vsat technology

VSAT Technology A brief history of space communication The idea of radio transmission through space was first conceived in 1911. In 1945 British author-scientist Arthur C Clarke suggested the use of a geosynchronous earth satellite for the purpose. His assumption of a manned space station was later revised by a US engineer, J R Pierce, in April 1955, who was also the first one to analyze unmanned communication satellites. This idea later led to the great success of satellite communications. The first artificial satellite "SPUTNIK I" was launched by the erstwhile USSR, in 1957. This began a series of space initiatives by USA and USSR. The first satellite communication experiment was the US government's project SCORE (Signal Communication by Orbiting Relay Equipment), which launched a satellite on December 18, 1958. This satellite circled the earth in an elliptical orbit and retransmitted messages recorded on a magnetic tape. It lasted for about 13 days after which the batteries ran out!! The US Army Signal Corp's Courier IB, launched in October 1960, lasted for about 17 days. It could handle typewriter data and voice and facsimile messages. It was a balloon, Echo 1, launched in August 1960, which led American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T) to build Telstar. Communication tests carried out by reflecting radio signals from Echo 1's surface were completely successful. Telstar, launched on July 1962 was the first active satellite with a microwave receiver and transmitter to transmit live television and telephone conversations across the Atlantic. It was turned off in February 1963. Successive initiatives include NASA's Relay 1 satellite was launched in elliptical orbit in December 1962 and Syncom 2, the first synchronous communication satellite was launched in July 1963. In 1964 a global initiative was undertaken leading to the formation of INTELSAT, which has been one of the major driving forces for the 1

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VSAT Technology

A brief history of space communication

The idea of radio transmission through space was first conceived in 1911. In 1945 British author-scientist Arthur C Clarke suggested the use of a geosynchronous earth satellite for the purpose. His assumption of a manned space station was later revised by a US engineer, J R Pierce, in April 1955, who was also the first one to analyze unmanned communication satellites. This idea later led to the great success of satellite communications.

The first artificial satellite "SPUTNIK I" was launched by the erstwhile USSR, in 1957. This began a series of space initiatives by USA and USSR.

The first satellite communication experiment was the US government's project SCORE (Signal Communication by Orbiting Relay Equipment), which launched a satellite on December 18, 1958. This satellite circled the earth in an elliptical orbit and retransmitted messages recorded on a magnetic tape. It lasted for about 13 days after which the batteries ran out!!

The US Army Signal Corp's Courier IB, launched in October 1960, lasted for about 17 days. It could handle typewriter data and voice and facsimile messages.

It was a balloon, Echo 1, launched in August 1960, which led American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T) to build Telstar. Communication tests carried out by reflecting radio signals from Echo 1's surface were completely successful.

Telstar, launched on July 1962 was the first active satellite with a microwave receiver and transmitter to transmit live television and telephone conversations across the Atlantic. It was turned off in February 1963. Successive initiatives include NASA's Relay 1 satellite was launched in elliptical orbit in December 1962 and Syncom 2, the first synchronous communication satellite was launched in July 1963.

In 1964 a global initiative was undertaken leading to the formation of INTELSAT, which has been one of the major driving forces for the large scale commercial exploitation of satellite technology for communications. Since then there has been no looking back.

Benefits of Satellite

Global Coverage Today, satellite communication can deliver a terrestrial-grade experience with voice, video, and data that can be accessed anywhere in the world. Ubiquitous coverage can be obtained with a global network of multiple satellites all tying into one central network management system.

Reliability Satellite networks are dependable, providing constant connectivity even when terrestrial networks fail. With satellite networks, enterprises can maintain business continuity with built-in redundancy and automatic back-up service.

Security Satellite networks already constitute a private network. By adding encryption technology satellite can


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provide a more secure connection than terrestrial networks, making it an ideal solution for government, military and enterprise VPN (virtual private network) solutions.

Scalability The modularity of VSAT systems allows for quick time-to-market and fast upgrades. VSAT remotes can be deployed rapidly and new remote locations are easily added to a network where limited terrestrial infrastructure exists simply by configuring bandwidth to the site and having ground equipment installed.

Fast Deployment Satellite technology is an ideal solution for quick deployment, immune to the challenges posed by difficult terrain, remote locations, harsh weather, and terrestrial obstacles. In this rapidly expanding market, satellite allows a service provider to get to market quickly and efficiently and provide immediate connectivity in disaster and emergency relief scenarios.

Cost Savings Satellite technology can deliver a communications infrastructure to areas where terrestrial alternatives are unavailable, unreliable or simply too expensive. Satellite allows service providers to insure scalability, profitability and maintain low operating expenses, all while overcoming a lack of existing infrastructure.

How Satellite Works

A communications satellite is a satellite located in space for the purposes of telecommunications.  There are three altitude classifications for satellite orbits:

LEO – Low Earth Orbit LEO satellites orbit from 160-2000km above the earth, take approximately 1.5 hrs for a full orbit and only cover a portion of the earth’s surface, therefore requiring a network or constellation of satellites to provide global, continual coverage. Due to the proximity to Earth, LEO satellites have a lower latency (latency is the time between the moment a packet is transmitted and the moment it reaches its destination) and require less amplification for transmission.

MEO – Medium Earth Orbit MEO satellites are located above LEO and below GEO satellites and typically travel in an elliptical orbit over the North and South Pole or in an equatorial orbit. These satellites are traditionally used for GPS navigation systems and are sometimes used by satellite operators for voice and data communications. MEO satellites require a constellation of satellites to provide continuous coverage. Tracking antennas are needed to maintain the link as satellites move in and out of the antenna range.

GEO – Geostationary Orbit GEO satellites orbit at 35,786 km (22,282 mi) above the equator in the same direction and speed as the earth rotates on its axis. This makes it appear to the earth station as fixed in the sky. The majority of commercial communications satellites operate in this orbit; however, due to the distance from the earth there is a longer latency.


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Frequency Bands

There are four radio frequency bands that communication and military satellites operate within:

C band – uplink 5.925-6.425 GHz; downlink 3.7-4.2 GHz The C band is primarily used for voice and data communications as well as backhauling. Because of its weaker power it requires a larger antenna, usually above 1.8m (6ft). However, due to the lower frequency range, it performs better under adverse weather conditions on the ground.

X band – uplink 7.9- 8.4 GHz, downlink 7.25 – 7.75 GHz The X band is used mainly for military communications and Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) systems. With relatively few satellites in orbit in this band, there is a wider separation between adjacent satellites, making it ideal for Comms-on-the Move (COTM) applications. This band is less susceptible to rain fade than the Ku Band due to the lower frequency range, resulting in a higher performance level under adverse weather conditions.

Ku band– uplink 14 GHz; downlink 10.9-12.75 GHz Ku band is used typically for consumer direct-to-home access, distance learning applications, retail and enterprise connectivity. The antenna sizes, ranging from 0.9m -1.2m (~3ft), are much smaller than C band because the higher frequency means that higher gain can be achieved with small antenna sizes than C-band. Networks in this band are more susceptible to rain fade, especially in tropical areas.

Ka band – uplink 26.5-40GHz; downlink 18-20 GHZ The Ka band is primarily used for two-way consumer broadband and military networks. Ka band dishes can be much smaller and typically range from 60cm-1.2m (2' to 4') in diameter. Transmission power is much greater compared to the C, X or Ku band beams. Due to the higher frequencies of this band, it can be more vulnerable to signal quality problems caused by rain fade.

VSAT Network

Network Equipment A network typically consists of a larger earth station, commonly referred to as a teleport, with hub equipment at one end and a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT ) antenna with remote equipment at the other end. The network equipment can be divided into two sets of equipment connected by a pair of cables: the Outdoor Unit (ODU) and the Indoor Unit (IDU).


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ODU An ODU is the equipment located outside of a building and includes the satellite antenna or dish, a low noise block converter (LNB), and a block-up-converter (BUC). The LNB converter amplifies the received signal and down converts the satellite signal to the L band (950 MHz to 1550 MHz), while the BUC amplifies the uplink transmission when the antenna is transmitting.

IDU The IDU equipment at the teleport usually consists of a rack-mounted hub system and networking equipment connected to terrestrial networks, like the PSTN or Internet backbone. There is also a device that converts between satellite and IP protocols for local LAN applications such as PCs, voice calls and video conferencing.

At the remote location, a router connects to a small VSAT antenna receiving the IP transmission from the hub over the satellite and converts it into real applications like Internet, VoIP and data.

Topologies Network topologies define how remote locations connect to each other and to the hub. The link over the satellite from the hub to the remote is called the outbound or downlink transmission, whereas the link from the remote to the hub is referred to as inbound or uplink.

Satellite networks are primarily configured in one of these topologies:

Star (hub & spoke) Networks In a star network topology the hub connects to the remote, where all communications are passed back through the hub. Virtually an unlimited number of remotes can be connected to the hub in this topology. Smaller, lower powered BUCs can be used at the remote end since they are only connecting back to the larger hub antenna.

Mesh Networks A mesh network topology allows one remote VSAT location to communicate with another remote location without routing through the hub. This type of connection minimizes delay and often is used for very high quality voice and video conferencing applications.

With this topology, larger antennas are required and more power is needed to transmit, thereby increasing cost.


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Hybrid Networks A hybrid topology is a mix of star and mesh networking solutions. This topology allows the hub to send information to the remotes, with the remotes then able to communicate with other VSAT locations.

Point to Point Connectivity Contrary to the networking topologies, a point-to-point topology involves a dedicated connection between two antennas. This topology is a direct pipeline with a set bandwidth capacity regardless of usage and is typically designed with Single Carrier per Channel (SCPC) technology.

Satellite Basics

People need access to enterprise-class, high-speed voice, video and data applications wherever they happen to be. Satellite connectivity has the power to drive communications advances across a broad range of industries and geographies.

Whether it’s ship-to-shore maritime communications, Internet access for remote, rural classrooms, or vital data and communications for petroleum operations, satellite applications meet a broad range of needs.

iDirect’s communication platform enables any IP application to run reliably and efficiently over satellite. iDirect advanced technology provides organizations with immediate global reach – making mission critical communications possible in the most challenging and diverse environments.

Communication satellites are used in fixed or mobile wireless communications to receive and transmit radio signals from an orbiting satellite to another terrestrial location. There have been such advances in bandwidth utilization and reliability of communications that satellite service now provides affordable, always-on, high-speed, quality connectivity.

VSAT Today

Rising Demand in an Exciting New Era

As the global market for satellite connectivity grows across a wide range of industries, opportunities for iDirect partners continue to expand.


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High Throughput Satellites Today, the advent of High Throughput Satellite (HTS) technology, coupled with rising demand for satellite communications, are expected to have a profound impact on the VSAT industry. With the huge influx of bandwidth capacity, HTS will bring both improved speeds and lower costs. Combined with major space segment and infrastructure advances, a prime opportunity exists to accelerate overall VSAT adoption on a much broader scale.

HTS Basics High Throughput Satellites are a new breed of high-performance broadband satellites that today mostly use Ka-band frequencies, but not exclusively – with Intelsat’s announcement of EPIC we will see Ku HTS very soon.

HTS is fundamentally different both in terms of design and the ground segment requirements. (For more details, see HTS Whitepaper.) Traditional satellites use large regional beams covering an entire footprint with fixed capacity. Any service provider could own a hub and teleport and offer services to customers as long as they were in the satellite footprint. By contrast, HTS employ frequency re-use across multiple spot beams to create a massive increase in capacity. A dedicated high bandwidth feeder link is required to serve to the spot beams. Hub infrastructure must be located within the feeder link to serve all the spot beams. See below:

As more and more HTS are launched they are expected, over time, to provide a huge influx of bandwidth capacity that will deliver higher speeds at lesser cost. In fact, NSR states that high throughput satellites are expected to supply at least 1.34 TBps of capacity by 2020.

Since bandwidth will no longer constrain how business is done, rapid adoption of satellite is expected to open doors to new opportunities in both the enterprise and government markets.

Accelerating VSAT Adoption


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HTS, however, is only part of the story in terms of satellite going mainstream and expanding into new markets. Other major advances in terminals and ground segment infrastructure, along with market education, are playing a big role in the rising demand for satellite, making VSAT much easier to deploy, use and manage. Together these factors will accelerate overall adoption of VSAT on a much broader scale and change our business on an order of magnitude never seen before. Today we’re adapting our platform to enable every iDirect partner to capture this opportunity.

Impact on Operators and Service Providers We’re already seeing many of our traditional business and service delivery models that are in play today being adopted by satellite operators as ways to offer HTS capacity. iDirect service provider partners will be able to choose among diverse business models to pick what best fits their business. Watch this video to better understand the impact to service providers:

Milestones Today iDirect is actively engaged in many HTS projects as the preferred ground segment provider.

