appeared on numerous occasions in newspapers and magazines (e.g. Trends, De Tijd, Knack and FD Magazine) raising the visibility of the VUB Chair in PPP, also benefiting the expansion of both the academic as well as the professional network of the VUB Chair in PPP.

Selection of media presence:• Partners leren elkaars spel en spelen beter samen, 2010, Mediaplanet;• Nood aan een Multidisciplinair kader, 2011, Mediaplanet;• Recreatie houdt zwembaden uit het rood, 2012, Trends;• PPS projecten: interessant maar toch opletten, 2012, FD Magazine;• PPS wint nog aan belang, maar enkel met de juiste motivaties, 2012, PMV Ambitiekrant;• PPS onder druk door hoge studiekosten, 2012, Mediaplanet;• Wist u dat PPS-projecten gepaard gaan met te hoge kosten, te lage slaagkansen en te veel tijdsverspilling?, 2013, Akademos;• Projectfinanciering voor PPS 2.0, 2013, FD Magazine;• Meerwaarde voor alle stakeholders moet de missie zijn bij PPS, 2013, Mediaplanet;• Stem van Elvira Haezendonck, 2014, 100 stemmen PPS.

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Contact information

VUB Chair in Public-Private [email protected]

Chair holder 2010-2014Prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck | [email protected]

Researchersdr. Steven De Schepper | [email protected]

Geoffrey Aerts | [email protected]

As from January 1st, 2015 Chair holder 2015-2018

Prof. dr. Lieven De Moor | [email protected]

Co-promoterProf. dr. Elvira Haezendonck | [email protected]

ResearcherWouter Thierie | [email protected]

Page 20: VUB Chair in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) · Chair’s focus is locally, nationally and internationally oriented. ... PPP in the current stakeholder management theory, a comparative