In fact, we’ve already developed the industry’s first major global HTS ground infrastructure for enterprise and mobility services, Inmarsat’s Global Xpress, the new Ka-band HTS service.

And we are being deployed across a multitude of HTS models. Our platform’s flexibility offers partners the greatest opportunity to adopt the most effective technology and business models for them across multiple bands, Ku, C-, and Ka.

In addition, we’re making numerous platform enhancements to enable greater scalability, throughout and performance. Our platform’s versatility places satellite operators and service providers in a prime position to adopt the most flexible technology and business models for success in a vibrant HTS era.

Limitless Possibilities Speedy adoption of broadband satellite services in HTS may well represent the greatest potential for satellite operators to flourish across a broad range of high value vertical markets, and iDirect partners will be there first.

What is a VSAT?

The term Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) refers to a small fixed earth station. VSATs provide the vital communication link required to set up a satellite based communication network. VSATs can support any communication requirement be it voice, data, or video conferencing.

The VSAT comprises of two modules - an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The outdoor unit consists of an Antenna and Radio Frequency Transceiver. (RFT). The antenna size is typically 1.8 meter or 2.4 meter in diameter, although smaller antennas are also in use. The indoor unit functions as a modem and also interfaces with the end user equipment like stand alone PCs, LANs, Telephones or an EPABX.

VSATs can typically be divided into two parts- an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The outdoor unit is generally ground or even wall mounted and the indoor unit which is the size of a desktop computer is normally located near existing computer equipment in your office.

Outdoor UnitThe antenna system comprises of a reflector, feed horn and a mount. The size of a VSAT antenna varies


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from 1.8 metres to 3.8 metres. The feed horn is mounted on the antenna frame at its focal point by support arms. The FEED HORN directs the transmitted power towards the antenna dish or collects the received power from it. It consists of an array of microwave passive components. Antenna size is used to describe the ability of the antenna to amplify the signal strength.

The RFT is mounted on the antenna frame and is interconnected to the feed horn. Also termed as outdoor electronics, RFT, in turn, consists of different subsystems.

These include low noise Amplifiers (LNA) and down converters for amplification and down conversion of the received signal respectively. LNAs are designed to minimize the noise added to the signal during this first stage of the converter as the noise performance of this stage determines the overall noise performance of the converter unit. The noise temperature is the parameter used to describe the performance of a LNA

Up converters and High Powered Amplifiers (HPA) are also part of the RFT and are used for up converting and amplifying the signal before transmitting to the feed horn. The Up/Down converters convert frequencies between intermediate frequency (Usually IF level 70 MHz) and radio frequency. For Extended C band, the down converter receives the signal at 4.500 to 4.800 GHz and the up converter converts it to 6.725 to 7.025 GHz. The HPA ratings for VSATs range between 1 to 40 watts

Interlink FacilityThe outdoor unit is connected through a low loss coaxial cable to the indoor unit. The typical limit of an IFL cable is about 300 feet.

Indoor UnitThe IDU consists of modulators which superimpose the user traffic signal on a carrier signal. This is then sent to the RFT for up conversion, amplification and transmission. It also consists of demodulators which receive the signal from the RFT in the IF range and demodulates the same to segregate the user traffic signal from the carrier. The IDU also determines the access schemes under which the VSAT would operate. The IDU also interfaces with various end user equipment, ranging from stand alone computers, LAN's, routers, multiplexes, telephone instruments, EPABX as per the requirement. It performs the necessary protocol conversion on the input data from the customer end equipment prior to modulation and transmission to the RFT. An IDU is specified by the access technique, protocols handled and number of interface ports supported.

Advantages of VSATs

If by now you believe that VSATs provide an edge over terrestrial lines only in cases where the land lines are difficult to install, say in the case of remote locations, then consider this. Close to 50 percent of the total VSAT population is installed in the US which also boasts of world's best terrestrial communications.

Networking of business activities, processes and divisions is essential to gain a competitive edge in any industry. VSATs are an ideal option for networking because they enable Enterprise Wide Networking with high reliability and a wide reach which extends even to remote sites.

Last Mile Problem8

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Let us begin with the situation where you have reliable high-speed links between city exchanges for meeting your communication requirements. But before you begin to feel comfortable, connections from the nearest exchange to your company's office often fail. Consequently, stretching what is technically called the last mile problem into much longer distances. VSATs located at your premises guarantee seamless communication even across the last mile.

ReachYou must be well aware of the limitations faced by terrestrial lines in reaching remote and other difficult locations. VSATs, on the other hand, offer you unrestricted and unlimited reach.

ReliabilityUptime of up to 99.5 percent is achievable on a VSAT network. This is significantly higher than the typical leased line uptime of approximately 80 to 85 percent.

TimeVSAT deployment takes no more than 4-6 weeks as compared to 4 to 6 months for leased lines.

Network ManagementNetwork monitoring and control of the entire VSAT network is much simpler than a network of leased lines, involving multiple carriers at multiple locations. A much smaller number of elements needs to be monitored incase of a VSAT network and also the number of vendors and carriers involved in between any two user terminals in a VSAT network is typically one. This results in a single point of contact for resolving all your VSAT networking issues. A VSAT NMS easily integrates end-to-end monitoring and configuration control for all network subsystems. MaintenanceA single point contact for operation, maintenance, rapid fault isolation and trouble shooting makes things very simple for a client, using VSAT services. VSATs also enjoy a low mean time to repair (MTTR) of a few hours, which extends upto a few days in the case of leased lines. Essentially, lesser elements imply lower MTTR.

FlexibilityVSAT networks offer enormous expansion capabilities. This feature factors in changes in the business environment and traffic loads that can be easily accommodated on a technology migration path. Additional VSATs can be rapidly installed to support the network expansion to any site, no matter however remote.

CostA comparison of costs between a VSAT network and a leased line network reveals that a VSAT network offers significant savings over a two to three years timeframe. This does not take into account the cost of downtime, inclusion of which would result in the VSAT network being much more cost - effective. Pay-by-mile concept in case of leased line sends the costs spiraling upwards. More so if the locations to be linked are dispersed all over the country. Compare this to VSATs where the distance has nothing to do with the cost. Additionally, in case of VSATs, the service charges depend on the bandwidth which is allocated to your network in line with your requirements. Whereas with a leased line you get a dedicated circuit in multiples of 64Kbps whether you need that amount of bandwidth or not.

VSAT System Architecture


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A VSAT system consists of a satellite transponder, central hub or a master earth station, and remote VSATs. The VSAT terminal has the capability to receive as well as transmit signals via the satellite to other VSATs in the network. Depending on the access technology used the signals are either sent via satellite to a central hub, which is also a monitoring centre, or the signals are sent directly to VSATs with the hub being used for monitoring and control.

TopologiesThe network of VSATs at different locations adopts different topologies depending on the end applications traffic flow requirements. These topologies could be Star or Mesh.

The most popular of these is Star topology. Here we have a big, central earth station known as the hub. Generally the hub antenna is in the range of 6-11metre in diameter. This hub station controls, monitors and communicates with a large number of dispersed VSATs. Since all VSATs communicate with the central hub station only, this network is more suitable for centralized data applications. Large organizations, like banks, with centralized data processing requirements is a case in point.

In a mesh topology a group of VSATs communicate directly with any other VSAT in the network without going through a central hub. A hub station in a mesh network performs only the monitoring and control functions. These networks are more suitable for telephony applications. These have also been adopted to deploy point to point high speed links.

However, in actual practice a number of requirements are catered to by a hybrid network topology. Under hybrid networks a part of the network operates on a star topology while some sites operate on a mesh topology.

Access TechnologiesThe primary objective and advantage of these networks is to maximize the use of common satellite and other resources amongst all VSAT sites. The method by which these networks optimize the use of satellite capacity, and spectrum utilization in a flexible and cost effective manner are referred to as satellite access schemes. Each of the above topologies is associated with an appropriate satellite access scheme. The most commonly used satellite access schemes are:

Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA) Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA) Demand Assigned Multiple Access(DAMA) Pre-Assigned Multiple Access(PAMA) Frequency-Time Division Multiple Access(FTDMA)

VSAT Access Technologies

Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA)

Direcway Satellite Services - TDM/TDMA : TECHNOLOGY SIMPLIFIED

It seems many of us are working backwards in this age of technology. It is amusing but true to a large extent.

Instead of explaining the new technologies in a simple way, we end up bombarding the audience with a 10

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broadcast of Jargons. As a result instead of developing an appreciation and clear conceptual understanding for the technology, the listener becomes entangled in a game of scrabble, where he tries to arrange the jargons in a meaningful sequence, but unfortunately, often fails to do so. In this article we have tried to be different. Through a simple analogy we have tried to explain the TDM/TDMA Technology, which is in operation in various flavors in more than 75% of the VSATs installed globally and more than 90% of VSATs installed in India.

Consider a class of students with a teacher. Lets closely observe analyze and understand the way the teacher conducts the class and the way the students communicate among themselves. After all we are talking about effective and efficient communication.

The rule of the institution instructs the student to communicate among each other through the Teacher. So the students speak with the teacher (and mention whom it is intended for) and the teacher repeats the information to the appropriate recipient. Thus the students cannot communicate among themselves directly; they have to necessarily communicate through the teacher. However the teacher does not analyze or validate the content of the information.

But the teacher has the option to analyze the content in case the students are unable to communicate among themselves properly. Additionally to ensure that the smooth conduct of the class; the teacher enquires from all the students regarding their status at regular periodic intervals.

Now the teacher has several options to make the students communicate with each other. The first mode is to allow everyone to speak whenever anyone wants to. In this case if two students speak simultaneously, then the teacher cannot understand what each one is trying to communicate. Hence the teacher requests the students to express their opinion again assuming that they will not speak at the same time again. This assumption would be true if the class size is very small or if every one is trying to send very short messages.

Another way for student to student communication is on the basis of student requests i.e. if the student wants to communicate, he/she requests the teacher. In the request he/she informs the amount of information it has to send and the time required to send it. The teacher in turn informs the student its allocated time slot. Thus the student communicates in that allocated time slot. If the student is not able to finish the conversation in the allocated time interval then it again sends a request to the teacher for another time slot.

Yet another way adopted by the teacher is to divide the period in several time slots or time intervals.

The teacher then and informs/instructs each student when he or she can speak i.e. in which time interval the student can speak.

Thus each student takes its turn to speak to the teacher who in turn tells it to other students. Now there are a few students in the class who are more intelligent and hence want to speak for longer time. Thus the teacher recognizes them and permits them to speak for longer duration and the duration being an integral multiple of the basic duration allocated to every student. Now the teacher does not know who is really intelligent and requires more time. Hence the teacher reserves a time slot in the period (say the last ten minutes); where in the few student who have more information to convey can speak. Now the teacher allocates more time duration only when requested by the student.

Now the teacher being an intelligent person can handle requests from multiple students nearly 11

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concurrently. So the teacher handles multiple student group simultaneously. Now it is possible that in a class a student requests for a time slot but the teacher finds that the reserved time slots are already allocated to other students. So the teacher looks at the other class he/she is managing and realizes that there are fewer students and time slots are available.

So the teacher shifts the student to another class.

In order to avoid overlapping communication (i.e. a student starts speaking before the other finishes), the teacher allocates a minimum time interval after a student stops speaking and the next student starts speaking. Though this eats up time, but the apparent time efficiency is offset by gain is terms of efficient and clear communication. In other words this is a necessary evil.

The student in order to derive maximum benefit from the allotted time slot uses several means to send maximum information in the allocated time slot. For example the student uses acronyms, abbreviated statements, symbolic statements to send maximum information. The student also prioritizes the information that he/she desires to send.

The student keeping the teacher well informed carries out these actions.

In a class different students can have different needs. Some may want to exchange multiple short messages, while others might exchange long messages. So the teacher can logically divide the class into several groups and each group will have its own way to communicate among themselves.

Now lets closely examine what happens when a new student joins the class. The teacher has to first include the student as the part of the class. The teacher does so by documenting the various details about the student in the register. In the next step the teacher allocates a definite time slot to the student where he/she can speak or convey his/her information.

Perhaps it is hard to believe that the entire operation of the TDM/TDMA system has been explained in the above analogy along with various bandwidth allocation schemes.

The entire system comprising of the teacher, the students, their modes of communication with each other correspond to the Integrated Service Business Network or ISBN. It's simple to observe that the teacher has all the attributes of the HUB and the students are the remote VSATs. The fact that all the students have to communicate through the teacher emphasizes double hop nature of VSAT connectivity i.e. all the VSATs have to communicate through the Hub.

The Hub is the central intelligent entity that controls and monitors all the remote VSATs.

Now each class represents an Inroute. Inroute is a frequency channel, which is used by all the VSATs in a shared basis, though the ISBN system provides schemes to dedicate bandwidth to a VSAT. The way the students communicate with the teacher denotes the Inroute access method. The logical grouping of students in a class denotes the fact that in an Inroute different VSATs can use different Inroute access methods depending on their specific data transmission requirements. The fact a teacher is controlling multiple classes denotes the fact that the Hub supports multiple Inroutes.

The fact that if a student requests for additional time duration and if the required time duration is not available, then the teacher transfers the student to another class illustrates the concept of Inroute Switching. This is beneficial since the traffic pattern for a particular device connected to a VSAT may


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not be consistent throughout the day and hence it is desirable to change the bandwidth access mechanism when its traffic pattern changes.

The single most parameter that determines the efficiency of any TDM/TDMA System is bandwidth allocation. In the analogy teacher divides the available time interval to allow multiple students to communicate. This illustrates the basic characteristic of Time Division Multiple Assess or TDMA operation.

In the first mode of communication where each student communicates randomly illustrates the User Aloha bandwidth assignment technique. Here a part of the Inroute is set aside to be contended for by an assigned set of remote VSATs. The User Aloha technique is useful for light traffic that has small, uniform message sizes.

In the second mode of communication where the student requests the teacher to allocate a time slot to communicate illustrates the Transaction Reservation bandwidth assignment technique. Here when a remote VSAT configured for transaction determines that it has one or more packets ready for transmission, it sends a transaction request to the Hub. The request includes the number of packets and their sizes. The Hub allocates a time slot and returns a transaction response message to the VSAT. The remote VSAT then transmits as many packets as will fit into the allocated time slot. If there are more packets, then the VSAT sends another transaction request.

In the third mode of communication where each student is pre-allocated a time slot for communication illustrates Stream bandwidth assignment. This technique provides fixed, periodic transmission opportunities during each superframe to a remote VSAT. The Stream technique can be most efficient capacity allocation technique for high throughput applications, and it can be used to provide very good and consistent response time.

The use means like acronyms, abbreviated statements, and symbolic statements to send maximum information illustrates the features of data compression and data prioritization provided by the VSAT to improve transmission efficiency. It minimizes average response time, but on account of packet retransmission bandwidth utilization is poor.

Multiple - Frequency Time Division Multiple Access(M - FTDMA)

Sharing Bandwidth (FDMA)

Using the analogy above, FDMA is simply having all the students talking together but only listening to one teacher.

In the same way, the teacher has to tune in to one student and filter out the rest. This is perhaps simple to understand since radio and tv has traditionally used this principle, albeit one way from transmitter to receiver.

Sharing Bandwidth & Time (FTDMA)

Now if the students take turns to talk to the teacher then the teacher can talk to every student. The teacher can choose which student can talk and when they can talk. Sounds like a dream situation for some teachers.


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M-FTDMA is the same system, each student has a frequency or groups of students have a frequency and the teacher has a frequency. The result is an extremely efficient access scheme for many VSAT users to communicate with the network via satellite.

 Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA)


For radio systems there are two resources, frequency and time. Division by frequency, so that each pair of communicators is allocated part of the spectrum for all of the time, results in Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA). Division by time, so that each pair of communicators is allocated all (or at least a large part) of the spectrum for part of the time results in Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). In Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), every communicator will be allocated the entire spectrum all of the time. CDMA uses codes to identify connections.

CDMA uses unique spreading codes to spread the baseband data before transmission. The signal is transmitted in a channel, which is below noise level. The receiver then uses a correlator to despread the wanted signal, which is passed through a narrow bandpass filter. Unwanted signals will not be despread and will not pass through the filter.

Codes take the form of a carefully designed one/zero sequence produced at a much higher rate than that of the baseband data. The rate of a spreading code is referred to as chip rate rather than bit rate.


CDMA codes are not required to provide call security, but create a uniqueness to enable call identification. Codes should not correlate to other codes or time shifted version of itself. Spreading codes are noise like pseudo-random codes, channel codes are designed for maximum separation from each other and cell identification codes are balanced not to correlate to other codes of itself.


WCDMA uses Direct Sequence spreading, where spreading process is done by directly combining the baseband information to high chip rate binary code. The Spreading Factor is the ratio of the chips (UMTS = 3.84Mchips/s) to baseband information rate. Spreading factors vary from 4 to 512 in FDD UMTS. Spreading process gain can in expressed in dBs (Spreading factor 128 = 21dB gain).


CDMA is interference limited multiple access system. Because all users transmit on the same frequency, internal interference generated by the system is the most significant factor in determining system capacity and call quality.

The transmit power for each user must be reduced to limit interference, however, the power should be enough to maintain the required Eb/No (signal to noise ratio) for a satisfactory call quality. Maximum capacity is achieved when Eb/No of every user is at the minimum level needed for the acceptable channel performance.


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 Demand Assigned Multiple Access(DAMA) & Pre-Assigned Multiple Access(PAMA)


Possessiveness is a basic human instinct. One really doesn’t like to share resources. You want your own PC. You want a dedicated LAN connection. You want your own home page. You want your own telephone. Well the list is long. But this is in direct contradiction to the fact that Networking was born and has evolved on the philosophy of resource sharing, first across premises and eventually across geographies.

So we are going to talk about two things –

a) Dedicated resources in a shared environment and

b) Shared resources in a dedicated environment.

This means that if you don’t want to travel in a bus you can buy a car (it’s your dedicated resource), but you cannot buy the road (it’s a shared resource).

Let’s come to the point directly. We are talking about Satellite Communication. Today there is a plethora of products and technologies available in the market place. It is indeed a formidable task to select the appropriate technology. The even more difficult task is to select the appropriate product. This documents aims to demystify the concepts involved with an established technology – the Single Channel Per Carrier or SCPC technology.

The service provider providing SCPC connectivity services has a deep resemblance to a Courier company. After all it is also a service provider. We ask the service provider much the same questions as we do while selecting a Courier company. Now since we all are familiar with Courier business, lets take a close look how the business operates, how the customer’s interests are taken care of and what are the trade-off involved.

SCPC provides clear channel communication. To understand this lets the situation where you have to send large equipment. Now then there are two ways to send it. You either send it as a single piece or you disassemble it into small parts and then send it. In the later option you have to first disassemble the equipment, send adequate information with each component to that it can be re-assembled in the proper order. Now if one of the components does not arrive in time then the whole consignment waits till it arrives. The former case represents clear channel communication and the later represents packetised data/voice transmission.

The Courier Company picks up the goods from your premises and delivers to you premises in another location and thus it provides end-to-end delivery. Similarly SCPC provides end-to-end data, voice and video connectivity. Its just not sufficient to deliver the information, it should be delivered at the earliest. Now there are two ways to it. If you observe the geographic distribution of your organization, you can surely identify locations between which you transfer goods very frequently. So the Courier Company can reserve a definite space in their flights to carry your goods everyday. If your goods volume is very large then you can ask the Courier Company to reserve a flight for you.

Of there is a cost attached to it. At the same time once the flight is dedicated to you, any type of goods can be sent through. However if you don’t load the flight fully, then you are at loss as the cost of


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operating the flight still remains the same. But there is a way to optimize or distribute the cost. Use the flight to cove all your locations sequentially, taking a pair at a time.

In parlance of SCPC connectivity, the flight illustrates the concept of a frequency carrier. Thus the frequency carrier can either be permanently assigned between two VSATs giving way to Permanently Assigned Multiple Access (PAMA). Thus a permanently assigned frequency channel provides dedicated bandwidth, through which you can send data, voice or video. This illustrates the concept of Dedicated Resource in Shared Environment. Here the frequency channel is dedicated to you but the basic Satellite resource is shared by many.

Now the assigned frequency carrier in PAMA can either be used for voice or for data. But what if you want to use one carrier for data and voice. Of course this is possible. How ever it calls for the use of a call of device called Voice Data Multiplexer (VDM) which combines or aggregates several data and voice channels into one trunk line which in turn is interfaced to the VSAT equipment. The VDM is chosen primarily keeping in mind the number of voice channels required. A typical VDM configuration comprises of one LAN interface and multiple voice interface.

Alternately the frequency carrier can be assigned between any two VSATs on a demand basis giving way to Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA). Thus several VSATs share a floating link. Now as the number of VSAT grows, one floating channel becomes insufficient. Thus a pool of floating is assigned for the group of VSATs. It should be noted that in DAMA after the link is established it becomes equivalent in every respect to PAMA. Thus DAMA involves a call establishment cycle which is not there in PAMA.

The link establishment in DAMA is quite similar to making a long distance telephone call. If your phone has STD facility then you just dial the destination number and get connected. In the absence of the ISD felicity you request the telephone operator to dial the destination number and connect you through. But once you are connected the operator does not come in picture. Thus in DAMA call setup procedure the end equipment first data transmission request to the VSAT. The VSAT then sends another request to the Network Control Center (NCS). The NCS then sends another request to the destination VSAT to confirm if it is busy. If it is not busy then it allocates a pair of frequency to the two VSATs. Thus the clear channel circuit is established end-to-end. Thus the NCS is only involves in call establishment.

A logical question that arises here is what should be the capacity of the satellite channel established between two locations.

Going back to the courier analogy, if you notice there are weight slabs fixed by the courier company e.g. 0 to 1Kg, 1 to 5 Kg, 5 to 20 kg, 20 to 50kg and so on. This implies that whether you want to send a 1.5 kg object or a 4.9 Kg object, the charges are the same. Of course you would like the range to be narrower. Similarly in the case of SCPC the capacity of the Satellite channel cannot be arbitrary. The commonly available steps are 4.8 Kbps, 9.6 Kbps. 16 Kbps, 19.2 Kbps, 32 Kbps, 64 Kbps and 128 Kbps. Thus depending on traffic requirement appropriate channel size is allocated.

A network can have a mix of both PAMA and DAMA Links. Generally PAMA is preferred for data and DAMA for voice. Also there can be multiple DAMA and PAMA from the same location. Finally the DAMA link can be easily transformed into a PAMA link. This does not call for any hardware chance. This can be seamlessly carried out from the Network Control System (NCS).


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Now an obvious question is what determines how many frequency channels or carriers can be established from one location. Well there are two things in this. One is the Channel Unit and the other is the RF Unit. The Channel Unit is the satellite modem (the counterpart of the familiar Landline modem). Every frequency carrier PAMA or DAMA requires a Channel Unit. These Channel Units are housed in a modular chassis having multiple slots. So it is obvious that if you are using a four slot chassis, you can have up to four carriers. Now the RF Unit, which is collocated with the antenna, actually transmits four frequency carriers. Now there is certain amount of power associated with each carrier depending on its bandwidth i.e. the RF unit has to radiate more power to transmit a 64 Kbps carrier that a 19.2 Kbps carrier. Thus every RF unit has a definite power rating and that has to be considered while determining the number of carriers supported. Normally RF units are available with power ratings of 2W, 5W, 10W and 20W. For example a 5W RF unit can support either two 64 Kbps Carriers or seven 19.2 Kbps Carriers or fourteen 9.6 Kbps Carriers. Thus if you need three voice channels (@ 16 Kbps per channel) and two 19.2 Kbps and one 64 Kbps data channel then you will require a 10W RF unit.

Space Segment SupportThe ideal orbit for a communications satellite is geostationary , or motionless relative to the ground. Satellites used for communications are almost exclusively in the geostationary orbit, located at 36000 km above the equator. In line with ITU stipulations, for avoiding interference, all satellites are placed 2 degree apart. This places a maximum limit of 180 satellites operating in a geostationary orbit.

However, with a view to maximize the utilization of orbital slots, Co-located satellites are being deployed. Co-located satellites are separated by 0.1 degree in space or approximately 30 kms. Signal interference from the Co-located satellites is prevented by using orthogonal polarizations. Hence a ground station equipment can receive signals from two Co-located satellites without any reorientation of the antenna. The signals can be differentiated based on their polarization.

Space segment : Space Segment is available from organizations which have procured satellites, arranged launches and conducted preliminary tests in-orbit and who then operate these satellites on commercial basis.

Transponders :

A communications satellite's transponder, is the series of interconnected units which form a communications channel between the receiving and the transmitting antennas.[1] It is mainly used in satellite communication to transfer the received signals.

A transponder is typically composed of:

An input band limiting device (a band pass filter) An Input low-noise amplifier (LNA), designed to amplify the (normally very weak, because of the large

distances involved) signals received from the earth station A frequency translator (normally composed of an oscillator and a frequency mixer) used to convert the

frequency of the received signal to the frequency required for the transmitted signal An output band pass filter A power amplifier (this can be a traveling-wave tube or a solid state amplifier)

Most communication satellites are radio relay stations in orbit, and carry dozens of transponders, each with a bandwidth of tens of megahertz. Most transponders operate on a "bent pipe" principle, sending


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back to earth of what goes into the conduit with only amplification and a shift from uplink to downlink frequency. However, some modern satellites use on-board processing, where the signal is demodulated, decoded, re-encoded and modulated aboard the satellite. This type, called a "regenerative" transponder, has many advantages, but is much more complex.

With data compression and multiplexing, several video (including digital video) and audio channels may travel through a single transponder on a single wideband carrier.

Original analog video only had one channel per transponder, with subcarriers for audio and automatic transmission identification service ATIS. Non-multiplexed radio stations can also travel in single channel per carrier (SCPC) mode, with multiple carriers (analog or digital) per transponder. This allows each station to transmit directly to the satellite, rather than paying for a whole transponder, or using landlines to send it to an earth station for multiplexing with other stations.

NASA distinguishes between a "transponder" and a "transceiver", where the latter is simply an independent transmitter and receiver packaged in the same unit, and the former derives the transmit carrier frequency from the received signal. This linkage allows an interrogating ground station to recover the Doppler and thus infer range and speed from a communication signal without allocating power to a separate ranging signal

Contained in the satellite

There are a number of transponders, or repeaters. These transponders perform the following functions :

Signal Reception - it receives the signal uplinked by a VSAT and/or hub Frequency Translation - the frequency of the received signal is translated to a different

frequency, known as the downlink frequency. The frequency translation ensures that there is no positive feedback and also avoid interference related issues.

Amplification - the transponder also amplifies the downlink signal.

The number of transponders determines the capacity of a satellite. The INSAT series of satellites have typically 12 / 18 transponders in various frequency bands. Each transponder typically has a bandwidth of 40 Mhz. The various frequency bands are as below -

Frequency BandUplink (GHz)Earth Station to satellite

Downlink (GHz)Satellite to Earth Station

C Band 5.925 to 6.425 3.700 to 4.200

Extended C Band 6.725 to 7.025 4.500 to 4.800

Ku Band 14.000 to 14.500 10.950 to 11.700

Internationally Ku-Band is a popular frequency band in use. The Ku- Band by virtue of its higher frequency can support traffic with smaller antenna sizes in comparison to C / Ext-C Band. It is , however, susceptible to rain outages making it unsuitable for use in South East Asian regions. Indian


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service providers are presently allowed to hire space segment only on the INSAT series and operate in Ext-C band only. Ext-C band is available only on the INSAT series of satellites and is not a standard band available internationally.

Link Budgets : Ascertains that the RF equipment would cater to the requirements of the network topology and satellite modems in use. The link Budget estimates the ground station and satellite EIRP required. Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is the power transmitted from a transmitting object. Satellite ERP can be defined as the sum of output power from the satellite’s amplifier, satellite antenna gain and losses.

Calculations of signal levels through the system (from originating earth station to satellite to receiving earth station) to ensure the quality of service should normally be done prior to the establishment of a satellite link. This calculation of the link budget highlights the various aspects. EIRP required at the transmitting VSAT, Satellite EIRP which will be required for a desired specified gain of this receiving system. Apart from the known losses due to various cables and inter - connecting devices, it is customary to keep sufficient link margin for various extraneous noise which may affect the performance. It is also a safeguard to meet eventualities of signal attenuation due to rain/snow. As mentioned earlier a satellite provides two resources, bandwidth and amplification power. In most VSAT networks the limiting resource in satellite transponder is power rather than bandwidth.

With all their advantages, VSATs are taking on an expanding role in a variety of interactive, on-line data, voice and multimedia applications. Whether it is gas station service, rural telephony, environmental monitoring, distance learning / remote training or the Internet, VSATs are truly poised to be the Space Age Technology.

VSAT Network Options

Communicate with full local area network (LAN) capabilities to your remote offices, regardless of location. IPX offers secure, reliable, VSAT networking solutions based on custom-engineered very small aperture terminal (VSAT) communications for land and sea. VSAT technologies ensure link security and reliability, with genuine end-to-end management and comprehensive in-country local customer support systems.

Topology Solutions

Depending on your communications requirements and the complexity of your network, IPX provides a choice of topology solutions that can be implemented. All VSAT solutions are based on a detailed requirement analysis and design process, so that your satellite communication needs are matched with the correct VSAT technology.

SCPC VSAT Solutions

A private, secure point-to-point VSAT solution that provides a dedicated link and dedicated bandwidth between two locations. This VSAT system is Ideal for static environments, where communications requirements are clearly established - supports voice, data, video communications.

TDMA VSAT Solutions


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Also known as Single Hop, bandwidth-on-demand technology. A fully meshed network solution allows all connected sites to communicate directly with each other, using a shared pool of bandwidth - optimizing performance and cost effectiveness. This VSAT system is ideally suited to regionally distributed remote operations that need to communicate both locally and centrally but whose demand for network capacity fluctuates – supports voice, data, video communications - eLearning and telemedicine.

DVB - Multi-Point IP Based VSAT Network Solutions

An IP based multi-point solution providing a partial mesh or star topology where each remote site can communicate with the others via the central hub (double hop). Like our TDMA offering, bandwidth is shared between the remote sites providing a cost-effective VSAT solution. In addition, DVB addresses and transmits the packets in an optimum manner providing a best-in-class quality of service.

VSAT Engineering Services

If you're in business and need to get more out of your technology and communications budget, we believe you've come to the right place.

IPX has made it our business to help other businesses adopt or enhance technology to improve communications that serve their customers better and increase profitability. IPX provides the highest quality VSAT systems and engineering to achieve the best in satellite communications.

IPX works closely with main supply partner, Satcom Resources to provide the highest quality and most cost effective VSAT equipment on the market.

VSAT Engineering Services Include:

VSAT Relocation Services Maritime, Rig Sites, Microwave Maintenance and Spare Parts Site Survey Frequency Clearance & Licensing Civil Engineering & Electrical Engineering Antenna Mounts, LNBs, Feeds and Covers Broadband on the Move Antennas and service Lightning and Power Engineering Surge Suppressors Voltage Stabilizers Generator sets IF Cable - 100% Sweep Tested Cable Point Dish on Carrier Create Pathways to Adjust and Manage the Systems VSAT HUB Installation, Management and Service

IPX Teleport Services

IPX provides our clients the best in teleport functions. Teaming with the world's premier VSAT providers, IPX has negotiated the best economies of scale and prices and passes those along to our customers.


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IPX TELEPORT Services is a support system of co-located network hubs and voice gateways, combined with the satellite, VSAT terminals, VOIP systems and earth stations at remote sites locations, which provide a seamless network of the highest quality.

This networking system seamlessly connects private networks and business units in remote regions to the central hub enabling the network to transmit and receive voice and data from anywhere in the world.

We offer a complete range of teleport and gateway services for the interconnection of traffic globally:

Links to high speed Internet anywhere in the world Global maritime services for vessels and exploration and production rigs Private Line Service for secure networks Server and voice systems hosting Dial tone and prepaid calling services from USA, Europe and global locations Security, data and fax portals Operational support services Extensive terrestrial infrastructure insures integration interface with existing systems digital &

analog, 7/24 monitoring Network interface with satellite earth stations and teleports around the world

Other IPX Teleport Facilities Include:

Fuchsttadt, Germany Telespazio Lario, Italy Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Telekom Austria, Aflenz, Austria Telenor, Eik, Norway Telesat, Ottawa, Canada Bangkok, Thailand

Lease VSAT Network Solutions

IPX has successfully supported work flows, for many critical oil field operations with our VSAT systems.

Exploratory wells, seismic programs, pipeline, and drilling projects, all have common denominators, such as:

Tight Schedules Short Term Deployments Support Large Crew of Workers Segregation of Public and Private Networks for Contractors Critical Requirements for Safety and 100% Uptime

IPX has designed specific solutions for these types of requirements. These short term critical projects rely on short term reliable VSAT solutions that can be quickly mobilized and setup for operations in the field. With the IPX VSAT Lease plan, affordable packages are available that provide:

Ruggedized Cases That Can Be Easily Transported All VSAT and Network Equipment Flexible and Powerful Bandwidth Plans


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Eliminate CAPEX expenditures Internet and Email Applications Large Data File Delivery Capabilities VOIP Phones Local and International Phone Lines Phone Lines with Links to Main Offices and Global Dial Tone eFax Local Networks with Firewalls and Switches Includes MOB DEMOB & Project Management for Rig Site and Camp Operations


A Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), is a two-way satellite ground station with a dish antenna that is smaller than 3 meters (most VSAT antennas range from 75 cm to 1.2 m). VSAT data rates typically range from narrowband up to 4 Mbit/s. VSATs access satellites in geosynchronous orbit to relay data from small remote earth stations (terminals) to other terminals (in mesh configurations) or master earth station "hubs" (in star configurations).

VSATs are most commonly used to transmit narrowband data (point of sale transactions such as credit card, polling or RFID data; or SCADA), or broadband data (for the provision of Satellite Internet access to remote locations, VoIP or video). VSATs are also used for transportable, on-the-move (with phased-array antennas) or mobile maritime (such as Inmarsat or BGAN) communications.

History and Usage:

The first commercial VSATs were C band (6 GHz) receive-only systems by Equatorial Communications using spread spectrum technology. More than 30,000 60 cm antenna systems were sold in the early 1980s. Equatorial later developed a C band (4/6 GHz) 2 way system using 1 m x 0.5 m antennas and sold about 10,000 units in 1984-85.

In 1985, Schlumberger Oilfield Research co-developed the world's first Ku band (12-14 GHz) VSATs with Hughes Aerospace to provide portable network connectivity for oil field drilling and exploration units. Ku Band VSATs make up the vast majority of sites in use today for data or telephony applications.

The largest VSAT network (more than 12,000 sites) was deployed by Spacenet and MCI for the US Postal Service. Other large VSAT network users include Walgreens Pharmacy, Dollar General, Wal-Mart, CVS, Riteaid, Yum! Brands (Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver's and other Quick Service Restaurant chains), GTECH and SGI for lottery terminals. VSATs are used by car dealerships affiliated with manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors for transmitting and receiving sales figures and orders, as


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well as for receiving internal communications, service bulletins, and interactive distance learning courses from manufacturers. The FordStar network, used by Ford and its local dealers, is an example of this.

VSAT technology is also used for two-way satellite Internet providers such as HughesNet, StarBand and WildBlue in the United States; and Bluestream, SatLynx and Technologie Satelitarne in Europe, among others. These services are used across the world as a means of delivering broadband Internet access to locations which cannot get less expensive broadband connections such as ADSL or cable internet access; usually remote or rural locations.

Nearly all VSAT systems are now based on IP, with a very broad spectrum of applications. As of December 2004, the total number of VSATs ordered stood at over 1 million, with nearly 650,000 in service. Annual VSAT service revenues were $3.88 billion (source: www.comsys.co.uk).


Most VSAT networks are configured in one of these topologies:

A star topology, using a central uplink site, such as a network operations center (NOC), to transport data back and forth to each VSAT terminal via satellite,

A mesh topology, where each VSAT terminal relays data via satellite to another terminal by acting as a hub, minimizing the need for a centralized uplink site,

A combination of both star and mesh topologies. Some VSAT networks are configured by having several centralized uplink sites (and VSAT terminals stemming from it) connected in a multi-star topology with each star (and each terminal in each star) connected to each other in a mesh topology. Others configured in only a single star topology sometimes will have each terminal connected to each other as well, resulting in each terminal acting as a central hub. These configurations are utilized to minimize the overall cost of the network, and to alleviate the amount of data that has to be relayed through a central uplink site (or sites) of a star or multi-star network.

Star topology services like HughesNet, Spacenet Connexstar/StarBand, WildBlue and others can be used to provide broadband wide area networks, as well as to provide broadband Internet access. Applications of this include intranet networking for front and back office applications, managed store and forward solutions such as digital signage, and interactive distance learning.

Configuration:VSAT Frequency Spectrum Allocation

This table acts as a guide only. Band Frequency GHz Area Foot-print Delivered Power Rainfall effectBand C 3 to 7 Large Low MinimumBand Ku 10 to 18 Medium Medium ModerateBand Ka 18 to 31 Small High SevereTechnology:

VSAT was originally intended for sporadic store-and-forward data communications but has evolved into real-time internet services. VSAT uses existing satellite broadcasting technology with higher powered components and antennas manufactured with higher precision than conventional satellite television


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systems. The satellite antenna at the customer's location includes, in addition to the receiver, a relatively high-powered transmitter that sends a signal back to the originating satellite. A very small portion of a transponder is used for each VSAT return path channel. Each VSAT terminal is assigned a frequency for the return path which it shares with other VSAT terminals using a shared transmission scheme such as time division multiple access.

An innovative feature of VSAT is that the technology has evolved to the point that something that previously could only be done with large, high-powered transmitting satellite dishes can now be done with a much smaller and vastly lower-powered antenna at the customer's premises. In addition, several return-path channels can co-exist on a single satellite transponder, and each of these return-path channels is further subdivided using to serve multiple customers.

In the system used by WildBlue, 31 different spot beams are used to serve the continental United States instead of the one beam used by conventional satellites. Thus, the same Ka-band transponders and frequencies are used for different regions throughout the United States, effectively re-using the same bandwidth in different regions.

The return path is transmitted from the customer's receiver in the L-band to a device called a low-noise block upconverter. There it is converted into the much higher frequency satellite transmission frequency, such as Ku-band and Ka-band, and amplified. Finally the signal is emitted to the dish antenna which focuses the signal into a beam that approximately covers the satellite with its beam. Because the transmission cannot be precise in these smaller dishes there is some effort to use frequencies for the uplink that are not used by adjacent satellites otherwise interference can occur to those other satellites.

Another satellite communications innovation, also used by satellite trucks for video transmission, is that only a small portion of a single satellite transponder is used by each VSAT channel. Previously a single transponder was required for a single customer but now several customers can use one transponder for the return path. This is in addition to time-based subdivision.

VSAT Technology

What does VSAT stand for? VSAT stands for Very Small Aperture Terminal.What is a VSAT ? A VSAT is a small-sized telecommunications earth station that

transmits and receives via satellite. The terminal size is 1.2 to 2.4 meter in diameter.

For what are VSATs used? VSAT systems generally connect a large number of geographically dispersed sites to a central location. VSAT networks may transmit voice, data, fax, or video conferencing.

What are the components in a VSAT site?

A typical VSAT site consists of a parabolic-shaped antenna mounted on the roof of a building, connected by a cable to a chassis inside the building. Operators install these antennas at customer sites and buy transmission capacity on satellites.

What does the VSAT unit contain?

A typical VSAT unit contains a modem for translating satellite transmissions back into data (and vice versa) and terrestrial interfaces for connecting customer equipment.


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What is a satellite transponder? A satellite transponder is a combination receiver, frequency converter, and transmitter package. It is physically part of a communications satellite. Communications satellites typically have 12 to 24 onboard transponders.

What are the typical VSAT network configurations?

VSAT networks can be arranged in point-to-point, star, mesh, star/mesh, and broadcast configurations. The preferred arrangement depends on the kind of information flow the network will service.

What is a point-to-point VSAT network?

A point-to-point network allows two-way communications between two VSAT sites.

What is a star VSAT network? A star network allows any number of VSAT sites to have two-way communication with a central hub.

What is a mesh VSAT network? A mesh network allows two-way communications between any VSAT sites in a network. A central hub is not necessary. Each site communicates to another site with a single satellite hop.

What are the different VSAT transmission methods?

There are three basic VSAT transmission types: TDMA, time-division multiple access; DAMA, demand-assigned multiple access; and SCPC / MCPC, single/multiple channel per carrier.

What are the characteristics of a TDMA transmission type?

TDMA is a form of multiple access in which a single carrier is shared by many users. When signals from earth stations reach the satellite, they are processed in time segments without overlapping. TDMA is typically used in a packet switched environment when small or moderate amounts of data are to be transferred.

What are the characteristics of a DAMA transmission type?

The DAMA protocol is used to share bandwidth in a time division mode. Typically DAMA transmission is used in a packet-switched environment when large amounts of data are to be transferred. Is a highly efficient means of instantaneously assigning telephony channels in a transponder according to immediate traffic demands. DAMA is also applicable in a circuit-switched environment and is usually characterized by allowing each user a variable slot of time on a demand (or request) basis.

What are the characteristics of a SCPC / MCPC transmission type?

SCPC / MCPC systems use a dedicated satellite link between a few distinct locations. These links can support either a single telephone line or several telephone or data lines. Such links generally are permanently assigned with no carrier switching or rerouting over the satellite.

What is SCPC-DAMA transmission?

SCPC-DAMA systems provide a control network on top of an SCPC network. When a particular station wishes to make a telephone call, the control network is used to forward that request to a central processor that sets up a dedicated SCPC link between the two sites. When the call is finished, the link is taken down and the satellite resources can be used for a different call. SCPC-DAMA best supports applications in which there are few telephone lines per site and telephone calls are infrequent.

What is TDM-TDMA transmission?

TDM-TDMA networks are designed for interactive data applications. TDM-TDMA systems feature a large expensive hub that provides basic data communications to very inexpensive remote sites. The architecture supports many remote stations using a small amount of satellite bandwidth. Data rates supported at the remote sites are


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typically between 1.2 kbps and 9.6 kbps; however, this type of traffic has a very low average data rate. Each station may transmit bursts of 9.6 kbps data, but they generally average less than 100 bps. Typical applications are transactional in nature. Examples include credit card verifications, point-of-sale systems, SCADA systems, and inventory control.

What is TDMA-DAMA transmission?

TDMA-DAMA networks have the same demand assignment capability as SCPC-DAMA networks, but also have division multiplexing to reduce the need for multiple modems at each site. TDMA-DAMA networks allow many telephone calls to be placed simultaneously to different destinations through a single station.

What is FDMA transmission? FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) uses a single modem for all communication from a site and transmits for very short intervals and at higher data rates. FDMA uses multiple carriers within the same transponder within which each uplink has been assigned frequency slot and bandwidth. It is usually used in conjunction with frequency modulation.

What is the advantage of a TDMA-DAMA system?

TDMA-DAMA systems support many telephone lines with very little incremental cost. E1 or T1 interfaces can be provided for direct digital connections to PBXs or telephony switches. TDMA-DAMA systems are also flexible in supporting applications such as data, video conferencing, broadcast, and the like. In addition, TDMA networks are hubless, which eliminates the high cost of a hub and a single point of failure within the network.

What applications do TDMA-DAMA networks best support?

TDMA-DAMA networks support applications with mesh connectivity and applications that require multiple services that are integrated into a single network such as telephony, low-to-high speed data imaging, fax, and interactive video conferencing.

VSAT Network

Network Equipment A network typically consists of a larger earth station, commonly referred to as a teleport, with hub equipment at one end and a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT ) antenna with remote equipment at the other end. The network equipment can be divided into two sets of equipment connected by a pair of cables: the Outdoor Unit (ODU) and the Indoor Unit (IDU).

ODU An ODU is the equipment located outside of a building and includes the satellite antenna or dish, a low


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noise block converter (LNB), and a block-up-converter (BUC). The LNB converter amplifies the received signal and down converts the satellite signal to the L band (950 MHz to 1550 MHz), while the BUC amplifies the uplink transmission when the antenna is transmitting.

IDU The IDU equipment at the teleport usually consists of a rack-mounted hub system and networking equipment connected to terrestrial networks, like the PSTN or Internet backbone. There is also a device that converts between satellite and IP protocols for local LAN applications such as PCs, voice calls and video conferencing.

At the remote location, a router connects to a small VSAT antenna receiving the IP transmission from the hub over the satellite and converts it into real applications like Internet, VoIP and data.

Topologies Network topologies define how remote locations connect to each other and to the hub. The link over the satellite from the hub to the remote is called the outbound or downlink transmission, whereas the link from the remote to the hub is referred to as inbound or uplink.

Satellite networks are primarily configured in one of these topologies:

Star (hub & spoke) Networks In a star network topology the hub connects to the remote, where all communications are passed back through the hub. Virtually an unlimited number of remotes can be connected to the hub in this topology. Smaller, lower powered BUCs can be used at the remote end since they are only connecting back to the larger hub antenna.

Mesh Networks A mesh network topology allows one remote VSAT location to communicate with another remote location without routing through the hub. This type of connection minimizes delay and often is used for very high quality voice and video conferencing applications.

With this topology, larger antennas are required and more power is needed to transmit, thereby increasing cost.


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Hybrid Networks A hybrid topology is a mix of star and mesh networking solutions. This topology allows the hub to send information to the remotes, with the remotes then able to communicate with other VSAT locations.

Point to Point Connectivity Contrary to the networking topologies, a point-to-point topology involves a dedicated connection between two antennas. This topology is a direct pipeline with a set bandwidth capacity regardless of usage and is typically designed with Single Carrier per Channel (SCPC) technology.

Value Chain

Equipment Vendors Equipment vendors are generally distinguished between pure antenna manufacturers and satellite equipment manufacturers that produce indoor or outdoor ground equipment including antennas, LNBs, BUCs, hubs, routers, software and network management systems.

Satellite Operators Satellite operators are responsible for the planning and cost of the construction and launch of satellite into space. They own and manage a constellation of satellites and determine coverage and geographic areas. Satellite operators lease this bandwidth to service providers, government entities, television broadcasters, enterprises and sometimes direct to the end consumer.

Service Providers/ Network Operators Service providers, sometimes known as network operators, are telecommunication companies or specialized satellite service companies who sell a full service package to the end customer. They lease capacity from satellite operators, purchase and operate the network equipment and the antenna, and are responsible for the installation and maintenance of the network.

Customers Customers are the enterprises, organizations and consumers who use satellite communication services. Governments or large corporate customers may operate as their own service provider by managing the equipment directly and leasing bandwidth from satellite operators. Individuals and smaller enterprises typically work with service providers who manage the equipment and connections.

Applications Always-on, high-speed connectivity is needed for a variety of applications. Whether broadcasting radio to consumers or multi-casting data for enterprise networks, satellite can support all of a user’s networking requirements, including:

• VoIP • Email • Internet • Video • Data • VPN • Broadcasting

Satellite can provide the right solution for a number of applications, whether extending the edge of the terrestrial networks to remote places or as a stand-alone solution, such as:


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• Enterprise Connectivity • Retail Transactions • Internet Connections (ISPs) • Video/TV Direct to Home • Maritime • Cellular Backhaul • Military Defense • Energy & Utilities • Oil & Gas • Business Continuity • Disaster Recovery/Emergency Relief • Education & Training • Aeronautical Connectivity

Enterprise Connectivity

Support mission critical business applications with secure, high-speed connections

Global connectivity is essential. Organizations need a single, integrated IP network that merges voice, data and video and supports all business applications across the enterprise anyplace, anytime.

The need for uninterrupted enterprise connectivity is fueling the growth of broadband services that can support many enterprise IP applications—from data to voice to video —and extend to any location; be it land, sea, or air. Advances in satellite technology have made IP-over-satellite the cost-effective solution for enterprises that want to expand connectivity to every location and individual no matter where they are, ensuring total business continuity under any circumstances and in any environment.

Benefits The benefits of true enterprise connectivity via iDirect technology touch nearly every facet of the business:

Greater efficiencies Lower operating costs Increased productivity

Whether it’s enabling faster, more secure financial transactions, assuring business continuity despite network failures, or keeping a mobile, dispersed workforce connected, IP connectivity drives business success in the enterprise.

Solution Overview iDirect’s technology is trusted worldwide to support critical IP applications across the enterprise, providing the essential integration across terrestrial and satellite networks and platforms.

If it’s VoIP, VPN, streaming media, Internet access or data backup, iDirect’s advanced technology is an essential part of global enterprise networks everywhere, enabling workers from headquarters to the most remote offices to better connect and collaborate, and share information.

The iDirect Intelligent Platform™ is an IP-based satellite communications system engineered to deliver quality broadband connectivity wherever and whenever it’s needed. It changes the nature of what satellite


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communications is capable of achieving, transforming satellite’s ‘reach’ into a mainstream solution able to extend high-speed, secure connectivity to any geography, environment or communications application within the enterprise. The Intelligent Platform is a key driver in evolving the VSAT market by helping our customers optimize networks, reduce costs, differentiate service, enter into new markets, and grow revenue.

SatManage is a sophisticated suite of Web-based software tools for automation, monitoring and integration of hybrid networks and NOC based applications.

The iDirect Intelligent Platform™ is an IP-based satellite communications system engineered to deliver quality broadband connectivity wherever and whenever it’s needed. The Platform changes the nature of what satellite communications is capable of achieving, transforming satellite communications into a mainstream solution able to extend high-speed, secure connectivity to any geography, environment or communications application. The Intelligent Platform is a key driver in evolving the VSAT market by helping our customers optimize networks, reduce costs, differentiate service, enter into new markets, and grow revenue.

Elements of the Intelligent Platform The Intelligent Platform consists of a flexible, universal hub and line card system, a versatile series of remotes, plus fully integrated operating and management software that forms a unified IP-based satellite communications architecture. Every element – from hardware components to software features embedded in the Platform – shares a common development approach based on performance, efficiency, flexibility, and functionality.

The value of the Platform lies in the integration of the hardware and software architecture along with a dynamic feature set that makes it flexible in its ability to handle diverse market needs – enabling everything from basic Internet and VoIP to sophisticated application suites, such as video conferencing and digital signage in fixed and mobile environments.

With this single, unified platform, customers have the core functionality needed to efficiently establish a reliable, shared satellite service able to deploy the widest range of applications.

Software enhancements continually fuel the Intelligent Platform, delivering innovations ranging from remote performance gains and faster processing speeds to network scalability improvements and expanded functionality throughout the Platform.

With the Intelligent Platform, customers can invest in an innovative technology mindset aligned with a long-term business strategy.

The Intelligent Platform™: Top Five Distinguishing Attributes

The Intelligent Platform™ mirrors the quality and reliability of terrestrial services, ensuring a first-class user experience

The Intelligent Platform’s superior flexibility enables service providers to create the most bandwidth- efficient network designs and customer service plans

The Intelligent Platform’s modular hub and line card design, combined with a versatile remote series and powerful software, deliver equal parts flexibility and cost effectiveness to meet the most diverse range of markets and applications


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The Intelligent Platform has the ready-to-access mobility and portability functionality that enables service providers to offer the same high-quality, reliable user experience for Communications-on-the-Move (COTM)

Comprehensive network management software tools enable service providers to optimize their growing networks, keep up with customer demands and increase customer satisfaction

Maritime Connectivity

One Solution for Always-On Access at Sea

Satellite communications play a vital role within the maritime industry and iDirect is a technology leader providing the platform of choice for service providers connecting vessels at sea. iDirect’s VSAT technology is the most broadly deployed solution across the growing ranks of broadband-enabled vessels.

With over 90 percent of worldwide trade served by the maritime market, vessels at sea rely on broadband connectivity and VSAT technology to stay in touch with operations on land, increase work productivity and improve the quality of life for the 1.2 million seafarers that are the backbone of the maritime industry.

VSAT networks supporting connectivity at sea have seen exponential growth over the past five years. A recent research report by maritime consultants Stark Moore MacMillan estimated that 30% of the global shipping industry will be trialing or fitting VSAT in the next 24 months.

The growth and implementation of VSAT technology is a result of the increased use of IP applications on board vessels. VSAT technology is not only being deployed for crew connectivity, Internet access, email and mobile phone connectivity, but it’s being used to improve the operational efficiency on board a vessel while providing improved access and interaction with resources on shore. As VSAT technology continues to develop, it will play a dominant role in providing broadband connectivity for vessels around the globe.

iDirect’s innovations in IP broadband provide a cost-effective, scalable solution with always-on connectivity. The flexibility of the iDirect system allows a maritime service provider to start small, with minimum investment, and scale networks as business grows.

From regional services to global Ku-, C, or the latest Ka-band networks being developed, iDirect technology maximizes capacity while it enables maritime providers to guarantee service levels that meet any customer demand.

Features of the iDirect Maritime Solution The iDirect Intelligent Platform™ reduces bandwidth by dynamically allocating capacity to maritime vessels based on real-time demand using a centralized pool of shared bandwidth. Platform highlights include:

Automatic Beam Switching – As a vessel travel’s across various satellite footprints seamless connectivity is maintained enabling global coverage without intervention from the crew

Group Quality of Service – Manage the use of bandwidth across fleets, for multiple ships or even prioritized for individual applications or specific requirements on board a single vessel


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Global Network Management – Enables a service provider to ensure a consistent connection for each vessel’s router as it passes through networks around the globe

SatManage – Advanced suite of software providing unparalleled insight into network management and reliability allowing operators to provide detailed reports and manage SLAs

OpenAMIP – open protocol that enables easier communication and integration between satellite routers and the industry leading stabilized VSAT antennas  

Cellular Backhaul

Extend your reach and expand market opportunities

As the demand for wireless voice and data services increases so does the challenge for mobile operators to cost effectively expand their networks. Whether it is for network fill in or expanding capabilities into remote and rural areas, satellite technology plays a key role in backhauling voice and data traffic and will continue to be a valuable solution for 2G, 3G and beyond.

The world has embraced mobile technology. Mobile networks have enabled voice services for over 90% of the world and now the increase in smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices are making mobile networks the platform of choice for data services. This demand has brought with it new challenges for operators looking to expand services, grow subscribers and maintain leadership in a very competitive industry. Cellular backhaul over satellite has proven to be a necessary and cost effective technology helping mobile operators around the globe extend their reach.

Building a terrestrial backhaul network to connect base stations to the core network isn’t always possible; it can be cost prohibitive or technically challenging because of the terrain. Yet, operators want to expand services, grow subscribers and maintain leadership in a competitive marketplace. With iDirect’s Cellular Backhaul satellite technology, it is possible to provide backhaul from the farthest corners of the world.

Satellite remains a viable and competitive option for bringing cellular service to remote and rural areas. Satellite technology has a number of positive attributes that make it a perfect solution for supporting the cellular industry:

Offers ubiquitous coverage with high reliability Can be installed quickly Cost effective to operate and maintain

The current generation of wireless communications technology, 3G / HSPA, allows operators to offer high-speed wireless data services to customers, no matter their location. The cellular backhaul demand from subscribers’ increases as the mobile phone becomes the primary communication device. The iDirect platform offers mobile operators the ability to fill in network gaps in urban or suburban areas or to expand their reach and grow their business in remote locations as demand requires.

iDirect’s Cellular Backhaul Solution Built from the ground up to support IP, the iDirect platform easily integrates with the latest IP base stations from the leading cellular infrastructure manufacturers. iDirect’s technology has unique features that maximize bandwidth efficiency while enabling superior voice quality and high-speed data throughput.


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With iDirect’s flexible, scalable platform operators will find:

TDMA and SCPC on a single platform - start small with minimal bandwidth commitment using TDMA and transition to SCPC if and when demand grows, without changing hardware in the field

Real Time Traffic Management (RTTM) features such as time-slot feathering, UDP header compression and free-slot allocation for superior voice quality and high-data speeds

Group Quality of Service (GQoS) offers total control of bandwidth management and prioritization to ensure terrestrial-grade link quality and higher reliability for voice and data services

Why Use iDirect for Your Cellular Backhaul Solution? iDirect’s technology is used all over the world to improve connectivity to remote and rural areas. Our partnerships with the top cellular infrastructure manufacturers means we can offer you the tested, proven solutions to meet your network requirements. As the demand for mobile voice and data services continues to explode satellite technology will play an integral role in expanding the coverage areas and opening up new revenue opportunities for mobile operators.

International Defense and Government

Fast, efficient and reliable broadband for globally assured access

Militaries not only need secure and reliable communications to connect soldiers in the field with central operations, but also to provide recreation and welfare services for troops deployed far from home.

Militaries not only need secure and mobile communications to connect soldiers in the field with central operations, but also to provide recreation and welfare services for troops deployed far from home. Governments and Civil Agencies need flexible, secure and reliable solutions for ensuring diplomatic connectivity and public safety.

The ability to quickly deploy and manage a network that can easily scale without the restrictions of an existing communications infrastructure is essential to military and government operations. Solutions need to be highly secure and reliable to provide assured access to any need, anywhere.

Solutions Overview iDirect offers a highly reliable and extremely scalable satellite network that can be deployed on multiple satellites in C-, Ku, Ka or X-band, from a central hub. iDirect ‘s broadband capabilities provide the connectivity for all voice, video and data communications and specialized applications even in the most remote areas.

With built-in AES encryption and optional TRANSEC along with FIPS 140-2 compliance, security is never compromised.

Industrialized, light weight and tamper-proof equipment that is easy to carry, maintain and quickly deployable has been designed specifically for use in field operations.

The iDirect Intelligent Platform™ provides true mobility with spread spectrum mobile waveform and high-speed comms-on-the-move features enabling military vehicles, ships or aircrafts to broadband connectivity via very small antennas.


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iDirect’s Solution At-a-Glance:

Flexible platform supporting multiple satellites and bands- X, C, Ku and Ka Quickly deployable, robust and lightweight remotes for field operation Enabling high-speed comms-on-the-move applications Enhanced capabilities for IP system interoperability Compliant with TRANSEC, FIPS 140-2 and STANAG security standards

Energy & Utilities

Enable network connectivity across the entire Utility smart grid

Energy and Utilities are making progress developing a next-generation communications network capable of running their smart grid, but many Utilities need to plan how to affordably and reliably extend this communications network to the difficult to reach locations of their service territory.

Satellite connectivity enables Utilities to bring the smart grid anywhere it is required, especially to remote substations, AMI collector sites and customer locations beyond the reach of primary networks.

Providing Customized Communication Solutions iDirect and our partners work with Utilities to provide IP-based satellite communication solutions that integrate into their core networks to help meet smart grid objectives.

Through the iDirect technology, Utilities gain a secure and reliable network solution to monitor SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) devices, with the ability to extend broadband applications such as video surveillance, VoIP and corporate data access to remote substations where other traditional communications technologies fall short.

iDirect’s technology is leveraged by Utilities to support the need to backhaul smart meter data from aggregation sites and manage green energy sites that may be in remote or difficult to reach locations. Utilities depend on satellite technology to not only provide constant connectivity, but also as backup to the overall communications network in the wake of catastrophic events or circuit failures.

The iDirect Benefits Whether you are an integrator or a Utility, there is a compelling case for including iDirect technology as part of your communications network.

Learn what industry experts are saying about recent research with Utility professional commissioned by iDirect with the Utilities Telecom Council.

Industry Expert Videos Strategic Assessment Of Satellite Usage In The Utility Industry

Here are a few iDirect Utility solution benefits:

Affordability: Satellite technology has changed from a costly niche solution to a more affordable technology that is used today across nearly every industry


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Speed: Satellite data rates have advanced from narrowband serial connections to reach broadband speeds capable of supporting real-time, bandwidth-intensive applications like video and Voice over IP

Reliability: Satellite technology advancements have innovated to almost eradicate latency, overcome weather conditions and ensure data security

Ease of use: Network management technology has evolved to make satellite networks easier to deploy, monitor and optimize

Build or Outsource: Utilities have the flexibility to build and operate their own satellite communications network or can outsource partial or complete management of the satellite network through one of iDirect’s service provider partners

Oil & Gas

Ensure profitable operations with reliable connectivity to any location in the world

Oil and Gas companies need to operate in any environment across the globe. Satellite IP communications plays a critical role in providing connectivity to any location to protect operations, facilities and crew.

Greater Productivity and Interaction

Whether it’s remote land-based drilling operations or offshore drilling platforms, the appetite for satellite broadband is rapidly growing. Communications links that may have sufficed in the past for basic connectivity can’t handle the bandwidth-hungry needs of today’s applications for commercial monitoring, control functions, safety management and crew welfare within the Oil and Gas sector.

As bandwidth demand increases, it’s more critical to operations that the network doesn’t fail in any scenario. With daily rates in the range of hundreds of thousands of dollars, any minute lost in communications is a loss in profits.

Oil and Gas global service providers are facing pressure from their customers to deliver unified next-generation capabilities that provide higher availability, better bandwidth utilization and seamless global coverage - even in the most remote locations.

iDirect solutions allow service providers to deliver more flexible, reliable communications solutions to offshore and land-based Oil and Gas operations.

With our solution your Oil and Gas team can send any images, video and test results back to your home base for instant analysis. This saves manpower hours and enables your company to operate more efficiency.

iDirect solution benefits include:

Reliability. Maximum uptime in any operational environment or weather condition. Bandwidth efficiency. Higher throughput efficiency for emerging voice, video and data

applications that require more bandwidth. Advanced Mobility. A single network that provides total coverage for every location, user and



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Diverse Application Support. For a variety of new applications including integrated exploration and production operations, improved productivity and collaboration as well as ensured safety and security of critical assets.

Business Continuity and Disaster Preparedness

Be prepared during network failures

A good business continuity and disaster preparedness plan must be fast, reliable and able to provide the same functionality as the wireline network.

Many types of services need the security of alternate routing in case their primary communications link goes down. Sometimes the justification is purely commercial; a retail store offline for the shortest time can be very costly. Other services need backup for strategic reasons, such as key control points in the electricity and pipeline businesses or to keep emergency communications running when terrestrial links fail.

Satellite plays a key role in Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery for these reasons:

iDirect satellite infrastructure can be completely independent of other terrestrial communications ensuring there are no single points of failure.

The reliability required for back-up links can be engineered to meet the business need. An iDirect satellite backup service is economic because the network can allocate bandwidth on

demand when required, and reallocate that bandwidth eight (8) times per second to exactly match the instantaneous demands of each site needing backup services.

This eliminates the need to allocate bandwidth for every site that might need alternate capacity, just for the percentage that might be needed at any moment.

iDirect remotes can be part of a global IP or MPLS network, switching traffic seamlessly and automatically when needed.

Some of the world’s largest companies use iDirect technology to offer business continuity and disaster recovery for their terrestrially connected customers, relying on our advanced management systems, including iVantage and SatManage.

Emergency Relief

Leverage satellite communications to provide life-saving services

Success in emergency relief is measured by quick response times and the ability to access real-time Internet voice, video and data from a scene, command center, news source or weather station.

Disasters are unpredictable, which is why it’s important to have a communications plan with progressive technology that is quickly deployed in any environment and under any circumstance. Using satellite is ideal because it is independent of terrestrial infrastructure.

iDirect offers a satellite solution that provides the reliability and global coverage that you can depend on during an emergency, and the technology that can support many types of emergency relief deployment:


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Fast set up and connectivity while first responders assess the emergency Emergency vehicles equipped with auto-pointing antennas that can be on the air in mere minutes Communications-on-the-Move technology allows vehicles to remain connected while traveling to

the emergency Supports voice, data and video in real-time and advanced services such as mobile cell sites for

GSM or 3G services, or mobile TETRA radio base stations

With the iDirect Intelligent Platform™ first responders have full communications capabilities with voice, data and video whether in a densely populated urban area where the infrastructure is damaged, or a remote and isolated location where no infrastructure exists.

Easy set-up and operation is guaranteed with iDirect’s compact satellite router including a satellite modem, IP router, TCP optimization over satellite, Group QoS/prioritization and AES encryption. The routers are user-friendly and reliable, enabling field teams with little or no technical expertise to easily set up and activate the system from any location.

Global mobility can be achieved with iDirect’s Global NMS and Automatic Beam Switching (ABS). With ABS, emergency relief vehicles equipped with iDirect remotes can move across satellite footprints, maintaining seamless connectivity with no need for manual intervention by field technicians. A simple Global NMS enables the organization or network operator to manage each traveling remote, ensuring a consistent connection as it passes through separate networks around the world.

iDirect’s emergency relief solution is critical for public safety agencies, providing reliable, always-on communications technology in the event of a crisis or disaster.


Enable lessons, lectures and opportunities for students

Schools in remote areas need not be at an educational disadvantage. Whether it’s Internet access for rural classrooms beyond the reach of terrestrial broadband or distance learning via video streaming for universities, iDirect technology opens doors for any educational network.

As more people than ever seek higher education, distance learning has become a strategic initiative for the world’s colleges and universities, and satellite communication plays an important role in education and training. iDirect’s broadband technology enables interactive distance learning that improves productivity, provides an easily accessible forum for anyone, anywhere, and is cost effective. Regardless of a student’s location around the globe, satellite communication reaches every corner so that quality education and training is assured.

Whether it’s providing an IP-based satellite solution to students abroad, or government’s providing training for their country’s citizens, education and training are vital for a country’s economic health and general morale.  

Reasons for Satellite Communications

Satellite broadband technology allows rural communities to experience the same level of education and services that are within urban centers. Satellite connectivity can be delivered


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anywhere in the country or across the globe. With no wires needed, satellite is quick to deploy wherever the school or training center is located.

Satellite is cost-effective for education and training. While educational facilities yearn to break down the barriers that separate distance classrooms from their main campus counterparts, they also seek to improve the efficiency and cost of delivering courses remotely.

Utilizing satellite enables videoconferencing, live lectures via telephone and even real-time collaborative tools, such as a digital whiteboard where content can be modified in real time, all at a low cost.

Features of the iDirect Education and Training Solution The iDirect Intelligent Platform™ reduces bandwidth by dynamically allocating capacity based on real-time demand using a centralized pool of shared bandwidth. Platform highlights include:

Adaptive Coding and Modulation – When rain fade and other weather threatens to compromise data quality, ACM automatically adjusts the modulation settings on a satellite router to optimize link performance. No matter the environment, students can be assured of constant connectivity.

Group Quality of Service – iDirect’s Group Quality of Service (QoS) technology can manage traffic across multiple sites and a wide variety of end users. Group QoS prioritizes traffic by data type, site, router, application and other criteria. With this feature, educational facilities can categorize and prioritize all network traffic according to its own usage criteria. This is a critical requirement for ensuring the integrity of real-time applications.

Security – In addition, the network allows government agencies needing a secure connection to be separated on the hub using VLANs to provide secure access between their sites.

Aeronautical Connectivity

Enable high-speed broadband access in the air

With nearly a billion worldwide travelers taking to the skies each year, in-flight Internet broadband is a prime opportunity, with a captive market of travelers ready and willing to pay to get online from the sky.

Aeronautical connectivity is required from a range of different platforms ranging from drones and unmanned aerial vehicles through military aircraft, business jets and commercial airlines. iDirect has an IP connectivity solution that covers all of these platforms. Despite the widely differing environments in which aeronautical connectivity has to operate, there a few features common to all of them:

High throughput, bandwidth-efficient IP connectivity to the ground to carry data, video and voice services reliably. iDirect’s carrier class systems are respected throughout the aeronautical industry for the ability to have terrestrial-like performance for the most stringent applications – especially jitter sensitive voice and video services.

iDirect created the standard when it comes to connecting to ultra-small steerable satellite antennas: OpenAMIP. This protocol lets iDirect communicate with all major manufacturers of airborne antennas to tell them where to point and what frequency sub-band and polarization to use.

Small antennas have two issues:    1. A small receive aperture means that received signal-to-noise can be poor.    2. A broad transmit beam risks interfering with services on satellites adjacent to the target satellite.


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iDirect has the solution to these issues through its highly efficient Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) modulation options. Either or both the uplink and downlink can be ‘spread’ to improve the S/N on the downlink and reduce power flux density on the uplink. The degree of spreading can be configured to exactly meet the needs of the planned satellite link.

Mobility across different beams or on different satellites as the aircraft moves rapidly across the available footprints in Ku, X or Ka bands. iDirect’s Automatic Beam Switching (ABS) has been in service for more than five years on planes, ships and terrestrial vehicles. Our Mapserver software ensures that the best beam coverage is used at all times and that switching beams occurs at the optimal point. At the same time the Global NMS ensures that IP connectivity is maintained even as an aircraft hands over from one ground station to another on its voyage across the globe.

Aeronautical communications implies high-speed communications capability, up to 1000 km/hr. This requires the advanced Doppler cancellation that is a licensable software feature available across our hub range.

The iDirect aeronautical solution is already in service on major airlines providing IP connectivity for passengers via the IFE system as well as in a variety of military and business jet customers.

High-speed Internet, along with emailing and VPN access, is just part of the story. Applications such as live video programming, interactive premium entertainment and even voice applications are new ways to increase both revenue and customer loyalty.

In-flight connectivity also improves interactions between operations in the air and on the ground with the ability to monitor and report critical flight information in real time. All these broadband applications hold exciting potential in the next generation aeronautical world.

Solution Overview

Along with advancements in airborne electronic systems, iDirect’s innovations in IP broadband satellite provide a cost-effective, scalable solution to always-on connectivity for airline passengers and crew in the aeronautical industry.

The iDirect Intelligent Platform™ provides true mobility with spread spectrum mobile waveform that enables aircrafts to use extremely small antennas or phased array antennas. With iDirect’s spread spectrum, airlines can not only maintain a reliable link while in flight; since our spread spectrum uses a highly efficient direct sequence spreading, more space segment is conserved, thus lowering overall bandwidth.

iDirect has also implemented technologies to deal with high Doppler shifts and frequent beam switching as planes travel across satellite footprints, maintaining seamless connectivity with no need for manual intervention by crew members onboard. Global coverage can further be achieved with iDirect’s Global NMS enabling the management of each aircraft’s remote from a single site as it passes through separate networks around the world.

Mobile Broadband Solutions

Inmarsat BGAN

Inmarsat BGAN is accessible via small, lightweight satellite terminals, providing performance options to suit different operational needs.


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Standard terminals are highly portable and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Vehicular systems comprise an interior terminal and a discreet tracking antenna, which is mounted on the vehicle roof. The Inmarsat BGAN VSAT solution is ideal for oil, gas, & first responders.

About Inmarsat BGAN - Voice and Data, Single-User Device

The single-user VSAT system combines a highly portable, robust design with all-round performance. It provides the single-user with a cost-effective voice and high-speed data solution for remote corporate network access.

BGAN Vehicular Terminals

System comprises a robust, compact, roof-mounted antenna, which constantly tracks the satellite while on the move, and a transceiver which is positioned inside the vehicle. System boasts

multiple voice and data interfaces including four Ethernet ports for multiple users. It provides Streaming IP up to 256kbps for higher quality live video streaming, video conferencing, telemedicine and other

streaming applications. It has been specifically designed to provide optimal broadband on the move for military, civil government, media and other commercial sector organizations.

ViaSat Mobile Broadband IP

IPX owns and operates a Viasat Linkway Hub in Fuchstaddt Teleport today. With this new Viasat Ku-band mobile broadband system technology, IPX can provides operations for both commercial and military applications. With the only FCC-approved Ku-band mobile broadband service on the market, we’re able to provide you with higher speeds and lower costs. The mobile satellite broadband system uses a spread spectrum waveform similar to CDMA that creates a number of advantages over other mobile satellite services.

ViaSat Mobile Broadband IP is ideal for telemedicine, first responders, and military applications.

About ViaSat's On-the-Move Service

Use this VSAT service to maintain office-like productivity while on the move. This mobile communications service includes Internet connectivity at cable-modem-like speeds on a monthly subscription basis. Get connected and use IP-based applications while on-the-go with this affordable service. Multiple VSAT service options are available to meet your specific needs.


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ViaSat’s Ground Mobile Terminal offers true broadband IP access to vehicles needing beyond-line-of-sight network access while on the move. The VMT-1220 series supports channel speeds of up to 10 Mbps from the hub gateway to the vehicle and up to 512 kbps from the vehicle to the hub.


Glossary of Satellite Terms

AES Advanced Encryption Standard is an encryption standard comprised of three blocks of ciphers AES‐128, AES‐192, and AES‐256

ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation uses an algorithm to dynamically change the coding and modulation scheme based on atmospheric conditions and network configurations

APSK Amplitude and Phase Shift Key is a modulation scheme that changes the amplitude and phase of the carrier wave

Analog transmission Transmission of information using a continuous signal that varies based on amplitude, phase, or other proportion

Antenna Equipment that typically transmits and receives electromagnetic waves, usually referred to as the satellite dish

Aperture The cross-sectional portion of the satellite antenna that transmits and receives the signal

A-TDMA Adaptive Time Division Multiple Access is a channel access method that allows the return channel configuration to optimally change based on link conditions and spectral degradation

Attenuation Fixed signal loss due to cabling or reduction of signal strength due to atmospheric conditions (see also Rain Fade)

BUC Block Up Converter. Used for uplink satellite transmission that converts a band from a lower frequency to


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a higher frequency

Bandwidth A range of frequencies within a spectrum, expressed in Hertz. Can also be the data transfer rate or throughput, expressed in bits per second

BGP Border Gateway Protocol is a core routing protocol of the Internet

Bit Rate Speed of transmission, measured in bits per second (bps)

BPSK Binary Phase Key Shifting is a modulation scheme that uses two phases separated 180 degrees

Broadcasting Sending a single transmission to multiple sites that are capable of receiving the signal

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access is a radio communication technology that uses channel access method

C‐band Frequency band with uplink 5.925‐6.425 GHz, downlink 3.7‐4.2 GHz. The C band is primarily used for voice and data communications as well as backhauling

Cellular Backhaul Transmission of cellular voice and data signals, typically from a base station to a remote site

Carrier to Noise Ratio (C/N) The ratio of the received carrier power and the noise power in a given bandwidth, expressed in dB. This figure is directly related to G/T and S/N. Typically in a signal, the higher the C/N, the better the quality

Channel The transmission medium over which a signal is sent and received

CIR Committed Information Rate is the minimum bandwidth guaranteed by a service provider, typically expressed in kilobytes per second

Circular Polarization Refers to a method of transmitting signals from a satellite. On some satellites, both right‐hand rotating and left‐hand rotating signals can be transmitted simultaneously on the same frequency; thereby doubling the capacity of the satellite to carry communications channels

Coverage Footprint or the area on the earth's surface that is covered by a satellite's transmission beam

dBW The ratio of the power to one Watt expressed in decibels. Typically the E.I.R.P of satellite beams are measured in dBW


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D‐TDMA Deterministic Time Division Multiple Access – iDirect’s patented access technology that provides simultaneous access to shared upstream channels using dynamically assigned time slots

Delay The time it takes for a signal to go from the sending station through the satellite to the receiving station. This transmission delay for a single hop satellite connection is very close to 240 ms

Demodulation The decoding of a carrier wave by amplitude or frequency or phase

Demodulator A device used to extract information from the carrier wave

Double Hop Transmission of information from one terminal to another terminal in two stages, first from a remote site VSAT up to the satellite to the network hub or from the network hub up to the satellite then to another remote site

Downlink Transmission of a signal from the satellite to the earth. In a network it is typically referred to the link between a network hub over the satellite to a remote site

Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (DRO) An electronic component that exhibits low phase noise and high resonance for a narrow range of frequencies; DRO based products do not provide the same frequency stability as PLL based products, but operate well at low symbol rates and are much less expensive

DVB‐S2 Digital Video Broadcasting – Satellite – Second Generation is the enhanced version of the DVB‐S satellite broadband transmission standard and has forward error correction and modulation specifications

Earth Station Ground equipment that transmits and receives electromagnetic waves, also referred to as an antenna

EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power. This term describes the strength of the satellite signal in dBW and is a result of the transponder output power and the gain of the satellite transmit antenna

EMEA World Region including Europe, Middle East and Africa

Evolution iDirect’s next‐generation product line of routers, line cards, and iDX software, all built on the DVB‐S2 standard with Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM)

FAP Fair Access Policy is a bandwidth cap that limits the transfer of a specified amount of data over a period of time, particularly when a channel is intended to be shared by multiple users but may become


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overloaded by a few users

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access. It is a channel access method that allocates each application or user a different frequency band

FEC Forward Error Correction. It is the system for error control that has the sender include redundant data so errors can be detected and corrected at the receiver

FIPS 140‐2 Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140‐2 is a U.S. government computer security standard that accredits cryptography modules

Footprint The area on the earth's surface that is covered by a satellite's transmission beam

FSS Fixed Satellite Service is the classification for geostationary communications satellites used for broadcast feeds for television stations and radio stations and broadcast networks, as well as telephony, telecommunications and data communications

Gain A measure of amplification expressed in dB

GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit satellites orbit at 35,786 km (22,282 mi) above the equator in the same direction and speed as the earth rotates on its axis, making them appear as fixed in the sky

GSM Global System for Mobile communications is a standard for digital wireless communications to mobile phones

GQoS Group Quality of Service is iDirect’s bandwidth allocation and prioritization algorithm that allows for countless possibilities of quality of service levels, bandwidth management and traffic prioritization

G/T A figure of merit of an antenna and low noise amplifier combination expressed in dB. "G" is the gain of the system and "T" is the noise temperature. The higher the G/T, the better the system

Guard Band Transmission carriers are separated on a transponder by spacing them several kilohertz apart. This unused space serves to prevent the adjacent transmission carriers from interfering with each other

GUI Graphical User Interface is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices using images rather than text commands

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Host Network Operator is a network operator who leases out hub space to smaller service providers

HTS High Throughput Satellites is a classification for communications satellites that provide at least twice, though usually by a factor of 20 or more, the total throughput of a classic Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) satellite for the same amount of allocated orbital spectrum thus reducing cost-per-bit

HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is an application level protocol used to request and transfer objects across the web

Hub Satellite network equipment that controls the satellite bandwidth allocation, often located at a teleport. It usually consists of a chassis and other equipment connected to terrestrial networks

IDU Indoor Unit is network equipment typically located inside a building that consists of a modem and router (or hub if it is inside a teleport) connected to the corporate LAN or terrestrial infrastructure

IP Internet Protocol is a protocol used for data communication across a packet switched network. Typically used with TCP, a higher level protocol

ISO International Organization for Standardization is a standard setting body composed of multiple national standards organizations

ISP Internet Service Provider is a company that offers Internet access to customers

ITU International Telecommunication Union is a United Nations organization helping governments and private organizations coordinate global telecommunications usage

Inbound Transmission of a signal to the satellite. In a network it is typically referred to as the transmission from the remote router to a satellite to a hub

Inroute See Inbound

iNFINITI iDirect’s product line of routers and line cards, built on iDirect’s proprietary implementation of the TDM protocol

Ka Band Frequency band with uplink 26.5‐40GHz; downlink 18‐20 GHZ, this band was previously known for consumer broadband applications and is now widening to enterprise and military use

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Kilobits per second. Refers to transmission speed of 1,024 bits per second

Ku Band Frequency band with uplink 14 GHz; downlink 10.9‐12.75 GHz, with more powerful transmission from the satellite more susceptible to rain fade than C‐Band

LAN Local Area Network is a computer network that covers a small physical area

Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) This is the preamplifier between the antenna and the earth station receiver. For maximum effectiveness, it must be located as near the antenna as possible, and is usually attached directly to the antenna receive port

Low Noise Block Downconverter (LNB) A combination Low Noise Amplifier and downconverter built into one device attached to the feed. It is used for the downlink satellite transmission by converting a band from a higher frequency to a lower frequency

L‐Band Frequency band from 1 to 2 GHz, this band is the result of the down‐conversion of the received downlink satellite signal from the LNB

LDPC Low Density Parity Check is a forward error correction code that is currently the most efficient scheme, used with DVB‐S2

LEO Low Earth Orbit satellites orbit from 160‐2000km above the earth and take approximately 1.5 hrs for a full orbit and only cover a portion of the earth’s surface

MEO MEO satellites are located above LEO and below GEO satellites and typically travel in an elliptical orbit over the North and South Pole or in an equatorial orbit

Mesh Network Topology whereby a remote VSAT location communicates with another remote location without routing through the hub

MF‐TDMA Multiple‐Frequency Time Division Multiple‐Access is a broadband access method where different data streams are put into different slots that are separated by both frequency and time

MIR Maximum Information Rate is the theoretical maximum amount of bandwidth available to a subscriber, typically expressed in kilobits per second

Modem A piece of network equipment containing a modulator and demodulator for receiving or transmitting


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satellite signals

Modulation The encoding of a carrier wave by amplitude or frequency or phase

Modulator A device which modulates a carrier

Multicast Multicast is a subset of broadcast whereby the signal can be sent to many sites within a defined group, but not necessarily to all sites in that group

Multicast FastPath iDirect feature that allows the transmission of the same data to a select group of workstations, improving multicast performance by bypassing most regular processing and forwarding the data directly to the Ethernet port

Multi-Channel Demodulation (MCD) iDirect feature on certain line cards (e.g. XLC-M) that allows multiple TDMA or SCPC channels to be received by a single line card, improving hub scalability

Multiplexing Sending multiple signals or streams of information on a carrier simultaneously transmitting on a single signal

Narrowband Refers to satellite communications of 128 kbps or lower (per Frost & Sullivan)

NOC Network Operations Center is a centralized location where control over operation of a network is managed and monitored

Noise Any unwanted and unmodulated energy that is always present to some extent within any signal

NMS Network Management System is the hardware and software that monitors and controls a satellite network

NTP Network Time Protocol is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks

ODU An Outdoor Unit is the equipment located outside of a building close to the satellite dish or antenna and typically includes, a low noise block converter (LNB), and a block‐up‐converter (BUC)

OSS Operational Support System refers to network systems dealing with the telecom network itself, supporting processes such as maintaining network inventory, provisioning services, configuring network components, and managing defaults


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Outbound Transmission of a signal from the satellite to an antenna. In a network it is typically referred to as the transmission from the hub to a satellite to a remote router

PBX A Private Branch Exchange is a telephone exchange that connects a private enterprise or organization to the public switched telephone network

PCMA The Paired Carrier Multiple Access (PCMA) Hub Canceller is a satellite signal canceller that maximizes the capacity of satellite networks by using ViaSat’s patented PCMA technology to reduce satellite bandwidth as much as 50 percent

PDU Power Distribution Unit is a device fitted with multiple outlets designed to distribute electric power, especially to racks of computers and networking equipment located with the data center

Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) A type of electronic circuit used in a wide variety of telecommunications equipment. PLL circuits generate an output signal which is phase-locked to an input signal, leading to more stable output frequencies that are less affected by noise and temperature. For example, the frequency output from a PLL LNB will be more stable than the output from a regular LNB

Polarization A technique used by satellite operators to reuse the satellite transponder frequencies when transmitting these signals to Earth. Two methods are possible: linear and circular. To successfully receive and decode these signals on earth, the antenna must be outfitted with a properly polarized linear or circular feedhorn to select the signals as desired

PSK Phase Shift Key is a digital modulation scheme that changes the phase of the carrier wave

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network is an international network for public circuit‐switched voice telephony

QEF Quasi Error Free is a condition where the transmission system or storage medium used to transfer a signal has a relatively low bit error rate

QoS Quality of Service provides priority and guarantees a certain level of network response time and other performance factors for each application and user

QPSK Quadrature Phase Key Shifting is a modulation scheme that uses four phases

Rain Fade Decrease of satellite signal strength due to rainfall. This occurs typically at Ku Band frequencies due to its


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increased sensitivity to noise temperature

RF Radio Frequency is the electromagnetic frequencies for wireless transmission that is above the audio range and below infrared light; typically used in the satellite industry in the context of RF-equipment (antenna system and BUC)

RIP Routing Information Protocol is a dynamic routing protocol used in local area and wide area networks

Router A device connected to the modem and the antenna on one side and the computers and other LAN devices on the other side. It forwards IP packets based on network layer information and enables applications such as VoIP, Video and data

RTTM Real Time Traffic Management is an iDirect feature set that is designed to enable high‐quality transmission of voice applications that are less tolerant to delay or jitter that can occur on satellite links

Satellite Communications satellites orbit the earth and transmit and receive radio signals from earth stations

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition is the system that monitors and controls industrial or facility based remote devices

Single‐Channel‐Per‐Carrier (SCPC) A satellite access method that dedicates one channel to each remote site, sometime used for very high capacity links. See also TDMA

Signal To Noise Ratio (S/N) The ratio of the signal power and noise power. The higher the number the better the quality

Single Hop Transmission of information from one remote site to another antenna. Typically it describes the path between two remote stations in a mesh network. Single hop occurs when transmission is passed from one remote directly to another mote without having to go to the hub (double hop)

SNG Satellite news gathering typically done from a transportable unit (truck or mobile entity) to transmit video and voice feeds back to the studios

Space Segment The portion of the satellite bandwidth and transmission power assigned to the communication network

Spot Beam A spot beam is a satellite signal that covers a concentrated geographic area so only antennas in that area will receive the signal

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Eliminates adjacent satellite interference by spreading the signal over the available bandwidth to enable extremely small antennas or phased array antennas in mobile operations

Star Network Topology whereby a remote VSAT location communicates with another remote location by routing through the hub

TCP Transmission Control Protocol is a core Internet protocol that is a higher level protocol often combined with IP

TDM Time Division Multiplex is a type of digital multiplexing in which two or more signals are transferred simultaneously as sub-channels in one communication channel, but are physically taking turns on the channel through several recurrent timeslots of fixed length

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access is channel access method that allows applications or users to share the same frequency by dividing the full bandwidth into specific timeslots

Transponder Receives outbound signal at the satellite and amplifies the signal before retransmitting it to an earth station

TRANSEC Transmission Security secures VSAT transmissions with encryption to prevent from interception and exploitation

Unicast Transmission between a single sender and a single receiver over a network. Contrast with Multicast, which is transmission between a single sender and multiple receivers.

Uplink Transmission of a signal from the remote router to a satellite to a hub

VLAN Virtual LAN is a group of hosts that simulates a LAN although they are not located locally on the same network switch

VNO Virtual Network Operators lease hub space from HNOs while keeping complete control of their network and their remotes. iDirect offers this capability by assigning each VNO operator its own line cards and NMS servers and protocol processors. The VNO commissions, controls and operates its remote sites in the proprietary network as if it owns a physical hub

VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal is an antenna that is typically less than 3 meters in diameter

WAN Wide Area Network is a computer network that covers a broad area that connects multiple remote


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WGS Wideband Global Satcom is a satellite communication system used by the U.S. Department of Defense

X‐Band Frequency band with uplink 7.9‐ 8.4 GHz, downlink 7.25 – 7.75 GHz, this band is primarily used for military communications and Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) systems